Turbine Course
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N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Overall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
Contents CHAPTER I
1.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1.1 Arrangement mode of steam turbine ............................................................................................................. 5 1.1.2 Main characteristics of steam turbine............................................................................................................ 5 1.1.3 Technical specification .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.1.4 Main systems of steam turbine ...................................................................................................................... 7 1.1.5 Steam turbine protection and control........................................................................................................... 10 1.2 DESIGN OPERATION CONDITIONS OF STEAM TURBINE .......................................................................................... 10 1.3 ALLOWABLE LOAD RANGE ................................................................................................................................... 10 1.3.2 Allowable operational parameter range ....................................................................................................... 11 1.3.3 Quality requirements on steam .................................................................................................................... 11 1.3.4 Allowable cyclic wave range....................................................................................................................... 11 1.4 STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN OF STEAM TURBINE ................................................................................................... 11 1.4.1 Startup ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 CHAPTER II
STEAM TURBINE PROPER ...................................................................................................... 13
2.1 CYLINDER............................................................................................................................................................ 13 2.1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 2.1.2 High and intermediate pressure cylinder ..................................................................................................... 13 Main features of high and intermediate pressure cylinder of the steam turbine.......................................................15
2.1.3 Low pressure cylinder ................................................................................................................................. 18 Operating characteristics of low pressure cylinder ..................................................................................................18 Support of low pressure cylinder.............................................................................................................................20 Low pressure cylinder flow passage part.................................................................................................................20 Diaphragm and stationary blade of low pressure cylinder.......................................................................................20
2.1.4 Notices......................................................................................................................................................... 21 Monitor on heat stress .............................................................................................................................................21 Monitor on heat expansion ......................................................................................................................................22 Monitor on heat distortion .......................................................................................................................................23 Arrangement of cylinder temperature measuring point ...........................................................................................23 Operating notices.....................................................................................................................................................24
2.2 ROTOR, BLADE AND COUPLING ........................................................................................................................... 24 2.2.1 Rotor and blade ........................................................................................................................................... 24 Main characteristics of rotor....................................................................................................................................25 Main characteristics of rotor blade ..........................................................................................................................26 HIP rotor and blade..................................................................................................................................................26 Low pressure rotor and blade ..................................................................................................................................27
2.2.2 Rotor coupling............................................................................................................................................. 27 2.3 STEAM SEAL GLAND ............................................................................................................................................ 27 2.3.1 Flow passage gland ..................................................................................................................................... 29 2.3.2 Shaft end gland............................................................................................................................................ 30 2.3.3 Self-sealing system...................................................................................................................................... 33 2.4 SLIDE KEY SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................. 37 2.4.1 Cylinder expansion...................................................................................................................................... 37 2.4.2 Rotor expansion........................................................................................................................................... 38 2.4.3 Differential expansion of steam turbine ...................................................................................................... 38 2.5 STEAM TURBINE BEARINGS .................................................................................................................................. 38 2.5.1 Radial support bearing................................................................................................................................. 39 2.5.2 Thrust bearing.............................................................................................................................................. 39 2.6 TURNING GEAR ................................................................................................................................................... 40 2.6.1 Shafting stability.......................................................................................................................................... 40 CHAPTER III STEAM DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OF STEAM TURBINE...................................................... 41 3.1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................... 41 3.2 HIGH-PRESSURE MAIN STEAM VALVES ................................................................................................................. 43 3.3 HIGH-PRESSURE CONTROL VALVES ...................................................................................................................... 44
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Overall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
3.4 INTERMEDIATE-COMBINED-VALVE ....................................................................................................................... 44 3.5 STEAM CONDUIT AND THE NOZZLE CHAMBER ...................................................................................................... 45 CHAPTER IV DRAINAGE AND WATER DISCHARGE SYSTEM OF STEAM TURBINE ........................... 47 4.1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................... 47 4.2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................................... 47 4.2.1 Drainage of main steam pipes and reheat steam pipes ................................................................................ 47 4.2.2 Drainage of the cylinder block .................................................................................................................... 49 4.2.3 Drainage of steam extraction pipeline ......................................................................................................... 50 4.2.4 Drainage of shaft gland system ................................................................................................................... 50 4.2.5 Main-body drain flash tank ......................................................................................................................... 51 4.3 OPERATION MODE OF DRAINAGE AND WATER DISCHARGE SYSTEM ...................................................................... 51 4.3.1 Operation of main-body drainage................................................................................................................ 51 4.3.2 Operation of auxiliary system drainage....................................................................................................... 51 4.3.3 Water induction preventing of steam turbine............................................................................................... 52 CHAPTER V STEAM EXTRACTION AND HEAT REGENERATING SYSTEM OF SEAM TURBINE ...... 53 5.1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................... 53 5.1.1 Function of steam extraction and heat regenerating system ........................................................................ 54 5.1.2 Main parameters that influence the steam extraction and heat regenerating system’s economy ................. 55 5.1.3 Improving measures of system cycle thermal efficiency............................................................................. 55 5.1.4 Requirements of heater’s performance........................................................................................................ 55 5.1.5 Composing of thermal system of principle.................................................................................................. 56 5.2 COMPOSING OF STEAM EXTRACTION SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 56 5.2.1 HP heater ..................................................................................................................................................... 56 5.2.2 LP heater...................................................................................................................................................... 61 5.2.3 Gland heater ................................................................................................................................................ 64 5.3 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SYSTEM ........................................................................................................ 64 5.3.1 Startup ......................................................................................................................................................... 64 5.3.2 Operation..................................................................................................................................................... 65 5.3.3 Shutdown..................................................................................................................................................... 66 CHAPTER VI UNIT BYPASS SYSTEM ................................................................................................................. 67 6.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 67 6.1.1 Functions of the bypass system ................................................................................................................... 67 6.1.2 Types of unit bypass system ........................................................................................................................ 67 6.1.3 Bypass capacity options .............................................................................................................................. 68 6.1.4 The bypass system herein ............................................................................................................................ 69 6.2 HIGH PRESSURE BYPASS (HPB) ........................................................................................................................... 69 6.2.1 Technical specification ................................................................................................................................ 70 6.2.2 HPBV Structure........................................................................................................................................... 71 6.2.3 HPB control................................................................................................................................................. 71 6.3 LOW PRESSURE BYPASS (LPB)............................................................................................................................. 71 6.3.1 Three-stage attemperating and depressurizing device ................................................................................. 71 6.3.2 Control of LPB valve................................................................................................................................... 72 6.4 UNIT BYPASS SYSTEM AT WORK ........................................................................................................................... 72 6.4.1 Bypass startup.............................................................................................................................................. 72 6.4.2 Bypass switching process ............................................................................................................................ 74 6.4.3 Normal operation......................................................................................................................................... 75 6.4.4 Bypass operating mode when shutdown...................................................................................................... 75 CHAPTER VII
EMERGENCY GOVERNING SYSTEM.................................................................................. 77
7.1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................... 77 7.2 HYDRAULIC SERVO SYSTEM................................................................................................................................. 78 7.2.1 Introduction for system functions................................................................................................................ 78 7.3 TRIP EMERGENCY GOVERNING SYSTEM FOR THE UNIT ...................................................................................... 78 7.3.1 Low pressure emergency governing system................................................................................................ 78 7.3.2 High pressure trip system ............................................................................................................................ 79
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Overall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
7.3.3 System arrangement .................................................................................................................................... 79 7.4 INTERLOCKING AND PROTECTION ........................................................................................................................ 81 7.4.1 Mechanical over-speed protection............................................................................................................... 81 7.4.2 Local manual trip......................................................................................................................................... 81 7.4.3 Remote manual trip ..................................................................................................................................... 82 7.4.4 Electric trip protection................................................................................................................................. 82 7.5.2 Steam turbine trip test.................................................................................................................................. 83 7.5.3 Steam valve leakage test.............................................................................................................................. 83 7.5.4 Oil spray test................................................................................................................................................ 83 7.5.5 Speed raising test......................................................................................................................................... 84 7.5.6 Load dump test ............................................................................................................................................ 86 7.5.7 Test period under trouble-free running condition ........................................................................................ 89 7.6 HIGH PRESSURE FIRE-RESISTANT OIL SYSTEM .................................................................................... 89 7.6.1 System introduction..................................................................................................................................... 89 7.6.2 System composition and devices................................................................................................................. 90 7.6.3 System supervision and maintenance .......................................................................................................... 92 CHAPTER VIII LUBRICATION SYSTEM............................................................................................................ 93 8.1 LUBRICATION SYSTEM ......................................................................................................................................... 93 8.1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 93 8.1.2 Characteristics of system layout .................................................................................................................. 94 8.1.3 Equipment specifications............................................................................................................................. 94 8.1.4 System flow............................................................................................................................................... 100 8.1.5 System devices introduction...................................................................................................................... 100 8.1.6 System operation monitoring and adjustment ........................................................................................... 110 8.2 STEAM TURBINE JACKING SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................... 111 8.2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 111 8.2.2 System flow............................................................................................................................................... 111 8.2.3 Introduction for system devices................................................................................................................. 113 8.3 LUBE PURIFICATION SYSTEM.............................................................................................................................. 113 8.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 113 8.3.2 Equipment specifications........................................................................................................................... 113 8.3.3 System flow............................................................................................................................................... 116 8.3.4 Introduction for system devices................................................................................................................. 117 8.4 OIL QUALITY INDEX OF THE STEAM TURBINE LUBE ............................................................................................ 118 CHAPTER IX CONDENSATE SYSTEM.............................................................................................................. 119 9.1 OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................................... 119 9.2 SYSTEM COMPOSITION AND FLOW ..................................................................................................................... 119 9.3 INTRODUCTION FOR SYSTEM DEVICES ............................................................................................................... 121 9.3.1 Condenser.................................................................................................................................................. 121 9.3.2 Condensate pump ...................................................................................................................................... 124 CHAPTER X FEED WATER SYSTEM................................................................................................................. 127 10.1 OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................... 127 10.2 SYSTEM COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................... 128 10.2.1 Feed water system composition............................................................................................................... 128 10.2.2 Feed water system flow ........................................................................................................................... 128 10.3 TURBO-FEED PUMP .......................................................................................................................................... 128 10.3.1 Booster pump of turbo-feed pump........................................................................................................... 128 10.3.2 Turbo-feed pump ..................................................................................................................................... 130 10.3.3 Turbo-feed pumps auxiliary system ........................................................................................................ 130 10.4 MOTOR-DRIVEN FEED PUMP............................................................................................................................. 130 10.4.1 Booster pump of motor-driven feed pump .............................................................................................. 130 10.4.2 Motor-driven feed pump.......................................................................................................................... 130 10.4.3 Hydraulic coupling .................................................................................................................................. 133 10.4.4 Auxiliary system of motor-driven feed pump.......................................................................................... 133
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Overall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
10.5 STEAM TURBINE FOR FEED PUMP ..................................................................................................................... 134 10.5.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 134 10.5.2 Startup and operation monitoring over small-sized steam turbine........................................................... 135
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Overall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
Chapter I General Introduction to Steam Turbine and Accessory Systems 1.1 Overview The steam turbines used are the sub-critical pressure steam turbine introduced by East Turbine Works from Hitachi with the model of N600-16.7/538/538-3, the characteristics of typically sub-critical pressure, single intermediate reheat, single shaft, three-cylinder four-exhaust, double back-pressure and straight condensing, and 600MW rated output. It makes use of a composite variable pressure operation mode; and has eight-stage non-adaptive regeneration and steam extraction with the design life no less than 30 years. 1.1.1 Arrangement mode of steam turbine The steam turbine is vertically arranged indoors with the scale height of operation platform of 13.7m, the total length of 27.82m, the maximum width of 10.68m and the height of 6.29m. The high pressure main steam valve and control valve are suspended under the operation platform and connected to the high pressure cylinder through the steam lead pipe; the medium union valve is arranged on left and right side of high and intermediate pressure cylinders, welded on the cylinder through the medium steam inlet pipe and fixed on the platform with floating spring holder. The main steam is put into the steam turbine from the middle of the high and intermediate pressure outer casing through the four steam inlets arranged symmetrically and put into the boiler reheater after the high pressure nine-stage work done. The reheat steam enters the intermediate pressure component of the steam turbine through the intermediate union steam valve, and the steam after work done is accessed into two low pressure cylinders respectively through a reducing interconnecting pipe, the steam exhaust after work done is released into two condensers with different back pressures. Structural characteristics of steam turbine: HIP (high and intermediate pressure) combined cylinder and two low pressure cylinders are all double shell structure, the high pressure cylinder is of nine stages, the intermediate pressure cylinder is of five stages, the low pressure cylinder is of 4*7 stages, and the whole turbine is of 42 stages. The three non-central hole rotors are placed on No.1 and No.2 bearing blocks, No.3 and No.4 bearing blocks, and No.5 and No.6 bearing blocks respectively; the No.1 bearing block is also installed with gear of tachometer and main oil pump and so on besides No.1 bearing; the No.2 bearing block is installed with shaft vibration sensor, axial displacement sensor, thrust bearing, balancing drum, wear sensor of thrust bearing, radial journal bearing and coupling and so on; the No.6 bearing block is mainly composed of radial journal bearing, rolling gear and measuring devices and so on. The other bearings in the shafting of the steam turbine generator sets all adopt the elliptical bearings except that the No.1 and No.2 bearings adopt the tilting pad bearings. The upper pads of the bearings are installed with shaft vibration measuring devices along X and Y directions and the lower pads are installed with temperature measuring devices. The thrust bearing is placed on No.2 bearing block between high and intermediate pressure cylinders and low pressure A cylinder. The expansion dead point of high and intermediate pressure cylinder is on No.2 bearing block, and the expansion dead points of low pressure A cylinder and low pressure B cylinder are near their centers respectively. The lie key on the dead point restricts the axial displacement of the cylinder; meanwhile the longitudinal key is set in front and rear of the longitudinal center line of the front bearing box and two low pressure cylinders to guide the cylinder to expand freely along the axial direction and restrict it from moving transversely. 1.1.2 Main characteristics of steam turbine The steam turbine is impulse steam turbine with relatively small stages, and the combined cylinder adopted in the HIP cylinder reduces the axial length and the number of bearings. The steam seal on the shaft end and the bearing box are all on the high and intermediate pressure exhaust regions with relatively low temperature. The HIP cylinder adopts head to head arrangement, and the symmetrical double split flow arrangement of the two low pressure cylinders can greatly reduce the axial thrust. The rotors of the steam turbine and the generators adopt the rigid connection method and the shafting is flexible 5
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Overall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
shafting. The bended/curved stator blade and curved rotor blade are adopted with the length of the exhaust stage blade achieving 851mm. The elliptical steam seal is adopted in the steam turbine. The normal startup mode of the steam turbine is intermediate pressure cylinder starting, and when the bypass system is in the event of the failure, the combined startup of HIP cylinders can be adopted. 1.1.3 Technical specification Tab.1-1 Main Parameters of Steam Turbine No.
Unit specifications
Set model
Steam turbine model
TMCR output
VWO output
Sub-critical, once time reheat, three-cylinder four-exhaust, single axle and condensing N600-16.7/538/538-3
High pressure omni-segmentation output
TMCR main steam pressure
TMCR main steam temperature
TMCR high pressure exhaust steam pressure
TMCR inlet pressure of reheat steam
TMCR inlet temperature of reheat steam
TMCR main steam throttle flow
Maximum throttle flow of main steam
13 14
TMCR throttle flow of reheat steam t/h TMCR exhaust steam pressure Mpa(a)
1596.377 0.01013
Steam distribution method
Composite (nozzle/throttle)
Design the temperature of cooling water
Open 32.4/closed 38
TMCR feed temperature
Rated speed
TMCR heat consumption
kJ/kW.h kcal/kW.h
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Feed water heat grade
Overall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
3+1+4 (high pressure+deoxidation+low pressure)
Length of low pressure last stage mm blade
Total internal efficiency of steam % turbine High pressure cylinder efficiency Intermediate efficiency
Low pressure cylinder efficiency 23
% % %
Flow grade High pressure cylinder
Intermediate pressure cylinder
Low pressure cylinder
Critical speed
Shafting torsion frequency
Dimensions (Length, width and height)
Hz m
The turbine generator sets can operate continuously and safely under the following conditions and in any time of the warranty live, the generator outputs specified horsepower of 600MW (deduct the power consumed by various items when the static excitation or the driven main oil pump with different shafts from the turbine are adopted), the operating mode is regarded as turbine rated load (TRL), the throttle flow under the operating mode is regarded as specified throttle flow, and the operating mode is the acceptable operating mode of output guarantee value. T-MCR operating mode: the throttle flow of the steam turbine equals to the throttle flow of TRL, operate continuously and safely under the following conditions, and the power outputted by the generator under the operating mode is regarded as turbine maximum continuous rating (T-MCR) with the concrete value of 600MW. VWO (Valve Wide Open) operating mode: when the turbine generator set is widely opened on the control valve and the other conditions are the same with those under T-MCR operating mode, the throttle flow of the steam turbine is no smaller than the throttle flow of 105% TRL, and the operating mode is regarded as VWO with the concrete value of 640.647MW. When the high pressure heater has been stopped, the turbine generator sets can operate safely and continuously wholly except that the throttle flow and part of the regenerative system can not operate normally, and the unit at the time can guarantee the rated power output of 600MW. THA operating mode: when the set power (the power has deducted the power consumed by various items when the static excitation and the driven main oil pump are adopted) is of 600MW, the mode is regarded as the turbine heat acceptance (THA) of the set when the other conditions are the same with those of T-MCR operating mode except the throttle flow, and the operating mode is the acceptance mode of the heat consumption guaranteed value. 1.1.4 Main systems of steam turbine Main steam system The main steam line adopts 2-1-2 connection method, and the main steam is divided into two roads before entering the main throttle valve and is connected to the main throttle valves on left and right side of the steam turbine respectively. 7
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Overall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
Reheat steam system The cold reheat and hot reheat pipes all adopt 2-1-2 connection method, and the boiler and turbine all have 2 interfaces. Bypass system The intermediate pressure cylinder startup is adopted in the steam turbine, and the installation of the bypass system can improve the startup functions of the unit, shorten the startup time, reduce the service life expenditure, recycle the working substances and protect the boiler reheater. The set adopts high and low pressure two-stage series bypass system, and the bypass is designed to satisfy the startup functions. Steam extraction and regeneration system The steam turbine possesses eight-stage non-adaptive steam extraction. The one, two and three-stage steam extractions supply steam to three high pressure heaters respectively, and the four-stage steam extraction also supplies steam to the two feed pump turbines and the auxiliary steam system besides the deaerator; the two-stage steam extraction is used as the spare steam source of feed pump turbine and the auxiliary steam system. The five to eight-stage steam extractions supplies steam to four low pressure heaters respectively; in order to prevent the speeding and water penetration of the steam turbine, other steam extraction pipes are fixed with pneumatic flapper valve and electric isolating valve except the seven and eight-stage steam extraction pipes, the former is used as the protection against the speeding of steam turbine and auxiliary protection measure against the water penetration of the steam turbine; the latter is used as the isolation measure against the water penetration of the steam turbine. The devices connected on four-stage steam extraction pipes are relatively big in number, and some devices are also connected with other auxiliary steam sources, and in order to prevent the water or steam from refluxing into the turbine during the accidents as load rejection of the steam turbine or the full water of the deaerator and so on, another pneumatic flapper valve is added, and an electric isolating valve and an flapper valve are also fixed on the pipes of steam points of the four-stage steam extraction. Feed system The unit feed system is adopted, every set is equipped with two steam feed pumps of 50% capacity, an electro-driven variable-speed feed pump of 50% capacity is used as startup and spare pump, and fore pumps are set in front of the feed pumps. The electric gate valve is set on the feed line of No.1 high pressure outlet and coal economizer inlet, the startup bypass is installed, the pneumatic control valve is installed on the bypass piping, and the overall bypass system is adopted in the three high pressure heaters of the feed system. The feed pump steam turbine is the G12-1.0-1 steam turbine introduced by East Turbine Works from Hitachi, the regular working sources are from the four-stage steam extraction of the main steam turbine, the spare steam sources are from the high pressure exhaust of main steam turbine or the auxiliary steam system, when the load of the main steam turbine is decreased below 40%, the regulator will automatically switch the working steam source into the spare steam source and operate under the operating mode; when the load of the main turbine is increased again, the regulator will automatically switch the steam source into the working steam source, and the exhaust of the turbine accesses into the condenser of the main turbine. When the unit operate regularly, the two steam feed pumps operate in parallel, and a single feed pump can supply the boiler with the water of 50%BMCR; when one is out of service for accidents, the other steam pump and the electric feed water pump operate in parallel so as to guarantee the feed water quantity of the unit under THA operating mode. Condensed water system The set is equipped with two 100% capacity vertical and constant speed condensate pumps, four low pressure heaters, one gland steam condenser, one horizontal atomizing padding deaerator, one water storage tank of condensed water and two transfer pumps of condensed water, and the intermediate pressure system is adopted in condensate polishing treatment. The condenser is a transversally arranged condenser with single path, double back-pressure, surface type and double hull; the condenser also accepts the exhausts of low pressure bypass, emergency drains of high pressure and low pressure heaters and overflows of the deaerator besides the acceptance of the exhaust steam of the main turbine, exhaust steam of the turbine and the drains of the steam turbine; the No.7 and No.8 low pressure heaters and the three-stage temperature-decreased pressure reducer of the low pressure bypass are set inside the throat. 8
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Overall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
Drain and deflation system of high pressure heater The high pressure heater adopts the step-by-step gravity drain, and the drains of the last stage high pressure heater flow to the deaerator automatically. Each high pressure heater is set with separate emergency drain piping, which is connected to the drain flash tank by the shell of the condenser separately; the deflation pipes are installed by the water and steam of the high pressure heater; the high pressure heater discharges steam to deaerator while operating continuously, and the inbuilt throttle orifice is installed inside the continuous exhaust of the high pressure heater so as to control the air displacement of the high pressure heater. The nitrogen-filled protection piping is installed by the water and steam of the high pressure heater during the outage period. Drain and deflation system of low pressure heater The low pressure heater adopts the step-by-step gravity drain, the last stage drains are connected to the drain flash tanks on both sides of condenser shell, and each low pressure heater is set with separate emergency drain piping, which is connected to the drain flash tanks on both sides of condenser shell respectively. Recycling water and open cooling water system Each unit is equipped with two vertical mixed flow circulating pumps. The four circulating pumps of the nearby units are used as spares mutually. The open cooling water system is taken from the inlet water main of the recycling water, and every set is equipped with two 100% open cooling water pumps, one for operation and one for spare. The recycling water system of every set in the main building is set with two inlet pipes of recycling water and two water pipes, the electric butterfly valves are installed on the inlet and outlet pipes of the condenser recycling water and the condenser can operate unilaterally instead of 75% TRL load. Lead out a pipeline from Road A inlet and outlet pipes of the condenser recycling water respectively so as to supply water and back water for open recycling cooling water system. The open recycling cooling water system mainly supplies cooling water for closed water heat exchanger and steam turbine vacuum pump, the cooling water is piped from the recycling water inlet pipe, boosted by the open recycling cooling water pump and exhausted to recycling water return pipe after cooling the devices. Closed cooling water system The system is consisted of two 100% capacity closed recycling cooling water pumps, two 100% capacity closed water heat exchanger, one closed recycling cooling water expansion tank and the devices supplying cooling devices with cooling water as water supply lines, isolating valve and control valve and so on. The cooling water of all the devices of the main and auxiliary engines in the main building is supplied by closed cooling water system except the oil cooler of the steam turbine. Condenser related systems and vacuum-pumping system The drain flash tanks are set on both sides of the condenser shell to collect the drains over the steam turbine, the feed pump steam turbine exhaust interface and low pressure bypass interface are set on the neck of the condenser, and the vacuum breaking valve is set by the steam of the condenser so as to achieve the demand of breaking the vacuum in case the emergencies appeared in the unit endangering the safety of the unit. The vacuum-pumping system of condenser is consisted of two 100% capacity mechanical vacuum pumps, the two vacuum pumps are put into operation simultaneously while the set is started so as to accelerate the vacuum-pumping progress; during the regular operation, one is for operation and one is for spare. Lubricant and jacking oil system The main function of the lubricant system is to provide the bearings of the main turbine with the lubricant, form oil film between journal and bearing pad to protect the bearings and guarantee the safe and smooth operation of the steam turbine. The main devices of the lubricant system include: main oil pump, AC Lube oil pump, AC startup oil pump, DC Lube oil pump, oil cooler, oil turbine and register and so on. During the regular operation, the main oil pump lubricating system is drove by the steam turbine directly. During the initial period, the lubricating system is operated by the lubricating oil pump, the startup of the oil feed pump is mainly for the oil on the inlet of the main oil pump so as to guarantee certain pressure on the inlet of the main oil pump. The jacking oil system adopts two jacking oil pumps, one for operation and one for spare. 9
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Overall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
Steam turbine gland sealing system The steam turbine gland sealing system is self-sealing system, the pressure and temperature are automatically controlled, and system still provides the water pump steam turbine with the gland sealing sources. The system is set with automatic regulating device of gland sealing pressure, overflow pressure relief device and gland sealing evacuating device and so on. Anti-fuel oil system The anti-fuel oil system provides the steam turbine speed control and protection system with high pressure oil, and the system is mainly consisted of two 100% capacity anti-fuel oil pumps (one for operation and one for spare during the regular operation), oil tank, regenerative oil pump, recycling pump and automatic temperature regulator and so on. For the adjusting oil system has rather high requirements on the oil quality, the adjusting parts are added by filter screens before insulated into the oil pipes, and the pressure difference warning signal is equipped; in order to stable the oil pressure and oil volume, four accumulators are added in the system (two high pressure and two low pressure). 1.1.5 Steam turbine protection and control The generator sets of the steam turbine adopt the turbine-boiler-generator control method, the running and operation of sets are mainly operated by the DCS operators, the steam turbine can operate harmoniously with the boiler from the minimum load to VWO operating mode, and the steam turbine is controlled by the reliable digital electric hydraulic (DEH). And the main functions are as follows: Stop latch automatically and remotely, finish the warm of the high pressure cylinder and the valve shell and judge the thermal conditions of the unit automatically (cold, warm, hot and extremely hot). Control the high and intermediate pressure control valves through the high pressure servo system directly and accomplish the automatic control of the whole progress from starting, raising speed, over critical speed, synchronization, initial load to target load according to the hot conditions of the unit currently. Select the HP cylinder and IP cylinder combined starting or IP cylinder starting methods according to the demands and realize the constant-slide-constant startup process. Obtain perfect over-speed control and over-speed protection functions (power and load unbalance control, OPC action and speed control while the rotate speed is bigger than 103% and outage when rotate speed exceeds 110% and so on). Carry out high and intermediate pressure main control valve activity tests online by group and realize the remote nozzle test and mechanical and electrical over-speed tests. Possess the TPC protection function against the low pressure of the main turbine. Send out automatic drainage control signals during the start-stop process. Possess load restriction function. Finish the boiler-turbine unit coordinated function with the cooperation of the CCS (coordinated control system). In order to guarantee the safe operation of the steam turbine, the following protections are set: emergency protection system, remote control trip, automatic emergency trip system of steam turbine, turbine supervisory instrumentation and turbine waterproof protection system. 1.2 Design operation conditions of steam turbine 1.3 Allowable load range The design operation conditions of the set are as follows: include the basic load and can be used in peak load dispatching, and the constant pressure-sliding pressure-constant pressure operating mode is adopted. The allowable load change rate of the set is: no less than 30MW/min among the load range of 50%~100%TMCR, no 10
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Overall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
less than 18MW/min among the load range of 30%~50%TMCR, no less than 12MW/min below 30% rated load (THA), and the phase step of the allowable load is bigger than 10%TMCR. 1.3.2 Allowable operational parameter range During the regular operation of the set, the internal mechanical stress of the corresponding pressure parts as pipes, valves and cylinders and so on will increase correspondently along with the increase of the main steam pressure or reheat steam pressure; meanwhile, if the opening of the adjusting steam valve remains the same, the throttle flow of steam turbine also goes up, and thus enlarges the pressure on the rotor blades and increases the axial thrust. In order to guarantee the safe operation of the set, the steam pressure in the operation is not allowed to exceed the maximum value supplied by the manufacturer. When the main reheated steam temperature exceeds the specified value, the metal temperature of the relevant parts, steam pipes and valves will be increased, the mechanical strength of the materials will be decreased, the creep speed will be accelerated and the service life and safety of the devices will be affected, thus the manufacturers all have strict specifications on the allowable main reheated steam temperature. The decrease of the main reheated steam temperature will cause the increase of the exhaust steam moisture and axial thrust of set and will also affect the safety and service life of the set. The reheated steam systems of the steam turbine all adopt 2-1-2 connection type, and if the allowable difference of the steam temperatures in the two pipes maintains at the annual average temperature difference of 11℃ during the startup and regular operation, the maximum allowable temperature difference shall not exceed 42℃. Generally speaking, the bearing block of the low pressure rotor and the low pressure cylinder are welded into an organic whole, when the exhaust temperature arises, the bearing block of low pressure rotor will be raised for the expansion of the low pressure cylinder, and thus break the rotor centering and result in the severe vibration of the set. Thus, the manufacturers all have strict specifications on the exhaust pressure and temperature of the low pressure cylinder. The maximum exhaust temperature of the low pressure cylinder of the steam turbine during regular operation is 52℃, alarm when the temperature exceeds 80℃ and outage when the exhaust temperature achieves 121℃. 1.3.3 Quality requirements on steam The scale formation in the turbine flow section will decrease the power capacity of the turbine and reduce the efficiency obviously. When the scale formation is serious, the pressure on the impellers and separators, the separator stress and the axial thrust of the steam turbine will all be increased, the scale formation in the high and intermediate pressure main steam valve and control valve will still result in the jam of the main steam valve and control valve and seriously threaten the safe operation of the steam turbine, thus the manufacturers all have strict specifications on the steam quality entering the steam turbine. 1.3.4 Allowable cyclic wave range The changes of the rotate speed in the operation will affect the frequency of exciting force of the rotor blades. In order to guarantee the safe operation of the set and prevent the resonance of the rotor blades, the manufacturer implements the frequency modulation on the rotor blades according to certain frequency range, and the frequency of the set is only allowed to change between certain ranges during the operation. 1.4 Startup and Shutdown of Steam Turbine 1.4.1 Startup According to the differences of the initial states, the startup of the steam turbine can be divided into different starting states. The purpose is to obtain the quickest startup speed and economical efficiency. The basis to divide the cold and hot startup is the 1st stage metal temperature of high pressure cylinder lower inner casing and the 1st stage metal temperature of intermediate pressure cylinder lower inner casing. With regard to the intermediate pressure cylinder startup, the cold start refers to the temperature less than 305℃, the warm start refers to the temperature more than 305℃ and less than 420℃, the hot start refers to the temperature more than 420℃ and less than 490℃, and the extreme hot start refers to the temperature more than 490℃. With regard to high pressure cylinder, the cold start refers to the temperature less than 320℃, the warm start refers to the temperature more 11
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Overall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
than 320℃ and less than 420℃, the hot start refers to the temperature more than 420℃ and less than 445℃, and the extreme hot start refers to the temperature more than 445℃. Generally speaking, the startup process of the set is divided into the following three stages: 1). Startup period of boiler, from the ignition of boiler to impulse starting of the steam turbine 2). Startup period of steam turbine, from impulse starting of the steam turbine to synchronization of generators 3). Load up period of set, from synchronization to full load The steam turbine adopts intermediate pressure cylinder starting in priority. Adopt the intermediate pressure cylinder to impulse and sliding-parameter to start, when the impulse starting speeds up and the load is less than 15%, the high pressure cylinder isolates the warm cylinder, the high pressure cylinder warms the cylinder through the bypass valve of the high pressure exhaust steam valve, and the superheated steam is introduced into the reheater through the high pressure bypass valve after the temperature and pressure reduction. The reheated steam is divided into two ways: one is to access the intermediate pressure cylinder through intermediate pressure cylinder combined steam valve, and the other is to access the condenser through low pressure bypass valve. When the set load achieves above 15%, the high pressure control valve is opened, part of the steam goes into the steam turbine to work and utilizes the high pressure bypass valve to control the throttle flow of the high pressure cylinder so as to maintain the main steam pressure, and the set increases the load gradually. When the set load is more than 30%, the high pressure control valves are fully open, the high and low pressure bypass valve are fully closed, the set enters the sliding pressure and load up period, and when the set load achieves 90%, the set enters constant pressure operation period and accomplishes the whole process. Outage The outage of the steam turbine can be generally divided into scheduled outage and nonscheduled outage, the scheduled outage generally refers to the scheduled overhauling and spare according to the requests of electricity grid, and the main characteristics of such outage are: the operations and methods in the outage process shall meet the demands of the overhaul period, reduce the metal temperature of the steam turbine as much as possible, make the steam turbine go to operation as soon as possible and shorten the overhauling duration. And nonscheduled outage mainly refers to the outage resulting from the faults of the set and under emergencies. The main characteristics of such outage are: the operators shall stop the steam turbine under safe conditions as soon as possible and avoid the damages to the main and auxiliary devices. Generally speaking, the outage can be divided into the following steps: 1). Preparation work of the outage 2). Unload of the set 3). Decrease the set load to 0MW and stepout of generators 4). Coasting operation and turning of steam turbine 5). Maintenance of the set after outage The outage process of the generator set is also an important dynamic process and the set is in the turning state from hot to cold and from 3000r/min to 1.5r/min. in this process, any improper operations would result in serious damages to the devices. During the outage process, the parameters as main steam pressure, main steam temperature, reheated steam temperature, differential expansion of the steam turbine, absolute expansion, axial displacement, rotation of rotors, and metal temperature of bearings and thermal stress of steam turbine rotors and so on shall be supervised strictly. During the regular outage process, the sliding shutdown of the set shall be implemented strictly according to the temperature drop ratio, pressure drop ratios and load drop ratio regulated by the outage curve. The turning device must be put into operation no matter in regular outage or accidental outage so as to prevent the bending of the macro-axis of the steam turbine.
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Steam Turbine Steam System
Chapter II Steam Turbine Proper 2.1 Cylinder 2.1.1 Overview As the static part of the steam turbine, the effect of the cylinder is to insulate steam and the air and form the enclosed space the steam finishing the energy conversion. Besides, it also supports other static parts of the steam turbine, such as diaphragm, diaphragm sleeve and nozzle steam room and so on. According to the flowing characteristics of the steam in the steam turbine, the high and intermediate pressure part of the cylinder bears the inner pressure of the steam and the part of the cylinder of the low pressure part bears the outside atmospheric pressure, due to the heavy weight and complex structure of the cylinder and the relatively big changes of steam temperature and specific volume in the operating process, the stresses withstood by various parts of the cylinder differ by the distribution of the cylinder, thus, many problems need to be considered during the design and manufacturing process of the cylinder, mainly including: leakproofness between the cylinder and the joint surface, thermal expansion of the cylinder during the starting process of the steam turbine, thermal distortion, thermal stress, rigidity and strength of the cylinder and the flow characteristic of the steam and so on. The cylinder needs to bear the thermal stress resulted from the inner pressure and temperature difference between the inner and outside walls during the operation, in order to guarantee the right positions of the moving and static parts in the regular operation, the cylinder materials must possess enough strength characters, fine structural stability and fatigue resistance and certain inhibiting ability. With regard to the joint flange fasteners, for they work under the conditions of stress relaxation and bear the stretching stress, the materials of such parts shall possess relatively high anti-relaxation performance, sufficient intensity, relatively low notch sensitivity, rather small creep fragilization tendency and oxidation resistance. Normally, the strength of the screw nut is one stage lower than the bolt, thus the different hardness of the two reduces the wear to the bolt and avoids the seizure after long term service. In order to guarantee the free expansion of the cylinder during the heating and the conformity of the centre line of the set, a series of feather key are set between the cylinder and engine seat, such keys compose the slide key system of the steam turbine to support, guide and allocate the cylinder, guarantee the fine centration of the steam turbine and smooth the expansion of the cylinders, rotors and bearings. The high and intermediate pressure cylinder generally adopts the upper paw bracket support structure with the bearing surface and split overlapped. The thermal expansion of the cylinder and the rotors are also the problems to be considered in the design process of the steam turbine, select the dead point of the cylinder and the relative dead points of the rotor and cylinder rationally and reserve sufficient relative expansion space so as to guarantee that the clearances of the moving and static parts are in the rational range, and improve the overall working efficiency of the steam turbine. No ponded water is allowed in the cylinder during the operation of the steam turbine, thus, sufficient moisture-removal devices and flow areas shall be reserved during the design of the cylinder so as to avoid the groove structures as far as possible. 2.1.2 High and intermediate pressure cylinder High and intermediate pressure cylinder adopts typical single path, double shell cylinder and horizontal split structure, the outer cylinder is upper paw bracket support type, and the upper and lower cylinders are connected by the bolts.
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Steam Turbine Steam System
Fig. 2-1 High and Intermediate Pressure Cylinder Lower Inner Casing of Steam Cylinder
Fig. 2-2 High and Intermediate Pressure Cylinder Upper Inner Casing of Steam Cylinder
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Steam Turbine Steam System
Fig. 2-2 High and Intermediate Pressure Cylinder Lower outer Casing of Steam Cylinder Main features of high and intermediate pressure cylinder of the steam turbine A. HIP combined cylinder technique The arrangement method arranges the high pressure inner cylinder and intermediate pressure inner cylinder in the same outer cylinder, which reduces the quantity of the bearings and gland seals and shortens the span of the steam turbine, and the flow direction of the steam is on the contrary and can balance the axial thrust better. The high temperature part is concentrated on the middle section of the cylinder, the influence of the high temperature on the bearings and adjusting sleeves is relatively small and the steam leakage from the outer gland seals on both ends is relatively small. The main defects of the steam turbine of HIP combined cylinder structure are: the diaphragm of HIP cylinder bears relatively big pressure difference and generates relatively big thermal stress while changing the operating modes, the expansion differences of the moving and static parts are not easy to control, and the overhauling is not that convenient for the HIP inlet pipes are concentrated on the middle section. Besides, in order to prevent the over-speed of the steam turbine caused by the overstock and mixing of steam in the middle gland steam pocket during the load rejection of the steam turbine, the dump valve is set in the gland steam pocket so as to guide the stock steam in the middle gland steam pocket to the condenser during the load rejection. B. The HIP cylinder is double shell cylinder structure: The double shell cylinder structure can disperse the thermal stress to the two cylinders, the temperature gradient and pressure gradient of the inner cylinder then get smaller, and the wall thickness of the shell can be reduced while bearing the same thermal stress so as to favor the operation of the operating mode. The cylinder flange of the steam turbine with double shell cylinder structure is rather thin, and the temperature of such parts changes quickly under variable operating modes, so it is unnecessary to set special flange bolt heating devices. C. The cylinder body adopts high-temperature resistance materials Due to the increase of the inlet pressure and temperature of the high pressure and intermediate pressure parts, certain countermeasures shall be adopted on the materials, structure and cooling. Assure that the maximum working pressure of the inner cylinder is the pressure fall between pressure after nozzle and high pressure exhaust and the maximum working pressure of the outer cylinder is the pressure difference between the high pressure
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Steam Turbine Steam System
exhaust and atmospheric pressure on structure so as to reduce the working pressure of the cylinder, and the arrangement of the steam inlet and ring isolation gives cylinder a reasonable temperature gradient for the convenience controlling the thermal stress of the cylinder and guaranteeing that the service life expenditure is in the required range. D. The 1st stage nozzle of the high pressure cylinder is separate nozzle box: The high pressure inner cylinder is composed of four groups of nozzles arranged by the peripheral direction, four high pressure steam inlet pipes are arranged vertically, and the steam inlet pipes are inserted into the nozzle box of the high pressure inner cylinder directly. The boiler main steam accesses into four high pressure adjusting valves by four roads respectively through the main steam valve of the steam turbine and goes into the steam turbine to expand and work through pipes. Generally speaking, the set is of full arc admission, and the partial admission is only under the nozzle governing mode. Under the condition of partial admission, the 1st stage rotor blade is under great and partial acting force, and the most dangerous sections are always in this stage, and since the 1st stage nozzle group of the HIP cylinder bears rather great enthalpy drop and rather great pressure difference, the blade thickness is much bigger than other pressure stages. E. Intermediate pressure cylinder nozzle box: The boiler reheated steam gets into the intermediate pressure inner cylinder through steam turbine intermediate pressure union steam valve and enters the steam turbine nozzle through four pipes to expand and work. F. Support of HIP cylinder: Due to the different expansion volume of the inner and outer cylinders of the steam turbine adopting double shell cylinder structure and in order to guarantee the centering of the rotor and cylinder during the heating expansion process, the support of the cylinder is quite complex, and generally speaking, the support methods of the cylinder can be divided into two: one is the cylinder foot bearing block support method, and the other is the direct installation of the cylinder on the basic platform through the stretching pedal. The high power steam turbines all adopt the cylinder foot bearing block support method without exception. The support method of the steam turbine is: the high pressure outer upper cylinder is supported on the operational gasket of No.1 and No.2 bearing blocks through the cylinder foot, and the outer lower cylinder is hanged on the high pressure outer upper cylinder through the flange bolt of the cylinder. The outer lower cylinder is set with mounting claw and the mounting claw is connected on the bearing block through pivot bracket, the lower cylinder is fastened on the bearing block through space adjusting bolt. The upper inner cylinder is fastened on the high pressure lower inner cylinder through cylinder bolts, the high pressure lower inner cylinder is supported on the HIP outer lower cylinder through the cylinder foot, the high pressure upper steam inlet pipe is fastened on the high pressure lower inlet chamber through four bolts, the high pressure lower inlet chamber is supported on the high pressure inner lower cylinder through support foot, the intermediate pressure inner upper cylinder is fastened on the intermediate pressure inner lower cylinder through cylinder flange bolt and the intermediate pressure inner lower cylinder is supported on the HIP outer cylinder through the cylinder foot. The face support can release the friction of the contact surfaces, and it can move freely during the heating expansion and cooling. Flow part of HIP cylinder The flow part of the steam turbine mainly consists of the flow components of various stages and the steam inlet and outlet parts, and it is the core component of the steam turbine accomplishing the energy conversion, including the control valve, the nozzle, diaphragm stationary blade and rotor cascade of the nozzle box and so on. The main problems to be considered in the design of the flow part of the steam turbine include: optimum loop parameter, rational steam distribution device, maximum efficiency of the cylinders and the steam turbine, meeting the demands of the strength and rigidity, rational structure, safe and reliable. Besides, along with the increase of the set capacity and the improvement of the initial parameters of the steam, solid particle erosion (SPE) of the flow part has become a problem that can not be ignored, and the manufacturers all make every effort to reduce the SPE to the minimum extent while designing the flow part. The high pressure part of the steam turbine can be divided into nine stages and the intermediate pressure cylinder can be divided into five stages, the steam is extracted from the high pressure cylinders to be used as the heating steam source for No.1 high pressure heater after the 6th stage, and part of the steam is extracted from the exhaust steam of the high pressure cylinders to be used as the steam source of No.2 high pressure heater. The
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Steam Turbine Steam System
intermediate pressure cylinder possesses the steam extraction of two stages to supply No.3 high pressure heater and deaerator respectively. In order to reduce the leakage losses of the steam turbine, the steam seal gland is set on the ends of the inner and outer cylinders and between rotor and diaphragm, blade shroud ring and inner cylinder of the flow part of HIP cylinders. A. Diaphragm of HIP cylinder As the basic unit in doing work of the steam turbine, the stage is composed of the nozzle stationary blades and the matched rotor blades, and when the steam with certain temperature and pressure passes the stage of the steam turbine, convert the heat energy of the steam passing the nozzle stationary blades into the kinetic energy at first and then convert the kinetic energy in the rotor blades into the mechanical energy so as to accomplish the work of the steam turbine. The diaphragm divides the flow part of the steam turbine into a certain number of stages to fix the stationary blades in the cylinders and block the leakages between stages. The pressure is reduced gradually when the steam carries out the energy conversion between stages, if the pressure fall exists on the sides of the diaphragm and the steam pressure before and after the rotor blades equals to each other, such stage is named as pure impulse stage, if the pressure fall mainly focuses in the stationary blades of the diaphragm and only rather small pressure fall exists in the rotor blades, such stage is named as impulse stage, and if the pressure fall of the steam in the rotor cascade and model cascade equals to each other approximately, it is named as reaction stage. The steam turbine is pure impulse turbine and affords relatively huge enthalpy drop in the diaphragm, the rotor generates relatively small axial thrust on the bearing and thus enhances the integral safety of the set. As shown in Fig.2-4, the main components include outer ring, surrounding belt, model cascade, inner belt and diaphragm body and so on. The diaphragm body and model cascade adopt the welding structure. The diaphragm is generally divided into two pieces horizontally for the convenience of installation and dismantling, and in order to possess fine economy and reliability, the diaphragm structure shall meet the following demands: enough strength and rigidity, fine steam tightness, rational support and orientation, concentricity with the rotor, the nozzles on the diaphragm shall possess fine aerodynamic property, enough surface finish quality and correct flow outlet angle. Fig.2-5 is the diaphragm structural diagram of 9th, 10th and 11th stages of the steam turbine. 焊接槽
Welding groove
Outer ring
Stationary blade
Inner ring
Expansion groove
The diaphragm can be divided into assembled type and welding type by structure, for the consumption of metal is large, the cost is relatively high and the clearance between the top and the bottom of the stationary blades will generate steam leakages, the usage of assembled type structure becomes smaller and smaller. The welding diaphragm is made through welding the forged stationary blade between the punched outer and inner belts to form the nozzle arc section and then welding the arc outer edge and the diaphragm body mutually, and such diaphragm possesses fine strength and rigidity, reduces metal consumption and obtains fine steam tightness. The welding diaphragm is adopted in the steam turbine so as to guarantee the correct orientation of blades in the diaphragm, the radial twisted rope structure or mosaic type structure splits of diaphragm are adopted to guarantee that the stationary blade of the diaphragm split is complete. The twisted blades are widely adopted in the stationary blades of the nozzle section so as to reduce the wake losses effectively.
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Steam Turbine Steam System
Fig.2-4 Structural Diagram of Diaphragm
Fig.2-5 Structural Diagram of Diaphragm The fixation of the diaphragm on the cylinder or diaphragm housing ring must meet the demands of free expansion and centration during the heating of the diaphragm, certain clearance shall be reserved between the diaphragm and septalium. The split support type is generally adopted in the diaphragm installation of the large scale sets. B. HIP cylinder stationary blade The stationary blade of the steam turbine is the main component in doing work, and generally speaking, in order to guarantee relatively high efficiency of the blades, the blade roots and shroud rings of the HIP cylinder stationary blades are processed by profile steels integrally, and the mold line of the HIP stationary blades of the steam turbine is the post-loaded blade type, such twisted reduce section stationary blade possesses fine aerodynamic characteristics and relatively high efficiency. Separate nozzle box is generally set in high pressure cylinder of the steam turbine, and the main factors considered in adopting such structure are: the limitation of contact part between the cylinder and the steam with highest parameters to the minimum scope can make the steam turbine rotors and the stationary components as the cylinder bodies and so on except the 1st stage nozzle block in the inlet chamber only contact with the steam after work done, reduce the integral mechanical stress of the cylinders, be in favor of the safety of the steam turbine, make the cylinder structure be simple and the body be thin and improve the adaptability of the set. Besides, for the structure of the whole nozzle box reduces the shaft end leakages, it can simplify the structure of shaft end gland seal and improve the overall efficiency of the set. Many control valves are adopted to control the steam inlet of the steam turbine, the corresponding 1st stage nozzles are also divided into a certain number of nozzle blocks and every block of nozzles occupies a segment of the 1st stage inlet circle. Controlled by four control valves, the nozzle in steam turbine nozzle box can be divided into four segments. 2.1.3 Low pressure cylinder Operating characteristics of low pressure cylinder A. The low pressure cylinder locates in the transition work region from positive pressure to negative pressure, the exhaust steam pressure is rather low and the specific volume increase of the steam is huge, the double split
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Steam Turbine Steam System
flow structure with the two cylinders collocated reversely and symmetrically is adopted in most of the low pressure cylinders, and the main advantage in adopting such structure is to be able to balance the axial thrust well. Besides, due to the relatively big changes of the steam specific volume and in order to avoid the over-length of the blades, the low pressure cylinder can be divided into separate cylinder bodies. The pressure drop of every stage in the low pressure cylinder is not that big, but the energy surpasses any pressure stages in HIP cylinders. Thus, the structure of the low pressure cylinder shall be able to do more work under the precondition of guaranteeing the safety of the set, and for the steam exhaust pressure of the low pressure cylinder is very low, the cylinder body of the low pressure cylinder is rather huge and is directly connected to the condenser. As a part with the largest temperature variation in the steam turbine, the vertical temperature variation of the low pressure cylinder is quite large, and in order to reduce the heat stress and enhance the expansion conditions of the set, the triple-cylinder structure is adopted on the generator networks, and the first layer is the inner cylinder to install the flow passage components, most of which adopts the unit assembly structure, and the diaphragm is installed on the diaphragm sleeve; the second layer is thermal insulating layer, due to the relatively high temperature of the inlet part and the relatively low temperature of the outer steam exhaust, such layer is adopted to diverse the cylinder temperature difference and rationalize the temperature gradient; the third layer is the outer cylinder to guide the steam exhaust and support the components of the inner cylinder. B. Steam inlet pipe arrangement type of low pressure cylinder The inlet of the low pressure cylinder is inducted vertically from the top of the cylinder through steam lead pipe, enters the ring-shaped space of the inner cylinder through the outer cylinder and accesses the flow passage components of the two distribution cylinders evenly to do work. The exhaust steam of the low pressure cylinder enters the condenser through steam discharge pipe, and the flexible expansion piece is adopted between the steam discharge pipe and the condenser to compensate the expansion of the devices and pipe fittings. Generally speaking, the low pressure cylinder is designed to be radial pressure expansion type exhaust steam casing, and the main purpose of such design is: make the outlet static pressure of the cylinder be higher than the inlet static pressure, convert the kinetic energy of the steam to pressure energy and reduce the pressure fall from the outlet of the end stage blade to the inlet of the condenser so as to reduce the exhaust losses and improve the efficiency of the low pressure cylinder. C. Water injection system of low pressure cylinder: The exhaust steam pressure and temperature are quite low when the set operates regularly, but at the state of starting, idle load or low load, the exhaust steam temperature increases for the decrease of the steam through flow is insufficient to bring the heat from the low pressure cylinder generated by the blasting friction. The over-temperature of the exhaust steam temperature will result in the distortion of the low pressure cylinder, change the relative positions of the cylinder and rotor center line and induce the vibration of the set. In order to prevent the heat distortion of the low pressure cylinder, the low pressure cylinder water injection system is set on the low pressure cylinders of the large scale steam turbo-set. Besides, the ultimate value of the low pressure cylinder exhaust steam temperature is limited, and when such value is surpassed, the ETS system acting on the steam turbine will trip the steam turbine; when the exhaust steam pressure of the low pressure cylinder is too high, the atmospheric relief valve is set on the top of the low pressure cylinder so as to protect the low pressure cylinder, and the actuating pressure is slightly higher than the atmospheric pressure. D. Moisture-removal device of low pressure cylinder: most of the last several stage blades in the low pressure flow passage part of the straight condensing turbine work at the moist steam regions, the moisture in the steam brings bad effects on the work of the blades, which mainly include the conversion losses of the additive energy, the decrease of the work efficiency of the blades and the water erosion caused by the moisture on the rotor blades. Generally, the following methods are adopted to prevent and reduce the water erosion on the moist steam stage blades: restrict the exhaust steam moisture of the last stage blade, improve the anti-water erosion capacity, design moisture-removal device on flow passage part, relax the space between rotor and stationary blades properly and select the suitable rotor blade type and so on. The steam turbine has two low pressure cylinders with the same shapes, with the double split flow symmetrical structure, the two low pressure cylinders are admitted from the middle part and divide the cylinder into two parts on the split. The low pressure cylinder possesses rotor blades of 14 stages, which are arranged on two sides of the
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Steam Turbine Steam System
low pressure inner cylinder symmetrically, four stages of steam extraction are equipped for the steam usage of the four low pressure heaters and are extracted from 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th stages respectively. The gland sealing steam is connected to both sides of the low pressure rotors for the low pressure gland sealing with two gears and two compartments, the oil deflector ring is installed between gland sealing and the bearing block. Two atmospheric relief valves are installed on the top of the low pressure outer cylinder. The measuring installations as bearing vibration supervisory instrument and bearing vibration inspection devices and so on are installed inside the bearing block. Support of low pressure cylinder Generally speaking, the steam seal gland and bearings on both sides of the low pressure cylinder are installed in outer steam exhaust hood and the upper cylinder half and lower cylinder half are fixed on the horizontal split with fasteners, and thus form a cycle. The outer steam exhaust hood mainly adopts the suspension structure and is fastened on the sole pin through the bolts on the four supports on both sides. The inner upper cylinder is supported on the steam guidance chamber of the steam exhaust hood on each side, the contact surface is quenched and hardened in order to reduce the abrasions, and the axial motions are allowed during the expansion and cooling of the cylinder. The axial inner lower cylinders on both sides are located on the bottom framework of the outer steam exhaust hood, and the free expansion from the center to the two sides laterally is allowed through the positioning of the sliding pin. The front and rear bearing blocks of the two low pressure cylinders and the lower casing are welded into a whole, and each cylinder is supported on the sole pin through the cylinder block directly. The inner lower cylinder is supported on the inner adjusting shim of the outer lower cylinder through cylinder claw, and the inner lower cylinder is fastened on the outer lower cylinder through clearance adjustment bolt. The lower pressure inner cylinder is supported on the four gaskets of the outer cylinder to guarantee the correctness of top and bottom centers of the cylinder. The axial location is confirmed by the gib keys on the middle of the two sides of the lower pressure inner lower cylinders and the outer lower cylinders. The correct horizontal location is confirmed by the gib keys on the axial center line of the cylinder, and such arrangement can guarantee the accurate alignment of the inner cylinders under various operating modes. A sylphon bellows is installed on the steam inlet, such sylphon bellows is between the inner and outer cylinders, it makes the inner cylinder move along with the outer cylinder and prevents the air from the condenser. The connection of the low pressure cylinder is the stainless steel flexible expansion joint type, the rigid support is adopted on the condenser and the basis, namely the center point of the condenser is the absolute dead point of the low pressure cylinder, the polyfluortetraethylene support sole pin is adopted on the surrounding of the condenser bottom to make the condenser shell be able to expand around smoothly. Low pressure cylinder flow passage part The flow passage part of the low pressure cylinder can be divided into 2*2* stages, and the two low pressure cylinders are completely the same and are composed of the assembling stationary blades on the diaphragm and the assembling moving blades on the rotors, the steam is admitted along the center line, enters the steam chamber through ring shape and enters the flow passage part on both sides evenly to do work. The segmentation structure is adopted by the components of the inner cylinder, which is favorable for the extraction of the regeneration and extraction pipes. In order to prevent the water erosion, the moisture-removal device is set on the top of the moving blades in the low pressure cylinder. In order to guarantee that the steam can expand freely in each stage and avoid the friction between stationary and moving parts, certain clearance is set between the stationary and moving parts, and to reduce the leakages, the steam seal gland is set between the rotor shroud ring, diaphragm, blade shroud ring and diaphragm. Diaphragm and stationary blade of low pressure cylinder Composed of the diaphragm board, stationary blade and steam seal gland, the diaphragm of the low pressure cylinder is divided into the upper and lower parts along the horizontal split. The stationary blade is manufactured by alloy materials and is welded into diaphragm, the diaphragms of the former four stages are the crown guide
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blades and the latter three stages are strip welded structure guide blade. Weld the stationary blade and the inner and outer ring of the diaphragm into a whole and then accomplish the finish machining of the diaphragm. Generally speaking, the segmentation structure is adopted by the inner cylinder and diaphragm sleeve of the low pressure cylinder, the structures of the diaphragms are basically the same, due to the different height of the blades, the shape of steam guidance beading extended from external part differs somewhat, the low pressure cylinder diaphragm is fastened on the low pressure inner cylinder, and along with the expansion of the cylinder and the maintenance of concentricity with the rotors, the diaphragm can move freely on three directions, the positioning method is the same with the positioning structure of the diaphragm in HIP cylinders. 2.1.4 Notices The monitoring of the mechanical conditions under the operating status is a very complex problem, under the current test technical level, many problems have not been solved thoroughly and many test methods can not be put into operation subjecting to the conditions. The indirect monitoring is still adopted on some rather critical items, and some data and indexes are also with certain experiences, which increases the complexity of the operation and monitor of the cylinders. The general monitoring items during the operation include the heat stress, heat expansion, heat distortion and cylinder temperature and so on. Monitor on heat stress While operating under the stale operating mode, the cylinder wall shall bear the heat stress of the inner and outer walls besides the static stress generated by the internal steam pressure. For the temperature difference between the cylinder and flange and the temperature difference between the outer and inner walls under the stable operating mode are not that big, the heat stress value is limited. But under the unstable operating mode as starting, outage and the great changes of the load and so on, the steam pressure and the temperature in the cylinder will be changed drastically. Only if the pressure range is in the design range, no unfavorable effect will be caused, and the thickness of cylinder wall is designed according to the maximum pressure afforded. The drastic changes of the temperature under the transition operating mode will generate great temperature difference between the inner and outer walls of the cylinder and thus result in rather huge heat stress. The residual deformation is resulted in when the combined stress value of the heat stress and static stress exceeds the yield limit of the metal materials and thus becomes the reason of the cylinder cracks and damages, and this is why we put forward the monitoring of the cylinder heat stress. The heat stress of the cylinder and flange surface is depended on the heat transfer methods and the temperature difference between the inner and outer walls. For the heat conductivity coefficient of the decided steel material is a fixed value and the heat transfer methods under normal unstable operating modes (except for severely cooling and heating modes as load rejection and sharp increase of load and so on) are considered according to quasi-steady heat transfer, the heat stress of the time is only decided by the temperature difference between the inner and outer walls. The temperature difference between the inner and outer walls can be used as the reliable base to monitor and control the cylinder wall or flange wall heat stress, during the actual starting and outage of the steam turbine, if only the temperature differences between the inner and outer walls of the cylinder or flange are monitored and controlled inside the regulated range, the inner wall heat stress can be guaranteed not to exceed permissible value. At present, the large power steam turbines are generally installed with temperature measuring points of the inner and outer walls of the cylinders and flanges on the key components, and the thermal-mechanical status of the cylinder is monitored through the monitoring on the temperature difference. According to the heat transfer theory and when the heat emission coefficient of the steam on flat walls is constant, the temperature difference between the inner and outer walls can achieve the maximum constant value while achieving the quasi-steady heat transfer state. The temperature differences between the inner and outer walls and the temperature rising rate are proportional to the square of the wall thickness, when the thickness is certain, the measurement of the temperature rising rate then determines the temperature difference between the inner and outer walls and in turn determines the size of the wall heat stress. The purpose of monitoring and controlling the metal heat stress can be achieved through monitoring and controlling the temperature rising rate. The temperature difference of the thick wall is bigger than that of the thin wall under the same temperature rising rate. During the startup, the temperature difference between the inner and outer walls of the flange is much bigger than that of the cylinder wall. From this, the control of the heat stress shall be supported by the temperature difference between
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the inner and outer walls of the flange with relatively big thickness, and if the cylinder wall is regarded as the detection basis, the hazardous conditions as the temperature difference between the inner and outer walls of flange is oversize and the heat stress exceeds the admissible stress of the materials and so on then will be generated. The heating of the bolts is mainly transferred by the flange, thus, the temperature of the flange is a little higher than that of the bolt during the starting and heating processes, the temperature difference between them will make the bolts bear additional heat tension stress, and the bolts may be snapped when the total pulling stress exceeds the yield limit of the material. The maximum allowable temperature difference value between the flange and the bolt can be calculated when the yield limit of the bolt material and the pre-tightening force of the bolt are given. Thus, in order to control the heat stress value of the bolts, the temperature difference between the flange and the bolts must be monitored, and then according to the performances of the metal materials of such parts, it is not that difficult to find out the control indexes monitoring their heat stress values. When the steam turbine is started and heated, the temperature of the inner wall is always higher than that of the outer wall, thus the inner wall bears the heat compression stress and the outer wall bears the heat tension stress. On the other hand, when the steam turbine reduces the load and stops, the temperature of the inner wall is lower than that of the outer wall, thus the inner wall bears the heat tension stress and the outer wall bears the heat compression stress, and then the maximum heat stress is always generated in the inner wall. When the steam turbine operates under various operating modes, the steam chambers of various stages in the cylinder always contains the steam with certain pressure, the steam pressure generates static stress on the cylinder, and the stress on the inner and outer walls is tension stress. Considering the existence of the static stress, the heat compression stress afforded by the inner wall during the startup and heating can be neglected as relaxation, and when the turbine reduces the load and stops to cool, the heat tension stress afforded by the inner wall is then added by the static stress value, which is easy to make the comprehensive tension stress value exceed the permissible value of the metal material and result in the cylinder cracks. It is more dangerous when the load is reduced severely, the steam chambers maintain relatively high steam pressure and the static stress value is relatively huge. The temperature difference control indexes shall be much stricter to the operating modes (such as load reducing, outage and hot start and so on) that may result in the cooling of the cylinders and flanges. Monitor on heat expansion During the startup, stop and load alternation processes, the cylinder rotors or other components will expand or shrink due to the temperature alternation. The guarantee of the free expansion and shrink to different directions evenly on the basis of the axis and the dead point is an important condition to prevent the heat stress, heat distortion and even the set vibration. The heat expansion value of the cylinder is also up to the thermal process of the flow passage part of the steam turbine besides the length and material of the cylinder, namely the temperature of various sections of the cylinder. For the flange of HIP cylinder is much thicker than the cylinder wall, the expansion of the cylinder is always up to the average temperature of various sections of flange. The temperature field distribution of the steam turbine during the operation always has certain regularities and some point can be found out as the monitoring point on cylinder expansion, and then the congruent relationship between the temperature variation and cylinder expansion value of the monitoring point can be discovered through calculation or actual measurement to monitor whether the cylinder expansion is normal. The monitoring point normally selects the flange temperature on the regulating stage (outer cylinder flange temperature is selected to double shell cylinder), and the temperature generally takes on linear relationship with the cylinder expansion value. In order to monitor the heat expansion, the absolute expansion indicator or heat expansion measuring instrument is installed on both sides of the steam turbine normally. What needs to explain: it is important to monitor the even expansion on both sides of the cylinder, for the huge difference of the expansion on both sides shall result in the central decline of sets, the block of axial expansion, the friction between stationary and moving parts when serious and the severe vibration of the unit, thus the flange temperatures and the expansion indicating values on both sides of the cylinder shall be compared regularly. To the unit with expansion indicator just on one side, pay attention that the temperature difference between the two sides shall not be too large, and the comprehensive judgment shall be implemented to prevent the oversize deviations of the heat expansion.
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Steam Turbine Steam System Monitor on heat distortion In order to prevent the oversize distortion and the affection on the clearances between the stationary and moving parts, the cylinders are required to possess enough stiffness. Generally speaking, the stiffness characteristics mainly include the static stiffness, dynamic stiffness and heat distortion and so on, and the static stiffness refers to the relationship between the load and distortion under half cylinder and combined cylinder, the weight of the rotors shall be applied to the unit with the bearing blocks and cylinders cast in block. The relationship between the vacuum extraction and distortion is also belonged to static stiffness. The dynamic stiffness refers to the vibration strength performances. The heat distortion mainly refers to the load distribution change conditions of the bearing blocks and base sole pins under different heating conditions, especially the interference on the temperature variations of the rear cylinders. The above stiffness characteristics shall be measured at the initial period of installation and operation through tests so as to grasp the variation rules of the clearances between the stationary and moving parts under different conditions and guide the operators to operate the unit better. The temperature difference between the upper and lower cylinders is easily generated during the startup and outage processes of steam turbine. For the weight of the lower cylinder is big, the heat yield of the steam extraction pipe and so on is relatively quick and the heat preservation is not as good as that of the upper cylinder, the temperature of the upper cylinder is always higher than that of the lower cylinder, thus, the cylinder generates the distortion upwardly and makes the diametric clearance between the stationary and moving parts at the cylinder bottom decrease, and the diametric friction between the stationary and moving parts is generated when the temperature difference between the upper and lower cylinders is over-high. During the startup and outage processes of the unit, the maximum temperature difference is always at the regulating stage for the relatively big temperature changes. Through the calculation and actual measurement, the blade axial clearance is reduced by about 0.1mm once the temperature difference between the upper and lower cylinders increases for 10℃. The diametric clearance of the diaphragm gland is generally between 0.4-0.7mm, thus the temperature difference between the upper and lower cylinders shall be controlled below 35~50℃ under general regulations. When the inner wall of the cylinder flange is heated, the temperature difference between inner and outer walls will result in the bending distortion of the flange, at the moment, the lateral flange will be bended internally and the two inside clearances will be reduced, make the lateral section on the front and rear ends of the cylinder into oblate ellipsoid axially and the middle parts into vertical ellipsoid so as to make the reduction of the bilateral diametric clearances of the regulating stage and the stages thereafter become the main factor to induce the frictions between the stationary and moving parts. To the units without the flange inner wall temperature measuring point, the monitor on the temperature difference between the cylinder wall and flange wall can be adopted to control the heat distortion of the cylinder indirectly, for such temperature difference has corresponding relationship with the temperature difference between the width of the flange edges and referring to the temperature difference range between the inner and outer walls under changing operating modes and the control range of the temperature difference between the inner and outer walls of the flanges, the controlling value of the temperature difference between the cylinder wall and flange wall is generally taken as 70~80℃ (heating) or 40~50℃ (cooling). Arrangement of cylinder temperature measuring point The absolute expansion indicator monitoring the heat expansion values of the cylinder and the temperature measuring point monitoring the cylinder heat stress and the heat distortion through the monitor on the temperature of various points and the temperature difference of various parts shall be installed on various sections of the cylinder besides the pressure instruments monitoring the steam pressure values to monitor the heat mechanical state of the cylinder. For the regulating stage steam chamber can reflect the working conditions of the steam turbine correctly and agilely and the pressure and temperature of the steam are rather high, it is a rather perfect section to monitor the thermal-mechanical state, and the temperature measuring points are arranged in such region intensively. For the temperature of the intermediate pressure cylinder in the reheater set is also very high, the 1st stage steam chamber (front and rear) of the intermediate pressure cylinder is always selected to arrange the temperature measuring
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points, and in order to grasp the cylinder state better, the cylinder temperature measuring points are also arranged at the extraction opening section. Operating notices The possible problems caused by misoperations mainly include cylinder distortion (permanent distortion) and cracks. The cylinder distortion may result in the imprecision of the horizontal or vertical flange interfaces, and on the high pressure side, the steam escapes outwardly, when the steam leakage part gets close to the front bearing, the steam will leak into the bearing and deteriorate the oil quality; on the low pressure side, the outside air will leak into the cylinder and affect the vacuum of the condenser, and during the gross distortion, it will reallocate the cylinder weight on the engine seat, result in the changes of the dynamic and static center line of the steam turbine, cause the collision of the moving and stationary parts and the vibration of the unit and damage the steam turbine. A. the reasons resulting in the cylinder distortion include: 1. The cylinder operates under the condition exceeding the allowable temperature of the cylinder material for a long time, and the creep deformation and the stress relaxation of the fasteners are thus caused. 2. The jam of the slide key system can not guarantee the normal expansion, and the oversize distortion heat stress is thus formed. 3. The diametric clearance between the diaphragm and cylinder is too small and the diaphragm bears against the cylinder during the expansion. 4. The long term uneven heating or cooling caused by the bad heat preservation of the external part of the cylinder or partial separation and abscission. B. The main reasons resulting in the cylinder cracks include: 1. The cylinder bears the operating method with thermal cycling for many times and makes the stress exceed the strength of the weak sites, and the fatigue fracture thus generated. 2. The long term strong vibration makes the stress of the cylinder material exceed the fatigue limit. 3. The defects or bad thermal treatments of the cylinder material make the parts of the cylinder bear relatively big internal stress. 4. The stress of such parts may exceed allowable value during the improper operating modes, uneven heating or cooling of the cylinder. 5. The damage and abscission of rotatable parts as broken blade and so on, the strong strike may result in the cylinder cracks. To sum up, the following must be done to guarantee the safe and reliable operation of the cylinder: control the steam admission parameters strictly and prevent the steam turbine from operating under excess temperature condition for long time. The load alternation shall be smooth and slow so as to prevent the cylinder from bearing the heat and cold alternation due to the drastic alternation of the operating modes. Maintain the cleanliness of the slide key system junction surface to prevent the jam and check and monitor the expansion conditions on various parts of the cylinder regularly. Maintain the sound heat preservation so as to prevent the uneven expansion of the cylinder. Inspect the vibration conditions of the unit, analyze and transact on time on any irregular vibrations or abnormal sounds. Adopt rational operating modes, make the cylinder be heated or cooled evenly along a circle as far as possible and adopt constant pressure-sliding pressure-constant pressure operating mode and so on. 2.2 Rotor, Blade and Coupling 2.2.1 Rotor and blade Steam turbine is a machine rotating at high speed, and working under high temperature and high pressure, any defects of the rotor will affect the safe and economic operation of sets. The rotor blade is one of the most important parts of the steam turbine: 1. As the main working part converting the steam heat energy into mechanical energy, the structural line and operating mode of the rotor blade will directly affect the energy conversion efficiency; 2. It is with the most quantity and relatively huge processing workload; 3. As the part with the highest bearing stress in the turbine, it must work under rather ugly operating mode, and the accident rate is high. Thus, the structure and performance of the blade are not only involved with the design and manufacture but also get close relationship with the economical efficiency of the turbine and the safety and reliability of the operation. 围带
Shroud ring
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Molded line
Blade root
Fig.2-6 Location and Structure Diagram of Rotor Blade in Steam Turbine The rotor blade of the steam turbine is composed of three parts: the first is the blade root fastened on the rotor through traverse pin, the second is the blade height converting the steam kinetic energy into mechanical energy, and the third is the hood set on the impeller outer diameter and guiding the steam flow, namely the shroud ring part. Fig.2-6 is the installation position of the rotor blade on the turbine and the structure diagram of the rotor blade. The steam turbine blades can be divided into different types due to the different operating modes and effects. The blade can be divided into constant chord blade, variable chord blade and twisted blade according to that if the chord changes along with the blade height. Generally speaking, the constant chord blades are adopted in the HIP rotors and the variable chord twisted blades are adopted in the latter stages of the low pressure rotors without exception. Main characteristics of rotor The rotors are divided into HIP rotors, low pressure A rotors and low pressure B rotors and are connected through rigid coupling. The rotors are supported on two bearings respectively, and the whole shafting is positioned
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Steam Turbine Steam System
through the thrust bearing in No.2 bearing block. Fig.2-11 is the HIP rotor of our company. The HIP rotors and low pressure rotors are the solid non-central hole rotors, which increase cycle life and reduce the manufacturing costs of the rotors. In order to guarantee the flawlessness, accurate balance calibration and high performance of the rotors, the blank of the rotor forge piece shall be made through vacuum pouring. After the processing, the rotor body shall be with the impeller, bearing journal, coupling flange and thrust disc. The seal gland wall type square perforation installed on the front and rear shaft gland of HIP rotors and low pressure A rotors and the axis between impellers combines the labyrinth gland with the stage teeth of the shaft gland and diaphragm gland (or named as stage teeth serrate-type steam seal); the low pressure B rotor combines the level teeth gland with the level teeth of the shaft gland and diaphragm gland. The mark is set on the position with the rotor corresponding to the thrust bearing and is able to monitor the size of the axial displacement online, and the thrust bearing abrasion monitoring device is also installed. The rotor grounding device is installed on the generator and the stationary part grounding device is installed on the bearing box so as to prevent the damages on the steam turbine rotors and bearings caused by the shaft current and shaft voltage generated by the generators. Main characteristics of rotor blade The shafting flow passage part of the steam turbine is composed of 42 structural stages, among which the high pressure part 9 stages (including 1 regulating stage), intermediate pressure part single-flow 5 stages and two double flow low pressure cylinders 2*2*7 stages. With the lacing lug stub on the middle of the blade and the wing profile shroud ring on the top, the lug stub and shroud ring are not welded. The shroud rings of adjacent blades and the side of lacing lug stub are registered mutually and certain clearances are left for each other, and the junction pieces are adopted to link the adjacent blades through riveting at the shroud ring location. During the operation, the acing lug stubs of the blades are kept close together and connected into a whole due to the torsional deformation generated by the centrifugal force of the blades. Such connection method between the shroud ring and lacing lug stub can increase the damping coefficient greatly, which can prevent the resonance vibration of the blades effectively and improve the safety of the long blades. HIP rotor and blade Due to the wheel structure adopted, the rotor has no central hole and the heat stress during the startup process is relatively small, meanwhile, the HIP combined cylinder makes the temperature of the cylinder and rotor increase synchronously basically and guarantees the smooth expansion of the unit. At the same time, the advanced composite steam distribution method is adopted during the startup process so as to reduce the generation of the heat stress during the startup process and guarantee the rapid, safe, flexible and economic starting performances of the unit. The rotor can utilize the special hand hole set on the end of the cylinder to install or adjust the location or weight of blocks on the shafting beading of the HIP rotor exhaust steam without opening the cylinder. The balance weight is also added in the final stage impeller on the intermediate pressure side of the HIP rotor, the rotor dovetail groove on the high pressure side before the regulating stage and the steam exhaust rotor dovetail groove on the high pressure side of the HIP rotor. In order to guarantee the strength and reduce the vibration, the wide-width, inverted-T type blade root and two-ply shroud structure is adopted by the regulating stage blade. The straddle bacterial type blade root is adopted by other blades of the high pressure cylinder and the axial integral type fir-tree blade root is adopted by various stages of the intermediate pressure cylinder.
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Fig.2-7 HIP Rotor of Steam Turbine Low pressure rotor and blade The 1st to 5th stages of the low pressure cylinder is straddle bacterial type blade root, the penultimate stage is five finger fork type blade root and the final stage is seven finger fork type blade root, all of which adopt the grouped shrouds. The two-ply shroud is adopted by the low pressure final stage with the outer layer equipped by itself and the inner layer connected to the outer layer through rivet. The fork type blade root is adopted by the final stage long blade, and its relatively high strength can resist the centrifugal force of the blades and the flexural stress of the steam impringement, for the speed of the final stage blades is high and work in the wet steam region, the Stellite is welded on the upper side of the steam inlet so as to prevent the water hammer. 2.2.2 Rotor coupling The coupling is an important part to join the turbine rotors and the generator rotors into a whole and transfer the torque and axial thrust. The coupling can be divided into three types as rigid, semi-flexible and flexible. The large scale generator sets generally adopt the rigid coupling for the simple structure, huge coupling stiffness and drive torque. Besides, only a thrust bearing is needed for the connection shafting of the rigid coupling to balance the thrust, which then simplifies the support positioning of the shafting and shortens the shafting length. But the connection shafting of such coupling needs the shafting alignment with high precision, or otherwise the shafting vibration is easily caused for the big effects between the rotors. The rigid connection is adopted by the HIP rotors, two roads of low pressure rotors and the generator rotors in the shafting of the generator sets, and every road of rotors is supported by two bearing supports respectively. The couplings of the four roads of rotors in the shafting are basically the same, the two flange surfaces of the coupling are forged into whole with the corresponding rotors respectively, and the two flange surfaces of the coupling are fastened by fitted bolts and then guarantee the concentricity of the two rotors. According to the demands of the rotor centration, the adjusting shim is set between the flange surfaces of the coupling to adjust the axial flow clearance of the steam turbine. The rotor torque of the steam turbine is transferred through the bolts bearing the shearing force. The adjusting shims are installed between the low pressure A rotor and low pressure B rotor and between the HIP rotor and low pressure A rotor, and the adjusting shims are not installed between other rotors. 2.3 Steam seal gland As a steam turbine rotating at high speed, certain clearance must be left between the stationary and moving parts, in order to reduce the leakages, the leakproof device must be installed to improve the working efficiency of the steam turbine, which is normally named as seal gland. From the structural principles, the seal can be divided into three types: labyrinth seal, carbon ring seal and water ring seal, the carbon ring seal and water ring seal are
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Steam Turbine Steam System
belonged to contact seal and are only used on the unit with small power, and the non-contact seal as labyrinth seal are widely used on the large power turbine generator sets.
Lamina labyrinth seal
Hunch labyrinth seal
Plate spring
Elastic labyrinth seal
(a) Square teeth labyrinth seal (b) Stepped labyrinth seal (c) Dual-stepped labyrinth seal Fig.2-8 Schematic Diagrams of Several Labyrinth Seals Fig.2-8 is the schematic diagram of several kinds of labyrinth seal, and its working principle is: make a series of rather thin pieces on the alloy steel ring with an expansion chamber after a choke coil, the speed of the steam is accelerated while passing the expansion chamber and the steam kinetic energy in the expansion chamber is converted into the heat energy with the pressure decreased and the specific volume increased, and the like, when the steam passes through more than one choke coils, the pressure difference before and after every choke coil is rather small and the leakage amount is reduced greatly. The seal gland can be divided into the following types according to different installation positions: 1). Blade cascade gland The main sealing positions include the radial and axial glands between the shroud rings of the blades and the stationary blades or diaphragms and the radial and axial glands between the root of the rotor blades and the stationary blades or diaphragms/ 2). Diaphragm gland
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The diaphragm gland is the gland between the disks in the diaphragm used to restrict the leakages between stage and stage. 3). Shaft end gland The proper grouped glands with different pressure drops are set on the part of the cylinder crossed by both ends of the rotors. The gland types adopted are not quite that same due to the different installation parts and sealing methods, and the blade gland and the diaphragm gland are normally named as flow passage gland. 2.3.1 Flow passage gland The main effect of the flow passage gland is to reduce the steam leaking from the high pressure sections to the low pressure sections through non-working sections and guarantee that as much steam as possible is doing work in passages. With respect to the diaphragm gland and shaft end gland, the pressure difference before and after the blade cascade gland is rather small and the installation part is narrow, thus the structure is simple, generally, the blade tip radial gland comb tooth is embedded in the stationary pieces, which maintains rather small clearance with the shroud and constitutes the simple blade tip axial gland. The low pressure long blade is not often installed with the shroud, and the top thickness of the blade is reduced and the top clearance is narrowed to reduce the leakages. The blade root gland is generally consisted of the directly turned tooth top of the blade root and the stationary pieces. To the large scale turbine generator sets, the set of the axial gland of the rotor blade root has been meaningless due to the rather long axial length, the moving and stationary blade root glands are changed into radial gland so as to guarantee that the axial expansion is not affected and play the role of gland. Corresponding to the blade cascade gland, the diaphragm gland is of big pressure difference, rather more gland comb teeth and relatively complex structure. The commonest gland structure is formed by the convex plates installed on the sealing gland rings and rotors in the diaphragm inner bore. The sealing teeth can be turned with the diaphragm ring directly and the comb tooth can also be fixed on the sealing gland ring through embedding. The sealing gland ring is divided into several sections along the circle, and the ring is installed in the diaphragm T-type groove at the level joint surface of the diaphragm and pressed by the spring board with a small hole at the side of the T-type groove, during the operation, the steam generates additional forces on the sealing gland ring while entering the groove. Generally, the large scale generator sets adopt the elastic diaphragm gland with the comb teeth taking on high-low distribution and the steam flowing by indentation in the gland. The radial clearances of the diaphragm gland are generally adopted between 0.4~0.7mm, and the axial clearance can be selected according to the axial clearance considerations of the flow passage part. 图 2-15 汽轮机
Diaphragm outer ring
Stationary blade
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Diaphragm body
High pressure side
Low pressure side
Rotor blade
Diaphragm gland
Radial gland at the top of rotor blade
Axial gland at bottom of rotor and stationary blade roots
Fig.2-9 Schematic Diagram of Sub-gland The multi-tooth gland and elliptical gland are adopted by the blade cascade of the steam turbine, two deep teeth and two stub teeth are installed on the blade tip to form the labyrinth effect so as to reduce the leakages, and the heat distortions of the cylinder are mainly on the vertical direction. In the elliptical gland, the clearance up and down is relatively big and the bilateral clearance is relatively small, thus the possibility of the rotor vibration caused by the friction is greatly reduced. The diaphragm gland is installed in the gland groove of the diaphragm inner bore and is divided into six blocks, and each block is propped by a spring piece centripetally. The stage teeth structure is adopted by the glands of the HIP cylinders and low pressure A cylinder, the flat tooth gland is adopted by the low pressure B cylinder, the seal blocks on both sides of the upper diaphragm are riveted in the diaphragm by pin bolts and riveted by punching. Proper yield clearance is reserved in the diaphragm gland so as to not damage the rotors or bend the macro-axis during the collisions between the rotors and cylinders. 2.3.2 Shaft end gland The shaft end gland of the steam turbine has two functions, the first is to prevent the escaping of the steam in the pressure sections so as to guarantee that all steam entering the turbine are doing work along the cascade passage of the turbine and improve the efficiency of the steam turbine; the second is to prevent the inner-leakage of the outside air into the turbine in the vacuum sections so as to guarantee the fine vacuum of the turbine, reduce the back pressure of the turbine and improve the energy of the turbine. Generally speaking, every cylinder is equipped with a group of shaft seals, and each group is consisted of multiple sections of shaft seals and is equipped with relevant steam supply system. Fig.2-10 is the systematic diagram of HIP cylinder shaft end seal. Fig.2-11 is the structural diagram of No.2 gland group of the set. Fig.2-12 is the structural diagram of end gland group of high pressure cylinder of the set.
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Auxiliary air supply valve
From auxiliary steam
Gland main
Unloading valve
To low pressure heater or condenser
Cooling water
To atmosphere
汽室 a
Steam Chamber a
汽室 b
Steam Chamber b
汽室 c
Steam Chamber c
Steam and air
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Steam Turbine Steam System
Gland steam condenser
Gland steam condenser extraction fan
Low pressure cylinder
Negative pressure
Fig.2-10 Schematic Diagram of Steam Turbine Shaft Gland The comb tooth sealing is adopted by the steam turbine, the stage teeth structure is adopted by the glands of the HIP cylinders and low pressure A cylinder and the flat tooth gland are adopted by the low pressure cylinder and the shaft gland is installed on the shaft seal box with the same fixing method as the diaphragm gland. The gland seal box also follows the principle of being consistent with the center line of the steam turbine, the lower gland seal box is hanged under relevant groove of the lower cylinder through the suspension loop, and certain expansion clearance shall be reserved between the top of the suspension loop and the joint surface of the cylinder. The longitudinal key positioning is set at the bottom of the shaft seal box. The upper gland seal box and the lower gland seal box are fixed together through the pins and bolts. The gland segments used in the high temperature regions are made of chrome-molybdenum steel, the gland segments used in the low temperature regions are made of nickel-copper alloy and the spring pieces of gland seal blocks are made of nickel-iron-chromium alloy, the pressure plates for gland seal blocks of the upper gland seal box are fixed in the shaft seal box.
Fig.2-11 Structural Diagram of No.2 Gland Seal Group of Steam Turbine
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Steam Turbine Steam System
Fig.2-14 Structural Diagram of Gland Seal Group on End of High Pressure Cylinder In this steam turbine, the HIP outer cylinder contains three chambers, the low pressure cylinder contains two chambers and the HIP inner cylinder contains five chambers totally, and the gas is supplied by a suit of self-sealing system with the pressure and temperature being able to be adjusted. 2.3.3 Self-sealing system The self-sealing system is adopted in the shaft end sealing of the steam turbine. The self-sealing gland system refers to the steam turbine gland system regarding the steam leakages of the HIP cylinder shaft end gland as the steam supply of the low pressure shaft end gland the spray de-superheating during the regular operation of the unit. The steam of the gland is supplied by the external steam during the startup or low load operation stages of the unit. The gland system is able to switch automatically according to steam supply requirements of the set glands during the whole process from startup to full load operation. The seal-sealing gland system possesses the following characteristics as simple, safe, reliable and good adaptive to the operating modes. 1). System composition and main devices The self-sealing system with the automatically controlled pressure and temperature is adopted by the shaft end gland system of the steam turbine, the system supplies gland steam to the main engine and the feed pump turbine, the automatic regulating device of gland pressure, overflow and pressure relief device and gland evacuating device are installed, and the permanent steam filter is set at the entrance of gland steam. The gland steam using system includes the electric isolating valve, pressure reducing valve, bypass valve, pressure release valve and other valves for gland steam switching, the instruments, temperature releasing devices and related auxiliary devices and so on, a safety valve is also set on the steam supply bus of the system so as to prevent the overtop steam supply pressure endangering the set safety. In addition, a 100% capacity gland steam cooler and two 100% capacity gland steam condenser exhausters are set to exhaust the uncondensed gases in the gland steam cooler, and the two air exhausters are acting as standby mutually. Fig.2-15 is the schematic diagram of the shaft end self-sealing system of the steam turbine. 2). Normal operating method of self-sealing system The three-valve system is adopted in the gland steam supply, namely under all operating modes of the steam
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turbine, the gland steam supply pressure is controlled by the three control valves as high pressure steam supply control valve, steam supply control valve of auxiliary steam sources and overflow control valve. A. Auxiliary steam supply valve: considering that the there may be no suitable steam pressure and steam volume for the main steam valve before the startup of the set, the gland steam supply is supplied by the auxiliary steam system for the factory. B. High pressure steam supply control valve: when the set rejects load and the auxiliary steam sources can not meet the requirements, the gland steam supply is supplied by the main steam. C. Overflow control valve: when the load of the set is more than around 60%, for the steam leakages of the HIP gland have been bigger than the steam consumption of the low pressure gland, the overflow control valve will be opened to exhaust the spare steam to the low pressure heater or condenser so as to guarantee the pressure on the low pressure gland. Besides, in order to meet the requirements of the gland steam supply temperature in the low pressure cylinder, a spraying type attemperator is set on the low pressure gland steam supply bus, and the water spray volume is controlled by the temperature control station so as to realize that the steam with reduced temperature meets the requirements of the low pressure gland steam supply. 3). Startup of gland system A. During the cool down, impulse starting and low load stages The gland steam is supplied by the auxiliary steam source and the pressure of the steam supply bus is maintained at 0.124MPa. B. The set load is between 25%-60%TRL The cold reheat section can meet all the gland steam supply at the time, the steam is supplied by the cold reheat section, and the pressure of the steam supply bus is maintained at 0.127MPa automatically. C. The load is above 60%TRL The steam volume leaking into the steam supply bus from the gland of the HIP cylinder has exceeded the steam volume needed by the shaft end gland of the low pressure cylinder. At the time, the steam bus pressure is increased to 130MPa, all the control valves of the steam supply station are closed automatically and the control valves of the overflow station are opened automatically to exhaust the spare steam to No.8 low pressure heater at the side of the turbine through overflow control station. If the No.8 low pressure heater is under accident or out of operation, the spare steam can be exhausted to the condenser. Thus, the gland system accesses the self-sealing state and the gland bus pressure is maintained at 0.13MPa. D. Load rejection If there are spare auxiliary steam sources conforming to the temperature requirements, the pressure of gland steam supply bus is decreased to 0.124MPa, the overflow control valve is closed, and the gland steam is supply by the auxiliary steam source station. If there is no spare auxiliary steam source or the parameters of the auxiliary steam source can not meet the requirements, the auxiliary steam sources and cold reheat section steam supply can not be utilized, the electric check valve before the control valves of the auxiliary steam source station must be closed, and when the pressure of the gland steam supply bus is decreased to 0.118MPa, the high pressure steam supply control valve is opened automatically and the steam is supplied by main steam supply station (namely the high pressure steam source control station). E. Under all the operating modes, the temperature at the low pressure steam gland chamber shall be maintained between 121~177℃ by the temperature control station automatically.
CRV1 1号中压联合汽阀
事故排放阀(BDV) 去四段抽汽
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual Steam Turbine Steam System
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Steam Turbine Steam System
To cold reheat section
To 4th section steam extraction
1 号中压联合汽阀
No.1 intermediate pressure combined valve
1 号主汽阀
No.1 main throttle valve
2 号主汽阀
No.2 main throttle valve
Main throttle governing valve
2 号中压联合汽阀
No.2 intermediate pressure combined valve
To cold reheat section
Gland steam exhaust of minor turbine
High pressure cylinder
Intermediate pressure cylinder
To cold reheat section
Dump valve
To 4th section steam extraction
To exhaust steam in intermediate pressure cylinder
Ventilation valve
Overflow station
Steam packing unloading valve
Gland main steam supply valve
Gland auxiliary steam supply valve
To axial draft fan
低压缸 1A
Low pressure cylinder 1A
凝汽器 1A
Condenser 1A
To shaft gland system of minor turbine
去 8A 低加
To 8A low pressure heater
Attemperating station
N Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
Steam Turbine Steam System
From auxiliary steam header
From cold reheat section
低压缸 1B
Low pressure cylinder 1B
凝汽器 1B
Condenser 1B
From self-condensed water
Fig.2-15 Schematic Diagram of Self-sealing System 2.4 Slide Key System 2.4.1 Cylinder expansion The cylinder and rotor all expand from the startup process to the normal operating status, and to the steam turbine with double shell cylinder structure, the relative expansion will also be generated between the inner and outer cylinders, due to the different materials used of the cylinder and rotor and the different physical dimensions, the expansion volumes between the inner and outer cylinders are not totally the same and the expansion difference will be inevitably generated, and the steam turbine is set with a suit of perfect slide key system in order to guarantee that the cylinder and rotor can be positioned and centered according to the design requirements and guarantee that the expansions are not blocked during the startup and outage processes of the steam turbine. Consisted of the traverse pins, longitudinal pins, vertical pins and angular pins and so on, the slide key system is to control the expanding directions of the steam turbine through the installation of different components. Generally speaking, the multi-dead point slide key system is adopted by the large scale steam turbines due to the long shafting and the big absolute expansion value of the cylinder body so as to guarantee that the steam turbine can expand freely along different directions. The effect of the traverse pin is to guarantee the free expansion of the cylinder laterally, restrict the axial displacement and make the cylinder operate in the allowable clearances, the effect of the longitudinal pin is to guarantee the free expansion of the cylinder laterally and restrict the transverse expansion, the dead point of the cylinder is formed by the cross point of the traverse pin center line and longitudinal pin center line, and the point always remains the same during the expansion of the cylinder, and the effect of the vertical pin is to restrict the longitudinal and traverse displacement of the cylinder and allow the up and down expansion of the cylinder. The expansion displacement of the steam turbine set is set with three dead points, locating under the No.2 bearing box and near the center line of the low pressure cylinder A and B respectively, the lie key at the dead point restricts the axial displacement of the cylinder, and at the same time, the longitudinal pins at the front bearing box and on the longitudinal center line of the two low pressure cylinders guide the cylinder to expand freely along the axial direction and restrict the deviation laterally. Six vertical pins are installed between the three cylinders and the four bearing blocks to maintain the consistency of the center line, two longitudinal pins are set on the No.1 and 2 bearing boxes to remain the same of all the centers of the bearing blocks during the expansion process, namely to make the rotor center line and the cylinder center line stay the same and avoid the influences of the heat expansion through vertical and longitudinal pins. Four cylinder foot traverse pins are installed between the HIP cylinder, No.1 bearing box and No.2 bearing box, the slide block with lubrication groove is set between No.1 bearing box and the bracket so as to make the front box be able to slide relatively to the bracket, which solves the expansion problems of the set during the operation rather better and solves the vibration problems caused by the poor expansion of the set. Two traverse pins are set between No.2 bearing box and the bracket to constitute the expansion dead point of the HIP outer cylinder, the No.2 bearing box remains motionless and the expansion of the HIP cylinder pushes the front box to slide forward during the expansion process. The angular pin is set on the plate of the front box bearing block in order to prevent
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the nose of No.1 and 2 bearing blocks during the expansion process. Two traverse pins are set between low pressure A and B cylinders and the bracket respectively to constitute the expansion dead points of low pressure A and B outer cylinders and make them expand forwardly and backwardly from the middle part of the cylinder during the heating. 2.4.2 Rotor expansion The confirmation of the dead points of the steam turbine rotors: the rigid connection is adopted by the rotors, the axial displacement can be transferred, for the axial thrust is afforded by the thrust bearing and the allowable displacement of the bearing is rather small, the working face of the thrust bearing is the relative dead point of the rotor and the cylinder, when the relative position adjustment of the stationary and moving parts is finished, the axial thrust of the rotor is afforded by the thrust bearing, during the expansion, the rotor expands forwardly and backwardly based on the dead point, the farther from the point, the bigger the displacement is. The HIP rotor expands to the direction of the turbine head and the low pressure rotor then expands to the generator direction. The rotor dead point of the steam turbine is in No.2 bearing box, and the rotor expands forwardly and backwardly based on such dead point. 2.4.3 Differential expansion of steam turbine During the startup or outage of the steam turbine, the cylinder and rotor will expand for the heating and shrink for the cooling. Due to the differences on the quality and the different heating conditions, the expansion and shrink of the rotor are faster than those of the cylinder, and the difference of the expansion between the rotor and the cylinder along the axial direction is named as differential expansion. When the differential expansion is positive value, the axial expansion rate of the rotor is bigger than that of the cylinder; and when the differential expansion is negative value, the axial expansion rate of the rotor is smaller than that of the cylinder. During the startup of the steam turbine, the rotor is heated rather rapidly, and the value is generally positive; during the outage or the load rejection of the steam turbine, the differential expansion is easily appeared as negative value. The differential expansion must be controlled with the regulated range during the startup and outage. 2.5 Steam turbine bearings In order to guarantee the regular operation of the steam turbine rotors in the cylinder, the steam turbine adopts the radial support bearing and thrust bearing without exception, the radial support bearing affords the weight and other forces caused by partial admission or vibration of the rotors, confirm the location of the rotors and guarantee the coherence of the center line between the rotor and the cylinder; the thrust bearing affords the axial thrust caused by the steam flow, confirm the axial location of the rotor and guarantee the clearance between the moving and stationary parts of the steam turbine. For the turbine generator set belongs to the heavy capacity and high speed device, the sliding bearing based on the film lubrication theory is adopted. The following problems shall be considered while selecting the bearings: the model of the main bearing shall guarantee the absence of the oil whipping, fully consider the influences of the steam flow exciting force, fine capacity of resisting disturbance, the bearings can be taken out and replaced conveniently without uncovering the cylinders and rotors, and the horizontal split bearing is adopted, which can be adjusted from the horizontal and vertical directions without hoisting the rotors. The thrust bearing can bear the maximum double-direction thrust continuously generated under any operating modes. The bearing metal temperature measuring points are set on the support bearings, and the location and quantity of the measuring points shall meet the operation and monitoring requirements of the steam turbine. The main characteristics of the shafting bearings are: The tilting self-aligning bearing and elliptic bearing are adopted by the main bearings, which can solve the oil whipping greatly, the design instability speed of the bearings is above 125% of the rated speed, and the bearings are of fine capacity of resisting disturbance. With horizontal split, the support bearings can be adjusted from the horizontal and vertical directions without hoisting the rotors, and the bearings can be taken out and replaced conveniently without uncovering the cylinders and rotors during the overhauling. The observation hole and socket of thermometer are installed on the oil return pipe of each bearing, there shall no mixed oil flows from other
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bearing before the installation of the oil temperature measuring point and the oil flow monitoring device, the design metal temperature of the bearing shall not exceed 90℃ and the black aurum is allowed to operate under 112℃ for long term. The thrust bearing can bear the maximum double-direction thrust continuously generated under any operating modes, and the measuring instruments monitoring the bearing metals, abrasion loss and bearing metal temperature are installed. 2.5.1 Radial support bearing Such tilting pad bearing is supported by supporting points and can adjust the arc pad of the bearing automatically, and under the pressure of the oil film, each pad can adjust the position automatically and separately on the supporting point so as to adapt to the changes of the speed, bearing load and oil temperature. The oil film applied force of each pad on the tilting pad can maintain the invariability of the journal center without causing the tangential component of the journal center by forward precession, eliminate the force sources resulting in the journal whirling motion and effectively avoid the generation of the steam whipping and oil whipping, and the tilting pad possesses rather high stability and anti-instability capacity. Besides, it also possesses the characteristics as small power consumption and postponing of the lubricating oil conversion from the laminar flow to turbulent flow, which is favorable to the safe operation of the set but of rather high construction cost. Arranged symmetrically, No.1 and 2 bearings of the steam turbine are the tilting-pad bearings composed of six steel tilting pads. A layer of Babbitt metal is on the surface of the tilting-pad bearing, every three tilting pads make up a group, and every pad can swing freely along the rotating direction of the axle during the operation of the set so as to form optimum oil film between the bearing pad and the axle. The elliptic bearing model with one side oil admission and upper pad grooved is adopted by the bearings on the two low pressure rotors supporting the steam turbine. The characteristics of such elliptic type pads are: the interior is elliptical with the upside clearance reduced the lateral clearances enlarged, and the oil films are formed on the upper and lower pads, which are propitious to form the liquid friction, enlarge the bearing capacity and stability, increase the oil flow and strengthen the cooling on the bearings. During the heavy loading, the bearings of such model possess rather strong anti-instability capacity and relatively thick oil film thickness, and under the same operating mode, the bearing possesses relatively lower black aurum temperature and lubricating oil temperature rise compared to other bearings. 2.5.2 Thrust bearing Generally, the axial thrust of the large scale steam turbines is very big, in order to reduce the axial thrust, many measures have been adopted during the design and production of the steam turbines as the reverse arrangement of the HIP cylinders and the double split flow symmetrical structure adopted by low pressure cylinder and so on. After the adoption of such measures, most of the axial thrust is balanced, but the thrust bearing still needs to bear a part of the axial thrust that can not be balanced or the thrust generated during the alternation of the operating modes. Thrust bearing The thrust bearing is composed of thrust disc, elastic gimbal ring, thrust bearing pad, bearing block and the accessories as oil inlet, oil outlet and measuring devices and so on, and the bearings are divided into the upper and lower parts along the horizontal split basically. The oil film is formed between the thrust disc and the pad through the lubricating oil of the thrust bearing so as to transform the un-lubricated friction between the thrust disc and the pad into the liquid friction, bring away the heat generated by the thrust disc and cool the bearings. The thrust disc is generally welded with the rotor into a whole and shaped with the rotor through the machine work of the integral forge pieces. During the operation of the steam turbine, the thrust bearing affords the spare thrust of the rotors, and at the same time, the position of the rotor is confirmed, the thrust disc center of the HIP rotor is the expansion dead point of the whole steam turbine rotor corresponding to the cylinder, and when the relative positions of the moving and stationary parts are confirmed, the spare thrust of the rotor then is finished by the thrust bearing. The thrust bearing of the turbine generator set is located between the HIP cylinder and low pressure cylinder, the tilting flat type dual-thrust disc structure is adopted, and the thrust bearing of the structure is formed by dividing the thrust pad face into ten sector pads through ten oil grooves, every pad is tilted along the peripheral direction to guarantee the oil flow balance in the inner diameter of the pad, the axial thrust works on the working
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surface or non-working surface of the axial bearing directly through the thrust disc, the axial thrust is transferred to the pads installed on the thrust disc bearings and then transferred to engine seat through the thrust block, balance block, ground ring and the enclosure of the thrust bearing of the pads. 2.6 Turning Gear In order to avoid the bending distortion of the rotors, the continuous turning gear must be set before the startup and after the outage of the steam turbine. Before the impulse starting of the steam turbine, the steam is leaked into the steam turbine from both ends of the gland and concentrated on the upper part of the cylinder for the gland steam supply at both ends of the rotor, thus the temperature difference between the rotor and cylinder is generated, the heat bending will be generated if the rotor remains motionless; at the same time, after the outage of the steam turbine, the rotor is still of high temperature and the steam is concentrated on the upper part of the cylinder, due to the different structures of the cylinders, the temperature drops of the upper and lower cylinders are not the same and the heat bending will also be generated; besides, before the startup of the turbine, the turning gear can make the temperature of the upper and lower cylinders and rotors of the turbine be even, expand freely and be without frictions between moving and stationary parts so as to eliminate the damages caused by the rather high journals to bearing pads and eliminate the natural bending of the rotors caused by gravity. 2.6.1 Shafting stability Introduction The shafting vibration stability is belonged to the category of self-excited vibration, and most of the self-excited vibrations are caused by the oil film instability of the support bearings. If sufficient damping exists in the shafting, the rotating shaft returns to its normal position and becomes stable. Or the rotor will go on whirling and rather big instable vibration will appear. The instable whirling of the oil film is generally caused by the factors as bearing abrasion or clearance, improper bearing design and alternation of lubricating oil parameters. The oil film whipping or oil film whirling can be eliminated or reduced through the measures as changing the bearing models, enlarging bearing specific pressure, decreasing the clearance tip clearance and reducing the viscosity of the lubricating oil and so on. Shafting characteristics of the steam turbine The factors affecting the shafting stability are considered comprehensively during the design of the steam turbine, and the following countermeasures are mainly adopted to prevent the shafting instability through calculation and tests. The tilting pad bearing model is adopted by the bearings supporting the HIP rotors, the tilting pad bearing possesses strong anti-instability capacity, if uncalculating the inertia of the pad, the frictional resistance of the supporting point and the shear resistance of the oil film to the pad and so on, the oil film force acting on the journal is always passing through the pad supporting point and the journal center so as to eliminate the force sources resulting in the journal whirling and prevent the generation of the steam oscillation and the oil film vibration. Besides, it also possesses the characteristics as small power consumption and postponing of the lubricating oil conversion from the laminar flow to turbulent flow, which is favorable to the safe operation of the set. The elliptic bearing model with one side oil admission and upper pad grooved is adopted by the bearings supporting the HIP rotors. During the heavy loading, the bearings of such model possess rather strong anti-instability capacity and relatively thick oil film thickness, and such bearing possesses relatively lower black aurum temperature and lubricating oil temperature rise under turbulent flow operating mode.
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Chapter III Steam Distribution system of Steam Turbine 3.1 Overview The turbine’s steam distribution mode has a great impact on its operation performance, structure, in particular, the arrangement and structure of the high- and intermediate-pressure part of the cylinder. The most commonly modes of turbine’s steam distribution are nozzle governing and throttle governing. Under normal circumstances, throttle governing steam turbine’s efficiency is slightly higher than the nozzle governing steam turbine’s at design condition, but at partial load condition, the formers’ efficiency is lower than the latter’s. The curve in Figure 3-1 indicates how the heat consumption (h) of these two kinds of turbine changes with the flow (G: namely, power of the unit). The reason why the throttle governing steam turbine has high efficiency at design condition is because it doesn’t have a governing stage, so that there isn’t any inlet steam loss in the governing stage, in addition, the residual velocity of the first stage can be used at the next. But at partial load condition, the efficiency reduces because the throttle loss augments.
For the intermediate reheating units, the throttle loss only exists in the high-pressure stages which are before intermediate reheating. Because the back-pressure of high-pressure units is much larger than the condensing steam units’, so the throttle loss of the high-pressure cylinder is considerable. The enthalpy drop of intermediate- and low-pressure cylinder are generally accounted for 2/3 to 3/4 of the units’ total enthalpy drop, and this is not affected by the throttle loss, so for the entire steam turbine, the throttle loss will be greatly reduced. For the intermediate reheating units, with the initial-pressure increases, the throttle loss reduces. This is because the increase of the initial-pressure has little effect on the high-pressure units’ initial-pressure/back-pressure (the back-pressure of the high-pressure units will grow in proportion with the initial-pressure), but the proportion of low-pressure units’ enthalpy drop will expand in the total steam turbine’s enthalpy drop, so that the throttle loss of entire units decreases somewhat. At partial load conditions, the economy of nozzle governing steam turbine is superior to the throttle governing turbine, but at variable conditions, the change of its high-pressure units’ steam temperature is relatively large, which will cause larger thermal stress, thus the thermal stress may produced at regulating stage cylinder wall becomes one of the important factors that limit the rapid load change of such steam turbine. But the situation of throttle governing steam turbine is different, each stage’s temperature alters with load change are roughly equal, and also very small. Therefore, although the throttle governing steam turbine is less efficient at partial load, but is more capable of adapting to condition change than nozzle governing steam turbine. For the security of high-power steam turbine, it is significant to control the thermal stress generated by the operation units, so currently the high-power steam turbine with basic load tend to adopt throttle governing mode. The disadvantage of throttle governing steam turbine that it is less efficiency at partial load, can be overcame at a
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certain extent by using slide pressure operation mode. The most advantageous approach is the use of the so-called dual-mode steam distribution. Taking the advantages of both nozzle governing and throttle governing steam distribution into account, the steam turbine is designed as throttle-nozzle mixed steam distribution mode, which distribute steam by nozzle governing at high load and throttle governing at low load. High-parameter high-power steam turbines often adopt nozzle governing. The customary practice is to cast steam chamber and nozzle chamber separately, and then weld them to the high-pressure cylinder separately; regulation steam valves are arranged on the cylinder. This structure has a compact layout, the drive control of the regulation steam valves is concentrated, and the intermediate volume between the control valves and the steam turbine is small, which is helpful to enhance the stability of the regulating system, especially prevent the dynamic over-speed after load rejection. However, it will complicate the structure of high-pressure cylinder, especially while the cylinder is operating, it will generate excessive thermal stress because of the non-uniform temperature rising, hence it is not able to accomplish the high-temperature operation requests well when the steam parameters increase and single unit power augments. At present, separate the nozzle governing steam turbine’s steam chamber and its control valves from the high-pressure cylinder block making it as an individual valve-body is used commonly. In fact, throttle governing steam turbine has always been adopting this kind of inlet steam arrangement. What need to explain is, no matter which kind of steam distribution modes the high-pressure parts of reheat units adopt, the intermediate-pressure inlet steam always adopt the throttle governing mode, which allowed full-arc steam inlet (only take part in regulation at low load). High-power steam turbine’s main steam inlet pipes and reheat steam inlet pipes always use double-channel arrangement; this is more conducive to symmetrical layout. So the individual valve-body always be cast together with main steam valve (or reheat steam valve), and there always two or four valves which have the same structure and size. The valves are arranged symmetric and fixed at both sides of the cylinder, in order to avoid the combined part undertaking excessive tress, they are connected with cylinder by relatively long pipes which have large curvature radius. The arrangement that separate the valves from the cylinder and then fixed it at the base, increases the new steam volume stored in the steam conduits; this kind of arrangements easily leads the units to over speed during load rejection, and has negative effects on the stability of the regulating system. In order to overcome this disadvantage, usually arrange the valves close enough to the cylinder but do not fix it alone, and assemble the main steam valves and the control valves in one shell to simplify the structure of the valve-body. This arrangement also has some shortcomings, which is mainly caused by the steam valves are not fixed separately; the asymmetric thrust of main steam pipes could transmit to the cylinder, which requires the cylinder could withstand this part of extra power. Let’s introduce the arrangement used in this units’ steam distribution system, when choose this steam turbine’s inlet steam part arrangement; following aspects have been mainly considered. Thrust applied to cylinder by steam piping should within allowed range; under any conditions, the total thrust applied to cylinder by piping shall not be greater than 5% of the cylinder’s gross weight. 1). At any conditions, the thermal stress and thermal deformation of pipelines and valves should within allowed range; and also won’t cause the cylinder which is connected with them produce any thermal stress and thermal deformation out of allowance. 2). The volume from control valves to steam chamber should be as small as possible to avoid excessive residual steam flowing into the steam turbine after the control valves closing rapidly, cause over-speed of the steam turbine units. 3). Convenient for installation, operation, and maintenance; the structure is compact, neat and aesthetic. Figure 3-2 shows the arrangement of this steam turbine’s steam distribution system. Main steam pipes are under the firing floor of the steam turbine, by passing through two high-pressure main steam valves and four high-pressure control valves enter into high-pressure cylinder through four ways. The two high-pressure main valves’ outlets and four control valves’ inlets are welded together; the four high-pressure control valves share a single shell. One end of the four high-pressure steam conduits is welded to the outlet of high-pressure control valves; the other end is connected with four short steam inlet pipes’ vertical flanges on the high-pressure cylinder by using flanges and bolts. The four short steam inlet pipes on the high-pressure cylinder are welded to the high-pressure
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outer casing in a bell-shaped form; and they connect to the short pipes of nozzle chamber by using plug-in connection. There are a total of four nozzle chambers (nozzle group) on the high-pressure cylinder, symmetrically arranged on the upper and lower cylinders of the high-pressure cylinder. Reheat steam flow into the intermediate-pressure cylinder by passing the intermediate-pressure main steam combined control valves (which are arranged at operation floor) that locate on the both sides of the central part of high- and intermediate-pressure cylinder. The inlets of the intermediate-pressure combined valves connect to the hot leg’s reheat steam pipes, and the outlets lead to the steam inlets at the lower part of intermediate-pressure cylinder. This arrangement can efficiently cut the length of pipes between the intermediate-combined-valve and the intermediate pressure cylinder, reduce the steam volume in the pipes, and avoid the steam turbine over speeding caused by rapid closure of valves. The main steam and reheat steam of sub-critical units have a higher pressure and temperature, generate a greater impact force and stress; therefore it requires the valves made of better material, can be closed rapidly when the units normal or emergency halt; all valves should switch flexibly without jam fault; meanwhile ensure all valves can be closed tightly to guarantee the safety of the equipment. Valves adopted in this unit use a high efficiency, low loss, low noise and high stability valve seat which is studied and proved by experiment, the valve butterfly line and reasonable leakproof uninstall structure can reduce the losses.
Figure 3-2 Arrangement of high-pressure main steam valves and control valves (MSV is the main steam valve; CV is the control valve) 3.2 High-pressure main steam valves Main steam valves locate at main steam pipes which are in front of the control valves. The main steam comes from boiler, must pass the main steam valves first, and then flows into steam turbine. To the steam turbine, main steam valves are the master gate of the main steam. While the main steam valves are opening, the turbine gets its steam source, so that it gets its drive force; while the main steam valves are closing, the turbine’s steam source is
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cut off, so that it loses its power. The main steam valves are on when steam turbine works normally, and off when turbine shuts down. There are two key functions of the main steam valves: first of all, when the steam turbine needs to be shut down peremptorily, the main steam valves can close quickly and cut off the steam source. Secondly, it can control the steam flow rate that enters into the cylinder during the starting up. The closing speed of main steam valves is mostly decided by the property of its control system. For 600MW Class steam turbine units, the main steam valves should close in less than 0.2 second. As to this unit, the main steam valve’s shutdown time is less than 0.15 second; and delay time is less than 0.1 second. During operation, the main steam valves bear high-temperature and high-pressure. In order to ensure its stability under high-temperature and high-pressure condition, the components should be made of heat-resisting steel, and the valve housing should be thick enough. In order to avoid generating too much thermal stress, the thickness should be even throughout the valve housing; the valve housing’s outer wall should preserve heat well; and well drainage measures should be adopted in the cavity of the valves, and make sure the drainage channels unblocked during operation. Pay attention to the main steam valves components, avoid thermal impact on its metal surface during starting up, load changing, or shutting down; so that there won’t generate any thermal stress fatigue crack on the surface of the metal. 3.3 High-pressure control valves The working conditions of the control valves are basically same as the main steam valves, therefore the considerations are almost same as the main steam valves when design or choose control valves and its components. However, the control valves’ function is quite different from the main steam valves. The control valves’ function is to control the amount of inlet steam by changing the opening of the valves. Before the steam turbo-generator set loading, the different opening (at the invariable steam parameters condition) of control valves correspond to different rotation speed, the larger the opening is the larger the steam amount flow in and the higher the rotate speed is; after the steam turbo-generator set is taking load in synchronization with power network, by changing the opening of control valves (at the invariable steam parameters condition) to correspond with different load, which means that the larger the opening the bigger the power produced. In the circumstance of the control valves’ partial opening, the steam would be throttled; this will cause the steam’s entropy increase without doing work, which means loss of energy and the decrease of work capability. Therefore, while designing the steam distribution of turbine, make sure the steam valves in its full open position during the normal operation. For changing the power of the turbine, the amount of steam inlet should be adjusted by changing the number of the high-pressure control valves and their opening; the control valves driven by actuator are the terminal elements of the regulating system. There are four high-pressure control valves in this units; according to the different operation requirements, the steam turbine can carry out composite distribution mode, that is, controlled by nozzle when low load and by throttle when high load. 3.4 Medium-combined-valve The medium-combined-valve is called MCV for short; it consists of intermediate pressure main steam valve and intermediate pressure control valve. The MCV is of vertical structure with the intermediate pressure control valve upper and the intermediate pressure main steam valve down; the two valves share a single shell, cavity and valve seat, the butterfly valves of both are arranged in series up and down, such arrangement is for the compact structure, the convenient arrangement and the less loss of steam flow. Each of the two valves has its own actuator, the opening and closing of control valves is dominated by a lever which is driven by an oil-driven machine and a spring manipulation seat which are located at the lateral of the MCV; and the opening and closing of main steam valves is dominated by another oil-driven machine and spring manipulation seat which are located at the lower of the MCV. The two MCVs arrange on the lateral of intermediate pressure cylinder at a height of 13.70 meters; the steam from reheat hot leg flow into every valves’ inlet, orderly passing through the intermediate pressure control valves and the intermediate pressure main steam
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valves, then the intermediate pressure steam conduits and eventually enters the intermediate pressure cylinder, see figure 3-6. 3.5 Steam conduit and the nozzle chamber The steam conduit and the nozzle chamber are the components that transfer the steam from control valves to turbine. Their working pressure and temperature are basically same as the control valves. The requirements to them are as follows: 1). can endure work pressure safely, well sealed at the non-steam-channel. 2). the joint of the steam conduit and the nozzle chamber can comparatively expand free. 3). the steam conduit and the nozzle chamber should be in alignment, and yet free to the relative expansion. 4). When doing the structural design, attentions should be paid to avoid the concentration of stress, in particular the concentration of thermal stress. Nozzle chamber is the most direct assembly that delivers the steam into the flow passage of the turbine; the channel of it should have a good through-flow performance. Figure 3-3 is the sketch map of the short steam inlet pipes of the turbine and the structure of the nozzle chambers. The four short steam inlet pipes and four nozzle chambers of this unit are arranged in axial symmetry and from top to bottom, left to right; and are separately fixed at the inner casing of the high-pressure cylinder in circular by fixed ring and risers. There are guidance keys at the outer diameter of the No.3 and No.4 nozzle chambers, for orientating the nozzle chamber’s expansion.
Fig. 3-3, the Sketch Map of the High-pressure Cylinder’s Steam Inlet Part The admission end of the steam conduit is welded to the vent hole of the control valve; the other end is connected to the vertical flange of the high-pressure cylinder’s four short steam inlet pipes by flanges and bolts. The outer tube at the steam conduit’s outlet end which is shaped like a bell is connected to high-pressure cylinder by flange welding. The inner tube of outlet end inserts into nozzle chamber directly, and is sealed by
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piston ring seal. Such direct insert way that is using elastic seal ring, not only achieve the purpose of seal, but also ensure the short pipe and nozzle chamber are in alignment and free to expand. The steam channel of nozzle chamber is arranged along the tangential direction of circumference, in this way the steam from short pipe can flow into nozzle sets without impact and vortex in the nozzle chamber, possess a good steam-driven proper.
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Chapter IV Drainage and Water discharge System of Steam Turbine 4.1 Overview When the steam turbine starts up, halts and works under variable load conditions, the steam is cooled down as it contact the turbine’s body and steam pipes, when the temperature of steam is lower than its pressure’s corresponding saturation temperature, the steam condenses into water; in case the condensed water is not discharged in time, it will deposit in somewhere of the pipes and the cylinder. During operating, because the density and flow velocity of steam are different from water, they have different resistance applied by the pipes; the condensed water probably caused water impact to the pipes, ranging from making pipeline vibration, producing noise, polluting the environment to making pipeline crack and even rupturing. What is worse is that once some of the accumulated water enters into the steam turbine, rotor blades would be damaged and even ruptured by the impact of water, the metal components would generate permanent deformation by rapid cooling, and indeed the main shaft would be bent. Besides, a certain capacity should be considered while designing the drainage of the body, when the unit tripping, the system can discharge steam immediately, to prevent the turbine speeding and overheating. In order to effectively prevent the steam turbine speeding, overheating, and water entering accidents, as well as the water impact caused by water logging in the pipe, the condensed water accumulated in the steam cylinder and steam pipeline must be discharged in time, so as to ensure the unit operates safely; meanwhile the clean condensed water can be recycled; this is beneficial to improve the unit’s economic efficiency. Therefore, there is drainage system in every steam turbine, which includes the back and front of the turbine’s high- and intermediate pressure main steam valves, the back and front of each steam control valve, the steam extraction pipelines, the main shaft gland steam supply pipelines, the drainage pipelines, valves and containers of the valve stem’s steam leaking pipe. Besides, there are other systems that have their own drainage system, like auxiliary steam system of the turbine, the system which heat the water-feeding pump’s small steam turbine body, steam inlet pipes, deaerator. Some of the drainage water is discharged directly into the drain flash tank of body; some is discharged directly to the ditch. 4.2 System configuration The drainage of the turbine is mainly composed of the following parts: the drainage at the low point of the main steam pipeline and reheat steam pipeline; the drainage of the cylinder block, main steam control valves and high-pressure steam conduits; the drainage of steam extraction pipeline; the drainage of the feed pump turbine’s steam supply pipeline; the drainage of the auxiliary steam and deaerator’s heat pipes; the drainage of shaft gland system; steam leakage of valve stem; and drainage and water discharge of other auxiliary systems. 4.2.1 Drainage of main steam pipes and reheat steam pipes The turbine’s main steam pipes are arranged in the form of 2-1-2, the main steam pipes pass through the B wall, enter into the steam turbine workshop and form tee-junction at the elevation of 11m, a drainage point is set at the main steam pipeline’s lowest point before the tee-junction. After the tee-junction a drainage point is set at the left and right steam pipeline separately, each drainage pipe has a pneumatic drainage valve and a manual valve, which are used to discharge the condensed water in the main steam pipeline before the main steam valves. The reheat steam pipeline arranged as same as the main steam pipeline in the form of 2-1-2, there are drainage points set at the left and right reheat steam pipeline after the tee-junction, with drainage pockets, each drainage pipeline has a pneumatic drainage valve and a manual valve. In addition, a drainage point set at the pipeline before the high-pressure bypass compression release valve, and a drainage point set before each low-pressure bypass compression release valve, each drainage pipe has a pneumatic drainage valve and a manual valve. A warming-pipe pipeline connect to reheat hot leg before the high-pressure bypass compression release valve, and a warming-pipe pipeline connect to four stage steam extraction pipeline before the low-pressure bypass compression release valve; so that hot reserve at bypass system pipelines and
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valves, and ensure bypass system may launch at any time. There is a high-pressure cylinder steam discharging and ventilation valve at the high-output pipe, it opens when the intermediate pressure cylinder start up, it can reduce the heat generated by the friction of blast and prevent the exhaust temperature of high-pressure cylinder getting too high. A drainage point is set at the lowest point of high-pressure cylinder’s main exhaust pipeline before the high-output check valve, and two other drainage points are set at the lowest point of pipeline after the high-output check valve, each of these three drainage points has a drainage pocket, is equipped with liquid level switches, the drainage valves are turned on when the liquid level is high. Quantities of the valves are shown in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Quantities of the Main and Reheat Steam Pipeline’s Drainage Valves
Name valves
Name drainage
Qu antity
Drainage of main steam before the tee-junction
Drainage before left low-pressure bypass compression release valve
Drainage of main steam at the left after the tee-junction
Drainage before the right low-pressure bypass compression release valve
Drainage of main steam at the right after the tee-junction
Drainage the low-pressure bypass compression release valve
after left
Drainage of reheat steam at the right after the tee-junction
Drainage after the right low-pressure bypass compression release valve
Drainage of reheat steam at the left after the tee-junction
Drainage before high-output check valve
Drainage before high-pressure bypass compression release valve
Drainage high-output valve 1
after check
Drainage after high-pressure bypass compression release valve
Drainage high-output valve 2
after check
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4.2.2 Drainage of the cylinder block There are drainage valves set at the upper and lower valve seats of high-pressure steam turbine’s main steam valves, and there are drainage valves set at the upper and lower valve seats of medium-combined-valve; all of them are pneumatic control valves. At the lower part of the four high-pressure steam conduits there are drainages and the four drainage pipes are gathered together using a same main drainage pipe. A dump valve is set at the No.2 steam seal stage which is in the middle of the high-intermediate pressure rotor, after the unit tripping it open and drain steam automatically to prevent the turbine speeding. All of these drainage valves are program controlled and are able to operate manually from remote; all of them open automatically when losing the compressed air source. Figure 4-1 is the sketch of the drainage and discharge system of the main unit. 从锅炉侧来主汽
1号中压联合汽阀 CRV 1
至疏水扩容器 至疏水扩容器 至疏水扩容器 至疏水扩容器
1号主汽阀 MSV 1
2号主汽阀 主汽调节阀 GV MSV 2 高压缸
事故排放阀 (BDV)
2号中压联合汽阀 CRV 2 至锅炉疏水扩容器 TE
通风阀 (VV)
至本体疏水扩容器集管 至无压放水母管
高旁管路来 高排至锅炉
Fig. 4-1 the Drainage and Discharge System of the Main Unit Table 4-2 Quantities of the Main Unit’s Drainage and Discharge Valves Name of the drainage valve
Name of the drainage valve
Upper drainage of No.1 main steam valve seat
Lower drainage of No.2 main steam valve seat
Drainage of high-pressure steam conduit
Drainage of No.1 medium-combined-valve
Drainage of No.2 medium-combined-valve
dump valve
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4.2.3 Drainage of steam extraction pipeline There are 8 steam extraction stages in this turbine, the No.7 and No.8 LP heaters are arranged at the throat of the condenser, with out steam extraction check valve and isolating valve; the No.1, No.2, and No.3 stage extract steam and supply to three HP heaters; the No.4 stage extract steam and supply to the deaerator, small turbine, auxiliary steam. In addition, the extracted steam by No.2 stage is as the standby gas source of the auxiliary steam and the small turbine. In order to prevent the turbine speeding and water influent, there are pneumatic check valves and electrical insolating valves at the extraction pipeline from stage No.1 to No.6, and several drainage valves are set at each stage of steam extraction pipe. The pneumatic drainage valves on the steam extraction pipe can be controlled by program or can be controlled manual. The name and quantity of the drainage valves are shown in Table 4-3. Table 4-3 the Name and Quantity of the Drainage Valves the name of the drainage valve
the name of the drainage valve
Drainage before the steam extraction check valve of stage No.1
Drainage before the steam extraction check valve 1 of stage No.4
Drainage after the steam extraction check valve of stage No.1
Drainage after the steam extraction check valve 2 of stage No.4
Drainage after the steam extraction electrical valve of stage No.1
Drainage before and after the steam extraction electrical valve of stage No.4
Drainage before the steam extraction check valve of stage No.2
Drainage before the steam extraction check valve of stage No.5
Drainage after the steam extraction electrical valve of stage No.2
Drainage after the steam extraction check valve of stage No.5
Drainage before the steam extraction check valve of stage No.3
Drainage after the steam extraction electrical valve of stage No.5
Drainage after the steam extraction check valve of stage No.3
Drainage before the steam extraction check valve of stage No.6
Drainage after the steam extraction electrical valve of stage No.3
Drainage after the steam extraction check valve of stage No.6
Drainage after the steam extraction electrical valve of stage No.6
4.2.4 Drainage of shaft gland system
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There is a manual drainage valve at the shaft gland steam inlet’s main pipe, and there is a manual drainage valve at the high-pressure shaft gland’s steam supply main pipe, the pipeline from them to pressure main drainage pipe is used as shaft gland system’s warming pipe. At each of the high-pressure cylinder’s gland sealing steam supply pipe there is a filter, each filter has two manual drain valves which are normally closed. There are two manual drainage valves at the low-pressure gland sealing main steam supply pipe, and there are filters on both sides too, each filter has two drain valves which are normally closed, these drainage valves needs the warming pipes turn on when putting in shaft gland. The No.1 stage’s steam leakage of two high-pressure main steam valve stem connect to the gland sealing main steam supply pipe, steam leakage of No.2 connect to gland sealing main back steam pipe. The steam leakage of four main steam control valves’ No.1 stage stem connect to the main pipe of reheat cold leg, which has a check valve; the steam leakage of No.2 stage stem connect to main shaft back steam pipe. The steam leakage of medium-combined-valve stem connect to main gland sealing steam supply pipe, each has a check valve. The dump valve stem and high-pressure cylinder ventilation valve stem No.1 stage’s steam leakage connect to pipes of reheat cold leg, the No.2 stage’s steam leakage connect to main gland sealing steam supply pipe. 4.2.5 Main-body drain flash tank The function of main-body drain flash tank is to receive the drainage from steam turbine unit’s main-body, the main steam, the reheat steam, the steam extraction system, the HP heater accident drainage, the LP heater normal and accident drainage, the small turbine, the auxiliary steam, deaerator overflow, and etc. After flashing, decompression and cooling these drainages will be recycled. During operation, pay attention to main-body drain flash tank, it can not be over-temperature or vibration, so as not to generate flaw, which will affect the vacuum of main unit and the operation of unit. Since the pressure and the temperature of drainages are very different, they should be classified according to the pressure; drainages have the similar pressure are connected to the same collecting pipe, this is for avoiding interference between different pressure drainages, which will cause accident and increase of stress. Each unit of our company has two main-body drain flash tanks, which are at the side of high-back-pressure and low-back-pressure condenser, and each tank equipped with water injection sets, water injection control valves, exhaust pipes, drainage pipes and etc., the exhaust steam connect to the throat of condenser, and the drainage connect to hot well and should be above its highest water level, the water injection come from condensed water. 4.3 Operation mode of drainage and water discharge system 4.3.1 Operation of main-body drainage Steam turbine’s main-body drainage is composed of high-pressure drainage, intermediate pressure drainage, and low-pressure drainage, they are automatically controlled by DEH. Before the unit starting up, all the drainage valves should be opened; when the load of unit reaches 10% of its rated load, the high-pressure stage drainage valves close automatically; when reaches 20% of its rated load, the intermediate pressure stage drainage valve close automatically; when reaches 30% of its rated load, the low-pressure stage drainage valve close automatically. During the unit shutting down, when the load of unit drop to rated load’s 30%, 20%, 10%, the drainage valves of high-pressure stage, intermediate pressure stage and low-pressure stage close automatically one by one. When the automatic control of unit’s drainage valves fail to function, manual control should be taken in time. When the unit is on thermal state shutdown, after making sure the drainage of cylinder is exhausted, the main-body drainage valves should be closed and then hold on cylinder, this is for avoiding the big temperature difference between upper and lower cylinder cause friction at the Dynamic-Static parts. If grave accident happens and the vacuum is broken, emergency shutdown carries out, the high-pressure drainage valves are banned to be open, in order to avoid damage to equipment. Both the reheat steam pipe drainage and the main-body drainage should be turn on before starting up and drain fully, avoiding water flow into the steam turbine, and before starting up make sure the drainage valves work normal. 4.3.2 Operation of auxiliary system drainage
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The drainage of auxiliary system such as the small turbine drainage system, auxiliary steam drainage system, deaerator heat system, shaft gland drainage and water discharge system should be all turn on, discharge water and warm up the pipe fully before the correspond system starting up, this is for avoiding steam impact, which will pose pipes vibration and other accident. After warming the pipes up, the drainage valves should be closed in time. Obey the operation regulations and safety regulations strictly while operating. Pay attention that before the unit is vacuumed, inject steam and hot-water into condenser is forbidden, for avoiding the overheating do damage to condenser. 4.3.3 Water induction preventing of steam turbine The water induction prevent protection system is set to avoid accidents such as water impact, large temperature difference between upper and lower cylinder and shaft bending, which is caused by water inflow while the unit is operating or shut down. The drainage system designed by our company conform to standard ASME TDP-1, there are drainage pockets set at most steam pipes’ drain ports, each drainage pocket has two water level switches, which are used to interlock drainage valves automatically and give an alarm in the master control room. Thermocouples are set at the reheat cold leg and the upper and lower side of the pipes before each stage’s steam extraction check valves, this is used to survey the temperature difference of the upper and lower pipelines and send alarm if there is water accumulated in the pipes, so that the operator can find out as soon as possible and take timely measures. Turbine’s steam extraction pipeline system and heaters have independent automatic water prevent protection measure, including the automatic drainage system of heater’s shell, the automatic shut-off valves and steam extraction check valves at the steam extraction pipeline between steam turbine and heater, the shut-off valves at the water side of each heater, and so on. When the unit tripped or the water level of any heater reached the dangerous value, the correspondent shut-off valves will automatically shut down to insure the unit won’t flow into any water or over speed.
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Chapter V Steam Extraction and Heat Regenerating System of Seam Turbine 5.1 Overview In thermodynamic steam cycle, usually extract part of the steam from a few medium-stages of the turbine and deliver it to the feed water heater; the steam is used for heating feed water of the boiler (i.e. steam extraction and heat regenerating system) as well as use for a variety of auxiliary steam such as water feed pump turbine steam. Our company’s thermal system of principle is shown in Figure 5-1.
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Fig. 5-1 Thermal System of Principle 5.1.1 Function of steam extraction and heat regenerating system The steam extraction and heat regenerating system is the fundamental part of thermal system of principle, the purpose for using extraction steam to heat the boiler feed water is to reduce the loss of cold resource. A certain amount of extraction steam do not release heat to the cooling water in condenser after doing work, not only avoid the quantity of heat took away by circulating cooling water, make the best of steam heat, and decrease the heat consumption rate; but also, at the same time, use the steam which has done work in the turbine to heat the feed
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water, increase the temperature of feed water, decrease the heat transfer temperature difference of the boiler’s heating surface, consequently reduce the irreversible loss during the process of heating feed water and reduce the absorbed heat in the boiler accordingly. Sum up the reasons described above; steam extraction and heat regenerating system improves the circulating thermal efficiency of unit, so that the normal operation of the steam extraction and heat regenerating system has a decisive impact on the improvement of the unit's thermal economy. 5.1.2 Main parameters that influence the steam extraction and heat regenerating system’s economy The main parameters that influence the feed water regenerative heating thermal economy are the regenerative heating distribution, relevant best feed water temperature and regeneration stages, these three are tight connected, and mutual influenced. While solving the calculation of the optimum regeneration distribution, using the maximum cycle efficiency value of stage Z ideal heat regeneration circulation to get its optimum heat regeneration distribution, (the ideal regenerative cycle is assumed to be hybrid heater, its terminal temperature difference is zero, the new steam, pressure loss of extraction steam and pump power are excluded, the heat losses are neglected) after getting the general equation of the ideal heat regenerative circulation’s optimum distribution, ignore some of the secondary factors based on the need and simplify the equation further, the other approximative optimum general equation of heat regenerative distribution can be obtained. We can see that, abide by the principle of making the maximum of cycle thermal efficiency under the condition of certain feed water temperature and certain stages, the steam extraction heat regenerative parameters corresponding to their stages are the optimum ones that distribute the total heat of feed water heat regenerative to each stage. 5.1.3 Improving measures of system cycle thermal efficiency What temperature should the feed water be heated to, can the cycle thermal efficiency achieve the highest value? Take the single-stage steam extraction heat regeneration for example, during regeneration, the feed water’s temperature gradually increase from saturation temperature of turbine exhaust-steam pressure, the thermal efficiency increase gradually also, when the thermal efficiency reaches the maximum the feed water heat temperature is called the optimum feed water temperature. Further increase in feed water temperature will decrease the thermal efficiency on the contrary, thus the thermal economy will descend, this is because after the feed water heat temperature raising, the corresponding extraction steam pressure increase too, for this part of extraction steam, the amount of heat that each kilogram steam convert into work in the turbine decrease, if the generated energy is fixed, more new steam will need to send into turbine to compensate the reduction of generated energy caused by steam extraction. The higher the extraction steam pressure is, the more new steam is needed; thus the greater the steam consumption rate is, accordingly the greater the quantity of heat transfers to low-temperature heat source. Although the value of boiler’s heating quantity decrease ceaselessly, but the steam consumption rate increases faster, thus the heat consumption rate increases correspondingly, and makes the cycle thermal efficiency fall. In theory, the more heating stages are, the higher the optimum feed water temperature is. In practice, feed water temperature is not heated to the optimum feed water temperature, because the technical economic should be taken into full consideration. On the one hand, the increase of feed water temperature makes the exhaust gas temperature raise and the boiler efficiency fall; otherwise the heating surface of the boiler’s rear need to be broaden, that will magnify the investment of the boiler. On the other hand, the evaporation of boiler and the flow of turbine’s high-pressure side increase correspondingly because of the heat regeneration, as the flow of turbine’s low-pressure side and flow of condensed steam decrease correspondingly, therefore the investment, depreciation cost and house supply of boiler, steam turbine and other ancillary system are affected to a different extent. The optimum feed water temperature determined through the comparison of technical economic is called the economic optimum feed water temperature. In theory, the more the feed water heat regeneration stages are, the more the process of steam turbine’s thermal cycle is close to Carnot cycle, hence the higher the efficiency of steam heat cycle is; but increase the heat stages, will slow down the thermal efficiency’s growth gradually; relative benefit obtained is little, the operation also become more complex; at the same time, the amount of heat regenerative extraction steam’s stage is constrained by investment and field, thereby it is not possible to set up too much stages. In practical, normally there are 7 to 8 heating stages in 600MW unit. 5.1.4 Requirements of heater’s performance The requirements of heater’s performance, can be concluded as lessening the temperature difference between
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saturation-steam which enters into the heater and feed water which comes out of heater; the temperature difference is called the heater terminal temperature difference. In order to achieve this goal, two approaches are mainly taken. One is using mixed type heater, the steam extracted from turbine directly mix with feed water which flow into the heater inside the heater; the steam condenses into water, releases its latent heat of vaporization into water, their pressure and temperature are the same and the terminal temperature difference is zero; but this method needs to set water pump to provide pressure to the feed water, make it has the same pressure as the extraction steam in corresponding stages, this will consume a certain amount of energy. The deaerator is a kind of mixed type heater. Another way is using surface type heater, necessary structural measures should be taken to improve the effect of the heater. 5.1.5 Composing of thermal system of principle Our company’s thermal system of principle mainly constitutes by the following local thermodynamic system: the main and reheat steam pipelines which connect the boiler to the steam turbine, the steam extraction heat regeneration system, the main water condensate system, the connection system of deaerator and feed water pump, supplying water system, and etc. For the steam extraction heat regeneration system, customarily take the deaerator as dividing line, the input and output system within the scope of deaerator is called deaerator system; the feed water heat system which is from the deaerator to the boiler economizer is called high-pressure heat regenerative heating system; the water condensate system from output of condenser to the deaerator is called the low-pressure heat regenerative heating system. 5.2 Composing of steam extraction system This steam turbine unit set a total of eight non-regulated extraction stages, separately provide steam to three HP heaters, one deaerator and four LP heaters. Except the No.7 and No.8 steam extraction stages, the other steam extraction pipelines install pneumatic check valves and electric stop valves, the former is as the first-grade protection which prevent turbine over speeding, simultaneously it is as the auxiliary protection measures that prevent water flow into the steam turbine; the latter is the isolation measures preventing water flow into the steam turbine. Because the No.4 extraction stage is connected to auxiliary steam header, deaerator and feed water pump turbine and so on, there are too many users of it and the volume of pipeline is large, so two check valves are set at the pipeline. To each of No.4 steam extraction stage’s user, a pneumatic check valve and an electric stop valve are set at its pipeline. After releasing heat in the surface type heater, the extraction steam forms drainage, which flow automatically from one stage to the next. In order to prevent the spreading of accidents caused by heater malfunction, each heater has its protection system. The basic function of it is to prevent accidents caused by heater, such as water flow into steam turbine, the heater blast, and the boiler is out of water; it has functions of anomalous water-level protection, overpressure protection and feed water bypass linkage operation. The heater protection generally has the following devices: water-level gauge, dump valve, feed water automatic bypass, steam extraction electric check valve, steam extraction check valve closing linkage device, steam side and water side security door, etc. For the No.7 and N.8 LP heater, flash vaporization preventing baffle is set at inlet of the steam. 5.2.1 HP heater In order to reduce the terminal temperature difference and improve the surface type heater’s thermal economy, the modern large-scale unit’s HP heater and a few of LP heater adopt integration type surface heater. This kind of heater is composed of the following three parts: Overheat steam cooling stage When the temperature of extraction steam is a little bit high, it will cause the regenerative heater’s heat exchange temperature difference increases, the irreversible heat exchange loss will accordingly increases, so overheat steam cooling stages are set in HP heaters and a few of LP heaters; only take use of the extraction steam’s superheat, after the superheat of it is down, lead it to the condensing stage, so as to reduce the total irreversible heat exchange loss. In that cooling stage, the heat steam is not allowed to cool into saturation temperature, because when it is cooled into that temperature, water film will form outside the pipes, cause that
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heat stage’s steam superheat vanish because of the water film’s adsorption; and the superheat is not used by the feed water, therefore steam in this stage maintains surplus superheat. In that stage, the outlet temperature of the heated water is close to, or a little bit lower than the saturation temperature of extraction steam pressure. Condensing stage Heated steam condenses and releases heat in this stage, the condensed water’s temperature at the outlet is the saturation temperature of heated steam pressure, therefore the outlet temperature of the heated water is lower than this saturation temperature. Drainage cooling stage This cooling stage is set to cool the drainage from condensing stage further, rise the heated water’s temperature before it flows into condensing stage; as a result, in on hand the amount of extraction steam in this stage decrease, on the other hand because the temperature of drainage water that flows into next stage fall, consequently it reduce the crowding out effect to the next stage’s extraction steam from this stage, hence the system’s thermal economy is improved. The basic condition to achieve the purpose of cooling the drainage is the water that is to be cooled should be steeped in the heater surface, this is a water-water heat exchanger, that heat stage’s outlet drainage temperature is lower than the saturation temperature of heat steam pressure. Two or all of the three stages talked above should be contained in one heater. Generally believed that when the superheat of steam is over 50℃ to 70℃, it would be more favorable to use the superheat steam cooling stage, thus very few LP heater use superheat steam cooling stage. The heater that only uses condensing stage and drainage cooling stage has a large terminal temperature difference. Our company chooses the type JG-2100-1, JG-2050-2 and JG-1600-3 HP heater provided by Dong Fang Boiler Co., Ltd. The heater is horizontal, surface condensation, U-shaped heat exchanger; and the three HP heaters adopt large-bypass configuration. The basic structure of HP heater is shown in Figure 5-2. U-shaped tube bundle which is composed of steel pipes is placed inside the cylindrical heater’s shell, and is fixed by specialized skeleton. The tube connects to the tube sheet by expanding. The heated water passes through connecting pipe flows into a side of the water chamber, passes U-shaped tube bundle, and then flows out from the pipe orifice of the water chamber’s other side. Heated steam enters into the steam side of heater from the pipe orifice at the upper part of the shell. Take advantage of the air deflector, the steam flows, twists and turns, contacts with the outer wall of the pipe, condenses and releases heat to the feed water in the pipes. In order to prevent steam scour and damage the tube bundle when it enters the heater, buffer plate is set up at its inlet. The condensed water (drainage) of heated-steam which is pooled at the bottom of the heater should be drained in time by steam trap.
1、给水入口 2、人孔 3、给水出口 4、水室分流隔板
7、蒸汽入口 8、防冲
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板 9、过热蒸汽冷却段 10、凝结段 11、管束 12、疏水冷却段 13、正常疏水 级疏水入口 16、疏水冷却段密封件 17、管子支撑板 18、事故疏水
1. Feed water inlet 2. manhole 3.feed water outlet 4.water chamber’s split flow plate 5.water chamber 6.tube sheet 7.steam inlet 8.buffer plate 9.overheat steam cooling stage 10.condense stage 11.tube bundle 12.drainage cooling stage 13.normal drainage 14.support 15.high-stage drainage inlet 16.drainage cooling stage’s seals 17.support plate of tube 18.emergency drain Fig. 5-2 Structure of HP Heater Three HP heaters all equipped with drainage cooling stage, condense stage, steam cooling stage. In the high-pressure feed water heater the water cubage is appropriate, which is used to control the water-level of drainage, and make sure the drainage cooling stage’s tube bundle all immerge in the drainage under all kind of operation conditions. At the same time, while control the amount of drainage properly, make the exposure of the surface area of the accumulated water in the heater is minimum, in case during load rejection of the turbine, the drainage back flow into turbine after expanding. During the unit’s startup or continuous operation, vent connection and inner baffle are set in the heater to wipe off the non-condense steam gathered in the steam dead-zone, the air displacement is designed as 0.5% of the amount of steam that flows into the heater, and the caliber should be big enough to satisfy the exhaust requirement. Vent connections used in startup and continuous operation are disposed separately. There are pressure relief valves at both the steam side and the water side of HP heater; the minimum exhaust volume of the steam side’s pressure relief valves is 10% of the feed water flow rate under TMCR condition. Table 5-2 Main Technical Specifications of HP Heater Heater Number
Unit of measurement
HP-heater No.1
HP-heater HP-heater No.2 No.3
1 Heater type
Horizontal, U-shaped tube
2 Heater amount
HP-heater system’s form of bypass (large/small bypass)
Small bypass
Ⅰ turbine’s valve widely open(VWO) condition Feed water 1 Flow
2 Inlet pressure
3 Inlet temperature
4 Inlet enthalpy
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5 Outlet temperature
6 Outlet enthalpy
7 Maximum permitted pressure drop
8 Maximum permitted flow velocity
9 Design pressure (interim)
10 Design temperature
11 Test pressure
According to ASME chapter Ⅷ-Ⅰ
12 Flow rate
13 Inlet pressure
14 Inlet temperature
15 Inlet enthalpy
16 Maximum permitted pressure drop
17 Designed pressure
18 Design temperature
19 Test pressure
According to ASME chapter Ⅷ-Ⅰ
Extraction steam
Drainage enters into the heater 20 Drainage source
HP-heater No.1
HP-heater No.2
21 Flow rate
22 Temperature
23 Enthalpy
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Drainage discharged from the heater 24 Flow rate
25 Temperature
26 Enthalpy
27 Terminal difference of drainage
temperature ℃
Ⅱ turbine maximum continuous rating
(T-MCR) condition
Feed water 1 Flow rate
2 Inlet pressure
3 Inlet temperature
4 Inlet enthalpy
5 Outlet temperature
6 Outlet enthalpy
7 Flow rate
8 Inlet pressure
9 Inlet temperature
10 Inlet enthalpy
Extraction steam
Drainage enters into the heater 11 Source of the drainage
HP-heater HP-heater No.1 No.2
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12 Flow rate
13 Temperature
14 Enthalpy
15 Flow rate
16 Temperature
17 Enthalpy
Drainage discharged from the heater
5.2.2 LP heater The No.5 to No.8 LP heaters adopt the horizontal tube shell, surface-type U-shaped heater which is produced by DONGFANG Steam Turbine Works; and the tube is made of stainless steel. The basic structure of LP heater is same as the HP heater, the main difference is that it doesn’t have superheat steam cooling stage, only has condense stage and drainage cooling stage. Because the pressure of it is lower, so the structure of it is simpler than the HP heater, the thickness of tube sheet and the shell is thin. All of the tubes are made of stainless steal, and stainless steal buffer plates are set at all of the heater’s drainage and steam inlets. The structure of LP heater is shown in Figure 5-3. The No.7A and No.8A LP heaters merger to a shell-share heater installed at the neck of the high-pressure condenser, the No.7B and No.8B LP heaters merger to a shell-share heater installed at the neck of the low-pressure condenser. This LP heater is made up of shell, piping, and water chamber etc., in the shell of it a vertical large barricade is set to divide the LP heater into two chambers which are separate from each other; the No.7A/B and No.8A/B LP heater’s piping are installed in this two chambers separately. Each piping is separately supported by the support plate. The steam is lead to flow along the piping, the drainage cooling stage in each piping is sealed by cladding, so as to ensure the drainage flow smoothly. Condensed water flows into piping through water chamber inlet of the No.8 LP heater, after being heated in the piping, it flows into the outlet water chamber; after turning around in the water chamber, it flows into the piping of the No.7 LP heater, after being heated in there, again it flows into the water chamber, and finally flows out from water side outlet into the next higher LP heater stage. Figure 5-4 is the side view of the No.7 and No.8 shell-share heater.
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1.凝结水入口 2.人孔 3.给水出口 4.事故疏水.5.水室 6.管板 7.蒸汽入口 8.防冲板 9.凝结段 管束 11.上级疏水入口.12.管子支撑板 13.疏水段 14.疏水冷却段密封件 15.疏水出口
1.condensed water inlet 2.manhole 3.feed water outlet 4.emergency drain 5.water chamber 6.tube sheet 7.steam inlet 8.buffer plate 9.condense stage 10.tube bundle 11.high-stage drainage inlet 12.support plate of tube 13.drainage stage 14.drainage cooling stage’s seals 15.drainage outlet Fig. 5-3 the Structure of the LP Heater
1.8 号低加 2.8 号低加疏水出口 3.凝结水进口 4.8 号低加抽空气出口 5.8 号低加蒸汽进口 6.8 号低 加汽侧放气门 7.8 号低加汽侧放水门 8.7 号低加 9.7 号低加疏水出口 10.7 号低加抽空气口 11.凝结 水出口 12.7 号低加蒸汽进口 13.7 号低加汽侧放气门 14.7 号低加汽侧放水门 15.中间隔板 1.No.8 LP heater 2.No.8 LP heater’s drainage outlet 3.condensed water inlet 4.No.8 LP heater’s extraction steam outlet 5.No.8 LP heater’s steam inlet 6.No.8 LP heater’s steam side air relief 7.No.8 LP heater’s steam side water relief 8.No.7 LP heater 9.No.7 LP heater’s drainage outlet 10.No.7 LP heater’s extraction steam outlet 11.condensed water outlet 12.No.7 LP heater’s steam inlet 13.No.7 LP heater’s steam side air relief 14.No.7 LP
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heater’s steam side water relief 15.intermediate diaphragm Fig. 5-4 the Side View of the No.7 and No.8 Shell-share Heater
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Fig. 5-5 LP Heaters’ system Diagram To set the shell-share heater at the neck of the condenser is because the extraction steam of these two stages has a large flow rate and the pressure of it is low, and the specific volume of the steam is high. If arrange the heater outside the condenser, huge steam extraction pipes are needed, this is difficult for the pipeline arrangement, the thermal insulation layer’s layout, and the installation; on contrary, set it at the neck of the condenser is good for space-saving and pipeline arrangement. And consider the reasons above and the steam’s low-pressure, there aren’t any check valves or stop valves at the steam extraction outlet of these two stages, in order to prevent the steam flowing back into the turbine, flash vaporization preventing baffle is set at the heater’s steam inlet, it can avoid too much steam flowing back into the steam turbine when the turbine trips. The condensed-water-bypass uses a combination of large and small bypass: the No.5 and the No.6 LP heaters which can be split to run separately use small bypass, LP heater coalition (No.7A and No.8A) and LP heater coalition (No.7B and No.8B) share a large bypass, the No.7A and No.8A LP heater coalition or the No.7B and No.8B LP heater coalition can be split to run separately. The normal drainage of LP heater flows automatically from one stage to the next, That is, drainage from the No.5 LP heater flows into the No.6 LP heater, and then into the No.7 LP heater, finally flows through the No.8 LP heater enters the condenser. Each LP heater has emergency drain pipeline, so that the drainage could enters the condenser directly at the accident conditions or low-load conditions. Figure 5-5 shows the LP heater system. 5.2.3 Gland heater Gland heater is used in shaft gland system of steam turbine, its main role is to cool the steam-gas mixture by condensed water, so that a vacuum form and maintain inside the shaft gland heater’s steam side chamber, preventing the steam leakage from the shaft seal end. The mixture is extracted from each stage’s shaft gland, highand intermediate pressure main steam control valves’ stem. The refrigerant that is the condensed water from steam in the mixture can be recycled. The turbine’s thermal system economy is improved by transferring the heat of steam-gas mixture to condensed water. At the same time, the temperature of the mixture reduces to the allowable temperature for the long-term operation of the gland steam condenser extraction fan. During the normal operation of shaft gland heater, after 100% of the condensed water flowing into the water chamber of shaft gland heater, a part of it flows back to the water chamber’s water outlet through U-shaped tube as cooling water, the rest of the condensed water directly flows into the outlet chamber from inlet chamber through internal bypass valve, the two streams of condensed water flow out the heater after joining into one. After flowing into the shell of shaft gland heater’s steam side, the steam-gas mixture flows circuitously outside the heat exchanger tube (U-tube), and exchanges heat with cooling water through heat exchanger tube, make the temperature of condensed water rise; and the majority of steam in the steam-gas mixture condenses into water and drain into condenser through drainage outlet pipe and water seal pipe, the non-condensing gas and a small amount of steam are extracted and ejected into the atmosphere by gland steam condenser extraction fan. During the operation of shaft gland heater, the water-level of water-level indicator must be monitored, the heat transfer will deteriorate as the water-level of condensed water in the steam seal heater raise and begin to submerge the heat exchanger tube; at this time, the emergency drain valve should be opened. Besides, the amount of cooling water can not be under 400t/h; otherwise it will be hard to maintain the vacuum level that is needed. 5.3 Operation and maintenance of system The extraction and heat regenerating system is normally operating or not, has a great influence on the power plant’s safety, rate of loading, and economy. Must manage strictly in practical operation, the correct operation and maintenance methods play an important role in ensuring the system operate normally. Chapter 10 will give a particular introduction of the operation and maintenance of deaerator, we only mentioned the operation and maintenance of high- and low-pressure heater in this section. 5.3.1 Startup Before starting up HP heater and LP heater, heater’s water-level protection should be turned on, drain out the
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water accumulated in the heater, the drainage valves at the extraction steam pipes are turned on. When start up, start on the water side first, and then on the steam side. LP heater’s steam side typically starts up with the unit, when the load of unit reaches 30% of rated load; start up HP heater steam side in order of 3, 2, and 1. At the initial time of startup, should warm the heater in advance and control the temperature rising rate of outlet water. If the LP heaters couldn’t start up with the unit and have to start up one after another when the unit achieves a certain load for some reasons, they should be start up one by one from the lower to higher, and the extraction steam pipe should be drained and warmed in advance. When the heater run into operation, infuse water into the water side first, when the feed water slowly filled the heater, turn off all the air relieves and start/exhaust valves, and then inject steam slowly; meanwhile, open the continuous exhaust valves, check the quality of the drainage, when it is qualified it can be flow back to condenser (deaerator). It should be noted that, when the heaters just start up, the parameters are low, the system resistance to drainage (including the resistance of drainage cooling stage, the pressure difference between the heaters’ upper and lower stages, the resistance of pipeline, etc.) can not be overcome, if open the normal drainage valves at this time the drainage from one stage to the next is hard, therefore when the unit is running at low load the emergency valves should be open to drain, in order to ensure the drainage flow smoothly. The basic operation process of heater commissioning: 1).The checkup and operations needed to be done before startup are performed. 2). Turn off the heater’s water side water relief, turn on all the steam extraction valves of water side. 3). Run the heater’s water-level protection (drainage valves turn on into automatic running), open the water side inlet valve slowly and infuse water into the heater. The purpose of water injection is for one thing to exhaust all of the air in the water chamber, for another to heat the heater slowly to the water temperature. The speed of water injection depends on the temperature of water and the heating rate limited (≤3℃/min). Because the water that flows into LP heater comes from the low-temperature water in condenser pump, so that it can be infused into the LP heater’ water side directly when start up, but still need to be slowly, in order to avoid large impact which damage the heat exchange pipe. 4). When water drained from water side exhaust valve continuously, it can be considered that the air in the heater’s water side has been exhausted, close the exhaust valve of the water side, fully open the feed water inlet valve. After the pressure increased and stabilized, observe the water-level of steam side has rose or not, to determine if there is a leakage between the water side and the steam side. 5). Examine the extraction check valve is in its free state, ensure the heater is ready to run. Open the electrical extraction valve slightly, steam flow into the pipes and heaters gradually, extraction check valve automatically opens, then warm the pipe and drain it fully; gradually open the electrical extraction valve, paying attention that the temperature rising rate of feed water outlet should within the limits. After startup, in order to prevent the corrosion of the U-tube and to ensure the heat transfer effect of heaters, the continuous exhaust valve of steam side should be opened, and eject the non-condensing gas continually. 6). When the water-level of heater raise, the normal drainage valves and emergency drainage valves of heater should be in working order. 5.3.2 Operation During normal operation, the operator should examine the seal condition of the manhole flange and pipe flange, the appearance of equipment, and the valves at any time; if there is any phenomenon of leakage, deformation, abnormal sound, and etc., immediate steps should be taken, or the unit should be examined and repaired immediately. At the same time, the parameters of heaters and deaerator system should be monitored, such as the water-level of deaerator, the temperature and pressure of working water are normal or not; and the heater’s water level, temperature and flow rate of water that is flowing in and out, the steam pressure, terminal temperature difference, the automatic control of drainage valves are normal or not. By comparing these parameters with the operation conditions at the same load, to determine whether there is a leakage or other defects at the internal pipe bundle of the heaters. Detect the problems early and deal with them immediately. The heater’s water-level should be maintained at the normal water-level, when the unit’s operating conditions change, the pressure and flow rate of extraction steam will change with it, the heater’s water-level will rises or descends, both too high or too low are not good to normal operation. If the heater’s water-level is too low, the
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suction of drainage cooling stage will be exposed, steam will flow into that stage, and this will destroy the siphonage of that stage, result in the drainage terminal temperature difference changing and steam heat losing. Furthermore the steam would impact the U-shaped tube bundle in that cooling stage, cause vibration. If the heater’s water-level is too high, some of the tubes will be immersed in the water, thus reduce the heat transfer area, lead the heater to performance degradation; Secondly, when the heater is running at high water-level, once there is any misoperation or haven’t deal with it timely, water impact to the steam pipeline would occur, or even water flows into the turbine. The regulation of water-level is carried out by normal drainage valves and emergency drainage valves. Figure 5-8 is the working condition balance plan of unit THA produced by our company. Table 5-5 shows the water-level interlock, alarm settings of heaters produced by our company. When one of the heaters’ the water-level rises to high level, alarm in the control room. When the water-level rises to high-high level, alarm and open the heater’s emergency drainage valves. When it rises to high-Ⅲ water-level, the high-Ⅲ water-level switch is on, automatically close the electrical isolating valves and pneumatic check valves at the steam extraction pipeline, and the water side bypass (as for HP heaters, when any one of them appears high-Ⅲ water-level, automatically turn off the electrical isolating valves and pneumatic check valves at the stage 1 to 3 steam extraction pipeline, large bypass take into action, all HP heaters are split.) At the same time, open the pneumatic drainage valves at the pipelines, and then open the manual check valve between the isolating valve and the check valve, to drain the water pooled in the steam extraction pipeline. During operation, the extraction check valve’s activity test and the related interlock protection test of the heater and deaerator should be regularly carried out, to examine whether the interlock is working well or not. 5.3.3 Shutdown Under normal circumstances, when the load of unit drop to 30% of the rated load, the HP heaters can be shut down in the order of No.1, 2, and3; all the LP heaters may shut down with the unit at sliding parameters. If for some reasons, the LP heaters can not be shut down with the unit, they should shut down from higher to lower orderly. During shutdown the steam side should be stopped first, and then the water side. During normal process of shutdown, when the load of steam turbine is under 30%, the pneumatic drainage valves before the No.5 and No.6 stage’s extraction check valves open automatically; when the load is under 20%, the pneumatic drainage valves before the No.3 and No.4 stage’s extraction check valves open automatically; when the load is under 10%, the pneumatic drainage valves before the No.1 and No.2 stage’s extraction check valves open automatically; When the turbine tripped, interlock all of the extraction check valves and electric extraction valves at the extraction pipelines (including the electric extraction valves at the branch pipes of the No.4 stage’s extraction pipeline), and open the pneumatic drainage valves at the pipelines automatically.
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Chapter VI Unit Bypass System 6.1 Introduction Large-scale middle reheating units are all arranged in terms of modular system. For the ease of starting up and shutting down of a unit, its emergency disposal as well as other requirements unique to the operation; and to resolve the problem of property mismatching of the turbine with the boiler that arises in lower load operations, a bypass system is usually fixed to the unit. The bypass system is a system in which the steam generated by the boiler bypasses the turbine or the reheater, partly or completely, and discharges into the condenser through attemperating and depressurizing devices (bypass valves). 6.1.1 Functions of the bypass system 1). Shortening the starting time, improving the startup conditions, and extending the life of the steam turbine 2). Overflowing: it is to balance the steam content in the turbine and in the boiler, and to overflow the surplus steam produced in the process of instant changing of load. Due to the fact that the actual load drop rate of the boiler is lower than that of the turbine, the surplus steam can be discharged into the condenser through the bypass system, making the unit adaptable to the condition of frequent startups and shutdowns and fast load fluctuations, and limiting the thermal stress of its pressure parts within a proper scope. 3). Protecting the reheater: the newly generated steam, under the condition of turbine startup or load rejection, when it is depressurized and reduced temperature, will flow into the reheater through the bypass system to prevent the reheater from dry burning, so that it is protected. 4). Reclaiming working substance and heat and eliminating noise pollution: when the unit suddenly sheds its load (partly or completely), the bypass system will be promptly opened so as to retrieve the working substance to the condenser, change the boiler’s steadiness in operation, and reduce or even avoid the movements of the safety valves. 6.1.2 Types of unit bypass system 1).Two-stage bypass system in series connection It is composed of a high pressure bypass and a low pressure bypass, which is used in a wide range of areas. The advantage of this system is the capacity of the high pressure bypass takes up 30~40% of the boiler’s rated evaporation, which is good for the unit’s quick startup, and in particular is better for its thermal startup. 2). Two-stage bypass system in parallel connection It is composed of a high pressure bypass and a bypass machine. The designed capacity of the high pressure bypass takes up 10~17% of the boiler’s rated evaporation, aimed at protecting the 67
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reheater when the unit is started; and that of the bypass machine, 20~30%, the purpose of which is to discharge into the condenser the surplus heat produced under all operation conditions (startup, electric grid load rejection, emergency, etc.), and to reduce the moving or not moving of the safety valves when the boiler is over pressurized. 3). Three-stage bypass system It is composed of a high pressure bypass, low pressure bypass and a bypass machine. The advantages of this system are that it is adaptable to the adjustments required by conditions of all kinds; highly flexible in operation; and capable of discharging large amounts of steam into the condenser when load is shedding or dropping sharply, lest the boiler is over pressurized and the safety valve is moved. But the disadvantages are that it requires a lot of devices, a complex system, a large consumption of metal, and it is difficult to set. 4). Large bypass system The new steam from the boiler, when temperature reduced and depressurized, will be discharged into the condenser after it has bypassed the high, intermediate and low pressure cylinders. The advantages of this system are that it is simple, small in investment, easy to set and operate; but the disadvantage is when the unit is starting or shedding load, there is no new steam passing through the reheater, thus it does not cool down and remains burning dry. 6.1.3 Bypass capacity options The capacity of bypass system shall meet the requirements of different modes of operation demanded by the turbine and the boiler. The modes of operation demanded by different turbines and boilers require different capacity.
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Fig. 6-1 Bypass System Diagrammatic Sketch Terms in the diagram: 高压旁路—high pressure bypass; 锅炉—boiler;
低压旁路—low pressure bypass
汽轮机—steam turbine;
凝结水泵—condensate pump;
高压加热器—high pressure heater; heater.
给水泵—feed pump;
低压加热器—low pressure
6.1.4 The bypass system herein The unit of our company uses a two-stage (high and low pressure) bypass system in series connection, in which the capacity of high pressure bypass is 60%BMCR, and there equips 1 high pressure bypass valve; the capacity of low pressure bypass is 60%BMCR+attemperating water, and there equips 2 low pressure valves. Please refer to figure 6-1 to see the diagram of the system. 6.2 High pressure bypass (HPB) The high pressure bypass (HPB) system is composed of a high bypass valve, a spray adjustment, 69
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a spray isolating valve, etc. 6.2.1 Technical specification
Turbin Technical parameter Inlet pressure
Inlet steam temperature
M Pa(a)
Outlet steam temperature
Outlet steam
M Pa(a)
35 42
28 49
38 11
30 86
109 5
M Pa(a)
Inlet steam temperature
Low Inlet pressure steam flow switching Outlet valve pressure
M Pa(a)
Inlet pressure
Low pressure spray adjustment valve
e shutdown
High Inlet pressure steam flow switching Outlet valve pressure
High pressure spray adjustment valve
steam t/h
M Pa(a)
Outlet steam temperature
Outlet steam
M Pa(a)
46 3
46 3
46 3
46 3
46 3
46 3
20 29
26 37
38 2
46 11
112 7
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6.2.2 HPBV Structure The HPB valve covers the functions of attemperation and depressurization, adjustment, stoppage, etc. The newly-generated steam is directed to the inlet filter of the valve through the upper piping, and then passes through the valve from its head to its outlet filter. The steam, being contracted and expanded, is then depressurized. The attemperating water enters the valve from the nozzle at its lower part. The high pressure steam, when attempered, flows into the back valve connecting pipeline. 6.2.3 HPB control HPBV is operated by pneumatic power. When air is lost, the valve will stay closed and automatically locked. The high pressure attemperating valve (HP ATV) adjusts the temperature according to the pressure of HPB and steam temperature, and at the same time is readjusted by the low pressure bypass (LPB) opening and the main steam pressure. When HPB is not open, HP ATV is forced to close. 1). Control functions of HPB 2). When the main steam pressure reaches the maximum, open HPBV promptly to protect the boiler against over pressure. 3).Adjust the valve according to the growth rate of the main steam pressure: adjusting the HPBV when growth rate surpasses the 1st value; and adjusting the valve quickly when it surpasses the 2nd. 4). Receiving the signal of turbine tripping or generator desynchronizing, the HPBV will be quickly opened. 5). When the pressure of HP ATV reaches the maximum, close the HPBV promptly. 6). When the steam temperature behind the HPBV reaches the maximum, close the valve promptly. 6.3 Low pressure bypass (LPB) The low pressure bypass (LPB) system is composed of a low pressure bypass valve (LPBV), a spray adjustment valve, a spray isolating valve, a condenser inlet attemperating and depressurizing device, etc. Like HPBV, LPBV also covers the functions of attemperation and depressurization, adjustment, and stoppage. 6.3.1 Three-stage attemperating and depressurizing device This device is organized in the form of three-stage depressurization and primary spray attemperation. When the bypass is at work, the attemperation and spray must also be put to work, otherwise, it will cause the temperature of steam in the condenser to exceed the permissible value, 71
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and damage the attemperating and depressurizing device and the condenser. The spray source is taken from the miscellaneous condensate system. 6.3.2 Control of LPB valve LPB is operated by air force. When air is lost, the valve will stay closed and automatically locked. The final aim of LPB is to discharge the steam into the condenser, but when the condenser breaks down, the discharge has to be cut off immediately. The low pressure attemperating valve (LP ATV) adjusts the temperature according to the pressure of LPB and steam temperature. When LPB is not open, LP ATV is forced to close. The functions of LPB control are as follows: 1). to match the pressure of reheated steam with the load of unit according to the turbine pressure level; 2). to open LPBV promptly to keep the reheated steam pressure grow steadily when the pressure increase rate exceeds the prescribed limit; 3). to close LPBV promptly to protect the condenser when the pressure inside it reaches the maximum, namely low vacuum; 4). to close LPBV promptly to protect the condenser when its temperature reaches the maximum; 5). to close LPBV promptly to protect the condenser when water level reaches the maximum; 6). to close LPBV promptly when the pressure of LPB attemperating water decreases. 6.4 Unit bypass system at work Whether or not the bypass system works normally will directly affect the reliability of the unit. The operating mode of the bypass system is closely correlated with that of the steam turbine. There are 3 types of operating mechanism—pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical. The unit herein uses the hydraulic operating mechanism which is characterized by its quick action, and fast startup (usually 1~2 seconds). But this system is more complex, demands more cost and maintenance, and particularly when arranging the operating devices in high temperature areas it demands effective fire precautions. The high pressure bypass operates in 4 modes, namely, the Startup mode, the Fixed Pressure, the Follow mode, and Shutdown. 6.4.1 Bypass startup
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Fig. 6-2 the HPB startup curve The operator, who opts for the Startup mode, needs to use Boiler Fire On signals to activate HPB so as to enter the mode. Under the Startup mode, the high pressure bypass pressure (HPBP) can be set into 3 states--Min Pressure, Pressure Ramp and Restart. When the state is Min Pressure or Pressure Ramp, HPB will send Startup mode signals. When the boiler pressure rises, and if the combustion turns unsteady and the fuel pressure falls, HPBV will close, whereupon the boiler pressure discontinues to rise, which requires Restart to be activated. In Restart state, HPBP will always follow the main steam pressure. When adjusted, the boiler combustion will return steady, thereupon the main steam pressure begins to grow, which requires HPBV to be reopened. If HPBP is lower than Psyne, it will continue to be set in Pressure Ramp state; if higher, the Startup mode will automatically disappear, and the unit bypass will enter the Fixed Pressure mode automatically. When the boiler is Fire On, the main steam pressure will be lower than the minimum setting, and HPBP will stay in Min Pressure,, under which the HPB system requires a small amount of steam lest the reheater be burned dry, and HPBV demands a certain degree of opening (Ymin=10%) and it keeps this minimum opening till the main steam pressure reaches the 73
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minimum setting (Pmin). While this minimum setting (Pmin) is maintained, the HPBV opening will increase as the quantity of combustion grows, till it reaches the pre-set value (Yramp=30%) which shall be maintained. As the quantity grows further, the main steam pressure will surpass the minimum setting (Pmin), whereupon the unit bypass enters the Pressure Ramp state. Afterwards, HPBV maintains the pre-set value (Yramp=30%) until it reaches Psyne of the turbine, when the Startup mode automatically disappears and the unit bypass enters the Fixed Pressure mode automatically. The reheated steam pressure before impulse and rolling is determined by the state of unit startup. HPBV, when the reheated steam pressure is lower than the minimum setting (Pmin) of the low pressure bypass pressure (LPBP), will stay closed all the time. Set LPBP as “AUTO”. In the model of “AUTO”, LPBP is set by the first capacity of intermediate cylinder in the turbine. The LPBV opening is acquired by proportional-integral according to the comparison between LPBP setting and actual pressure, and also restricted by the LPBP maximum. When the unit is loaded, LPBV will gradually turn down in order to make the reheated steam pressure sustainable with the load. When the load reaches a certain level, HPBV will close, and in turn LPBV will also close completely. See the HPB startup curve; please refer to figure 6-2. 6.4.2 Bypass switching process This kind of steam admission mode, beginning from the intermediate pressure cylinder to the high pressure cylinder after warmed up with 5% initial load, is called as bypass switching process. Operations in the bypass switching process are as follows: 1). Enlarging the opening of a intermediate pressure control valve and a high bypass valve to be wide-open continuously; closing a dump valve when the intermediate pressure control valve approaches to be wide-open while decreasing the opening of a low bypass valve to keep reheating steam pressure within a certain range. 2). Closing a high pressure cylinder vent valve and opening a high discharge check valve while feeding main steam into the high pressure cylinder by opening a high pressure control valve. Due to the fact that the main steam pressure stays at a pre-set value, and at this time the opening of the high pressure bypass valve is decreasing, so the opening of the high pressure control valve should be enlarged to load up continuously. 3). The intermediate pressure cylinder startup is completed with the intermediate pressure valve in wide-open, the low bypass valve in full closed and the steam admission under the control of a high pressure control valve. In order to protect the last stage blade of the high pressure cylinder from overheating, the opening of the high pressure control valve should be enlarged as soon as possible to equalize steam flow entered into the high pressure cylinder with that of into the intermediate and low pressure cylinders. The graph for a bypass switch region is shown in figure 6-3. The load value of a bypass switching end point has direct influence on the stability of the boiler 74
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and the steam turbine during startup. In order to protect the last stage blade of the high pressure cylinder from overheating, steam flow and opening of the high pressure cylinder and the high pressure control valve must be guaranteed as much as possible; meanwhile, the load must be increased from the 5% initial load to the load at the end point in a very short time. If the switching point load is too high to keep up with the changes of the boiler combustion rate, resulting in a rather low main steam pressure, manual interference for the combustion rate should be used; however it is inclined to enable the high pressure valve in open state at all the time resulting from an overpressure in excess of the pressure setting of the high pressure bypass. But the switching point load must be appropriate in that the steam admission of the high pressure cylinder is restricted. For the restriction, a partial difference between the steam admission temperature of the high pressure cylinder and the metal temperature of the low pressure cylinder must be within certain range; the exhaust pressure of the cylinder must be higher than the pre-set value of the reheating steam pressure to protect the last stage blade from overheating resulting in the small flow and high back pressure of the high pressure cylinder, and the high discharge check valve must be opened smoothly to prevent from an opening failure of the intermediate pressure cylinder. 6.4.3 Normal operation The high pressure bypass valve will enter into a Follow mode in closed state under the conditions that the steam turbine is in normal operation with load and whole steam is contained into the high pressure cylinder. In order to make sure it is absolutely closed, the bypass pressure setting must be at an Automatic Mode and pressure setting value must be equal to the summation of actual main steam pressure and differential pressure-dP (0.5MPa). 6.4.4 Bypass operating mode when shutdown When the unit is about to stop, operators should ensure that the high pressure bypass valve is in an automatic setting and HP turbine loaded signal of the DEH, after the startup of the high pressure cylinder, exists. During the normal operation of the unit, a Halt mode should be selected. The high pressure bypass pressure is set by following the main steam pressure; otherwise the high pressure bypass valve will be opened with the increase of the boiler pressure. Upon tripping the steam turbine or manually opening the high pressure bypass valve, the Halt mode of the unit will be automatically released to a Constant Pressure Mode; however, with the decrease of fuel in the boiler, the bypass valve will be gradually turned down; and its pressure setting will be automatically switched to the Follow mode as a fire-extinguishing bypass valve is closed.
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Fig. 6-3 Bypass Switch Region Graph
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Chapter VII
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Emergency Governing System
This emergency governing system is an essential component for the safe, reliable and stable operation of the steam turbine. With the use of a high pressure fire-resistant oil digital electro-hydraulic control system (DEH or D-EHC for short), the unit gives a large simplification on hydraulic control circuits and a wide control scope, convenient adjustment, fast response and small percentage of delay on the rotating speed, and realizes a variety of complex controls for the automatic startup and shutdown of the unit in comparison with the traditional mechanical hydraulic adjustment as well as the improvement on operational reliability and the simplification in systematic maintenance and repairs. 7.1 Overview The emergency governing system is the actuating mechanism of the DEH, which works on instruction reception from the DEH, latching, valve driving and unit interruption, etc. The system from the East Turbine Works employed in our plant has been applied to many large-capacity units, so that it has a lot of long-term service experiences. The system can be subdivided into a low pressure emergency governing system and a high pressure fire-resistant oil system based on its constituents. It is shown in figure 7-1. The basic requirements of the emergency governing system are as follows: 1. Turbine latch 2. Meeting the combined startup requirement from the high and low pressure cylinders 3. Meeting the combined startup requirement from the intermediate pressure cylinder 4. With an over-speed limit function 5. Quickly and reliably interrupting the steam admission from the steam turbine in need 6. Meeting the valve mobile test requirement 7. with an over-speed protection function. A. Mechanical over-speed protection Upon the action rotating speed accounts for 110%-111% (3300-3330r/min) of the rated speed, the protection ring of an emergency governor will hit a stay hook to trip; the link lever of a mechanical emergency governor system will drive the emergency governor of the high pressure governor component into action to cut off the high pressure safety oil supply and to drain it by opening an oil drainage port. As a result, each main stop valves and control valves should be fast closed; the unit steam admission should be cut off quickly as well. B. DEH and TSI electric over-speed protection When the rotating speed of the unit accounts for 111% (3330r/min)of the rated speed, an electric 77
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stop signal is sent to drive an electromagnetic governor device in a main trip electromagnetic valve (5YV, 6YV) and a mechanical stop electromagnetic valve (3YV) into action to drain the high pressure safety oil and to cut off the unit steam admission. Meanwhile, it is sent to each valve as well to fast close every electromagnetic valve and steam valves, thereby guaranteeing the safety of the unit. 7.2 Hydraulic servo system The hydraulic servo system is mainly composed of a servomotor, a valve control stage, an electro-hydraulic servo valve and LVDT, etc., which are principally used in the opening control and fast shutdown of each valves and so on. This unit is constituted of four main steam control valve servomotors, two main stop valve servomotors, two intermediate pressure main stop valve servomotors and two intermediate pressure control valve servomotors; wherein the high and low pressure control valves, and the high pressure main stop valve servomotor on the right are controlled by the electro-hydraulic servo valve in succession; the left one and the intermediate pressure valve servomotors at two sides are under the two-position control of the electro-magnetic valve. 7.2.1 Introduction for system functions 1. Opening control of valves After the unit is latched and the high pressure safety oil is in place, the DEH automatically determines the heat condition of the unit and finalizes valve reheating in necessary on the premise of unit startup. With the changes of valve position instruction signal, steam valve opening is continuously adjusted by each control valve servomotors. 2. Implementation for fast shutdown of valves All system steam valves are provided with the valve control stages, so that on-off operations of them could be achieved by the help of the tightening force from the control stages. During the normal operation of the unit, unloading valve cores fixed on each servomotor integrated blocks make loading pressure oil and return oil separate from the safety oil; during the down-time, the emergency governing takes action to drain the high pressure safety oil and to open the unloading valve under the action of the oil pressure from a lower chamber of the servomotors’ piston. The oil cylinder lower chamber is intercommunicated with the upper one so that part of oil in the lower chamber of the piston can return to the upper chamber of the oil tank and the other part can flow to the oil tank by a non-return valve. Therefore, the valves can be fast closed by means of the tightening force. 7.3
Trip emergency governing system for the unit
7.3.1 Low pressure emergency governing system
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The low pressure emergency governing system is comprised of an emergency governor, an emergency governor device and its link lever, a manual stop mechanism, a reset testing valve block, a mechanical shutdown electromagnet and an oil guide ring, etc. The emergency trip valves in the manual stop mechanism, the mechanical shutdown electromagnet and the high pressure governor component are connected with the emergency governor by the link lever. The high pressure safety oil is in connection with pressure oil outlet pipe and non-pressure drain pipe of the high pressure fire-resistant oil of which is from the oil sources by the high pressure governor component. Main functions of the system comprise latch and interruption. In view of reliability, three extra interrupting means for this system is set, including electric, mechanical and manual interruptions. 7.3.2 High pressure trip system The high pressure trip system is constituted of such three valves in the realization of online test as a main trip electromagnetic valve, an isolation valve and an emergency trip valve. The high pressure safety oil has the functions of completing the interruption and oil spray tests of the unit and the emergency governor under the control of the emergency trip valve (ETV), the mechanical isolation valve (MIV) and the main trip electromagnetic valve (MTV); besides it controls an extraction trip valve. When oil pressure of the safety oil is in place, the extraction trip valve opens instrument service air accesses through the extraction check valves so that air pressure overpasses spring force generated by closing of the check valves to normally open these valves. On the contrary, the extraction trip valve will close the instrument service air accesses so as to shut off the extraction check valve soon. 7.3.3 System arrangement 1. Emergency governor It is a device for protecting the steam turbine from excessive speed, namely an emergency governor, an interrupter or an emergency over-speed governor, and one of the important over-speed protection devices as well. The normal rotating speed of the steam turbine is 3000r/min; however, during the load rejection, its idle running can not be maintained for bad dynamic characteristic of the control system or steam source into the steam turbine can not be fully closed due to other defects so as to make its rotor component withstand extra centrifugal force generated by the excessive speed of the unit, and so lead to damages. Therefore, the large-scale steam turbine is completely provided with this kind of emergency governor at present. The eccentric ring emergency governor employed in our plant is assembled on a minor control axle at the head of the unit’s major axle and rotates with the rotor. See the structure; please refer to figure 7-1. Its operating principal is the same as a flyball emergency governor. When the rotating speed of the steam turbine reaches 110-111 %( 3300-3330r/min) of the rated speed, owing to the direction proportion of the centrifugal force generated by an eccentric ring to the rotating speed, the 79
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centrifugal force excesses the applied force from the spring at this time so as to enable the eccentric ring hit the stay hook of the emergency governor system soon to trip it. And then the stay hook brings the link lever into action on the emergency trip valve of the high pressure governor component to discharge the high pressure safety oil, thereby quickly closing each main stop and control valves. In view of the improvement on reliability and jam fault prevention from the eccentric ring, oil spray and rotating speed elevation tests could be completed in running by the help of the mechanical trip isolation valve (MIV) and the reset testing valve block. Meanwhile, the rotating speed changes also can be achieved by adjusting the spring tightening force of the eccentric ring.
Fig. 7-1 Flyball Emergency Governor Due to the fact that the emergency governor is important to the steam turbine, routine tests are necessary in order to ensure its speed and reliability in a crucial condition. In general, the tests include a speed raising test and an oil ejection test. The speed raising test is made after an assembly and an overhauling of the steam turbine or an examination of the control system or a restarting in a long-term service or outage. The rotating speed should be raised to actually check the action rotating speed during the test, and the test should be performed for 2-3 times in succession as action rotating speed difference at every time is within a allowable scope. As the action rotating speed does not meet the requirements, compressing the screws by adjusting the spring of the emergency governor can change the tightening force. 80
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Based on normal operation of the steam turbine, the oil injection test is performed by charging the oil to the lower part of the flyweight or into an oil inlet chamber used for the over-speed test of the emergency protection ring, which is to make the flyweight (the emergency protection ring) free from the tightening force of the spring to act on the emergency governing system. During the test, the oil circuit of the emergency governor to be test and the high pressure safety oil system of the unit must be separated for avoiding unit trip. Generally, the test is asked for once in 2000-hour operation of the unit, which is to check the flexibility of the flyweight or the emergency protection ring; however the test can not be applied to checking the action rotating speed and the flexibility of other link in the trip system, so that it can not substitute for the speed raising test. 2. Manual stop mechanism The manual stop mechanism is a means for providing man-made interruption for the unit in an emergency state. The operators manually shut down the mechanism at an emergency state to trip the stay hook of the emergency governor system by the link lever of the mechanical interrupting mechanism, resulting in draining the high pressure safety oil, quickly closing the steam admission valves and cutting off the steam admission of the unit by the action of the emergency stop valve of the emergency isolation valve block. 3. Mechanical stop electromagnet The mechanical stop electromagnet is used for providing man-made interruption for the unit in an emergency state. Various signals are sent to the electromagnet and drive it into action to trip the stay hook of the emergency governor system by driving the link lever, resulting in draining the high pressure safety oil, quickly closing the steam admission valves and cutting off the steam admission of the unit by the action of emergency stop valve of the high pressure governor component. 4. Besides, it also includes a safety oil pressure interrupting state component, a low lube pressure governor, a vacuum governor for low condenser and accumulators for the safety oil, etc. 7.4 Interlocking and protection 7.4.1 Mechanical over-speed protection When the rotating speed of the steam turbine reaches 110%-111% of the rated speed, the eccentric ring mechanical emergency governor drives the mechanical trip valve into action to drain the oil in the emergency trip system (ETS), to close the high pressure main stop valve and the high pressure control valve and to open the vent valve. And then the steam turbine is stopped after closing the intermediate pressure main stop and control valves, opening the dump valve and closing the extraction check valves and high discharge check valves at all levels. 7.4.2 Local manual trip A local trip handle is located in front of the head box of the steam turbine. During operating, pulling out the handle with 90 degrees’ anticlockwise rotation could drive the mechanical trip 81
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valve into action to drain the oil in the ETS, to close the high pressure main stop valve and the high pressure control valve and to open the vent valve. And then the steam turbine is stopped after closing the intermediate pressure main stop and control valves, opening the dump valve and closing the extraction check valves and high discharge check valves at all levels. 7.4.3 Remote manual trip The digital electro-hydraulic control system (DEH) panel in a central control room is provided with two Remote Trip buttons. When remote trip operation is necessary, synchronously pressing the two buttons could drive the mechanical and the main trip electromagnetic valves A and B into action to drain the oil in the ETS, to close the high pressure main stop and control valves and to open the vent valve. And then the steam turbine is stopped after closing the intermediate pressure main stop and control valves, opening the dump valve and closing the extraction check valves and high discharge check valves at all levels. 7.4.4 Electric trip protection The electric trip protection refers to tripping the unit by acting on the main stop electromagnetic valve and the mechanical shutdown electromagnet with a variety of trip signals of the unit so as to rapidly close the valves including an extraction relay valve. The unit will be tripped by the synchronous actions of 3YV, 5YV and 6YV of the said electromagnetic valve and electromagnet under the following conditions: 1. Pressing the Trip buttons at the platform 2. Dynamos tripping 3. Main fuel tripping of boilers 4. Serious fault of the DEH device 5. High pressure fire-resistant oil pressure below 2/3 6. High pressure safety oil pressure below 2/3 7. Large axial displacement 8. Large differential expansion 9. Quite low main steam temperature at inlet of the steam turbine 10. Pretty high exhaust temperature of the A/B low pressure cylinders 11. Much high exhaust temperature of the high pressure cylinder 12. Lube pressure of bearings of the steam turbine below 2/3 13. Pretty low vacuum of the A/B condensers 14. Quite high metal temperature of each bearing 15. Rather high vibration of bearings, bearing blocks and bearing covers 82
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16. Water break of dynamos. 7.5 Emergency governing system test 7.5.1 Valve adjustment test In order to ensure the corresponding relations between the control signal and the valve stroke of the DEH, the DEH and the valves should be adjusted after the completion of inspection and adjustment of loops of the DEH and the oil cleaning circulation of the EH system. A voltage generator is used for controlling the valve stroke by means of analog output of a valve position instruction. Feedback quantity of a linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is adjusted to keep the said corresponding relations in accordance with design requirements when an equilibrated valve, the main stop valve and the steam valve are in open, inadequate open and wide-open states, respectively. Besides, it also includes a quick closing test. The test must meet the requirements that the quick closing time constant of all servomotors from Full On to Full Off is less than 15s, and the time from tripping to Full Off is less than 0.5s. 7.5.2 Steam turbine trip test Quick closing of each servomotor should be achieved under the following conditions: 1. At the Full On state of each valve, manually pulling the manual stop mechanism at the machine head should be able to quickly stop all servomotors; 2. At the Full On state of each valve, manually pressing the Stop buttons in the central control room should be able to quickly stop all servomotors. 3. At the Full on state of each valve, sending a stop signal to the DEH by the ETS system should be able to quickly stop all servomotors. Said three different tests must be performed once again without requirements for valve state when the constant speed of the steam turbine reaches 3000r/min. 7.5.3 Steam valve leakage test 1. When the constant speed of the unit reaches 3000r/min, closing the high, intermediate pressure main stop valves, and then the rotating speed should be less than (P/P0*1000)r/min in a time; wherein the P is actual steam admission pressure, and the P0 is rated pressure. 2. When the constant speed of the unit reaches 3000r/min, closing the high, intermediate pressure control valves, and then the rotating speed should be less than (P/P0*1000)r/min in a time; wherein the P is actual steam admission pressure, and the P0 is rated pressure. 7.5.4 Oil spray test The oil spray test, aiming to activate the emergency protection ring to protect it from possible jam, is performed through injecting turbine oil into the chamber of the ring to extrude it with gravity of oil. Under the running condition, the isolation valve of the high pressure stop 83
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component is electrified to supply oil by the emergency valve instead of the isolation valve so as to avoid an outage caused by the extrusion of the protection ring. At this time, the main stop electromagnetic valve of the high pressure stop component is in alert condition. The oil spray test procedures are as follows: As the unit meets the oil spray test requirements and the constant speed of which reaches 3000r/min, the test can be performed by clicking an Oil Spray Test button on an operation screen and then selecting a Test button at an operation end to execute. At this time the isolation valve is electrified to supply the safety oil instead of the emergency stop valve. The normally open contact of stroke switch ZS4 and the normally closed contact ZS5 on the isolation valve are closed and cut off, respectively. Meanwhile, singles are sent to the DEH. While the DEH senses of the signals, it enables the oil spray electromagnetic valve 2YV in reset test valve block to be electrified, so that the turbine oil is charged into the chamber of the emergency protection ring to loosen the ring. Then the unstuck ring makes the stay hook of the emergency stop device trip so as to close the normally open contact of the stroke switch ZS2. When the DEH detects said signals, it makes the oil spray electromagnetic valve 2YV in the reset test valve block stop electrifying. However, the reset of the emergency protection ring can make the reset electromagnetic valve 1YV and the stay hook electrify and reset. When the signals of the normally close contact and the normally open contact of the stroke switches ZS1 and the ZS2 are detected by the DEH, the reset electromagnetic valve 1YV is stopped electrifying. The electrification of isolation valve 4YV also can be stopped when the normally open contact of the ZS1 is cut off. At last, the oil spray test of the emergency protection ring is completed by clicking the Oil Spray Test button on the operation screen and then selecting a Cutting button at the operation end to execute. 7.5.5 Speed raising test The speed raising test is mainly to check the accuracy of the action rotating speed of the emergency governor so as to ensure its accurate action under the pre-set conditions. The appropriate speed should be ranged from 3300r/min to 3330r/min. 1. Procedures for the speed raising test A. After all the conditions for the test is prepared, removing the over-speed guard wire of the emergency trip system (ETS). B. After clicking the Mechanical Over-speed Test button on the operation screen and selecting the Test button at the operation end to execute, the DEH automatically converts electric protection value from 3300r/min into 3330r/min. C. After pressing the Test button, the target value and the speed rising rate of the rotating speed are set to be 3330r/min and 10-15r/min/s by the DEH, respectively. The speed rising of the unit is stopped till the emergency governor takes action to quickly close the main stop and control valves. It is qualified after recording the action rotating speed of the emergency governor in three consecutive tests. 2) Cautions for the speed raising test 84
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A. In order to raise the metal temperature of the rotor over the fracture appearance transition temperature (FATT) to meet the factory requirements to the rotor temperature before the speed raising test, the unit should be put into continuous service with 20% rated load for 3-4 hours based on a set initial steam parameter and a steam admission parameter of the intermediate pressure cylinder. And the emergency protection ring oil spray test to the emergency governor must be performed before the running with the 20% rated load. B. As performing the speed raising test, provisions for the steam parameters are as follows: the initial steam pressure should be ranged from 5MPa to 6MPa; the temperature should be above 350/400 degrees centigrade; the vacuum of the condenser should be 0.0147MPa and exhaust temperature should be below 80 degrees centigrade; or a cooling spray device of a exhaust casing is put into service to keep said temperatures. C. Primary and secondary bypasses should be synchronously started up to keep the steam admission parameters, including pressure between 0.1 and 0.2MPa and temperature no less than 300-350 degrees centigrade, of the intermediate pressure cylinder. D. The trip shutdown test must be performed prior to the speed raising test to confirm action reliability of the trip shutdown system. E. The target value for the electric over-speed protection must be altered to 3300r/min before the speed raising test and reset after the test. F. During the tests, the oil inlet temperature should be kept between 40 and 45 degrees centigrade. G. The speed raising test must be performed by these trained operators, conducted and supervised by these engineers familiar with the operations, and functions of the speed governing system. One operator must be in preparation for a prompt trip shutdown beside the trip shutdown handle and person specifically in charge of the Shutdown button in the central control room also must be in preparation for the prompt trip shutdown. H. During the test, person must be specifically appointed to closely monitor the vibration conditions of the unit, and keep close contact with the engineers in charge of commanding. In case of vibration increase without identifying causes, the test must be stopped as well as the unit in abnormal vibration. I. There is no oil spray test prior to the speed raising test. J. The dwell time at a high speed area with the rotating speed over 3200r/min in every raising operation can not exceed 1min. K. While as high as 3330r/min rotating speed can not drive the emergency governor into action, stopping the unit by hand trip as well as the test till identifying the causes and taking proper measures. L. The process for monitoring the rotating speed during the test is shown by a digital tachometer with the accuracy equivalent to the one for the TSI electric over-speed protection, and the others are for reference only. 85
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M. Overall processes of the test must be finished in 30min. 7.5.6 Load dump test 1. Purposes of the load dump test are as follows: A. The determination for the dynamic characteristics of the control system in sudden load rejection of the unit covers following conditions: the maximum dynamic momentary value should be less than the operating value of the over-speed protection device after load rejecting. The transient process of the rotating speed after load rejecting is damped, and then the rotating speed tends to be stable after vibrating for several times till idle running at almost 3000r/min. B. The determination for the dynamic processes of key link in the control system as loading rejecting C. The detection for adaptability to the load rejection, and time relationship in mutual actions of the main steam turbine and the associated devices, which is to provide datum for improving on the dynamic characteristics of the unit and analyzing equipment performance. 1). Required conditions before the test A. It must be covers effective leading and commanding organization, testing program examined and approved by the department in charge and jointly formulated by other parties, reliable communication facilities established by the associated professional, complete.reliable and sound test equipment, trained operators with skillful operations and clear responsibility. B. The oil quality of the emergency governing system, including fire-resistant oil and turbine oil must be adjusted to fully meet the requirements. C. Normal operation of the extraction regenerative system and the steam bypass system of the steam turbine, especially operation of the extraction check valve, and reliable protection interlock. D. Normal operation of the control system E. Qualified test for overall electric and thermal protection of the steam turbine F. Flexible and reliable local manual and remote-controlled stop devices G. The whole units, including turbine, boilers, electricity and auxiliary equipment meet the requirements of the load dump test. H. Normal operation of the devices in the bypass system I. When temporarily installed startup devices, such as a Load Rejection button, which are convenient for the control of an oscillograph, a main oil switch of the dynamo and a busbar switch and so on, are ready, the test is qualified. 2). Essential tests before the test A. Valve mobile test B. The completion of essential check for the DEH, the TSI and the ETS prior to the load rejection test 86
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C. Confirming that two EH oil pumps of an oil supply device in the high pressure fire-resistant oil system is normal in mutual switching, oil pressure, oil level, nitrogen-filling pressure of the high pressure accumulator, and has 35-54 degrees centigrade of oil temperature. D. The speed raising test is qualified in case that the setting value for the action of the emergency governor is in accordance with the requirements, having 110-111% rated rotating speed, as well as the over-speed protection setting value with 110% rated rotating speed. E. The measurement for the total closure time of every main stop valve and control valve in break-off is completed and meet requirements. F. The leakage test for every main stop valve and control valve is qualified. G. Qualified no-load test and load test, normal and flexible operation of the system, main steam turbine and auxiliaries of the steam turbine, correct indication of every supervisory instrument and perfect main steam turbine and auxiliaries. 4).Test methods The load rejection test is made on the premise of 50% and 100% rated load of the unit. With the use of the Load Rejection button, an oil switch and a dynamo are tripped so as to wave record the transient process of the rotating speed. The test procedures consist of following three-stage works. A. Before the test Operating movement test facilities used for preventing from jamming in the system to avoid failure operation during the test; Checking test instruments to confirm their perfection and reliability; Releasing the interlocks on the test’s way; Regulating the operating conditions to make sure the operation on the basis of rated steam parameter, vacuum and load; fully recording some important parameters, such as the rotating speeds, the pressures and the displacement (stroke) values under stable condition; guaranteeing smooth communication in the command system. B. Test in progress Giving a load rejection order by the commander in chief based on the reports from each sub-divisional principal; Starting up the oscillograph in a second before loading rejecting that is an absolute necessity; Closely monitoring the speed raising conditions of the unit, if the speed reaches 3330r/min, tripping the unit immediately; Closely monitoring the operating conditions of the main stop valves, control valves and extraction check valves, and taking appropriate measures if there is abnormal condition; Closely monitoring the vibration conditions of the bearing of the unit to guarantee the safety; besides, recording recorded values, minimum and maximum values related to some important 87
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parameters, such as the rotating speeds, the pressures and the displacement values are a necessity during the test. C. After the test Fully recording once the rotating speeds, the pressures and the displacement (stroke) values under stable condition; Determining the synchronization time of the unit under rated rotating speed during the first and the second tests by the commander in chief; Recovering to normal operation of the unit and all released interlocks after the test; Sorting out the records and wave recording graphs to provide test reports in time; Safety measures: A. The required preparation works and test datum prior to the test must be fulfilled one by one, and qualified. B. Overall safety measures taken in the speed raising test must be applied to the load rejection test. C. The operators must keep close watch on the unit and do some operations based on its conditions after load rejecting D. The operations after loading rejecting must be quick and accurate, and runtime of the steam turbine without load had better in 30 minutes after rated load rejecting E. There is an appointed man in charge of monitoring digital tachometer provided by the manufacturer. While the rotating speed reaches the reticle, namely 3330r/min after load rejecting, the man must quickly and decidedly trip to stop the unit. If the rotating speed after tripping continues to rise or stays at the speed, measures, such as closures of the electric check valve, the extraction check valves and vacuum break must be taken. F. Due to very high speed raising rate (acceleration) of the unit after load rejecting, the appearance of vibration enlargement of the bearings is possible. Therefore, measures for avoiding bearing vibration must be strictly implemented. During the test, a man must be specifically appointed to monitor vibration values of all bearings, once the appearance of abnormal condition, the man must quickly trip to prevent the occurrence and spreading of an accident. G. In case the servomotors of the high pressure or intermediate pressure control valve are open after load rejecting, and closed as recovery, leading to single-cylinder steam admission of the turbine, tripping to stop is necessary. H. In case of idle running of the steam turbine and the changes of the load, high, intermediate and low pressure differential expansion values should be monitored so as to take measures in time under an abnormal condition. I. If there are abnormal conditions occurred in the steam bypass system, a deaerator, the extraction regenerative system, the steam turbine, water level of the condenser, the extraction 88
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pipes drainage, temperature rise for the high pressure cylinder exhaust and metal temperatures of a thrust bearing and the cylinder after load rejecting, necessary measures must be taken in time. 7.5.7 Test period under trouble-free running condition 1). A mobile test for the valves is made once a day. 2). A mobile test for the high pressure governor component is weekly performed. 3). A switching test for main and auxiliary pumps of the high pressure fire-resistant oil is weekly performed. 4). An oil spray test for the emergency governor is semiannually carried out. 5). Set values for pressure switches of the low lube pressure governor and the low vacuum governor of the condenser are annually set. 6). The used metering instruments in the system, such as the sensor, the pressure gauge and the pressure switch, are annually checked.
7.6 High pressure fire-resistant oil system 7.6.1 System introduction With the capacity boost and parameter increase of the unit, the main stop valves and the control valves of the steam turbine uniformly trend to large-scale development, which urgently demands for the increase of driving force for the startup of said valves and the improvement on dynamic flexibility of the high pressure control component. If there is internal or external leakage or disqualified oil in the hydraulic oil system, instable operation will happen to the adjustment system or influences on the load and rotating speed of the unit will be brought as well as fire hazard in serve case, leading to unsafe and uneconomical operation of the unit. Therefore, the hydraulic oil with high quality and excellent fire resistance and the measures, such as increasing dynamic and static gaps among hydraulic parts, are adopted to ensure safe operations of the unit. The EH oil supply system is used for driving the servo actuating mechanism by the supply of the high pressure fire-resistant oil to adjust openings of each steam valve in response to electric command signal from a DHE controller. The high pressure fire-resistant oil of the unit is chemical synthesis of tricresyl phosphate (TCP) with density more than water, viscosity little more than the turbine oil under normal temperature, antiglare temperature in excess of 538 degrees centigrade during an open-flame test and excellent fire resistance and fluid stability, but little toxicity. The electro-hydraulic controlled oil supply system of the unit consists of a stainless steel oil tank, associated pipelines, an accumulator, a control part, two EH oil pumps and oil circulating pumps, an oil filter and heat exchanger and so on equipped on a holder. While an EH oil pump is putting into service, the other one is standby. One EH oil pump is enough under normal operation of the steam turbine. In case that the adjustment time of the control system is much longer, like 89
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load rejection, and the EH system oil pressure is decreased by partial damage of the accumulator. The standby oil pump should be put into service immediately to ensure normal oil pressure in EH system of the unit in the case of oil pressure decrease caused by much longer adjustment time of the control system, such as load rejection and partial damage of the accumulator and so on. As the system is operating, fire-resistant oil in the oil tank is pumped by a high pressure plunger pump and an oil pump by means of motor driving. Then the pumped oil is directly supplied to every actuating mechanism, such as the execution mechanisms of the high pressure governor system and small-sized steam turbine after it is converted into pressure oil with 14.2±0.2MPa in a high pressure header and accumulator through an EH control block, the oil filter, the check valve and a safe overflow valve. Return oil from each execution mechanism returns to the oil tank firstly through an oil return filter and then a pressure oil return pipe. The safe relief valve is used for preventing excessive oil pressure of the EH system resulting from the reasons, such as failure of the control valve on the oil pump and so on, and keeping oil pressures of it. A pressure switch PSC4 on a high pressure main pipe has the functions of providing alarm signal as the oil pressure deviates from normal value, and switching signal for automatic startup of the standby pump; pressure switches PSC1, PSC2 and PSC3 are used for sending a trip signal (2-of-3 values logic); pressure switches PSC5, PSC6 at the outlet of the oil pump and 20YV and 21YV are used for an interlock test of the main oil pump. There is a temperature switch and a pressure switch in the oil tank for giving excessive oil temperature and level alarm and providing interlocking control for a heater and the pump, and an oil level indicator at the side. In order to keep the fire-resistant oil temperature and oil quality within a normal range under the condition of normal operation, the system is also provided with an independent self-circulation cooling and self-purification system in addition to a conventional return oil cooling system. 7.6.2 System composition and devices The electro-hydraulic controlled oil supply system of the unit is shown as diagram 7-10. It mainly consists of the oil tank, the main EH oil pump, the high pressure devices including the regenerative device and the accumulator, the EH oil circulating pump, the oil filtering component and the associated oil pipeline.
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Fig. 7-10 High Pressure Fire-resistant Oil Supply System 7.6.3 System supervision and maintenance 1). Check activities carried out once a day are comprised of: A. confirming that oil level of the oil tank is somewhat higher than a low alarm oil level 30mm-50mm and adequate for preventing from overflowing in interruption; B. confirming that the oil temperature ranges from 35 to 54 degrees centigrade; C. confirming that the oil supply pressure ranges from 10.7MPa to 11.7MPa; D. confirming that the pressure difference of the oil filter at the outlet of overall pumps is less than 0.5MPa; E. checking whether a visual mechanical indicator of the aerofilter is automatically triggered, if it is, the change for the aerofilter is in necessary; F. checking whether there is leakage, abnormal noise and vibration in the system; G. ensuring that the pressure differences of each oil filter of the regenerative device is less than 0.138MPa; H. ensuring that the pressure in the circulatory system is less than 1MPa. 2). Procedures for weekly exchanging the standby pump with the process pump are as follows: A. putting a control switch of the standby pump into operation and pressing a Startup button; B. confirming that discharge pressure of the standby pump ranges from 10.7MPa to 11.7MPa; C. confirming that motor current of the standby pump is normal; D. turning off the process pump till in full stop, and then operating it again. 3). The procedures for monthly cleaning three ferromagnetic component are as follows: first, disassembling them from top of the oil tank without collision and vibration on the premise of no external particle fallen into the oil tank after the disassembly; materials, such as nylon, is not acceptable for sealing screw threads; then wiping up them with clean and lint-free linen; finally, reassembling them. 4). Requirements for a monthly sampling and check of the fire-resistant oil A particle content analysis with a clean sampling bottle in a sample analysis laboratory is a necessity for the oil sample. And the cleanliness asks for less than 1.5 particle with 10 micron or above in one milliliter. 5). Procedures for a semiyearly check of accumulator nitrogen-filling pressure is comprised of: A. closing the isolation valve of the accumulator to be checked; B. opening the discharge valve of the accumulator to be checked; C. dismounting a top safety valve and a secondary valve head of the accumulator; 92
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D. tightly twisting a hand wheel of charging component along counterclockwise; being sure to no connection for a charging hose at this time; E. connecting the charging component to the top valve seat of the accumulator; F. confirming that the discharge valve of the charging component is closed; G. twisting the hand wheel of the charging component along clockwise till nitrogen pressure is readable; H. confirming that pressure gauge indications on the charging component is correct; I. connecting the charging hose to charge till reaching required pressure if it is necessary for charging; J. tightly twisting the hand wheel of the charging component along anticlockwise; K. disassembling the charging component; L. reinstalling the secondary valve head and the safety valve; M. closing the discharge valve of the accumulator and slowly opening the isolation valve of it.
Chapter VIII Lubrication system 8.1 Lubrication system 8.1.1 Overview Since the turbo-generator set is high-speed and large-scale machinery with a journal bearing and a thrust bearing demanding for a lot of oil to lubricate and cool, an oil supply system for maintaining the normal operations of the said bearings is an absolute necessity. In case of any oil supply interruption, even in short time, serve damages will be caused. The lubrication system and the adjustment oil system are independent, respectively. The actuating intermediate of the lubrication system is ISO VG32 turbine oil equivalent to the turbine oil with international number GB11120-89. Due to the fact that the large-capacity turbo-generator set demands for high steam parameter and large single-machine capacity, big elevating power of the servomotor for the startup of the steam valve is required. With the use of independent adjustment oil and the lubrication systems and the fire-resistant oil, oil pressure of the adjustment system is raised, the structural dimension of the servomotor is minimized and the oil consumption and frication generated in the process of piston inertia and movement are reduced so as to improve the working performance of the adjustment system. However, for the reason of expansive fire-resistant oil with a little toxicity, large oil consumption of the lubrication system and independent operations of the two systems, so 93
Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
O verall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
the requirements for the lube can be adequately met by merely using the common turbine oil. The lubrication system is mainly used for providing qualified lube and cooling oil for overall bearings, including the journal bearing and the thrust bearing, and rolling gear of the turbo-generator set. When the steam turbine unit is in stationary state, jacking oil is charged to form oil film at the bottoms of each journal and to support the journal so as to smoothly roll a rotor by a jigger. When the unit is in normal operation, stable oil film of lube formed in bearings is necessary for maintaining good rotation of the rotor; meanwhile a part of lube is demanded for heat transfer in view of considerable heat generated by heat conduction, surface frication and oil spiral flow of the rotor. Besides, the lube is also used for providing stable and reliable oil source for the low pressure adjustment and governing oil system, the jacking oil system and the dynamo sealing oil system. 8.1.2 Characteristics of system layout The oil supply system of the unit is a containerized oil supply system. The containerized oil system is provided with alternating current auxiliary and startup oil pumps and a direct current emergency oil pump by means of a centralized arrangement on the top of the oil tank. Besides, oil pipeline of it is pipe-in-pipe, namely the system oil return pipelines are used as outer pipes and the other oil supply pipes are installed in the oil return pipelines. The main advantages and defect of the system are as follows: For the centralized arrangement of the oil pumps, it is convenient for the inspection, maintenance and management of the field devices; meanwhile the pipe-in-pipe oil pipelines can prevent the pressure oil pipes from leaking so as to reduce the damages in the result of fire accident. However there is a difficulty in maintenance of the pipe-in-pipe oil pipelines. 8.1.3 Equipment specifications Table 8-1 Equipment Specifications for Lubrication System Number
Used oil trademark and oil quality standard
System oil capacity
Bearing oil circulation multiplying factor
Bearing oil pressure
Combined oil tank
Numerical value ISO VG32, NAS7-class
306.60 10.8
Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
O verall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
Type Capacity Outline dimension (length*wide*height) Design pressure
Packaged oil container m3
Material Return oil flow 6
Q235-B m3/h
Main oil pump Type
Shaft-driven centrifugal pump
Outlet pressure
Inlet pressure
Electric heater
Oil cooler Type
The East Turbine Works
Cooling surface
Cooling water inlet design temperature 95
Numerical value
Factory Operation and Training Material – Steam Turbine Manual
O verall Introduction to Steam Turbine and Affiliated Systems
Numerical value
Outlet oil temperature
Cooling water flow
Oil capacity
Pipe resistance
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