Tutorial on Modeling of Metamaterial Structure in Ansys HFSS
January 17, 2017 | Author: yogesh pal singh | Category: N/A
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Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Modeling of Metamaterial Absorber Structure in Ansys HFSS
Saptarshi Ghosh
Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Kumar Vaibhav Srivastava Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
Presentation Outline Introduction to Metamaterials Overview of Metamaterial Absorbers Modeling of Metamaterial Absorber Structure 1
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
PEC-PMC modes Floquet Modes Modeling of Other Metamaterial Absorber Structures Conclusion 2
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Introduction to Metamaterials
Overview of Metamaterial Artificial composite materials consisting of structural units smaller than the wavelength (λ) of the incident radiation. Controllable electromagnetic properties (ε, µ, n,…) at desired frequency.
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Conventional material with atoms
Unit-cell driven metamaterial (size < λ/4)
Historical Overview
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
1968: Veselago [1] predicted the existence of LHM. 1996: Realization of negative permittivity practically [2] by Pendry. 1999: Experimental verification of negative permeability [3] by Pendry. 2000: First Experimental Demonstration of LHM [4] by Smith. 2001: First realization of Negative Refractive Index [5] by Shelby.
[1] V. G. Veselago, “The electrodynamics of substances with simultaneously negative values of µ and ε,” Sov. Phys. Uspekhi, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 509-514, 1968. [2] J. B. Pendry, A. J. Holden, W. J. Stewart, and I. Youngs, “Extremely low frequency plasmons in metallic microstructure,” Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 76, No. 25, pp. 4773-4776, June 1996. [3] J. B. Pendry, A. J. Holden, D. J. Robbins, and W. J. Stewart, “Magnetism from conductors and enhanced nonlinear phenomena,” IEEE Trans. Micr. Theory. Tech., Vol. 47, No. 11, pp. 2075-2084, Nov. 1999. [4] D. R. Smith, W. J. Padilla, D. C. Vier, S. C. Nemat-Nasser, and S. Schultz, “Composite medium with simultaneously negative permeability and permittivity,” Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 84, No. 18, pp. 4184-4187, 2000. [5] R. A.Shelby, D. R. Smith, and S. Schultz, “Experimental verification of a negative index of refraction,” Science, Vol. 292, pp. 77-79, April 2001. 5
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Metamaterial Absorbers
Conventional Absorbers [6]
Salisbury Screen Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Pyramidal Absorber Single-band absorber
Wide bandwidth above 90% absorption bandwidth Disadvantage : large thickness and fragile
[6] P.Saville, “Review of Radar Absorbing Materials,” Defense R & D Canada-Atlantic, Jan. 2005.
Metamaterial Absorber [7]
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Structure is ultra-thin (λ λ0/35) compared to conventional absorbers. Effective electromagnetic constitutive parameters (εeff and µeff) have been tailored using unit cell design. Absorbers can be made scalable- from microwave, terahertz, infrared, optical frequency range. Structures can be easily fabricated using PCB technology. First experimentally realized by Landy et. al. in 2008 [12]. a1 = 4.2 mm, a2 = 12 mm, W = 4 mm, G = 0.6 mm, t = 0.6 mm, L = 1.7 mm, H = 11.8 mm FR4 substrate thickness = 0.72 mm Copper thickness = 0.017 mm [7] N. I. Landy, S. Sajuyigbe, J. J. Mock, D. R. Smith, and W. J. Padilla, “Perfect metamaterial absorber,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 100, pp. 207402, May 2008.
Metamaterial Absorber When the reflected power (|S11|2) and transmitted power (|S21|2) have been minimized simultaneously, absorptivity (A) will be maximum.
A = 1− | S11 |2 − | S 21 |2 At 11.65 GHz,
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
|S11|2 = 0.01% |S21|2 ~ 0.9% A = 1-|S11|2-|S21|2 = 96% Simulated Absorptivity
What is the reason behind the absorptivity?
Metamaterial Absorber [8] When the reflected power (|S11|2) and transmitted power (|S21|2) have been minimized simultaneously, absorptivity (A) will be maximum. A = 1− | S11 |2 − | S 21 |2 The design is made such a way that the input impedance is matched exactly with the free space impedance.
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
2 2 ( 1 + S11 ) − S 21 Z (ω ) = η 0 (1 − S11 )2 − S 21 2
Input impedance can be matched with free space impedance by controlling the effective material parameters. µ0 µ eff µ eff µ ′ + jµ ′′ Z (ω ) = = η0 = η0 ε 0ε eff ε eff ε ′ + jε ′′
at absorption frequency
ε ′ = µ′ ε ′′ = µ ′′
[8] D. R. Smith, D. C. Vier, Th. Koschny, and C. M. Soukoulis, “Electromagnetic parameter retrieval from inhomogeneous metamaterials,” Phys. Rev. E 71, pp. 036617, 2005. 10
Effective Material Parameters [9] ε eff
2j = 1+ k0d
1 − S 11 − S 21 1 + S 11 + S 21
µ eff
2j = 1+ k0d
1 + S 11 − S 21 1 − S 11 + S 21
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
At 11.65 GHz
Re(εeff): 1.04; Re(µeff): -1.12
Im(εeff): 11.06; Im(µeff): 8.86
ε ′ ≈ µ ′ ε ′′ ≈ µ ′′ [9] C. L. Holloway, E. F. Keuster, and A. Dienstfrey, “Characterizing metasurfaces /metafilms: the connection between surface susceptibilities and effective material properties,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 10, pp. 1507-1511, 2011.
Metamaterial Absorber Structure 1 We are first going to design a single-band metamaterial absorber. Points to remember:
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Metamaterial absorber structures are periodic structures Since metamaterial absorber structures are resonant structures, there must be some equivalent capacitances (C) and inductances (L). Inductance can be realized by any metallic patch Capacitance can be realized by any gap between two metallic patches depending on the direction of E-field.
f ≈
1 2π
2 LC
Metamaterial Absorber Structure 1 t
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
8 x 8 Array a = 10 mm, w = 0.4 mm, l = 6.5 mm, g = 0.2 mm Copper thickness = 0.035 mm, FR4 thickness = 1 mm (εr =4.25 & tanδ =0.02)
Front View of Unit Cell
Side View
Perspective View
Metamaterial Absorber Structure 1 HFSS →Insert the Design → Draw a 3-D rectangular box
3D box
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Project manager
Properties window
Message manager
Progress window 14
Project Variables Project variables are applicable to a particular project Prefixed with “$” sign Project variable is applied to all
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
the designs inside a project
Design Variables Design variables are applicable to a particular design Independent from one design to
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
another design
Square Metal Ground Plane Positional coordinates : 0,0,0 X-size: 10 mm; Y-size: 10 mm; Z-size: 0.035 mm Assign material: copper
FR-4 Dielectric Substrate
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Positional coordinates : 0,0,0 X-size: 10 mm; Y-size: 10 mm; Z-size: 0.035 mm Assign material: copper
Top Metallic Patch First draw a square box Then, draw a middle line and add it to the square loop Lastly, subtract a small gap from the middle line Assign material: copper
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Air Box An air box needs to be provided for providing boundary condition Assign material: vacuum
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
PEC/PMC Boundary condition
Opposite Current : PEC
Same Current : PMC
Same Current : PMC
PEC: Opposite Current
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
PEC/PMC Boundary condition
PEC boundary
PMC boundary
Assigning Wave ports
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Since back side is full metal plane, transmission (S21) is zero No need to put wave port 2 at the back Deembedding is not necessary, as we are interested in magnitude of reflection coefficient (|S11|2) only.
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Solution Frequency: 6 GHz Maximum delta S (∆S): 0.02 Frequency range: 2 GHz – 10 GHz Sweep type : Fast/ Interpolating/ Discrete
It is the difference in error between two consecutive passes
Sweep type
Solution time
7 min 10 sec
Quickest, but most inaccurate
10 min 12 sec
Not the quickest, not the most accurate
∼16 hours
Slowest, but most accurate
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Since only 1 port, only 1 S-parameter is available Reflection coefficient: S(1,1) in dB or in mag Reflection coefficient : -24 dB at 6.07 GHz Absorptivity: {1- (mag(S(1,1))2)}*100
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Surface Current Distributions
Top surface
Bottom surface
Current is flowing in circulating loop around the incident magnetic field 24
Some Common Questions
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
What if the PEC/PMC boundary conditions will be interchanged ?
PEC boundary
PMC boundary
Reflection dip will change to 7.42 GHz instead of 6.07 GHz Reflection coefficient (S11) will decrease to -9.03 dB instead of -24 dB
Some Common Questions
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Will this PEC/PMC boundary condition be valid if the structure is complicated ? Will this PEC/PMC boundary condition work when the current flow will not be as simple as this ? How to measure the oblique incidence measurement ? How to measure the reflectivity when the structure is rotated ?
Use Floquet Ports
Floquet Ports Used exclusively with planar periodic structures Example : Planar phased array, frequency selective surface (FSS) The analysis of the infinite structure is then accomplished by analyzing a single unit cell by providing periodic boundary conditions (PBC).
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Periodic in x-y plane
Master/ Slave Boundary Condition
Master 2
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Slave 1
Master 1
Slave 2
No change in reflection coefficient or reflection dip under normal incidence even if there is reversal of master 2 and slave 2 directions
Assigning Floquet ports No need to put floquet port 2 at the back Deembedding is not necessary, as we are interested in magnitude of reflection coefficient (|S11|2) only. We have to provide lattice vectors “a” and “b” to define the periodicity in x-y plane
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Periodic in x-direction
Periodic in y-direction
Analysis and Results
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Fast sweep is not available in lower versions of HFSS (upto HFSS 13) Result remains almost same Absorptivity: {1- (mag(S(1,1))2)}*100
Any Other advantage ?
Angle variation
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
There is a phase delay between the Master and Slave boundary The default value is zero Assign some variables in place of scan angles
Polarization Angle variation
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
When phi scan angle is varied from 0o to 90o, the incident wave is polarized keeping the incident wave propagation direction constant Since the structure is asymmetrical, reflection dip will change
Oblique Incidence
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Floquet port has the extra advantage of modal decomposition During assigning “floquet port”, the default number of modes is : 2 These number of modes and type of modes can be manually controlled
TE mode
TM mode
Variation of theta scan angle (θ) from 0o to 90o
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
TE Polarization
When mode is TE (0,0)
TM Polarization
When mode is TM (0,0)
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Some Other Examples
f ≈
1 2π
1 L × 2C
Resonant frequency will decrease to 4 GHz whereas the early presented structure has a reflection dip at 6 GHz However, the structure is still asymmetrical w.r.t. field vector directions
Some Other Examples (contd.) Structure is symmetrical w.r.t. incident field vector directions. Structure is four-fold symmetrical
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Structure is polarization-insensitive
The structure exhibits reflection dip at close to 6 GHz Small deviation in frequency from the initial proposed structure is due to difference in gap (g) value
Conclusion A brief introduction about metamaterial and metamaterial absorber has been discussed. A single-band metamaterial absorber structure has been studied in detail. Different boundary conditions and modes have been investigated to analyze the structure.
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Some other examples have also been discussed.
Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Kanpur, INDIA
Thank You
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