April 29, 2017 | Author: Kittu Kittu | Category: N/A
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SAP HANA Appliance 1.0

TZHANA for Application Consultants

Copyright 2011 SAP AG All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. SAP, R/3, mySAP,, xApps, xApp, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, Business ByDesign, ByDesign, PartnerEdge and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world. All other product and service names mentioned and associated logos displayed are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary. The information in this document is proprietary to SAP. This document is a preliminary version and not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with SAP. This document contains only intended strategies, developments, and functionalities of the SAP® product and is not intended to be binding upon SAP to any particular course of business, product strategy, and/or development. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. SAP does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within this material. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. SAP shall have no liability for damages of any kind including without limitation direct, special, indirect, or consequential damages that may result from the use of these materials. This limitation shall not apply in cases of intent or gross negligence. The statutory liability for personal injury and defective products is not affected. SAP has no control over the information that you may access through the use of hot links contained in these materials and does not endorse your use of third-party Web pages nor provide any warranty whatsoever relating to third-party Web pages Weitergabe und Vervielfältigung dieser Publikation oder von Teilen daraus sind, zu welchem Zweck und in welcher Form auch immer, ohne die ausdrückliche schriftliche Genehmigung durch SAP AG nicht gestattet. In dieser Publikation enthaltene Informationen können ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden. Einige von der SAP AG und deren Vertriebspartnern vertriebene Softwareprodukte können Softwarekomponenten umfassen, die Eigentum anderer Softwarehersteller sind. SAP, R/3, mySAP,, xApps, xApp, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, Business ByDesign, ByDesign, PartnerEdge und andere in diesem Dokument erwähnte SAPProdukte und Services sowie die dazugehörigen Logos sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken der SAP AG in Deutschland und in mehreren anderen Ländern weltweit. Alle anderen in diesem Dokument erwähnten Namen von Produkten und Services sowie die damit verbundenen Firmenlogos sind Marken der jeweiligen Unternehmen. Die Angaben im Text sind unverbindlich und dienen lediglich zu Informationszwecken. Produkte können länderspezifische Unterschiede aufweisen. Die in diesem Dokument enthaltenen Informationen sind Eigentum von SAP. Dieses Dokument ist eine Vorabversion und unterliegt nicht Ihrer Lizenzvereinbarung oder einer anderen Vereinbarung mit SAP. 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© SAP AG 2011

DISCLAIMER This presentation outlines our general product direction and should not be relied on in making a purchase decision. This presentation is not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with SAP. SAP has no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this presentation or to develop or release any functionality mentioned in this presentation. This presentation and SAP's strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document, except if such damages were caused by SAP intentionally or grossly negligent.

© SAP AG 2011


SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 Lesson 1: Introduction to HANA Lesson 2: Look & Feel Lesson 3: Architecture Lesson 4: Data Provisioning Lesson 5: Modelling Lesson 6: Reporting Lesson 7: User Management

© SAP AG 2011


SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 Lesson 1: Introduction to HANA Lesson 2: Look & Feel Lesson 3: Architecture Lesson 4: Data Provisioning Lesson 5: Modelling Lesson 6: Reporting Lesson 7: User Management

© SAP AG 2011

Lesson 1 Introduction to HANA Î New business REALITY Î Entirely new POSSIBILITIES Î SAP’s IN-MEMORY offering Î High-Performance ANalytic Appliance Î HANA in CONTRAST to SAP Applications Î HANA in DETAIL

© SAP AG 2011

SAP Naming Update: SAP HANA* * always refer to “SAP HANA.” Never use “HANA.” Category

SAP in-memory computing Appliance



SAP HANA appliance software

SAP HANA database

SAP HANA application cloud



, powered by SAP HANA

SAP HANA studio

Example: SAP Smart Meter Analytics, powered by SAP HANA


SAP HANA platform

© SAP AG 2011

new business reality / new challenges © SAP AG 2011

DAILY CHALLENGES Complex system landscapes

High flexibility

Immediate results

Massive growth of data volume © SAP AG 2011

CONSEQUENCES Sub-optimal execution speed Lack of responsiveness User frustration Unsupportable business processes

Lack of transparency Need for aggregation Outdated figures Guessing current situation

Reactive business mode Missing opportunities Competitive disadvantage

© SAP AG 2011

HARDWARE INNOVATIONS Multicore CPUs 10 Cores / CPU Multi-CPU Boards 8 CUPs / Board Multi Server Board x Boards

New to SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 SPS02

Massive Memory setups 2 TB/Server

Æ 320 CORES and more! Æ 4 TB RAM and more! © SAP AG 2011

„ The

new reality „ New possibilities „ SAP’s offering „ HANA

in Contrast „ HANA Details

Rethink old paradigms

Innovation enables new ways of thinking

new business reality / new challenges © SAP AG 2011



s pe k c lo C U CP


Memory latency!


Ba y r mo

dth i w nd


UNDERSTAND Columnar Data Storage Customer


Product Amount






Tuple 1













Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Column 1


© SAP AG 2011

Tuple 2 Tuple 3 Tuple 4


AVOID BOTTLENECKS – DATA TRANSFER Classical Approach Calculation




Future Approach

Æ MOVE calculations into database Æ Only transfer RESULTS © SAP AG 2011


Table 1 Year A

Table 2 Year A

Table 3 Year A

Table … …

Table 1 Year B

Table 2 Year B

Table 3 Year B

Table … …

Table 1 …

Table 2 …

Table 3 …

Table … …

Data Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 …

New to SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 SPS02

Æ SPREAD table contents across blades Æ Work on smaller sets of Data in PARALLEL © SAP AG 2011




Old processes can be IMPROVED


Feasibility boundaries are SHIFTING


No need for AGGREGATION anymore

© SAP AG 2011


Integrated Systems


Business Knowledge

Strong HARDWARE Partners

SAP In-Memory Applications

© SAP AG 2011


Live Cache


BW Accelerator




Data Mart DB



Corporate BI

Local BI Data Mart DB


Enterprise Data Warehouse (BW)


Database BWA

Local BI Data Mart DB

© SAP AG 2011



SHORT TERM – SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 Local BI SAP ERP 1


Corporate BI

Database HANA

Local BI



Enterprise Data Warehouse (BW)


Database BWA



© SAP AG 2011


MID TERM – SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 SPS03 (planned) Local BI SAP ERP 1



Corporate BI

Local BI



Enterprise Data Warehouse (BW)





© SAP AG 2011



VISION – SAP IN-MEMORY Computing Application Foundation

Corporate BI







Enterprise Data Warehouse (BW)



© SAP AG 2011

SAP In-Memory Computing Product Strategy Q4 2010 “Renovation” SAP HANA Appliance 1.0

2011-12 “Innovation“ SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 SP03 Æ 2.0

In-Memory Analytics ■

Capabilities ■

HANA 1.0 Real-time operational analytics with HANA 1.0 ■ Complete BI Suite with BI 4.0 (Aurora) runs on Hana SAP Business by Design 2.6 runs on in-memory


© SAP AG 2011

SAP BW fully running on SAP HANA 1.0 SP03 SAP HANA 1.0 SP03 platform for In-Memory Apps Business Suite runs on HANA 2.0 SBOP 4.x (Aurora) unified modeling with Hana Industry and LOB Business Analytics Solutions “BAS”

■ ■ ■

Flexible real time analysis of operations at non-aggregated level

One Store for Data and Analytics

Next generation applications

2012+ “Transformation” HANA 2+

Real-Time operational planning, simulation and forecasting: link to execution

HANA only persistence layer for SAP Business Suite SAP Business Suite optimized for InMemory

Reduced landscape complexity Value chain transformation

How does SAP HANA compare to BWA? ... Probably the wrong question, but let‘s give it a whirl... Technically „


SAP HANA is far more than BWA „

Standard interfaces (SQL, MDX)


Real persistence layer (not just flat files) Æ redo/undo logs, backup/recovery, ...

There is a lot of BWA/TREX in HANA „


Column store; distributed computing; calculation engine

Beyond BWA: „

Row store (P*time); persistence, transactions (MaxDB), SQL Parser (P*time), ...

Data Models / Content „


Life is simpler for BWA in the short term „

You only load InfoCubes into BWA Æ Technically trivial data model; Automatic creation of relations / join conditions


BWA has BW on top Æ Complex logic? Do it in BW Æ Defining the data model? Æ Do it in BW Æ Analysis authorizations? Æ Do it in BW

SAP HANA 1.0 is intended as a Data Mart (and BWA clearly is not) -> Flexibility (not tied to BW)

© SAP AG 2011

So what do customers get? An empty box „plus“ SAP HANA 1.0 is: „

The In-Memory Computing Engine „


Including SQL and MDX interface, calculation engine, relational stores, persistence, ...

SAP HANA Studio „

Administration and Modelling

SAP HANA 1.0 does not have… „

Comprehensive Content


The ABAP Data Dictionary


No ‘Application Server’ tier – it will be the application server tier in the future (native applications on HANA like SAP BPC)


Front-End Tools (exception: MS Excel)



There are several working front-ends (not included with the In-Memory Appliance)


Parallel Ramp ups: SAP BI 4.0, SAP BusinessObjects Analysis 1.1

One consistent administration and monitoring tool for all components

© SAP AG 2011

Creating Models in SAP HANA The real world (I) Select the ERP tables you need „

Understand the ERP data model


Locate all required tables „

Transactional, master data and texts...

Load ERP tables into SAP HANA „

Initial load


Implement some delta mechanism „

SAP Landscape Transformation for Realtime


Data Services: batch/near realtime...

Recreate table relationships in SAP HANA „

All master data modelling (incl. Texts)


Join conditions between tables


More complex logic (may be a decision point for Data Services) „

SQL script

© SAP AG 2011

Creating Models in SAP HANA The real world (II) Create Analysis Authorizations „

If not everyone should see everything „

No import of users from ERP (let alone authorizations)

Build report(s) on top of data model „

Will you do part of the modelling above SAP HANA layer?


Select suitable reporting tool „


Excel, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence, SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards, SAP Crystal Reports, SAP Business Objects Analysis ...

Create the report

Verify that what you see is correct „

Data in SAP HANA correct?


Model correct?


SAP HANA computing correctly?

© SAP AG 2011


SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 Lesson 1: Introduction to HANA Lesson 2: Look & Feel Lesson 3: Architecture Lesson 4: Data Provisioning Lesson 5: Modelling Lesson 6: Reporting Lesson 7: User Management

© SAP AG 2011

Lesson Objectives

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

© SAP AG 2011


Understand in-memory computing in SAP HANA


Understand the structure of SAP HANA studio


Understand how to configure perspectives


Understand how to create a package

Look&Feel SAP HANA Studio

© SAP AG 2011

Look&Feel Administration View

Navigator View

© SAP AG 2011

Cheat Sheets

Look & Feel Navigator View - Default Catalog

© SAP AG 2011

Look & Feel System Monitor

© SAP AG 2011

Look & Feel Pre-Delivered Administration Console

Administration View Navigator View

Properties View

© SAP AG 2011

Look & Feel Perspectives are built up based on views

Choose perspective from main menu

© SAP AG 2011

Fast Perspective Switch

Look and Feel Information Modeler

© SAP AG 2011

Look&Feel Navigator View - Information Models

Information Models organized in Packages

Attribute Views, Analytic Views, Calculation Views, Analytic Privileges organised in folders

© SAP AG 2011

Look & Feel Perspectives are built up based on views


© SAP AG 2011

Look & Feel Tips & Tricks

RESET PERSPECTIVE will restore your screen!

© SAP AG 2011


You should now:

© SAP AG 2011


Understand in-memory computing in SAP HANA


Understand the structure of SAP HANA studio


Understand how to configure perspectives


Understand how to create a package


SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 Lesson 1: Introduction to HANA Lesson 2: Look & Feel Lesson 3: Architecture Lesson 4: Data Provisioning Lesson 5: Modelling Lesson 6: Reporting Lesson 7: User Management

© SAP AG 2011

Lesson Objectives

After completing this lesson, you will be able to understand the:

© SAP AG 2011


Architecture of SAP HANA 1.0


Persistence Layer of SAP HANA 1.0


Concept of Backup & Recovery


Lesson 3: Architecture Persistence Layer Backup & Recovery

© SAP AG 2011

Architecture Overview

In Memory Computing Engine (IMCE) and Surroundings IMCE Studio Administration


MS Excel

Clients (planned, e.g.)

BI4 Explorer

Dashboard Design

SAP BI4 universes (WebI,...)

BI4 Analysis

In-Memory Computing Engine

ERP Replication Agent


Session Management

Log Replication Server

SAP Business Objects BI4 Data Services Designer

SBO BI4 Information Design Tool

Data Services

SBO BI4 servers ( program for client)

Request Processing / Execution Control SQL Parser MDX

Load Controller

SAP NetWeaver BW © SAP AG 2011

3rd Party

Calc Engine

Authorization Manager

Relational Engines Row Store Column Store

Page Management

Data Volumes

Other Source Systems

SQL Script

Persistence Layer

Disk Storage

Transaction Manager

Metadata Manager Logger

Log Volumes

Architecture Overview The engine itself

MS Excel

IMCE Studio Administration


Xcelsius In-Memory Computing

SBOP Explorer 4.0

Clients (planned, e.g.) SAP BI universes Engine(WebI,...)

SBOP Analysis

Session Management ERP Load Controller


Replication Agent

Replication Server Log

Load Business Objects Enterprise Controller Data Services Designer Data Services

© SAP AG 2011

SQL Script

Data Volumes

3rd Party

Calc Engine

Relational Engines Row Store Column Store

SBO Information Design Tool SBO Page Management server programs for clients

Other Source Systems SAP NetWeaver BW

Request Processing / Execution Control SQL Parser MDX

Persistence Layer

Disk Storage

Transaction Manager Authorization Manager Metadata Manager Logger

Log Volumes

Architecture Overview Loading Data into HANA IMCE Studio Administration


MS Excel

Clients (planned, e.g.)

BI4 Explorer

Dashboard Design

SAP BI4 universes (WebI,...)

BI4 Analysis

In-Memory Computing Engine

ERP Replication Agent


Session Management

Log Replication Server

Business Objects Enterprise SBO Data Information Services Design Designer Tool SBO BI4 Data servers Services ( program for client)

Request Processing / Execution Control SQL Parser MDX

Load Controller

SAP NetWeaver BW © SAP AG 2011

3rd Party

Calc Engine

Authorization Manager

Relational Engines Row Store Column Store

Page Management

Data Volumes

Other Source Systems

SQL Script

Persistence Layer

Disk Storage

Transaction Manager

Metadata Manager Logger

Log Volumes

SLT Replication Concept: Trigger-Based Approach Architecture and Key Building Blocks

Write Modules

DB Trigger

Logging Tables

Read Modules

RFC Connection

DB Connection

Controler Modules

Application Tables

Application Tables

Source system

Initialization of data replication based on DB trigger and delta logging concept (as with NearZero downtime approach) © SAP AG 2011

SLT system (NW7.02)

Flexible and reliable replication process, incl. data conversion (as used for TDMS and ByDesign) SLT can also be installed on source system or Solution Manager

SAP HANA system

Fast data replication via DB connection (no other interaction)

Architecture Overview Data Modeling

IMCE Studio Administration


MS Excel

Clients (planned, e.g.)

BI4 Explorer

Dashboard Design

SAP BI4 universes (WebI,...)

BI4 Analysis

In-Memory Computing Engine

ERP Replication Agent


Session Management

Log Replication Server

Business Objects Enterprise SBO Data Information Services Design Designer Tool SBO BI4 Data servers Services ( program for client)

Request Processing / Execution Control SQL Parser MDX

Load Controller

SAP NetWeaver BW © SAP AG 2011

3rd Party

Calc Engine

Authorization Manager

Relational Engines Row Store Column Store

Page Management

Data Volumes

Other Source Systems

SQL Script

Persistence Layer

Disk Storage

Transaction Manager

Metadata Manager Logger

Log Volumes

Architecture Overview Reporting

IMCE Studio Administration


MS Excel

Clients (planned, e.g.)

BI4 Explorer

Dashboard Design

SAP BI4 universes (WebI,...)

BI4 Analysis

In-Memory Computing Engine

ERP Replication Agent


Session Management

Log Replication Server

Business Objects Enterprise SBO Data Information Services Design Designer Tool SBO BI4 Data servers Services ( program for client)

Request Processing / Execution Control SQL Parser MDX

Load Controller

SAP NetWeaver BW © SAP AG 2011

3rd Party

Calc Engine

Authorization Manager

Relational Engines Row Store Column Store

Page Management

Data Volumes

Other Source Systems

SQL Script

Persistence Layer

Disk Storage

Transaction Manager

Metadata Manager Logger

Log Volumes

Architecture Overview Administration

IMCE Studio Administration


MS Excel

Clients (planned, e.g.)

BI4 Explorer

Dashboard Design

SAP BI4 universes (WebI,...)

BI4 Analysis

In-Memory Computing Engine

ERP Replication Agent


Session Management

Log Replication Server

Business Objects Enterprise Data Services Designer

SBO Information Design Tool

Data Services

SBO BI4 servers (program for client)

Request Processing / Execution Control SQL Parser MDX

Load Controller

SAP NetWeaver BW © SAP AG 2011

3rd Party

Calc Engine

Authorization Manager

Relational Engines Row Store Column Store

Page Management

Data Volumes

Other Source Systems

SQL Script

Persistence Layer

Disk Storage

Transaction Manager

Metadata Manager Logger

Log Volumes


Lesson 3: Architecture Persistence Layer Backup & Recovery

© SAP AG 2011

Persistence Layer in In-memory Comp. Engine Purpose and Scope

Why does an in-memory database need a persistence layer „

Main Memory is volatile. What happens upon „

Database restart?


Power outage?




Æ Data need to be stored in a non-volatile way


Backup and restore


IMCE offers one persistence layer which is used by row store and column store „

Regular “savepoints” Æ full persisted image of DB at time of savepoint


Logs capturing all DB transactions since last savepoint (redo logs and undo logs written) Æ restore DB from latest savepoint onwards


Create Snapshots (Æ backup)

© SAP AG 2011

Persistence Layer in In-memory Comp. Engine Data is saved to disk in intervals SAP In-Memory Computing Engine Memory Data

Information about data changes

Regular automatic savepoints

Log Volume

Data Volumes

Persistent Storage © SAP AG 2011

Persistence Layer in In-memory Comp. Engine Savepoint – writing data in IMCE Page Buffer


Data Cache

Data pages of virtual files

Other Data Pages

Savepoint Coordinator

4713 DATA & Undo © SAP AG 2011

DATA DATA & & DATA Undo Undo & Undo


Log queue

Persistence Layer in In-memory Comp. Engine System Restart

Reboot or Power failure deletes in-memory data Î System is normally restarted („lazy“ restart to keep downtime short: tables with preload flag + subsequently requested tables are loaded first) Î System is restored to the state just before the failure (except non-committed transactions) „

Used for recovery: „

Last data savepoint


Log between the last data savepoint and the time of failure (contains the data changes of all commited transactions up to that point)


1 Data savepoint to persistent storage

© SAP AG 2011

2 Log written to persistent storage (committed transactions)

3 Power failure


Lesson 3: Architecture Persistence Layer Backup & Recovery

© SAP AG 2011

Backup & Recovery Save to External Backup Destinations „


Data backup: „

From persistent storage to external backup destinations


Using database functions (SAP in-memory computing studio)

Log backup: „


Not supported in SAP HANA 1.0

Configuration backup „

Manual copy of configuation files to external backup destination Persistent Storage

Log Volume

Data Volumes


Configuration Backup © SAP AG 2011

Backup & Recovery Recovery scenario – Disk Failure (Data Volume)

Disk failure (data volumes are damaged) ÎSystem is restored to the state just before the failure (except non-committed transactions) „Used

for recovery:


Last data backup


Log since the last data backup Assumption: log area undamaged, all log entries still available (not yet overwritten)


1 Data backup to external backup destination

© SAP AG 2011

2 Log written to persistent storage (committed transactions)

3 Disk failure (data volumes)

Backup & Recovery Feature Overview SAP HAnA 1.0

Data Backup


Log Backup


Recovery to last Data Backup


Recovery to status before crash


Point in Time Recovery © SAP AG 2011

If log is not damaged



In this lesson, you learned about the:

© SAP AG 2011


Architecture of HANA 1.0


Persistance Layer of HANA 1.0


Concept of Backup & Recovery


SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 Lesson 1: Introduction to HANA Lesson 2: Look & Feel Lesson 3: Architecture Lesson 4: Data Provisioning Lesson 5: Modelling Lesson 6: Reporting Lesson 7: User Management

© SAP AG 2011


Lesson 4: SAP BusinessObjects Data Services SAP LT Replication Server

© SAP AG 2011

Lesson Objectives

After completing this lesson, you will be able to: „ Import metadata from SAP ERP into the SAP HANA Database „ Create a simple 1:1 SAP BusinessObjects Data Services batch job and dataflow to extract data from your SAP ERP system and load it into the SAP HANA Database

© SAP AG 2011

SAP BusinessObjects Data Services 4.0 and SAP HANA Metadata


Modeler Repository


BW Data Load

Open Hub

Designer and Management Console

Any Source

In-Memory Computing Engine (ICE)

SAP BusinessObjects Data Services 4.0

„ Data

Services is the engine to load data into ICE „ The HANA Modeler will generate initial loading jobs


Not yet working


Modeler will use Data Services to browse and ‘import’ external metadata


Modeler will generate initial flows to load data into NewDB tables


Further modifications to flows done via Data Services Designer

© SAP AG 2011

Process Flow: SAP HANA and Data Services

© SAP AG 2011

Process Flow: SAP HANA

© SAP AG 2011

Basic Data Services Connection Types

Connectivity options already available in Data Services 3.x: „


Read tables via ABAP dataflows „

For large volumes and transformations inside the SAP source (joins, lookups, and so on)


ABAP program generated & executed


Data transported via file

RFC_READ_TABLE (SAP Table inside a regular dataflow) „


RFC/BAPIs function calls „


For single tables, few lines only To utilize SAP logic instead of reading tables and designing the logic in Data Services again (limited number of rows per call)


Real-time messages mostly

New to Data Services 4.0 „

Improved ABAP integration to ERP


ODP – Operational Data Provider „

New SAP delivered API implemented on the ERP side

© SAP AG 2011

Full extractor support through ODP Full extractor support through ODP data replication API : Data Services can use this API to get initial and delta loads, the data can be streamed to Data Services. „

Benefits: „


Only “released” extractors are shown to Data Services. –

Business Suite team releases standard extractors as they are certified for ODP

Customer can release custom extractors (created in tx RS02)


Delta support through the delta queues (same mechanism as used by BW today)


Data is streamed from SAP to Data Services. No ABAP programs created, no staging in files.

Requirements „

Support package is need on the ECC/NetWeaver.


Standard extractors need to be “released” by the Business Suite team

* ODP = Operational Data Provider. NOTE: Release in HANA timeframe on ECC 6.0 EhP1 – Ehp5 is a limited, DSspecific subset of overall ODP functionality to be released with ECC 6.0 EhP6 © SAP AG 2011

Create a connection to a SAP ERP target Create a new DataStore of type “SAP Applications” with specific connection details

© SAP AG 2011

Setup Information Modeler to communicate with Data Services (Configure Import Server) Click “Import” to import meta data via Data Services or use the menu

© SAP AG 2011

SAP HANA Studio Importing meta data from an ERP System Select the import of “Source Objects” into a connected target system

2. 1.

© SAP AG 2011

Choose one of the maintained connections Connections of DataStore type “SAP Applications” are imported from the specified DataServices repository

© SAP AG 2011

Select Objects for import Search vs. hierarchy drill-down There are two possibilities to select objects for import „

Search for objects via the direct input field


Use applications hierarchy to drill down to a certain table

© SAP AG 2011

Select In-Memory Computing Engine (ICE) target schema for the metadata import

“RKT” catalog in InMemory Computing Engine empty

© SAP AG 2011

Validate the target structure

2. Validate the target structure


© SAP AG 2011

View the newly created target structure in the SAP HANA Studio Refresh the Tables section in the “RKT” catalog and double click the table to see the structure


3. 1.

2 .

© SAP AG 2011

Table creation status in the deployment log

Process Flow: Data Services

© SAP AG 2011

Import the created table structure into Data Services For modeling of jobs and data flows within SAP Business Objects Data Services the created table structure needs to be imported. The subsequent steps are necessary:

© SAP AG 2011

Create and execute a Data Services job to populate HANA For creating and executing a simple Data Services job with a 1:1 transfer from the source SAP ERP system to the target HANA system, the following steps are required: „ Create

a new batch job within Data Services (this is the high-level executable to be started on the fly in Data Services or to be scheduled on a regular basis) „ Create a new data flow, containing the source table from the SAP ERP system, a query object realizing a basic 1:1 mapping, and the target table which already exists within the HANA system) „ Execute

the newly created Data Services job and preview the records with the in SAP In-Memory Computing Studio

© SAP AG 2011

Create and new Data Services Job and data flow with simple 1:1 mapping Create a simple job and dataflow with a 1:1 mapping from the SAP EPR source table to the HANA target

ABAP dataflow recommended for large data sets

Simple 1:1 query object

© SAP AG 2011

Execute the job to populate the HANA target table and monitor the load

Monitor load progress

© SAP AG 2011

View the uploaded data within the In-Memory Computing Studio

© SAP AG 2011


In this lesson, you learned:

© SAP AG 2011


How to replicate metadata from an SAP ERP system via the In-Memory Computing Studio and SAP Business Objects Data Service into HANA


How to use the replicate metadata to fill it with content, i.e. pulling transactional data out of an SAP ERP system and pushing it into HANA with a SAP Business Objects Data Services job


Lesson 4: SAP BusinessObjects Data Services SAP LT Replication Server

© SAP AG 2011

Lesson Objectives

After completing this lesson, you will be able to: „ Understand the architectural foundation of LT Replicator and its technical pre-requisites. „ Configure LT Replicator for connectivity to the source SAP ERP system and the target SAP HANA Database. „ Configure data provisioning in SAP HANA Studio and trigger an initial load and/or replication.

© SAP AG 2011

LT Replication Server for SAP HANA Appliance leverages proven SLO Technologies

„ SLO technologies have been used for over 10 years in several hundred projects per year „ Key offerings foster SAP‘s Application Lifecycle Mgmt concept „ LT replication Server as a new use case leverages several SLO technologies

© SAP AG 2011

Application Lifecyle Mgmt

LT Replication Server for SAP HANA Appliance

Key benefits of trigger based approach „ Allows real-time (and scheduled) data replication, replicating only relevant data into the SAP HANA Database „ Ability to migrate data into the SAP HANA Database format while replicating data in real-time „ „Unlimited“ release coverage (SAP R/3 4.6C onwards) sourcing data from SAP ERP (and other ABAP based SAP applications) „ Leverages proven SLO technology (Near Zero Downtime, TDMS, SAP LT) „ Simple and fast set-up of LT replicator (initial installation and configuration in less than 1day) and fully integrated with SAP HANA Studio (as of SPS02)

© SAP AG 2011

LT Replication Concept: Trigger-Based Approach Architecture and Key Building Blocks

Write Modules

DB Trigger

Logging Tables

Read Modules

Application Tables

RFC Connection

Controler Modules

Application Tables

LT replication server does not have to be a separate SAP system and can run on any SAP system with SAP NetWeaver 7.02 ABAP stack (Kernel 7.20EXT)

Source system

Efficient initialization of data replication based on DB trigger and delta logging concept (as with NearZero downtime approach)

© SAP AG 2011

DB Connection

LT Replication Server

Flexible and reliable replication process, incl. data migration (as used for TDMS and SAP LT)

SAP HANA Database

Fast data replication via DB connect LT replication functionality is fully integrated with SAP HANA Studio

LT Replication Concept: Trigger-Based Approach Key Building Blocks in Detail – Source System DB Trigger and Table-Based Delta Logging: „ Only relevant tables considered for DB recording „ All relevant changes are recorded in logging tables „ Replicated changes are deleted from logging tables „ Recording and replication possible for all table classes (e.g. cluster tables)

DB Trigger

Logging Tables

Read Modules

Read Module: „ Collects data changes „ Declustering of table classes into transparent format

Application Tables

Source system

Trigger-based approach has no measureable performance impact in source system

© SAP AG 2011

LT Replication Concept: Trigger-Based Approach Key Building Blocks in Detail – LT Replication Server Controler Module: „ Ensures mapping between HANA DB structure and DB structure of source system „ Provides ability to conversion/migration values (e.g. date fields into strings)

Write Modules

„ Includes features to manage entire replication process in a holistic manner, e.g. provides scheduling options to determine the frequency of data replication

Controler Modules

„ Triggers activities of WRITE module

Write Module: „ Writes data through DB connection to SAP HANA system „ Offers flexibility to switch from single operation (insert – update – delete) to array operations

LT Replication Server System Requirements:

Leveraging proven SLO technology, LT replication server provides a flexible and reliable infrastructure to manage the entire process © SAP AG 2011

- SAP Netweaver 702 with Kernel 7.20EXT (currently only available on linux 64 or win64) - Filesystem: 100 GB - RAM: 16-32 GB - CPU: 2-4 cores - Recommended number of background jobs: 10

Technical Requirements and System Set-Up Information for LT Replication Server LT replication server can run on any SAP system with SAP NetWeaver 7.02 ABAP stack (using SAP Kernel 7.20EXT), for example on Solution Manager 7.1 or the source system – it does not have to be a separate SAP system!

RFC Connection

Source system

DB Connection

LT Replication Server

SAP HANA system




- respective DMIS 2010 version - Minimum support pack level: latest available

- Addon DMIS 2010_1_700 - Minimum support pack level: SP04 (planned with release of HANA SPS02)

- HANA SPS02: includes LT replication functionality fully integrated into the UI of the HANA modeler

Basic Configuration:

Basic Configuration:

Basic Configuration:

- Optional: define separate table space for logging tables - Define RFC user with appropriate authorization

- Define RFC connection to source system - Define DB connection to HANA system - Define max. number of jobs to be used for data replication

- Create a DB user (if required)

System Requirements:

System Requirements:

- SAP Basis 4.6C and higher - All data bases

- SAP Basis: Netweaver 702 with Kernel 7.20EXT (currently limited platform availability) - Filesystem: 100 GB - RAM: 16-32 GB - CPU: 2-4 cores - Recommended number of background jobs: 10

© SAP AG 2011

LT Replication Concept: Trigger-Based Approach Configuration of LT Replication Server

A schema defines the configuration of the data replication for a source system Number of jobs

RFC Connection

Connection to HANA

Table space (optional)

Replication mode

© SAP AG 2011

LT Replication Concept: Trigger-Based Approach Set-up of Data Replication in SAP HANA System (1/2)

1. Select source system as defined in LT replication server, related system information and schema will be displayed 2. Use button Load and / or Replicate to set-up the data replication Choose Data Provisioning to launch HANA Modeler UI

© SAP AG 2011

3. Use button Stop Replication to end or to restart replication

LT Replication Concept: Trigger-Based Approach Set-up of Data Replication in SAP HANA System (2/2)

Select source system

Select relevant tables

Load: starts the initial load of the data from the source system. The data replication is a one-time event - no logging table and triggers are created in the source system. Replicate: starts the initial load procedure and delta replication as configured in related schema on the LT replication server. Stop Replication: Stops any current Load or Replicate processes. © SAP AG 2011

Summary and Key Take Aways

„ LT replication concept is based on the proven SLO technology (used for NearZeroDowntime, TDMS, etc.) used by hundreds of customers with large DBs. „ It provides a holistic concept and valuable features to manage the data replication into SAP HANA very efficient and reliable

LT replication server is the ideal solution for all HANA customers who need real-time (and non-realtime) data replication sourcing from SAP ERP systems into HANA

© SAP AG 2011


In this lesson, you learned:

© SAP AG 2011


What’s required to setup LT Replicator in your system landscape.


How to configure LT Replicator to establish connectivity to the source SAP ERP system and the target SAP HANA Database.


How to configure the SAP HANA Studio to launch an initial load and/or replication.


SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 Lesson 1: Introduction to HANA Lesson 2: Look & Feel Lesson 3: Architecture Lesson 4: Data Provisioning Lesson 5: Modelling Lesson 6: Reporting Lesson 7: User Management

© SAP AG 2011

Lesson Objectives

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

© SAP AG 2011


Understand the purpose of the Information Modeler


Describe the levels of modeling in HANA 1.0


Create and display data for an Attribute View


Create and display data for Analytical View


Create and display data for an Calculation View


Understand the purpose of the Export / Import Functionality

Aim: Enable Plan/Actual Comparison in SAP HANA, Using Data From COPA

Actual Data © SAP AG 2011

Planned Data


Lesson 5: Introduction to CO-PA Scenario Introduction to Information Modeler Levels of Modeling - Attribute Views - Analytic Views - Calculation Views - Export & Import

© SAP AG 2011

CO-PA Background Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) enables you to evaluate market segments, which can be classified according to products, customers, orders or any combination of these, or strategic business units, such as sales organizations or business areas, with respect to your company's profit or contribution margin. The aim of the system is to provide your sales, marketing, product management and corporate planning departments with information to support internal accounting and decision-making.

Sales quantity Sales rev. Direct material costs Variable production costs Contribution margin I Material overhead Fixed production costs Contribution margin II Variances Contribution margin II Overhead costs Operating profit

© SAP AG 2011

Reporting Dimensions Region

Business Unit




Sales Office

fit Pro Costs


Determine and analyze the profitability of market segments

COPA Storage Architecture CE4xxxx-Segment Table

e.g. xxxx = IDEA

Characteristics CE3xxxx-Summarrization Level

Join Profitability Segment Number

Fiscal year Plan/act. Indic. Plan Version Record Type

Actual Line Items

© SAP AG 2011


Value Fields

Plan Line Items CE2xxxx

HANA and CO-PA as an example Billing document

Posting to a G/L account


Product costing


Cost centers Orders Processes






In-Memory Computing Engine HANA Modeling Studio Real Time Replication Service

HANA © SAP AG 2011

Data Services

Calc & Planning Engine In Memory Database Data Management

Application Table



SAP BusinessObjects

Other Applications

HANA and CO-PA as an example Billing document


Posting to a G/L account


Product costing

Cost centers Orders Processes






Application Table

But how can we find the tables and there dependencies for all of the ERP applications?

© SAP AG 2011

HANA - Table Relations in ERP

More than 50.000 application tables

ERP Can be analyzed with transaction code SD11

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HANA - Table Relations in ERP SD11


© SAP AG 2011

HANA - Table Relations in ERP SD11


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Lesson 5: Introduction to CO-PA Scenario Introduction to Information Modeler Levels of Modeling - Attribute Views - Analytic Views - Calculation Views - Export & Import

© SAP AG 2011

SAP HANA Studio Preferences

Select Windows Preferences Æ Information Modeler „ Allows setting of default values for information models created by user „ Set ‘Default Client’ to the client used in customer system „ Or set the Client on the User Account (preferred) „ Leave ‘Default Language’ on preset value (‘dynamic’) „ Enable preview of Calculated Attributes

© SAP AG 2011

SAP HANA Studio Features „ Modeling „ Information Models Information models are used to create multiple views of transactional data that can be used for analytical purposes.

„ Choice to publish and consume at 4 levels of modeling Attribute View, Analytic View, Calculation View , Calculation View enhanced with Analytical View

„ Database Views / Column Stores „ Data Preview „ Physical tables „ Information Models „ Import/Export „ Models „ Data Source schemas (metadata) – mass and selective load „ Landscapes „ Data Provisioning (both initial load and replication) „ Analytic Privileges / Security „ Troubleshooting / Trace / Logs

© SAP AG 2011

Terminology SAP HANA Studio: Information Modeler „

Data „

Attributes – descriptive data (known as Characteristics SAP BW terminology) –


Measures – data that can be quantified and calculated (known as key figures in SAP BW) –



Calculated Measures & Restricted Measures

Views „

Attribute Views – i.e. dimensions


Analytic Views – i.e. cubes


Calculation Views – similar to virtual provider with services concept in BW –


Script (SQL Script, CE Functions)

Procedures „


Calculated Attributes

Functions – re-usable functionality

Analytic Privilege – security object „

Analytic Privileges

© SAP AG 2011


Lesson 5: Introduction to CO-PA Scenario Introduction to Information Modeler Levels of Modeling - Attribute Views - Analytic Views - Calculation Views - Export & Import

© SAP AG 2011

Modeling Process Flow

© SAP AG 2011

Modeling for SAP HANA 1.0 Using HANA Studio Step1: (Attribute View) Separate Master Data Modeling from Fact data „

Build the needed master data objects as ‘Attribute Views’ „

Join text tables to master data tables


If required: join master data tables to each other (e.g. join ‘Plant’ to ‘Material’)

Step 2: (Analytical View) Create Cube-like view by joining attributes view to Fact data „

Build a ‘Data Foundation’ based on transactional table „

Selection of ‘Measures’ (key figures) ...


Add attributes (docking points for joining attribute views) this is basically your ‘fact table’ (key figures and dimension IDs)

„ Join attribute views to data foundation „ Looks a bit like a star schema © SAP AG 2011

Modeling for SAP HANA 1.0 Using HANA Studio Step 3: (Calculation View) / Optional If joins are not sufficient Æ create a Calculation View that is something that looks like a View and has SQL Script inside „

Composite view of other views (tables, re-use join, olap views)


Consists of a Graphical & Script based editor


SQL Script is a HANA-specific functional script language „

Think of a ‘SELECT FROM HANA’ as a data flow

„ JOIN or UNION two or more data flows „ Invoke other (built in CE or generic SQL) functions

© SAP AG 2011

Modeling for SAP HANA 1.0 Using HANA Studio

Step 4: Analytic Privileges „

Analysis authorizations for row-level security „

Can be based on attributes in analytic views

„ Analytic privilege is always a concrete implementation „ I.e. Specific authorization for specified values of given attribute „ Æ you have to create privileges for each group of users

© SAP AG 2011


Analytic Privilege 3920-3950

Attribute Views

Attribute Views

Analytical View 1 © SAP AG 2011

Calculation View

Analytical View 2


Lesson 5: Introduction to CO-PA Scenario Introduction to Information Modeler Levels of Modeling - Attribute Views - Analytic Views - Calculation Views - Export & Import

© SAP AG 2011

Attribute Views ...... are the reusable dimensions used for analysis. (Time, Account, Product) „

What is an Attribute View? „

Attributes add context to data.


Can be regarded as Master Data tables


Can be linked to fact tables in Analytical Views

© SAP AG 2011

Attribute View

© SAP AG 2011

Attribute View: View Creation Wizard

Attribute View Parameters „ The first step of the creation wizard asks for basic view properties „ Enter a name (technical name) and description „ Select view type „ Standard „ Time „ Either create a new view „ Or select Derived (read only) „ Or copy (writeable)

© SAP AG 2011

Attribute View: Select table(s) An Attribute View is a join of several tables „

The second step of the creation wizard presents a selector for DB tables „

One can either expand a schema and try to find the required table(s) Æ viable method for schemas containing a small number of tables


Or one can enter a search term and hit the search button


Highlight table in selector tree (left-hand side, ‘Available’) Æ then add to list of ‘Selected’ tables

© SAP AG 2011


Attribute View: Add additional table Add additional tables to view „

Via “Add table” button Æ search window „

© SAP AG 2011

One can only add one table at a time using this wizard.

Attribute View: Add table via drag & drop Add additional tables to view „

1. Filter on table name

Via Drag&Drop from Navigator Tree „

Set appropriate filter on schema


Drag table(s) into the view

2. Drag table into view

© SAP AG 2011

Attribute View: Define join properties Table Joins and Properties „ Join Types „ Referential „ Inner „ LeftOuter „ rightOuter „ TextJoin „ Cardinality „ 1:1 „ N:1 „ 1:N „ Language Column (for text join) „ Note: the direction in which you draw the join matters (left table first)

© SAP AG 2011


Inner Join

…….. return rows when there is at least one match in both tables. Inner is used even if it’s not added. Left & Right Join

……. the Left Join (or Left Outer Join) returns all rows from the left table even if there are no matches in the right table. The Right Join (or Right Outer Join) returns all the rows from the right table, even if there are no matches in the left table.

Full Outer Join

…… the Outer Join is neither left nor right - it's both. It includes all the rows from both of the tables or result sets participating in the Join. When no matching rows exist for rows on the left side or right side of the Join, you see NULL values. Referential Join

Text Join

…….. used where referential integrity is enforced

…….. for text join a description mapping must be defined. For each attribute it is possible to define a description mapping that will be language specific © SAP AG 2011

Attribute View: Output field selection and filters Select Attributes to show up in view „


The output structure of the view must be explicitly defined „

At least one key attribute is required.


Any number of non-key attributes may be defined.

Define static filter values „

Can be based on any table column


Column does not need to be selected for output ([key] attribute)

© SAP AG 2011


Attribute View: Set description mapping Map texts to (semantic) keys „

For each attribute in the output structure one can define a description mapping „

Select the attribute in the output structure


Description mapping is configured in the ‘Properties’ view for the attribute.


The drop-down menu for the description mapping will show all fields of all tables which are joined in the attribute view.

© SAP AG 2011


Attribute Properties Property “Hierarchy Active” Æ see non-key fields via MDX MDX per default only shows key fields „

This is governed by an output field property of the attribute view


If “Hierarchy Active” = “false” for non-key field, Æ field does not show up in Excel


Example: “Product” dimension has two attributes, but only “Product_number” appears in Excel

© SAP AG 2011

Attribute View: Define a level hierarchy Hierarchies are only accessible via MDX „

Define a level hierarchy „

Need one attribute per hierarchy level


Select column from output structure (drag & drop)


Fixed number of levels


© SAP AG 2011

Hierarchy filter in Excel

Attribute View:

Define a parent-child hierarchy Hierarchies are only accessible via MDX „

Define a parent-child hierarchy „

Variable number of levels for sub-trees within the hierarchy


© SAP AG 2011

Attribute View: Calculated Attributes „

Create a attribute based on a static value or dynamic calculation


Built in functions (Conversion, String, Math, Date ...)

© SAP AG 2011

Attribute View: Save and activate the view Create executable version of the view „


Save the view „

Save button in top-left corner of Studio


This saves the information model, i.e. the metadata of the view that has just been defined.


This information model itself is not visible to reporting tools

Activate the view „

Right-click view and choose ‘Activate’ from context menu


This creates a database view in schema ‘_SYS_BIC’ (a so-called ‘column view’)


Name of the column view: ‘_SYS_BIC.I_/’


This column view can be accessed from reporting tools

© SAP AG 2011


Attribute View: Preview the view Data Preview on the Information Model: 9.

Data Preview on Column View:

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Attribute View:

Time Dimension Attribute Views „ Gregorian „ Date (Timestamp), Year (2007)


„ Fiscal „ Variance (K4)

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Attribute View:

Time Dimension Attribute Views

JOIN FACT table to Fiscal Attribute View

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Date field

JOIN FACT table to Time Attribute View


Lesson 5: Introduction to CO-PA Scenario Introduction to Information Modeler Levels of Modeling - Attribute Views - Analytic Views - Calculation Views - Export & Import

© SAP AG 2011

Analytical View … are the multidimensional views that analyze values from single fact table „

An Analytic View can be regarded as a “cube” „

Multidimensional reporting model


Fact table (data foundation) joined against modelled dimensions (attribute views)

„ Analytic Views do not store data „

Data is read from the joined database tables


Joins and calculated measures are evaluated at run time


Master data for MDX/BICS are stored in system tables

© SAP AG 2011

Analytic View

© SAP AG 2011

Analytic View View creation wizard Analytic View „

Set Parameters „

Assign unique name


Enter a description


Create new view from scratch (Create New)


Or choose an existing view as template (Copy From)


© SAP AG 2011

Analytic View Select Table(s) Tables for the data foundation „


Table selection wizard. „

Same as with attribute views (search and select)


Can only select measures from one table (transactional data)


Can select attributes from several tables (must be joinable)

It is also possible to add tables later „

Via single-table selection wizard


Or via drag & drop from navigator tree (same as with attribute views)


© SAP AG 2011

Analytic View Select Attribute view(s) Dimension selection (Attribute views) „


Selection wizard. „

Select any suitable Attribute View from any package


Analytic View and Attribute View do not need to be in the same package

It is also possible to add Attribute Views later „

Via drag & drop from navigator tree


You can only drop into the ‘logical view’-tab of the view editor


© SAP AG 2011

Analytic View Analytic View Editor Two steps of view creation reflected in editor tabs „ Tab ‘Data Foundation’ Æ Create the data foundation (‘fact table’) „ (Optional: join data base tables) „ Select attributes and measures from table(s) Æ this defines the data foundation „ (Optional: create calculated and restricted measures) „ Tab ‘Logical View’ Æ Join Attribute Views to the data foundation „ This is where you can drag attribute views into the editor Data Foundation


© SAP AG 2011

Logical View

Attribute Views

FACT Table

Analytic View Define the Data Foundation Analytic View (Data Foundation) „

Attribute and Measures „

Can create Attribute Filters


Must have at least one Attribute


Must have at least one Measure


Can create Restricted Measures


Can create Calculated Measures


Can rename Attribute and Measures on the properties tab

© SAP AG 2011


Analytic View Join Attribute Views to Data Foundation Define joins between Attribute Views and Data Foundation „


Join Attribute View to a private attribute of the data foundation „

Private Attribute: attribute selected from a database table


Typically one would include all key attributes of the attribute view in the join definition


Default join type is ‘inner join’

Non-key fields of attribute view are implicitly added to the analytic view „

‘navigation attributes’


© SAP AG 2011

Analytic View Defining Calculated Measures „ Aggregation (sum, min, max, count), Data Types (decimals, numbers etc) „ Expressions / Operators „ Functions (String, Date Math, Conversion…)

© SAP AG 2011

Analytic View Defining Restricted Measures

© SAP AG 2011

Analytic View Save and Activate the View Create executable version of the view „


Save the view „

Save button in top-left corner of Studio


This saves the information model, i.e. the metadata of the view that has just been defined.


This information model itself is not visible to reporting tools

Activate the view „

Right-click view and choose ‘Activate’ from context menu


This creates a database view in schema ‘_SYS_BIC’ (a so-called ‘column view’)


Name of the column view: ‘_SYS_BIC.I_/’


This column view can be accessed from reporting tools



© SAP AG 2011

Analytic View Preview data of analytic view Use the built-in Eclipse-Preview of HANA Studio „


Launch preview from the Information Model (not from the Column View) „

Either right-click on Analytic View in Information-Model-part of navigator tree


Or click on preview-icon in top-right corner of the view editor

Three preview-modes „

Raw data (table display)


Number of distinct values per column


Interactive graphical analysis

© SAP AG 2011


Analytic View

© SAP AG 2011

Analytic View

© SAP AG 2011

EXERCISE / COPA Analytical View Column Stores

Actual Data Analytical View Model



Customer / Product Attribute View Models © SAP AG 2011

Planned Data Analytical View Model


Lesson 5: Introduction to CO-PA Scenario Introduction to Information Modeler Levels of Modeling - Attribute Views - Analytic Views - Calculation Views - Export & Import

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View … are used to create your own data foundation using database tables, attribute views, and analytic views to address a complex business requirement.


Calculation views are: „ A column view that is visible to reporting tools „ When the view is accessed, a function is implicitly executed

„ The function within the calculation view „

That function is defined in the HANA-specific language ‘SQL Script’


Functions can contain SQL commands „ SELECT FROM ... „ Æ One can read not only from DB tables but also from column views created for analytic views or attribute views „ SQL in functions must be ‘read only’ (no insert, update, delete, drop, ...)


Functions can call other functions „ Modularize the logic within the calculation view „ HANA offers pre-defined functions, e.g. for creating a join or union of tables

© SAP AG 2011

Two Types of Calculation Views „ Composite views, re-uses Analytical and Attribute views „ SQL / SQL Script / Custom Functions GRAPHICAL

SQL Script


Analytical View

Analytical View © SAP AG 2011


Calculation View (graphical)

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (Graphical) View creation wizard Parameter wizard for calculation view „

Enter a view name and description „

Name must be alphanumeric (A-Z; 0-9; _)

„ Select Graphical or SQL Script „

Note: SQL knowledge required when selecting SQL Script.

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (Graphical) View creation wizard Select any tables, attribute or analytical views to Add to the Calculation View „

Either select raw tables or on the next screen select existing views.

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (Graphical) „

Select Nodes from the Tools Palette and draw a data flow graph „

Select 2 projection nodes and 1 Union node

„ Projection nodes will be used to set the Actual versus Planned indicator „ Drag a connection line between all the nodes „ The output node will represent the data flow graph end

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (Graphical) „

Select each Projection node and add all the fields to the output node „

Do not select the PLIKZ field, this field will by added with a calculated column

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (Graphical) „

Create a Calculated Column called KPLIKZ for each Projection node „

Actual = 0, Planned = 1

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (Graphical) „

Define the UNION by mapping both Projection Nodes to the target

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (Graphical)


Add the Attributes and Measure to the Output


Activation will create the Column view that can be accessed by the front end tools

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (scripting)

© SAP AG 2011

SQL Script - New Programming Model

“… is a collection of SQL extensions to push data-intensive logic into the Database”

Traditional Model: “Data to Code”

New Model: “Code to Data”




Server Code

DB Server

DB Server Code

„ Functional extension - allows the definition of (side-effect free) functions which can be used to express and encapsulate complex data flows „ Data type extension - allows the definition of types without corresponding tables © SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (Scripting) Calculation View Wizard Parameter wizard for calculation view „

Enter a view name and description „

Name must be alphanumeric (A-Z; 0-9; _)

„ Select SQL Script „

Note: Select the database Schema where the tables are located.

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (scripting) Calc View table type „

Define the Output structure (Table Type) of the Calculation View

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (scripting) Function definition Define Function (with input and output parameters) „


© SAP AG 2011

The input parameter is optional „

Can be a scalar value to pass parameters from the front-end tools in order to filter the results (if supported by front-ends).


Can be a table type Æ to pass results from one function into another

The output parameter is mandatory „

Can be a locally defined table type or a globally existing table


Defines the structure of the function output

Calculation View (scripting) Add the SQL Script code

„ Write the necessary select statements to query the data and populate the output table structure

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (scripting) Creating run-time objects Creating the database object for the calculation view „

Metadata (the calculation view coding) has to be translated into run-time objects „

This is done by executing the coding (green arrow in SQL editor)


The defined table type is dropped and created


The SQL script function is created


Column views are created in the chosen output schema. View name: ._SYS_SS_CE__RET

Æ Execute the view

Æ Verify result (log area of the SQL editor).

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (scripting) Calc View output structure

„ Select the attributes and measure for the output node. This will represent the definition of the column view that the front end tools will query against

© SAP AG 2011

Calculation View (scripting) Save and activate Final step: save and activate the calculation view „

Store the view metadata etc. „ Save the view via the save button „ Activate the view from its context menu

Æ save…

© SAP AG 2011

Æ … and activate

Calculation View (scripting) Viewing the data Viewing the data in a calculation view from the IMCE Studio „

Data Preview „ Data preview for calculation views is not available (neither for Information Model nor for Column View)

„ Alternative: SQL editor „ Use a SELECT statement of the form: SELECT SUM(), FROM GROUP BY

© SAP AG 2011

Recommendations - How to build content

© SAP AG 2011

How to build content

Recommended Not recommended

Calculation View

Analytical View

© SAP AG 2011

Attribute View


Calculation View & SQL Script – When to use

Complete Control over SQL

Business Logic

Unions between tables Key figures span fact tables

© SAP AG 2011

„ Advanced SQL Scripting development within Calculation Views „ SQL Scripting can query existing Attribute & Analytical views „ Perform join between Column and Row store

„ Create custom re-usable calculation functions „ Re-use standard SQL functions not provided within modeler


Calculation views support UNION


Built in SQL Script functions available for union support


Calculation views required if key figures span across tables


Lesson 5: Introduction to CO-PA Scenario Introduction to Information Modeler Levels of Modeling - Attribute Views - Analytic Views - Calculation Views - Export & Import

© SAP AG 2011

Import and Export

Import and Export


What are the purposes of an the Export and Import Functionality?


What are the steps involved in Export and Import Functionality?

© SAP AG 2011

Process Flow

© SAP AG 2011

Exporting and importing with SAP HANA

HANA supports export and import of Information Models, tables and more „Export

and Import is handled via SAP HANA Studio


Client-side export/import: to / from client PC running SAP HANA Studio


Server-side export/import: to file system of SAP HANA Database server

Information Models DB Server

Tables © SAP AG 2011

Start Import / Export wizards In SAP HANA Studio

Two options: „

From Menu: „


File Æ Export

From “Quick Launch” „

Menu “Help” Æ “Quick Launch”

© SAP AG 2011

Process Flow

© SAP AG 2011

Client Side Export / Import of Information Models

What is a client-side Export? „


Export of Repository Objects „

Definitions of Attribute-, Analytic-, Calculation Views


Analytic Privileges

To the Client „

I.e. to the host on which Studio is running

© SAP AG 2011

Client Side Export of Information Models (I) Creation Wizard

Select client-side export „

Information Modeler Æ Information Models

© SAP AG 2011

Select system/user to export from That user needs access to repository

Client Side Export of Information Models (II) Select views and Analytic Privileges to export

Select Objects to Export „

Highlight on left-hand side tree Æ add to the right-hand side tree „

Select individual views / privileges


Or entire packages

© SAP AG 2011

Client Side Export of Information Models (III) Specify the export location

Specify a folder on the client PC to export into „

Within that folder, a folder with the name of the HANA system will be created „

Name of HANA System = ; here: GBS

© SAP AG 2011

Client Side Export of Information Models (IV) Verify Export

Check export in Job log

Check output on file system „

Package structure recreated in export path „

Objects exported as XML files

© SAP AG 2011

Client-Side Import of Information Models (I) Import Wizard

Choose client-side import of Information Models

© SAP AG 2011

Select target system/user combination to import into

Process Flow

© SAP AG 2011

Client-Side Import of Information Models (II) Select source folder

Select the source folder to import from „

This is the folder „

Must contain a sub-folder


Which in turn has sub-folders analyticviews attributeviews …

© SAP AG 2011

Client-Side Import of Information Models (III) Select objects to import

Choose list of views to import „

As before: „

Select individual views


Or entire packages

© SAP AG 2011

Client-Side Import of Information Models (IV) Run the import

Click “Finish” to execute the import

Then: check progress in job log

© SAP AG 2011

Client-Side Import of Information Models (V) Considerations

Client side import cannot overwrite existing objects „

For importing an update to a view into a target system „

First delete the view from the target system


Then perform the import

Client side import does not activate „

Run mass activation following the import

Exported objects (xml files) can be changed „

Difficult to control editing of objects „

It is a way to copy views from one package into another Note: quick launch Æ mass copy is the intended tool for this task

© SAP AG 2011

Mass Activation of Information Models (I) Set up quick launch

Important prerequisite: „

Configure Quick Launch to use the correct system/user combination „

Check current configuration


Use “Manage Connections” to change

© SAP AG 2011

Mass Activation of Information Models (II) Mass activation wizard

Start mass activation from “Quick Launch” „


In the wizard „

Select entire package


Or individual views / privileges

Click “Activate” „

This takes care of dependencies


Activates in the correct order

© SAP AG 2011


In this lesson, you learned:

© SAP AG 2011


Understand the purpose of the Information Modeler


Describe the levels of modeling in HANA 1.0


Create and display data for an Attribute View


Create and display data for an Analytical View


Create and display data for a Calculation View


Understand the purpose of the Export / Import Functionality


SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 Lesson 1: Introduction to HANA Lesson 2: Look & Feel Lesson 3: Architecture Lesson 4: Data Provisioning Lesson 5: Modelling Lesson 6: Reporting Lesson 7: User Management

© SAP AG 2011

Lesson Objectives

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

© SAP AG 2011


Understand connectivity options for reporting on top of SAP HANA


Understand the BusinessObjects BI4.0 platform and reporting possibilities


Use different client tools to report on SAP HANA


Lesson 6: SAP HANA, reporting layer and connectivity options SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Microsoft Excel SAP BusinessObjects Explorer SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise, Dashboards and Web Intelligence

© SAP AG 2011

Architecture Overview

SAP HANA Engine and Surroundings IMCE Studio Administration


MS Excel

Clients (planned, e.g.)

BI4 Explorer

Dashboard Design

SAP BI4 universes (WebI,...)

BI4 Analysis

In-Memory Computing Engine

ERP Load Controller


Replication Agent

Session Management

Request Processing / Execution Control SQL Parser MDX

Log Replication Server

SAP Business Objects BI4 SBO BI4 Data Information Services Design Designer Tool Data Services

SBO BI4 servers (program)

SAP NetWeaver BW © SAP AG 2011

3rd Party

Calc Engine

Authorization Manager

Relational Engines Row Store Column Store

Page Management

Data Volumes

Other Source Systems

SQL Script

Persistence Layer

Disk Storage

Transaction Manager

Metadata Manager Logger

Log Volumes

Reporting on SAP HANA Client and connectivity options Web Intelligence

Crystal Reports

Are part of SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0

for Enterprise Dashboards Analysis Office v1.1 Excel

Crystal Reports 2011





Explorer BICS JDBC





SAP In-memory Computing Engine


Semantic Layer (universe UNX)




Reporting on SAP HANA Open interfaces SAP HANA 1.0 provides various interface reporting options „




Microsoft-driven specification for multidimensional (cross-tab style) reporting


Requests are sent to the database via MDX (MultiDimensional eXpression language)

ODBC – Open DataBase Connectivity „

Microsoft-driven specification for relational reporting


Database requests are made via SQL (Structured Query Language)


Heavily adopted in industry


No longer Microsoft-centric - Unix and Linux drivers exist for ODBC

JDBC – Java DataBase Connectivity „



Relational reporting drivers specified by the Java community. Popular on Unix platforms.

BICS – BI Consumer Services „

SAP Proprietary interface that offers advantages for OLAP access over MDX on multidimensional reporting objects


Common driver technology used by SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, Office Edition for connectivity to SAP NetWeaver BW

SQLDBC is SAP native database SDK

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Lesson 6: SAP HANA, reporting layer and connectivity options SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Microsoft Excel SAP BusinessObjects Explorer SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise, Dashboards and Web Intelligence

© SAP AG 2011

SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, Office Edition

Access Analytic and Calculation Views from Analysis Office (MS Excel or Powerpoint) via a locally defined ODBC connection

© SAP AG 2011

SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, Office Edition

© SAP AG 2011


Lesson 6: SAP HANA, reporting layer and connectivity options SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Microsoft Excel SAP BusinessObjects Explorer SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise, Dashboards and Web Intelligence

© SAP AG 2011

Reporting on SAP HANA Native Excel interface - Pivot Tables (ODBO) Multidimensional reporting is available via Excel Pivot Tables „

This has the advantage of „quick and dirty“ cross-tab style reporting via Excel


Numerous disadvantages exist



The report definition is only available locally (workarounds exist)


Subject to performance limitations of the desktop machine where Excel runs

Pivot Tables can be initiated in numerous ways but primary entry point is via the Excel DATA menu option.

© SAP AG 2011

Reporting on SAP HANA Native Excel interface via ODBO HANA ODBO drivers is available via the Other/Advanced option of the Data Connection Wizard:


Clicking OK yields HANA Logon:

© SAP AG 2011

Reporting on SAP HANA Native Excel interface – the Pivot Table Standard Microsoft Pivot Table interface is presented. „

© SAP AG 2011

Check Measures, Drag and drop rows/columns


Lesson 6: SAP HANA, reporting layer and connectivity options SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Microsoft Excel SAP BusinessObjects Explorer SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise, Dashboards and Web Intelligence

© SAP AG 2011

Data Search and Exploration SAP BusinessObjects BI4.0 Explorer Bring BI to all business users „

Simplicity and speed of search


Intuitive data exploration and visualization


Fast response across mountains of data anywhere in the organization


Accelerated version with inmemory technologies

Help IT to be successful „

Easy and efficient to manage and scale


More reactive to business with faster delivery


Support for heterogeneous data sources

© SAP AG 2011

What is BusinessObjects Explorer? It’s search against BI… Use familiar key-word search to find business information „

Answers “on-the-fly” and investigative questions

Searches directly on pre indexed data „

No previous reports or metrics need to exist


Provides fast search and exploration

Searches across all data sources „

Any universe accessible source


Any SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator accessible source


And of course any accessible HANA system

© SAP AG 2011

…and Then It’s Exploration Of the Results Intuitively explore on data „

No data model or data knowledge required

Automated relevancy of results „

Most relevant information is displayed first


Best chart type auto generated

Share insights with others „

Export to CSV or image


Save it locally as a browser bookmark


One-click to send a link to the results by email

© SAP AG 2011

Explorer for HANA Setup In SAP BusinessObjects BI4.0 Central Management Console, „ Advanced configuration for Explorer Application „ Enable the use of HANA connections defined from Information Design Tool

http://mybiserver:8080/BOE/CMC -> Applications -> Explorer -> Properties on contextual menu -> Advanced configuration newdb.connections.enabled = true © SAP AG 2011

Explorer for HANA Information Space Creation

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Lesson 6: SAP HANA, reporting layer and connectivity options SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Microsoft Excel SAP BusinessObjects Explorer SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise, Dashboards and Web Intelligence

© SAP AG 2011

Complete BI Suite to Put Together Information in the Users’ Preferred Format

Interactive Dashboards Analysis

OLAP Analysis


How do I turn data into pixel-perfect formatted reports for greater insight?

How do I visualize key performance indicators for better decision making?

How do I answer ad hoc questions and interact with shared information?

Data Exploration

How do I uncover trends from historical data and make possible better forecasts?


How do I find immediate answers to business questions?

Reporting on HANA SAP BusinessObjects BI4.0 Reporting Clients Search & Exploration

Professionally Informed

Ad-Hoc QRA

Dashboarding & Visualization

Enterprise Reporting

Executives & Managers Dashboard Design (Xcelsius)

Information Consumers


Crystal Reports

Web Intelligence (Interactive Analysis)

Business Analysts

Technically Capable

© SAP AG 2011


Interactive Experience


“The” Business Intelligence place SAP BusinessObject BI 4.0 Launch Pad

Self-Service Information Consumption „



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New self-service BI access making it easier to find all available content Enhanced filtering and search options reducing page scrolling Enhanced navigation for working with multiple documents at the same time

User personalized BI Workspace SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 BI Workspace Visual

Other Content HomePage Modules

BI Workspace

Web Content


© SAP AG 2011

Crystal Reports




Organizing and displaying any BI content with decreased IT dependency Simple WYSIWYG authoring for creating and modifying content Inter-portlet communication enabling information exchange between components

Web Intelligence



Personalized Information Consumption

Reporting, Analysis

Semantic Layer Mission Enable the business users to freely and securely access, analyze, enrich and share information using familiar business terms „

Make business users autonomous


Enable single user experience over all data (structured & unstructured)


Provide trust and consistency over data by ensuring that the same business terms are used throughout the organization


Enable consumption by all applications and BI tools


Allow IT to keep control and ensure security of information Query and Analysis

Dashboards and Visualizations


Data Sources © SAP AG 2011

Semantic Layer

Full-Spectrum Business Intelligence

Common Semantic Layer Common semantic layer = one unified approach for meta data support „

One consistent user experience across all BI frontends


One abstraction layer for data sources


Adapt and leverage data source capabilities without requiring to change data models and/or move data


Smooth evolution from universes for existing customers

BI Consumption Crystal Reports

Web Intelligence



Business Semantic Design Common Semantic Layer

Data Access Design InfoProvider Data Source



© SAP AG 2011


Semantic Layer deliverables in SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 „ Tools Information design tool

Universe design tool

New generation design tool All new projects should use this tool. Most existing universes can be opened and converted to the new format by this tool.

Universe design as XI3.x Still shipped in this version in order to enable the smoothest possible transition.

„ Components Query & computation Information engine Query server Connection server

Behind the scenes, this is the component that enables querying and computational capabilities to BI clients during report consumption.

Data federation engine This is the component that enables MSU (Multi-Source Universe) functionality.

Connectivity This is the component that establishes the connectivity to data sources.

© SAP AG 2011

SAP BusinessObjects Information Design Tool „

New Project


Define Relational Connection


Define Data Foundation


Define Business Layer


Publish Universe

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Lesson 6: SAP HANA, reporting layer and connectivity options SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Microsoft Excel SAP BusinessObjects Explorer SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise, Dashboards and Web Intelligence

© SAP AG 2011

Pixel perfect reporting SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise

Next-Generation Report Designer Experience „ „


© SAP AG 2011

New styling with ribbon bar look and feel Common query design experience across all data sources with new semantic layer Automated report translation for global deployments

SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.0

© SAP AG 2011

Dashboarding & Data Visualization

SAP BusinessObjects BI4.0 Dashboards (XCelcius) Consume attractive, personalized dashboards online or offline „

Access to personalized, Flashbased dashboards


Secure visualizations anywhere – portal, reports, PDF, MS Office documents

Empower business users with interactive information „

Powerful “what-if” analysis with sliders and other controls


Ability to drill-down into details


Pre-built components, skins, maps, charts, gauges, and selectors

© SAP AG 2011

SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.0 Universe Queries

© SAP AG 2011

Ad Hoc Query, Reporting, Analysis SAP BusinessObjects BI4.0 Web Intelligence Empower business users with powerful, yet easy to use analysis „ Intuitive, Web-based interface with offline capabilities „ Start from a blank slate or use an existing analysis or report „ Multi-source access „ Interactivity with filtering, ranking, sorting, calculations, etc. „ Data lineage Lighten IT workload „

Self-service analysis and reporting


Controlled and secure access with tight BI platform integration


Intuitive, business-centric view of information with universes

© SAP AG 2011

New screen shot needed

SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 Web Intelligence

© SAP AG 2011

Lesson Objectives

you should now be able to:

© SAP AG 2011


Understand connectivity options for reporting on top of SAP HANA


Understand the BusinessObjects BI4.0 platform and reporting possibilities


Use different client tools to report on SAP HANA


SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 Lesson 1: Introduction to HANA Lesson 2: Look & Feel Lesson 3: Architecture Lesson 4: Data Provisioning Lesson 5: Modelling Lesson 6: Reporting Lesson 7: User Management

© SAP AG 2011

Lesson Objectives

After Completing this lesson you will be able to: „


© SAP AG 2011

Manage users and roles „

Create users and roles


Edit users and roles

Understand the Security Concept of SAP HANA Appliance


Lesson 7: User Management Security Details Template Roles Best Practice

© SAP AG 2011

User Management and Security in SAP HANA

Create Users Assign Initial Passwords Important User Parameters

Assign Security

Manage Users Lock Users

Control Access to Objects

Reset Passwords

Row-Level Security

Check User Privileges

Restrict allowed actions

Integration with BI

© SAP AG 2011

User Provisioning

How to get Users into the System

Creating Named Users in HANA „

Actual Database Users „

Create via SAP HANA Studio


Or using standard SQL statements

Authentication Methods „

User / Password „


Set up and manage passwords using SAP HANA Studio or SQL

Kerberos Authentication „



Requires Named User in HANA DB

© SAP AG 2011

User Management

User and Role Concept

Roles allow grouping privileges „


Create roles for specific tasks, e.g. „

Create data models (on a given subset of the data)


Activate data models


Consume models

Role: edit + activate Role: edit model

Role: activate model

All types of privileges can be granted to a role „ „

Individual privileges Roles (Æ create a hierarchy of roles)

Roles / privileges can be assigned to users „


User / Role management are closely related „

Reflected in almost identical editor

© SAP AG 2011

Package: create / edit models

SQL: select

Package: activate

SQL: write runtime object

Managing Users and Roles Step-by-step overview

© SAP AG 2011

Managing Users and Roles Step-by-step overview

© SAP AG 2011

Creating Roles

Using SAP HANA Studio

Graphical UI for Creating / managing roles „

In SAP HANA Studio Æ Navigator Tree „

Path: () Æ Catalog Æ Authorizations


Right-Click “Roles” folder


Select “New” Æ “Role” from context menu

Using SQL Syntax „

Run the following statement: „ CREATE ROLE ;

© SAP AG 2011

Managing Users and Roles Step-by-step overview

© SAP AG 2011

Assign Privileges to Roles

Generic background information Two generally different cases: „


Object / Privilege combinations. E.g. „

grant SELECT (privilege) on (object)


grant EXECUTE (privilege) on (object)

Direct Privilege Assignment. E.g. „

grant USER ADMIN (system privilege)


grant EXAMPLE_ROLE (Role)

Concept of Grant Option „

Allows granting a privilege to other users/roles „

Not available for all types of privileges

© SAP AG 2011

Assign Privileges to Roles

Search for Object or Privilege

On the appropriate privilege tab: „

Click the green



In the search box, start typing „

For Object/Privilege combinations: the object name


For direct privilege assignment: the privilege name


Select the desired object or privilege


Click OK

© SAP AG 2011

Assign Privileges to Roles Save the role

Using the “save” button Using the “deploy” button (green arrow) Errors during save „

Typically: missing privilege for editing user (USER ADMIN)


Or missing grant option: „

For Object/Privilege combinations: on object


For direct privilege assignment: on privilege

© SAP AG 2011

Managing Users and Roles Step-by-step overview

© SAP AG 2011

Creating Users

Using SAP HANA Studio Graphical UI for Creating / managing roles



In SAP HANA Studio Æ Navigator Tree „

Path: () Æ Catalog Æ Authorizations


Right-Click “Users” folder


Select “New” Æ “User” from context menu

Choose authentication methods „

Define the initial password (user/password)


Or define the external User ID (e.g. Kerberos)

To save the user: „

Other user settings „

Define default client This is used as an implicit filter value when reading from HANA data models

© SAP AG 2011

Managing Users and Roles Step-by-step overview

© SAP AG 2011

Grant Role to User

Using Studio: „

Switch to tab “Granted Roles” in User Editor „

Open search dialog ( )


Start typing the role name


Add the role


Allow/disallow granting the role (note: System Privilege “ROLE ADMIN” supersedes this GRANT OPTION)

© SAP AG 2011

Grant Role to User Save the user

Using the “save” button Using the “deploy” button (green arrow) Errors during save „

Typically: missing privilege for editing user „

E.g.: System privilege ROLE ADMIN missing


Or (without ROLE ADMIN): GRANT OPTION for role missing

© SAP AG 2011

Revoke Role from User

Using Studio: „

Switch to tab “Granted Roles” in User Editor „

Select the role from list of granted roles


Click the icon


Save the user (this also revokes a GRANT OPTION)

Note on Cascaded Dropping of Privileges „

If the user had granted the role to other users, revoking the role (and the grant option) also revokes the role from these grantees

© SAP AG 2011


Lesson 7: User Management Security Details Template Roles Best Practice

© SAP AG 2011

User Management

User and Role Concept Types of Privileges in HANA „



System Privileges (restrict actions in the database) „



Discussed in detail in SAP HANA Security Guide

SQL Privileges (restrict access to data containers) „



Discussed in detail in SAP HANA Security Guide

Analytic privileges (row-level security for data models) „


E.g. see only data for cost center 1000

Package privileges (restrictions around modeling) „

E.g. edit / activate data models in package sap.ecc.fin

© SAP AG 2011

Analytic Privileges The Concept

Analytic Privileges are used to control access to SAP HANA data models „

Without Analytic Privilege, no data can be retrieved from „

Attribute Views


Analytic Views


Calculation Views

Implement row-level security with Analytic Privileges „

Restrict access to a given data container to selected Attribute Values „

Field from Attribute View


Field from Attribute View used in Analytic View


Private Dimension of Analytic View


Attribute field in Calculation View


Combinations of the above


Single value, range, IN-list

© SAP AG 2011

Create Analytic Privilege (I) Start creation wizard

Analytic Privileges are repository objects „

Create and manage via SAP HANA Studio „

Create in any package


Does not need to be the same package as views

Call creation wizard: „

Right-click folder “Analytic Privileges” in package „

Enter name and description


Click Next

© SAP AG 2011

Create Analytic Privilege (II)

Select applicable Information Models

Select applicable Information Models „


Views have two functions in privilege „

Views you want to grant access to


Views from which you want to select fields for restrictions

You can add further views to the privilege later

© SAP AG 2011

Create Analytic Privilege (III) Editor Overview

Views used in Analytic Privilege and to which the privilege grants access

List of fields for Attribute restrictions

List of restrictions implemented for the selected field from the list above.

© SAP AG 2011

Create Analytic Privilege (IV) Add more views

Restrictions apply to all views in list of “Reference Models” „

Choose “Add” in “Reference Models” section „

Pick any appropriate view


From any package

Do not use the “Applicable to All”-option „

Reason: „

Can have surprising side-effects


You give away control over model access

© SAP AG 2011

Create Analytic Privilege (V)

Select field for attribute restriction

A view must have at least one field in Analytic Privilege to be Readable „

Field may appear in several views from “Reference Models” „

Æ restriction will apply to all these views

© SAP AG 2011

Create Analytic Privilege (VI) Implement Value Restriction

You may implement value restrictions for all selected fields „

If no value restriction implemented Æ no restriction (wildcard)


Otherwise: user will only be allowed to see listed values „

UI offers single value or range condition


Can add several conditions per field (combined via “AND”)

© SAP AG 2011

Create Analytic Privilege (VII) Save and Activate

Like views: activation required to create run-time object „

Only run-time object is grantable to users / roles „


Name of run-time object: “/”

Note: current bug: „

Analytic Privilege can only be activated once


Æ cannot change activated Analytic Privilege

© SAP AG 2011


Lesson 7: User Management Security Details Template Roles Best Practice

© SAP AG 2011

Considerations for Important roles From reporting to data administration

© SAP AG 2011

Pre-Delivered Roles in SAP HANA

SAP HANA comes with several pre-defined roles „


Roles that should (must) be used unchanged „

PUBLIC – minimal privileges for a user to work with the database at all


Is implicitly granted whenever a user is created

Role templates „



CONTENT_ADMIN – the only role in the system with vital privileges, e.g.: –

SQL Privileges on Schema _SYS_BIC – with GRANT OPTION

SQL Privileges on Schema _SYS_BI – with GRANT OPTION

MODELING – a very richly privileged role that enables –

Creation and activation of Information Models

Creation and activation of Analytic Privileges

Regard these roles as “templates” Æ name change coming soon –

© SAP AG 2011

Do not use these roles – build your own roles instead


Lesson 7: User Management Security Details Template Roles Best Practice

© SAP AG 2011

Data Management Best Practices (I)

Do not place ERP tables into SYSTEM schema „

Reason: this is the “home”-schema of user SYSTEM


So SYSTEM would own the data „

SYSTEM has all privileges on the data


Instead: create a “data admin” user


With that user create a target schema for ERP data

Create one target schema per source system „

If required, also one data admin user per source system

© SAP AG 2011

Seperate DB administration and ownership of data

Data Management Best Practices (II)

Important: _SYS_REPO must have access to these schemas „

Required: SELECT including permission to grant to others „



Grant this directly to _SYS_REPO, not to a role (reason: see next slide)

© SAP AG 2011

Without this, nobody will be able to read from activated views

User Management Best Practices (I)

Do not place critical privileges into roles „

Reason: anyone with “ROLE ADMIN” can grant roles


Examples for such privileges: „





Instead: Create named users who have such privileges


Control access to these users in a safe manner

Control Access to Privilege ROLE ADMIN „

Reason: Anyone with this privilege can grant any role „

ROLE ADMIN is also required for creating roles


ROLE ADMIN supersedes a missing GRANT Privilege for a role

© SAP AG 2011

The „GRANT OPTION“ makes these privileges powerful

With „ROLE ADMIN“, you don‘t need an explicit GRANT OPTION for a role

User Management Best Practices (II)

Do not work with user SYSTEM

After the preceding slides, the reason should be obvious

© SAP AG 2011

SAP HANA Appliance 1.0 Further Questions?

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