TSM - Server-side Daily Administrator Checklist

December 10, 2016 | Author: Ajith Singh | Category: N/A
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IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) Server-Side Daily Administrator Checklist...


Applications & Systems MANAGEMENT

TSM Server-Side Daily Administrator Checklist DOCUMENT INFORMATION Document Owner Issue Number Date of Issue Status Platform

A J SINGH 3.12 03 February 2008 In Circulation, pending further discussion TSM Server 5.2.3 to 5.5



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TSM Server-Side Daily Administrator Checklist 1.

List TSM license compliance. audit lic select compliance from licenses


Query server processes and pending requests to determine if any jobs are waiting on operator action. q pr q req q se


Query all disk storage pools to determine if the migration process has completed. select stgpool_name, pct_utilized from stgpools where devclass='DISK'


List all drives that are OFFLINE. select drive_name from drives where not online='YES'


List all paths that are OFFLINE. select source_name, source_type, destination_name, destination_type from paths where not online='YES'


List all locked nodes. select node_name from nodes where not locked='NO'


List all non-writeable tape and disk volumes. q v acc=unavail q v acc=reado q v acc=destroyed select volume_name, read_errors, write_errors from volumes where (read_errors>0 or write_errors>0) select volume_name from volumes where devclass_name='DISK' and not status='ONLINE'


Verify that the library has sufficient scratch volumes. select library_name,status,count(*) as "VOLUMES" from libvolumes group by library_name,status


Verify that the database extension and reduction values are non-zero and that the Cache Hit Ration is above 99%. q db f=d

10. Verify that the recovery log extension and reduction values are non-zero and that the Wait Percentage is zero. q log f=d

APPLICATIONS & SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT P O Box 11752, Zwartkop, 0051, South Africa Tel +27.84.786-8029 Cell +27.84.786-8029 Fax +27.86.645-9754 www.ASMHoldings.com E-Mail [email protected]

11. Verify that database and recovery log volumes are online and synchronized. q dbv f=d q logv f=d 12. Inspect TSM database fragmentation level. select cast((100 - (cast(max_reduction_mb as float) * 256 ) / (cast(usable_pages as float) cast(used_pages as float) ) * 100) as decimal(4,2)) as PERCENT_FRAG from db 13. Verify that the scheduled database backups completed successfully. select date (date_time) as date, time(date_time) as time, volume_name, type from volhistory where type in ('BACKUPFULL', 'BACKUPINCR', 'DBSNAPSHOT', 'DBDUMP') 14. Verify that all CLIENT schedules for the last day succeeded. q ev * * begind=-1 endd=today begint=00:00:00 endt=00:00:00 To restrict the listing to only those nodes with non-completed status: q ev * * begind=-1 endd=today begint=00:00:00 endt=00:00:00 ex=y 15. Verify that all ADMINISTRATIVE schedules for the last day succeeded. q ev * t=a begind=-1 endd=today begint=00:00:00 endt=00:00:00 To restrict the listing to only those nodes with non-completed status: q ev * t=a begind=-1 endd=today begint=00:00:00 endt=00:00:00 ex=y 16. Check the activity log for error messages. q actl search=AN?????E begind=-1 begint=00:00 endd=today endt=00:00 17. List nodes that are not associated with a backup schedule. select node_name from nodes where node_name not in (select node_name from associations) 18. Cross match the TSM node name with the host name or computer name. select node_name, tcp_address, tcp_name from nodes 19. List PRIMARY POOL volumes that have been checked out of the library. select volume_name, stgpool_name from volumes where stgpool_name in (select stgpool_name from stgpools where devclass'DISK' and pooltype='PRIMARY') and volume_name not in (select volume_name from libvolumes) 20. Checkout all D/R Media for offsite storage. move drm * wherest=mo tost=va rem=b

APPLICATIONS & SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT P O Box 11752, Zwartkop, 0051, South Africa Tel +27.84.786-8029 Cell +27.84.786-8029 Fax +27.86.645-9754 www.ASMHoldings.com E-Mail [email protected]

21. Verify that all D/R volumes have been checked out. select volume_name from libvolumes where volume_name in (select volume_name from volumes where stgpool_name in (select stgpool_name from stgpools where devclass'DISK' and pooltype='COPY')) 22. Verify that all TSM database backup volumes have been checked out. select volume_name from libvolumes where last_use='DbBackup' 23. Identify previous offsite volumes that can be recycled to scratch status and checkin the same. q drm wherest=vaultr move drm * wherest=vaultr tost=onsite checki libv checkl=b stat=scr search=b wait=0 24. Generate a list of unlocked TSM administrator accounts with full system privileges. select admin_name from admins where not system_priv='No' and not locked='No' 25. List TSM Nodes and Client (BA/TDP) versions by platform. select platform_name as OS, client_os_level as OS_VER, node_name as Node, cast(cast(client_version as char(2)) || '.' || cast(client_release as char(2)) || '.' || cast(client_level as char(2)) || '.' || cast(client_sublevel as char(2)) as char(15)) as "TSM Client" from nodes order by platform_name, "TSM Client", Node 26. Data backed up in the last 24 hours: select entity, date(start_time) as DATE, time(start_time) as START_TIME, time(end_time) as END_TIME, substr(char(end_time-start_time),3,8) as DURATION, cast((bytes/1024/1024/1024) as decimal(18,2)) as GB_BACKED_UP, successful from summary where cast((current_timestampstart_time) hours as decimal)=current_timestamp-24 hours and activity='ARCHIVE' group by entity 30. Compare PRIMARY and COPY pool occupancy totals. select sum(num_files) as num_of_files,sum(physical_mb) as Physical_mb,sum(logical_mb) as logical_mb from occupancy where stgpool_name in (select stgpool_name from stgpools where pooltype='PRIMARY') select sum(num_files) as num_of_files,sum(physical_mb) as Physical_mb,sum(logical_mb) as logical_mb from occupancy where stgpool_name in (select stgpool_name from stgpools where pooltype='COPY')

APPLICATIONS & SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT P O Box 11752, Zwartkop, 0051, South Africa Tel +27.84.786-8029 Cell +27.84.786-8029 Fax +27.86.645-9754 www.ASMHoldings.com E-Mail [email protected]

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