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Trends in Influencer Marketing: A Review and Bibliometric Analysis Anshika Singh Tanwar, Harish Chaudhry & Manish Kumar Srivastava To cite this article: Anshika Singh Tanwar, Harish Chaudhry & Manish Kumar Srivastava (2022) Trends in Influencer Marketing: A Review and Bibliometric Analysis, Journal of Interactive Advertising, 22:1, 22:1, 1-27, DOI DOI:: 10.1080/1525 10.1080/15252019.2021.2007 2019.2021.2007822 822 To link to this article:
Published online: 16 Feb 2022.
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Trends in Influencer Marketing: A Review and Bibliometric Analysis Anshika Ansh ika Si Singh ngh Ta Tanwar nwar
, Harish Harish Cha Chaudhry, udhry, and and Manish Manish Ku Kumar mar Srivast Srivastava ava
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India
Influencer marketing has steadily grown in the past decade as a strategy utilized by digital markete mar keters rs for spreadin spreading g bran brand d mess message agess wit with h the help of soci social al media media influ influenc encers ers (SMIs). (SMIs). The main objectiv objective e of this study is to review the academic literatu literature re related to influencer marketing between 2011 and 2019 with the help of both bibliometric analysis and content analysis. This review uses the Bibliometrix R-tool and the BiblioShiny app for data analysis and scientif scientific ic mapp mapping. ing. This review review pres present entss a back backgrou ground nd of how influ influenc encer er marketin marketing g research rese arch has evo evolved lved and exam examines ines the perf perform ormance ance analysis analysis base based d on sour sources, ces, author authors, s, documents, countries, and keywords. In addition, different knowledge structures were examined and interpreted to determine the most influential aspects of the literature. The trends observed in this research area from the content analysis and bibliometric analysis in terms of the significant methods, theories, emergent topics, thematic evolution, models, variables, industry focus, platforms used, leading research streams, data sources, and context of studies are the focus of the Discussion section. Finally, based on the findings of this analysis, future research directions are recommended to offer the potential to advance research on influencer marketing and SMIs.
Influence Influe ncerr market marketing ing can trace trace the beginn beginning ing of it itss rese resear arch ch to 20 2008 08,, when when di digi gita tall in infl flue uenc ncer erss were were deemed dee med microc microcele elebri briti ties es by Theres Theresaa Senft Senft (2008) (2008) in her work on camgirls in the United States. During the fi fiel eldw dwor ork k of th this is st stud udyy in the the 1990 1990s, s, wome women n we were re broadcasting and monetizing their craft via webcams. Microcelebrities are ordinary celebrities (Turner (Turner 2010) 2010) famous to only a niche audience and are reciprocal in their interactions with viewers. defi fine ned d Samm Sammis is,, Linc Lincol oln, n, and and Pomp Pompon onii (2016) 2016) de influencer marketing as “the art and science of engaging people who are influential online to share brand messaging with their audiences in the form of sponsored content” (7). Thus, influencer marketing is the str strate ategy gy that that uti utiliz lizes es soc social ial media media outrea outreach ch and the microcelebrity status of these opinion leaders or influencers to promote services and products (Noyan 2017; 2017; Varsamis 2018 Varsamis 2018). ). An “influencer” or social media influencer (SMI) is a content creator who has expertise in an area and has built a substantial network of people
Bibliometric analysis; influencer marketing; R-package; social media; social media influencers
as followers by producing valuable and creative content on social media platforms that could be of value to the marke marketer terss (Lou (Lou and Yuan 2019). 2019). As a result, SMIs SM Is are found found to hav havee simila similarit rities ies wit with h celebr celebriti ities. es. Howev Ho wever, er, SMIs SMIs are likely likely to be mo more re relata relatable ble than than celebrities as they often share their personal lives and have direct interactions with their followers on social media networks. These parasocial interactions give an illusi illusion on of a per person sonal al relati relations onship hip with with consum consumers ers,, making them more susceptible to the content in SMI posts (Jensen Schau and Gilly 2003; 2003; Knoll et al. 2015 al. 2015). ). Th Thee identi identific ficati ation on and examin examinati ation on of dim dimens ension ionss rela relate ted d to SM SMIs Is of ofte ten n pa para rall llel el and and use use as refe refere renc ncee guides the celebrity-based studies and models of past research resea rch (Ohanian (Ohanian 1990 1990;; Ka Kami mins ns 1990; 1990; McCrac McCracken ken 1989 1989;; Erdogan 1999; 1999; Goldsmith, Lafferty, and Newell 2000; Sp 2000; Spea ears rs and and Sing Singh h 2004; 2004; Frie Friest stad ad and and Wrig Wright ht 1994;; MacKenzie, Lutz, and Belch 1986 Belch 1986). ). 1994 Accord Acc ording ing to Talave Talavera ra (2015), 2015), the the scop scopee of elec elec-tronic word of mouth (e-WOM) has gone beyond the
CONTACT Anshika Singh Tanwar
[email protected] Department Department of Managem Management ent Studies, Studies, Indian Inst Institute itute of Tech Technology nology Delhi, Delhi, Room No. 605, 6th Floor, Vishwakarma Bhavan, New Delhi 110016, India Anshikaa Singh Tanwar (MBA, Guru Gobind Anshik Gobind Singh Indraprastha Indraprastha University (GGSIPU), (GGSIPU), Delhi) is a research research scholar, scholar, Department Department of Management Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Technology Delhi. Harish Hari sh Cha Chaudh udhry ry (Ph (PhD, D, Ind Indian ian Ins Instit titute ute of Techno Technolog logyy Del Delhi) hi) is an ass associ ociate ate profess professor, or, Depart Departmen mentt of Manage Managemen mentt Studie Studies, s, Indian Indian Instit Institute ute of Technology Delhi. Manish Kumar Srivastava Srivastava (MBA, North Maharashtra Maharashtra Univer University sity (NMU)) is a research research scholar, scholar, Department of Management Studies, Studies, Indian Institu Institute te of Technology Delhi. 2022
American Academy of Advertising
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infl influe uenc ncee of fr frie iend ndss an and d fami family ly,, re resu sult ltin ingg in th thee broader domain of influencer marketing. As a result, ther theree has has been been a sh shif iftt in mark market eter erss’ approaches approaches for spreading brand messages, increasing and strengthening the customer base, and creating a powerful brand imag imagee in th thee mind mindss of co cons nsum umer ers. s. Mark Market eter erss ar aree encouraged to use creative strategies to design seamless tactics tactics for their their brand brand communic communication ation with new
2016;; Lee and Watkins Watkins 2016 2016;; Xiao, Wang, and Carter 2016 Carter Chan-Olmsted 2018; Chan-Olmsted 2018; Erz and Christensen 2018 2018). ). The pr prim imar aryy focu focuss of arti articl cles es sinc sincee 2018 2018 has has sh shif ifte ted d to exami exa minin ningg the eff effect ective ivenes nesss of SMIs, SMIs, their their con conten tent, t, and their endorsement dynamics (Lou, Tan, and Chen 2019 2019;; Breves et al. 2019; 2019; Campbe Campbell ll and Farrel Farrelll 2020; 2020; De Veirman and Hudders 2020 2020). ). A recent spike has occurred occur red in resear researcher cherss’ interests interests in deeply exploring
processes such as The and notewo noteworth rthy y influencer advant advantage agessmarketing. of inf influe luence ncer r distinctive market marketing ing signify it as “the next big thing” (Agrawal (Agrawal 2016 2016). ). Influencer Influ encer Marketin Marketingg Hub’s (2019, 2019, 2020) 2020) benc benchhmark reports, involving surveys of marketing agencies, brands, and professionals of the influencer marketing indust ind ustry, ry, sta states tes that that there there have have been been þ1500 1500% % increincrement in search of the term “influencer marketing” on Google Goo gle alone alone from from 2017 2017 to 2019. 2019. Large Large compan companies ies have doubled doubled their their number number of influence influencer-ba r-based sed campaigns pai gns,, with with 300% 300% more more microi microinfl nfluen uencer cerss employ employed ed since sin ce 20 2016. 16. The influe influence ncerr market marketing ing indust industry ry has seen a growth of $3.2 billion since 2019, and the entry of 60 new influe influence ncerr market marketing ing agenci agencies es took took place place within a year. The average earned media value per $1 sp spen entt has has inc ncre reas ased ed to $5.7 .788, and and ret etur urnn-on on-investmen inves tmentt (ROI) measures measures shift shift earned earned media media value to conversion conversions/sale s/saless by 2020. 2020. According According to Childers, Childers, ), there is an indication from Lemon, and Hoy (2019 (2019), the literature that influencer marketing as an emerging area is exercising significant power across perceptions toward brands. Ac Accor cordin dingg to a survey survey of market marketers ers by Mediak Mediakix ix (2019), 2019), influe influence ncerr market marketing ing is eff effect ective ive for 80 80% % of marketers, marke ters, and 65% of influencer influencer marketing marketing budgets budgets were expected to increase by 2019. The prime objectiv tives es of influe influence ncerr market marketing ing are to increa increase se brand brand awaren awa reness ess,, rea reach ch new audien audiences ces,, and genera generate te sales/ sales/ conversions, respectively. The notable acceptance and util ut ilit ityy of th this is mark market etin ingg tact tactic ic make makess th thee st stud udyy of influencer marketing and the examination of the roles of SMIs in this strategy an attractive area of research for both academic and business fields. Throughout the years, both empirical and conceptual studies have contributed to influencer marketing research. The earliest studies on influencer marketing ar aree abou aboutt how how SMIs SMIs pr pres esen entt th them emse selv lves es on soci social al media, sponsored content, disclosures, and the formation tion of di digi gita tall cons consum umer er atti attitu tude dess to towa ward rd SMIs SMIs (Freberg et al. 2011 al. 2011;; Hsu, Lin, and Chiang 2013 Chiang 2013;; Shen 2014 2014;; Weis Weisss 2014 2014). ). The The focu focuss of su such ch st stud udie iess th then en evolved evolve d to include include aspects aspects associated associated with identifica identifica-tion,, attractiv tion attractiveness eness,, trustwor trustworthin thiness, ess, and expertise expertise of SMIs SM Is (Arc (Arche herr and and Harr Harrig igan an 2016; 2016; Abid Abidin in 2016 2016;;
parasocial interactions, relationships, and attachments between SMIs and consumers and their impact on the be beha havi vior or and and purc purcha hase se inte intent ntio ions ns of cons consum umer erss (Hwang and Zhang 2018 Zhang 2018;; Halvorsen 2019 Halvorsen 2019;; Cooley and 2019;; Jin and Ryu 2019 2019;; Enke Parks-Yancy 2019 al. 2019;; Shan, Chen, and Borchers 2019 Borchers 2019;; Hepworth et al. 2019 ). and Lin 2020 Lin 2020). Our review of conceptual studies related to influencer marketing indicated a lack of published literature th that at revi review ewss and and pres presen ents ts th thee ba back ckdr drop op of th this is research area, giving an incomplete picture of trends in inf influe luence ncerr market marketing ing resear research ch over over time. time. Only Only a tin tinyy fra fracti ction on of articl articles es pre presen sented ted litera literatu ture re rev review iewss based on very niche issues, such as the current state of research based on the strategic communication of the SMI, brand communication, and reviews of SMIs and their impact on the purchase decisions of digital consumers consu mers (Sunderma (Sundermann nn and Raabe 2019 2019;; Voorve Voorveld ld 2019 2019;; Nafi and Ahmed 2019). 2019). A systematic literature review by De Veirman, Hudders, and Nelson (2019 ( 2019)) sheds light on how SMIs ’ impact impact affec affects ts youn youngg children with their content and provides societal implications and a future research agenda. A new review by 2021)) is about Hudder Hud ders, s, De Jans, and De Veirman Veirman (2021 th thee stra strate tegi gicc use use of SMIs SMIs with with th thee he help lp of Ster Stern n’s revise rev ised d commu communic nicati ation on mod model. el. The dat dataa set articl articles es are classified per the model ’s component componentss into three different diffe rent resear research ch streams streams—name namely, ly, sourc source, e, message, message, an and d th thee audi audien ence ce—and and are are th ther ereb ebyy disc discus usse sed d at length, concluding with a research agenda for future studies. The latest review by Ye et al. (2021 ( 2021)) complements other recent studies by presenting the current state of influencer influencer market marketing ing research, with the help of thema themati ticc con conten tentt ana analys lysis is to ide identi ntify fy imp import ortant ant res resear earch ch topics topics in influe influence ncerr market marketing ing,, and furthe furtherr provides implications for businesses and practitioners. Vrontis et al. (2021 (2021), ), in their review, provide dominant concepts and mechanisms underlying the influenti tial al po powe werr of SMIs SMIs that that sh shap apee cons consum umer er beha behavi vior or and attitudes. As an ob obse serv rvat atio ion, n, no revi review ew ha hass cove covere red d th this is res resear earch ch area area by bringi bringing ng tog togeth ether er collec collecti tivel vely, y, in a single study, the insights from these research patterns with the help of multiple methods. Thus, the current
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stud studyy seek seekss to fi fill ll th this is gap, gap, empl employ oyin ingg a un uniq ique ue ap appr proa oach ch ut util iliz izin ingg bo both th bi bibl blio iome metr tric ic an anal alys ysis is (Fetscherin, Voss, and Gugler 2010; 2010; White et al. 2016; 2016; Bahoo, Bah oo, Alon, Alon, and Paltri Paltrinie nieri ri 2020; 2020; Na Naat atu u and and Alon Alon 2019) and co cont nten entt anal analys ysis is (P (Pau aull and and Beni Benito to 2018 2018;; 2019) and Paul Paul,, Part Partha hasar sarat athy hy,, and and Gupt Guptaa 2017; 2017; Paul and 2019). ). Rosado-Serrano 2019 Rosado-Serrano Against Agai nst this background, background, the current current review review com-
and and mark arkete eters to bett etter und nder erst stan and d infl influe uenncer marketing. The science mapping workflow of this bibliometric study follows the framework suggested by Zupic and Ca Cate terr (2015) 2015) and and Ar Aria ia and and Cucc Cuccur urul ullo lo (2017 2017). ). Th Thee remainder of this article proceeds as follows: first, we presen pre sentt the resear research ch method methodolo ology gy and how the data data were collected, loaded, and converted, followed by the
pl plem emen ents ts and an d exte ex ndss pr prio ior re revi view ews s on in infl flue uenc ncer er marketing that aretend specific inr their approach, such as domain-based, theory-based, or method-based systematic reviews. This study is unique in its approach in terms terms of the object objective ivess and method methodss employ employed ed and explores the following research questions:
descriptive analysis, data reduction, and visualization in network the data creation, analysis section. Finally, the Results section comprises an elaborate discussion of the findi finding ngs, s, limita limitati tions ons of the study study,, and future future research directions derived from the data analysis, followed by a conclusion.
What is th thee perf perfor orma manc ncee anal analys ysis is of th thee RQ1: What differe diff erent nt sci scient entific ific actors actors—for ex exam ampl ple, e, sour source ces, s, author authors, s, cou countr ntries, ies, doc docume uments nts,, and key keywor words ds—in influencer marketing research? RQ2: What What are the mos mostt infl influen uentia tiall per perspe specti ctives ves of
th e literature based intellectual structures?
RQ3: What are the leading research streams?
What are are th thee ma majo jorr tren trends ds in infl influe uenc ncer er RQ4: What mark market etin ingg rese resear arch ch rega regard rdin ingg the the ke keyy me meth thod ods, s, theories, theor ies, models models,, variab variables, les, industr industryy focus, platforms used, data sources, and context of studies? RQ5: What are the future research directions?
The current analysis makes an essential essential contribu contribu-tion for researchers interested in in-depth knowledge of inf influe luence ncerr market marketing ing and its rel relate ated d dimens dimension ions. s. We explore this research area from multiple facets to identi ide ntify fy and dis discus cusss sig signif nifica icant nt facto factors rs of consid considereration for conducting future research that can provide stimuli to strengthen practical and theoretical understanding of the path, dimensions, variables, gaps, process, and pace of development in influencer marketing rese resear arch ch.. We pr prov ovid idee an over overvi view ew of th thee tr tren ends ds in inf influe luence ncerr market marketing ing res resear earch ch with with the help help of perperformance analysis of the major scientific actors, synthesizing thesi zing and interpret interpreting ing knowledge knowledge structur structures es like the social network, co-occurrence network, and cocitation network to identify research streams in the literature. This study also includes a thematic analysis with the the help help of a st stra rate tegi gicc map, map, a th them emat atic ic ev evol olut utio ion n graph across four time slices between 2011 and 2019, and a longitudinal map to study the changes undergonee by the themes gon themes and subthe subthemes mes during during the time time under study. findings of odologies, the content analysis highligh high light t key Further data sources, sourc es, methodolo meth gies, significan signi ficantt indust ind ustrie ries, s, contex contexts ts of studie studies, s, theori theories, es, and models models utilized in the research area. Consequently, this study provides a quick reference guide for future researchers
Methodology Data Collection, Loading, Conversion, and Import
Firs First, t, an init initia iall do docu cume ment nt sear search ch wa wass do done ne in the the Scopuss database Scopu database using keywords “influ influencer encer marke marketting” OR “socia sociall media influencer influencers. s.” The The data data range range and and docu docume ment nt type type chos chosen en were were all all year yearss and and all all types, respec types, respecti tivel vely. y. As a result result of choosi choosing ng the data data range ran ge as “all yea years, rs,” the star starti ting ng year year wa wass 2011 2011 for for public pub licati ations ons in this this area. area. The endpo endpoint int of the span span was November 2019, when these data were collected and analyzed. A list of 155 documents was produced fr from om this this searc search. h. The The sear search ch resu result ltss in the the Scop Scopus us databa dat abase se wer weree deli delimit mited ed in thr three ee sta stages ges by utiliz utilizing ing inclusion and exclusion criteria to generate the set of most relevant articles related to the topic under study. The documents were limited to articles, reviews, and confer con ferenc encee pap papers ers.. The first first delim delimite iterr applie applied d was excluding exclu ding books, books, book chapters, chapters, conference conference reviews, notes, surveys, and letters. After the first delimiter, the nu numb mber er of arti articl cles es de decr crea ease sed d to 123. 123. The The seco second nd exclusion criteria of language were applied, and thus only those articles published in English were retained for further review. This criterion further reduced the number of articles to 117. The third third and final final exc exclus lusion ion criter criteria ia eli elimin minate ated d more articles that were from nonrelated backgrounds and specia specializ lizati ations ons;; thus, thus, articl articles es fro from m medici medicines nes,, mathemat math ematics, ics, engineeri engineering, ng, economics, economics, econometr econometrics, ics, and finance were excluded from the current study. All the short shortlis listed ted doc docume uments nts wer weree review reviewed ed man manual ually ly and checked for relevance with the topic under study. Conseq Con sequen uently tly,, a final final dat dataa set of 76 doc docume uments nts was selected to be a part of this article. The entire refining process of the initial results is shown in Figure 11.. The final set of 76 articles was saved and exported in .csv and bibtex (.bib) extension formats for further analysis
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•155 articles through initial database searching
32 documents excluded after first delimiter of articles, reviews, and conference papers.
•123 articles screended after first delimiter
6 articles excluded after second delimiter of English language only.
41 articles were removed after the third delimiter of removing articles from non-related backgrounds and manually reading and review of articles for relevance to the topic under study.
•117 listed for eligibilty afterarticles secondshort delimiter
•76 studies included inthe final dataset for the review
Figure 1. Initial results refining process: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Figure 2. Bibliometrix and the recommended workflow (Aria and Cuccurullo 2017 Cuccurullo 2017). ).
in the the so soft ftwa ware re.. Then Then the the bi bibt btex ex fi file le wa wass impo import rted ed into the BiblioShiny app, which is compatible with the Biblio Bib liomet metrix rix packag packagee of the the R-tool R-tool softwa software. re. In this this study, the Bibliometrix R-tool and the BiblioShiny app are used used for data data analys analysis, is, data data reduct reduction ion,, visual visualiza iza-tion, and mapping.
(2018-07(201807-02) 02),, and Biblio Bibliomet metrix rix R-pack R-package age (http:// ).
Data Analysis
Bibl Biblio iome metr trix ix is an R-to R-tool ol us used ed for for co comp mpre rehe hens nsiv ivee mappin map pingg analys analysis, is, as shown shown in Figur Figuree 2, and is an open-sour opensource ce tool for quantita quantitative tive research in bibliobiblio-
The data analysis for this study includes a descriptive analysis based on six different parameters, data reduction with multidim multidimensio ensional nal scaling scaling (MDS) (MDS) and multi tipl plee corr corresp espon onde denc ncee analy analysi siss (MCA (MCA)) clus cluste teri ring ng,, networ net work k cre creati ation on with with coword coword,, co-cit co-citati ation on analys analyses es and historiography, and finally, the thematic map and evolut evo lution ion,, top topic ic dendro dendrogra gram, m, and factor factorial ial map mapss in
metrics that includes notable analysis methods.. It also ods includ includes es almost the Biblio Biball lioShi Shiny ny app int introd roduce uced d with wit h Versio Version n 2.0 for genera generatin tingg graphs graphs.. Data Data were were imported from the Scopus database in the bibtex for-
the visualization details codin ingg data sche scheme me, , such such as section. basi basics cs and anThe d metr me tric icss of of the anal analys ysis is,, bibliometric technique, unit of analysis, and statistical te tech chni niqu ques es util utiliz ized ed for for th this is stud study, y, are are sh show own n in
Bibliometric Analysis Package
mat and analyzed using R studio v.1.1.456, R v.3.5.1
Figure 33..
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Bibliometric analysis Different levels of analysis metrics
Basis of Analysis Sources
Metrics of analysis Bradford’s law H index Source dynamics Most relevant/producve sources Most relevant authors H Index Annual producon per author Most cited doc Cited references Author Keywords Keywords plus Title Abstract Word dynamics Most frequent words Topic trends
Knowledge structures- Conceptual, Intellectual and Social
Bibliometric Technique
Unit of Analysis
Stascal Techniques used
Cooccurrence network Themac map Themac evoluon Topic dendrogram Factorial analysis of keywords Most contribung papers
Keywords (Author and keywords plus) Title Abstract Document
Network analysis Factorial Analysis (CA, MCA and MDS)
Authors (papers)
Network Analysis Historiograph
Collaboraon network
Figure 3. The coding coding scheme scheme of the study.
Descriptive Bibliometric Analysis
This secti This section on involv involves es the res result ultss of the descrip descriptiv tivee bi bibl blio iome metr tric ic anal analys ysis is base based d on th thee si sixx pa para rame mete ters rs listed in the sections that follow.
Table 1. Main information of documents. Description Documents Sources (journals, books, etc.) Keywords plus (ID) Author’s keywords (DE) Period Average citations per documents Authors Author appearances Authors of single-authored documents Authors of multiple-authored documents Single-authored documents Documents per author Authors per document Coauthors per documents Collaboration index Document types Article Article in press Conference paper Review
Results 76 58 144 244 2011–2019 4.711 162 176 16 146 17 0.469 2.13 2.32 2.47
Based on Data Set Articles Statistics and Annual Scientific Production. The primar primaryy inform informati ation on of the the docum document entss under under study for this article appears in Table 11.. The average number of citations is 4.711 per document. The final set of 76 documents came from 58 sources during the years 2011 to 2019. There are 62 articles, one article in press, 11 conference papers, and two reviews. The two scientific units used for analysis in this study are author keywords and keywords plus. Author keywords are lists of terms terms and words provided provided by an author author which whi ch captur captures es the best best repres represent entati ation on of the the paper. paper. Keywor Key words ds plus plus are automa automatic tically ally genera generated ted with with the help help of a co comp mput uter er al algo gori rith thm m base based d on th thee oc occu currrences ren ces in an articl articlee’s ref refere erence ncess and not partic particula ularly rly
The ann annual ual scient scientifi ificc pro produc ducti tion on of resear research ch and papers related to influencer marketing began in 2011, gradua gra dually lly inc increa reased sed until until 201 2016, 6, and the then n dec decrea reased sed
li like ke auth author or ke keyw ywor ords ds or in the the ti titl tles es of an ar arti ticl cle. e. Th Ther eree are are 144 144 ke keyw ywor ords ds pl plus us and and 244 244 auth author or ke keyywords in this study. Most of the papers in the data set
inconsiderably in 2017 with an uptrend after that. The highest number of articles published was 44 in 2019, followed by 16 articles in 2018. This marketing tactic
62 1 11 2
have multi have multiple ple author authors, s, with with only only 16 single single-au -autho thored red papers, with 2.32 coauthors per document.
has been increasingly popular and consistently growing since 2017. The annual growth rate of influencer
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Figure 4. Three-fields Three-fields plot (relationship among top keywords, authors, and journals journals). ). Table 2. Most productive and cited sources. Most Productive Sources International Journal of Strategic Communication (6) Communication (6) International Journal of Advertising (4) Advertising (4) Journal of Interactive Advertising (3) Advertising (3) Social Media and Society (3) (3) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (2) Series (2) Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing (2) Marketing (2) Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (2) Services (2) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2) Science (2) Psychology and Marketing (2) Marketing (2) Public Relations Review (2) (2)
Most Cited Sources from the Reference List (Articles)
marketing research as indicated marketing indicated by BiblioShin BiblioShinyy software is 87.89%. Three Three-Fiel -Fields ds Plot. The The relat relationsh ionships ips among among top keywords, top authors, and top journals are summarized by a Sankey plot, as shown in Figure in Figure 4. 4. These graphs can be generated by selecting three of the main metadata fields. The fields selected were authors as the left field, keywords as the center field, and sources as the ri righ ghtt fi fiel eld. d. Thus Thus,, a pl plot ot de deno noti ting ng th thee re rela lati tion onsh ship ip amon am ongg the the to top p auth author ors, s, sour source cess or re refe fere renc nces es they they cite, and keywords they use is created. The number of items selected for each of these fields was 10 for easy understanding of the plot generated. The size of each item bar is proportional to its contribution to the area under study. On mapping the relationship among the three fields, influencer marketing as a keyword in 14 articles is used in nine out of the top 10 most contributing buti ng sources. sources. Social Social media media influe influenc ncer er , influencers, influencers,
Journal of Advertising (118) Advertising (118) International Journal of Advertising (98) Advertising (98) Computers in Human Behavior (87) (87) Journa Journall of Consumer Consumer Resear Research ch (87) (87) Journal of Interactive Advertising Advertising (74) (74) Journal of Advertising Research (62) Research (62) Journal of Marketing (60) Marketing (60) Journal of Interactive Marketing Marketing (57) (57) Journa Journall of Business Business Research Research (54) (54) Journal of Marketing Communications (39) Communications (39)
common keyword. The authors frequently working in co cont ntex extt with with soci social al medi mediaa infl influe uenc ncer erss are are Az Aziz iz Muqaddam, S. V. Jin, and Jan-Frederik Grave. Based on Sources Most Productive Sources. The most productive sources publishing publishing influencer influencer mark marketin etingg–relat related ed resea research rch are presen presented ted in Tabl Tablee 2. Near Nearly ly 37 37% % of th thee tota totall articles came from the first 10 sources only. The highest number of articles les in the data set is from Internatio Inter national nal Journal Journal of Strategic Strategic Communicat Communication ion (6), followed follo wed by by Internatio International nal Journal Journal of Advertisin Advertising g (4), an and d th thre reee arti articl cles es each each by by Journa Journall of Intera Interacti ctive ve Advertising and and Social Media and Society . Most Cited Sources (From Reference Lists). In a total of 1,841 entries, 40% contribution to the literature is by the top 10 sources only, which comprise Journal comprise Journal of Advertising , Inte Intern rnat atio iona nall Jour Journa nall of Adve Advert rtis isin ing g ,
Computers in Human Behavior , Journal Computers Journal of Consumer Consumer Research,, Journal of Interactive Advertising , Journal of Research Advertising Research, Research, Journal of Marketing , Journal of
and social social media influencer influencerss have repeated repeated mentions mentions per their usage in the articles and are contextually the same term, making social media influencers the most
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Figure 5. Source clustering through Bradford’s law.
Interactive Interacti ve Marketing Marketing , Journ Journal al of Busine Business ss Resear Research ch,, Journal of Marketing Marketing Communica Communication tionss, as preand Journal sented in Table in Table 22.. per Sour Source ce Clus Clusterin tering g thro through ugh Bradf Bradford ord s La Law. w. As per Bradford’s la law, w, “[I [I]f ]f th thee jour journa nals ls ar aree ar arra rang nged ed in descending order of the number of articles they carried on the subject, then successive zones of periodical calss contai containin ningg the same number number of articl articles es on the subject form the simple geometric series 1: n : n 2 : n 3.” The clusters of the journals/sour journals/sources ces are divided divided into zones 1, 2, and 3, respectively, with zone 1 being the core of journals primarily dedicated to a specific subject. subj ect. Hence, Hence, Bradford Bradford’s law law co coul uld d be ut util iliz ized ed to identify the core journals or sources for a given sub ject under study. The source clustering through Figur guree 5. Th Thee re resu sult ltss Bradford’s law law is depi depict cted ed in Fi show that nine out of the 58 sources are a part of the core sources, including seven journals, lecture notes in computer comp uter science, and a conferenc conferencee proceeding proceedingss series. The remaining sources are 24 articles in zone 2 and 25 articles in zone 3, respectively. ’ ’
Table 3. Source impact. Source International Journal of Advertising Social Media and Society Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Public Relations Review Journal of Interactive Advertising ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Applied Computing and Informatics ASONAM 2014 (IEEE/ACM International Conference) Celebrity Studies Computers Compu ters in Human Behavior
2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Advertising , Soci Social al Medi Media a and and So Soci ciet ety y , Journ Journal al of Retailing and Consumer Services, Services, and Public Relations Review.. This metric can be a good indicator of the Review produc pro ductiv tivity ity and perfor performan mance ce of the source sourcess as per the publications. The plot plot for for sour source ce dy dyna nami mics cs// Source Dynam Source Dynamics. ics. The growth gro wth (annua (annuall occurr occurrenc ences es ver versus sus yea year) r) for occuroccurrences per year with confidence interval being none is shown sho wn in Figure Figure 6, indica indicatin tingg growt growth h of the top 10 sour source ces. s. The The nu numb mber er of pu publ blic icat atio ions ns pe perr year year for for International Journal of Strategic Communication was the highest of all the sources, followed by
Source Impac Source Impactt (H Inde Index). x). The The source source impact impact of the top sources with impact measure being the H index is given in Table in Table 3. 3. The highest H index observed was 2, exhibi exh ibited ted by four four journa journals: ls: Internat International ional Journal Journal of
International Internati onal Journal Journal of Advertisin Advertising g and Journa Journall of Interacti Inte ractive ve Advertisin Advertising g , resp respec ecti tive vely ly,, in 2019 2019.. Thus Thus,, th this is plot plot sp spec ecif ific ical ally ly hi high ghli ligh ghte ted d the the gr grow owth th and and declin dec linee of the sourc sources es ove overr the study ’s timel timeline ine and
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Figure 6. Source dynamics. dynamics. Table 4. Most cited authors. Authors
Van Reijmersdal, E. A. Abidin, C. Phua, J.
34 33 28
B Oohearnmiaann,, RS.. C. Cauberghe, V. Evans, N. J. Hudders, L. Marwick, A. E. Colliander, J.
2 27 7 24 24 24 23 22
Joe Phua with 28, and Sophie Boerman and Roobina Ohanian with 27 citations each, highlighting the most cit cited ed public publicati ations ons by the top author authors. s. The result resultss so generated can be helpful to understand the impact of the works by a particular author in the analyzed collection.
Based on Authors Most Cited Authors. The plot in Table 4 depicts the mostt cit mos cited ed author authorss in the area area under under res resear earch. ch. The
Author s Prod Producti uction on over Time. The active active timeline timeline of the authors over the years concerning the number of documents is depicted in Figure 77.. The line represents sen ts an author author’s timel timeline ine,, wherea whereass the bu bubbl bbles es and their the ir sizes sizes are propor proporti tiona onall to the the num number ber of docudocuments. The color intensity is directly proportional to the total citations per year. The main activity has been primarily from 2016 onward, and the most productive ye year ar is 2019 2019.. The The auth author orss who who have have been been the the most most pr prod oduc ucti tive ve duri during ng 20 2016 16 to 20 2019 19 are are Ar Arch cher er and and
most cited author is a measure of the frequency with
Lingam, respectively. The collection of all publications
identified the most favored sources for publication in influencer marketing.
’ ’
which whic h the the auth author or(s (s)) incl includ uded ed in a da data ta se sett ci cite ted d by other authors/researchers is also present in the collection or the data set. The author with the highest numbe berr of cita citati tion onss is Eva Eva Van Van Re Reij ijme mers rsda dall with with 34 citations, followed by Crystal Abidin with 33 citations,
by the top 20 authors in the area with details including title, title, source source (jo (journ urnal) al),, digita digitall obj object ect ide identi ntifie fierr (DOI), (DO I), total total cit citati ations ons (TC), (TC), and total total cit citati ations ons per yearr (TCpY) yea (TCpY) is presen presented ted in Table 5. 5. On examin examining ing th thee time timeli line ne map map as per per tota totall cita citati tion onss (b (bub ubbl blee
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Figure 7. Authors’ production over time.
int intens ensity ity), ), it is seen seen that that Khami Khamis, s, Ang and Wellin Wellingg 2017), ), De Veirman, Cauberghe, and Hudders (2017 (2017), ), (2017 Lou, Tan, and Chen (2019 ( 2019), ), and Arora et al. (2019 (2019)) are the most cited research by these top authors; furTaable 5. ther details of these st stu udies are in T
database, such as Scopus in this study. Global citations measure the impact of a document on the whole bibliogra liographi phicc databa database. se. The 20 mos mostt global global cit cited ed doc docuuments are as shown in Table 77.. The article by Freberg et al. (2011 (2011)) involving a study on social media influ-
Interpretations from this information may be used to identify the researchers and authors in the area who have been active in recent times. Further, their corresponding publications can be used as reference works by future researchers.
encers is the most globally cited article in our study with 101 global citations, followed by two other studies involv involving ing microc microcele elebri britie tiess or SMI SMIss by Khamis Khamis,, Ang, An g, and and Well Wellin ingg (2017) 2017) wi with th 65 cita citati tion onss and and De 2017)) wi with th 60 Veirma Vei rman, n, Cauber Cauberghe ghe,, and Hu Hudde dders rs (2017 ci cita tati tion ons, s, resp respec ecti tive vely ly.. Thes Thesee thre threee stud studie iess alon alonee accoun acc ountt for almos almostt 63% 63% of the tota totall cit citati ations ons of the most globally cited documents.
Based on Countries Country Scientific Production. The res result ultss about about the contri con tribut bution ionss of dif differ ferent ent countr countries ies in res resear earch ch on inf influe luence ncerr market marketing ing analys analysis is are given given in Tabl Tablee 6. The top five five countr countries ies contr contribu ibuti ting ng the maximu maximum m toward tow ard this this recent recently ly develo developed ped area area of res resear earch ch are the United States, Germany, India, Australia, and the
Based on Words Mostt Fre Mos Freque quent nt Wor Words ds As a Tre Treem emap. ap. The 10 most frequent words by occurrences illustrated as a treemap are are sh show own n in Fig Figure ure 8. The The fiel field d ch chos osen en to list list the the
Netherlands. Based on Documents Most Global Cited Documents. Global citations refer to the number number of cit citati ations ons receiv received ed by a docume document nt from from all all th thee docu docume ment ntss co cont ntai aine ned d in th thee en enti tire re
most mo st used used wo word rdss is auth author or keyw keywor ords ds cons consis isti ting ng of wordss that word that best best repr repres esen entt th thee do docu cume ment nt’s cont conten entt from fro m the perspe perspecti ctive ve of an aut author hor.. Howeve However, r, these these word wo rdss are are of ofte ten n sele select cted ed prud pruden entl tlyy and and thus thus ne need ed cleansing for analysis. For instance, in Figure 8, 8, influenc ncer er,, soci social al med edia ia influ nfluen ence cerrs, soci social al med ediia
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3 3 3 . 0
1 1 0
3 3 3 . 0
3 1
3 3 0
5 6
8 2 9 7 6 6 1 . 9 1 0 2 . 9 1 0 2 5 2 5 1 / 0 8 0 1 . 0 1
z 1 5 1 0 0 9 1 0 2 6 2 1 4 s / 7 5 0 1 . 0 1
4 2 0 . 4 0 . 9 1 0 2 . b h c . j / 6 1 0 1 . 0 1
9 1 1 0 8 1 0 2 1 1 M O C J / 8 0 1 1 . 0 A 1 N
0 2 _ 5 5 0 9 1 2 0 3 0 3 8 7 9 / 7 0 0 1 . 0 1
2 9 2 8 1 2 1 . 6 1 0 2 . 7 9 3 2 9 3 9 1 / 0 8 0 1 . 0 1
2 1 0 . 3 0 . 9 1 0 2 . r e s n o c t e r j . j / 6 1 0 1 . 0 1
2 1 0 . 3 0 . 9 1 0 2 . r e s n o c t e r j . j / 6 1 0 1 . 0 1
8 0 0 . 7 0 . 8 1 0 2 . s e r s u b j . j / 6 1 0 1 . 0 1
4 7 2 1 2 . r a m / 2 0 0 1 . 0 1
m s i r u t o n T e , y m i t e l g a t a i p n a s o M H n f o o i t l a e c a n r i u n r i s f u u o e o m J L l a m n d o a n c n r C u i r a f o A J
e s r u e t t e c o c e n N L e e i l d i c r a S u n t a e r t c ) s R h e c t e e c i t u L d n c p s e a n r e g a a e i m s m r i r l o l s e e o s R C s e f e t b t n s n i n n i n u I i e o i S s e s i l u a B d g i B m e t t c n u n i o i f e i S f i o g N d t s a u r e y l n e l t a a r c A t i r n n o b n u I r t ( i N l M e c u e e o L J C
h c r a d n d n s e a s a s R e e c g i g i c s s n v i n i l l v r e i r n e i e i a a S S s t t e r e r u R e R e B f m f m f o o o s l u s l l u a n a n a o o n n n r r r u C u C u o o o J J J
g n i t e k r a M d n a y g o l o h c y s P
g n i s i t r e v
t n e m e
d A e v i t c a r e t n I f o l a n r u o J
a g n a M d n a r B f o l a n r u o J
7 5 5 8 7 7 9 3 3 1 0 - 0 - 8 1 8 8 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 - 2 - 8 9 9 0 0 0 - - M P I P I B P M / M / J / 8 8 8 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 0 0 0 1 1 1
g g n n i i n n n n r a a l o l i P P v a d d h n n e a d t a e e n B c c n e n a n n a m m e e t c g u e g i i u l d g H l l l a e n t o t e r a i n n P n I I M s r g g f n o d e n i i n t t t l a e e n r a u p k r r B m r k a a u o o C M M J
g m s s n a e o s d r r n n m e g a e a a p t v r r p i p s B o t y e i n g t c o I . D i n h l m h e s s i r f , a n s u v r S f i e s t s o E a o - e o e r n s l e s h l i r , a t e n c r s o e r a r g g g p C o n t c u r o u m e n e n i t p e c n s e i t H e P m n S a I t o c t e l e n r n n e e t f o F e h u c e o n t l g k k S s e s f i u o r s t i u r n C o n l n l l n D f a a e s e s u a f I n n p i a P I n M r s o M t g h s o l e o s d a c r e t d e a I e I c r g c o i n d r e s o v m d f P r i m f i I s n r r c w a e e c c E t g e e e D n u c c J o a e n n l c n t e i e a o l f e e e N n n c n M u h d e o p f u s u l a f e r n p u s l T n u t S I s f i r h o d o d f a l m : L c l V n n f n y n e n S n I I e a a P E n a d a y t g f r n e I p o i a r a i c l u o a o B i e c t n o a g a r t m r g s ? d d u i n S i c c i o S i n e d I i n l o s e e x t e u t t f o m e e a e e e E D d M L M M o r k s o : n l l , C M h i r R c a y T f t o r e 0 a i a s a i d m . r o l : i n e a C b t i e e 2 a g t c a m B c o s i C h r s M s e o h r s - c n u T r o i u T t d S p s S n o a e t s e o i n u i t J d e : n n s t S A n o e n n : a d m e d k d i o d e e d o o e r n n n h o a o t e e t m C m p a t r a a s A N a i e t S p i t M s a t y S e s M c s g e u c a r s s F a d t a a i s l n e r c L l e l u u a C l i a s i o r n n s t e c u P n o o m a N s n e e i c e g c l e P a t o n o t c c a o o n p h m r V s l i g c e m a t c i t t i a g d I c p a f m u l u f v i t s S m E s e m u r s o s s f a t a n i a t s i e l r d n t u o e e x e e d e P s s a h D R f C h S E o F o v o r r I s n I n T n P n I n T D P I I I ”
” ”
“ “ “
‘ “
o n t A d : e t e n e N s m r e e s c r n o . e d r u n a l f E e n r y I e r a c e i n p d e n n u e l i s e I s : I : M n f R x x o n i e e l t a I e d i l d a h c a t n n t I I i t o i c S r r g d e l i n c e a n D t a n c e f n h o , n t e e o y o u l u W t l i i s ¼ t e r f f : a n I n t t b I Y a e p n m C l e e a m a m e i i r a a h c s o T r d r C e - d ; e g e g T r t u y s o a a P r r O t e f M t M s n d c s i l n l n d l d u i o t t a I i a I e n S M i a S a c d c d n , t u o n o n d s r y i g r s S c S y n e a a t n t o l i n t a o e , g r , i d c g r c a y i n n n n i e i e t e d r t a e r t t t o o r t r t n u s u i u i e B e c l l B p s ¼ f - n a w a w h o e x f t t l I e T e T u G n E C e T S M M A A ; r e i f i , k o o b a e c i a d F e M m l o r a f i c s o t S h f i o g s
, k o o b e c a F m o r f s t h g i s
9 1 0 2
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9 9 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2
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. A , m a d d a q u M
. A , m a d . . d E E a , , q u u u y y R R M
9 1 0 2
. C , b b u t S
9 1 0 2
. C , b b u t S
9 1 0 2
8 1 0 2
9 1 0 2
. T , d e m h A
. F . M , d u o y Z l A
. R i , n a s s a l A
9 1 0 2
8 1 0 2
7 1 0 2
9 1 0 2
9 1 0 2
. L , g n A
. A , a r o r A
. . A , R t e i , z n e a r w d u s A A
. M , o t s u g u A
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Table 6. Scientific production per country. Region
United States Germany India Australia Netherlands Finland
39 11 9 8 6 5
Cohrintuagal P Belgium France Singapore South Korea Sweden United Kingdom Canada Indonesia Ireland Qatar Romania Bangladesh
4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1
influencer,, and influencer influencer influencerss are listed listed separately separately with their occurrences as used in different documents, but theyy all refer to the same entity the entity under under stu study. dy. Thus, such repetition is removed, and such terms are consi side dere red d as a sing single le term term.. With With this this cons consid ider erat atio ion, n, social media influencers was influencers was the most used author keyword with a frequency of 30, followed by the terms influencer marketing marketing and social media with 25 occurrences ren ces each. each. Also, Also, Instag Instagram ram and Twitte Twitterr wer weree the most mo st freq freque uent ntly ly used used plat platfo form rmss ment mentio ione ned d in the the studies of this research area. Word Dynamics. The word dynamics graph based on author aut hor keywor keyword d occurr occurrenc ences es per year year sho shows ws the ris risee and and fall fall in the the usag usagee of word wordss by auth author orss betw betwee een n 20 2011 11 and and 20 2019 19.. Th Thee gr grow owth th of th thee 10 mo most st used used
Table 7. Most global cited documents. Paper
Freberg, K., 2011, Freberg, 2011, Public Relations Review Khamis, S., 2017, 2017, Celebrity Studies De Veirman, M., 2017, 2017, International Journal of Advertising Del Fresno Garca, M., 2016, Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas Carter, D., 2016, Social 2016, Social Media Society Lou, C., 2019 C., 2019,, Journal of Interactive Advertising Arora, A., 2019 A., 2019,, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Petrescu, Petres cu, M., 2018, 2018, Journal Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Audrezet, Audrez et, A., 2018, Journal 2018, Journal of Business Research Leung, T., 2014, 2014, ASONAM 2014 (IEEE/ACM International Conference)
Total Citations
101 65 60 15 12 11 9 9 8 8
Figure 8. Treemap of author keywords.
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Figure 9. Word dynamics.
Figure 10. Trend topics.
words is shown in Figure 9. 9. Influencer marketing marketing and social media have media have a consistent growth as the most frequen quentl tlyy us used ed word wordss af afte terr 2016 2016.. At th thee sa same me ti time me,, there is a drastic increase in SMI or si simp mply ly
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influencer(s) af after 2017. Also, the mention of Instag Ins tagram ram in influe influence ncerr market marketing ing–relate related d studie studiess shows sho ws max maxim imum um gro growth wth after after 201 2017, 7, indica indicatin tingg it as the most popular medium discussed in the studies. In
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Figure 11. Conceptual structure map with multidimensional scaling.
contrast, the growth of Twitter in these studies shows growth gro wth betwee between n 20 2016 16 and 20 2018 18 but seems seems sta stagna gnant nt after that. Trending Topics. The topics most in trend from the author keywords with a minimum frequency of five in the time under study are shown in the graph [log(frequency) versus year] in in Figure 10. 10. Social media influencer enc er is the most most intens intensive ively ly studie studied d topic topic in 20 2019, 19, follow followed ed by topics topics influe influence ncerr market marketing ing and social social medi me diaa be bein ingg equa equall llyy in tr tren end d for for th thee same same ye year ar.. Twitte Twi tterr emerge emergess as the most most in-tre in-trend nd topic topic in 20 2018, 18, wher wh erea eass Inst Instag agra ram m wi with th th thee topi topicc of soci social al me medi diaa influencer takes that position in 2019.
(S (SNS NSs) s),, soci social al medi mediaa ma mark rket etin ing, g, gen gen Z, gen gen Y, and and brand bra nd engage engagemen ment. t. In contra contrast, st, the small small cluste clusterr in violet links topics like SMI, key performance indicatorss (KPIs) tor (KPIs),, and met metric rics. s. Acc Accord ording ing to Cuccur Cuccurull ullo, o, ), the origin of a map signifies Aria, and Sarto (2016 (2016), common com mon and broadl broadlyy sha shared red or overla overlappi pping ng top topics ics.. This factorial analysis gives an insight into topics that are more closely linked and determines more feasible directions for future studies. Most Contributing Papers The factorial map for the most contributing papers by the corresponding analysis method is shown in Figure
Factorial Analysis for Author Keywords
12.. The most contributing papers in a specific subject 12 or topic are color-coded and highlighted in a correspondi spo nding ng col color or as previo previousl uslyy discus discussed sed for differ different ent factorial techniques.
Th Thee fa fact ctor oria iall anal analys ysis is fo forr auth author or ke keyw ywor ords ds by the the meth me thod od of mult multid idim imen ensi sion onal al sc scal alin ingg is sh show own n in 11.. The number of terms chosen is 20, and the Figure 11 number of clusters is five. The five clusters are represented in different colors and identified by hierarchical clusterings, such as the cluster in green represents closel clo selyy rel relate ated d topics topics such such as social social networ networkin kingg sit sites es
The The mo most st cont contri ribu buti ting ng pape papers rs for for a topi topicc are are gr grou oupe ped d clos closely ely for for each each of the the five five clus cluste ters rs with with respect to a corresponding color for convenient interpretation of most contributing studies for a topic/sub ject. Hence, this graph enables us to find the link between the topics and the related papers as it plots th thee docu docume ment ntss asso associ ciat ated ed with with th thee hi high ghes estt tota totall
Data Reduction
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Figure 12. Most contributing papers.
Figure 13. Co-occurrence network network of author keywords.
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Figure 14. Cocitation network.
contribution based on the information summarized by two axes of the map. Network Creation
Conceptual structures are a representation of relationships ships among among concepts concepts or words words in a set of public publicaatio tions. ns. Biblio Bibliomet metrix rix enable enabless genera generatin tingg concep conceptua tuall structures based network and factoria iall appr approa oach ch tooninve inthe vest stig igat atee the theapproach main main th them emes es and and trends. Intellectual structures denote the relationships between betwe en nodes representi representing ng references. references. The methods methods ch chos osen en in th this is st stud udyy ar aree hi hist stor orio iogr grap aphi hicc mapp mappin ingg (Garfield 2004) 2004) and a cocitation network (Small 1973 (Small 1973). ).
the item co-occurrences of the nondiagonal elements. The most prominent prominent co-occurr co-occurrences ences with social social media based on the edge size are Twitter, influencers, influencer marketing, and marketing. The most co-occurringg terms rin terms are Inst Instagr agram, am, social social med media ia influe influence ncers, rs, and source credibility. Moreov Mor eover, er, for SMIs, SMIs, the most most co-occ co-occurr urring ing terms terms are celebr celebrity ity end endors orseme ements nts and brand brand engage engagemen ment. t. The thickness of ethecolo the strength of re rela lati tion onsh ship ips. s. The Th coedge lors rs depicts repr repres esen ent t the th e clus cluste ters rs the to which each word belongs. Co-Citation Network A co-citation network based on the papers is shown in Fig Figure ure 14 14.. This This ne netw twor ork k is rep repre resen sente ted d in a co-o co-occ ccur ur-re renc ncee matr matrix ix like like th thee cowo coword rd analy analysi sis, s, gr grou oupi ping ng th thee
Co-Occurrence Network For For this this st stud udy, y, a co co-o -occ ccur urre renc ncee ne netw twor ork k of auth author or keywords among the bibliographic metadata is shown in Figure 13 13.. The co-occurrences in this network are normal nor maliz ized ed using using simila similarit rityy measur measures es of ass associ ociati ation on strength stren gth and Louvain Louvain’s cluste clusterin ringg algori algorithm thm with with 50 nodes. However, the isolated nodes are excluded, and each eac h vertex vertex prese present nt in the graph represen represents ts an ite item m (author keyword). The vertex size of the diagonal elementss is proporti ment proportional onal to item occurrence, occurrence, thus indiindicatingg social catin social media, media, influencer influencer marketing, marketing, and social social media influencers as the most occurring items in their res respec pectiv tivee cluste clusters. rs. The edge edge siz sizee is propor proportio tional nal to
documents cited together for different documents different topic topicss associa associated ted with influencer influencer marketing marketing–rela related ted rese researc arch. h. The cocita cocita-ti tion on ne netw twor ork k indi indica cate tess four four majo majorr data data clust cluster ers, s, eac each h represe rep resente nted d by a dif differ ferent ent color: color: red denote denotess cluste clusterr 1, blue denotes cluster 2, green denotes cluster 3, and purple denot denotes es clu clust ster er 4. Furt Furthe her, r, a cont conten entt analy analysi siss of researc rese arch h articl articles es of each cluste clusterr ide identi ntifie fiess the primar primary y focus of each cluster. Cluster 1 in red focuses on celebrit rityy endors endorseme ement, nt, and these these wer weree earlier earlier studies studies based based on factor factorss affect affecting ing these these end endors orseme ements nts and litera literatur turee reviews. Cluster 2 in blue revolves around social media influencers and related variables such as the number of followers, followe rs, disclosures, disclosures, behavioral behavioral intent, intent, ad recog recognitio nition, n,
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Figure 15. Thematic map.
sponsored sponsor ed conten content, t, and persua persuasio sion n knowled knowledge. ge. Most Most of these the se stu studie diess were were about about fashion fashion inf influe luence ncers/ rs/blo blogge ggers rs from Instagram. Cluster 3 in green highlights the aspect of selfself-br bran andin dingg and and th thee ri rise se and and cr cred edib ibili ility ty of SMIs. SMIs. Cluster 4 in purple comprises articles studying the inception of SMIs, new influencers, and social media ’s changing role in promotions. Data Visualization
This section consists of conceptual structure mapping such suc h as the themat thematic ic map, map, it itss evolut evolution ion in dif differ ferent ent time spans across the entire period under study, and a dendrogram. Thematic Map
ea each ch bubb bubble le repr repres esen ents ts a ne netw twor ork k clus cluste ter, r, and and the the name name is th thee word word in th that at clus cluste terr ha havi ving ng a hi high gher er occurrence value. The bubble size is in proportion to the cluster word occurrences. In Bibliometrix, the position of these bubbles is as per the Callon Callon cen centra tralit lityy and densit densityy val value ue (Ca (Callo llon n 1983); ); the the four four quadr quadran ants ts are are as foll follow ows: s: The The et al. 1983 upper-lef uppe r-leftt quadr quadrant ant repre represents sents highly highly developed developed but iso isolat lated ed the themes mes with with good good intern internal al ties ties whi which ch lack lack exte external rnal connectivi ctivity; ty;quadrant thus, thus, their importance importathemes nce is marginal. Theconne lower-left represents with low low de dens nsit ityy and and cent centra rali lity ty,, whic which h are are eith either er in the the emer em ergi ging ng or de decl clin inin ingg stag stagee and and th thus us are are we weak akly ly develo dev eloped ped.. Th Thee upperupper-rig right ht quadra quadrant nt repres represent entss the motor mot or themes themes with with high high densit densityy and centra centralit lityy con con-ne nect cted ed to conc concep epts ts as asso soci ciat ated ed wi with th othe otherr clos closel ely y
Base Based d on the the co conc ncep eptu tual al ne netw twor ork, k, a pl plot ot on a bi bidi di-mensional matrix, where axes are a function of central tralit ityy and and de dens nsit ityy of th thee th them emat atic ic ne netw twor ork, k, wa wass gene genera rate ted, d, as sh show own n in Figur Figuree 15 15,, base sed d on the author’s keyw keywor ords ds.. We ca can n hi high ghli ligh ghtt th thee vari variou ouss themes the mes of a given given dom domain ain by applyi applying ng a cluste clusterin ringg
related themes. These themes are both well developed and significant for the development of a research area. The lower-right quadrant represents the primary and transversa tran sversall themes themes which which are importan importantt for research research but which lack complete development. Thus, on studying the map in its accordance, it was
al algo gori rith thm the the), ke keyw ywor ord d netw neor twor ork. k. Acco Accord rdin inggwith to a thematic strategic map Cobo (2011), different clusters or themes is represented on it, where the signif significa icance nce of the theme theme in the entire entire res resear earch ch field is determined by centrality, and the measure of the theme’s development is denoted by density. The thematic map parameters for the field are the author’s keywords and the number of words, set at 250. Here
found datadeveloped mining, social influencers, and in celebrity arethat highly and isolated themes the literature which have good internal ties, but they have low signif significa icance nce in this this resear research ch due to hav having ing less relevant relev ant ties with other themes. Influence maximiz maximizaation and social influence are weakly developed themes having low density and centrality. Social media marketing ket ing,, social social med media ia influe influence ncers, rs, and Instag Instagram ram are
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Figure 16. Thematic Thematic evolution evolution of each topic and theme under under different different time slices.
the most well-developed themes crucial for structuring
studying the thematic map to the corresponding cow-
in infl flue uenc ncer er mark market etin ingg rese resear arch ch,, as th thes esee thre threee ar aree moto mo torr them themes es ma maki king ng rapi rapid d adva advanc ncem emen ents ts in the the di digi gita tall do doma main in and and have have hi high gh oc occu curr rren ence cess in the the res resear earch ch studie studies. s. The The giant giant bubble bubble of SMI SMIss in indic dicate atess the im impor portan tance ce of these these conten contentt creato creators; rs; its overla overlap p with the Instagram sphere emphasizes the popularity of this this medium medium.. Social Social media, media, purcha purchase se int intent ention ion,, influencer marketing, and partially advertising are the fundam fun dament ental al and transv transvers ersal al themes themes that that are potenpotentially important for this research area but need more development. Fu Furth rther, er, mor moree connec connecti tions ons and rel relate ated d topics topics are seen in a parallel study of the co-occurrence network where different clusters of essential themes crucial for this this rese resear arch ch doma domain in can can be an anal alyz yzed ed.. Thus Thus,, on
ord analysi analysiss clu cluste sters rs of the these se the themes mes,, the well well deve devell op oped ed th them emee of SMIs SMIs ha hass oc occu curr rren ence cess with with br bran and d engagement which emerges as a motor theme in the 2018–2019 period, along with celebrity endorsements, and Instagram has co-occurrences with luxury brandin ingg and and soci social al medi mediaa ma mark rket etin ing. g. It is in reso resona nanc ncee with with th thee find findin ingg of Torr Torres es,, Au Augu gust sto, o, and and Ma Mato toss (2019), 2019), who state that despite the vital role played by SMIs in brand communication, research on the effects of digital influencer endorsements has been scarce. In co cont ntra rast st,, the the fund fundam amen enta tall them themes es that that ne need ed mo more re developmen develo pment, t, such as influencer influencer marketi marketing, ng, have cooccurr occ urrenc ences es wit with h SMIs, SMIs, source source credib credibili ility, ty, and purpurchase cha se intent intention ions. s. Also, Also, this this infere inference nce paves paves the way for for th thee stud study y ’s find findiing ngss by Lou Lou and and Yuan uan (2019), 2019),
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Figure 17. Longitudinal map for changes undergone by themes.
which whi ch sugges suggests ts that that inf influe luence ncers rs’ credibi credibilit lityy and the
other themes over the period under study, as shown
in info form rmat atio ion n co cont ntai aine ned d in thei theirr po post stss af affe fect ct br bran and d awareness and purchase intentions. Further, source credibility can impact the trust and bran brand d awar awaren enes esss of th thee foll follow ower ers, s, whic which h is in li line ne with the research study by Djafarova and Rushworth (2017 2017). ). Social Social media media cluste clusters rs with with mi micro crocel celebr ebriti ities, es, inf influe luence ncers, rs, brandi branding, ng, advert advertisi ising, ng, public public rel relati ations ons,, and YouTube can enable framing studies in the direc2019)) study, which tion of Jin, Muqaddam, and Ryu’s ( (2019 su sugg gges ests ts the the find findin ingg that that co comp mple lete te de depe pend nden ency cy of brands bra nds on influe influence ncers rs to increa increase se trustw trustwort orthin hiness ess is no nott requ requir ired ed.. Howe Howeve ver, r, as pe perr th thee Lou, Lou, Ta Tan, n, and and 2019)) study, study, there there is more more engage engagemen mentt with with Chen Ch en (2019 influencer-promoted ads with a positive sentiment of 76.36% than brand-promoted ads with 54.40% positive senti sen timen ment, t, as indica indicated ted by the res result ultss of sentim sentiment ent analys ana lysis is in their their study. study. Thus, Thus, anothe anotherr res resear earch ch quesquesti tion on pre presen sents ts its itself elf:: Who is more more depend dependent ent on the
17.. in Figure in Figure 17 In the first time slice of 2011–2013, influencer marketing ket ing app appear earss partia partially lly as both both a highly highly develo developed ped and niche theme and a motor theme making steady progress. At the same time, the Q-sort technique happenss to be a declin pen declining ing theme and partia partially lly turni turning ng into into a primar primaryy and transv transvers ersal al theme theme in influe influence ncerr marketing–related research. In 2014 2014–2015, 2015, influe influence ncerr mar market keting ing merges merges with with corporate reputation, which now appears as a partially developed niche and a motor theme. Influence maximization is an emerging theme that is partially basic and transversal as well. In the third time slice of 2016–2017, corporate reputation merges with social media, which is now a trans versal and basic theme; influencer influencer marketin marketingg also makes a shift from an emerging theme. Social influence and data mining are highly developed and isolated themes.
Thematic Evolution The themati thematicc evoluti evolution on within within a specific specific research research field field may be represented through alluvial graphs by dividing the the ti time me span span int into o di diffe fferen rentt ti time me sli slices ces.. Based Based on the distribution of publications per year, the data collection
Celebrity endorsement is an emerging theme, and influencers are a motor theme during during this period. The last time slice witnesses many themes from the thi third rd time time slic slicee (20 (2016 16–201 2017) 7) merg merging ing or splitti splitting ng into into more than one theme in the fourth slice of 2018 –2019. Celebri Cele brity ty end endorse orsemen mentt merges merges with with the social social medi mediaa influencers theme, and data mining merges into algorithms. Influencer marketing splits into different themes
is divided into four time slices by setting three cutting points as 2013, 2015, and 2017. By dividi dividing ng the period period under under study study int into o dif differ ferent ent times slices, it is possible to study the evolution that ea each ch them themee and and to topi picc has has unde underg rgon onee wi with th ti time me,, as sh show own n in Fi Figur guree 16 16.. A longit longitudi udinal nal repres represent entati ation on could cou ld be insig insightf htful ul to know know the tendenci tendencies es of some some topics to merge with other themes or split into several
like like Inst Instagr agram, am, brand brand eng engage agemen ment, t, social social medi media, a, and inf influen luencer cer marketi marketing. ng. Social Social medi mediaa further further splits splits into into social media influencers as well. Also, the theme influencers splits and merges in influencer and social media. The last last tim timee slice slice ind indica icates tes that that algori algorithm thmss are now now a hi high ghly ly deve develo lope ped d and and isol isolat ated ed th them emee for for research, whereas social media influencers are a develop oped ed th them emee tran transf sfor ormi ming ng into into a mo moto torr th them eme, e,
other between brands and influencers?
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Figure 18. Topic dendrogram.
indicatin indica tingg it itss rapid rapid ris rise. e. Expect Expectati ations ons happen happenss to be an emerging theme. At the same time, purchase intention tion and and infl influe uenc ncer er mark market etin ingg have have ne near arly ly tr tran anssformed for med from from emergi emerging ng to transv transvers ersal al themes themes along along with social media as basic themes and can be further expl explor ored ed.. Bran Brand d en enga gage geme ment nt emer emerge gess as a moto motorr theme the me along along wit with h Instag Instagram ram,, thereb therebyy indica indicati ting ng the rise in the popularity of this medium in this marketin ingg ta tact ctic ic.. This This find findin ingg se seem emss to be follo followi wing ng the the
consumer behavior, and celebrity endorsements, indicating their relevance with this research area. Another cluster in the dendrogr dendrogram am is compri comprised sed of concep concepts ts like like SMIs, data mining, mining, micro microceleb celebriti rities es and celebrity celebrity occurring closely together in a branch highlighted in green. Thiss occurr Thi occurrenc encee of these these concep concepts ts togeth together er indic indicate atess similarity or closeness between them and resonates with studies like that of Abidin and Thompson (2012 ( 2012)) referring to influencers as celebrity or microcelebrity in their
Med edia iak kix (2019) 2019) survey results that declar lared Instagram the most important and impactful channel, and that two-thirds of marketers will spend the most on Instagram for spreading their brand message. Topic Dendrogram A clustering dendrogram of author keywords is shown in Figu Figure re 18 18.. The The he heig ight ht in indi dica cate tess th thee di dist stan ance ce betwee bet ween n words words or cluste clusters, rs, and dis distan tantt words words define define different concepts and help to choose where to dissect the dendro dendrogra gram m defini defining ng the sectio section. n. The The topics topics are shown in the same colors and close in a cluster for reference to identify the related terms and concepts. For instance, social media influencer, KPIs, and metrics are together in a cluster, indicating their interconnection tion as to topi pics cs to be st stud udiied toge togetther. her. In Infl flu uen ence cerr mark ma rket etin ingg is in the the clu clust ster er with with sour source ce credi credibi bili lity ty,,
study and the Khamis, Ang, and Welling (2017 ( 2017)) paper on influencer marketing with inclusion of data mining for examining this strategy. According to Hall’s ((2015 2015)) study, SMIs are considered microendorsers. Another direction of study could be to compare the trust of digital consumers between celebrities and SMIs, such as in the study by 2020), ), which which sta states tes Schout Sch outen, en, Janssen Janssen,, and Verspa Verspaget get (2020 that though in the inception stage, the research on SMIs tends to verify the acknowledged success of influencer marketing as a marketing tool and that influencers have a more significant impact on brand attitudes and purchase behaviors than traditional celebrities do.
Discussion This secti This section on inc includ ludes es ins insigh ights ts from from both both the biblio biblio-metric analysis and the content analysis of the entire
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data set. The findings from these analyses yield many in infe fere renc nces es and and impl implic icat atio ions ns,, whic which h have have been been the the focus foc us of this this dis discus cussio sion. n. The scient scientifi ificc produc productio tion n graph indicates that the growth and scientific produc-
cent centra rali lity ty and and de dens nsit ityy such such that that the the gr grow owth th of the the themes can be estimated for the future. Some of the major trends in influencer marketing rese resear arch ch are are brie briefl flyy over overvi view ewed ed in the the follo followi wing ng
tion of influencer marketing and its related topics are highes hig hestt from from 20 2017 17 onward onward,, with with a sharp sharp increa increase se in the number of articles in 2018 and its peak in 2019. The tabula tabulated ted sta statis tistic ticss indica indicate te that that the majori majority ty of the docume documents nts are coaut coauthor hored, ed, with with only only 21 21% % being being single-authored documents, implying a higher rate of collaborations in this research area. The Sankey Sankey plots plots using using the three three main main metada metadata ta fields give insightful information based on the linkage betw betwee een n thes thesee fiel fields, ds, su such ch as whic which h auth author orss re rela late te thei theirr work work to a pa part rtic icul ular ar ke keyw ywor ord d and and the the co corr rreespondi spo nding ng sou source rcess publis publishin hingg this this work, work, such such as the cont contri ribu buti tion on of auth author orss S. V. Ji Jin, n, J. F. Grav Grave, e, Aziz Aziz
subsections. Performance Analysis Highlights
Out of the 58 sources for this study, journal publications emerged as the most cited and the most abundantt source dan source.. Wit With h 83% of the total total articl articles, es, journa journals ls were the most relevant source for academic literature in this area. The results indicate that until 2019 seven journals comprised the core sources of articles related to influe influence ncerr market marketing ing.. Inter Internat nation ional al Journa Journall of Strategic Strat egic Communica Communication tion,, Inter Internat nation ional al Journa Journall of Advertising , and Journa Journall of Intera Interacti ctive ve Adv Advert ertisi ising ng
Muqaddam, and Chen Lou were found to be highest in studie studiess rel relate ated d to inf influe luence ncerr market marketing ing and SMIs. SMIs. Th Thee anal analys ysis is al also so de dete term rmin ines es th thee most most impa impact ctfu full authors in the area and their active timelines; and it was observed observed that that the majority majority of the authors authors were were mostt produc mos producti tive ve after after 20 2018. 18. The only only author authorss who havee been hav been consis consisten tently tly publis publishin hingg their their work work since since 20 2016 16 are Chelpa Chelpa Lingam Lingam and Cather Catherine ine Archer Archer with with the most active timeline. Researchers also have access to imp import ortant ant studie studiess that that have have the the most most global global cit citaati tions ons;; for exampl example, e, studie studiess concer concernin ningg social social med media ia influencers had the top three highest global citations across acr oss the whole whole databa database se of Sco Scopus pus,, indica indicati ting ng very very
were the top three most promising sources with greatest occurrences per year from 2016 to 2017, marking a sh shar arp p incr increemen ment in the the nu numb mber er of arti articl cles es in these journals.
hi high gh inte intere rest st in the the su subj bjec ect. t. It wa wass foun found d th that at the the most cited articles were based on SMI studies in the data set by Freberg et al. (2011 (2011), ), Khamis Khamis,, Ang, Ang, and Wellin Wel lingg (2017 2017), ), and and De Ve Veir irma man, n, Ca Caub uber ergh ghe, e, and and
asp aspect ectss explor exp lored ed dur during ing the graph timeli timeline ne of this thisthat stu study. dy. However, the word dynamics indicates the growth of Instagram has been consistently on the rise in influe influence ncerr mar market keting ing studie studies, s, bu butt Twitte Twitter-b r-base ased d
Key Co-Occurring Terms
The co-occurrence network of keywords indicates the concep con cepts ts use used d and studie studied d tog togeth ether, er, im imply plying ing that that Instagram Insta gram-base -based d influencer influencer marketing marketing studies studies invol involve ve social soc ial media media mar market keting ing and luxury luxury bra brandi nding. ng. SMIs, SMIs, sour source ce cred credib ibil ilit ity, y, pu purc rcha hase se inte intent ntio ion, n, cele celebr brit ity y endors end orseme ement, nt, and brand brand engage engagemen mentt are common common
Hudders (2017 (2017). ). Scienc Sciencee mappin mappingg uti utiliz lizes es the str struct ucture uress of knowknowledge for depicting the structural and dynamic aspects of a res resear earch ch area. area. The techniqu techniquee is ut utili ilized zed in this this study to give a complete overview of the main trends and findings in influencer marketing –relat related ed research research in the form form of concep conceptua tuall str struct ucture ures, s, which which indica indicate te the main main themes themes and topics topics,, and int intelle ellectu ctual al str strucuctures, which identify how the work of an author influences this research community. Another conducive application could be in studying the the evol evolut utio ion n of to topi pics cs or su subj bjec ects ts over over a sp spec ecif ific ic period. This analysis provides the researchers with the mostt contr mos contribu ibuti ting ng pap papers ers for each each cluste clusterr of topics topics,, which can be a useful guide for shortlisting important studies for a certain theme. The thematic map generated ate d from from the cluste clusterin ringg algori algorith thm m can give give insig insights hts on the signif significa icance nce of the themes themes derive derived d based based on
studies’ growt growth h was stagnant stagnant by the year 2019. 2019. The words that appear together in a document are implied to be related in a coword network. The structure so genera gen erated ted can be useful useful in unders understan tandin dingg the topics topics and and them themes es cove covere red d by a sp spec ecif ific ic rese resear arch ch area area to define def ine the most most signif significa icant, nt, recent recent,, and upcomi upcoming ng issues on the research front. Key Methods
Researchers in influencer marketing studies have used both qualitative and quantitative methods. In influencer marketing research, 18 (24%) articles used content analys ana lysis, is, seven seven used used doc docume ument nt analys analyses, es, and sev seven en used regressio regression n analys analysis. is. Content Content analy analysis sis is util utilized ized for studyi studying ng differ different ent asp aspect ectss in this this resear research ch area area such as promotional activities, marketing perspectives, trends tren ds followed followed by influ influencer encers, s, and SMI profiles which
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form their online image. This technique is used in the conceptual articles to provide directions, critiques, and models for practitioners and researchers (Schwemmer 2018;; Khamis, Ang, and Welling 2017; 2017; and Ziewiecki 2018
Key Data Sources
Shen, Kuo, and Minh Ly 2017; 2017; Ca Cart rter er 2016; 2016; Vollenbroek et al. 2014). 2014). The researchers used document analysis to evaluate and reflect upon past SMIrelated findings of their effectiveness and implications (Lutkenhaus, Jansz, and Bouman 2019; 2019; Xu and Pratt 2018;; Archer and Harrigan 2016 2016). ). Regression analysis 2018 is observed in studies that examine the effect of differen entt fa fact ctor orss rela relate ted d to SMIs SMIs that that impa impact ct beha behavi vior oral al intentio inte ntions, ns, purchase purchase decisions decisions of followers, followers, and their their inte intera ract ctiions ons and and re rela lattio ions nshi hip p wi with th SMIs (J (Jiin, Muqaddam, and Ryu Ryu 2019; 2019; Arora et al. 2019 2019;; Jin and avee and and Gref Greff f 2018 2018;; Al-Zyo Al-Zyoud ud 2018; 2018; Ryu 2019; 2019; Grav Grave 2019 2019). ). Soci Social al network network analysis analysis (SNA) (SNA) emerged emerged
source sou rcefollow concep con l stu studie diesm s came cam from fro m, past pas art icles es (20 (20), ), foloflowed edceptua bytual dat data a from fro Instag Insetagram ram, blog blotg articl posts, pos ts, YouTu You Tube be videos videos of SMIs, SMIs, and Twitter Twitter dat dataa of bot both h us user erss and and infl influe uenc ncer ers. s. Th Thee th thir ird d most most used used data data source sou rce was interv interview iewss of SM SMIs, Is, ad agency agency mem member bers, s, authors, and digital consumers. The growing interest in examining SMI content (posts/videos/photos/blogs) and related digital consumer data indicates the significance of user-generated content and consumer behavior. ior. This This find findin ingg is esse essent ntia iall for for both both prac practi tice ce and and research perspectives for maximizing the effectiveness of these endorsements.
as the most frequently used methodology in the area closelyy associated closel associated with Twitter-b Twitter-based ased studies studies of SMIs and blogg bloggers ers.. Struct Structura urall equati equation on modeli modeling ng (SEM), (SEM), analys ana lysis is of varian variance ce (ANOVA (ANOVA), ), qualit qualitati ative ve analys analysis, is, mediation analysis, topic modeling, data mining, and algorithm techniques are other methodologies that are frequently used to examine multiple factors and their relationsh relat ionships ips in influence influencerr marketing marketing–relat related ed studies. studies. Thus, it was observed that studies related to influencer marketing usually employ methodologies like content analysis, document analyses, and regression. However, some of the aspects that need to be further explored by influence influencerr marketing marketing researcher researcherss include include utilizing utilizing
Key Variables/Factors
The data used in the empirical studies primarily came from fro m survey surveyss and que questi stionn onnair aires, es, wherea whereass the data data
influencer marketing in current marketing strategy or as a stand-alone tactic by brands, engaging in different forms for ms of collab collabora oratio tions ns with with SMIs, SMIs, determ determini ining ng the
The factor factorss studie studied d and highli highlight ghted ed in con contex textt wit with h influencer marketing after 2016 are sponsored content, disclosures, the credibility of SMIs in terms of trustworthi wor thines ness, s, att attrac ractiv tivene eness, ss, and expert expertise ise.. Paraso Parasocia ciall in inte tera ract ctio ions ns and and rela relati tion onsh ship ipss betw betwee een n SMIs SMIs and and digi digita tall cons consum umer erss are are the the focu focuss of rese resear arch ch in the the 2018–2019 2019 per period iod.. Con Congru gruenc encee has been been a var variab iable le studied in articles between 2016 and 2018 but not in focus for the studies in 2019. The attitude of digital consumers toward SMIs is a constantly studied factor in the entire span of 2011 –2019, indicating the significance and role of digital users in the success of this marketing marke ting strat strategy. egy. Thus Thus,, marketers marketers and researcher researcherss
effectiveness of influencer marketing in different campaigns and industries, along with considering existing factors from the literature. To achieve these research goals and to explore influencer marketing effectiveness in di diff ffer eren entt cont contex exts ts,, ot othe herr ty type pess of an anal alys ysis is ar aree need needed ed in th thee area area su such ch as netw networ ork k an anal alys ysis is an and d meta-analysis.
should prioritize and study the probable positive and negati neg ative ve im impac pacts ts of the relate related d factor factorss on consum consumer er behavior in different types of SMI-based campaigns.
Industry Focus
Key Theories and Models
Of the 76 articles under study, 56 (74%) articles did not not ha have ve an indu indust stry ry focu focuss and and rese resear arch ched ed SMIs SMIs spreading spread ing brand messages messages across across different different indu industrie stries. s. The indust industrie riess mos mostt fre freque quentl ntlyy discus discussed sed in articl articles es
Th Thee theo theori ries es and and mode models ls us used ed as a benc benchm hmar ark k in influencer marketing influencer marketing research research are uses and gratificagratification theory, theory, technolog technologyy acceptance acceptance model (Florentha (Florenthall 2019 2019), ), Taylor Taylor’s six-se six-segm gment ent str strate ategy gy wheel wheel (Balab (Balaban an and and Must Mustățea 2019 2019;; Daniel Daniel,, Crawfo Crawford rd Jackso Jackson, n, and normative ive theori theories es of public public rel relaaWesterman 2018), 2018), normat self-congruence uence tio tions ns (A (Arch rcher er and Harrig Harrigan an 2016), 2016), self-congr theory (Xu and Pratt 2018), 2018), and the persuasive aware ). cascade (PAC) model (Leung and Chung 2014 Chung 2014).
ar aree ed fash fashio ion ntheand antravel d vel beau beauty ty ustry wi with th 10 harti articl cles (13% (1icles. 3%), folfollow lowed by tra indust ind ry wit with fiv five eesarticl art es.), The ar arti ticl cles es relat related ed to the the fash fashio ion n and and beau beauty ty indu indust stry ry focus foc us on produc productt pro promot motion ionss and str strate ategie giess of SMI SMIss that lead to the success of influence over the consumers ers,, ass assessm essment ent of SMI credib credibili ility, ty, and eng engage agemen mentt (Halvorsen 2019; 2019; Lou, Tan, and Chen 2019 2019;; 2018;; Henne enness ssyy and and Sc Schw hwem emme merr and and Zi Ziew ewie ieck ckii 2018 2016;; Trivedi 2018 Trivedi 2018,, Jin and Ryu 2019 Ryu 2019). ). Smeaton 2016 Smeaton
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In the the 20 2018 18–201 20199 span, span, maxim maximum um studie studiess examin examinee SMI effective effectiveness ness concernin concerningg their their content, content, tactics tactics of the SMIs, SMI congruence with products and brands, and their network of followers. followers. Influencer Influencer-gene -generate rated d content and SMI endorsement dynamics were the two subseq sub sequen uentt most most prefer preferred red contex contexts ts of the studie studies. s. Engage Eng agemen mentt emerge emerged d as the princi principal pal object objective ive of SMIs in the most active research directions (2016–20 2019) 19).. The influe influence ncerr object objective ive in 54 54% % of the tot total al articl articles es was engage engagemen ment, t, follow followed ed by purcha purchase se int intent ention ion and opinio opinion n lea leader dershi ship p with with 13% articl articles es each. eac h. These These insigh insights ts can collec collecti tivel velyy be helpfu helpfull for marketers mark eters to consider consider while collaboratin collaboratingg with SMIs for social media campaigns. Cocitation Mapping: Resea Cocitation Research rch Strea Streams ms in the Literature
Further, a content analysis of research articles in each cluster of the cocitation map identifies the primary focus of each cluster. As a result of the bibliometric analysis and thi thiss conten contentt analys analysis, is, we identi identifie fied d four four res resear earch ch str stream eamss fro from m the lit litera eratur turee under under study study that that are both both int interr errela elated ted and distinc distinctt in the inf influe luence ncerr market marketing ing research. Cluster 1 in red focuses on celebrity endorsement, men t, and these these wer weree earlie earlierr studie studiess based based on facto factors rs affec affectin tingg these these end endors orseme ements nts and lit litera eratu ture re review reviews. s. Cluster 2 in blue revolves around social media influencers and related variables such as the number of followers, disclosures, closu res, behaviora behaviorall intent, intent, ad recognitio recognition, n, sponsored sponsored content, and persuasion knowledge. Most of these studies
SMIs, and conten SMIs, contentt cre create ated d by influe influence ncers. rs. The focus focus of the articles was comparatively less on two significantt contex can contexts, ts, nam namely ely self-p self-pres resent entati ation on of the SMIs SMIs and its impact on both the brands and consumers and secondly on the relationship of SMIs and the collaborating brand. Thus, it would be interesting to explore thi thiss scope scope by det determ ermini ining ng how SMIs SMIs from from differ different ent industrie indu striess attach attach meanings meanings to the different different endorsements, how these are identified by the digital marketer whil wh ilee selec selecti ting ng an SM SMI, I, and and what what are are the the po poss ssib ible le im impac pacts ts of these these meanin meanings gs on per percep cepti tion on of dig digit ital al consumers (McCracken 1989 (McCracken 1989). ). The stu study dy of variou variouss dimens dimension ionss ass associ ociate ated d with with SMIs SM Is (such (such as number number of follow followers ers,, spo sponso nsored red con con-te tent nt,, and and digi digita tall cons consum umer er atti attitu tude de towa toward rd SMIs) SMIs) comes com es across across as an import important ant resear research ch str stream eam from from this review where congruence congruence and persuasion persuasion knowledge factors are less researched researched from different different aspects. Future research may look into the impact of different disclosure discl osure techniques techniques on consumers consumers’ recogniti recognition on of sponso spo nsored red script scriptss and persua persuasio sion n kno knowle wledge dge (E (Evan vanss 2017). ). Al Also so,, thes thesee fact factor orss have have been been stud studie ied d et al. al. 2017 mainly in the context of fashion Instagrammers; thus, it woul would d be wort worth h exam examin inin ingg how how diff differ eren entt a role role these factors play for SMIs on different platforms and belonging to different industries. Anothe Ano therr untapp untapped ed direct direction ion observ observed ed from from past past research is the study across genders apart from their preference of content and platforms, such as their diffe fere renc ncee in atti attitu tude de towa toward rd disc disclo losu sure res, s, kn know owle ledg dgee about persuasion techniques, perception of SMI credibilit ibility, y, and other other aspect aspectss of end endors orseme ement nt (Djafa (Djafarov rovaa
were about fashion fashion influencer influencers/blo s/blogger ggerss on Instagram. Instagram. Cluster 3 in green highlights the aspect of self-branding and the rise and credibility of SMIs. Cluster 4 in purple comprises articles studying the inception of SMIs, new influencers, and the changing role of social media in promotions. Further, studying the research streams of influencer marketing along with other intellectual streams will lea lead d to dif diffus fusio ion n of SMI-re SMI-relat lated ed res resear earch ch with with other other related concepts and research domains such that it consequently enables researchers and practitioners to capture the impact of influencer marketing in a broader business, marketing marke ting,, and advertisin advertisingg community community.. This resultant resultant broader perspective of influencer marketing will stimulate managerial decision making.
Future Resear Future Research ch Direct Directions ions and Limit Limitations ations Pr Prio iorr rese resear arch ch ha hass most mostly ly be been en in th thee co cont ntex extt of studying the effectiveness of SMIs, their endorsement dynamics dynam ics and strategies strategies,, categoric categorical al identific identificatio ation n of
and Rushworth Rushworth 2017). 2017). Future research may also carry out a factor analysis of the variables that impact the us usag agee of soci social al medi mediaa plat platfo form rmss amon amongg men men and and women. wome n. A prominent prominent research stream ident identified ified was th thee self self-b -bra rand ndin ingg of SM SMIs Is,, bu butt more more rese resear arch ch is ne need eded ed to exam examin inee how how they they bran brand d them themse selv lves es for for selection select ion by marketers marketers for collaborati collaborations, ons, the signifisignificant factors of considerat consideration ion for their their endor endorsemen sements, ts, and their impact on the success of influencer marketing. Another application of conducting a gender-based study in the future is to study the self-branding practi tices ces of mal malee influe influence ncers, rs, as less has been been pub publis lished hed about male SMIs (Khamis, Ang, and Welling 2017 Welling 2017). ). Congru Con gruenc encee emerge emerged d as a variab variable le stu studie died d in the 2016–2018 period, regarding the consistency between th thee SMI SMI–bran brand d and and SMI SMI–consu consumer. mer. Future Future studi studies es must investigate the impact of incongruence between SMI–brand or SMI–con consum sumer er on the att attit itude ude of the consumer separately toward the brand as well as the SMI (De Veirman, Cauberghe, and Hudders 2017 Hudders 2017))
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The thematic thematic evolution evolution highlight highlightss purchase purchase intenintention as a transversal theme essential for the research ar area ea,, bu butt th this is th them emee ha hass not not ye yett fu full llyy deve develo lope ped. d.
Campaigns on Instagram.” Media International Australia 161 (1): 86–100. Abidin Abi din,, C., and E. C. Thompso Thompson. n. 2012 2012.. “Buymylif Buymylife. e. com: Cy Cybe berr-Fe Femi mini nini niti ties es and and Comm Commer erci cial al Inti Intima macy cy in
Fut Future ure res resear earch ch ofshould sho uld invest inv estiga igate teonthe positi positive veintenand negative effects various factors purchase tions or the causal relationship of closely related factors from the literature (Lou, Tan, and Chen 2019 Chen 2019). ). From the current data set, very few studies utilized a model or theory in their research. Thus, future research in this area must use theories to build practical bases for validating validat ing different different factors factors or testing testing a model as per their research direction. The theories frequently used in celebrity ri ty or nati native ve endo endorse rseme ment nt co cont ntex extt ca can n be fu furt rthe herr explored in influencer marketing research. Some of our suggestions for the application of theories and models in future studies are match-up hypothesis, social adaptation theory, theo ry, self-per self-percept ception ion theory theory,, persuas persuasion ion knowledg knowledgee manage man agemen ment, t, parasoci parasocial al int intera eracti ction on theory theory,, Cialdin Cialdinii’s princi principle ple of persua persuasion sion,, congrui congruity ty theory theory,, the source source attractiven attrac tiveness ess model, and the source source credibility credibility model (Kamins 1990; 1990; Evans et al. 2017; 2017; Dj Djaf afar arov ovaa and and Rushworth 2017 Rushworth 2017). ). The present review highlights various trends in influencer marketing research with the help of a single comprehensive data set, but it is not an exhaustive review. The data set of this study includes articles from some of the top management journals, it but does not include all journals journ als available available across the globe, nor does it include include conference proceedings, both of which are contributing source sou rcess to thi thiss researc research h area. area. Thus, Thus, future future res researc earchers hers can choose multiple databases or a different data selec-
Blogshops. Women s Studies International Forum 35 (6): 467–477. Ag Agra rawa wal, l, A. J. 2016. 2016. “Why Inf Influen luencer cer Mar Market keting ing will Explode in 2017.” Forbes, December 27. 27. sites/ajagrawal/2016/12/27/why-influencer-marketing-willexplode-in-2017/ Al-Z Al-Zyo youd, ud, M. F. 2018 2018.. “Does Does Soci Social al Media Media Mark Market etin ingg Enhance Enhan ce Impuls Impulsee Purch Purchasing asing among Female Customers Casee Stud Cas Studyy of Jordan Jordanian ian Fem Female ale Shoppe Shoppers. rs.” Journal Journal of doi:10. Business and Retail Management Research 13 (2). doi:10. 24052/jbrmr/v13is02/art-13.. 24052/jbrmr/v13is02/art-13 Archer Arc her,, C., and P. Harrig Harrigan. an. 2016 2016.. “Show Me the Money: How Bloggers as Stakeholders Are Challenging Theories of Rel Relati ations onship hip Buil Buildin dingg in Public Public Relati Relations ons..” Media International Australia 160 (1): 67–77. Aria, Ari a, M., and C. Cuccur Cuccurull ullo. o. 2017. 2017. “Bib Bibliom liometr etrix: ix: An RTooll for Com Too Compre prehen hensive sive Sci Scienc encee Map Mappin pingg Ana Analysi lysis. s.” Journal of Informetrics 11 (4): 959–975. Ar Aror ora, a, A. A.,, S. Bans Bansal al,, C. Ka Kand ndpa pal, l, R. Aswa Aswani ni,, an and d Y. Dwivedi. 2019 2019.. “Mea Measuri suring ng Soc Social ial Media Media Inf Influen luencer cer Index-- Insigh Index Insights ts from Faceb Facebook, ook, Twitter and Instagram. Instagram.” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 49: 86–101. Bahoo, S., I. Alon, and A. Paltrinieri. 2020 2020.. “Corruption in International Business: A Review and Research Agenda. ” International Business Review 29 (4): 101660. Balaban, D., and M. Mustațea. ea. 2019 2019.. “Users’ Perspective on the Cre Credib dibilit ilityy of Soc Social ial Med Media ia Influe Influence ncers rs in Rom Romani aniaa and Germany.” Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 21 (1): 31–46. Breves, P. L., N. Liebers, M. Abt, and A. Kunze. 2019 2019.. “The Percei Per ceived ved Fit betwee between n Instag Instagram ram Inf Influe luence ncers rs and the
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tion technique to cover more published literature from the area. Another limitation of this study was reviewing only English-lang English-language uage publication publications. s. Thus, future future studies must mu st in inve vest stig igate ate the the ro role le an and d contr contrib ibut utio ion n of nonnonEnglish literature to this research area. A high level of objectivity was maintained, yet the current study is subjective in certain parts of the analysi lysiss wher wheree ch choi oice cess we were re made made by th thee re rese sear arch cher ers, s, such suc h as time, time, keywor keywords, ds, cluste clusterin ringg techni technique quess used, used, identi ide ntific ficati ation, on, and labeli labeling ng of clu cluste sters. rs. Thus, Thus, fut future ure studie stu diess can furthe furtherr examin examinee other other res resear earch ch str stream eamss with different techniques.
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