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Name: __________________________ Total Score  ______ ___ /1 /100 00 poi points nts Date: __________________________  ___

Wri ritt tte en te t est 1  A

Listen to Jake and Andrea talk about a trip to Paris. Circle True True or  or False False for  for each sentence.

1. Jake went to Paris a year ago.



2. Andrea and her friend Casey went to college together.



3.. Casey was sitting in a café in Paris Paris when Andrea saw her.



4.. Andrea n and Casey spent several days in in Paris together.


False   A  _______ /8 points (2 points each)


Listen to Brad talk about something that happened to his car. Circle True True or  or False False for  for each sentence.

1. Brad and Karen wen went to a movie with with some friends.



2.. Brad ra had a parked par pa ar e his sc car ar in a parking garage.



3. Someone omeone vvandalized vandal an a ized ze Brad’s ra s car.



4. Brad rreported eporte tthe ep problem ro em tto o tthe police.


False  B  _______ /8 points (2 points each)

C  Complete the questio tions ns and and answe a answers. nswers. rs. Use r  Use the th simple or contin uous for m of the verb verb in the present, past, past, or present perfect. Conversation 1  A   What ______________  A ______________ you ou  __ _____________ ________ _ _____ ______ _ (do) o for work lately? (1))

B   Well, I __________ ______________ ____ (work) r at at a sschool c oo for or a few ew w weeks e now. It’s a lot of now. (2)

fun, and I ______________ ______________ (get) better etterr att my job ette o every eve v ry day. ay. (3)

Conversation 2  A    _______  A  _____________ _______ _ you ever _____________ ______________  __ _ (go) go to Tokyo? o yo (4)

B   No, but last year, I ______________ ______________ (see) a movie ov e about a out Tokyo. o yo. (5)

I really ______________ ______________ (want) to go sometime soon. oon. (6)

C _______ /6 points (1 point each)

D  Complete the conversation with wit h either verb + -ing or to + verb.  verb.   A   How did you end  A e nd up ______________ ______________ (live) in Hawaii for three years? s (1)

B   Well, actually, I went there as a tourist. But then I met some people who

offered ______________ ______________ (give) me a job in their shop near the beach. So I agreed gree (2)

 ______________  ________ ______ (try) it out for a month and loved it. You know, _____________ ______________  _ _ (3)


(live) in Hawaii is so informal. It’s It ’s OK ______________ ______________ (wear) a T-shirt and (5)

sandals every day! ______________ ______________ (work) at that shop was so cool that I (6)

decided ______________ ______________ (stay) there for a few years. (7)

D _______ /7 points (1 point each) e

2014  Touchstone 4 © Cambridge University Press 2014 


Written test 1


Read ad the statements some people made in a store. Rewrit Rewrit e the statements statements as negative question s. E  Re

1. I’m surprised they don’t sell sell ties.  ______________________________________________  ______________________________________ ________________ _________ _ 2. Those earrings are beautiful.  ______________________________________________  ______________________________________ ________________ _________ _ 3.. The skirt would would fit perfectly, I think.  ______________________________________________  ______________________________________  ___ ________________ _________ _ E _______ /6 points (2 points each)

o the h sen se sentences ntences with th e same n same meaning. meaning. Use (not (not)) as . . . as. as.   F  Complete

1.. I sspend pen m more ore m ore money oney o ne on clothes than my friends. My y friends r en s __ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________ ____ __ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ ________________ ________ . 2. My y brother rott er ge ro gets ts  haircuts a rc rcuts uts mo u more often than I do. I _______________________________________ ______________________________________________  ______________________  _ _ ________________ _________ . 3. Fitted shorts ts ar are en nicer cerr tthan ce an baggy a aggy ag gy on ones.  _ Baggy shorts ______________________________________________ ______________________________________  ______________________ _ _______________ _________ __ . F _______ /6 points (2 points each)

Rewrit write e the sentences in the passive. p passive.. G  Re

1. They celebrate the Day Day of the Dead ea in n November. ovem er.  ______________________________________________  ______________________________________  _____________________  _____________  ____ ________________ _________ _ _________ _ _ 2. They shouldn’t allow people people to light fireworks or s o on n Independence n epen en ence Day. a  ______________________________________________  ______________________________________  ________________  _________ ________________ ___________ _________  __ ____ _ 3. In Japan, they serve a rice cake called mochi at New ew Year’s ea ear cee e ra ratt on ons. s. e r s celebrations.  ______________________________________________  ______________________________________ _________________  _____________  _______ _________  _ ______ _ 4. They ought to allow employees employees to go home early the day  before e ore nnational nationa at onal holidays. o ays.  ______________________________________________  ______________________________________ _________________ _________  ______  _ G _______  _____ /8 points (2 points each)

r    e  .  i    i    r   

Complete te the conversations conversations with the correct form of be supposed to or was as / were going n to . Th There T h er er e iis more than H  Comple one correct answer in some cases.

1.  A  A   It ______________ (be) a nice day tomorrow. Do you have any plans? B   Well, Ben and I ______________ (go) to the beach, but he has to work.

2.  A  A   Hey, you ______________ (not be) home. Why aren’t you at work? B   I’m sick, and the doctor says I ______________ (stay) in bed for a couple of days.

3.  A  A   Why are you at the office today? You ______________ (be) on vacation, right?

B   Well, I ______________ (not come) in today, but I couldn’t get everything done yesterday.

H _______ /6 points (1 point each)

2014  Touchstone 4 © Cambridge University Press 2014 


Written test 1


Write a respons e to each each statement to show you are are the same. Use so or neither.

1. I didn’t use to be superstitious. ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ____ 2. I’m a little superstitious now. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ________ 3. I don’t walk under ladders. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ________ I _______ /3 points (1 point each)

Complete the sentences. Put Put the words in order and use the corr ect form of the verbs. J   Com

1.. I didn’t n ______________ ______________ (pack / around / get / to) until the last minute, so I missed ms my plane. 2.. Sarah’s ara s feeling ee pretty homesick right now, but I’m sure she’ll  ______________  ________  _ ______ _____ (over / it / get) in a week or two.

3.. Barbara ar ar ara ra tr tries es to __ ____ _______ ____________ ___ _ _______ __ (with / get / wear / away) the strangest clothes. J  _______ /3 points (1 point each)

i Complete te the opinions aboutt traffic laws. Use Use the words in the box with the get passive or be passive. K   Comple Use the modals dals where v . More th than one answer is pos sible. There is one extra word. e given.


catch catc

e enforce n orce



1. In this town, traffic laws ws ______________ ______ ___________ _ ___ _ very strictly.  _ ________ 2. I don’t think that people who w o drive r ve too too fast a as st should s ou ______________ ___________ __ ___ to prison unless they get in an accident and hurt someone. 3. Some people drive without a license, ense, ens e, but ut un unfortunately, ortunat ortu rt nate e y, I don’t think they ______________ ______________ doing it very often. 4. If you park here without a special permit, rmit, you  c could ______________ __________ _________ _ _____ $100. K  _______ /4 points (1 point each)

Katherine’s sto ry. Use either the simple past p past orr the tthe past a perfect. r   L   Complete Katherine’s

My old friend Monica ______________ ______________ (come) for a surprise pr se visit v s t last a st st weekend. wee en . I was so pleased because (1)

I ______________ ______________ (not see) her for a couple of years. Anyway, ay, she s e ______________ ___________ _ _ _____ _______ ______ ______ _ ___ (arrive) with her new husband, (2)


Rick! They ______________ ______________ (get) married just a few weeks before! re! I _______ ______________ ________  ___ ______ ________ _ _ ______ __ (be) amazed because (4)


I ______________ ______________ (not hear) about Rick in years. So, when they ________ _____________  ___________  _____  _ ______ _ (show) s ow up at a my place, (7)


I ______________ ______________ (want) to catch up a bit. Monica ______________ ______________ (tell) l) me that they __________ _____________ ________ _ ______ _ _ (break up) e ___________ (8)


((10) 1 )

a few years back for a short time over some small differences. I guess everything ng iss OK now! now  I’m m glad g a they’re t together again. s (1 point p each) L  _______ /10 points

M  Circle the best word or expression to complete each each sentence.  sentence.  1. Last night, I wore my my favorite pair of bright / boot-cut / lon g-slee g-sleeved ved jeans.

. i    i   

2. In most cultures, cultures, it’s considered rude to cut in line / keep keep your voice dow n / shake hands hands in public. u c.

3. My friends and I love to send text messages, messages, but my parents just don’t get the feeling / get it / get going oing . 4. If you kill someone, someone, you may be sentenced / arrested arrested / pu nished to life in prison.

5. Some people think that walking under a ladder brings bad luck, but I think that’s just a coincid ence / déjà vu experience experie nce / superstit ion . M _______ /5 points (1 point each)

2014  Touchstone 4 © Cambridge University Press 2014 


Written test 1


N  Complete the conversations . Circle the best response for the strategy given.  A   Would you enjoy living in a different culture? 1.  A B   (Sound more direct.)

a. Uh-huh. I probably would. b. Hmm. I think I’d probably have two problems living abroad.  

c. Absolutely. In fact, I think living abroad would really suit me.

2..  A  A   So what do you think of Mike? B   I tthink he’s a little unusual. (Make your meaning clear.)


a. But ut I hardly know him.  b.. So, o, you think t he’s strange, too? c.. I mean, a he’s not like anyone I’ve ever met.

3.  A  A   I hate ate e going go o ng to big parties. ec your understanding. B   (Check understa )

a.. So o you you prefer pre pr e er small sma sm a parties, part pa rt right? e honest, b. Really? ea y To o be one on est st, s , I love ove ov e big parties. c. Yeah, big g parties partt e par es are arre the t e worst! worst wor st 4.  A  A   I think the new new haircuts a rrc rcut uts s these t e ese es e days ays ay s are a really weird, and the fashions are even worse. B   (Summarize things ings people say. y)

a. To tell the truth, I don’t think s iss very important. i i fashion b. Yeah. The new styles are are kind n of o strange. stran str ange a ge.. c. The thing is, they aren’t that at attractive attr at trac ractt ve either. e t er er.. N _______ /4 points (1 point each)

Read d the artic le. Then Then read the statements nts and ccir ircle cle (a) True True,, (b) False False,, or (c) Doesn’t say. say. O  Rea

1. Society expects us to wear wear certain kinds of clothes. a. True

b. False

c. Doesn’t say

2. Kids who dress in scruffy clothes aren’t necessarily free spirits. a. True

b. False

c. Doesn’t say

3. Fashion designers created the hip-hop look. a. True

b. False

c. Doesn’t say

. i    i    r   

4. Nowadays, there are more more fashion victims than ever. a. True

b. False

c. Doesn’t say O _______ /8 points (2 points each)

2014  Touchstone 4 © Cambridge University Press 2014 


Written test 1


Read d the article about national anthems. Add the missing sentences. Write the letters in the blanks. P  Rea There is one extra sentence.

s are the a. Likewise, few anthems e work o of iimportant composers. b. Almost everywhere ere in n tthe ew world, or , tthey ey a are re pplayed played at events held on important national holidays. holidays. c. National anthems grew ew ou outt o of na nat nationali nationalism to ona on a sm – a movement that encourages people people to be proud of the history and traditions of their native e country.. nt ems aare d. As a result, most national a anthems re influenced influenced n uence by y European musical traditions and are relatively new.

a    g  e   c   e  n  t    r    e  .  ir    i       

e. In addition, many of today’s famous mous mou s ssingers ngers nge rs  have ave e per performed or  their own versions of national anthems on TV.

P _______ /8 points (2 points each)

2014  Touchstone 4 © Cambridge University Press 2014 


Written test 1

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