Tu Ingles Podcast Sesion 17 Transcript

November 17, 2017 | Author: Felipe Enrique Rodriguez Carrasco | Category: Nature
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Tu Inglés Podcast Sesion 17 Transcripción http://www.Tu-Ingles.com

[BEGIN] Hola y bienvenido a Tu Ingles Sesion Diez y seite! This is a program for people who want to learn English. [MUSIC] Hello, how are you? Soy Brian, considerame tu entrenador personal de ingles. Estas listo? Vamos a ejercitar tu oido para ingles! [music] +++

Today on Tu Ingles Session Seventeen, we are going to the beach! Vamos a la playa! It is summer in North America. Estamos en verano. Finally, the weather is perfect for being outside. Por fin, el clima es perfecto. The sun is shining --- brilla el sol -- and the air is warm. But most important, the ocean is becoming warm enough for swimming. El mar casi esta templado. Today on Tu Ingles, we will go to Jones Beach. Iremos a Jones Beach. It is a new edition of What Do You Say?

Jones Beach is located in the state of New York. Esta ubicada en el estado de nueva york. It is located less than one hour from New York City. Queda menos que una hora de nueva york la ciuadad. The beach is very long. Es muy largo. It is almost 7 miles long. Casi once kilómetros. But on a busy summer today, like today, the beach can be very crowded. Puede estar muy atestado. Bueno, no importa. Me gustaria mostrar la playa de Jones Beach … virtualmente, por supuesto, a nuestra amiga, Cecilia, en Mexico. Hey Cecilia, how are you today? Hi there. I feel happy today, thanks. Would you like to go to the beach? Of course! I love it!

All right!! Vamonos! Quieremos llegar antes de la multitude!! OK, you are driving to the Beach in a car. Estas yendo por coche a la playa. There are several big parking lots. Hay varios aparcamientos muy grandes. But you are going to have to pay to park there. Tienes que pagar para aparcar alli. No problem. I have money for parking. Excellent. OK, you drive up to the parking lot attendant. El guardacoches? And he says this. “Hello. That will be ten dollars please.” Cecilia, what did he say? El me dijo que el aparcamiento cuesta diez dolares. Right! You give the money to the parking lot attendant, and then he gives you a ticket. Un billete. Then he says this. “OK, you need to put this on your dashboard.” Cecilia, did you understand him? Creo que si. El me dijo que necesitamos poner el billete de aparcamiento en el salpicadero.

Right. On the dashboard. The dashboard. That reminds me of a funny song …. Has visto la pelicula de Paul Newman, se llama “Cool Hand Luke?” No, I haven’t. Hay una escena en la pelicula en que Paul Newman canta esta cancion sobre el Jesus en el salpicadero de su coche … [“I don’t care if it rains or freezes as long as I’ve got my plastic Jesus riding on the dashboard of my car. It comes in colors pink and pleasant. Glows in the dark because it’s irridescent. Take it with you when you travel far.”] El no puede tocar el banjo muy bien. Pero bueno. You need to find a place to park the car. Necesitas encontrar un lugar para aparcar el coche. No te preocupes … I see a place over there. Great. Hey, Cecilia, como se dice “no te preocupes” en ingles? In English, you would say, “Don’t worry.” Right. “Don’t worry” significa “no te preocupes.” OK, you park the car and start walking to the beach. Fortunately, it’s not far. Cecilia, sabes la palabra “far”? Si, significa lejos. Correcto. Far significa lejos. Y como se dice “cerca” en ingles? The word is near. Near. Right. Near. N E A R. Near. OK. You are carrying some things for the beach. Estas llevando unas cosas para la playa. Cecilia, como se dice sombrilla en ingles? In English, you would say “Beach umbrella.” “Beach umbrella.” Right, we say umbrella, whether it is for protection against the sun or the rain. Hay otra palabra, “parasol,” para decir sombrilla, pero casi nadie la usa en los estados unidos. Que mas … tambien estas llevando una toalla. Cecilia, como dirias toalla en ingles?

Towel. You would say towel. Right. Towel. Y también estas llevando una pequeña cesta de picnic. Como se dice eso en ingles? You would say picnic basket. Picnic Basket. Right! Picnic basket . OK, the Beach is not very crowded. No esta muy atestado. You see a nice place where you can sit. You put your towel on the sand, and you sit down. Hey Cecilia, what do you think of Jones Beach? Que opines de Jones Beach? I like it! The sand is very nice, and the ocean looks beautiful. Sii, de acuerdo. The sand … la arena … es muy blanco y suave. Y el mar es muy bonito. But there is one problem. Near you, a young man is playing a loud radio. Hay un chico con un radio Ruidoso. Cecilia, quieres hablar con el sobre el radio? Si. Es de lo más irritante. OK, I agree. It is very irritating. So, what do you say? Mmmmm, la verdad, no estoy segura como se dice “baja el radio.” OK. Don’t worry. No te preocupes. En ingles, para decir “bajar el volumen o calefacción, se dice “turn down.” Turn down. OK? So, what would you say to the boy? Excuse me, could you please turn down your radio? Perfecto, Cecilia! You could also use the expression, “Do you mind” Remember that expression from Sesion 15? Es igual de “te importa”? So, you could say, “Do you mind turning down the radio?” The boy smiles at you and says the following. “Sure. No problem.” The boy turns down the radio, and then he says this to you. “Sorry! I did not realize it was so loud.”

Cecilia, did you understand that? He said. “I did not realize it was so loud.” Mmmm, Yo sé que la palabra “loud” significa Ruidoso. Pero no entiendo bien el parte de “ realize.” OK, I will explain. En este contexto, el verbo “to realize” es igual de “ darse cuenta.” Por ejemplo, para decir en ingles, “Me di cuenta de mi error,” dirías, “I realized my error.” Entiendes ahora? Sii. Entonces, el chico me dijo, “No me di cuenta que el radio era tan ruidoso.” Right.! I did not realize it was so loud. OK, como dirias en ingles, “Ella se dio cuenta de que tu amigo no podria hablar español bien.¨ ? Ah, que malo eres! In English, you would say, “She realized that her friend could not speak Spanish well.” Ah, very good! I just realized you need to say something to the boy with the radio. Ah, siii, tienes razon. Pero primero, tengo una pregunta …. Como dirias “tienes razon” en ingles? You would say, “you are right.” “You are right.” Correct. Or, if you use the contraction, it would sound like, “You’re right” “You’re right.” OK, entonces, ahora puedes decir algo al chico con el radio … You’re right. I will say something to him: Thanks for turning it down! “No problem. I didn’t mean to be loud.” Oooh, Cecilia, otro nuevo vocabulario. He said “I didn’t mean to be loud.” Sabes “to mean”? Siii. El verbo “to mean” es igual de significar.

That is correct. For example, “loud” means rudioso. O, otro ejemplo, podrias decir, “you are right” means “tienes razon.” Tambien puedes usar “to mean” para decir la expresión, “querer decir.” Ah, Por ejemplo, cuando no entiendas alguien, puedes decir, “What do you mean?” Exacto. Or, I could ask you, Cecilia, what does the word “loud” mean? OK. And I would answer, “Loud” means “Ruidoso” in Spanish. Perfect. But “to mean” can also mean something else. What else does it mean? “To mean” can mean “tener intencion.” Creo que eso es lo que el chico queria decir. He said, “I did not mean to be loud.” Ah, ok. El queria decir, “no tuve intencion de estar ruidoso.” Right! I didn’t mean to be loud. OK. Voy a decir algo mas a el: That’s ok. Thanks again! “You’re welcome. Normally, I’d use my iPod. But it’s broken.” OK, Cecilia. Lo entendiste? Si. Me dijo que el tiene iPod, pero esta estropeado. Right. Broken means roto o estropeado. Remember Tu Ingles Sesion 12, when you went to the hotel? And the air conditioner was not working? El aire aicondicionado no funciona? Well, the boy’s iPod is not working. So he is using his radio. Bueno, practicamos algo vocabulario ahora. Are you ready? Yes, I am ready. OK, como dirias, en ingles, “bronceado.” In English, you would say, “Suntanned.” Or just “tan”.

Right. Suntanned. Or tan. For example, after a day at the beach, my skin was very tan. Or, my skin was very suntanned. En este caso, es un adjectivo. Tambien puede ser un sustantivo. Por ejemplo, When my friend returned from Mexico, he had a suntan. Ok, ahora, como se dice, “tomar el sol”? You would say “sunbathe.” Sunbathe. Right, sunbathe. Once again, you could say suntan or tan. For example, today, Cecilia is tanning on the beach. Or, Did you sunbathe when you went to Jones Beach? Ok Cecilia, ahora, sabes la palabra en ingles para decir “traje de baño¨? Yes, in English, the word is swimsuit. Swimsuit. Right. Swinsuit. To swim, por supuesto, significa nadar. Y ¨suit¨¨ significa traje. Speaking of swimming, are you ready for a swim Cecilia? You´re right. I just realized I am hot. Do you mean you are bored of practicing your vocabulary? Don´t worry. I didn´t mean that. I would just like to try the water. OK. You get up and walk down to the water. There are big waves. Hay olas grandes. You stand in the water. You realize the water is very cold. El aqua es muy frio. I just realized that maybe I don´t want to swim right now. No quieres nadar ahora mismo? OK, don´t worry. We could practice some more vocabulary … You are right. But I think I would prefer to eat lunch. Ah, preferirías almorzar. Well, you are right. You brought a nice lunch in your picnic basket. So, you go back to your place on the sand. And you open up the picnic basket. You have some nice sandwiches, a bag of potato chips, (unas patatas fritas) and a bottle of CocaCola.

You begin to eat your lunch. You look out at the ocean, at the beautiful but cold waves. Ves muchas gaviotas en el cielo. Cecilia, como dirías gaviota en ingles? The word is seagull. Or you could just say gull.. Right seagull. Or gull. There are some gulls that have landed on the sand near you. Hay unas gaviotas que han aterrizado en la arena cerca de ti. Oh, I love birds. I am going to give them some of my potato chips. Mmm, ok, but I am not sure that feeding the gulls is a good idea. No estoy seguro que alimentar las gaviotas es una buena idea … You are right. I didn’t realize the gulls were so hungry. Si! tienen mucha hambre. Suddenly there are more than a dozen gulls on the sand near you. De reprente hay mas que una docena de gaviotas en la arena cerca de ti. These are very aggressive gulls!! Si, son muy agresivos! Cecilia, I think there is only one solution. Solo hay una solución del problema. What is it? Please tell me. These gulls are starting to scare me!! Cecilia, I think you are going to have to go swimming!! What do you mean? You think I should hide in the ocean? Si, creo que deberías esconderte en el mar!! But the water is so cold!! You’re right. But the gulls are so aggressive! Do you mean I have to swim in this cold water? Sorry, but I think that is the only solution to your seagull problem. Ay. One week we have a thunder storm. The next week, aggressive sea gulls.

Sorry Cecilia. I hope you forgive me. Espero que me perdones. Don’t worry. It was fun to see Jones Beach. Ok, thanks a lot for helping us again today … You are welcome. And now, I am going to hide in the ocean!! Ok!! Good luck!! See you next week Cecilia! See you later!! +++ Well, that’s it for Tu Ingles Session 17. Gracias por escucharme. I welcome your comments or suggestions. Please go to our website, send me an email, or leave me a message on Facebook. Thanks for listening, see you next week! Y suerte con Tu Ingles!

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