Tridaya Inner Power Level 3

October 20, 2017 | Author: razvan187 | Category: Matter, Frequency, Photon, Waves, Resonance
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Level 3...






CONTENTS • Introduction .................................................................... 1 • The Nature of Energy...................................................... 2 • Back To School ................................................................ 3 • Matter and Energy .......................................................... 8 • Everything is Vibrating .................................................. 9 • Resonance ........................................................................ 11 • Polarity ............................................................................ 16 • Body Electric .................................................................... 17 • Vibrotic Power ................................................................ 21 • Vibrotic power Exercises ............................................... 27 • Amazing Testing Your Power ....................................... 32 • Protection


• Health .............................................................................. 36 • Prosperity Energy ........................................................... 40 • Tuning Into A Prosperity Energy .................................. 54 • The Last Word ................................................................. 56

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\IIE'ROTf(! POW6R- £6V£i Ill

INTRODUCTION Final exercise of the :inner power aelf defending art we are gomg to learn !S not only lor dcing sell defense against any evil intenticn of somebody, but alao for self defending against situation faced in day-to-day life. such as throwing away unluckiness as well as unhappiness. Whoever )lQU are, surely you wish successful living and live prosperously with no material lacking", healthy and full of happiness. Evaryone, including myself, should have a wish that all we are expecting would come true m a short time and easily. Unfortunately, howBVer, most often what we wioh in our mind comes out differently in reality. The art of self-defense, In wider meaning, is the art of winning every problem faced. For instance, how we can overcome a kind of unluckiness and turn it out happiness! How you can turn out your boring busmess to become successful, how to make your career more, how e man owing you a debt pay it at once, how to iufluence somebody and make him/her fall in love with, adore and like you, how to bear dignity and lst every body surrounding- g-ives respect to you, or how to protect your bus1ness trom black magic, and many more cases that we are forced to face !n day-to-day life, more tl\an those physical disturbance made by evil people. By the time I was writing this manual, somebody called me and told me that his h811dset phone shop suffered a drastw decrement of sales, or he could even say "" not a single transaction for the last couple of weeks. I told hlm that I would guess !hare had been some body envied to you, and placed a certain black magic stuff somewhere that had caused him the suffer. After seerchingaround his shop, he finally found a suspicious thing in the form of il!Cense right over the door gate. And after he removed that mysterious thing, llli: sales targst went on as nonnal again_ This is an example that we ought to have a kind of self defending mechanism in our business, in order to overcome unprl>dictable case like above. The universe has in it a power to create and de.troy, and our task is now to uti!i•e this pawer of tha universe. This Is an mVlsible power, but its existence is sensible, for mstance: air, evan though we cannot see it, its existenc:a is sensible. Since only with lt can we breathe. This strength of wind can also be utilized fur various needs. In the old days where modem technology hadn'1; been invented, the fishermen used tlns power of wind to sail and catch fish_ They left at night since the wind blew from the land to tha sea, and went back at d")'break time since the wmd would blow fmm the sea to the land, The sueon We experience mamfestations of it everyday in m81ly ways, althou ; h 11!S still a mystery to tha majority of the population Light is energy; water is energy; and electtiC!W 1s """". other. And those thoughts/feelings who have opposite frequencies tend to cancel each other.



RESONANCE In acousuu. •esonanco IIAppoms when an etuuc body nazu to vtbn Ut duo to a 10110roua 11gnol (sound) that 11 p1oducC!d c!Olle to thM body ln electromagnotl1m. we caD maanance the supenmposnng ot two freqUGncuu; of ldonttcel clkuocter11itlcs (&amo wav length). When the two odanu=l tcequenctol aupcrunpos.,, the retulnng wavo lJI wnplillod nus ampUllcauon can roach vt!ry blgb value•. callocl pomts or r - Thoroforo. rosollllDCce that could take a photo with films attar many times of trials. 'l'hls wao tile prototype of the Kirlian camera One day, while Kirlian was observing and taking the pictures of the light surrounding his lingers, he found"- different light that he had not seen before_ He canght !iu the next day and found the sign of a physical problem in the photo tl>at he had not been able to detect before he caught the !iu. In 1953, the Kirlian camera drew tbe attention from the world, when Dr. Galkin, doctor in Leningrad raportsd that the lights in the pictures were related to meridians in the Oriental medicine. Dtunitresku, Romanian Doctor, was the firl;t person trurt applied IIlli! picture to physical diagnoS!a. He took pictures of 500 miners and found that 90 had physical problems. Forty out of them did not kuow they did. After a close diagnosis, most of 40 were confirmed to have some types of problema. The mechanism of the Kirlian camara rs relatively simple_ When high frequency and high voltage are applied to a film placed between an electric conductor and an electrode, d!schar1Je takas place in the area surroundinll the conductor. This !s ailed the corona discharg-e, because lt occurs locally along the face contacting the f!lm. Klrl!an pictures show this corona discharg-e taken on the film by exposure to lig-ht. It ml Jhbl e only a simple high-voltage discharge. It should be remembered that the pictures take different shapes in accordance with menta.! and phys!ca.l conditions. It has not been kuown exactly why those different shapes took place.

\IIE£011C I>OIVE£- tf\lft Ill Expo!U .ay that what I& tal slowly. as 1f you are liftmg a very heavy stuff, and makss your hands vibrating.


Bring both hands, palm to palm, in front of your chest at about half a meter. Vibrate both hands intentionally and slowly. just as 1! you are beating, several tunes. Then increase tha motion to become faster and very fast. You'll !eel like the palms have magnetic field blowing contrartly. The faster the motion, the more pushing eneriJY is felt.



Stop the practice a!te< about 10 minutes.


VIEOOTW POWER- UVEL Ill Notes; You can also vibmte your head by !tuning it and right fast, or vibrate it up and down. Or, you may vibrate your hips by IIlOving them up and down fast. You may parfonn the practice while standing. If you inland to obtain power at your eyes, mouth, mind or the seven Chakras of yours,

then the palm vibrations are focused to those areas. For iru;tance, to lBI your utterance is accepted by otherS, then direct your VIbrated palms to your mouth

'I11e milin purpose of this practice is; to improve your inner power, your dignity and your power effective-ness.

'V\, PuU earth magnet slowly, as if you are lifting a vezy heavy stuff

Vibrate borllllands intentionally and slowly ,rllen mareaw the motion to become faster and vezy fast.

nu:onePOW£ !- LfH 111 J_

Without resting, stand and open your leg, shoulder wldely, or where the positions of both feet aro convenient for you. Close your ayes.


Stretch and face the palms heading the earth, to the left and right of yom body.


Relax yom body, and imagine the earth magnet and surrounding natUie pulled over the foot-soles and palms.


Feel the pulling m: pushing powerS on your palms. Follow the spontaneous motion, don't resist it_ Hthe-re's no motion, that means your body is still m tension. Try to relax yom body and anna.


When they are already moviny spontaneously, follow it freely, just lil:r>:rS, after they are ! led With the transferred energy. As we all kmw, egg is easy to break. If in the basic level guidance you put the eggs in between the palms, now for testing the level lli of inner power, you strike the egg directly, using your palm. How big the power needad, please try some expertments below.

Metlwd I: Get an egg. To avoid dllt (Jn case the experiment fails), put the egg inside a plastic bag. Hold the eg>:r m the palm and say Sllently: 'I'm transferring my inner power into this egg, and the egg will turn to be hard as stone." Repeat the word: "hard as stone," until you feel sure. While transferring the energy, breathe nonnally, na need to hold your breath. You must mmemberthat all pans of your body have already higher energy vibration, so that all you have to do is just transferring the anergy according to what you need fur the stone. Then give the egg to your friend and as\< tum to break it, as follows: Put the egg on his palm and ask hint, uling hi!! anothalm, to braal< it. If the g breaks, it means that you have not done enough practices, or you were in doubt when saying that the egg would be hard like stone. Reme=ber that doubtfulness'" a negative energy, whereas what you need is that th egg turns hard as stone. So, what has happened was that the energy was not transferred and focnsed. It was oontarninated, instead, by your doubtfulness energy (negative). Repeat again with more optinnsm, belief, calm, and no rush. And if your friend failed to breal< the egg, then I should wish you: Cong=tu\aticns on your success. May you'll believe more in the exiotence of inner power you have practiced.

Method I I: Same with above, only that you don't hold the egg. Just stare it sharply and say Sl1ently: "I'm transferring- my energy to this egg, and it will tum hard as stone'' Ferlarrn the experiments while putting the egg close and than far from you. Watch the results.

Method III: Perform the innar energy transfar through your voice. With firstly intend to transfer energy into the egg, you say aloud: "The egg will be hard like stone_"

MethodW: Perform the tra=fer of inner energy only throu ;rh your mind, visualization and intention_ The e ;rg is put at some invisible place or, with the help ofyourfnenrougb Visualization teclmique. Therefore, no wonder some Vwualizatian tecliniques caught can produce wbat.rS e> you cllange your personal reality. you'll notine how your reality impacts the flows of humanity. From this position. you'll see how one parson can change the world while otill respecting other pBOples choices. The world is like a mirror that ratleots the rdeas happaning In your belie!system. So, as you offer new solutions to the collective mind w:ith your thou(lhts. you will see your reality reflect your new ideas.


Seeing Changes you restructure your bliaf sy.tem, you will notice changes in your reality. Pay very close attention to the beliefs & 1daas that you are putting out and how it is being raflecte.d back to you. Things m1ght seem a httle weird at frrot, but after a while it Will be normal to you. Keep obaervlll(l the-effects-that-you-are-causing-in-your-reality. As

Master the Material Read tins pag-e many times if you have to_ The mora you read it, the more you understand it. The more you test it out in your life, the more you master lt.

TUNING INTO A PROSPERITY ENERGY The way to realize your wish to come true is firstly you should throw away negative energy that lies in your body, then perform the poaittve energy filling, and finally ptogram whatever you like to.


While standing, vibrate yom haods, intending to throw away negative energy out of your body, then imagine negative energy is absorbed into the earth. Another way is by using the g-roundmg method as described above, thenperfonn Shielding.


Pertonn positive energy filling- across yom body, by vibrating both hands intending to pull positive energy from the universe.


Then, still standing, stop the hands motion, intend your wish to obtain, for instance a dream-house while imagining' it from your Bmw Chakra (Third Eye) and looking at the pwtura in detail, and affirm "I have a new house".


Now relax, and let the hands move spontaneously Without yon move them 'l'llli; is the process of "tumng" between tile wish or intention you like to achieve with the energy of the univer&a that possesses the blue print of yom dream-house_ Perform these while smiling, no rush, and be happy as if you have received it. Now enjoy the dream.hcuse envirorunem!


Alter you feCl. shoulcln"t make you a proud man or butt others, but please in.staad, stay closer and closar to God and reduce all negallve deeds within your life. Just as we have describad, don't let the positive energy you've collected through practices is contaminated Wlth negative energy end causes your inner power be reduced. Lastly, I hope that these inner power leosons g1ve you advantages. Should you have question concerning the matter, please let us know.

(jooa(ucfi._ witfz your ezyrcise.

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