Teacher: Lic. Rudy Flores By: Evenilson Coto Galdámez Galdámez G aldámez Cesar Omar Alas Giovanni Aleander Esco!ar "onia Eliza!eth #$rez
Typewriter Life Cycle
Typewriter Life Cycle
There are )our sta*es to le to the the Li)e Li)e Cyc Cycle
+,hite- /0- Cha1ter 2.3.
%ntroduction %ntroduction Gro'th &aturity (ecline
Graph of a Ty1e'riter Life Cycle
Typewriter Life Cycle ,hat is a "ales Curve4 %s the u1 and do'n sale o) units throu*hout a 1roducts Li)e Cycle
Typewriter Life Cycle
&ar5et %ntroduction: +06789 06/3 9 The )irst sta*es o) the ty1e'riter 'ere early desi*n and )ailed manu)acturin* e))orts. The success)ul ty1e'riter 'as invented !y the "holes ; Glideno) ,isconsin #rinters and %nventors in the late 067/
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