TSR 1064 From The Ashes

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Boxed Set

Atlas of the Flanaess Design: Carl Sargent Brown Editing: Anne Brown Proofreading: Anne Brown. Michelle Carter Bo x Co ver Art and and Booklet Cove r Art: Art: Jeff Easley Black and W hite Art: Ken Frank Interiorr C olor Art: Valerie Valusek Interio Border Art: Robin Raab Graphic Design: Sarah Feggestad Cartography: Diesel. Darlene Typesettins: Gaye OKeefe Production: Paul Hanchette TSR . Inc. All Rights Reserved . Printed in the U.S.A.



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Introduction T h e High High H ................................................ istor istoryy of the Flanaess .............................. Cyclopedia ................................................ T he Peopl Peoples es of the Lands ................................... Languages of of th e Flanaess ................................... Names and Forms of Address ................................ Symbols and Glyphs of the Flanaess ........................... Money in th e Flanaess ...................................... Trade in the Flanaess ....................................... D a r k T i m e s .............................................. T h e Lands of of th e Flanaess Flanaess .................................. FreeRegions ................ ................................ ............................. ............. Wild Regions ............................................. Bodies of Water ......................................... Forests. Jungles. and Woodlands ............................ Mountains and Hills ............ ........................ ......................... ............... Marshes and Swamps ..................................... Wastelands ................ ................................ ............................. ............. Rivers of the Flanaess .................................... Places of Mystery ........................................... Adventure Locations ....................................... Tales of the Year of Peace ................................... General Rumors and Whispers ............................... T h e Powers Powers of Greyhawk Greyhawk ..................................... How D o Powers Powers Look Upon Mortals? ......................... How D o Mortals Mortals Regar Regardd th e Powers? .......................... Powers of Humankind ...................................... Powers and Avatars ............ ........................ ......................... ................ ... Powers and Priesthoods ..................................... f Powers................ Details Greater oPowers ................................ ........................... ........... .......................................... Intermediate Powers ........... ....................... ......................... ................ ... Demigods ............................................... Relations Between Powers ................................... Demihuman Powers .......................................



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rom rom Th e Ashes is a fully fully revised and up dated guide to Oertlh, the planet that is home to the world of Greyh awk. I t supercedes the old EYHAWKO AWKO boxed set, up dating WORLD OF G R EYH c _* r all important intormanon worn cnac prouucc. O ert h is a changed world; the events of the terrible Greyhaw k War Warss (documented in the boxed set of the same name) have altered it forever. Istus, goddess of Fate, endlessly spins her web of changes. change s. T h e Great Kingdo Kingdom m is no more; Furyondy, Nyrond, Keoland, and the powers of Good are much weak ened; fel felll Iuz stalks stalks the Flanaess, grown great in power; and th e sinister ScarScarlet Brotherhood schemes from the Dramidj Oc ean to th e Oljatt Sea. Oerth is a gr grim im and dark place now. Yet it is still a world of unsurpassed magic, great heroes and legends, romance, and mystery. myster y. It is a world that that accom modates the very best AD&D@game AD&D@ game campaigns. Within this box, you will will find the following: following: -





T h e 96-p 96-pag agee Atlas of the Flanaess (you’re holding it now). This book gives a broad introduction to the lands of the Flanaess, the eastern part of Oerth‘s Oerth‘s major continen t, Oerik. T h e Atlas guides the reader through history, ancient and modern, and summarizes the events of the Greyhawk Wars. This book includes a section called th e Cyclopedia of the Flanaess, which details the peoples of the Flanaess (races, languages, beliefs, and m ore), as well as their lands, free cities and regions, wild lands, and mysterious places of of th e Flanaess. M odule settings and adven ture locations are also included here, as are many adventure hooks and tales of the first year of peace. T h e concl conclusion usion of of this book ad dresses th e great deities of of G reyhaw k and includes rul rules es for their servants, updating the information for A D & D @ 2nd Edition gam e rules rules to include specialty priests.


T h e 9 66-- ppaa ggee Campaign Book. Th is covers covers a mu ch smaller smaller area-the lands around th e Free City of of Greyhawk- in greater greater detail detail.. T h e growth growth of influence influence ooff th e Fre e City is explained: how it has changed since the war, war, the new problems it faces, and its relations with the lands around it. This does not render the City of Greyhawk boxed set obsolete; far from it. T h e G r ey ey hhaa w k

product enhanced by the update and expansion here . A full Atlas lili sting for the areas around t he detail ilss t owns, castles, castles, ruins, dang erous Free City deta and mysterious loc :ations, mercenaries, human__ o m , i y r b s , auventure hooks, and much more. It is a treasure treasure tr trove ove for the D M wishi wishing ng to set campaigns in and around the Free City. hint--


Two full color mapsheets of the Flanaess, and a full color mapsheet for the Campaign Book. Twenty cardsheets that include a wealth of useful material for the DM. These include 14 cards of reference material (climate, (climate, calendar, the rulers and peoples and resou rces ooff nations, an d encounter tables for the Flanaess) and six miniadventures set in the lands described in the Campaign Book. Each of these is suitable for a short gaming session (an evening or so) and allows lows the D M to use Fro From m Th e Ashes Ashes almost at once. Five pages of monsters in the Monstrous Compendium format.

Players who have adventured in Greyhawk have no doubt recognized some discrepancies between bet ween the the WOR LD OF GREYHAW K boxed set and AD &D @ 2nd Edit Edition ion game rule rules. s. T o most easi easily ly cure cure these discre discrepancies, pancies, som e simple changes in game concepts must be employed. For example, the monks of the Scarlet Brotherhood are no longer mo nks of the original edition rules, rules, but are now priests who use t he title to reflect their monastic orientation. Their character classes have been altered slightly. Rules for characters such as rangers in the AD&D 2nd Edition game are now simply assumed to be part and parcel of the world of Greyhawk, and so o n. n . T h e m e s ssaa ge ge t o Gre yha wk D M s of of long-stan ding is is:: it’ it’s really no t so different now. Many Greyhawk gamers are long-timers who share this author’s love of the history, depth of atm osph ere, and c onsistency of Greyhawk. Ma ny wi will ll have been lucky enough t o have experienced their first campaigns in this


world, and rest assured, this world's changes combines the best of of the old and the new. Th ese change s bring new excitem ent and a longing longing for new adventure For newcomers, read and and enjo enjoy. y. No w you will will beco me part of Greyhawk's history, too.

brlost events in the: Flanae Flanaess ss are dated by the

c o mmon Year (CY). This system commenced

- n _-_ -:--- A LIIG W V C I ~ I " whc;ll I I ~f the Great Kingdom optiITiistically declared universa I peace throughout h is lands and instructed his servants to date all all s1Jbsequent events from CY I. Reference Card 1 .Al..A- *La $..I1 , 1,-4141iriLluur;> of l u l l L ~ I G I I U ~ II LIIC days and m onth s of the year under this system , as well well as a timeline timeline for the major events of the Flanaess Flanaess discussed discussed in mo re detail detail below. below. T h e histo history ry here covers the ITiajor developments amon g the great powers of tf le Flanaess over more tf ian a milennium; the C'y cn i vt n vm be uA la In- -. x7 ; n iC + h A CiaiiaLsS section gives extra zountries. Lllc-


T h e origi original nal inhabitants of of t he Flanaess were the Flan tribesmen, hardy and tough nomads whose small, scattered groups made no major civilizing efforts. Some thousand years past, their lands were increasingly invaded by two groups of attackers: the Suel and the Oeridians. Oeridians. T h e Suel fled fled from from internecine strife strife within within their ow n lands and t he great Baklunish-Suloise Baklunish-Suloise Wars. T h e y moved northeast across what is now th e S e a o f D u s t , a c r o s s t h e f o r m id a b l e Hellfurnaces and Crystalmist Mountains, and spread widely across the lands before them. T h e Oeridians began began thei theirr m igr igrati ations ons north north for similar reasons, fleeing the same war. Both Bakluni and Suel forces employed mercenaries, bandits, and any humanoids they could hire to swell their armies. Their undisciplined rabble were often only too happy to desert and attack th e Oe ridians, also forcing forcing the m eastward. T h e Oeridians Oeridians were fier fierce ce invade invaders. rs. The y drove everyone else, Flan and Suel, before them. Of all the invaders, they were most suc-

cessful in establishing settled lands wherever they went, and any threat the Suel might have offered offer ed to their d ominance was soon eliminated. Suel mages brought brought down the terrible Invoked Devastation on th e hapless hapless Bakluni Bakluni to the n orth, but the last ac actt of the Bakluni Bakluni archmages archmages was a fitting repl reply. y. T h e storms of the R ain of of Colorless Fire th e few SuelSuel lands lands choking and ash.. Treduced ash he re were orto Bakluni leftdust to emigrate after that. The Oeridians had the upper hand. T h e fierce fierce Oeri Oeridian dian tribes hardly hardly had matters all all their own wa way. y. For two centuries , they fought th e Suel and the fragmented humano ids for possession sessi on of of the central lands of of th e Flanaess. Flanaess. T h e Oeridians incurred the enmity of the Flannae and dem ihumans of the lands as well. well. T h e arroarrogant Oeridians might have been overcome by this mix of forces, but for one thing: the Suel were far more unpleasant than the Oeridians w e r e a g gr gr e ssss iivv e . T h e S u e l in v a d e r s l ie d , cheated, stole, enslaved, pillaged, and killed out of hand.allied Over with time,thethe Flannaetoand demihumans Oeridians drive the Suel to ever mo re distan t ffringes ringes of th e Flanaess: into the northeastern Barbarian lands and into the southern jungles of Amedio and Hepmonaland. On the main continental land mass, the Suel retained a foothold foothold only in in th e southwest and in the lands that would eventually belong to the Scarlet Brotherhood. Approximately 700 years past, the strongest Oeridian tribe-the Aerdi-settled th e rich arable lands east of the great Nyr Dyv and there founde d the Kingd om of of Aerdy, eventually to b e named the Great Kingdom. Kingdom. Th e Kingdom Kingdom grew for well over a century, stretched frosouthm theSunndi swamplands swampla nds tountil th e itsouth t o t hefrom south western edge of the Griff Mountains to the north; while from the islands now held by the Sea Barons to the east (where the Aerdi mixed with Flan blood), the Great Kingdom stretched westward as far as the borders of modern-day Perrenland. Perre nland. When t he Overking Overking of this mighty empire declared universal universal peace on his ceremonial nial crowning crowning in Rauxes, he m ust have thought his writ, and that of his descendants, would extend across those many lands forever.



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T h e Great Kingdom Kingdom survi survived ved some 250 years before it began to lose lands in the wes west. t. T h e Viceroyalty of of Fu ryondy w as established in 100 CY, and over the coming decades it bore the brun t of challenges from non-Aerdi Oeridians allied with with Bakluni horsemen who raided from th e north and west. R esentmen t grew in the lands far from Rauxes, and a perception perception that the Overking did not do enough to protect the western lands also grew. Finally, in 254 CY, T h r o m m e l I of Furyondy was crowned in Dyvers, taking taking a whole range of secondary titles which loudly announced his people’s goals; Prince of Veluna, Marshall of the Shield La nds, W arden General of of the Vesve Forest, and more. Furyondy and Veluna both became independent states, Perrenland reasserted its independence, and to the north, the rulers of of the D uchy of Tenh took their cue from events to the west and asserted independ ence also. also. T h e Overking could could not ree reesta stabblish control over his distant former dominions. T h e break-up break-up of of th e Great Kingdom, which wouldd take over three centuries woul centuries to complete and would end in madness and terror, had begun. T h e decisive phase in the break-up break-up of this this mighty empire can b e dated precis precisely ely to 356 CY. In this year, the ruling ruling Aerdi dyna dynasty, sty, th e H ouse of Rax, was sundered by an internal feud. The junior branch of the ruling house declared its lands free of the Overking’s rule, and the kingdom of Nyron d was born. T h e Ov erking reacted swift swiftly ly,, amassing amassing a great army to crush th e seceders. But he had the misfortun e of of enco untering a powerful Flan barbaribarbarian foray into the North Province of the Great Kingdom itself that sam e winter. winter. T h e Overking’s Overking’s armies beat off the invasion, invasion, but were too weaken ed to assault Nyrond . Fe ints, skirmishes, and small battles were plenty, but Nyrond could not be brought back into th e Overking’s Overking’s domain. T h e Theocracy of of the Pale Pale seceded seceded at the same time, and the Urnst states likewise; Nyrond held both at on e ttime, ime, but accepted their independe nce at the Council of of Re1 Mord in return for pledges of mutual cooperation . To the west, the oldest of all the major kingdom s established established in th e Flanaess, Keoland, grew grew more powerful and predatory in the mid-fourth mid-fourth

century. Expanding its influence to the north, it ultimately became involved in the so-called “Small War” (or Short War) with Furyondy and Veluna. Military reverses and the objections of the small but powerful demihuman enclaves in Ulekk and C elene soon put an en d to that expanUle expansionism. T h e ttrou rouble bless of the times tended to b e those of skirmishing; th e Bandit Kingdoms had form ed as a group of petty fiefdoms in the vacuum left betweenn Furyondy to the west and Tenh and th e betwee Theocracy to the east, and in response, response, good nobles to th e south began to coalesce their forces in the Shield Shield Lands. Elsewhere, the Free City of Greyhawk, already in existence for centuries as a trading town, entered its arguably most glorious (and certainly most infamous) phase of development under the mad Archmage Zagig Yragerne, who began the building of Castle Greyhawk in 375 CY. It seemed a strange foll follyy at th e time. Yet two centuries later, the changes in the city of Greyhawk and those back within the G reat Kingdom w ould be pivotal in th e future history of all all the Flanaess. Paradoxically, the disintegration of the Great Kingdom paused a while, despite a wretched change at its its very very crown. T h e House of Rax became decadent, self-absorbed, weak, and ineffectual. fect ual. Petty nobles nobles began to sche me, t o openly flout the Overking’s edicts, and to enact their own laws and pursue their own mean-minded grudges. It was only a matter of time before Rax was overthrown and a new tyrant installed as Overking and, in in truth, m any petty nobles were glad when it happened. After decades of pointless strife, it was almost a relief to have central power and authority again. However, few of them would have chosen hid I as their new master. No direct evidence links hid, ruler of the North Province at the time, with the assassination of the entire House of Rax in 446 CY. But h i d ensured his ascension ascension by the simple expediexpedient of killing every other minor princeling who made a claim claim on the thron e, and plenty mo re besides. Madness had gripped the Malachite Throne when Ivid I, scion of the House of Naelax, was proclaimed His Celestial Transcendency, Overking of Aerdy, Aerdy, and many knew it.

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T h e Mala Malachi chite te Thro ne became kn known own as the “Fiend-seeing Throne.” It was whispered that t he H ou se of Naelax had will willing ingly ly entered into a pact with fiends-lords of th e infernal tana tanar’r r’ri-a i-a pact that would endure down all the generations of their descendants. A time of terror had begun. Blood would wash the feet and hands of the mad-

human fat and flesh. Iuz was said to be a fiend himself, seven feet in height, red-skinned and feral of face. If Furyondy had acted then, Iu z might yet hav e been contain ed. Bu t King Avr Avras as was opposed by southern nobles who resented excessive taxation taxation levied levied to protect t he n orthern lands, and Iuz grew steadily steadily more pow erful erful..

man enthroned in beset Rauxes. Little wonder that further secessions his lands. Civill wa Civi warr erupted iinn the G reat King Kingdom. dom. T h e North Province, now ruled by Ivid’s nephew, soon established independence, as did the wily H erz og ooff Ahliss Ahlissaa in in the t he So uth Province. He allied alli ed himself with th e seceding Iron League: th e lands of Onnwal, Idee, Sunndi, and the Free City of Ironwall. T h e Holy Censor Censor,, High Pri Priest est to the OverOverking, sought freedom freedom for the See of Medegia. Almo r grew in in strength and freedom, supported by Nyrond as a buffer state between itself and the declining power of Rauxes, although hid managed to drag it back under his influence in later

505Grey Iuz the disappeared CY, hawk imprisoned beneath towers of in Castle by a group including Zagig, aided by St. Cuthbert (it is said). But his armies-m ostly hum anoids-had lea learned rned the lesson lessonss he taught them. T he y held to their lands; their leaders said their master would return, and they were right.

years. M omentous change beset the G reat Ki King ng-dom. Not until until h id V ascended t he Fiend-seeing Th ro ne would the G reat Kingdo Kingdom m appear appear to increase in might agai again. n. Thi s would take a century to hap pen and also b e ulti ultimately mately a temporary hiccup in the terminal decline of Aerdy. If all eyes were on the Great Kingdom for decades after Ivid’s rise, it would help explain why they missed seeing the rise of of a new pow er far to th e west and north.

that the G reat Kingdom Kingdom off offered ered much threat threat to anyone. anyon e. But Nyrond knew bett better. er. h i d V was a weak military strategist, but his diplomatic skills were considerable, and undoubtedly he had fiendish fiendi sh aid aid in drawing both t he N orth and So uth Provinces and Medegia back under his influence and control. Nyrond saw, clearly, the Overking’s preparations for a great war against the western state. Yet, when the first blow came, it did not com e from from Rauxes Rauxes.. It came from Iuz; meddling foolss managed t o release the fiend fr fool from om his imprisonment in Castle Greyhawk in 57 0 CY, CY, onl onlyy a year after the forces of good in Furyondy and Veluna Velu na celebrated th e sack ooff t he notoriou notoriouss Tem ple of of E lemental Evil iinn the G narley Fores t. Th eir celebrations would would not last many years. To the s outh, th e existence ooff th e highl highlyy secretive and paranoia paranoiacc Scarlet Brotherhood was first confirmed by returning travelers in 573 CY. It seems incredible that this monastic sect of religious militarists could have esc aped notice for so long, eve n given their isolation in th e closed city of Kro Terlep and the re mo te plateau so uth of it. But while the secret of this land became more widely known, the existence of a veritable army of spies an d assassins in in the imperial courts ooff t he Flanaess was not.

I n CY479, th e land now called Iuz was only a fractious collection of paltry fiefs. Among its princelings was a minor despot of the Howling Hills who died in that year and left his barren holdings t o a son of of d ubious origins: Iuz. Iuz used th e strategy of dividing dividing his opponen ts to weaken them, then assimilating their lands and residual forces, sowing rumo rs and lies to put the princelings at eac h others’ throats. He began to expand his domain far beyond its original boundaries. Refugees fleeing th e lands tol toldd astonished Furyond ians of Iuz’s Iuz’s unbelievable evils: m assacres; a road of skulls built from the Howling Hills to his new capital of Dorakaa; and watchtowers along the road with beacons fed on the fuel of


In the mid-sixt mid-sixthh centur century, y, hi d V ascended the Malachite Malachi te Thron e. A series of of subs equ ent unsuccessful skirmishes against Nyrond, the Iron League, and other adjoining states did not suggest to the distant Furyondians or Keolanders


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daughter of the highest-ranking noble of Veluna promised t o unite th e states and help solve Furyondy’ ryo ndy’ss internal squabbling. T h e Prince’s Prince’s abduction, surely at the hands of Scarlet Brotherhood agents, destroyed those noble hopes. W hen the Provost of Ve Velun lunaa disappeared also, the forces of good were in some disarray. Scarlet Brotherh Brotherhood. ood. Yet no on e suspected th e Scarlet Their red-robed emissaries had wormed their way into the good books of many rulers and nobles, beginning with the states of the Iron Leagu e. W hen rum ors surfaced surfaced ooff their enslavem en t an d m artialling of a rmies of “savage s” in Hepmonaland, men and women who should have known better dismissed such rumors. It was all all too far away to be bothered with. D istant lands were not th e object ooff their attentions. And such m yopia cost the pow erful states ooff th e Flanaess very, very dear.

Suloise arrogance cost them dear; no help was forthcoming from other nations. Nyrond was nervously watching Aerdy, Aerdy, unable t o risk forces far to the north. T h e alli alliance ance forged by Vatun soon collapsed. T h e Great God instructed the barb barbari arians ans to invade the small state of Ratik, but their chiefs refused; they had long allied with Ratik against the humanoids of the Bone March and indeed against agai nst the G reat Kingdom its itself elf.. Th ey began to doubt Vatun; very wisel wisely, y, since Vatu Vatunn was a sham and a lie, a mask worn by Iuz the Old. But now Iuz was ready to strike elsewhere, both south and east. To the east, Iuz toppled with astonishing ease the Heirarchs of the evil Horned Society, long his enemies and a thorn in the flesh ooff th e Shield Lands. With t he aid of powerful fiends, his forces mad e the s treets ooff M olag run red w ith blood for a week. Iuz’s puppets then ruled from that fell city. This strike panicked Furyondy. It sought alli-

If a Flanaess sage had been asked in 582 CY wh ere th e first strike in a continental war would most likely come from, he would not have replied, “from th e H old of Stonefist,” which is exactly where it originated. Founded some 1.50 years earlier, earlier, the Fists w ere usually usually considered to be slightly better-organized barbarians than those in th e Bandit Kingdoms or in the neighboring lands of the Fruztii, Schnai, and Cruskii tribes. All the barbarians were inflamed by a rumor tha t swe pt their lands: that four of of five legendary legendary magical swords, th e Swo rds ooff Corusk , had bee n found, and that when the fifth was obtained, a “Great God of the North” would rise and lead them to conquest and greatness. greatness. T h e ffif ifth th sword sword never was found, but one calling himself Vatun and claiming to b e the G reat God of the N orth appeared before the barbarians of Fruztii, Schnai, and Cruskii, and they swept west into Stonefi fist st under his leadership. T h e Fists were overwhelmed and their leader, Sevvord Redbeard, underwent a dramatic, dramatic, if not t o say m agi agi-cal, change of allegiance. Under Vatun’s direction, the Fists swept into the D uchy ooff Tenh iinn 582 CY and conquered it quick qui ckly ly.. T h e D uke and Duchess fl fled ed to the Co unty of Urnst for safety safety.. T h e Tenhas’ former

ance Lands to secure itself againstwith the the Old Shield One, but stupidly, the pettyminded rulers of the Shield Lands refused, believing lieving this to be a step in a planned annexation by Furyondy. They paid dear for their foolishness. Iuz feinted an attack westward. Meanwhile, his main body of troops struck far to the east and southeast, into both the Bandit Kingdoms and into the Shield Lands, which they flanked to the east from bases in the old lands ooff the Horned Society. Admundfort and Critwall swiftl tly. y. Lord Holmer, wh o had refused a pact fell swif with Furyondy, was taken t o m eet his fate in the dungeons below Dorakaa. Furyond y was abl ablee to hold its easter easternn bo rder at the great Battle of Critwall Bridge in CY583. To the north, however, a massed humanoid force, swollen with mercenary humanoids from the Vesve Forest hired with looted gold, advanced almost unto unto C hendl, th e capit capital, al, and took C rockport. After many battles and a desperate relief of a beseiged Chendl, both Furyondy and Iuz were stretched to their li limits. mits. Still Still,, to many it seem ed like a provincial war ooff no rthern states; w hich is when the true hamm er bl blow ow fell. fell. T h e Great Kingdom struck, m assivel assivelyy and on many fronts.


Fists pillaging the Duchy of Tenh. Nyrond moved troops into into the Phostwood and attacked to the north. While they advanced some, their losses againstd,the Fists were higher than e xpecte anddetermined the army could co uld not continue its advance so far from Nyrond borders. Nyronde se caution was wis wise. e. Aerdy struck south, w est, and southwest. To the south and southwest, Aerdi forces atof the Iron League; t:o he west, t acked t he states of t hey moved through Almor and on toward rnyrond. Almor was SIviftly subdued., but ..under tne legendary legendary Lomm andant Osson, o ne AlmorAlmorian army led th e Aerdi forces forces in a merry dan ce by moving through Ahlissa, Sunndi, and even into Medegia before its daring but ultimately pointless deed was put to th e sword. T h e winter winter brought respite o n the field of war and tim e for desperate diplo diplomacy. macy. T h e Iron Iron League all allied ied with with Ny rond, its old protector, protector, but suffered immediately from a startling secession from its own ranks. Prince Lathac Ranold of the Lordship of the Isles was replaced by a distant cousin-- who a--t onrc hic fnr -----annniinrcrl -----_---_-..-ciinnnrr v-yyv.. t h e Scarlet Brotherhood. Too late. their machinatic)ns began began to dawn on the beleam ered forces forces of gcbod. A id Nyron d had another &eat to concont e n d with: the Bone March humanoids skirmishled with Ratik and Nyrond itself. To tne west, matters appearea more secure. Realizing the true threat of Iuz, the southern states allied in signing the Treaty of Niole Dra, which brought together Keoland, the Yeomanry, the Gran March, and the D uchy and C ounty of of Ulek. Even isolati isolationist onist Celene agreed agreed to send a token force to join with the others in assisting Furyondy. Yet Iuz himself had not b een idle, and while his overtures to Perrenland proved largely fruitless, he was welcomed in the western Baklunish land of Ket. Its rulers rulers saw the chan ce to ann ex th e fertile fertile lands of of Bissel Bissel and to secure a southern bulwark. bulwark. Iuz saw the opportunity to divide the forces of of th e southern lan lands. ds. Th e spring spring of CY584 brought a renewal of hostilities and abundant bloodshed.






Added t o the phalanx of of forces poised t o strik e ame a new force: the hitherto unremarked humanoid rabble of the Pomarj. United under a

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halfhalf-orc oef Turrosh greater th than had to b een see norc before, befleader ore, onof Turr osh streng Mak, the y strove reclaim th e “birthright” “birthright” heir new tyrant stresse d to them: their old homes in the Lortmils. Striking into lands poorly poorly defended as the southern armies moved northward, Turrosh‘s armies annexed th e eastern half half of th e Principality of Ulek (now unaidedd by any neighbor) unaide neighbor) and the southern lands of the Wild Coast with their squabbling cities. They were stopped at the Pass of Celene by brave dwarves, gnomes, humans, and a handful of elves furious at the unwillingness of Queen Yolande of Celene to help the main cause of good . But Turrosh was sa tisfied; his fief fief had sw ollen in size, an d while stymied in further territorial territorial ambitions, ambiti ons, there was none to threaten him with retaliation. To the north, Ket raiders beset Bissel, and the Ulek forces crucial to its defense dithered between defending that small state and protecting Furyondy against Iuz. Bissel was eventually forced to surrender by the fierce horsemen of Ket. This could have been avoided but for another fell stroke worse than the eruption of humanoids from from the Pom arj. From th e Crystalmist Mo untains, great forces of of giants and hum anoids swept down into the Grand Duchy of Geoff, Sterich, and into th e Yeoman Yeomanry ry.. In th e latter, they were repulsed by peasa nt levies as worthy in battle as many seasoned veterans. veterans. G eoff and Sterich fell, fell, the Keolandish Keolandish armies armies too distant to o ppose the invaders. T h e giant giant troubles, troubles, as they w ere called, called, have been ascribed to all manner of evil schemings. Some sages say that the tanar’ri power Zuggtmoy, freed from from her prison in th e Temple of Elemen tal Evil bv th e meddling Lo rd Robilar. Robilar. allied allied with Iuz and drew forth the giants via agents in the Underdark. S om e say Lolth had her own schem es and her drow organized the giants. Still u





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impenetrably. But the effect was to present the Keoland -Furyondy axis and its allies allies with threats fro from m th e west when they were beset in the north. It destroyed all possibility of sweeping back the forces of Iuz. But Iuz was well defeate d by Belvor of of Furyo ndy, acting with t he elves a nd rangers of the Vesve

Finally, Ivi Finally, Ividd V decided t o cre ate utterly loya loyall servitors servit ors among his genera generals ls and nobles. H e expediently had them murdered and raised in unique undead forms; each was revived as an animus, an undead being possessing all the skills and talents of of th e former liv living ing person. With t he logicc of logi of th e terminall terminallyy deranged, Ivid Ivid cam e to s ee

Forest, toany prevent drive and into Chendl Furyondy gaining furtherhislands, wasfrom secured. T h e forces ooff Veluna Veluna hel heldd off Kettite incursions aimed at Mitrik. If good could not win, it held evil at bay.

this revivification as a reward for his favored courtiers. Unsurprisingly, as Nyrond defeated Aerdy forces and their their dem ented m onarch offere offeredd them death and eternal restlessness as a gift, the nobles of of the G reat Kingdom schem ed and plotted and had Ivid assassinated. Unfortunately for them, priests of Hextor (with fiendish aid, most agree) revivified Ivid who rose as an animus monarch. Executions were no longer enough for Ivid. Now he instigate instigatedd wholesale massacre massacress and genocide. T h e North Provin Province ce seceded, and with the aid of humanoids from the Bone March, succeeded in repelling repelling Nyrondes e forces in the Flinty Hills.

Scene 2: Death of a Kingdom

Ove rking Ivi Ividd V decided to comm and his armies personally in the campaign of CY.584, the greatest mistake he ever made. Paranoid virtuall allyy beyo nd th e limits of m er e insanity, insanity, th e Overki king ng''s assaul assaultt on Nyro nd was broken at the battle of Inn spa w here A erdy forces were utterly routed . Iv Ivid id''s respo nse was characteristic: he executed anyone in lleading eading e armies. He executed moreinvolved of his own nobles.th He executed servants, sages, and serfs.


Wisely, the Nyrondese held off from further massed battles, perhaps sensing the imminent

collapse of of Aerdy. T h e No rth Province’s Province’s secession did indeed trigger the complete disintegration of the Great Kingdom. Animus nobles across t h e land (and the few still living) living) withdrew all sup po rt and the rem nants of their armies from from the Overking. Overking. T h e Great Kingdom Kingdom was was no more; a welter of petty sta tes, ruled by disputatious nobles (many of them un dead), w as all all that was left. An em pire that had stretched from Perrenland Perrenland to th e Aerdi Sea had been wholly eexpunged xpunged in less than four hundred years. Sic tr’ansit gloria mundi (or its Oeridian equivalent): so passes away the glory of the world. Scene 3: Those Who Watch..


T h e biggest biggest winners of of t he Greyhawk Wars Wars we re those w ho never fielded a force force of of their ow n people on th e plai plains ns of of battl battle. e. T h e Scarlet Scarlet BrothBrotherhood p ursued their own e nds by treachery, treachery, deceit, intrigues, magical compulsion, and strategies unused by others: th e breeding of of special monsters and the enslavement of so-called savages. savag es. W hen t he Great K ingdom sought to exert its power in 583 CY, the Brotherhood did indeed support the Iron League secretly: with weapons, equipment, funds, advisors, and mercenaries.. T h e Father of Obedience wanted a cenaries buffer between the Brotherhood and the mad Overking. But at the same time, Brotherhood agents undermined th e unity of of the League, and when the Great Kingdom fell apart, the Scarlet Brotherhood dem anded t he surrender of of the Iron League states. When they refused, assassins slew nobles and rulers by the score. fL aa, r

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p rriin ces c apitunces capitu-

lated to the unknown assassins of the Brotherhood,Hepmonaland and as Onnwal and raised Idee fell fel e fleets fleein ts and armies byl totheth men red, th e Brotherhood secured an iron grip on the Azure Sea. From the Sea Princes’ lands and ports, the Brotherhood even sought to take (gradsul, the vital southern Keolandish port, but V we werre repu lsed. Not all of the old Iron League was lost. Wily * * .. ,. c o b b d a r g 01 ironwall knew exactly wnere his support had been coming from, and had every Scarlet Brotherhood agent executed or exiled as Idee and O nnwal w ere falling falling.. Sunndi still stood, its formidable natural defenses of hill, woodland,






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and swamp defying all attempts made against it. But the Brotherhood had time on their side. Alone of of t he m ajor forces of of t he great wars, they were not spent. Not everything had to be achieved achie ved iinn on e fell fell swoop. T h e Father of Ob edience still had m any agents in readiness.

For almost three long years, as 584 CY drew to a close, the nations of the Flanaess had schemed, murdered, and warred against each other until nearly all sides lay bloody and beaten. Proposals for a great peace treaty gained rapid acceptance in many quarters, aided by the persuasive whisperings of of t he agents of of t he Scarlet Brotherhood. In the month of Harvester, 584 CY, in the untouched Free City of Greyhawk, countless ambassadors assembled to inscribe theirr names on the treaty at the D ay of thei of th e Great Signing. It very nearly didn’t happen. Magical scrying and the strenuous efforts of sages have not availed to give the full story of what happened that day. All that is known for sure is that, within the Grand Hall where the treaty was to be signed, a fierce magical battle erupted and spread havoc through the Old City. Afterwards, two me mbers of th e famed C ircle of of Eight, the great mages of Greyhawk, lay dead; Otiluke and Tenser Tenser were no more. T heir magical magical clones likewise shrivelled and perished, and their own bodies could not be resurrected. It is also known tha t Rary of of Ket, ano ther Circle member, was last seen fleeing with Lord Robilar into the Bright Desert, and that Rary had turned traitor and had slain his old friends. W hy this is, is a tale ye t in th e telling. telling. A side sideshow show to the main event , to be sure, but one that still shook Oe rth. Despite this, the treaty was signed and the Greyhawk Wars Wars drew to a close. close. T h e Pact of Greyh awk ensured peace-of peace-of a sort. In t he Atlas of of t he Flanaess which follows this history, th e lands ooff eastern Oerik are described individually, but in th e cold, harsh sp ring of of 5 85 CY, th e global pictu re of the Flan aess is stark and forbidding. Evil is dominant in the north and south of of th e Flanaess. To the north , th e lands of of Iuz now stretch from the eastern Vesve Vesve Forest as



La nds and B andit andit Kingdoms have almost wholly wholly fallen fall en to his reign. O nly a few bandit princes still still wage a guerrilla guerrilla war from w oodland and canyon. To th e south, th e Scarlet Scarlet Brotherhood contr controls ols th e Sea Princes, the L ordshi ordshipp of the Isles, Isles, Onnwall, Idee, Hepmonaland, and unknown stretches of th e Amedio Jungle. Jungle. Both th ese evil forces have gained m uch territory, and even ifif Iuz seems almost spent, who is to challenge him? T h e Great Kingdom is is sundered, but while while Ivid V rules a nightmare of a realm, the nobles who have succeeded him in so many realms are little little better. better. T h e evil evil of of t hese lands may no longlonger be united united and forceful forceful,, but th ere are horrors here w hich would whiten t he hair of of a hero barely ente red into his manhood. Just as Iuz and the F ather of Obedience have gained gain ed m uch, so have th e humanoid and giantish rabble once exiled exiled to borderland borderlands. s. T h e Bone March is strong, and still threaten s Ratik; th e Pomarj is greatly greatly expand ed and threatens Ulek and Greyhawk; the vermin of the Lost Lands (as Geoff and Sterich are now known) threaten many states to t he west. To complete the picture, Ket has subjugated Bissel as a vassal state; many Bisselites Bisselites have fled to V eluna eluna or the Gran M arch. arch. In th e Bright Desert, Rary th e Traitor Traitor and R obilar obilar are said said to b e subduing the savages and raising a force which mightt yet beset the Fre e City of migh of Greyhawk Greyhawk.. T h e Qu een of C ele ne sti still ll refuses to give th e help that her western neghbors in particular need so desperately. Is al alll lost? N ot yet. Ny rond still still stands a pil pillar lar of Good; it is is exhausted, s pe nt of of me n and funds, but there c om es no threat from once-great once-great Ae Aerrdy, and Urnst is still strong in its defense to the we st. Fur yon dybisutbeleaguered, vided a t times, brave Veluna Velunstill a is politically of still a land diglory and righteousness and supports its western neighbor also. Keoland and Ulek stand strong; th e Yeomanry is an inspiration inspiration to good and brave hearts everywhere. And the barbarians are a law un to them selves, still still raiding raiding Aerdi Aerdi,, still still supporting the brave folk of of R atik, still deeply hostile hostile to the poisoned words from Stonefist. T h e Th eoc racy of of the Pale is intolerant, harsh, a land of of hard he arts and harder w ords, but is not lost to evil. Sun ndi still repulses all invaders, invaders, and th e brave F ree C ity of of Irongate Irongate stands as a shin-


ing beacon of freedom am ong a sw ath of fell, fell, evil evil lands. No, all is not lost yet. T h e Free C ity of of G reyhawk still still stands also. also. Indeed, it is swollen with people of ability and ski skill. ll. Nyrondese exiles exiles live live there, m en from the Bandit Kingdoms have fled there from Iuz, the lands around the great First City have been brought within its remit by free association. association. O ther free cities, Verbobonc and Dyvers and the honorable Highfolk, are still places where evil does not reign, and where muscle and sinew are be nt to th e cause of of good. N o; all is not yet lost. lost. M instrels and bards y et sing of heroes and acts of great courage and unflinching flinch ing bravery against impossible impossible od ds in th e halls of Nyrond, Furyondy, Keoland and their allies. Lights dim, but they are not extinguished. Good is driven down, but it is not vanquishedand hop e bursts from the h earts of those wh o will will not yield to the merciless hatred of Iuz, nor to the honeyed and poisoned words of the Scarlet Brotherhoo Brothe rhood. d. T h e Flanaess Flanaess is dark-these dark-these are Da rk ages indeed-a indeed-and nd to say say that it is always darkest before the dawn is a cliche, but then what is a cliche cliche but a succinct truth? Welcome Welcome to Greyhawk.

The Cyclopedia contains the following major sections: The Peoples of the Lands: This is a general introduction detailing races, languages, names, greetings, symbols and runes, money, trade, and general social attitudes.

Th e Lands of the Flanaess: This is a general

tour giving basic details of each of the Flanaess lands and nations, their rulers, people, politics, divisions, and history. What is presented is a thumb nail sketch ooff the m ost important aspects of each land; it is clearly impossible impossible to give full full details in a sho rt entry. Free Regions: Th es e are the free cities cities such as Dwers, Greyhawk, and Highfolk, the fiercely ind ep end ent spi spirit ritss of of th e Flanaess.

Wild Regions: Mountains, hills, forests, great woodlands, wastelands, major lakes, swamps, rivers, andmarshes o ceans; and alll thes al e are covered here.

Places of Mystery: Isolated, dangerous, hidden places of of m yth a nd legend within th e Flanaess.

Adventure Locations: This short reference section locates locates every published published m odule set in the World of Greyhawk on the fold-out maps.

Tales of th e Year of Peace: T hi s set ooff rumors,

tales, hints, and glimpses is is for th e D M t o use as drop-ins in conversations, red herrings, or as ideas to develop into adventures. Locations, characters, stories, and possibilities are offered to fire fire the DMs imagination.

T h e many human invaders of th e Flanaess Flanaess have intermixed over the centuries; few pure racial cial groups are fo found und there now. O n th e fringes, fringes, however, there are still som e lands where th e inhabitants are almost unchanged from the racial stock of their m ilennium-old ancestors.

Baklunish: T h e B ak ak lluu n is is h p e o p l e h a v e

golden-hued skins, gray-green or green eyes, a nd hairr ranging from dark brown t o blue-black. hai blue-black. T h e lands of of Ekbir, the Tig er Nom ads, U ll, and Ze Zeif if around the Drawmij Ocea n are home to this pure Baklunish strain. Farther east, racial mixing results in in m odifi odified ed appearances: t he Wolf Wolf N oma ds are Bakiunis Bakiunishh mixed with Flan (from (from th e R overs of the Barrens), and have correspondingly darker features. In Ket, mixing with both Oeridian and Suloise folk folk gave rise to folk with pale yellow yellow or golden-brown/tan skin. originall human occupants of Flannae: T h e origina

the Flanaess had bronze complexions varying from coppery tones to deep brown. Their eyes were dark brown, even black, or rarely amber. Likewise, their hair was always dark brown or black. Th e Flan ar aree now scattered to th e winds. T h e Rovers of of th e Barrens ha have ve no land to cal calll their own; the Tenh as, pure Flan and proud of it, are enslaved by Iuz or have fled fled to th e south; the Flan folk of of G eoff and Steric h hav e likewise fled south and east from their homes. In the Th eoc racy of of th e Pale, Flan/Oerid de scendants are lighter of skin and hair than pure Flan, and are a handsome people. Perhaps within a handful of of ge nerations, alm ost all all Flan blood will b e found only in such blends.


Oeridians: T h e Oeridians have fair fairly ly dark

skins, varying from tan t o olive colors, but their hair color runs the range from honey blond to black, with brown and auburn the most common. Th eir e ye colors are li likewise kewise variable. variable. Pure Oeridian Oeridi an stoc k is thus less easy to spot w ith the casual eye than most races, but it can be seen mo st readily readily in Furyondy, Perrenland , and in in the east and south of the Great Kingdom.

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Suloise: T h e Suel were were scattered scattered to th e margins of the Flanaess in the distant past, so it is small wonder tha t m ost Suel blood has been interintermixed with other racial racial groups. T h e Suel are fair fair-skinned, some being almost albino, with red or blond (even platinum blond) hair and blue, gray, or violet eyes. T h e barbarian peoples of of th e north-

and mountains, and so on. Demihum ans are also drawn generally to major Free Cities such as Dyvers and Greyhawk. And there are certain lands in which demihum ans are of major importance. T h e major major elf-rul elf-ruled ed lands lands are those of Celene (gray and wood elves), the Du chy of Ulek (wood

east are t he pu rest exam ple of of ori origin ginal al Suel stock, but the Suel also dominate the Scarlet Brotherhood and th e eastern islands of the Aerdi Sea. O n the m ain ain continent, the Duchy of Urnst has the largest (proportionately) enclave of Suloise. Anom alous populations of Suloise are found found in Hepmonaland and th e Almedio Jungle; Jungle; whil whilee many have developed tanned skins with heavy freckling, pale and albino faces that look utterly incongruous in th e steaming jungles jungles can still still be seen.

and high elves), and Lendore (aquatic and high elves). Mountain dw arves domin ate Irongate and the Principality of Ulek and are numerous in R a t ik . T h e la n d s of U le k , U r n s t, S u n n d i , Highfolk (especially), and t he Valle Valleyy of th e M age (a unique case) are dominate d by mixes of demihumans. Veluna Veluna has always had a strong population of high elves and gnomes, and the Gran Marc h and Keoland have had their ranks swelled by high elves and mountain dwarves fleeing Geoff and Sterich. Late r entries in this Cyclopedia discuss particular regions dominated by demihumans in individual detail. Following is a broad overview of dem ihum adhu man int intera eract ction ions. s.

Reference Card 2 lists the dominant racial strains for th e major Flanaess nations (as part of much other reference material material). ). Th e importance ofhth racial region to region. T e eSuloise Suloi se mixes are thevaries mostfrom jealous jealous of of their pureblooded ness, perhaps reflecting their distinct difdifferences from all all other ra ces and their history of of being driven out of the main Flanaess lands (by the Oeridians, in particular). T h e Scarlet Brotherhood are Suloise Suloise rracis acists, ts, but such racism is rare. Although other groups may ta ke stron g pride in being much like their their original ancestors, as the Tenhas do, those around th em often do no t react favorably favorably to this (as reflected in th e fall of Tenh). In the central Flanaess in particular, little attentio n is paid paid to sk in col color or or racial ances try, alalthough there is a growing tendency to regard Suelofolk suspicion (no t leastThbecause omore f th e rise f thewith Scarlet Brotherhood). er e areof important divisions within the lands to worry about in these times. Who cares whether the pikeman standing next to you is Oeridian or Baklunish, if the enemy is a hobgoblin hobgoblin or a fiend in the s ervice of of Iuz ?

Habits of the demihuman races are another


Halflings typically identify strongly with the

good nations of the Flanaess. They are not numerou s, and have no lands of of their own. I t is not surprising that they look to the larger folk (and other demihumans) for protection and alliances.

Gnomes take a similar view. Their hilly homes have been threatened by the humanoids in particular; many have been driven into the plains of human-dominated lands where they seek help to re-establish their old heartlands. Many, too, co-exist with elves in th e woodlands; where the elves are active in working with human interests, so are the gnomes. Hill gnomes

often space rves, neighbors and are a brave,share toughliving folk who arewith loyaldwa to their and fight side by side with them. Dwarves of th e Flanaess are strong and stu b-

born people. In some lands, lands, they need help, but are often too proud to ask for it outright; beseiged Irongate, the exiled mountain dwarves driven into the Good Hills of Keoland, and the Ulek dwarves who suffered at the hands of the Pomarj humanoids are all examples. Some of these clans feel t h e m s e l v e s to h a v e b e e n wronged; the Ulek dwarves are angry with the

elves of of C ele ne for not gi giving ving them aid, and there is strain strain between them and the elven-dominated Duchy of Ulek, which sympathizes with the dwarves and y et dares not rebuke C elene openl openly. y. Elsewh ere, the strong mountain folk ar aree better placed; in Urn st, which has emerg ed stron g after th e war, dwarves are learning learning that th e old glory of N yro nd need s their hel helpp even to sustai sustainn its own shadow. In Sunndi, the dwarves ally with the elves and gnomes, each experts at defending their own terrains, to keep their enemies at bay. Elves of th e Flanaess are more divided. Bright Veluna has a strong elven presence that works unstintingly for good. Nyrond and Furyondy elves a re vi vigilant gilant against evil. T h e elves of of t he Highfolk bow no knee to Iuz, but the rulers of C ele ne are divided and currently favor iisolati solationonism. In Sunndi, the gray elves are warlike, aggressive, gressi ve, and host hostile ile;; in Lendore, the dom inant high elves are philosophers, mystics, and otherworldly. worldl y. Th e r e iiss no simple ra racial cial divi division sion within the elves, either; it is not the case that high elves elves are more inclined to be actively opposed to the evil of the Flanaess than gray or wood elves. W hat can o ne say ooff this ttimeless imeless people? Som e are the greatest h ope of the Flanaess, while some s e e m to do nothing as the world threatens to collapsee about them . laps

T h e humanoi humanoidd races ooff th e Flanaess Flanaess have hishistorically been driven into the least favorable areas-mo untains, hills, barren plains, swam ps, and marshlands. However, three lands are now dominated by them. them. T h e Bon Bonee March is is home to orcs, o gres, an d gnolls; th e Poma rj is is the habitat of the same races, together with bugbears; and th e Lo st La nds (previ (previousl ouslyy the Grand D uch y ooff Geoff and Sterich) have been overrun by ogres, giants, hobgoblins, an d other h umanoids. Iuz, of of course, has many humanoids within his lands. T he re is no c om mo n fact factor or that uni unites tes these marauding maraudi ng monsters. T h e orcs orcs of of the Pom arj have n o alli alliance ance and and no comm unicati unication on with with th e orcs of the Bone March, for example. Even the priesthoods of th e sa m e orcish deities have virtually ally no com munication. T h e humanoi humanoids ds are a rabble, but that m akes them no less da dangero ngerous. us.


It is generally agreeG agreeG th at t h e gre atest aut. aut..o .orrity on languages in Oerik is Revo rt L eyhar, working from the Grey College of the University of Greyhawk. In his 44-volume Exegesis o f Linguistic Usage hes exb y the Flanaess haustively establishes establishes that only Peoples, five dialect dialects are used by enough folk to be properly called languages.

Suloise: This exists primarily as a written language, read by those who delve into the surviving vivi ng ancient tomes of th e Suel peoples. W ithin the Scarlet Brotherhood, however, it is the only permitted spoken language for discourse within the heirarchy. A derivati derivative, ve, Fru z (see below), is spoken by the other major Suel group, the barbarians. language guage still still spoken Flan: T hi s is the oldest lan on an aeveryday basdebased basis. is. T h e version Tenhas of speak Flan, albeit somewhat the oncewidespread original tongue. It is a stagnant language now, and it is di diffi fficult cult to translate mod ern or changing concepts into Flan becau se of the inflexibility flexibil ity of of its vo cabulary a nd sytax. importance ance as Ancient Baklunish: T his has import

one of the roots of modern Common. It is still spoken by the Paynim tribes and among some tribes and clans in surrounding lands (Zeif, Tusmit, e tc.), especially in formal addresses and for comm ercial dealings.

Old Oeridian: Originally believed to be almost a closed language, Revort Leyhar has exploded this myth. H e bases hi ploded hiss case on the obvious obvio us fact that such a tongue could not remain free of of o utside infl influences, uences, as was once claimed, when those who spoke it were the most widely disseminated and intermixed group throughout th e Flanaess. O ld O eridian is th e major basis ooff the C omm on tongu tongue. e. As a written written lanmage, - Old Oeridian is used airnost exclusivel exclusivelyy by many everyday scribes (lawyers, clerks, and the like), in

the same reasons. Most major archives and libraries have a wealth of materials written in Old Oeridian.

Common: Primarily derived from Ancient

Baklunish and Old Oeridian, Common evolved primarily from the need for a universal language that could be employed in trade and diplomacy and filtered down to the common folk over the centuries. It is now the primary spoken human tong ue in alm ost all all nations of of th e Flanaess. In addition, :1 handful of dialects and )articular ar importan ce. languages have )articul

s iJb-

Alignment and Nonhuman Tongues:

Ferra1:This i, derivative a l l trib a1 language, used, until recently, in the diplomacy of of the Iron L eague. S om e documents which which were saved from its fall fall (and so me still still extant in Sunndi and Irongate) are written in this tongue. Ferra l was used primarily for comma nd and identification a formalized 11s and amou ntingpurposes, to little little mcbeing )r e than a set of sign;dialect tags with poor verbal :and adjectival conter it. It is not a tru e living language.

tercourse. It is a (one language that up cannot be voluntarily learned must grow with it). M ore details ooff this un ique language are found in the Cyclopedia Cyclopedia entry entry for th e L end ore Isles. Isles.

Nyrondese: T h i s is a High Oeridian dialect

that mixes Co mm on wit withh so me expressi expressions ons from from an Oeridian tribal tongue. It is spok en in rural arareas of Nyrond by peasants, shopkeepers, and tho se who want to m ake comprehension of their their expressions difficul difficultt for those they don’t don’t trust.

Fruz (The Cold Tongue): This is the language of the frost, snow , and ice barbarians; it is predominantly Suloise with some Flan influences. hasSuloise no relation Common, and even It of spea kers find find ittohard to comprehend.

Velondi: This is another Oeridian tribal

tong ue sp oken b y rural folk and tho se in isolated isolated com mun ities in Veluna Veluna and its northern borders. It is not comprehensible to those who speak only Co mm on , and is purely purely a spoken language language today. today.

Keolandish: An offshoot of Old Oeridian

with local admix tures, Keolandish has a range of regional sub-dialects throughout Keoland and surrounding lands.


oise once spoken in some of the Spindrift Isles and known to a sca ttered few few in other eastern islands. I t is comprehensible to Suloise Suloise and Co mm o n s p e a k e r s , b u t is u n r e l a t e d t o F r u z . Lendorian is used primarily by seamen and sea voyagers, and is a spoken rather than written tongue. Lendorian is especially especially rich rich and subtle in its vocabulary as pertains to weather conditions and natural phenomena, as befits its usage. It is not to be confused with Lendorian Elvish (see below). Th ese exist exist under under standard standard AD & D@ ame rules, rules, with one exception worthy of note: th e Lendorian Elvish Elvish tongue. tongue. T hi s is a highly comp lex, sym bolic language unique to the Lendore elves, spok en by both the high and aquatic elves of of th e Lendo re Isle. I t fulf fulfils ils th e func tions of philosophical discourse, religious devotions, and social in-

o eri d i a n


Lendorian: T hi s is is an o bscure dialect of of Sul-

System s of of naming are wide and varied in the Flanaess, with many local customs. Following are so me general guidelines.

Common Humanity: Most ordinary folk

have only a single name. Among those with a trade almost kind, usual addedIf one’s one ’s of nam e (i.e.,any “Gore1 “Gor e111 this th e is W usually oodculytter”). If toa family member within a couple of generations has som e reasonable reasonable local fame, that c an b e substituted for the career tag (hen ce, “Marran, cousin of of Hewell th e Orc-cleaver”). W hen traveling, traveling, one’s home becomes part of one’s name for the purpose of addressing strangers (thus, “Kendren of Hookhill”). Exiles: Because so many folk have fled their original origi nal lands as refugees in the last three years, it is common fo forr them to use their original original homeland as part of their their nam e, w hethe r they’re com -

mon humanity or adventurers. This even takes precedence over any label linked to heroism. H en ce, th e Tenha warrior warrior Stor Storgri grim m Dragonspike wou ld be Storgrim of of Tenh, now tha t he is exile exiledd in N yro nd , for example. In many cases, such exile is obvious (the Flan Tenhas are fairly fairly cons conspicpicuous in appearance), but most stress it almost with pride.

Nobles: In almost all lands, nobles are ad-

dressed by title and first name, then by family/ location locati on as wel welll (in a truly formal address). L ord Nellist would be happy with this address on an everyday basis, but at a court, he would be known as Lord Nellist Egremont (family) of Woodwych (home). Of the following titles, not all all exist in al alll lands, bu t th e orde r ooff em ine nce is consistent: Emperor, King, Duke, Prince, Margrave, E arl (Coun t, Pla Plar, r, Graf), Graf), Viscount, Baron, Knight (with varying ranks of knighthood that vary considerably from land to land). Many exiled exiled nobles do not use their homeland as part of their name except when absolutely necessary, because this emphasizes the pain and em barassm ent of their loss loss.. Even in formal ceremonies, a tactful host will simply introduce a guest as “L ord Raschman,” not “Lord Raschman of Nevond Nevnend.” Unfortunately, some unscrupulous individuals look at this dropping of full formalities as an opportunity for con tricks. There are a fair number of bogus lords and counts in the more distant and less knowledgeable parts of of K eoland, Nyro nd, and Veluna, posing as exiles and trading on th e goodwill of th ose deceived.

Wizards: Wizards avoid long-winded names and are often known simpl simplyy by one nam e (Mordenkainen, Bigby, etc.). Often, this occurs progressively as a mage becomes better known, and is a sign of eminence (no one says, “Mordenk ainen who ” or, “whi “which ch Mordenkainen?”). Some mages, though, retain first and family nam e, suciI as Jallarzi S allavarian ooff the Circle of Five.

_-_ are ___

_ name and the location of their temple, such as “Hamras of Leukish.” Longer-w inded terminologies are used only in high church circle circles. s.







k n o w n by

Demihumans: Elves always use family

nam es, unsurprising given that siblings (and halfhalfsibs) may be a hundred or more years apart in age. Family nam es are alm ost invaria invariably bly romantic, flowery words: Starglow, Laurellan, Silverfrond, and the like. Half-elves and elves who live in and around around hum an com munities may add some local humanoraddition their dealing names, either by profession location,to when with humans. Dw arves als alsoo use ffamil amilyy nam es, and are deeply prou d ooff their lineages. A first mee ting with a dwar dwarff will result in him introducing himself by his first nam e, his clan, and then his ancestors (“son of, son of of,, son o f. . 3 for several generations. Very Very form al etiquette applies to this. O nly a true leader amo ng dwarves is is all allowed owed to stretch m atters to six generations or more (and such a dwarf dwarf uses his fu full ll name al alll the time). Ordina ry dwarves stick to thre e generations if they’ they’re re being mod est; four iiss the norm ; and ifif th e dwarf gives you fi five, ve, hhe’ e’ss eithe r bein g boastful or show ing a lot ooff tru st in, and frien dship toward, the listener. After this formality has been established, first-name terms gradually become employed. Dwarves differ from common humans in another important way: many of those exiled from homelands and driven out as refugees (from Sterich, the eastern P rincipa rincipality lity of U lek, etc.) d o not proclaim this, as many humans do, by referring to their old ab ode in their ful fulll name. I t may be that they deny their loss in this refusal to name their lost home. In this respect, they behave rather like human nobles. Gnomes use both a first and a family name, and always hang some extra tag on it, whether this is the family home, the place where they work, or whatever seems most important to them at the time (so Grimm ri Fischer might be “Grimm ri Fis Fischer cher the Jester, Jester,”” “Grim mri Fische r of th e Highfolk,” Highfolk,”or “Grimm ri Fischer, Locksm ith of Grey hawk”). Halflings Halfl ings use first nam es and surnam es like the gnomes do, but they often use nicknames, pet nam es, abbreviated -nam es, and oth er devices that most other races find irksome and pretentious in in the extrem e. Humanoids typically use a simple first name


have honorifics that typically refer to favored weapons, tactics for execution or torture, disgusting personal habits, or general physical prowess. T o save time, such honorifics are often linkedd to t he clan linke clan name (so a chieftain of of t he Broken Skull clan might be known as Arakkosh X-

a ew local greetings (ana som e otner expressions of note) are listed below, for the use of travelers and t he satisfaction ooff th e overly curious.

Cold Col d iron avail avail you is a common exchange be-

tween warriors among the Highfolk and in Furyondy, referring to the efficacy of cold iron against certain un dead (amo ng Iu Iuz’ z’ss servants). I spit on the Old 01?e s an almost aggressivere greeting, a rejoinder to any question of one$3 bravery, amo ng th e sa sallm e folk. I t can even be a





tells that the e nd of th e world begins with th e fall fall-ing of of stars from the sky as th e heavens break. H e n c e , until the starbreak als alsoo mean s forever. May the A Axe xe grow gr great eat is an expression used among the exiled Knights of Holy Shielding. It refer refers s to axe theirthat deity Heironeous, possesses magical can shrink and who expand in size.a T h e phra phrase se expres expresses ses the desi desire re to s ee good grow great, for th e Shield Lands t o be reclaimed, and is a general expression of goodwill, an encouragement, and a hope of better times. Ki Kill ll your father father,, eat your mot mother her is an encouragement among the orcs of the Pomarj, entrea ting the listener to evil and notable deeds. It soun ds marginally mo re unplea sant in original orcish. However, if the li liste stener’ ner’ss parents are both dead, it is a terrible insult, for it implies that the listener is incapable of performing worthwhile acts of of evil, and generally leads to a fight to t he

_ ^ ^ _

challenge challe nge to th e bravery U I LIIC UIIC 30 auulcsscd. Stone endures and its variants (such as So long as stone endures and stone endures still. ), s a greeting and sign of friendshi0 among those allied with Irongate , an a kno wled gm ent ooff the he he-roism of the dwarves tlier e and th e endurance of their walled city. ’w ’war are e an and d were, frie fr ielI lIu u =, tween , and when meeting, rangers ooff the G narley Forest, who have many friendships with werebears there. When used by an outsider, it shows politeness in that on e has taken the trouble t o learn s ometh ing ooff the rangers rangers’’ ways. Hands in your pockets, pocket s, eyes on your purse is a char acteristic well-wishing and farewell used in Y


the Fr ee City of Greyhawk. It is a city rul ruled ed by thieves , after all. Are you athought?(i.e., are you thinking?) is a half-challenge or intimidation used by seniors ooff the Scarlet Brotherhood wishing to put junior juniorss at a disadvantage. True believers should not think. T h ey should just obey orders. Until th e starbreak starbreak is a farewe ll and oath of fidelityy used among th e barbari delit barbarians. ans. It has two distinct meanings. T h e exhalation exhalation of breath in the bitter c old cause s a frost and tiny cloud ooff snowflakes to fall, and thos e fallin fallingg flakes flakes are referred to as “the breaking ooff sta stars. rs.”” He nc e, until the


starbreak is roughly equivalent to until we talk again. Also, an ancient barbarian religious myth


Travelerss and anyone mixing with exalted perTraveler sons need to know correct forms of address when deali dealing ng with nobles and knights. In th e states of the central Flanaess, the following forms of address are conventional: King- Yo Your ur Maj Majest esty y Duke- Your Highness Prince- Your Grace Archcleric, High Priest- Your Royal Highness Margrave, M arquis arquis-- Your Nobleness Earl, Count, Graf, Plar- Your Eminence BaronYo Your ur Prominence Prominenc e Viscount- Your Noble Lordshi Lordship p Addressing a knight can be tricky; th e correct Addressing form of address may be “Your Most Honorable Sir,” “Right Honorable Sir,” “Your Most Worthy Sir,”or “Wo rthy Sir” for knigh ts of estab lished orders (in decreasing order of importance), or simply “Sir” “Sir” for a humble knight. T h e best guide, when uncertain, iiss to use th e most loft loftyy address. Humbler knights will not be displeased, and nobler ones unoffended.



An assortment of standard symbols, runes, and sigils has evolved alm ost as a pictorial analog of the C omm on tongue. tongue. The re are times when when a few m uch information information as a inscriptions hundred or can moreconvey words,asand vJ-:of the essence, leaving such a sigin to alert the unwary can save lives and souls. W‘izards, sages, rangers marking th e wo odland s, dw.r,n. r . ,v,Jn o n + n h ; m n stone , and many others have contributed to this picture-l pictu re-language anguage over th e centuries. The most common and important of the se \.. symbols and signs are depicted here. Ot course, individual secret societies and cults, sages, and wizards have their own marks and runes far too V 1 1 b 1 1

o n--J Jp,,U



travel to t consult 2 vealed, 0 1



the section on trade), if it is accepted as payment, the vendor doesn’t tend to bother much ab ou t which type of gold coin is paid. Co ins from Keoland are a ccep ted in Veluna Veluna as readily as VeVelunese coinage, if coi coinn is accepted accepted at all. all. T h e one exception to this is Greyhaw k coinage; this is sigsignificantl nifi cantlyy m ore likely to be accepted almost anywhere than other money, even locally minted coin. It is as if if th e F ree City is seen not just as a safe haven in troubled times, but as a bank tha t can’t default (or if it does, everything is lost in the world anyway, so why bother? Just take the coin ).


Border levies on imported coin, as well as reduced rates of exchange for changing to local coinage, have all but evaporated in many countries (Nyrond still operates a 3 % levy due to its despera te financial financial straits). Paper m oney in the form of of promissory promissory notes has virtually no value outside of th e F re e City of Greyhawk, Celene, Urnst, Perrenland, and the hwestern lands. In most instances, it can be tradl tradled only to a pawnbroker pawnbroker or “deb t colleccollectorn for a fraction of its face value. T L I I I G cost of all items listed in the Player’s Handbook is increased in th e Flanaess anyw here outsicle th e following lands: al alll barbarian lands, noma d land s, E kbir, Tusmit, Zeif, and U11. A pply a basic increase of 10% to all costs, and add a minimum extra 10% in the following lands: Nyrond, Gran March, Keoland, the Yeomanry, Cunn di, al alll areas of of th e Gre at Kingdo m orth Province and Re1 Astra, what rele Wild Coast, the lands of the Sea id all lands under the sway of Iuz.



la1 l l U l L

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Coinagi 500 c o p p e r p i e c e s ( c p ) = 3 u s i l v e r p i e c e s (sp) = 10 electrum pieces (ep) = 5 gold piece (gp)= 1 platinum piece (pp). In t he F ree City of Greyhawk, now the dominant trade center for the whole region, the coins are copper commo ns, silv silver er nobles, electrum electrum luckies, gold gold orbs, and platinum plates. O n e effect of th e Greyh awk W ars is that wh ile coinag e is less will willingl inglyy accepted t han be fore (see


eased costs reflect the exhaustion of

n so many lands, and t he inabilit inabilityy to iy of them (iron mines lost to giants

ioids, fields left untilled because so int levies have suffered grievous casu:he like), and also population increa se refugees. DM s are free to impose further price price increases in severely affected areas as they choose, and may also increase costs substantially for items that command a premium. Examples include: good warhorses in Nyrond and throughout the Great Kingdom (where cavalry cavalry took took a hamm ering on both sides); any form of boat or ship in Furyondy, or any trade post from which it could due

easily be transported there, such as Greyhawk City (since so many Furyondian naval vessels and lesser boats were lost on the W hyestil hyestil La ke in the war with Iuz); and so on. The re are many regional variations.

Barter is is now at least as importan t as th e use of coinage in almost all the Flanaess lands, and

... ... ..






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war has exhausted so much material resource, people kn ow t hat o ne cannot eat coinage coinage or wea wearr it to keep warm, nor can it be melted down to make weapons or ploughshares. Even in lands wh ere co inage is sstill till an impo rtant medium of exchange, it is often the case that a person with something of value will exchange his goods for other goods he needs rather than an equivalent (or slightly slightly greater) value value in coinage. T hi s is especiallyy true in rural areas, and in towns a nd citpeciall ies not far from from t h e borde rs of hostile lands (e.g., northern Furyondy, eastern Keoland, Ratik). T h e major major effect effect of of th e Greyhawk Wars Wars on trade has b een to dep ress the volume of transactransactions. M ost coun tries have far less to export than they on ce did, needing to retain retain what they manage to produce. Further, because of the general conservatism of the times, people are reluctant to un dertak e journeys of any significant distance to sell the produce they do have. Especially in the case of humbler products, such as cloth and food, most folk will not travel

hand is twofold: first, to rebuild and fortify defenses with the expectation of future conflict, and second, to take little, and no strangers, on trust.

far sell their wares. M ore expensive moditiestosuch as fine wood, luxuries, ores,com precious metals, gem s, and finely-crafted finely-crafted items are less affected , but w hile their prices prices are increased, traders are increasingly cautious about travel. It's a good time to be a mercenary if you are happy guarding merchant caravans, riverboats, and barges.

the locals might speak Nyrondese rather than Common in their presence. Ofte n, such a vill village age might dem and that strangers lay lay down all arms, to b e taken into the custody of the Serjeant or Constable of the place. If accommodation is offered at all, it would not be unusual for for guests to be locked into their rooms for the night in a room with well-shuttered well-shuttered windows. T h e local local priest, priest, even if a servant of a peaceable deity and perhaps only a humble, 1stlevel acolyte, would have such spells as command and protection from evil at the ready (if allowed access to the appropriate spheres of spells). There is a general tendency among ordinary

will have their homes and bases in the central nonevil Flanaess lands: Keoland, Veluna, Furyondy, Ulek, Urnst, Greyhawk City, Nyrond, and the lands around thes e centers. Within these lands and their allies, allies, there is a dominant mood of the times. Above and beyond th e information information contained in individindividual entries , this atm osph ere is pervasive and basic to the Flanaess. There is a general perception that peace is here, for a time. But no one believes that peace has broke n o ut for very long. Iuz has achieved so much, so fast; he will hardly hardly rest conte nt for ever. T h e Scarlet Brotherhood was unknown until until a dozen years ago, and now it strangles the Azure Sea as a mesh of creep ing vines strangles a tree. tree. Within th e beleaguered central central lands, lands, the task to most

o s t


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T h elands need and to fortify fort ify andthat protect is strongest in those regions border Iuz and the remnants of of the G reat Kingdom. Kingdom. Thi s takes the form of population retrea t from rural areas to cities, the building of defenses around towns and cities of of an y size (but few states ca n afford to co nstruct major fortificat fortifications ions and castles), castles), and a general preparedness of local people for trouble. As an exam ple of how com mo n folk behave in such times, a charming Nyrondese village that ten years ago would have welcomed strangers and offered hospitality hospitality would now be a very dif dif-ferent place. place. T h e vill villag agee might be defended by a wooden stockade wall, or at least by ditches. Strangers would be regarded suspiciously, and

folk to hold to w hat on e has, to trust one's one's family and long-time friends and few few other s, and (es pecially in borderlands) to keep faith with the Power that offers protection. A resurgence of genuine devotion, and no little superstition, are commonplace.

T h e suspicious suspiciousness ness of of the rul rulers ers in these times com es primarily fr from om the growing awareness of how much the Scarlet Brotherhood has



anc es, kidnapp ings, assassinations, and llying ying and treacherou s agents posing as advisors-these engender distrust. Almost anyo ne who is anyone do es no t wil willi lingngly trust the advice of a stranger in these dark days. Priests and mages using detection spells thron g the courts of t h e influential; the schoo l of of

t h e latter is is a minor triump h of evil, and ther e are certainly certai nly those who spea k out against this rising tide of of con servatism. T he y are not widely li lisstened to.

Gre ater Divination has beco me rem arkably wel welll funded even in poor countrie countries. s. Alignment languages have b ecom e m ore widely used; the social customs and politeness that form erly restricted its use are cast asi aside. de. Likewise, t he po lite forego ing of magical scrying upon eve n august personages has been given up. Spyin g and sneaking has becom e a tool wide widely ly used by many rulers; one side-effect of this is that m any thieves have found themselves receiving offers offers of em ploym ent from a D uk e or Count who previously might have preferred them hanged. On the borderlands, rangers could forever give up sleeping and still not accomplish mo re than a small part of what is asked ooff them .

Paradoxically, while caution and conservatism are the prevailing mood, there is also a moody, impulsive tendenc y to a degree of rashness in many lands. When so much hangs in the balance, wisdom may dictate that putting a lit little tle resource into into speculat speculative ive ventures may b e no bad idea. As one example, even th e notoriously ti tightghtfisted dwarves of Irongate are said to have paid good gold gold to equip a powerful adventu ring party seeking a reputed scone of controlling earth elementals lost below the Abbor Alz mountains. Such a magical treasure w ould b e of major value in fortifying Irongate's defenses. Expeditions to lost burial mounds, deadly lich mazes, ancient treasure treas ure sites, and th e like are cer certainl tainlyy not bein g abandoned. Because the centra centrall Flanaess states are unwil unwillling to risk their own best men and women in such ventures, they will often seek to employ mercenary adv enturers fo forr such specul speculative ative forays. Such employment will often be offered throug h intermediaries, an d th e hirelings will will of of-ten be magically scryed upon to check their alignment and trust trustworthine worthiness. ss. Subm itting to quest or geas spells spells may be dema nded if th e r e ward offered is great. Even s o, there may be no better time in Greyhawk's history to be a freebooter,, and the F ree City itse booter itself lf is the place to go to become one.

Established orders of knighthood, noble and learned so cieties, and th e like draw in ttheir heir horns and s peak far less than they list listen. en.

Even in many of the m ost civi civiliz lized ed llands, ands, th e rule of law is less centralized than before the Wars.. T he re is a strong tendency for loc Wars local al nobles t o rule their fiefs fiefs as they see fit, alth although ough they do not active actively ly oppose their rulers in most cases. In bord erlands, local commu nities are almost a law unto themselves, with a Serjeant or Sheriff (often elected by elders, or the w hole populati population on of a vill village) age) responsible for dealing with misc reants. C entral authority often can not aff afford ord to d o more than send out militia to aid tax collectors. There are exceptions to this; Gran March, Keoland, Veluna Veluna,, th e Urnst and Ulek lands, and the lands around Greyhawk still retain pre-war standards of law. In Furyondy and Nyrond in particular, matters are less organized. All this should shouldn' n'tt be taken to mean that everyone encountered along the roa roadsi dside, de, or in cities and towns, is wildly paranoid. Rather, folk take wise precautions, and rulers vacillate and hesitate until they have what they perceive to he all all th e facts they need t o ma ke decisio decisions. ns. In itsel itself, f,



res ana no. ne great powers of the War agreed to the Pa ct ooff G reyhaw k, and certai certainly nly Nyron d, Furyon dy, Vel Veluna una,, Ket, t he rem nants of Aerdy, and Iuz have no plans for major aggression against their former enemies. However, the Scarlet Brotherhood is still well placed to continue its intrigues intrigues and sub versions, even if technically nica lly bound not to w age war war..

T h er e are also places wh ere skirmishing is is virvirtually guaranteed to continue. T h e most obvious tually locations locat ions are G eoff and Sterich, where th e exiled local peo ple will will certainly certainly fight to regain their old lands, but no m assed battles could could be fought due to weakness of numbers and arms. A similar stat e of affairs affairs exists in th e Pomarj; Turrosh Turrosh M ak signedd no peace treaty, signe treaty, and the Ulek states, and possibly individual interests in the Suss Forest, Lortmils, and Wild Coast might also skirmish against the Pomarj. T h e Vesve Vesve Forest wil willl surely see its share of skirmishi skirmishing. ng. T h e exiles exiles in in th e Hornwood are still desperately trying to fight their way out; bandits in and around the Fellreev Fellreev Forest and th e R ift Canyon still still raid raid Iuz’s forces; the barbar barbarians ians will will raid raid th e Grea t Kingdom; the Sea Barons aren’t a peaceful bunch; Ratik and the Bone March are at each other’s throats. T h er e may not be war on the scale scale ooff th e last last three years, but mercenaries still have plenty of people ready t o employ them , and som e of those erstwhile employers still still have the funds to take them on.




Wh at follows is an alphabetical guide to al alll nations of the Flanaess, including their history, nature, and contemporary events. T h e lands lands that have been conquered by others still receive an individual entry, with notes on whether populations are exiled (and if so, where), enslaved, lost, o r simply unknown. Each entry is descriptive, with some important reference statistics on Reference Card 2 (population, demihumans, humanoids, major resources). T h e ruler of each country is given in the main en tries as well as on the reference card. A ruler noted in parentheses is the true ruler of a land, actin g through a nominal ruler puppet or having displaced an exiled ruler. Some important notes apply to the reference card statistics: Capital and Ruler are both given in th e main entry, but the card also shows the class, level, and a lign me nt of of a nation’s ruler. Population appli applies es to hum ans only and gives the nu mber of relatively relatively able-bodied adults in the

territory. T h e settlem ent of territory. of this population folfollows standard patterns. In most lands, some 50% of the human population will be settled figure which hlas within cities an d ma jor. owns, a figure ring and since the wal rs. increased sharply dui ther communities ar e almost always settled by . . a river, lake, major trade route, or vital natural resource (mines being the obvious example). example). A s for communications between communities communities,, the re are roads betwe en major cities cities within within each state which have been well maintained in past years and have no t yet deg enerated due to disrepair. Villages, smaller town s, an d border forts are co nnected to such cities, and to each 0 t hle ler, r, on ly roads and cart tracks. In t he Ulek by poor qu ality roads StZites, the Urnst states, Furyondy, Velu na, and *. ntiy Detter Ny ron a, m atters are sig Detter with a superisuperior quality of secondary roads. However, in Furyondy and Ny rond, these are already already beginni beginning ng to show the signs of of neglect from from th e wars, and willl continue to deteriorate. wil deteriorate. Races is th e mix of of human races to be found I





corpses frozen frozen from the winter that are now decomposing, fertile breedin g ground s for for pandem ic disease. Local skirmishings will be certain in the lands close to humanoids. Refugee emigrationss m ay start afr tion afresh esh as rumors and scares create waves of panic among nervous commonfolk. Iuz may be bound not to wage war, but creating threatening-looking freak weather, dread omens playing on folk superstitions, and th e like are certainly tainly not beyond him . T h e br brief ief section section Tales of the Year of Peace toward the e nd of this long Cyclopedia gives some hint of what may yet befall the Flanaes Flanaess. s.


see Great Kingdom, South see Great Kingdom

Ruler: none (Iuz) Capital: largest city in stronges t fiefdom, currently curre ntly Rookroost (pop. 11,650)

in each land, withFor th eexample, first first letter letterOSf being the predominant strain. means that th e hum ans are a mix of of O eridian eridian and Sue1with a small Flan addition to the mix. Pop. Align is the dominant alignment(s) of the major group (humans, demihumans, or huInanoids) within th e land. Demihuman and Humanoid figur'es apply to aidults capable of fighting (a key statiistic in such ar en t imes). Sometimes. exact . ~--._ _ 't - availn - ----I--, h le- - - - - fimires rio one is taking a census of post-war populat ions, an d with isolated isolated commun ities, estimating estimating e:xact num bers is difficult difficult,, so less exact terms are Coccasionally occasionallyused. used. Major Resources means major resources

T h e Bandit Kingdoms Kingdoms were a collection collection ooff petty holdings holdings founded founded b etween 300-350 CY. Originally, eaicyh little kingdom was ruled by a bandit nobEe title. alth chieftair1 laying claim to a nobE althouph ouph no h n A m . . e L +---:+-Aril kingdom, u a m u c h territorial stabil stabilit ity. y. T h e dominant fiefs m wit within the lands w ere tho tse of Reyhu, Grosskopf, Dimre. Tohrase. and the citv of R oo kr oo s, each of "which 'had rulers rulers stiong enoug h to hold their territories aginst rivals. rivals. Bandits lived by raiding Tenh, the Shield Lands, Urnst, Nyrond (more rarely), the Theocracy of the Pale, and each other. other. Som etimes, rival rival rulers rulers

vhich are available. vhich available. In In so m e cases, they m ay not )e currently in use. Mines lost to humanoids vo von' n'tt yield o res, untilled fields may b e fertile but vo von' n't y ield grain. O n the Refere nce C ard, if if a reource is currently severely severely underused as a direct esult of of t he e ven ts ooff th e wars (less than 50% of we-War productivity), this is specifically noted. >f course, certain areas may have undiscovered undiscovered esources (especially of ores, gems, etc.), but his is a quite different matter. Further, the figures listed may well change harply within even a year of the current date,

would temporarily ally to fend off retributive attacks from tho se nations. These lands have been almost wholly occupied by the forces of of Iuz since th e war. war. T h e bandit forces themselves are greatly divided. Some, notably the more evil, have taken service with Iuz, who uses them to crush t he last vestiges vestiges of the Rovers of the Barrens and, disclaiming responsibili sponsi bility, ty, to skirmish skirmish into th e Th eocracy and Urnst. A num ber of minor servitors servitors of of Iuz control th e recruited bandits and humanoids originally from








lands. O the r bandits have fled lands. fled to Urnst, granted amnesty in return for enlisting as troops or mercenaries. They often present problems for the rulers of the lands they have fled to, d ue to their strongly chaotic natures, drunkenness, and poor discipline. Some, including the most chaotic, continue to exist as bandits within these lands,

dailyy life dail life of B isselites. isselites. T h e y know that this is a people which has a historical tradition of being a shuttlecock between powerful neighbors, and that given time, they will accept their new rulers. Or so the K etites think. Im ran has mad e plain plain his desire to retain Bissel’s remaining mercenary and homegrown troops, and pays them well. well.

especiall especially in and around th e Rift Canyon andfrom the Fellsreevy Forest, and these include many th e five old powerful fiefs fiefs who still still display thei theirr shields proudly. T he se bandits are skille skilledd horsemen and gutsy gutsy warriors despite knowing when to cut and run. T h e y are mostly mostly untrustworthy, untrustworthy, but they adh ere to the belief that their enemy’s enemy is their friend and if they give a blood oath, they will die ratherr than go back on their word. rathe word. T h e women of the se lands are outnumbered by th e men, but share their characteristics. including swaggering arrogance a nd love of of strong drink.

there has been any zealously major change, is that t h eIf Ketite priesthoods seek itconverts amo ng th e B isselite isselite folk, so far without discernible success. Some Bisselites fled to the Gran March or Velun Velunaa in in th e face of of t he in vaders, but most stayed, and now lead their lives much as before the wars.

imran ruler: lblluulnar, Shield of the Faith Capital: Thornward (pop. 4,220)

original capital, from which the land takes its name, is said to have been sacked and ruined many years ago, but below the ruins, extensive labyrinths still exist where men may find great treasures, magics, or madness and death. Neither the exact location of this city, nor that of a reputed “City of of the Gods,” which is said to exist in Blackmoor, is known. T h e sparse populatio populationn of the land is known known to be fierce in combat and sometimes aided by monsters, which are plentiful in Blackmoor (some say that hot springs and volcanos make this land habitable and create fecundity in the monsters which m araud the land). land). T h e expediti expedition on of Archmage M arinian of Willip lip was lost here without trace in 577 CY. While the dangers of Blackmoor, both magical and mundane, may be great in superstition and travelers’ tales, the fact that no t eve n Iuz se eks dominion here is telling telling indeed.


Bissel is a small state th at has bee n a vassal of of its greater neig hbo rs for mu ch of its history, ruled originally by Keoland, then Furyondy, and now Ket. It enjoyed less than a century of independence before the war, ruled by a succession of margraves. Both of its old rulers supported it as a buffer against Ket. Bissel traditional traditionally ly em ployed m any m ercenaries in in the ranks of its its armies, but their pre senc e did not avail avail it when Ket invaded. Bissel is a fertile land, blessed with gold in th e Lorridges and the eastern edge of the Barrier Peaks, where dwarves search diligently for the precious metal. T h e dwarven clans were used to trading w ith K et as well as Bissel, and th e invading Ketites have been very careful to maintain good relations with them. Ket’ss invasion of Bissel was in large part o ppo rKet’ tunistic, and the Beygraf of Ket clearly hopes for further opportunities as Iuz and Furyondy weaken each other. other. He wished the old Margrave of Bissel, Walgar, to rule as a puppet, but the old soldier preferred death by ritual suicide after signing th e treaty of surrender. surrender. Graf Imran rules instead in Beygraf Zoltan’s name. T h e Ketites have not interfer interfered ed m uch with the





Ruler: His Lumino us Preponderancy, Archbaron Besmo of Blackmoor Capital: Capit al: Dantredun (pop. 700) This little-known land somehow escapes the eyes of of both t he Wol Wolf Nom ads an d even Iuz. Its

Ruler: none Capital: none; largest city is Spinecastle (pop. 6,000)

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its rulership with the barbarians, especially the Fruztii, for long centuries of tension and battle. Its sinister name comes from a great battle in which the barbarian forces were vanquished, leaving a plain of bodies so numerous that not more than a fraction could be buried. The bleached bones of corpses from that epic battle are still visible from t h e towers of Spinecastle. In 560 CY CY,, th e humano ids ooff the Rak ers began major forays into into th ese lands. Turmoi Turmoill wit within hin the Gre at Kingd Kingdom om was so great that opposition to them could not be effectively mustered. Within four years, th e orcs, gn olls, and ogres ooff th e hil hills ls and m ountains had swept across th e lands in an orgy of of pillage and slaughter. Rapacious and m erciless, the humanoids attacked the North Provin c e , th e T h e o c r a c y of t h e P a le , R a ttik ik (especially) (especi ally),, and ev en Nyrond. During the W ars, th e humanoids co ntinued their vici vicious ous att attacks acks on Ratik, and Grenell, Herzog of the North Province, allied with the humanoids to beat off the Nyrondese advance into Almor and beyond in the Flint Flintyy Hills. Hills. T h e all allian iance ce was one of desperation, but it ground the Nyrondese armies to a halt. T h e Bone March humanoi humanoids ds gain gained ed new territory from this, in the southernmost Flinty Hills and the northwestern Adri Forest, though their hold th ere is tenuous. T h e humanoi humanoids ds of th e Bone March st stil illl seek to destroy Ratik, the beleaguered gnomes of the Flinty Hills, and any other territory they can advance into; their "alli "alliance" ance" with the No rth Province has already already begun to disint disintegrat egratee du e to the ill-organized and undisciplined nature of these creatures. They have no leader, and are a quarrelsome rabble, but are numerous and hence dangerous. T h e Euroz tribe ooff orcs (who rub their faces in the ash of burned victims when preparing for battle) are mos t num erous in Spinecastle, but their dominance may not last very long. They are known to subject human and demihuman (especi (especially ally prized) captives to unspeakable degradations and tortures.





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Ruler: H er Fe y Majesty, Quee n Yoland Yolandee of of Celene, Lady Rhalta of All Elvenkind Capital: Enstad (pop. 7,020) T hi s small small lland and has al always ways bee n under the rule of elves, and gray elves have alway alwayss been dominant within the Great Court. Centaurs, sprites, brownies, and their kin prowl the western Welkwood and Suss Forest, jealously guarding Celene'ss borders. C elen e is renowned for magnifi Celene' magnifi-cent green wines, bards, song, and arts of the highest achievement-or was so, before th e Wars. In happier days, C ele ne all allied ied well with th e U1ek states, especially the elf-dominated Duchy. Historicall Histor ically, y, the states acted together against th e humano ids ooff th e Lortmil mountain s, and el elff and dwarf worked together to this end. However, during the wars, Celene became strongly isolationist. tioni st. It did not act to help th e brave dwarves and gnomes against the Pomarj invaders, even though on its own borders, its own ordinary folk had long battled against the m in th e Suss Forest. Perhaps Queen Yolande was ill-advised; perhaps she takes a long view, beyond the present troubles. Certainly, there are elves in Celene who believe humanity to be only marginally less barbarous barbaro us than hobgobli hobgoblins ns and orcs. But many in her realm regard the elves' failure to support those who trusted and loved them as cowardice, even treachery. Some elves fought with the dwarves and gnomes at the Battle of of th e Pass of Celene, and they, among others, proclaim that they no longer revere the G reat Court. A grouping of of elves within Celene's own lan ds has coalesced to op pos e Yol Yolan ande: de: th e Knigh ts ooff Luna favor th e active support ooff their bret hren in Veluna Vel una and the D uchy of U lek, and eve n support alliance with the dwarves of the Ulek states. T he y remain yet a secret society, society, altho although ugh they have members in the Great Court who see k to persuade Yolande to direct support for the beleaguered nations of of th e central Flanaess. Ce len e iiss a land in turm oil, an d Yol Yoland ande' e'ss dogged refusal to become involved in the central conflicts of of th e Flanaess goes against th e spirit of many Celenians. ^






see Free

Ruler: H is Sublime M agni agnifi fice cence, the Caliph of -. . . - _ L.ibk.;r


hnuii, riaiguii

C2apital: Ekbir City (pop,, 30,650)


LBDir, t h e state and city, is the strongest Baklunish settlement ir 1 the whole Flanaess. Founded by survivors 1 F the Invoked Devastation. . who fled northeas it, the small port-city . grew quickly as nort northern hern nom ads cam e to trade with the new settlers. settlers. T h e Udgru Udgru Forest offere offeredd the Baklunish folk new opportunities for gamehunting, a skill hitherto unknown to them. The dominant deklo trees offered up fine timber for building ships which ply their trade across the Draw mij O cean. Ekbiris are relat relatively ively peaceable people, and the events of t:he Greyhawk Wars have largely largely passed them by n . , .

Ruler: His M ost W arl arlike ike Majesty, King Hundgred of the Fruztii Capital: Krakenheim (pop. 3,4 0 T h e Frost Barbar Barbarians ians are the w e a k e s t 01 LIIC three Sue1 peoples inhabiti inhabiting ng the Thillroni Thillronian an Peninsula (which they name Rhizia). For nearly 30 years, they have been under the thumb of the Snow Barbarians, but their defiant young king, only 20 years of of age, has m ade it plain that h e regards the Fruztii as equals equals to their eastern neighbors. As yet, the Snow Barbarians have not brought m atters to a head, because al alll the barbaribarbarians have happily cooperated in opposing the Gre at K ingdom and allying allying with Ratik to fig fight ht the Bone M arch humanoids. T h e Fruztii Fruztii are fforemost oremost in friendship with Ratik; this f ]as increased their prominence in the barbarian all.iance. T h e Frost Barbar Barbarian ianss are a str strongong-will willed ed people, stubborn and chaotic, but honorable and people of their word. T he y are fine fine seamen: their longboats are masterpieces of both construction and decorat ion. They are fearless fighters and suffer priva tions and hardship without complaint. They feast and drink to excess, and have -. . no tim e for tact or manners. 1 hey d o not respect book learning or wizards, but they hold their bards (skalds) in very high esteem indeed. Like the other barbarians, they feel the deception of .-- .

Iuz keenly, and skirmishes against Stonefist across the Griff Griff Mountains are cu rrently planned by King Hundgred. Ruler: His Pious Majesty, Ki King ng Belvor IIV V Capital: Capit al: Chendl (pop. 13,000) Transformed nearly 35 0 years ago from from a Viceroyalty under Aerdy rule to an independent nation, Furyon dy is a fertile fertile land but o ne which h as suffered suffer ed greatly greatly in the W ar ars. s. So me no rthern terri terri-tory has been lost to Iuz, and Ch endl is still being rebuilt after its its seige, using resources this imp overishe d land can barely afford. M uch of its naval power was lost on the Whyestil Lake, although from Willip, Willip, a goodly remnant sail sailss the Ny r D yv. It suffered grievous loss of manpower d uring th e battles against Iuz, although it has been reinforced by Shield Landers who fled here when their homeland fell. King Belvor IV must manage a balancing act, given the divisions of t he seven n oble hou ses of the kingdom. Th e northern northern nobles have been bled dry by the wars and desperately need money and men. T h e sou southern thern nob nobles les rresent esent the heavy taxes, taxes, even though they know they m ust pay them, and they are suspicious of excessive influence on Belvor from several quarters: from Veluna, which has a powerful say iinn Furyondian affairs given its greater strength; from the militaristic rist ic Knights of of t he H art (sustained by th e northern nobles) who urge a revenge campaign on Iuz; from th e ambassador of th e H ighfolk, al allie liedd with Furyondy during th e wars; and fr from om thos e Vesve folk whose in fantry similarly similarly al allied lied with th e kingdom. Most of Furyondy’s residual army strength comes from veterans and levies raised by these nobles, and the King has no money to pay for mercenaries. Belvor feels his difficulties keenly and longs to rebuild his land, which he loves deeply. deepl y. H e is known to finance speculati speculative ve quests from his own m onies. Yet even in such difficult times, ordinary Furyondians are good-natured, good-natured, kindly .people, sun. ny of of disp osition and no t insular as so many others are (though those close to the borders with Iuz are less trusting). They understand the need for rebuilding. rebuilding. and pro tection and Da Davv verv, 1


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again, within a decade, a nd this time it wil willl be a fi fight ght to th e fini finish. sh. The y are prepar prepared ed to work hard and sacrifice all to that end. Furyondy is a land with a glorious past, and its people do not forget this.

T h e Gran March is almost w whol holly ly independent of Keoland now, and has been a surprising winner in the post-war days. days. Its own troops, amon g which mailed cavalry is of exceptional quality, suffered little little in the way of casualties. It has also received the cream of exiles from Bissel, Geoff (who fled there because it was nearest), and

Ruler: His (no Highruler High Radiance Radiance, Owen I, Grand D uke in exile in his ,absence) Capital: Gorna (pop. 6,000)

Sterich (who fled there rather than Keoland). Thisfled well-resourced land to is distrusted now powerful despite its small size, and the words of its ambassador are carefully listened to in Keoland, Veluna, and Furyondy. If the Gran March has a lingering anger, iitt is concern over t he fate of Bis Bis-sel, with which it historically had warm relations.

T h e native people, an O eridian-Sueleridian-Suel-Flan Flan mix, have been driven ffrom rom their homes by an invas invasion ion of giants and hu man oids from the C rystalmists. Som e have been enslaved, some have ffle ledd into the Gran March (incl (including uding the Grand D uke , exile exiledd in Shiboleth), and others have fled to the woodlands-the Dim Forest, the Oytwood, and some in desperate straits encircled in the Hornwood, where they work with wood elves to counterattack their invaders. Most of the original fine cavalry of the G rand D uchy managed to flee to the arch, whil while e theto bowm f repute hid in thGran e wooMdlands, unable escapeeninooftime. T h e r e is little order within Geoff now, with disorganized but numerous giants and humanoids simply pill pillaging aging and ruini ruining ng th e land, towns, and cities. Gorna has been settled by giants giants,, notably fomorians, who have looted th e place and smashed many buildings and monuments. Rumors circulate regarding wily and freakishly int intelelligent leaders among the giants, but no firm evidence has been fort forthcoming. hcoming. Ruler: His Most Resolute Magnitude, Magnus Vrianian, Commandant Capital: Hookhill (pop. 7,000) T h e Gran March was orig origin inal ally ly es establ tablishe ishedd a s a vassal state of Keoland, based on a militaryreligious Order of Knighthood: the Knights of th e M arch. It has alwa always ys been a milit militaris aristic tic land, with conscription mandatory for fit males for a period of up to seven years. Its independence ca m e almost as a side-effect of of t he Small War be be-tween Veluna and Furyondy, as did a change of rulership; the Commandant is now elected by the people from the noble houses, rather than being imposed by Keoland.


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Ruler: (in name only) His Celestial Transcendency, Overking of Aerdy, Archduke of Ahlissa, Idee , and Sunn di; Suzerain of Medegia; Com mander of the Bone March; Lord of the Sea Barons; Protector of Almor and Onnw al; hetman of al alll th e Aerdi (etc., etc.), Grand Prince Ivid V Capital: (in name only) Rauxes (pop. 22,200) T h e hi histo story ry ooff th e Great King Kingdom dom has been exhaustively detailed in the History section. Now the Great Kingdom exists only in name. T h e tit title le is sstil tilll uused sed by tw o groups: outsiders, to refer to the whole group of of fragmented lands th at comp rise the former Kingdo m; and Ivi Ivid’ d’ss path etic retinue retinue who pretend tha t, iinn so me sense, it still exists. exis ts. T h e bri brief ef summ ary that follows follows can sketch only the most general picture of these lands. In Rauxes, Ivid V (now referr referred ed to as th e Undying One) is able to extend control over but a few hundred square miles. His courtiers are mostly animus (u ndead ) creatures or pit pitiful iful sycophants who cater to his demented delusions of omnipotence. Dail Daily, y, th e Overking orders dozens of new e xecution s of of enem ies real and imagined. T h e common people cower in tthei heirr homes for fear of of arbitrary punishm ents or th e pillaging ooff the largely autonomous Companion Guard, the once superbly-disciplined army which was the fear of of th e Flanaess. I t is said that fiends openly stalk Ivid’s court, but their motivations remain inscrutable, and their relations with the domi-

nant priesthood of H extor are uncertain. uncertain. Outside of the Overking’s own domain are many holdings governed by petty nobles, both alive and undead. They are absorbed in internal conflicts, scheming against the Overking, fending off attacks from outside, and their own petty politics. Of these many areas, the following are the most im portant. portant.

edly one of the cruellest of the animus nobles now holding sway over so much of Aerdy.

Medegia, See of: ust as Almor is no more, so

has Medegia passed into history. When Osson veered into Medegia and conquered large swaths of that land, the Holy Censor made the desperate m istake of heading for R auxes in exile. Ivid’ Ivid’ss judgmen t was swift; swift; th e Censor received th e delights of the Endless Death (being perpetually tortured while wearing a ring of regeneration), which h e still endu res. W hen Iv Ivid id’s ’s armies finally crushed Osson’s troops in this land, the Overking ordered an orgy of of brutality and destru ction inflicted on it and its inhabitants. Rape, pillage, torture, and the suffering of every m an and woman in Medegia were what Ivid ordered, and his army was pleased pleased to obey. M edegia was utterly despoiled, and what remains of it is barren and underpopulated. Its few surviving inhabitants are bitter, twisted, and half-mad people t by fiends and petty despots.

North Province: Governed by Herzog Grace

Grenell (who is alive and not y et undea d), this is the largest and most powerful land within the former Great Kingdom. Grenell is an unscrupulous, utterly evil man who has an alliance with th e humanoids of the Bone March. T his unlikely unlikely militaryy cooperation allowed the No rth Province militar to fend off the incursions of Nyrond, but now Grenell is obliged to aid the humanoids in their persecu tion of R atik. H e will will almost certai certainly nly welch on this agreement. T h e capit capital al of of N orth Province is Eastfair (pop. 26,000), which is infainfamous for its debauch eries at c ourt. Grenell’s Grenell’s nobles support their Herzog simply because they consider the alternatives too unpredictable, but they have no spirit of loyalt loyaltyy toward him.

Throughout the remains of the Great Kingdom, the ordinary people are wretched, desperate, and and embroil embroiled ed in in chaos and madness. T h e rich resources of the lands are utterly neglected, despoiled, or ignored. Mutual trust is virtually nonexistent, even within the ties of blood and family in many instances. Aerdy is in utter turmoil, and perhaps even Istus herself knows not the fate of these lands in such times.

South Province (Ahlisea): Ivid executed the old ruler, Herzog Chelor, as is traditional among Naerax cousins. cousins. T h e pretext pretext was Comm ander Osson’s triumphant fooling of Ahlissa and embarassing barassi ng toying with its armies. T h e new ruler is is Graf Reydrich, Reydrich, reputed to be an archmage, who simply slew rival candidates to the rulership. Reydrich has control over a fine cavalry which was not greatly reduced in strength by th e Wars, and if he s eeks to subjuga te his neighbors, neighbors, there is not much to stop him. Reydrich is certainly

(Free Town and Valley of the Regions Velverdyva): see Free Regions -


Ruler: High Priestess Althea, Her Most Dread and Awful Presence (Iuz) Capital: Molag (pop. 17,750)

Almor, Prelacy of: Almor has passed from the

map of the Flanaess. Weakened and embarassed by Osson’s Osson’s exploits, it was invaded by Ivid Ivid in 584 CY and its old capital, capital, Ch athold, utterly utterly decimated by the Overking’s Overking’s mages and priests. priests. T h e anianimus Duke Szeffrin now rules half of the old Almorian lands, and this creature, formerly a greatly favored general in Ivid’s armies, is reput-

Originally a stronghold of organized hum anoid tribes among which hobgoblins were predominant, the area came under th e rule of of lawful evil humans from the Bandit Kingdoms some decades ago. Before th e Wars, th e humanoids w ere




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not anevil animus, although is said he traffics with creatures from itthe outerthat planes. Reydrich is known to loathe the Scarlet Brotherhood, and to covet both Irongate Irongate and Onnwal.











primarily directing their predations toward the old Shield Lands. Priests of Hextor and Nerull dominated the upper echelons and became the governing Hierarchs, readily aided by powerful ban dit warrior warriorss a nd a few mages. Iuz wholly overthrew the Hierarchs in the course of the W ars ars;; the ease with whic whichh h e slew them in the terrible Molag coup is a source of wonder to many sages. His High Priestess Althea has mockingly taken the old Hierarch title of M ost D read and Awf Awful ul Presenc e and rules tthis his land with cru elty and sa dism as her watchwords. T h e humanoid tribes ooff th e lands hav havee been well treated by Iuz and his puppe t. Th ey form essenti essential al strike forces for planned further dominion. The mo re promising ooff th em also hold sway iinn the old Bandit Kingdom lands. Iuz himself laughingly refers to Molag as his "sum mer pal palace ace." ." Rumors continue to circula circulate te that one or more unnamed Hierarchs managed to escape the slaughter of the Blood-Moon Festival and have taken refuge in the southwestern spur of the Fellreev Forest (or elsewhere, depending on the rumor). From there, they seek to push back the borders of Iuz's influence with the aid of the Power they serve. _-

Ruler: His F erociou s Majesty, Lol Lolgoff goff Bearhear, King of of Cru ski; F aastal of al alll the S uelii Capital: Glot (pop. 5,000) T h e Ice Barbaria Barbarians ns are an utt utterly erly chaoti chaoticc bunch, inhabi inhabiting ting the bitter northern and eastern edges of th e Thillonri Thillonrian an Peninsul Peninsula. a. T h ey are fforormidable seam en, raiding west along the northern coast of Stonefist (in summer wh en th e breakbreak-up up of ice allows this), allying with oth er barbarians to raid the Bone March or th e North Provin Province, ce, oorr som etimes simpl simplyy raiding th e other barb barbari arians ans or Ratik. Their most despised enemies, however, are th e Sea Barons, Barons, with whom they fight an endless series of sea skirmishes. In recent years, the Cruskii have been more reliable allies with the othe r barbarians and m ost ooff their marauding has been directed ttoward oward the N orth Provinc Province. e. Like other barbarians, the Cruskii are proud, strong, fierce folk with a determined sense of




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personal honor despite their chaotic and willful natures. Th eir Jarls are proudly indepe nde nt of of the King King,, who exercises his authority only when he m ust. T h e Cruskii appreciate bards as all barbarians do, and they also have a superstitious half-reverence for the nomadic druids among them, whom they believe to be chosen by the Pow ers and/or reincarna tions of special souls. r



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Ruler: Elder Brother Vasiliek, Shepherd of Idee Capital: Naerie (pop. 5,150) Capital: Idee sece ded from Aerdy in the mid-fi mid-fifth fth century when h i d cam e to po power wer.. As a mem ber ooff the Iron League, with Ahlissa as a buffer, this small state became prosperous through sea trade to Onnwall and further to Nyrond, becoming a major source of of incom e in addition to ores, gold, and livestock. However, the string of northern castles which the Cou nts of Idee built al along ong their northern border, fearing Aerdy, were useless against the internal subversion and south ern invasion from the sea mounted by the Scarlet Brotherhood, and Idee collapsed in a matter of days. Few folk escaped , al althou though gh D uk e Coriell and a powerful militia contingent managed to flee t o Irongate. The local population is now ruled harshly hars hly by the Scarlet Brotherhood, w ho exert a reign of of terror, comb ining scouring th e land for skilled converts to their cause with spying and repression. I t is rumored that m any people have been carri carried ed off off for use in th e sinister breeding programs of of the B rotherhood, and that th e western Menowood is infiltrated by Hepmonaland savages impo rted by Vasil Vasiliek. iek. Hard facts are diffi diffi-cult to obtain. #.

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see Free

Ruler: Iuz the Old Capital: Dorakaa (pop. 1 1,150) Capital: Iuz's control now exten ds over a vast swath of territory in in th e northcentral Flanaess. Iuz himself

is beli believed eved t o have been born a cambion, a cross betwee n a great tana tanar' r'ri ri lord and a fem ale human


necromancer, Iggwilv. H e can take th e form form of of a red-skinned, green-eyed fiend, or that of an almo st skeletal oold ld man, as he chooses. While Iuz was locked beneath Castle Greyha wk, his homeland was able to wait for for its master because his proximate servants controlled trol led the humanoid rabble rabble ( o m , goblins goblins,, and

seek more. His homeland is not rich in in resources and h e may b e able to sustain sustain his empire only by pillaging pill aging richer, mor e fecund lands.

especially hobgoblins, swollenlands). by recruitment from the old Horned Society When Iuz was freed in 570 CY, he had great plans plans for the Flanaess. Risen to the power of a demi-god, Iuz has ach ieved m ore th an a few of of his initial initial goals. goals. Iuz’s capital city, Dorakaa, is a place of hideous, calculating evil. Iuz toys with his greater and lesser circles of advisers, collectively known as the Boneheart, and walks the n ightmare hall hallss of his palace conversing with all manner of fiends, drow, and fell things. It is almost certain tha t with within in D orakaa t her e is a magical magical portal portal to th e Abyss, allowing allowing fiends to be drawn to Iuz uz’’s hallss and service. hall service. T h e Boneheart are no weaklings, and include powerful necromancers, High

Capital: Niole Dra (pop. 23,550) A kingdo m of great antiquity, Keola nd has harbored territorial ambitions regarding its neighbors for centuries. centuries. Both Ket an d Veluna Veluna have had reason to fear Keoland Keoland’s ’s armies in th e past. Military defeats by Ket, th e disapproval of t he eastern elves, and the Veluna/Furyondy alliance which drove back K eolandish eolandish troops in the Short War led to the formation of of th e Gran M arch and Bissel as northern tributary states which gradually assumed greater independence. Sterich, to the w est, also gained gained mo re and m ore freedom. During th e wars, Keoland was reluctant to aid Veluna and Furyondy against Iuz, and when

Priests , and ev en an illusionist. illusionist. Iuz has rewarded some of them with token rulership of the new lands of of his emp ire. Terrifying tales circulate about events in the lands of Iuz. His priests are know n to carry ebony staves tipped with silver and bound skulls, and these staves are said to have undeadanimating powers and t he ability ability to spit aci acidd and weave w arding magics. T h e fiends in Iuz’ Iuz’ss armies are bad enough, but Iuz can also summon vast storms of ferocious ravens and bony bat-like magical creatures from from the Ou ter Planes. Baony (golemlike beings with malign intelligence and mind-enfeebl mind-e nfeebling ing gaze) are reported by some who have fled with their lives. Half-sentient, strength sapping, freezing fogs have been said to follow fleeing refugees on th e borders. A steady stream of victims from all the new lands subject to Iuz’s rule is herded toward Dorakaa along the Highway of Skulls. Skulls. T h e nature of of their dispatch does not bear thinking abou t. Iuz lost a large part of his humanoid armies in th e battles battles with Furyondy, and has his work cut out simply keeping control of his new lands and dealing with rebellious bandits, especially the brave guerrilla guerrilla fighters of of t he Vesve Fore st, w ho are supported by t he Highfol Highfolk. k. For th e time being, Iuz needs to secure what h e has rather than than

Sterich was threatened, threatened, King Skotti tried tried to negotiate a treaty that w ould reestablish reestablish Keolandish control over Sterich in return for military military aid. H e dithered long enough over th e details for Sterich to fall fall iinn the int interi erim. m. T h e subsequ ent attacks from the lands of the Sea Princes, both by land and sea , gave Keoland a warning that it could n ot play politics much longer. Keolandish armies are well prepared and equipped, with heavy cavalry traditionally recruited from noble houses, fine light cavalry lethal with crossbows, and demihuman contingen ts from provinces close to Ulek. N onetheless, Keoland suffered significant losses in battles battl es to the north and along its southern borders, also losing losing a little little territory along the Dre adwood. Politically, the Gran March and Ulek are now important determinants of Keolandish policy. ic y. Skotti is being forced to listen, and the re is less of a swagger about Keolandish nobility after the wars. Keoland is is a country rich in staples, with som e gems a nd gold in in its hills hills,, but it badly need s time to retrench and rebuild. Skotti does not care for what he must accept from other lands while Keoland replenishes its own riches.

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Ruler: His Peerless Majesty, King Kimbertos Skotti

Ruler: His Illustrious Glory, Beygraf Zoltan, Shield of of th e True Faith Capital: Lopolla (pop. 22,000)


Ket is the easternmost Baklunish state and a trading center between the central Fl Flanaess anaess and th e Bakluni lands to th e west. Its people are predominantly Baklunish, but there is a racial mix; tra de brings exchang e and intermingling ooff peoples, after all all.. Zoltan's court is an odd mix of eastern and west ern influences; while the Baklunish goddesses Istus and Xan Yae are widely revered, the man ner of their reveren cing is dist distinctly inctly western, for example. Ketite raiding raiding parties have been know n to make forays into other Baklunish lands, but Ket has always feared t he m ight ooff Keoland in particular, and with good cause. Its alliance with Iuz served the twin p urpo se of establishin g Bissel as a buf buffer fer and controlling the vital trade route through the Bramblewoo d Pass. Ket is n ot a fertile land, with better pasturag e than whe atland, but its reserves of copper and gold from the so uthern Yat Yatiils are good, and it is a pros pero us land. Ket Ket''s rulers smilingly dismiss any n otion of further territorial ambitio ns, and they may be telling the truth, though the Velunese would say otherwise. Ruler: Th e Most Radiant Bo Bow w ooff Sehanine, Orb of the Heavens, High Priest Anfaren Silverbrow Capital: Capit al: L o Relt Reltarma arma (pop. 3,20 0) Th es e isl islands ands have al always ways been a myste mystery, ry, due to their native aquatic and high elves who kidnapped intruders into their realm and did not release any to tell tales. Both the Sea Barons and th e Lordsh ip of the Isles kept wel welll away from the six isles in this chain, save Lendore Isle itself. T hi s was populat populated ed by SuelSuel-dominat dominated ed hum ans who conducted much trade with the continent and paid the Barons and Lords to allow their ships t o pass safely safely.. In 583 CY, the elves moved swiftly to subjugate Le ndo re Isle, offer offering ing the humans safe passage to the Sea Barons, the L ordship ooff th e Isles Isles,, Medegia, or elsewhere along the east coast of


Aerdy as it then was. Th ey simpl simplyy iinformed nformed the humans that the time had co me fo forr th e elves elves to use th e whole island chain for religious purposes , and no m ere humans would be all allowed owed to get in the way. A minority were permitted to stay as humb le fisherfolk and laborers. The entire island chain is now shrouded in magical fogs and illusi illusions ons which form an almost unnavigable barrier to the outside world. Only elves drawn drawn to Lendore can fi find nd their way there readil readily. y. When elves leave th e mortal world, they have their own s ecret places ooff safe passage and departure, and Lendore is the most important of these w ithin th e Flanaess. It is sai saidd to be watched over by no less than a dozen full Patriarchs and Matriarchs of of th e goddess Seha nine. Obviously, very little in th e way of information about transfor transformed med Lendore fil filters ters back to the ordinary, dinar y, mund ane world. O n e story is almost certainly tain ly tr true, ue, however. T h e elves ooff L endore speak a unique, highly complex tongue: Lendorian Elvish. I t is not learned in a normal manner. Rather, an elf newly arrived in Lendore gradually develop s an understan ding ooff th e language as it is implan ted in to his mind in a series ooff reve latory stages. Th is is said to parallel a growingly otherworldlyy nature, drawin worldl drawingg the elf painlessly away from his attachments to matters mundane. I t is also fairly certain that Lendore is an intensely magical land, but how this may manifest, the elves do not say.

Ruler: (in name) His Exalted Highness, Prince Frolmar Ingerskatti (Scarlet Brotherhood) Capital: Sulward (pop. 5,000) This scattered principality stretches across seven islands lyi lying ng bet between ween the Tilva Strait and southern Lendore, and was originally occupied by pirates. pirates. T h e pir pirates ates soon found that trade (especially from Hepmonaland up to the Great Kingdom) and exacting tribute from trade vesse vessels ls passing through the Tilva Strait offered much easier livi living. ng. During the wars, the former prince, Latmac Ranold, was suddenly deposed and replaced by a Scarlet Brotherhood puppet, who at once removed the islands from the ranks of the Iron

League and allied the lands with the mysterious brothers. Scarlet Brotherhood agents are now in almost al alll positions positions of power within the lands. T h e Lordship's Lordship's vessels vessels sti still ll trade with the anarchic states of south and east Aerdy, and continue to fight the Sea Barons as they always always have. have. However, th e Brotherhood also also uses uses th e fleet t o ferry people and cargoes to Onnwall, Idee, and across the Azure Sea to th e Sea Princes. Princes. A handful of the original Lords of the Isles managed to escape with their vessels to Dullstrand when they saw how the Brotherhood would subjugate them, but they have found little welcome there. Those who sailed northward m et gleeful Sea Baron warships warships only too happy to sink them . T h e Lordship of of the Isles is is now wholly controlled controlled by th e Scarlet Brotherhood. c - 7 r . r



see Great Kingdom

Ruler: His August Supremacy, Altmeister of all t h e Aerd i, K ing Archbo ld 111 Capital: Re1 Mo rd (pop. 34,200)

T h e establis establishment hment of of Nyrond in 356 CY marked the beginning of the end of the Great Kingdom. But over successive decades, Nyrond itsel itselff underw ent an imperialist imperialist phase, seeking to bend both the Theocracy of the Pale and the Urnst states to its will. will. T h e great Council of Re1 Mo rd, called by King Du nstan I, led to the recall of Nyrondese troops from those lands and the creation of of treaties with the m , as well well as with th e nascent Iron League, which Nyrond supported with econo mic aid. For over a century thereafter, Nyrond was a bastion of of strength and good, th e great protector of the Flanaess against the Great Kingdom. Its armies were numerous and strong, with legendary elven and halfling scouting troops, and its treaties treat ies with th e Urnst states allowed allowed it to call on great milit military ary strength. strength. T h e Nyrondese navy dominated Relmor Bay and the eastern Sea of Gearnat. Nyrondese mages were of famed power, and the nation's artisans and scholars were renowned renowned throughout throughout the Flanaess. Flanaess. T h e cities of Nyrond were marvels of architecture and vision.



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T h e war war again against st the Great Kingdom Kingdom cost cost th e Nyrondese armies dear, with almost 70,000 casualties, and it exhausted Nyrond's coffers, although its navy remains strong. Territory has been lost around the northeastern portion of Relmor Bay, and while th e remains of Almor which hold those lands 1 ate ar army, my, Nyron d o so. Internally, th e murde rously high levels of taxation, w hich th e King is forced to exact to maintain vigilance against Iuz on th e northwest as well well as the B one March humanoids across the Flinty Flinty Hills, has made the peasants and common folk rebellious. Tax riots have had to be quelled in and around the major northern trade town of Midmead ow. So me farmers farmers plead plead that they cannot even afford seed to sow their fields, and many livestock have been killed for food. The vital silver mines of the Flinty Hills still yield their trea sure, and this , with aid from from Urnst, is all all that kee ps Nyrond going. going.

creatures possessed of great strength and an acute sense of of smell. T h e Brotherhood is said said to be experimenting with them in breeding programs.

Further, has suffered exodus and of many of itsNyrond best artisans, mages, an scholars, skilled folk, who have left for the richer Urnst states or for the Free City of Greyhawk. King Archbold and his advisers engage in desperate diplomacy from Keoland to the Theocracy, but with so littl littlee t o offer, Nyrond's influence is weak. Its major supporters are the Urnst states, who fear Nyrond's Nyrond's fall, fall, which would leave them with Iuz to the north and anarchy anarchy to the east.

fleetinto In addition m ost of oriver f its and (aofew vesselsOenscaped up thetoNesse int Nyrond), nwall yielded platinum and silver mines in the Headlands, although clans of determined dwarves still control a significant percentage of these and manage to ship their products out through Irongate, via a long network of underground tunnels. Scant is an exceptionally well-fortified port, virtually impregnable to land or naval assault, bu t it fell from within at the hands of Brotherhood assassins. T h e ordinary fol folkk of of O nnw al are terrified terrified of their new masters, and an especially cruel ruler imposes on this land. Because Onnwallers try to

Ruler: Brother Schelepak, Shepherd of the Olma n Islands Capital: Capita l: none This small and seemingly insignificant pair of islands has stategic importance, especially with the newly-established small port of Narisban allowing th e Scarlet Brotherhood to wholly control the passage of ships into and from the Densac Gulf. T h e original original inhabitants inhabitants of of t he islands islands are related to th e Amedio savages and have been enslavedd by the Brotherhood, slave Brotherhood, Other important features of these islands are th e fine fruit fruit trees of the southern island, island, which allow ships to replenish their stocks, and the presence on the same island of agile, lemurlike

R der: Exalted Sister Kur;anyie, She phe rd of Onnwal C apital: Scant (pop. 4,201 Originally part of th e So uth Prov ince, Onnw all Originally was a founding founding memb er of the Iron Leag ue. Its fine defenses against land invasion (the Headlands), together with that alliance, made it a strong, free state. Onnwal had significant sea power,, and together with Id ee, formed a powerpower ful trading center and naval base. Periodic sea raids from the navy of of th e Her zog of South Province were easily fended off, sometimes with secret support from Nyrond men-of-war. Onnw al was an excellent resource for th e Scarlet Brotherhood to acquire through its treachery.

escape by sea across the Sea of Gearnat, Kuranyie keeps hostages from almost every family in the land, executing them if their relatives relatives dare to escape. Ruler: His Worshipful Worshipful Mercy, Su preme Prelate of the Pale, The oc rat Ogon Tillit Capital Capi tal:: Winters Wintershive hivenn ( p o p 23,400) T h e Theocracy ooff the Pale Pale emerged as a state wholly free of Nyrondese dominance at the Council of of Re1 Mo rd, an d has evolved in to an ec-


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clesiastical sta te of clesiastical of notorious intolerance. T h e ent ire church hierarchy hierarchy is devoted t o th e reverence of Pholtus in his Lawful Neutral aspect (elsewhe re, this is taken as a very one-sided view of this god). Virtually Virtually all all governmen t is under t he rule of th e chu rch, which has its own bureaucracy of byzantine complexity.

each holding office office for eight years at most. Perrenland is prosperous, trading with the northern nomads who need manufactured manufactured items and tools. Perren folk fish fish th e rich waters of of L ak e Quag in th e summ er. Trade with Veluna, Furyondy, and the Baklunish states to th e west is brisk. Perrenland smoked cheeses are famed through-

T h e wk T h Wars, e o c r a cregardi y s t ang y e deveryone w e ll ll oinvolved u t ooff t hase Greyha regarding degenerate heretics. I t was ignored by other nations; although its standing army is typically only 4,000 strong, the Church Militant is a paramilitary b ody of warriors and warrior-priests warrior-priests who are among the most disciplined, bravest, and bestequipped troops the Flanaess Flanaess has ever seen. Patro trolli lling ng th e borders of the T heocracy, they easil easilyy fend off incursions by humanoids from the Rakers and Griffs or rabble from the Bandit Kingdom s and Tenh. T h e Theocracy’s Theocracy’s lands lands are not good for growing crops, and it is forced to trad e with Urnst for food.. T h e Theocracy formerly food formerly tr traded aded with

outPerrenland the centralbenefits Flanaess. Flanaess. from excellent natural defenses and mountain soldiers. Heavy cavalry, drawn from the fine plains around Schwartzenbruin, is of excellent quality and morale. Nonetheless, during the Wars, the Perrenlanders feared th e might of Iuz and had no natural ally ally to cal calll upon, having maintained cool relations with Ket and Furyondy for histor historical ical reasons. reasons. T h e Voorman Franz thus made a formal agreement with Iuz, which basically maintained Perrenland’s security, but did not involve granting Iuz any aid. Perrenland wishes to be isolationist, but it needs trade at the same time, and with Ket’s an-

Nyrond for food, but Nyrond can no longer afford exports. Silver and gems are the core resource of the Theocracy. Its people are deeply religious, hard-working folk whose idea of fun is singing hymns. A Theocracy saying is, “Cold we ather is Pholtus’s Pholtus’s way of telling telling you to thro w ano ther h eretic o n th e ffir ire. e.””

nexation of Bissel, it is forced to deal more with that sta te now than previously. previously. Perrenland ers are deeply suspicious of foreigners, and trade missions to this land are escorted by Perrenland milimilitary from the moment they cross the border, which is well patrolled.

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Ruler: Voorman of All Perrenland, His Gravity Karenin Capital: Schwartzenbruin (pop. 26,000) T h e original original Flan dw ell ellers ers of of this land were especially fierce folk. Intermixing with o ther races was a slow slow process. process. T he y were subjected to th e aggressive territorial ambitions of Ket (fairly frequently) and Furyondy (during its expansionist phase), but vigorously fought off the invaders. Their pike- and polearm-hefting hill and mountain troops were experts at warfare on the borders. T h e various various clans of of th e land united united around 400 CY under the leadership of the strongest clan voorman, Perren, after whom the land is named. Clan holds were marked into cantons, and the clan leaders elected a series of rulers,


Ruler: various nomadic leaders Capital: none Only a small part of of t he rolling rolling plains plains inhabited by nom adic Baklunish tribes tribes falls falls within within t he Flanaess.. T ha t part which naess which does is sometimes sometimes devoid of human life, and at other times swarms with horsem en, livestock, and the tents and yurts of of a dozen nomadic nomadic tri tribes bes.. Th ese nomads move ou t of the D ry S teppes in in hot sum mers which make that area a parched wasteland, and return to find forage in the w et season. Each tribe is ruled by a noble, an Amir or Khan; greater nobles are referred to as Ilkhan, Ora kho n, or Shah. Lea ders of of royal rank and lineage are known as Tarkhan, Padishah, or Kha Khan. These horsemen are poorly armored, using only a variety of of anim al skins equivalent equivalent t o toug h ..- .:.I



leather, but they are highly mobile and of unequalled skill. They employ bows made of animal horn and scimitars and similar curved swords. A few employ a long, slender lance and mace or flail flail.. The ir horses are very hardy and are accustomed to harsh treatment. Socially, Social ly, family ties are very strong. H ono r and face are central factors in th e precisely-observed precisely-observed social rituals rituals and cerem onies which govern mu ch of these people’s lives. Ancestor worship and a belief that the spirits of ancestors watch the de ed s of of t he living are impo rtant to th eir religion. religion. A handful of wizards among them are regarded with great awe and superstition, usually living alone in tents pitched some distance from the main camps. Only nobles usually converse with wizards. T h e nomads nomads trade with with Ket, U11 (which has a settled Paynim tribe), Zeif, Ekbir, and Tusmit. These nations (especially Ket) have employed Paynim horsemen as mercenaries, against each other or for forays east. l



Ruler: His Most Ferocious Majest Majesty, y, the D espot Turrosh Mak Capital: Capit al: Stonehe im (pop. 5,200) T h is rich pen insula was originall originallyy a collection collection of small states governed by the Prince of Ulek, but t he local nobles drove out the U leks and governed themselves until the early sixth century. As forces from Ulek, Veluna, and the demihuman s of the Kron Hills combined to drive drive vast tribes of orcs and goblins out of the Lortmil mountains, the humanoids fled south and east, easily overrunning th e lazy and disorganized human inhabitants and securing their strongholds. Certainly, a number of wicked humans allied with th e invaders, and mercenaries were bought with gold gold from th e Stoneheim mines and moonstones from t he Drachensgrab hills hills.. For a time, th e human b andits were the rulers rulers here, but with the ascendance of Turrosh Mak shortly before th e war, this chang ed. Turrosh, a half-orc half-orc warrior, warrior, united t he hum anoids and m ade swift strikes strikes to anne x th e easter n half half of th e Principality Principality of of U lek and the southern half of the old Wild Coast


together, but further attempts at conquest would together, bringg him up against the united Ulek states, th e brin Wild Coas t cities now under Greyhawk‘s sway, or into Cele ne, each of which would offer powerful opposition. Yet his bloodthirsty and mostly chaotic humanoids were roused with a cry to “reclaim clai m their birthright,” birthright,” and the y look to t he Lortmils still. still. In the interim, by no m eans do all all of the clan leaders wholly respe ct Turrosh‘s leadership, and the Pomarj may yet fragment anew. Ruler: H is Valorous Valorous Prom inence, Lord Baron of Ratik, Lexnol Capital: Marner (pop. 3,400) Ratik marks the northernmost part of great Aerdy’s expansion in the heady days of old empire and dominion. Its magnificent pine forests offer excellent material for for shipbuilding, and t he land was heavily protected by good military to fend off the F rost Barbarians Barbarians and, indeed , mak e preemptive Ratik wasstrikes made aagainst Baronythem. by an Overking delighted at o ne firm repulsion repulsion of a barbarian fleet, and h as been fortunate in having a succ ession ooff barons who have been distinct distinctly ly m ore wise and benign than mo st Aerdy nobles. nobles. For this reason, the m ountain ountain dwarves and gnomes of of th e Rakers have worked worked and traded o n good good terms with the humans here. Ratik’s relationship with the Great Kingdom cooled following the ascension of the House of Naelax in the Kingdom, which increasingly neglected this little state. When the Bone March was overrun with humanoids, Ratik began to court the Frost Barbarians, and formed an unlikely alliance with th em to jointly jointly raid t he Bone March and North Province. Ratik‘s population is not great, so the people. here can only hold their land against humanoids and not decisivel decisivelyy repulse them. Ratik men and wom en are all mil militar itarily ily trained, and conscription is universal. Specialized woodsman troops with bow s as well as sling-fir sling-firing ing hillrunners are am ong the cream of Ratik‘s forces. Ratik is not wealthy, desp ite its fine fine natural natural resources, since it has few customers plying plying trade. T h e Sea Barons and Frost Barbarians buy wood here still; however, trade with the Th eocracy is slow, slow, and trade w ith

cities of the North Province is extremely low. Ratikers are now even more insular and selfreliant than before th e war. war. ,.


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see F ree Regi Regions ons -,-.



Ruler: His Mighty Lordship, the Ataman of of the Standards, Durishi Great Ho und , Chi Chief ef of of the Wardogs Capital: none T h e Rovers are remnants of ori origin ginal al Flan tribes who eked out a poor living from banditry in these chill and barren lands. Ov er the centuries, marauding Oeridian and Suel invaders, the hostility of the Wolf Nomads, and humanoid attacks reduced the Rovers population, and be before fore th e Wars, the re were just four clans ooff a handful of tribes each, which had once foolishly tried to attack Iuz. Iuz did not forget that attack, and pincered the remnants of the Rovers with attacks from Stonefist, supplemented by later culling forays from th e land ooff Iuz and hum anoids from th e Bandit Kingdoms. A pathe tic rem nant of R overs still clings to survival in the Wastes, but their land is now occupied by m arauding bands ooff Iu Iuz’ z’ss fforces. orces. T h e Rovers of the Barrens are effectively no more. Their old lands have not been settled with any permanent citadels or towns by Iuz, who is happy to allow his fiends and humanoids to stalk whatever prey they can find there. .,.





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Ruler: H is Solem n Autho Authorit rity, y, th e Lord Ma yor ooff Greyhawk, Nerof Gasgal Population: 66,500 (city) Th is great metropolis metropolis 1s richly detailed in the City of Greyhawk boxed set. In t h e companion Cam paign Book within thi thiss box, muc h additional detail is is given regarding th e grow th ooff Greyh awk and t h e lands it rules; consult this additional source. ..

Ruler: T h e Worthy S Sir ir,, Mayor ooff H ighfolk, Loftin Greystand Capital: none (city known as Highfolk has pop.

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T h e term “Highfolk” “Highfolk” is appl applied ied bot bothh to the largest city in in this small re realm alm an d to t he land as a whole. The Mayor is t h e elected spokesm an fo forr the free town, but also speaks for the region when this is deemed appropriate by the populace. It is principally a realm of high and wood elves, without a fixed boundary, since control over t h e south ern and weste rn parts ooff t he Vesve Forest (named the High Forest by th e Highfolk) flu fluctua ctuates tes between the demihumans and rangers of that dom ain and the fell crea ture s ooff Iuz. T h e Highf Highfolk olk are al alll st strongl ronglyy independen t and free-spirit free-s pirited. ed. T h e Lord of th e High E lves us usuall uallyy speaks for the Highfolk on grand, formal occasions, or the M ayor speak speakss wit withh th e Lord’s consent. T h e wor wordd of a gnom e pri prince nce or village elder of the human woodsm en or farmers cou nts for at least as much within their own communities, if not more. Th is domain is strategic strategicall allyy important to Furyondy, who se diplom ats, sspies, pies, and milit military ary advisers work closely with the Highfolk. Preventing its fall fall to Iuz k eep s Furyondy’s Furyondy’s north-

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western fla flank nk unexposed and m aintains aintains the vital vital trade link to Perrenland. Furyondy needs the products of the forest, especially its strong woods. T h e H ighfolk people are al alll well-t well-trai rained ned warriors who specialize as lightly-armored, mobile bow men and specialist specialists. s. The ir only heavy troops troops are the Knights of of th e H art (High Forest), an order that has links with the Furyondians of t h e same name. T h e P aacc t of Greyhawk did not set precise boundaries for Iuz and the Highfolk within the Vesve for the simple re reason ason that no accurate map of the internal features of the Vesve could be found. Iuz feels free to interpret the Pact as giving him domain over all of it, and t h e Highfolk can look forward to skirmishes and battles for many years years.. T h e town of Highfolk Highfolk is als alsoo important as a stop-off point for adventurers heading for the Yatils or Clats Clatspurs. purs. While mo nsters aplenty ar aree ready to greet such brave souls, t h e Yatils in particular have a whole ho st of legends pertaining pertaining to magical treasures, any one of which would lost make a man’s fortune for life. There are still those who wish to seek fame and fortune by searching for them. Most do not return, of course. Ruler: His Resolute Honor, Lord Mayor of Irongate, Cobb Darg Population: 48,000 (city) T h is large, walled city originall originallyy thrived on sea

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trad e vi viaacontemptuous O nnw al and theindependence w est. It has a history ooff almost from the Great Kingdom, and was an eager founding member of t h e Iron League in 446 C Y I t was able to ma intain a significant nava navall force for generations, and its own troops mixed fierce and strong infantry infantry w ith accurate and deadly crosscrossbowmen. Cobb Darg is a ruler of exceptional wit and guile. He wa tched the spies of th e Scarlet BrothBrotherho od carefully in th e pre-war pre-war days, unwilling to accept their s mo oth words at face value, value, and had the whole group rounded up and despatched or expelled just as O nnwal and Idee fell. Irongate’s armies also decisively repulsed Ahlissan forces

when S unndi coul couldd not. T h e Free C ity is is a determin ed, stron g bod y ooff folk. D uk e Coriell of O nnwall took refuge here during th e war war.. Irongate is now almost under seige. Its navy has been largely sunk by Scarlet Brotherhood forces, and the bulk of the pop ulation iiss confined within the city. Half of those who used to live in t h e hilly lands around have fled into its safety. Only a handful of dwarven m ining cl clans ans stay beyond t h e security of its walls. Irongate dwarves are excavating a tunnel system to th e most im portant of the m ines, working night and day, aware aware that while they a re throwing a lifeline to their brethren, they are also establishing an en try point into the city city.. Work is apace reinforcing reinforci ng and str ength enin g all all ccity ity walls, towers, and keep s, with t h e dw arves again playing a leading role. This feeling of imminent seige brings out the stoic, strongest qualities of the dwa rven race, and the hum ans ooff Irongate realize what an asset they have in their presence. Dwarven priests, together with a handful ooff prie sts of Ulaa,, have bou nd pow erful warding spells into Ulaa Irongate’s Irongat e’s defen ses. Irongate has a vital vital teleportation link to M itrik itrik (see entry for Vel Veluna una in previous section) which enables a stead y trickle ooff trad e to continu e. Of course, the Scarlet Brotherhood is technically at peace with Irongate, and Irongate could ship its goods out safel safelyy by sea-i sea-inn theory. T h e Scarlet Brotherhood would, of course, deny any responsibilit sibi lityy for those ships being a ttacke d by k rake n, sea serpents, or simila similarr mo nsters. T h e folk of lrongate are no fools. Irongate Irong ate als alsoo m anages some trade w ith the old old of the G reat Kingdom, a South Province nd from the Iron Hills some perilous trade withand Sunndi manages to continue. But Irongate remains a city under seige, and outsiders are carefully policed and watched at al alll times, and allo allowed wed to stay only briefly brie fly and w ithin a specified, small area. I .



Ruler: His Most Lordly Nobility, Eternal Custodian and Lord Protector of Re1 Astra, Drax the Invulnerabl Invulnerablee Population: 57,000 (city)


This trading and mercantile city has been ruled by a riv rival al noble hou se since t he acension ooff th e House of Naelax to the Malachite Thr one . It is given an individual treatment here (other Great Kingdom cities are not) for two reasons.

Verbobonc is now considered a free city, although technica technically lly it has a viscounty whose writ runs some 15 mil miles es into the Kron Hill Hills. s. Since th e Wars, Verbobonc has all but abandoned its responsibilitie sponsibil itiess in in the hil hills ls,, and the g nom es there

First,chitarged has awlong history asofaasem history i-independent city ith rulership signifi significant cant area ooff surrounding land (north to the Lone Heath), which other cities cities do n ot. Second, it is nnow ow the major trading trading cente r on th e eastern coast of ol oldd Aerdy, Aerd y, ready to cond uct trade with anyone-the Sea Barons, Barbarians (rarely), Ratik vessels, th e Scarlet Brotherhood’ Brotherhood’ss proxies from the L ordship of of th e Isles, Isles, Su nndi, and oth er Aerdy lands lands.. As long as money comes in, Re1 Astrans don’t care who provides th e coin. T h e m otivat otivation ion ffor or this is si simple. mple. While Re1 Astra did not fall to Osson during the war, the Overking’s pillaging pillaging arm y in M edeg ia didn’t wor wor-ry m uch ab out technic technicalit alities, ies, and tried its best to

have lookedVerbobon elsewhere for their over alliances and protection. Verbobonc’s c’s influence its small satellite villa villages ges has also declined, with village elders and rulers being allowed free rein to rule. Viscount Wilfrick grows old, and a city that once maintained a pow erful mili militia tia and a neverending watch agai against nst evil evil,, especial especially ly the Gnarley Forest a nd th e dread Tem ple ooff Elem ental Evi Evil, l, has grown tired along with him. It is entirely plausible that Scarlet Brotherhood agents and “advisers” have counseled the Viscount to sit tight in in troubled times. T h e construction ooff a castle at the village of Hommlet is deemed to have b een suffic sufficient ient effort effort,, a nd Verbobon c washes its hands of further watchfulness.

sack and loot the town anyway. By this time, having despoiled their their way through M edegia, the imperial army was both weakened and sated, and th e ci city ty’s ’s troops fought th em off. off. Thi s created a great hatred of Ivid within Re1 Astra, however, and the generals and ordinary folk long for the day when Ivid’s gutted carcass will hang on a mea thook abov e th e cit cityy gates. In addition, Drax was blessed b y his O verking with th e gif giftt of of undying, and he is an animus and none too happy abou t it. it. H e, to o, longs for revenge. So, Re1 Ast r_a_ w m n n e v and ~ nlentv it.. Armies of re. .a_n _ .t_sI _.._.._ . . ~of~ ~ , venge a re not hired w ithout bulgi bulging ng (:offers. Drax rules Re1 Astra harshly, eve]r preaching the merits of thrift, caution, hard wo rk, and the

tr aThe d in gordinary m u c h afolk s b eoofff oth rreee. town T h e contin h u m a ue n s their and gnomes who populate it are cheerful, kindly folk who smile aaway way ta tales les ooff t he W ar arss with mum bled comments of “oh, that’s terrible.” If the re is still vigilance and stre ngt h in Verbobonc, it resides in a handful of rulers of local towns and fortifications, several of whom are known t o have meetings with Furyondian representatives and members of t h e Knights of the Hart. It may well be that d eterm ined efforts wil willl be made bv th ese o eoole to formall formallvv, alie alien n Verb Verboobonc with F uryonday and Vel Veluna, una, states whic whicllh gratefully grateful ly received volun teer Verbobo nc warri warrior or S during t h e Wars.



-eed for self-sacrifice if Re1 Astra i s to be reenged. He secretly harbors his old noble ouse’s ouse ’s fantasy of displacing Naela x 2md ascendig t he M alachi alachite te throne in its pl place. ace. Re1 Astra is hard, ha rsh cit city, y, but it is al also so the be s t defended, nd the morale of its people is good despite Irax’s fairly tyrannical rulership and the open everence of evil powers here.

M er : His Lordship, Viscount Wil Wilfr fric ickk of Verbobonc ’opulation: 12,500 (city)



-. Ilule rs: M ilit ilitary ary co couuincils of Greyhawk L,..lnt;r\n. N h T o ” . . ~Il ,600; Safeton 5,500 I .*x v.J wyY,LLCLwL..

I ne









three soutne rn ci cities ties or tn e wiia Lo ast re rell ll to Turrosh Turrosh M ar s Pomar Pomarjj human humanoids oids duri during ng the Wars, War s, T h e fa fact ct that the two northernmost cities did not also fal falll can only be put down to th e humanoids switching their attentions, and forces, westward to Ulek rath rather er than pressi pressing ng hom e the att attack ack her here. e. T h e Free City of Greyh awk now has much greater say here. More details can be found in the accom panying Camp aign Book. m.



Th is s ection of of t he C yclopedia detail detailss the folfollowing: major bodies of water in the Flanaess; forests, woodlands jungles;and mountains and hill ranges; swamps,and marshes, wastelands; and rivers.

dangerous, with dangerous, with many sea serpents and octopi of great size, cap able of of dragging dragging dow n sm aller vessels. Ships were often chained together in great convoys to prevent this fate, and seamen typically cally carry pikes to fend off suc suchh monsters. monsters. T h e Tilva Straits and Aerdi Sea are known to be shark-infested . ->

T h e major major bodies bodies of water in th e Flanaess are the oceans, straits, and great lakes. These waters comprise the Aerdi and Oljatt Seas, the Tilva Strait, and the Spindrift Sound. T h e Scarlet Scarlet Brotherhood Brotherhood controls controls much of these seas, con testing northern areas with th e Sea Bar Bar--



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on s and inalong a fewthincursions from Iceepmonaland, Barbarians. Barbarians. Eastward e north coast of of H a handful of pirates-some pirates-some reputed to be seagoing hobgoblins-occasionally hobgoblins-occasionally for foray ay westward. T h e warm, blue-green depths of of the Oljat Oljattt Sea are particularly beautiful, and also particularly

T h e Solnor Solnor Ocean and the vast vast Grendep Bay are disputed among the Sea Barons and Ice Bar Bar-barians, the latter holding greater sway the farther north one goes. Great whales throng the Solnor, which is said to stretch for a thousand leagues eastwa rd. In sum mer, Ice B arbarian arbarian longships carry great harpoons, although their whaling is opportunistic rather than well-organized. T h e Ice Barba Barbari rians ans do not travel travel much in Grendep Bay in the fall, for monsters greater in size even than whales can be s een at sp ort there. Marner is a vital port along the coastline-the major port for Ratik from w hich a little little trade still still manages to filt filter er down to eastern A erdy states, although this is is very haza rdous.







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T h e ves vessel selss of the Scarlet Scarlet Brotherhood Brotherhood hold complete dominion here-in t h e Densac Gulf, Azure Sea, and Jerlea Bay. While peace allows

balls of wool and pitch, ready to ignite and use against these creatures. ".,..


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traders to sail sail these waters from the north, few take th e chance. T h e Azur Azuree Sea has al alwa ways ys had had a plentiful plentif ul share of of sea mo nsters, and mo st traders used to stick to the coasts of the Iron League states, but m onster onsterss seem to be more common there now (unless the ships are those of the Brotherhood, strangely enough). Kraken and coastal sea lions are among the hazards of the Azure and Jerlea Bay, and rumors of morkoths lai laired red around the OIman Islands Islands are a deterrent to travel in the De nsa c Gulf. T h e Gu Gulf lf its itsel elff is said said to open into a vast ocean stretching well into Lower Oerik, but its waters are unmapped beyond northern Amedio.

The deep blue w aters of this great seamapmastretc h far far to the west beyond thoef reach ooff the ker. Where the warm currents that enrich the coastlands of of Zeif and Ek bir flow flow northward, t he collisi coll ision on with colder w aters g enera tes great fogs and icebergs icebergs that have bee n seen as ffar ar south as Ekbir during the spring, spring, suggesting the presen ce of great ice floes in uncharted northern areas. Am ong the usual seamen's seamen's tales of monsters and terrors of the d ee p, stories ooff aquatic deadly puddings that cling to th e hulls of shi ships ps and rot them away from from und ernea th while slowi slowing ng passage are not t o be taken li light ghtly. ly.

T h gated e Scar Scarle lettofBrotherhood Brothe rhood hasitsby no m eans subju all Am edio . Along coastline and small offshore offshore islands, pirates pirates prov e as irksome a threat to Brotherhood ships as they previously did to those of other nations. Some of these pirates are said to be assisted by w eathercontrolling magic, and to use arrows coated in paralyzing alkaloid alkaloid poisons from t he jungles. T h e western hal halff of of th e Azure Sea is aalso lso known to be infested with great swathes of seaweeds that slow shi ships ps and render t he air foul and noxious , iinn addition addition to concealing mo nsters such as merrow and scrags.

T h e Icy Sea is ffrozen rozen over in great area areass except during hi high gh summ er, during during which time Ice Barbarians sometim es hu nt her e for walrus iv ivory, ory, kil killer ler whales, and seal fur furs. s. E ven at such times , t h e sea is dangero us due to thick fogs and floes of pack ice. Wh ite Fange d Bay is is aptly named after a ragged ragged coastline coastline that resembles t he tee th of a greatt predator grea predator.. T h e seals seals and w alruses here are hunted by t h e men of Stonefist.

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of Perrenland , who se me n fis fishh its rich waters in all all

Relmor Bay, Woolly Bay, and the Sea of Gea rnat are well well map ped, with excellent excellent naviganavigator tor's 's cha rts readi readily ly availabl available. e. T h e humano ids of th e Pomarj do not appear to b e setting sail sail just y e t , so t r a d e r s h e a d e d f r o m G r e y h a w k t o Nyrond can still sail in relative safety, although the ro ute through the N yr D yv and via Urnst iiss increasingly preferred. To the east, Nyrondese naval vessels vessels dom inate Relm or Bay Bay still, still, only occasionallyy skirmishing with bandits and brigands casionall operating operati ng out of th e old So uth Province. A handful of Irongate vessels still still risk the journey to Nyrond als also. o. Woolly Bay is known to contain groups of

seasons save winter. Perch, tench, roach, pike, and freshwater trout all teem within the waters. The lake is also also sai saidd to be hom e to a family family of of mist dragons on a perpetually mist-shrouded small central tral isl island and wit within hin the lake. Perrenlan ders hunt th e waterfowl along t h e shoreline, as do th e Wol Wolf N omads from time to time.

scrags (marine trolls) which may have coastal lairs in the Pomarj. Vessels traveling this bay of-

campaign map s, many major an dofnavinavi gable inlets inlets andshow outlets throng theports waters theNyr Dy v. T h e navies navies of of Fu ryondy and U rnst stil stilll

known Depths, is a strategic body of water. Across it, it, muc h trade is pl plied ied between Greyh awk, Dyvers, Furyondy, Urnst, and the lands beyond as far as Perrenland and the Theocracy. As the

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te n have many readied spears covered in thick





dominate this great lake, protecting the shipping that travels it; Iuz has not yet sought to extend any naval naval str strength ength to th e Nyr D yv. One of the most unusual features of the Nyr

of woodland, followed by descriptions of unique species. Following this, m ajor ajor a nd m inor woodlands within the Flanaess are detailed.

Dy great v is its people. T h esde along folk folk make their theies. r hom on barges anchore anchored the shores. shor T heesy conduct much of the day-to-day conveyance of trade along them. Th es e are the Rhennee, gypsy waterfolk who are mostly thieves and occasionaloccasionally pirates. Each Rhe nnee barge is is crewed b y a “lor “lord” d” who shares his cabin with his family, and “cousins” (who may or may not be related by blood) who find living space on or below deck. A typical barge contains som e 15-20 souls. T h e R h e nnnn e e have both a special cant of thei theirr own and subtle comm unication system s using fl flags ags and lanterns. Fur the r details of t h e Rhennee can be found in the City of Greyhawk boxed set.

Alder, balsam, birch, fir, pine, scrub Northern: oak, sablewood. Central: apple, beech, briar, briar, bronzewood, cher-

ry, chestn ut, chokech erry, crabapple, elder elder,, elm, galda, hawthorne, hickory, hornwood, ipp (or ipt), larch, locust, maple, m ulberry, myrtl myrtle, e, o ak, pear, phos t, plum, poplar poplar,, roanw ood, tho rn, usk, walnut, willow, willow, yarpick, yew . ig, Southern: apricot, a sh, bay, camp hor, cedar, ffig, grapefruit, gum, kara, lemon, lime, mangrove, oak, olive, orange, peach, pine, tulip tree. Southern tropical: banyan, baobab , deklo, mahogany, mangrove, palm, teak.

Deklo: Deklo trees are m assive hardwoods, of-

T h e N yr y r Dyv is also hom e to many monsters. Freshwater serpents and octopi have often been reported, as have freshw ater aquatic umb er hulks and w orse orse.. A notable feature ooff a m ore pleasant aspe ct is a large com mu nity of of selkie off the coast of Oldred, who do their best to warn sailors of possible hazards of of this type. T h e selkie are know n to be unfrie unfriendly ndly towards towards Rhen nee.

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Before the rise of Iuz, much trade plied this lake-to and ffrom lake-to rom Dora Ka Kaaa aand nd Crockport, and up and down the Ven Vengg ffrom rom the Nyr Dyv. Only t h e latter (and t hat haza rdou s) survived Iuz’ Iuz’ss unifiunification of his lands. Since the W ars ars,, when Furyondian vessels mostly had to flee down t h e Veng, Iuz controls thes e waters complet completely. ely. Iuz iiss not m uch given to shipborne attacks, and is not renowned for his skill as a strategist in naval battles, so little tra traffi fficc is to b e foun d on this lake now.

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No description of the many woodlands of the Flanaess would be com plete without reference reference to th e flora flora ooff t he continent. T h e list list bel below ow deta details ils

ten 15 feet in dimaeter and over 100 feet tall. T h e y have thick, strong branches that grow almost paralparallel lel to the trun trunk. k. O n a mature deklo, leaves are over a foot in diameter. These trees tend to grow in groves, excluding excluding other forms ooff vegetation. Th eir tim be r is usef useful ul ffor or furniture, shipbu ilding, woo denhandled tools, and a variety of uses. Galda: Th ese trees are 30 feet or so in height, with yellow yellow bar k and yellow-green leaves. In early spring, spring, the tree produces whitish, cone-shaped fruit that ripens to gold in the summer. Galda fruit is somew hat astr astringent ingent an d salty to t he palate, but is both refreshing and nutritious, as its multiple seed s are rich in protein. Kara: Karafr Karafruit uit trees grow to 40 feet or more. They have a rough bark, and an irritating resin exudes from branches and leaves. Karafruit is light brown, with yellow spotting when unripe and red streaks when mature. Karafruit are fistsized, oddly squarish, squarish, chewy, and sw eet. beautiful hardwood is about Hornwood: Th is beautiful the size of a small small elm. Its trunk and branches are very straight and black-barked , with long, pointed, spear-like leaves. Hornwood, treated and seasoned well, well, is strong and resi resilient, lient, and m akes excellent weapo ns, especially bows. Ipp: T h e s e t r e e s a r e a mo n g t h e l a r g e s t known, averaging 60 or more feet in height when mature, with broad ttrunks runks.. T h e ipt ipt,, a subspecies, is larger larger sti still. ll. Both species ha ve green ish

general al ar areas eas LhFs . :: , th?e :m ost. important . . species within gener

bark and large, vaguely hand-shaped leaves of



emerald green. Ipps are hardy, disease-resistant, and long-lived. long-lived. T h e wood is versat versatile, ile, although although it does not take seasoning well and is rarely employed in making weapons. Phost: T he se trees are similar to oaks, except that their bark is quite shaggy and and their leaves leaves are twice as broad as they a re long. long. Phost wood gives off a soft glow in dim light after a tree has been dead for a year or so. Groves of phost trees can oftenn be seen at dawn or twilight for some disofte tance, even within within a mixed forest. T h e wood is not hard, does not take seasoning well, and is used more for firewood and kindling than for anything else. Roanwood: Roanwoods are similar to sequoias, except that their branches are closer to the ground (30 feet or so) and are far la large rger. r. T h e roanwood is a hardwood with reddish brown bark, as the name implies, and gray speckling. Roanwoods have fan-shaped fan-shaped leaves about a foot long. Th e wood and grain grain of of th e tree allow use for fine furniture, interiors, or carving. Where hardness and streng th are desired, hic hickory kory,, bronzewood, and oak are typically typically used. Sablewood: Th es e are northern northern everg evergreens reens,, short and thick-trunked. Their branches make excellent arrow shafts. If If t he w ood is oiled, it becomes a lustrous black. Usk: T he se tall hardwoods have huge oblong oblong leaves and an edible fruit much loved by many forest creatures. creatures. Typ ical specimens are 8-9 feet in diameter and 50-60 feet tall, and are similar to a map le in shape. T h e bright bright blue uskfruit uskfruit is roughly th e size of of a large grapefruit grapefruit and is aromatic. T h e great leaves are slight slightly ly wat watererrepellent, and can be used as wrapping; food wrapped in usk leaves lasts longer than food not so wrapped. A preservative for treating treating foods can be extracted from the leaves if soaked in a solusolution of vinegar. Yarpick: C o m m o n ly k n o w n a s th e d a g gerthorn, this is a short, sturdy tree with low spreadin g branch es and broad , fringed leaves. Its trunk has small, sharp thorns about half an inch long. Th or ns o n its lower branches can b e awesome, growing to over two feet long and the thickness of a finger at th e base. Yarpi Yarpick ck thorns are straight straight and tough, and are used as weapons weapons or weapon components. T h e mature yarpick yarpick tree b ears small fruit fruit

which is neither wholesome nor nutritious, but the inner seed is quite good when cracked as a nut. Cultivated yarpick ‘nuts” are as large as plums and very nourishing, often roasted or ground into meal. Some 25,000 people live within the forest, hunting its plentiful game and hewing the fine woods found there. This forest has historically been p art of of the No rth Pro vince, with its its western fringe beyond t he H arp River part of Almor, but particularly since the War, the folk here have owed little allegiance to their imperial masters. They are now most preoccupied with the dual threats of the Bone March humanoids, who occupy an increasing swath of the northwestern forest, and North Province axemen out for a quick killing killing from from d estruction of t he A dri. Previously, those from Aerdy were concerned with trade for the woods used for shipbuilding, spear shafts, bows, and arrows. There is a significant number of nonevil humankind here, with druids of Obad-Hai among them, and some of the best of these folk seek alliance with Nyrond. But Adri woodsmen are still insular, not skilled in th e ways of of d iplom acy, and ready to respond t o failures failures and difficulties in th e outside world world by returning to the confines confines of their home. \

Only unreliable travelers’ tales give an y detail of th e heart heartlands lands of of Am edio. T h e inhabitants are said to be cannibal savages of Sue1 origin-tanskinned, feral folk who are skilled in the use of javelins, darts, spears, blowpipes, and poisons. Howev er, some ooff their trib es are said to exploit mines and pan rivers and rocky-shored lake inlets for gems. T h e unnamed central lake within within Amedio is is said to be an important site for gatherings of tribes, where ritual mock battles have replaced many of the old conflicts which led to =eat bloodshed and loss of life. Certainly, rare wo ods, spices, ivory, plant resins, and beans are all plentiful within these lands. A range of medicinal plants almost certainly exists here too, but exploration has been to o infreque nt to allow their discovery and enumeration.



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