Tutorial 1

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Health Safety and Environment Tutorial Exercise....




    Answer all questions. questions.    While group discussion is encouraged, this tutorial should be done on an individual basis and will be graded accordingly. MCQ Questions: 1.

What is th the pr primary fu function of NI NIOSH?  A. To provide education and and training training on environmental environmental manageme management nt issues B. To prov provide ide a platfo platform rm for for resea research rch on quality quality assurance assurance C. To provid provide e socio-ec socio-econo onomic mic insura insurance nce to workers workers in highhigh-risk risk indus industrie tries s D. To provid provide e consul consultanc tancy y on workplac workplace e health health and safety safety matter matters s


Which of the following is NOT a benefit of an effective EMS?  A. Improved worker worker safety B. Impr Improv oved ed mar marke kett compe competi titi tive vene ness ss C. Impr Improv oved ed long long-t -ter erm m prof profit its s D. Impr Improv oved ed legi legisl slat ativ ive e compl complia ianc nce e


An oil oil refi refine nery ry that that empl employ oys s over over 500 500 worke workers rs is mak makin ing g huge huge loss losses es.. Shoul Should d the ref refin iner ery y spend additional funds to hire a safety and health officer?  A. No, it is unnecessary unnecessary as the refinery refinery is not not a high-risk high-risk area B. No, not not until until the the refi refine nery ry star starts ts being being profi profitab table le C. Yes, to ensur ensure e the the wellwell-bein being g and and safety safety of the the workers workers D. Yes, Yes, it is req requir uired ed by by gover governm nment ent reg regula ulatio tions ns


Which of the following is NOT covered under the EQA 1974?  A. Licensing for waste discharge discharge into the environment environment B. Prese Preserva rvatio tion n of natu natura rall wetla wetland nds s and and mari marine ne life life C. Enfor Enforcem cemen entt of of req requir uirem emen ents ts of of the the act act D. Specif Specifica icatio tion n of condi conditio tions ns of wast waste e emiss emission ions s


It is is illeg illegal al for for a manu manufac factur turing ing compa company ny to to disch dischar arge ge merc mercur ury y waste waste,, witho without ut tre treatm atmen ent, t, into into the environment. According to which of the following legislation is this true?  A. EQA 1974 B. OSHA 1994 C. FMA 1967 D. ISO 14000


Which of the following is NOT the direct responsibility of a safety and health officer?  A. Inspect the workplace workplace for possible possible hazards hazards B. Act as as the secr secreta etary ry to the the safet safety y and hea health lth com commit mittee tee C. Provide Provide training training for the safe use of comp complex lex machiner machineries ies D. Investiga Investigate te any accident, accident, poisonin poisoning g or or other other incident incident



An employer is required by law under the OSHA 1994 to establish a safety and health committee if ____________________ .  A. he has 30 or more employees B. he has 35 or more employees C. he has 40 or more employees D. he has 45 or more employees


Which of the following organizations is NOT covered by Malaysia’s OSHA 1994?  A. Southern Bank Bhd. B. PETRONAS Gas Bhd. C. Universiti Sains Malaysia D. Royal Malaysian Air Force


Which of the following statements is TRUE about Health, Safety and Environment movement?  A. Redundancy is one of the widely used accident prevention techniques. B. The development of HSE movement is characterised by professionalism and integration. C. Enforcement in “Three E’s of Safety” ensure the employees knows what are the hazards present in their workplace. D. Department of Environment is the government agency responsible to enforce the Environmental Quality Act 1974 in Malaysia.


Which of the following is NOT an organisation related to Health, Safety and Environment movement?  A. Department of Occupational Safety and Health B. Department of Environment C. Department of Irrigation D. Department of Public Health


Which of the following rights under Occupational Safety and Health Act for employee is FALSE?  A. B. C. D.

File a health and safety grievance Participate in OSHA inspections Refusal to wear safety hat Participate in union activities concerning job safety and health


Which of the following is NOT the purpose of Environmental Quality Act?  A. Abatement of pollution B. Control of pollution C. Occupational health problems D. Prevention of pollution


According to OSHA 1994, which of the following is a responsibility of an employee?  A. Establish a safety and health committee and hire a health and safety officer  B. Avoid unsafe acts that may endanger yourself or those around you C. Provide training and information for the safe use of complex machineries D. Ensure the workplace is safe with sufficient entry and exit points


Environmental Management Systems is the component of an organisation with primary responsibility for leading, planning, controlling and organising as they relate specifically to the impact of an organisation ______________.  A. processes B. products C. services D. all of the above



Which of the following statements does NOT reflect the general principles of Environmental Management Systems?  A. A process not an event B. About words and aspirations C. Serves organisation and its mission D. Start from the top and implement throughout

16. The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) in Malaysia have the following functions EXCEPT to ______________.  A. ensure public safety who may be affected by the activities of persons at work B. conduct strategic and effective enforcement to any organisation in complying with regulations C. perform environmental impact assessment at workplace in accordance with regulations D. ensure the safety, health and welfare of persons at work in accordance with regulations 17. The Occupational Safety and Health Officer has the following authorities EXCEPT to  A. check work permit of workers at work premises B. shut down plant which poses hazards to safety and health C. investigate the plants to ensure compliance of OSHA D. seize articles or installation on work premises 18. The following regulations were made under EQA 1974 to control the environmental pollution EXCEPT  A. Control of Industrial Emissions Legislation B. Control of Motor Vehicle Emissions Legislation C. Control of Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer  D. Control of Global Warming Quality Legislation

19. Which of the following statements are the objectives of OSHA 1994? I. Provide an umbrella framework for associated regulations and code of practice II. Protect general public against risk associated with workplace hazards III. Secure the safety, health and welfare of persons at work IV. Reduce the employer’s cost of compensation  A. B. C. D.

I, II and IV I, II and III II, III and IV I, III and IV

20. Which of the following statements do describe the nature of ISO 14000? I. ISO 14000 family of standards has been developed to promote effective environmental management II. It is a quality system based on the participation of selected employees III. It is a compulsory international standard for use by any company, any size and anywhere in the world IV. It advocates sustainable development for every nation and every person  A. B. C. D.

I and III II and IV I and IV II and III

21. Which of the following is FALSE?  A. The ISO 14000 is a family of effective environmental management standards B. The ISO 14000 standards may be a market requirement. C. ISO is a government organization based in Geneva. D. A component of the ISO 14000 is continual improvement. 22. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994?


 A. B. C. D. 23.

It is based on self-regulation. It outlines the duties of the employer and employee. It covers all sectors of the economy. It is administered under the Ministry of Human Resources.

The person directly responsible for the health and safety of an assigned employee is:  A. the agency’s safety officer. B. the officers from the Department of Occupational Safety and Health. C. the employee's immediate supervisor. D. the employee him/herself 

Essay/Short Answer Questions: 1. In the past, the method of treating wastewater, including raw sewage, was to release the wastewater into a large body of water without prior treatment. The belief then was that, as the saying goes, “the solution to pollution is dilution.” What do you think of this approach to wastewater treatment? Is this approach still practicable today? Explain your answer. [5 marks] 2.

The ISO 14000 and the EQA 1974 are both concerned with environmental protection. There are, however, differences between them. Give THREE (3) differences between the ISO 14000 and the EQA 1974. [3 marks]

3. The Department of Environment has recently fined Tronoh Electronics Industries Sdn. Bhd. for  violating the Environmental Quality (Schedule Wastes) Regulations. The Board of Directors is extremely worried of the amount of fines that has been imposed on the company, as this was not the first time. Thus in order to reduce the possibility of being fined again, they have decided to follow a system that will assist the company in attaining an ‘environmentally friendly’ status. a. Identify the system and discuss SIX (6) general principles of the system. [6 marks] b. In implementing the above system successfully, briefly discuss any SIX (6) viable criteria that the company should be aware of. [6 marks] c.

ISO 14000 family of standards has been developed to promote effective environmental management, in which ISO 14001 standard is specifically an approach to protect the environment. Some companies perceive the implementation of ISO 14000 as a cost of  doing business. However, for some proactive companies, implementing ISO 14000 can bring return on investment in environmental-related measures. Discuss any FOUR (4) benefits that attract the proactive companies to invest in certification of ISO 14001. [8 marks]

4. The Malaysian government in the effort to promote workplace safety and health, established the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) and the National Institute of  Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). What is the major difference between the roles of  the two organizations? [2 marks] 5. The environmental-related regulations can be divided into two categories: the laws of prevention and the laws of environmental protection. Discuss and provide appropriate example. [4 marks]


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