Traveller Test4 b2

April 3, 2017 | Author: Csaba Levente Vörös | Category: N/A
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Test 4 - Module 4 1. VOCABULARY A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. are currently trying to find an effective treatment for cancer.

1. 2. The sudden


of the population will probably lead to an unemployment



3. I have a lot of

, but the worst is that I can’t stop eating chocolate.

4. The doctor suggested drinking a lot of water and avoiding 5. Many


to the sun. EXPOSE

promise things they can’t deliver.


, the staff held a meeting to discuss various

6. After the manager’s issues.


7. Sharon works as a

for a large firm.


8. Some people don’t want to get married because they don’t want to lose their .

DEPEND score


B. Choose the correct option a, b, c or d to complete the sentences. 1. After a certain age, your metabolism becomes slower, so it is more difficult to lose the weight you .

have a. earned

b. gained

c. won

2. Purple was very popular last year, but now it is suddenly out of a. date

b. fashion

c. practice

d. received . d. shape

of her sick grandfather broke her heart.

3. The a. sight

4. Did any problems a. rise 5. Her mother tried a. in brief 6. The family offered a(n) a. income

b. show

8. His boss was a. favourite

d. image

c. arise

d. lift

during my absence? b. raise

to convince her to reconsider, but she had already decided to marry Barry. b. in advance

c. in charge

d. in vain

to anyone who might have information about the missing girl. b. salary

7. Linda spent the afternoon in the park a. gazing

c. scene

b. glancing

c. payment

d. reward

through magazines and sitting in the sun. c. staring

d. watching

for being extremely strict and old-fashioned. b. famous

c. notorious

d. popular score

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TRAVELLER LEVEL B2 –TEST BOOKLET – TEST 4 C. Complete the sentences with the words/phrases in the box. a hurry brief

charge the ordinary

work order

particular advance .

1. I would recommend reserving a table two weeks in 2. Apparently, the manager was in

, so he promised to see me the following day. .

3. We have run out of money, and all the cashpoints in the area are out of 4. They introduced us to Rea, who was in

of the department. for a long time means both financial and psychological pressure.

5. Being out of

, are very popular.

6. The chef specialises in spicy recipes. His curry dishes, in 7. I haven’t got all day. Tell me the news in

. about that man that made him look suspicious.

8. There was something out of



D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. review appreciate

include silent

1. Amelia was

estimate speechless

contain remove

when her daughter told her she had secretly got married. nuts and raisins.

2. The packaging says that the cake 3. The police officer asked him a question, but he remained 4. Fay is the film critic who wrote that nasty 5. Recently, all cashpoints have been 6. In the US the rental fee 7. To show how much he 8. The interior designer

. about The Dark Knight. from the metro stations.

the cost of electricity and water bills. my help with his assignment, Chris bought me a present. that redecorating the house would cost around €10,000.


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2.GRAMM AR E. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use relative pronouns or adverbs. 1. Jessica was talking to a man. He bought the house next to hers. The man


2. They were building a school. It was destroyed by the fire. The school


3. I am driving Emma’s car. Emma is away on holiday. .

Emma, 4. These actors live in London. Most of them have studied abroad. These actors,


5. The Lord of the Rings was filmed in New Zealand. New Zealand is a wonderful country. New Zealand,


6. Johnny’s aunt is 75 years old. Her cottage is near the beach. Johnny’s aunt,


7. This castle was bought by a duke. It was built in the Middle Ages. This castle,


8. Florida is often hit by tropical storms. Florida is a state in the southern US. .




F. Complete the sentences using either the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Emily Schumann was the only student of the school

(win) a scholarship.

(garden) is my mother’s favourite pastime.

2. 3. There is no point in 4. Do you mind

(try) to persuade her. She has made up her mind. (clean) the kitchen a bit?

5. It was a great shock 6. That house was too expensive for me 7. I have always enjoyed 8. On her way to work, Monica stopped 9. Henry bought a book 10. The doctor was happy 11. The Robinsons are not wealthy enough 12. Why don’t you try

(see) him after so many years. (buy). (have) coffee with friends on a Sunday afternoon. (pay) a visit to her aunt. (learn) how to cook Chinese. (see) that the little girl was doing better. (afford) a Ferrari. (drink) some warm milk before you go to bed? score

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TRAVELLER LEVEL B2 –TEST BOOKLET – TEST 4 G. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 1. Children shouldn’t lie / have lied to their parents. 2. The girl over there can’t be / have been Amanda. She is in Australia at the moment. 3. The little girl’s parents ought to have taken / take her to the dentist as soon as she started complaining about a toothache. 4. Jonathan said he might say / have said something to Julie about the party, but he can’t remember for sure. 5. Thank you so much for the present, but you needn’t buy / have bought me anything. 6. Ellie must have left / leave the lights on before going out. She always forgets to turn them off. 7. You should let / have let me know you were coming. I would have cooked dinner if I had known. 8. Jamie must be / have been on his way to the airport as we speak. score

3.RE ADING H. Read the text and answer the questions 1-6. Choose a, b, c, or d.

Bollywood The Western film industry today is closely associated with Hollywood, USA. But Bollywood, its Eastern equivalent, has gained tremendous popularity and is considered to be one of the largest film-producing industries worldwide. Bollywood got its name from the merging of the words Bombay - the former name for the city of Mumbai - and Hollywood. It is used to refer to the film industry based in that Indian city, not to all of Indian cinema as is sometimes mistakenly believed. Bollywood films are for the most part musicals and the language spoken is Hindi. Nevertheless, due to their ever growing international popularity, more films are featuring Indian English and some are now exclusively in English. Bollywood films have been around since 1913 when the first silent film was produced in India and by the 1930s over 200 films were produced annually. The industry has had peaks and troughs over the decades; however, in 2000 there was a boom in Bollywood film popularity around the world. A new generation of actors and actresses caught the public’s eye, in particular, Aishwarya Rai – who is believed by many to be one of the most beautiful women in the world. Line 14 › Bollywood films are usually a three-hour dazzling extravaganza of music, song and dance. Often the plot of the film is melodramatic; there are usually conflicts between characters, a lot of drama and desperate villains trying to hurt the main characters. A Bollywood film will both entertain and thrill you as well as provide you with considerable insight into Indian culture. Line 1 ›

1. Bollywood is a. about Mumbai, an Indian city. b. an Eastern equal to the US. c. a made-up term.

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TRAVELLER LEVEL B2 –TEST BOOKLET – TEST 4 d. the largest film producer in the world. 2. In line 1 what does its refer to? a. Bollywood b. Hollywood c. the US d. the Eastern film industry 3. What is true of the Bollywood film industry? a. It now only produces English films. b. It was always successful. c. It has some Hollywood characteristics. d. It is becoming more and more popular all over the world. 4. Aishwarya Rai a. starred in some of the first Bollywood films. b. became known due to her extraordinary beauty. c. was famous before becoming an actress. d. has acted in recent Bollywood films. 5. In line 14 what does dazzling extravaganza mean? a. a cultural shock b. an impressive show c. an unsuccessful combination d. a simple storyline 6. On what grounds does the writer recommend Bollywood films in the last paragraph? a. because they are funny b. because they combine drama and music c. because they can teach us a lot about Hindi d. because they provide us with a culturally enriching experience


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4.LISTENING I. You will hear a conversation between two friends, Rachel and William. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer a, b or c. 1. Why did William's mum cry when she heard Faryl Smith sing? a. because she was moved by the music b. because Faryl is so young c. because Faryl was offered a huge record deal 2. Rachel thinks it's great that young people a. are being discovered by major record companies. b. are making classical music more popular. c. are trying their luck on the show Britain's Got Talent. 3. To go on the TV show a. you need to have some kind of talent. b. you need to be as good as George Sampson. c. you need to be a singer or dancer. 4. What is Rachel's talent? a. She can sing. b. She can dance. c. She can play an instrument. 5. William tells Rachel that a. most performers don't feel nervous when performing live. b. performing live is part of being a famous musician. c. auditioning is more stressful than performing live. score

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