TSM Advanced Reporting and Monitoring

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TSM Advanced reporting and monitoring...


Advanced Technical Skills (ATS) North America

Tivoli Storage Manager Advanced Reporting and Monitoring Options

Dave Daun

IBM Advanced Technical Support [email protected]

© 2011 IBM Corporation

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TSM Advanced Technical Support Team  Dave Canan – [email protected]

 Dave Daun – [email protected]

 Tom Hepner – [email protected]


© 2011 IBM Corporation

Advanced Technical Skills (ATS) North America

Topics  Techniques for the TSM Administrative Command Line Client  Using the TSM Operational Reporter with TSM V6  Using the DB2 Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) with TSM V6  TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Automatically Generated Reports

 TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Creating Situations (Alerts)


© 2011 IBM Corporation

Advanced Technical Skills (ATS) North America

Topics  Techniques the TSM Administrative Command Line Client  Using the TSM Operational Reporter with TSM V6  Using the DB2 Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) with TSM V6  TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Automatically Generated Reports

 TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Creating Situations (Alerts)


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Capturing Output to Import to a Spreadsheet  dsmadmc –id=tsm1 –passw=secret –dataonly=yes q domain

 dsmadmc –id=tsm1 –passw=secret –dataonly=yes –comma q domain

 Also available: -tabdelimited 5

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Other Interesting Command Line Options  DISPLAYMODE – LIST – Forces the output of Query command to the list (vertical) format – TABLE – Forces the output of Query command to the table (horizontal) format

 OUTFILE (with no sub-parm) – Forces the output of Query commands to be formatted one line per row (batch mode only per the book)

 OUTFILE= – Redirects the output to the specified filename. Can also be done with operating system redirects (>, >>, |) or with TSM redirects (> and >>) in interactive mode


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Using the Command Line for Monitoring  CONSOLEMODE – All TSM server output is echoed to the screen (with a few exceptions like trace output). Essentially gives a dynamic view of the Activity Log. Saves the trouble of repeatedly issuing Q ACTLOG commands. – Does not take input – Ex. Dsmadmc –id=tsm1 –passw=secret –console – Note: This also works as console to a Storage Agent • Dsmadmc –id=tsm1 –passw=secret –tcps=my.stgagent.ibm.com (Admin ID and PW)


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Using the Command Line for Monitoring  MOUNTMODE – All TSM server removable media messages are echoed to the screen. Saves the trouble of repeated issuing Q ACTLOG or Q REQUEST commands – Very useful if you are performing – Does not take input – Ex. Dsmadmc –id=tsm1 –passw=secret –mount


© 2011 IBM Corporation

Advanced Technical Skills (ATS) North America

Topics  Techniques the TSM Administrative Command Line Client  Using the TSM Operational Reporter with TSM V6  Using the DB2 Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) with TSM V6  TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Automatically Generated Reports

 TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Creating Situations (Alerts)


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The Status of TSM Operational Reporter for V6  Because of changes to the TSM database and some changes to the way that SQL statements are processed, the V5 Operational Report will no longer function correctly for a V6 TSM server

 Several individuals have edited the Custom Summary report sections and the built-in monitors to make them work properly with a TSM V6 server

 The Operational Reporter is not “officially” supported on TSM V6 and not included in the V6 product

 IBM has created a Technote which details the steps necessary to alter the V5 Operational Report to enable it to function properly in a V6 environment – http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27019794 – This is intended as a stop-gap measure to allow customers to use OR until they can transition to the new TSM Reporting and Monitoring sever 10

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A Quick Operational Reporter Refresher  Operational Reporter is a real-time reporting and

monitoring tool that generates reports or enables monitors (alerts) based on SQL issued to the TSM server

 Reports can be scheduled or ad-hoc. The output of

reports can be sent to a list of email address or they can be stored on a web-server

 Monitors are scheduled queries (as often as once per

hour) that can test conditions based on SQL statements and send emails if the conditions are met (ex. If the number of scratch tapes in a library fall below a threshold, send and email to the TSM administrator).

 The Operational Reporter does not do any historical

reporting – The new TSM Reporting and Monitoring server is required for historical reporting


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Operational Reporter Screenshots  Built-In Reports:


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Operational Reporter Screenshots  Built-In Reports:


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Modifying Operational Reporter for TSM V6 ** Read the Technote for full details **

 Download and install the TSM V5 Management Console – ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/storage/tivoli-storage-management/ maintenance/server/v5r5/WIN/LATEST

 Backup the provided report and monitor templates – C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\console\default_rep_eng.xml – C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\console\default_mon_eng.xml

 Rename the report and monitor templates – C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\console\default_rep_eng_TSM6.xml – C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\console\default_mon_eng_TSM6.xml


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Modifying Operational Reporter for TSM V6  Open the “Daily Report” and view properties:


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Modifying Operational Reporter for TSM V6  Click “Custom Summary” and choose “Settings” to change the report template file:


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Modifying Operational Reporter for TSM V6  Select the new template file name from the dropdown:


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Modifying Operational Reporter for TSM V6  Select a report item and click “Edit…” to modify:


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Modifying Operational Reporter for TSM V6  Modify the SQL in the item per the instructions in the Technote:


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Operational Reporter Planning Considerations  It probably does not make sense to increase dependence on Operational Reporter at this time

– The Technote provides information for modifying Operational Reporter on an “As-Is” basis. No support is implied. – As some point, it could fall out of support altogether as TSM V5.5 reaches end-of-support

 If you are using Operational Reporter now, you should have a plan in place to move to another tool

– Evaluate the TSM Monitoring and Reporting Tool. If it meets your needs, start migrating (no cost for TSM V6 licensees and it will report on a TSM V5.4 or V5.5 server) – There are other, 3rd party, tools available of varying function and varying cost


© 2011 IBM Corporation

Advanced Technical Skills (ATS) North America

Topics  Techniques the TSM Administrative Command Line Client  Using the TSM Operational Reporter with TSM V6  Using the DB2 Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) with TSM V6  TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Automatically Generated Reports

 TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Creating Situations (Alerts)


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Advanced Technical Skills (ATS) North America

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)  ODBC provides a standard interface for accessing

database management systems that is independent of programming languages, database systems and operating systems.

 ODBC is of interest to TSM administrators as a reporting

and monitoring tool because it can be used to access the TSM database remotely and to extract data from the TSM database and import it into spreadsheets or desktop database management tools.

 TSM V5 (and previous versions) provided a ODBC

function that would interact directly with the TSM server

 TSM V6 does not include a new ODBC interface that will interact with the TSM V6 server

– The V5 ODBC interface that does seem to work but, at this point, it is an unsupported interface – DB2 provides a supported ODBC interface


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TSM V5 ODBC Client


TSM Server




TSM V5 ODBC Client with TSM V5 Server


TSM V5 ODBC Client with TSM V6 Server


TSM Server





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DB2 ODBC Client

TSM DB2 ODBC DB2 ODBC Client with TSM V6 Server







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Implementing the TSM ODBC Client  Lunch and Learn given in June of 2007 discusses implementing the TSM ODBC client

– http://san360-1.wsclab.washington.ibm.com/LunchAndLearn/June2007/ – Mike Hedden presented – Contains much good information about how to use the TSM ODBC client for importing data into Excel – Note: get the latest version of the TSM ODBC client at: ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/storage/tivoli-storage-management/ maintenance/client/v5r5/Windows/x32/v552/


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DB2 ODBC Support: Install and Configure Steps

1. Choose and download a package to install 2. Configure the TSM Server (DB2) with a port number to listen for ODBC requests

3. Install the ODBC driver package on the Windows client system

4. Register the ODBC driver with Windows 5. Define the Windows ODBC Data Source 6. Use the Data Source to import data into your spreadsheet or database application


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Choosing the DB2 ODBC Client or the TSM ODBC Client  Advantages of the using the DB2 ODBC client – Fully supported (by DB2) – May perform better than the TSM ODBC client – Can be integrated into many different application types (Spreadsheets, desktop databases, custom applications using Perl or Java, etc.)

 Disadvantage of using the DB2 ODBC client – Not “TSM Aware” so you see all tables and views at the DB2 level. – Some tables may not behave in the same way that they do from a TSM standpoint (BACKUPS returns a hex value for HLNAME). – The list of tables and columns is cluttered with many control objects that are used by TSM or DB2 but not of interest for reporting or monitoring by a TSM administrator


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Selecting the DB2 ODBC Client  There are several client types available: – IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ – useful for Java applications – IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI – useful for imbedding ODBC or Caller Level Interface commands (as API calls) in an application – IBM Data Server Driver Package – a lightweight version of the Data Server Runtime Client but designed for ISVs to be redistributed with their code – IBM Data Server Runtime Client – contains a wide range of interfaces to run applications on remote databases. Includes a command line DB2 client and support for JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, ODBC, CLI, PHP and Ruby. Does not include the DB2 Control Center – IBM Data Server Client – contains all the functionality of the Data Server Runtime Client plus functionality for database administration, application development, and client/server configuration. It includes the DB2 Control Center


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Selecting the DB2 ODBC Client  A good choice is the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI

– Has just enough support to use ODBC to import TSM database data into an Excel spreadsheet – The Data Server Client or Data Server Runtime Client will work as well but each contains a number of unnecessary components

 There is a Technote which describes the install process: – “Tivoli Storage Manager V6 DB2 ODBC driver configuration” – http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21461788

 Get this Redbook which also describes the install and configuration process:

– http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg247718.html?Open – TSM 6.1 Technical Guide – SG24-7718, Appendix A 29

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Getting the DB2 ODBC Client  Download the code from Fix Central: – http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/


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Getting the DB2 ODBC Client  Download the code from Fix Central:


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Configure DB2 on the TSM Server for ODBC  Sign on as “root” for unix, “Administrator” for Windows  Edit the “services” file – /etc/services on unix – \windows\system32\drivers\etc\services on Windows – Add this line: db2c_DB2TSM 50000/tcp – You can use any unused port number

 Sign on with the DB2 Instance ID (Administrator for Windows)  Issue these commands: – db2cmd

(Windows only)

– set DB2INSTANCE= (ex. tsminst1 for unix, server1 for Windows) – db2set DB2COMM=TCPIP – db2 update dbm cfg using svcename db2c_DB2TSM

 Shutdown and restart the TSM server


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Installing the DB2 ODBC and CLI Client  Unpack the zip file: – Select a directory C:\Program Files\IBM\DB2-ODBC\ – Be sure to expand the directories (Use folder names)

– Register the driver to Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\DB2-ODBC\clidriver\bin>db2oreg1 -i


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Installing the DB2 ODBC and CLI Client  Configure the ODBC Data Source (run odbcad32 or Admin. Tools)


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Installing the DB2 ODBC and CLI Client  Configure the ODBC Data Source


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Installing the DB2 ODBC and CLI Client  Configure the ODBC Data Source Insert these lines: [TSMDB1] Database=TSMDB1 Protocol=tcpip Hostname= Port=50000 UID= PWD=

Note: Password is stored in clear text. If you don’t specify, you will be prompted for it.


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Installing the DB2 ODBC and CLI Client  Configure the ODBC Data Source Name the Data Source


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Installing the DB2 ODBC and CLI Client  Configure the ODBC Data Source


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Installing the DB2 ODBC and CLI Client  Edit the Data Source Configuration File

Password is stored in the clear Limits Tables to TSMDB1 Schema


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Using the DB2 ODBC and CLI Client  Use the Data Source in a Spreadsheet


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Installing the DB2 Server Runtime Client  Run the installer


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Installing the DB2 Server Runtime Client  Configure the ODBC Data Source


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Installing the DB2 Server Runtime Client  Select an ODBC Driver


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Installing the DB2 Server Runtime Client  Configure the DB2 Alias – Data Source Tab

DB2 Instance ID and PW


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Installing the DB2 Server Runtime Client  Configure the DB2 Alias – TCP/IP Tab

Must use TSMDB1 (TSM DB Name) TSM Server Address Port No. Configured In Previous Step


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Installing the DB2 Server Runtime Client  Edit the DB2CLI.INI file


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Using the DB2 Server Runtime Client  Use the Data Source in a Spreadsheet


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Planning for ODBC Access with TSM  At this point, there are no plans to include a TSM specific ODBC client for TSM V6

– Submit an enhancement request if there is a need for a TSM specific ODBC driver/client for TSM V6

 Use the DB2 ODBC client for future implementations with

tables such as VOLUMES, SUMMARY, VOLUMEUSAGE, ACTLOG and others that behave in same way as they did with the TSM ODBC client

 Continue to use the TSM V5 ODBC client with the

understanding that there is no long term statement of support


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Advanced Technical Skills (ATS) North America

Topics  Techniques the TSM Administrative Command Line Client  Using the TSM Operational Reporter with TSM V6  Using the DB2 Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) with TSM V6  TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Automatically Generated Reports

 TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Creating Situations (Alerts)


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Automatically Generated Reports - What is the Requirement?  Some TSM Administrators want to have reports automatically generated and available on some schedule—usually once per day

 These reports can be either e-mailed to a list of

administrators or placed in some easily accessible location— often a web server

 This can be easily done with the Operational Reporter – Cannot get historical reports or reports that show trends – Operational Reporter not supported with TSM V6

 The TSM Reporting and Monitoring Server includes a component called Tivoli Common Reporting (TCR)

– TCR generates TSM historical reports which can be viewed through the Tivoli Integrated Portal (TIP)—the same interface used by the TSM Administration Center – TCR also has a command line interface which can be used to automate report generation 50

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High level Procedure 1. Determine which reports need to be automated – Use the GUI interface (TIP) to select reports and the required parameter settings

2. Generate a list of report names available (internal names) and match to the desired reports from the GUI

3. Determine the internal parameter names and any internal parameter values – Names that will be used on the command line are not always the same as they appear on the GUI

4. Set up a test run of the command line report generation and examine the resulting report

5. Set up a command file (script, Windows batch, PERL) to generate each report

6. Schedule the command file – TSM Server scheduler is a good option


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Select Reports to be Automated  Keep in mind that not all reports support all types of output – Html and PDF supported on most but not all reports


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Generate a List of Available Reports  Use the TCR Command Line: – Windows: C:\IBM\AC\products\tcr\bin> trcmd

– Unix: /opt/IBM/tivoli/tip/products/tcr/bin> trcmd – C:\IBM\AC\products\tcr\bin>trcmd -list -reports /TSMReports/TSM_server_tape_volume_capacity /TSMReports/TSM_client_activity_details /TSMReports/TSM_client_backup_currency /TSMReports/TSM_server_database_details /TSMReports/TSM_client_backup_missed_files /TSMReports/TSM_client_schedule_status /TSMReports/TSM_client_storage /TSMReports/TSM_server_Throughput /TSMReports/TSM_server_activity_details /TivoliProducts/TCR/Overview /TSMReports/TSM_server_resource_usage /TSMReports/TSM_client_top_activity /TSMReports/TSM_client_activity_history

– You will be prompted for userid and password – same as you used to view the reports in TIP 53

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Determine the Internal Parameter Values - Create a Snapshot from the TIP Interface


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Determine the Internal Parameter Values Discover the parameter names and values used on a Snapshot:

C:\IBM\AC\products\tcr\bin> trcmd -list -report /TSMReports/ TSM_server_activity_details -snapshots -showParameters Snapshot ID: 100001 Start Time: 1/4/11 11:23 AM End Time: 1/4/11 11:24 AM Parameter: Server_Activity Parameter: Report Period Parameter: Server Name Parameter: Begin Date Parameter: End Date


Value: Server_DBBU Value: L30

Value: ATSR4P21-SERVER1 Value:


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Run the Report from the Command Line C:\IBM\AC\products\tcr\bin> trcmd -user tipadmin -password secret -distribute -report "/TSMReports/TSM_server_activity_details" -PDF -location c:\TCRReports \server_activity_details.pdf -parameters "Report Period=L7" "Server Name=ATSR4P21-SERVER1" "Server_Activity=Server_DBBU“

Parameters: -distribute – run the report and put the output in the specified location -report – Internal Report Name -PDF – produce PDF output -location – Output path and name -parameters – Report parameters, blank separated list with each item in quotes


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Example Command File to Run and E-mail the Reports


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Example Command File to Run and E-mail the Reports


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Example Command File to Run and E-mail the Reports Notes:

 Cleans up the reports from yesterday’s run – could be

modified to save the reports for a longer period of time

 Generates and saves the reports to a local directory – could be stored to an nfs directory and used by a web server

 Windows mail program options: – Mailsend – free tool available via the web which supports attachments – Lotus Notes or MS Exchange command line client – Unix mail program via nfs output location

 Independent of the how the report templates were generated (i.e. BIRT or Cognos)

 Includes logging and error checking


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Using the TSM Scheduler to Run Reports Daily tsm: ATSR4P21-SERVER1>q sched * run_tsm_reports f=d

Policy Domain Name: STANDARD Schedule Name: RUN_TSM_REPORTS Description: Runs command file on SAN365-1-VM4 to generate TCR Reports Action: Command Subaction: Options: Objects: "c:\TSMReports\TSMreports.bat ATSR4P21-SERVER1" Priority: 5 Start Date/Time: 01/05/2011 06:00:00 Duration: 1 Hour(s) Schedule Style: Enhanced Period: Day of Week: Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri Month: Any Day of Month: Any Week of Month: Any Expiration: Last Update by (administrator): DJDAUN Last Update Date/Time: 01/07/2011 17:28:48 Managing profile:


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Planning for Automatic Generation of Reports  Determine which reports need to be generated – Consider the load on your Reporting Server – Consider the load on your mail system – Using a web server for on-demand viewing may be better if generating a large number of reports

 Advantages of saving reports to a Web Server – Reduces the load on the Reporting Server for those reports that are heavily used by many different users – Gives additional control over who can see specific reports – Easy access for management level reports

 Reference this link: http://www.ibm.com/software/brandcatalog/ismlibrary/details? catalog.label=1TW10TM7N&S_TACT=105AGX01&S_CMP=LP#open


© 2011 IBM Corporation

Advanced Technical Skills (ATS) North America

Topics  Techniques for the TSM Administrative Command Line Client  Using the TSM Operational Reporter with TSM V6  Using the DB2 Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) with TSM V6  TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Automatically Generated Reports

 TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Creating Situations (Alerts)


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TSM Monitoring and Reporting: What is a Situation?  A “Situation” is the Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) term for an alert

 A Situation can be easily created with a point and click GUI – All of the tables and columns captured by the TSM Monitoring Agent are available to use as terms of a condition in the Situation – Complex conditions can be created using multiple tables and columns

 When the conditions are met, the Situation triggers an

operating system command (usually a script) to be run on the TSM Monitoring and Reporting Server – Send an e-mail – Send out a page – Interface to a monitoring console


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Using the Situation Editor to Create Alerts  To start the

Situation Editor, click the icon on the toolbar or click “Edit” then “Situation Editor”


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Specify the Triggering Condition  Select “Add

conditions…” to choose fields as the basis for the thresholds for this situation

 Specify a

sampling interval (only sample as often as necessary)


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Select the Tables and Columns for the Condition  Select the table on the left and select the appropriate fields on the right —you can choose multiple fields

 You can perform

“Add conditions...” multiple times to pick up fields from several tables.


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Create a Relationship to Specify the Triggering Condition  Create the

formula to establish the threshold – Across the rows are “AND” conditions – down the columns are “OR” conditions


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Select the TSM Servers to Participate in the Condition  Select the

“Distribution” tab

 Choose the

managed systems to participate in this situation


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Specify the Action to Take When the Condition is Triggered  Select the

“Action” tab

 Choose

“System Command”

 Provide a

command (could be a script) to be run on the managed machine or on the ITM server

 Click OK


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Planning for TSM Monitoring and Reporting Situations  Coordinate the sampling interval with the IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) agent Pre-fetch Interval

– Set with the KSK_PREFETCH_MINUTES environment variable – Doesn’t make sense to sample any more often than the pre-fetch interval (default is 30 mins)

 Be careful not to “overload” with the alerting – Each alert should be an event that requires a response – Ex. Clients without complete backups, storage pools that are filling, tape volumes with read/write errors – Don’t alert on successful events


© 2011 IBM Corporation

Advanced Technical Skills (ATS) North America

TSM Advanced Reporting  Techniques for the TSM Administrative Command Line Client  Using the TSM Operational Reporter with TSM V6  Using the DB2 Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) with TSM V6  TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Automatically Generated Reports

 TSM Reporting and Monitoring: Creating Situations (Alerts)


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