Treasures of The Mad Mage v1

February 28, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Drjzob gril t`o twastob _nborliuntjan gir atols uso an ig t`opiwor wireb‑s crojtost rieopejyanc cjlo.



 J Buncoin Xieeors [ribudt  Sratanc6 Ljtt Wjuc`jn, Bjvab Ejno Ejyiut6 Ljtt Wjuc`jn Obatanc6 Bjvab Ejno jnb Ljtt`ow Moeey  Tpodaje R`jnms6 Xih, Bjvo, jnb Ljtt - hit` gir t`oar abojs jnb gir jeeiwanc lo ti tjem jhiut ljcad atols gjr tii lud`.

Divor Jrt6 Fo﬋ Hriwn Hjdmcriunb Jrt6 BovinRR Antornje Jrt6 Jee jr t privabob usob gril BLs Cuaeb Drojtir Xosiurdo, suppeaob hy Sazjrbs ig t`o Dijst  B_NCOINT & BXJCINT, B&B, Sazjrbs ig t`o Dijst, Gircitton Xojels, t`o brjcin jlporsjnb, [ejyor‑s [ejyor‑s @jnbhiim, Linstor Ljnuje, Buncoin Ljstor‑s Cuabo, B&B Jbvonturors Eojcuo, jee it`or Sazjrbs ig t`o Dijst pribudt njlos, jnb t`oar rospodtavo eicis jro trjboljrms ig Sazjrbs ig t`o Dijst an t`o _TJ jnb it`or diuntraos. Jee d`jrjdtors jnb t`oar bastandtavo eamonossos jro priporty ig Sazjrbs ig t`o Dijst. R`as ljtoraje as pritodtob unbor t`o dipyrac`t ejws ig t`o _natob Ttjtos ig Jloradj. Jny ropribudtain ir unjut`irazob uso ig t`o ljtoraje ir jrtwirm dintjanob dintjanob `oroan as pri`ahatob wat`iut t`o oxpross wratton porlassain ig Sazjrbs ig t`o Dijst. ©8;:1 Sazjrbs ig t`o Dijst EED, [I Hix 3;3, Xontin, SJ 10;?3-;3;3, _TJ. Ljnugjdturob hy @jshri TJ, Xuo Olaeo-Hiád`jt 4:, 80;; Boeálint, D@. Xoprosontob hy @jshri Ouripo, 2 R`o Tqujro, Ttidmeoy [jrm, _xhrabco, Labbeosox, _H:: :OR, _M.


Dintonts D`jptor :6 Antribu D`jptor Antribudtain dtain ..........................................8 D`jptorr 86 Atol Xowjrb Rjheos ................................4 D`jpto Ljcad Atol Rjheo J6 Atols hy _nborliuntjan Eovoe ....4

Lanors...................................:; Lat`rje Jrlir ig t`o Lanors...................................:;

Ljcad Atol Rjheo H6 [itains jnb Tanceo _so Atols.....2 Ljcad Atol Rjheo D6 _ndillin jnb Xjro Atols .......2

 Jndaont Lat`rje Lat `rje Lananc D`janljae .................. ....... ...............:; ....:; Luarje‑s Ttancor ............. .......................... .......................... ...........................:: ..............::

Ljcad Atol Rjheo B6 Wory Xjro jnb Eoconbjry Atols....2

Iizanc Jrlir ............. ........................... ........................... .......................... ................:: ...::

Ljcad Atol Rjheo O6 Atol Atol Tots ........... ...................... ...................... .............2 ..2

[`yejdtory [`yej dtory Grjclont................................... ..............................................:8 ...........:8

D`jptor 46 Rrojsuros ig t`o Ljb Ljco .....................? D`jptor  Jpprontado's Zuaee ........................ ............. ...................... ...................... .................? ......?  Jpprontados D`jr l .......... ..................... ..................... ..................... ...................? ........?  Jrriw ig Rrjdmanc ................. ...... ...................... ...................... ...................... .............? ..? Hejbo ig t`o S`asporanc Ljbnoss ............................? ............................? D`atan ig t`o _lhor`uem ..........................................? Deijm ig t`o Syeeiwwiib ........... ...................... ...................... ....................7 .........7 Bjccor ig Odeapsanc T`jbiws .......... ..................... ...................... ...............7 ....7 Bust ig t`o _nmniwn ...............................................7

[itain ig Boearaul............ ......................... ........................... .........................:4 ...........:4

Gaboeais‑s Tdjeos ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...........7 7 Giebanc Rrjp ............................................................7

T`jrb ig Ljbnoss ................... ................................ .......................... ..................:2 .....:2 Tmoeotin Eottor ........... ...................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ............:2 .:2

Cjrhs ig t`o Hjrmoop ...............................................3

Ttino Deijm ............ ......................... ........................... ........................... ....................:2 .......:2

Cat`yjnma @untanc Hejbo .........................................3

 R`o Hiim ig Jpprixaljto Mniweobco ...................... .............. ........:? :?

Catzej's Eummy Dian .................. ................................ ........................... ..................3 .....3

 R`o _nbortjmors‑ Ljsquorjbo Ljsquor jbo ........... ...................... ..................... .......... :?

@jnb Larrir ig T`jttorob Xo﬈odtains Xo﬈odta ins ........... ...................... .............3 ..3

Gjncs ig t`o Drypt ..................... ................................... .........................:? ...........:?

@jrp ig t`o T`jbiwbu T`jbiwbusms sms ................. .............................. .......................3 ..........3

Tacnot ig Hocuaeol Hocuaeolont ont .................................. .........................................:? .......:?

@ilanc Dilpjss........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................0 .........0

 Rrieesheiib Xanc ........... ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... .......... :7

@irn ig Taeondo ...................... ................................... ........................... .....................0 .......0

_eat`jrab @oel.............................. ............................................ .........................:7 ...........:7

 Fubcolont ....................... ............. ..................... ...................... ...................... .................0 ......0

 Wiab Ejntorn .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............:7 ....:7

Mumot`‑s Xib ig Bilanjtain .....................................0

 Syeeiw‑s Hostajry .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ................... ........:7 :7

Ljb Ljco‑s Xjlheancs.............................................1

Vix‑s Ircjnad Dinstrudt ........... ...................... ...................... ................... ........:7 :7

Ljoryen‑s Oeovjtir ............. .......................... .......................... .......................:; ..........:;

Oeodtridutob Oeodtridut ob Ondjsolon Ondjsolontt....................................:7 ....................................:7

Lod`jnadje Lod`jnad je T`aoeb............................... ............................................. ...................:; .....:;

Guoeeob Hiits.............. Hiits........................... .......................... ...........................:7 ..............:7 Lanajturasob Gejlo Djnnin Cjunteots ................:7

 Jndaont Lat`rje Lat `rje Lananc Hiits ........... ...................... ................... ........:; :;  Jndaont Lat`rje Lat `rje Lananc @oelot............. @oelot........................ ...............:; ....:;

Xjntjntjr‑s [irtjheo Biir............. Biir........................... .........................:4 ...........:4 Xanc ig Giro Girot`iuc`t t`iuc`t .................................... ...............................................:4 ...........:4 Xuheam‑s Djvorns Djvorns ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................... ........:4 :4 Xunostino Xunostin o Hiejs ............ ......................... .......................... ...........................:4 ..............:4 Tdrjp ig Oyos ................. .............................. .......................... ...........................:4 ..............:4 Tdrojlanc Ttino.................................. ............................................... ..................:2 .....:2 Tdriee ig t`o _nmni _nmniwn wn............. .......................... .......................... ..................:2 .....:2 T`jbiw puppots ....................................................:2


D`jptor :6 Antribudtain @ilo ti t`o Ljb Ljco, @jejstor Hejdmdeijm, t`o _nborliuntjan as t`o list bjncorius soraos ig buncoins jn jbvonturor as ovor eamoey ti ondiuntor.   R`as dilponbaul dintjans ?; unaquo ljcad atols ansparob hy t`o 84 ﬈iirs t`jt ljmos up t`o _nborliuntjan, jnb t`iso w`i eavo an ats bopt`s. Gril t`o ciheans jnb hjnbats an t`o uppor eovoes, ti @jejstor t`o Ljb Ljco `alsoeg. R`oso atols jro bosacnob ti ﬊t sojleossey anti jny djlpjacn, w`ot`or yiu jro runnanc t`o Buncoins ig t`o Ljb Ljco  libueo,   libueo, ir jny buncoin  hjsob osdjpjbo.   R`oso tjttorob pjcos botjae j luetatubo ig atols, gril ljcadjeey angusob jbvonturanc cojr sud` js t`o  Wiab Ejntorn, ti t `o Ljco‑s Xjlheancs, X jlheancs, j fiur nje

ig @jejstor‑s drjzob t`anmanc, wat` pjcos sprojb t`riuc`iut t`o _nborliu _nborliuntjan. ntjan. R`oro as silot`anc gir jee eovoes ig djlpjacn, gril yiur ﬊rst stops an t`o  wireb ti t`iso t`i so eiimanc ti gjdo i﬋ jcjanst t`o t `o vory cibs t`olsoevos.   Sat`an t`as dilponbaul yiu waee ﬊nb unaquo atol sots sud` js Vix's Ircjnad Dinstrudt, jnb quost atols sud` js t`o [`yejdtory Grjclont. R`oso atols jro bosacnob ti on`jndo yiur pejyors einc torl cijes.   Ti w`jt jro yiu wjatanc gir9 Crjh yiur pjrty, `ojb ti t`o Qjwnanc [irtje jnb wo'ee loot yiu an T`jbiwbusm @ieb, wo `ojr t`oro's j pjrty cianc in!  


D`jptor D`jpt or 86 Ljcad Atol Rjheos Ljny ig t`o atols giunb wat`an t`as dilponbaul jro ansparob hy bonazons ig t`o _nborliuntjan, ir anboob hy t`o _nborliuntjan _nborliunt jan atsoeg. R`o tjheo hoeiw s`iws w`ad` atols jro eanmob eanmob ti w`ad` eovoes, eovoes, t`iuc` wat` t`o ovord`jncanc njturo ig t`o buncoin t`oso atols ljy woee ho giunb oesow`oro wat`an at's bopt`s.

Ljcad Atol Rjheo J6 Atols hy _nborliuntjan Eovoe


Eovoe Nulhor

Eovoe Njlo

Eanmob Atols


Buncoin Eovoe

R`o _nbortjmors‑ Ljsquorjbo (Gjncs ig t`o Drypt, jnb Tacnot ig Hocuaeolont)


Jrdjno D`jlhors

Catzej's Eummy Dian


Tjrcjut` Eovoe

@irn ig Taeondo


Rwastob Djvorns

[itain ig Boearaul, Tdriee ig t`o _nmniwn



Deijm ig t`o Syeeiwwiib , Syeeiw‑s Hostajry


Eist Eovoe

D`atan ig t`o _lhor`uem,


Ljbbcit`‑s Djsteo

Xuheam‑s Djvorns



Mumot`‑s Xib ig Bilanjtain



Jpprontado's Zuaee. Jpprontados D`jrl


Luarje‑s Cjunteot

Luarje‑s Ttancor


Rriceibyto Sjrrons

Rrieesheiib Xanc


Ljzo Eovoe

Jrriw ig Rrjdmanc , @ilanc Dilpjss, Xjntjntjr ‑s [irtjheo Biir


Rrihrajnb‑s Crjvoyjrb

Lod`jnadje T`aoeb , Vix‑s Ircjnad Dinstrudt (Oeodtridutob Ondjsolont, Guoeeob Hiits, jnb Lanajturasob Gejlo Djnnin Cjunteots)



[`yejdtory Grjclont


Ihstjdeo Diurso

Gaboeais‑s Tdjeos, Giebanc Rrjp, Ljoryen‑s Oeovjtir


Drystje Ejhyrant`

Cat`yjnma @untanc Hejbo,



Hejbo ig t`o S`asporanc Ljbnoss, _eat`jrab @oel



Bjccor ig Odeapsanc T`jbiws


Djvorns ig Iizo

Iizanc Jrlir


Xunostino Djvorns

Xunostino Hiejs, Ttino Deijm


Rorlanus Eovoe

Fubcolont, Lat`rje Sivon Jrlir ig t`o Lanors (Jndaont Lat`rje Lananc Hiits, @oelot, jnb D`janljae)


T`jbiwbusm @ieb

@jnb Larrir ig T`jttorob Xo﬈odtains, @jrp ig t`o T`jbiwbusms


Ljb Sazjrb‑s Ejar

L jb Ljco‑s XMniweobco jlheancs, Tdrjp ig Oyos, T`jrb ig Ljbnoss, R`o Hiim ig Jpprixaljto


Ljcad Atol Rjheo H6 [itains jnb Tanceo _so Atols

Ljcad Atol Rjheo B6 Wory Xjro & Eoconbjry Atols


Ljcad Atol


Ljcad Atol

;: - 8?

Jpprontado's D`jrl


Jpprontado's Zuaee

87 - ?;

Bust ig t`o _nmniwn


Hejbo ig ig t` t`o S`asporanc Lj Ljbnoss

?: - 3?

[itain ig Boearaul


Gaboeais‑s Tdjeos

Tdriee ig t`o _nmniwn


Cat`yjnma @untanc Hejbo


@jnb Larrir ig T`jttorob Xo﬈odta tai ins

37 - :;;


Ljcad Atol Rjheo D6 _ndillin & Xjro Atols b:;;

Ljcad Atol


Jpprontado's D`jrl


Jrriw ig Rrjdmanc


D`atan ig t`o _lhor`uem


Deijm ig t`o Syeeiwwiib


Bjccor ig ig Od Odeapsanc T` T`jbiws


Bust ig t`o _nmniwn


Gjncs ig t`o Drypt


Giebanc Rrjp


Guoeeob Hiits


Cjrhs ig t`o Hjrmoop


Catzej's Eummy Dian


@jrp ig t` t`o T`jbiwbusms


@ilanc Dilpjss


@irn ig Taeondo


Ljoryen‑s Oeovjtir


Lod`jnadje T`aoeb


Lanajturasob Ge Gejlo Dj Djnnin Cj Cjunte teoots


Jndaont Lat`rje Lananc Hiits


Jndaont Lat`rje Lananc @oelot


Jndaont La Lat`rje Si Sivon D` D`janljae


Iizanc Jrlir


[itain ig Boearaul

71-3; 3:-38

Xanc ig Girot`iuc`t Xuheam‑s Djvorns


Xunostino Hiejs


Tdrojlanc Ttino


Tdriee ig t`o _nmniwn


T`jbiw puppots


T`jrb ig Ljbnoss


Tacnot ig Hocuaeolont


Tmoeotin Eottor


Rrieesheiib Xanc


Wiab Ejntorn


Syeeiw‑s Ho Hostajry


2;-21 ?;

Mumot`‑s Xib ig Bilanjtain Ljb Ljco‑s Xjlheancs


Luarje‑s Tt Ttancor


[`yejdtory Grjclont


Xjntjntjr ‑s ‑s [i [irtjheo Bi Biir


Tdrjp ig Oyos


Ttino Deijm


R`o Hiim ig Jpprixaljto Mniweobco


_eat`jrab @oel


Oeodtridutob Ondjsolont

Ljcad Atol Rjheo O6 Atol Tots


b:;; ;: - 4;

Ljcad Atol Lat`rje Jrlir ig t`o Lanors

4: - 3;

R`o _n _nbortjmor' r'ss Lj Ljsquorjbo

3: - :;;

Vix's Ir Ircjnad Di Dinstrudt


D`jptor 46 46 Rrojsuros ig t`o Ljb Lj Ljco co J[[XONRADO' T Z _AEE


Sinbrius atol, vory rjro (roquaros jttunolont) 

Sojpin (jny swirb), vory rjro (roquaros jttunolont) 

 R`as quaee as ljbo gril gri l j rjvon's gojt`or, jnb w`on djeeob upin waee ﬈ijt gril yiur pidmot in ats iwn waee, dipyanc jny spoee at djn soo hoanc djst anti ats iwnor‑s spoeehiim.   R`as quaee djn jttolpt jttolpt ti dipy j spoee at djn soo hoanc djst ti yiur spoeehiim. Qiu djn uso yiur rojdtain w`on j drojturo yiu djn soo, jnb s`jro j ejncujco wat`, djsts j spoee ti spojm t`o dilljnb wirb gir t`o quaee.  R`o spoee lust ho ig j eovoe yiu djn djst, jnb ho giunb an yiur dejss spoee east. Ag yiu bi si, an yiur gieeiwanc turn yiu ljy nit livo, ir tjmo jny jdtains ir hinus jdtains, jnb anstojb djn iney ipon yiur spoeehiim ti j  hejnm pjco. Buranc Bur anc yiur tur n, t`o  Jpprontado‑s Zuaee  Zua ee  waee  waee jttolpt ti dipy t`o spoee anti yiur spoeehiim. Ljmo jn BD :8 + spoee eovoe Antoeeacondo (Jrdjnj) d`odm. d`odm. Ag suddossgue t`as spoee as jbbob ti yiur spoee hiim. R`as jhaeaty ljy nit ho usob jcjan untae jgtor 4 bjys `jvo pjssob.

 Qiu  Q iu cjan j +: hinus hi nus ti jttjdm jtt jdm jnb bjljco riees ljbo  wat` t`as t` as ljcad wojpin, t `oso hinusos androjso an drojso ti +8  vorsus jny spoeedjstor.  Jgtor jn jttjdm jt tjdm wat` t `as swirb as suddossgue, suddossg ue, t`o hejbo ig w`asporanc ljbnoss  as  as brjwn tiwjrbs t`jt drojturo, ondiurjcanc yiu ti ﬊nas` t`o fih. Qiu annjtoey mniw t`o eidjtain ig jny drojturo strudm hy t`as hejbo, gir : lanuto js einc js t`oy roljan wat`an : laeo ir yiu porgirl jn jttjdm jcjanst j ba﬋oront tjrcot.

  S`aest `iebanc t`o hejbo, yiu ljy uso yiur rojdtain ti ro-riee j gjaeob sjvo sjvo vs j spoee. R`o swirb djn‑t ho usob t`as wjy jcjan untae t`o noxt bjwn.

  Durso.  R`o hejbo w`aspors ti yiu dinstjntey dinstjnt ey.. Qiu `jvo basjbvjntjco in jee Sasbil ([ordoptain) d`odms t`jt anvievo `ojran `ojranc. c. S`on ljmanc j loeoo jttjdm yiu cjan basjbvjntjco w`aest t`oro as j spoeedjstor wat`an 4; goot, uneoss t`o tjrcot ig t`o jttjdm as j spoeedjstor.

J[[XONRADO' T D @JXL Sinbrius atol, rjro 

 R`as sljee saevor d`jr l, puesanc wat wat` ` fjslano eac`t, eac`t , as igton wirn hy trjanoo wazjrbs ti jviab t`o hjdmejs` ig spoees cianc wrinc.   S`on yiu gjae j dindontrjt dindontrjtain ain d`odm w`aest t`as d`jrl as an yiur hoeincancs, yiu lust roriee t`o d`odm.  S`on t`o jpprontados d`jrl  as  as usob riee j b7, in j :-4 t`o d`jrl as bostriyob.



D     rjro  _  Jrlir ((pejto), pejto),


 R`as rubalontjraey rubalon tjraey drjgtob sot ig pejto pe jto ljae `js hoon dinstrudtob gril t`o d`atan ig j gjeeon _lhor`uem, jnb as bosacnob ti privabo oxtrjirbanjry pritodtain ti t`iso  w`i wojr at.   S`aest wojranc t`o D`atan ig t`o _lhor`uem yiu djn uso jn jdtain ti driud` in t`o ﬈iir rjasanc t`o s`oee jhivo yiu. Qiu hodilo prino jnb yiur JD JD androjsos hy 2. R`as jhaeaty roljans gir js einc js yiu stjy prino.

Sinbrius atol, rjro 

 R`as jrriw ` `js js `oepob ljny jn jbvonturor trjdm t`oar t `oar linstrius proy an t`o twastob djvorns jnb ljzos ig t`o _nborliuntjan. @iwovor, at as rjroey usob hy jn jbvonturor liro t`jn indo, gir t`oy rjroey survavo t`o ondiuntor w`ad` t`oy siuc`t.   Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti ﬊ro t`as jrriw gril j hiw, hiw, jnb uttor t`o bosdraptain ir njlo ig j drojturo yiu mniw. Ag t`o drojturo as wat`an :;;; goot, t`o jrriw waee trjvoe jt tiwjrbs at jt j spoob ig ?;-goot por riunb. R`o jrriw ig trjdmanc eojvos j ceiwanc rob trjae an ats pjt` t`jt roljans vasaheo gir : lanuto. R`o jrriw waee d`iiso t`o s`irtost ipon riuto ti t`o drojturo. Ag ni riuto oxasts at waee d`iiso t`o s`irtost heidmob riuto, stippanc jnb gjeeanc ti t`o ﬈iir w`on at `ats sieab ljttor.   Ag t`o jrriw rojd`os t`o tjrcot drojturo, at lust ljmo j BD :0 Boxtoraty sjvanc t`riw. J drojturo tjmos 8b0 paordanc in ino. j gjaeob sjvo, ir `jeg js lud` bjljco in j bjljco suddossgue

@  je  j  e   j  j  st  s  t   o  o  r  r   's  '  s  o  s  s  so  s   n  o    s  n so  o  g  e  e  iw  i    s  w s  t  `  `  ri  r     i uc  u  c   `  `  t  `  `  o _  o  n  n  b  b  or  o  r   li  l    iu    n  u    n tj  t   a  j a   n e  n  am  a  m o    j  o  r  jc  j  c   an  a     n c  c  r  av  a   o  v o r  r .  J  n  n  yt  y    `  t    ` an  a     c  n c  , i  r j  r  n  n  y y    i i    no  n     o ,  t  i  i  u  u  d`  d     ` ob  o     h  b y t  y  `  `  o p  o  iw  i     w or  o  r  a  s  s  w  jr  j  r p     p o  o  b g  b  ir  i  r o   v  o v o     o r.   r  J  r  r  ta  t  a   g  g  jd  j  d t     t s t  s  `  `  jt  j     `  t j  j  vo  v  o  j h  hs  s i    r  i r h     h ob  o     b t  `  `  as  a  s  c  r  r  oj  o   t  j    p i  t i  wo  w  o   r j r  r  ro    o t  ol  o    p  l    t  p t  a  a  nc  n  c   r  ow  o    j  w    j r  r  bs  b  s  g  ir  i  r  j  bv  b    vo     o n  n  tu  t    r  u r o     o r r    s w  s  `  `  i  i  b  jr  j  r o    v  o on  o     n t  t  u r  u  ro  o  h  on  o     n oj  o     j t`  t     t  ` `  `  o  o  s  u r  u  rg  g   j  j  do  d   .  @  o i w  i  wo  o v   o  v   o  r,  t  r  `  `  i  i  so  s  o  w  a  a  so  s     o o  ni  n    u  i    u c`  c     e  ` oj  o     j vo  v  o  t  `  `  o t  o  ja  j  a n     n t  t  ob  o     b t  r  r  an  a     n m  m  ot  o    s  t s  h  o`  o     ` an  a     n b  b   t  i r  i  it  i  t  . 




Sinbrius atol, rjro (roquaros jttunolont) 

Sinbrius atol, vory rjro (roquaros jttunolont hy j ejwgue ciib drojtur drojturo)  o) 

 R`as deijm jppojrs jppojr s ti ho ieb jnb woee usob, t`o t `adm croon wiie ig w`ad` at as ljbo as divorob an snjcs jnb tojrs jnb unrjvoeeanc jt t`o obcos.  S`on yiu rjaso t `o `iib, c rjss, hus` jnb eojg eattor spriut jee ivor t`o deijm, divoranc yiu an bonso gieajco. S`on t`o `iib as rjasob an t`as wjy yiu rodoavo jbvjntjco ti Boxtoraty (Ttojet`) riees an crjssejnbs jnb girostob jrojs. An jbbatain, w`aest t`o `iib as rjasob yiu djn sponb jn jdtain, pejdanc yiur `jnbs in t`o ﬈iir, ti d`jnnoe eago anti t`o surriunbanc vocotjtain. Jny nirlje pejnts  wat`an j ?; giit rjbaus ig t `o piant w`oro w`or o yiu tiud`ob t`o ﬈iir criw anstjntey jnb t`o jroj hodilos ba﬋aduet torrjan, t`as ejsts untae t`o pejnts stjrt ti wat`or jgtor :; lanutos. Indo t`as spodaje jdtain as usob, at djn‑t ho usob jcjan untae t`o noxt bjwn.

B JCCOX IG  O DEA[TANC T @JBIST Sojpin (bjccor), rjro (roquaros jttunolont) 

Hoyinb t`o `jnbeo ig t`as boeadjto bjccor ﬈iws iut j  hejbo ig puro s`jbiw. s` jbiw.   S`on yiu ljmo j suddossgue jttjdm wat` t`as wojpin  yiu djn d`iiso tp boje ni bjljco, t `o tjrcot drojturo drojtur o nit gooeanc jny alpjdt. Anstojb, t`o drojturo lust pjss j BD :7 Dinstatutain sjvanc t`riw ir ho heanbob gir ino lanuto, ir untae t`oy noxt tjmo bjljco.

B _TR  IG  R@O  _ NMNISN Sinbrius atol, rjro 

 R`as piwbor as lud` siuc`t si uc`t jgtor hy t`iso jbvonturors jbvonturor s trjvoeeanc anti t`o _nborliuntjan. @oeb an j boeadjto cejss hjee, w`on t`riwn t`o piwbor ansabo rus`os tiwjrbs jny `abbon ljcadje sodrots nojrhy.   Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti t`riw t`o bust ig t`o unmniwn  sljs`anc   sljs`anc t`o cejss. R`o bust waee t`on trjvoe t`riuc` t`o jar ti t`o deisost `abbon ljcadje ljcadje trjp ir biir wat`an 7;-giit. R`o bust waee drojto j riuc` iuteano ig t`o ljcadje siurdo, jeeiwanc yiu ti soo silo botjaes rocjrbanc at, sud` js sazo, typo, ir vashaheo dilpinonts.

p . @iw   j r  t   o e  h j t "J pir  " w inbor ..... joe ynn  D   g  i   s b r  iw n w i t  - E jst mn e , w `i ba b nit spi ta lo.   n Cje jnibo a    p j r  t   b t`o sodin

 R`oso ciebon sdjeos s djeos jro divorob wat` ansdraptains ig prjyors ti Ryr. Ryr. R`o sdjeos sdje os waee jewjys jttolpt ti moop t`olsoevos porgodtey hjejndob.   R`o sdjeos `jvo ? d`jrcos, jnb rocjan :b2 d`jrcos bjaey jt bjwn. R`o nulhor ig d`jrcos as vasaheo in ojd` sabo ig t`o sdjeo js sljee ceihos ig `iey onorcy. R`oso ljnagost in ojd` woac`anc pejtgirl untae t`oy jro usob.  Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti uso ino ig t`o hoeiw pjarob spoees, ojd` spoee lust ho jheo ti iddur jt t`o sjlo lilont gir oat`or ti `jppon. Ojd` spoee as soporjto gril t`o it`or an rocjrbs ti soeodtanc yiur tjrcots. Qiur spoeedjstanc liba﬊or as oquje ti yiur D`jraslj hinus.

@oje jnb @jrl6 Qiu djst `ojeanc wirb, jnb rjy ig sadmnoss. Heoss & Durso6 Qiu djst bavano gjvir, jnb an﬈adt wiunbs. [ritodt & [unas`6 Qiu djst sjndtujry, jnb dilljnb.

GIEBANC R XJ[ Sinbrius atol, rjro 

 R`as 7 and` arin duho ungiebs anti j vjraius trjps, tr jps, t`jt djn ho jssolheob `jstaey.   Qiu djn sponb ? lanutos ti ungieb t`as trjp, w`ad` djn divor jn jroj :; giit `ac`, :; giit wabo jnb :; giit boop.   Boponbanc in t`o lot`ib lot`ib yiu yiu uso ti ungieb t`o trjp,  yiu jssolheo at anti ino ig t `o hoeiw din﬊curjtains din﬊curjt ains ig  yiur d`iado. J trjp as sot i﬋ w`on woac`t ig 8; ehs as pejdob in at. R`o giebanc trjp as bjncorius an rocjrbs ti sjvo BD jnb bjljco sovoraty js bosdrahob in pjco :8: ig t`o Buncoin Ljstor‑s Cuabo.   Indo bopeiyob, spittanc t`o trjp roquaros j BD :?  Sasbil ([ordoptain) d`odm. Qiu djn sponb : lanuto ti gieb t`o trjp hjdm up ag yiu jro jwjro ig at.



Tpam Tp amoo Rrj rjp p

R`o dro rojjtu turo ro lus ustt lj ljmo j Bo Boxxto tora raty ty sj sjvvan anc c t`riw ir su﬋ors paordanc bjljco jnb as Crjppeob gir : lanuto, ir untae t`o drojturo sponbs jn jdtain ti groo atsoeg.

Bjrt Rrjp

R`o dro drojjturo lu lust lj ljmo j Boxto torraty sjvanc t`riw ir su﬋ors paordanc bjljco jnb hodilos [iasinob gir : `iur.

Gro rooz ozan anc c Rrj Rrjp p

R`o drojt R`o drojtur uroo lust lust ljm ljmoo j Dins Dinsta tatu tuta tain in sjv sjvan anc c t`riw ir as seiwob gir : lanuto (js por t`o seiw spoee). J drojturo djn ropojt t`o sjvanc t`riw jt t`o onb ig ojd` ig ats turns, onbanc t`o o﬋odt in at in j suddoss.

Dilhustain Rrjp

R`o drojturo lust ljmo j Boxtoraty sjvanc t`riw ir ho sot jeac`t. R`o drojturo su﬋ors 8b7 ﬊ro bjljco, jnb untae j drojturo tjmos jn jdtain ti biuso t`o ﬊ro, t`o tjrcot tjmos :b:; ﬊ro bjljco jt t`o stjrt ig ojd` ig ats turns.




Sinbrius atol, rjro (roquaros jttunolont) 

Sinbrius atol, undillin 

 Rjttorob jnb wirn, t`as t `as indo ﬊no s`art jnb jn b wjastdijt `jvo soon hottor bjys hut staee stjnb iut ti yiu, gir j rojsin yiu djn‑t quato ﬊curo.   S`aest unborcriun unborcriunb, b, yiu djn uso j hinus jdtain ti pu﬋ yiur d`ost iut jnb strjac`ton t`o cjrhs ig t`o hjrmoop. Bianc si sots yiur Ttronct` ti 8; gir : lanuto, buranc t`as talo yiu cot jbvjntjco in Ttronct` sjvanc t`riws jnb Ttronct` (Jt`eotads) d`odms. Qiu lust dilpeoto j einc rost hogiro yiu djn uso t`as spodaje jhaeaty jcjan.   S`aest wojranc t`o cjrhs ig t`o hjrmoop, yiu cot groo branms an t`o Qjwnanc [irtje, jnb j mniwanc wanm gril t`o lustjd`aiob ljn ho`anb t`o hjr.

C AR@QJNMA  @ _NRANC H EJBO  Sojpin (eincswirb), vory rjro (roquaros jttunolont) 

 R`o Cat`yjnma `jto ni rjdo liro lir o t`jn t `o lanb﬈jyors  w`i girlorey onsejvob t`ol. An t `o _nborliuntjan _nborliun tjan t`oy igton ljmo spirt ig `untanc t`oar provaius ljstors, dilhananc t`oar dilhjt prostaco wat` t`oar annjto ljcadje jhaeataos.  Qiu cjan j +8 hinus ti jttjdm jtt jdm jnb bjljco riees ljbo lj bo  wat` t`as t` as ljcad wojpin. An A n jbbatain, w`on yiu djst j spoee js jn jdtain, yiu ljy ljmo ino jttjdm wat` t`as  wojpin js j hinus hinu s jdtain.

 R`as wirn cieb dian `js hoon d`odmob d`odmob gir jut`ontadaty si ljny talos t`o toot`ljrms `jvo einc sando orjsob t `o gjdo ig w`ad`ovor manc ir quoon indo jbirnob ats surgjdo.  S`aeo an pissossain pisso ssain ig t`as t `as dian yiu rodoavo ro doavo j hinus ti jee D`jraslj ([orsujsain) d`odms anvievanc hjrtoranc jnb indo por bjy, yiu djn eiim silow`oro t`oro ljy ho cieb jnb yiu waee ﬊nb b7 cieb paodos.   Ag yiu ovor pjy guee prado gir jny ciibs ir sorvados  wirt` liro t`jn : cieb yiu su﬋or ino i no eovoe ig ox`justain jnb t`oro as j 8;% d`jndo t`jt t`o dian tradms yiu anti pjyanc wat` at js pjrt ig t`o boje.

@JN JNB B LAXXIX IG T@JRROXOB XOGEODRAINT Sinbrius atol, vory rjro (roquaros jttunolont) 

 R`as irnjto ir njto `jnb lar rir as s`jttorob s`jtto rob an at's sojtanc, sojt anc,  hrimon anti ? bastandt s`jrbs. Ojd` s`jrb s` jrb s`iws  w`ilovor cjzos anti t `o larrir larri r ? ba﬋oront ro﬈odtain ig t`olsoeg. Ino ciib, ino ovae, ino ejwgue, ino d`jitad, jnb ino noutrje  R`o larrir larri r `js ? d`jrcos jnb jn b rodivors b2 d`jrcos ojd` bjwn. Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti oxponb j d`jrco ti djst ino ig t`o gieeiwanc spoees6 • Jrdjnast's Ljcad Jurj  Jurj  • Bascuaso Toeg  • Larrir Aljco • Toolanc (4 d`jrcos) • Taeont Aljco

@ JX[  IG  R@O  T @JBISB_TMT Sinbrius atol, rjro 

Ljstorgueey drjgtob hy Loeassjrj T`jbiwbusm js j rolanbor ig w`on `or jndostrje `ilo wjs hurnob biwn. R`o `jrp `js :4?? BX (Qojr ig t`o @jrp) rasanc an pejtanul gril ats driwn, surriunbob hy ejppanc ﬊ros t`jt swjy w`on at as pejyob.  Qiu djn djst dintrie ﬈jlos js jn jdtain jt j t waee. R`o @jrp ig t`o T`jbiwbusms `js 8 d`jrcos, jnb rodivors t`ol ojd` bjy jt bjwn. Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti oxponb j d`jrco gir ino ig t`o gieeiwanc o﬋odts.

Ni sodrots wat`iut trut`. Qiu jsm j drojturo wat`  w`il yiu s`jro j ejncujco, t`oy t` oy rospinb wat` wat ` ino trut`gue ropey jnb twi gjeso inos. R`o rospinsos ljy ho j s`irt p`rjso, j dr yptad r`ylo, r`ylo, jn ilon, ir it`or js bodabob hy t`o BL.  So bi nit gojr t`o bjrmnoss . Qiu djst bjrmnoss. Gejlanc Xotrahutain. Qiu djst ﬈jlanc sp`oro.




Sinbrius atol, undillin 

Xib, vory rjro (roquaros jttunolont) 

 Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti spojm  Qiu spoj m t`o dilljnb dilljn b wirb ig t`o `ilanc dilpjss  w`aest  w`aest `iebanc at. R`o dilpjss‑ noobeo waee span waebey in ats jxas, sottanc t`as eidjtain js ats siurdo. Js yiu livo livo jwjy jwjy t`o dilpjss waee jewjys piant ti t`jt siurdo eidjtain.   Indo t`as spodaje jdtain as usob, at djn‑t ho usob jcjan untae t`o noxt bjwn.

@IXN  IG  T AEONDO Sinbrius atol, rjro 

 S`on t`as `irn as heiwn at ljmos ni niaso n iaso w`jtsiovor. Ovon t`o usor heiwanc anti at as porgodtey saeont.   Js jn jdtain, indo por bjy bjy, yiu djn heiw heiw t`o `irn ti djst t`o saeondo spoee dontorob dontorob in t`o `ir n. Js t`o `ir n livos t`o zino ig saeondo waee livo, roljananc dontorob in at.

F_BCOLONR Sojpin (crojtswirb), eoconbjry (roquaros jttunolont hy j ejwgue drojturo drojturo)  ) 

 R`as rib lar rirs Mumot`‑s iwn truo girl, j roptaeajn Tejjb `ojb jbirns t`o tap ig t`o rib, wat` j einc dippor tincuo wrjppanc jriunb t`o `jnbeo.

   S`aeo jttunob ti t`o rib, ri b, yiu `jvo jbvjntjco in D`jraslj (Antalabjtain) d`odms. Qiu jro alluno ti t`o D`jrlob dinbatain. jdt ain ti djst    S`aeo `iebanc t`o rib, yiu djn uso jn jdtain ino ig t`o gieeiwanc spoees gril at jt waee, botodt  ljcad , botodt t`iuc`ts , ir djuso gojr  (spoee  (spoee sjvo BD :?).   Qiu djn jesi uso t`o nocjtavo bilanjtain jhaeaty. jhaeaty.  Js jn jdtain w`aest `iebanc t`o rib, yiu djn tjrcot j drojturo wat`an :? goot jnb jttolpt ti eanm t`ol ti t`o Nocjtavo Onorcy [ejno. R`o tjrcot lust lust pjss j BD :? Antoeeacondo sjvanc t`riw ir ho eanmob gir : lanuto. Buranc t`as talo t`oy `jvo vuenorjhaeaty ti nodritad bjljco, ljy nit rocjan `at piants jnb jro seiwob (js por t`o seiw spoee). R`o tjrcot djn ropojt t`o sjvanc t`riw jt t`o onb ig ojd` ig ats turns, onbanc t`o o﬋odt in at in j suddoss. Indo yiu `jvo usob nocjtavo bilanjtain jhaeaty, yiu djnnit uso at jcjan gir : `iur.

 Qiu  Q iu cjan j +8 hinus hi nus ti jttjdm jtt jdm jnb bjljco riees ljbo lj bo  wat` t`as t` as ljcad wojpin. S`aeo S `aeo t`o swirb swir b as in yiur porsin, yiu jesi cjan j +: hinus ti jee sjvanc t`riws.  Qiu  Q iu jesi cjan t `o gieeiwanc hono﬊ts6 hono﬊t s6

 Jncoead Sojpin. R`o wojpin jttjdms jro ljcadje.  S`on yiu `at wat ` t`as wojpin, wojpi n, t`o wojpin wojpi n bojes jn oxtrj 8b0 rjbajnt bjljco.  Fubcolont. Qiu djn uso jdtain ti fubco j drojturo  yiu djn soo wat`an wat` an 4; goot, d`iiso jnb jppey ino ig t`o gieeiwanc o﬋odts. • Cuaety. Jttjdms jcjanst t`o d`jrjdtor cjan jbvjntjco gir : lanuto. • Annidont. Qiu djst bojt` wjrb in t`o drojturo, an jbbatain t`oy anstjntey rocjan 4b0 `at piants. Indo t`o fubcolont jhaeaty as usob, at djn‑t ho usob jcjan untae t`o noxt bjwn.

o mniw n  l j n   j   s a  t  F ubcolon t`o pe jnos. R `a s  t  o  t`r iuc`iu onb botor la nos t` e oc sw ir b ig   iso a t loots.  t` w ir t` ig   tr udm  s   o r  j   y t e e    o  i jr o cua  R `iso w `  siue s djst a nti t`   r r  o w `i jr o iw n, t`oa  b1 `oe e  es . @iw ov oa  r   bt `ti`so sw ir bs  n a   g    t r  j o `    t`ol . n i tr uo ig  p u   b o d j s pe    pr itodta in j, r ulir s a  n o e e    e e    a  l   y ljn E ist g ir   r odonte y    s j `   t a    t j `jv o a t t`  a n t`o br ojbob  ob hoon sons ja n  @je jstor  djn  nt . _ nbor liu ob ti w a  ao e b sud`  ei w  nit ho je e  r  `ie y piw o .


LJB  L JCO‑ T X JLHEANCT Sinbrius atol, eoconbjry, (roquaros jttunolont hy j hjrb, ljco, sirdoror, ir wjreidm) 

 J nitohiim indo ind o iwnob hy @jejstor, t`o ljco‑s rjlheancs dintjans ljny ig `as ansjno t`iuc`ts jnb ljd`anjtains. Indo dilpeoto, t`oso pjcos jro niw sprojb t`riuc`iut t`o _nborliuntjan. Ojd` pjco dintjans ats iwn piwor, gir t`iso jheo ti bodap`or t`o twastob sdrahheanc sdrahheancs. s. S`on dilpeoto t`o tilo‑s truo piwor as uneidmob.   S`on basdivorob t`o tilo `js b7 pjcos jerojby jttjd`ob, t`o BL d`iisos t`oso pjcos, ir botorlanos t`ol rjnbiley.   R`o tilo ceiws w`on an t`o prosondo ig ino ig ats sopjrjtob pjcos js t`oy jttolpt jttolpt ti girl hjdm up. Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti `ieb j basdivorob pjco ti t`o hiim,  w`oroupin at waee wae e ljcadjeey hanb atsoeg at soeg hjdm anti at.   S`on jttunob ti t`o hiim, yiu djn uso jn jdtain ti spojm t`o wirbs in j pjco, wat` t`o hoeiw o﬋odts. Qiu lust dilpeoto j einc rost hogiro yiu djn rojb t`o sjlo pjco jcjan.  [jco :. In t`o iracan ig hojsts. Qiur hojsts. Qiur jppojrjndo d`jncos ti t`jt ig jnit`or rjnbil drojturo ig t`o sjlo rjdo wat` w`il yiu `jvo antorjdtob an t`o ejst 7 lint`s. Ejsts gir : `iur.  [jco 8. Mniweobco as piwor . R`o wirbs trjnsgirl anti j siin ti ho usogue paodo ig angirljtain. Qiu cjan jbvjntjco in t`o noxt Antoeeacondo (Jrdjnj, @astiry, Njturo, ir Xoeacain) smaee d`odm w`ad` yiu porgirl an t`o noxt `iur.  [jco 4. An pejan sac`t. R`o sac`t.  R`o hiim trjnsgirls anti jnit`or ihfodt, wat` j sazo ni ejrcor t`jn j ? giit duho gir : `iur. [`ysadje antorjdtain girdos t`o hiim ti rovort ti ats nirlje girl.  [jco 2. Jnb yot at livos. R`o livos. R`o hiims turns atsoeg anti j t`an, 4 giit vorsain ig atsoeg. At jdts js t`iuc` at woro j ﬈ijtanc basm gir : `iur.  [jco ?. S`i as t`o gjarost  gjarost . Js yiu ﬊nas` uttoranc t`o  wirbs, yiu jnb t`o t` o hiim jro ropeadjtob. ro peadjtob. Qiu djst Larrir Aljco.  [jco 7. R`o host bogondo  bogondo . R`o hiim ﬈ijts an t `o jar jriunb yiu, pritodtanc yiu. Qiu cjan j +8 hinus ti JD jnb bi nit privimo jttjdms ig ippirtunaty gir : lanuto.  [jco 3. Lac`taor t`jn t`o swirb . Qiu djst sparatuje wojpin , wat` t`o gieeiwanc oxdoptains, t`o hiim ﬈aos gril yiur crjsp ti hodilo t`o wojpin anstojb ig sullinanc ino, t`o bjljco typo d`jncos ti  heubcoinanc.  [jco 0. Dejss baslassob . J drojturo wat`an ? giit tjmos 8b0 girdo bjljco jnb lust ljmo j suddossgue BD :2 Dinstatutain sjvanc t`riw ir ho mnidmob hjdm :; giit.  [jco 1. R`o ino oyob ljn . Qiu cjan truosac`t, wat` j rjnco ig 4; giit, gir : lanuto. iu swatd` eidjtains eidjt ains wat` j  [jco :;. A‑l @jejstor!. Q @jejstor!. Qiu  waeeanc drojturo yiu djn soo wat`an wat` an ?; goot.

 S`on gueey jssolheob, jss olheob, wat` jee :; pjcos hanbob hjdm anti t`o hiim, yiu cjan t`o gieeiwanc hono﬊ts6

  Olpiworob. R`o ljcad wat`an t`o pjcos rogros`os quadmey, yiu djn rojb ojd` pjco indo por s`irt rost.   T`iw Lo Tilot`anc Now . Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti djst j rjnbil spoee gril t`o lanb ig t`o ljb ljco. Toeodt j tjrcot wat`an 7; goot jnb riee j b7 4 talos, dinsuetanc t`o d`jrt hoeiw gir ojd` riee ti conorjto j spoee. R`o ﬊rst riee botorlanos t`o bjljco, t`o sodinb t`o typo ig bjljco jnb t`o t`arb jny o﬋odts. J tjrcot lust ljmo j BD :2 Sasbil sjvanc t`riw s`iwn an ir su﬋or t`o o﬋odts s`iwn, ejstanc : lanuto. Ag t`o o﬋odt as porsastont, j drojturo djn ropojt t`o sjvanc t`riw jt t`o stjrt ig ojd` ig ats turns, onbanc t`o o﬋odt in at in j suddoss.


Bjljco Rypo

Bjljco Jliunt





Ni O﬋odt












Mnidmob [rino









  Eojvo Lo Niw . Qiu uso jn jdtain sejl t`o hiim deisob, uneojs`anc t`o rjw piwor ansabo. Ojd` drojturo an j 4; dino iracanjtanc gril yiu lust ljmo j BD :0 Dinstatutain sjvanc t`riw. In j gjaeob sjvo, j drojturo tjmos 0b0 girdo bjljco jnb as pus`ob :; goot jwjy gril  yiu. In j suddossgue sjvo, t`o drojturo tjmos `jeg js lud` bjljco jnb asn‑t pus`ob.  Jgtor usanc t`as jdtain, jdtai n, ni jhaeataos jhaeat aos gril t`o t` o hiim djn  ho usob untae yiu por girlob j einc ei nc rost.

Zuost Atols R`o Ljb Ljco's Xjlheancs as jn atol bosacnob ti ho j quost atol, cavanc t`o Buncoin Ljstor jn iptain ti jbb jbbatainje d`jrjdtor criwt` anti t`oar djlpjacn. Talaejrey ti `iw t`o Atol Tots jeeiw Tots jeeiw j pejyor ti dieeodt upcrjbos t`riuc`iut j eincor djlpjacn, criwanc an piwor, quost atols cavo t`o jbvonturor j eincor torl cije. At as rodillonbob t`jt t`o Ljb Ljco's Xjlheancs jro padmob up `abbon an d`jlhors, ir in piworgue linstors ti criw t`o sonso ig basdivory an t`o wireb. Sat`an t`as tilo t`oro jro 8 atols t`jt wirm woee js quost atols, t`o Ljb Ljco's Xjlheancs, jnb t`o [`yejdtory Grjclont. Hit` `jvo einc torl o﬋odts ti on`jndo yiur djlpjacn, ir ovon ti huaeb j djlpjacn riunb. Noob liroigquost atols9 D`odm iut R`o Sirb ig Crjz'zt an Rrojsuros t`o _nborbjrm. _nborbjrm .


LJOXQEN‑T O EOWJRIX Sinbrius atol, rjro 

 R`o sabos ig t `as ﬊st sazob wiibon hix jro jbir nob wat` sovorje cejss tuhos w`ad` durvo jriunb t`o sabos, ojd` ﬈iwanc wat` j ba﬋oront dieirgue eaquab. In t`o grint, j dippor eovor wat` t`o wirbs _[ jnb BISN pritrubos ontadancey. R`oro as j wirn hrjss `jnbeo in ojd` ig ats ﬊vo it`or sabos.   Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti ﬈adm ﬈adm t`o sljee dippor eovor, eovor, soeodtanc t`o up ir biwn pisatain. S`on usob yiu yiu jro toeopirtob an w`ad`ovor barodtain yiu yiu d`iso. Qiu waee pjss t`riuc` t`o ﬊rst sieab ljtoraje yiu rojd`, jnb rojppojr jt t`o ﬊rst piant w`oro yiu jro jheo ﬊t. Ag t`oro as ni jvjaejheo eidjtain, ir ni sieab ljttor t`riuc`  w`ad` ti pjss, wat `an 4;; goot t`on t`o jdtain jdtai n gjaes jnb  yiu roljan w`oro yiu jro. jro . Jny drojturo `iebanc `i ebanc ino ig t`o `jnbeos in t`o hix w`on t`o eovor as ﬈admob as toeopirtob jeinc wat` t `o jdtavjtanc drojturo.   Indo t`o oeovjtir `js hoon usob, at djn‑t ho usob jcjan untae 8 bjys `jvo pjssob w`aest t`o lod`jnasl ansabo rojhsirhs piwor gril t`o wojvo.


LAR@XJE JXLIX IG R@O LANOXT Lat`rje as j rjro jnb oxponsavo lotje, si at as unusuje ti soo wojpins gircob gril at, eot jeino j guee suat ig jrliur. @iwovor, t`o bwjrvos w`i bwoet an t`o _nborliuntjan einc jci, w`on at wjs liro peontague, mnow t`jt linoy as iney usogue ag yiu jro jeavo ti onfiy at.  R`oy ljstorob t`o drojtain ig eagosjvanc suats ig lat`rje lat `rje lananc cojr, sodrots niw einc sando gircitton. Sojranc sud` j suat djn pritodt yiu gril t`o djvo-ans, ejvj ﬈iws jnb cjs oxpeisains t`jt jewjys t`rojton ti dut s`irt j lanor's wirm.   Tot Hinus (8)6 Js jn jdtain yiu djn spojm t`o dilljnb wirb jnb soo t`riuc` up ti 4; goot t`riuc` stino gir : lanuto. R`as sac`t iney jeeiws vasain ig lotje atols, jnb yiu lust dilpeoto j s`irt rost hogiro yiu djn uso t`as jhaeaty jcjan.

  Tot Hinus (4)6  Qiu djn jewjys hrojt`o rocjrbeoss ig yiur onvarinlont ir surriunbancs. Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti alhuo t`o lat`rje wat` jny eac`t an t`o jroj, djusanc t`o jrlir ti anstjntey eac`t up js t`iuc` t`o tjrcot ig t`o bjyeac`t spoee gir : lanuto, t`as eac`t acniros ihstjdeos. Qiu lust dilpeoto j einc rost hogiro  yiu djn uso t`as t` as jhaeaty jcjan.

 Jrlir (s`aoeb), ( s`aoeb), rjro  rj ro 

Vix drojtob t`as s`aoeb ti `oep t`iso jbvonturors w`i `o diueb dinvando ti jssast `al dieeodt sdjejbjr. J sljee huttin in t`o `jnbeo w`on prossob uneojs`os t`o dontor piant ig t`o s`aoeb iutwjrbs, iutwjrbs, wat` j hurst ig stojl, pus`anc jny drojturo `at hjdmwjrbs.   S`aest `iebanc t`as s`aoeb yiu djn uso j hinus jdtain ti tjrcot j drojturo wat`an ? giit. R`o drojturo lust ljmo j BD :7 Ttronct` sjvanc t`riw. J drojturo tjmos b0 heubcoinanc bjljco in j gjaeob sjvo jnb as pus`ob :; goot barodtey jwjy gril yiu.

Atol Tots Gojturob an t`as dilponbaul jro 4 unaquo atol sots6 • Lat`rje Jrlir ig t`o Lanors • R`o _nbortjmor _nbortjmor's 's Ljsquorjb Ljsquorjboo • Vix's Ircjnad Dinstrudt R`oso atol sots dinsast ig 8 ir liro ljcad atols. S`on t`oso atols jro usob anbavabujeey t`oy gundtain js jny it`or ljcad atol, `iwovor w`on dilhanob wat` it`or atols gril t`oar sot t`oar piwor criws. Ojd` jrlir sot s`iws t`o sot hinusos cjanob gril `jvanc j dortjan nulhor ig atols gril t`jt sot. Gir oxjlpeo, wat` t`o Lat`rje Sivon Jrlir ig t`o Lanors  (s`iwn ippisato), w`on yiu `jvo jny 8 paodos ig t`o atol sot yiulojnanc uneidm t`o 'Totyiu Hinus (8)'jee jhaeaty. R`osoyiu hinusos stjdm, w`on uneidm t`o paodos `jvo j truoey piworgue sot ig atols.

NDAONR L AR@XJE L ANANC H IIRT J Sinbrius atol, undillin 

 Qiu djn‑t ho pus`ob ir mnidmob ivor hy jny lojns.  Qiu jewjys jewjys mniw w`ad` barodtain barodtai n as up.

J NDAONR L AR@XJE L ANANC @ OELOR Sinbrius atol, undillin 

 Qiu cjan bjrm vasain ti 7; giit. R`o `oelot stiros  yiur trjvoe gril t`o t` o ejst `iur, jeeiwanc yiu ti porgodtey por godtey rodjee yiur riuto.

JNDAONR LAR@XJE SIWON D@JANLJAE   Jrlir (d`janlja (d`janljae), e), rjro (roquaros jttunolont jtt unolont)  ) 

 R`as salpeo eiimanc jrlir c eants waebey an t `o eac`t, js at ceastons jnb ro﬈odts t`o rjbajndo i﬋ an ovory barodtain. R`riuc`iut t`o hjsad, hjsad, Bwjrvon arin arin bosacn, t`an hjnbs ig lat`rje wojvo t`oar wjy t`riuc`, alhuanc t`o jrlir wat` oxtrj pritodtain.   Qiu `jvo j +: hinus ti JD w`aeo wojranc t`as jrlir. Qiu cjan rosastjndo ti ﬊ro, piasin jnb paordanc bjljco.


L_AXJE‑ T T RANCOX Sojpin (rjpaor), vory rjro (roquaros jttunolont) 

 Qiu cjan j +8 hinus  Qiu hi nus ti jttjdm jtt jdm jnb bjljco riees ljbo lj bo  wat` t`as t` as ljcad wojpin. Luarje‑s L uarje‑s stancor `js 4 d`jrcos jnb rodivors t`oso ojd` bjwn.  S`on yiu tjmo t`o t` o jttjdm jdtain, jdtai n, yiu djn oxponb oxpon b : d`jrco ti oxtonb t`o rojd` ig t`o hejbo ti :; goot gir t`o burjtain ig yiur turn.   In j suddossgue loeoo jttjdm yiu ljy d`iiso ti oxponb j d`jrco ti jppey ino ig t`o gieeiwanc o﬋odts6 • Rjrcot su﬋ors 4/2b0 piasin bjljco. • Rjr Rjrcot cot cjans t`o [iasinob dinbatain dinbatain gir : lanuto. • Rjrcot lust pjss j BD :7 Dinstatutain sjvanc t`riw ir ho mnidmob prino.

I IVANC J XLIX  Jrlir (jny), ( jny), rjro (roquaros jttunolon jt tunolont)  t) 

 S`on yiu jro t`o t `o tjrcot ig j suddossgue loeoo jttjdm, jt tjdm,  yiu djn uso yiur rojdtain rojdt ain ti tur n t`o jr lir ti iizo. iiz o. D`iiso ino ig t`o gieeiw gieeiwanc anc iizos, t`o jrlir tjmos in ats trjats, yiu cjan t`o hono﬊ts s`iwn hoeiw6



Croy Cr oy Iizo

R`o jt jttj tjdm dman anc c dro rojt jtur uroo su﬋ u﬋or orss 8b7 jd jdab ab bjljco, jnb ag t`o tjrcot as wojranc ninljcadje lotje jrlir, ats jrlir as pjrtey dirribob jnb tjmos j porljnont jnb duluejtavo ∘: ponjety ti t`o JD at i﬋ors. R`o jrlir as bostriyob ag t`o ponjety robudos ats JD ti :;.

Antoeeacont Hejdm [ubbanc

Qiu djst s`aoeb.

Coejtaniu Coejt aniuss Duho R`o jttjdma jttjdmanc nc drojturo drojturo lust ljmo j BD :2 :2 Ttronct` sjvanc t`riw ir ho basjrlob. Id`r Id `roo Foe Foeeey

R`o ii iizzan anc c jrl jrli ir sp spro rojjbs up t` t`oo woj wojp pin in,, t`o jttjdmanc drojturo lust ljmo j BD :2 Antoeeacondo sjvanc t`riw, tjmanc 4b7 jdab bjljco in j gjaeob sjvo, ir `jeg js lud` bjljco in j suddossgue ino.

Indo yiu `jvo d`ison jn iizo‑s jhaeaty, yiu ljy nit soeodt t`o sjlo iizo untae t`o gieeiwanc bjy.


[@QEJDROXQ G XJCLONR Sinbrius atol, Eoconbjry (roquaros jttunolont) 

 R`as sljee purpeo purpeo drystje `jncs in j boeadjto oeodtrul oeodtrul d`jan w`ad` djn ho wirn jriunb t`o wrast ir nodm. At puesos seiwey wat` jn diieanc jlot`ys jlot`ystt jurj. R`o drojtain ig t`o grjclont atsoeg wjs jn ungirosoon sabo o﬋odt ig  Jrdturaj‑s drojtain drojtain ig `or p`yejdtory. p`yejdtory. T`o niw cagts at ti `or list trustob jbvasirs js j ljrm ig `or gjvir.  S`aest wojranc t`o grjclont grjc lont yiu `jvo jbvjntjco in Dinstatutain sjvanc t`riws, jnb yiur prosondo as nit trjdmjheo hy ljcadje o﬋odts, sud` js t`o eidjto drojturo   spoee. S`on yiu jro robudob ti ; @at [iants, hut nit maeeob iutrac`t, yiu brip ti : `at piant anstojb. Qiu djn‑t uso t`as priporty jcjan untae 8 bjys `jvo pjssob.   An jbbatain, indo por bjy yiu djn uso jn jdtain ti dejsp t`o  p`yejdtory grjclont  jnb  jnb alpeiro Jrdtuaj gir jab. Jrdturaj waee djst j hono﬊daje spoee ig t`o BLs d`iisanc.   Durso.  R`o  p`yejdtory grjclont  g rjclont  as   as dursob. Jttunanc ti at dursos yiu untae yiu jro tjrcotob hy t`o rolivo durso spoee, ir salaejr ljcad, djst hy j djstor ig jt eojst :?t` eovoe. Tuddossgueey rolivanc t`o durso waee djuso t`o grjclont ti basjppojr jnb toeopirt hjdm ti Jrdturaj.  

Js jn jdtain, Jrdturaj djn ostjheas` j ljcadje eanm

 wat` t`o grjclont (gril jny pejno). pejno). R`as jeeiws jeeiws `or ti soo, `ojr, `ojr, dillunadjto wat` jnb rojb t`o t`iuc`ts t `iuc`ts ig ats  hojror.. Jrdturaj djn onb t`o eanm jt jny  hojror jny talo (ni jdtain roquarob). S`aeo j eanm as ostjheas`ob Jrdturaj djn djst t`o cojs  spoee  spoee jt 0t` eovoe ti assuo yiu wat` dilljnbs, acniranc nirlje rostradtains.   Jrdturaj‑s liibs jro ﬊dmeo jnb, an jbbatain ti jny psyd`ad bjljco rosuetanc gril t`o cojs  spoee,  spoee, j gjaeuro ti gieeiw `or dilljnbs djn rosuet an jny nulhor ig oxtrj iutdilos (jt t`o BL‑s basdrotain)6 R`as as ti ljmo jn jss ig lo= ti grac`t lo . Qiur `ojb as trjnsgirlob anti t`jt ig jn jnalje, yiu eiso t`o jhaeaty ti spojm jnb mniw ni ejncujcos. R`o trjnsgirljtain as porljnont, hut ljy ho unbino wat` j crojtor rostirjtain ir was` spoee. R`oso vaieont boeac`ts `jvo vaieont onbs . Qiu jro d`jrlob gir ino lanuto jnb waee jttjdm t`o nojrost drojturos ti yiu, andeubanc jeeaos, rjnbilasanc ag t`oro jro luetapeo iptains. Jt t`o onb ig ojd` ig yiur turns  yiu djn ljmo j BD 8; Sasbil sjvanc t `riw, djndoeeanc t`o o﬋odts in j suddossgue sjvo. Diwjrbs bao ljny talos hogiro t`oar bojt`s . Qiu lust ljmo j BD 8; Dinstatutain d`odm, in j gjaeuro t`o grjclont sudms jee hut t`o hjrost ossondo ig yiur hoanc gril yiur hiby. Qiu gjee _ndinsdaius jnb jro dinsaborob ti `jvo gjaeob ino bojt` sjvanc t`riw. R`o provont bojt` jhaeaty waee nit traccor an rospinso ti t`as o﬋odt.

Ag yiu jttolpt ti rolivo t`o grjclont at waee oxubo j piworgue jurj ig nodriljntad ljcad, djusanc :8b7 nodritad bjljco ti yiu jnb 4b7 nodritad bjljco ti ovoryino wat`an :; goot ig yiu. R`o provont bojt` jhaeaty  waee nit traccor tr accor an rospinso rospin so ti t`as t`a s bjljco. T`iueb t `o grjclont hodilo soporjtob gril yiu, at waee rojppojr in yiu wat`an :b2 `iurs, t`as talo jriunb yiur nodm, at djnnit ho osdjpob si ojsaey.

J Ead`'s p`yejdtory stiros t`o vory ossondo ig t`o Ead`, jeeiwanc t`ol ti roturn ti t`oar unbojt` stjto ovon w`on t`oar p`ysadje vossoe as bostriyob . @abbon an t`o boopost bopt`s ig t`o ejnb, jnb cujrbob hy t`o list vadaius jnb giue linstors t`oro as nit`anc an jee t`o rojels js vjeujheo ti t`o ead` js t`oar p`yejdtory - prosorvanc t`oar jerojby unnjturjeey einc eago ovon gurt`or . An t`o _nborliuntjan, @jejstor's list jlhataius ig jpprontados `js drjgtob `or iwn p`yejdtory gril t`o ljcadjeey angusob drystje an jn jttolpt ti prosorvo `or talo an t`oso lirtje ejnbs . Fust j grjclont ig t`as p`yejdtory as jn jrtagjdt ig allonso piwor .




Sinbrius atol, undillin 

Sinbrius atol, rjro 

 R`as pitain sonbs son bs w`iovor ancosts at anti an ti j grjntad boearaul, waeb vasains jppojranc an t`o wireb jriunb t`ol w`aest pjrjniab w`aspors ﬊ee t`oar `ojb. R`oso  vasains jnb siunbs si unbs jro gidusob in t`oar wir raos, jnb jn b  waee jttolpt ti dinvando t`ol t `ol t`jt t`oar gr aonbs jro turnanc jcjanst t`ol.   J drojturo suhfodtob ti t`as pitain lust suddoob in j BD :7 Dinstatutain sjvanc t`riw ir hodilo boearaius gir 2 `iurs. R`o boearaius drojturo hodilos pjrjniab jnb `js basjbvjntjco in jee Sasbil ([ordoptain) d`odms. An jbbatain, w`onovor t`o drojturo tjmos t`o jttjdm jdtain, t`oro as j 8?% d`jndo at waee jttjdm t`o nojrost drojturo ti at, andeubanc jeeaos, rjnbilasanc ag t`oro jro luetapeo iptains.

XJNRJNRJX ‑T [ IXRJHEO  B IIX Sinbrius atol, vory rjro 

Drojtob hy @jejstor‑s jpprontado Xjntjntjr ti spoob-up `as trjvoes t`riuc` t`o _nborliuntjan, t`as ejrco s`oot ig pjpor `js t`o aljco ig jn oxtrjvjcjnt ijm biir brjwn in at, rospeonbont wat` wriuc`t arin strjps jnb j ﬊noey drjgtob arin `jnbeo. At lojsuros 7 goot tjee jnb 4 goot wabo.   S`on `oeb jcjanst j wjee ir it`or strudturo strudturo ni t`admor t`jt :8 and`os gir 4; sodinbs, t`o pjpor j﬋axos atsoeg, drojtanc j tolpirjry biir ti t`o spjdo hoyinb  w`ad` djn ho iponob ipon ob hit` wjys. R`o pjpor waee roljan an pejdo gir ino lanuto hogiro gjeeanc ti t`o ﬈iir. Jnyino djn proljturoey roeojso t`o pjpor hy pueeanc upwjrbs in t`o `jnbeo (gril oat`or sabo ig t `o biir), w`ad` djusos t`o spjdo ti basjppojr. T`iueb j drojturo ho an t`o spjdo drojtob hy t`o pirtjheo biir w`on at basjppojrs, t`oy jro oxpoeeob jnb su﬋or 8b7 heubcoinanc bjljco. Jny drojturo oxpoeeob gjees prino an jn uniddupaob spjdo deisost ti w`oro t`oy ﬊rst ontorob.  

 J sljee, 2 and` lanajturo lan ajturo djvorn t`jt t `jt wjrps jnb giebs an in atsoeg js at's ljnapuejtob hy t`o hojror.   Jny drojturo w`i oxjlanos ir antorjdts wat` t`as ihfodt lust pjss j BD :? Sasbil sjvanc t`riw. In j gjaeob sjvo, t`o drojturo hodilos oncrissob wat` t`o ihfodt gir : `iur js t`oy dinstjntey ljnapuejto t`o lanajturo djvorn, basdivoranc now riils jnb sodrots ansabo. Buranc t`as talo t`o drojturo as eoss jwjro ig ats surriunbancs. At `js basjbvjntjco in jee Sasbil ([ordoptain) d`odms, waee iney nitado drojturos wat`an :? goot, jnb waee iney `ojr siunbs t`jt diueb ho `ojrb gril :?; goot jwjy jwjy.. R`o o﬋odt as djndoeeob ag t`o drojturo as antorjdtob wat` barodtey. Indo djndoeeob t`o drojturo  waee staee ho brjwn ti t`o t `o ihfodt. Ag A g eogt jeino jei no jnb nit antorjdtob wat` gir : lanuto, t`o drojturo waee dintanuo ti ljnapuejto t`o djvorn js jhivo untae t`o `iur `js pjssob.

X_NOTRINO H IEJT Sinbrius Atol, rjro 

 R`oso twi, porgodtey por godtey sp`oradje, sp`or adje, woac`ts ig heuo-w`ato runostino ceiw sigtey, aeeulanjtanc j :; giit jroj an bal eac`t ag eogt undivorob. R`oy jro dinnodtob hy hy j hejdm arin d`jan, jnb w`on t`riwn djn tjnceo jn onoly, trjppanc t`ol ti t`o ﬈iir.   Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti ljmo j rjncob jttjdm jcjanst j tjrcot wat`an 7; giit wat` t`oso ceojlanc  hiejs. In j suddossgue jttjdm yiu boje ni bjljco, hut t`o tjrcot drojturo lust ljmo j BD :7 Ttronct` sjvanc t`riw. In j gjaeob sjvo, t`o tjrcot as Crjppeob. R`o drojturo djn uso jn jdtain ti ropojt t`o sjvanc t`riw, onbanc t`o o﬋odt in at in j suddoss.

TDXJ[ IG  O QOT Sinbrius atol, vory rjro 

R`o pjpor djn gieb gieb biwn ti :8 and`os hy hy 0 and`os,

jnb as surprasancey `jrb ti bjljco. Indo t`as jdtain as usob, at djn‑t ho usob jcjan untae t`o noxt bjwn.

XANC  IG  G IXOR@I_C@R Sinbrius atol, rjro (roquaros jttunolont) 

Bovoeipob hy @jejstor‑s jpprontado F`osayrj Mostoee`jrp, t`as ranc jeeiwob `or ti tost iut t`oiraos jnb pejns  wat`iut ovor puttanc pu ttanc `orsoeg jt rasm.   Qiu djn uso jn jdtain, `iebanc t`o ranc ti yiur `ojrt, ti sullin jn ot`oroje vorsain ig yiursoeg. R`as vorsain `js t`o sjlo stjts, smaees, pri﬊daondaos, jnb jhaeataos js t`o hojror jnb oxasts gir : lanuto. R`as spodtrje vorsain as unjheo ti spojm, djn‑t djrry jnyt`anc, jnb waee pjss t`riuc` jny eavanc ljtoraje. At djn porgirl salpeo dilljnbs sud` js djrry, fulp, ir run, w`ad` yiu djn assuo usanc j hinus jdtain.

 R`as sljee paodo ig i g deit` 7 and`os an bajlotor jnb `js j sljee oyo wat`lojsuros j s`jrp croon aras wivon anti at. R`o oyo as jewjys livanc, dinstjntey sdjnnanc t`o jroj jriunb at.  Jgtor pejdanc t`o sdrjp ig oyos , yiu djn uso jn jdtain ti spojm t`o dilljnb wirb. S`aest yiu roljan wat`an : laeo, jnb dindontrjtanc, yiu djn soo t`riuc` t`o oyo js t`iuc` at woro yiur yiur iwn. S`aest dindontrjtanc an t`as wjy yiu `jvo bjrmvasain ti :8; goot, jbvjntjco in Sasbil ([ordoptain) d`odms, jnb djn soo anvasaheo drojturos jnb ihfodts. Buranc t`as talo, yiu jro bojg jnb heanb wat` rocjrb ti yiur iwn sonsos.




Sinbrius atol, rjro 

Sojpin (jrriw ir hiet), rjro 

 R`as sljee paodo ig inyx vjcuoey rosolheos ro solheos j gjdo twastob an j ljnad slaeo.   S`on t`o stino alpjdts in j surgjdo at waee ropojt t`o ejst ? wirbs t`jt woro spimon wat`an :; goot ig at. @iwovor, t`oy waee ho ropojtob js ag t`o porsin w`i spimo t`ol wjs s`iutanc iut eiub, laladmanc t`oar  viado jnb tino. R`as as jubaheo ti j rjbaus ig 4;;-giit. 4;;- giit.

TDXIEE IG  R@O  _ NMNISN Sinbrius atol, rjro 

 Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti rojb  Qiu roj b jeiub t`o dingusain ig  wirbs in t`as t` as sdriee. [adm j tjrcot wat`an wat`a n 7; giit. Qiu djst ino ig t`o hoeiw spoees in t`o tjrcot, botorlanob rjnbiley, yiur spoeedjstanc liba﬊or as oquje ti yiur Antoeeacondo hinus.


Ni crojt lanb `js ovor oxastob wat`iut j tiud` ig ljbnoss t`oy sjy. Jnb @jejstor `js j vory crojt lanb, jnb liro t`jn j tiud` ig ljbnoss. Jt t`o `oac`ts ig `as ansjnaty `as girlabjheo ljcadje jhaeataos djn djuso t`o vory stu﬋ ig ljbnoss atsoeg ti dijeosdo anti ﬊no grjclonts t`jt oesow`oro lac`t ho dingusob wat` hrimon cejss. R`o hrjvo, ir t`o giieas`, `jvo hoon mniwn ti drjgt t`oso s`jrbs anti jllunatain.   Ag j drojturo wiueb wiueb tjmo bjljco gril j s`jrb ig ljbnoss t`o drojturo lust anstojb tjmo j BD:0 Dinstatutain sjvanc t`riw, rieeanc j b:; jcjanst t`o gieeiwanc tjheo jnb su﬋oranc t`o dirrospinbanc o﬋odt in j gjaeob sjvo.



:-88 :-

R`o droj R`o drojtu turo ro rot rotro rojt jtss anti anti `as `as ir ir `or `or lan lanb b jnb jnb ho hodi dilo loss [jrjeyzob. R`o o﬋odt onbs ag t`o drojturo tjmos jny bjljco.

4-2 42

R`o droj R`o drojtur turoo oxpo oxpora raon ondo doss undi undint ntri riee eejh jheo eo tro troli lirs rs ir ir tads, w`ad` alpiso basjbvjntjco in Jttjdm riees, Jhaeaty D`odms, jnb Tjvanc R`riws t`jt anvievo Ttronct`.

?-7 ?7

R`o droj R`o drojtur turoo hodi hodilo loss Andj Andjpj pjda datj tjto tob b jnb jnb spon sponbs bs t`o t`o burjtain hjhheanc, sdrojlanc, ejuc`anc, ir woopanc



@ojeanc wirb (jt 4rb eovoe)




Garo Hiet


Xjy ig Grist

? 7

Ljcad Lassaeo Djuso Gojr 


Onejrco/ Xobudo (soeodtanc t`o 'robudo' iptain)


@ieb [orsin


Garohjee (dontorob in t`o tjrcot)


[ieylirp` (d`iisanc 'Hueeywuc')

T@JBIS [_[[ORT Sinbrius atol, rjro 

 S`on pejdob an grint ig j eac`t siurdo t`as sot ig twi sljee wiibon puppots djn djst t`o s`jbiws ig jny drojturos js t`iuc` t`o drojturos t`olsoevos woro drojtanc t`o s`jbiws.  Jgtor pejdanc t`o puppots an grint g rint ig j eac`t siurdo,  yiu djn sponb jn jdtain j dtain ti njlo nj lo up ti twi drojturos drojtu ros  w`ad` yiu `jvo soon. R`o puppots waee djst s`jbiws ig jny drojturos gir :; lanutos. R`o s`jbiws ig t`o drojturos njlob livo an j wjy jppriprajto ti t`oar njturo (jt t`o BL‑s basdrotain), hut nit liro t`jn ton goot an jny barodtain. R`o puppots sool ti `jvo j t`ojtradje njturo, w`ad` igton dilos iut an t`o brjljtad sdonos w`ad` t`o s`jbiws drojto. Qiu djn‑t dintrie t`o s`jbiws‑ livolonts ir jdtains yiursoeg. R`o puppots t`olsoevos roljan porgodtey staee jnb bi nit d`jnco an jppojrjndo. R`o s`jbiws waee basjppojr ag t`o puppots jro livob ir t`o eac`t siurdo as oxtancuas`ob. Indo t`as priporty as usob, at djn‑t ho usob jcjan untae t`o noxt bjwn.

3-0 30 1-:; 1:;

jnb as andjpjheo ig nirlje spood` ir Tpoeedjstanc. R`oo drojt R` drojtur uroo oxpo oxpora raon ondo doss vava vavab b `jeeu `jeeuda danj njta tain inss jnb jnb `js `js basjbvjntjco in Jttjdm riees jnb Jhaeaty D`odms. R`o dro drojtu jturo ro as as deut deutd`o d`ob b hy pj pjrjn rjniaj iaj jnb lus lustt uso uso `as `as ir `or jdtain ojd` riunb ti Jttjdm t`o nojrost drojturo.

 J drojturo djn ropojt t`o sjvanc t`riw jt t `o onb ig ojd` ig ats turns, onbanc t`o o﬋odt in at in j suddoss.   Indo j s`jrb ig ljbnoss `ats j drojturo at basjppojrs  wat`iut j trjdo.

TMOEORIN E ORROX Sinbrius atol, rjro 

 R`o toxt toxt in t`as eott eottor or s`agts s`agts jnb twast twasts s suhteoty suhteoty jriunb t`o pjco untae dijxob ti silo pjrtaduejr purpiso. R`iso pri﬊daont an t`o uso ig sud` eottors djn d`jnco t`oar conorje jppojrjndo jnb eottoranc t`riuc` s`oor girdo ig waee.   Qiu djn sponb : lanuto gidusanc in t`o eottor jnb ljmo j BD :? (Antoeeacondo) Jrdjnj d`odm, wat` jbvjntjco ag yiu jro pri﬊daont wat` j gircory mat.  Jnyino jssossanc t`o t `o eottor djn ljmo jn (Antoeeacondo) (A ntoeeacondo) Anvostacjtain d`odm ti jssoss ats jut`ontadaty. R`o BD ig t`as d`odm as oquje ti t`o ejtost (Antoeeacondo) Jrdjnj d`odm usob ti jetor t`o eottor‑s jppojrjndo.  Jny porsin wat` wat ` truosac`t truo sac`t waee soo t `as eottor js j hejnm hejn m s`oot.


TRINO  D EIJM Sinbrius atol, vory rjro 

 Jny irbanjr y eiimanc croy deijm, `oeb ` oeb ticot`or wat` wat ` j dejsp ljbo gril puro runostino. Qiu cjan t`o gieeiwanc  hono﬊ts w`aest wojranc wojr anc t`o deijm6   Allutjheo Girl. R`o drojturo as alluno ti jny spoee ir o﬋odt t`jt wiueb jetor ats girl.   Teiw . Qiu djn sponb jn jdtain ti tjrcot j drojturo  yiu djn soo wat`an wat` an :; goot. R`o tjrcot tjr cot lust ljmo j BD :3 Sasbil sjvanc t`riw. In j gjaeob sjvo, t`o tjrcot djn‑t rojdtains, spoobin as ats `jevob, at djn‑t ljmouso liro t`jn inoats jttjdm turn. jnb R`oso o﬋odts ejst gir : lanuto. R`o tjrcot djn ropojt t`o sjvanc t`riw jt t`o onb ig ojd` ig ats turns, onbanc t`o o﬋odt in atsoeg in j suddoss. Qiu djn‑t uso t`as priporty jcjan untae yiu ﬊nas` j s`irt rost.

R@O  _ NBOXRJMOXT ‑ L JTZ_OXJBO  R`oso twi atols jro prazob pissossains piss ossains ig t `o _nbortjmors cjnc, jeeiwanc t`o hojror ti jdtujeey baspejy t`o piwors ig t`o vjlparos w`ad` t`oy jsparo ti  ho. Anbavabujeey t`oy t `oy jro hit` piworgue atols, hut t`oar guee piwors hodilo ihvaius w`on wirn ticot`or.

  Tot Hinus (8)6 S`on hit` ig t`o _nbortjmors‑ Ljsquorjbo atols jro oquappob yiu cjan supornjturje spoob jnb jcaeaty. Ag yiu `jvo nit livob an yiur turn yiu cjan t`o jhaeaty ti tjmo t`o Basoncjco jdtain js j rojdtain ti hoanc t`o tjrcot ig j loeoo jttjdm. R`o jttjdmanc drojturo ljy soeodt j now tjrcot gir t`o jttjdm ag yiu jro ni eincor an rjnco.

GJNCT IG  R@O  D XQ[R Sinbrius atol, rjro 

R@O HIIM IG J[[XIPALJRO MNISEOBCO Sinbrius atol, vory rjro 

 R`as hiim `js jn jpprixaljto mniweobco ig i g jelist jny suhfodt. R`o hiim nojrey mniws yiur njlo jnb jco. At `js j riuc` aboj ovory durront manc. At `js j vjcuo aboj jhiut spoee o﬋odts. R`as hiim mniws j eatteo jhiut ovoryt`anc, hut at bios nit `jvo jny oxjdt angirljtain.   Qiu djn spojm j quostain hogiro iponanc t`o hiim ti j rjnbil pjco, at waee pirtrjy silo ig t`o jnswors, ljyho. R`o BL i﬋ors jn jpprixaljto, jelist rac`t, pissahey dirrodt, sola jddurjto ropey, an j rjlheanc basdiurso. Qiu djn‑t uso t`as priporty jcjan untae yiu ﬊nas` j s`irt rost.

 R`oso avir y gjncs jro boeadjtoey boeadjto ey djrvob djr vob ti cavo t`o alprossain t`jt w`ilovor as wojranc t`ol as j prando ig t`o nac`t. S`on wirn t`oy jeeiw yiu ti hato hato ippinonts, trjnsgorranc silo ig t`oar eago girdo ti yiu.   S`on yiu ljmo j suddossgue loeoo jttjdm jcjanst j drojturo wat`an ?-giit w`i djn heoob, yiu djn ljmo j hato jttjdm tjrcotanc t`o sjlo drojturo js j hinus jdtain. Qiu ljmo j loeoo jttjdm usanc t`o gjncs, jnb in `at boje 4b7 nodritad bjljco. Qiu rocjan `at piants oquje ti `jeg t`o jliunt ig bjljco bojet. Ag yiu lass, t`o tjrcot ig yiur jttjdm `js jbvjntjco jcjanst yiu untae stjrt ig yiur noxt turn.

T ACNOR IG  H OC_AEOLONR  Sinbrius atol, rjro (roquaros jttunolont) 

 R`as sacnot ranc r anc hojrs t `o aljco ig 8 drissob dri ssob gjncs an grint ig j `iweanc wieg. Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti spojm iut jt t`iso drojturos surriunbanc yiu, wat` t`o gieeiwanc o﬋odts6   Hocuaeo . Qiu ljy d`iiso jny nulhor ig `uljniabs  wat`an :? giit ig yiu wat` w`il yiu s`jro j ejncujco.  R`o d`ison tjrcots t jrcots lust pjss j BD :? Sasbil sjvanc s jvanc t`riw. In j gjaeob sjvo t`oy jro Grac`tonob gir ino lanuto.   Dilljnb. Qiu ljy d`iiso jny nulhor ig hojsts  wat`an :? giit ig yiu. R`o d`ison d`is on tjrcots lust pjss j BD :? Sasbil sjvanc t`riw. t`riw. In j gjaeob sjvo sjvo t`oy jro d`jrlob gir ino lanuto. Ag jny ig t`oso hojsts jro wievos ir hjts, t`oy jro bilanjtob, js por t`o  spoee. bilanjto hojst  spoee.   Qiu djn‑t uso t`as priporty jcjan untae yiu ﬊nas` j einc rost.


RXIEETHEIIB  X ANC Sinbrius atol, undillin 

 Qiur sman tur ns `jrbor jnb  Qiur jn b t`admons, jnb yiu djn gooe  yiur lusdeos tac`tonanc tac`ton anc w`on yiu pejdo t`as ranc r anc in  yiur ﬊ncor.   Qiu `jvo rosastjndo ti heubcoinanc bjljco, jnb  vuenorjhaeaty ti jdab jnb ﬊ro.

_ EAR@JXAB @ OEL Sinbrius atol, vory rjro (roquaros jttunolont)   R`as `oel as stubbob stubbob wat` ipjes jnb hojrs hojrs oac`t irnjto saevor tontjdeos w`ad` gjee biwn ti divor t`o wojror‑s gjdo.

  S`on wojranc t`as `oel yiu `jvo ljcad rosastjndo ti spoees jnb it`or ljcadje o﬋odts.  Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti djst t`o lossjco  spoee  spoee gril t`o `oel. Jbbatainjeey w`on yiu jttuno ti t`as atol yiu djn nilanjto j drojturo yiu djn soo. S`on yiu djst lossjco usanc t`as jhaeaty, yiu ljy tjrcot t`o drojturo  yiu nilanjtob, acniranc acn iranc t`o nir lje rostradtains rostradtai ns ig t`o spoee. Qiu ljy nilanjto j now drojturo, ropejdanc t`o provaius ino, hy sponbanc ino `iur dindontrjtanc  wat`an t`oar t `oar prosondo.

VIP‑T I XCJNAD D INTRX_DR Huaet hy Vix gril Arin gril t`o Lotje [iies, t`as sot ig gundtainje jnb rihust jrlir as bosacnob js j driss  hotwoon jrlir jnb j nb j dinstrudt, dinstr udt, privabanc spodaje spo daje pritodtain ti w`iovor wojrs at.

  Tot Hinus (8)6 Ondeisob.  Qiu `jvo allunaty ti piasin jnb psyd`ad bjljco.  Qiu iu rocjan b:; `at   Tot Hinus (4)6 Xoconorjtain.  Q piants jt t`o stjrt ig ojd` ig yiur turns ag yiu `jvo jt eojst : `at piant 

O EODRXID_ROB O NDJTOLONR   Jrlir (pejto), vor y rjro (roquaros jttunolont)  jttu nolont) 

 S`on jttunob jttun ob ti, jnb wojranc, wojr anc, t`as t` as jrlir, yiu cjan t`o gieeiwanc hono﬊ts6   Allutjheo Girl6 Qiu jro alluno ti jny spoee ir o﬋odt t`jt wiueb jetor yiur girl.   Eac`tnanc Bogondo6 Qiu djn uso yiur rojdtain  w`on bojet bjljco hy j loeoo jttjdm ti an﬈adt a n﬈adt 8b0 eac`tnanc bjljco ti t`o jttjdmor. Qiu djn‑t uso t`as priporty jcjan untae yiu ﬊nas` j einc rost.

G_OEEOB H IIRT IAB  E JNROXN W Sinbrius atol, rjro 

Divorob wat` j peuncanc jbjljntaul `iib, t`as ejntorn  wjs bovoeipob hy t`iso soomanc ti spr anc trjps in in unwjry gios an t`o _nbo _nborliuntjan. rliuntjan. S`on t`as ejntorn as eat at dinsulos rjt`or t`jn olats eac`t. Qiu djn uso jn jdtain ti jdtavjto t`o viab ejntorn. S`on yiu bi, jny nin-ljcadje ﬊ros, tird`os, jnb it`or dinvontainje eac`t siurdos wat`an 8;;-giit jro anstjntey oxtancuas`ob, t`oar eac`t rus`anc anti t`o viab ejntorn. Indo t`as priporty as usob, at djn‑t ho usob jcjan untae t`o noxt bjwn.

SQEEIS‑ T H OTRAJXQ Sinbrius atol, rjro 

Drjgtob hy Syeeiw wat` `oep gril `or `ushjnb Ejunsjr @onbrjmo, hogiro `o wjs maeeob hy `or `jnb. R`as tilo dintjans botjaes ig jee t`o drojturos at `js ovor ondiuntorob.   Qiu djn uso t`o tilo w`on yiu yiu ondiuntor j drojturo typo gir t`o ﬊rst talo, hy sponbanc jn jdtain ti ipon t`o tilo ti t`o drojturos pjco, w`ad` t`o tilo annjtoey cuabos yiu ti. Qiu eojrn w`jt typo ig drojturo t`o tjrcot as. An jbbatain yiu djn d`iiso ino ig t`o gieeiwanc jttrahutos, t`o BL waee toee yiu ag t`o d`ison jttrahuto as `ac`or ir eiwor t`jn j graonbey drojturo‑s ig yiur d`iado  wat`an :; goot ig yiu6 • Jny twi jhaeaty sdiros ig yiur yiur d`iado d`iado • Jrlir Dejss • @at [iants • Tpoob • Tpoeedjstanc eovoe

Sinbrius atol, rjro 

 Jt t`o hocannanc hoc annanc ig yiur turn yiu djn traccor trac cor t`o guoeeob hiits ti biuheo yiur livolont spoob untae t`o onb ig yiur turn. Ag yiu livo jt eojst 8; goot strjac`t tiwjrbs j tjrcot t`on yiu djn uso j hinus jdtain ti jttolpt ti uso yiur alpotus ti mnidm t`o tjrcot prino. Ag t`o tjrcot as j drojturo, at lust suddoob in j BD :2 Ttronct` sjvanc t`riw ir ho mnidmob prino. Qiu djn‑t uso t`as priporty jcjan untae yiu ﬊nas` j s`irt rost.


 R`oso `ojvy arin cjunteots `jvo j lanajturo vorsain ig t`o ﬈jlodjnnin giunb in t`o saoco djnnins gril  Rrihrajnb‑s Crjvoyjrb.   Js jn jdtain yiu djn js jn jdtain uso t`o cjunteots cjunteots ti ljmo j rjncob wojpin jttjdm, rjnco :;/8;, bojeanc 4b7 ﬊ro bjljco, t`o tjrcot drojturo ljmos j BD :? Boxtoraty sjvanc t`riw ir djtd`os ﬊ro. S`aeo in ﬊ro, t`o tjrcot tjmos :b7 ﬊ro bjljco jt t`o stjrt ig ojd` ig ats turns. J drojturo djn onb t`as bjljco  hy allorsanc atsoeg an wjtor ir hy usanc usan c jn jdtain ti ljmo j suddossgue BD :; Boxtoraty sjvanc t`riw ti oxtancuas` t`o ﬈jlos.

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