Introduction (Financial Accounting Theory – William R. Scott ) KELOMPOK 1 !"S" WI WI!#"ISW"$TO !I"$ MST"*IM TRES$" S","-"KTI
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!/s0risi Tugas Mahasiswa diminta: • Mengutip Figure 1.1. Organization of the Boo pada !"cott #$1% hlm. 1& dan men'elasan Figure terse(ut secara ringas yang memuat ata)ata unci (eriut: ) ideal conditions* current +alue)(ased accounting ) information asymmetry* ad+erse selection* moral hazard ) user decision pro(lem* rational in+estment decision* moti+ate and e+aluate manager performance* e,cient contracting* contracting* the comple-ity of information in nancial accounting and reporting* the fundamental pro(lem of nancial accounting theory* ) accounting reaction* regulation as a reaction to the fundamental pro(lem* decision usefulness/ full disclosure* price +ersus sensiti+e information* mediation* rule)(ased +ersus principles)(ased standards* the role role of accounting research. • Men'elasan eteraitan materi dalam (uu "cott !#$1%& dengan teori auntansi normatif
Tugas 9.1
1.1. Organization of the Book pada (Scott 2015 hlm. 1)
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