
April 20, 2017 | Author: vuhixe | Category: N/A
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URBAN AND RURAL LIFE Did you live in a village, a town or a big city? Where would you prefer to live? Why?

 Reading Read the text and find Ukrainian equivalents to words in bold type. TOWN AND COUNTRY Today people all over the world are moving out of small hamlets and villages in the country to big, noisy cities. They are moving from the peaceful hills and mountains, fields and plains, valleys, rivers and streams of the countryside to the busy world of overcrowded streets, buildings and traffic. This movement from rural areas to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years. In many countries, the main reason people come to live in towns and cities is work. After one or two large factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial area begins to grow. There is usually a residential area nearby, where the factory workers can live. The inhabitants need schools, hospitals and shops, so more people come to live in the area to provide these services – and so the city grows and develops. Life in the city was never very easy, but the Industrial Revolution made 19thcentury cities almost uninhabitable. Most city dwellers were overworked, underfed, and poorly housed. While in earlier times wealthy people usually lived in the centre of the city, during the nineteenth century rich people began to move to the outer areas. The poor people, who had no means of transportation, were forced in the highly polluted central areas. Most modern cities have paved roads, sidewalks, electric lights. Improvements are still being made. The main problems are overpopulation, crime, poverty, and water pollution. In every major city in the world, there is a business district where the big companies have their main offices. In the United States, their area is usually in the city centre downtown. It is here that you can see the huge skyscraper office blocks springing up. The people who work here often travel a long way to work each day. Many of them live in the suburbs of the city, far away from the industrial area and the city centre. But what is the future of the big cities? Will they continue to get bigger and bigger? Perhaps not. Some major cities have actually become smaller in the last ten years, as people are also moving out of major cities back into provincial areas. Exercise 1 Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. 1. Many people from small villages go to live in big cities. 2. Urban areas contain mainly hills, mountains, rivers and streams. 3. Many people go to live in urban areas to find schools. 98

4. Plants are built inside residential areas. 5. Business districts are usually in the city centres. 6. Workers in the city centres often live in the skyscrapers in suburbs. 7. The suburbs of a city usually contain more trees, parks and gardens than the city centres. 8. The movement from country to city will definitely continue in the future. Exercise 2 Look at these pairs of items. Decide which is larger in size and put a cross (x) next to it. Explain your decision. Example: hill – mountain x, as hill is usually just a rounded natural elevation of land lower than a mountain. 1. settlement – town 6. river – stream 2. city – business district 7. park - garden 3. field – countryside 8. shop – department store 4. urban area – city centre 9. factory – industrial area 5. skyscraper – residential area 10.rural area – farm Exercise 3 Look at the list of buildings below. a.write (H) next to those buildings which can be people’s homes; b.write (A) next to those buildings which are ancient and (N) next to those which are new; c.explain what these buildings are used for. Example: Monastery (H) (A) - an establishment in which members of a religious community (as of monks) live and carry on their work. Castle Farm Mansion Duplex house Pyramid Abbey Greek theatre Palace Hotel Cathedral Casino Church Mosque Bungalow Garage Triumphal Arch Campanile Tomb Minaret Colonnade Gallery

 Reading Read the text and say what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in cities. BIG CITIES : WHY SOME PEOPLE LEAVE AND SOME COME BACK We hear a lot of these days about the problems of living in cities: crimes, pollution, crowds, and so on. This article tells about one married couple who grew tired of these problems and left the city, and another couple who grew tired of living in the suburbs and moved back into the city.


THE LEMONSES It was a difficult decision for Stieve and Joyce Lemons to move away from the neighbourhood where they both were raised in Chicago. About six years ago, the Lemonses began to have doubts about the quality of life in their old neighbourhood. Families who had been there for a long time began moving away. Many homes were changed into appartments. Property values decreased as welfare families and illegal immigrants moved into the neighbourhood. Crime increased. The Lemonses made their decision. They bought a home twenty-five miles outside the city. It is located on several acres of land, which Joyce calls ”Our own small corner of the world where no one bothers us.” The house payments are three times more than the city rent but Steve says it’s well worth it. Also, he can’t help admiring the quietness of country lanes, walks and paths, and isn’t even upset when his car gets into a road pothole. He adds, “Never under any circumstances would I move back into the city. I would change jobs and leave the state first.” THE COXES When Mr and Mrs Cox decided to move into a condominium on the lake in Chicago, they wondered if this would make life more difficult for their sons. The boys were used to a large house, a yard, a good public school, and friends who all lived nearby in South Holland, Illinois. The Coxes do not regret their decision to leave their hometown. The boys swim in an outdoor pool at their building. They take art classes given at a huge park next to the lake. The public school they attend is considered one of Chicago’s best. Mrs Cox says she actually feels safer in her new home than in South Holland, where she was afraid to go out for a walk alone after dark. “Here, streets, alleys and avenues are well lighted, and there are always policemen around,” she says. “The fact that people are out at all hours in this area makes you safe.” Mr Cox works at the real estate company that owns the condominium that the family lives in. He hated commuting from South Holland, a ninety-minute drive to his city office. Grocery shopping is easier now for Mrs Cox. A store in the appartment building fills immediate. Costs are more reasonable at a supermarket that is within walking distance. “We sold our second car,” says Mrs Cox. “I walk everywhere. I think it’s healthy. In the suburbs I was always driving them somewhere. There wasn’t much time to develop my own interests.” And both parents have more time to spend with their children. “We feel more like a family now,” says Mrs Cox. Exercise 1 Choose right answers to the following questions or find the right end of the statements. 1. What is the main idea of the article? a. Big cities are bad places to live. b. Some people are happy living in cities and some are not. c. There is a lot of crime in cities. 2. The Lemonses want to stay in their neighbourhood because a. families began to move away. b. property values decreased. c. they were raised in that neighbourhood. 100

3. They decided to leave because a. they didn’t feel safe in the city. b. the city rent was very expensive. c. Steve wanted to change jobs. 4. The Coxes were worried about their sons because a. the boys swim in an outdoor pool. b. the boys play in the park. c. the boys were used to a large house. 5. Mr Cox is happy because a. he doesn’t have to commute any more. b. he has a better job. c. the food prices are cheaper in the city. Exercise 2 Answer the following questions, then discuss your answers with your classmates. 1. What is the worst thing about living in cities? a) heavy traffic b) broken street lamps c) street clocks which are always slow d) other 2. What is the best thing about living in cities? a) You can find a new job from an advertising pillar b) There are interesting activities (movies, restaurants, and so on) c) Nobody cares what you do d) other 3. What is the best thing about living in the suburbs? a) You have more room (a big house or a yard, for example) b) The smell of trees and flowers c) Few pedestrians d) other 4. What is the worst thing about living in the suburbs? a) You have to commute to work b) Pavements and kerbstone roads are quite rare c) You have to go everywhere by car d) other 5. Are cities good places for children? a) yes b) no c) sometimes d) other 6. What would you look for first in deciding to move to a new area? a) an appartment with a low rent b) a neighbourhood with pretty house c) good schools d) other 7. Most people live in cities because a) their jobs are there b) they like interesting activities c) they find the people who live there interesting d) other Exercise 3 Choose one of the following situations to act out. 1. The Lemonses are explaining to their two daughters why they have to move out of the city. 2. Mr and Mrs Cox’s two boys are telling their parents how they feel about living in the city. 3. A real estate agent is trying to rent the Lemons’s old appartment to a young married couple. The couple are asking questions about the neighbourhood. 101

4. A reporter is talking to a group of people who live in a city “slum” (poor, rundown neighborhood) about why they dislike living there. Exercise 4 Fill in the correct preposition for each blank space 1.People who make their decisions to move . . . . . . cities have two main reasons: inner-city crime and bad schools. 2.It was difficult for my family to move . . . . . . the neighbourhood where my parents were raised . . . New York. 3.Five years later, the Smiths began to have doubts . . . the quality . . . life . . . their old settlement. 4.“I never knew what to expect . . . the neighbourhood, and I was always worried . . . my family’s safety”. 5.When all the family moved . . . a condominium. . . the lake . . . Washington, they thought this would make life easier. 6.The boys swim . . . an outdoor pool . . . their building and . . . a nearby indoor pool . . . bad weather. 7.Alec doesn’t feel safer . . . his new home than . . . the old one, where he is afraid to go . . . . . . dark. 8.Mr Cox works a ninety-minute drive . . . his city office. 9.I don’t want to work hard every day only to come home and lock myself . . . . Exercise 5 Use the correct word in the sentences below. A. inconvenience, convenience, convenient, inconvenient, conveniently 1. The litterbins are very . . . located here. 2. It is very . . . that all gutters have gutter covers. 3. The . . . of shopping is a good thing about city living. 4. I hope it will be . . . for us if we don’t repair the drain pipe in our house. 5. If stone-covered streets cause . . . , we can make bituminous surface. B. neighbour, neighbourhood, neighbourly 1. George is a good . . . . 2. He has always been very . . . to me. 3. The gas main in the . . . should be carefully checked. C. to change, change, changing 1. There have been many . . . in education in the past few years. 2. . . . methods are improving skills. 3. It is difficult to . . . the torn electricity cables. Exercise 6 Put each of the following words or phrases in the passage.

City Life cosmopolitan metropolis stimulation

pollution urban commuter

congestion cost of living city-dwellers

to breed crime anonymity irresistible lure

Most people in developed countries are (a) _______, many drawn by the (b) _____ of the (c) _____. The attractions of the city are many: the (d) _________ atmosphere (foreign restaurants, different languages, international companies), the (e) _________ of 102

cultural events or the simple hope of finding work. All too many find, however, that the glamorous façade is false. One can be very lonely in the city and the (f) ______ which at first seems to give freedom and protection later leaves just loneliness. There is a lot to do but everything is expensive. The (g) _____ is high. There is (h) _____ not only of the physical but also of the moral environment and the various pressures of (i) _______ life cause cities (g) _______ Above all, perhaps, it is the daily stresses and strains of the city which make life there a matter of survival rather than of enjoyment. Many a (k) _____ struggling to work through the rush-hour (l) _____ asks, ‘Is it worth it?’

 Speaking Look at the notes and the useful expressions, then compare and contrast life in the city and life in the country. City life high pollution levels, noise, traffic jams, easy to find a job, open-minded people, good public transport system, many schools, hectic lifestyle, lots of entertainment facilities, high crime rate, unfriendly people, many hospitals, small houses, stressful, etc. Country life healthy, picturesque surroundings, poor entertainment, monotonous, poor public transport system, relaxing, friendly people, intruding people, low crime rate, low pollution levels, few schools/hospitals, larger houses, isolated, no variety of jobs, etc. Useful expressions: although, unfortunately, whereas it is, both compared to, on the contrary, different to, however, too, also, in comparison to, etc. E.g. Life in the city is very different from life in the country. Life in the city is more stressful in comparison to life in the country, etc.

 Reading a. Read the text on the next page about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city. There are three paragraphs. What is the purpose of each one? b Replace the words underlined with one of the following. in spite of pros and cons another point is that one advantage is that all things considered for instance to sum up in my pinion one disadvantage is that especially moreover finally Living in the City Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, it is often easier to find work, and there is usually a choice of public transport, so you don’t need to own a car. Also, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. For example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, and go to the theatre and to concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. All in all, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored.


However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a job, but unless it is very well-paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour, and even the parks can become very crowded, especially on Sundays, when it seems that every city-dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of all, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city. In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.

 Writing Write rough notes about the pros and cons of living in the country. Compare them with your partner. Write three paragraphs called “The Pros and Cons of Living in the Country”. In the conclusion give your own opinion. Write about 250 words. Listening

New York and London a) What do you know about New York and London? Have you been there? What did you do? What did you think of these cities? b) Work in two groups. Group A Listen to Sheila and Bob talking about when they lived in New York. Bob and Sheila spent two years living in New York because of Bob’s work as a banker. Neither of them had lived in a big city before. They now live back in England, in a small village outside London. Group B Listen to Terry. She is an American who lives in London Terry Tomscha talks about her experience of living and working in England, where she has been for the past eleven years. c) What do they/does she say about the following things?




1 People  What are they like?  What is important to them?  What do they like doing?  Where do they live? 2 Shops  What are they like?  Do they like them?  What time do they open? 3 Work and holidays 4 Transport  What do they mention? 5 General opinions -- Is it a good place to live? Why? d) Find a partner from the other group. Compare your information. Exercise 7 Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick by it. If a line has a word which should not be there, write it in the space provided. There are two examples at the beginning (0) and (00). 0 I live in Mexico City. To me, it is the most exciting and most 00 friendliest city in the world, but I have to admit that it can 1 be more uncomfortable and very more stressful than other 2 places. It is the oldest city in North America and was being built 3 on the remains of the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan. It is also 4 one of the much most modern; new buildings and roads are always 5 being constructed, making districts you thought you knew more well 6 look unfamiliar! If I would feel like a less urban sight, I raise my 7 eyes and look at the mountains which surround the city like as 8 the rim of a dish. In the south east there are two volcanoes, 9 Popocatepetl and Ixtaccihuatl, which are permanently be covered 10 with snow. If fewer have had cars in Mexico City, we would 11 be able to enjoy this poetic sight many more often. Unfortunately, 12 the pollution usually prevents you from seeing vary far at 13 all. Newcomers, even young ones, sometimes look like as if 14 they are old and sick because the altitude (2,240 meters) can 15 make breathing it difficult at first. But, if I could live anywhere 105

__most__ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

in the world, I would still choose Mexico City. Exercise 8 Translate into Ukrainian. 1.This year come to Rio! See the dancing and the costumes and hear the music, at the most famous carnival in the world. And live in luxury at a beautiful hotel. 2.Now is the time to think about next year’s vacation. And why not think about London? No other city offers you more. There’s more history: see where modern democracy has its roots, in the British Parliament. There’s more tradition: all over Britain you can enjoy annual festivals that have been held each year for many, many years. There’s more shopping: look at all the beautiful stores around our famous Trafalgar Square. 3.What city has more ancient monuments than any other? What city was founded by two children who were raised by a wolf? Where can you see the sculpture that commemorated the birth of those two children? In what city can you see the most ancient metropolitan area? Where else but Rome? Come and experience it. 4.You say you love winter recreational activities? In Helsinki you can leave your hotel, put your skiis on at the door and go cross-country skiing through the streets and into the woods. And we may be small, but we are not provincial. You’ll find the best food, the most up-to-date hotels. Finland the heart of Scandinavia.

 Speaking You live in a large city. You think that life in this city has deteriorated a lot, and you think that the mayor and the city government should do something about it. Tomorrow you are going to a strike, and you want to present a list of complaints. Prepare a 5 minute speech where you will explain why you consider the problems below so serious. 1.The government of the city has reduced the number of police in the street, the government doesn’t give people enough protection. 2.Before the people elected the mayor, he had promised that taxes would go down, but this year the city has taxed them at even higher rate. 3.Last year the government of the city told the people that the streets would be repaired immediately, but they didn’t repair most streets until the election time. 4.The city wastes too much money on parties for important people. 5.The city does not protect its monuments. They had just cleaned the statue in front of the park when someone wrote on it. 6.Last summer the mayor promised to install new street lights in the neighbourhood. By December they had still done nothing. Exercise 9 Translate into English. Місто Київ На півночі України вздовж мальовничих берегів Дніпра розкинулося прекрасне квітуче місто Київ. Історія цього стародавнього міста охоплює більш ніж 15 віків, сповнених драматичних подій і героїчних вчинків. Не раз місто вщент руйнувалося іноземними загарбниками, але знову і знову воно піднімалося


з руїн. Яскраве минуле Києва завжди привертало увагу мільйонів туристів. Його архітектурні пам’ятники, музеї, художні галереї, театри відомі в усьому світі. Але наше місто славиться не тільки своїм минулим. Віками Київ був златоглавою столицею України. Характер і ритм життя у місті повністю відповідає його статусу політичного, економічного, адміністративного і культурного центру. Значна частина промислової міці країни зосереджена в Києві. Столиця є також місцем розташування Академії Наук, десятків дослідних і проектних організацій, державних рад, мистецьких спілок, понад 20 вузів, видавництв, кіностудій, бібліотек й музеїв. Київ - місто жвавих сучасних житлових масивів, сполучених зручними транспортними шляхами. Більш того, наврядчи є на Україні таке місто, яке б могло пишатися такою кількістю і красою парків відпочинку, що ваблять приємним затінком і пропонують безліч розваг. Тут ви не зіткнетеся з труднощами, де провести свій вільний час, і як туди дістатися. Маршрути aвтобусів, тролейбусів, трамваїв, поїздів метро пролягають через усе місто і далеко за його межі. Exercise 10 One of the most innovative architects in your area has just persuaded a group of wealthy people to finance the building of a new town. The location is in the heart of one of the richest agricultural areas in the country. You are a member of a preliminary design committee chosen because of your creativity on past projects. Your task is to design and present a layout of the city. It has an area of three square miles. The maximum population of the town at any future time will be 15000 people. 1. According to the guidelines of the country, your city must initially have at least: 1 police station and 1 fire station, 1 sports arena, 2 medical clinics or hospitals, 3 shopping centres, 5 community gardens, 40 businesses, 1500 houses, 1500 appartments, room for development, highways, a thoroughfare, side-walks, twoway roads, bypasses, 2 embankments, the main motorway. 2. Mark on your plan and explain the location of: cultural centre, the suburbs, the residential area, the business district, the rural area. 3.Verbally compare your decisions with those of your friends in your discussion group. Explain and defend your opinions. Listen carefully to your classmates’ opinions, but do not be afraid to disagree with them. Try to reach a group concensus on the best solution to the problem. 4. Discuss. a. Imagine that there is one large piece of undeveloped property in the centre of a small town. Would you prefer that the land be used for (choose): a park, a factory, a department store, a meeting place for young people, tennis and basketball courts or something else? Why? b. Should the government of a town control each type of building in the town? For example, if a person wants to build a house should the government approve the plans first? Explain. 107

 Speaking How do you think your life in your city will be different in ten years? Will you be swimming in a pool on the roof of the skyscraper you live in? Will the entrance to all museums be free? With the partner talk about things you think you’ll be doing in ten years. Each student should mention five things. Then tell the class what your partner will be doing in ten years. Example: Alexander will be driving his own car in the air as in ten years there will be air roads, and cars will be able to fly. He will also have a video telephone in his flat. Exercise 11 TOWNS AND VILLAGES. Crossword. 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

place where your family lives (4) opposite of city (7) area near to or round a place (12) hills, trees, fields, etc. considered as things to look at (7) the world of animals, insects and plants (6) hills, trees, fields, etc. make this environment (11)

Exercise 12 No cities or towns are perfect. Think of your home city or town where you are from. a. Draw a detailed map of your native town or city (district), and explain the rationale for its organization. b. Write 5 things you like about it and 5 things you dislike. Explain your decision. c. Imagine that you are elected the government of a town. What would you do to make life better for its citizens?

 Reading 1. Would you like to live on a small island? Why/Why not? You are going to read an article about a family who moved to a remote island. Why do you think they wanted to move? Listening 2. First read the false summary and spot the mistakes by guessing. Then listen to the text of and find out if your guesses were correct. Can you think of a title for the text? 108

The Sirrs sold their farm in Yorkshire to move to the Welsh island of Graemsay. The family viewed the property in September. The deal was astonishing – the “estate” comprised a post office, six villas and a private sandy beach. On the first trip, the Sirrs met many of the island’s tourists and were given a warm meal. The move has brought new challenges to the family. Rob and Jill have started a cattle farm. The only thing they miss is going to the zoo. The children are the only pupils at the school and take advantage of the school’s free facilities. The family consider themselves lucky. 3. This article is about a family who moved to an island. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. Many people long to escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. But few people would actually give up a warm comfortable home to move to a remote island in the middle of the North Sea. The Sirrs family, however, decided to do exactly that. Unhappy with their busy lifestyles they sold their 400 year-old cottage in Yorkshire to move to the tiny Scottish island of Graemsay. Incredibly, for less than the price of a modest semi-detached house, it was possible to buy half of the island. Attracted initially by the low price, Rob and Jill contacted the agent concerned and discovered that “the estate” advertised actually comprised a post office, six houses and a private sandy beach – all for $ 60,000. Interested, the young couple and their three children decided to go and have a look. Knowing that the island would look its best in the summer, they chose to view the property in December. They didn’t want to be under any illusions. Despite a seasonal chill, the weather was clear and the sea calm. The island looked more beautiful than they could ever have imagined. While they left their children playing on the beach, the Sirrs looked around and realized that the deal was even more astonishing than they had first thought. The six-bedroom house came with a farm and 300 acres of land. Once on the island the Sirrs tried to imagine what life could be like for them. They were anxious to meet their neighbours as soon as possible. However, they had no need to worry. On that first trip they met up to half of the sixty or so island inhabitants and were given a warm welcome! The couple were thrilled that the people of Graemsay were so friendly. Many of them urged the couple to complete the transaction as soon as possible. Within two weeks of their visit, the Sirrs’ bid of $55,000 was accepted. The move has brought new challenges to the family. Rob and Jill have started a sheep farm and renovated the cottages to rent out as holiday homes. They insist that the only thing they miss about their previous life is going to the cinema. If anything, moving to the remote island has brought the family closer together. Before they moved, the Sirrs thought long and hard about bringing their children up in such a remote place. But the children are young enough to adjust and seem happier in the new environment. They are content with their own company and make their own entertainment. Although they are the only pupils at the local school, they receive lots of attention and are able to take advantages of the school’s modern facilities. 109

Since the move, the family have been visited by many friends who are envious of their beautiful surroundings. The family consider themselves lucky. For very little cost, they have all the benefits of a beautiful place to live. They also hope that by improving their property they can, in future, give something back to the island. 1. Why did the Sirrs family move to the island? A. They had always wanted to live on an island. B. It was a chance to escape. C. They hated Yorkshire. D. Their children were unhappy at school. 2. They decided to visit the property in December because A. it was the only time of year they could travel. B. the weather was unusually good. C. they wanted to spend Christmas in Scotland. D. they wanted to see what the place was like at the worst time of the year. 3. When they first visited the island, the Sirrs A. were a little shy and felt isolated. B. could not imagine what their neighbours would be like. C. wanted to get to know the island people. D. were anxious about meeting the island people. 4. Which best describes the Sirrs’ feeling before the move? A. Excited but apprehensive. B. Nervous and worried. C. Happy and calm. D. Sad but register. 5. Their neighbours A. told them to buy the property before someone else got it. B. urged them to bid a higher price. C. told them that $ 55,000 was accepted. D. urged them to complete the sale of their house in Yorkshire. 6. One advantage mentioned of being the only students is A. peace and quiet. B. little financial cost. C. greater use of school resources. D. fewer discipline problems. Exercise 1 1. Look at the following words in bold in the text and try to explain them: hustle and bustle, modest, initially, estate, to view, illusions, thrilled, adjust, company, envious, benefits.


2.Fill in the correct words from the list below: concerned, remote, comprises, bid, deal, resources, renovate, content, prompted, inhabitant 1. He has been a (n) … of the village for over sixty years. (resident) 2. Bill’s … was the highest at the auction so he got the painting. (offer) 3. He only spoke to two or three people a week because his house was so … (isolated) 4. He is not … with his salary and is trying to find a better job. (satisfied) 5. The … fell through when they couldn’t agree on a price. (business agreement) 6. Their house looks so run down that they have decided to … it this summer. (redecorate) 7. Oil … are in danger of running out over the next century. (supplies) 8. Being offered a job in Chicago was what … Alan to move to America. (caused) 9. A football team … eleven players. (is composed of) 10. People are becoming more and more … about the state of the environment. (worried) Exercise 2 Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list. Use the word(s) only once. to start, warm, modern, to have, best, busy, to bring, to think, to receive, hustle, illusions, seasonal, to consider 1. the … and bustle 8. … lots of attention 2. to look its … 9. to give a(n) … welcome 3. … new challenges 10. … chill 4. … lifestyles 11. … a sheep farm 5. … facilities 12. … long and hard 6. to be under … 13. … myself lucky 7. … a look Exercise 3 Find the odd word out. 1. farmhouse, barn, valley, stable 2. field, acre, land, grounds 3. cowshed, cottage, hen-house, pigpen 4. fence, hedge, gate, wall 5. calm, quiet, bustle, tranquil.

 Speaking Decide which adjectives describe a city and which describe the country. Give reasons. polluted, scenic, crowded, relaxed, noisy, quiet, peaceful, lively, picturesque, healthy, natural, dirty, entertaining, busy, slow, modern, remote, stressful


 Speaking Read the text again and underline the points for and against living on an island. Then, imagine you are one of the Sirrs’ children. Talk about living on the island using the expressions below: At first I felt… What I like best is …, I enjoy …, On the other hand …, I miss …, One good/bad thing is … Good points: e.g. more attention at school Bad points: e.g. few children to play with Exercise 4 Read the article and translate it into Ukrainian. Sensations of Country Life Are Simply Sensational They’re as varied as the scent of newly mown hay, and a neighbor’s helping hand in a time of need By Karen Reisner Oronoco, Minnesota The COUNTRY conveys a feeling of freedom, spaciousness and well-being. Sometimes, these sensations are as subtle as the scent of freshly plowed earth or newly mown alfalfa…. or the music of corn leaves rustling on the summer breeze. Other times, they’re exhilarating – like when I used to ride bareback down the long green rows of corn with the wind-blown mane of my straw-colored palomino brushing my face. As I look back on that time in my life, it seems so heavenly. My childhood days were also spent picking wild gooseberries and raspberries. While Sunday dinner was being prepared, we children made homemade ice cream, taking turns with the hand crank. The joy of making it was only exceeded by eating the smooth creamy dessert. We played croquet in the front yard at dusk and watched heat lighting in the evening sky. As the cool night air settled upon the Earth, we’d lie in the soft grass and watch fireflies and the twinkling in the heavens. Sometimes we’d spot a shooting star to wish upon or watch in wonder as the northern lights danced across the sky. I recall the magnificent beauty of the hills, the sunrises and sunsets and many magical moments in between. Always Optimistic But like all true-to-life dreams, not all is idyllic. Those who depend upon the land for their livelihood know that it can deliver the greatest highs and, occasionally, the most devastating lows. We have the illusion of controlling our own destiny, but it can be quickly undermined by countless factors, most notably the weather. For moments like these, we possess a sense of optimism, self-confidence and self-reliance. I feel a part of nature in the country. I’ve watched a deer rear up on its hind legs to nibble from a bird feeder and chuckled as a strutting tom turkey displayed himself to his reflection in a chrome hubcap. I’ve witnessed the drama of a bald eagle eating its kill as a half dozen brazen crows harass and encircle it to no avail…listened to the plaintive wailing of a baby raccoon


under my bedroom window as it became temporarily separated from its mamma…and observed skunks and woodchucks make their homes under my house. Good Neighbors Country living fosters good friends and neighbors. When a toddler follows her kitten into a field of tall corn, friends, neighbors and even strangers spend hours searching. Child and kitten are found, tired and hungry, but well. A calf born in the dead of winter, an injured baby pig or orphaned lamb may become temporary house guests. The family dog, brave enough to protect me from the threats of a dangerous bull, cowers under the kitchen table during a thunderstorm. These, too, are sensations that make life in the country so special. But most important of all are the feelings of faith, hope and expectation of each new day as the sun rises over my country place. Country living is a life that simply fills me up. No wonder Thomas Jefferson was inspired to write, “Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God.” It is interesting to know

 Reading 1. You are going to read the text about Kew Gardens. Could you find gardens like this in your country? What would you expect to find there? In what ways are plants and flowers important to us? Listening 2. First underline the correct item by guessing, then listen to the text and find out if your guesses were correct. Kew Gardens is a botanical garden and plant research/sales centre. 500/5,000 people work at Kew. They start work at ten past/to eight. Matthew Ford is trying to save the Plymouth pear, the tallest/rarest tree in Britain. Growing orchids/fruit is vital to conserve species under threat. Some plant hunters go abroad, dig up rare species and post/smuggle them back home to sell. Gatekeeper and ticket/staff officer Jackie Howard says everyone at Kew sis friendly, whether they are labourers/cleaners or experts. Kew Gardens will always be special for lovers of animals/plants and gardens. 3. In a magazine article ‘Kew Gardens’ eight paragraphs have been removed. Choose from the paragraphs A-I the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Kew Gardens Kew Gardens is the word’s finest botanical garden and plant research centre. 0 D 500 people are employed at Kew Gardens, from scientists doing the latest medical research, to weather-beaten maintenance men, digging the flowerbeds. For student Sarah Wilson, training for the Kew Diploma in Horticulture, it’s a long working day. “We start work at ten to eight in the morning with watering as the first job of the day. People think you can do it all by machine nowadays but every plant has different needs. 113

Then it’s sweeping up the dead leaves, pruning and top-dressing until the public starts to arrive.” 1 “I knew I couldn’t get better training anywhere else. This is the leading botanical centre in the world and it has people in every country where plants are in danger.” 2 “All life ultimately depends on plants, and we don’t know what’s in them all or what we may be losing if a species is allowed to die out,” says Matthew. 3 His work has been instrumental in saving the British lady’s slipper orchid, and he is currently hoping to do the same with the Plymouth pear, the rarest tree in Britain. The inside of the orchid is a world of delicate lushness. John Sitch cares for the exotic pink and purple blooms here and tender loving care. 4 Growing orchids is vital to conserve species which are under threat, both from farmers and developers who are destroying their tropical homes, and from plant hunters who travel abroad, dig up rare and valuable species, and smuggle them back home to sell. 5 “I’m quite hopeful,” says Elaine, “and I feel that if we find something, it will probably be a mixture rather than a single chemical.” 6 “Some plants have valuable chemicals we can’t make artificially. And it’s not just tropical rainforest specimens we need, as many people think. Right now I’m working on a chemical from a European species, so it’s vital to protect our own plants, too.” 7 As gatekeeper and ticket officer Jackie Howard says, “Everyone who works here is friendly, whether they are labourers or high-powered experts.” Perhaps that, as much as its long history and international prestige, explains why Kew will always be a special place for lovers of plants and gardens. A This is where scientific officer Matthew Ford fits into the picture. He is working as part of a team to identify, propagate and re-establish colonies of endangered plants in Britain and abroad. B Educating the public about the way in which all life depends on plants is certainly one of Kew’s most valuable functions. And the approachable attitude of the staff is what makes this possible. C “Many plants contain life-saving products. I view all living things as interrelated, and if we lose one species it has a huge effect on all the others.” D It grows more than 40,000 different kinds of plants, grows one in eight of all the flowering plants in creation, and researches and protects over six million other species. E She points out that there aren’t as many AIDS researchers using plants as people might think. Many pharmaceutical companies prefer to use synthetic materials but it 114

is important to work with real plants as well. F However, Kew has come under serious financial strain lately. This has caused the loss of over 200 jobs. G With 900,000 people visiting Kew every year, Sarah and the staff are kept on their toes. But she is quick to point out that Kew is more than just a public pleasure park. H Kew Garden plays a medical role as well. Elaine Porter and her colleagues in the Jodrell Laboratory spend the working day researching plants which may combat the effects of the HIV virus and AIDS. I He has been working at Kew since leaving school at 17 but insists he still has a lot to learn about plants. Although there are 5000 different species of orchids being cultivated here, new discoveries are still being made. Exercise 1 Look at the following words in the text and try to explain them: botanical, maintenance men, digging, flowerbeds, ultimately, instrumental, rarest, expertise, plant hunters, artificially, rainforest, specimens, gatekeeper, labourers, prestige Exercise 2 Fill in the correct word from the list below: prune, species, interrelate, dying out, combat, smuggle, blooms, top-dressing, cultivates, conserve 1.

When planting new flowers, …………………… is very important for keeping the soil moist and protecting the roots. (a protective layer of earth) 2. Watering plants regularly will help …………… dryness. (resist) 3. Ferns are one of the oldest ……………… of plant. (types) 4. Many valuable plants will be in danger of ……………… if they are not protected. (becoming extinct) 5. It is illegal to ………………… plants into a country. (secretly bring) 6. This bush has …………….. that resemble yellow bells. (flowers) 7. We visited a nursery that ………………… plants which can survive with little water. (grows) 8. He decided to ………………. the shrubs around the house because they were blocking the view. (trim) 9. Children should be taught that animals and plants………………… .(act together) 10. We must make an effort to ………………… certain plants which are in danger of disappearing. Exercise 3 Find the odd word out. 1 twig, branch, seed, trunk 2 oak, pine, plane, tulip 115

3 rose, orchid, lily, redwood 4 soil, earth, spade, compost 5 branch, bud, petal, seedpod Exercise 4 Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the word(s) only once. threat, weather, long, plant research, endangered, high-powered, pleasure, care, to be kept, life-saving, delicate, financial 1 …………………. centre 7 ….……………….plants 2 tender loving ………… 8 ……………on their toes 3 ………………….history 9 species under …………. 4 …………………...strain 10 ………………..experts 5 ………………..lushness 11 ………………products 6 ...……………….-beaten 12 …………………..park Exercise 5 Fill in the correct word from the lists below: a. skin, peel, rind, shell, peelings 1 peanut …………., 2 banana …………….., 3 bacon ……………, 4 potato ………….., 5 lemon ………….. b. to hoe, to prune, to mow, to plough, to dig, to rake 1 ………… a field, 2 ………... leaves, 3 …………. weeds, 4 ……………. a hole, 5 ……….. a rosebush, 6 ………….. the lawn c. clippers, hose, spade, saw, trowel 1 to dig with a …………., 2 to prune with …….., 3 to cut off a branch with a ……….., 4 to plant with a …......, 5 to water with a …………. Exercise 6 Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets. Plants and flowers are not only 1) ………………… (beauty) they are also 2) ………… (use) both to humans and animals. Many 3) …………. (value) substances can be 4) ……………. (find) in even the most common plants. A chemical which fights 5) …………….. (cancer) growths is derived from the yew plant, and 6) ………………. (research) are doing 7) ……………. (experiment) tests on a 8) …………………. (vary) of plants which may combat the AIDS virus. Of course, plants do not only have 9) ………….. (medicine) uses. Apart from providing food, the 10) ………………… (produce) of oxygen is another important role that plants play. For this reason, it is vital that we protect 11) ………………. (danger) species of plants and ensure the 12) ……………. (survive) of our forests and woodlands.


Exercise 7 Fill in the correct plant-related idiom from the list below: thorn in my side, beat around the bush, through the grapevine, lead you up the garden path, coming up roses, pushing up the daisies, gilding the lily, as fresh as a daisy, like a weed, a bed of roses 1. Even though she had been working most of the night, she looked ………………… . (not at all tired) 2. You can’t expect life to be ……………………… ; things are bound to go wrong at times. (easy and pleasant) 3. That man has become a real ……………………… - I wish he’d stop bothering me! (source of annoyance) 4. The last time I saw old Mr Smith was fifteen years ago; he must be …………………. by now. (dead) 5. John didn’t tell me he was getting married – I heard it ………………… . (from gossip) 6. He’s not to be trusted, so don’t let him ………………… . (deceive you) 7. With his business having become such a success, everything seems to be ………… . (going very well) 8. David is growing ………………… . He’ll be two metres tall before long. (extremely quickly) 9. There’s no need for you to wear make-up. You’re so pretty already that you would just be ………………. . (attempting to improve sth already attractive) 10.Please don’t …………………………………….. – just tell me what you want. (avoid the main issue)



DIRECTIONS  Reading Read the dialogues and pay attention to the way directions are given. 1.Toshio: Excuse me, Officer. Is there a bank near here? Officer: Yes, there’s a bank on Park Road. Go one block north to Main Street. Turn left at the corner of Main Street and Park. Walk a block and a half, and there’s a bank on your left. Did you get that? Toshio: I think so. Just one more question. Are there any bookstores in Winfield? Officer: Yes, there are two. The general bookstore is just up this street on the left between the drugstore and the train station. Now, the college bookstore is pretty far. It is at the Corner of Church Street and Ocean Avenue. Toshio: Oh, yes! I know that bookstore. Thanks for all your help, Officer. Officer: You are welcome. Don’t get lost! Cultural note: In the United States, it is considered polite to address a police officer with the title “Officer”. The title officer is used for both male and female police officers. 2.Alec: Could you tell me where Market Street is? Martha: It’s one block across from the telephone company and the telephone company is one block west of Riverside Road. Alec: But I don’t know where the river is. Martha: The river is east of the city. Alec: Is it far from the railway station? Martha: The railway station is north of the city. There you can take bus 21. Get off at Museum Street. Walk north on it. You’ll see City Hall. It is between Warner’s Department Store and the supermarket. Take the first street on your right. It’s High Street. You’ll see the coffee shop on your right and office buildings on your left. The railway station is at the end of High Street. Alec: Thank you, you’ve helped me a lot. 3.Director: Science museum. May I help you? Student: Yes. Can you tell me where you’re located? Director: At the corner of third and Turner. Student: Could you tell me how to get there by bus? Director: Sure. Take the Turner Street bus. Get off at Fourth Street. Student: Could you spell the name of the first street? Director: Of course. It’s T-U-R-N-E-R. Student: Fine, could you also tell me what time the museum opens? Director: 10:30 Monday through Friday. Student: 10:30 ... good ... thanks for your help. Director: You’re welcome. 118

Exercise 1 Make dialogues where Student A is an alien in the city the map of which you can see on the next page and is to ask questions about the buildings and places you can see below; StudentB is a citizen of this city and is to give directions to Student A using the expressions from the dialogues above, to help him find these places. Example: the Roma restaurant / Prince Street A: Could you, please, tell me where the Rome restaurant is? B: The Roma restaurant is at the end of Prince Street a. the police station / College Avenue b. the Young’s House / Kennedy Avenue and Station Road c. the fire department / School Road / the elementary school and the hospital d. Warner’s Department Store / Main Street and Station Road e. Chinese restaurant / Park Road / Winfield Avenue and Main Street Exercise 2 There may be more than one piece of information about some of the streets. Give full information about each street with the location of places and buildings. Use the map on the next page and the directions from the dialogues above. Example: Winfield Avenue / appartment building / a park There is an appartment building in the beginning of Winfield Avenue. The park is in the centre of the avenue. a. Prince Street / a pool, a restaurant, a park, a church b. Main Street / art museum, a bookstore, a supermarket c. Church Street / a church, a French restaurant, a bus station, a parking lot, a post office d. Cliff Road / a marina e. College Avenue / a telephone company, a police station, a theatre f. Ocean Avenue / a bookstore, a library g. School Road / a department store, a high school, a fire department, a hospital h. Park Road / a zoo, a drugstore Exercise 3 Make dialogues when one of you will be looking for the places and buildings from the list, don’t forget to explain what you need these places for. a pool, a bridge, a mall, a fire department, a community college, a subway station, an amusement park, a skating rink, a TV studio Listening Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositions. Listen and correct yourself.  Excuse me, can you tell me the way (1) …… Trafalgar Square? Certainly. Go down Regent Street (2) …… Piccadilly Circus and then go down the Haymarket. Turn to the left at the bottom and in less than a minute you’ll be (3) …… Trafalgar Square. 119


        

 

Thank you very much. How far is it (4) ……here? If you walk, it’ll take you ten minutes or a quarter (5) …… an hour. There’s sure to be. But you’d better ask the policeman (6) …… there. He’ll give you all the information you want. Thank you. Excuse me, officer, is there a bus (7) …… here to Trafalgar Square? Yes, sir, any bus’ll take you. There’s a bus-stop just (8) …… there. Ask the conductor to put you down (9) …… Trafalgar Square. Thank you. Does this go to Trafalgar Square? Yes, sir. Come along, hurry up. No room (10) …… top, inside only. No standing (11) …… the platform… pass down the bus, please. Sorry, full up. Sorry, sir, you can’t smoke (12) ……, you’ll have to wait until there’s room upstairs. Fares, please. Trafalgar Square, please, and will you get (13) ……, sir. Thank you.

Exercise 4 Prepositions of movement Fill the gaps with a preposition from the list below. There may be several possibilities. above behind across off by into against up round out of on over below through onto past down to along towards beside at in Mary’s day out The sun rose (a) _____ Mary’s house. It was a beautiful day. Mary came (b)_____ her front door and went (c)_____ the path. (d)_____ the gate and (e)_____ the street. She crossed (f)_____ the road and walked (g)_____ the bus stop. The bus arrived and she got (h)_____ the bus. It went (i)_____ the corner, (j)_____ the High Street, (k)_____ all the shops and (l)_____ the countryside. It topped (m)_____ the duck pond (n)_____ the next village, and Mary got (o)_____. She climbed (p)_____ a stile and started walking (q)_____ a big flied. Suddenly, she saw a huge bull running (r)_____ her! She raced (s)_____ the far side of the field and squeezed (t)_____ the hedge. Out of breath, she sat down (u)_____ the grass (v)_____ the river. She leant back (w)_____ a rock. The sun was warm. Mary closed her eyes and listened to the water flowing (x)_____. Soon she was fast asleep. When she awoke the sun had disappeared (y)_____ the horizon.



PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION  Reading Read the following dialogues and make your own dialogue where you will find out how to get to a place in your city by transport. Try to get exact directions to these places. 1.Operator: May I help you? Alice: Can you tell me which bus to take downtown? Operator: Where are you calling from? Alice: I’m at the corner of Linda Vista Road and Ulric Street. Operator: You can catch the bus right there. Take either number 4 or H bus. Alice: Do I need to transfer? Operator: No, either bus goes directly to town. They leave on the hour and the halfhour. Alice: How much is the fare? Operator: It’s $1.00, unless you have a monthly pass. You’d better have the exact change or a $1 bill. Alice: Thank you. 2.Bob: Driver: Bob: Driver: Bob: Driver Bob: 3.Clerk: Alec: Clerk: Alec: Clerk: Alec: Clerk: Alec: Clerk: Alec:

Exuse me, is there a bus stop near University Avenue? I want to get off there. There’s a bus stop one block before. Would you please tell me when we get there? Yes, I’d be glad to. Could you tell me where I would get off to transfer to the H bus? Get off at First Street and cross the street. Keep the transfer to show the driver. Thank you. May I help you? I’d like two tickets on the next bus to Portland, please. One way or round-trip? You save 10% on a round trip ticket. Then two round-trip tickets, please. Is this an express bus? Yes it goes straight through to Portland. No stops. Do you have any baggage to check? Only one suitcase. Write your name on this tag, please. Don’t you want to check that one too? No. I want to hand-carry this one. Put this tag on your bag and keep the claim check. The bus will be loading at the west end of the depot in 15 minutes. Have a good trip. Thank you.


Exercise 1 Read the paragraph and say how people in your country pay transport fare. London Buses The system of bus fares is based on zones, like Underground fares. If you travel in the rush hour during the week, you may pay more in some zones. Fares are also higher if you are travelling through two or more zones and one of them is central. London Transport can sell you a One Day Bus Pass (this does not include the central zone), you can buy Bus Passes in advance from newsagents and some bus garages or a Local Area Bus Pass if you live in an outer area. But it may be better to buy a Travel Card, which you can also use on the Underground and on British Rail. Exercise 2 Study the bus schedule below to answer the questions that follow. Grossmont Center, to San Diego State University, Mission Valley, Fashion Valley, Mission Beach and Pacific Beach MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SCHEDULE Leave Due Lake Due Due Due Arrive Grossmont Murrey College Fashion Mission Mission Center Blvd. Ave. Valley Blvd. Blvd. & Sapphire 6:20 6:27 6:40 6:55 7:07 7:15 7:25 7:32 7:45 8:00 8:12 8:20 8:37 8:44 8:57 9:12 9:24 9:36 9:37 9:44 9:57 10:12 10:24 10:30 10:37 10:44 10:57 11:12 11:24 11:36 11:37 11:44 11:57 12:12 12:24 12:36 12:37 12:44 12:57 1:12 1:24 1:36 1:37 1:44 1:57 2:12 2:24 2:36 2:37 2:44 2:57 3:14 3:26 3:36 1. How long does it take to go from Grossmont Centre to Fashion Valley if you leave Grossmont Center at 7:25 in the morning? 2. How many buses leave Grossmont Center before 12:00 noon? 3. If you have to be at Fashion Valley at 12:00 noon, what’s the latest bus you can take from Grossmont Center? 4. If you leave College Avenue at 10:57, what time will you arrive at Mission Boulevard and Sapphire? 5. If you leave Grossmont Center at 10:37 in the morning to go to Fashion Valley but you miss the bus, how long do you have to wait for the next bus? Exercise 3 Put each of the following words in the correct space in the passage below. fare, sliding doors, platform, conductor, crew, cab, double-decker, bus stop, driver, rush hour, tube, destination, inspector, subway, lift, hail, single-decker, taxi-rank, 123

metro, coach, meter, escalator, conductress, check, tip, rack A taxi, sometimes called a ___ , is the most comfortable way to travel. You simply ___ , the taxi in the street or go to a ___ , where there are several taxis waiting, for example, at a station. At the end of the journey, you can see how much the ___ is by looking at the ___ . You add a ___ to this, and that’s it. Very simple. But expensive! What about taking a bus? If it has two floors, it’s called a ___ and you can get a good view from the top. If it has only one floor, it’s called a ___ . Most buses have a two-person ___ : the ___ , who drives of course, and the ___ , (or ___ if it’s a woman) who takes your money. Keep your ticket because an ___ might want to ___ it. You catch a bus by waiting at a ___ . You can see where a bus is going to because the ___ is written on the front. But try to avoid the ___ . Quicker than the bus is the underground (called the ___ in London, the ___ in New York and the ___ in Paris and many other cities). You buy your ticket at the ticket office. Go down to the ___ on the ___ or in the ___ . The train comes. The ___ open. You get on. You look at the map of the underground system. Very simple. For longer distances take a train or a long distance bus, usually called a ___ , which is slower but cheaper. The train is very fast. Put your luggage on the ___ and sit and wait till you arrive.

 Reading Read and translate the texts.

How to travel by metro. If you want to travel by metro, look out for a metro station first. They are easy to recognize because of the large letter M. There are a few lines in the Kyiv metro, and some are under construction. They intersect at Khreschatyk Station. Each line has a particular colour on the map. It’s easy to follow. We haven’t got any line running nonstop between their two ends. There are no tickets in the metro. A 50-kopeck token will take you to any station you like and you can even make a tour of the entire system. There are moving staircases or escalators to take you down to the platform below. The underground system is very simple in Kyiv. You may have to change lines. At the station you can see the notice telling you where to go. If you follow the directions, you will get to the right platform with no trouble at all. Now, go through the automatic gates to the escalators and down to the platform below, get on the right train and – have a nice journey! In the Kyiv Metro you do not feel as if you are underground. This is due to the unique architecture and the artistic design of the stations which are like palaces. No stations are alike, most of them have their own architectural and artistic design. The London Underground. The London Underground is very big. There are ten lines: Victoria, Central, Circle, Piccadilly, Northern, District, Metropolitan, Bakerloo, Jubilee and East London Section. All in all there are more than 300 stations on the London Underground. There are two terminal stations on each line. The lines cross each other many times, so at some stations you can change to other lines, or you can say that at these stations there is an 124

interchange with other lines. At some stations you can change to an ordinary railway, the name of which in Britain is British Rail. Some stations are closed on Sundays, others – on Saturdays and Sundays, still others are open Monday to Friday at rush hours only. Exercise 1 Fill in the prepositions where it is necessary: 1. If you want to travel ____ metro, look out ____ a metro station first. 2. A 50-kopeck token will take you ___ any station you like and you can even make a tour ___ the entire system. 3. Now, go __________ the automatic gates to the escalators and down to the platform below, get ___ the right train and – have a nice journey! 4. They are easy to recognize because ____ the large letter M. 5. They intersect _____ Khreschatyk Station. 6. There are a few lines ___ the Kyiv metro, and some are ______ construction. 7. Each line has a particular colour ____ the map. 8. There are no tickets ___ the metro. 9. If you follow the directions, you will get ____ the right platform ____ no trouble at all. Exercise 2 Insert necessary words: 1. In the Kyiv _______ you do not feel as if you are underground. This is due to the unique ____________ and the __________ design of the stations which are like _________. 2. There are a few _____ in the Kyiv metro, and some are under construction. 3. If you want to _______ by metro, look out for a metro ______ first. 4. Each line has a particular _______ on the map. 5. We haven’t got any line running non-_____ between their two ends. 6. There are _________ staircases or escalators to take you down to the platform below. Exercise 3 Match a word in A with a word in B to make a new noun and fill in the gaps with the correct compound noun. A B rush air park port town * motor way stop railway department agent’s store traffic car centre * shop book travel office lights bus ticket station hour 1. Stop the car! The __________ are red. 2. Heathrow is one of the biggest _______ in the world. 3. Harrods is the best _______ in London, but it’s very expensive to go shopping there. 4. We waited in the rain at the _______ for one hour before the bus came. 125

5. All big towns have a ________ every morning when people go to work, and again in the evening when they go home. 6. Sun and Sea is the best _________ in the _____. They have good cheap holidays. 7. I hate driving on the M25. It goes around London and it’s one of the busiest _______ in the country. 8. The ________ was very big and I couldn’t find the _______ . A man told me that it was near Platform 1. 9. No I didn’t borrow this book from the library. I bought it at a ______ . 10. I can’t find the place for parking. Where is the_____________ . Exercise 4 Explain the difference between the following words. 1. a bus driver and a bus conductor 2. fare and fine 3. a booking office and a box office 4. an urban area and a rural area 5. a bus and a motor coach Exercise 5 Put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below. Sometimes you have to change the form. traffic, direct, light, fast, transport, rush-hour, change, fare, overcrowded, convenient, distance, town, underground, travel, foot People use various means of 1. _______ to get from one place to another. When getting about 2. _______ one can go by bus, trolley-bus or by the underground. The 3. _______ in every city is very popular with the citizens. It’s the 4. _______ and most 5. _______ way of going about town. If you have to 6. _______ a short 7. _______ you may take a bus, a tram, a trolley-bus or go on 8. _______ . If there is no 9. _______ bus to your destination, you’ll have to 10. _______ on to another bus (trolley-bus, tram). When we travel on buses (trams, etc) we have to pay 11. _______ . It’s not too much and it doesn’t depend on the distance you go. If there are many cars, buses and trolleybuses in the town we say that the 12. _______ is heavy. If the vehicles are few we say that the traffic is 13. _______ . The traffic is especially heavy in the 14. _______ , that is in the morning when people are hurrying to work and in the evening when people are coming back home. At this time the public transport is 15. _______ (packed to the full). Exercise 6 Fill in prepositions where necessary. 1. The easiest way to get around London is ____ underground. 2. I decided not to go ____ car. I went ____ my bike instead. 3. Queue ____ a bus stop. Do not try to push in front ____ everyone else, get ____ the bus through the entrance door. 4. Quick! Get ____ the train. It’s ready to leave. 126

5. Sorry, I’m late. I missed the bus, so I had to come ____ foot. 6. He got ____ the car and drove off. 7. I was travelling ____ train ____ Bristol. When the train arrived ____ Bristol I got ____ the train. 8. If you happen to be careless ____ traffic rules and cross a street either ____ a red light or not ____ a zebra crossing you are sure to be punished ____ traffic rules offence. 9. I saw Jake this morning. He was ____ a bus which passed me. 10.My mother usually goes ____ work ____ her car. Exercise 7 Explain the difference between 1. a carriage and a compartment 2. a season ticket and a return ticket 3. a ticket inspector and a bus conductor 4. a train driver and a guard

 Speaking Decide if each of the sentences below is an advantage or a disadvantage for that type of public transportation. Put a plus in front of the advantages and a minus in front of the disadvantages. Explain your decision. Bus ___ Riders must always have correct change for the fare box. ___ Riders can get transfers from one bus route to another. ___ The conductors speak fast, and it’s hard to understand them. Subway ___ During rush hours there are many subways to choose from. Train ___ Commuter trains never have to go through traffic. ___ Train timetables are long and difficult to understand. Taxi ___ Taxi fares are expensive, and the passenger must tip the driver. ___ Taxicabs are often the quickest way to get around city. Exercise 8 Translate into English. Транспорт в місті Києві Найшвидшим і найзручнішим транспортним засобом звичайно ж є метро. Система Київського метро досить проста, усього три лінії. В разі якщо вам доведеться робити пересадку на станціях, там де необхідно, ви потрапите до потрібної вам платформи без жодної проблеми. В київському метро не відчувається, що ви під землею. Це завдяки унікальному архітектурному і художньому дизайну станцій, які схожі на палаци. Кожна станція представляє сюжет історичної події, що відображає мирні зусилля народу України. Щодо інших видів міського транспорту, то якість їх послуг залишає бажати кращого. У години пік, коли рух у місті дуже інтенсивний, майже не можливо сісти на автобус чи тролейбус. Вам поталанило, якщо ви не потрапили до транспортної пробки, вам не відтоптали ноги, і ви змогли вчасно пробитися до 127

виходу, щоб не проїхати свою зупинку. Коли ви вийшли з автобусу, навіть якщо почуваєтесь ні живим, ні мертвим після такої подорожі, будьте уважним на вулиці і дотримуйтесь правил дорожнього руху, оскільки транспортні пригоди часто трапляються за вини пішоходів. Найкращий і найнебезпечніший спосіб перейти проїжджу частину у центрі міста, звичайно, підземним переходом або принаймні на зелене світло. Не ставте під загрозу життя інших людей і своє особисте, порушуючи правила дорожнього руху. Exercise 9 Put the correct preposition in each space in the sentences below. 1. We went down ___ the lift. 2. We met ___ the station. 3. I waited 20 minutes ___ a bus. 4. In Britain people queue ___ buses. 5. We must wait ___ the bus stop. 6. She waited ___ the platform. 7. The tube stops ___ every station. 8. The conductor asked ___ our fares. 9. We finally got ___ the bus ___ our destination. 10.I’ll meet you ___ the ticket office. 11.Get your ticket ___ the machine. Exercise 10 Write a good question for each of the following answers on the lines below. Example: Ask the bus driver. What do you do if you are not sure of your stop? 1. Pull the cord! 2. Hold onto the strap! 3. Look at the timetable. 4. Look at the meter. 5. Ask the conductor. 6. Give a good tip. 7. Offer your seat.

 Speaking Choose the best answer and tell why you choose it. There may be more than one good answer. 1. An elderly man gets on a crowded bus. A middle-aged woman rider should a) get up and motion to her seat, b) stay seated and say nothing, c) ask if he would like her seat, d) other. 2. A taxicab driver gives you your change in ten-dollar bills. You don’t have any smaller change, and you don’t want to tip ten dollars. a) Ask the driver if he has change. b) Leave no tip. c) Ask the driver to wait a minute and get change from a nearby store. d) Other. 3. The driver of a horse-drawn carriage has given you a very nice tour of the city. Give a) a 5% tip, b) a 15% tip, 128

c) no tip, d) other. 4. The person next to you on the train is sitting very close to you, and you begin to feel uncomfortable. a) Pull the emergency cord. b) Change your seat. c) Leave the train. d) Tell the conductor.

 Speaking What can you say in each situation? 1. A friend wants back the bike you borrowed six weeks ago, but you don’t have money to pay the transport fare and have to get to your work somehow. 2. The bus driver wants to know why you don’t have a ticket. 3. You promised to repair your friend’s car. The friend is still waiting. 4. The ticket inspector on the train says you have the wrong ticket. Exercise 11 Translate into Ukrainian. Я живу у великому, чистому, гарно спланованому і прекрасному місті. Коли я стомлююсь від шуму і гаміру галасливого міста, я разом з батьками їду до бабусі у село. Це навіть і не село, а хутірець. Його чудова природа відновлює мої сили і енергію. Тихими вечорами я прогулююсь маленькими стежинками. Вони вузенькі, звивисті, але мають свою чарівність. Міські жителі часто проводять відпустки у сільсікій місцевості. А мої родичі з батькової сторони, що живуть у селі, часом навідуються до нашого міста. На щастя у них є власний автомобіль, і вони їдуть по двосторонньому шосе до міста. Оскільки мій дядько гарний водій, він добре знає дорожні знаки. Крім того, йому, як і всім пішоходам, необхідно дотримуватись правил дорожнього руху. Мій дядько часто розказує історії, про те, як пішоходи порушують правила: переходять дорогу на червоне світло, не користуються переходами “зебра”, або підземними переходами. Навіть маленькі діти знають, що перш ніж перейти дорогу, спочатку треба подивитися наліво, а, дійшовши середини, подивитись направо. Моя ж тітка віддає перевагу міському транспорту, стверджуючи, що автомобіль витрачає багато часу, “застрявши” в транспортній “пробці”. Вона користується автобусом, тролейбусом і трамваєм, але звичайно віддає перевагу метро. Купивши жетон, ви спускаєтесь ескалатором на платформу і можете проїхати одну зупинку або подорожувати аж до кінцевої зупинки. Автобусом дуже важко подорожувати в наш час. По-перше, автобуси ходять нечасто, по-друге, вони дуже переповнені. Тітка радить купляти талони завчасно та вчасно їх компостувати, щоб вас не обізвали “зайцями” (bilker) і не покарали. Та надійніше придбати проїздний квиток і подорожувати аж скільки душа забажає (to one’s heart’s content)! 129


TRANSPORT Listening Listen to what two people are saying about how they travel in a large city. Before you listen, study the table and predict what they will say. As you listen, write in the table the information from the conversation. Do you agree with what they say? Public transport


Cost Problems Convenience Lynn:

Well, I reckon it’s a bit ____ to have a car, if you live in the middle of London like I do. Personally, I go everywhere ___ _____ transport, buses, tubes, and I don’t have any complaints - well, not too many. Interviewer: It’s quite expensive nowadays though, isn’t it? Lynn: Like everything else, I’m afraid. I would say it will cost me about 5 or 6 pounds a week. Sometimes I get a Travelcard, which you can use on the ____ or on the buses, and sometimes I get the bus. It depends how organized I am feeling that week. It’s very easy to use public transport, it’s much cheaper than a car, and there’s lots of it, you can get anywhere quickly, especially on the Underground. While in a car you ___ _____ in a ______ ____. Interviewer: So you wouldn’t consider _______ even a small car? Lynn: It doesn’t make any sence for me. The big problem is parking, there’s simply nowhere to put it if you drive into the centre, unless you feel like paying a fortune in a ____ ____. And even then, sometimes you just can’t find a space. And the other big problem is crime - if you leave your car in the street, chances are that either the car, or _____ of it will be missing when you come back... Interviewer: Peter, you run a car, don’t you? Is it really worth it? Peter: Well I must admit, I’ve often asked myself that question, especially when I’m stuck in the middle of a traffic jam. I suppose that the main reason I still do it is that I can’t stand waiting for buses and trains and things - I just ____ ___ the car, and ___ I ___. It’s easier to plan your journey. And you can go any time - most public transport is fairly awful after say 12.30 at night, so if you like going out late, you know, there’s a problem. And the buses are so ______ all the time, and the tubes, so you end up feeling like a _______ in a tin ... Interviewer: Isn’t it a bit expensive though? Peter: Yes, it is. I’ve worked out that it costs me between 15 and 20 pounds a week, 130

so I suppose I could save a lot of money if I went by bus. It’s just that I can’t stand all that waiting, ______ and shoving, you know? Anyway I enjoy driving... Exercise 1 The following comments are overheard at the local truckers’ cafe. Read each comment, decide what kind of driver is talking or write what kind of truck he/she drives. Example: Trash cans are very heavy! A sanitation worker who drives a garbage truck. 1. Delivering oil is a dangerous job! 2. You’ve moved five rooms of furniture today! 3. I am on my way to pull a broken-down car to a service station. 4. They bought a lot of hamburgers today. 5. I still have two more packages to deliver. 6. I have seen new automobiles on the truck. 7. I hope it doesn’t snow again tomorrow. 8. I’m loaded with two tons of dirt. 9. The mixer makes so much noise. 10.You wouldn’t believe how dirty city streets are. Exercise 2 Write the word that best describes the examples listed. directions, vehicles, speeds, signals, size, loads 1.______________________ big, small, large 2.______________________ green light, stop, red light 3.______________________ passengers, food, products, 4.______________________ north, backward, left 5.______________________ truck, car, bus 6.______________________ 5 miles an hour, fast, slow Exercise 3 Circle the word or phrase which is different in meaning. Explain your decision. 1. to exit to leave to get off to arrive to go out of 2. driver motorist trucker vehicle pilot 3. backward to the left exit to the right forward 4. journey load trip vacation travels 5. motor train truck automobile taxi Exercise 4 Translate into Ukrainian. Автотранспорт Вантажні автомобілі й автобуси – це автотранспортні засоби. На вантажівках перевозять товари і продукти, а автобуси використовують як громадський транспорт.


Вантажівки й автобуси мають багато спільного. Часто вони навіть випускаються тими самими компаніями. Будь-яких розмірів На відміну від автомобілів, у вантажівок і автобусів є окреме шасі, інакше кажучи, рама на колесах, на яку кріпляться корпус машини. Вантажівка може бути невеликою і розвозити товари в межах одного населеного пункту. Вона може також перевозити вантажі на середні відстані чи бути великоваговим транспортним засобом, масою до 44 т. Автобус, який служить громадським транспортом, як правило, перевозить від 20 до 100 пасажирів. Автопоїзди Існує два основних типи вантажівок – такі, де кабіна, кузов і всі колеса кріпляться на одному шасі, і тягачі з причепом. Причеп, призначений для перевезення великих вантажів, називається трейлером. Шасі вантажівок легко пристосувати для будь-яких потреб: на них, наприклад, можна установити цистерни, в яких перевозять рідину (молоко, пальне чи хімічні реактиви), чи бетономішалки. У деяких країнах широко використовують автопоїзди: до важких тягачів послідовно, як вагони до локомотива, чіпляють кілька трейлерів. Перевезення пасажирів Автобуси бувають одноповерховими та двоповерховими. Двоповерховий автобус може перевозити більше пасажирів. Одноповерхові автобуси можуть складатися з головної машини та причепа. Попри свою довжину, вони можуть розвернути на невеликому просторі. Крім міських, існують і міжнародні автобуси. Трамвай може складатися з одного або кількох вагонів. Оскільки екологічно це більш чистий вид громадського транспорту, ніж автобус, у багатьох містах відродилося трамвайне сполучення. Exercise 5 Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. 1.Drivers should be careful of their speed in the cities. 2.They drove their cars at a high speed. 3.Speeding often leads to car accidents. 4.Drivers sometimes have trouble with their car motors in hot weather. 5.Motorists should drive carefully. 6.Cars, buses, and trains are all vehicles. 7.Special trucks are used to take new cars to where they will be sold. 8.Our car easily carries five passengers. 9.The truck lost its load in the middle of the highway. 10.The policeman signaled for us to pull to the side of the road. 11.We didn’t see the traffic signal and didn’t stop for the red light. 12.The truck got off the highway at Exit 14. 13.Parking lot had one exit. 14.The driver backed his car up without looking and hit the car behind him. 15.Back up. You’ve gone too far. 16.The numbers were written backwards, so we couldn’t understand them. 17.The car went backwards and then forward again to get into the parking space. 18.They sent their furniture to their new town via truck. 19.The holes in the road caused many problems for the motorists. 20.The load was inspected before the truck could cross into the neighboring country.


Exercise 6 What do people say in each situation? Use the verb given. Example: Jack is running towards the bus stop, but he is too late to catch the bus. (miss) Oh bither, I’ve missed the bus! 1. Sheila is in the railway station looking worried. We can see her bag inside the train. The train is moving. (leave) (emergency handle) 2. Sue and Mark are meeting a friend at the station, but so far there is no sign of the train. (arrive) 3. Bill is at the bus stop. He is looking very worried and searching for his Travel Card in his pockets. (forget) (lose) 4. Sue is at the airport to meet friends. The light on the ‘Landed’ sign is now on. (land) 5. The driving instructor is shaking hands with George and smiling. (pass)

 Writing a) You have had a class discussion about different forms of travel. Write an essay presenting the arguments for and against traveling by boat. 1. What type of essay should you write? 2. Should you short sentences, colloquial expressions and idioms? If not, why? 3. Which of the following points could be included in your essay? Tick (). Which points are pros and which are cons? Can you add any other ideas? 1 cheaper than other forms of travel 2 can be unpleasant in bad weather 3 lots of people go on sailing holidays 4 journeys can take a long time 5 more comfortable and enjoyable than other forms of transport 6 famous explorers traveled the seven seas Introduction Paragraph 1 present topic (without stating your opinion) Main Body Paragraph 2 arguments for, with justifications/examples Paragraph 3 arguments against, with justifications/examples Conclusion Final Paragraph your opinion/balanced summary



Main Body


b) Read the article and label the paragraphs with the correct headings. What is the writer’s opinion on the topic? Finally, replace the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs with alternative ones.  arguments against  opinion  arguments for  present topic Did you know the boat was one of the forms of transport? Para 1 A hundred years ago, the only way to make a journey across the …………… sea was by boat. Nowadays, however, when it is possible to fly …………… from one continent to another in the space of a few hours, is there …………… any reason to travel by boat? Although the boat is a rather old-fashioned way of traveling, it has certain advantages. To begin with, boats are usually more comfortable than planes or cars. Instead of staying in your seat Para 2 for the whole journey, you can go for a walk on the deck, eat in a restaurant, or even go shopping. Having more space to move …………… around makes a long journey much more pleasant. Furthermore, …………… boats are often cheaper than other forms of travel. For example, …………… a boat ticket usually costs less than a plane ticket. Finally, boats are a safe alternative to cars and planes. There are fewer accidents at sea than in the air or on the roads. Para 3 However, traveling by boat does have its disadvantages. It usually takes much longer than other forms of travel. As a result, …………… it can be more tiring. In addition, boat trips can be very …………… unpleasant when the weather is bad or the sea is rough, making …………… journeys uncomfortable or even frightening. Para 4 All things considered, although there are some disadvantages to traveling by boat, I believe it is a very enjoyable …………… experience. Journeys may take longer, but if you have time to …………… spare, you can take advantage of the many facilities which boats …………… have to offer and enjoy a pleasant voyage.

Para 2 Para 3

Main Body

c) Read the article again and fill in the blanks below. Then, using expressions from the box on the right, talk about the pros and cons of traveling by boat. FOR Justifications/Examples Arguments go for a walk, eat in a restaurant, go 1) more comfortable than other shopping, have more space to move forms of travel around 2) ……………………………. ………………………………… 3)…………………………….. ………………………………… AGAINST Arguments Justifications/Examples 1) ……………………………. ……………………………… 2)…………………………….. ……………………………… Useful expressions and linking words/phrases 134

 to list and add points: in the first place, to start/begin with, secondly, thirdly, finally, in addition (to this), furthermore, moreover, besides. etc.  to introduce or list advantages: the man/first/most important advantage of…, one/another/an additional advantage of…., one point of view in favour of…., it is often suggested/believed/argued that…., some/many people suggest/feel argue that…., some/many people are in favour of/are convinced that…. etc.  to introduce or list disadvantages: the main/most important disadvantage/drawback of...., one/another/an additional disadvantage of…., one point/argument against…, some/many people are against…, etc.  to introduce examples/reasons/results: for example/instance, such as, like, in particular, therefore, for this reason, because, as, since, as a result, etc.  to show contrast: on the other hand, however, still. but, nonetheless, nevertheless. although, even though, despite/in spite of (the fact that), etc.  to introduce a conclusion: in conclusion, to conclude/sum up, all in all, finally, lastly, all things considered, taking everything into account/consideration, etc. d) Read the article again and replace the linking words/phrases in bold with synonymous ones. Then, say which of the linking words/phrases in the article are used to: a) list/add points b) introduce reasons/results

c) show contrast d) introduce a conclusion

e) Underline the correct linking word/phrase. 1. Besides/Despite, television affects the way we think. 2. Many people are against/argue that we need advertisements in order to keep up to date with the latest products on the market. 3. One point of view against/in favour of travelling is that it allows you to meet people from different cultures. 4. Even though/Nevertheless most people nowadays use a computer at work, it will be a while before we stop putting our ideas down on paper. 5. For instance/Still, people who know how to play a musical instrument are usually popular and make friends more easily than others. f) Read the paragraph below and underline correct linking word/phrase. There are many advantages to having children at an early age. 1) To begin with/In addition to this, when you are young, you have a lot of energy. This means you can cope quite easily with children’s demands for constant care and attention. 2) To conclude/Secondly, young parents can relate to their children and 3) therefore/ nevertheless understand them better. 4) Yet/Finally, when you become a parent at an early age, you are still young enough to enjoy life when your child becomes independent. Exercise 7 135

Transport 1) Put ticks () to show which verbs go with which forms of transport. 1 car 2 bus 3 train 4 plane 5 bicycle  get into/out of get on/off take off/land ride  drive catch/miss board  overtake  park

6 ferry

2) Put a number 1 – 6 next to the nouns in the box, depending on which type of transport they are associated with. Some can go into more that one category. traffic check-in _ handlebars _ runway _ lights _ trolley _ desk _ deck one-way _ street _ joyrider _ life jacket _ tyres _ traffic jam _ tunnel ticket _ slip road _ trailer _ collector _ track _ spare tyre _ lay-by service _ platform _ jetty _ station _ horn _ timetable _ porter season hand _ seat belt _ carriage _ ticket _ cargo _ luggage _ cabin crash _ helmet _ coach _ gangway _ port _ customs 3) Read the clues and fill in the missing words in the puzzle. What is the vertical word? a To go past another vehicle because you are moving faster (8) b A home on wheels that is pulled by a car (7) c A hard surface on which aircraft take off and land (6) d A moveable bridge that people use for getting on or off a ship (7) e A road that leads onto or off a motorway (4, 4) f A person whose job is to carry suitcases at a railway station, airport, etc. (6) g The goods that are carried in a ship or aircraft (5) h A place where petrol and other goods are sold to motorists (7, 7) i An underground passage, for example for a road or railway (6) j The curved metal bar at the front of a bicycle that you hold when you are riding it (10) k A journey to one or more places and back again, often by a different route (5, 4) l A long line of cars, etc. that cannot move or that can only move very slowly (7, 3) m The place where government officials check your luggage (7) n Where you register as a passenger and weigh in your luggage at an airport (5-2, 4) 136

a b c d e f

g h i j k l m n

PART V 137

TRAFFIC RULES It is interesting to know

 Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

HIGHWAYS The highways in the United States are reasonably good, and it is not complicated to drive on them. They are numbered to show the direction of the highway. Highways with a number ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 - for example, Hwy 72 - go in an east-west direction. Highways numbered with 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9-for example, Hwy 79 - go north and south. Three numbers, such as 495, show that the highway circles a city so that motorists can avoid the downtown area or heavy city traffic. Most highway exits are very clear, with the exit name and number on a sign above the road. Exits may lead to a town or onto another highway. On some ways, the exit lane is also the entrance lane for cars coming onto the highways. For this reason, motorists must be careful to use turn signals when exiting so that they don’t cause an accident with entering vehicles. The speed limit on many large highways is 65 miles, or about 106 kilometers an hour. The speed is always lower on exits and entrances and is frequently lower when a highway passes through a heavily populated area. It is the law that motorists stay at or below the speed limit, pay attention to all traffic signals and wear safety belts. Motorists must also never throw anything out of the car windows. There are many laws against leaving paper and garbage on the highways. If motorists remember how highways are numbered, drive within the speed limit, and pay attention to other rules of the road, they should have no problems driving on US highways. * Hwy - the abbreviation for highway a) 1. How do motorists know which direction they are travelling? 2. Why do some roads have three numbers? 3. How do motorists know which exit is the next? 4. What is unusual about highway exits in some parts of the US? 5. What must motorists be sure to do when exiting (for changing lanes)? 6. What is the speed limit on most highways in the US? When is it different? 7. What are several laws that motorists should remember? b) 1. What reasons should a motorist have for driving backwards? 2. What are some typical loads that trucks carry? 3. What are some typical signals used to control traffic? 4. What traffic laws must motorists pay attention to in your country? 5. What are some problems large trucks can cause for car drivers? 6. Where is vehicular or motorised traffic usually not permitted? Why? 7. Describe the longest journey you have ever made. 8. How old must a person be to drive a motorized vehicle in your country? Exercise 1 138

The answers in the dialogue below have several variants, and the dialogue is not finished. Choose your variant of the dialogue. Decide what could be added to complete the dialogue. Ashley: Sam: Ashley : Sam :

What’s the matter? You look upset. Wow, I really had a close call today. What happened? I was driving south/turning a corner/parking/speeding/coming down the hill on Highway 163 when I had a blowout/flat tire. Ashley : What did you do? Sam : I took my foot off the brake and tried to steer to the side of the road, but the car began to skid. Ashley : You are lucky no one hit you. Sam : I sure am. Fortunately, I pulled over before anything happened/the car started to skid. I lost control of the car. Ashley : After you stopped/pulled over/got out of the car what did you do? Exercise 2 1.Marco was driving to work. He was going to drop his aunt, Adela, off at her friend’s house, but they didn’t get to their destinations. Why did it happen? To find out what happened put the story in order. On the Way to Work ___ Next he swerved right to avoid hitting the other car and smashed into a tree instead. ___ Meanwhile, the other driver drove off when the light changed, unaware that he had caused an accident. 8 Before the police officer finished talking to Marco and Adela, the tow truck arrived. ___ As Marco was driving to work, a driver cut in front of him in an intersection. ___ While one officer called for a tow truck, the other one recorded Marco’s and Adela’s statements about the accident. ___ Then Marco slammed on the brakes, but they didn’t hold. ___ A police car arrived a few minutes after the other car left. ___ Slowly they got out of the car, although the car was damaged, they were unhurt. 2. Why did the police come? Make a list of questions the police asked. 3. a) Think over the questions that Adela and Marco may want to ask the mechanic about the car. Example: Why did the brakes give out? They gave out because the brakepads were worn out. b) Roleplay the conversation among these three characters. 4. After an accident Marco went home and read his insurance policy. 139

- Why do you think Marco decided to read his insurance policy? - What was damaged in the accident? - What type of coverage is Marco checking on? - What is insurance? - Why do you need insurance for cars? - How does it protect people? Exercise 3 Complete the dialogues and act them out. 1. A: Have you seen Marta’s new car? B: Marta got a new car? A: Yeah. It’s a Honda Accord. B: Oh. That’s the same car I have. What color is it?.. 2. A: I heard that Bill got a speeding ticket. B: Really? Bill’s a good driver. A: Well, he was doing 60 in a 50 mile-an-hour zone. B: Oh ... 3. A: I really like that car. I bet it’s expensive, though. B: It’s $20.000. A: That’s what I thought. I think I’ll probably have to keep looking... 4. A: Did you see what happened? B: Yeah. The blue car hit the black car from behind. A: It was the blue car’s fault? B: Sure was. It ... 5. A: Mom, Bobby’s on the phone. B: Boby? What does he want? A: His car broke down. You have to get him as ... 6. A: Why is there so much traffic today? B: I don’t know but we are going to be late. A: Oh, I see what the trouble is. B: Is there an accident up ahead? A: Yeah. Over there. In the left lane ...

 Reading 140

Read the TV traffic report. On the right side you’ll read the dialogue in TV slang. On the left side you will find the translation of this dialogue to standard English. The Traffic Report The traffic anchor is reporting the news. Its a tought row to hoe out there today so let me clue you in on what's happening on the highways. Due to rush hour, traffic is heavy right now with a lot of slow-and-go. You may even find yourself at a dead stop as you work your way down to the commercial district. The bunch-up is due to the numerous rubberneckers gawking at the tangle between a pickup and a big rig on I-5. Both vehicles spun out and got into a fender bender but are now off on the right shoulder. Police will be arriving on the scene shortly so heads up. You should find yourselves moving at the quick clip once you leave the city as traffic starts to break up. You'll have a clear shot for a few miles then traffic will pick up again due to a bottleneck on the highway. We'll keep tabs on the traffic conditions for you every 20 minutes.

A Traffic Report The traffic anchor is reporting the news. Its a difficult job driving out there today so let me inform you about what's happening on the highways. Due to everyone leaving work at the same time, traffic is congested right now with a lot of braking and accelerating. You may even find yourself at a complete stop as you slowly approach the commercial district. The congestion is due to the nurmerous spectators gawking at the accident between a pickup truck and a big commercial truck on Interstate 5. Both vehicles lost control and got into a small accident but are now off on the right edge of the highway. Police will soon be arriving where the accident occurred so be alert. You should find yourselves moving at a quick pace once you leave the city as traffic starts to diminish. You'll have an unobstructed passage for a few miles then traffic will increase again due to merging lanes on the highway. W'll keep a close surveillance on the traffic conditions for you every 20 minutes.

Exercise 1 Circle the word in parentheses that best completes the sentence. 1. It took me entire hour to get home because of a (turtleneck, crookneck, bottleneck) on the highway. 2. Let me (glue, clue, slue) you in on what happened yesterday! 3. All the cars were at a (live, living, dead) stop on the road. 4. We were moving at a real fast (clip, flip, slip)! 5. I was involved in a little fender (blender, bender, gender) today. 6. If we leave now, we're going to hit rush (hour, minute, second). 7. Traffic is really (heavy, slim, slender) this afternoon. 8. There's a lot of slow-and-(mow, blow, go) on the roads tonight. 9. Did you see the (tangle, tango, tangelo) on the highway? 10.The police just arrived on the (scene, spleen, screen). 11.(Feet, Heads, Hands) up! Something's flying toward us! 141

12.Every time there's an accident on the road, you can be sure there be lots of (turtlenecks, rubberneckers, crooknecks). Exercise 2 Complete the following sentences by using the word list below. bottleneck clue tabs go rubbernecker dead scene spin break heavy rush row 1. We came to a … stop on the highway because of all the traffic congestion. 2. … hour seems to be starting earlier and earlier. 3. Get ready to slow down. There's always a … in the highway around here. 4. The ambulance arrived on the … one minute after the accident took place. 5. I’ll keep … on the situation for you while you are gone. 6. Finally! There’s a … in the traffic. 7. There’s a lot of slow-and-… on the roads today. 8. Don’t ever apply the brakes hard when driving over icy roads or you may … out. 9. I can’t wait to pass that … ! He’s more interested in watching the accident than watching the road. 10.I’m afraid the traffic is going to be … all the way home. 11. … me in. What happened at work today? 12.It’s a tough … to hoe on the roads this afternoon. Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with appropriate prepositions. Some can be used more than once. towards on at near in to into round about of A Road Accident It was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill (1) …… the station (2) …… six o’clock (3) …… a Saturday morning. At this early hour there wasn’t much traffic and there weren’t many people (4) …… sight. Just as I was crossing the road (5) …… the top of the hill, a car came (6) …… the corner. It was travellig very fast and the driver was obviously having difficulty in controlling it. Suddenly it swerved violently, skidded (7) … … the wet road, hit a lamp-post and turned over. At once I ran (8) …… the car to assist the driver, but he was unconscious and there was a lot of blood (9) …… his face. A young woman hurried (10) …… the station and phoned for an ambulance while I took care (11) …… the driver. A number of other people gathered (12) …… the car but there wasn’t a great deal we could do. A policeman arrived a few minutes later and asked me a lot of questions (13) ……. the accident. Shortly afterwards the man came round, and he was groaning quietly when the ambulance arrived (14) …… high speed and rushed him away to hospital. On Monday morning I went to the hospital to enquire (15) …… the man. They told me that his injuries were not serious after all and that he was rapidly getting over the effects of the accident.



1. The advantages and disadvantages of living in the country. 2. The advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city. 3. Me native town/village.


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