TwinCAT 2 Manual v2_1_0

March 17, 2017 | Author: Danang Biantara | Category: N/A
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Teknologi otomatisasi baru Beckhoff

TwinCAT 2

Direvisi: 28 Mei 2012 Brian McClure [email protected]

Multilizer PDF Translator Free version - translation is limited to ~ 3 pages per translation.

Multilizer PDF Translator Free version - translation is limited to ~ 3 pages per translation. TwinCAT 2

Daftar isi SAYA. TwinCAT Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 7 #Pages [7] 1.

Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 #Pages [7]


System Service .................................................................................................................................................. 13 #Pages [13]


System Manager ............................................................................................................................................... 21 #Pages [21]


PLC Control ........................................................................................................................................................ 38 #Pages [38]

II. TwinCAT Software Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 39 #Pages [39] 5.

TwinCAT Versions .............................................................................................................................................. 39 #Pages [39]


Software, Download & Installation ................................................................................................................... 41 #Pages [41]


Licensing and Registration ................................................................................................................................ 54 #Pages [54]

III. PLC Ikhtisar.... 56

#Pages [56]


IDE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 56 #Pages [56]


Programs ........................................................................................................................................................... 60 #Pages [60]


Data Types and Conversions ......................................................................................................................... 61 #Pages [61]


Variables ........................................................................................................................................................ 64 #Pages [64]


Languages ...................................................................................................................................................... 68 #Pages [68]


Functions ....................................................................................................................................................... 73 #Pages [73]


Function Blocks ............................................................................................................................................. 76 #Pages [76]


Actions ........................................................................................................................................................... 83 #Pages [83]


Structures ...................................................................................................................................................... 84 #Pages [84]


Enumerations ................................................................................................................................................ 86 #Pages [86]


Arrays ............................................................................................................................................................ 89 #Pages [89]


Boot Project .................................................................................................................................................. 92 #Pages [92]


Source code Download ................................................................................................................................. 94 #Pages [94]

IV. PLC Programming "Inspeksi Conveyor".... 98 21.

#Pages [98]

Kontrol mesin dengan pemrograman... Top-Down. #Pages 98 [98]

V. Trouble shooting .......................................................................................................................................................... 171 #Pages [171] 22.

Code Sequencing ......................................................................................................................................... 171 #Pages [171]


Break Points ................................................................................................................................................ 175 #Pages [175]


Flow Control ................................................................................................................................................ 180 #Pages [180]


Global Search .............................................................................................................................................. 184 #Pages [184]


Cross Reference .......................................................................................................................................... 190 #Pages [190]


Scope View .................................................................................................................................................. 196 #Pages [196]

Multilizer PDF Translator Free version - translation is limited to ~ 3 pages per translation.

Multilizer PDF Translator Free version - translation is limited to ~ 3 pages per translation. TwinCAT 2

VI. Camming ....................................................................................................................................................................... 203 #Pages [203] 28.

Preface ........................................................................................................................................................ 203 #Pages [203]


Intro to TcMC2.Lib....................................................................................................................................... 204 #Pages [204]


Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 204 #Pages [204]


Migration from TcMC to TcMC2 ..................................................................................................................... 208 #Pages [208]


Status information .......................................................................................................................................... 210 #Pages [210]


When to use a Cam Table ........................................................................................................................... 211 #Pages [211]


Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 211 #Pages [211]


Gearing ............................................................................................................................................................ 212 #Pages [212]


Linier meningkatkan rasio Gear (dinamis).... 213 #Pages [213]


Cam Table ........................................................................................................................................................ 214 #Pages [214]

31. a.

Membuat tabel Cam dengan fungsi blok....#Pages 215 [215] Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 215 #Pages [215]


Mendefinisikan poin pada tabel Cam.... 215 #Pages [215] saya. Motion Function Point .................................................................................................................................... 215 #Pages [215] II. 32.

Sample Code: .................................................................................................................................................. 217 #Pages [217] Defining the Cam Table in the PLC .............................................................................................................. 219 #Pages [219]


Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 219 #Pages [219]


MC_CAM_REF ................................................................................................................................................. 219 #Pages [219]

saya. Contoh 1: Posisi keterangan struktur tabel....#Pages 219 [219] II.

Contoh 2: Struktur Deskripsi fungsi gerak.... 220 #Pages [220]


MC_TableType ................................................................................................................................................ 221 #Pages [221]

saya. Sample Code: .................................................................................................................................................. 221 #Pages [221] 33.

Creating the Cam Table ............................................................................................................................... 222 #Pages [222]


Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 222 #Pages [222]


MC_CamTableSelect ....................................................................................................................................... 222 #Pages [222]

saya. Sample Code: .................................................................................................................................................. 223 #Pages [223] 34.

Mengimpor tabel Cam untuk verifikasi.... 224 #Pages [224]


Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 224 #Pages [224]


Creating a Blank Table ..................................................................................................................................... 224 #Pages [224]


Importing the Cam Table ................................................................................................................................ 227 #Pages [227]

35. a.

Camming the two Axes together ................................................................................................................ 230 #Pages [230] Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 230 #Pages [230]

Multilizer PDF Translator Free version - translation is limited to ~ 3 pages per translation.

TwinCAT 2

Once the Cam Table has been defined, verified, and created; the two axes are now ready to be cammed together. ................................................................................................................................................................................. 230 b.

MC_CamIn....................................................................................................................................................... 230


Sample Code: .................................................................................................................................................. 232


Changing a table point via the PLC .............................................................................................................. 233


Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 233


MC_WriteMotionFunctionPoint ..................................................................................................................... 233


MC_SetCamOnlineChangeMode .................................................................................................................... 234


MC_CamActivationMode ................................................................................................................................ 236


Sample Code: .................................................................................................................................................. 237


Motion Functions vs. Position Tables ......................................................................................................... 239


Position Tables ................................................................................................................................................ 239


Motion Functions ............................................................................................................................................ 241


Definition of a Point ........................................................................................................................................ 242


Point structure ................................................................................................................................................ 242


Point types ...................................................................................................................................................... 243


Cam Design Tool .......................................................................................................................................... 244


Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 244


Creating a Cam Table ...................................................................................................................................... 245


Master Tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 250


Slave Tab ......................................................................................................................................................... 251


Graphic Window ............................................................................................................................................. 252


Tables Window ................................................................................................................................................ 254


Function Types ................................................................................................................................................ 255


Commands ...................................................................................................................................................... 256


Cam Table Scaling ....................................................................................................................................... 258


Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 258


MC_CamScaling............................................................................................................................................... 258


MC_CamScalingMode ..................................................................................................................................... 260


Example: .......................................................................................................................................................... 261


Sample Code: .................................................................................................................................................. 263

40. a. 41.

Cyclic Cam Plates with Lift........................................................................................................................... 264 MC_StartMode ................................................................................................................................................ 266 Cam Out and Restarting .............................................................................................................................. 268

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Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 268


MC_CamOut.................................................................................................................................................... 269


MC_Halt .......................................................................................................................................................... 270


MC_CamIn Appendix................................................................................................................................... 272


Axis coupling with cam plates ......................................................................................................................... 272


Linear cam plates ............................................................................................................................................ 273


Cyclic cam plates without lift .......................................................................................................................... 274


Cyclic cam plates with lift ................................................................................................................................ 275


Uncoupling and re-coupling for cyclic cam plates with lift ............................................................................. 276


Diagnostics .................................................................................................................................................. 277


Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 277


Error Format .................................................................................................................................................... 277

Error Groups ............................................................................................................................................................ 278 c.

Global Error Codes 0x0000.............................................................................................................................. 278


General ADS Error Codes 0x0700 .................................................................................................................... 278


NC Errors 0x4000 ............................................................................................................................................ 279


General NC Errors 0x40nn ............................................................................................................................... 279

Group Errors 0x42nn............................................................................................................................................... 280 g.

Table Errors 0x4Ann ........................................................................................................................................ 281

VII. Remote Connections .................................................................................................................................................... 282 44.

Embedded Controllers ................................................................................................................................ 282

VIII.Appendix I – Variable Naming Convention ................................................................................................................... 294 45.

Scope ........................................................................................................................................................... 294


Programming System Settings .................................................................................................................... 294


Font ................................................................................................................................................................. 294


Tab Width........................................................................................................................................................ 294


Naming ........................................................................................................................................................ 295


General............................................................................................................................................................ 295


Case Sensitivity ................................................................................................................................................ 295


Valid Characters .............................................................................................................................................. 295


Prefix Types ..................................................................................................................................................... 295


Scope Prefix ..................................................................................................................................................... 297


Type Prefix ....................................................................................................................................................... 298


Property Prefix ................................................................................................................................................ 299

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POU Prefix ....................................................................................................................................................... 300


Structures ........................................................................................................................................................ 301


List Types ......................................................................................................................................................... 302


Libraries ........................................................................................................................................................... 303


Good Programming Practices ..................................................................................................................... 304


Comments ....................................................................................................................................................... 304


Array Indexing ................................................................................................................................................. 304


Program Calls .................................................................................................................................................. 304

TwinCAT 2


TwinCAT Overview 1. Overview The Windows Control and Automation Technology §

The Beckhoff TwinCAT software system turns any compatible PC into a real-time controller with a multi-PLC system, NC axis control, programming environment and operating station. TwinCAT replaces conventional PLC and NC/CNC controllers as well as operating devices with: §

open, compatible PC hardware


embedded IEC 61131-3 software PLC, software NC and software CNC in Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista, Windows 7, NT/XP Embedded, CE


programming and run-time systems optionally together on one PC or separated


connection to all common fieldbuses


PC interface support


data communication with user interfaces and other programs by means of open Microsoft standards (OPC, OCX, DLL, etc.)

Architecture §

TwinCAT consists of run-time systems that execute control programs in real-time and the development environments for programming, diagnostics and configuration. Any Windows programs; for instance, visualization programs or MS Office programs, can access TwinCAT data via Microsoft interfaces, or can execute commands. A practical oriented software solution


TwinCAT offers a precise time base in which programs are executed with the highest deterministic features, independently of other processor tasks. The real-time load on a PC is set with TwinCAT; defined operating behavior is achieved in this way. TwinCAT indicates the system load for programs that are running. A load threshold can be set in order to assure a defined computing capacity for the operating programs and for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista. If this threshold is exceeded, a system message is generated. TwinCAT supports system diagnosis


The general use of hardware and software from the open PC world requires some checking: Unsuitable components can upset the PC system. Beckhoff has integrated a practical indicator of the real-time jitter, giving administrators an easy way to evaluate the hardware and software. A system message during operation can draw attention to incorrect states.

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Start/Stop behavior §

Depending on the setting, TwinCAT is started and stopped manually or automatically. Since TwinCAT is integrated into Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista and Windows 7as a service, an operator is not needed to start the system: switching on is enough. Restarting and data backup


When a program is started or restarted, TwinCAT loads programs and remnant data. To back up data and to shut down Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista and Windows 7 correctly, a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) is of great value. World-wide connection through message routing – “remote” connection is inherent to the system


According to the requirement for operating resources, the TwinCAT software devices can be distributed: TwinCAT PLC programs can run on the PCs or on Beckhoff Bus Terminal Controllers. A “message router” manages and distributes all the messages, both in the system and via TCP/IP connections. PC systems can be connected with each other via TCP/IP; Bus Terminal Controllers are integrated via serial interfaces and fieldbuses (EtherCAT, Lightbus, PROFIBUS DP, CANopen, RS232, RS485, Ethernet TCP/IP). World-wide access


Since standard TCP/IP services of NT/2000/XP/Vista/CE and Windows 7 can be used, this data can be exchanged across the world. The system offers scalable communication capacity and timeout periods for the supervision of communications. OPC provides a standardized means for accessing many different SCADA/MES/ERP packets. PLC and Motion Control on the PC TwinCAT I/O – universal I/O interface for all common fieldbuses


Many PC fieldbus cards from various manufacturers are supported. It is possible to operate more than one fieldbus card per PC. Master and slave functionality is supported, depending on the selected fieldbus card. The fieldbus cards can be configured and diagnosed conveniently via the TwinCAT System Manager. TwinCAT I/O includes the TwinCAT real-time system for operating the fieldbuses and a DLL interface to application programs.

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TwinCAT PLC – the central pillar of automation software §


Conceived as a pure software PLC, TwinCAT PLC allows up to four virtual “PLC CPUs”, each running up to four user tasks, on one PC. The PLC program can be written in one or more of the languages provided for in the IEC 61131-3 standard: §

IL (Instruction List),


LD (Ladder Diagram),


FBD/CFC (Function Block Diagram),


SFC (Sequential Function Chart) and


ST (Structured Text).

TwinCAT PLC running under the Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista operating systems includes both the programming environment and the run-time system, so that an additional programming device is not required. ander the CE operating system and the embedded operating systems for the series BX and BC controllers, only TwinCAT runtime is available. Program modifications are implemented via network-capable powerful communication with the run-time system. Programming can be done §



via TCP/IP or


via the fieldbus (BXxxxx and BCxxxx).

IEC 61131-3 – advanced programming standard for all Beckhoff controllers §

The TwinCAT PLC is programmed in accordance with IEC 61131-3 independently of the manufacturer. TwinCAT supports all the IEC 61131-3 programming languages with convenient editors and a fast, effective compiler, so that the development cycle for the creation even of large PLC programs of several megabytes can be short. Incremental compilation prevents long turnaroand times. Only genuinely new sections are compiled. Powerful editor features, such as “autoformat”, “autodeclare” or “find” and “replace” enable fast programming. For all programming languages, the project comparison function facilitates differences to be identified and accepted if appropriate. If a project (comments, directories, etc.) is to be translated into a language other than the original language, all terms can be exported into a table, translated and re-imported. If a team is dealing with the development, all objects (blocks, data types, lists) can be managed within a source code management tool via the TwinCAT Engineering Interface. This enables changes to be traced back and differences between individual versions to be displayed.


The concept of the “instantiation” of function blocks, in which each instance is associated with its own data, leads naturally to object-oriented and structured programming styles. All common data types specified in IEC 61131-3 are supported. Multi-dimensional fields and structures are possible, as are enumeration and subrange types.

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TwinCAT PLC is certified for the languages IL and ST (base level). The online change function can be used for code and/or data modifications while the PLC is running, providing maximum data retention. Source code can be stored in the target system (except for BCxxxx series controllers). The criteria analysis function is very helpful for the detection of process errors.


Code can very easily be reused via the convenient library manager. For know-how protection, multi-stage password protection can be applied to programs and libraries. Many target platforms – one tool


The PLC programs created with TwinCAT PLC can be executed on a number of target platforms. Apart from Industrial PCs and the Embedded PCs, the PLC project can also be loaded into the BC and BX series fieldbus controllers from Beckhoff. Program development and debugging proceed in the same working environment, regardless of which unit is executing the program. Extensive supplementary libraries


As an extension to the blocks defined by the IEC language standard, Beckhoff offers a wide range of supplementary libraries for the execution of tasks typical in automation technology: e.g. libraries for controlling electrical and hydraulic axes via TwinCAT NC, serial communication libraries, system libraries for message outputs, write/read files, control technology blocks, etc. Helpful practice tools


Extensive fault finding functions in TwinCAT PLC facilitate the solution of problems either on site or via remote maintenance. For this purpose, the PLC programming environment in TwinCAT offers:


Online Monitoring


Power Flow (flow control)


Break Points


Sampling trace of PLC variables


Single step




Call hierarchy


Forcing of variables.


In addition, the TwinCAT ScopeView (a software oscilloscope) can be used to record one or several variables simultaneously.

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TwinCAT NC – Motion Control on the PC §

A software NC consists of:


positioning (set value generation and position control)


integrated PLC with NC interface


operating programs for commissioning purposes


I/O connection for axes via fieldbus


With TwinCAT NC, the position controller is calculated on the PC processor as standard. It exchanges data cyclically with drives and measurement systems via the fieldbus. Central NC positioning on the PC


The computing capacity of a PC enables axis motion simultaneously with the PLC, whereby the position controller is usually calculated on the PC: The computing capacity of a PC enables many axes to be positioned simultaneously.


TwinCAT enables a PC to process the operating programs, the PLC and the NC at the same time. The division of the system load is supported by TwinCAT with appropriate functions. Analytical path calculation


The algorithms that TwinCAT NC/NC I/CNC uses to control axes take account of the dynamic parameters of the axis: speed, acceleration and jerk. In this way, the axes are moved at any time within the limits of what is dynamically possible, and are precisely analytically coordinated. A range of different regulation algorithms are available in order to reduce the deviations from the ideal trajectory that will occur in practice. Individual or joint


Based on the normal methods for positioning an individual electrical axis, moving from its starting point to its destination (point-to-point positioning), TwinCAT NC also allows the coordinated movement of a number of axes in multi-stage master-slave operation (e.g. gearing functions or cam plates) to be executed. TwinCAT NC I further allows the interpolated path sequencing described in accordance with DIN 66025 to be carried out involving up to three axes. Software PLC included


TwinCAT combines software NC and software PLC to form a powerful controller. The communication between the two packages is a pure software/software channel with minimum delay times. The NC functionalities are called from the PLC program via standardized, PLCopen-certified function blocks.


Axis movements can be simulated without hardware; the actual value is instructed to ideally track the set value, and the complete machine flow is checked. TwinCAT ScopeView is helpful for commissioning and maintenance. It records all axis variables such as position, speed, acceleration and jerk.

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Convenient commissioning §

Commissioning is simplified significantly by the configuration and diagnostic dialogs offered in the TwinCAT System Manager. For each axis, all main data are displayed at a glance. The axes can be moved via function keys. Special functions such as couplings, cam plates or distance compensation can be triggered and observed via the System Manager. A convenient dialog enables the dynamic parameters of an axis to be determined. TwinCAT NC I – axis interpolation in three dimensions


TwinCAT NC I (interpolation) is the NC system for linear and circular interpolated path movements of axis groups each involving two or three drives. The system includes interpreter, set value generation and position controller. PLC functionality is integrated, as is the connection of the axes with the fieldbus.


The interpreter interprets the code described in DIN 66025. Comprehensive PLC libraries enable interaction between NC and PLC. NC programs, for example, can be loaded directly from the PLC program into the interpreter. TwinCAT CNC – the software CNC for toughest requirements


TwinCAT CNC expands TwinCAT NC I with classic CNC features: Up to 32 interpolating axes and comprehensive coordinate and kinematic transformations are possible. Parts programming is carried out according to DIN 66025 using high-level language extensions. TwinCAT CNC can operate with up to 64 axes or 32 path axes and controlled spindles that can be distributed across up to twelve CNC channels. In a CNC channel, up to 32 axes can be interpolated simultaneously, enabling even the most difficult motion tasks to be solved.

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2. System Service §

The TwinCAT System Service is represented by the TwinCAT icon in the Windows system tray.


The TwinCAT System Service can be accessed through the TwinCAT icon in the windows system tray (Right-Click and Left-Click provides the same menu)


From this menu the other parts of the TwinCAT system can be accessed and the TwinCAT System Properties can be changed

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The General tab of the system properties provides the version number and registration information of TwinCAT


Note that the 30 day counter has started and the Reg. Key is empty

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The upper half of the System Tab shows which TwinCAT servers are installed


The lower half provides settings for how TwinCAT will act when windows boots up


Auto Boot: §

Disable – The TwinCAT System Service will boot in Stop Mode


Enable – The TwinCAT System Service will boot in Run Mode §


Config Mode – The TwinCAT System Service will boot in Config Mode §


This would be the preferred setting on a running machine

ADS services are running, remote communication is possible

Auto Logon: §

Enabling this option and providing a User Name and Password will allow for the Windows Logon screen to be bypassed, this is ideal for a running machine but not for a development laptop as this information is stored in plain text in the windows registry.

Note: See the security section for protecting the windows registry.

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AMS Router – Automation Machine Specification


AMS Router – Automation Machine Specification



The AMS Router is the communication router for TwinCAT


Every piece of information that travels from one piece of software to another must go through the AMS Router


The address of the local TwinCAT Service


Every address on the network should be unique


The default address is generated by the IP address of the network card with an additional .1.1 added to the end


The first four octets of the address can be changed to any number between 0 and 255. They do not have to match the IP address


The last two octets should not be changed as .1.1 represents the external address and other values are used internally

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Remote Computers §

The lower section provides a list of remote computers than have been previously configured for AMS communication


Remote Computers can be manually added or removed from here


The list of computers is loaded when TwinCAT enters either Config or Run mode, therefore if a computer is added or removed from here, TwinCAT must be restarted to update the list of Target Computers in the System Manager

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Up to 4 PLC Run-Times can be configured


The path of the Boot Project can be changed


The selection to enable the Boot Project and Retain Data can be made

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Registration §

The System ID is needed for licensing


It is advised that on a running machine the customer should record the System ID and Registration Key. In the event of a Hard Disk failure these two numbers and the new System ID can be used to generate a new Registration Key Otherwise the original PO is needed to generate a new Registration Key

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The System Manager and PLC Control can be also be accessed through this menu or the Windows Start menu


Additionally the local TwinCAT System can be placed into its different modes §

Stop Mode §



The system is not capable of communication and no services are running

Config Mode §

The ADS Router is running and communication is possible


Scanning of hardware is done is this mode only


I/O values are updated at the hardware level

Run Mode (Requires License beyond 30 Trial) §

All services are enabled and running if configured to do so (i.e. Boot Project)

TwinCAT 2

3. System Manager §

The TwinCAT System Manager is used to configure the links between Hardware and Software §

I/O Configuration – All Fieldbus Hardware


PLC Configuration – PLC Run-Times (up to 4)


NC Configuration – Axes (real and virtual), Cam Tables, Interpolation Channels


System Configuration – Properties of the Target System and Real-Time Usage

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Menus and Controls §

File Menu – Allows for Creating a new file or opening a saved file. §

Additionally provides a way to open the CurrentConfig.tsm file from the Boot folder, by using ‘Open from Target’ also referred to as ‘The Red Folder’.

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Actions – Any time a change is made to the System Manager, the ‘Activate Configuration’ must be done to implement this change into the running system. Note: The first 6 commands in the ‘Actions’ menu will be sent to the Target system either local or remote.

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The tree view on the left provides access to the configurations of the system manager. When an item on the left is selected its information will be displayed on the right. Items can be added to the System Manager be ‘RightClicking’ on an existing item. Become familiar with this, almost every item you wish to add in both the system manager and the PLC will be done by ‘Right-Clicking’ and select ‘Add..’ or ‘Append…’ §

System Configuration – Provides information and settings for the overall TwinCAT System


The settings available from the ‘Properties’ of the TwinCAT icon can be accessed from here on a remote system.

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General – The TwinCAT version is provided here in bold The ‘Choose Target…’ button can be used to access a remote TwinCAT system.

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Boot Settings – can be used to set the TwinCAT Mode on startup and the Auto Logon


When pointed to a remote system these setting will be applied to the remote system. The ‘Apply’ button must be used, and an Administrator level user name and password must be provided.

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Real-Time Settings


Settings – Here the Base Time is set; no task can be set to a faster interval than the base time.


The CPU limit of 80% means that TwinCAT will consume no more than 80% to run all of its tasks.

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Online – The ‘Real Time Usage’ is graphed and the limit from the ‘Settings’ tab is indicated by the thick green line


System Latency should be no more than 5 micro seconds


Note: Image taken from a laptop with power save features and CPU throttling enabled, both of these create latency problems.

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Priorities – The list of tasks and their priorities can be seen here


Additional Tasks

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Task 1 (added by ‘Right-Clicking’ on ‘Additional Tasks’)


These additional tasks are used by C++ code to talk to variables that are linked to hardware I/O


They can also be used for simulation

When used for simulation the ‘Auto start’ must be checked

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Route Settings


Current Routes – The Remote Computers shown in this list are the same as in the ‘Properties’ of the TwinCAT icon.

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NC Configuration (Numerical Control) – This is the software based motion controller of TwinCAT. The software side of all axes are configured here.


Axes – The software limits the total number of axes to 255, the real limit is the amount of CPU and RAM in the computer.

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The ‘Online’ tab provides an overview of the status of all axes

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Axes 1 – Online


The ‘Online’ tab of each axis provides a useful interface to setup and troubleshoot an axis

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PLC Configuration


IEC Project – The PLC editor will create a tpy file that contains addressed variables that can be linked to hardware. The name of the PLC project file is shown directly below the ‘PLC-Configuration’


The ‘IEC1131’ Tab shows the path of where the tpy file was located when it was added to the project. If addressed variables are added to the PLC program the ‘ReScan’ button can be used to update the list of variables in the System Manager

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Standard Task – The default task in the PLC is the ‘Standard’ task and runs every 10ms


Inputs of the PLC Program – Input variables have a yellow icon, Output variables have a red icon

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Once a variable has been linked (connected) to hardware the icon changes as below

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4. PLC Control §

The PLC Control provides the user with a combination of tools. §

The IEC 61131-3 Language editors


A Visualization Editor


Task Configuration Utility


The Beckhoff Compilers specific to the Target Hardware (BC, BX, CX-ARM, X86)

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TwinCAT Software Installation 5. TwinCAT Versions There are several builds within each version New builds are released primarily to accommodate new hardware New versions are released when features are added A Brief History §

TwinCAT 2.6 Build 315 August 2, 1999


TwinCAT 2.7


TwinCAT 2.8 §

Change from wsm to tsm


Use of XML for system configuration


Config Mode for scanning hardware


TwinCAT 2.9


TwinCAT 2.10 §



TwinCAT 2.11 Build 1552


TwinCAT 2.11 R2



Change in preparation for TwinCAT 3


Required for CX5000

TwinCAT 2.11 R3

Release Notes: Changes from 2.10 to 2.11 TwinCAT Base System • • • • • • • •

Integration of MDP (Modular Device Profile – a generic interface for device information) Integration of configuration tool for AX5xxx drives Optimized behavior for use with Windows Vista and Windows 7 Optimization for TwinCAT running on Quad-core and Octo-core CPUs Time synchronization with EL6692 (EtherCAT bridge) Time synchronization with EL6688 (IEEE 1588/Precision Time Protocol) New modular structure of I/O drivers Base for new supplement products like TwinCAT Kinematic Transformation

TwinCAT 2

In addition to the features available in 2.11, the following new features were implemented in Release 2 (2.11 R2): • • • • • • •

support for CX50xx controllers support for CU2508 (port multiplier) support for AX5805 (safety card for AX5xxx) support for EP1908 new Motion Control feature: multi-cam extended slave error handling for NC multi-linear coupling (multi-GearIn)

In addition to the features available in 2.11 R2, the following new features were implemented in Release 3 (2.11 R3): • • • •

CX50xx, additional interfaces like EtherCAT Slave EL7201 support (NC PTP) Supports new PCIe fieldbus adapters New Phasing functionality for NC PTP

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6. Software, Download & Installation § §

The TwinCAT software can be downloaded from Select ‘Download’ from the top of the page


Scroll down to the Software section and select TwinCAT 30 days version

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Select TwinCAT

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The form must be filled in with a valid email address


Below the form you can select the version and build of TwinCAT you would like to download


After selecting the “Registration” button an email will be sent; to the address provided, containing a link to download the software

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Selecting the link in the email will start the download


Double-Click the exe file to start the installation process


The file name will match the version number and build that you selected during the registration process


If you receive the following warning select Run

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Select your preferred language and then select next


The InstallShield Wizard will begin the install process

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When prompted select next


Accept the license agreement and select next

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Fill in the User Name and Company Name (This information will be viewable in the software)


Use ‘DEMO’ for the serial number

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Selecting the level of TwinCAT to install (All levels are inclusive of lower levels) §

CP – Includes the ADS driver, used for OPC Server, Beckhoff Control Panels, and other ADS communication


I/O – Includes the system manager for configuring hardware, used when writing C/C++ code to control the I/O


PLC – Includes the IEC 61131-3 PLC editor and the Beckhoff compilers


NC PTP – Numerical Control for Point to Point motion with associated libraries


NC – I Numerical Control for Interpolated motion with associated libraries

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Registration Type §

30 Day demo – Full functionality for 30 days, after 30 days TwinCAT will no longer go into run mode. Development and Remote connections are still possible. Re-installing will provide another 30 days


Register now – A System ID will be provided for you to call in with


The recommended practice is to select the 30 Demo and then send screenshots of the System ID via email. Licenses can be provided within 24 hours except weekends and holidays

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Select the additional features to install with TwinCAT §

The desired features should be selected here, afterwards select Next to continue


TwinCAT I/O – Allows the direct access to IO via a DLL. Can be installed with TwinCAT PLC or TwinCAT NC PTP.


TwinCAT Scope View – A software Oscilloscope for monitoring variables in real time


TwinCAT Cam Server – A Cam tool for setting outputs on Lightbus, has never been sold in North America, replaced by newer technology


TwinCAT EDS and GSD files – files for DeviceNet and Profibus hardware


TwinCAT Remote Manager – For managing different versions of TwinCAT on one PC.


TwinCAT Drive Manager – Used for Configuring the AX5000 servo drives


TwinCAT BACnet/IP – BACnet Server for building Automation and HVAC systems.

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Specify the path for the TwinCAT installation §

The default path is highly recommended, project files that the user creates can be stored in any desired location

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Specify the Program Folder for the TwinCAT installation §


The default path is highly recommended, project files that the user creates can be stored in any desired location

The installer will now install the needed components

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You must reboot the PC after the installer has completed


After rebooting the PC you will see the TwinCAT icon in the Windows System Tray


TwinCAT is in ‘Stop Mode’ by default

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7. Licensing and Registration Single left click the TwinCAT Icon in the system tray, and select properties

Once properties is selected the ‘TwinCAT System Properties’ window will appear. Select the last tab (Registration) on the top of the window. At this point you can take a screen capture of the current System ID and report it to your Inside Sales Representative.

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PLC Overview 8. IDE §

The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of TwinCAT provides a complete set of development tools for the PLC. TwinCAT PLC Control puts a simple approach to the powerful IEC languages at the disposal of the PLC programmer. Use of the editors and debugging functions is based upon the proven development program environments of advanced programming languages.

The Left column provides four tabs at the bottom.

POUs – Program Organizational Units – This will contain the code written by the programmer, Programs, Function Blocks, and Functions

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Data Types – Here the programmer can create Structures and Enumerations to be used in the PLC code

Visualizations – Interface screens for use by Maintenance personnel or Operators can be created.

Resources – The resources tab contains several items. The Global Variable Lists, Library Manager, PLC Configuration, and Task Configuration are all accessible from this tab.

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A POU is opened by double-clicking on it.

The POU contains 2 parts, the Declaration section, and the Code section. The first line of the declaration section defines the type of POU and the name of the POU. Following this is the local variable declaration, the variables that are local to this POU are defined between the Keywords VAR and END_VAR. Below the Declaration section is the Code section, this part of the window will contain the PLC code of the POU.

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Additionally there is a Message Window at the bottom.

The Message Window can be hidden or shown, from the ‘Window’ menu select ‘Messages’ or the keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl + K’ The Message window will show Errors, Warnings, and compile information.

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9. Programs A program is a POU which returns several values during operation. Programs are recognized globally throughout the project. All values are retained from the last time the program was run until the next. Programs are called from either a PLC Task or another Program. If a one program calls another program, and if thereby values of the program are changed, then these changes are retained the next time the program is called, even if the program has been called from within a different program. Programs can call all types of POUs, they can call Functions, Function Blocks, and other Programs. By default when a new Project is started, a Standard Task is created that calls the Program MAIN, from MAIN all other POUs are called. Because Programs are recognized globally, the local variables declared inside of them will referenced by first using the name of the program and then the name of the variable, separated by a dot ‘.’, for example is the variable bStart is defined with an address as a local variable in MAIN, in the PLC-Configuration of the TwinCAT System Manager the variable will be MAIN.bStart. Where as a variable defined globally will only show the name of the variable.

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Data Types and Conversions

Elementary data types form the foundation of the programmer’s tools to represent and use information. The elementary data types within TwinCAT Plc Control are below.

The BOOL data type is used to define a Boolean or Bit-wise variable. The BOOL data type takes the value of either TRUE or FALSE at runtime. The conversion operator BOOL_TO_INT may be used to convert a TRUE/FALSE into „1/0‟, respectively. Declaration syntax: VariableName : BOOL := InitialValue ; Example: pushButton01 : BOOL ; Declaration with Initial Value: drainValveOpen : BOOL := TRUE ;

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Use the {BYTE, WORD, DWORD, SINT, USINT, INT, UINT, REAL, LREAL} data set is to define an appropriate value range for a variable. Declaration syntax: VariableName : DataType { := , Busy=> , Error=>bErrorWritePoint_1st , ErrorID=>iErrorIDWritePoint_1st ); (*Use new Data for Point 5*) fbMC_SetCamOnlineChangeModeTable1_1st( Execute:= TRUE , ActivationMode:=MC_CAMACTIVATION_ATMASTERAXISPOS , ActivationPosition:=370 , MasterScalingMode:=MC_CAMSCALING_AUTOOFFSET , SlaveScalingMode:=MC_CAMSCALING_AUTOOFFSET , CamTableID:=1 , Done=> , Busy=> , Error=> bErrorChangeMode_1st, ErrorID=>iErrorIDChangeMode_1st );

5; 15;

75; 75;

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(*New data for point 5 of the Cam Table*) VM_MotionFunctionPoints[5].PointIndex VM_MotionFunctionPoints[5].FunctionType VM_MotionFunctionPoints[5].PointType VM_MotionFunctionPoints[5].RelIndexNextPoint VM_MotionFunctionPoints[5].MasterPos VM_MotionFunctionPoints[5].SlavePos

:= := :=

:= := 1; 1; := 0;

(*Buffer the Data for Point 5*) fbMC_WriteMotionFunctionPoint5_2nd( Execute:=TRUE , CamTableID:=1 , PointID:=5 , Point:=VM_MotionFunctionPoints[5] , Done=> , Busy=> , Error=>bErrorWritePoint_2nd , ErrorID=>iErrorIDWritePoint_2nd ); (*Use new Data for Point 5*) fbMC_SetCamOnlineChangeModeTable1_2nd( Execute:= TRUE , ActivationMode:=MC_CAMACTIVATION_ATMASTERAXISPOS , ActivationPosition:=730 , MasterScalingMode:=MC_CAMSCALING_AUTOOFFSET , SlaveScalingMode:=MC_CAMSCALING_AUTOOFFSET , CamTableID:=1 , Done=> , Busy=> , Error=> bErrorChangeMode_2nd, ErrorID=>iErrorIDChangeMode_2nd );

5; 15;


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Motion Functions vs. Position Tables a. Position Tables

General Table Conventions Tables only contain binary data. Table can be read from an ASCII file but you have to parse the file. A table consists of a header (the first line) and the table data (the remaining lines). The header contains two numbers of type unsigned short. The first column contains the number of lines (without header), while the second column contains the number of columns (for table-slave tables this is always 2). There are no separating characters between the data. Apart from the header, the table only contains data of type double. The first column (with the exception of the header line) contains the master positions, while the second column contains the associated slave positions (both in mm). There are no separating characters between the data. The quantity of data is restricted to 64 KB (TwinCAT Version 2.6). (This might be greater in newer versions) A position table is a 2D array that provides a slave position relative to the master position. The downside of a position table is that the segments between defined points are calculated in a straight line between the points. Therefore the more points on the table the shorter the segments and the better the motion. Most 2D tables contain at least 1000 points and are commonly generated by 3rdparty software using a mathematical formula (similar to a motion function) to create a table of 1000+ points.

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Below are the points generated by using Motion Functions from our above sample code. The values highlighted in yellow are the master. The values highlighted in red are the defined points. If this was a table of points the Slave axis values would increase linearly.

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b. Motion Functions A motion function (MF) describes a cam disc via mathematical functions. It sub-divides the curve into appropriate segments (sections), for which different motion laws, i.e. special mathematical functions, can be used (for cam examples see: Cam design tool examples). The motion laws for mechanical cams are defined in VDI guideline 2143 and other documents. The electronic cams in TwinCAT use these functions, among others. The motion functions realize these motion functions directly in the real-time driver of the NC. Unlike classic table couplings that only transfer discrete steps (scatter plots) in the form of larger data quantities to the NC, the complete information is stored in the NC in very compact form. Problems originating from data granularity (position reference points) in the table are thus eliminated. The realization of motion laws in the NC has a further crucial advantage: A motion diagram, i.e. the complete description of the motion of a slave axis, can now simply and clearly be defined and modified from the PLC. Associated PLC function blocks make the application of this functionality very convenient. Users can influence not only the complete motion description, but also individual segments or sub-sections. In order to ensure that the drive system can actually implement a cam in practice, the system calculates characteristic values (such as maximum and minimum position values, velocity and acceleration etc.), which the user has to analyze. The resulting dynamic limit values ultimately depend on the motion of the master and relate to constant master velocity. The characteristic values are thus calculated with the idealized assumption of constant master velocity. In addition, the mean velocity and the effective acceleration are calculated. These values may be used, for example, for calculating the effective torque or the operating point PA(n m; M ) eff in the torque/speed diagram of the motor. The PLC can access the current characteristic values of the NC via function blocks. In the cam design tool (TwinCAT Cam Design Editor) the decision whether to use classic table couplings (scatter plot) or motion functions can be configured via an associated selection. Subsequently, either the position tables or the motion function points are generated when the configuration is activated. If motion functions are used, these points can subsequently be modified individually by the PLC. It is possible to modify individual values or complete sections of the motion functions online according to associated rules, i.e. while the cam is active. Very flexible cams can thus be realized.

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c. Definition of a Point

The information contained in the cam design tool table is sufficient for defining the motion in the NC. However, closer inspection of this MF table reveals the presence of redundant data. Because the motion is described in segments (sections), for motion diagrams with simple interrelationships the end point of a section is identical to the starting point of the next segment. The more complex point types offered by the cam design tool, such as slide point, are not yet implemented. In addition, users want to be able to deactivate individual points in a particular motion diagram (MOTIONPOINTTYPE_IGNORE, referred to as IGNORE below) at a later stage. These requirements lead a description that in addition to the starting point of a segment, including the point information (velocity, acceleration, point type), also contains the segment information (function type, symmetry value).

d. Point structure PointIndex FunctionType PointType RelIndexNextPoint MasterPos SlavePos SlaveVelo SlaveAcc SlaveJerk/Symmetry

UINT32 Point index UINT16 Function type UINT16 Point type INT32 Relative index of the end point (default: 0, subsequently corresponds to 1) REAL64 Master position REAL64 Slave position at this reference point REAL64 Slave velocity at this reference point REAL64 Slave acceleration at this reference point Slave jerk at this reference point or symmetry value of the segments for rest in rest REAL64 motion laws

In this structure, a relative index is used to refer to the point index of the end point of this segment. In order to keep the definition simple for motion diagrams with simple interrelationships, the IGNORE points are indeed ignored completely. The relative point index is therefore automatically adjusted internally. The default value of the relative point index may therefore be zero, although for a standard list with simple link the value should be ‘1’. The user therefore does not have to update this information. The possible point types of the cam design tool therefore includes the IGNORE point.

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0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x0004 0x0008

Ignore point Restpoint Velocitypoint Turnpoint Motionpoint

Ignored point Rest point Velocity point Reversal point Movement point

v=0, a=0 v=?, a=0 v=0, a=? v=?, a=?

At Rest the velocity and acceleration will be 0. A Velocity point will have 0 acceleration and the velocity will be defined by the Cam Table or the user. A Turn point will have a velocity of 0, and the acceleration will be calculated by the Cam Table or the user. A Motion point is the default type in which the velocity and acceleration will be calculated by the Cam Table. Since no points can be added while the MF is active, the IGNORE point type enables associated points to be included. These can be activated online at a later stage by specifying the associated values (point type not equal IGNORE). Warning: The master position has to be either strictly monotonic rising or falling. Otherwise it is rejected with an associated error message.

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Cam Design Tool a. Overview

A cam design editor is used to design the movements for a cam plate. A cam design editor is integrated into TwinCAT, and it can be found in the System Manager under the NC Configuration, under the Tables item. The cam design editor is a flexible tool that provides the user with optimum support and only the minimum of restrictions. Therefore, responsibility for the choice of parameters lies with the user. The user, for instance, should carefully check whether the starting and end points correspond exactly to requirements. On the other hand, the user is offered the best possible assistance for checking velocity, acceleration and jerk through the graphic display facilities. With all these options, however, the user must remember that it is physics that sets the limits to the possible movement.

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b. Creating a Cam Table Right click on Tables and select Append Table…

Leave the defaults and select OK.

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Right click on the Master and select Append Slave…

Leave the defaults and select OK.

It is possible here to insert additional masters, and to enter corresponding slaves under. If you then click the master in the structure tree, the property pages can be used to set the properties not only of the master, but also of the associated slaves.

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The general procedure for developing a design of a cam is based on VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure) Guideline 2143. The rough design of the movement - the movement plan - defines the starting and end points of the movement section. The editor, however, does not make a distinction between the movement sketch and the movement diagram containing the detailed description of the movement, they will show the same data.

The user's interface to the cam design editor is graphic. Following interactive graphic entry of the points in the graphic window, the co-ordinates of the points are displayed in the table window above it. New points can only be inserted in the graph, and it is only possible to delete existing points via the graph. The properties of the points - the co-ordinate values or their derivatives - can also be interactively manipulated in the table window.

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Not just the position, but also the velocity, acceleration and jerk can be displayed in the graphic area.

The mode of the display can be changed by a right mouse click in the graphic window, which opens the following menu:

Thus a separate Graphic Window is opened for each derivative.

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i. Master Tab The minimum and maximum master positions can be specified. The Normed switch allows you to choose between a normalized display and a physically oriented display in which the velocity, acceleration and jerk of the slave are shown against time. The normalized display refers these displays to the master position. The velocity of the master is needed for the physically oriented display; it is necessary, first of all, to distinguish here between a linear and a rotary axis (angular values quoted in degrees). When the data is transferred to the NC, the choice between a linear and a rotary axis specifies whether the table type is linear or cyclic. For a rotary Master, the first and second derivatives at the end are set equal to the corresponding values at the start of the movement cycle, if the starting and end positions of the slave correspond to the minimum and maximum positions of the master. The increment specifies the increment of the master position used for output of the table into a file. If an equidistant table is to be generated, the total length (the actual maximum minus the minimum) should be divisible by the increment. When the project is saved in the registry, the information required to generate and transfer the tables with this increment is created in the NC. The Rounding Value rounds the master position in the graphic input with the given value. Fixed Table / Motion Function: When exporting the cam table to a .csv file this option will either generate a straight line (Fixed Table) or calculate the points using the Motion Function.

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ii. Slave Tab Maximum and minimum values can be specified for position, velocity, acceleration and jerk. These values can be used as initial specifications when the graphic window is first displayed. Adjustment to the current values in the diagram can be performed in the relevant graphic window with the Adjust to Extreme Values command. The Rounding Value rounds the slave position in the graphic input with the given value. Export allows the slave's values to be stored in an ASCII file in the form of master position, slave position, on one line each. The master position increment is specified in the master's property page. Import allows files in the format just described to be read in. The values can then be displayed as cubic splines. The type of the spline still needs to be adjusted in the table, according to the values. The Table Id provides a unique identifying number (1..255) for the table, with the aid of which the table data is stored in the NC. It can be changed to using a right mouse click in the menu with the Change Id... command.

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c. Graphic Window The slave's position and derivatives are each shown in separate graphic windows.

The associated toolbar includes both buttons that are only related to the graph as well as the special commands for the cam plate editor.

When the Overview Window is switched on, it is not only possible to see which section the graph window is looking at, but this section can be moved, or it is possible to zoom to a new section. The horizontal and vertical Scrollbars can be used to shift the Graphic Section; the horizontal scrollbar acts on all the graphic windows at the same time. If you're using an IntelliMouse with a ScrollWheel you can zoom with the ScrollWheel.

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The toolbar and its commands can be displayed or hidden via the menu that is opened by a right mouse click (in the graphic window).

This window also has a Horizontal Scrollbar if the Horizontal Scrollbar option is activated. All the horizontal scrollbars are synchronized. The Cross on Point option causes the starting and end points of a movement section to be indicated by a cross. The Show Online Data displays the table data that is currently in the NC, with the associated table ID as a cubic spline. Currently this can result in a distorted display; because the linear tables are displayed as natural splines (second derivative at the edges equals 0). The data is displayed in the same color, but somewhat darker. The data is automatically transferred by ADS, as soon as Online Mode is switched on. The current data can be read by switching the mode on and off. When the project is saved in the registry (Activate Configuration), the information required to generate and transfer the tables is created in the NC.

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d. Tables Window The values for the movement section are displayed in the table window:

The values can be altered via the keyboard, remember that restrictions are applied arising from the choice of function type or other boundary conditions for the points. Since movement sections are normally continuous; except for Slide Points, the end point and its derivatives at the end of the section are equal to the corresponding values at the start of the following movement section. For this reason it is normally always the initial values that should be manipulated. In addition to this, if any inconsistencies are seen in the graph of a completed movement diagram, the agreement of the initial and end points should be checked. If certain values in the table cannot be changed, consideration should be given to the boundary conditions applying to the points. It may be appropriate to change them. The boundary conditions limit the scope of the functions in sections in accordance with their type. The symmetry of the functions can only be changed for the following types: Polynom3, Polynom5, Polynom8, Sinusline, ModSinusline, Bestehorn, and AccTrapezoid. Normally the inflection on the curve (acceleration = 0) at 50 % = 0.5. This value can be changed in the table or in the diagram of the acceleration (Example 6).

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i. Function Types In addition to the standard types (synchronous/automatic), which can be changed by command on the graph, the function type can also be modified in the combo box. When the combo box; or a field in the first column, is first clicked, a rectangle is temporarily shown in the position window, with the initial and end points of the section at its corners. As soon as another field in the table window is activated, either the rectangle for this one is shown, or no rectangle is displayed at all.

The types correspond to those of VDI Guideline 2143; additionally, there are the cubic splines, with the boundary conditions of natural, tangential and periodical.

Changing the type of spline at the first point implies that the spline type as a whole is changed, including that of the end point. If Spline Tangential is chosen as the spline type, the boundary conditions (first derivative at the starting and end point) should be modified. At the Motion functions with fit to boundary values the R is for Rest, V for Velocity, T for Turn, and M for Motion.

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ii. Commands The cam design editor offers the following commands, and these may be called up through the toolbars on the relevant graphic window:

All these commands are only applicable to the associated window.

Adjustment to the Extreme Values The window's coordinates are adjusted to the extreme values of the movement. Measurement of Distance The horizontal and vertical distance to the current point from the point first clicked with the left mouse button is displayed at the top right hand corner of the window (please hold the mouse button down for this). Current Position The absolute horizontal and vertical position of the point currently clicked with the left mouse button is displayed at the top right hand corner of the window (please hold the mouse button down for this). Horizontal Shift Moves the selected point horizontally In the velocity window for synchronous functions: shift along a straight line in the position window. The left-hand edge of the graphic area can be temporarily moved in this way, so that the scale can be more easily read. Vertical Shift Moves the selected point vertically In the velocity window for synchronous functions: adjustment of the position in the position window to the velocity. In the acceleration window for automatic function: adjustment of the acceleration. Shift Moves the selected point.

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The following commands only apply in the graphic window for position: Insert Point Inserts a point at the cursor position. Synchronous Function The chosen section is passed through with a synchronous function. Automatic Function An optimum function is selected automatically for the chosen section including adjustment to the boundary values. Delete Point The selected point is deleted, as is the corresponding section.

The following four items define specific boundary conditions for the points: The point type is correspondingly displayed in front of the point in the table window. This restriction can mean that the end value of a section does not agree with the initial value for the following section. Rest Point The selected point is defined as a rest point (boundary condition: v=0, a=0). Velocity Point The selected point is defined as a velocity point (boundary condition: a=0). Reversal Point The selected point is defined as a reversal point (boundary condition: v=0). Movement Point The selected point is defined as a movement point (no boundary conditions).

Slide Point The starting position of the following section or the end position of the previous section is set at the cursor position, without changing the selected section. The point can then be moved on to the section using horizontal shift.

Delete Slide Point The slide point is deleted and the sections are joined together as they were previously.

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Cam Table Scaling a. Overview

As required by the application the scale of the Cam Table can be adjusted. Master and Slave offsets can also be given to provide more flexibility to the programmer.

b. MC_CamScaling

A cam plate coupling can be scaled with the function block MC_CamScaling. The raw table data of the cam plate are not affected, the scaling refers to an existing master/slave coupling. The following parameters can be modified, scaling factors for master and slave, and offsets for the cam plate within the coordinate system. Optionally, the modification will only take effect from a certain master position, enabling precise scaling during the motion. Caution when scaling during motion! The slave position at the time of scaling should only be affected slightly by the change. The status flag Axis.Status.CamcalingPending can be used to check whether a scaling procedure is queued. Inputs VAR_INPUT Execute : BOOL; ActivationMode : MC_CamActivationMode; ActivationPosition : LREAL; MasterScalingMode : MC_CamScalingMode; SlaveScalingMode : MC_CamScalingMode; MasterOffset : LREAL; SlaveOffset : LREAL; MasterScaling : LREAL := 1.0; SlaveScaling : LREAL := 1.0; END_VAR Execute: The command is executed with a rising edge at input Execute ActivationMode: ActivationMode specifies the scaling time and position.

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ActivationPosition: Master position at which a cam plate is scaled, depending on the ActivationMode If ActivationMode MC_CAMACTIVATION_ATMASTERCAMPOS is used; the position refers to the non-scaled cam plate. If the position in the application refers to the scaled cam plate, it can be divided by the MasterScaling value before the function block is called. MasterScalingMode: Optional scaling mode for the master position of the cam plate SlaveScalingMode: Optional scaling mode for the slave position of the cam plate MasterOffset: Offset to the master position of the cam plate SlaveOffset: Offset to the slave position of the cam plate MasterScaling: Scaling of the master position of the cam plate SlaveScaling: Scaling of the slave position of the cam plate Outputs VAR_OUTPUT Done : Busy : Error : ErrorID : UDINT; END_VAR


Done: becomes TRUE, if the cam plate was created successfully. Busy: The Busy output becomes TRUE when the command is started with Execute and remains TRUE as long as the command is processed. When Busy becomes FALSE again, the function block is ready for a new command. At the same time one of the outputs, Done or Error, is set. Error: Becomes TRUE, as soon as an error occurs. ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number. Inputs/outputs VAR_IN_OUT Master : AXIS_REF; Slave : AXIS_REF; END_VAR

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c. MC_CamScalingMode TYPE MC_CamScalingMode : ( MC_CAMSCALING_USERDEFINED, (* user defines scaling parameters - scaling and offset *) MC_CAMSCALING_AUTOOFFSET, (* offset is calculated automatically for best result *) MC_CAMSCALING_OFF (* no modification accepted *) ); END_TYPE Type and scope of the scaling of a cam plate coupling via function block MC_CamScaling. MC_CAMSCALING_USERDEFINED: The scaling and offset are retained unchanged. The user has to calculate the scaling and offset such that a jump in the position is avoided. MC_CAMSCALING_AUTOOFFSET: The scaling takes effect and the system adjusts the offset such that a jump in the position is avoided. Scaling should nevertheless occur during a phase with slave velocity 0, since otherwise a jump in velocity cannot be avoided. MC_CAMSCALING_OFF: The scaling and offset are ignored. This mode is used when only slave scaling (i.e. without master scaling) is to be implemented. Autooffset Autooffset mode ensures automatic adaptation of a cam plate offset. Autooffset can be used independently for the master or slave axis of a cam plate and affects both switchover and scaling of cam plates. The function operates based on the rules described below. Master-Autooffset Master-Autooffset Prevents discontinuity of the master position of the cam plate in the axis coordinate system during switching of cam plates with different master cycle or scaling of cam plates (master scaling). This function is required because the relative position of a cam plate in the axis coordinate system depends on the master cycle. If the master cycle is changed, e.g. through scaling, the position would change. Master-Autooffset determines the master offset of the cam plate such that the master position within the cam plate is maintained. For scaling or switchover to a cam plate with a different master cycle this means that the relative (percentage) position before and after the switchover is identical.

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i. Example: A cam plate has master cycle of 360° and is scaled by a factor of 2 to 720°. Scaling takes place at the 90° position within the cam plate, i.e. at 25% of the start of a cycle. After the scaling the relative master position in the cam plate at 180° is therefore also 25% of the start of a cycle.

During a switchover at the edges of a cam plate (see MC_CamActivationMode MC_CAMACTIVATION_NEXTCYCLE), Master-Autooffset ensures a seamless sequence of cam plates, both for cyclic and linear cam plates.

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Master-Autooffset cannot be used for a cam plate with relative coupling or switching, since these functions are mutually exclusive. Further restrictions apply to initial coupling. These are shown in the following table.

Slave-Autooffset Slave-Autooffset calculates a slave offset such that discontinuities in the slave position are avoided during cam plate switching or scaling. The slave offset is adjusted to ensure that the slave position is identical before and after the action. If both Master Autooffset and Slave-Autooffset are used for cam plate switching or scaling, the master offset is calculated first, followed by the slave offset. Slave-Autooffset can be used with any MC_StartMode and will always adjust the cam plate such that the slave position doesn't jump.

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ii. Sample Code: IF VM.NcToPlc.ActPos > 540 THEN fbMC_CamScaling( Execute:=TRUE , ActivationMode:=MC_CAMACTIVATION_NEXTCYCLE , ActivationPosition:=721 , MasterScalingMode:=MC_CAMSCALING_AUTOOFFSET , SlaveScalingMode:=MC_CAMSCALING_AUTOOFFSET , MasterOffset:=0 , SlaveOffset:=0 , MasterScaling:= 0.5, SlaveScaling:=1 , Slave:=Slave); END_IF

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Cyclic Cam Plates with Lift

Please refer to MC_CamIn Appendix in the Information System or at the end of this document. This document makes use of the Cam Design Tool to create the following cam table where the Slave axis travels 100 for each 360 degree revolution of the Master axis.

Calculations for the Lift are handled internally. Only the configuration needs to be correct to implement this type of Cam Table.

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The Master Axis must be set for Rotation.

The StartMode of the MC_CamIn FB must be set properly. In this example we are using MC_STARTMODE_MASTERABS_SLAVEREL Where the Master axis is calculated to an Absolute position and the Slave axis is calculated Relative to its current position.

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a. MC_StartMode TYPE MC_StartMode : ( MC_STARTMODE_ABSOLUTE := 1, (* cam table is absolute for master and slave *) MC_STARTMODE_RELATIVE, (* cam table is relative for master and slave *) MC_STARTMODE_MASTERABS_SLAVEREL, (* cam table is absolute for master and relative for slave *) MC_STARTMODE_MASTERREL_SLAVEABS (* cam table is relative for master and absolute for slave *) ); END_TYPE StartMode is used for coupling with cam plates through MC_CamIn and defines whether a cam plate is interpreted absolute (based on the origin of the axis coordinate system) or relative to the coupling position. The mode can be specified as absolute or relative separately for both coordinate axes. With StartMode absolute the cam plate coordinate system is congruent with the axis coordinate system and can be moved through an offset, if required (master or slave offset). With StartMode relative the origin of the cam plate coordinate system is at the axis position of the respective axis (master or slave) at the time of coupling or cam plate switching. The cam plate can additionally be moved through an offset. Note: The modes MC_STARTMODE_RELATIVE and MC_STARTMODE_MASTERREL_SLAVEABS cannot be used in conjunction with automatic master offset calculation (MC_CamScalingMode), since this would cause a conflict.

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As can be seen below, when running the Cam Table cyclically the Slave axis will increase from its current position by 100 for each 360 degrees of travel by the Master Axis.

The Red line is the Modulo position of the Master Axis. The Green line is the Absolute position of the Slave Axis.

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Cam Out and Restarting a. Overview

MC_CamOut is used to decouple the Slave axis from the Master axis. The slave axis must be stopped after it is decoupled. To couple the axis back to the Master via the Cam Table simply call the MC_CamIn FB again. If the Slave axis has not changed positions then the default values will suffice for Camming the Slave axis to the Master axis on the next cycle of the Cam Table. In the below Scope the Green horizontal line shows the Slave axis not moving because it was decoupled from the Master for 3 revolutions, and then coupled again.

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b. MC_CamOut

The function block MC_CamOut deactivates a master-slave coupling.

Note: If a slave axis is uncoupled during the movement, it is not automatically stopped, but reaches a continuous velocity with which it will continue to travel endlessly. The axis can be stopped with a Stop command. Inputs VAR_INPUT Execute Options END_VAR

: BOOL; : ST_CamOutOptions; (*Not Yet Implemented*)

Execute: The command is executed with a rising edge at input Execute. Options: Currently not implemented Outputs VAR_OUTPUT Done : Busy : Error : ErrorID : UDINT; END_VAR


Done: Becomes TRUE, if the axis was successfully uncoupled. Busy: The Busy output becomes TRUE when the command is started with Execute and remains TRUE as long as the command is processed. When Busy becomes FALSE again, the function block is ready for a new command. At the same time one of the outputs, Done or Error, is set. Error: Becomes TRUE, as soon as an error occurs. ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number. Inputs/Outputs VAR_IN_OUT Slave END_VAR



Slave: Slave axis data structure. The axis data structure of type AXIS_REF addresses an axis uniquely within the system. Among other parameters it contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error status.

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c. MC_Halt

MC_Halt stops an axis with a defined braking ramp. In contrast to MC_Stop, the axis is not locked against further motion commands. The axis can therefore be restarted through a further command during the braking ramp or after it has come to a halt. Note: Motion commands can be passed to slave axes if they are explicitly enabled in the axis parameters. A motion command will then decouple the axis and move it afterwards. In this case just Buffer-Mode Aborting can be used. Inputs VAR_INPUT Execute : BOOL; Deceleration : LREAL; Jerk : LREAL; BufferMode : MC_BufferMode; Options : ST_MoveOptions; END_VAR Execute: The command is executed with a rising edge at input Execute. Deceleration: Deceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the deceleration parameterised with the last Move command is used. MC_Halt and MC_Stop as well cannot be executed with lower dynamical parameters than the currently active motion command. Parameters will be adapted automatically. Jerk: Jerk (≥0). If the value is 0, the jerk parameterised with the last Move command is used. MC_Halt and MC_Stop as well cannot be executed with lower dynamical parameters than the currently active motion command. Parameters will be adapted automatically. BufferMode: BufferMode is currently not supported by MC_Halt. Halt takes effect immediately with a rising edge at Execute, similar to BufferMode=MC_Aborting Options: Currently not implemented - The data structure option includes additional, rarely required parameters. The input can normally remain open.

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Outputs VAR_OUTPUT Done Busy Active CommandAborted Error ErrorID END_VAR


Done: The Done output becomes TRUE, if the axis was stopped and has come to a standstill. Busy: The Busy output becomes TRUE when the command is started with Execute and remains TRUE as long as the command is processed. When Busy becomes FALSE again, the function block is ready for a new command. At the same time one of the outputs, Done,CommandAborted or Error, is set. Active: Active indicates that the command is executed If the command was queued, it becomes active once a running command is completed. CommandAborted: Becomes TRUE, if the command could not be fully executed. The running command may have been followed by a Move command. Error: Becomes TRUE if an error occurs. ErrorID: If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number. Inputs/outputs VAR_IN_OUT Axis END_VAR


Axis: Axis data structure The axis data structure of type AXIS_REF addresses an axis uniquely within the system. Among other parameters it contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error status.

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MC_CamIn Appendix TwinCAT PLC Library: MC (Version 2)

a. Axis coupling with cam plates The function block MC_CamIn can be used to establish a cam plate coupling (or table coupling) between a master axis and a slave axis. Note that prior to the coupling the slave axis has to be at a position defined by the cam plate. After the coupling and once the master has been started, the slave position is calculated directly from the cam plate. The slave axis is therefore not slowly synchronized with the cam plate, but it will jump if it is not already at the table position. In practice the question arises; what position the slave should be in prior to the coupling, and how this is calculated. The following figures illustrate the procedure. Notes: For all subsequent calculations only axis set positions are used. The actual positions are not used in the calculations, since they would lead to calculation errors, particularly with cyclic cam plates. Only absolute table couplings are considered. For relative couplings, the coupling position of the master or slave axis is considered in the calculations as an additional offset.

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b. Linear cam plates A linear cam plate is only defined via a limited master position range. Outside this range the slave position is defined by the first or last table position. The slave therefore stops at the table edges as soon as the master leaves the defined range.

The diagram shows that the absolute axis coordinate system (blue) does not have to be identical to the cam plate coordinate system (red). The cam plate coordinate system may be offset by a master offset or a slave offset. Scaling is also possible. The slave position relating to a certain master position can be determined via the function block MC_ReadCamTableSlaveDynamics . The block refers to the raw table data, which means that offsets and scaling factors have to be considered via the PLC program itself. Initially, the master offset is added to the current master position. If the cam plate is to be scaled, it is divided by this scaling factor. MasterCamTablePosition := (MasterPosition + MasterOffset) / MasterScaling; The master table position is used as an input parameter for the function block MC_ReadCamTableSlaveDynamics. The result is converted to an absolute slave position with slave offset and scaling, if necessary. SlaveCamTablePosition := ReadSlaveDynamics.SlavePosition; SlavePosition := (SlaveCamTablePosition * SlaveScaling) + SlaveOffset; The slave is moved to this position prior to the coupling. Alternatively, the master may be moved to a position that corresponds to the current slave position. However, generally this position cannot be determined from the cam plate, since the cam plate may be ambiguous. Note: Since the master offset is added in the first formula, a positive offset leads to the cam plate coordinate system being shifted to the left in negative direction. Accordingly, the master offset in the diagram is negative. A positive slave offset leads to the cam plate coordinate system being shifted upwards in positive direction.

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c. Cyclic cam plates without lift A cyclic cam plate without lift is characterized by the fact that the slave start and end positions in the table are identical. The slave therefore moves cyclically within a defined range, without changing its position permanently in a particular direction.

For these cam plate types, master/slave coupling requires the same preparation as for a linear cam plate. The starting position of the slave can therefore be calculated as described above. It is not necessary to use the modulo position of the master for the calculation, since the absolute position is already correctly taken into account via the coupling command.

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d. Cyclic cam plates with lift The lift of a cyclic cam plate is the difference between the last and the first table position of the slave.

Such a cam plate is continued cyclically at the end of the table. The slave position does not jump back to the initial table value. Instead, the motion continues steadily. With each new cycle, the lift is therefore added as an additional internal slave offset or subtracted if the motion is reversed.

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e. Uncoupling and re-coupling for cyclic cam plates with lift If a slave is coupled to a cam plate with lift, the coupling is always done in the basic cycle (red coordinate system), i.e. without added lifting distances. If the slave is uncoupled after a few cycles and then re-coupled, the slave position returns to the basic cycle. If necessary, this behavior has to be taken into account and compensated by re-calculating the slave offset.

MasterCamTablePos := (MasterPosition + MasterOffset) / MasterScaling; The master table position is used as input parameter for the function block MC_ReadCamTableSlaveDynamics. The result is converted to an absolute slave position with slave offset and scaling, if necessary. In addition, the number of pending lifts must be calculated and added to the slave position. SlaveCamTablePosition := ReadSlaveDynamics.SlavePosition; Lift number := MODTURNS( (SlavePosition - SlaveOffset), SlaveHub ); NewSlaveOffset := SlaveOffset + (SlaveHub * lift number); SlavePosition := (SlaveCamTablePosition * SlaveScaling) + NewSlaveOffset; The Autooffset function can simplify the calculation of offsets, particularly for switching of cam plates.

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Diagnostics a. Overview

The following covers the error codes as provided by either the function blocks or the TwinCAT System Manager. The error codes provided by the system; although complete, are sometimes not easily understood by new users. The explanations of the error codes provided are based solely on the experience of myself and others. The added descriptions are only relevant for helping to find a problem within TwinCAT, this document will not suffice if your problem is within your .NET or other 3rdparty application.

b. Error Format The error codes within TwinCAT are given in accordance with the following structure. All errors are generated in hexadecimal. The errors range from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. The most significant byte 0xn000 can be considered as the grouping for the errors. When needed a sub subgroup will be identified by the second byte 0x0n00. The remaining bytes are used to give the exact error code. The errors between 0x0000 and 0x0FFF refer to the TwinCAT System itself. These errors indicate that something is fundamentally wrong with your system. The cause of the errors can vary greatly; it can be anything from a corrupted file to forgetting to start the PLC, or an incorrect linking in the system manager. Remember that just because TwinCAT allows you to do something, that doesn’t mean that that’s what you wanted to do.

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Error Groups Offset 0x0000 0x0500 0x0600 0x0700 0x0800 0x1000 0x1900 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 0x6000 0x7000 0x7800


c. Global Error Codes 0x0000 0x6 0x7

target port not found target machine not found

These errors commonly occur when setting up a system for the first time, and the frequency increases when switching between development, simulation, and machine. This error is trying to tell you that there is a communication problem, and is commonly an ADS communication problem. If all communication is local, then make sure TwinCAT is running the correct System Manager file, and that the correct PLC program is loading and running. If you are unsure of what system manager file is running, the red folder in the system manager will ‘Open from Target’. If communication is remote then check the AMS router on both PCs to make sure the info is valid. Ping the IP of address of one PC from the other to make sure cabling and network configuration is correct.

d. General ADS Error Codes 0x0700 The common errors in this group are fairly self-explanatory. These normally occur because of something not being configured correctly. It could be an incorrect or missing link in the system manager or the PLC code that is calling the ADS service has an invalid parameter.

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e. NC Errors 0x4000 The NC error group is comprised of 9 sub groups. These sub groups cover all things motion, from Overtemp errors to syntax errors in G-Code to bad PLC commands. NC Error Sub Groups 0x40nn 0x41nn 0x42nn 0x43nn 0x44nn 0x45nn 0x46nn 0x4Ann 0x4Bnn

General NC Errors Channel Errors Group Errors Axis Errors Encoder Errors Controller Errors Drive Errors Table Errors NC-PLC Errors

f. General NC Errors 0x40nn 0x4016

"Table identifier not allowed" Either an unacceptable value (not 1...255) has been used, Check your value of your TableID


"Axis not ready for operation" The axis is not complete, and is therefore not ready for

If the Ready Status of the Axis is not TRUE and the axis receives a command then this error will be given. This value is held in the NCDRIVESTRUCT_IN2 of the Axis 1_Drive and is linked to the ‘Drive Status Word’ of the drive under the I/O Configuration.

For an AX5000 the first place to check is on the ‘Configuration’ Tab of the axis. Look at the ErrorID, it must be at D013: Axis Op. A value less than 13 or an F value will prevent the axis from being ready. The ‘R’ button on the right side of the ErrorID display will issue an IDN99 reset command to the drive.

or a ta

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Channel Errors 0x41nn These errors are for NC-I and are not within the scope of this document.

Group Errors 0x42nn These errors are for NC-I also. However there is one here that should be covered. 0x4208 "Single step mode not allowed" The flag for the activation or deactivation of single step mode is not allowed. Value 0: Passive (buffered operation) Value 1: Active (single-block operation). Prior to MC2 if an axis was given a command while the Status bit ‘Has Job’ was TRUE this error would be given. This error does not stop the axis; it just appears in the Log window of the System Manager. With the new ‘Buffered Moves’ in MC2 this shouldn’t be an issue any more. However keep in mind that if you issue a second move before the first one is complete, where it previously would ignore the command, it will now Abort the previous command and Execute the new one. Axis Errors 0x43nn These Errors relate to the parameterization and monitoring of an axis. The majority of these errors are for incorrect (out of range) parameters or monitoring the control of the axes. Encoder Errors 0x44nn These Errors relate to the parameterization and monitoring of an encoder. The majority of these errors are for incorrect (out of range) parameters or monitoring the encoder of the axes.

Controller Errors 0x45nn These Errors relate to the parameterization and monitoring of the axis controller. The majority of these errors are for incorrect (out of range) parameters or monitoring the control of the axis position. Drive Errors 0x46nn These Errors relate to the parameterization and monitoring of the drive and motor. The majority of these errors are for incorrect (out of range) parameters or monitoring the state of the drive and motor.

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g. Table Errors 0x4Ann These Errors relate to the parameterization and initialization of a cam table. The majority of these errors are for incorrect (out of range) parameters or invalid cam table data. The Flying Saw function blocks will generate these errors as well as Cam Table function blocks. 0x4A06 "Table is not monotonic" The value for the step size is not allowed, because, for example, it is less than or equal to zero. When generating a Cam Table from the PLC or from the Flying Saw this error can happen. The most common cause from the Flying Saw is the Master SetPos is within 1E-12 of the Master Sync position when the Execute turns TRUE. This can also happen for a Cam Table generated by the PLC when the position would require the Master Axis to move backwards. PLC Errors 0x4Bnn The majority of these errors are well described within the Information System. NC-PLC Errors












TcPlcInterpolation 0x4B70..0x4B7F

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Remote Connections 44.

Embedded Controllers


The TwinCAT AMS Router allows for TwinCAT to communicate between computers


Configuring your local IP address


Establishing a Route to the Target


Opening the active system manager of the Target

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Click “Start”


Expand “Connect To”


Click “Show all connections”


The network card you are going to use should be the only one with a Status of “Connected”.


If the other cards are connected TwinCAT may try to one of scan these networks for devices and not scan the correct network.


Right-Click on the Network Card and select “Properties”

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Scroll to the bottom of the list.


Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”


Click on “Properties”

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Select “Use the following IP address”


Enter the following IP address.


Enter your Subnet mask


Click “OK”

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Click “OK”

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If the below window appears click on “STOP Installation”. If you click on “Continue Anyway” windows will install the Real-Time Ethernet driver for your network card. You can do this if you like, but it is not needed for connecting to remote devices.


Click on the TwinCAT icon in the Windows System Tray, and select System Manager.

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Open a new System Manger file. Select File, then New


Set/Reset TwinCAT to Config mode.


Click “Ok”

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Select “SYSTEM – Configuration”, then “Choose Target”


Click “Search (Ethernet)”

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If you know the IP address of the remote device it can be entered.


Click “Enter Host Name / IP:”


It is also possible to use the ‘Broadcast Search’ button to look for computers on the local network that are running TwinCAT, however a broadcast search will not go through a network router.


If the computer you are connecting to is using DHCP then the ‘Address info’ should be set to ‘Host Name’, if a static IP address is being used then set ‘Address Info’ to ‘IP Address’


Select the computer form the list and select ‘Add Route’


Enter User name and password of an Administrator account on the Target PC


Not required for Windows CE


Click “OK”

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Verify the “X” appears in the “Connected” column. Click on “Close”.

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Select “BasePLC” Click “OK”


Verify connection to “BasePLC” the red background indicates you are connected to a remote device.


Verify the device status. A green background indicates that TwinCAT is running on the remote device. A blue background indicates the remote device is in config mode. A yellow background indicates a Timeout.


Click on the red folder to “Open from Target”

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If the below window appears click on “Yes”


File name of the System Manager *.tsm file


Name of remote device


List of hardware connected to the device

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Appendix I – Variable Naming Convention 45.


The following programming guidelines support the creation and maintenance of consistent programs with the following goals:

• • •

Improve readability Speed development Facilitate the incorporation of third-party software components

These guidelines are based on a history of experience in software development by Beckhoff and our customers. The programming guidelines must be used for the development of new programs, unless the customer has specified other guidelines for the project. The programmer can judge the extent to which the guidelines can be applied to existing programs.


Programming System Settings

The TwinCat project options must be defined uniformly to achieve identical notation for individual editors and for documentation. This is especially true in multi-user projects.

a. Font A non-proportional font is recommended with the following settings: This can be adjusted under "Project -> Options -> Editor -> Font".

• • • •

Font: Tahoma Font style: Regular Size: 12 Character set: Western

b. Tab Width A tab width of 4 is recommended. This can be adjusted under "Project -> Options -> Editor".

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Naming a. General

This naming convention applies to variables, constants, and program organization units (POU). Choose a relevant, short, description for each designator name and the designator should be self-explanatory. The first letter of each word in the designator is capitalized (example: FileSize). Please limit the name to 20 characters, the fewer the better.

Prefixes are included with the designator name to indicate scope, property, and type as will be explained below.

b. Case Sensitivity Pay close attention to case sensitivity, especially for prefixes, to improve readability.

NOTE: The TwinCat IEC compiler is not case sensitive.

c. Valid Characters Names should contain the following letters, numbers, and special characters only:

• • •

0...9, A...Z, a...z Underscore Designators always begin with a letter.

The underscore is used to display prefixes more clearly. The syntax is explained in the respective prefix section. Because data type designators are usually formed from capital letters, the individual words are put together with an underscore as a separator to increase readability. The underscore should not be used otherwise.

d. Prefix Types Prefixes are used to quickly identify a designator’s function. The prefix types are as follows:

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• • • •

Type – designator type such as Boolean or integer Scope – designator scope as either local or global Property – designator property such as retained or VAR_IN_OUT POU – POU type such as function or function block

The general syntax for variables and constants is as follows:

[Scope][Property] _ [Type][Name]

• • • •

g_diFirstUserFault xEnable c_iNumberOfAxes gc_sMyGlobalStringConstant

The general syntax for POU’s is as follows:

[POU] _ [Name]

• • • •

FB_AxisController FB_HeatGun P_Main F_GetLeftString

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e. Scope Prefix Scope prefix indicates the scope of variables and constants. You can see if it is a local or a global variable or a constant from the scope prefix.

Global variables are indicated by a lower case "g". A lower case "c" is added to global constants.


: DINT := 100;

gc_diMaxEvents : DINT := 100;

(* Maximum Quantity of Active Faults *)

(* Maximum Quantity of Events *)


VAR_GLOBAL g_stMasterFaultList







Scope Prefix No prefix g_ gc_


Use Local variable Global variable

Example xEnable g_xRunning

Global constant


Table 3.5 Scope Prefix

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f. Type Prefix Type prefixes identify the data type of variables and constants. The IEC 61131-3 standard data type prefixes are listed in the following table.

Type Prefix x b w dw si i di usi ui udi r




date tod dt t s p a e st



Use (Bytes) Boolean (1) Byte (8) Word (16) Double Word (32) Short Integer (8) Integer (16) Double Integer (32) Unsigned Short Integer (8) Unsigned Integer (8) Unsigned Double Integer (32) Floating Point Value (32) Long Floating Point Value (64) Date (32) Time of Day (32) Time and Date (32) Time Duration (32) Character String (x Chars + 1) Pointer Array List Type Structure

Example xName bName wName dwName siName iName diName usiName uiName udiName rName dateName todName dtName tName sName pxName adiName eMotorType stRecipe

Function Block



Table 3.6 Standard Date Type Prefixes

The type prefix can also be composites, for example, for pointers and arrays. The pointer or array is listed first, followed by the prefix of the pointer type or array type as the following examples show: piCounter



: ARRAY [0..10] OF INT;




: ARRAY[0..gc_diMaxFaults] OF ST_FAULT;

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g. Property Prefix Property prefixes are used for identifying the properties of variables and constants as shown in the following table:

Property Prefix c_
















Use Local constant Remnant variable type retain Remnant variable type persistent Input variable of POU Output variable of POU In/out variable of POU

Example c_xName r_xName p_diName i_xEnable q_xError iq_stParameters

Direct access to input memory


Direct access to output memory


Direct access to memory location


Table 3.7 Property Prefix

NOTE: Do not declare constants as RETAIN or PERSISTENT.

The name of the AT-declared variable also contains the type of the target variable. It is used like the type prefix:

• •

atm_rMyVar1 atm_rMyVar2


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h. POU Prefix The program organization units defined in IEC 61131-3 are:

• • • •

Function Function block Program Action

The designator is composed of a POU prefix and as short a name as possible (e.g. FB_GetResult). Just like a variable, the first letter of each word in the POU name is capitalized. We recommend that you form a composite POU name from a verb and a noun. The prefix comes with an underscore before the name and identifies the type of POU on the basis of the following table:

POU Prefix







Function block declaration Functions Action

FB_ F_ A_

Table 3.8 POU Prefix

Example P_RecipeManageme nt FB_AxisController F_GetLrealString A_GetCommand

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i. Structures The name of each structure data type consists of a prefix ST_ and a short, meaningful description in upper case (e.g. ST_STATION_NUMBER). If several words have been put together, they are separated by an underscore. Each component of the structure must be identified with a type prefix.

TYPE ST_FEED_PARAMETERS : (* Parameters for MC_MoveVelocity FB *) STRUCT lrVel

: LREAL := 100.0;


: LREAL := 2000.0;


: LREAL := 2000.0;


: LREAL := 10000.0;


: MC_Direction := MC_Positive_Direction;


: LREAL := 0.0;


Declaration example:



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j. List Types The name of a list type consists of a prefix ET_ and a short, meaningful description in upper case (e.g. ET_WORKING_DAY). If several words have been put together, they are separated by an underscore. The individual elements of list types are identified with the prefix E_.


(* Fault Just Occurred *)


(* Fault Is Gone and Acknowledged By AutoReset *)


(* Fault Is Are Gone and Ack By Reset Input *) (* User Event *)


Variables and constants declared as a list type are prefixed with a lower case:



NOTE: 2 bytes of memory are reserved for each list variable.

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k. Libraries Designators contained within a library and the library name itself is prefixed with a code to quickly identify the source and to match the designator with the library.

• •

MyLib_gc_diMaxConvCount MyLib_ConveyorControl.lib

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Good Programming Practices a. Comments

Comments are essential for understanding source code; however, each individual line of code does not need to be commented. Limit your comments to the necessary minimum. It is more important to keep code clear and understandable. This minimizes the amount of comments required. If all POUs and variables have meaningful names, comments can be shorter. However, if the code is difficult to understand and there are no comments, even the programmer will have trouble understanding it after a short time. If variables have been given unusual values, for example, it is extremely important to explain the reason for this to prevent future misunderstandings. Write your comments so that they are not only notes for the programmer but can also be understood by third parties.

b. Array Indexing Array should always be index starting at zero to prevent range errors. This typically occurs when the variable used to index an array is not initialized properly as shown below.

• •

iCurrentRecipe astRecipes


The problem is corrected as follows:



The first element of the array, 0, is either not used or used as a default.

c. Program Calls Parenthesis should be used when calling programs and actions as shown below:


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