Types of Astrology

April 27, 2017 | Author: T. Manohar Rao | Category: N/A
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There are different types of Astrology, which are discussed in this book....


T. Manohar Rao

Compiled by T. Manohar Rao (late) Bangalore, India


T. Manohar Rao

INTRODUCTION Astrology is a divine science of correspondence, in that it applies cosmic principles to the minutest part of everyday life. It is an unique system of interpretation of the correlation of planetary action in human experience. Life, purpose and design are so intimately woven together by the loom of destiny, that our earthy eyes may well be satisfied, if they but see the pattern and no more. Since it is not possible to penetrate the mystery of “How and why such things can be,” That is no reason reason for saying that they are not possible. Just as it is impossible to solve the mystery of life itself, so it is not possible to follow the meaning of its various manifestations. Faith is the first born of God, the heir that neither time nor tears can dispossess and so in the end will occult knowledge possess the earth, and crooked ways will be made straight. The usefulness of occultism has in its strength to withstand the trials of daily life, its faith in the unfolding of God’s purpose, its patience to wait for the appropriate time. The occult side of life, is the real life that binds all together. Astrology is such a wide-bodied area of knowledge, that it is not an exaggeration to call it the Mother of Science. This is a science linking extra terrestrial, terrestrial terrestrial and human phenomena and attempts to establish a correlation between Man and Cosmos. It is the science that tries to bridge the gulf between the World of galaxies and the World of living cells. The occult science consists of Astrology, numerology, palmistry, mantrik, and tantrik  studies. Astrology or the study of Sun, Moon and other planets is the oldest science known to mankind. The greater mass of people desire to have put before them, as much information as possible about the influence of the zodiac on human life, its effect on character, its causation of difficulties between man and woman, with the hundreds of tendencies it calls into being. Astrology, a science of tendencies, teaches the distressed to see the good and bad in their lives, as a result of their past deeds or Karma, and also indicates the mode of 


T. Manohar Rao facing and preventing the malefic effects, and if they are inevitable, how to endure them under such circumstances. Theory of Astrology:

The theory of Astrology, is based on the fact that the planets influence Man, and follows a standard pattern. The planets have been assigned certain qualities, which mould man accordingly. accordingly. Their motion in the zodiac, and relative relative strength, have have been taken into account. The change in this standard behavioural pattern of each planet is envisaged by association, aspect, and opposition of other planets. The basic rules of Astrology, pertaining to this part, reveal a scientific and knowledgeable approach. Since planets influence Man, it has to be concluded that  they produce certain type of power, and these powers travel trough space, penetrate our ionosphere, propagate through our atmosphere, reach the surface of Earth, and then influence Man. The planet and stars, produce a basic frequency and harmonics.

The basic

frequency will necessarily be a low frequency, which require a media for transmission from the planet to Earth. Since no media is available, this frequency cannot travel to Earth. But the by-product of harmonics in the short short wave range, is capable of producing energy travelling through space, just like any other cosmic ray. In the process of rotation on its own axis, the planet produces energy and harmonics, as by-products.

Since there is no regulated frequency frequency range, they

propagate in the particular direction in conformity with the natural condition of the planet change, i.e. in the form of a microwave microwave beam. This direction direction of the beam cannot be changed, unless a physical physical change takes place. This natural formation formation of a microwave beam, is available for for all planets and stars. This subtle force from the other planets reaching the Earth, has been utilised in Astrology in the explanation of  Yogas, conjunction with reference to Sun and Moon. This beam or force, is identified in Astrology, as “exaltation and debilitation” of the planet. This exaltation is felt  when the Earth comes opposite to the direction of the beam.


T. Manohar Rao Each planet of our Solar system is connected by a subtle force with all the other planets, as in an atom, while maintaining the space between them, and following a definite orbit, without colliding with the others. A subtle force is constantly flowing between them, depending on the size of the planet, activities on its surface, and the interplanetary distance. These create an inter-planetary force. Hence these subtle forces also act as short and medium wave harmonics from the planets to the Earth at every stage, creating change on humans die to their various aspects, association, opposition, etc. The planetary power is less when it enters directly, then when it enters with the aid of the Sun or the Moon. This is the theory theory of Yoga in Astrology. Thus, we see planets as well as humans, have their fields of gravitation. Through this resonance between cosmic radiation and human radiation, Man has been linked to the Universe and made the recipient of constantly operating planetary influence.  Astrology:

Astrology is a divine divine science, and is as old as the Vedas. “Astro” means Stars, and “logy” means Light. In other words, Astrology Astrology is the light through through stars, or the message of stars, planets, etc.

The vibrations, vibrations, radiation, and attraction of the

heavenly bodies in the form of cosmic rays and energy, act, react and create wonderful results on the daily life of the animate and inanimate objects.


Sanskrit term “Jyothisya” for Astrology, mans Science of Jyothi or Light. Light is radiation, so Astrology can be referred to as the Science of Radiation. Indian Astrology is based on the theory of Karma. It is obvious, that every person or living creature under the sky, experiences pain or pleasure, as a result of past  karma. Every one seeks ways and means to perpetuate pleasure and avoid misery. They want to know the method by which the malefic events can be reduced, if not  avoided. Astrology gives answers to these these natural questions which which arise in their minds. It points out that all trials and tribulations or joy, luxury luxury experienced in the present life, is as result of the deeds done by them in their past life. It also indicates the period, extent, and the mode of alleviating or diminishing the effects of good or 4

T. Manohar Rao bad events. It teaches them that that calamities cannot be averted by any propitiatory ceremonies to the planetary deities, it gives them consoling reasons for reconciliation to their lot lot in future. Even fatalists, who feel that that there is no need to know the future as the inevitable is bound to occur, at a time of misfortune or calamity, are forced to seek the advice of an astrologer, to learn ways to mitigate these ill-effects. Varahamira declares, that he who knows the secrets of the science of Astrology, obtains the four Purusharthas, namely - Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha, in addition to fame and glory. This science is the result of continuous research and propagation, through centuries, by the ancient seers and sages. Hence, it has to be regarded as a Dharma Shastra, and acquires the sanctity of of Vedas. Vedas are intended for yagnas, which are to be performed according to the time and muhurthas that can be fixed only by a knowledge of seasons, date, star, planetary movements -- in other words, Jyothisya or Astrology. Hence Jyothisya or Astrology has been included as one of the six Vedangas -- i.e. Siksha, Vyakarna, Chandas, Niruktha, Jyothisya and Kapla. These six angas are referred to as the angas of Vedapurusha. Vyakarna is the mouth, Jyothisya the eye, Nirutktha the ear, Kalpa hands, Siksha the nose and Chandas the legs. Since Jyothisya denotes the eyes eyes of the Vedapurusha, it it is the foremost foremost of the Vedangas. 

Vyakarna (Grammar): Vyakarna is the mouth, which utters the succession of  sounds taught in terms of grammatical sequence.

Siksha (Instruction): Siksha teaches the intonation of these sounds. As it is with the nostrils that the voice is produced, aiding in imparting instructions needed to master the Vedas, it is denoted as the nose.

Kalpa (Vyavastha or Methodology): Kalpa teaches arrangement and formation, which needs skilful manipulation (that is usually done by the hands), or method and manners of discussion.


T. Manohar Rao 

Niruktha (Etymology or Treasury of Words): Niruktha enables us to understand the meanings or intention of others, by means of the words heard by the ears. It  pertains to the study of Etymology and Lexicography.

Chandas (Metre or Sense of Music): Chandas teaches us Karma i.e. order order and succession. It suggests the idea of of footsteps. Hence Chandas is said to be the feet  of the Vedas.

Jyothisya (Astrology): It is an important organ of the Vedas as it indicated the influence of heavenly bodies, in the form of numbers, charts and calculation. Hence it is termed as the eye of the Vedas.

Branches of As Astr trology ology:: The various branches of astrology are: 

Medical Astrology.

Astro Meteorology.

Mundane Astrology (or judicial).

Natal Astrology.

Horary Astrology.

Election Astrology/Muhurtha

Kabala Astrology.

Kerala Astrology.

Omens or Sakuna.

Medical Astrology:

Man endowed with all wealth, luxury, etc., may be wanting in health, or may be suffering from some incurable, chronic and loathsome disease , according to his destiny. This may be the result of his past karma. Medical experts may resort to various examinations and ascertain the precise nature and cause of the disease, disease, and by trial and error methods methods apply remedies till the diseases are eliminated. But 


T. Manohar Rao Astrology pin points the part of the body affected, the disease, and selects the opportune time for treatment. Thus the time time wasted on tests, etc., can be eliminated or minimised. Medical Astrology, is concerned with the the diagnosis, mode of healing, the time of onset of the disease, and the psychiatric aspect, that may influence progress and prognosis of the disease. disease. Hence it is advisable for the medical experts experts to have a thorough knowledge of astrology, and make use of the same, in their profession. In USA, Europe and other developed countries, classes on medical Astrology have been introduced. By knowing in advance as to when and where an epidemic is going to erupt, through Astrology, the Public Health Department, may prepare itself to meet any eventuality, thereby reducing the panic among the Department and the public. 1.  Astro Meteorology: This is useful useful for predicting the conditions conditions of weather. It assists in planning and thereby prevents any catastrophe caused by cyclones, rains, famine, etc. Even though in the modern age, the meteorology department with the aid of satellites is not able to predict the weather months and weeks in advance, Astrology can give a correct picture, well in in advance. This branch of Astrology, Astrology, is in a nascent stage, and with determined research, it will will be a boon to the nation. Other nations have already embarked towards this goal.  2.  Judicial (Mundane): (Mundane): This branch pertains to the prediction of important events in a nation, i.e., wars, earthquakes, financial crisis/improvements, calamities like floods, famine, etc. With the present knowledge it may not be possible to predict correctly in which quarter a particular trouble or calamity can be expected, by whom, whom, why and when. This may bring out many alternatives, creating confusion rather than than information. Even though many astrologers have started probing sincerely in this field, it may not be possible to predict accurately, the events in the near future. Astrologically, the countries, towns, towns, have been roughly assigned various various signs. With this the astrologer is able to roughly indicate the probable places which will get  7

T. Manohar Rao affected due to the planetary configuration, during a certain certain time, or period. Hence, if only when every locality is allotted a particular position/sign in the zodiac, can one easily predict with confidence. So, it is necessary to complete this branch by systematic and methodical research. 3. Natal Astrology: Natal astrology, is concerned mainly with the life of human beings. A chart made out  for the time and place of birth, is read out for all the characteristics, and events in the life of the native -- i.e. character, temperament, health, marriage, profession, longevity, finance, etc. It can also indicate the the actual time of the occurrence of any specific event. The principles governing governing such events, will be dealt with in in detail, later. 4. Horary Astrology: Generally, this branch of science is resorted to mainly to those who have no horoscope, or who doubt doubt the correctness of them. This branch of the science can never assure all questions, and clear all doubts. Even when one is is confident about  one’s predictions, Horary astrology astrology can be used as a first safe method. This science takes into account the time of query by the inquirer, and thus establishes the correct  time for the astrologer to consider it as the birth of a question, and proceed with the casting of horoscope for the time of judgement, and predict accordingly. (Further details will be dealt with later.) 5. Election Astrology (Muhurtha): This branch indicates the most auspicious time for any new ventures, for marriages, upanayansms (thread ceremony), construction and house warming, education, religious and social functions, joining of duty, purchase of vehicles, vehicles, etc. In our country, this is the most important information sought for, by all classes of people. 6. Kabala Astrology: Many nations of antiquity, made use of letters of their alphabets as substitutes for any independent signs, to typify typify numerical conception. Ancient records show that  8

T. Manohar Rao Greeks used their numbers almost exclusively exclusively for everyday purposes. The Jewish Rabbis discovered so much of interest and importance behind the superficial values of numbers and words as their representatives, that they developed a complete science of numerical conception, apart from mathematics, and this took the name of  Kabbalah or Cabala. By associating the ancient doctrine of numbers, with the letters of alphabets, planets, stars and zodiac signs and astronomical terms, a form of  divinity was practised, by which the professors attempted to foretell the future. This science became an means of handing down, from one generation to another. This became a secret and was veiled by only mystery, to be approached through religion. 7. Kerala Astrology: This branch of science, deals with prediction, by looking into the face of the inquirer, or asking him to mention the name of a flower. 8. Omens (Sakuna): Sakuna or omen, is defined as a symbol of indication, which forecasts results of the query whether successful or not.

It is a common day observation, that people

refrain from proceeding with an action, if they meet or face something deemed to be an ill omen. The omens do not create create the effects, but are only indicators of what what is likely to occur, as a result result of that person’s karmic effects. Varahamira has dealt with with this fully, in his Brihat Samhita, Samhita, and any intelligent person, by referring to this, can note the result directly. The omens are to be understood understood according to the direction of the noises, movements, genders and other characteristics of animals, birds -- i.e. objects or creatures living in towns, forests, in watery regions, or flying in the air. As an example, the call of lizards, lizards falling on different limbs of the body, howling of jackals, seeing a single Brahmin, a widow, widow, fire, etc. These are verified, verified, and the nature of the effect is found. found. The action is taken after sometime, taking care to avoid the objects known to be evil omens. Astrology is divided into three sections, namely:


T. Manohar Rao 

Ganita skandam.

Jataka skandam.

Sakha skandam.

The first deals with the modus operendi of the movement of the planets, and it is therefore concerned with with computation and calculation. The second deals deals with the position of the planets at the time of birth and is called the Science of Horoscopy -- it  helps to determine the appropriate time, i.e., Muhurtha for travel, marriage or any auspicious function. The third section helps to answer any query, i.e. prashna prashna sastra. An astrologer must be proficient in all these three three sections of astrology.

Qualifications to learn Astrology: The students of astrology, have to acquire knowledge of astronomy, and be good in elementary mathematics to make precise calculations. They should be capable of preparing the horoscopes accurately using the drik  panchangas, or modern ephemeries, have thorough knowledge of astrology, and be upto date in the latest trend in research, study or thinking of modern, renowned astrologers or institutions. They must develop thinking and analysing capacity, besides applying blindly the bookish knowledge, knowledge, and must arrange arrange study circles, seminars, etc.

to keep

themselves posted with various new developments. It will be better if they compile the horoscopes dealt with them, get the feed back, note the results, and further use or develop methods to get fairly accurate predictions. p redictions. A good astrologer must always be content, not hate anyone, be learned in mathematical methods and election, well balanced in mind, calm and unperturbed, have a pleasing tongue, know to predict well, should have conquered his senses, partake in prayers and rituals regularly, be well versed in various principles of  mathematical methods in astrology, be a man of intuition and of mantra. Mere mathematical methods in astrology, are not sufficient to make one a successful astrologer. 10

T. Manohar Rao System of Astrology: Astrology as practised in India, based on Fixed Zodiac, is known as Nirayana System, while Movable Zodiac as adopted in the West, is known known as Sayana System. The western astrologers have calculated the movement of the first part of the signs of  Aries, till date, while the Indians have maintained the same zero degrees of Aries, as their reference point. The difference difference between these, is known as Ayyannamsa. This helps to convert Sayana to Nirayana and vice versa. --o0o--


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