Trinity Final Document Grade 7
April 26, 2017 | Author: javaloy81 | Category: N/A
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GRADE 7 QUESTIONS Format Total time: 15 minutes The examination consists of 3 assessed phases: -‐ Candidate-‐led discussion of a topic prepared by the candidate (up to 5minutes) -‐ Interactive task (up to 4 minutes) -‐ Conversation on 2 subject areas selected by the examiner (up to 5 minutes) Candidate performance In performing the required tasks, the candidate is expected to demonstrate the following communicative skills and use the language items listed below. Communicative skills In the topic phase -‐ Show understanding by responding appropiately to the examiner -‐ Communicative variety of facts, ideas and opinions, and account for these, about a chosen topic across a series of extended turns -‐ Engage the examiner in discussion of the topic -‐ Handle interruptions or requests for clarification throughout the discussion of the topic In the interactive task phase -‐ Initiate the discourse -‐ Maintain the discourse by asking for information -‐ Help the discussion along by inviting comment from the examiner -‐ Take and give up turns when appropriate to do so -‐ Where appropriate to the individual task, make use of the functions listed below Two subject areas for conversation will be selected by the examiner from the list below: -‐ Education
-‐ National customs -‐ Village and city life -‐ National and local produce and products -‐ Early memories -‐ Pollution and recycling Functions -‐ Giving advice and highlighting advantages and disadvantages -‐ Making suggestions -‐ Describing past habits -‐ Expressing possibility and uncertainty -‐ Eliciting futher information and expansion of ideas and opinions -‐ Expressing agreement and disagreement
GRAMMAR -‐ Open conditional "If you turn on the lights, you can see better" (If:clause:present simple) (present simple)
-‐ First conditional "If you study hard, you will pass your exams (present simple) (future simple)
"When you study harder, you will pass your exams" (present simple) (future simple)
-‐ Second conditional "If you had studied harder, you would have passed your exams" (past perfect) (perfect conditional)
"If you had passed all your exams, you would have gone on holidays" (past perfect) (perfect conditional)
To talk about unlikely or imaginary present or future situations and their present or future consequences, we use the second conditional: If + past tense + would + infinitive We use "would" when we feel sure about the consequence: "If they reopened the school, it would be great" We can use "could" to talk about ability = "would be able to" "If I had more money, I could buy a house in the village" We can also use "might" when we are not sure about the consequence; it´s a possibility "If she lived in the country, she might not be able to find a job" When speaking, and in a informal writing, we use´d instead of "would"
"If there was a cinema in the village, I´d go there every night!" To make a question using the second conditional: Question word + would / could + infinitive + if + past tense How often would you see a film if you lived in a village? We can also make a question in this way: If + past tense+ (question word) + would/could + infinitive If you had lots of money, would you buy a big house? If you didn´t have to work tomorrow, where would you go?
2. -‐ Simple passive Structure: verb to be (present/past) + past participle "The exam is done by the students" verb to be (present) + past participle
"Don Quijote was written by MIguel de Cervantes" Verb to be (past) + past participle
3.-‐ Used to Used to (past habits) = solía... "When i was younger, I used to play football everyday" = cuando era más joven, yo solía jugar al futbol todos los dias.
4. -‐ Relatives clauses We use relative clauses in sentences to give information about the noun (or noun phrase) in the preceding clause. We connect the clauses using relative pronouns (that,which,who,when,where). Who= for people Which= for animals or things That= for people, animals or things (only in defininf relative clauses) When= for time Where= for places There are two types of relative clauses: "Defining and non-‐ defining relative clauses" 1. -‐ Defining relative clauses These are used to give essential information. Without this information, the sentence would be meaningless, or mean something different. "She´s the friend who that lived abroad for years" "For holidays, I like the kind of place where I can just lie on the beach and relax" "Can you tell us about some of the customs that/which you found difficult at first? 2.-‐ Non defining relative clauses These are used to add extra, non-‐essential information. Without this information, the sentence would still make sense. "Coming from Britain, where it´s normal practice t have dinner much earlier, I found this a bit difficult at first" "I went to the carnival celebration in Venetia, which is very famous in Italy" Attention! We can use "that" in non-‐defining relative clauses. 5. -‐ Modals and phrases used to give advice and make suggestions e.g. should/ought to, could, you´d better
Giving advice There are many words and expressions we can use to give advice. This is the most common: Should/should + not + infinitive without "to" "You should see your tutor" "Should we ask the teacher first?" In speaking and informal writing we use contractions (shouldn´t) "You shouldn´t leave your work to the last minute, just before the exams" We often introduce a question with "should" with the phrase: "Do you think...?" "Do you think I should take a course this year?" To give strong advice we can use "ought to" + infinitive without "to" "You really ought to study hard" Other ways we can offer advice and suggestions: It is (not) a good idea + infinitive with "to" "It´s a good idea to go to the cinema now" "It´s not a very good idea to watch television now" "Do you think it´s a good idea to do homework now?"
Giving advice and makin suggestions There are many ways we can give advice and make suggestios in English: -‐ The modal verb "could" Could+ infinitive without "to" "You could go and put it in the recycling bin"
-‐ To make the suggestion sound less strong, we can add "perhaps": "Perhaps you could ask them if they have done the exam" -‐"You´d better"=giving advice and making suggestions "You’d better go and see the doctor=es mejor que vayas y veas al médico"
6.-‐ Modals and phrases used to express possibility and uncertainty may, might, I´m not sure Possibility: may and might May=poder Might=podría "It may be possible that the exam of English is tomorrow"= Puede ser posible que el exámen de inglés sea mañana "It might be true"=podria ser verdad
Uncertainty: " I´m not sure" "I´m not sure that the exam is tomorrow"=No estoy seguro de que el exámen sea mañana
7.-‐ Discourse connectors because of, due to (conectores del discurso) Because of=due to=debido a... "Because of/due to the bad weather conditions, they could not play the football match"
TRINITY EXAM: LANGUAGE FOR GRADE 7 Education Pupils –alumnos Go to school –ir al colegio Leave school –marcharse del colegio Get a job –conseguir un trabajo Go to university –ir a la universidad Subjects –asignaturas English –Inglés History –historia Geography –geografía Art –arte/dibujo Music –música Maths –matemáticas Physics –física Chemistry –química Biology –biología Physical education (P.E) –educación física Staffroom-‐sala de profesores Library-‐biblioteca Primary school/high school-‐primaria/secundaria State school-‐escuela publica Public school-‐colegio privado A boarding school-‐un internado Term-‐trimestre A degree-‐ carrera/licenciatura A lecturer-‐profesor universitario
Timetable –horario The school day is divided into 6-‐7 lessons in different subjects, with a break in the morning and in the afternoon. There is also a one-‐hour lunch break The school year is usually divided into three terms (=periods of study). Each term is about 13 weeks, and each week pupils do (=study) about ten subjects. At the end of the school year they do/take an exam in each subject. After the holidays, pupils go back (=return) to school.
Success and failure Success I passed my exam I did very well I got nine out of ten I got a very high mark I got a good grade I’m good at English
Failure I failed my exam I did very badly I got three out of ten I got a very low mark I got a very low grade I’m hopeless at Maths
National customs The most important National Customs that we celebrate in Spain are: Christmas and The Holy Week. -‐
Christmas: Christmas day/ New Year’s Day/ Father Christmas/The Three Wise Men
En el mundo Anglosajón no se celebra el día de Reyes de la misma manera que en España. El calendario religioso es el mismo, pero no es tradicional recibir los regalos ese día, sino el día de Navidad. Para explicar nuestra tradición: “The Three Kings bring people presents on January 6th, the day when the Three Wise Men brought gifts for baby Jesus”. -‐
Holy week/ Easter: easter holiday (vacaciones de semana santa)
Subject Area Vocabulary: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Where is it the custom to eat fish for dinner on Christmas Eve (24th Dec)? Where is it the custom to eat twelve grapes at midnight on New Year’s Eve(31st Dec) Where is it normal to have dinner at 9 or 10 pm? In which country do people normally have to leave bars and pubs at 11pm?
Example: In Britain, we don’t have the custom of eating fish on Christmas Eve. In fact, there isn’t a custom of eating anything in particular on 24th December, but on Christmas Day, lots of
people eat a traditional Christmas dinner, which is usually turkey, with roast potatoes, vegetables, stuffing…..and for dessert Christmas pudding with brandy sauce. City life Buildings and places Here are some of the things you will find in most towns and cities. -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
Commercial centre (=area with lots of banks and company offices) Shopping centre (=place with many shops, either indoors or out) Car parks Factories (=buildings where you make/manufacture things e.g. cars) Skyscrapers /high-‐rise buildings (=building with many floors) Libraries (=places where you can borrow books or sit and read) Suburbs (=area outside the centre of town where people live)
People on the move For many people, the worst time of the day is the rush hour (=the time when people travel to and from work, e.g. 7-‐9 in the morning). At this time of day the public transport system (=trains and buses) has to cope with (=manage something which is difficult) the people who live in the city, and also commuters (=people who live in the country but travel into the city for work). The roads get congested (=busy and full of cars) and people are always in a hurry (=want to get to another place very quickly) For many, this is very stressful (=makes you nervous and anxious). Going out (=going to places for social reasons) I live and work in the suburbs, but I usually go into town (=the town centre) two or three times a week. In the evening, it is pretty lively (=lots of people and lots of things happening), and there’s plenty to do (=lots of possibilities, e.g. bars, discos, etc.) One problem is that there’s nowhere to park in the centre, so I usually get/take a bus into town and take/get a taxi home if I’m late.) There are many common phrases using the construction: there’s plenty to do; there’s nothing to so; there’s plenty to see; there’s nowhere to go; there’s nowhere to park, etc.
Advantages and Disadvantages “The best thing about living in a city is that…. -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
There’s good nightlife. (=places to go at night, e.g. bars, discos, cinemas..) There’s a wide range of shops.(=many shops selling different things) You can get whatever you want.(=buy anything and everything you want) There are lots of cultural activities. (e.g. concerts, museums) It’s cosmopolitan.(=full of people from many different countries and cultures) There are more job opportunities.(=easier to find work)
“The worst thing about living in a city is that… -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
It’s very crowded.(=full of people) People are more aggressive. (=seen angry and very unfriendly) It can be noisy (opposite:quiet) and dangerous.(opposite:safe) The streets are often dirty (opposite: clean) and it’s polluted (=dirty air) There’s traffic congestion (=too many cars) and parking is difficult. There’s a high crime rate. (e.g. houses and more expensive, so is transport)
LIFE IN THE COUNTRY Surrounded by nature I grew up (=spent my childhood) in a rural area (=an area in the country; opposite: an urban area). It was quite a remote area (=an area far from towns). I loved being in the country. Working in the country A lot of land in the country/countryside (both words are used) is used for agriculture/farming. Some farms grow crops (e.g. wheat, apples and potatoes) and some keep animals (e.g. cows, sheep and pigs). When I was younger, I worked on a farm during my school holidays. Advantages and disadvantages “The best thing about living in the country is that… -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
You get peace and quiet. ( a common phrase to describe a place that is quiet and calm) You get fresh air. (=air outside a building or town which is clean) You’re surrounded by lovely scenery and you can walk in the countryside) The pace of life (=the amount of activity in life) is slower and more relaxed.
“The worst thing about living in the country is that… -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
There isn’t much nightlife. Public transport (=buses and trains) is hopeless (=terrible) You don’t get many shops. There isn’t much privacy (=private life) because everyone knows what you are doing.
Early memories Preparar la narración de las primeras memorias que tú tienes..por ejemplo, cuando tu hermano nació, la celebración de un cumpleaños…etc. Con un solo ejemplo será suficiente. Preparar. Remember-‐recordar Clearly-‐claramente Vaguely-‐muy poco claro, vagamente Forget-‐olvidar Memorise-‐memorizar National and local produce and product Examples of typical products/produce in Spain, what we export to other countries, etc.(MELONS, WATERMELONS, ORANGES, LEMONS….) Fresh-‐fresco Cheap-‐barato Market-‐mercadillo Supermarket-‐supermercado Bakery-‐panaderia Butcher-‐carniceria Greengrocers-‐lugar donde comprar fruta y verdure Pharmacy/drugstore-‐farmacia -‐ -‐ -‐
What food items are produced in your area? Are these products exported to other regions and/or abroad? Which local food products do you/your family buy? Is it possible to buy out-‐of-‐season food products where you live?
Pollution and recycling The environment (=air, water and land around us) Many people believe we are destroying the environment. If you “destroy” something, you damage it so badly it does not exist anymore. Fro example: -‐ -‐
Cars and factories pollute the air. (=make the air dirty) We continue to cut down rainforests and increase the dangers of global warming.(=an increase in temperature because of increased carbon dioxide around the earth).
How can the planet (earth) survive? (=continue to exist) -‐ -‐ -‐
We must save/conserve (=use less and use well) natural resources (e.g. water, oil and gas). We mustn’t waste them. (=use them badly). We must protect animals and plants. (=keep them safe from human damage) We mustn’t throw away bottles and cans. We must recycle them. (=use them again)
Many of the verbs above form common nouns: Verb Destroy Survive Waste
Noun Destruction Survival Waste
Verb Pollute Protect Recycle
Noun pollution protection Recycling
Environmental problems in the world today There are many environmental problems in the world today. The air, rivers and seas are all polluted, especially in over-‐populated and heavily industrialized regions. Poor waste disposal is the cause of much of this pollution. Overfishing has depleted the numbers of fish in the oceans. The destruction of the ozone layer is leading to climatic changes and what is known as the greenhouse effect.( efecto invernadero) The destruction of the rainforests is causing widespread ecological problems. Battery farming provides large amounts of food but it involves keeping animals in crowded and unnatural conditions.
Pollution and recycling Suggestions to help you reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce: -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
But loose food rather than packaged food. Cancel the delivery of any unwanted newspapers.(read the newspaper on the internet) Grow your own vegetables. Take a packed lunch to school or to work in a reusable plastic container.
Reuse: -‐ reuse plastic carrier bags from the supermarket. -‐ use scrap paper for writing notes. -‐ reuse envelopes, stick labels over the address. -‐ buy rechargeable items instead of disposable ones. Recycle: -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
Choose products in packaging that you know can be recycled. Separate your rubbish and use recycling bins provided in your town. Compost your food scraps from the kitchen – your plants will love it. Buy products made from recycled material.
Answer the following questions: How many types of organic food can you think of? I can think of… How many ways can you think of saving energy? In order to save energy I can think of.. How many types of product can be recycled? Types of product that can be recycled are.. How many products can you think of that could be refillable? I can think of… Do you recycle at home? What? Yes I do. I recycle…/ No, I don’t. Do you recycle at school? What? Say the name of products or things that can be recycled? Cans of coke, bottles of plastic, batteries, newspapers, old books, old fashioned magazines.. What are the advantages of recycling? If we recycle, we will pollute less…and the entire world wins.
ATTENTION WITH THES MISTAKES a) Cuando uses el verbo LIKE, si quieres usar otro verbo detrás, por ejemplo “Me gusta jugar al fútbol”, el verbo en Inglés debe terminar en –ING: “I like playing football”. b) No te olvides de usar bien los posesivos c) Recuerda que el presente continuo se usa para lo que está ocurriendo en este momento. No se te puede olvidar usar el presente del verbo TO BE y el verbo terminado en ING (She is dancing=ella está bailando) d) Recuerda que los adjetivos van siempre delante del nombre: a grey sweater, a big house. e) No confundas nunca el verbo HAVE (tener) con el verbo TO BE (ser y estar). f) No te olvides de usar DON’T y DOESN’T en las negativas de presente simple. g) Con las fechas se usan los números ordinales, no los cardinales. h) Recuerda que cuando entre en la sala de examen, tienes que saludar (Good afternoon, good evening) y cuando termines tienes que despedirte (Goodbye) i) No te quedes callado. Si te hacen una pregunta y no la entiendes, pregunta “Sorry?” o “Can you repeat, please?” si finalmente no la entiendes, debes decirlo:“I don’t know”, “I don’t understand” j) No utilices ninguna palabra en español. k) Si haces alguna referencia a algo con un nombre español (una ciudad, una festividad, un artista, un equipo, una película,..) tienes que explicar lo que es. Por ejemplo: “I like La Feria”. La feria in April is a festivity in Seville. People eat, drink, ride horses, go for a walk, get on attractions and many people wear special clothes for the occasion…” l) Atento a las partículas interrogativas. Son esenciales para entender la pregunta. m) Y LO ESENCIAL: LA EXAMINADORA CUENTA LOS SEGUNDOS, TENEIS QUE APROVECHAR EL TIEMPO AL MÁXIMO
INTERVIEW EXAMPLES Q. And what are you going to talk about today? A. Today I’d like to talk about Dolphins. I have been interested in dolphins since I was eleven. Q. A friend of mine has asked me to lend him a large amount of money. A. Why does he want to borrow this money? Attention: Ask to the examiner (interactive fase) Q. I think I have lost something very important. A. Oh dear! What exactly have you lost (interactive fase) Q. If you were me what would you do? A. If I were you, I’d probably go to the police (second conditional) Q. I am thinking of moving from the UK to live in Spain. A. Well, one advantage is the weather but the disadvantages might be… (Grammar structure: modal verb might to speak about possibility)
Q. Who do you think should be responsible for recycling? A. I think it’s mainly the government’s responsibility but we should all take part. And you, what do you think? (interactive task) (Grammar structure: should=giving advice/vocabulary: pollution and recycling)
Q. I used to hate green vegetables when I was small. A. So did I -‐ but my mother used to make me eat them (expressing agreement) (structure used to speak about past habits)
Did you like fruit? (intereactive task)
Q. Tell me about some of the marriage customs in your country? A. Well, the ceremony is usually held in a church and the bride is dressed all in white. (passive structure: verb to be + past participle)
(Grammar structure: simple passive/ vocabulary: national customs)
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