Tugas Akhir Modul 5

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: Hestinur Praninda Laia, S.Pd

Nomor Peserta PPG

: 19071715710053

Kompetensi Keahlian

: Bahasa Inggris


: Universitas Negeri Medan

Jenis Tugas

: Tugas Akhir M5

1.  Susun perangkat pembelajaran mata pelajaran yang Saudara ampu untuk satu kompetensi dasar. Adapun perangkat pembelajaran yang yang dimaksud terdiri terdiri dari: a.  Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran yang mengaktifkan peserta didik  b.  Mendesain atau membuat media pembelajaran yang relevan (minimal media  presentasi dengan powerpoint) 2. Anda telah mempelajari beberapa model pembelajaran berbasis SCL yang juga relevan dengan pendekatan saintifik. Silakan Anda memilih satu model (misalnya model kooperatif Jigsaw) dan catatlah sintaknya (langkah-langkah pembelajarannya). Kemudian, bukalah YouTube dan temukan video tentang penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif Jigsaw. Amati dengan cermat bagaimana sintak model kooperatif Jigsaw tersebut dilaksanakan, Kemudian jelaskan apakah sintak model kooperatif Jigsaw dalam video tersebut sesuai dengan catatan sintak model pembelajaran kooperatif Jigsaw Anda? Kerjakan secara mandiri tugas ini, kemudian kirimkan hasilnya dalam bentuk file bentuk  file PDF atau MS Word.




Unit Education Subject Class/Semester Main Material

: SMK SWASTA DARMA KASIH : English : X/I : Descriptive Text about Historical Place and Tourist Destination

Time Allocation

: 2 x 45 Minutes

A. Competency Core (KI)

KI 3: Understand, apply, analyze factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural, based on curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with the insight of humanity, national, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and events, as well as applying procedural knowledge in the specific field of study stud y according to their talents and interests to solve the  problem. KI 4: Processing, reasoning, and serving in the realm of the concrete and the abstract realm associated with the development of the learned in school independently, and able to use the method according to the rules of science.

B. Basic Competencies and Indicator of Competence achievement

3.4 Distinguish social function, structural text, and language elements some descriptive text orally and written by giving and asking related information about popular historical place and tourist destination, short and simple according to the context. 4.4 Text Descriptive 4.4.1 Catch the meaning contextually related to social function, structural text, and language elements descriptive text, orally and written, short and simple related to the popular historical  place and tourist destination. 4.4.2 Arrange descriptive text orally and written, short and simple related to the popular historical place and tourist destination. with regard to social function, the structure of text language element right and appropriate with the context.

C. Learning Objective

In final learning process, students are demanded to be able:


1.  Showing the seriousness of English studying relate to simple descriptive text about abo ut the  popular historical place and tourist destination. 2.  Showing polite attitude, self - confidence, responsible in doing d oing communication relate to descriptive text about popular tourist destination. 3.  Identify social function, text structure and language element in simple descriptive text about the popular historical place and tourist destination. 4.  Response meaning in descriptive text orally and written, simple about abo ut people. 5.  Arrange descriptive text orally and written about the popular historical place plac e and tourist destination.

D. Learning Material

Descriptive Text Structure (Generic Structure): 1.  Identification is opening such as general describing topic 2.  Description is the characteristics of things, place and people The Characteristics of Descriptive text: 1.  Using simple present tense 2.  Using verb attribute such as be (am, is, are) 3.  Only focus in one object Language Elements: 1.   Noun relate with people/things/place/animal 2.  Adjective relate with people/animal/things attitude 3.  Verb one (present tense) 4.  Spelling and good hand writing 5.  Speech, word pressure, intonation when present orally 6.  Word reference. The Example of Descriptive Text: The National Monument

The national Monument (Monument Nasional) is 132 meters tower in the center of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta. It symbolizes the fight for Indonesia’s independence. The monument consist of a 117,7 m obelisk on o n a 45 m square platform at a height of 17 m.


The towering monument symbolizes the philosophy of Lingga and Yoni. Lingga resembles, rice  pestle (alu) and Yoni resembles a mortar rice (lesung), two important items in Indonesian agricultural tradition. The construction began in 1961 the direction of President Soekarno and the monument was opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil. The monument and museum is opened daily from 08.00-15.00 every day throughtout the week, except for the last Monday of the month the monument is closed.

E. Learning Method

1.  TBLT (Task Based Language Teaching), Discussion, question and answer and  presentation. 2.  CIRC learning model ( Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition)

F.  Media, Tool, Learning Source 1.  Media : Power Point Presentation

2.  Tool

: Laptop, LCD and Loud Speaker

3.  Learning Source : English Text Book. 2013. Kementr Kementrian ian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

G. Learning Steps Activity


Time Alocation


1.  Prepare students to follow learning process.

10 Minutes

2.  Motivate students contextually appropriate with the function and application of material in daily life, by giving example and local comparison, national and international. 3.  Asking some questions to review prior lesson and also about descriptive video related to the material will learn. 4.  Explain learning objectives and basic competence that will be achieved; and convey the lesson or material appropriate to syllabus. Content

1.  Observing

20 Minutes


a.  Students see some pictures of historical place and tourist destination which showing by teacher.  b.  Students imitate how to pronounce words and sentence in descriptive







destination with teacher’s guidance.  guidance.  c.  Students read some description in text book about historical place and tourist destination with teacher’s guidance. d.  Students find the main idea, detailed information from the

10 Minutes

text. 2.  Questioning

a.  By teacher’s guidance, students ask the differentiation some descriptive text in English about the social function, text structure and language elements.  b.  Students ask the main idea, detailed information from

15 Minutes

descriptive text about world tourist. 3.  Collecting Data

a.  Students explore some pictures about world tourist place.  b.  Students describe world tourist place pictures. c.  Students work in pair to find detailed information and

10 Minutes

social function in text descriptive. 4.  Associating

a.  In grouping work, students analyze world tourist place  pictures focus on social function, text structure and language element.  b.  Students classify descriptive text appropriate with social function. c.  Students get feedback from teacher and friends about the result of their discussion in group. 5.  Communicating

a.  Present the discussion result about world tourist place

20 Minutes


 pictures.  b.  Students make self - evaluation report written about experience in describing world tourist place. (making learning journal)


1.  Students conclude learning materials which have learnt.

5 Minutes

2.  Students reflect material dominate which have learnt by making material dominate note. 3.  Students do evaluation 4.  Students give feedback to the results of learning evaluation which have learnt.

H. Assessment

Performance assessment criteria and Task 1.  Social function achievement 2.  Text descriptive completeness and grievance 3.  Language elements accuracy: Grammar, vocabulary, speech, word press, intonation, spelling and hand writing 4.  The appropriate of writing and expression form.

Assignment in Multiple Choice Form Taj Mahal

Taj mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world. It was built by a Muslim Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his dear wife at Agra. Taj Mahal is a Maosoleum that houses the grave of Queen Muntaz Mahal. The Maosoleum is a part of a vast complex comprising of a main gateway, an elaborate garden, a mosque (to the left), a guest house (to the right), and several other palatial buildings. Taj Mahal is at the farthest end of this complex, with the river Jamuna behind it. The Taj stands on a raised, square platform (186 x 186 feet) with its four corners truncated, forming an unequal octagon. The architectural design uses the interlocking arabesque concept, in which each element stands on its own and perfectly integrates with the main


structure. It uses the principles of self-replicating geometry and a symmetry of architectural elements. Its central dome is fifty-eight feet in diameter and rises to a height of 213 feet. It is flanked by four subsidiary domed chambers. The four graceful, slender minarets are 1625 feet each. The central domed chamber and four adjoining chambers include many walls and panels of Islamic decoration. Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble. Its stunning architectural beauty is beyond adequate description, particularly at dawn and sunset. The Tas seems to glow in the light of the full moon. On a foggy morning, the visitors experience the Taj as if suspended when viewed from across the Jamuna river.

Instruction: Read the text above in one minute and choose A, B, C, or D to answer number 2-4 1.  What is the text above? a.  Taj Mahal b. Agra 2.  Who built Taj Mahal? a.  Muntaz Mahal

c. Mosque

d. The Jamuna River

b. The Queen

c. Shah Jahan

b. a Mosque

c. a Garden

d. Agra

3.  What is Taj Mahal? a.  A Mausoleum

d. a Mall

4.  Where is Taj Mahal located? a.  Agra

b. Jamuna

c. Jahan

d. Muntaz

Read the text quickly until you find the clues to question 5 up to 6 and then read carefully the sentences containing the informations. 5.  How long the diameter of Taj Mahal’s dome?  dome?   a.  58 feet

b. 213 feet

c. 186 feet

d. 160 feet

6.  What is the concept that used in designing Taj Mahal? a.  Self-replicating geometry  b.  Interlocking arabesque c.  Unequal octagon d.  Square platform 7.  How can Taj Mahal seen glow in the light of the moon? a.  Because it has magic


 b.  Because it has miniarets c.  Because it is made of marble d.  Because of the interlocking arabesque concept.

The key answer:

1.  A 2.  C 3.  A 4.  A 5.  A 6.  B 7.  C

Performance (Practice) 1.  Doing monolog in peer about tourist place description in front of the class.

2.  The accuracy and appropriate in using text structure and language element in making descriptive text.

Speaking Rubric (form 1) No.
















A.  Equivalent to that of a native speaker B.  Speech on all levels is fully accepted by educated native speakers C.  Equivalent to that of a native speaker D.  Has complete fluency E.  Equivalent to that of a native speaker


A.  Able to use the language accurately on all levels B.  Can understand and participate in any conversation C.  Can understand any conversation D.  Able to use the language fluently on all levels E.  Errors in pronunciation are quiet rare


A.  Control of grammar is good B.  Able to speak the language langua ge with sufficient vocabulary C.  Comprehension is quiet complete

D.  Can discuss particular interests of competence with reasonable ease E.  Errors never interfere with understanding and rarely disturb the native speaker 2

A.  Can usually handle elementary construction quiet accurately but does not have thorough or confident control of grammar B.  Has speaking vocabulary sufficient to express himself simply with some circumlocutions C.  Can get the gist of most conversation of non-technical no n-technical subject D.  Can handle with confidence but not with facility most social situations E.  Accent is intelligible though often quiet faulty


A.  Errors in grammar are frequent B.  Speaking vocabulary inadequate C.  Can understand simple questions and statements if delivered with slow speech or repetition D.  No specific fluency description E.  Errors in pronunciation are frequent but can be understood.


  Performance Rubric (form 2) Criteria





Very Good




clear and detailed

activities All

 Not clear Asking-Answer





Sentence is less understand


Read script, limit

Fluency and the Fluency




not fluency


is achieve social


function, complete structure, language element appropriate

Writing Text

Use word,

Social function

Social function


sentence and

achieve, structure

achieve, structure


structure not

and language

and language



element less


structure and


language element accuracy

Assignment/Daily Test

1.  Determine general describe, certain information, word preference from text descriptive 2.  Differentiate social function, structure and language element.



Students’ attitude observe sheet  No

Students’  Name

Attitude Indicator

   l   e    b    i   s   n     o   p   s   e    R

   t   s   e   n   o    H

1 2 3 4

 Note: every aspect use scale 1 until 5 1 = very less 2 = less 3 = enough 4 = good 5 = very good

  n    t   o   n   i   a    i   c    i   e    t   n    i    l   u   o    P   m   m   o   c

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  e   n    i    l   p    i   c   s    i    D

   t   e    b   e   a    h   g   p   a   r    l   a   e   /   v   e     a   v    i   e   r    t   a   o   t   c   i    l    S   a   u   q    (


There are four learning model namely Problem Based Learning, Cooperative Learning, Project Based Cooperative Learning and Role Playing. In this assignment I choose Cooperative Learning Type STAD to explain. Cooperative learning type STAD emphasizes student s’ activity and interaction between them, in order to motivate and help each other to dominate the lesson well. Below is the syntax of cooperative learning type STAD. THE SYNTAX OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING TYPE STAD  


: English


: XI


: Text Report

Model of Learning

: Cooperative Learning Type STAD

The syntax (steps of learning) refers to the topic are: Activities  

Opening Activities

Description of activities               

 

  

Main Activities

Closing Activities

Greeting and praying Checking student’s student’s attendance  attendance list Preparing the learners Linking the learning material to student experience Asking questions related to learning material Provide an overview of the benefits Delivering basic competencies and learning objectives

Time Allocation 10 minutes

1.  Teacher present the lesson 60 minutes 2.  Students are divided into some groups. One group consists of five students. 3.  Students learn in a team or group 4.  Students do individual quiz 5.  Each team presents the results of the discussion    

Teacher rewards and evaluates individually and in groups The teacher provides a review of the topic that has been learned   Students and teachers say goodbye.

10 minutes

I have watched video from you tube relate to Cooperative Learning Type STAD. According to me, the syntax of cooperative learning type STAD in video are same with I have written. First, teacher must present the material, then divide students in a group consist of 5  person. Students work in a group, do the quiz and the last teacher evaluate the students and review the topic.



Self - Assessment

Learning Journal: Example My Learning Journal  Name : A summary of what I have covered:

Things I am still not sure of:

What do I need to do overcome these uncertainties?

Things I have learned successful today:

Telukdalam, 27 June 2019 Acknowledgment, The Headmaster of SMKS Darma Kasih






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