Turtle Diagram Process Steps that make up the process Explanation of how to do the process Could include Procedures and Work Instructions Or parts of Procedures and Work Instructions
Turtle Diagram Process uestions Does the process meet the re!uirements of the standard" Compare what is written to the standard #ow do $ou do the process" #a%e them show $ou #ow does the process work" &sk them to explain it &re process users following the process" Compare what the$ sa$ and do to what is written 3
Turtle Diagram Inputs What $ou need to perform the process Examples' Orders from customers (aw )aterial *orms Tra%elers or (outers
Turtle Diagram Inputs uestions' What do $ou need to do the process" The$ should explain the inputs #ow do the$ get those inputs" #a%e them explain how the$ get them #ow do the$ %erif$ the$ ha%e the right inputs" Check to see what t$pe of inspection is done
Turtle Diagram Supplier Who supplied the process with the inputs Examples' External customers External suppliers Document control Warehouse
Turtle Diagram Supplier uestions' Who ga%e $ou $our inputs" #a%e them tell who the supplier is #ow do the$ monitor their supplier" #a%e them explain
Turtle Diagram Materials/Equipment &n$thing that $ou need to perform the process Examples' )achines )easuring instruments Computers Clean room
Turtle Diagram Materials/Equipment uestions' What t$pe of measuring e!uipment do the$ use" #a%e them show the measuring tools #ow do the$ know if the e!uipment is cali+rated" ,ook for identification of cali+ration #ow is e!uipment maintained" This could +e computers #ow are computers +acked up" Check the record procedure
Turtle Diagram Measure(s) )easures of the Process Examples' -onconformances Throughput Output &mount of scrap
Turtle Diagram Measure(s) uestions' #ow do the$ measure the process" Explain what t$pe of measures there are #ow do the$ know the$ are doing a good o+" Explain how their +oss measures them such as re%iews What are the re!uirements the$ are tr$ing to meet" Do the$ ha%e an$ kind of re!uirements such as drawings/ specifications and how are the$ meeting them
Turtle Diagram Support Process(es) &n$ support processes that are needed to allow $ou to do $our main process Examples' IT Cali+ration Storage Warehousing
Turtle Diagram Support Process(es) uestions' What process0es1 support $ou" &sk them if the$ know #ow do these process0es1 support $ou" &sk them if the$ know #ow are these support processes measured" In%estigate
Turtle Diagram Outputs The product of the process Examples' Product Cali+rated measuring tools Purchase orders )easurement results
Turtle Diagram Outputs uestions' What comes out of the process" #a%e them explain what the$ produce What is $our process or ser%ice" *ind out if the$ know
Turtle Diagram Customer The customers of the process Examples' -ext operation Shipping Inspection Production
Turtle Diagram Customer uestions Who is2are $our customer0s1" &sk them #a%e $ou e%er asked $our customer what the$ need and how $ou are doing" If the$ don3t know then the$ do not know the$ are doing a good o+
Turtle Diagram Competence/Skills/Training What t$pes of Competence2Skills2Training does the person who is doing the process need Examples' Computer skills &+ilit$ to use measuring e!uipment &+ilit$ to read drawings &+ilit$ to use machiner$
Turtle Diagram Competence/Skills/Training uestions' What t$pe of competence2skills2training do the$ need to perform the process" ,ook at o+ descriptions &sk the +oss Do the$ ha%e the competence2skills2training to preform the process" ,ook at training records
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