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Trend in Psychiatric Mental Nursing Services 1. History at a Glance

Psyc Psychi hiat atri ricc menta entall nurs nursiing as a prof rofess ession ion emer emerg ged in the the earl arly 19th centur century. y. Nursing Nursing interv intervent ention ionss in the early early days days was still still focuse focused d on the disease model rather than looking at the client wholly. Then, since 1940, mental  psychiatric nursing egan to develop rapidly, ut the service is still concentrated in the hospital !"tong #ntai, 1994$. %t was not until around the 19&0s, the role of   psychiatric










deinst deinstitu itutio tional nali'a i'atio tion n program program.. (einst (einstitu itutio tional nali'a i'atio tion n was a chroni chronic)m c)ment ental) al) disorder patient ac*uisition program from hospital institutions and returned them to the environmental rehailitation in the community !+efley, 199&$. These programs launched for eing proven that the client care centered in a hospital was not effective. Primar Primary y, second secondary ary,, and tertia tertiary ry preven preventio tions ns could could only only e perfor performed med whethe whetherr the patien patientt return returned ed to the commun community ity enviro environme nment. nt. The incide incidence nce of  mental disorders can e minimi'ed y using preventative methods such as finding the cases early, early diagnosis and intervention of crisis !erald -aplan cited y "tong #ntai, 1994$. To date, date, deinst deinstitu itutio tional nali'a i'atio tion n program program runs runs still still in severa severall countr countries ies,, mainly uropean countries and the /nited tates. ith the development of this  program, many forms of mental health services availale in the community. community. 2or  e3ample in elourne, #ustralia, there are several the community mental health service programs such as 5risis #ssessment and 5are ervices, 5ontinuing 5are, 6esidenti 6esidential al 6ehailit 6ehailitation ation ervices, #ged Persons Persons ental ental 7ealth 7ealth ervices ervices and 5ommunity ental 7ealth 5enter !7 8 5, 199&$. ven today there are psychosis

arly Prevention and %ntervention 5enter provides speciali'ed services in cases of   psychosis !+amert, ., 001$. 001$. 2. Trend of Psychiatric Mental Nursing Services in the Globalization Era

#long with the development of deinstitutionali'ation programs supported  y the discovery of psychotropic drugs which proved well ale to control the  ehavior of the client:s mental, mental psychiatric nurse role is no longer confined to the provision of care at the hospital, ut nurses are re*uired to e more sensitive to social environment and nursing service focuses on preventive and promotive. +eininger !19;

a$ 6elated with the trend of gloal maBor health prolems and gloal mental health services, itEs the time for mental nursing service focus ased on the community !community)ased care$ which gives emphasis on preventive and promotive.  $ 6elated with the rapid improvement of science and, it is a need to improve nursing science y developing e3isted educational institutions and speciali'ing mental nursing program. *ually important is to increase research on mental  psychiatric nursing, particularly particularly mental nursing clinic. clinic. c$ %n order to maintain *uality of provided services and to protect consumers, it:s time to make ?license@ for nurses who work in this service. d$ (ue to differences etween our cultural ackgrounds and the keynote speaker, which in this case we still refer to the estern countries especially the /nited tate, tate, it is necess necessary ary to refine refine the concep concepts ts of psychi psychiatr atric ic mental mental nursin nursing g ota otain ined ed from from outs outsid ide. e. sti stin n !199 !1999$ 9$ emph emphas asi' i'ed ed that that to uil uild d trus trustt and and therapeutic relationships with clients and to prevent delays in diagnosing client needs, needs, nurses nurses need need to unders understan tand d the patien patientsE tsE cultur culture, e, values values,, elief eliefs, s, and attitudes toward their mental disorder.

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