Trunk Impairment Scale

September 30, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Penilai: ____________________________Tgl pemeriksaan:_____________Pasien:_______________ pemeriksaan:_____________Pasien:_______________________  ________ 

Scale for the assessment and rating of ataxia (SARA) 1) Pola Jalan

2) Berdiri

Proband is asked (1) to walk at a safe distance parallel to a wall including a half-turn (turn around to face the opposite direction of gait) and (2) to walk in tandem (heels to toes) without support.

ub!ek diminta untuk berdiri (1) dalam posisi netral" (2) dengan kedua kaki se!a!ar (ibu !ari saling bersentuhan) dan (#) posisi tandem (kedua kaki di satu garis lurus" tumit dan !ari kaki bersentuhan). ub!ek tidak memakai sepatu sepa tu"" mata mata terb terbuk uka. a. $ntu $ntuk k se seti tiap ap ko kond ndisi isi"" da dapa patt dilakukan tiga kali. %asil terbaik &ang dipakai.


Nor Normal mal,, no no di diffi fficul cultie tiess iin n walki walking, ng, turning turning and walking tandem (up to one misstep allowed)


tapi tidak mampu posisi tandem selama 1s *ampu pu ber berdir dirii den dengan gan kaki kaki se!a se!a!ar !ar selama selama 1 2 *am

onsiderable staggering, difficulties in half#turn, but without support


1 *ampu berdiri dengan kaki se!a!ar tanpa bera&un"

learly abnormal, tandem walking !10 steps not possible



Slight difficulties, only visible when walking 10 consecutive steps in tandem


0  'ormal" mampu berdiri posisi tandem selama 1

detik" dengan bera&un " *am *ampu pu berdir berdirii selama selama 1 det detik ik tanpa tanpa bantua bantuan n

%arked staggering, intermittent support of the wall

dalam posisi netral" tetapi tidak dengan kaki se!a!ar 

re&uired   '

Severe staggering, permanent support of one stick or light support by one arm re&uired

alking alking ! 1 10 0 m only wit with h sstr trong ong suppor supportt ((two two

$ *amp *ampu u be berd rdir irii se sela lama ma 1 1  de detik tik da dala lam m po posi sisi si netral dengan bantuan intermiten ' *a *amp mpu u be berd rdir irii 1 1  de detik tik da dala lam m po posis sisii ne netr tral al

dengan bantuan satu lengan konstan

special sticks or stroller or accompanying person) *

alking alking + 1 10 0 m only wit with h sstr trong ong suppor supportt ((two two special sticks or stroller or accompanying person)

Tidak idak da dapa patt be berd rdir irii se selam lamaa 1 1  de detik tik ba bahk hkan an dengan bantuan satu lengan konstan  

-nable to walk, even supported




3) Duduk

) !angguan "icara

Proband is asked to sit on an e+amination bed without support of feet" e&es open and arms outstretched to the front.

,erbicara dinilai selama percakapan normal.


Normal, no difficulties sitting !10 sec


Slight difficulties, intermittent sway


onsta on stant nt ssway way,, but abl ablee to sit ! 10 s wi witho thout ut suppo support rt

0  'ormal 1 *engacu pada gangguan bicara 2 angguan bicara" tetapi mudah dimengerti


.ble to sit for ! 10 s only with intermittent support

" Terkadang kata-kata sulit dimengerti


-nable to sit for !10 s without continuous support

$ ,an&ak kata sulit dimengerti ' %an&a satu kata &ang bisa dimengerti  ,icara tidak dapat dipahami  anarthria





Penilai: ____________________________Tgl pemeriksaan:____ pemeriksaan:_____________Pasien:_______________________  _________Pasien:_______________________ 

%) &ose'finger test

#) $inger chase

/ated separately for each side /ated separately for each side Proband sits comfortabl&. /f necessar&" support of feet and Proband sits comfortabl&. /f necessar&" support of feet and trunk is allowed. 0+aminer sits in front of proband trunk is allowed. Proband is asked to point repeatedl& with his inde+ finger from his nose to e+aminer7s finger and performs  consecutie sudden and fast pointing moements in unpredictable directions in a frontal plane" which is in front of the proband at about 8 3 of  proband7ss reach. *oements are performed at moderate moderate at about  3 of proband4s reach. *oements hae an  proband7 speed. 6erage 6erage performance of moements is rated amplitude of # cm and a fre5uenc& of 1 moement according to the amplitude of the t he kinetic tremor. eer& 2 s. Proband is asked to follow the moements with his inde+ finger" as fast and precisel& as possible. 6erage performance of last # moements is rated. 0

No dysmetria


No tremor


ysmetria, under overshooting target +' cm


remor with an amplitude + 2 cm


ysmetria, under overshooting target + 1' cm


remor with an amplitude + ' cm


ysmetria, under overshooting target ! 1' cm


remor with an amplitude ! ' cm

-nable to perform ' pointing movements


-nable to perform ' pointing movements



anan (R)

iri ()

mean of both sides (R+L)/2


anan (R)

iri ()

mean of both sides (R+L)/2

*) $ast alternating hand mo+ements

,) -eel'shin slide

/ated separately for each side /ated separately for each side Proband lies on e+amination bed" without sight of his Proband sits comfortabl&. /f necessar&" support of feet legs. Proband is asked to lift one leg" point with the heel and trunk is allowed. Proband is asked to perform 1 c&cles of repetitie alternation of pro- and supinations of to the opposite knee" slide down along the shin to the ankle" and la& the leg back on the e+amination bed. The the hand on hisher thigh as fast and as precise as task is performed # times. lide-down moements should  possible. *oement is demonstrated b& e+aminer at a  be performed within 1 s. /f proband proband slides down without speed of appro+. 1 c&cles within 9 s. 0+act times for contact to shin in all three trials" rate . moement e+ecution hae to be taken.   0

Normal, no irregularities (performs +10s)


Slightly irregular (performs +10s)


learly irregular irregular,, single movements difficult

0   1 2



lea learl rly y ab abno norm rmal al,, go goes es off off sshi hin n up to to " time timess

Sever Severely ely abn abnorm ormal, al, goe goess of offf sh shin in $ or mor moree ti times mes during " cycles

3ery irregular, single movements movement s difficult diffi cult to distinguish or relevant interruptions,

Slightly abnormal, contact to shin maintained

during " cycles

to distinguish or relevant interruptions, but performs +10s



-nable to perform the task 

performs !10s   $

-nable to complete 10 cycles




anan (R)

  Rata-rata kedua sisi (R+L)/2

iri ()


anan (R)

iri ()

Rata-rata kedua sisi (R+L) / 2


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