True Space Marines Codex

January 22, 2017 | Author: Michał Lasti Ziobroń | Category: N/A
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Author : Lasti


Introduction The Adeptus Astartes are the finest and the most feared warriors of the Imperium of Men. These genetic modified super-humans defend the Imperium for a thousand years of regular war. Unarmed, each of them are perfect killing machines but with their sacred weapon, holy Bolter they become a true Angels of Death. Whole Adeptus Astartes are separated into the Chapters. Every Chapter is build by about thousand brothers, Space Marines and is a self-sufficient organisation. Common Space Marine is truly a super human. 8 feet tall, they dominate above normal men. Their skeleton and muscles are genetically over-grown. Protected by a sacred Power Armour, they are extremely tough and strong. Space Marine is a best human warrior ever created by mankind.

HOW THIS CODEX WORKS? This codex is a fan-made project. It is not a official codex of army made by Games Workshop. All rules here are applying only to True Space Marines army. But if you want to play a real Space Marines, 8 feet tall, super humans, this book is for you. Before playing with your friend, be sure that he/she accept your unofficial rules and knows all the them! Game should be a nice spent time, not a torment!

SPECIAL RULES 'And they shall know no fear': True Space Marines automatically pass test to regroup, and can take such tests even if the squad has been reduced to less than half strength by casualties, though all other criteria apply. Marines can move normally after regrouping. If the Marines are caught by a sweeping advance, they are not destroyed and instead will fight normally. Force of One: Space Marines generally work in squads, but individual models may move out of unit coherency and may operate independently. The concept of unit is fluid to the battle-hardened Space Marine. As long as a Space Marine is within 4" of another Space Marine they are considered to be part of the same unit. Additionally, multiple Space Marine units can ride in the same transport, embarking and disembarking independently. Note: Use the Force Organization chart to determine kill points for Annihilation missions. Each unit counts as two kill points and the entire unit must be removed to gain the points. For example, a Movie Marine army with a Sergeant, a Veteran, two Demi-squads and a Rhino count as 10 kill points. For the Honour of the Chapter: If a Space Marine is removed from play in close combat with the opponent, he can make a special attack with his last breath. True Space Marine player must test Leadership on 3 dices and sum up the results. If the test is passed, dying soldier makes his CC base attacks (must hit as normal) and dies in glory.

MOVIE MARINES ARMY LIST HQ 1 SPACE MARINE CHAPTER MASTER.................................400 Points WS 8

BS 6

S 6

T 6

W 3

Composition: • 1 Unique Unit type: • Infantry Wargear: • Artificer Armour • Bolt pistol • Master-crafted weapon • Bolter • Iron Halo • Frag and krak grenades Special Rules: • ATSKNF • Force of One • Fleet • Move Through Cover • Combat Tactics

I 6

A 5

Ld 10

Sv +2

Options: • The Chapter Master may replace his Mastercrafted weapon with a power fist for +50 points. •

The Chapter Master may replace his bolter with a combi plasma/melta/flamer for +50 points.

The Chapter Master may replace his bolter with a Storm Bolter for +75 points.

The Chapter Master may replace bolt pistol with a plasma pistol for +50 points.

The Chapter Master may replace bolt pistol with Close Combat Weapon for +50 points.

SPECIAL RULES: Inspiring presence: The Chapter Master command his soldiers with iron will and discipline. All Space Marines with line of sight to the Chapter Master may re-roll failed Morale check and Pinning tests. “For the Emperor!”: If the Chapter Master is removed from play as a casualty, every model of True Space Marines become Fearless and has a Furious Charge ability.

The Chapter Master can be only fielded on games of 1500 points or bigger.

1 SPACE MARINE COMMANDER..........................................200 Points WS 7

BS 6

S 6

T 5

W 3

I 6

A 4

Ld 10

Sv +3

Composition: • 1 Unique Unit type: • Infantry Wargear: • Power Armour • Bolt pistol • Chainsword • Frag and krak grenades Special Rules: • ATSKNF • Force of One • “There is no victory without a sacrifice!”: • Fleet • Move Through Cover • Combat Tactics SPECIAL RULES: Second in Command: If the Chapter Master of True Space Marines has been removed as a casualty, all True Space Marines within 12" of the Commander may re-roll failed Morale check and Pinning tests.

Options: • The Commander may replace his chainsword and boltpistol with a bolter for free. •

The Commander may replace his chainsword with a power fist for +50 points.

The Commander may replace his bolter with a combi plasma/melta/flamer for +50 points.

The Commander may replace his bolter with a Storm Bolter for +75 points.

The Commander may replace bolt pistol with a plasma pistol for +50 points.

ELITES 0-1 SPACE MARINE VETERAN........................................150 Points WS 6

BS 6

S 6

T 5

W 2

I 6

A 4

Ld 9

Sv +3

Composition: • 1 Unique* Unit type: • Infantry Wargear: • Power Armour • Bolter • Frag and krak grenades Special Rules: • ATSKNF • Force of One • Fleet • Move Through Cover • Combat Tactics • Second in Command

Options: • The Veteran may be equipped with Special Issue Ammunition for +75 points.

SPECIAL RULES: Special Issue Ammunition: If equipped with Special Issue Ammunition (only works with Bolter), Veteran have 3 modes of fire (declare before shooting).

Bolts “Vengence” “Flak”

Range 36” 24” 24

S 5 4 5

AP 4 3 5

Type Assault 3, Rending Assault 3 Assault 3,Ignore Cover

The Veteran may replace his bolter with a Storm Bolter for +75 points.

The Veteran may take a chainsword for +50 points.

TROOPS 1 SPACE MARINE COMBAT SQUAD....................................100 Points per Space Marine WS 5

BS 5

S 6

T 5

W 2

I 5

A 3

Ld 9

Sv +3

Composition: • 1-4 Marines per Squad Unit type: • Infantry Wargear: • Power Armour • Bolter • Frag and krak grenades Special Rules: • ATSKNF • Force of One • Fleet • Move Through Cover • Combat Tactics

Options: • One Space Marine (in Combat Squad) may replace his bolter with: - a flamer for +70 points - a meltagun for +80 points - a plasma gun for +100 points •

Every Space Marine in Combat Squad may replace bolter with chainsword and boltpistol for +25 points per model.

1 SPACE MARINE TACTICAL SQUAD.................................... 100 Points per Space Marine WS 5

BS 5

S 6

T 5

W 2

Composition: • 1-4 Marines per Squad Unit type: • Infantry Wargear: • Power Armour • Bolter • Frag and krak grenades Special Rules: • ATSKNF • Force of One • Fleet • Move Through Cover • Combat Tactics

I 5

A 3

Ld 9

Sv +3

Options: • One Space Marine (in Tactical Squad) may replace his bolter with: - a heavy bolter for +100 points - a missile launcher for +120 points - a lascannon for +150 points

HEAVY SUPPORT Note: A Movie Marine army may only take a single heavy support choice. 0-1 RHINO..........................................................130 Points FA 12

SA 12

RA 11

BS 5

Composition: • 1 Rhino Unit type: • Vehicle (Tank) Wargear: • Storm bolter • Smoke launchers • Searchlight Special Rules: • Repair Transport Capacity: • Ten Models

Options: • A Space Marine Rhino may purchase extra armor for +50 points. •

A Space Marine Rhino may purchase pintlemounted storm bolter for +75 points.

0-1 RAZORBACK..........................................................200 Points FA 12

SA 12

RA 11

BS 5

Composition: • 1 Rhino Unit type: • Vehicle (Tank) Wargear: • Twin linked heavy bolters • Smoke launchers • Searchlight Special Rules: • Repair Transport Capacity: • Six Models

Options: • A Space Marine Razorback may purchase extra armor for +50 points. •

A Space Marine Razorback may replace its twin-linked heavy bolter with a twin-linked lascannon for +150 points.


Bolt Pistol Bolter Storm Bolter Plasma Pistol Frag Grenades Krak Grenades Flamer Meltagun Plasma Gun Heavy Bolter Missile Launcher Lascannon





18" 36" 36” 18" 6" 6" 12" 12" 24" 36" 60" 60"

5 5 5 9 5 8 X 10 9 7 * 10

4 4 4 2 4 3 5 1 2 4 * 1

Assault 2, Rending Assault 3, Rending Assault 6, Rending Assault 3, Gets Hot! Assault 1, Large Blast, Ignore cover Assault 1, Blast Assault 1, Ignore Cover Assault 1, Melta Assault 3,Gets Hot! Heavy 10, Rending * Heavy 1, Lance

Frag Grenades Models armed with Frag grenades count as being equipped with assault and defensive grenades. Frag grenades can be used as a ranged weapon with the below profile. When used as a ranged weapon, Frag grenades ignore cover saves. Krak Grenades In addition to being used against a vehicle as normal grenades, Krak grenades can be used as a ranged weapon with the below profile. Krak grenades roll +2D6 (rather than +D6) for armor penetration. Flamer Select a target. If the target is in range, then every model in the target unit is automatically hit by the flamer (i.e., do not roll to hit and do not use the flamer template). Roll a D6 for each model. The flamer wounds on a 4+. Multi-wound models wounded by the flamer are covered with flaming promethium and must immediately make another save. If this save is passed, then the model puts out the flames. If the save is failed, the model takes another wound and must immediately make another save. This continues until the multi-wound model passes a save or is removed as a casualty. Meltagun A Space Marine meltagun rolls +2D6 for armour penetration. Heavy Bolter A Space Marine heavy bolter that rolls five or more 1s to hit jams. The shots are resolved normally but do not gain the benefit of the Rending special rule. The heavy bolter can’t shoot in the next shooting phase. Space Marine must have time to repair it! Vehicle mounted heavy bolters never jam. Missile Launcher A Space Marine missile launcher may fire either Frag or Krak missiles (declare before shooting) using the below profile.

Frag Missile

Range 60"

S 6

AP 4

Type Heavy 1, Large Blast

Krak Missile




Heavy 1, Blast

Lascannon Draw a 60" line from the Lascannon. Roll to hit the closest model (friend or foe!). If the shot misses, the beam missed his target and no more hits are generated. If it hits, then roll to wound normally and move to the next model on the line and roll to hit. Continue along the line until the lascannon misses or all units have been hit. Wounds are allocated normally against the unit (e.g., you can't snipe models with a Lascannon shot). Chainsword A Chainsword is a power weapon that allows the wielder to re-roll any failed roll to wound. Additionally, all close combat attacks gain the Rending quality. Power Fist A Power Fist is a Strength 10 two-handed power weapon that is difficult and cumbersome to use, so attacks with a Power Fist are always delivered at Initiative 3. Additionally, a Power Fist rolls +2D6 (rather than +D6) for armour penetration. Master-crafted weapon A Master-crafted weapon is a power weapon (ignores Armour Saves). The bearer of the Master-crafted weapon can reroll all “to hits” rolls in assault phase.

ARMOUR Power Armour Models in power armour may re-roll failed armour saves tests. Additionally, models in power armour gain a 5+ Invulnerable save. Artificer Armour Models in Artificer Armour has +2 Sv and may re-roll failed armour saves tests. Additionally, models in Artificer Armour gain a 4+ Invulnerable save.

UPGRADES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT Iron Halo Iron Halo gives the bearer +3 Invulnerable Save.

VECHICLE ARMOURY Smoke Launchers Space Marine smoke launchers follow the normal Warhammer 40,000 rules (BRB, p62). Extra Armour A vehicle with Extra Armour ignores Stunned and Shaken results.

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