Tricked Player Contract

November 21, 2017 | Author: Edward Bailey | Category: Business, Computing And Information Technology
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INSERT MEDIA LOGO Vestre Alle 30, st 9000 Aalborg

TRICKED ESPORT Player contract between: (Updated 13/02/2013)



PLAYER CONTRACT TABLE OF CONTENT: §1. The parties involved §2. Purpose of the cooperation §3. Players job description §4. Rules and behavior §5. The organization’s obligations §6. Prize money §7. Contract period Signature

§ 1. The purpose of the partnership Side 1 af 6


INSERT MEDIA LOGO Vestre Alle 30, st 9000 Aalborg

The purpose of the partnership is to brand the tRICKED ESPORT name and its sponsors through professional computer gaming also called electronic sports (ESPORT).

§ 2. Players job description 2.1. The player’s main focus during his/her time playing for the organization is to practice and play his/her game as a part of branding of the “tRICKED ESPORT” name and our sponsors. 2.2. The player has to be active in numerous tournaments, both online (played over the internet) and offline (the player attending to physical tournaments). Besides playing different tournaments, player can also be called In to attend different PR-arrangements, where player has to help branding either our name or any company cooperating with tRICKED. tRICKED holds all possible expenses regarding different PR-arrangements.

§ 3. Rules and behavior 3.1. In representing tRICKED the player has to act and behave in a professional way, both while talking to other members of the organization but also while talking to fans, media and while acting or commentating on different websites/news posts etc. It should always be clear wither the player is talking on his own or representing the organization. The player has to stay professional in his/her way to act during his spell in tRICKED. This means acting and behaving in a bad manner, for example by using offensive words in statements, comments etc. 3. 2. The following ways to behavior can result in a immediate cancel of the contract: - Using offensive words on a different websites in order to harm another person or campany. - Racism during practice wars, official matches, at online tournaments. - Public criticism of the club’s sponsor products or a sponsor of the organization. - Public criticism of tRICKED - Public criticism of a teammate. - Abuse of the player account at the organization’s website ( - Abuse of the position as a professional player for the organization.

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INSERT MEDIA LOGO Vestre Alle 30, st 9000 Aalborg

3.3. The player accepts that it isn’t allowed to drink alcohol while representing the organization. Nor is the player allowed to take drugs or other intoxicants which can affect the player’s gameplay and damage the organization’s public image.

4. Public relations 4.1. The player is during his/her contact period with the organization always branding tRICKED ESPORT, this means , but isn’t limited to, acting professional on both community sites and on public game servers. This means that the player has to act professional according clause 2.1. According to clause 1.1, the player can be forced to attend different PR-arrangements during his/her time in the organization. This means that the player has to act professional during the whole PR-arrangement and has to help the sponsor branding their products and firm. The organization and its sponsors hold all possible expenses during PR-arrangements. 4.2. During the player’s time in the organization, the player has to stay professional in order to brand all sponsors of the organization. 4.3. The player has to wear and brand tRICKED ESPORT while playing. This means that the player is forced to call himself/herself “TRICKED “nickname”” while playing official matches for the organization. A Player’s nick is chosen by himself. 4.4. The player has to write/say “tRICKED ESPORT” or “TRICKED” or any other variant of the brand while officially referring to the organization. 4.5. Player allows tRICKED – without special payment to player – to give the organization’s sponsors and the organization permission to use player’s image for advertising purposes without mentioning the player’s name. 4.6. The player may only has personal sponsors if they (the sponsors) are accepted by the organization. 4.7. The player may not use products (mouse pads, headset/headphone/earplugs, Teflon/glides, monitors, computers, game machines, mice, cloth, controller, soft drinks, magazine and food) in official matches (in offline tournaments) if these products compete with products from the organization’s sponsors. 4.8. The player may not act (see clause 3.2) so the image as a “role-model” for other players can be damaged. 4.9. During interviews (both written, on TV, on radio etc.) the player has to thank all sponsors of the organization and tRICKED itself.

§5. tRICKED’s obligations

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INSERT MEDIA LOGO Vestre Alle 30, st 9000 Aalborg

5.1. The team(s) has to stay loyal towards the player during his/her spell in the organization. 5.2. The organization commits to supply the player with hardware upgrades if possible. Each case shall be review on a case-byse-case basis, and no guarantee will be made to ascertain the eligibility of said hardware. 5.3. The organization agrees to send the player and player’s team, which also has to be contract to the organization, to major continental events covering accommodation and travel expenses where necessary on a partly basis. Each event is deemed major on a case-by-case basis by the management of the organization. The team is expected to maintain a high level playing at these events and have to be well prepared when going to events. This means that player and player’s team have to practice prior to upcoming events. 5.4. The organization has to offer “instruments” to make the player’s team and or player able to participate in online tournaments. This is, but isn’t limited to: game servers and voice server. If the organization’s sponsor if offering one of these “instruments”, the organization doesn’t have to pay for a 3 rd party “instrument” from a company competing with one of the organization’s sponsors. 5.5. The organization allows the player to attend any tournament for his/her national team, unless it conflicts with of the organization’s interest.

§6 Prize money 6.1. The following rates are valid regarding prize money (here named p.m.). If the team won prize money at a event and/or offline tournament and the club paid expenses for the stay at this said tournament, the rates are as following. The fee The fee The fee The fee The fee

organization paid 20% of the entry organization paid 40% of the entry organization paid 60% of the entry organization paid 80% of the entry organization paid 100% of the entry

10% of the p.m. organization. 25% of the p.m. organization. 35% of the p.m. organization. 45% of the p.m. organization. 50% of the p.m. organization.

has to be paid to the has to be paid to the has to be paid to the has to be paid to the has to be paid to the

Hardware prizes and its value will be measured in the same range as above by the management.

7. Contract period 7.1. The player is contracted to tRICKED ESPORT the day the contract is signed and 60 Side 4 af 6


INSERT MEDIA LOGO Vestre Alle 30, st 9000 Aalborg

days from them. If the contract is only signed for a specific offline tournament named at the beginning of this contract, the period of the contract, the period of the contract is limited to the time of the offline tournament. 7.2. If the player wants to stop the cooperation with the organization before the end of the contract period, he/she has to get the permission of the management first. He/she also has to return all sponsored hardware given by the organization. The player has to pay all fees regarding the shipping of the hardware. 7.3. A new contract has to be discussed within three weeks before the end of the original contract between player and tRICKED ESPORT. 7.4. If any of the point from 1.1 to 6.1 is disrespected by tRICKED, the player can stop the cooperation with immediate effect. 7.5. If any of the point from 5.1 to 5.6 is disrespected by tRICKED, the player can stop the cooperation with immediate effect. When part I. and part 2, have signed this contract part I. guarantee that I. have read the whole contract, understood it and that I. accept it. I. also guarantees that I. accepts it. I. also guarantees that I. is not a part of any other gaming team besides tRICKED ESPORT. I. also guarantees that no parts of this contract will be given to a 3 rd party.

------------------------------------------------------------------------Date signed (dd/mm/yyyy): [ ] / [ ] / [ Part 1 Insert Media tRICKED ESPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------Date signed (dd/mm/yyyy): [ ] / [ ] / [ Part 2 First name Lastname Nick name (Player) Side 5 af 6




INSERT MEDIA LOGO Vestre Alle 30, st 9000 Aalborg

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