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INF30029 IT Project Management Tutorial 1 MCQ 1. Which of the the followi following ng is not a potential potential advantage advantage of using using good good projec projectt management? a. Shorter Shorter development development times b. Higher worker worker morale morale c. Lower Lower cost of capita capitall d. Higher profit profit margins margins
2. A project is a temporar endeavor undertaken undertaken to create a uni!ue product" service" or result. a. progra program m b. proces process s c. projec projectt d. portfo portfolio lio
#. Which of the following following is not an attribute of a project? a. projects projects are uni!ue uni!ue b. projects are developed using progressive progressive elaboration c. projects have a primar customer or sponsor d. projects involve involve little uncertainty
$. Which of the following is not part of the triple constraint constraint of project management? a. meeting meeting scope scope goals b. meeting meeting time time goals c. meeting communications communications goals d. meeting meeting cost cost goals
%. &roject 'anagement is the application application of knowledge" skills" tools" and and techni!ues to project activities to meet project re!uirements. a. Project Project management management
b. &rogram management c. &roject portfolio management d. (e!uirements management
). Several application development projects done for the same functional group might best be managed as part of a . a. portfolio b. program c. investment d. collaborative
Discussion 1. Wat is a !roject" an# $at are its main attri%utes& 'o$ is a !roject #i((erent (rom $at most !eo!le #o in teir #a)*to*#a) jo%s& Wat is te tri!le constraint& Wat oter (actors a((ect a !roject&
Project is a tem!orar) en#ea+or un#erta,en to create a uni-ue !ro#uct" ser+ice or result. Main ttri%utes o( Project/ 'as uni-ue !ur!ose Tem!orar) Is #e+elo!e# %) !rogressi+e ela%oration e-uires resources" o(ten (rom +arious areas 'a+e !rimar) customer or s!onsor In+ol+es uncertaint) Project is a tem!orar) $or, $ile jo% is a !ermanentl) $or,. Project is a grou! o( jo%s $ile jo% is an in#i+i#ual $or,. Tri!le constraint is te com%ination o( tree goals on a success(ul !roject $ic is sco!e goal" cost goal an# time goal.
2. Wat is !roject management& rie(l) #escri%e te !roject management (rame$or," !ro+i#ing eam!les o( sta,eol#ers" ,no$le#ge areas" tools an# tecni-ues" an# !roject success (actors.
Project Management is te a!!lication o( ,no$le#ge" s,ills" tools an# tecni-ues to !roject acti+ities to meet !roject re-uirements.
Project management (rame$or,s are e((orts to un#erstan# te sco!e o( a !roject. It consists o( (rame$or,s $ic are 4ta,eol#ers5 nee#s an# e!ectations" Project management ,no$le#ge areas" tools an# tecni-ues" an# Project !ort(olios. 4ta,eol#ers are te !eo!le in+ol+e# in or a((ecte# %) !roject acti+ities. Te sta,eol#ers $ic s!onsors a !roject to #eri+e %ene(its (rom !rojects ma) consi#er as customers. Te result o( !rojects soul# (ocus on te customers5 re-uirements $ic is to acie+e teir goals. 6am!le o( 4ta,eol#ers/ Project s!onsor Project manager Project team Project Management 7no$le#ge reas sol+e te critical concerns in !roject !lanning an# eecution. PMI 7no$le#ge reas are/ •
Core ,no$le#ge areas/ o
4co!e management
Time management
Cost management
Qualit) management
Facilitating ,no$le#ge areas/ o
'uman resources management
Communication management
is, management
Procurement management
4ta,eol#er management
Integrati+e ,no$le#ge areas/ o
Project integration management
Te !roject !lan cannot %e create# $itout te a!!lication o( core ,no$le#ge areas. Tools an# tecni-ues el! to un#erstan#ing an) o( ,no$le#ge areas a%o+e. Project Management 4o(t$are also re(er to tools an# tecni-ues suc as Microso(t 8((ice Project" 6cel" Wor# an# so on.
Te !rojects" !rograms" an# !ort(olio management are te !roject success (actors.
3. Wat is a !rogram& Wat is a !roject !ort(olio& Discuss te relationsi! %et$een !rojects" !rograms" an# !ort(olio management an# te contri%utions te) eac ma,e to enter!rise success.
!rogram is a grou! o( relate# !rojects manage# in a coor#inate# $a) to o%tain %ene(its an# control not a+aila%le (rom managing tem in#i+i#uall).
!roject !ort(olio is a collection o( !rojects to assist e((ecti+e management o( $or, to meet te !rojects5 aim.
. Wat is te role o( te !roject manager& Wat are suggeste# s,ills (or all !roject managers an# (or IT !roject managers& W) is lea#ersi! so im!ortant (or !roject managers& 'o$ is te jo% mar,et (or IT !roject managers&
Te role o( te !roject manager is res!onsi%ilities (or !lanning" sce#uling" coor#inating an# $or,ing $it !eo!le to acie+e !roject goals. 4uggeste# s,ills (or all !roject managers/ •
Project Management o#) o( 7no$le#ge PM87:
!!lication area ,no$le#ge" stan#ar#s" an# regulations
Project en+ironment ,no$le#ge
;eneral management ,no$le#ge an# s,ills
4o(t s,ills or uman relations s,ills
4uggeste# s,ills (or IT Project Managers/ •
Programming an# a!!lication #e+elo!ment
Project Management
'el! #es,< tecnical su!!ort
4ecurit)< com!liance go+ernance
We% #e+elo!ment
Data%ase a#ministration
usiness intelligence< anal)tics
Mo%ile a!!lication an# #e+ice management
• •
Net$or,ing ig #ata
Te lea#ersi! is im!ortant (or !roject managers %ecause te) a+e to ins!iring teir !roject mem%ers to acie+e te customers5 o%jecti+es.
=. Wat (unctions can )ou !er(orm $it !roject management so(t$are& Wat are te main #i((erences %et$een lo$*en#" mi#range" an# ig*en# !roject management tools&
Wit te !roject management so(t$are" $e can create a ;antt cart an# net$or, #iagram (or te !rojects. >o$*en# tools/ 'an#le single or smaller !rojects $ell" cost un#er ?200 !er user. Mi#range tools/ 'an#le multi!le !rojects an# users" cost ?200 * ?1000 !er user. 6am!le/ Project 2010: 'ig*en# tools/ 8(ten license# on a !er*user %asis 6am!le/ Microso(t 6nter!rise Project Management solution: @. Discuss etical #ecision tat !roject managers o(ten (ace. Do )ou tin, a !ro(essional co#e o( etics ma,es it easier to $or, in an etical manner& Project managers o(ten (ace etical issues suc as tose relate# to $or,!lace an# results in a #ecrease in te e((icienc) o( team mem%ers. 6am!le a#mission o( $rong#oing" (ocus on %lame:. I tin, !ro(essional co#e o( etics $ill ma,es it easier to $or, in an etical manner as !roject manager an# mem%ers $ill a+e res!onsi%ilities to$ar#s teir $or,s
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