Tribute-Madura Krishnamurthy Sastryji
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My humble tribute to the late Madhura ji with the analysis of his horoscope as per nandi nadi system...
A humble Tribute to Mahamahopadhyaya and Jyotisha Vignyana Vignyana Bhaskara Sri Sri Madhura Krishnamurthy Krishnamurthy Sastry Dr. K. Guru Rajesh It would not be an exaggeration to say that every student of hindu astrology in the world knows or at least heard about Sri Madhura Krishnamurthy Sastryji, a giant among the astrologers of India. In the circle of telugu astrologers, most of them consider him as their guru and mentor. It is a great loss to the entire astrological fraternity that Sri Sastryji left for his heavenly abode on 6 th !ril "#$6. %e belonged to the last generation of the great traditional siddhantins and jyotishis who had tremendous command command on all the three skandas of &yotisha. &yotisha. 'his !a!er, in which I !resent the horosco!ic analysis of Sastryji following my (andi (adi (adi method method,, is a humble humble tribut tribute e to this this great great soul soul seeking seeking his everla everlasti sting ng blessings. blessings. Readers may please refer to the introductory chapter of my book SARFAROSH for the information on the andi adi principles . Sri Sastryji was born on ") th *ebruary, $+") at .$am .$am at Mukkamala Mukkamala vikkage vikkage near 'anuku anuku in -est odava odavari ri dis distric trictt of ndhra ndhra /rades /radesh. h. %is !arents were Sri 0enkayya 1husura and Srimati Sachidevi.
Jeevakaraka Jeevakaraka Jupiter is placed in own sign Pisces having Sun and retrograde Mercury in the 12 th, and exalted Mars and Venus in the 11 th. Note the sign exchange etween Mars and Saturn. !n his "ove"ents Jupiter will #rst "eet exalted Moon$ %ahu in &aurus who are aspected y Saturn'Mars$(etu. &hus, Jupiter having Sun$Mercury in the 12 th, exalted Mars in the 11th and Saturn$Mercury in the 11 th indicates long span o) li)e. !he detailed lon"e#ity calculation calculation as per my upcomin" book $%on"e#ity and Death& is presented at the end end of the article article. Vidyakaraka Mercury *oins Sun and has Jupiter in the 2 nd and Venus$Mars'Saturn in the 12th. %etro etrogr gres essi sion on rin rings gs Mercu ercury ry to +apr +apric icor orn n wher where e he *oin *oins s Venus'Mars$Saturn. enus'Mars$Saturn. &hus, Mercury he""ed etween Jupiter and Venus indicates great intellect and learning in traditional su*ects. dded to this, Mercury with Sun gives deep knowledge in astrology. -owever, Mercury is aout to enter his deilitation sign and is placed in the "iddle o) nodal axis. urther, he gets the in/uence o) Mars. &his should cause reak in education, which really happened as Sast Sastry ry*i *i coul could d not not cont contin inue ue his his )or" )or"al al educa educati tion on eyo eyond nd 0th standard. Nevertheless, it is "ore than co"pensated y the power)ul in/uence o) Sun, Jupiter and Venus, Venus, which "ade hi" an authority authority on astrology astrology and allied su*ects. !t is to e noted that Mercury has (etu in the 1 th and 11th. &raditionally, (etu is
considered as the planet ruling over the Jai"ini syste" o) astrology. &his explains the extensive study Sastry*i "ade in this ranch o) Jyotisha. (ar"akaraka Saturn *oins (etu in Scorpio and receives the aspect o) exalted Moon$%ahu )ro" &aurus. Saturn is involved in sign exchange with exalted Mars therey "oving to +apricorn to *oin Venus and Mercury. ro" +apricorn, Saturn has Sun$Mercury in the 2 nd and Jupiter in the rd. Saturn with (etu aspected y exalted Moon indicates a religious and spiritual nature. Saturn with Venus and Mercury in +apricorn suggests estalish"ent o) institutions. Saturn having Sun$ Mercury in the 2 nd and Jupiter in the rd explains working )or astrology and allied traditional su*ects. &he association o) (etu and Mercury with Saturn "akes the native a celerated author in his #eld. Strong in/uence o) Mars ensures that the native works elaorately on vastu, the ancient science o) architecture and construction. Saturn associated with exalted planets indicates that the native will reach to great heights in his li)e. Saturn having Sun in the 2 nd and Jupiter in the rd suggests that the native will get recognition and awards )ro" the govern"ent. &he in/uence o) Venus and Jupiter on Saturn will "ake hi" a great 3uru, especially as Jupiter has Mars in the 11 th. Saturn having Moon in the 4 th, and Jupiter "eeting Moon #rst in his transits indicate that the native will "ake extensive travels. urther, Saturn *oins (etu also which suggests overseas travels )or the native. 'hough Sastryji continued the secular studies u!to ) th standard, concomitantly he also studied the Sanskrit /ancha Kavyas and 0yakarana from his guru Sri /isu!ati 0isweswara Sastry. 2uring the !eriod between $+ and ), he learnt Sanskrit Sahitya including natakas, 3igveda smartha, hora and Samhita skandas of jyotisha, Muhurtha, /rashna and 0asthu from his guru Sri 0aja!eyula 0enkata Subrahmanya Somayaji. &ransit Jupiter was "oving etween +ancer and Scorpio in this period while Saturn was transiting etween &aurus and 5eo. Note that transit Saturn was "oving in &aurus the 4 th to natal Saturn in 1677 while transit Jupiter was "oving in +ancer in the 4th to natal Mercury$Saturn. 'he !eriod between $+4 and $+6" was an im!ortant turning !oint in Sastryji5s life. 'o get com!lete command over the siddhanta skanda of &yotisha he sought the tutelage of guru Sri Sri!ada 0enkataramana 2aivagnya. In the course of his study he travelled along with his guru to various oriental manuscri!t centres to collect valuable and rare manuscri!ts. In this !rocess he ha!!ened to stay in 1enares between $+46 and $+6# where he got the o!!ortunity to discuss and debate with various !andits on dierent to!ics of jyotisha. t this juncture he felt the need to do extensive research on ayanamsa . 8y the starting o) year 1692 transit Jupiter was "oving in &aurus in the 4 th to natal Saturn. &ransit o) Saturn in Scorpio, a watery sign, over natal Saturn$(etu aspected y natal Moon$%ahu has seen Sastry*i stay in 8enares )ro" 169:. 8y the year 16:2 transit Saturn and Jupiter *oined together in +apricorn, indicating the end o) a phase and eginning o) a new phase in Sastry*i;s li)e. It will not be out of context if I insert here a note about the way Sastryji carried out his studies. In those days many texts were available as !alm7leaf
manuscri!ts only and even if !ublished, the books were not easily accessible. %e had to travel to distant !laces throughout India to collect these books. %e wrote down the entire books by his own hand, including the errata tables. %undreds of such books written in his own hand can be seen in his library. Such was his dedication and hard work. Sastryji studied thousands of &yotisha classics and !resented their essence in the form of books. %e translated &atakalankaram into telugu and wrote ruha 0astu 2ee!ika in $+4$ 8transit Jupiter in
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