Two Words Women Love To Hear - Chateau Heartiste

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T he he S ix ix te te en en C om om ma ma nd nd me me nt nt s O f Po on on

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d ow ow nl nl oa oa d . zi zi p

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A lp lp ha ha As As se se ss ss me me nt nt S ub ub mi mi ss ss io io ns ns


D a t in in g Ma Ma r k et Va l u e Tes t Fo Fo r Men Men A bo bo ut


« Sexual Ex Experience Is Is Ov Overrat ed ed



The Un Unbearabl e Trit en eness Of Of Ha Hating »

Two Words Women Love To Hear May 26, 2010 by CH Copyright © 2014. Chateau Heartiste. All rights reserved.

I was speaking with a woman of considerable considera ble savviness in savviness in matters of male-female socializing. I wanted to know how to deal with a situation that required tip-toeing the line between candor and deceit. This is the advice she gave me.

Comments are a lunchroom food fight and do not necessarily represent the

ME: So this girl that I think is cute asks me if the girl she saw me with is my

opinions of Chateau Heartiste

girlfriend. I don’t want to say yes and risk blowing my chances out of the water. I

proprietors or contributors.

don’t want to say no, either, either, because I know women are more attracted to men when those men are getting love from other women. And a “no” would have been a lie, anyhow. So I was thinking about saying something close to the truth that also leaves the door open for continued flirting and possible future hooking up.

P About

Something along the along the lines of, “Well, we’re w e’re going through a rough patch now. Hard

Alpha Assessment

to say how it will turn out. turn  out. We’re discussing discussing a trial separation.” 


GIRL BUDDY: Ugh, no. ME: Why? GIRL BUDDY: BUDDY: Too much explaining. By the time you’re finished with that I’m thinking “Wow, sorry I asked!”  ME: You got something better? GIRL BUDDY: Just say, “It’s complicated.”  ME: “It’s complicated.” And that’s it? GIRL BUDDY: BUDDY: That’s all you need. When a girl hears “it’s complicated”, she gets inside her head guessing about what you mean. That’s the place you want her to be if you want a shot with her.

Beta Of The Year Contest Submissions Dating Market Value Test For Men Dating Market Value Test For Women The Sixteen Commandments Of Poon

T U RT @AIIAmericanGirI @AIIAmericanGirI::



Who Work Full-Time Earn Less Than 40 Years Ago

ME: What if she follows up by asking me what I mean?…

GIRL BUDDY: She won’t. Most girls understand that “it’s complicated” is code for

#WIunion  8 hours ago #WIunion

 “don’t ask me any more questions about it”. it”. And you know girls love love mystery, mystery, so they’re not going to ruin a good mystery by trying to solve it.

RT @ChuckGLP @ChuckGLP:: White


Privilege Conference Group That Listed ‘Pitfalls Of Working With White People’ Received

So there you go gentlemen. “It’s complicated.” Commit it to memory and deploy

DOJ Grants

liberally. With some field practice, I’ve discovered that “it’s complicated” can serve as a useful stand-in for all sorts of scenarios you may find yourself in with a girl.…

It’s a go-to answer for all kinds of questions, not just the ones pertaining to your relationship status.

RT @Mangan150 @Mangan150:: Revolutions

8 hours ago

occur when the system

GIRL: So are you dating anyone right now?

prevents the most talented

YOU: It’s complicated.

people in a society from



GIRL: Just how many girls have you been with?

reaching the status they feel entitled… 13 hours ago

YOU: It’s complicated.

@aviolentmist aviolentmist @  @Mangan150 Mangan150


Or, poors eat lots of sugar,

GIRL: What are you looking for? for?

lots of vegetable oil & trans fat, & not much good fat or

YOU: It’s complicated.

natural foods. Veggies? lol.


14 hours ago

GIRL: Will you buy me a drink?

@aviolentmist aviolentmist @  @Mangan150 Mangan150 If   If  you want to know what poors

YOU: It’s complicated.

eat, stand in line behind them


at the supermarket. Soda,

GIRL: You’re not going to try to stick it in my ass tonight, are you?

chips. frozen fried food. 14 hours ago

YOU: It’s complicated.

Inbreeding is associated with

GIRL: *swoon*

lower 2D:4D digit ratios. Veeery eenterestink. 15 hours ago

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R C oral c ummings on How


Women Undermine

One blogger likes this.

Other… matt on matt  on Comment Of  The Week: Hurts So…


Boring Women

Arbiter on Comment Of 

Stray Thoughts On

Thinking Like A

The Week: Deere…

The Nature Of The Game


haunted trilobite on How Women Undermine Other… Glengarry on How Women Undermine Other…

Posted in Game Game,, Girls Girls |  | 173 Comments

PA on How Women Undermine Other…

173 Responses Willy Wonka

 john on  john  on Comment Of  The Week: Ground To…

on May 26, 2010 at 12:03 pm

FamilyMan on How


Women Undermine

I particularly like the last two….

Other… newlyaloof  on  on Moments

 “GIRL: Will you buy me a drink?

Of Alpha

YOU: It’s complicated.

FamilyMan on How


Women Undermine Other…

GIRL: You’re not going to try to stick it in my ass tonight, are you? YOU: It’s complicated.

T P

GIRL: *swoon*” 

How Women Undermine Other

I need to add this to repertoire/arsenal immediately. It’s a lot better than my normal answer…. answer…. looking at her c razy and saying “don’t as k me that.” Lol.

Women How To Get A Girl To Send Nudes Of Herself  Moments Of Alpha


on May 26, 2010 at 12:11 pm

Great advice. It is so effective because it is both mysterious, while also containing a slight neg. It tells the girl that there is a story there, and she isn’t yet entitled to that information.

The Problem With Sex Surveys The Sixteen Commandments Of Poon Orca's Razor Women's Worst Enemies Are


on May 26, 2010 at 12:12 pm

Other Women Men Can't Be Friends With

Its complicated is straight from Facebook… you can put it under your relationship status. If a girl has it on her profile she’s a skank. But for a

(Attractive) Women: The Science

Guy he’s interesting.

Comment Of The Week: Deere John The Misery Of The

The Specimen

on May 26, 2010 at 12:13 pm



True dat.

C Select Category

Advocatus Diaboli

on May 26, 2010 at 12:15 pm

I discovered this by accident in my mid 20s.. Until that time, I used to

C People of Walmart


PostSecret Stuff White People Like


on May 26, 2010 at 12:16 pm


The Daily Sarge Things My Boyfriend Says xkcd

i once read this “guide to manliness” book and the best responses to nearly every question were:  “Says you.”  you.” 

G 60 Years of Challenge


Alpha Game Cajun

 “What’s it to you?” 

Krauser PUA


Rational Male

You just drove over my toddler!!!

Roosh V

A. What’s it to you?

Tenmagnet The G Manifesto The Rookie

the dude

on May 26, 2010 at 12:18 pm

GIRL: You want to see me making out with another girl, a threesome?

Treatise of Love VKs empire of dirt

YOU: It’s complicated

S  S Doug1

on May 26, 2010 at 12:24 pm

Alternative Right AmRen

Girls have been using “it’s complicated” on guys forever

Anonymous Conservative Arts & Letters Daily Education Realist

Virgle Kent

on May 26, 2010 at 12:25 pm

Evo and Proud

But if a girl tries to use that on you, reply by telling her this isn’t a

Gene Expression

fucking Facebook relationship update.

Hail To You hbd chick Human Biological Diversity


on May 26, 2010 at 12:27 pm

Information Processing Lion of the Blogosphere

Hahaha virgie…. owned

Mangans Miscellany OneSTDV Page For Men

Stud Dynamite

on May 26, 2010 at 12:28 pm

Haha, yes, this. Along with another classic, “I understand”.

Parapundit Steve Sailer The Kakistocracy The Red Pill Review

Carl Sagan

on May 26, 2010 at 12:28 pm

lol @ Virgle.

The Spearhead Unqualified Reservations Vox Popoli West Hunter

Ya, this is an old line that the females like to use.

Whiskey's Place

Still useful for dudes, though.


on May 26, 2010 at 12:31 pm

But, Virgie, what if you just used its complicated on her, and then later on:

T H  M H Alias Clio Dusk in Autumn Elysium Revisited

You: lets drink some wine and watch a movie.

Feminine Beauty

Her: I can’t. Its complicated.

Gucci Little Piggy Hawaiian Libertarian Hyperbole and a Half 


on May 26, 2010 at 12:38 pm

In Mala Fide

More and more all the time:

Jack Goes Forth Overcoming Bias

The Fourth Checkraise The Rawness Udolpho

Frisky Business

on May 26, 2010 at 12:38 pm


I don’t know. Maybe picking some lint off her shoulder while assuring her that she’s “really cute” might work better? It just doesn’t seem very alpha to me to say “It’s complicated”. I could never picture Dirty Harry saying that to a chick. Maybe even saying “A man’s gotta have options” might be better yet. But I don’t know, I’m still learning.

Riff Dog

on May 26, 2010 at 12:43 pm

I have a lot of important thoughts on this post, but . . . it’s complicated.


on May 26, 2010 at 12:48 pm

The response suggested is absolutely and utterly correct. Quite apart from the bait of mystery, so important in an era when most people tell others their entire life stories on first meeting, it allows her plausible deniability so that she doesn’t have to face up to the obvious fact that you are in another relationship. PS: I thought women could never be believed when it came to relationship advice? Presumably Smart Woman is the exception that proves the rule. Heh. PPS: Any chance of persuading Smart Woman to start her own blog?


on May 26, 2010 at 12:51 pm

I can easily imagine Dirty Harry using this line. I need to start doing this ASAP.


on May 26, 2010 at 12:53 pm

I can’t believe most guys don’t know this. The real beauty of this is that it cranks a woman’s rationalization hamster wheel into overdrive. There isn’t a woman alive who doesn’t know, on some level, that when a guy says “it’s complicated” when asked about being attached, that he is well and truly attached . It’s just that by answering in this way, you give the girl  just enough mental space in which to contort and rationalize rationalize away what she almost certainly knows to be true. Which is why Game isn’t really about preying upon naive women or fooling the unawares, so much as it is about giving women a reason to do what they want really want to—the fallout be damned. And most women will take the bait if your Game is tight.


on May 26, 2010 at 12:59 pm

Not that anyone reading this blog would care about her relationship status. But if it came up… Her: It’s complicated. Him: Nice, just like on facebook! What are your interests and activities? Interrupt her answer if she takes this seriously.


on May 26, 2010 at 1:03 pm

What “it’s complicated” communicates to her is that: i) yes, you do have some sort of unclarified sexual relationship with the girls she pointed out; but ii) that doesn’t mean she might not win you and no she shouldn’t stop trying; and iii) more details are none of her business just now. I think Rita Hayworth used it in Gilda released just after WWII, to give you an idea of its antiquity as used by hot women.


Girl: Did you fuck my friend last night? You: It’s complicated.

on May 26, 2010 at 1:05 pm



on May 26, 2010 at 1:05 pm

* with the girl she pointed out


on May 26, 2010 at 1:10 pm

Perfection. I 100% agree with her. As much as I hate to see cheating because I know somebody’s gonna get crushed, the “it’s complicated”  takes care of all the messiness. Poaching off land owned by another usually ends badly though…for all involved. Except maybe the author, he’ll walk away unscathed somehow, the bastard.


on May 26, 2010 at 1:13 pm

Doug “Girls have been using “it’s complicated” on guys forever”  –so true. I think we invented it actually. hee, hee.


on May 26, 2010 at 1:14 pm

Girl: Are u only after sex? Man: Its complicated — Girl: Do u think my friend is better looking than me? Man: Its complicated To some cases it just doesnt fi t..

The Rookie

on May 26, 2010 at 1:20 pm

My question is how to deal with girls who keep probing. Just keep saying  “it’s complicated?” Switch the subject? Call them a dork for being so nosy? Any ideas? I know each girl is different but there’s gotta be some that work most often.


on May 26, 2010 at 1:23 pm

This is perfect for the situation I’m facing. Girl: Why aren’t you and XXXX talking to each other anymore, she seems to be ignoring you. Me: It’s complicated… Perfect. xxxxx GIrl: Your marriage only lasted two years? What happened? Me: It’s complicated. xxxxxx Girl: Why are you ignoring me lately? You haven’t called and don’t come by to say hi anymore Me: Huh? Ahhhh…you miss me….sweet.  “It’s complicated” would sound beta and idiotic in that situation. Works in cases where the situation is a sticky relationship question that defies an easy explanation.

Willy Wonka

on May 26, 2010 at 1:24 pm

@The Rookie, I’d say switch the subject. Let her know that’s all you are going to say about it and leave it at that.



on May 26, 2010 at 1:24 pm

GIRL: DO YOU LIKE THE FINAL MOVEMENT OF BEETHOVEN’S 5TH? ME: IT’S NOT THAT COMPLICATED. COMPLICATED. YO. LZozlzlzozlzozlzllzlzllzlzlz you said movement lzozlzozlzll Chekc it now trump soul brother:

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The Truth

on May 26, 2010 at 1:46 pm

Where is this relationship going? it’s complicated do we have a future? its complicated. Why can’t men commit? It’s complicated.


on May 26, 2010 at 1:47 pm

GIRL: Do you think I’m a 9? ME: It’s complicated. Let me do the math for you. lzozllz 010/05/26/most-chix-who-r-3s-thinko-r-3s-thinkthey-are-9s-because-now-and-then-an-alpha-gets-drunk-and-bored-and-bangsthe-shit-out-of-them-lzozllzlzlzlzlzlzl/ this is going on the back cover of my upcoming book:  “ozzllzlzlzlzlzl! most 3s think they are 9s because now and then an alpha gets drunk and bored and bangs the shit out of them lzozllzlzlzlzlzlzl she sounds like a 2 who got banged by 7 drunk alphas so she reasons that 2 + 7 = 9.” –bestsest quotas ever from da r!! lozllzozlzzl then later on they think they are 9s because they count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cats 9 cats! i’m still a 9! from banging 9 douchebags in college who got my prima noctae youngest hottest tightest years for free as commanded by bernanke to 9 cats lzozlzlzlzlzlz which leaves me more time to market subprime loans for teh fed while wearing short sexy skirts to douchebag mba conventions headed by timothy geitner who distriubutes the fiat cash to the hottest a ss lolzlzlz which is why berannke must keep all teh operations of the fed a secret zlzozlzlzl as the american peopel would be pissed to see how much cash i was getting in my short skirts zlozlz. kids, families, and husbands are silly antiquated ideas and bernanke has liberated me from this all with fiat dollars and debt as they bankrupt the wolrd and liberate us


with secretive tapings of butthex like tucker max does and gets pumped and hyped in teh neocon weekly standard butthexed secretly taped without my conthent lolzlzlzlz i’m a nine! buthexed 9 times makes me a nine! lzozllzlz

Backdoor Man

on May 26, 2010 at 1:51 pm

You should try “I don’t know.”  Is that your girlfriend?  “I don’t know.”  know.”  Are you married?  “I don’t know.”  know.”  Do you like me?  “I don’t know.”  know.”  When girls have found out that I’m married, I tell them my marriage is  “unconventional.” When they ask what that means, I just repeat that it is  “unconventional.”  “unconventional.”” It works.  “unconventional.


on May 26, 2010 at 1:53 pm

Bad scenes of Game from the movies:

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on May 26, 2010 at 2:11 pm

The Truth– Why can’t men commit? It’s complicated.

That might be good at the beginning. Probably is. After awhile though a better a better one is:  “You mean why why WON’T men commit. How about starting with divorce 2.0? Marriage is now a very hazardous one way commitment to wives. Divorce happens in 50% of first American marriages, with women filing for them 2.5 times as often as men. Where a cheating husband is greatly punished by and in divorce, but a cheating wife still gets to kick her husband out of the house rather than the reverse, and keep it together with more than half of his net worth, keep the children and only let her ex husband see them when she feels like it in actual unenforced fact, and receive stealth alimony mixed in with child support since so called “child support”  was greatly jacked up by feminists in the early 90s (under the slogan “dead beat dads”).


What do you do for a living?

on May 26, 2010 at 2:22 pm


This and that. What did you do today? This and that. Where did you go today? Here and there. Really,, what do for a living? Really Does it matter? Really,, what did you do today? Really Does it matter? Really,, where did you go today? Really Does it matter? Come on now, what do you do for a living? I design no. 2 pencils. Come on now, what did you do today? I got a pedicure, wanna see? Come on now, where did you go today? To get a pedicure, wanna see?


on May 26, 2010 at 2:24 pm

Its the theme that counts.  “Its a long story”   “We never discussed it”   “Its hard to say”   “I am not sure what you call it”   “I never thought about it”   “People ask me about her and this other girl”   “Yes and no”   “Let me think” *shrug shoulders*


on May 26, 2010 at 2:28 pm

what the fuck? How’s agreeing with the post a bad comment?? I’ don’t use the phrase myself but I admit that guys may benefit from using it. It has been noted that woman have been using it when they were involved in something a little hard to define. It’s in a lot of old school movies, or the equivalent of it at least. Gee wiz people…you make no sense!

Backdoor Man

on May 26, 2010 at 2:28 pm

Chi-town says it best. It’s about the tone, the vagueness, the mystery. Even with mundane shit, like where I had lunch, I sometimes give these responses to my wife, just for the hell of it.


on May 26, 2010 at 2:29 pm

Excellent piece of advice…. says it all while saying very little.


on May 26, 2010 at 2:37 pm

Anouk, the ratings are just another psychological experiment, and have to be enjoyed or endured on those terms. I’m fully expecting a -12 myself for this comment.

Southern Man

on May 26, 2010 at 2:39 pm

A few random comments: I see this as an application of a more general game principle: rarely answer questions directly.


V said “But if a girl tries to use that on you, reply by telling her this isn’t a fucking Facebook relationship update.” update.” Absolutely. If this isn’t a Maxim, it ought to be: the rules that apply to us are not  the  the rules that apply to you. Yes, we can say “it’s complicated” but we’ll neg you if you do. I like Wtcantfw’s response (“OK, Facebook girl, what are your interests and activities?” and then interrupt her if  she’s serious) – a great combination of neg and feigned interest. Clint Eastwood doesn’t ever need to say this line. Or any other line. Just a steelyeyed squint is all it takes. The comment rating system has produced some…er, some…er, suprising results. It’s also murder on page load time.


on May 26, 2010 at 2:40 pm

what the fuck? How’s agreeing with the post a bad comment?? – Because they don’t like you. I think it’s complicated is a good response. It’s a good test for the girl. If she’s really into you she’ll rationalize it away and has an average to below average sense of self preservation she’ll accept that a s a good answer., answer., if she’s not she’ll ask more questions/leave.

Joe Torre

on May 26, 2010 at 2:44 pm

by coincidence,I just saw the movie “Its Complicated” last night. its the meryl Streep/Steve Martin/Alex Baldwin movie re the ex-wife who starts re-banging Baldwin,an alpha,while leading on the smart/funny beta Martin. It was formulaic but just OK;how exicted can u get about Meryl Streep?? It was written by a woman and it was funny to see the alpha/beta dyad put out there so starkly. In the end she decides…its complicated. (Bangs Alec while  “dating” Martin.)


on May 26, 2010 at 2:55 pm

walawala xxxxx GIrl: Your marriage only lasted two years? What happened? Me: It’s complicated. xxxxxx Not bad, but the last time a woman asked me this (yes – 2 years, really), I made the mistake of replying when she was in the process of drinking;  “She turned into her Mother”  I got hit by the spray… Can I have a ruling; was this an Alpha reply? I’m sorry I got married to an infernal ingenue (sic), I: 1) want to thank R deeply for identifying her type 2) swear it’ll never happen again Great site, great insight – thanks

Rollo Tomassi

on May 26, 2010 at 2:59 pm

 “And you know know girls love mystery, mystery, so they’re not going to ruin a good mystery by trying to solve it.” 

This is the take-home message. A woman’s imagination is the single most useful tool in your Game arsenal. Every technique, every casual response, every gesture, intimation and subcommunication hinges on stimulating her imagination. Competition anxiety relies on it. DHV relies on it. Sexual tension (gina tingles) relies on it. This is the single greatest failing of average frustrated chumps; they vomit out everything about themselves, divulging the full truth of themselves to women in the mistaken belief that women desire that truth as a basis for qualifying for their intimacy. Learn this now: Women NEVER want full disclosure. Nothing is more


self-satisfying for a woman than to think she’s figured a Man out based solely on her feminine intuition (i.e. imagination). When a man overtly confirms his character, character, his story, his value, etc. for a woman, the mystery is dispelled and the bio-chemical rush she enjoyed from her imaginings, her suspicions, her self-confirmations about you are GONE. AFCs classically do exactly this on the first date and wonder why they get LJBF’d promptly after it – this is why. Familiarity is anti-seductive. Nothing kills Game, lust and libido like comfortable familiarity. Despite their common bleating filibuster tactics, women don’t want to be comfortable with a potential sex partner partner,, they need their imaginations stoked to be excited, aroused and anxious to want sex with a potential partner.


on May 26, 2010 at 3:24 pm

VK’s comment for the win.


on May 26, 2010 at 3:32 pm

Who is this female confidante that gives you advice on game? She got a blog?

Sg.t Joe Friday

on May 26, 2010 at 3:35 pm

A couple more for the repetoire: - “Yeah. So?”  Example: Her: “Are you married?”  You: “Yeah. So?”  - “Oh geez. Here we go again.”  Example: Her: “How come you got divorced from your first wife?”  You: “Oh geez. Here we go again.” 

lazy guy

on May 26, 2010 at 3:36 pm

@ Rollo Tomassi — BRAVO. Your essay on the role of non-disclosure and womens’ imagination is great stuff. Thank you!


on May 26, 2010 at 3:40 pm

why da federal resevre funds feminsims lzzlzllzlzlzlzzl teh federal resevre is the total feminsts, funding the assfucking of the unsuspecting poelez land secretive tapings of butthex like tucker max which rhymes iwth golldman sachs zlozlzlzlzlz the fed says its purpose is to avoid bubbles while it CREATES buibbles lzolzlzlzlzllzlz 97% of the value of an MBA comes from its license thet license it gives a aoduchebag to convert buzzwords, hype, and lies ainto phsyical property and assets via the ocnscious inflation and deflation of bubbles lzozlzllzlzl as the debtbased fiat dollar is worth nothing but negaitive and the fiat masters must hype and lie hype and lie inflate bubbles and tehn defalte them and get bailed out 2 transfer massivemassive masisve amounts of welath to themselevs in teh form of  phsycial property and homes lzozllzlzlzlz think about it teh inflated mortgage for the homes was created form thin air and it was infalted beyond nbelief in a bubble created by bernanke and then they pop the bubble and the home is underwater as hwile the ome value bubble plummets the great thing about ebernanke is taht he made dman sure the debt woudl augment in teh fine print lzozllzlzlzl and so the poor man loses tens of thousands of dollars years of savings labor and then the fed gets his home too for meerley playing little bubble inflation deflation games on computers backed by a feminsit police force to sezie teh home and resell it in the next bubble lozlzl was rinse repeat zlzolzzl womenz never graps the abstarct concepts here buyt just nod nod nod ndondd zlzozllzlzlzl and go gimme hgimme


gimme which is why the dfed loves syocphantic womenz and funds them in tehir fmeisnt studies to killee the epic soul and great bosoks skzlzlzlz the fed says its purpose is to control inflation while it CREATES inflation lzolzlzlzlzllzlz feminsit womenz say their purpose is 2 help morality and help chidlren and help society while they publish and promote secrteive tapings of butthex and drug the childrens up and dumb them down lzozlzlzl the fed says its purpose is to control inflation while it CREATES inflation lzolzlzlzlzllzlz womenz say they want nice nice guys and sensitive guys to listen to them and they long for relationships and not just one night stands and then nigt after night they go out hunting for one night stands with vampire butthexer monsters undead blodsucking secretive tapers of anal butthhex tucker max lzoxlxlxoxlxlxlx the fed says it must remian i ndependent so dat politicains do not interefer with keeping interest rates too low and definitic spending and then bernanke and greenspan keep iinterest rates too low and deficit spend as they bail out teh government goldman sachs is the government when it gets balied out as paulosn and geitner and wevery0one at the treaudrey worked for goldman sachs which rhymes with tucker max lsoslslslsl womenz say they want to educate dteh childruns and need more funding for shcihldren educatioon and tehn they tell teh girls to follow tehir vagina tingles after undead butthexing vampire monsters bloooduscking butthexing secretive tapers of butthex lsoslsllslslslsl and they criminialize little boys asking toomany questioons and drug them up on teh neocon ritaln adderol which enriched s the necon drug cartels and better dumbs down the boys and men who will stay in tehir single mom’s basements masging buttons and never reading teh constitution lzozlzlzlzl where it staest that the congeress alone ashall coing teh money not bernanke’s private banking cartely tempting and taking butthexing the nation and common with vast debt lzozllzlz riupping apart teh fmaily and slitting up little girls womenz love the fed and bigger government jsut as they love douchebag butthexing secretive tapers of butthex nmen who promise them everything and buy them shiny things iwth other men’s money and future earnings and then they love teh governmet 4 buttheixng them butthex them as the government always ends up assfucking all those thye claim to want 2 help loslsllslsolzozlzlzlzlz


on May 26, 2010 at 3:50 pm

I’m gonna start using “butthex” in my writing. God damn viral memes!


on May 26, 2010 at 4:02 pm

trending topic on twitter: butthex


on May 26, 2010 at 4:06 pm

It’s complicated means you are preselected but not seriously committed. That means she thinks you are hotter, hotter, since someone else likes you, but that she can steal you away. The best of both worlds.


on May 26, 2010 at 4:09 pm

trending topics on twitter: butthex neocon secrteive tapings of butthex without the girlths consthent fed controlling inflation = fed CAUSING inflation lzolzl fed controlling bubbles = fed CAUSING bubbles lzozllz fed working for the people = fed bailing out goldman sachs lzozl fed supporting capitalism = fed bankrupting nation lzozllz the fed is to capitalism what tucker maxth (rhymes with gldman sax) is to teh missionary positin lzozllzlz it’s just like teh missionary position on your back but you gotta bend over and instead of penetrating ur vagainal region the cock will be enertering your anuth lloslzlzllzl and the weekly standrard will repeat tucker’s lies taht he is six foot tall an dthat he is succesthful even though his film lost over 10,000,000 of its 12,000,000 budget lozlzlzllz but that is a success to bernanke and geithener and tucker max which rhyems with goldman sax and simon and


shcuster editor in a chief is a womean who is publishing tucker’s max’s next book at hey ny neconcon publishing home and she will place it ona ll the front tabels to further teh decline and welath transfer ot teh e neocns who conquered a ocuntry by desouling its womenz lozlzlzl with secrtive tapings of butthex and teahicng them 2 lust and tingle after bloodsucking vampire cockckckckckaaa and to create debt and debacuhery and butthex the world and assfuck the ocmmon man while atping it without tehir conthent for enetertainment and ny publishin house profits who peddle the stories about secretive butthex glories lxzozllzlzllzl


on May 26, 2010 at 4:15 pm

Is “butthex” a way to avoid a spam filter that might be triggered by using s instead of h, or is it supposed to pronounced but-thex as Bawney Fwank might say it?

Master Dogen

on May 26, 2010 at 4:18 pm

 “GIRL: You’re You’re not going to try to stick it in my ass tonight, are you? you? YOU: It’s c omplicated.”  I lolled.


on May 26, 2010 at 4:20 pm

CONGRESS WOMAN: Can you tell us where the trillions of taxpayer dollars went? BEN BERNANKE: It’s complicated. CONGRESS WOMAN: OMG my gina just tingled lzozllzlzllzlzzllzlz don’t worry u can tell me later lzolzlzlzlzlzlllzlzlz


on May 26, 2010 at 4:20 pm

ME: What if she follows up by asking me what I mean? SMART GIRL: She won’t. Most girls understand that “it’s complicated” is code for “don’t ask me any more questions about it”. And you know girls love mystery,, so they’re not going to ruin a good mystery by trying to solve i t. mystery ————————————– Ooooh yes she will follow up by asking you what you mean!  “It’s complicated” is a pretty good answer if it came from someone I didn’t care to know too much about, but if I’ve been flirting with the dude then detective me me me would come out full force! “It’s complicated” is way too fishy.


on May 26, 2010 at 4:33 pm

A female friend who gives advice on how to cheat on your girlfriend? One column from her would be more valuable than everything Men’s Health has ever produced.

Lord Byron

on May 26, 2010 at 4:39 pm

I once found myself in a situation much like the first. A girl I was into asked me, “are you and Lauren dating?” Like a lesser beta, I answered  “lozlozlolzozl noes!1!!1 She don’t don’t take fiat dollars and I aint got the Krugerrands to hang and bang.” It wasn’t until much later when I learned about the value pre-selection that I resolved that I should have told the other girl  “Lauren and I have a good time together.” and left it (and her mind to wonder) at that. It was ever later still that I realized I should have moved on Lauren, and regret it still to this day. She was an achingly feminine 6 foot tall French-speaking harp player who dreamed of performing all over the mainland and no doubt getting hollowed out by smelly, uncircumcised European men as commanded by Jean-Claude Trichet.


on May 26, 2010 at 4:44 pm


Change the topic?

Lord Byron

on May 26, 2010 at 4:46 pm

I should add, thanks to this website, missed opportunities for butthex are fewer and farer between these days. Add my name to the list of  interested buyers if “Predator Sluts” ever comes to fruition.


on May 26, 2010 at 4:51 pm

hey next time u make some ms paint masterpiece cartoons you gotta paint this one: CONGRESS WOMAN: Can you tell us where the trillions of taxpayer dollars went? BEN BERNANKE: It’s complicated. CONGRESS WOMAN: OMG my gina just tingled lzozllzlzllzlzzllzlz don’t worry u can tell me later lzolzlzlzlzlzlllzlzlz paint it next to this one GIRL: Are you gonns secretely tape this butthex without my conthent? GUY:: It’s complicated. GUY GIRL: LZOZLZLZL! harder depper fatser harder can u say balls deep lzozlzlz yha yahayayah ayahahha yah!!!!? lolzl


on May 26, 2010 at 5:05 pm

I agree with Rollo about a woman’s imagination & the need to avoid full disclosure of everything about oneself, this is a brilliant insight, it links in with the fact that (a lot of ) women like to be kept on our toes &  entertained, a bit of mystery keeps our brains exercised, there is so much enjoyable opportunity for speculation and fantasy. There is nothing more entertaining than a mystery and although complete and utter familiarity is not always boring for all women, it is for a lot of us. We like to feel that there are more doors to be opened, it is terrible to feel we know absolutely everything about somebody we are in a relationship with, what is there left to discover? I think the principle of avoiding full disclosure could p robably apply to women to some extent as well, the current trend is for confessional relationships where everyone knows everything about the other. For guys who like the thrill of the chase (which I suspect is most guys) what is there left when they know everything about the woman? Some distance has to be maintained. The only thing I would say is that some people go to the extreme and create such an impenetrable miasma around themselves, that the other party to the relationship may get fed up at some point, it is a question of degree. Also, depending on the woman (or man), it may be important to ensure that lack of disclosure does not raise major trust issues. It is really a question of balance.


on May 26, 2010 at 5:12 pm

two words neoconz womenz luvs 2 hear: butt thex lzozllzlzlz!


on May 26, 2010 at 5:39 pm

 “I know women are more attracted attracted to men when those men are getting love from other women.”  So true. Another way of saying it: What most women want is something another woman has or another woman wants.



on May 26, 2010 at 5:41 pm

@GBFM: metamessage re: chick in video: what you know about her immediately – she’s lazy and willing to trade on her looks and willingness to rear present in a shameful manner just so she never has to get her hands dirty. I gotta work, you gotta work, and she doesn’t, just because she’s currently good looking? That is why guys should have a union about chicks like this. Someone has to say to her “make me a sammich now, dammit” and make it stick.

The Sarlacc

on May 26, 2010 at 5:53 pm

Food: “Why do you eat people?”  Me: “It’s complicated. Come here.”  Nom nom nom. Hmmm, I think I like the possibilities, I shall put it to the test, if the food manages to understand actual language that is.


on May 26, 2010 at 6:02 pm

dave dude she is hot and pretty women are ebuatiful she is sharing her beuaty fwith teh da world for free do not confuse her beauty with the neocon butthexing womenz asshatters anal raping men in divorce c ourts lzozlzlzlzllz


on May 26, 2010 at 6:13 pm

@GBFM: I’m pretty sure I captured her character – if she’s concerned about saving her best for her husband she wouldn’t be waving her ass in the air saying stick it here – trading on looks now = seeking compensation for past use of voo voo later


on May 26, 2010 at 6:23 pm on the glory of austrian eocnomics & the difference betwenn austrian eocnomics and keynsia ecnomics lzozllzll!! austrian economics is all about triuth and beuaty and honor and turth and honor and doring the right ting and honor and integrity and the risk takers gettig teh rewards and shiznit zklzozllzlzl and li berty too. keynseian ecojnomics and bernankenomics is about transferringt all the risk to teh rowkr inverntore crerstor honest man soldier butthexing the common peopel who do al the phycial work and labor and infalting and deflating blubbles purposely to win firends in congress and take teh epoepl’s homes and force them back into teh work place after taking tehir 401k away and gambling it away lolzlzlzol and then getti9ng bailed out by the same taxpaying motherfucker whose 401k you just gambled away ensuring they will never retire while you get your lambrogini at 21 out of college and your mazeradi at 25 while they lose health benefits lzozlzlzl and bernankenomics lzozlzl trransfers all the welath to those who do nothing but cfreate debt and dfund secrteive tapings of butthex without the girl’s socnent which they promote the lies and exaggerate the height of the butthexers in tehir magainzes and wire him fiat cash adavcnes form their ny publishing hosues. autrian eoxnomics is about freedom and liberty for all and hard work and saving being rewarded. keynsian fiat master exonomics is about butthexers being rewarded and secrteive tapings of butthex without the girls conthent being held up as teh papragon of  mankind and reqrded nmost of all. lzozlzlzlzlzl austrian ecomincs is like that girl yhou know who is really quiet and sweet and she is really quiet and sweet and the constant butthexing attempts maker her nervous. and in real life hse is quiet and sweet and saving herself 4 a good man.


keynseian bernanke eocnomics is kliike the girl you know who seems really quiet and sweet but then one day u are walking by her dorm room andyou hear here yelling “AYAHAHAHYTAYH!! “AYAHAHAHYTAYH!! HARDER HARDER!! YOU MUST BE HITTING MY SPHYICNTER & MY CERVIX AT THE SAME TIME OR YOU ARE A BETAHERB LOOOOZER!!! YZAHAH AYAHAYAHAHAYAHA AYAHAYAHAHAYAHAY!!!” Y!!!” and then the next day at dinner in teh dorm over desert she looks all tired and confused with dark circles aournd her eyes (and bproabbly around her anus too lzozlzlzl) and wehn everyone is gone she turns to you softyly and says, “why are there no good men left?” lzozlzlzl i was gonna be an eocnomics professor but none of my professorss understoodd this bvasic difference between austrian eocnomics and keynsian bernaknomics when i wnet to them in office houirs and they called campus securiyy when i tried to expalin it with star wars figures–you know the important butthexing parts without whcih it’s hard to grasp i’ll admit–so i figured i was too cool for school and i saved me some mobneys (like hundreds of thosuands as the fed dunds student debt servitude ensuring stuident corpate emprisoment as well as support from all the faculty who benefit form massive student debt and plus with no school i wouldn’t be forced to take ritalin and adderol and fiund the neocon drugg companies lollolz) with which i bought me a new marhal amp and les paul and vaccumm tube amp and now i play the coffee shops and girls they let me giz on them when i sing da bernake blues zlozlzlz

the realist

on May 26, 2010 at 6:37 pm

girl: are you just going to sit there smoking weed banging me 14 times a day?? is that all you do?? Me: It’s complicated


on May 26, 2010 at 7:22 pm

This reminds me of the scene in Casablanca where the Gestapo are politely grilling Humphrey Bogart’s character. He spends the whole time giving this kind of non-answer, non-answer, with the pretty blatant “fuck you for asking” subtext.

Racer X

on May 26, 2010 at 7:40 pm

Sdaedalus: For guys who like the thrill of the chase (which I suspect is most guys) what is there left when they know everything about the woman? Some distance has to be maintained. Trust me, a pussy is a mysterious enough entrance that we never tire of opening over and over again. Can’t get bored with that. We tend to enjoy more than just one though.


on May 26, 2010 at 7:49 pm

 “girl: are you just going to sit there smoking weed banging me 14 times a day?? is that all you do?? Me: It’s complicated”  I think the proper answer here is “damn right” 


on May 26, 2010 at 7:52 pm

I think gbfm might be a persona created by Tupac Chopra. Think about it: 1) TC has been conspicuously absent lately, just as gbfm has been conspicuously present. 2) Both have extreme disdai n for “neocons”. 3) TC has a penchant for satire.


Gendeau walawala xxxxx

on May 26, 2010 at 7:58 pm


GIrl: Your marriage only lasted two years? What happened? Me: It’s complicated. xxxxxx Not bad, but the last time a woman asked me this (yes – 2 years, really), I made the mistake of replying when she was in the process of drinking;  “She turned into her Mother”  I got hit by the spray… Can I have a ruling; was this an Alpha reply?”  Gendeau…that’s hilarious. Alpha reply? Sounds like something from a sit com. Let’s go with this: Her: “She turned into her Mother?” Did you get along with the mother? You: “It’s complicated”… Bingo…


on May 26, 2010 at 7:58 pm

Gendeau xxxxx GIrl: Your marriage only lasted two years? What happened? Me: It’s complicated. xxxxxx Not bad, but the last time a woman asked me this (yes – 2 years, really), I made the mistake of replying when she was in the process of drinking;  “She turned into her Mother”  I got hit by the spray… Can I have a ruling; was this an Alpha reply?”  Gendeau…that’s hilarious. Alpha reply? Sounds like something from a sit com. Let’s go with this: Her: “She turned into her Mother?” Did you get along with the mother? You: “It’s complicated”… Bingo…

the realist

on May 26, 2010 at 8:03 pm

@ spandrell Haha nice one. Heres the problem. I already used the damn right line 3 times before she asked that question. Girl: “are we just getting stoned and fucking again tonight?”  Me: “damn right”  girl:”is that another jay you’re about to spark?”  me:”damn right”  Girl:”I’m sore, you want to have sex again??!”  me: “damn right”  So i try to spice things up, i don’t want to be a robot i need to stay mysterious. I try to give the impression that the relationship might just be going somewhere, like marriage or maybe even a date, you know just to let the possibilities fly around in her head.  “wouldn’t you like to know” and it’s brother brother response “you don’t want to know”  know”  are good ones. “it’s a long story” etc all have a similar effect to “it’s complicated” 



on May 26, 2010 at 8:06 pm


I’ve been using It’s Complicated for a few years. Also It’s Interesting, Why Is It Important, It’s Not Important, (no answer change subject), Why? (works a treat). It’s Complicated has the added benefit of usually being correct.


on May 26, 2010 at 8:09 pm

@Sniper (The other article disappeared. But I especially wanted you to hear this) That doesn’t sound like game. I don’t want my partner to treat me like he’s an asshole, neg me, or flirt with people in front of me. That wouldn’t make me happy  or feel satisfied within a relationship, and I doubt they are universal (inb4 “omg u r so weird!”).

Okay, you don’t want it. But your pussy would get wet for him. And who said anything about being satisfied in a relationship? I don’t recall having mentioned it. SAT != IQ. One measures academic ability in math and reading, the other  measures logic. IQ != talent, either. I could easily boast about a million other things, (including my programming  projects and internships at great CS places), but I didn’t want to make men here feel too inadequate. It’s unsexy, after all.

(stunned silence) (more stunned silence) (Still stunned silence) Do they let people like you walk around in public any more? Do you have friends? Do people like you? Actually you just seem so small. Sniper: Forget game. And this discussion. I mean all of this. It’s not some sort of general statement. You must be the most obnoxious, self-inflated, petty two-bit sanctimonious delusional pig-headed blowhard ever to imperiously breeze her way through the hallowed empty halls of lesser and certainly uninteresting academe. You’re not half as smart as you think you are. You’ll be prmoted to your level of  incompetence; I suspect you’re there already. You You also need to get a sense of  humour installed. You could probably do with the older 1.05 version, it’s at least better than not having one at all. You seriously need to be torn an extra hole by someone much less interested than me. I’m guessing everyone you ever meet and, oh, say, life is going to do that nicely for you. Dear Lord you *are* retarded. You’re worth exactly two words. Wait for it. Fuck. You.


on May 26, 2010 at 8:26 pm

Q:”Are you dating her?”  A:”I’m single.” 

the realist

on May 26, 2010 at 8:31 pm

Let the bitch go gorbachev, her IQ is not very high so i suggest she start listing all her other achievements A S A P. She also doesn’t seem to realise that men can only feel inadequate about other mens money and penises. Her achievements are unsexy coz they don’t mean shit to us, rather than disturbingly unsexy like her Dickensian pre-pubescent, gender confused rent boy, toy-doll appearance.


Don’t know. All gone. Night.

on May 26, 2010 at 9:00 pm



on May 26, 2010 at 9:12 pm

xsplat,  “I’m single” is a great answer (assuming you are not married), because the presumption should be, if you have not actually married the girl, that you are willing to consider something better. Everyone else, Sniper is wrong, but why is the level of abuse di rected her way so high? Disproportionate.


on May 26, 2010 at 10:21 pm

I suppose that the only problem with letting a woman’s imagination roam, is that if you intend to make it more than a “5 night stand”, she could think she means more to you than she does. That could lead to problems if she’s not sufficiently jaded.

Hey, I'm Batin'!

on May 26, 2010 at 10:39 pm

Reporter: Mr. Mr. President, did you offer Rep. Sestak a job to drop out of the Senate race against Arlen “Handsome Devil”  Specter? Obama: It’s complicated. [editor: haha excellent handle. and excellent use of current political reference.]


on May 26, 2010 at 10:42 pm

GBFM has has lolzzlzld his way into my heart. Like Neo in the matrix, he can see the code behind the fake reality. Though instead of the binary streams of 1s and 0s, he sees it as a constant water fall of  lolzzzzlolzzozzl lozlzlolzzzlolzlo lolololzzzzzlolzz zzlolzlollolololol lolzlolzfiatlolzzz [editor: colored in fiat green.]


on May 26, 2010 at 10:43 pm

Sidewinder nailed it:  “Great advice. It is so effective because it is both mysterious, while also containing a slight neg. It tells the girl that there is a story there, and she isn’t yet entitled to that information.”  [editor: yeah, i noticed that too. sidewinder, and also that dude rollo, give consistently good comments on game.]


on May 26, 2010 at 10:46 pm

Not that I thought about it too much, but I used to think saying “It’s complicated” made it sound like I was a pussy who couldn’t handle my own shit. As in, my life is complicated, whah whah. But clearly I was wrong.

Original JB

on May 26, 2010 at 10:57 pm

 “SAT != IQ. One measures measures academic ability in math and reading, the other measures logic. IQ != talent, either.”  IQ doesn’t strictly measure “logic.” 


Unless you want to explain what processing speed, digit span, visual puzzle, block design and vocabulary subtests have to do with logic. In other words, fail. Your expertise in CS doesn’t make you knowledgeable in psychometrics.


on May 26, 2010 at 11:14 pm

lozlzlzlzlzl Morpheus: The Fiat lozllolozllzzl butthex Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. lzozozozozl! But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, bloggers, teachers, betas, lawyers, herbs, carpenters, and neocon womenz writing for the weekly standard, repeating the fiat lies of  secretive tapers of butthex without teh girls conthent lzozlzlzlzl. The very minds and anusholes of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that butthex system and that makes them our anus’s lozlzlzozzozozl enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not lozlzlzozzozozl ready to be unbuttplugged. And many of them are so inured to butthex, so hopelessly dependent on the system of secretive tapings of butthex without tehir conthent, that they will fight to protect it and reapet the lies of secretive tapers of  butthex in teh pages of the weekly standard even though they seem to be nice neocon ladies. [Neo's eyes suddenly wander towards a woman in a red dress] Morpheus: Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress? Neo: I was… Morpheus: [gestures with one hand] Look again. [the woman in the red dress is now a bestselling new york times author, author, pointing a cock at Neo's ass; Neo ducks] Morpheus: Freeze it. [Everybody and everything besides Neo and Morpheus freezes in time] Neo: This… this isn’t the butthex Matrix? Morpheus: No. It is another training program designed to teach you one thing: if  you are not one of us lozlzlzlzlers, you are one of them butthexers. lozlzlzl


on May 26, 2010 at 11:19 pm

Trinity: I know why you’re here, Neo. I know what you’ve been doing… why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer reading GBFM. You’re looking for him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn’t really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It’s the question that drives us, Neo. It’s the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did. Neo: What is the butthex fiat Mathrix? Trinity: The answer is out there, Neo, and it’s looking for you, and it will find you if  you want it to. [Neocon sees a black cat walk by them, and then a similar black cat walk by them  just like the first one] Neocon: Whoa. Déjà vu. [Everyone freezes right in their tracks] Trinity: What did you just say? Neocon: Nothing. Just had a little déjà vu. Trinity: What did you see? Cypher: What happened? Neocon: A black cat went past us, and then another that looked just like it. Trinity: How much like it? Was it the sa me cat? Neocon: It might have been. I’m not sure. Morpheus: Switch! Apoc! Neocon: What is it? Trinity: A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the butthexMatrix. It happens when they change something. Now that I am an aging women in the butthex matrix with her eggs and gina drying up having given the best years of her anus to drunk alphas during colleg and getting her mba and blowing upper level mangement lzozllz, the butthexmatrix is now delivering my cats. Two this morning and now two more. yaya! lozlzl


Hungry Hungry Hippos

on May 26, 2010 at 11:26 pm

Perfect response to player accusation shit test maybe? If you give a yes or a no it’s usually bad either way. Girl: Are you some kind of player blah blah blah st upid shit test? Me: It’s complicated.

Hungry Hungry Hippos

on May 26, 2010 at 11:28 pm

Butthex sounds like some obscure ancient African voodoo curse.

Willy Wonka

on May 26, 2010 at 11:32 pm

@Hungry Hungry Hippos I usually just saw “Naw.. “Naw..”” with a smirk on my face… To which the usual reply is “sure, tell me anything…”  Girl: Are you some kind of player? Me: Naw (shit-eating grin) Girl: Sure, tell me anything…. (sarcastic tone) It’s complicated could work too though… I’ll have to try it out. Oh… and I don’t even know what the fuck butthex is… then again, I’ve never been able to make it through a full greatbooksformen comment….


on May 26, 2010 at 11:36 pm

the sublime act of butthex is a beuatiful metaphor for what the fed does to a currency and a country, which is why the neocon weekly standard celebrates butthexers–es[pecially those who taope it without the girkl's conthent and profit off the act. lzozlzlzlzl! [on the war that d evastated the Real World] Morpheus: We don’t know who butthexed first, us or them. But we do know it was them that videotaped it without our consent while scorching the sky wioth a long trail of butthex lies. At the time, they were dependent on butthex power. It was believed they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the common man’s collective anushole. lozzllzlzlzzl


on May 26, 2010 at 11:41 pm

sdaedalus– There is nothing more entertaining than a mystery and although complete and utter familiarity is not always boring for all women, it is for a lot of us. We like to feel that there are more doors to be opened, it is terrible to feel we know absolutely everything about somebody we are in a relationship with, what is there left to discover?

This is part of the reason why in a LTR, a guy needs to not stand still for long, and in general be moving forward, doing and exploring new things i ncluding with her, and so on.


on May 26, 2010 at 11:51 pm

Doug1 This is part of the reason why in a LTR, a guy needs to not stand still for long, and in general be moving forward, doing and exploring new things including with her, her, and so on.

I like to change residence about once per year year,, with or without the girl. Two years is the max I could live in one location, and I’d feel more comfortable bringing the woman into a fresh change of pace rather than let her stew. And of course it’s always important to be mindful about if you are going out enough.


Willy Wonka

on May 26, 2010 at 11:56 pm

@sdaedalus, Doug1, xsplat, Very true. Always gotta keep em guessi ng. In a long as s LTR just come home one day doing something completely out of character…. actually do this often. So, she can be like, “he’s just so full of surprises, I never know what he’s going to do next. next.”  ” 


on May 27, 2010 at 12:01 am

Oh, I forgot one other thing. lolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlivesonlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzforeverlo lolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlivesonlolz lolzlolzlolzlolzlolzforeverlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolz lzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolz


on May 27, 2010 at 12:10 am

. actually do this often. So, she can be like, “he’s just so full of  surprises, I never know what he’s going t o do next.”  My grandpa used to do things like come home with a new Cadillac. Can you imagine a pussy whipped westerner pulling that off? He’d get all bitched out for not consulting his “equal partner”.

Carol Avida

on May 27, 2010 at 12:16 am

Has anyone found a good dating site for people with STDs? I have herpes. [editor: craigslist casual encounters? just a guess.]

Willy Wonka

on May 27, 2010 at 12:31 am

 “My grandpa used to do things like come home with a new new Cadillac.”  Lol, my Dad does shit like that all the time… comes home with a new motorcycle or a new truck or something. Never tells anybody he was even thinking about buying it, he just does it.


on May 27, 2010 at 12:32 am

SDI should have taken that bet and raised you….looks like I could have made some money money.. (37 thumbs down incoming…..)


on May 27, 2010 at 12:37 am

Hi RacerX. Nice to see you back.

Original JB

on May 27, 2010 at 12:41 am

 “How’s agreeing with the post a bad comment?? ”  It’s complicated…


on May 27, 2010 at 12:44 am

Anouk You would be waiting a long time for me to pay up. Am strapped for cash.


PS You’ve obviously better luck in bets than I have. We girls should hit the casinos in Monaco/Las Vegas together & try and get our hands on some fiat currency.


on May 27, 2010 at 12:54 am

 “It’s complicated.”  complicated.”  Hallelujah! Behold the Grail!


on May 27, 2010 at 12:58 am

Mr.. President, will the war in Iraq end this year? Mr Its Complicated, next question.

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Prophet Jeremiah your Daddy

on May 27, 2010 at 1:02 am

really true, I used it last week and it was perfect. Although it came naturally as I was giving up. I was thinking (endlessly it seemed) on how to respond and it just got to “it’s complicated”(because it’s true!). She was raging with questions and accusations then suddenly just after the magical words, she became incredibly nice again and asked me to call her soon.


on May 27, 2010 at 1:04 am

lozlzlz the more you read me the mroe your life will improve as you come to see the fiat butthex matrix for what it is — you will see the green streams of data like the matrix but with a subltle difference as some of  you wieinsteinas have already seen for urself lzozzll at the ned of the matrix neo saw it as 1010101011110100101 1101001010100101010 1101010101011101001 0101010000010101111 0100101111111101010 1101010101001001001 1101001010101001010 1101001010100001010 0100101010010101010 and when you have walked the path you too will see the butthexing matrix for what it is and how the fed funded the desouling of womenz with massive amounts of douchcock frrom an early age in all tehir orfices and are acting through the soulles temptresses to seize your assetts now when a girl says, “what i really really want is a nice guy,” instead of hearing what she says and then trying to be a nice guy you will hear the truth behind the butthexing matrix’s facade lzozlzl: 10101010010110101010101010 10101010101010101010010110 101010z01010z0101l01zzlzozll1 1o1o1o1o1ozozozo1o1o101011 1o1o1o1oozozzozozozozo01011 lozlzlzozlzozlozzlzozlzozlzozzoz1


1010i1o1o1want1010a01010001 douchebag10to butthex me0101 010and i want you 2 buy me100 01meals and a ring while i01011 0101give by butt & vagina01010 010away for free to butthexers1 100who tape it scretely lzozl100 zlzozllzlzlzozlzozzloozzllz zlzozllzlzlzozlzoz zloozzllz and101 1010make my anus sore for010 1010days010101 101010101011 1010lolsolsoslslollzzlozlzzozlz010 0101pay 4 my meals0101001010 101010and1010maybe1010u1010 1001can1010touch1010my10dry 101001dried1010up110pussy100 101stds stds stds0101010101010 10lzozllzlz0zzllllzllzllzlzz1ozozlzlzl0 010111010101010101101010101


on May 27, 2010 at 1:47 am

now with all those rating buttons which are cool we gotta wait for them to load and the page gets bunmped down the bottom fo teh bage goes bump bumb bumb down as those little thumbs load and while i wait it always makes me think of the cum drip drip ripping slowly out opf her anus as she poops after a good butthexing session celebrated inthe weeklys tandard well anywho that’s whta it makes me think of and we can’t help what thinsg make us thin of so don’t be harsh in passing judgment yo l.ozlzlzllz i bet that now you think of it too bump bump bump drip drip drip lzozllzozlzolzozlzzoozlzzl omg i put a stain on your brain lzozllzlzlzlzz

old guy

on May 27, 2010 at 2:54 am

Never forget the old federalism: ” Not that I recall”.


on May 27, 2010 at 3:26 am

White Knights on ABC: Abused Woman Social Experiment


on May 27, 2010 at 4:55 am

 “You must be the most obnoxious, obnoxious, self-inflated, petty two-bit sanctimonious delusional pig-headed blowhard ever to imperiously breeze her way through the hallowed empty halls of lesser and certainly uninteresting academe. You’re not half as sma rt as you think you are. You’ll be prmoted to your level of incompetence; I suspect you’re there already. You also need to get a sense of humour installed. You could probably do with the older 1.05 version, it’s at least better than not having one at all. You seriously need to be torn an extra hole by someone much less interested than me. I’m guessing everyone you ever meet and, oh, say, life is going to do that nicely for you. Dear Lord you *are* retarded. You’re worth exactly two words. Wait for it. Fuck. You.”  Gorbachev,, my man – Gorbachev I went to Sniper’s blog, saw her tagline pic and thought “hmmm…this chick looks awfully familiar”. I scrolled down a bit more, saw a few more pics and it clicked. She went to my high school and we g raduated the same year. Your marks are surprisingly perceptive and on-target for having never met this chica. I don’t think I would have worded it differently myself. And xplat – bear in mind that this girl used to look far more boyish, androgynous and anime-tastic then she does now. Her looks, sadly, have actually improved in the years since HS. Having said that, your marks are su



on May 27, 2010 at 4:57 am

Fuck, scratch the last line in the previous post. Not sure how I missed deleting it.


on May 27, 2010 at 5:57 am


Original JB

on May 27, 2010 at 6:00 am

 “White Knights on ABC: Abused Woman Social Experiment”  Experiment”  Hey, isn’t “white knight” a racist expression?  /stupid fucking millenial

Original JB

on May 27, 2010 at 6:11 am

Sniper, Why being a Nazi (“libertarian” or otherwise) doesn’t work anymore: Should be required reading for your generation.


on May 27, 2010 at 7:21 am

Doesn’t this post contradict an earlier one, about how you shouldn’t equivocate? Either “yes” or “no” should be the answer to “is she your girlfriend”. (In b4 Doug1 exculpates the message and shows me the error of my ways.)


on May 27, 2010 at 7:36 am

xsplat My guess is, he was going to repeat “surprisingly perceptive” again. But I’m going look like a real idiot, if he responds as I’m typing and his comment posts first…


on May 27, 2010 at 9:10 am

Off topic a bit: Ok, as a girl, if I’m interested in a guy, that interest must be reciprocated to some extent or I lose interest fast. I don’t waste my time on nonconnection, I file it in the friendship zone and keep my distance. With that said, and in the name of getting some guy out there laid, (which is always a good cause) could there be a post somewhere by someone in this sphere that can list what signs a guy is “allowed” to show of his interest in a gal without looking too eager? I’m a big fan of direct game because I think it shows balls, reads as heavily masculine to me, and it usually requires some legit inner confidence (like the artist in the recent “game in movies” post on this blog). Unfortunately, very very few guys actually use direct “game” so I’m left to wonder: what are some signs that game allows a guy to show as interest in a girl? Even the guys with natural game (cream of the crop) are hard to read sometimes, so I blow them off only to see them out later and have them accuse me of “negging” them with my indifference. and could you guys not give this question fifty thumbs down so it won’t take an additional eight minutes to load?

Original JB

on May 27, 2010 at 9:32 am

 “what are some signs that game allows a guy to show as interest in a girl?”  Game doesn’t merely allow IOIs, it REQUIRES them within a certain time limit. Kino within the first x (what’s the standard now, 10 minutes? If you’ve had any


alcohol, less…) So my guess is…you’re overcontrolling the whole p rocess somehow. There are blockages in allowing the guy to get to kino. Go with the flow a bit more.

Original JB

on May 27, 2010 at 9:41 am

Let me elaborate: The guy needs some kind of signalling that his rap is making progress. Some kind of IOIs (if so subtle) from you. It helps if you’re emotionally free enough for that to flow out naturally and gracefully. Otherwise a whole lot of  frustration will be experienced as the timing is off-kilter off-kilter..

Vincent Ignatius

on May 27, 2010 at 9:45 am

…what signs a guy is “allowed” to show of his interest in a gal without  looking too eager? I’m a big fan of direct game

I like to whip out my cock, shake it at her and yell: “What the fuck am I supposed to do with this thing?” 


on May 27, 2010 at 10:16 am

Anouk, If you are trying to tell whether his aloofness is genuine indifference or a pose to keep you guessing, and he is not a real expert at game, look for the following indications he is interested but gaming you: 1) If he is not showing overt interest in you but you are encountering him with a higher frequency than before without any obvious reason, then you are on his radar screen. 2) when you are with a less hot friend and you are both chatting with him, the amount of attention he gives her rather than you is clearly >50% 3) if you arrange to observe him when he doesn’t know you are around and see a difference in his demeanor compared with after you enter the room If you want to find out for sure and are willing to break the rules a bit, just wait for the next occasion he actually chats with you, and as that conversation appears to be ending, say “can I get your number?” and give him your phone. If he says no, you’ll just have to withdraw completely and wait for him to recontact; if he says yes and dials his own phone so he’ll get your number too, or asks for yours, he’s definitely interested. If he’s an expert, he’ll key in his number without asking for yours, so you still won’t be sure whether he is interested in you or just being polite, but you at least have the option of finding out for sure by calling him a few days later and asking him on a date.

Desert Cat

on May 27, 2010 at 11:20 am

Ok, this could be a freak coincidence, but yesterday I distilled my explanation of my marital status (separated) to “complicated situation”  on a dating site, and I got a positive message reply from someone I’d messaged first over a month ago. Previously I’ve only had fatties to fend off  hitting on me at this site. This chick is actually pretty decent looking. Magic! I tells ya.


on May 27, 2010 at 11:35 am

beautiful! hilarious!


on May 27, 2010 at 11:39 am

omg 4 all you betaherbs who don’t get the truth of the matrux areader made y’alls betaherbs something lzozlzlzl a decoder script which can be worn on your decoder ring which you should get 4 yourself before getting her an engaement ring lzozlzlz  “Eumaios 5.27.10 / 3pm


I wrote an encoder/decoder script for you.” ”  lzozlzlzlzlz omg lzozlzlzllzlzlzlz neo-but-you-w ill-have-to-walk-it-zlozlzlzozzloz -zlozlzlzozzlozlzlzo/ lzlzo/ # [...] This is the best GBFM I’ve read yet: Morpheus: We don’t know who butthexed first, us or them. But we do know it was them that videotaped it without our consent while scorching the sky wioth a long trail of butthex lies. At the time, they were dependent on butthex power. It was believed they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the common man’s collective anushole. lozzllzlzlzzl [...] Reply # Eumaios 5.27.10 / 2pm A tour de force. Reply #


on May 27, 2010 at 11:41 am

Trinity: A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the butthexMatrix. It happens when they change something. Now that I am an aging women in the butthex matrix with her eggs and gina drying up having given the best years of her anus to drunk alphas during colleg and getting her mba and blowing upper level mangement lzozllz, the butthexmatrix is now delivering my cats. Two this morning and now two more. yaya! lozlzl lozlzlzl


on May 27, 2010 at 11:43 am

^^^ that should read: “having given the best years of her anus to drunk alphas during her college desouling years via massively multiplayer asscockig in the butt sessions” 


on May 27, 2010 at 12:01 pm

Original JBha,ha,ha…. no. I’m emotionally available, probably too much so. That’s not the problem. And I’m most certainly not controlling, I love being told what to do, takes the decision making off me, but the power dynamic has to be established if that is to happen. Where game goes wrong for me (just me….ok? you all go and do what you want) is that it should allow…not require. It’s the rule following that gets me. I like flexible structure. Can’t deal with the constant measuring, evaluating, etc. Just let it flow a bit if natural chemistry is there. BUT, I realize you guys are on a path to pussy so controlling the exchange with game seems to work for you. As a girl, I look for something else. Sometimes that requires waiting a long time without it but nothing replaces natural c hemistry hemistry.. So, I wait for that. Then any game applied is just fun and can be romantic. Sorry, such a soppy girl way of looking at it. PolyThanks! I have something to go on now from what you’ve replied with. VincentWhy do I get the feeling that you could pull that off? I certainly would laugh my ass off, but in a good way.

Shamuliane Haviiresh

Anouk, the sings are:

on May 27, 2010 at 12:03 pm


1. he may look at you with bedroom eyes, 2. he may touch you, 3. he rips your clothes off fervently and gets inside of you, going faster and harder and harder. 4. he butthex you


on May 27, 2010 at 12:23 pm

what does butthex mean?

Rollo Tomassi

on May 27, 2010 at 12:37 pm

We presently have a discussion thread going about this topic on SoSuave if anyone is interested in participating: This is my home forum.


on May 27, 2010 at 1:02 pm

Vatican report claims men are more likely to commit sins of lust but women commit sins of pride.


on May 27, 2010 at 1:14 pm

Great post…used this in response to Korean girl asking how I new the Korean flirty words for “You’re pretty” “I miss you” and “let’s dance”…. Korean Girl: That’s really all you need to konw…Wow…how konw…Wow…how did you learn those words? Me: It’s complicated…


on May 27, 2010 at 1:24 pm

I gotta hand it to you, barbs. You actually made me Launch “Zoodikers!”  Out Loud.

Dr. Grzlickson

on May 27, 2010 at 1:27 pm

 “what does butthex mean?”  Something greatbooksformen always says that everyone but me seems to find hilarious.


on May 27, 2010 at 2:03 pm

butthex is what marriage beocmes when backed by fiat dollars as goldman sachs rhymes with tucker max lzozlzl


on May 27, 2010 at 2:14 pm

Two Words lzozlzoz dude loves to hear: fiat currency


on May 27, 2010 at 2:15 pm

game_in_bk:  “Vatican report claims men are more likely to commit sins of lust but women commit sins of pride.”  I have to go with the Al Pacino’s Satan i n Devil’s Advocate: “Vanity, definitely my favorite sin.” 


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I have to ask, though: Who is more likely to commit sins of wrath?


on May 27, 2010 at 2:30 pm

I’ll add, if you commit any sin other than Pride, you’re committing two of  them. Pride is the ultimate sin from which all others stem.


on May 27, 2010 at 2:30 pm

@walawala Great post…used this in response to Korean girl asking how I new the Korean flirty words for “You’re pretty” “I miss you” and “let’s dance”…. Korean Girl: That’s really all you need to konw…Wow…how did you learn those words?  Me: It’s complicated…

BTW, it doesn’t work for Chinese, but if you never let on you speak a word of  BTW, Korean, and then come out speaking Korean, or using choice words, don’t let on beforehand. When she looks surprised, just smile. Learn another one so you can respond to her surprise (ex. – shrug shoulders, what can I say, “Hanguko choahaeyo”,, “I li ke Korean (language)”). choahaeyo” They’re always shocked you know a word of Korean. They assume no-one ever learns it.


on May 27, 2010 at 2:51 pm

Gorbachev-san, All of your emotional, over-reactive, unnecessarily inflammatory, and insecurity-ridden remarks can be summed up with one line: Your beta-ness is showing.

Have a nice dayyy~ ^___^

Original JB

on May 27, 2010 at 2:57 pm

 “I’m emotionally available, probably too much so. so. That’s not the problem. And I’m most certainly not controlling, I love being told what to do, takes the decision making off me, but the power dynamic has to be established if that is to happen. ”  As you described the situation, you get frustrated with a lack of indicators of  interest from a guy and it short-circuits the process. I was referring to your emotional dynamics within that specific part of the dance, not in general (which may indeed be very different.) I’m saying if you want to make your life less frustrating, forget the “soppy” stuff  and cooperate in the dance a little.


on May 27, 2010 at 3:28 pm

As iceberg slim says, a pimp should be a puzzle to the whores, a mystery to be solved…


Iceberg is a must read.


on May 27, 2010 at 3:41 pm

@Sniper I hope that’s the last time I let myself write that tag line. Gorbachev-san,  All of your emotional, over-reactive, unnecessarily inflammatory, and insecurityridden remarks can be summed up with one line: Your beta-ness is showing. Have a nice dayyy~ ^___^

I’ve met a few too many half-smart, unconscious, not-smart-enough-to-realizehow-slow-they-are retards like you with a modicum of mediocre success reinforcing their tendency to be unable to ask the right questions. Your kind of egotism is the worst possible. That you’re blithely unaware that you’re intellectually crippled by it is one of the tragedies of the breed. The inflamation is a response to your douchery. I abhor your kind of empty ego. And my beta-ness comes out much of the time. So what? Never claimed to be some Alphameister. I just want to spend time with amazing women. You, on the other hand, claimed to be Super Bright with an IQ OF 132 and Clearly Superior.. Who makes claims like that? Superior Ask yourself.


on May 27, 2010 at 4:27 pm

Jay, In every post re Sniper I said she was wrong, with increasingly detailed explanations why, and ended with a negative assess ment about her future with men (she’d be lucky if when she was ultimately gamed it was a positive experience). That’s White Knighting? On the other hand, I am a big fan of politeness and civil discourse, and you guys were letting the hate show to a pretty pathetic degree — I understand why she gets on your nerves so much, but even clueless chicks, especially young ones who might yet learn something, deserve to be treated respectfully. At least my explanations of why she was wrong might get through, I’m sure she ignores advice from people who call her words beginning with f, b, and c.


on May 27, 2010 at 4:32 pm

SMART GIRL is smart.


on May 27, 2010 at 4:50 pm

Uh…I had to change my name cuz some other dude had Jay. @polymath  “In every post re Sniper I said she was wrong, wrong, with increasingly detailed explanations why, and ended with a negative assess ment about her future with men (she’d be lucky if when she was ultimately gamed it was a positive experience). That’s White Knighting?”  It sure seemed like white knighting to me, but I guess it could be seen as otherwise.  “On the other hand, I am a big fan of politeness and civil discourse, and you you guys were letting the hate show to a pretty pathetic degree — I understand why she gets on your nerves so much, but even clueless chicks, especially young ones who might yet learn something, deserve to be treated respectfully. At least my explanations of why she was wrong might get through, I’m sure she ignores advice from people who call her words beginning with f, b, and c.”  Uh…this is a game blog, not a college lecture series. As for hate, eh. I was just having fun with her. I don’t hater her (how could I… I don’t even know her).


I do find her attitude irritating though. As for her age: man, I am only a few years older than her. I am not about start addressing her a s “My Lady.” Lady.” Those days are gone. As for the word “cunt,” well…it is what first word that came to mind when I read her comments.


on May 27, 2010 at 5:49 pm

You’re too complicated. No swoon.


on May 27, 2010 at 5:51 pm

Original JBThanks for your reply. I was casually asking, as I am looking for clues for something that happened while out Tues. eve. I don’t get frustrated, I just walk away and let him pursue if he’s interested. The dance I was having was a very subtle one given it was among a group of people but I wanted to see if there were specifics, just in case I missed any.


on May 27, 2010 at 11:03 pm

Her: Are you dating that girl? Him: It’s complicated. Her: Does she know that? Him: … ^^ Major warning sign that he’s an asshole. Good luck with that. Watching quality women walk away from the obvious problem child you are might get tiring after a while though.

Original JB

on May 28, 2010 at 1:59 am

 “Her: Are you dating that girl? Him: It’s complicated. Her: Does she know that? ”  Him: Know what? [editor: good answer. keep evading. obscure with technicalities. never let the chick win a point.]

Willy Wonka

on May 28, 2010 at 2:06 am

I used the “it’s complicated” on a d ate tonight… Chick asked me, “why do you like to take me out on odd nights? you got a wife at home or something?”  Me: “It’s complicated.”  Her eyes get big as she tries to figure out what that means… but she leaves it well enough alone.

My Date With Butterface « Willy Wonka's

on May 28, 2010 at 8:21 am


[...] Me: “It’s complicated.” [...]

irado « life in slow motion

on May 28, 2010 at 8:02 pm

[...] ensinando como se faz. [...]


on May 29, 2010 at 1:10 am

ehpehophile said: “Mr. President, will the war in Iraq end this year? Its Complicated, next question. question.”  ” 


Ask the Iraqis how they like voting in real elections and not being blown up insurgents for not wanting Sharia. The IVAW dude in the video can go suck a dick, though.


on May 29, 2010 at 2:44 am

 “Real Elections” ? Come on ANON, you really believe any of the world’s governments still use them? The outcomes of so called “real” elections are just as fixed as WWE, or professional boxing matches. And in the event a rare “free, open, and fair”  election happens, corruption (soon enough) ensures more of the same, just with a different name. As for peaceful sunnis not getting bombed in a marketplace, by a suicide bomber, well its our American boys and girls getting IED’d with roadside attacks. Sure, lets let our young servicemen/women die, so they can delay the eventual shia/suuni dustup. Forestalling the inevitable, by trading our soldier’s blood for their oil, is something only a brainwashed citizen, or a trilaeralist/builderburger Bankster eletist could agree to. I cannot accept their religion at the point of a sword any more then I can accept us forcing democracy on them at the point of a gun. The truth of the ma tter tter,, the US is a tool of the ZOG, and our continued presence in Iraq, takes the focus of Israel’s enemies off of her and places it on their  “scapegoat” or “sacrificial lambs”. Iraq will never be anything near as fine as UAE/Dubbai. But then agai n, neither will Tel Aviv. Aviv.


on May 29, 2010 at 3:02 am

As a jewish messianic believer, it is my privilege to love Israel, my joy to bless her, and my duty to speak the truth about her. her. As a Texan, it is contrary to my down-home, conservative roots to criticize the President, about the war, while we are still at war, war, but there remains two higher responsibilities: Truth and Justice. This war, while unjust, has had a few but limited benefits… The removal of Saddam, and a sea change in Iraq’s government’s treatment of its citizen’s and their human rights. To continue to say and believe that we are still in Iraq for the welfare of the people of Iraq is a lie of the first order, and Americans foolishly naive to believe it. Its time to bring our people home, or at least garrison them in Israel (If the goyim are dogs to fight the other goyim (wolves).

Weekend Link Fest – Summer Kick Off edition «

on May 30, 2010 at 12:03 am

Seasons of Tumult and Discord

[...] Relationship Advice From A Supermodel, Two Words Women Love To Hear, The Unbearable Triteness [...]

Word Around the Campfire – the Memorial Day

on May 30, 2010 at 1:05 am

edition « Hidden Leaves

[...] Citizen Renegade: Relationship Advice from a Supermodel and Two Words Women Love to Hear [...]


on June 3, 2010 at 9:24 am

It’s hard for me to believe that you just found the “It’s complicated” line. Of course that’s what you say!

Telling Girls You Were Once Engaged « Citizen

on July 12, 2010 at 11:59 am


[...] THE DEVIL WHO REMAKES U IN HIS IMAGE: It’s complicated. [...]


Fire Bender Game « Riding with the King

on August 17, 2010 at 2:18 am

[...] opens up for a kiss? Interrupt with a killer neg. She closes the kiss? Nuke her from orbit. It’s the only way to be [...]

Brushing Off Common Shit Tests From Girls «

on October 4, 2010 at 2:17 pm

Citizen Renegade

[...] [Alternate: "It's complicated."] [...]

Grossly inappropriate facebook chat game –

on March 21, 2011 at 1:10 pm

Croatian Mouse « Krauser's PUA Adventure

[...] you you didn’t actually broke up with her?

break* [I've told Mouse all

about it] Me: It’s complicated Her: …it always is with you [she has invested alot of emotional energy in understanding the [...]

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