Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VIII Division of Calbayog City CALBAYOG CITY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL
Calbayog City
TRE!D#$ !ET%"R !D CRITIC' T(I!&I!) "* T(E +,
Name: _______________________ Grade___ Section:______ _ Date:_________ Score:______ Rating:____ % Test Test I. MULTIPLE MULTIPLE CHICE. Read t!e "o##o$ing statements e#o$ and an d c!oose t!e est ans$er "rom t!e gi&en c!oices. 'rite t!e #etter o" (o)r ans$er on t!e s*ace *ro&ided e"ore eac! n)mer. ____+. , *attern o" grad)a# c!ange in a condition- o)t*)t- or *rocess- or an a&erage or genera# tendenc( o" a series o" data *oints to mo&e in a certain direction o&er time. a. *attern . trend c. "ad d. trend #ine _____., c!ange t!at is a""ected a""ected $it! t!e "actor o" d)ration and on#( e/ists in a s!ort *eriod. a. *attern . trend c. "ad d. de&e#o*ment _____0. It is a c!aracteristic oser&ed in one item t!at ma( e re*eated in simi#ar or identica# manner in ot!er item. a. *attern . trend c. "ad d. trend #ine _____1.It is a e!a&ior o" a gro$t! or o" sa#es o" a certain )siness enter*rise enter*rise as indicated on t!e c!arts. a. *attern . trend c. "ad d. trend #ine _____2.3Gi&en some starting in"ormation and a r)#e "or !o$ to )se it to get ne$ in"o.- t!e r)#e is t!en re*eated )sing t!e ne$ in"ormation.4 T!is statement is descriing a: a. rec)rsion . trend c. "ad d. de&e#o*ment _____5.'!at is t!e act o" im*ro&ing ( e/*anding or re"ining to a degree o" di""erent stage ca##ed6 a. rec)rsion . trend c. "ad d. de&e#o*ment _____7., #ine indicating t!e genera# co)rse or tendenc( o" somet!ing- e.g.- a geogra*!ica# "eat)re or a set o" *oints on a gra*!. a. *attern . trend c. "ad d. trend #ine _____8. '!at is t!e "actor on !o$ to *ro*er#( s*ot a trend6 a. ma9e it s)*er"icia# . dont "ind *roo" c. a&oid eing se#";ser&ing
d. dont co##ect ideas
_____ation . co##aoration c. migration d. a## o" t!em
ccnhs-shs dept
____ation or *o*)#ation $!o are a#e to $or9- &ie$ed co##ecti&e#(. a. a. g#oa#i>ation . co##aoration c. #aor "orce d. a## o" t!em ____0+. It is t!e initia# ste* in strategic ana#(sis as a**#ied in a )siness organi>ation. a. re&ie$ t!e res)#ts . de"ine t!e t!reats c. de"ine (o)r *ro#em
d. gat!er in"o.
____0. '!ic! o" t!e ste*s in strategic ana#(sis t!at inc#)des *rod)cing a c!art "or t!e "indings6 a. re&ie$ t!e res)#ts . de"ine t!e t!reats c. de"ine (o)r *ro#em d. gat!er in"o. ____00. '!at is t!e ne/t ste* a"ter (o) gat!er t!e in"ormation needed to assess strengt!s and $ea9nesses6 a. re&ie$ t!e res)#ts . de"ine t!e t!reats c. de"ine (o)r *ro#em d. gat!er in"o. ____01. It )ses &ario)s too#s to *re*are )siness strategies ( e&a#)ating t!e o**ort)nities and c!a##enges "aced ( t!e com*an( as it mo&es "or$ard. a. scenario . int)iti&e t!in9ing c. strategic ana#(sis d. science "iction ____02. T(*ica##(- it in&o#&es a re&ie$ o" interna# strengt!s and $ea9nesses as $e## as "actors in t!e e/terna# en&ironmenta# t!at co)#d a""ect sa(- a )siness enter*rise. a. ")t)re st)dies . strategic ana#(sis c. scenario *#anning d. int)ition ____05. '!at is t!e $ord t!at descries a *erce*tion &ia t!e )nconscio)s6 a. ")t)re st)dies . strategic ana#(sis c. scenario *#anning
d. int)ition
____07. , t(*e o" ana#(sis t!at )ses sense;*erce*tion on#( as a starting *oint- to ring "ort! ideas- images *ossii#ities- *atterns- $a(s o)t o" a #oc9ed sit)ation- ( a *rocess t!at is most#( insentient. a. int)iti&e t!in9ing . strategic ana#(sis c. scenario *#anning d. int)ition ____08. '!ic! o" t!ese is a *!enomenon o"ten #in9ed to t!e idea t!at At!e ric! get ric!er and t!e *oor get *oorer.6 a. *ositi&e "eedac9 . *#aceo e""ect c. noceo e""ect d. matt!e$ e""ect ____0
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