Tu Ingles Podcast Sesion 15 Transcript

November 17, 2017 | Author: Felipe Enrique Rodriguez Carrasco | Category: Nature, Leisure
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Tu Inglés Podcast Sesion 15 Transcripción 15 http:/www.Tu-Ingles.com [BEGIN] Hola y bienvenido a Tu Ingles Sesión Quince! This is a program for people who want to learn English. [MUSIC] Hi, how are you doing? Soy Brian, tu entrenador personal de ingles. Can you believe it? We launched this program, Tu Ingles, three months ago. Hace tres meses desde el lanzamiento de Tu Ingles. And now Tu Ingles is one of the most popular podcasts in the Spanish iTunes store. I don´t know exactly how Apple decides which podcasts are the most popular. Pero me dicen Tu Ingles ha estado el numero uno. Increible. Quiero dar las gracias a ustedes, mis oyentes. And of course, we need to say thank you to Cecilia for our success. I hope we can continue to make this program useful for you. También espero que estas acostumbrado a mi mal acento en español. Como tu, estoy tratando de mejorar mi conocimiento de la gramática, vocabulario, y, por supuesto, la pronunciación del español. But it is difficult to improve everything at the same rate. Es difícil mejorar todo a lo mismo ritmo.

Little by little, step by step … poco a poco. [music] +++ Do you remember that in the first episode of Tu Ingles, session one, I complained about the snow? Me quejé mucho sobre el invierno largo aquí en Boston, y la nieve. Well, I am happy to tell you that the snow is gone. Se fue la nieve. And we are almost in summer. Casi estamos en verano. Instead of complaining about the weather, el tiempo, I want to take a walk with you in the woods near my house. Quiero ir caminando contigo, virtualmente por supuesto, en el bosque cerca de mi casa. I think it would be great to invite Cecilia, our friend in Mexico, to join us. Hola Cecilia, te gustaria dar un paseo con nosotros? Sure! Sounds like fun! Muy bien! Pero, puedes decirme, como se dice ¨dar un paseo¨ en ingles? In English, you would say, take a stroll … take a stroll. Right, take a stroll. Or maybe, take a hike. Take a hike. But usually we say take a hike when you are going in the mountains. OK, entonces “to take a hike” significa ¨ hacer una excursión a pie.” Ok, gracias Cecilia. All right, let’s go! I hope you are wearing good shoes. Why? Is there a good trail? Si, hay un buen camino. Pero a veces hay barro también. Hey, Cecilia, what is the word for “barro” in English? Se dice, “mud … mud” Correct. Mud. Y como se dice “lleno de barro?” Muddy. The word is muddy.

Right. Muddy. OK, Cecilia, tengo otra pregunta para ti. Te importa si llevo mi perro con nosotros? No, not at all! You can bring your dog. I love dogs!! Muy bien! Como se pregunta, “te importa” en inges? In English, you would say, “Do you mind? … Do you mind?” Right. Do you mind. Es un modismo. Como sustantivo, mind significa mente. Pero como un verbo, to mind puede significar “importar.” Do you mind telling us your dog’s name? No, I don’t mind at all. His name is Darwin. Se llama Darwin. Darwin, come!! Hi Darwin! Do you want to go for a walk? I think he is wagging his tail. Esta sacudiendo la cola. Oh, I just remembered. Instead of saying “do you mind,” you can say, “do you care.” Do you care. Right. To care tiene muchos significados tambien. En algunos contextos, To care es igual de cuidar. I care for my children. But it is also utilized to mean importer. Cecilia, do you care if we go now? No, I don’t care. Let’s go. OK. We are walking on the trail behind my house. Estamos caminando en el camino detras de mi casa. It is a beautiful day. The sun is shining, although there are some clouds in the sky. My house is in the woods. Mi casa esta ubicada en el boque. Así que, hay muchos árboles. Cecilia, como se dice árboles en ingles?

Trees. The word is trees. Right, trees. In this season, late spring, the trees are very green. Bright green. Cecilia, what does “green” mean in Spanish? Verde. Y “bright green” significa “verde fuerte.” Yes. Normalmente “bright” significa “brillante,” pero cuando hablamos de los colores, “bright” significa fuerte. OK, we walk along the trail for a while, caminamos un rato. And then we can see the river. Cecilia, river? Sabes esta palabra? Claro. River significa rio. Correcto. Y este río no tiene mucha corriente. It doesn’t have much current. Por consiguiente … as a result, there are many frogs. Cecilia, frog? Sabes la palabra frog? Yes. Frog significa rana. Ok, there are many frogs in this river. Probably you can hear them. [frog noise] Cecilia, have you ever tried frog’s legs? Has pruebo ancas de rana? No, I haven’t. [True, right?] Neither have I. Oye, Brian, te importa si hablamos un momento sobre la palabra “neither”? No, I don’t mind at all. Que quieres saber? You said, neither have I. What does that mean? En este contexto, Neither es igual de tampoco. We use it to answer a negative statement. For example, you say, I don’t like mud. And I respond, Neither do I. Or you say, I don’t mind dogs. And I respond, neither do I.

Bien. Y hay otro uso de “neither” si? En algunas situaciones, significa “ninguno,” si? Correcto. Podrias decir, ninguno de los dos tiene dinero. Neither of them has Money. Or you Could say, “Neither Brian nor Cecilia wants to get muddy.” En este caso, neither es igual de ni. Right. Ok, do you mind if we keep walking? Keep walking? Que significa keep? Ah, keep tiene muchos significados. Pero en este contexto, significa “siguir haciendo algo.” To keep walking means to continue walking. In this example, keep is like the verb to continue. Por cierto, keep se deletrea k – e –e - p. Ok, let’s keep walking. Ok, and I will keep talking. And Darwin will keep running. Yes, I think Darwin is chasing a squirrel. Cecilia, how do you say squirrel in Spanish? A squirrel es una ardilla. Ok, thanks! And the verb “to chase.” What is the Spanish translation? Mmm, probablemente perseguir. Ah, ok. Now, in the trees, there are many different types of birds. Pajaros. The most common birds in this part of north America in the summer are probably chickadees, finches, cardinals, and robins. There are also birds on the river. Today, there is a big white bird called a swan. Cecilia, como se dice swan? Swan significa cisne. OK, muy bien. Tambien tenemos muchos patos en este rio. Cual es la palabra para decir un pato? A duck. A duck.

Right. A duck. Sometimes the ducks are very noisy. Ruidoso. Hablando de Ruidoso … do you hear what I hear? Siii. Suenan como truenos! Yes!! In fact, the sky looks very dark suddenly. Cecilia, I think it is raining. That’s ok. I don’t mind a little rain. Neither do I. I don’t care if I get a little wet. Ok, so let’s keep walking. OK, we can keep walking for a little bit. [loud thunder clap] Oh oh, I just remembered something. Sabes como se dice “tener miedo” en ingles? Sii. Se dice, to be afraid. To be afraid. Right. And either of us is afraid of thunder right? Correcto. No me asustan los truenos. I am not afraid of thunder either. But I know someone who is. Darwin . Really? Oh, poor Darwin. Yes, I don’t think we can keep walking. I think we should go back to my house. Ok, I don’t mind. I don’t want Darwin to be afraid. Neither do I.

Ok, let’s go home! It is starting to rain hard!!

Oyentes, discúlpanos! Cecilia and I can not keep talking to you right now. Yes, I am afraid we are getting muddy. Ok, thank you Cecilia for taking a walk with us and helping us with English. Sorry about the rain and the mud!! Don’t worry about that. It was nice. I hope we can do it again someday. See ya! +++

Well, that’s it for Tu Ingles Session 15. Gracias por escucharme. Si tienes sugerencias o comentarios, enviame un mensaje, por favor. Thanks for listening, see you next week! Y suerte con Tu Ingles!

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