TSR 3102 - Sword and Crown (Birthright)

April 17, 2017 | Author: nonfat ham | Category: N/A
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sword an( crow1

sword and crown

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nor, whic~fallsamong his duties as a ruler. In order for the regent to hoa thrs affair (not that he has much choice), he must spend 6 CB (in addirion to regular court costs) simply to provide everything his fellow regents might need. If he spends less, he’ll suffer diplomatic consequences as if he had not maintained a court at all. Other regents will shun his company: most will strive to dissociate themselves from his realm Cor fear of losing face. O n the other hand, if the regent spendr more than 6 G R on the festival, the other regents will remember that he’s thrown a good party and will he more kindly disposed toward him. Except for those who’ve openly declared themselves to he enemies of this regent, the rulers of Anuire will tend to remember his realm fondly. lhis is worth a +2 modifier to all diplomacv actions for one year. Soon after Rendier leaves, messengers arrive from Avanil, Boeruine, Ghoere. and Mhoried, all offering to offset the cost of the conclave. The messages all read something like this:

Sister (or Brother) Ruler: I know what a hardship hosting thr Swor Crow can be. I t can drain a kingdom’s resources and leave the land unprotected against foul enemies. Allow me to help take some of the sling from this event; I am prepvred to offer .3 Gold Bars if you should so desire.

. how-


remember the slight. $.:. Otherwise, the PC a d

blcssing of H a e l p be upon you!"

As the party rides out, the captain of the guard mentions that his men are growing awfully tis& no one gets into trouble. Throu captain updates the regent on

F4 and F5: AC 4 and

The P C s can p m



The brigands are not '

;.pCs. Their goal

is to

be apparent to would-be allies that they

cannot rely on the PCs for matters of great

with Avan and his knights. When Boeruine learns that Avan is sending a pair of knights with the PCs.hc insists on sending two of his own to ensure that his interestc are fairlv represented. H e preemptorily summons the PCs

ervants received the PCs would be

s the

PCs ride past Boeruine's camp. t soldiers stand in a silent row in front their tents. The line of soldiers pans


pair of elves among them, also dead. A few bandits are still alive: their moans echo

'f the PC agrees, the man contirB-

"Anyway, the elves got mad in a hu f 'em waved his finger in the air, a.-

. i d h t w \ hJvs t.,ken thc,ir toll o n this .>I.iic. I'he icilin): ha, a~ll;ip\c.clalrno\t

time .

sudden, about twenty elves rose out ol

ss and from behind the trees. I thou:

d searched the place well enough, I arently not. They massacred us: I think

.nrirsl\. Ir..ivinS the buildin\: q w n t u the .xnd thc sky. I h c flwr i5 in n k i i l a r \t.,te t d d ; w ~ p . i i r ;i n w\er.il pL~;c$, it


ind Stonecror ain ranges, tl

the eobiinoids






sion into the mountain. However, it turned out to be the dwarves’ downfall, for the orogs tunneled

fairly free ofthe neglect that years of misuse have bestowed on the rest of the track. There are no carts nearby, however.

flooded the fortress from there, proving thc destruction of this room to be unnecessary. The

5: Turnaround X 3

above. It doesn’t change the pressure 6 Turnaround X 4

lies crushed into the ground.

be fo-d here, however: a n orog skeleton lies nearby with a perfectly sharpened dagger lodged

the runes, the weapo to have it returned to



. .


me the walls and celllngs 01 nd a great rift in the ceiling this enclosi allows the sun to shine in for a few hours every day. The crystals mag

tallme depc

PCs can offer something of value to him, such

as freedom from Rhuobhe's binding, he may





they use this a

as they are gathering food, guarding. and drilling. In the early e v e n i a most of the fortress’s guards

ing creatures at they’ve had the can he led to safe The Windriders of Ruannoch stable their five

Although this is the only pla&& the k that’s constantly busy, the’kitcheh isone of


w i r k i n 10 hrwr >hitt.’y lwcs \l.nv~ s h x e .i heed

21b: Tack and Harness

In the early evenings, some of the Wm . Jn repairing and maintaining their ment. The others spend tim mounts and oil the


Special Equipment: Each elf is equipped u+th a

set of brac.m, handed down through the generations of clve5 serving under Rhuobhc. 'Their wcapons vary: they usually carry enchanted broad swords or hows. However, all their wcapons have been secreted near the Boeruine horder

35: Elite Mess Hall

The food preparation area for the clites is not staffed by slaves, but rather by elves loyal to Rhuobhe. H e doesn't want tn trust the safety of his gcneral staff to slaves with a burning hatred for elves. The head of the staff is a gentle elfwho cares deeply for his cooking. H e will not fight unless fnrccd to, but he will rake thc alarm after the PCs leave the room.

37: Training Roo




painted after he was rai. This portion of the and more introspec


been making plans for them. That explains the


The PCs are likely to



about it now.

can take a t this point. Ohviously, the list below cannot take every eventuality into account. Instead, it presents the most likely outcomes and the consequences of these actions.

If no one tells of Aubrae's involvement: Auhrae Avan escapes with her pride (and her father's honor) intact. lhc PCs may choose to lay some sort of blackmaid on her: if they choose this route, ill find a way to invalidate the claim the prince w after a while-the PCs con maintain this hold for

small matter of justice. Boeruine asks the PCs to deliver a public, scathing condemnation directed at Avan's daughter's attempt on his honor, or to ask Avan for a public apology o n Boeruine's hehalf. Apparently, Roeruine has not yet told anyone else of what he knows, hoping for it to come from the mouth of the PCs.He hdds the moral high ground over Avan, and continues to do so as Avan refuses to apologize for the princess's actions, publicly or privately. If the PCs agree to make a public

involvement .

l f d gets to Boeruine of the troth, but not through the PCs: This option k at the DMs discretion, and assumes that the PCs have not cho-

grudge. However. he docs then demand that a trial he set for Auhrar Avan. on charges of conspiracy, collusion with enemies of Anuire, and defamation of character. O f course, Avan refuses even to consider

Avan wants to

If the PCs decide Aubrae is innocent: Boeru-


and the PCs are stuck in the middle of it. I f they decide in favor of Boeruine or Avan, they

doesn't affect his own pfa

ness l e ~ s\. .ind ,\van'> pride is .a\\u.lg:ed. A> thc rcgents d . 4 n u i r L t j k c tllcir 1 e . i ~o i t h e









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