Tugas 3
September 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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]WIE[ ; Albsgfhbi Sre-Bhaej ‖Dgdhfhj Sesebieb—
[gneieh sefej setu syeret pgdgbujeb bhfeh bhfeh tuies deteaufhej Albsgfhbi Srebhaej
Mlsgb ? Mre. _hare, D.Sm., Albs.
Mhsusub Lfgj ? Benhffe Edrlb 5:3303=;
Hsu ]graeht
Arhtgrhe Gdpet arhtgrhe mefed dgdhfhj pesebieb yehtu aergbe jertebye, agmumuaeb, agkebthaeb, meb aergbe eiedebye. ]gteph phfhjfej yebi ngreiede, aergbe eaeb dgbmetebieaeb agngrubtubieb yebi eaeb dgboemhaeb agfuerie nejeihe,
Mhdebe mefed emet Oewe albtrlf tgrjemep pgdhfhjeb olmlj meb pgraewhbeb mhfeauaeb sgkere agtet agtet lfgj lrebitue. Mgbieb dgbgaebaeb peaseeb-peaseeb tgrtgbtu sgrte pgretureb-pgretureb pgretureb-pgretur eb yebi agres.
Fe ebeb NA
5. Dg Dgdh dhfh fhah ah tgde tgdeb b jhmup jhmup sed sedpe pehh dese tue bebth. >. Dg Dgbo boef efeb ebae aeb b hnem hnemej ej ;. [eb [ebiet iet dgbk dgbkhte htehh peseb pesebieb ieb =. Hbih Hbihb b dg dgdp dpgr grlf lfgj gj agtu agturu rube beb b meb dgbiesujbye ngrsede 7. Dgd Dgdhfh hfhah ah stetus stetus mhde mhdesye syerea reaet et 0. Dgd Dgdngb ngbtua tua agfue agfuerie rie nejei nejeihe he
Albsgfhbi hbmhvhmuef, albsgfhbi agfldpla, albsuftesh meb dgmhesh hbh mepet mhngrhaeb mefed pgfeasebeeb feyebeb nhdnhbieb meb albsgfhbi ubtua pgrbhaejeb meb agfuerie
E. Arhtg Arhtgrhe rhe Sesebi Sesebieb eb
[gneieh sglrebi hbmhvhmu, tgbtufej dgdhfhah arhtgrhe tgrtgbtu mefed dgdhfhj pesebieb jhmupbye. Seme igbgresh dhfgbhef peres emefej sefej setu jef yebi mhutedeaeb, mhutedeaeb, meb dgbigsedph dgbigsedphbiaeb biaeb ubsur-ubsur ubsur-ubsur pgbthbi pgbthbi mhmefed mhm efed tgra tgraem emeb ebi i
pgraew pgraewhbe hbeb. b. sg sgsg sgl lre rebi bi
Emeaef Emeaefeby ebyee dgd dgdhfha hfhahh
mhmefed mhmefed
dgbkerh dgbkerh pesebie pesebieb b jhmup, jhmup,
ar arht htgr grhe he tg tgrs rsgb gbmh mhrh rh,,
bedu edub
mef efed ed
dgbgbtuaeb dgbgb tuaeb arhtgrhe arhtgrhe tgrsgnut tgrsgnut jerus ngrmeseraeb ngrmeseraeb tubtubeb tubtubeb eiede. Mefed jemhs jem hs Jurehr Jurehrej ej rjemhy rjemhyeff effeju eju ebju ebju merh merh Benh Benh Dujedd Dujeddem em [EY, [EY, ngfheu ngfheu ngraete? ‖[g [glr lreb ebi i pg pgrgd rgdpu pueb eb mhbh mhbhae aejh jh ae aergb rgbe e gdpe gdpett pg pgrae raere re,, aergbe jertebye, jerte bye, aergbe aergbe agmumuaebb agmumuaebbye, ye, aergbe agkebthaebbye, agkebthaebbye, (eteu) (eteu) aergbe eiedebye.. Shfhjfej yebi ngreiede, deae aeu eaeb ngrubtubi, (ohae eiedebye
thmea, sgdlie aeu) dgboemh dhsahb Mefed
gdpet arhtgrhe mefed
dgdhfh dgd hfhj j pesebi pesebieb eb yehtu yehtu aergbe aergbe jerteb jertebye, ye, agmumu agmumuaeb aeb,, agkebt agkebthae haeb, b, meb aerg aergbe be
eied eiedeb ebye ye..
]gte ]gteph ph
phfh phfhjf jfej ej
ye yebi bi
ng ngre reie iede de,,
ae aerg rgbe be
ea eaeb eb
dgbmetebieaeb agngrubtubieb yebi eaeb dgboemhaeb agfuerie nejeihe, sgneieh sgne iehdeb debee tuoueb tuoueb merh merh ubmebi ubmebi-ub -ubmeb mebi i Bldlr Bldlr 5 ]ejub ]ejub 589= 589= Nen H tgbtebi Meser Sgraewhbeb ubtua dgdngbtua agfuerie yebi nejeihe meb agaef eteupub tuoueb agfuerie mhmefed Aldphfesh Juaud Hsfed Sesef ; tgbteb tgb tebi i Meser-M Meser-Mese eserr Sgraew Sgraewhbe hbeb b yehtu yehtu ubtua ubtua dgwuou dgwuouma maeb eb agjhmu agjhmupeb peb rudej tebiie yebi seabej, dewemmej, meb reḧdej (^hzqufflj, >3>5) N. Gbieigdg Gbieigdgbt bt meb hsu tgraeh tgraehtt (slshef (slshef numeye numeye meb fehbbye) fehbbye)
Hs Hsu u tgra tgraeh ehtt mefe mefed d slsh slshef ef nume numeye ye tg tgbt bteb ebi i ar arht htgr grhe he pg pgdh dhfh fhje jeb b pesebieb, sefej setubye tgroemh mefed emet numeye Oewe. Mhdebe mefed emet Oewe albtrlf tgrjemep pgdhfhjeb olmlj meb pgraewhbeb mhfeauaeb sgkere agtet lfgj lrebitue. Mgbieb dgbgaebaeb peaseeb-peaseeb tgrtgbtu sgrte pgretureb-pgretur pgretureb-pgretureb eb yebi agres. Seme suau Oewe pgdhfhjeb pgdhfhjeb olmlj
mhmeseraeb peme pgrthdnebieb nhnht, ngngt meb nlnlt ([gthyeweth & [eath, >35=) K. Jerepeb Jerepeb ]grjemep ]grjemep Sgrbhaej Sgrbhaejeb eb
Mhauthp merh fede edeb jttp?//prebhaej.lri/ jttp?//prebhaej.lri/ mh mhshb shbhh mh mhog ogfes fesae aeb b em emee ngngrepe jef yebi dgboemh efeseb sgjhbiie sgsglrebi dgdutusaeb ubtua dgbhaej, yehtu? 5. Dgdhfh Dgdhfhah ah tgdeb tgdeb jhmup jhmup sedpeh sedpeh dese dese tue bebt bebth. h. >. Dgbo Dgboef efeb ebae aeb b hnem hnemej ej ;. [ebi [ebiet et dgb dgbkh khte tehh peseb pesebie ieb b =. Hbihb dgdpgrlfgj dgdpgrlfgj agturubeb agturubeb meb dgbiesujby dgbiesujbyee ngrsede ngrsede 7. Dgdhf Dgdhfha hahh stetus stetus mhdesy mhdesyere ereae aett 0. Dgdng Dgdngbt btua ua agfu agfuer erie ie neje nejeih ihee M. Sgfeyebe Sgfeyebeb b Nhdnhbie Nhdnhbieb b meb Albsgfhbi Albsgfhbi
Desefej Dese fej yebi yebi mhjeme mhjemeph ph lfgj lfgj pesebi pesebieb eb mefed mefed pgrbha pgrbhaeje ejeb b mepet mepet
mhgbtesaeb dgfefuh feyebeb nhdnhbieb meb albsgfhbi. Sreyhtbl meb Edth dgbigduaeaeb nejwe nhdnhbieb emefej prlsgs pgdngrheb nebtueb yebi mhfeau mhf eauaeb aeb lfgj lfgj lrebi lrebi yebi yebi ejfh ejfh agpeme agpeme sglreb sglrebi i eteu eteu ngngrep ngngrepee lrebi lrebi hbmhvh hbm hvhmu, mu, neha neha ebea-e ebea-ebea bea,, rgdeoe, rgdeoe, deupub deupub mgwese1 mgwese1 eier eier lrebi lrebi yebi yebi mhnh mhnhdn dnhb hbi i me mepe pett dgbi dgbigd gdne nebi biae aeb b ag agde dedp dpue ueb b mh mhrh rhby byee sg sgbm bmhrh hrh me meb b debmhrh1 mgbieb dgdeb`eetaeb agaueteb hbmhvhmu meb serebe yebi eme meb mepet mepet mhagdn mhagdnebi ebiaeb aeb11 ngrmes ngrmesera eraeb eb blrdeblrde- blrde blrde yebi yebi ngrfea ngrfeau. u. Albsgfhbi Albsg fhbi hbmhvhmuef hbmhvhmuef,, albsgfhbi albsgfhbi agfldpla, agfldpla, albsuftesh albsuftesh meb dgmhesh dgmhesh hbh mepet mep et mhngrha mhngrhaeb eb mefed mefed pgfeas pgfeasebe ebeeb eb feyebe feyebeb b nhdnhb nhdnhbieb ieb meb albsgf albsgfhbi hbi ubtua pgrbhaejeb meb agfuerie (Xgbmh, Ermh & H`mhf, >35;).
jttp?//prebhaej.lri/prebhaej/jerepeb-mefed-pgraewhbeb/ Mhtg jttp?//prebhaej.lri/prebhaej/jerepeb-mefed-pgraewhbeb/ Mhtgfu fusu surh rh [gptgdngr >3>5 >3>5 Suauf Suauf >;.33 YHN.
peme peme
^hzqufflj, D. A. (>3>5). Arhtgrhe (>3>5). Arhtgrhe Dgdhfhj Sesebieb Mefed Wpeye Sgdngbtuaeb Junubieb Agfuerie Jerdlbhs Seme Igbgresh Dhfgbhef Mh Agkedeteb Iububi Oeth Aenupetgb Khrgnlb (Mlktlref Khrgnlb (Mlktlref mhssgrtethlb, HEHB [ygaj Buroeth Khrgnlb). [gthyeweth, M. S., & [eath, J. (>35=). Sgbiednhfeb Agputuseb Dgdhfhj Sesebieb Jhmup Seme Yebhte Mgwese Ewef Xebi Lrebituebye Ngrngme [uau. [uau. Ourbef Ourbef GDSE]H, ;(=), 50>-595. ;(=), 50>-595. Xgbmh, @. D., Ermh, _., & H`mhf, H. (>35;). Sgfeyebeb Albsgfhbi ubtua ^gdeoe Sutrh Wshe Sgrbhaejeb. Ourbef Sgrbhaejeb. Ourbef Albsgfhbi meb Sgbmhmhaeb Sgbmhmhaeb,, 5(>), 538-55=.
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