Tricolore Total 1 LE

September 12, 2016 | Author: Jaime M | Category: N/A
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Sylvia Honnor, Heather Mascie-Taylor and Michael Spencer

Text © Sylvia Honnor, Heather Mascie-Taylor and Michael Spencer 2008 Original illustrations © Nelson Thornes Ltd 2008 The rights of Sylvia Honnor, Heather Mascie-Taylor and Michael Spencer to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or under licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited, of Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. Tricolore first published in 1980 by E. J. Arnold and Sons Limited Encore Tricolore first published in 1992 by Thomas Nelson and Sons Limited Encore Tricolore nouvelle édition first published in 2000 by Thomas Nelson and Sons Limited Tricolore Total first published in 2008 by: Nelson Thornes Ltd Delta Place 27 Bath Road CHELTENHAM GL53 7TH United Kingdom 09 10 11 12 / 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library 978-0-7487-9951-0 Page make-up by eMC Design Limited Printed in Croatia by Zrinski

Table des matières Unité 1 Bonjour!

Page 6

greet someone and say goodbye GRAMMAIRE talk about name and age numbers up to 20 ask how someone is; say how you are the gender of nouns (masculine and talk about school and classoom items feminine) simple classroom instructions make nouns plural

STRATÉGIES using a dictionary comparing French and English pronunciation pronunciation: plural words, ‘i’

Unité 2 J’habite ici


say where you live talk about where others live days of the week use the French alphabet


numbers up to 30 use dans, à, en to say ‘in’ for homes, towns or countries

shortening words before a vowel English and French similarities pronunciation:‘é’

Unité 3 Chez moi


talk about family and home talk about other people’s homes and families say who things belong to say where things are


use articles le/la (the); un/une (a) use mon, ma, mes (my) use ton, ta, tes (your, with tu) singular of être (to be) singular of avoir (to have) numbers up to 70 use prepositions sous (under) and sur (on) more about masculine and feminine

pronunciation: ‘è’, ‘ou’ and ‘u’; et, est colour code masculine and feminine use moi and toi for emphasis number patterns

Rappel 1 – extra activities

Page 28

Unité 4 Les animaux

Page 30

talk about animals, especially pets describe animals and other things talk about preferences give opinions



make adjectives agree understand the negative, ne … pas (not) ask questions (Est-ce que …) the singular of the verb avoir (to have) more about plurals use tu and vous correctly

using qualifiers pronunciation: as, a or à more about cognates

Presse-Jeunesse 1 – magazine section

Page 40

Unité 5 Des fêtes et des festivals

Page 42

ask for and give the date festivals and other events greetings for special days birthdays and presents discuss prices talk about clothes describe yourself and other people



present tense of être (to be) the plural form of nouns and adjectives present tense of avoir (to have) numbers 0–100

coping with new vocabulary spelling and pronouncing the months learning adjectives with a noun three kinds of words: nouns, verbs and adjectives developing listening skills pronunciation: ‘é’, ‘è’, ‘ê’, and ‘qu’

Rappel 2 – extra activities Dossier-langue Grammar notes to help you understand the pattern and rules of French. There is a linked ICT activity.



Page 58


Pour t’aider

Tips on how to use the skills you have learnt.

Words and phrases to help you do an activity.

Work in pairs or groups.

SOMMAIRE Summary of all the main language introduced in the Unit.

Listen to the recording for this activity.

Unité 6 Qu’est-ce que tu fais? talk about the weather say what the temperature is talk about months and seasons talk about sport talk about family activities say what you do at weekends

GRAMMAIRE the verb jouer (to play) some regular -er verbs the pronoun on more about accents and ç

Page 60 STRATÉGIES high frequency words pronunciation: syllables ending in -n and -m developing speaking skills writing a postcard

Presse-Jeunesse 2 – magazine section

Page 74

Unité 7 En ville

Page 76

talk about places in a town ask for and understand directions understand and say how far away places are talk about your own town and area understand tourist information

GRAMMAIRE the adjective vieux/vieille (old) use à/au/à la/à l’/aux (to, at) use devant, derrière, entre, etc. il y a … / il n’y a pas de … the verb aller (to go)

STRATÉGIES pronunciation: ‘h’; final ‘t’ using le + days of the week using connectives, e.g. et and mais listening to longer texts

Rappel 3 – revision activities

Page 90

Unité 8 Une journée scolaire

Page 92

ask about and tell the time arrange a time to meet talk about daily routine talk about school subjects say what you think of school subjects find out about Senegal, a Frenchspeaking country in Africa

GRAMMAIRE recognise some reflexive verbs the verb faire (to do, to make) use quel, quelle, quels, quelles (which, what) use son, sa, ses (his, her, its) use notre, nos (our) use votre, vos (your, with vous) use leur, leurs (their)

STRATÉGIES pronunciation: ‘oi’, ‘ui’, ‘r’ English and French spelling patterns: -y and -ie using qualifiers working out meanings preparing a presentation

Presse-Jeunesse 3 – magazine section

Page 108

Unité 9 C’est bon, ça!

Page 110

meals in France talk about food and drink fruit and vegetables healthy eating discuss what you like to eat and drink having a meal with a French family plan some meals and picnics festival foods

GRAMMAIRE use du/de la/de l’/des (some) the verb prendre (to take) the verb manger (to eat) the negative ne … pas (not) pas de (not any) use aller + infinitive to talk about the future

STRATÉGIES saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ improving your reading pronunciation: ‘g’

Rappel 4 – extra activities

Page 122

Unité 10 Amuse-toi bien!

Page 124

talk about sport and music discuss leisure activities in general give opinions talk about weekend/week find out about the Parc Astérix use the 24-hour clock write about a special day

GRAMMAIRE faire de + activity jouer à + sport and jouer de + instrument recognise the past tense use some phrases in the past tense

Presse-Jeunesse 4 – magazine section Au choix Page 140 Extra practice and extension activities. Grammaire Page 158 A reference section where you can look up grammar points and verbs.

Glossaire Français – anglais Page 165 Anglais – français Page 171 You can check the meaning or gender of a word by looking it up in these sections.

STRATÉGIES writing a letter to a friend understanding French handwriting clues to phrases about the past adding more detail nouns and verbs of similar meaning sequencing words

Page 138 Vocabulaire de classe Page 174 A summary of the classroom words and phrases used in this book with their meaning.



unité 2 J’habite ici

2A Venez en France understand people saying where they live learn how to say ‘in’ a place



1 J’habite en France Écoute et lis. J’habite à Paris. C’est fantastique! M. Lebrun



Trouville Moi, j’habite ici, en Normandie. J’habite dans une ferme, près de Trouville.



Île de Ré

La Rochelle Grenoble

5 Moi, j’habite à La Rochelle. C’est un port en France.







Moi, j’habite ici, à l’Île de Ré.

Moi, j’habite à Nice.

C’est une île près de La Rochelle.

C’est super!



2 J’habite ici


using clues


1 You can often work out most of what someone is saying without understanding every single word. Listen for words and phrases you do recognise. 2 Some words are easy to guess because they are like English ones (e.g. ikf[h"\WdjWij_gk["ceZ[hd["_cfehjWdj["l_bbW][" fehj"WffWhj[c[dj).


Moi, j’habite à Lille.

2 Vrai ou faux?

J’habite dans un appartement en ville.

Lis les phrases 1–10. Vrai ou faux? Exemple: 1 lhW_ 1 Paris est en France. 2 Strasbourg est une ville en France. 3 La Rochelle est un port en France. 4 Lille est un village à la montagne.

Mme Dumas

5 M. Lebrun habite dans un appartement. 6 Mme Dumas habite dans une ferme près de Trouville. 7 L’Île de Ré est près de La Rochelle. 8 Maxime habite près de Grenoble.


9 Nicolas habite dans un port. 10 Nice est une ville en Angleterre.

J’habite ici, à Strasbourg, avec ma famille. J’habite dans une maison en ville.

M. = Monsieur Mme = Madame

Dossier-langue In French there are several ways of saying ‘in’. Which do you use when talking about where people live? Work it out and complete the rules below. Here are some clues:



Moi, j’habite dans un village, à la montagne. C’est dans les Alpes, près de Grenoble.


3 Comment ça se dit?





Écris 1–4. Écoute. C’est quelle image? Exemple: 1D



2 J’habite ici



la lettre ‘é’ (e with an acute accent)

It can be tricky to remember the way the French say some of the letters of the alphabet, e.g. e i g j h v w Think of some ways to jog your memory, e.g. ‘i’ and ‘j’ rhyme as in
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