Tutorial Exercise

April 8, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Multimedia Applications



: Marx Kamat

Suden no

: 219060045


: MMA710S


: Mr. Billawer Johnson

Tutorial Exercise



Summarise your reading of Chapers 1 in abou 250 words, concenratng on he main poins. The summary mus be in your own (no o be copied direcly from he exbook or lecure noes.) Raser vs Vecor images Raster images use bit maps to store informaon. This means a large le needs a large bitmap. The larger the image, the more disk space the image le will take up. As an example, a 640 x 480 image requires informaon to be stored for 307,200 pixels, while a 3072 x 2048 image (from a 6.3 Megapixel digital camera) needs to store informaon for a whopping 6,291,456 pixels. We use algorithms which compress images to help reduce these le sizes. Image formats like jpeg j peg and gif are common compressed image formats. Scaling down these images is easy but enlarging a bitmap makes it pixelated or simply blurred. Hence for images which need to scaled to dierent sizes, we use vector graphics. File extensions: .BMP, .TIF, .GIF, .JPG Vector Graphics Vector graphics are best for prinng since it is composed of a series of mathemacal curves. As a result vector graphics print crisply even when they are enlarged. In physics: A vector is something which has a magnitude and direcon. In vector graphics, the le is created and saved as a sequence of vector statements. Rather than having a bit in the le for each bit of line drawing we use commands which describe series of points to be connected. AS a result a much smaller le is obtained. File extensions : .SVG, .EPS, .PDF,

JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg) Joint Photographic Experts Group is a loss-prone (lossy) format in which data is lost to reduce size of image. Due to compression, some data is lost but that loss is very less. It is a very common format and are good for digital cameras, nonprofessional prints, E-Mail, Powerpoint etc., making it ideal for web use.

GIF (.gif) GIF or Graphics Interchange Format les are used for web graphics.They can be animated and are limited to only 256 colors, can allow for transparency. GIF les are typically small is size and are portable.

PNG (.png) PNG or Portable Network Graphics les are a lossless image format. It was designed to replace gif format as gif supported 256 colors unlike PNG which support 16 million colors.

Bimap (.bmp) Bit Map Image le is developed by Microso for windows. It is same as TIFF due lossless, no compression property.

Soryboarding A photoshop storyboarding template is a graphic g raphic layout that sequences illustraons and images w with ith the purpose of visually telling a story that can also be altered in Adobe photoshop. A photoshop storyboard


communicates how a scene will play out and is used for movies, television, music videos, and commercials.

 Why is he PNG forma now used in preference preference over he GIF GIF forma and wha wha is he dierence beween he wo formas? PNG is mosly superior o GIF, as i is newer, suppors more colors, and is free of paen resrictons. PNG canno be used for animaton, bu oers highly sophistcaed ransparency ransparency and color suppor, among oher feaures. In mos cases where animaton is no required, i is bes o use PNG insead of GIF

Dierence beween GIF and PNG



Suppor for animaton



Color managemen


Suppor for mult-page



Suppor for ransparency



MIME ype



File exensions

.gif, .gfa





Indexed color


Yes (for 18bi PNGs) PNGs)

Suppor for meadaa



Sands for

Graphics Inerchange Forma

Porable Nework Graphics


GIF Suppor for layers



 Wha is a soryboard? A soryboard is a graphic organizer ha consiss of illusratons or images displayed in sequence for he purpose of pre-visualizing a moton picure, animaton, moton graphic or ineractve media sequence.  Wha is a concep map? A concep map is a diagram or visual represenaton and organizaton of knowledge. The diagram is presened in a 2D paper from he op and exends owards he boom. The core conceps are organized a he op wih keywords while is associaed ideas lay below in boxes or bubbles and are conneced o he cenral concep via connecors. A concep map follows a hierarchical srucure where he relatonship beween dieren ideas are artculaed hrough linking phrases, explaining how he ideas are relaed o each oher hrough shor phrases.

LAB EXERCISE ?  Wha can you do wih he Tool Palee?


 Tool palees are a grea ool ha oers quick access o many AuoCAD ools and commands. You can expand he usabiliy of AuoCAD ool palees by making your own palee o sore favorie blocks, dimension syle, hach paerns and even commands

 Wha do you use he Tool Optons Palee for? Tools Palee, he Optons Palee will display all of he optons for ha seleced ool. For example, if you selec he Type Tool, he Optons Palee will display optons relaed o ex such as fon, ype size, color, and more [below].

 Wha can you do wih he Maerials Palee? The Maerial palee generaor can be used o generae a palee for any color you inpu. Hue, chroma, and lighness are adjused by an algorihm ha creaes palees ha are usable and aeshetcally pleasing.    Wha iiss he Layers Palee Palee used for? You use he Layers Palee o creae, hide, display, copy, merge, and delee layers.  On he Menu b bar, ar, wha functon functon do you use use o roae an image? image? Image functon

 On he Menu b bar, ar, wha functon functon do you use use o crop an image? Image>Crop o selecton(crl+r)

 On he Menu b bar, ar, wha functon functon do you use use o resize an image? Image>Resize(crl+S)   Wha ool do you you use o make a selecton? On he Tools oolbar, choose he Crop ool


 Wha do does es “feahering” “feahering” do o a selecton? Feahering a selecton blurs he edge of he selecton  How many dieren ways are here o make a selecton? selecton?



Marquee. We'll start with the most basic selection tool in Photoshop: the Marquee Tool. . Lasso. Slightly more complex than the Marquee Tools are the Lasso Tools, which give you much more freedom over the shape of your selection. ... Quick Selection.

 Name 2 di dieren eren sengs you can apply apply o he he Pain Brush. Brush. brush shape, hickness, size    Wha is he dierence beween “image “image mapping” and and “image slicing”? slicing”? Image mapping is where you can ake a single image and break i ino ineractve pieces, so ha dieren areas will ake he user o dieren websies or dieren pages or links wihin your own websie. Aer he image map is creaed, a new image le and an associaed hml le will be creaed.

 Wha is a phoo collage? A phoo collage is a collecton of picures ha are pu ogeher o make a single picure. The raditonal ar involved cung picures ino pleasing shapes or rimming ou specic images for placemen, bu digial phoo manipulaton opens many new possibilites, including blending images o make a seamlessly realistc picure.

 Creae a new folder (Week 2) in your MMA710S folder. Download MMA710S_Tuelab_Week_2_Files.zip MMA710S_Tuelab_Wee k_2_Files.zip from Moodle, and exrac he les ino your Week 2



 Open he sample image Peppers.jpg.  Wha is he ssize ize of his image? image? Look a he boom boom of he main window window for he answer. 608KB

 We begin wih resizing he image. Resizing images is somehing you will wan o do frequenly when working in multmedia. Click on Image | Resize and se he dimensions o 640 x 480 (be very careful o se he image o 640 x 480 pixels, no 640 x 480 percen of is original size, or you will creae an exremely large image!).

Aer resizing he he image , he new size is 82.7kb

This is he image ha I go aer I have Seleced Sar2 from he Tool Optons Palee and repeaed wha I did wih he recangle shape.


Aer I have se he feaher o 30 , i repeaed he same procedures as I did o he rs image, his is he image ha I go.

 Why wou would ld you use use Resize and no Canvas Canvas Size?


Essentally, spatal resoluton resoluton refers o he number of independen pixel values per uni widh. In an image wih a canvas size of, say, 800x600 pixels, you wouldn' see individual pixels, and he image would look cleaner. I is possible o resize a canvas o make i smaller if you need more space o add elemens o an image. You can also increase he canvas size if you need more space o add elemens o an image. Changing he image size will le you resize he image. See Resizing images for more informaton. Oen, shrinking a canvas does no mean cropping i.

Wha is he seng for he olerance of his ool and wha does “olerance” mean?  


20% The olerance value you ener deermines how closely he background color mus mach he ransparen color for i o become ransparen.

Now, change he olerance value of he Magic Wand o 50 and selec he same lily pad again. Why is his beer?

Selec Colourise by clicking clicking on he eye icon - wha happened? If your selecton wen well, only he owers will have undergone a change and he image should now look a bi like his:

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