Types of Chemical Reactions

September 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Types of Chemical Reactions


COMBINATION (Synthesis) REACTION  A reaction when 2 or more more reactants combine to form a singe !ro"#ct$ The genera form#a for this reaction is %


&ECOM'OSITION REACTION &ECOM'OSITION In this reaction a singe reactant breas "own into sim!er ones$ (2 or more !ro"#cts)$ This is the re*erse of combination reaction$ The genera form#a for this reaction is%


SIN+,E &IS',ACEMENT (Re!acement) REACTION% This is when one eement re!aces another eement from a com!o#n"$ The more acti*e eement taes the !ace of the ess acti*e eement in a com!o#n"$ The genera form#a for this reaction is%


&O-B,E &IS',ACEMENT REACTION (Metathesis) This is when the !ositi*e ions (cations) an" negati*e ions (anions) of "ifferent com!o#n"s switch !aces forming two entirey "ifferent com!o#n"s$ The genera form#a for this reaction is%


COMB-STION (B#rning) REACTION This is when o.ygen combines with a hy"rocarbon (com!o#n" containing hy"rogen an" carbon) to form a water an" carbon "io.i"e$


 ACI&/BASE REAC REACTION TION This is a s!ecia in" of "o#be "is!acement reaction that taes !ace "is!acement when an aci" an" base react with each other$ The 01 of the aci" reacts with the O0/ of the base forming water$ The other !ro"#ct is sat$


Basic Types of

   

Chemical Reactions

Combination reaction &ecom!osition reaction Singe &o#bere!acement re!acementreaction reaction


Special Types of

Chemical Reactions

 Comb#stion reaction   Aci"/Base reaction










34$ In the secon" chemica reaction how many reactants are #se"5 0ow many !ro"#ct6s is6are forme"5  


Two reactants were #se" one !ro"#ct was forme" in the secon" chemica reaction$  


32$ In the thir" chemica reaction how many reactants are #se"5 0ow many !ro"#ct6s is6are forme"5  


One reactant was #se" two !ro"#cts were forme" in the thir" chemica reaction  


37$ In the first chemica reaction what changes "i" co!!er an" iron #n"ergo "#ring the reaction5 8hat can yo# conc#"e abo#t iron5  


Co!!er was re!ace" by iron$  


39$ In the 9th chemica reactions how many reactants an" !ro"#cts are in*o*e"5 8hat in" of s#bstance are they5  


2 reactants an" 2 !ro"#cts were in*o*e" they were com!o#n"s


3:$ In the fifth chemica reaction both the reactants an" !ro"#cts are com!o#n"s ma"e #! of !ositi*e an" negati*e ions what "i" yo# notice with the !airing of the !ositi*e an" negati*e ions in the reactant an" !ro"#ct si"e5


The reactants e.change" !ositi*e an" negati*e ions on the !ro"#ct si"e$




Cassify the foowing #nbaance" chemica e;#ations accor"ing to the si. ty!es of chemica reactions$  A$ Combination B$ &ecom!osition C$ Singe "is!acement &$ &o#be "is!acement E$ Comb#stion
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