Transport Phenomena 2nd Edition (0471999903)
January 21, 2017 | Author: dahucas | Category: N/A
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Momentum, heat and mass transport phenomena can be found nearly everywhere in nature. Even an early morning activity such as boiling an egg* or making tea is governed by laws which will be treated here. A solid understanding of the principles of these transport processes is essential for those who apply this science in S U D F W L F H a e.g. chemical and process engineers. The history of teaching transport phenomena went from a practical but less fundamental approach, via a short period of a practical and academic approach, to the present sophisticated approach. Our experience in education and in industry is that today's abstraction does not appeal to all students and engineers, who feel themselves easily lost in vast literature and difficult mathematics. Hence, our objective in writing this book was to digest the enormous amount of new knowledge and present it in a form useful for those who work as professional engineers or who study engineering. The present book incorporates much fundamental knowledge, but we have also tried always to illustrate the practical application of the theory. On the other hand, we have also included practical information and have not shied away from giving one or two useful empirical correlations, where theory would have been too difficult. The book is based on the text for a course in transport phenomena given by W. J. Beek at Delft University from 1962 to 1968. Parts of the last draft have been used, together with most problems encountered in three postgraduate courses. Each chapter ends with a number of problems which form an integral part of the book. We would like to ask the student to solve as many of these problems as possible-this is the best way to absorb and digest the theory. We have given the answers of all problems so that the reader can check his results. Where we expected difficulties to arise, we have explained some problems in greater detail. Furthermore, we invented John, our scientific sleuth, and we hope the reader likes his way of solving problems. The reason for his ability to do so is evident : he has read the present book and has worked through the problems!
*For identical temperature equalization in the egg the Fourier number must be Fo = atfd 2 = constant, i.e. for all eggs: boiling time x (mass)- 213= constant is valid. Knowing the optimal bojling time for one species of egg, we can thus predict the boiling time for other eggs, even ostrich eggs.
Contents CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL TRANSPORT PHENOMENA I.l. Conservation laws 1.2. Rate of molecular transport processes I.3. Microbalances 1.4. SI units 1.5. Dimensional analysis . 1.6. Problems . CHAPTER II FLOW PHENOMENA ILL Laminar flow 1. Stationary laminar flow between two flat horizontal plates 2. Flow through a horizontal circular tube 3. Flow through a horizontal annulus 4. Flow caused by moving &urfaces 5. Flow through pipes with other cross-sections 6. Non-stationary flow 7. Problems II.2. Turbulent flow . 1. Turbulent flow in pipes 2. Pressure drop in straight channels 3. Pressure drop in pipe systems . 4. Problems II.3. Flow with negligible energy dissipation 1. Flow of a liquid from an orifice 2. Flow of ga~es through orifices 3. Flow through ,weirs 4. Problems II.4. Flow meters , . _ 1. Venturi tube 2. Orifice plate 3. Rotameter 4. Problems II.5. Flow around obstacles. 1. General approach . 2. Spherical particles . 3. Free fall of droplets 4. Particles in non-stationary flow
1 2
11 15
20 21
37 38 40 42 45 48 49 52 55 55 60 64 74 79 80 82
85 88 91 92 93 94 95 98 98 101 104 105
5. Rate of sedimentation of a swarm of particles 6. Cylinders perpendicular to the direction of flow 7. Problems Il.6. Flow through beds of particles I . Fixed bed 2. Filtration through a bed of particles 3. Fluidized bed 4. Problems II.7. Stirring and mixing 1. Types of stirrer and flow patterns 2. Power consumption . 3. Pumping capacity and mixing time 4. Problems II.8. Residence time distribution 1. The F function 2. The E function 3. Simple applications ofF and E functions 4. Continuous flow models . 5. Dispersion in flow systems 6. Problems
CHAPTER III HEAT TRANSPORT III. I. Stationary heat conduction . I. Heat conduction through a wall 2. Heat conduction through cylindrical walls 3. Heat conduction around a sphere 4. General approach for the calculation of temperature distributiom 5. Temperature distribution in a cylinder with uniform heat production 6. Problems III.2. Non-stationary heat conduction 1. Heat penetration into a semi-infinite medium 2. Heat penetration into a finite medium 3. Influence of an outside heat transfer coefficient 4. Problems III. 3. Heat transfer by forced convection in pipes I . Heat transfer during laminar flow in pipes 2. Heat transfer during turbulent flow . 3. Partial and total heat transfer coefficients 4. Problems III.4. Heat exchangers . 1. Determination of mean temperature difference 2. Height of a transfer unit . 3. Design of heat exchangers 4. rroblems
106 107
112 112 115 116
120 122 124
124 125 125 127 129 131
145 146 147 148 1~
150 ·152 156 157 161 164 167 171 171 174 176 178 182
182 186 187 189
III.5. Heat transfer by forced convection around obstacles 1. Flow along a fiat plate 2. Heat transfer to falling films 3. Flow around spheres and cylinders 4. Heat transfer in packed beds 5. Heat transfer in fluidized beds 6. Problems III.6. Heat transfer during natural convection . 1. Heat transfer during natural convection 2. Problems III. 7. Heat transfer during condensation and boiling 1. Film condensation . 2. Dropwise condensation 3. Boiling . 4. Heat transfer in evaporators 5. Problems III.8. Heat transfer in stirred vessels 1. Problem III.9. Heat transport by radiation . 1. Problems CHAPTER IV MASS TRANSPORT IV .1. Stationary diffusion and mass transfer 1. Stationary diffusion 2. Mass transfer coefficients 3. General approach for the calculation of concentration distributions 4. Film theory 5. Problems IV.2. Non-stationary diffusion 1. Problems IV.3. Mass transfer with forced convection 1. Analogy with heat transfer 2. Mass transfer 'during laminar flow 3. Mass transfer during turbulent flow .4. Problems IV.4. Mass exchangers l. Thermodynamic equilibrium 2. Choice of the apparatus 3. Size determination of the mass exchanger 4. The concept of theoretical plates 5. Problems IV.5. Mass transfer with chemical reaction 1. Slow homogeneous first-order reactions 2. Fast homogeneous first-order reactions 3. Homogeneous nth-order reactions
194 194 194
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4. Homogeneous second-order reactions 5. Mass transfer with heterogeneous chemical reaction 6. Problems IV.6. Combined heat and mass transport 1. Drying . 2. Problems
280 283
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Introduction to Physical Transport Phenomena During the designing of industrial process plant qualitative and quantitative considerations play a role. On the basis of qualitative (sometimes semi-quantitative) considerations a preselection of feasible concepts of processes suitable for carrying out the desired production in an economical way is made. The type of operation, e.g. distillation against extraction or the choice of a solvent, will also be fixed by this type of reasoning, in which experience and a sound economic feeling play an important role. As soon as one or two rough concepts of a production unit are selected, the different process steps will be analysed in more detail. This asks for a quantitative appro3.:ch with the aid of a mathematical model .o f the unit operation. The experience that mass, energy and momentum cannot be lost provides the three conservation laws, on which the quantitative analysis of physical and chemical processes wholly relies and on which the process design of a plant is based. This kind of design, which aims at fixing the main dimensions of a reactor or an · apparatus for the exchange of mass, momentum and energy or heat, is the purpose of the disciplines known as 'chemical engineering' and 'chemical reaction engineering'. The basic ideas behind these disciplines are found under the headings 'transport phenomena' and 'chemical (reaction) engineering science', which rely. on deductive science and, hence, have the advantage of analytical thought but which, ·because of that, lack the benefit of induction based on experience when aiming at a synthesis. Qualitative and quant-itative reasoning cannot be separated when setting up a plant, or to put it in another way: no apparatus, however good its process design might be, can compete with a well-designed apparatus of a better conception, which can be the device for a process designer, or no research, however brilliant in conception it might be, can result in a competitive production plant without having a quantitative basis, which can be a motto for a research fellow.
2 Examples of questions, in which feeling and reasoning have to match well before science is used to some profit, are to be found in the following areas : the potential possibilities of raw materials, intermediate and end products, the choice of materials and especially materials of construction, the influence of side reactions on the performance of subsequent process steps and the considerations on quality and end-use properties of a product. This type of question, although of importance for the integral approach of a design engineer, will not be dealt with in this book, which will find its limitations just there. This book treats the practical consequences of the conservation laws for the chemical engineer in an analytical way, trying not to exaggerate scientific nicety where so many other important questions have to be raised and answered, but also pretending that a solid understanding of the heart of the matter at least solves a part of all questions satisfactorily. The laws of conservation of mass, energy and momentum are introduced in paragraph 1.1. They are extended to phenomena on .a molecular scale in paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3. Paragraph 1.4 is concerned with .dimensions of physical quantities, especially SI units, whereas paragraph 1.5 discusses the technique of dimensional analysis. We will end this chapter (and most paragraphs of the following chapters) with some proposals for exercising and comments on the solution of some of the problems given. After this, three main chapters follow, each of which concentrates on one of the conserved physical quantities: hydrodynamics (mainly momentum transfer) in chapter II, energy transfer (mainly heat transfer) in chapter III and mass transfer in chapter IV. These chapters elaborate the ideas and concepts which are the subject of the following introduction. 1.1. Conservation laws John looked at the still smoking ashes of what had once been the glue and gelatine factory. The fire had started with an explosion in the building where bones were defatted by extraction with hexane. John remembered that the extraction building had a volume of 6000 m3 and that the temperature in the building was always 3rfC higher than outside. He knew that per 24 h, 70 ton steam were lost as well as 9 ton hexane. He made a quick calculation and concluded that the steady-state hexane vapour concentration in the plant was well below the explosion limit of 1·2 per cent by volume and chac some accident muse haue happened which subsequently
led to the explosion.
Physical technology is based on three empirical laws: matter, energy and momentum cannot be lost. The law of conservation of matter is based among other things on the work of Lavoisier, who proved that during chemical reactions no matter, i.e. no mass (mass being the most important property of matter), is lost. The law of conservation of matter is not always valid: in nuclear technology matter is transformed into energy but for chemical or physical technology this exception
is of no importance. It is, of course, possible that matter is transferred from a desired form into an undesired one (e.g. the degradation of a polymer, which finally leads to only C0 2 , H 2 0, etc.). The law of conservation of energy is based among other things on the work of Joule, who proved that mechanical energy and heat energy are equivalent. His work finally led to the first law of thermodynamics, which, when formulated for a flowing system, is the law of energy conservation we are looking for. It is historically remarkable that it took more than two centuries before this law, formulated initially for a closed system, was translated into a form in which it could be applied to flowing systems. The law of conservation of momentum was finally formulated in its simplest form for a solid body by Newton : if the sum of the forces acting on a body is different from zero, this difference is (in size and direction) equal to the acceleration of that body. Together with his second law, action equals reaction, this formed the basis for dynamics and hydrodynamics. This time it did not take much more than one century to transpose the concept, originally formulated for a rigid body, to the more general case of flow in fluids. These conservation laws play in daily life the same role as the experience that a pound cannot be spent twice and that the difference exists between the pound you owe somebody and the one somebody owes you. The economic rules and the conservation rules of our study are used in the same manner: balance sheets are set up which account for inflow and outflow and for the accumulation of the quantity under consideration. Let us denote by X a certain amount of money, mass, energy or momentum. Then the general law of cons~rvation, on which all phenomenological descriptions of change in the physical world are based; reads as follows: accumulation of X in system unit time flow of X into system unit time
flow of X out of system . . umt time
production of X in system .. umt time (1.1)
The system may be a country, a concern, a factory, an apparatus, a part of an apparatus (e.g. a tray.), a...pipe or an infinitely small element of volume, etc. This sounds very general and easy, but daily practice proves that we have to develop the qualitative judgement for defining the system such that the analysis stays as easy as possible. To this end, to develop a feeling for the qualitative aspects of analytical science, we have to go through many a quantitative exercise. Introductions into a discipline, such as this one, may easily confuse the reader if these points are not made clear in the beginning; the subject of our study is the three laws of conservation, which will appear in many forms because we will study many different systems and not because the basic rules are many. If we are only interested in macroscopic properties like mean concentration in the chosen control volume or the rate of change of the mean temperature in
this volume we can choose a macroscopic control volume, e.g. a complete reactor, a complete catalyst particle, etc., for setting up a balance of the desired physical property. If, on the other hand, we are interested in temperature or concentration distributions we have to start by setting up a microbalance, Le. a balance over an infinitesimally small volume element, and to integrate the differential equations obtained over the total (macroscopic) volume. Both balances will be treated in detai~ in this and in the following paragraph. Let us now try to formulate the law of conservation which we have just defined in words (equation I. l) in a more precise way. In order to do so, we need some symbols : V for the volume of the system (space volume, number of inhabitants, etc.), v, in and cf>v.out for the ingoing and, outgoing volumetric flow rates (see Figure IJ), r for the velwnetric production of X per unit of time and X for the volumetric concentration of the physical quantity in study. Cont rol volume
V, r
v, out
L-----------J Figure J.l
The accumulation per units of volume and time can now be denoted by dX/dt ; hence, the accumulation in the system per unit of time is given by VdX/dt. A flow at a rate cf>v, containing a volumetric concentration X of the considered quantity, represents a flow rate vX of this quantity. Hence, our formulation of the conservation law reads as follows: (1.2)
We will now apply this law to the following quantities: money, mass, energy and momentum. T he money balance
Let us start with the most common daily practice, the conservation law fo r pocket money (the pocket being defined as the system, although some operate is very unsystematically). The number of pence in the system is given by X ( J• = 1), and equation (1.2) can be read as follows: the accumulation of pence *In order to be com pletely exact we have to write this eq uation as : - u
- 1
cl>u, inxin- rPu,oulxOUI
""'here - . ndic.ltes a volume average a nd
-!a fl ow a verage.
in my pocket pt;r week (which may prove to be negative!) equals the difference between the number of pence I have taken in during this week and the number I have spent in this time, increased by the number of pence I produced in the meantime. The last contribution sounds somewhat cryptic or even illegal, but an honest production of pence would be to change other coins into pence. Similar laws can be expressed for the other coins, as well as for the overall contents of the pocket (moneywise). From all these statements it follows that the sum of all the production terms r must equal zero (expressed as an intrinsic value and not as numbers) or, to put it in another way, changing in its own currency never results in a positive gain. To find out how simple these statements might be, try and see what happens to your thinking when X no longer stands for money, but for mass, energy or momentum! The mass balance
The mass balance still looks familiar and comes close to the money balance. Here X = cA, the volumetric concentration of component A in a mixture; the units in which cA is measured are kg/m 3 • * Hence, in a rayon factory, for instance, where NaOH (in the form of viscose) and HCl (in the form of the spinning bath) are used, the conservation law for NaOH {A) reads as follows: the accumulation of NaOH on the site in a month (or any other chosen time unit) is equal to the delivery ofNaOH to the factory in that time, subtracting the amount of NaOH distributed from the site in that unit of time as NaOH and adding the amount ofNaOH produced in the factory during that time (a production which is negative where NaOH is used as a reactant). A similar mass balance can be set up for the other reactant, HO (B), as well as for the products NaCl (C) and H 2 0 (D). Again, the sum of all individual production rates must be zero: r A + r 8 + rc + r0 = 0 (Lavoisier:t. More olten than not, the accountants of a factory are more aware of the implications of the conservation laws and the dynamic consequences of varying inflows and outflows of a factory than the engineers in charge of production. l#>v, out
' f#>v, i n
Figore 1.2 Mass balance of a stirred vessel
The well·stirred continuous flow tank reactor of Figure I.2 gives an example of the applications of the mass balance. By 'well·stirred' we mean that the * F rom the onset, we will accept kg, m, s, oc as the basic units for comparing physical phenomena (paragraph 1.4).
6 concentration c of a certain compound (e.g. salt) is the same at all. places in the vessel so that the salt concentration in the effluent stream equals the concentration in the vessel. Let us assume that the salt concentration in the vessel at time t = 0 is c 0 and that, from t = 0 on, a continuous stream of pure water (salt concentration c = 0) is passed through the vessel. The question is then how does the salt concentration in the vessel change with time? We can now set up two mass balances, one for the water and one for the salt. The first balance says that, if the liquid volume in the reactor is constant, the flow rate of liquid out of the reactor must equal the flow rate into the .reactor, v,out = . The second balance says that the decrease in the amount of salt in the vessel (Vc) per unit of time must equal the mass flow rate of salt from the vessel (vc). Thus : d(Vc) =
0 _ ¢ c v
de = dt
where r = V f4>v is the mean residence time of the fluid in the vessel. Integration between t = 0, c 0 and t, c yields: .:_ = exp Co
(!) T
f/ T -
Figure 1.3 Change of salt concentration in stirred vessel
This function is shown in Figure 1.3, which shows that at the time t = 't still 3"" per cent of the initial salt is present in the reactor. For t = ir and ~r these values are 65 and 22 per cent respectively. Apparently, the liquid in the reactor has a large distribution of residence time.
The energy balance
Before we can attempt to interpret equation (1.2) in terms of an energy balance, we must define the meaning of X as ' the volumetric concentration of energy' Er. This quantity will contain internal energy and potential energy. Internal energy again comprises perceptible and latent heat and pressure energy. Pressure energy per unit of volume is nothing but an elaborate expression for merely the pressure inside the volume. Perceptible and latent heat per unit of volume (U) may be expressed as : (1.3)
in which p is the specific gravity, cP the heat capacity per unit of mass, T the temperature, T, a reference temperature for calculating U, !J.H the latent heat per first·order phase transition (melting, evaporation) per unit mass and La symbol to indicate that the contributions of all phase transitions between T,. and T have to be taken into account. If the process studied does not show phase transition, the reference temperature T,. can be chosen high enough to keep latent heats out of the analysis. If, furthermore, the heat capacity per unit of volume (p cp) is independent of temperature, U = pcP (T - T,). The kinetic energy per unit of volume is fpv 2 , when v is the velocity of this volume. If different elements o f the volume flow have different velocities, then the flow average of the squared velocity has to be used for calculating the flow of kinetic energy, " = --" dxdydzdx dydz- _ z dxdydz + r dxdydz dx dy dz "
dX -
- -----+ r
dz Equation (117) is the basic microbalance which can be further evaluated When doing so, we have to realize that the flux of X on this microscale consists of a convective transport term and a statistical transport term. These fluxes in the n-direction are therefore given by* : dX 4>~ = -([}or a or v) dn + v,X (1.18) dt
Thus, if we take II) as a representative of I!J, a or v, we obtain from equation (1.17) with equation (1.18): dX d(vxX) = - ___;_;.__... dt dx
d(vyX) dy
• Inter?reted as the momentum balance, equation 1.18 is only valid for Newtonian liquids. We will d;scuss this problem in more detail immediately.
If we interpret equation (1.19) as a mass balance for a component A in a mixture of substances A, B, C, etc. (thus X = CA. C8 , etc.), we know that : CA
+ Cc + ... =
(the specific gravity of that mixture)
and rA+ r8 +rc + ... =0
Summing up the mass balances for all components we find: dp
-=--dt dx
which is known as the equation of continuity. For a stationary situation, dpjdt equals zero. When pis constant over the flow field, we find furthermore: dvx dx
-+-+-= 0
which is a very familiar expression for the conservation of total mass. If equation (1.19) is to be used as a microbalance for the conservation of heat (or of energy if the transport of heat exceeds the transport of other forms of energy, as given in equation 1.5), X stands for pcPT This microbalance will be further evaluated in paragraph III.l.4, whereas the micromass balance for one component will be discussed in more detail in paragraph IV.1.3. We will now concentrate on the further development of equation (1.17) as a micromomentum balance. In order to obtain a relation which is valid for liquids of different rheological behaviour (thus Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids) we will 1 instead of equation (1.18) use the more general expression· for the momentum flux in the n-direction : (1.22)
which is valid for all rheologies. Here X stands for pv. The momentum production term in the n-direction is the sum of the pressure and gravity forces acting in that direction-on the control volume: dp
rn = - -dn
+ pgn
With the above expressions we obtain from equation (I.17) for the micromomentum balance in the x-direction : dt
18 With the aid of the continuity equation (1.20) this expression can be simplified to : d vx dvx d v.x dvx dT.x.x dTy.x dT:x dp ) P dt = - pv - pv - pv - - - - - + pg {1.25 x
, dy
Analogous expressions can be written for the micromomentum balance in the y- and z-directions as follows : dvv p dt = -
PVx dx
dv, - pv, dy -
dvy d-r"Y d-r,,. dtz,. dp , ) dz - dx - dy - dz - dy + pgY (1·- 6
and dvz
p - - = - pv - pv - pv - - - -- - - dt x dx Y dy z dz dx dy dz dz
+ pgz
(l. 27)
If, instead of a Cartesian volume element in rectangular coordinates, we had considered a volume element in cylindrical coordinates-, as indicated in Figure 1.10, we would have obtained the following micromomentum balances in the
Figure 1.10 Volume element m cylindrical coordinates
r-direction : p dv, = _ p dt
{v dv, + v dv, _ vi + v dv,} ' dr
r d8
_ ~ d(rt,) _ ~ d-r,6 r
r d8
- - - - +pg dz dr r
in the 8-direction : p d v 8 = _ p {v d v 8 dt 'dr
+ v 8 d v8 + r d8
v,v6 r
v dv 0 } z dz
d-r8 ~ 1 dp - dz. - ~ d8
+ pge
~ d(r -r,9) r
~ dt89 r d9
and in the z-direction: dv:
p dt = - p
{ dv: Vr dr
v8 dv: d9
dv:} 1 d(r't"rz) dz - ; dr
1 dr 8 % d9
d -rn
dz - dz
+ pg. (1.30)
These micromomentum balances can naturally also be formulated in spherical coordinates. The relations obtained can be found in many handbooks. The above momentum balances in terms of shear stresses are valid for all fluids, because the shear stresses are independent of the rheological behaviour of the liquid. In the special case of Newtonian liquids -r is proportional to the velocity gradient (equation 1.13), e.g.: rxy
d(pvy) = - v d.x
Introducing this expression into the above microbalances we obtain, for rectangular coordinates, in the x-direction : dvx _ { dvx p dt - - P Vx dx -
dvx l'y
dvx} dy - v. dz
{d (pvx) + ddy(pv,) + 2
dx 2
d (pvx) } dz 2
- dx - + pg x
and in the z-direction: 2
dvz _ _ { dv. dvz dvz} {d (pvz) d (pvz) d (pvJ} p dt p vx dx .+ v>' d y + vz dz + v dx 2 + d y 2 + dz 2 2
~~ + pgz
In spherical coordinates Newton's law (equation 1.13) reads in the z- or rdirections : d(pv
= - v dz 6
d(pv )
= - v dr ' respectively %.
and in the 9-direction: (1.34)
20 Introducing this into the general microbalance in terms of shear stresses we obtain in the r-direction : dv,. _ dt
{ dv,. ,. dr
p-- - p v-
v8 dv,.- v~ + vdv,.} d(prv,.)) +- + v {-d (-1 ___:.____:_
r dO
+ _!_ d 2 (p v,) _ r2
d8 2
dz 2
v,.)} _ dp
~ d(pv 8) d ~ d8 + dz 2 (. p
dr r dr
+ pg,.
in the 0-direction : d v6 p-=
(1.36) and in the z-direction:
d vz _ { dvz v8 dvz p dt - - p v,. dr + 7 dO + 2
d (p vz)} + dz 2
dp dz
dvz} { 1 d ( d(pvz)) 1 d (pvz) Vz dz + v ; dr r dr + r 2 d0 2
+ pgz
The micromomentum balances given above form the basis for the calculation of velocity distributions and flow rate- pressure drop relations during laminar flow; we will apply them many times in the next chapter.
1.4. SI units
Different systems of units are applied at the moment in different countries in industry, research and development. The most important systems are : the c.g.s. system , based on the centimeter (em), gramme mass (g), second (s) and degree Celcius (°C). F or the amount of heat the calory (cal) is u sed (d erived unit);* the SI system, based on the metre (m), kilo gramme (kg), second (s) and degree K elvin (°K). The amount of heat (derived unit) is expressed as Joule (J), which is identical to the unit for mechanical or electrical energy (1 J = 1 kgm 2 js 2 = 1 Nm = 1 Ws, where N =Newton, W = Watt) ; the metric system , based on the metre (m), kilogramme force (kgf), second (s) and degree Celsius (°C). The amount of heat is expressed in kilocalories (kcal) ; the foot-pound-second system, based on the foot (ft), pound mass (lb), second (s) and degree Fahrenheit (°F). The derived un it for the amount of h eat is the British Thermal Unit (BTU) ; • The units for electric current and for luminous intensity will not be discussed here because they play no role in this book.
21 the British engineering system, based on the foot (ft), pound force (lbf), second (s) and degree Fahrenheit (°F ). For scientific research the c.g.s. system is used all over the world. Engineers in Anglo-Saxon countries generally use the British engineering system ; in other countries the metric system is generally used. In the last few years the SI system (Systeme International d 'Unites) has been more and more applied. This system has been adopted by the International Organization for Standardization and is recommended by a large number of national standard organizations. For that reason we will use SI units throughout this book. In Table I.l a survey of the basic and derived SI units important for us is given. The reader is advised to use one consistent system of units, preferably the SI units. Table 1.1 Quantity Length
Basic and derived SI units
SI unit metre kilogram me
Mass Time Temperature Force
Work, energy, quantity of heat
Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Surface energy or tension Enthalpy
Heat capacity Heat transfer coefficient Mass transfer coefficient Thermal conductivity 4
degree Kelvin4
Unit symbol
m kg
N = kgm/s 2 J =Nm W = Jjs N j m2 Nsf m 2
Jj m 2 or N/m
Jjkg Jjkg °C Wjm 2 °C
W/ m °C
Temperature difference is commonly expressed in degrees Celsius instead of degrees Kelvin.
from one system to the other. In order to facilitate this, Table 1.2 gives a collection of conversion factor$. Table !.3 provides some information giving orientation about the approximate values of some common properties of gases, liquids and solids, which can be useful for rough calculations.
1.5. Dimensional analysis
In chemical engineering, relations between parameters are often expressed by means of dimensionless combinations of physical variables. The advantages of this technique are the easy control of dimensional homogeneity of the relation, the constants of which are then independent of the system of physical units applied, and the fact that the number of variables is reduced, which simplifies
22 Table 1.2 Conversion factors Multiply by Magnitude
Expressed in
Divide by
0.()254 0·305 ().914 1609 10 - 10
inch (in) foot (ft) yard (yd)
Angstrom (A) in 2 ft 2 yd2 acre mile2
In SJ units m
6·45 X 10- 4 0·0929 0·836 4047 2·59 X _10 6 ,
in 3 ft 3 yd3 UK gallon US gallon
}·64 X 10- S 0·0283 0·765 4·55 X 10- 3' 3·785 x w- 3
minute (min) · hour(h) day year
60 3600 8·64 X 104 3·16 X 107
gram ounce (oz) pound (lb)
648 X 2·84 x 0·454 50·8 1016
~ undredweight
poundal (pdl) pound force (Jbf) dyn kg force (kgf)
0·138 4-45 w- s 9·81
Volumetric How
ft 3 /min U K galjmin US gal/min
4·72 x 7-58 x 6·31 x
Mass flow
lb/ min tonjh
Densit y Pressure
w-s w- 2
w- 4
m 3/s
2·10 x 0·282
w- 6
lb/ in 3 lbjft 3
2·77 16·0
kglm 3
lbfj in 2 lbf/ ft 2 dynicrn 2 kgf/ cm2 (=at) atm (standard) bar in water ft water in Hg mm Hg (torr)
N/ m2
w- s w- s
0·1 9·81 X 104 1·013 X 10 5
2-49 2·99 3·39 1·33
102 103 103 102
23 Table 1.2 (com.) Conversion factors
Multiply by Expressed in
Magnitude Dynamic viscosity
Kinematic viscosity
Divide by
lb/ft h lb/ft s Poise (P = gjcm s) Centipoise (cP)
4·13 x 1·49 0·1
ft 2/h Stokes (S = cm2 j s) Centistokes (cS)
In SI units
w- 4
Ns/m 2
m 2 /s
Surface tension
dynjcm ( = erg/em 2 )
N jm
Temperature difference
degree F (or R)
Energy (work, heat)
ft lbl ft lbf BTU CHU hph erg kgfm kcal kWh
0-0421 1·36
1899 2·68 X 106
9·81 4·19 3·60
103 106
BTU/h CHUjh ft lbf/s hp (British) hp (metric) erg/s kcal/h calfs
0·293 0·528 1·36 746 736
Heat flux
BTU/ft 2 h caljcm 2 s kcal/m 2 h
4·19 X 104 1·163
Specific heat
BTU/Ib°F kcal/kgcC
4·19 4·19
BTU/lb kcaljkg
2·33 4·19
Heat conductivity
BTU/ ft h OF caljcrn soc kcaljm h oc
1·73 4·19 X 10 2 1·163
Heat transfer coefficient
BTU/ft 2 h °F caljcm 2 s oc kcaljm 2 hoc
5·68 4·19 X 104 1·163
Power (energy flow)
Latent heat
= Ws = Nm
1·163 4·19
W/ m 2
103 103
103 103
J/kg W/ rn oc
24 Table 1.3 Physical properties of some materials Water
20°C p [kg;m 3 ]
11 [Ns/m2 ] v = ('1'//P) [m2/s] cp [J/ kg oq A [W/m 0 C) u[N/m] ll)Hz
a = A./p cP [m 2/s] Pr = vfa = C,!1/A. Sc = vf O ~Hv [J/kg] ~Hm
14·2 x 1·03 X 103 0·025 -2
0·71 0·71
4-19 X 10 3 0·6 2 1 x 9 5 x 0·143 X 10-
200 2·45 3·35
870 3 1x 6 x w2·12 X 103 0·156 2·9 X 10 - 2
w-3 6
J0- 6
Stainless steel
Bean oil
10- 9
0·084 x
95 300
0·45 26 6
7-45 x
w- 6
Gas Law Constant R = 8310 1/ kmol °K Avogadro's number N = 6·023 x 10 26 kmol- 1 Gravitational acceleration g = 9·81 m/ s 2 Stefan- Boltzmann constant Diffusion c(l) Convection
cp 0
- 4> tr4
or, also :
pv,.D 2
= (-) constant pv,.D 11
Since both F1pv; D2 and 11/ pv,.D are dimensionless combinat~s of the variables, any relation between these two groups is also dimension;llfy homogeneous. We / can therefore conclude that :
F pv;D 2
( 17. ) pv,.D
( 1) Re
Here Re = pv,.D/ 11 is the Reynolds number, which can be interpreted as the ratio·of momentum transport by convection ("'"' pv,v,.) and by internal friction
("' 1]V,./ D).
Again, the number of variables in this problem of initially five has been reduced to two. In most cases the number of dimensionless groups obtained by dimensional analysis equals the number of variables occurring in the problem minus the number of independent dimensional equations which can be set up. In flow and mass transport problems the number of dimensional equations is three (L, T and M) and in heat transport problems four {L, T, M and temperature).
27 The function fin the result obtained is again unknown and can only be found from a complete analysis of the problem. Sometimes the ·.result obtained from dimensional analysis can be simplified further by making use of former physical experience. In the case of the sphere, for example, experience tells us that at very low flow velocities the force F on the sphere is independent of the specific gravity of the fluid. Thus the relation between the two dimensionless groups must be : F '1 2 D 2 = -D constant
or F 17v,D
-- =
This equation represents Stokes's law. That the numerical value of the constant is 3n can only be found by solving the micromomentum balances for this problem. As a last example we will discuss the droplets formed, for example, during condensation of water vapour at the underside of a horizontal surface. The hanging droplets grow until they reach a critical volume ~r and fall down. A dimensionally homogeneous relation for ~r follows from the consideration that ~-r depends on the density of the liquid p, the gravitational acceleration g, the surface tension (J of the liquid and the degree to which the surface is wetted by the liquid. For the great number of cases where the surface is well wetted by the liquid we can write : .. ~r =
f(p, g, a)
The reader may check that the result is given by:
V::r( ~)
= constant
The numerical value of the constant follows only from an exact analysis or from experimental results. Analysis yields here constant = 6·66. The problem with initially four variables has been reduced to one dimensionless group, the Laplace number which represents the ratio oft he weight of the droplet (- pg ~r) and the capillary force (-a VtJ If dimensional analysis is applied all relevant variables have to be included in the considerations. If we had, for example, forgotten the gravitational acceleration in the analysis of the hanging droplet, we would no t have fou nd a solution. If, on the other hand, we include too many variables, the result becomes unnecessarily complicated. Most profit is obtained if besides dimensional analysis a fragmentary piece of physical experience is applied, as illustrated in the above examples.
28 1.6. Problems
In the following the reader will find a number of exercises. These problems form an important part of the book a ..1d the reader is asked to solve as many of them as possible. They provide a check on the understanding of the principles discussed, they illustrate the practical application of these principles and sometimes they extend the matter presented. In the three chapters which follow each paragraph will end with a collection of problems. The answers to these problems are given in order to enable the reader to check his own result. On a few problems (marked with an asterisk) we have also included some comments in order to illustrate an important point or to show that the solution is really not very difficult if the basic principles are applied in the right way. When solving a problem, the most important thing is to establish the physical mechanism that governs the situation studied (e.g. is convection, conduction and radiation of heat important or can one or two ofth~se transport mechanisms be neglected in this special case?}. Secondly, we have .to decide over which control volume the balance is made (e.g. over a microscopic volume if information about the temperature distribution is required; over a pipe or heat exchanger or over a total reactor with overall transfer coefficients if only information about the mean temperature is required). Next, we have to determine whether the situation is in steady state or not (sometimes a situation can be made steady state by assuming the observer to move with the system, e.g. the flowing fluid). Having come so far we are now in a position to solve the problem with the help of the basic information provided in this book. This all sounds very difficultand it is- but the best way to solve any difficulties is to try very hard. 1. A tank is filled with a liquid having a specific gravity of p = 8 lb/ US gal. What is the pressure difference between the top of the liquid and a point 4ft below the liquid level? Answer in psi, bar, Njm 2 , atm and kgfjcm 2 •
Answer : 1·67psi
kgf(cm 2
= 0·115bar =
1·15 x 104 N/m 2
= 0·113atm = 0·117
2. The temperature increase into earth is approx. 0·025°C/m. If the thermal conductivity of earth is i.. = 1·86 W jm °C, what is the heat loss per unit surface area?
Answer : ¢~ = 0·0465 W / m 2 *3. 11/s water is pressed through a horizontal pipe. The pressure difference over the length of the pipe is 2. 10 5 N/m 2 . (a) What is the amount of power¢ A necessary and what is the temperature increase of the water ll. T if there is no beat exchange with the surroundings? (b) What are 4> A and ll T if the water flow is doubled and if the pressure drop is determined by momentum forces (and not by friction forces)?
Answer: (a) cPA= 200 W, /:iT= 0·048°C (b) ¢A = 1600 w, !J. T = 0·19°c
29 4. Two spheres of equal weight fall through air. What is the ratio of their stationary rates of free fall if the ratio of their diameters D d D 2 equals 3? Answer :
v Ifv 2
5. Show that the power cpA necessary to rotate a stirrer (diameter d) with a speed n (s - 1 ) in a fluid of density p and viscosity '1 is given by :
r(pnd2' n2d) r,
*6. Write down.the conservation laws fo r a kettle of water on the fire: (a) during heating up and (b) during boiling. *7. At the end of a glass capillary (outer diameter 2 mm) single water droplets are formed very slowly. What is the diameter of the droplets which fall from the capillary?
Answer : d = 44 mm
8. Through a well-stirred 15m 3 tank flows 0.()1 m 3 js of coconut oil. From a certain time on palm kernel oil is passed through the vessel at the same speed. After what time does the effluent oil contain less than 1 per cent coconut oil? Answer : l = 6900 s 9. Water flows at a rate of2 m j s through a horizontal pipe of 10 em diameter. A large flat plate is fixed near to the end of the pipe and at right angles to it Find the force on this plate due to the jet of water, assuming that on reaching the plate the water flows away along the surface of the plate.
Answer :
31-4 N
10. A pulp containing 40 per cent by weight of moisture is fed into a countercurrent drier at.a rate of 1000 kg/ h. The pulp enters at a temperature of 20°C and leaves at. 70°C, the moisture content at the exit being 8 per cent. Air of humidity of 0·007 kg water per kg dry air enters the drier at 120°C and the temperature of the air leaving the drier is 80°C. What is the rate of air flow through the drier and the humidity of the air leaving the drier? Data : heat losses from drier = 5 x 10 6 J , specific heat o f water vapour cP = 2 x 10 3 J{kg °C, specific heat of dry pul p cP = 103 J/kg °C, tlH v at sooc = 2·3 x 106 Jjkg oc Answer:
molY = dt Y
where the symbols have the meaning given in the figure. After partial differentia-
tion we can write:
d(NX) = NdX dt dt
't'mo1 .L
+ XdN dt
dN =- = constant d/
Mole fraction CH30H in vapour= Y
N kmole mole fraction CH 3 0H =X ott =0, x0 , No
33 and combinin~ these two equations we obtain: dX dt
dN dt
dN dt
N - = - Y- - X = -
(Y- X)
or: dX
Y- X.
which yields after integration between t
= -
= 0, x 0
and t, x:
N= No exp ( s:, y d: X) This equation gives the relation between the total number of moles in the evaporator and the methanol content of this residue. We are, however, interested in the average composition of the distillate < Y) which is given by : ( Y)
= f t.0 ¢ mol Y dt
-ft.. d(NX) 0
No - N
¢mol te
-No N 0 -N
- (NX)I'•·x.. O.Xo
No - N
dX )} ~- x~ = x 0 Y-X . Xo
0 -
1-exp(J~~ dX/Y-X)
This is the desired result ; all that remains is for us to evaluate graphically the integral, as shown in the figure. We find for the area under the curve :
x~ dX
= 1·17
Y- X
xand thus :
( Y) =
0·45 - 0·05 exp (- 1·17) 0·435 = - - = 63·1 per cent 1 - ex p (- 1·17) 0·69
The amount of distillate is found as: N0
N = N 0 {1 - exp
(J:., x)} yd:
= 69 kmol
We see that sometimes the solution of a simple mass balance can be quite involved. There is, however, a much simpler way to solve this problem approximately by carrying out the distillation stepwise. We start with 100 kmol of a mixture containing a mole fraction of X 0 = 0-45 methanol. Let us distil off so much distillate that X drops t~ X 1 = 0-35. Apparently,in this range the average mole fraction of methanol in the vapour phase will be Y0 = 0·73 and thus we can find the total number of moles distilled off from a simple mass balance as follows: xl
= NoXo- (No- N)Yo = 0-35 = 100 N 0 - (N 0 - N) ·
0·45- 0·73(No- N) 100 - (N 0 - N)
We find N 0 - N = 26·3 kmol, containing 19·2 kmol of methanol. Now we repeat this exercise as stated in the following table until we reach the desired methanol fraction of X = 0·05 in the liquid phase. Total number Mole fraction of Mole fraction of Number ofkmol Numberofkmol of kmol in pot methanol in pot methanol in vapour distilled off of methanol N X Y N0 - N distilled off 100 73-7 56-1 43·1 31·5
0·45- 0·35 0·35- 0-25 0·25 - 0-15 0·15- 0-05
0·73 0·67 0-58 0·42
26·3 17-6 13·0 11·6
19·2 11·8
7·6 4-9
Thus we find that 68·5 kmol were distilled off, containing 43·5 kmol of methanol, i.e. 63·5 per cent. There is a residue of 31·5 kmol, containing 45 - 43·5 = 1·5 kmol of methanol, which is near enough to the desired 5 mol per cent. The reader will realize that the principal considerations in this approximate solution are the same as for the exact solution given before. Instead of infinitesimal steps dX or dt which made integration necessary, we just used bigger steps which enabled us to obtain an approximate analytical solution a fter a reasonable amount of additions and multiplications. Problem 12
J ohn and the burnt-down factory
The flow rate of air through the plant ¢v can be found by means of an energy balance (equation !.6). Under steady-state conditions dEtfdt = 0 and realizing that the change in heat content of the air pc P L\ Tis much bigger than the changes
35 in the other forms of energy (equation 1.5), we can write :
dEt V dt
= 4>vPCp ll.T +¢A- ¢H = 0
Now, no mechanjcaJ energy is added, ¢A = 0 and the amount of heat supplied equals
---r--I I
I ----r--··
Figure 11.17
Laminar and turbulent velocity profiles in a pipe
If we want to know something about the frictional force exerted on the wall by a liquid flowing at a velocity (vx), the shear force -rw at the wall must be known. Since for incompressible Newtonian liquids : !w = r[
dv.x dr r=R
holds (no turbulence at the wall, pEat wall = 0), we must know the velocity distribution in order to calculate -rw . For turbulent flow this is not possible by momentum balances, because with turbulence their solution presents insurmountable difficulties. However, on the basis of physical intuition it can be posed that : -rw = f (p, rJ, (vx), D, geometry)
from which, with dimensional analysis, it follows that the quotient of -rw and p(vx) 2 for geometrically similar pipes only depends on the Reynolds number (= p( vx ) D/tt). This is usually written as: (1 1.22)
With this equation the constant f, the so-called friction factor is defined: on account of the above it is a function of the geometry and of Re. For turbulent flow this function can be obtained only from experiments on friction losses in pipes and channels. Conversely, these friction losses are, in practice, calculated using this friction factor f, the value of which is well known for widely divergent conditions (see paragraph Il.4.). · 2 Equation (II.22) can be read as follows: the quotient of -rw and p Recr ~ 2000. This also applies to straight, non-circular pipes if, in the Re number, as the characteristic length the hydraulic diameter is introduced, which is defined as four times the surface area of the cross-section divided by the wet circumference {see, further, the next section and check that for a circular pipe the hydraulic diameter equals D). TheRe number can be interpreted as the ratio of the momentum transport by convection (,.., pv2 ) and the momentum transport by diffusion (,.., qvf D). Apparently, in turbulent flow the transport by convection, i.e. by eddies, prevails. In a free-falling liquid film these eddies already occur at lower velocities; film flow becomes turbulent at aRe number ~ 1000. During flow through a curved pipe (e.g. a spiral; radius of spiral R) the centripetal forces stabilize the flow and the change to turbulence does not occur until higher Renumbers have been attained. Empirically it was found for the critical Renumber :
Re" =
2o,ooo(~r , 32
~ ~ to'
The fact that turbulence decreases towards the wall has led to the concept of the laminar boundary layer. No definite thickness can be assigned to such a layer because the turbulence changes gradually. For the qualitative insight :t can be useful to scliematize the flow field by a laminar boundary layer, .with thickness ~h in which the velocity gradient is constant, and an adjacent turbulent ~ow region, with the mean velocity in which the velocity gradient is ;>ractically zero. The shear force at the wall is then given by: ( vx) rw='f'/T
and the thickness (J h can be estimated with the help of equation (11.22) as soon as the friction factor is known. With the aid of the laminar boundary layer thickness b1, we can give a new mterpretation on the physical meaning of theRe number. The ratio of the tube
58 diameter and thickness of the laminar boundary layer is found to be : D c5h
Ihw 1'/(V),)
= f Dp(v;;,)
= f Re
This means that for pipe flow at Re = 10s (f = 0·0045) the distance from the wall at which turbulent momentum transport overrides the transport by viscosity is c511 ~ 4 x 10- 3 D. A velocity distribution as given above is physically impossible, but it can serve as a rough model for tre~ting heat and mass transfers in turbulent flow. In the case of heat transfer a layer of thickness c5T is assumed over which the complete temperature drop occurs. Outside this layer the turbulent eddies disperse the heat so efficiently that a uniform temperature exists in the core of the flow. Within the layer eddies are assumed to be absent. This layer of thickness {JT is called the thermal boundary layer analogous to the hydrodynamic boundary layer (thickness oh) treated above. It will be clear 'that both models do not contradict each other as long as c5T ~ c5 11 . The question now arises as to whether a relationship exists between the thicknesses of the hydrodynamic and the thermal boundary layers. Some insight into this problem can be gained from the fact that the eddy diffusivity E increases with the third power of the distance from the pipe wall : E = C1 y3
From the definition of viscous transfer if:
11 ,
this means that eddy momentum transfer overrides
pE = pC 1 y 3 ~ 11 . or
= C 1y3
~ 11/P
Hence: {II.27)
The diffusivity of heat by eddies is also described by equation (ll.26), whereas the diffusivity of heat by conduction only is given by a= J..jpcP (m 2/s). Hence, the distance c5T from the pipe wall at which heat transfer by eddies overtakes conductive heat transfer is given by a reasoning similar to that a pplied above to be : (II.28)
H ence, the sought relationship between (ll.27) and (11.28) and is found to be:
~.!!. = (~) t Or
or and oh is obtained from equations =
where Pr is named the Prandtl number. For gases Pr ~ 1 and therefore c51, ~ oT, for viscous liquids P r ~ 1000 and o11 ~ lOoT, and for water at room temperature Pr ~ 7 and c511 ~ 2c5r.
59 The reader can imagine that mass transfer between a wall and turbulent pipe How can be depicted by using a concentration boundary layer of thickness beThe ratio between this thickness and the thickness of the hyd rodynamic boundary layer will then be (see also paragraph IV.3.3):
b: = (v)t = set
where Sc is the Schmidt number. For gases Sc ~ 1 and ~, ~ l>c and for liquids Sc ~ 1000 and b" ~ lObe. We see that in these cases the thickness of the hydrodynamic boundary layer is greater than those of the respective thermal and concentration boundary layers, b11 > bT, We have .already stated at the beginning of this chapter that it is impossible to derive theoretically a relation for the velocity distribution during turbulent Bow. We can, however, construct a relation between velocity and the friction factor and see whether we can determine the coefficients in this relation by experimental results. Analogously to the devdopment of equation (II.22), we assume that the mean velocity is a function of the shear stress at the wall, the specific gravity and the kinematic viscosity of the fluid and of the pipe diameter ; so:
Via dimensional analysis we find:
~=~{~ ~} =C{~~r
which can be rearranged to : rw = f = (C)-2/(l +n>{-v-}2n! p(v) 2 2 (v)D
Equation (11.31) indicates that in the turbulent region also the friction factor will be a function bf the Reynolds number only. Results of friction factor measurements in smooth pipes have been collected a nd correlated by Blasius as:
_ 4f = 0·316 Re - 0.25
This correlation is discussed in more detail in the next section. At the moment
we can use it to determine the constant n in equation (II.32). Via : 2n - - =0·25 1+ n we find n = l Repetition of the foregoing procedure for the flow velocity in the x -direction at any place r yields, if we realize that vx must be zero at 2r = D, instead of equation (II.32}:
Thus, maximum flow velocity occurs in the centre of the tube at r can write :
(l _2r)-+ D
_2_ = Vmax
0 and we (II.34)
In order to find the ratio between mean and maximum velocity we can calculate ( v) from equation (II.34) as :
= _1_ JD/2v
( v)
D/ 2
dr =
JD/2(1 -
2r) -+ dr D
Solving this equation we find: (v)
= 0·875
compared with (v)/ vmax =!found for laminar flow in circular tubes. The velocity distribution (equation II.34) gives a rather good description of the actual situation, as illustrated in Figure 11.18, where measured values of (vfvmu? are plotted against (1 - 2r/D). ,CY 0 ,..t
~ 0\
v6 0
' r;\
0 ·5
0 _ . 1-2r/D
0 ·5
Figure ll.18 Measured velocity distribution for turbulent flow
I 1.2.2. Pressure drop in straight channels
At the end of paragraph 11.1.2 we saw that the pressure drop in a pipe system can only be predicted as a function of the flow rate if the shear force at the wall is known. For laminar flow this quantity can be predicted directl y because the relation between -rxy and dvy/dx (e.g. according to Newton, equation 11.1) characteristic of the fluid offers sufficient additional information. For turbulent flow we lack this additional information. In order to be able to predict the flow rate for turbulent flow on the basis of a given pressure drop (or, inversely, the pressure drop for a given flow rate), use is made of graphs and tables of earlier measuring data in which numerical
values can be found of the dimensionless groups that are important to this problem. On the basis of dimensional considerations these results can then be used for solving every new but analogous problem. We shall deal in succession with the fiow through a straight channel, the fiow through fittings and the frictionless fiow. Since in what follows we only speak of a mean velocity and not of velocity distributions, the microbalances are of no use to us in this chapter. The quantities which we shall now come across belong to balances over an entire channel or channel system (i.e. they are macroscopic quantities to be used in macrobalances). If the shear stress on the wall of a horizontal straight channel (cross-section A, circumference S) is known, we find for the stationary state the momentum balance (see also paragraph 11.1.2 and Figure Il.4) :
L F.x =
= p1A
- p 2 A - twS(x 2
x 1)
and, using equation (II.22), we find for the pressure drop : Pt - P2 =
S(x 2
x 1)
Jl < ) 2 S(x 2 2P vx
x 1)
From this equation, which is named after Fanning, it is clear that A/S is the characteristic dimension of the channel cross-section, so that it is obvious to call A/ S the hydraulic diameter* of the channel. If the numerical factor 4 is introduced in the above relation, which is done for historical reasons, fS/ A can be written as 4fS/4A and it is still general practice to state the value of 4f instead of the value off The problem of predicting the pressure drop in straight channels can thus be reduced to predicting friction factors. We shall now collect data on the friction factors for Newtonian flow in circular pipes. The Hagen- Poiseuille formula (II.7) valid in the laminar field yields, together with equation (11.22), for the friction factor : '7 64 (II.36) 64 4f = p(v)D = -Re In the turbulent region the friction factor is considerably less dependent on Re, notably proportional to- .Re- 0 · 25-0. As a consequence, the pressure drop is proportional to (v) 1 . 75- 2 , so that for a given pipe the pressure drop increases :nuch more strongly with ( v) than in the laminar field, but the viscosity of the 9ow has less influence. For pipes with a smooth wall the experimentally found relation proposed b y Blasius:
4f =
0·316 Re- o·:z.s
(4000 < Re < 105 )
gives a good description of the dependency off on Re. • The quotient A /S is also called the hydraulic radius, with the consequence that the hydraulic diameter is four times the hydraulic radius!!!
0 ·06 ---~,----------------------10 · 025
" "'
.E c:
----------~·"~~----------~to- 3
.......... ~--------=.:..:a...-:. ,-----~5x 10- 4
Laminar Turbulent (circular . cross- section! only l Roughness of wall x .( m l
Cost iron Wood,concrete
2xto-6 40xlo- 6
Drown tube
Steel tube Galvanized iron
:-------=.::::::.....:----t2x 10- 4 :::-----....::::~ to- 4
t50xlo-6 0·3 x10-3 0 ·2-2ltl0-3
--.::--._-------15x 10-5
3 4
s 104
3 4
3 4
8 106
3 4
8 107
Re= m in the Bernoulli equation we find Err = 0-there is no energy loss. Err has been proved experimentally to be negligible indeed if 8/ 2 < 8°. In practical cases of smoothly diverging flow, only small friction losses occur and a practical value of the friction loss factor K w is 0-05. Let us now reverse the reasoning. How great is Fw? Knowing that Err = 0 we can derive an expression for Fw. This force acts at a mean cross-section A, where the flow velocity is given by {v 1 + v2 )/2. A mass balance shows:
75 'lwater 11 • •
= 10- 3 Ns/rn 2
Pwater =
= 1·6 x 10-. 6 Nsj m 2
103 kgjrn3
= 1·2 kg(m3
133 m js
2. An air heater consists of a rectangular box in which a bundle of heating pipes has been fitted perpendicular to the direction of flow. In a scale model of this heater the pressure drop has been measured as a function of the air velocity related to the empty cross-section. If in the actual air heater the diameter of the pipes is twice as large. what is the ratio between the pressure drops over the two apparatus at the same Re number (related to the pipe diameter and the said velocity)?
Answer : dp actual : t:.p scale = 1 : 4 3. Through a horizontal smooth tube there is a turbulent flow of liquid. By what factor does the pressure drop increase if the flow rate is trebled? What should the diameter of a new tube be to obtain the original pressure drop at the trebled flow rate?
Answer :
pressure increase by a factor of 6·8; D 2
4. Develop an expression for the friction factor for laminar flow in a falling film and for flow between
h. ~~ .fiat
12 = Re
*5. Through a smooth horizontal tube 1 kg/s water is pressed (Re ~ 2 x 104 ). The pressure difference over the tube is 2 x 10 5 N j m 2 • What energy Pis needed and what is the temperature rise .1 T of the water if there is no heat exchange with th:e environment? What will be the values for P and aT: (a) if the water fiow_is doubled? (b) if 1 kg/ s W(\ter is pressed through a tube 1·5 times as narrow? Answer : 200 W, 0-~8oC (a) 1280 W, O·l6°C (b) i400 W , 0·34°C 1
6. Calculate the pressure drop over a capillary flow meter with a smooth wall if the gas velocity is 5 m/ s. 50 mj s and 100 mj s respectively. 5 capillary length 10 em 1Jair = 2 x 10- Ns/ m2 3 Pair= 1·2 kg/m capillary diameter 1 mm
= 3·21
x 102 N j m 2
6·5 x 10 3 N / m 2 2·1 x 104 N j rn 2
76 *7. Through a steel tube of 60 m length 120m 3 /h of water is pumped against a height difference of 25 m. \Vhat will be the difference in pressure between the beginning and end of the tube if: (a) the tube is of circular cross-section (D = 10 em)? (b) the tube has a square cross-section (10 x lO em)? (c) the water flows through an annulus (D0 = 14 em, Di = 10 em)? Answer :
(a) 3·4 x 105 N j m 2 (b) 3·1 x 10 5 N /m 2 (c) 5·2 x 10 5 N j m 2
8. In a factory there is an 8 inch pipe from a trough of a rotating filter to a hollander which is situated 3·75 m lower. Cellulose slurry which flows over the brim of the trough is returned to the system through this pipe. The pipe is 15 m long and has two short 90°. bends and one open gate valve. What is the flow rate ofthe slurry in the pipe.and what is the capacity? The viscosity of the slurry is 5 x 10- 3 kg/ m s (at 20°C, that is five times as viscous as water) and the density is 1200 kg/m3 • Answer :
4·5 m j s; 520m 3 fh
9. A vertical pipe (1 inch diameter, 2m long, sm ooth) contains one rotameter, three right-angled bends for connecting the pipe to the ro~ameter and two valves. The Kw value of these valve~ when open, is 6. The rotameter, which has approximately the diameter of the pipe, contains a float of 25 x to- 3 kg (p = 2600 kg/m 3 ). Calculate the pressure drop over this pipe if water flows through it at an upward velocity of 1 m/s. Answer :
= 28,060 N j m 2
*10. When combustion gases enter a chimney the pressure is 250 N / m 2 below atmospheric pressure. The chimney is made of smooth s teel plates which are bent to an internal radius of 1·68 m. 15 tjh combustion gases are discharged. The mean temperature of the gases is 260°C, the outside temperature is 21 oc and the barometer reading is 1000 mbar. What is the height H of the chimney? The density of the burned gas at 25°C is p = 1·27 kgfmJ and rt = 15·6 x 10 - 6 kgjms at 260°C . Answer :
H = 47 m
11 . Through a pipe with a 5 em internal diameter flows 241/s of water. An obstacle in the pipe shows a flow resistance of 100 mm water column. (a) What is the force the flow exerts on the obstacle? (b) H ow much energy is lost by friction? Answer : (a) = 2 N (b) = 1·96 w
77 *12. A strong fireman sends up a jet of water of 2 m 3 jmin at an angle of 45°. The maximum height he can reach is 20m. What is the force with which he is pressed against the ground as a result of spouting?
Answer :
66 7 N
13. A garden hose (D i = 1 ern) of smooth, inelastic material, 20m long, is connected to a tap in the ground ; the resistance value of the tap related to the downstream velocity is K .,., = 7-5. The pressure before the tap is 2·65 x 10 5 N j m 2 • A nozzle (D i = 1/ 4 em) can be connected to the spouting end of the hose, in this case Kw = 0·1 related to the velocity in the nozzle. The spouting end is kept 1·5 m above the ground. Calculate the velocity vat which water of l8°C leaves the garden hose: (a) without a nozzle. (b) with a nozzle. Neglect the water velocity before the tap.
Answer : (a) 2·3 m js (b) 14·7 m js 14. At least how high can a pole vaulter jump if he can run at a speed of 10 m j s?
Answer : 5·0 m 15. On the Mons St. Nicolas (Luxemburg) lies an artificial lake with a capacity of 7-6 X 10 6 m 3 . For twelve hours (mainly during the night) the lake is filled with water from the Our, 500 m lower. During the next twelve hours turbines on the Our are driven with water from the lake in order to generate electric power. The water supply from the lake to the turbines takes place through two parallel circular concrete tubes, 650 m long and 6 m in diameter. (a) What power could this station deliver, apart from losses, if it is in continuous operation for 12 out of 24 hours? (b) What are the .fri~on losses expressed as a percentage of the theoretically possible power? Let the resistance value for the entry and exit losses, each related to the velocity in the tubes, be 2·5. (c) Calculate that, if the pump delivery and the turbine efficiency are 75 per cent, this way of energy storage makes the electric power 1·8 times as expensive : the engineering works as such may be considered as being fully written off.
Answer : (a) 550 MW ; (b) 0-65 per cent •16. Show that, in the case discussed at the beginning of this paragraph, John was right in letting the suspected man go.
78 Comments on problems Problem 3
(a) An increase in throughput will affect, amongst others, the Re number and therefore also the friction factor. (See Figure Il.19.) (b) Here again you should not forget the change in f due to the changing Re number. Problem 5
This problem has been included to show you bow widely Figure 11.19 can be used, provided that you base your Re number on the proper hydraulic diameter. Don't forget the hydrostatic head pressure! Problem 10
A sketch of the chimney with an expression for tlie pressures at the bottom and top will help you to find an expression for the height of the chimney using the Bernoulli equation. It turns out that the losses due to friction are negligible.
p , -250
Problem 12
With the substitution of the maximum height h in the Bernoulli equation you will find the vertical velocity component Vy of the nozzle. The force in the y-direction can be calculated from the mass flow and vr Do you find the same answer when you calculate the weight of water the poor fellow has to carry? Problem 16 John and the sewer murder case
The flow conditions in the sewer are turbulent (Re ~ 4 x 106 ) and we can assume f to be practically constant. Because the driving force pg ~h is constant we can write :
79 and we find :
= v1 )
Dh 1/D112
For a half-filled sewer channel Dhl = D, but if the channel is filled to onequarter of its diameter :
4(nR 8 _ R sin (J) 2
Dh 2
nR8 180
if we use cos 8/2 = (R - tR)/R =
= 0·59D
Since v 1 = 1 m/s (half-filled channel) we find v 2 = 0·77 m/s and the time necessary for the body to arrive at the fisher village is : t
= ~ = 9360 s = vl
2 h 36 min
(or longer, if the water level was lower than iD~ Thus the corpse must have been dropped into the channel at 9·09 p.m. or earlier, and John came to the right conclusion. ll.J. Flow with negligible energy dissipation John looked from the corpse to the drum, from which wine (a poor quality rose, thought J ohn) still spouted through the two 6 mm holes which two of the bullets had left there. The fat man who had called him had stated that he had been in this isolated shed with only one other person, who had run away twenty minutes ago. John thought: the drum of 0-6 m diameter stands on its fiat bottom, the holes are 1 m from its top and a wet rim indicates that the wine level has decreased by 20 em. He remembered what is outlined in the pages to come and arrested the fat man.
For a great number of flow situations the energy dissipation Err is zero or negligibly small with resp-ect to the amount of mechanical energy which changes from one form into the other (see example 3 of the previous paragraph). In those cases the relation between velocity and driving force is simply given by Bernoulli's law (in the form of equations 11.42 or II.43). This equation can also be written in such a way that the terms acquire the dimension of a length : p
- + h +-
= constant along a streamline
The three terms are then called pressure head, static head and velocity head respectively ; the sum total of these terms remains constant if there is no energy
- -
11 + .1!...
-- -vzO
-T -
.... --· -
·- ,___~-
Figure 11.26 Static head, pressure head and velocity head
change due to friction or mechanical work. These heads also have physical significance, as can be seen from Figure II.26. _. With the left manometer tube only the pressure prevailing in the liquid i~ measured. The lower opening of the right-hand. tube is opposing the stream. Right in front of this opening the velocity is negligible so that all kinetic energy is converted into pressure and causes a thrust equal to !pv 2 • This thrust is used when measuring velocities with a Pitot tube. . We will treat here two well-known examples of flow with negligible ener~n dissipation, the flow from orifices and the flow over a sharp-edged weir. ll.3.1. Flow of a liquid from an orifice
Friction hardly plays a role in this type of problem. For calculation of the outflow velocity use is made of the mass balance and the Bernoulli equation. Using this mass balance it appears that some distance before the orifice the velocity is negligible .compared with the velocity in the orifice. Next, with equation (11.41) it can be derived that for a sharp-edged orifice (Figure II.27) the volume flow ¢v becomes :
( 0 )
(b )
Figure 11.27
(c )
Flow of liquids through holes
v = CA1j2(p t - Po)/ p
C is the flow coefficient and is the product of a coefficient of contraction Cc = A'1/ A 1 and a friction factor C1 . For the sharp-edged orifice, C1 is practically 1, whereas Cc is ca. 0·62 at sufficiently high velocity. For a rounded orifice with smallest cross-section A 1 Figure 11.27b applies: (II.48b) with c, = 0·95-0·99. If a 'diffusor' (angle not greater than 8° to avoid eddying) is attached to the rounded orifice then : (11.49)
where A 0 is the cross-sectional area at the end of the diffusor. (Figure Il.27c). With the diffusor more liquid flows through the smallest cross-section than without the diffusor, because in the former case the pressure in the constriction is lower than p 0 . The diffusor cannot be lengthened infinitely because then the friction losses become too great On the other hand, if the pressure in the throat falls below the vapour pressure of the liquid, vapour generation (cavitation) occurs; the given calculations are then no longer valid. The following table shows the flow coefficients C for various orifices. These coefficients must be used with equation (II.48a). Table ll.2 Flow coefficients for flow through orifices
• d
= 0 ·96
= 0 · 82
;Iff d--
d/ 2
c ;
0 ·53
82 11.3.2. Flow of gases through orifices
The approach followed in the last section can also be applied to the flow of compressible gases through orifices. Friction losses can be neglected, and we can assume that the change of. state takes place adiabatically. However, due to the adiabatic expansion, the pressure in the jet will be different from the initial pressure p 1 and the final pressure p0 outside the gas jet (see Figure Il.28).
Figure 0.28 Flow of gas through an orifice
In the stationary state the Bernoulli equation (11.41) reads in its differential form (g dh = 0, .,. = 0, E rr = 0) for this situation : 0 =-
f Hdp
(II. 50)
whereas the energy balance treated in chapter I (equation 1.6) :
0= is simplified to (¢H
0= -
f {ctu =
+ ct(~) + vdv + gdh}m + q,_.-
f {ctu + ct(~) + vdv}
= -
J.' {du + pd(~) + ~dp + vdv} (11.51)
From equations (II.50) and (11.51) we thus obtain:
= dU +
or, realizing that (if there is no change of state) dU
0 = c. dT
= c" dT :
+ pd(~)
Applying the ideal gas law for a number of moles nina volume V , p V = nRT (R =gas law constant = 8·31 J/mol °K), we find with M = molecular weight of the gas (kg/mol) : p
nM V
d (~) = _L d V = R T d V
. p
R = M(cp- c") and
= cJcr: we now obtain from equation (II.52):
T + (K -
dV l)y-
tion of this equation finally yields TVIC ormed by means of the ideal gas law to:
(II.53) 1
= constant, which can be
p VIC = constant and pp -K = constant
last equations describe the adiabatic compression and expansion of ideal Returning to the Bernoulli equation (II.50) for the flow of gases through .nfices under steady-state conditions :
1 0 = -dp p
can now replace p by p -.d p, v we find : _ _1_ l constant - 1
+ v dv
= constant p 11
{ p - 1/K+ 1 _ p - 1/K+ 1} 1
and by integration between p 1 , v = 0
+ 21v2 = 0 = !v2 +
K (!!_ _ K -
1 p
P1) p1
2 -
2K K -
p 1 {l -(p ) (K- 1}/IC} 1 Pt Pt
the mass flow rate at any place of the variable cross-section A of the gas jet .,...,p,·p_ the pressure is p is given by: ¢m
= pvA = = A
p ) 1/IC p 1vA ( Pt
{2~: ,P.P ·[(:r ·_
(:.r ·>'·Jr
\. -
The change of the cross-section of the gas stream with pressure is shown 3Chematically in Figure 11.29, where:
been plotted against pj p 1 _ It can be seen that the cross-section of the jet reaches a minimum at
_!!_ = ( 2 ) K/ (tc- 1) Pt K + 1
p/pl - - -
Figure 11.29 Flow of gas through an orifice
At this point the critical conditions Ac, Po vc and velocity vc we find with equation (II.55):
Vc =
P 1)t + 1 Pt
( K
(KPc)t Pc
Pc are present. For the critical (KRT)t
which is the velocity of sound at Pc and Pc (for air at 0°C, vc = 331 m js). For gases consisting of two atoms, K = 1·4 and consequently pcfp 1 = 0·527. The expression developed for the mass flow rate (equation JI.55) can be simplified for a number of conditions. (a) p0 ~ p 1 • Under these conditions the compressibility of gases can be neglected and equation (11.55) simplified to: (II. 57)
where A = cross-section of jet at p = Po, A 1 = cros5-section of orifice and C = contraction factor which is approximately 0·6 < C < 0·7.
(b) Pc < Po < p 1 (for air, Pt by CA 1 with 0·6 < C < 0·7.
0·53pt). Equation (11.55) is valid, A being given
(c) p 0 ~ Pc ( =0·53 p 1 for air). When Po is so low that at the cross-section Ac the speed of sound is reached, a further decrease of p0 will not result in a lower
pressure at Ac. The reason for this is that pressure waves travel with the velocity of sound ; hence as soon as the pressure Pcis reached at Ac the pressure difference p 1 - Pc determines the flow rate completely independently of the value of Po·
85 Equation (11.55) becomes:
"'m = p,v.A, = A,{Kp,p,(K!
J.. ,y,.-,,r
= C"A,JP:/);
with: CK
HK ! t)"+l)/(x-1)}
(II. 58)
and Ac = CcA 1 , where Cc ~ 0·6 for sharp-edged orifices and Cc ~ 0·97 for ;ounded orifices. The factor C K can be calculated for each gas from the known · (air: C" = 0·684 ; steam : C K = 0·668). For flow of gases in pipes or pipe systems the same considerations as those : ast discussed apply. If p0 ~ p 1 the compressibility can be neglected and the :elations discussed in paragraph II.2.2 can be applied. If Po < p 1 the calculation becomes more involved and Figure II.30 can be used for a quick estimation of pressure drop during turbulent flow. This graph is based on air at l7°C. The irawn lines show the calculation of the pressure drop for a mass flow of 0·1 kg/s air at l7°C and 10 atm pressure through a pipe of25 x 10- 3 m diameter and a K w = 4. We find 6p = 0.06 atm (for straight total friction loss factor of pipes Kw = fSLfA ; for circular pipes at Re > 105, Kw ~ 0·02 L/ D). We can further read from the graph that under these conditions v ~ 30 mf s and o ~ 11 kgjm 3 . For gases other than air or for other temperatures, the small inserted graph gives two correction factors, CM and Cr . For these conditions, instead of the gas pressure p 0 a corrected pressure p 0 CMCr has to be used and instead of !he flow velocity v the product vCMCr is found, as well as pf CMCr instead of the specific gravity p. The same applies to the pressure drop determined, which IS then ~pCMCr . So, if we had used C0 2(M = 44) at 100°C, CMCr = 1·3 x 0·9 = 1·17, the example drawn in the graph is valid for an initial pressure ofll·7 atm. The flow velocity fou~d is then 25·6 mjs, the specific gravity is 12·9 kg/m 3 and the pressure drop would, be Ap = 0·052 atm.
I 1.3.3. Flow through ~eirs The total liquid flo~ ca~, in this case, be calculated approximately as a function of the height h of the liquid surface above the edge (see Figure II.31), with Bernoulli's law assuming that mainly potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. On the upstream side of the weir at a height h the static pressure is :~0 + pg(h 0 - h) (p 0 = ambient pressure), whereas the velocity may be considered negligibly low. The pressure in the overflowing jet is Po in all places, whereas the velocity of the streamline coming from height h is called vh. Application of the Bernoulli equation yields for the velocity distribution : vh
j2g(h 0
(II. 59)
lnitiaJ tem"'"atwre
CorrectiOn factors for other 90ses than air or ot her temperatures than I7°C
....L:.t....;;~L----Z-:.L..::.::z._:::J____::jr,--?-..:z.....::.L~I:......Z-:.t.-.z..._ Flow veloc ity v (m I s )( cr. eN . v ) 3 ""--......c...--'......c...-""--......L.--'-'--L-.L.-- - " - - Density p ( kg I m ) ( p I C T .cN ) 0
Figure 11.30 Pressure drop for
Diameter (m) 400 x 10-3
Reference line Mass flow rote (kg/s) :soo Friction loss zoo foetor}:; Kw
300xlo-3 250x lo- 3 200 xl0-3 150xl0-3
10- 3
sol( ro- 3
8 X 10 - 3
s x ro-3 4xlo- 3 3x lo-3 2·5)( I0- 3
..· .
..:bulent flow of gases in circular pipes
Figure ll.31
Flow through a narrow-crested weir
So at h = 0 the flow velocity is maximum and v11 = 0 at h = h0 • Hence the volumetric flow rate in the streamline between h and h + dh is :
The total flow rate then becomes theoretically : .·
In reality the result must be multiplied by a flow coefficient C = 0-~2, owing to contraction and some friction loss. Then for L » h0 and h 0 > 0·01 m the practical formula becomes :
4>v = 0-59L~
A weir can be used for measuring liquid streams with a free surface area Besides the rectangular weir there are differently shaped weirs. Figure II.32 gives a survey of the relations applicable to the various weirs. Occasionally a viscous liquid is passed over a narrow-crested weir. In this case, the flow rate is given by:
4>v = 0·285L~{g~~}t if 4>v < 0·2 v
according to Slocum (Can . J. Chern. Eng., 42, 196, 1964). I !.3.4. Problems 1. The trough of the rotating cell filter from problem 8 in paragraph II.2.4 has a weir edge which is 2·85 m broad. The level of the cellulose slurry is,
as a rule, 2·5 em above the edge. Calculate the amount of slurry flowing over the edge. Answer : 76m 3 jh
2. A free-falling liquid jet contracts owing to acceleration in the field of gravitation. For a given jet a 20 per cent contraction is attained at a distance of 8 em from the outlet opening. Calculate at what distance 20 per cent contraction is found if the outftowing liquid flows 1·5 times as fast. Answer :
18 em
89 Rectangular weir ( L > 2h 0 )
J 9/15
0 · 59 (L-0 ·2 ho ) ~
0 · 6 m /s; ho
> 0 · 1 m)
3h 0 )
4> u ( L :
: 0 · 465 (L-0 ·2 h0
width of weir )
Triangular notch
0 · 44
tong 2 x 10 5 the friction boundary layer becomes turbulent~ as a result of which the point where the boundary layer is released shifts to the back so that C..., decreases fairly rapidly. Because of the two mechanisms stated above the drag coefficient Cw is B Xt~il'N.&\j'U'S lu'tf\.'"rMa eX R~ CJPIR;Ysi're ro me rhcn'o n foss ractor J~tbr trow in plpeS.
The stationary rate of fall vs of a sphere in a stagnant medium is calculated by assuming its apparent weight to be equal to the resistance force : 3
1td2 1
(;dP(pp- p)g = Cw4 p"fPVs 7t
The solution for v5 is found by solving this equation-together with the relation for C..., as a function of Re. This can only take place analytically in the Stokes range (Re < 1) : '
(pp- p)gdp2
(Re < 1)
or, in the Newton range (10 3 < Re < 105 ) : v s
1·16j(pP - p)gdP
In the intermediate range (1 < Re < 103 ) which is often encountered, only a numerical solution is possible. The force balance is then written as follows:
Cw Re 2 =
~ d!p(p~ 2-
The right-hand term of this equation is a known constant for a given problem. With the help of Figure II.41 the relevant Renumber can now be found, from which the stationary rate of fall can .be calculated according to : 17 Re
v =-s pdp The relations (11.68), (II.69) and (II.70) are also valid for gas bubbles rising in a liquid if they have a rigid surface. Because of the upward direction of the force, instead of (p P - p) of course (p - Pb) has to be used. Gas bubbles with diameters < 0·8 mm are spherical and the drag coefficients for spheres ca n be applied. Bubbles with diameters 0·8 < db < 1·5 mm form oblate spheroids, the drag coefficient of which is approximately two-thirds of the C.., value of a sphere with the same volume. Gas bubbles in liquids have a rigid surface as long as: d, <
// t/
-c... =24 Re
6 8 tO
8 100
3 4
8 103
Figure 11.41
Drag coefficient and related functions for spherical particles
If surface active agents or dirt are present in the liquid. the mobility of the
surface is decreased and equation (II.71) gives too low values of the critical value of db. Thus, air bubbles in water are rigid if db < 2·6 mm. F or bubbles with a mobile surface the flow resistance is lower. The stationar y rate of rise is then given by : (11.72)
Figure II.42 il!ustrates the rising velocity of air bubbles of various diameters 2ja/g ~p
in water. According to equation (II.72) bubbles with diameters of db =
I Equation ( U . 70)
d11 (mrn }
Figure II.42 Velocity of rise of air bubbles in water
have the minimum rate of rise. F or very large bubbles (for air in water if d > 15 mm) equation (II. 72) is simplified to: b (Il.73)
(pgdl >>a)
The rising gas bubbles then have the form of spherical caps. Comparison of equations (If.73) and (li.70) written for half a sphere shows that for these conditions C"' = ~at aRe value of > 12,000 (air in water). This C..., value is comparable with that of a circular fiat plate {Ta ble II.4). ·
11.5.3. Free fall of droplets The friction forces acting on a falling liquid droplet will deform the droplet from a purely spherical to an elonga ted form until the droplet breaks up. The surface tension counteracts this deformation and we can assume roughly that the droplets will no longer break up if this ratio is equal to or smaller than unity: 1t 21
friction force
C.., 4 dP1 p 8 v
surface tension
- - - - -- - ---..,...- - =
C d _
w p{JgV
8v -
~ 1
In the dimensionless group we recognize the Weber number, the critical va)ue of which should then be of the order of magnitude of: pgdpmuvz
W e c r--
~- ~
(assuming turbulent conditions). Hence free-falling droplets can only be stable for diameters smaller than or equal to d pmax . Experimental results have shown that We ~ 22 for free fall and We ~ 13 if the droplets are sudden] y exposed to drag forces. 11.5.4. Particles in non-stationary flow All relations described in this paragraph so far apply only if the stationary state bas been att ained. If we consider a free-falling sphere, the non-stationary momentum balance reads :
dv 2 M dt = M g - CwAtpv
(II. 75)
if we assume Cw to be constant over the whole range of velocities. In the stationary state (velocity v.J : M g = CwA!pv;
is valid, as we have discussed in the previous section. Thus equation (II.75) can be simplified to :
v2 dv · M. = M g - fttf g- 2 dt vs Integration between v = 0 at
t =
0 and v.1 t yields: v
1 +'
1- ~ vs
= exp (2gt)
(II. 77)
In Figure II.43 vjv 5 has been plotted against the dimensionless factor 2gtfvs. It appears that the velocity is stationary if2gtjv5 > 5. For 2gtfvs < 1 the velocity can be represented with good approximation by: 1;
- = -
i.e. v = gt ; the relation applies to free fall in vacuum (no friction losses). This means that up to a timet < v5/ 2g friction loss may be neglected, which justifies our as~umption of a constant drag coefficient in equation (JI.76). Velocities of free fall are often measured by measuring the time for free fall over a distance L. In that way, the m1e an velocity ( v) = L/ t is determined. The
106 1·0
0 ·6
/~f vs=7 v5 v
"" ......
0 ·2 0
Figure 0 .43 N on-statjonary fall of spherical particles
mean velocity can be calculated as :
which yields with equation (1177) :
< >=
+ exp (
+ exp (4
This function is also shown in Figure II.43. lt can be used to ·c alculate·(via trial and error, see problem 4) the stationary velocity of free fall from a measured mean velocity.
II 5.5. Rate of sedimentation of a swarm of particles The rate of sedimentation of a swarm of equally large particles in a liquid is lower than that of one separate particle. In a given system of particles and liquid this rate of sedimentation (v.Js appears to depend only on the fraction 4> of the volume which is taken up by the particles. This constant is also connected with the porosity e: this is the volume fraction of the continuous phase so that e = 1 - qJ. There a re various theories about the relation between (vs)s and o or e. A well-usable empirical relation is that of Richardson and Zaki : (vJs = v~e
In this equation v~ is the rate of settling of one single particle of the system · question (e = 1) and n a value. dependent on v~4/v = Re~ and on the rei · of the particle diameter and the diameter of the vessel D, in which they
For dJD 1 < 0·1 the authors give the following values of n : Re~
Equation (II. 79) has the advantage that the exponent n is given as a function of a Re number defined for the free settling velocity of a single particle and not, as .h appens in most liteliture, as a function of a Re number based ori the un· known swarm velocity. · ·
11.5.6. Cylinders perpendicular to the direction offlow For an infinite cylinder perpendicular to the direction of flow the picture of Cw = f(Re) is analogous to that for spheres. At Re < 10- 1 , Cw"' 1/Re and for Re > 103 , C.w :::=:: 1·2. If the cylinder is shortened the flow can also pass the ends and Cw becomes lower (Cw = 0·62 for L/D = 1 at Re > 103 ). If the cylinder is not given~ round but a streamlined cross·section, Cw decreases considerably to values between 0·01 and 0 ·1. If, as in another extreme case, it is flattened (perpendicular to the direction of flow), then C.., ~ 2 for LID = co. In practice, banks of tubes are often used as heating-or cooling--elements in a liquid or gas flow. In flow perpendicular to the tubes two different ways of arrangemen t can be distinguished : (a) in line and (b) staggered (see Figure II.44).
- -ooool 0000
v0 -
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F .
{0 )
-~""6\\ll'b 0 0 \\\\\'
v0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 . \\\\'V\\\\\\
( b )
Figure U.44 Flow perpendicular to a bank of pipes : (a) in line, (b) staggered
In case (a) most pipes are in the 'wake' of thei( .p redecessor, in case (b) they are not. Owing to this shielding the resistance of arrangement (a) is lower than that of (b) and so is the heat transfer. For case (b), as a rule of thumb, we can use the fact that the resistance coefficient of a tube (related to the superficial velocity) in the range 30 < Re < 2000 is about 1·5 times as high as for a single t ube in the flow if the distance between two neighbouring tubes equals the tube diameter. Naturally it also occurs quite often that, for example, in the case of heat exchang~rs the resistance for flow aiong a bank of tubes must be calculated. For turbulent flow use is then made of th~ Fanning equa ti on (II.35) and the hydraulic diameter.
ll.5.7. Problems 1. What is the maximum diameter of a rain droplet at 20°C?
Answer : d P = 6·6 mm *2. When driving his car {1·6 m wide, 1·3 m high, 9 50 kg) at a steady 105 kmjh on a highway on a windless day, Klaus notices that, if he pushes the clutch down, it takes 5 seconds for the car to decelerate to 95 kmfh. (a) Estimate the maximum value of the drag coefficient. (b) Driving steadily, which percentage of the petrol used (101/ 100 km) is converted into mechanical energy, if the heat of combustion is 11·000 kcalfkg (p = 700 kgfm 3 )? Answer : (a) Cw < 0·55 (b) l 5·5 per cent 3. Two metal spheres of equal weight but of different diameter fall through air. Calculate the relationship of their stationary rate of fall if the ratio of their diameter is 3 and the flow round the spheres is dynamically similar. Is this supposition correct?
Answer :
1; yes
4. The ' Euromasr tower in Rotterdam bas a height of 104m. It takes a cherry (diameter 1·7 em) 6·5 seconds to fall from the top of the tower to the pleasant park below. (a) What would be the velocity of stationary free fall? (b) What is the drag coefficient? Answer : (a) 20 m/s;
(b) Cw
= 045
5. According to a newspaper report the air 1n Mexico City (situated at 2200 m above sea level) contains per volume unit 25 per cent Jess oxygen than the air at sea level. (a) Ascertain that this statement is correct by calculating from a balance of forces the pressure as a function of the height above sea level.
Given : Air is an ideal gas. Gas constant R = 8310 J/kmol °K Air temperature = 2rc 'Molecular weight' of air = 30 kgfkmol This slighter air density in Mexico City causes the sprinters to meet with lower air resistance. (b) In what time will a sprinter tneoretically be able to cover the 100m in Mexico City because oftbis lower air resistance, if he does the 100m at sea level in 10 s?
(i) that both in Mexico City and at sea level he develops the same power.
109 (ii) that he runs at constant speed. (iii) that the time necessary to pick up speed is negligible.
(c) His actual time in Me::dco City is. however. likewise 10 s. What is your conclusion? Answer : (b) 9·2 s (c) Assumptions (ii) and (iii) are wrong.
6. The gas bubbles formed at the bottom of a glass of beer are released as soon as their diameter is ca. 1 mm. (a) Calculate their stationary rate of rise. (b) How many times more rapidly would an equally large water drop faJJ in air?
Answer : (a) 0·105 mj s; (b) 35 times *7. A horizon tal air duct with rectangular cross-section (H x B = 30 x 30 em 2 ; L = lOm;xj Dh = 2 x 10- 3 ) containsanairbeatingelement. This element consists of six rows of fifteen tubes placed transversely to the direction of flow. The rows are installed in a staggered position (Figure fl.27b). The external diameter of the tubes is D = 2 em, the mean temperature in the
duct is 80°Cand the mean pressure is 1·3 x 105 N/m2 . Calculate the pressure
drop in this duct at a mean air velocity of 20 m/s.
Answer: 2860 N j m 2 *8. Show that John indeed gave the right answer to the problem of the gas grenade treated at the beginning of this paragraph. Comments on problems
Problem 2 Klaus' data collected in a quiet hour on the ElO motorway will help us to calculate a drag coefficient that includes not only air resistance effects but also friction losses. The actual C..., value will therefore be smaller than the ·value we calculate from the unsteady-state momentum balance: dv -Mdt Now, from the measured data at f
= Cw A-21 pzr' 100 kmfh:
dv = 10 kmfh
5 min
= 0-555 mj s2
and we find : C"' malt
= O·SS
110 If we assume the friction energy loss of the rolling wheels on the road to be of
tbe same order of magnitude as the energy loss due to air friction. we find C\9 ~ 0-30, which compares well with the value stated in Table II.4. The total energy content of 10 litres of petrol is: 10
700 . 11,000. 4-2
103 = 327
10 5 Joule
and the mechanical energy for moving the car 100 km : dv L =50 x 10 5 Joule dt
- M-
Thus the percentage transformed into mechanical energy is -15·5 per cent. Problem 7
The pressure drop in the channel is caused by friction along the wall and by the flow resistance of the pipes, and we can assume that these two resistances are additive. The pressure drop in the empty channel is then found to be (using Dh = 0·3 m, Reh - 3 x 105 , 4f = 0·024, equation Il.35): tlp 1
= 200 N/ m 2
The drag coefficient for one single pipe would be (with Re II.4) : Cw = 1·2
x 104, Table
Thus, for staggered tubes C~ = 1·5 C..., = 1·8. Thus the force on one pipe is: F = CwAtPV 2 = 2·66 N
The force on all pipes together is then drop:
F.ot = 6·15 F = 239 N
and the pressure
t:.p 2 = 239/0·09 = 2660 N j m 2
John and the tear gas grenades An unsteady-state momentum balance in the x-direction for this case (see the figure) reads: Problem 8
dvx l 2 M dt =_ -C w2 pv x A
l -:... ---- v/ ::0...
( 1)
111 which yields after integration between 1
t =
0, vxo and t, vx:
Now vx = dx/ dl and after substituting vx from equation (2) and integration between t = 0, x = 0 and te, Xe we find :
2M In ( 1 C...,pAv,. 0 c~) + 2M
C wP A
Now, for steady-state free fall :
and thus: (4)
2MfCwpA = v;fg
Considering now the velocity component in the y-direction (and neglecting friction losses because g » Cw{pr.lj2M)) we have : d v1
g ; V 11 =
dt = -
110 t
!-gt 2
So, for y = 0 :
= 2vy0 /g
Introducing this expression and equation (4) into equation (3)' we obtain~ xe =
v; In ( 1 + 2~~~Vyo) g
Now : 2 .
v"'0 Vy 0 = v0 sm a cos ex
which is maximum for rx· · 45°, i.e. v.xo = v>' 0 = 0·71 v0 , and so the maximum distance is :
If you , as d id the poor inventor, neglect the air friction, you find for the maximum distance: Xe
which yields for
= 202m!
-V0 SID 0: COS f1.
112 11.6. Flow through beds of particles The police doaor rose and stared chac the man had died by town gas poisoning not longer than 10 hours ago. 'Remarkable', John thought. The room where they found the body was locked from Ihe inside and there was no smell of gas at all, although concentrations above one-thousandth of the lethal level can be smelt quite easily. The gas valve was open but due to an explosion at the gas works the supply ceased 8 hours before. A small fan in one of the windows pressed air into che room so thaz lhe pressure was 80 mm water column higher than outside the room. The room had a volume of 80 m 3 and t'J-.ere was about 50m2 of wall (20 em thick'h the porosity of the material being approximately 20 per cent and the particles which constituted most of the material having a diameter of ca. 0-3 mm. Lighting a cigarette, John concluded that the man had died at another place.
The fiow through a bed of particles is of gre~t importance for all branches of technology; in chemical engineering for filtrationycatalytic processes, separation processes in columns with packing materials, etc., and also for petroleum production, soil mechanics and hydraulics. A great deal of theoretical and experimental work has been done by various groups. Outwardly the various formulae we encounter often differ, but on second thoughts they have much in common Two types of particle bed are of great technical imponance : the fixed bed and the fluidized bed. ln the former bed the particles rest on each other and are not moved by the fluid. If in this bed the velocity of the fluid js increased, a situation is created in which the force on the bed becomes equal to the apparent weight of the particles. The flow lifts the bed, as a result of which the particles become suspended. This is called the fluidized state which is characterized by a thorough mixing, especially of the particl~s. The result is that temperature- and/ or concentration differences in the fluidized bed are rapidly eliminated, so that in the bed uniform conditions prevail which are often desired. If the velocity of the fluid is increased still further. the particles are ultimately blown out of the bed and we enter the field of pneumatic transport. We shall now discuss some essential points of the flow in the two types.
II.6.1. Fixed bed This bed may be considered as a collection of particles and also a s a collection of interconnected winding channels. We stick to the former description in order to calculate the energy dissipation per unit of mass in a bed of spherical particles
as a function of the superficial velocity v0 related to the cross-section of the tube which forms the boundary of the bed. The actual velocity (v) in the bed is of course higher than v0 , notably v0 = e ( v) if e again represents the volume fraction voids (the porosity) of the bed (for beds of spheres, in practice, 0·35 < s < 0·45). The train of thought is now
as follows : we calculate the energy which is dissipated around one particle in a
113 ftow of velocity ( v) ; this energy is multiplied b y the total number of particles in the bed in order to obtain the constant ErlPm, ie. the total energy which is dissipated in the bed (see also equation II.41). To this end we base our calculations on the definition equation for Cw 01.67) to determine the force which the flow exerts on one particle :
The drag coefficient in this relation is self-evidently another from that which is found for one sphere in an infinite fluid. From the force F we can now calculate, by multiplication by (v), the energy whic4 is dissipated round one sphere. The total number of spheres in tbe bed is subsequently calcu1ated from the volume the spheres take up in the bed, (1 - s) AL, where Lis the height of the bed So:
= ErrPVoA =
(1 - e)AL
~d3 6 p
1t H
Cw dp,;p(v) 4
or: _J.
Err -
.!. 2 2Cw2Vo
1-c;L t3 d p
At a sufficiently high velocity in the bed (high Renumber) the flow is turbulent and, as we know, Cw is constant. Ergun found for this range Cw = 2·3. At low velocities in the bed the flow is no longer turbulent, but shows eddy currents. In this region (which is also called ·laminary') Cw is expected to be inversely proportional to the Re n~mber. The difficulty here is to define the Re number which is characteristic of this flow. The .c haracteristi.c velocity is, of course, (v). However, the characteristic cross-sectional dimension oftheflow between the particles is not so much -d etermined by the particle diameter as by the space remaining between the particles. Now it appears that the hydraulic radius A/ S of the cavities between the particles can be used for correlating Cw as a function of Re11 (= 4p( v) R nf'1S) for all packed beds. This hydraulic radius R11 is connected withe a~d the specific surface area of the particles Sp: A
surface o.f cross-section of cavity volume cavity circumference cavity - wall surface cavity
volume cavitiesfm 3 = wall surface cavitiesj m 3
porosity (m 3 jm 3 ) specific wall surface
s Su
The specific surface area is, in turn, again a function of e and the particle diameter, namely: _ 6(1 - e)AL nd2 _1_ _ 6(1 - e)
S., -
so that : Re&= ~ PVodp
3 '1(1 - e)
Now it appears that for Re,. < 1, Cw = 152/Re,.. This relation is known as the Carman formula, but is also named after Blake and Kozeny. According to Ergun a good description of the flow resistance in the entire Re range is obtained by adding the relations for laminar and turbulent conditions, with the result : Err v~ 1 - e ( v · ) -=- = 170- (1- e)+ 1-75 3 pL L dP e· v0 d11
· fj,p
It appears that the flow may be considered as tl,lrbulent if Reh > 700. The · constant v 0 dJv is again a Reynolds number and is often used in the case of flow through fixed beds, although somewhat incorrectly. Restrictions in the use of equation (11.80) are that the particles must not deviate too much from the sphere shape and that the diameter of the particles must be considerably smaller than the diameter of the bed ( < 210 ) .
For a number offorms of non·spberical particles Efr has also been determined In such a case, instead of d, in equation (1180) tbe diameter of a sphere having the same volume/ diameter ratio a s the combined particles in the bed should be used, and the pressure drop so found should be multiplied by a correction factor k. In Table 11.5 the correction factors for a number of agricultural and horticultural products are given.
Table D.S Factor k with which equation (11.80) underestimates Err for some agricultural crops (purified pro~ ducts, •random' arrangement)
Product Peas Rapeseed Potat~
1·05 beans
Clover seed. wheat
Rye, summer barley
Maize Sugar beets. carrots Oats
1·2 14
3·2 3·5 3·8
F or asparagus rather divergent k values are found , just as, for example, for flow through yarn packets and yarn filters. Here it is important to find out whether these cylinder-shaped bodies lie mainly in the direction of flow (k ~ 0·75) or mainly perpendicular to the flow (k :::::: 1·1). In these cases there is hardly ever a question of 'random' arrangement.
IJ.62. Filtration through a bed ofparticies
Equation (II.80) can also be used for an idealized description of the filtration process. which is practically always carried out under laminar flow conditions. Rearrangement yields, if Vis the amount of filtrate at timet: s3
vA-A. --0 - '+' II - dt - 170(1 - s) 2
~pAd 2
Yf L
During filtration, the suspended particles will collect on the filter medium (e.g. filter paper, cloth) and form a cake. If we neglect the flow resistance of the filter medium, the term Lin equation (II.80a) is t he thickness of the filter cake, which is a function of the weight fraction f of solids in the suspension and the amount of filtrate V already produced. A material balance shows: LA(l - e)pp = fp,V
Substituting L into equation (II.80a) and integrating between V = 0 at t = 0 and V, t, we find for the amount of filtrate at any time :
v-- dsr4
e3 flppP --t 85(1 - e) rJPd
and for the rate of filtration: A.
'+'u =
dt =
e ll.ppP 340(1 - e) Yfp,Jt
The derivation of equations (II.82) and (II.83) was based on the following assumptions: (a) constant e, i.e. the filter cake is incompressible; (b) constant ~p. i.e. the filtration is carried out at constant pressure ; (c) spherical particles; and (d) no How resistance of !tlter medium. In practice, these assumptions are not always permissible. For a gjven system the influence of the flow resistance of the filter medium ca n be allowed fo r by adding, in equation (Il.80a), to the resistance of the filter cake which is represented by: (1!. 84)
a resistance Rm for the filter medium. We o btain dV
104 the power number P0 becomes a constant. In this turbulent region P0 is only a function of the geometry of the system. At values of Re < 10, P 0 is proportional to 1/ Re, thus the power consumption is given b y :
P = P0 pn 3 d 5
(Re > 104) (Re < 10)
Table 11.6 gives a survey of some approximate values for P0 and impellers.
P'o for variolA
123 Lomtnor--------Tronsition region - - - - - --Turbulent
150 With baffles
Wtthout baffles 10 2
- - - pnd2./"f/
Power consumption curve for turbine stirrer
Figure ll.47
The energy consumption for suspending particles in a vessel by means of a stirrer depends on the minimal stirring speed n* at which the particles no longer settle. For this minimal rpm applies :
{g(p.;dp)dr = c(~r~·-13
where dis the stirrer diameter,ftbe weight percentage of the particles and C a constant of the order 1 (for turbines approximately 1·5) which depends on the geometry. The power consumption then is: p = Popn*3ds
where pis the mean specific gravity of the suspension. Table II.6 Rough estimations of P0 and K Impeller
Re < lO
Re > 1~
Flat blade turbine six blades, width/ diameter-1 / 5 four blades. djtto
70 70
6 4·5
Flat blade paddle six blades, width/diameter- l/ 6-1/8
pitch = diameter pitch = two times diameter
42 42
Inclined blade turbine six blades, width/ diameter - 1/8
Propeller, three blades
123 Lominar--...o-----Tronsitioo region - - - - - -Turbulent
Wi th baffles
W1thout baffles
10 2
10 .
- --
10 4
10~ pnd
10 5
Power consumption curve for turbine stirrer
Figure U.47
The energy consumption for suspending particles in a vessel by means of a stirrer depends on the minimal stirring speed n* at which the particles no longer settle. For this minimal rpm applies:
where dis the stirrer diameter,/ the weight percentage of the particles and C a constant of the order I (for turbines approximately 1·5) which depends on the geometry. The power consumption then is:· p = Popn*3ds
where pis the mean specific gravity of th e suspension. Table II.6
Rough estimations of P0 and K
Re< 10 Po
Re > 104 Po
Re > JQ4
Flat blade turbine six blades. width/diameter-l/5 four blades, c:litto
70 70
1·3 0·6
Flat blade paddle six blades, widtb/diameter- 1}6- l/S
Propeller, three blades pitch = diameter pitch = two times diameter
42 42
0·3} 1.()
Inclined blade turbine six blades, width/diameter - l/8
124 I1.7.3. Pumping capacity and mixing time If we consider only the biggest velocity component of the liquid flowing from the impeller, the pumping capacity is given by the product of the mean velocity of the liquid leaving the impeller and the area described by the blade tips. For the propeller this leads to (d - diameter of impeller) :
whereas for a turbine we find (W = width of blade): v = iindW
If we assume ii to be proportional to the tip speed of the blades (1tnd) we find for a given geometry (for turbines W ,_ d) : · (11.91)
In the turbulent region. K v is a constant for a given impeller geometry. Some values of K Dare listed in Table TI.6. In many chemical engineering operations, e.g. the blending of gasoline; the mixing of reactants in a chemical reactor, etc., knowledge of the time necessary to reach homogeneity may be very important. Usually the mixing time is defined as the time needed for homogenization to the molecular scale. Since measurements on this scale are beyond experimental capabilities, an investigator is only able to measure the terminal mixing time, being the time required to attain homogeneity on the scale of observation. In the turbulent region, for many types of impellers the relation (tm = mixing time) : ntm = constant holds, for geometrically similar situations. The mixing time is about four times the circulation time of the vessel contents. Thus, if no dead spaces are present:
tm ~ 4 tPc
is a good estimation of the mixing time. 1!.7.4. Problems 1. A catalyst precipitation process has been developed on a pilot plant scale (diameter reactor 0·25 m). It appeared tha t using a standard flat blade turbine (six blades, fully baffled tank), a minimum stirring speed of 700 rpm was required to obtain a satisfactory product (p liquid ~ 1300 kglm 3 ) . A geometrically similar factory scale reactor (0·6 m diameter) has. been designed. Calculate which stirring speed should be applied and what the power consumption would be if we keep constant: (a) the power input per unit volume; (b) the pumping capacity per unit volume;
125 (c) the mixing time; (d) the size of the partic1es that are only just not suspended in the liquid
Answer: (a) (b) (c) (d)
391 rpm, 685 W 700 rpm, 4000 W 700 rpm. 4000 W 391 rpm, 685 w
2. Show that John reached the right conclusion in the problem described at the beginning of this paragraph.
ll.8. Residence time distribution The sergeant on dury in front of the supermarket informed John that the they we,·e looking for had entered the
supermarket together with his wife 15 minutes ago. He said tluu they seemed to be doing their shopping for the next week and the man looked relaxed. John, knowing from his own experience that shopping for the week in this supermarket cook on the average about 30 niinutes, mode a swift calculation. He decided that he had a probability of 60 per cent to catch the man if he searched the supermarket directly with his platoon. He therefore ordered them accordingly, but they failed to find the man. At night, he read the following chapter and came to the conclusion that the probability ofan event and the actual course ofan evenl are, ash£ should know, two different things.
Flow through an apparatus practically always results in a certain residence time distribution. Fluid elements entering the apparatus simultaneously will generally leave it at different times. This distribution in residence time can be described quantitatively with two distribution functions which are closely related, the F and the E functions. Although residence time distribution is of great importance to the design of process equipment, we will restrict our discussion to the principle. A more comprehensive treatment of non-ideal flow, including its influence on the design for chemical reactions, is given by Levenspiel (Chemical Reaction Engineering). Il.8.1. The F function I< 0 , C
I ~ 0, C = Co
Figure D .48 Measurement of the F curve
Somphng point
tracer cone. C
Consider the continuous flow system shown in Figure Il.48. From a time t = .o on, we replace the feed stream by a fluid containing a tracer material (e.g. colouring agent) at a concentration C 0 . If we measure th e mean concentra-
T irne 1 -
Ftgme U.49 The F curve
tion of the tracer material in the effluent stream·we will find that the tracer concentration (and also v from measured values of V and f/J,. Often, instead of the time r. a dimensionless time parameter 8 = t/-r is used and we will apply this quantity in all following considerations. It will be evident that for the F(8) function equation (II.92} becomes: f oCX) (1 - F) d8 = 1
I 1.8.2. The E function The residence time distribution function of the fluid in the apparatus is given by the E function, which therefore represents the age distribution of the fluid leaving the vessel. Figure II.S 1 shows a typical E curve. The fraction of material in the exit stream with a residence time between (J and (J + d(J is given by E d8, from which fol1ows that :
f oO() E d8
The fraction of effiuent material younger than 8 1 ) which is also represented by the F function, is then given by:
t--Figure 11.50 Determination of -r
The mean residence time thus can be determined from experimentally found EU) curves, as illustrated by Figure II.50. A line at t = t 1 = constant creates the areas A 1 , A 2 and A 3 such that:
Because :
this line represents the mean residence time r if A 1 equals A 2 • As a check on the measurements, t can be calculated as r = V /4>., from measured values of ;·and tPv· Often, instead of the time c, a dimensionless time parameter 8 = t/-c is used and we will apply this quantity in all following considerations. It will be evident that for the F(8) function equation (II.92) becomes:
(1- F )d8 = 1
11.8.2. The E function The residence time distripution function of the fluid in the apparatus is given by the E function, which therefore represents the age distribution of the fluid leaving the vessel. Figure II.51 shows a typical E curve. The fraction of material in the exit stream with a residence time between e and 8 + d8 is given byE d8, from which follows that:
Jo:o Ed6 = 1 The fraction of efiluent material younger than 8 1 , which is also represented by the F function, is then given by:
Figure 0.51 The E curve
and the fraction older than 8 1 is :
1 - F(8 1 )
= J~
- J ~ E dO 0
The E curve can be measured by injecting a tracer material into a flow system for a very short time and by measuring its concentration as a function of time at a downstream point. A typical plot of these concentrations versus time is shown in Figure II .52. The area under the curve :
LCX) ( C ) dt
~ L c L\t
Area ; 0 : total amount of lf'ljected
tracer materlol
t -
Figure D.52 signal
Response curve to a tracer injection
represents the total amount o f uacer substance injected, Q. In order to find E(t), this area must be unity ; thus all concentration readings must be divided by the total amount of tracer injected:
( C)
( C)
E(r) =
s~ Cdt
( C)
Q ~ L ( C ) lit
The mean residence time can then be calculated via : t
J 0
C)Llt L tE(t} At = L~L t(( C) At 00
rE(t} dt ~
Since 9 = t/ t and E{8) = ~E(t) we are now able to construct the actual E curve in dimensionless parameters. As we will see later, it is often desirable to know the variance of the distribution curve, which can be calculated according to : U2
Jco (8o
1)2 E d8
L 8 E il8- 1 = L t 2
r2 L
( C> L\t- 1
11.8.3. Simple applications ofF and E functions l/.8.3.1. Perfect mixer. A perfect mixer is a vessel in which stirring is so effective that the composition of its contents is identical at all places. Naturally the effluent from this vessel has the same composition as its contents. Keeping in mind that Cout = C a mass balance over this vessel reads : C o/~ 0 A.
dC C = Vo/v dt A.
For the determination of the F curve from timet= 0 on, the tracer concentration of the feed stream is changed from Cin = 0 to Cin = C 0 • Integration of equation (II.98) therefore yields, via:
c - dC l/J dt ----! o Co - C- o V
F =
5:._ = Co
1 - e -e
For the determination of the E curve at time c = 0, a tracer is injected into the vessel for a short time. The amount of tracer added would, when well mixed, give a concentration C 0 . Integration of equation (13) for this case yields . (C,n = Ol) :
fc dC = Jc C
(' lf>a: dt
Jo V
C = e -8
As can be seen, the results obtained agree with equation (Il.93), which can be written as E = dF/d8. I /.8.3.2. Plug .flow. During plug flow all parts of the fluid move at the same speed and there is no axial dispersion and no residence time distribution.
Therefore, the F curve is described by : F = 0 fort < -r F = 1 fort > -r
and for the E curve : E = 0 for t #
but E
= tracer input signal at t =
I Laminar flow in circular tube. Here, the residence time distribution is caused by the differences in velocity and by diffusion. If we neglect diffusion, we can write for any streamline with velocity v and residence time t :
=2(1- :,) =i= 9
(11. 101)
Because the maximum velocity at the centre is twice the mean velocity, both the F and the E functions are zero for: v
(v) < 2
tf 'C <
! respecuvely
For times > r/ 2 we find for the F curve :
= s~:~:R~r = 1 _
(1 _
~',r = 1 -
;t: = , - Uol'
and for the E curve:
dF E = d8
4 = (28)3
The F and E functions derived for the three cases treated here are shown in
Figure 11.53.
Plug flow oreo
Lommor flow
oreo = 1
Figure ll.S3
oo~--~--~------8 ~ -~---J
F and E curves for three simple cases
131 I I .8.4. Continuous flow models
The analysis applied in the last chapter to three idealized cases of flow is not applicable to most practical flow situations. It is therefore desirable to describe actual fiow conditions by models. Two of these model systems, the 'dispersion model ' and the ' tanks in series model ', are widely applied, and we will analyse both models in the followi ng paragraphs. Dispersion model. The dispersion model is based on the plug ftow of a fluid with a certain amount of intermixing in axial direction. This intermixing can be due to diffusion by Brownian motion or by turbulence (Figure 11.54). dx I I X
~I fdeol plug f low
f low
D.S4 Dispersed plug flow
If we assume the mass flow rate for dispersion in the x-direction to be proportional to t he concentration gradient a mass balance over a length dx shows:
Adx dC = dt
(vxCA- DAdC) - (vx CA- DAdC) dx dx JC
from which follows: dC -d t
d2C V.x-d = D-d 2 .X X dC
Here, D is the dispersion coefficient. For the case of an instantaneous tracer injection (at timet = 0, place x = 0) this differential equation .can be solved to yield : E
~o =
2 tr.8vxL
exp{- (:8--_:_l}
(II. lOS)*
(Levenspiel, Chern. Eng. Sci. , 6, 227, 1957). Equation (II.105) describes the distribution of the tracer concentration as a function of time 8 and distance from the point of injection x = vxt. Figure 11.55 shows E curves for various *This model description holds only when the convective veiocity is higher than the velocity of diffusion (i.e. vx > 20/L). The reason for this lim itation is that for lower velocities the diffusion against the direction of flow presents a problem which can only be solved by specifying the flow and the dispersion mechanism in detail for the area x < 0.
o/v}( L =
Figure ll.55 Dispersion modeL E curves
values of the parameter Dfv xL according to this relation. For DfvxL « 1 equation (II.105) can be simplified. For small values of Dfvx L theE curve will be zero but at 8 ~ 1. Now with 8 ~ 1 we obtain:
« 0·01 (II.l06)
which is the normal Gauss distribution. For low values of D fvxL the maximum of E occurs at(}= 1. For higher values ofDfvxL (>0·01) the maximum occurs at
< 1.
In order to fit an experimentally determined E curve to one of the possible theoretical curves the variances of the curves can be compared. For a flow system with negligible entrance effects {ie. for small values of D/v'J:L), the variance can be calculated from equation (II.105) via: 2
a =
J~ (x - x)f(x) dx
to be : (11.107)
which is simplified for low Dfv;rL to : D v:r;L
.,-2 = 2 -
The F curve can be obtained from theE curve by integration according to: F
E(O) dO
Integration of equation (Ill OS) is not possible, but the F curve can be constructed from theE curve by graphical integration of the latter. Equation (11.106), which is valid in the case of very little dispersion [(DfvxL) « 0.01], can be integrated directly. The corresponding F curve is then : F =
J 6
E(O) d8 =
1£ f
2n: _!!_ v~
(1 -
8)2} d9
which can be solved to yield:
(II.llO) where erf y is the normaJ error function: erf y
=]; J:
e-tl de; erf(m) = 1; erf(O) = 0
which is tabulated in many -books (see also paragraph m .2).
I 1'.8.4.2. Tanks in series model. For a number n of perfect mixers in series with w tal residence time -r the E function can be shown to be : (C)
E = -C0 For large n (n
> 5) the .expression
(11. 111) becomes :
'lffY" -1 (n - 1)!
e- "'
~ -,r: e-"fon is valid and equation (n > 5)
Figure II.56 shows E curves according to equations (11.111) and (II.llla) for various numbers of stirred tank reactors in series. The variance of the E curve for n stirred vessels in series is given by : (II.112)
134 H~r------------------------;---,
8 Figure ll.56 Tanks in series model, E curves
and analogous to the.development of equation (11.110) we find for the F curve for· n tanks in series : F -
1-e!'e {1 +n(] +2! (nB)2 (n0)3 (n9Y' + 3J + ... +(n-1)!
1 }
F curves for different values of n are shown in Figure II.57. The analysis of experimentally determined F curves is more complicated than that of E curves. Two cases can be distinguished : F curves for n < 50 or Df(vxL > 0.01, and F curves with very little dispersion, i.e n > 50 or D/v;cL < 0.0 1. Both cases wil1 be treated separately. (a) High dispersion : n < 50 or Df vxL > 0·01 There are two possible methods of analysis : (i) Via the E curve Plot the measured F values versus time and determine graphically at different times the slope dF(t)/ dt E(t). The values determined for E(t} at the approximate time can then be analysed as described in paragraph II.8.2.
Figure ll.57 Tanks in series model, F curves
(ii) Via the slopes of the F(8) curve at 8 = 1 The slope of an F curve at 8 = 1 can be shown to be given by: d8 (dF)
8= 1
~ (E)e..,l
(n- 1)! e-n
The relation between this slope and the number of stirred vessels in
series is shown in Figure ll.58.
3·0.------- - - - - -- -- - -- ----,
Figure U.58 Tanks in series model, dFfdO at 8 = 1
To analyse a measured F curve, determine the mean residence time as shown in Figure II. 50. Determine graphically dFfd8 at 8 = l and find the number of stirred vessels in series from Figure II. 58. (b) Low dispersion: n > 50 or D(v:r;L < 0·01 By plotting the F curve on probability paper a straight line is obtained. The mean residence time is found from this plot on the t-axis at the 50percentile point, whereas the time difference between the 16- and the 84percentile points equals two standard deviations. Thus: 2(],
= tlr=0·84 -
· With .,. = mechanical energy added. With this law of conservation all problems of heat transpon in a system can be solved ; the following t herefore does nothing but ascertain the consequences of this balance. The transport of heat..plays an important role in many processes in engineering. It may be that we wish to promote the transport from one medium to other (generation of steam, heating or cooling of liquids, removal or supply heat of reaction, cooling of transmitter tubes, removal of heat generated nuclear reactors, etc.) or to suppress the transport to restrict loss of beat cold (e.g. insulatiol) of pipes, heated vessels and cold stores). Three different mechanisms according to which heat can be tr (invariably from higher to lower temperature) may be distinguished, namely: (a) H eat conduction
In non-moving media in the presence of a temperature gradient heat ·
transported by the molecular movemen t (from high t o low tenmerat1ure1 According to F ourier, the heat flux tP:/t (Jjm 2 s) occurring a t this·... +~,· gradient is given by: H = -AdT 47tT 2 =constant (independent ofr)
from which follows the temperature distribution in the medium around the sphere: T- Tcc R
---= -
This result is again sufficient for calculating the heat flow which is transferred between sphere and medium at a given temperature : (III.9)
Newton described the cooling of bodies of any form with a pragmatic cooling law in wh.ich he put the heat flow proportional to the outer surface of the body and to the prevailing temperature difference (T1 - Tee,). The proportionality constant, which is a purely phenomenological quantity and contains all that we do not know of the transfer process, be called the heat transfer coefficient a. For the sphere from the previous example this cooling Jaw is therefore formulated as follows : (III.lO)
It follows that in this case !X = J..R. In our j argon this is summarized to Nu = 2. where the Nusselt number Nu is defined as a2R/ A.. The Nu number represents the relation between the heat resistance which is estimated on account of a characteristic dimension of the body {in the above example 2Rj ).) and the actual heat resistance (1/ a). We may also consider this quantity as the relatio n between the dimension of the body (2R) and the thickness of the Jayer over which the drop in temperature takes place (/.fa). Analogously for a fiat plate and for a cylinder we find Nu = rxdjl = 1 and Nu = a2Rj ). = 2/ln R 2 j R 1 respectively. IJu • hD ) rt•h• tr -H.11 l,caJ -lr:ntrrttr!d
~~ tnltt f. ~Whlenl lronrr rt ~ ~ h~n~cd ~i ~ill ,,. lu· 1 (lllJ 11 I I I .].4. General approach for the calculation of temperature distributions It· ' 1..,. . (i (Q ·tc "'' rill -
The general approach for the calculation of temperature distributions is a microbalance which here will be given for a Cartesian volume element (A and cP constant). The approach is completely analogous to that which we followed for calculation of velocity distributions during laminar flow. Her~ again is the restriction that assoon as the eddies take 9ver the heat transport from the molecular transport, exact calculation is no longer possible, b~cause we can descr~be the molecular transport of heat mathematically (Fourier's law). but not the . eddy ·transport. This means that pure conduction problems and t~~nsport to laminar flows can be dealt with e~actly, but he~t transfer t_o turbulen't flows cannot.
Figure ID.3 The Cartesian volume element
The microbalance is as follows. In the x-direction an amount of heat equal to ( - J.(d T/dx) + pcpvxT)dydz flows in at position x. The net transport ;in the volume element through the walls x and x + dx is therefore:
Analogous expressions can be written for the y- and z-directions. The beat content of the volume is pcPT dx dy dz and the production of beat per unit of time is q dx dy dz (hence q is production per unit of time and per unit of volume). The balance, reading: accumulation _ fi . fl production . f . - ow m - ow out + . f . umt o t1me un1t o t1me
now becomes : dpT c, dr
dpvxT cP dx
dpvyT dpvzT _ , d 2 T c" dy + cP dz - 1\. dx 2
dy 2
A.d 2 T dz 2 + q
If we use the continuity equation once to modify this beat balance Uust as
the micromomentum balance) the result is:
dT peP ( dt
dT dT vx dx + v:v dy
dT) (d T d T d T) v: dz =A. dx 2 + dy 2 + dz2
In cylindrical coordinates this equation reads : dT dT v8 dT pep ( dt + vr dr + dO
+ v, dz
(' 1 = )..
d( r~n 1 d'T d'Tl) dr + r d8 + dz + q 2
The reader may check that the Simple cases treated in the first three sections of this paragraph can be derived from these equations. !n the case of conduction . through a cylindrical wall treated in paragraph .JII.l.2, for example, q = 0, vx = v>' = vz = 0 , dT/dt = 0 (stationary state), dTjdfJ = 0 (constant temperature in all radial directions) and dT/d2 = 0 (constant temperature in axial direction). So we find from equation (III.12) :
~ +~l r
= 0· r '
ddTr = constant
which is identical with equation flll.4).
III.l5. Temperature distribution in a cylinder with uniform heat production An electric current flowing through a wire will, because of the electric resistance of the material, produce an amount of heat q per unit of volume (Wjml)_ By beat conduction the heat produced is transported to the surface of the wire which has a constant temperature T0 . From the surface ·of the wire there is a heat flow to the surro'undings which, in steady-state conditions, equals the amount of heat produced Thus :
c/>nlr=R = qnR 2 L
Figure lll.4
Temperature distribution in a .cylinder
In order to find the temperature distribution in the wire we set up a microenergy balance over a cylindrical shell ofthickness dr (Figure III.4}. For steady-
state conditions, equation (111.1) can be written as:
dt =
= 2nr L4>8L. -
21t1'L'H cannot be infinite. Thus, applying Fourier's law (equation III.2):
¢'H = ~r = -).~T 2
A second integration (assuming). to be constant) yields: . T
= _!i.,.:z + c2 4).
and, using th e boundary condition T = T0 for r
= R , we finally obtain: (111.14)
Thus, the temperature distribution is parabolic, the maximum temperature being at the centre (r = 0): · (III.15)
152 The average temperature is given b y:
foR 2nrT dr ( T) =
fR Jo 2w dr
Tor dr +
J.R £ constant a:}
The non·stationary temperature distributions in a body of any form·.should therefore satisfy this general relation for larger times (Fo > 0·1). We shall now ascertain .what the consequences will be by further analysing the case of the flat plate. If we apply the general relation for the temperature distribution of the microbalance (equation III.l8) to the flat plate, the result after a slight , adaptation will be: 1 d 2j f.(x/ R) d(x/ R) 2
R 2 1 dA
=a A(t) dt
The left-hand term is only a function of the place, the right-hand term only a iunction of the time. T herefore the two terms should be constant, e.g. equal to - {3 2 (a real, negative number). Only then can the two terms for all x and all t be equal to each other and only then will A(t) for c -4 XJ asymptotically approach zero. It follows that : A ..... exp {- {1 2
I R2)
f(x/ R) "" cos (f3x/r)
162 Thus the differential equation for the flat plate and the boundary conditions are satisfied, but not, however, the starting condition, which after all could be expected of a solution which applies only to large times. Now the value of /J 2 has still to be determined. It follows from the consideration that only cosine functions of certain wavelengths neatly fit the range - R < x < R (just as when vibrating a string the permissible wavelengths are determined by the length of the string). The highest possible wavelength is here apparently equal to 4R, further possibilities in this problem being (considering the boundary conditions f( + 1) = 0) 4R/ 3, 4R/ 5, etc. The relevant fJ values are : rr/ 2, 3x/2, 5rr/ 2, etc. (as the reader may establish for himself). These p values, which indicate which of the cosine functions fit, are called the ~igenwerte' of the problem. The lowest P value (here 1t/ 2) is the most important for long times, for they need an A function whic~ decreases less rapidly with time than the A fllDctions belonging to the other f3 values. So, of all the possible solutions (which, for example, have to be summed up with certain weighing factors if also the initial condition has to be satisfied ) for long times, only that with p = 7t/2 remains : ·
~ ~ ;.- exp (-:::)cos(;;)
(Hat plate)
The proportionality constant (which is of the order of 1 and here equals 4/n) cannot bC found in this way. A complete analysis is necessary (it is this weighing factor which reminds us of the previous rustory oft = 0). It is, however, sufficient for practical purposes to know that it is almost 1 ; the cumbersome full analysis is seldom required. For times in the range oft = 0 (F o > 0·1) it yields a poorly converging series of cosine terms as solution. A better usable solution for short times is .already available (see the previous paragraph). For longer times we are also often interested not so much in the actual temperature distribution as in the heat transfer coefficient ex, which we define on the basis of the mean temperature difference :* cx(T1
( T )) = Q>'fi
-A.dT dx
(1Il.31) x=R
From equation (III.30) we find for the temperature distribution : dT d x = - C t(Tt -
2 1t
To} exp - 4R2 2R sm 2R
and at x = R : (IIL32a)
163 The mean temperature ( T ) is given by:
(T) =
s: {
T, - C,(T, -To)
exp (-:::)cos;;}
which yields for the mean temperature difference : ( T)- 7; = -C,
~(T, -
T0 )exp (-
Thus we find with equation (III.31): A._::_ 2R n 2 ). et.=--= - 2 4 R
cx2R 1t2 Nu = = - = 4-93 l 2
(Fo > 0·1)
Due to the fact that for Fo > 0·1 the shapes of the temperature distributions do not change with time, the Nu values become constant. The value of the Nusselt number depends only on the form of the body. For a flat plate we found Nu = 4·93 and for a sphere Nu = 6·6. For bodies which can be enclosed by a sphere we can estimate the Nu numbers by applying NUsphcre = a.D tfA. = 6·6 and taking for D 1 the diameter of the sphere having the same volume as the body. For a cube (with side D) we find: 1t aD 6·6 = 6·6 ~7t V = D 3 = 6- D 31•· Nucube =.. = -D ). Dl 6- = 5·3
(exact solution 4·9). For a cylinder with L = D we find analogously:
1 = cy
(exact solution 5.6). Since for Fo > 0·1 the -Nu ana·a values .are constant a heat balance over the total body becomes: d (1) pc P V dt = et.A(T1
( T ))
Integrating, with ( T ) = T0 at t = 0, we find : In T1 - ( T ) T1 - T0
~At pcPV
_aD ~ _i_t A. pep VD
= _
Nu a~ D
This solution is identical to the relation found with equation (JII.33a). Both relations show that a plot of the relative temperature equalization
....... -.. ...... I
-Fo=at/0 2
Figwe JD.8 Mean temperature during non-stationary heat conduction d..
- ( T))/(T1 - T0 ) against Fo = ! tjD2 should yield a straight line for Fo > 0·1. This is indeed the case, as shown by Figure lll.8. An analogous graph can be produced for the relative temperature equalization in the centre of the body, as shown in Figure 111.9. Since ¢'H = a(T1 - ( T )) they-axis of the first graph also represents: -1-
- --4>~ =-T0
T0 )
Figure 111.8 can also be used to find the heat flux into the medium at any time. Il/.2.3. Influence of an outside heat transfer coefficient In paragraphs Ul.2.1 and III2 ? we h ave considered cases where the beat transport outside the medium is very big (au- oo) compar·e d with the beat conduction in the medium. This situation is, for example, present if a cold piece
Flat plote
Square cyl inder, L :oo \---\--Cylinder, L "00 \----1~~,--
Cu be
\--\-___.:lr----1\--- C yll nde r, L = 0
10- 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-L-A~-L~~
0 ·1
0 ·2
0 ·3
Fo-=at (D 2
0 ·4
0 ·5
Figure Ill.9 Centre temperature during non-stationary heat
of wood (poor heat conductivity) is -placed in a steam atmosphere (good heat transfer) with a saturation -temperature T1 • The opposite situation is realized if a piece of metal (good heat conduction) of temperature T0 is placed in air (poor heat transfer) with a temperatU:re T1 . In this case the heat transport outside the medium is so slow that temperature equalization in the metal is practically complete ; the temperature T inside the m edium is the same in all places and the rate of heating or cooling is independent of the heat conductivity of the material. A macroscopic heat balance for this case leads to an exponentially decreasing temperature equalization like equation (111.36), but with the outside beat transfer coefficient a:" instead of ex: cxuAt --pcpV
166 If both heat transport resistances, the outside (1/cx11) and the inside (1/ :::c - ( s ,J r t. 1 m (' 1 1 r ( 7[' J 01. ~- 'ol --;--· VI
r~Qi\lll• •)i"
.1 \.
temperature is given for four materials. Determine whether. this phenomenon occurs at a contact temperature characteristic for the droplet. Material of plate
). [Wj m oq
1 2 3
382 140
Answer :
r, r cJ
pcp(106(Jfm 3 °C)]
1·45 2·05
219 244
r;, = 190 + 2°C
*9. Tins filled with spinach (cliameter and height 12 em) are put in a room filled with steam of l20°C to sterilize the spinach. (a) The heat transfer coefficient of the steam to the tin is 10,000 W /m 2 °C. After how many seconds does the heat resistance in the tin determine the rate of h~at-transfer? (b) Make a (schematic) sketch of the temperature distribution in and around the tin at the moment the temperature of the centre of the tin begins to rise. (c) If the temperature of the tins is originally 20°C, for how long should the tins be put in the room with steam; so as to ensure a spinach temperature of at least ll0°C everywhere in the tin? Properties of spinach: A. = 0·7 Jf m oc; p = 1200 kgjm 3 ; cP = 400 Jfkg
Answer : (a) 1 s; (c) 2·5 h *10. Show that John took the right steps in the case of the empty apartment discussed at the beginning ofthis paragraph (a~sbenos = 10- 7 m 2 /s). (.){::,
Comments on problems
l l\'IU-1-
X "" {trdi
x ~ o-107 rn
Problem 3
The situation is as drawn in the left picture; there is non-stationary heat conduction. The figure on the right shows the temperature distribution in the film. xP "' 1 /. T- 1q = 0. 01
X .,
p t ~O -
r.0 =SO"C - _L. - ---
170 (a) The temperature equalization after a half-revolution (at time c = nf 2n = t min == 30 s) is :
= 20- 25 = 0 _0833
T 1 - T0
and Figure 11!.9 yields a corresponding value (flat plate, since heating only on one side, 2d must be used instead of D) for the Fourier number of:
at at 0-27 = -2 = -2 D 4d
from which we find d = 2·2 x 10- 3 m. (b) Fo stays con stant, but c2 = !t 1 ; thus:
and the capacity :
Problem 9 The figure shows the temperature distribution in the spinach tins during non-stationary heating. (a) · The heat transfer resistance in the tin after a short time is oj A-spinach, with We can assume that the inside resistance determines the·overall
· o= JMt.
heat transfer resistance as soon as :
which is the case after: t
= 1s
f1j =1 200C 1-
\ T.
=zooc ~~'--"""-!roc-~"--~ I:
- x (b) See the figure at t 2 .
·... 171 (c) Temperature equalization : _T,.=,. l_-_T...:;..: m = Q.l
Tl ~To
and Figure Ill.9 yields : Fo = 0·09
= D2
and we find: t =
John in the empty ap~ent The penetration depth of heat into the asbestos plate is {) = fo, < 10- 2 m, and therefore t < 5 min, meaning that somebody must have been in the apartment less than 5 minutes before. Problem 10
ill.3. Heat transfer by forced convection In pipes It was near midnight when John entered his fiat. An open poe of water was boiling in the kicchen. John rhought: 'The pot has a diameter of 20 em and could have contained at most 6 I of waw. The boccom of the pot is covered with a 3 TTUn layer of scale and the temperature controller of che healing plate is pur at 15fr C.' He remembered che pages w come and looked for other signs of whether somebody was at home or not.
In this paragraph we will treat, subsequently, heat transfer during laminar pipe flow a nd during turbulent flow and heat transport from one fluid to an•~ther through a solid wall.
1113.1. H eat transfer during laminar flow in pipes If a fluid moves through a pipe as a plug the penetration theory discussed in paragraph III.2 can be applied for calculating heat flows if one substitutes t = xj(v). H owever, if .radial velOcity distributions occur, the penetration
- - · -- --
Figure ID.lO
Heat transport during laminar flow
theory cannot be applied as such, because the flowing fluid transports heat as well. Consider the situation shown in Figure IIl.lO. A viscous liquid passes as a laminar flow through a circular tube. At x < 0 the liquid and the pipe wall have uniform temperatures T0 . At x ~ 0, the temperature of the pipe wa11 is Tw (Tw > T0 ). Because of this temperature gradient there will be a heat flux q from the wall into the liquid by conduction in the radial direction. Since there is also a temperature gradient in the x -direction, there will be conductive heat transport in the x-direction as well and, furthermore, heat is produced by viscous dissipation and heat is transported in the x-direction by the flowing liquid An energy balance over a ring-shaped control volume 2rrr dx dr consists of the following expressions :
+ qrlr21tr ~ - q~lr+dr21t(r + dr) dx + qxlx 2nr dx - qxlx +d:r 2nr dx
conduction in radial direction:
conduction in axial direction:
heat produced by viscous dissipation : -21t dr dxrrx ddxvx = 11 d vx2tu dr dx
energy transported by fluid : pcpvx(T- T0 )lx21tr dr - pcPvx(T- T0 )1x+d.r2nr dr
Equating heat input and beat output over the control volume, neglecting heat conduction in the x-direction and beat production b y viscous dissipation (which is allowed in the majority of cases), we find:
or: d(rq,.) . dT --T-rpc v - = 0 dr P x dx
Applying Fourier's law (equation 111.2):
qr = - ).
dT; dr
-..\~(r dT)
d(rqr) = dr
wre find :rom equation (lll.43) :
~ d ( r - + rpc
-.A -
dT = 0 dx
DR wlocity distribution for laminar flow in a circular pipe is given by (equation
v, =2( v) ( I - ; : )
Introducing this expression into equation (Ill.44) we .find:
~ d ( d T) ·( r ) - J. dr r dr . + 2rpcP 1 .... . R2 2
dx = 0·.
This differential equation (the so-called Graetz equation) has been solved f9r a number of bound,ary ~onditions. For the conditions st'lt~ in Figure 111.9 the solution is, for great distances from the pipe entrance :. Nu =
ax D 2 > 0·1
= 3·66 for
and for the region near the pipe entrance:
Nu =
( ax ) - t
= 1·08 ( v)D 2
ax . (v)D 2 < 0·05
The mean N u number over the entrance region is accordingly given by :
· 1
(Nu) = ~ U:z "' p< )j
Xe 1
ixe Nu dx = 1·62 ( 8
184 and from equation (111.58): d T ' - d T " = d!l T =
de/> H [
l + l (cf>mcp)' (cJ>mcp'f'
Elimination of the term in brackets and of dc/>H using equation (IIL59) finally gives the following differential equation for~ T:
~or a few
(A 1i. ¢H- .1 T
(II 1.60)
special cases the integration can be carried out easily.
(a) If U is independent of x or T (often the case with gases). Then integration ~f
equation (II 1.60) leads to: y
!!.TL- ~To USLinf!..TJll.To = USL(!!.T'hog
e 7 6
5 4
3 2 1· 5
~ ()
10 9
Length lndel'. (%)
Shell material Index (%)
304 ss 316 ss C r ~ Mo
5C r ~ Mo
I· 2m 4 i 1· 6m 27 2·4rn !2 3·0m 9 3·6m 5
9 12
Kettle or bellow
4 ·2 m
+ 16% 10
5Cr ~ Mo
0 -3
Total oreo [m 2]
Figure m.t8 Costs in 1970 of standard carbon steel shell and tube heat exchanger (3/4 in diameter, 15/ 16 in pitch, L0/10 atm) in Dfl/m2 for all materials; cost index CS 6·5 per cent/year, all others 4·5 per centjyear-
pipes in the shell. F or the solution of this problem two momentum balances are available which restrict the applicable velocities, diameters and lengths due to limits put on pressure drops in the pipes and in the shell. Furthermore, we have an economic balance which is used to find the cheapest design for a given problem. Once we have -chosen the type of heat exchanger these three balances determine N , L and D, and geometric considerations then further determine shell diameter, etc. If we realize that, besjdes the solutions of the above problems, questions on construction material and a great number of constructional details must be solved, we can understand why big engineering firms often have departments specialized in designing heat exchange equipment. For a rough estimation of the costs of a heat exchanger Figure II1.18 can be used This figure shows, for instance, that a heat exchanger of 100m2 with stainless steel 316 pipes and aSS 304 shell, suitable for 300 psi in the-shell and 600 psi in the tubes, and with a pipe lengtb of 10 feet will cost per rn 2 surface in 1973: 445
+ (9 + 6 +
15)% =Oft. 683/m 2
Finally, in Table III.5 some heat transfer correlations are summarized, which are useful when designing heat exchangers. A few of these relations have already been discussed in paragraph 111.3 ; others will be treated in following paragraphs.
III.4.4. Problems 1. Through a horizontal smooth pipe (internal diameter 18 mm) water of 90°C is forced up at a rate of 0·8 m/s. Determine the distance from the entrance at which the water begins to boil if the pressure drop is negligible and the pipe wall over its entire length is kept at l10°C.
Answer : L = 1·5 m 2 A closed vessel filled with 86 1 of water which is stirred thoroughly bas a temperature of l00°C whereas the air temperature is 20°C. If the total outer surface area of _the vessel is I m 2 and the mean heat transfer coefficient U over this area is 25 Wfm2 oc, how long does it take for the temperature to fall to 50°C ? Answer :
3. In a double-tube beat exchanger benzene is heated from 20 to 60oC countercurrently with water, which during this process cools down from 88 to 48°C. During an overhaul the direction of the water flow is accidentally reversed. Determine the final ~emperature of the benzene. (The beat transfer coefficient is independent of 6. T.)
Answer: 52°C
190 Table IU.S Heat transfer correlations for heaL exchangers Flow siluotioll
Heat transfer correlation
Flow throu9fl S1r•119ht
Re" I'O < 2300. 2 5< Pr 3200
surface htot
for rough es11male (within
a T,~-+ To~t f'or cor·~~oon for spiralled p1pe see equottcn II 52
,.,n•3· 66
2300 07
uiT -o.... -'s j
Pr! (hr { ~.) y
Ftc-., along c.rculor popes without bofflts
0· 2
Phvsl col properties at ~ 2 number at rows al s.c raper blodes N • numbe r d revolut1ons CofrtciiCn foetor i' • I for wa ter 0·2 < oy< Q-6 for viscous ll q11ids If •
Figure m.24
*4. A turbulent liquid stream of 25°C flows through a straight p ipe, the wall temperature of which is lOOoC. At 3m distance from the entrance the mean liquid temperature is 50°C. (a) Determine at what distance from the entrance the liquid has a mean temperature of 90°C. (b) To what degree does this distance change if the flow rate is doubled? Answer :
(a) 15m ; (b) increases by 15 per cent
191 Table IlLS (cont) Heat transfer correlations for heat exchangers Flow
Heo: tronsfer correlation
Notvr41 conveerio,. Otoun4
1000 < Gr Pr
&' 9 t:>p < tf?
honzontal pi pes
pc P tl T
(a) Writing the above equation for two lengths of pipe 1 and 2 we obtain (cx 1 = et2 , ¢u. = ¢ r:2 ) after division of tbe equations:
= L tlll: ll1;og
A'Ji = 14·9
AT.1 log2
(b) Now the fluid velocity v varies and· with it 4>v "' v and a "' v 0 · 8 . Using the same procedure we find :
L2 = Ll AT.og lllT2alt!Ju2 = 14·9
11 'lioa2 f1 Tl CX2 tP v 1
20· 2
17·1 m
Problem 5
We can set up the following heat balance: . H ·=
UA llTjog = ifJ.uPCP ll T
Assuming a1 » J••.Jdw and applying equation (IIL49) we arrive at :
= ¢vpcPtJ.Tvo·s = 0.027v0 · 8 An L\ 7;01
Figure ITI.l7 shows that costs are minimal for L = 16 feet = 4-8m (length of standard pipe). lf we choose now three practical pipe dimensions, we can, with the help of the Fanning equation and Figure II1.17, calculate the following table : D (m) N v(m/s) 4f
6.p (N/m 2) A (m 2 } Cost (Dfl./m 2) Total cost (Dfi.)
158 40-5 0.019 3900 59·5 . 520 31,200
87 16·2 0·019 310 66 500 33,000
6-95 0·019 28·6
470 36,200
We see that any diameter above approximately 0·04 m will satisfy the pressure drop criterion. The smaller the pipe diameter, the lower the total cost. Thus we would choose the smallest practical diameter above 0.()4 m, probably D = 2 in = 0.05 m. Problem 6 John and the cup of coffee John wants to keep his coffee as bot as possible. If he added milk and sugar directly, the heat balance:
Mcp(To- T) = Mscps(T- Ys)
+ Mmcpm(T- Tm)
shows thit the temperature of the mixture is:·
+ MscpsT;. + M'"cP'"T'" McP + Mscps + Mmcpm
The further cooling of the coffee is then described by :
which can be integrated to yield :
T - 1'air
To -
/ '
UAt) = exp (-
.M cP
Sugar addition after visit to bos-s .........
..... .......
7a l r
The decrease in temperature is shown in the neighbouring graph. If John had left the coffee without milk and sugar, the temperature difference, T - T,1p would be bigger. Thus the total system would lose ·more heat and the final temperature after addition of milk and sugar would be lower.
m.s. Heat t!'amfer by fOI'ced convection around obstacles The body was lying aLa draughty corner. The police doctor stated that the·man could only have been dead for 20 minutes and that death was due to a stab in the heart with a pQinted weapon of approximately 3 em diameter. The murder weapon had not yet been found. John noticed that the jacket and shirt of the victim were wet. He estimated the air temperature tc be 20° C and the wind velocity at the comer tc be 8 mfs. He made a quick calculation and concluded that the man could have been stabbed with an 'icicle.
l/1.5.1. Flow along ajlat plate This situation is drawn in Figure 1!.37. A thermal boundary layer is present, the thickness f>r of which increases in the x-direction. This causes the local heat transfer coefficients to decrease in the positive x-direction. For the calculation of the heat transfer coefficients we can apply the same technique as used in paragraph 111.3 for the calculation of heat transfer coefficients for turbulent flow in pipes. We first calculate the thickness of the hydrodynamic boundary layer from equation (11.64):
Using our knowledge about the ratio of the hydrodynamic and the thermal boundary layer thickness (equation 11.29):
~ = · (~) t =
we can now calculate the Nusselt number as:
-v~ --; Prt
Nu = rtx = _:: = .:._ Prt = 0·332 ).
This equation is valid for Re = vxf v < 3 . 10s.. At higher Revalues the boundary layer is of constant thickness. 111.52. Heat transfer to falling films The derivation of a relation for heat transfer to falling films follows the lines set out in paragraph III.3 when discussing laminar and turbulent pipe flows. During laminar film flow the Graetz number is practically always:
Gz =
., < 0·05 -
v increases over d:X by an amount d~ 11 , which is equal to d((v) Wb) (mass balance). Furthermore, on the conde·nsate surface an amount of heat tv! oP d¢" is released which in the case of laminar flow should be transported to the wall by conduction only; so the energy balance will be : ).
l:lH,.p dv = -g~T W dx
Now it is assumed that for each value of x the -relation between given by:
4J., and
. J 3q( v)lJ pg
(see problem 11.1.2) although strictly speaking this equation applies only to laminar vertical films of constant thickness. So : cf>v = pgb 3 W/371,
dcf>v = pgb W db 17
- -- - - -- - -
- -
210 Substitution into the energy balance gives·: !lT l dx
= llH
2 03 p g db
After integration over x between 0 and Land over b between 0 and OL we get:
J.llT L = AHoplgo1_
The average heat transfer coefficient (a) is defined by: ( ex) AT WL = MlvP4>r:lx =L =
Miup 2 gWo1. 371
From the last two equations we find:
4 A. -3 c5L
but in this form the solution is hardly usable because oL is not an easily measurable constant. Elimination of bL from the three previous equations gives :
( a ) = (}94[AHuPl
).3gJ *
So ( (1.) is inversely proportional to .jL;for this reason horizontal condensers often applied and an increase in the capacity is sought in Wrather than in L . U sually horizontal internally cooled t ubes are used. For on e horizontal tube a formula analogous to equation (ll1.77) but with a coefficient of 0·72 can be derived if instead of L the external pipe diameter Du is used. This relation can be extended to the case where n horizontal pipes are placed under each other. The general equation for this is then :
~ are
llH &1 p2). ( ex) = 0·72 [ nD,J7 6 T
The values of ( a:) found in practice for laminar condensate films a re on an average 20 per cent higher than follows from theory. Figure III.23 gives a nomograph from which partial heat transfer coefficients for c;:ondensation can be rapidly found. The validity is limited to those cases where the condensate film still flows laminarly (4(v)~J:v < 103 ) . The presence of a non-condensable gas in the vapour greatly reduces the rate of condensation. The vapour must now diffuse through the gas which has accumulated at the condenser surface. The partial vapour pressure at the condc!nser surface is then co,:15iderably lower than the total pressure. The presence of relatively small amounts of gas can therefore decrease the temperature at '*The constants p, equals 1f = Tc -
rr and ~ should be taken at a mean temperature T1 o f the condensate film which
f ~T.
211 14 { l!.H,:'i3}'
' (4H) .
r.,:r.-~t::.T c 4
-30 0 .30
. ~0
120 ISO 180 210
liquid ·
( I ) HzO
( 2)
( 3)
C2 H 50 H
'(4) (5)
. ,.
c 6 H6 NH
. :
Figure ffi.23 Nomograph for the calculation of heat transfer coefficients of condensing liquids if 4(v) oLfv = 4cpnJW1] < 1000
which the vapour condenses .considerably., so that.a sm~ller t~mperature difference AT is avaUable for the heat transport through ~he condens~te 'film. If 0·01 < PtnerJPtotal < 0·4 we can correct for this ,effe,c t by *e following empirical
· :;::::;;
C!pure vapour .
O·l ·
.· ..
-Equation (III. 79) shows that the presence of, for ex~mp'le, 20 per ·cent of air by vol~m~ in a condensing vapour will d~crease the heat trailsf~r coefficien: by a factQr 4. If P inerJPtotal >. 0·4 a.heat transfer coefficient should be calculated · assuming no condensation hutjust cooling of the gas mixture. '<
I I 1.7.2. Drop wise condensation
[f the cooled surfac.e is poorly wettable by .the condensate, so-called dropwise condensation occurs. Parts of the surface are then almost dry and have a very .h igh local ~ea.t. transfer coefficient..As s,oon as so~~ condensate has formed a drop collects which after having grown sufficiently rolls down and sweeps part of the surface clean. The average ·heat transfer coefficients can be up to ten times higher than on film condensation.
I 11. 7.3. Boiling The boiling phenomenon is complex. There are eight principal situations, as shown by the following table of possibilities (a), (b) and (c): (a) J.Y all horizontal vertical
(b) Liquid
a t boiling temperature undercooled
(c) M edium flowing stagnant
Most is known of the heat transfer from horizontal walls to a stagnant medium at boiling temperature (water kettle on the fire), the so-called ·rree boiling'. The greater part of the literature deals with this situation. Dependent ~n the degree of superheating (6T with respect to the 1ocal boiling point) four boiling regimens can be distinguished : , ( I ) Low superheating (6 T < ca. 2°C), free convection (with or without forced convection), no bubble formation yet. A slight superheating (and consequent-
ly overpressure) is necessary to form bubbles because of the following effects: tlp due to surface tension (=Zaf R and so tlp is rugh for small bubbles), ll.p so that the growing bubble can displace the liquid, tlT to transport the heat of evaporation through the liquid to the bubble andif no allowance has been made on selecting the boiling temperature (reference for £\T)-a !lp due to the hydrostatic pressure on the immersed wall.
(2) Nucleate boiling (for water : 2 < l'iT < 25 - 75°C) : in certain 'active' places (small indentations in the wall)·vapour bubbles (nuclei) are formed. which in an undercooled liquid 'collapse' because of condensation-as soon as the tops of the bubbles reach into the cold liquid as a result of growing (very high ; by a so-called black surface with temperature T is given by the Stefan-Boltzmann law: (III.82)
where the radiation constant (J = _5·75 x 10- 8 W(m 2 °K 4 and T the absolute . temperature of the surface. For a black body the intensity distribution over the wavelength range is given by the Planck radiation law. The wavelength at which this intensity 1s maximal is inversely proportional to T (Wien's displacement law):
Amax T = 2880 (micron °K)
At room temperature )·max = 10 ).lm (fa{ infrared) and at 6000°K ~ax = 0·5 J1rt1 (yellow). ·A completely black surface emits the maximal amount of radiation relevant to its temperature; it has the emission coefficient e = 1. According to Kirchhoff's law (see equation III.84) the absorption coefficient fo r the radiation on the surface is then also a = 1. A body which absorbs all radiation and does not reflect an y is indeed black. In general, technical surfaces have an emission and an absorption coefficient smaller than 1 ~ the value depends on the material and the roughness of the surface, on the temperature and on tbe wavelength of the radiation. If in a *Other exampl~ of electromagnetic waves are radio waves (.4 > o-8 Jllll), X-rays (J. ;:::: 10- 4 .um) and 1-rays {i. R: w-6 pm).
J 0·8, so they are almost black for the infrared radiation. Metals reflect the heat rays only satisfactorily if polished and clean; the absorpt~on ·coefficient a· lies then between 0·05 and 0·20. Oxidation and contamination· increase a. Figure 111.27 shows absorption coefficients fo_r a. number of differ~nt ma~erial~. .. . .. '
Pol ished metals
I Oxidized metals
. I.
: I{ rr1-----;---~---..,.-----+-~ l 1-lI I
..!als ~
~~~~~linin~ Asbestos
Gypsum I Soot 0·8 r 1---:----.:._-41- - - - - - . . . J .I _ Refractor y bricks
r-- -- - ---+----[ron _ ___.__Cu ., 0 ·6 Bross
r-------+1-AI paint r
r--------r:- Ni iron
1 !=====~~---1---A t
F-==~A~l- Pt,Zn t0 -Ag
04 r
1 1
Figure Ill.27 The absorption. coeffiCient for heat radiation
The amount of heat which is transported between two or' m
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