Turnaround Final Report
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1998 Refinery Turnaround Final Report
[Company Logo] XXX Petroleum
Texa City Refinery
Texa City, Cit y, T Texa exa
Prepared !y" #$ #ragan
1% &ovem!er 1998
Final Report, Content C'&T(&T)
1$ Turnaround '!*e+tive" Page 1$1 Cot -F(. 1 1$/ )+0edule / 1$ 2uality 1$3 4npe+tion 3 1$5 )afety 5 /$ (xe+ution /$1 'rgani6ation % /$/ T7- management ytem and +ontrol /$ )taffing 8 /$3 Contra+tor 9 /$5 4npe+tion 1 /$% Tool : (;uipment availa!ility 11 /$ or? interruption 1 /$9 2uality of >or?man0ip 13 $ Con+luion and re+ommendation $1 or?load in+reaed, and t>o 0ift >ere lot due to rain, t0e turnaround >a +ompleted only one day later t0an originally +0eduled$
Final Report, 2uality
1$ 2uality
1$$1 Teting guideline -ll field >eld >ere to !e 1I xrayed xrayed and piping ytem 0ydroteted$ -ll teting >a +arried out a pe+ified$ 1$$/ -mount of re>or? Re>or? >a normal for t0e type of >elding re;uired, approximately in t0e fifteen per+ent range$ 1$$ Routine repair item a found found to !e in relatively !etter +ondition t0an anti+ipated$ anti+i pated$ T0i ?ept t0e routine repair lo>er t0an expe+ted$ -ll re;uired repair >ere performed$ 1$$$1 To>er and Geel 1$$$/ Beat (x+0anger 1$$$ Rotating (;uipment 1$$$3 (le+tri+al 7 4ntrumen 4ntrumentation tation
Comment" &o teting >a a+rifi+ed in t0e name of expedien+y expedien+y$$ -ll re>or? >a reteted a++ordingly$
Final Report, 4npe+tion 7 '!*e+tive
1$3 4npe+tion
1$3$1 (xtent of 4npe+tion 4npe+tion >a +arried out a planned, and reulted in t0e addition of / repair >or? order to t0e original +ope$ 1$3$/ 4npe+ted item not repaired -dditionally, t0e inpe+tion effort identified everal item >0i+0 >ill 0ave to !e addreed during t0e next turnaround$ T0ee are" a. firt item. !. e+ond item. +. et+$.
Final Report, )afety
1$5 )afety 1$5$1 Tagging - +ompre0enive tagging pro+edure >a implemented >0ere all !lind re;uired a tag igned !y operation and maintenan+e peronnel !efore any >or? >a allo>ed to pro+eed$ 1$5$/ =or?pla+e tidine T0e >or?pla+e >a al>ay ?ept +leaned up of ma*or de!ri, and nig0ttime illumination >a ?ept at an ade;uate level$ 1$5$ -++ident T0e >or?for+e indo+trination into +ompany afety pro+edure >a +arried out prior to allo>ing >or?er into t0e unit$ &um!er of eriou in*urie &um!er of minor in*urie i n*urie Bour lot due to a++ident
Comment" -ll minor in*urie >ere treated on ite and did not reult in interruption of t0e >or? or any ignifi+ant lo of produ+tive time$ )ee +omment in )e+tion /$ or?pla+e$
Final Report, 'rgani6ation
/$1 'rgani6ation
/$1$1 P0iloop0y T0e turnaround >a organi6ed o a to provide a 0ort and ;ui+? +ommuni+ation7de+iion lin? !et>een management and t0e field$ T0i >ould tend to redu+e t0e time re;uired to dete+t a pro!lem and iue intru+tion to +orre+t ame$
/$1$/ XXX Petroleum peronnel aignment T0e aignment of individual to t0eir repe+tive turnaround poition >a made >it0 t0e pe+ifi+ !a+?ground and experien+e of t0e pe+ifi+ individual in mind$ T0i >ay t0eir expertie played an important role in auring t0e +orre+t exe+ution of t0e +0eduled >or?$ T0e XXX Petroleum peronnel aigned to t0e turnaround >ere" Turnaround ort0 Turnaround Planner7)+0eduler @enny @arton C0ief 4npe+tor Ban @aumeiter #ay )uperintendent @illy Doe )myt0e &ig0t )uperintendent -ndre &avarro ell )afety Teren+e 'KBara - +omplete organi6ation +0art +an !e found atta+0ed a (x0i!it - /$1$ Contra+tor peronnel aignment T0e +ontra+tor for t0i turnaround >a t0e XMN Co$, >it0 offi+e in Paadena, Texa$ T0e +ontra+tor peronnel aigned to t0i turnaround >ere" C0ief )uperintendent D$@$ =yatt #ay )0ift Aeneral Foreman &eal #aly &ig0t )0ift Aeneral Foreman )onny =atter =atter
Comment" 4t >a found t0at t0e Contra+tor taffing for t0i turnaround >a ade;uate$
Final Report, er taffing re;uirement, t0e turnaround +0edule, uperviorK lap !oo?, and all progre report during t0e turnaround$ /$/$/ Communi+ation7Feed!a+? T0e uperviorK lap !oo? >ere effe+tive in maintaining good +ommuni+ation !et>een 0ift and !et>een t0e field and t0e planning offi+e$ /$/$ #aily progre tra+?ing T0e daily progre report proved effe+tive effe+tive in determining t0e tatu of every >or? >or? order$ T0e ummary progre report refle+ted t0e overall progre from tarting one day a0ead of +0edule, to +ompletion t>o 0ift !e0ind t0e original target date$ /$/$3 Conultant aitan+e 4nterPlan )ytem 4n+$ peronnel aited in t0i effort and provided an ade;uate level of upport t0roug0out$
Comment" -ll >or? order are !eing revied to refle+t a+tual +ondition and re;uirement$ re;uirement $ T0ee +an !e reued for fu future ture turnaround, and a nd >ill alo 0elp in plannin planning g our next turnaround of an identi+al unit$ =e expe+t t0i to reult in a 0ig0er ;uality planning effort >0i+0 0ould yield greater aving in total turnaround +ot$
Final Report, )taffing
/$ )taffing
/$$1 )+0edule )taffing for t0i turnaround tarted ooner t0an originally planned, >it0 a full +ontingent of >or?er on ite at t0e tart of t0e 0ut do>n and team out e;uen+e$ T0i reulted in an early tart on many >or? order, >0i+0 >a refle+ted refle+ted on t0e daily progre report a repreenting one day a0ead of +0edule$ /$$/ )0ift lengt0, >or? >ee? T0e >or? for+e >a +0eduled for t>o t>elve t >elve 0our 0ift, even day a >ee?$ /$$ er pea? T0e field taffing pea?ed at /5 men per day$ T0e >or?for+e >a >a divided a follo>" #ay 0ift" /8 men &ig0t 0ift" 9% men
Comment" 4t appear t0at a ten0our ten 0our 0ift >ould reult in 0ig0er 0ig0e r produ+tivity, in+e t0e >or?for+e >ould 0ave more time to ret$ ten0our 0ift >ould alo allo> for an orderly +0ange of 0ift and give uperviion time for meeting, et+$
Final Report, Contra+tor
/$3 Contra+tor /$3$1 Aeneral Contra+tor XMN Co$ of Paadena, Texa Texa >a t0e general +ontra+tor for t0i turnarou turnaround$ nd$ T0eir taff prove proved d effe+tive effe+tive and reponive$ /$3$/ )u!+ontra+tor )+affolding BiClim! )+affolding BiCli m! 4n+$ Bydro!lating )pi+KnK)pan Cleaner 4nulating T0ermoEing Beavy Rigging )0a?lee Beavy Lif Lift t Comment"
Final Report, 4npe+tion 7 (xe+ution
/$5 4npe+tion /$5$1 Aeneral 4npe+tion >a +arried out a planned$ -ll planned inpe+tion >ere made$ 4npe+tion upport >a very very good ov overall$ erall$ /$5$/ (xtra >or? generated from inpe+tion report 4npe+tion report iued during t0e turnaround reulted in / extra >or? order$ -ll of t0e re+ommended7approved extra >or? >a >a made during t0e turnaround$ T0i reulted in 8 8,/ ,/ additional man0our$ /$5$ Re+ommendation for future turnaround (x0i!it 4 outline ma*or inpe+tion re+ommendation to !e implemented during a future outage$ Comment"
Final Report, To Tool ol
/$% Tool and e;uipment availa!ility
/$%$1 Tool Band tool availa!ility >a good, >it0 no >or? interruption due to 0and tool 0ortage$ /$%$/ Bandling e;uipment Bandling e;uipment upport >a alo good, >it0 a minimum >aiting time re;uired to o!tain t0e +rane for all +0eduled >or?$ /$%$ Crane Crane a++e to all >or? area >a good, a t0e unit i >ell laid out o t0at >or? area denity doe not !e+ome a pro!lem$ /$%$3 Tool +ri! Tool +ri! lo+ation proved to !e effe+tive, minimi6ing t0e ditan+e needed to >al? to get t0e ne+eary tool$
Final Report, ell a0ead of time and >ere availa!le a needed$ /$$/ Aa?et, !olt, tud, et+$ Aa?et, !olt, tud and ot0er material" no 0ortage, no re*e+t$ /$$ Galve, inline e;uipment -ll ne>ly pur+0aed valve >ere 0op teted and paed !efore iuing to t0e field$
Comment" @u+?et 0ould !e provided to t0e field to pla+e all !olt a t0ey are !eing removed from man>ay, ex+0anger 0ead, et+$ to prevent a++ident and fa+ilitate +leaning of ame$
Final Report, =e =eat0er at0er
/$8 =eat0er and ot0er >or? interruption /$8$1 =eat0er =eat0er T0e >eat0er >a generally >arm and unny, >it0 ome over+at day day$ $ Rain +aued all >or? to !e interrupted for a total of 1/ 0our$ /$8$/ pet - +0emi+al pill on t0e >et end of t0e property +aued a partial >or? interruption of / 0our$ Comment" -de;uate 0elter from rain 0ould !e provided o a to prevent rain from interrupting +riti+al and near+riti+al >or?$
Final Report, =or?man0ip
/$9 2uality of >or?man0ip
/$9$1 Field >eld -ll field >eld >ere 1I 1I xrayed, and teted$ T0e amount of re>or? >a >a in t0e 15I range, motly in t0e alloy >eld$ T0i i >it0in t0e expe+ted for t0e type of >elding and ot0er +ondition prevailing in t0e unit$ /$9$/ Fugitive emiion -ll lea?ing valve >ere repla+ed >it0 ne> one, previouly teted at t0e 0op to enure t0e integrity of t0e eal$ /$9$ @olt, tud -ll !olt and tud >ere repla+ed >it0 ne> one$
Final Report, )ytem
$1 it0 t0e initial +0edule preparation$ 4n parti+ular, t0ey 0ould parti+ipate in e;uen+ing and prioriti6ing all a+tivitie$ /$ Progre Field upervior mut !e intru+ted in proper lap !oo? reporting Feed!a+? pro+edure, to enure t0e +orre+tne and timeline of daily progre reporting$ $ #aily time 0eet information 0ould !e made availa!le a oon a pra+ti+al, o t0at man0our fore+at (arn v$ @urn Report. +an !e prepared a oon a poi!le after t0e end of t0e 0ift$ 3$ XXX Petroleum Petroleum 0ould 0ire and train permanen permanentt turnaround planner$ T0e T0eee planner >ill prepar preparee turnaround etimate and +0edule and ait in t0e organi6ation of future turnaround$
Final Report, er
$/ er taffing taffing
Con+luion and re+ommendation" 1$ er taffing taffing 0ould follo> t0e +0edule, intead of a premature !uildup$ )u+0 premature !uildup +aue t0e +0edule to !e+ome diregarded, and it !e+ome diffi+ult to ?eep all >or?er produ+tive, in+e t0ey mut >ait on e;uipment and piping >or? to !e+ome availa!le$ /$ )taffing 0ould !e +0eduled in u+0 a manner a to enure t0at at leat 55I of t0e >or? >ill !e a++ompli0ed during t0e firt 0alf of t0e turnaround$
Final Report, Pur+0aing 7 =are0oue
$ Pur+0aing7=are0oue
Con+luion and re+ommendation" 1$ -ll +ommodity item u+0 a !olt, tud, et+$ mut !e !agged and tagged and orted on pallet, ready to !e moved near t0e >or? area >0ere needed$ /$ Prior to t0e next turnaround, t0e >are0oue 0ould prepare a +omplete inventory of +ommodity item on 0and, o t0at ade;uate amount !e re;uiitioned7pur+0aed >ell in advan+e of t0e turnaroundO parti+ularly long delivery item$
Final Report, -ppendix
-PP(X &
&4T TR&-R' B4)T'RM
T0i unit >a +ompleted and tarted up on Dune 198$
T7- date 'utage Lengt0 or? day
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