Tricks of the Mind

February 16, 2017 | Author: Robson Torres | Category: N/A
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Derren was born in 1971 in Croydon. It was a difficult birth - his mother was in Devon at the time. A precocious and puzzling only child, he liked to paint, foster obsessive habits and once set fire to a neighbour's boat by accident. Derren went on to study law and German at Bristol University and fell in love with the city. This was a time where marriage between man and city was still frowned upon, so rather than face public derision, Derren decided just to live there forever instead. During this time he began to perform magic in bars and restaurants, and gave occasional hypnosis shows. Then in 1999 he was asked by Channel 4 to put a mind-reading programme together for television, which became Derren Brown: Mind Control. It was an immediate success and gained Derren a cool underground kudos which he described as 'not enough'. Mind Controls 2 and 3 followed and then, in October 2003, Derren caused an international furore by playing Russian Roulette live on television. This secured notoriety with the public and a big apartment in London. 'Bristol can shove itself,' he said. Further specials have followed incl1:lding Derren Brown: The Seance which was the most complained about show in the history of television. He still receives several letters of complaint a week from psychics and Christians. He is sensitive to everyone's objections but knows at least the latter group will forgive him. Derren's workload keeps him exhausted and irritable fifty-two weeks a year and he continues to live in London with a large collection of taxidermy and a fatalistic parrot. He spends any free weekends painting and likes to receive gifts.


4: Books

TRANSWORlD PUBLISHERS 61-63 Uxbridge Road, London W5 5SA A Random House Group Company First published in Great Britain in 2006 by Channel 4 Books Thi~ ('dition published in 2007 by Channel 4 Books all imprint of Transworld Publishers CO)lyril{ht


Objective 2007

I )('rn'lI Browli has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs

and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British library. ISBN 9781905026357 This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition. including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Addresses for Random House Group Ud companies outside the UK can be found at: The Random House Group Ud Reg. No. 954009 '!be Random House Group Limited supports The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the leading international forest certification organisation. All our titles that are printed on Greenpeace approved FSC certified paper carry the FSC logo. Our paper procurement policy can be found at:

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Sent: 8uIIjItct:

12 April 2003 17:29 GIobIIf Symbolilm

Dear SirlMadam

I would most appreciafe it if you could ask Dcrren about the g1oba1l111U1ifestation of serpent symbolism tbat is rife evesywbae if you look fot it

I was IIIIUIZIId to see this stuff in apparenIly inaoc:ent places like British Telecoms logo for example1holeg+arm is an obvious SIIIIke symbol I~ lIclp·buUbiak·there is somedliAg sinister going on.

1bcrc an: also various other ebuDdaatsymbols ofligbted tmcbes etc. Could you uk: Demo of what he dUnks oftltese and email bis thouahts back to me?


talk21 your FREE partible and private address on the net at hUp·"WWWta1t'



Sent: To:

01 July 2004 12:03

SubjecI: God


I am pleased to SIIf that I have stopped balding and that I have stopped gaining weigtIt and have at last entered the of all magic. My name IS and I am In need of your assistance.I do believe you and i have much worl< to do together.My address Is :






TeI: _ _ _• email . . . . . . ..

I live In a commune ,so someone else will more than Ukely answer the phone.I hope God brings us ~er soon.11ook forward to hearing from you.

******************* Michael

Thankyou fer your e-mal1.Youhaveaskedformetobemorespeciflc.soiwill tell you who i am.I am the SOn of God.I am" The Lamb and my soul IS Jesus Chrlst.PIease pass this infomation on to Derren, I am sure It win be d interest to hlm.I eagerty awat your reply.

Derren Brown FnIm: To: lent: Subject:

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