Transmissions IV

October 29, 2017 | Author: Elizabeth Rose | Category: Human, Karma, Gastrointestinal Tract, Evolution, Earth
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Ascension Transmissions IV Mastering Regeneration

The Earth Mother and Tao through Karen Danrich “Mila”

Abundance by Judith Anya Roderick


Ascension is a biological as well as energetic feat The biology must become increasingly Crystalline in genetic structure The larger the energy field grows And the faster the field rotates It is the crystalline structure That leads to an ageless and disease-free form That can ascend to the next dimension With Earth May all our future ancestors become crystalline Let us make it so, Ho! Namaste Mila

Ascension Transmissions IV is published by ASCEND PRESS 3-2600 Kaumualii Hwy., #B18-340, Lihue, HI 96766 USA e-mail [email protected] Copyright 2002-2003 All Rights Reserved


Forward The information in the Ascension Transmissions IV section focused upon the release of disease and warfare karma. Disease is only the inversion of war that becomes an internal problem to the cellular structure. In order to fully transcend warfare and abuse in one’s ancestral karmic inheritance, one must also transcend the karma for disease. Disease and harm is not a topic of interest to many in the current human paradigm, nor is it an easy focus. Disease is about inward abusiveness, which is the result of self-hatred. Hatred leads to the expressions of warfare in all the known forms, from the abusiveness of a parent towards the child, to the abusiveness of a child towards other children or adults; to the abuse between men and women; to the abuse of governments upon the people through slavery and torture in all of its myriad of expressions. Disease is a internalized form of hatred in which cells mutilate and destroy other cells. As humans transcend disease upon a biological level, they shall also transcend the need to war or harm in any manner personally or collectively, as hatred shall be left behind as a behavioral pattern. Ascension requires looking at the dark side of oneself and one’s own unconscious dance. The focus upon disease in the year of 2002-2003 caused those affiliated with The Spiritual School of Ascension to focus upon unconscious darkness. Such darkness is not only a personal expression but also a collective expression. As a result of the information revealed in this focus, not only are the karmic keys to disease recovered, but earth also has a better handle upon how to manage the human dream leading to a new day of unity and honor through the generational ascent of mankind. We therefore dedicate this information to the incoming ascending children who shall be disease free and harmless in nature; may they lead humanity to a new day of unity and unconditional love. A special thanks to Judith Anya Roderick for the art that graces this book along with our web site. Judith has a natural capacity to capture and paint the essence of the Language of Light along with nature. Namaste, Mila and Oa


Child and Lion by Judith Roderick


This information is dedicated To the incoming ascending children May they be born crystalline And capable of ascending to the next dimension With Earth And may they lead humanity home To a new dance of unity With all Kingdoms upon Earth Namaste The Tao


Table of Contents

The Thought-Form Behind Disease ....................................................... 10 12 THOUGHT-FORMS OF THE ANNANUKI............................................................................................16 1. DIANA, Goddess of the Hunt...........................................................................................................16 2. APHRODITE/INNANA, Goddess of Love.........................................................................................17 3. MERDUK/ HADES, God of the Underworld .....................................................................................18 4. ATHENA, Goddess of Wisdom.........................................................................................................19 5. APOLLO, God of Communication ....................................................................................................20 6. ARES, God of War ...........................................................................................................................21 7. HERA, Goddess of Marriage............................................................................................................22 8. DEMETER, Goddess of Fertility .......................................................................................................23 9. HESTIA, Goddess of the Home........................................................................................................24 10. ZEUS, Supreme God .....................................................................................................................25 11. HERMES, God of Death.................................................................................................................26 12. DIONYSUS, God of Addiction ........................................................................................................26 SUMMARY................................................................................................................................................27 The Karmic Cause of Disease.................................................................. 29 RADIOACTIVE VS. MAGNETIC DNA.......................................................................................................29 DEFERMENT OF KARMA ........................................................................................................................32 MULTIDIMENSIONAL ANCESTORS .......................................................................................................34 NEW MERDUK AND INNANA KARMA REVEALED ................................................................................35 THE THOUGHT-FORM OF HATRED.......................................................................................................36 MAGNETIC VS. ELECTRICAL ELEMENTS .............................................................................................37 ELECTRICAL ELEMENTS AND DISEASE...............................................................................................39 DISEASE MACHINERY ............................................................................................................................40 HATRED AND DISEASE ..........................................................................................................................43 SLAVE WARRIORS..................................................................................................................................44 LINEAGES FOR ASCENSION..................................................................................................................45 SUMMARY................................................................................................................................................47 THE THOUGHT-FORM OF CONSUMPTION...........................................................................................49 THE NATURE OF MECHANIZATION.......................................................................................................51 MORE ON THE FALSE GODS.................................................................................................................52 TWO DISTINCT THOUGHT-FORMS .......................................................................................................52 THE ORIGINS OF RAMA .........................................................................................................................53 THE PLOT FOR DESTRUCTION .............................................................................................................54 THE ORIGIN OF FANTASY REALITIES ..................................................................................................55 THE NATURE OF PROJECTION .............................................................................................................56 THE NATURE OF HOLOGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION..........................................................................57 A NEW DREAM FOR HUMANITY AND EARTH ......................................................................................58 THE YEAR AHEAD...................................................................................................................................59 THE TEMPLATE FOR ASCENSION OUT OF DISEASE .........................................................................59 HUMAN AWAKENING UNDERWAY ........................................................................................................60 Ascending Into a Regenerative Biological System ............................. 63 THE BONES AND MUSCLES...................................................................................................................65 NEW FORM OF FAT ................................................................................................................................66 THE THYMUS...........................................................................................................................................66 THE THYROID..........................................................................................................................................67 THE CRYSTALLINE DIAPHRAGM...........................................................................................................68 THE KIDNEYS ..........................................................................................................................................69


THE LIVER................................................................................................................................................70 THE SPINAL FLUID..................................................................................................................................71 THE SPLEEN AND BONE MARROW ......................................................................................................72 THE IMMUNE SYSTEM............................................................................................................................72 THE PANCREAS ......................................................................................................................................74 THE HEART AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEM...........................................................................................74 AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM AND NERVOUS SYSTEM...............................................................75 PINEAL GLAND ........................................................................................................................................76 THE SKIN..................................................................................................................................................78 WASTE MANAGEMENT ORGANS ..........................................................................................................79 PHOTONIC GLANDS ...............................................................................................................................80 REPRODUCTIVE GLANDS......................................................................................................................80 TEETH ......................................................................................................................................................81 DEATH HORMONE ..................................................................................................................................82 THE JOY HORMONE ...............................................................................................................................83 THE STOMACH, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM AND INTESTINAL TRACT ........................................................83 SUMMARY................................................................................................................................................84 Intentions to Keep your Ascent on Track .............................................. 87 CLEANSING OF PERSONALITY AND NON-ESSENTIAL SOULS FROM EARTH .................................87 MORE ASCENDING CHILDREN PLANNED............................................................................................88 THE NATURE OF BIOLOGY ....................................................................................................................89 INTENTIONS TO KEEP ON TRACK WITH ONE’S ASCENSION ............................................................90 THE SEVEN WILL CENTERS ..................................................................................................................91 MANAGING THE WILL CENTERS ...........................................................................................................93 THE ACT OF INTENTION ........................................................................................................................93 INTENTION VS. PRAYER ........................................................................................................................95 PEACE UPON EARTH.........................................................................................................................98 INTENDING PEACE INTO ONE’S DAILY LIFE ...................................................................................99 BENDING THE LAW ..........................................................................................................................101 TRUE LAW AND COMPLETE ASCENSION .....................................................................................103 UNITY AND NATURE KINGDOM COMMUNION ..............................................................................106 SUMMARY .........................................................................................................................................108 Retaining One’s Health in Ascension ................................................. 111 NEW KARMA REVEALED SURROUNDING DISEASE .........................................................................112 ABYREON HUMANS ..............................................................................................................................112 LOSS OF GENETIC RECORDS AND COMBUSTION ...........................................................................113 THE GIFT OF THE SLOWING OF TIME ................................................................................................115 COMBUSTION AND THE ELEMENTS...................................................................................................115 CELLULAR TRAUMA AND DISEASE ....................................................................................................116 LINEAGES AND DISEASE .....................................................................................................................118 BALANCING THE ELEMENTS THROUGH CONSCIOUS INTENT .......................................................120 THE NATURE OF AIR .......................................................................................................................120 THE NATURE OF WATER.................................................................................................................121 THE IMPORT OF BATHING IN ASCENSION....................................................................................122 THE NATURE OF FIRE .....................................................................................................................122 MAGNETIC VS. ELECTRICAL AND RADIOACTIVE FIRE................................................................125 THE NATURE OF EARTH .................................................................................................................125 ASTROLOGY, SUBTLE BODIES AND ELEMENTS ..............................................................................127 ASSESSING ONE’S SYSTEMS .............................................................................................................132 COMPLEMENTARY BODY SYSTEMS ..................................................................................................134


EXTREME IMBALANCES.......................................................................................................................135 TOO MUCH FIRE...............................................................................................................................135 TOO LITTLE FIRE..............................................................................................................................136 TOO MUCH WATER..........................................................................................................................136 TOO LITTLE WATER.........................................................................................................................137 TOO MUCH AIR.................................................................................................................................137 TOO LITTLE AIR................................................................................................................................138 TOO MUCH EARTH...........................................................................................................................139 TOO LITTLE EARTH..........................................................................................................................139 WEIGHT GAIN AND ASCENSION.....................................................................................................140 HERBS, ELEMENTS AND DIET FOR ASCENSION .........................................................................142 ELEMENTS AND TASTE........................................................................................................................142 FOOD MACHINES AND FOOD PROGRAMMING .................................................................................143 BALANCING THE pH OF THE FORM ....................................................................................................144 BALANCED GIVING AND RECEIVING ..................................................................................................146 ASCENDING OUT OF DISEASE............................................................................................................146 FINAL NOTES.........................................................................................................................................147 Anatomy of an Ascending Energy Field ............................................. 148 THE ASCENT TO 1800 ..........................................................................................................................149 THE ASCENT TO 3000 ..........................................................................................................................152 SCHISMS AND ENERGY FIELD ............................................................................................................154 MATRIXES AND ASCENSION ...............................................................................................................155 ARROGANCES AND ASCENSION ........................................................................................................156 MONITORING ONE’S ASCENSION.......................................................................................................157 GENETIC AND ASCENSION GRID WORK ...........................................................................................158 GROUNDING AND ASCENSION ...........................................................................................................159 SEXUAL ENERGY AT 3000 STRANDS .................................................................................................160 ASCENDING PARTNERSHIP...............................................................................................162 CHI ENERGY FLOW AND CONSCIOUS BREATH................................................................................163 THE 12-CHAKRA SYSTEM OF THE BODHISATTVA............................................................................165 Energetic Dynamics of Disease ............................................................ 174 ETHERIC POISON .................................................................................................................................174 FOSSIL FUELS.......................................................................................................................................175 BODY TEMPERATURE AND DISEASE.................................................................................................176 AGING AND LOSS OF GRID WORK .....................................................................................................177 SCAR TISSUE AND ORIGINAL KARMIC CAUSE .................................................................................178 ORIGINAL KARMIC CAUSE OF POISON..............................................................................................179 HOW HUMANS POISON ONE ANOTHER.............................................................................................180 NUCLEAR POISON ................................................................................................................................181 18 DISEASE PATTERNS DEFINED.......................................................................................................183 1. MOLECULAR LOSS....................................................................................................................183 2. THE ACCRUAL OF MATTER OR MOLECULES .......................................................................184 3. LOSS OF GENETIC RECORDS .................................................................................................186 4. LOSS OF GRIDWORK................................................................................................................187 5. LOSS OF CHI..............................................................................................................................189 6. LOSS OF CHAKRAS AND CLOSED MERIDIANS......................................................................192 7. LOSS OF ASCENSION GRID WORK.........................................................................................194 8. DYSFUNCTIONAL ANGELS AND DIVAS ..................................................................................195 9. DYSFUNCTIONAL AKASHIC RECORD KEEPER ......................................................................197 10. DYSFUNCTIONAL BIOLOGICAL RECORD KEEPER ...............................................................199


11. DYSFUNCTIONAL ANCESTRAL RECORD KEEPER.................................................................200 12. SUBTLE BODY MANIPULATIONS ..............................................................................................201 13. LIGHT BODY MANIPULATIONS AND COLLAPSING BIG CHAKRAS........................................203 14. POISON OR DESTRUCTIVE TONES OF CREATION ................................................................206 15. POISON BETWEEN HUMANS...................................................................................................208 16. NUCLEAR POISON .....................................................................................................................210 17. PRESENT TIME TOXINS ............................................................................................................210 18. MUCOUS AND PUS BUILDUP ...................................................................................................212 SUMMARY..............................................................................................................................................214


The Thought-Form Behind Disease The Tao through Karen Danrich "Mila" March 9, 2002 Dear Beloved Ascending Human, The records are beginning to come together through the continued ascent of the map carvers to document the cause of the experience of disease, aging and death in the human experience and upon earth. This is a part of the work of Mila and Oa and those inside of their Group Mastery Program in this year of 2002, to explore and compile all records for disease, aging and death so that the karma can be released in the years ahead. Those studying with them are contributing greatly therefore to the ascent of mankind along with all species upon earth out of disease. It is also our wish to bring such records to consciousness for those reading our web site so that one may go within and release such patterns assuring that one shall not ascend into disease. It is possible to ascend into disease. We have seen many cases of this, and often it was the result of the patterning we are exploring this year ahead. When patterns are unknown, they can manifest in the physical. Mila and Oa ascended into cancer last year, and then ascended out of it, or in other terms, resurrected that which had gone cancerous. One can ascend into disease and out of it, and so it is not to be feared per se, but ascending into disease is a major sign that something has gone wrong in the ascent, as the body is so out of balance that disease is created upon a cellular level. For those that are having a physical ailment that has emerged due to one's ascent, we also recommend reading this piece and following the suggested intents. We have now several cases that have rectified their physical ailments by pulling their ascent back on track, much like Mila and Oa. The record gathering has taken the group to Greece this year to unlock the records of Mt. Olympus. Mt. Olympus was a region inhabited by the Annanuki long ago, and was where they reigned from more or less for their 20,000 humanyear dance. Mt. Olympus exists under the Mediterranean ocean near the island of Crete. From Mt. Olympus, the thought-form of the Annanuki continued to be broadcast. This has since been shut down as earth has gained a better understanding of how such thought-form originated, releasing all of her karma therein. This allows the only remaining languages to be broadcast now upon earth to be the Language of Light, and the Language of the ONE, which unifies the Language of Light into a yet higher frequency and understanding of unity. What does it mean to alter thought-form in this manner? It means that earth is returning to the unity based and magnetic patterning and energy flow that was once a part of her heritage. Such magnetic unity based thought-form is a pre-


requisite for ascension within your creation. Those that cannot transcend and embrace the new thought-form will be left behind, or in other terms, complete through death. The human species along with all species upon earth are modifying the genetics of the form to embrace this new languaging over the coming 18 generations. What does altering the language broadcast upon earth or within any species do? Such a shift alters the very fabric of creation. The fabric of your creation has been badly blended into a dissonant set of patterns and tones that sound much like a bad high school band that is out of time and playing in different tunes. It is such dissonant sounds that lead to not only warfare and dissonance between humans and between species, but also disease and aging. For disease and aging is simply a reflection of an internal cellular dissonance that is the result of drawing genetic materials from the dissonant fabric of tones of creation. As the tones become increasingly magnetic, they also become resonant and harmonious again. Such a new fabric allows a new genetic structure to come forth that is devoid of the disharmony prevalent in the past. This allows for not only resurrection and reconstitution of a current form through adult ascension, but the ability to ascend out of disease and the end to the experience of disease, deformity, aging and death in future human generations. How will this occur in reality? In reality, those adults who choose to ascend will create the first wave of resurrection of the human biology. Incoming children will take it through to the next level in the coming 18 generations, each generation being more harmonious in nature than the last. In a parallel manner, earth and all other species are following the same pattern, a generational ascent into increasing harmony. One day there will be no need to consume anything. All shall be provided internal to the form and via the air. Not only will food become a thing of the past, but also the lion will lay with the lamb, as there will be no consumption of flesh or even plants required for the sustenance of nature. So it will also be so for the human species. Perhaps a civilization without the requirement to eat is one that is hard to fathom. So much of the time of the human species goes towards growing that which sustains the form. For those that are not directly related to growing food sources, one is working to have enough to purchase the food to survive. In any case, over 90% of the human attention and focus has become driven by the need to survive, and this in and of itself takes away from the real work that being human entails. What is the real work that being human entails? Being human is god goddess in form. God goddess in form is designed to master thought-form. Mastery of thought-form has little to do with eating or the many endeavors including entertainment that humans currently preoccupy themselves with. It has to do with turning inward and understanding that all lies within oneself. One can alter the thought-form and alter the fabric of one's reality. The fabric of one's reality is not only one's biology, but also one's experience in the dance of life. Much of the


current human dance is devoid of joy, devoid of magic, and devoid of little other than pain, disillusionment, suffering, or an anesthetized state that may have appeased the pain, but one then suffers from boredom. This is not what god goddess in form was designed to experience, and the coming 18 generations of ascension will alter the focus of the remaining human populace to becoming inner directed and master their own thought-form, thereby altering the collective fate to one of ascension rather than extinction. For this is what faces humanity otherwise is extinction. For all else in your creation is choosing to ascend, ascend out of a paradigm that is so dissonant and does not allow for balance and joy. Humans being god goddess in form must choose to ascend. Nature and earth will not carry any species. Few are choosing to ascend at this time, and many will become extinct or in other terms, complete in death, in your coming quarter century. Some of such humans have not the internal awareness that this is a choice possible now. Yet others have genetics that have sunk lower than 2 strands of DNA. Approximately 20% of the current human world populace falls into this category. What is the cause of sinking to 1.5 strands of DNA? Nuclear energy. Some of such energy is the result of nuclear bombs dropped in recent times, such as Nagasaki or Hiroshima. Yet others causes are from the use of radioactive and electronic devices upon a recurring basis, which causes the DNA to spiral down further than before such technology was developed and used so prevalently. Little do humans realize that the electrical energy most have surrounded themselves with is causing another fall in consciousness at this time in history. If not for ascension, this would lead to the extinction of the human species altogether. Such a dance is not new. The devices developed by the Annanuki caused a fall in consciousness of the red race that also fell into the habit of relying upon such in more ancient times. Such devices were radioactive rather than electric, but they had the same affect, they caused the DNA to spiral and fray causing a drop in consciousness for those that used such devices heavily. The spiral downward was not rectified and was passed down thereafter to future human generations. The use of electronic gadgetry will come to an end as there is no further electricity to harvest. This is coming, and more rapidly than most realize. Electricity and radioactivity are foreign energy movement that came to be due to human manipulations over earth. Earth is completing her karma rapidly and shutting down all such energy movement. This will cause a rapid detoxification of all such energy in the coming 25-year cycle. Students of Mila and Oa's living in Sweden and Norway speak of random stopping of electrical trains causing them to be late and inefficient at this time. This is an example of a place that is becoming more magnetic, enough so that electricity is ceasing to run for sometimes up to 2 hours. There are also reports of intermittent black outs in certain regions all over the globe. These are examples beloved of the early stages of a waning electrical supply.


We perceive this shift as a good thing, as humans are so addicted to such devices that they would most likely not give them up out of their own free will volition. This would cause a fall in consciousness for humanity rather than a rise in consciousness possible now at this time of global ascension. We invite those devoted to their ascent to minimize the use of such devices; throwing away the television, moving preferably away from the density of the city which has the greatest level of electrical and radioactive frequencies, and focusing inward rather than outward upon one's internal mastery and state of being. What is mastery? Mastery is coming to understand one's dance and the thoughtform at cause of the dance within oneself and all of one's ancestors. There are so many ancestors in the current human tapestry to process and clear for that it has taken Mila and Oa nearly a decade to clear all of their karma from their personal history. And it is not over yet, as now they are addressing holographic karma. One will be addressing karma from now until one ascends to the next dimension, and then beyond as one chooses to return to the Tao. This is what earth is choosing, and so much all species choose likewise to focus upon the ascent home. Long ago, Riza and the Riza soul group proclaimed that ascending up the dimensions was ridiculous. For those that have ascended to the 5th and 12th or other dimensions above in your creation have ascended into the same dance that they left behind upon the dimension beneath. Mastery is not about moving up the dimensions with the same dance. It is about transcending the dance and exiting the paradigm that one exists within. This is how soul evolves. Riza claimed that one could learn all of the lessons of this creation upon dimension 3 if one so chose to in human form, ascending direct from human form back to the Tao. So Mila and Oa are choosing, and so each may choose to do if one so intends it so. Self-mastery through ascension will take one out of disease and to a regenerative form that does not age or become ill. If one goes the next phase of ascension beyond this, one will move to a self-sustaining form that requires not nutrients or nourishment to exist or continue to ascend; if one moves beyond this yet further, the ascent home to the Tao begins in the nonphysical, and this requires one must relinquish all thought-form and karma related to your creational dance. As this is accomplished, one exits the dance in total, returning "home" again to the Tao. It is not a short journey beloved, but it is one earth has chosen, and therefore all species therein must choose a parallel journey or continue their dance elsewhere in the third dimension. And so what does it take to move towards a regenerative form? Well, first one must release their karma for warfare. This was explored in last year's materials. Indeed the global karma for warfare was released in 2001. This does not however release such karma upon a personal level. Each must process one's own ancestral karma for the dance of warfare in order to complete with war as a


thought-form. However, earth has completed with all warfare karma in February 2002. What does this global completion bring forth? The course of the future destiny of humanity has shifted beloved, and no world war will develop that could lead to a nuclear catastrophe. This is not to say that there is not violent karma to be completed upon in the human dance that will continue to play out, as such karma must be settled. If karma cannot be settled through ascension, it will be settled in the experience of the thought-form in the physical. Many may be concerned about the recent turn of events in the Middle East. Indeed this region has deferred its karma for warfare upon 19 other nations over the past 9000 years (earth years). Now the karma that was incurred upon the land has come home to roost. Either humanity will ascend out of the need to war, or they will destroy each other enough to learn the lesson of warfare. What is the lesson of warfare? It is that one cannot destroy another without being destroyed oneself. And being destroyed hurts. Due to the delay in karma, one can destroy in one lifetime and not experience the repercussions of such a choice until many lifetimes later. Due to the karmic deferment prevalent in the Middle East, warfare karma has been delayed far more than a few lifetimes but 9000 years (36,000 human years) of human experience. Therefore such a region has a pent up energy and karma to experience the destruction that has been delayed. The forces of the dark knew that this delayed karma would come home to roost at this time in history within the Middle East. They were more or less counting upon this time to add a little more karma from somewhere else to escalate the warfare into a disastrous outcome of nuclear annihilation. This is how nuclear annihilation was brought forth in 3 other times in your world history, including the most recent incidents in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The karma added would have caused the current state of affairs to yet again escalate the dance into a World War III. In the completion, this will not occur as the addition of foreign karma is outlawed. This has occurred hand in hand with the completion of earth with the warfare karma of the human expression. Completion is an interesting thing. It settles the debt, balancing the scales so that there is no further opportunity for the dance to continue in present time. Of course the dark would like to continue the dance, as in so doing there is yet again another opportunity to potentially create the warfare that would destroy earth allowing the dark to retain their dominion. In the completion, the dance ends and the beings wishing to continue the dance are removed, as they are violating true law. True Law states that when complete, one has learned the lesson of a particular dance, and in so doing one need not dance that way any longer. Earth has learned the dance of allowing karma to be manipulated in such a manner that humans are propelled into extreme violence that becomes globally harmful. In so completing with such karma, no world war III will develop, and the potential future for such an outcome has now disappeared upon the planes stepping down into form.


Bringing earth and the human expression to completion surrounding the dance of warfare precedes humanity itself evolving out of the need to war. Therefore the coming 25 year cycle will see to fruition the need to war put behind the human species once and for all through human evolution. It shall be an amazing thing to witness beloved, and those who are choosing to ascend will ride the wave witnessing these coming times of transition and evolution for the whole of humanity. Now we turn our attention to disease. Disease not unlike warfare has interesting roots and thought-form of cause that we wish to explore more fully in this piece. As the global karma for disease and deformity is released in full, genetics will be constructed for incoming children in which disease and deformity is no longer a possibility for the incoming form. As such, humans will not only evolve out of the need to war, but end the internal war that disease, aging and deformity represent. War is violence. Disease and deformity are an internal violence. Viruses attack healthy tissue, which is no different than soldiers destroying healthy humans or other soldiers upon the battlefield. Deformity is the result of the missing encoding of a particular segment of DNA to construct a particular part of the form. Often this is the result of a maiming or accident in the history of the ancestry that plays itself out every so many generations in the form of a birth deformity. Release the karma, and one can ascend out of the deformity, and one's future ancestors will not be born with such a form again. Release the karmic cause of the disease, and one can ascend out of the disease. Furthermore one's future ancestry will never experience such a disease again. When we speak of ancestry, we mean not just one's children. Ancestry is holographic and each human is related to over 2 billion others currently incarnate upon earth. If one has ancient red roots, then one is related to all of red origin that hold one's lineages which includes members of indigenous populations along with other regions that have held predominantly red skinned humans, including Africa, Tibet, India, Hawaii and Australia. Humans are one species beloved, and as one releases disease karma or warfare karma, one does so for all 2 billion others who are related. This is why it takes only a small number of map carvers to release the karma and change the fate of humankind. And so what is the history of disease? The records from Mt. Olympus revealed many things. For one, the Pleiadian Race came with a language that is violent. Violence is any act that pierces or manipulates a field in an adverse manner. The Pleiadian race had moved into a destructive thought-form that had the energetic affect of shattering the field and energy flow of another. This occurred most likely long ago and the cause of the Pleiadian dance is unknown as it exists in another creation, which is not only of the past, but separate and distinct from the creation that earth resides within. It is not earth's responsibility to understand the cause of another creation, only her own, and therefore such records will never be researched in earth's ascent. They will be however researched as another planet within the same creation that the Pleiades resides that has been used by earth


ascends. Such ascension will occur in the past as the Pleiades exists from the past, and only is present due to a rift in time. One can say that this alternative planet is ascending concurrent with earth in the past, and there are many records shared back and forth to allow this to be so. As the seeded red race danced with the Annanuki, they became ill, sometimes with entire tribes becoming extinct in a few short months. This karma has repeated again and again. As the white man came to the Americas, the red man fell ill of diseases that they knew not. However underlying the diseases was an energetically abusive dance that was not a part of the red manner of relating. Red energy has remained rotational, which embraces another in harmlessness. White energy, which is rooted in Pleiadian genetics is straight and pierces holes in rotational energy, causing the field of another to tatter leading to the form becoming ill. The Pleiadian thought-form is the result of 12 beliefs that over time and in their reign of dominion also became global thought-form. Such thought-form does not honor, and the Annanuki dance was a direct relationship to their own inherent thought-form of dishonor. As such, it was no wonder that the Annanuki raided earth to a point in which she fell in vibration and consciousness, with her ice shields collapsing becoming your oceans. For the sake of those who are ascending, we would like to explore these 12 thought-forms in greater detail. One may use what is shared to begin to understand how one's own thought-form is related, choosing to transcend such thought-form and infuse the field with more and more of the Language of Light in it's place. In so doing, one will also release the need to harm externally or internally.

12 THOUGHT-FORMS OF THE ANNANUKI 1. DIANA, Goddess of the Hunt Thought-form: Hunt or Hunted, Disappear, Hide or Blend The thought-form of hunt or hunted, disappear, hide or blend causes one to feel hunted down by something greater than oneself that one is powerless to defend oneself against. One then chooses to hide or blend in with nature or the scenery in order to protect oneself. The bottom line thought-form that is the result of hunting or being hunted is the fear of survival. Up until such a thought-form became global, there was no concern about survival for the red seeded race. Life was a Garden of Eden, in which nature provided abundantly for all needs, including food, shelter and love. The current human civilization on the other hand is founded upon the thought-form of survival, in which all time and energy goes into providing the seeming sustenance for the 16

physical form to survive. The thought-form of survival pits one against another in times of lack. Many a human has killed one another over time for food or shelter. Many a human has starved another out of the fear of lack or ancestral memories of starvation. Why do the wealthy hoard? They too have ancestral memories of starvation and lack and hoard to excess out of such unconscious fear. Unfortunately such a dance also creates in others the very experience that such humans fear. The experience of being hunted occurs often upon the battlefield or in times of war, in cases of murder or espionage, or in the experience of rape. The Annanuki hunted down those red peoples that presented a problem unto them. Furthermore, Zeus in particular, freely raped whichever women he so chose to and without punishment or repercussions. Such karma is reenacted to this day in all cases of rape of the feminine. Nature also experiences being hunted as one species preys upon another for sustenance, or man preys upon nature for the same reason. As one transcends this thought-form, one will also have to forgive one's ancestry for preying upon the nature kingdoms, along with one another in human form. Merduk, who was after their power and information, hunted down the priests and priestesses of the red race. Many of such priests and priestesses were consumed following death so that Merduk could retain their knowledge upon a biological level. This is how the thought-form of hunt and hunted became a part of the red dance thereafter.

2. APHRODITE/INNANA, Goddess of Love Thought-form: Shatter or Shattered, Dissect, Consume The thought-form of shatter or shattered, dissect, and consume causes another to penetrate one's field shattering one apart, or dissecting one into pieces that can then be pulled out of one's field and "consumed" by another. This form of consumption was both physical and energetic for the Annanuki. Records revealed last year both the energetic consumption of the red race for chi along with the physical consumption of several priests and priestesses for their knowledge. Consumption of flesh was not a part of the original red dance. The red race ate of the fruits of the Garden of Eden, as there were an abundant supply of fruit and vegetables available in a tropical environment that earth was at such a time in her history (approximately 48,000 years ago). As this thought-form became prevalent, the need to consume flesh followed. This occurred as the lush vegetation burnt up in the nuclear annihilation at the end of the war between Innana and Merduk. At such a time, humans resorted to eating of flesh to survive. However humans became so accustomed to this that the consumption of flesh never stopped even when there was adequate food again from vegetable 17

and fruit sources, in particular this occurred for those humans related to the slave race. Such is the nature of a fall in consciousness, one may not ascend out of the dance unless one so consciously intends it so. Consuming flesh is the result of a fall in consciousness from the nuclear explosions. The slave race that remained were not prepared for evolution, as this is the manner in which they had been constructed in the laboratory, to be of a nature that would not seek to evolve. Alas, such a nature also then was unable to repair a fall in consciousness as it occurred as they lacked the very information that would allow them to repair the DNA and restore their original level of awareness. The red race however remembered how to repair DNA to a certain degree. Many indigenous cultures as they separated from the white man eliminated the diseases that had occurred in the interactions, ascending out of the fall caused in the dance. Many indigenous cultures also ascended out of the need to consume flesh, and some even ascended into the fourth dimension as recently as 8000 earth years ago (24,000 human years). Such cultures are known today as the Annusassi along with the Incas and the Mayans. As the red race again interacted with the white race during certain phases of recent history, again the consciousness dropped and disease became prevalent for the red nations. At some point, the current red race lost the remembrance of how to alter the genetics. This lead to disease becoming prevalent therein in most places upon earth, even those cultures with little outside contact with the current human civilization. Ascension is changing this as the records are revealed at last from earth's archives on how to alter the biology through conscious choice. The red race is ascending and more or less en mass in indigenous cultures. Within your "civilized" cultures, ascension is few and far between with current statistics. Ascension is as low as 1 out of 18 in North America, 1 out of 18 in Europe, 1 out of 12 in South America, 1 out of 8 in Hawaii, 1 out of 6 in Africa, 1 out of 13 in China, and 1 out of 26 in Japan. Why so low in Japan? Many Japanese have dropped below 2 strands of DNA due to the exposure of nuclear energy in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. There is no pathway at this time from 1.5 strands to ascend. On the other hand in indigenous tribes global wide the statistics show that 1 out of 4 or 5 are ascending at this time.

3. MERDUK/ HADES, God of the Underworld Thought-form: Experimentation, Cut, Mutilate or Torture, Science


The thought-form of experimentation, cut, mutilate or torture, along with science causes another to be able to cut one apart or experiment upon one's embodiment or field, mutilating and torturing the form by putting one in great pain. Merduk was a master scientist that thrived in his experimentation. Often little concern was given to whether or not the experiments put another or an animal in pain. Such thought-form plays out to this today in the form of torture, imprisonment, or experimentation upon humans or animals. The experimentation by German doctors upon humans during World War II is an example of this thought-form coming to roost in recent times. Much like a wheel, thought-form cycles through as an energetic dance causing patterns to emerge at particular times in history. One would say that the time of Hitler was the re-emergence of the Merduk- Hades thought-form, perhaps more than any other. Merduk not only experimented heavily upon humans and animals in his scientific experiments, but also was responsible for annihilation of the slaves as they became overpopulated. Auschwitz was an example of this history repeating itself within the related cycle. Merduk also wished to rule the world and conquer all other members of his family in power. This too was mirrored in Hitler in recent times. Science and the need to experiment come out of a lack of knowing that is innate and biological. If one attunes inward, one can know anything that one so wishes as one's thought-form permits. There is not requirement therefore to experiment upon another to know or understand, only tune inward. One can see in this that the Annanuki were so lost that they only desired to tune outward to know. Although their knowledge extended their lives for upwards of 8000 to 18000 human years, the consequence was the creation of a fall of the consensus reality known as earth. There are dire karmic consequences for the souls and forms involved in such a dance, and they will be working their way out of such karma for eons of time as a result.

4. ATHENA, Goddess of Wisdom Thought-form: Confuse, Invalidate, Challenge, Confront The thought-form of confuse, invalidate, challenge, or confront causes one to become confused as to what is truth, and in the confusion, one loses their way or their communication with their source and I AM presence. In the confusion, one perceives oneself as not knowing; in the lack of knowing, one feels invalidated or inadequate for the job. This thought-form also causes one to challenge or confront the truth of another, invalidating another's truth. This is also the underlying thought-form of educated or learned knowledge.


Learned knowledge became a part of the slave dance. The slaves were not born "knowing" but rather were taught and educated. This was a direct result of how far the genetic material had been paired down to manufacture such a race. Indeed much of the Annanuki time and preoccupation was given over to educating the slaves enough to serve them properly and in a way that the Annanuki liked. This is where the concept of educated knowledge comes from. The red race, on the other hand, was not interested in educated knowledge, but rather knowledge that one is born with. Such knowledge occurs as a knowing or understanding that one need not be taught as it lies within one's genetics. If one is attuned with nature, nature will also show one where the food is, where the shelter is, and where one will be safe from certain weather patterns or other naturally occurring disasters. Again all such knowledge comes from within and through one's communion with nature. With internal knowing, one follows one's own truth. One's truth is one's truth and there is no need to challenge, confront, confuse or invalidate another, for each has their own inherent truth and knowing. Each member of the tribe contributes their knowing to the benefit of the whole, allowing the whole to survive. Or so it has worked for many a red tribe even in recent times. In present time human civilization, knowledge is obtained in University or in studying with this expert or that. This is directly related to the belief that wisdom is not inherent, and must be learned, which is a slave thought-form and not a red thought-form. Alas, mastery and ascension cannot occur through studying with anyone. Self-mastery occurs only from within as one accesses one's own ancestral knowledge on how to transcend and alter thought-form. Those with primarily inherent slave lineage have not such a capacity to ascend or transmute thought-form, and these lineages are destined to become extinct in the times ahead due to earth's choice to ascend. As such and through generational ascension, there will be a return to inherited truth and knowledge that requires not education to bring forth, as it will again be a part of the biological inheritance of each and every future human.

5. APOLLO, God of Communication Thought-form: Twisting of Communication, Inversion of Intents The thought-form twisting of communication or inversion of intents twists intention making such communication the opposite of what one has expressed. In so doing, one's intent for ascension becomes intent for death in relation to how the communication is received by the solar system and relayed back into one's life dance. Why would any being wish to twist communication? The Annanuki were educated manipulators. In twisting communication, one can say one thing and mean another, causing the other to fall for the con. In the con, one gives


something and receives nothing in return. Or so the red race found in their dance with the Annanuki over time. It was in the twisting of communication that earths own thought-form became manipulated over time. For as such a dance registered within the human expression, soon earth found herself subject to the same dance. This is how the magnetic language that was prevalent before the Annanuki arrived became distorted, it was twisted into it's opposite meaning causing polarity to emerge. As thought-form became distorted or polarity based, so did the biology. This ultimately lead to the experience of aging, disease and death as a biological phenomenon for all species upon earth. Magnetic communication is clear and direct. Nothing is hidden, as there is no agenda other than one of unity. Unity functions in the paradigm of clear and simple requests for cooperation, collaboration and support of one's purpose. This is the thought-form earth and humanity will ascend into. Such a thought-form will create a very different civilization than the one that one perceives now; for the current civilization is founded upon communication that manipulates. Look at your advertising media! All such a communication does is manipulate those attuned to it into purchasing something that rarely fulfills upon what is offered. Unity based thought-form will advertise only what can be fulfilled upon, and this shall be founded upon truth rather than non-truth. Non-truth is the result of twisting communication. Communication or thought-form was twisted from truth into non-truth. It is non-truth that manipulates, deceives, denies, seduces, disrupts, confronts, argues, harasses and ultimately wars. It is just such thought-form that creates a biological system that is related, which has a very limited and short life span and one that often causes extreme physical pain through disease.

6. ARES, God of War Thought-form: Conquer, Destroy, Surrender, Broken Will The thought form conquer, destroy, surrender or breaking one's will causes one to break the will to live of another. In so doing, the other is conquered and either surrenders or is destroyed. In the current paradigm, one company conquers another through corporate takeovers and buyouts. The company that is overtaken surrenders. Sometimes it is also destroyed or dismantled as it is reorchestrated under new management. So it goes in the financial world, also so it goes in human relations. Love has become associated often with conquering another. This is what the period of courtship is about. Sometimes the conquering is simply to seduce


another to have sex with oneself. Sometimes it is to seduce another into a longterm imprisonment known as marriage. Marriage is not founded upon unity, love or joy in the current paradigm, and generally one gets the better end of the deal in such an agreement. In recent centuries, it was sometimes the male who was free to have his lovers and dance at work leaving the woman at home with all of the work and raising the children. Today, the roles have reversed and sometimes the female ends up with the better bargain. In any case, it is a far cry from unity, and related to the paradigm of conquering another. In the dance of relationship, often the one conquered ends up ill. Sometimes they also end up the victim to physical violence or rape. However most humans repress their violence enough acting it out unconsciously, which leads to energetic violence instead. One party beating up the other recurrently and energetically in a marriage or long-term relationship, the other party will end up diseased. Generally this occurs sooner or later in any longer term marriage or relationship, killing one of the spouses. One can see that in the current paradigm, there is no love associated with marriage, only violence veiled as love. Ascending couples will create a different dance that will give birth to a new era between partners, whether one is heterosexual or homosexual makes no difference. There is just as much violence in same sex relationships as opposite sex ones from our analysis. Often times the result of the violence is delayed enough that it appears to be a loving union for a time. In the current human genetics of 2 strands, it takes roughly 8 to 10 years for the violence to step down into physicality leading to disease. This means that a marriage or relationship beginning at age 27 will manifest the cancer or other disease roughly around age 37.

7. HERA, Goddess of Marriage Thought-form: Usury, Prostitution, Worship, Adoration The thought form of usury, prostitution, worship, and adoration causes one to be used and prostituted by the other who is worshipped and adored. This is the current paradigm for union. It is usury that allows one party in any relationship to be targeted with the energetic violence inherent in the human dance. It is why often it is only one spouse that becomes ill over time. Sometimes in a family, the disease is deferred on to a child who may be born deformed or becomes ill at an early age. Sometimes children heal their parents unconsciously taking on the disease so that they will not die abandoning them. It is the one who is worshipped or adored that gains the benefit of health in the current paradigm. Perhaps this is why so many gurus of financial, spiritual or


cultural fame live a long and healthy life. The disease that might form is deferred onto the following, and often the closest friends or spouse become ill instead. This is the dance of worship and adoration; it allows one to defer illness or deformity on to another. Many think of prostitutes who sell sex as wrong. This is perhaps an interesting affect of the current thought-form. Prostitutes sell sex, which is a direct form of communication and balanced giving and receiving. The prostitute says "I will give you this amount of time with my body for this amount of dollars." And your cultures outlaw this when it may be one of the more direct remaining manners of communication related to the old paradigm in Western culture! This too is an example of twisted thought-form, which takes what would be right or balanced, and makes it wrong or socially deplorable.

8. DEMETER, Goddess of Fertility Thought-form: Slavery, Dominion, Confinement, Prison The thought-form of slavery, dominion, confinement, and prison causes one to be the "God or Goddess" and the other the servant or slave. The servant or slave is property that if it misbehaves can be confined, imprisoned or killed at the will of the God Goddess. This thought-form allows for the dance of dominion that prevails in the current human experience. Such dominion is not restricted to human encounters, but includes the human preoccupation of seeking to control earth. No part of the consensus beloved is greater than the whole of the consensus, and therefore no part should control the whole. The Annanuki enslaved earth to an energy movement that was non-resonant for the sake of their own quest of immortality. This confined and imprisoned earth into a period of annihilation and falls in consciousness that makes the possibility of ascension almost impossible. Nothing is impossible, or so earth reminds herself again and again, and this has fueled her climb out of such a disaster. Prison comes in many forms. Prison can be a marriage, disease, job, family relationship, beloved, preoccupation, or addiction, along with an actual term of imprisonment for breaking the law. Most humans perceive not the prison that they live within, for they have padded the cell with enough illusion to make it palatable. However as the veils lift, the prison will not seem so palatable any longer, and then humans will strive to free themselves from whatever imprisons oneself. It is the underlying dance of being in prison in a particular circumstance that generally causes disease. For if one denies the misery that one is in and fails to give expression to it, the misery becomes cellular leading to decay and


eventually disease. Ascension lifts the veils enough that one can acknowledge the pain that one is in. One will also lift the veils enough to perceive and feel the unconscious abuse that flows through your fellow humans. This can be disconcerting as one discovers that their best friend or spouse annihilates them recurrently in the unconscious. However as one transcends the thought-form at cause, the annihilation will cease and one will recover their power to not be prostituted or enslaved ever again. So it is for ascending humans, so it is also for earth.

9. HESTIA, Goddess of the Home Thought-form: Codependence, Attachment, Care taking Patterns The thought-form of codependence, attachment, and care taking patterns causes attachment and codependence in relationships, along with the need to care take another, or drag another down one's path. Codependence is related to the severing of genetic material in the many falls in consciousness of the human species. Genetics were once a straight energy flow that was contained in tubes. As enough genetic material was removed, the genetics spiraled, with portions fraying outward rather than being contained within the tube. The frayed DNA then connected outward rather than inward causing attachment between those who are related. Furthermore, as there was missing genetic material to form the etheric grid work of the etheric body, went missing segments of grid work, the grid work frayed. Such fraying grid work extends outward connecting to other grid work outside of oneself causing attachment. Therefore all attachment and codependent behavior is related to frayed genetics and grid work, which intertwined humans together rather than allowing each their own sovereign energy movement. The problem with frayed genetics and grid work did not originate upon earth. Sirian humans seeded upon earth already had 8% of their genetic material frayed. This caused a baseline of attachment and codependence that escalated into global thought-form as it failed to be repaired in human ascension upon earth. Any pattern prevalent internal to the form in ascension becomes global thought-form if it is not transmuted during the act of ascending. It was perhaps as the thought-form of attachment and codependence became global that then a species of humans that functioned in such a paradigm such as the Annanuki would be attracted to earth. One can see in this how the red race created their dance with the Annanuki in not being thorough in their ascension. Ascension brings about a restoration of the DNA. All missing segments of knowledge are retrieved and restored, causing the DNA to cease to spiral but become one large tube of straight information that is complete and whole in


nature. As the DNA is complete and whole for any segment of the form, the frayed grid work and genetic encoding is repaired leading to non-attachment. As the grid work is repaired, the related biology can then receive enough chi through the grid work to resurrect and become crystalline. As the body becomes crystalline, one moves out of codependence, as the attachment to others is released as the grid work is resurrected causing the circuitry to be restored into a self-connecting pattern. Circuitry comes in male and female links, and as the male and female circuits are hooked together within, one becomes whole and sovereign again in energy flow. As one becomes whole within, one needs not another to feel complete, and as such leaves behind codependent behavior forevermore.

10. ZEUS, Supreme God Thought-form: Deferment of Karma, Deferment of Thought-Form The thought-form of deferment of karma and deferment of thought-form causes karma or patterns to be deferred upon another and then experienced in the other's life dance. The Annanuki were supreme at deferring karma. They each deferred karma 8000 to 18,000 years to avoid death and fulfill upon their dream of immortality. All karma for death was deferred on to the slaves and red race, which subsequently began to die at an earlier and earlier age. For the red race, the life spans fell from 2000 to 800 years in less than 18,000 human years. For the slave race, the lifespan fell from 500 to 100 years in this same time period. It is the deferment of karma that causes one to reap something in one life and not live to experience it. Instead, one's future ancestor experiences the karma, and then feels like a victim in not perceiving the original cause of the effect. Victim thought-form has become a prevalent one in the current human paradigm, so much so that it is difficult for even many ascending humans to believe that one totally creates one's experience of reality. Even for Mila and Oa this was a difficult concept to come to absolute rectification with. Why is it so difficult? There are so many payoffs to being a victim. One does not have to take responsibility for their current expression, but can blame it upon another. One does not have to believe that their ancestry was dark and killed, maimed, abused, violated and so on, as only others are dark along with their ancestry. This perhaps is the largest stumbling block of all for humans that are ascending, for if one fails to see their own internal darkness and release the related karma, it will manifest, and it may manifest as disease or death before one has an opportunity to transcend the thought-form in full. The deferment of karma is over. Earth is tallying all karma at this time and each human at cause will either ascend out of the karma, or live to experience it.


Deferment of karma between nations is also being rectified such that each nation releases it's karma in full allowing ascension of the whole of humanity to unfold. Such karma is not pretty, and may make life difficult into the future for certain nations. However understand that each individual and nation has reaped the cause of the effect, much like the violence in the Middle East is the effect of a cause delayed from 9000 years ago.

11. HERMES, God of Death Thought-form: Disease, Death and Decay, Poison The thought-form of disease, death and decay, and poison causes death and decay to become a part of the dance, along with poisonous substances. Death and decay is the result of an inherently dissonant biology. Hermes and all the Annanuki came to earth with dissonant biology. They deferred the dissonance on to earth and on to the red race to waylay the outcome of disease and sustain their lives rather than ascending out of the thought-form at cause of the dissonance. Poison is a substance that puts the form in greater dissonance leading to disease or death. Such a presence of substances that could poison the form was not prevalent until the Annanuki arrived upon the scenes. The Annanuki also created poisons deliberately to kill the slaves, much like those annihilated in Auschwitz who were gassed to death. The origins of disease are Annanuki related, but have a history that preceded it upon Sirius. Sirian humans in their own ascension failed to release all disease karma. Humans upon earth absorbed such karma along with shattered DNA and etheric grid work from their Sirian ancestors. This caused an unconscious predisposition to disease that later manifested in the arrival of the Annanuki. The Annanuki like their Sirian counterparts deferred the disease on to the red race, which eventually manifested in the physical as ailments.

12. DIONYSUS, God of Addiction Thought-form: Seduction, Veils, Illusion The thought form of seduction, veils and illusion causes one to be seduced by another by perceiving one's own truth in the "mirror" that the other represents, and causes one to assume that the other is like oneself. In entering the dance, one is then betrayed or annihilated, or any one of the above patterns committed towards oneself. Seduction requires the movement of energy in a manner that 26

hides something so that it is beyond the perception of another. This the Annanuki mastered well, as the veiled there intent enough to be more or less embraced by the red tribes that surrounded them. This was necessary or otherwise the red tribes would have killed the Annanuki had they perceived down to the truth of their dance. Illusion is a fantasy that may cause one to believe that life is one way when the underlying dance in the unconscious calls one to understand that the dance is very different than one perceives. This is the problem with disease, as humans fail to perceive the violence that underlies the dance and is energetic in nature in almost all interactions. It is the violence that shatters the subtle bodies, grid work, etheric body and chakra system, and as this occurs enough and in the same region, it steps down into form causing disease. What is it about the current human dance that causes one to be in such an illusion? Primarily the vibrations of electricity and radioactivity that surround most humans numb one to the energetic dance. If one cannot feel the etheric body, how can one know that it has been compromised? And then humans are surprised when suddenly there is a heart attack, or cancer seemingly and surprisingly develop. If humans had been attuned to how the etheric body felt, they would have felt the blockages long before it manifested in the physical. Then action could be taken prior to the physical manifestation of disease to alter the lifestyle and preoccupations at cause. As one ascends, one feels the etheric long before the physical. This is due to the rising vibration of the cellular structure. Therefore one can no longer live in the illusion of harmlessness that pervades the current human relations. There is nothing harmless about humans. They are extremely harmful, and became so in counterbalance to the repression of rage and warfare patterning out of the physical dance. As the warfare polarized into the nonphysical, disease prevailed. In polarity, one will either have warfare or disease. Perhaps disease is easier for a civilization to live with, but it is simply the opposing pole of the same thoughtform.

SUMMARY The Annanuki contributed the foundation of thought-form that caused disease in the human expression upon earth. However there was an underlying predisposition in the red seeded race towards disease from the deferment of karma from Sirius that called the Annanuki to the dance. Had this karma been released in the act of ascension, or returned to the source if origin, then the Annanuki might have never manifest upon earth.


In a similar vein, earth had absorbed disease karma from Sirius and 8 other planets over time. Each planet had ascended and not processed their disease karma in full. Earth therefore had an unconscious predisposition to disease that manifested in the mirror the human dance. One can see how one creates one's own reality as such, for had earth understood this and returned the karma, perhaps humanity would have never arrived upon earth at all. We hope that those reading this information avail themselves to the processing of assessing one's own internal state of being. Each will find that one to two of the above 12 thought-forms prevails as a part of one's genetic predisposition. As one understands their inherent nature, there is a greater possibility of transcendence. For all humans fell into the dance of the Annanuki thought-form, regardless of race or origin. Even the indigenous cultures must deal with such thought-form, as it underlies all disease. We invite those interested in ascending in this lifetime to consider our self-study program for Group Mastery. This program does not require the attendance of an event, although one may find oneself increasingly drawn to attending in better understanding the purpose of the gathering. The self-study program makes available over 1200 pages of letters written to those who studied with Mila and Oa since the inception of the group initiation process. Such information will never be published upon our web site. It further outlines in great detail the map carving process that has created the current map of ascension that all humans that choose to ascend must follow. Earth has found those studying this information benefit greatly and create a clearer field of energy as a result. Clarity of field is necessary as it denotes a return of harmony to the cellular structure. Please see our web site for more details about the program. We also invite those that feel called to contribute to our purpose of releasing all disease and deformity karma to join us at our Summer and/or Fall Conclaves. These events are a special time of unity and joy, healing and sharing, and fulfills upon some major world service contracts with earth. In so doing, a genetic structure free of disease may come forth for all future human births. The karma released shall also allow a greater level of internal harmony to come forth for all that so choose to participate. One will find that peace can only come from within, and as more rise to an internal state of peace, world peace will unfold at a more rapid pace. Until our next communication, Namaste The Tao


The Karmic Cause of Disease The Tao and One Source through Karen Danrich "Mila" March 11, 2002 Dear Beloved Ascending Human, This year, Mila and Oa and their organization Spiritual School of Ascension along with those in their Group Mastery program agreed to explore the karmic roots of disease. Indeed much of such information has already begun to be revealed out of the records obtained in Greece. Greece was the center of the Annanuki dance for close to 18,000 years in a place known as Mt. Olympus. Mt. Olympus sank in the second fall of Atlantis some 10,000 earth years ago (30,000 human years) under the ocean. As the records of Mt. Olympus were opened, the beginnings of an understanding to how disease became a part of the human dance has begun to be compiled. In a recent Great Central Sun Transmission, the holographic nature and origins of the human species were explored. There were 18 red holograms seeded by the Sirian Race some 50,000 years ago. An additional 12 came from a foreign and non-resonant creation known as the Pleiades, and are also known as the Annanuki. Another 8 were created as Annanuki bred with the Red Race producing what is known as a half and half human hologram.

RADIOACTIVE VS. MAGNETIC DNA In essence, the holographic nature and DNA structure of the Annanuki was radioactive in nature. The cells of the Annanuki were designed to collect and run off of radioactive chi. The Pleiadian Sun likewise is not only primarily radioactive, but a blue-green color that is very different from earth's solar sun. The Pleiadians also had blue blood, which caused their pale skin to have a turquoise sheen. Blue blood is radioactive and designed also to collect radiation from the atmosphere to sustain the life of those related to such genetics. The Red Race from Sirius was magnetic in nature with brown to honey colored skin. They had a cellular structure and red blood designed to collect magnetic chi. Your solar sun was primarily magnetic in nature until a group of 5th dimensional Pleiadians altered the energy flow therein much like the Annanuki altered earth's energy flow in setting in motion electrical sacred geometry. In so doing, your solar sun ran radioactive sacred geometry long before humanity arrived upon earth. Per solar records, this manipulation occurred some 18 million years ago (72 million human years). Electricity is just a lower octave of radiation in energy movement. The sun much like earth is ascending and releasing its karma with the Pleiades, dismantling


such radioactive sacred geometry one layer at a time. Radiation from the sun is therefore diminishing already, and one day will not exist at all. It is anticipated that by 2010, there will be little radioactive radiation emanating from the sun any longer. In parallel manner, by 2015 there will be little remaining electrical flow upon earth. This is in preparation for entering the skin of the photon belt in 2018 at which point no electricity or radiation must be present upon earth or in your solar system, or earth and your solar system would combust upon entry due to the non-resonance of vibration. The Pleiadian humanoid skin and system was designed to thrive in radiation. The red seeded race was designed to thrive in magnetic energy. As the solar system and planet became increasingly electrical, the red magnetic race began to age and die. This occurred between 42,000 and 38,000 years ago as Pleiadian and Orion scientists worked to make earth inhabitable to their race without consideration to other races and other species upon earth. This introduced aging to all species therein, as the radiation was too high or rapid of an energy movement to sustain life. This had the affect of burning out the cellular structure causing it to decay and age, become wrinkled and hair to gray in color, and so on. Records recently released show that signs of aging began to appear in the red race approximately 36,000 years ago, and their lives diminished in life span from 2000 years to less than 800 during the 18,000-year reign of the Annanuki. There are many causes of the aging, and the alteration of your planetary and solar energy flow was the first contributing factor. The difference between the Pleiadian and Sirian races can also be clearly seen in the energy flow surrounding the forms. The Annanuki had a straight lined energy flow now known as mer-ka-ba movement in shape. The Sirian race had an energy flow that was round and figure eight shaped. Rotational energy that is figure eight in shape wraps itself around others without penetration. Mer-ka-ba shapes have sharp edges that cut and pierce into rotational round-ended energy movement. The interactions between the Annanuki and the red race caused the red race to die, particularly whenever a tribe lived too close in proximity to the Annanuki and Mt. Olympus. Such tribes were the most vastly affected, and upon arrival of the Annanuki died en mass almost becoming extinct. This was directly a result of the fact that their energy field was cut up by the presence of the Annanuki. What occurs when the two energetic signatures are blended such as radioactive and magnetic within a cellular structure? This the Annanuki underestimated in their breeding with the red race and the creation of the half and half holograms; for it produced a human that was half radioactive and half magnetic. Radioactive energy runs at a much higher rate than magnetic energy. Those cells related to the Annanuki required more chi than cells related to the Red Seeded Race within the same form. Confusion arose within the form as some cells received not enough chi, and others received way too much. The cells receiving not enough


decayed more rapidly, and the cells receiving too much burned out also decaying more rapidly. The half and half human had the shortest lifespan of all at the time that they were first conceived, living less than 350 years in the original inception. Such a lifespan was even lower than the slave race incubated in the laboratories. Such humans also aged and by 100 had signs of gray hair and wrinkled skin. The blending of Sirian-Pleiadian DNA also created the first known ailments in the human form based upon the genetic records revealed to date. Such ailments include a form of tuberculosis in which the lungs would become laced with holes and fail to collect enough chi through the breath to sustain the blood sugar level requirements of a crystalline form. It also includes a form of pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, cancer of the spleen, and cancer of the nervous system. All such diseases have now been traced to half and half holographic origins and the blending of Sirian and Pleiadian DNA. In a parallel manner today, there are initiates attempting to ascend Pleiadian DNA and electrical or radioactive sacred geometry rather than ascending into a solely magnetic system. Mila and Oa too for a time and in being some of the first travelers down the ascension path of resurrection also ascended into partially radioactive genetics. This they have since detoxified and created a solely magnetic cellular structure through conscious intent. The partially radioactive cellular structure contributed to cancer in Mila's nervous system and Kidney, Liver and Spleen cancer in Oa's structure in 2000. They ascended out of the disease, and in so doing also altered the biology to be 100% magnetic. We guide initiates therefore to become cognisant of what genetics one is ascending into, and to assure that such genetics is drawn from solely red lineages and is 100% magnetic. Otherwise one may well ascend into disease. If one has not red lineages, one will ascend into death, as the radioactive DNA will lead to cancer at this time in history. Those in the metaphysical movement still teaching mer-ka-ba activation are leading their following to an early death beloved and they understand this not. There is so little communication between humans and the earth mother that they cannot hear the truth of the matter. Why? The forces of the dark surround the human species and know not any better. They have only known electrical/radioactive energy flow as they are primarily from the Pleiades in origin, and to such beings this is what is required to ascend. However it is required to ascend in another creation that is radioactive, not one that was magnetic in its origin. Many are sad to hear the low numbers ascending in the West. Earth measures such ascensions based upon the movement of the language of light in the field. If one is not ascending into a magnetic structure, one will never embrace the language of light, as this language is magnetic. Without embracing the language of light, one will combust upon entry to the photon belt, as this is the language required to pass through. And so such humans are ascending into their


extinction, but perhaps this lesson requires the human's species to learn and understand. In so doing, the human species shall not repeat such a creation ever again. One must also remember that nothing is really lost, as all human consciousness shall carry forward beyond death and contribute to your entire species understanding and evolution nonetheless.

DEFERMENT OF KARMA The gift of understanding the original karmic cause of disease is that karma can only be released, as the origins of a particular thought-form become known. What is the thought-form behind disease? This was explored in our last article. For even if one is not diseased in this lifetime, one still carries the karmic roots and thought-form of disease. Release the karma and transcend the thought-form, and disease will not manifest in one's ascent or lifetime; and one's future ancestry shall be free of disease as well. Prior to the arrival of the Annanuki, Sirian humans upon Sirius A and B ascended incompletely. One of the patterns that were displaced upon the red race on earth is the thought-form of disease. Sirians failed to release all of their disease karma and deferred such karma on to humans upon earth. This became an unconscious thought-form in the human race upon earth until the arrival of the Annanuki and the interbreeding of the two humanoid races produced the experience of disease in physicality. Any unconscious thought-form will attract an experience that demonstrates the thought-form. Therefore the Annanuki interbreeding and consequence of disease was the result of an unconscious predisposition of disease upon the part of the red race. In a parallel manner, earth had allowed karma for disease to be displaced upon her from 8 other planets, which again caused the experience of disease to later be attracted into the consensus reality known as earth. This demonstrates how one creates one's own reality with one's own thought-form, whether that thought-form is conscious or unconscious matters not. This is confusing, for most are only aware of conscious thoughts. Generally speaking it is one's unconscious thoughts that contribute to life difficulties such as disease. Open to the internal landscape and inner world, and one will come face to face with their own unconscious thoughts, and from there can learn to edit them and release the karma underlying the thoughts. Karma is an emotionally traumatic incident from the past or past life ancestry that locks a particular thought in motion in the unconscious. Release the emotional charge and the thought can now change. One can also become cognizant of karma that is not one's own karma from one's ancestry and choose to return it to the person, planet or star of origin. One cannot process karma that has not originated within one's ancestry, and if left


unprocessed would simply become one's physical manifestation. Therefore it is best to return such karma to where ever it originated. For a long time and up until even recent months, Sirian and Pleiadian humans refused to take back the karma that had been deferred upon earth and into the human dance. Earth collected such karma in a containment facility until enough power of thought-form was present upon a global scale to return such karma in full and without it being yet again deferred back upon earth. Finally, and through the frayed genetics of the humanoid species upon Sirius and in the Pleiades, the karma was returned and has remained where it was incurred. In the lack of complete and thorough release of their own karma in their own ascensions, Sirian DNA in present time and in the 5th dimension is frayed. Such fraying of DNA is causing parallel problems to humans upon earth including attachment and an ever increasingly rapid rate of a fall in consciousness. Why? Their deferral of karma caused a fall upon earth, and now the karmic return of such a dance is to experience a fall in the Sirian dance. So it goes with karma that is deferred. For a time the effect of the cause is delayed until finally rectification is seen forth. The Pleiadian race upon the other hand never took responsibility for the multitudes of manipulations perpetrated against earth by a small family from their own civilization. Although this group incurring the karma is small, the karma incurred is great. Such karma is now being returned to the Pleiadian race, as they are the original cause. This karma includes the fall of mankind and nuclear annihilation of earth at 3 times in history. The Pleiades much like Sirius is in for a parallel fall in consciousness, which is the karmic return of all of the karma deferred upon earth from the Pleiades. The Pleiadian dance has been explored in earlier Great Central Sun Transmissions. In essence, the Pleiades failed to ascend home some 10 million years ago, and have sustained a dance of seeming love and light by breaking off and deferring all karma, density and unwanted souls on to 24 other planets, each of which has experienced a fall in consciousness over time much like earth. 5 of such planets are resurrecting themselves much like earth and choosing to ascend out of the dance. As such, the karmic cause of each fall in consciousness deferred will now come home to roost simultaneously. As such the Pleiadian race will be hard pressed not to experience their returning karma. Humans inherited a propensity of deferring karma much like their Pleiadian and Sirian ancestors. Many lineages in the current human structure have never experienced poverty, hunger or homelessness. Indeed often such lineages end up the wealthiest humans upon earth. Without an understanding of what it feels like to be impoverished, such humans have little compassion for those who exist in such a state, and therefore fail to allow for a greater equity in giving and


receiving. There is enough for all, but in the hoarding to an extreme, extreme poverty must develop in counterbalance. In a parallel manner, there are those human lineages that have never known disease. All karma for disease has been deferred on to other lineages that have known more than their fair share of disease. Such karmic deferment comes to an end now as through the process of recasting, the entire human species is having all karma incurred over the past 50,000 years of human history tallied. Karma that has been deferred from one lineage to another shall be returned causing those who perhaps have never known disease to suddenly experience such to balance the scales of cause and effect. There is no other way to balance out the dance so that earth may ascend beloved. However in the choice to ascend oneself, one need not experience the disease per se, but come to understand the thought-form and karma behind the dance of disease and ascend beyond it. In so doing, one can release the karma without manifesting the physical outcome of one's ancestral karmic debt. Mila and Oa choose to release all karma without manifesting any that would be adverse in nature in the physical. To a certain extent this is possible provided one intend it so upon a recurring basis. One can manifest the karma in the nonphysical and then release it instead of manifesting such karma the physical. However one will have to pay close attention to one's inner planes of reality so that the lessons can be learned, brought to consciousness, and understood. It is only as lessons are learned in full that one can transcend any given dance in the human expression, including disease.

MULTIDIMENSIONAL ANCESTORS The purpose of ascension is to understand the thought-form behind the dance, and then in the understanding, choose to transcend the thought-form exiting the dance altogether. To exit the dance of pain and suffering, the karma for disease must be processed. This calendar year of 2002 is devoted to processing disease karma by all species upon earth along with the multidimensional consensus for ascension. At this time, there are 18 planets and stars from dimensions 3 through 360 choosing to ascend, and each is focused upon the origins of disease. For disease has existed upon other dimensions too beloved. One not only has ancestors that are past life related, but multidimensional ancestors in human form. Many communicate with such ancestors sharing information back and forth to fuel the ascension of the entire human species. Mila and Oa in particular are in communication with all humans incarnate upon the ascending dimensions of your creation. Many a shared set of information has allowed their map carving to flow forth with greater ease. So it is for them, so it is


for each human that chooses not only to reach back in time, gathering one's predecessors unto oneself, but also up the dimensions. At this time, human communication is becoming holographic. As one opens to holographic communication, one can speak to any species upon earth or any consciousness within your creation, along with other humans upon other dimensions. This is the gift of holographic communication, it is not limited, and this creates the space for a sharing of knowledge and lessons learned that can then fuel the ascent of the whole of your creation forth.

NEW MERDUK AND INNANA KARMA REVEALED Out of the records of Mt. Olympus, another set of karmic cause of disease was revealed as of late. The records revealed how much Merduk hated Innana. He sought a way to destroy her long before the war between them broke out and ended in a nuclear annihilation. Merduk was familiar with holograms and the holographic nature of the human species. Through conscious intent Merduk took the hologram of one of Innana's lovers who was red and related to the God Goddess of the Sun Hologram. He altered the hologram of this particular red human to become outwardly harmful, anchoring 18 different types of diseases that would pass through to Innana through their lovemaking. Indeed, Innana found herself becoming ill shortly thereafter. However she also had enough awareness to see how it was passing through her beloved. Not only did she end the relationship, but also she passed the disease patterning on to the slave race, which absorbed it in lieu of Innana en mass. This caused the slaves to suddenly develop 18 different types of ailments, including 4 types of cancer of the nervous system, mumps, chicken pox, rubella, hepatitis, herpes, polio, arthritis, heart disease, uterus/ovarian cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, tetanus, leprosy and prostate cancer. The red race also suddenly found itself plagued by these same diseases. Why? A red hologram was altered to bring forth Innana's death through all 18 diseases concurrently by passing through such diseases unto another. Soon those of the red race engaging with others related to God Goddess of the Sun hologram became ill due to the energetic machinery and violence that flowed through one of their own kind. However the red race remembered how to alter genetics and grid work due to their understanding of ascension. Many tribes of the red race ascended out of the dance of disease subsequently and per the records gathered thus far. Although they ascended out of the disease, the red race could not perceive the original cause of disease, which was an alteration of the holographic dance and planes of reality. As a result, the karma repeated again in later history as the original cause, which was a holographic manipulation, went unperceived. When even a


small portion of any karmic cause is not released, the karma remains and then re-enacts itself in one's future ancestry. Such karma repeated again and again as the white slave race has come into contact with the remains of the red seeded race. Did not the North American Indians die by the thousands from such diseases after the first contact with the white man in recent centuries? Did not the Hawaiians die by the thousands after Captain Cook discovered Hawaii? Did not this also occur to the South American Indians as the Spaniards arrived? Such contact activated ancient karma that the red race had altered the genetics for, but had not cleared the karma of in full. Therefore the karma repeated as before as it had failed to be cleared in full. Now however most indigenous folk are ascending, and they shall not only ascend out of disease but also out of their subservience to the western culture. They too like Mila and Oa are also releasing their holographic karma in perceiving the original cause so that this dance of disease need not occur again in the future human expression.

THE THOUGHT-FORM OF HATRED There is another thought-form we would like to explore out of the above karma revealed out of the records in Mt. Olympus. One is the thought-form of hatred. Merduk hated. Hatred is the foundation of disease and warfare. Hatred turned inward manifests as disease, and outward as warfare or violence of all kinds, from emotional abuse to murder. What is the cause of hatred? Hatred is the result of non-love. Over time the false intervention stripped the Annanuki upon earth of the vibrations and tones of creation of love. As this occurred and was a thorough enough of a stripping, hatred followed. If one strips enough of the vibrations of love, then hatred, warfare and disease manifests in a species, along with a fall in consciousness. This is what the stripping of the tones of creation by the false intervention teaches the human species along with all species upon earth. For most of the Annanuki relatives, they understood not Merduk's hatred. They could not perceive his internal reality therefore they also failed to perceive his harmful intent to destroy the family so that he could possess earth himself alone. And so his dance went unnoticed until warfare broke out. Even Innana knew not the cause of her ailments or that Merduk was behind such physical difficulties. Merduk in his hatred tried to snuff out Innana in a multitude of ways. One way was to remove her fire. Innana used sexuality and internal fire or the kundahlini energy system to regenerate herself. Such a dance required an ongoing set of lovers, some of which were of the slave race, and some of which were of the red race. Merduk knew this and tried to snuff her fire out. This was accomplished by


Merduk tapping into Innana's kundahlini energy movement and stripping the fire away deliberately, but slow enough and over time that at first it was not noticed. Innana never perceived how or why her fire was being lost, and in seeing herself begin to age in the mirror, she chose to tap into the slave race drawing their fire for her own longevity. This had the affect of shortening the slave race lifespan along with the diseases and ailments that had already become prevalent. Innana also had many red lovers, and over time also tapped into their kundahlini stripping them also of fire. At first such a stripping of fire was one to one rather than a dance that occurred throughout the red race en mass. However once the pattern became holographic, it also began to show up in the red dance. These lead to not only a drop in lifespan, but a fall in consciousness for the red race. Fire is the main missing element upon earth. Fire can be equated to life force and ultimately love. What did the false intervention strip the most from earth? Fire and all of the tones of creation related. What tones are related to fire? All tones are related to fire, but one will notice that fire burns in a yellow to orange range only upon earth and upon your sun. Fire has only tones such as breath of life, freedom, non-conditional governance, and power that are yellow-orange in color; what has been lost? In fire, all tones related to compassion that is blue-green in color, non-conditional love that is silver in color, structure and divine union that are lavender in color, along with unity and forgiveness that are pink in color. One day in the future, fire will burn all 10 tones of the foundation of the Language of Light, and this will be a sign that fire has evolved beyond it's own experience of separation and non-wholeness. What occurs when such tones are removed in fire? The thought-form of compassion, unity, non-conditional love, divine union and forgiveness is also lost. This is what occurred for Merduk, he lost the ability to relate to others in unity and have compassion and love for their life dance, and to forgive perhaps how such folk crossed him. In so doing, Merduk became hateful and later attempted to destroy his own family members. And is this not what has subsequently happened to humanity at large? For humanity has also been stripped of these same tones by the false intervention. Such stripping occurred simultaneously with the loss of fire or kundahlini in the human energy movement.

MAGNETIC VS. ELECTRICAL ELEMENTS Ascension requires the movement of fire in the kundahlini. It is fire that burns off karma and transmutes thought-form in ascension. No fire, no ascension, and therefore the activation of the kundahlini is paramount to ascension. However as Mila has discovered, such fire must be magnetic in nature to hold the Language of Light in order to become resonant with your creation.


Due to the alteration by Pleiadian and Orion scientists of earth's energetic biosphere, electrical and radioactive elements came to earth. Such elements competed with the magnetic elements that were present in the origin or your creation. It was the electrical elements that were used by the false intervention to strip the Annanuki of fire leading to their discord and ultimately their own destruction. The scientists who manufactured the slaves in the laboratory utilized electrical elements to create the form. What role do the elements play in form? The elements allow the cellular structure to become physical giving time and space a place to exist within the third dimension. All four elements are required to create form. The element of earth holds the density of form; the element of air breathes life into form; the element of water provides the fluidity to the form; and the element of fire provides the life force to form. Remove one element such as fire, and aging, illness and death shall follow. After the Annanuki had annihilated themselves, the false intervention turned to the slave race and through the electrical elements, began to strip the fire therein. The same tones of creation of compassion, love, forgiveness, unity and divine union were stripped from the slave human dance. The slave race went from a peaceful civilization to hatred and warfare with one another. They turned upon their red neighbors in anger and violence. The red nations, who were not stripped of the tones of love in such a manner, and therefore remembered love, could not understand the dance of hatred plaguing their slave neighbors. The red race did not understand, much like the Annanuki did not understand Merduk. In their lack of understanding, the red race could not perceive their own future annihilation. The slave race then annihilated in their hatred the red race again and again throughout history. And then, over time and just like the Annanuki, the slave race turned against itself, with slave nations warring upon one another. Each rise of a slave civilization has culminated such warfare in a nuclear holocaust. All of this occurred repeatedly due to the stripping of the element of fire and the tones of creation of love by the false intervention through the remains of the slave race. This is happening one more time isn't it? One can see by the recent turn of events the leadership in the west becoming increasingly violent and abusive towards the leadership in the east. Such humans at 2 strands are being stripped of their fire and the few remaining tones of love through genetic agreements with the false intervention yet one more time. Such a stripping began after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and humans at 2 strands are falling deeper into the dance of hatred yet once again. However the karma for warfare and nuclear annihilation has been released. What earth anticipates is that the ascent of the human species shall infuse unity into the dance in a powerful manner causing an alteration of the course of history.


Those wishing to war will eventually be thrown from office and new officials elected that wish to retain world peace. This is coming beloved, and more rapidly than each may realize. Earth can see the dance stepping into form already upon the planes of manifestation. Such manifestations shall come to be in the coming 8-year cycle.

ELECTRICAL ELEMENTS AND DISEASE Electrical elements in a magnetic form leads to disease. Those related to half and half holograms or who are half Pleiadian and half Sirian in genetic material will have both magnetic and electrical elements present holding the form together. Such elements compete with one another, and in the competition literally kill the form. The electrical elements generally win much like the Annanuki won their dominion over the red seeded race. Furthermore, those running electrical elements tend to be dominant over others who run magnetic elements, and therefore this pattern contributes to the dance of abusive power within current human civilization. The blueprint for ascension requires the gradual detoxification of all electrical elements along with electrical thought-form throughout the form, and the gradual embracing of magnetic elements and the magnetic language of light thought-form in it's place. What is electrical thought-form? One can consider Pleiadian thoughtform electrical in nature, as is false intervention thought-form. Such thought-form may be unity based in their own electrical creation, however in a magnetic creation electrical thought-form seeks to dominate, subordinate and abuse others. Therefore all abusive patterns are related to electrical thought-form. Because disease is an internal form of abuse, disease also is related to electrical thought-form. It is through ascension that one alters thought-form. We wrote extensively in our last piece of the thought-form of the Annanuki, and this defines what electrical thought-form is in current human terms. Underlying such thought-form is electrical elements. Intend to release the electrical elements replacing them with magnetic ones, and the thought-form will release from the body simultaneously. It is the electrical elements that hold electrical thought-form upon a biological level. Therefore as one replaces electrical elements with magnetic ones, the form ascends into a magnetic crystalline structure in greater ease. It is also magnetic elements that are related to the experience of magic in one's life. Magic is an experience in which all falls into the divine timing of the dance. The dance in divine timing is harmonious and joyous with all others. It was as the electrical elements became prevalent upon earth that magic was lost, along with divine timing. Retrieve the magnetic elements, and life becomes magical again, or so Mila and Oa have found. Magic equates to heaven upon earth or living again in the Garden of Eden.


One can also extend such magic outwards towards others. Mila and Oa strive to extend magic into their events so that others may experience divine timing again, and in the remembrance, choose to ascend back into the magic. This is what heaven upon earth is beloved. As one can create magical moments with all others that one touches, then one has anchored heaven upon earth in one's own life dance.

DISEASE MACHINERY Underlying the holographic manipulations that Merduk is responsible for are machines that cause disease. Those related to the red hologram manipulated by Merduk are the primary cause of such machinery becoming activated in any initiate's life dance. Much like the red race that danced with a member of their own tribe who was host to such machinery and thought form, initiates dance with humans that are also related. In the dance, disease machinery is created and activated. Over time, this leads to a weakening of the form, aging, and a particular disease. This form of "disease brokering" is so prevalent in the current human dance that most initiates will find that they have encountered one to five of such unconscious brokers in their current life dance. Each encounter repeats a pattern that had occurred within one's ancestral lives long ago leading to disease. If one has ancestry to the slave race and a particular bandwidth that received the ovarian and uterus cancer disease from Innana, an encounter with a present day "Innana" in lineage or plus another related to the manipulated red hologram will re-enact the entire dance causing one to manifest such a disease. All diseases are founded upon a set of machinery that is constructed from the grid work of the form. In essence, Merduk mutilated Innana's grid work through her beloved, removing portions of her liver, kidney, spleen, heart, nervous system, uterus, and ovarian grid work, extending such grid work outside of the etheric body into a machine that perpetuated a loss of chi from such regions. Merduk then collected upon the chi to sustain his own life. The machinery also caused healthy grid work to be moved outside of the etheric body into other devices. Because the grid work was no longer present inside of the organs, Innana's organs began to decay and die as they were not receiving enough chi. It is etheric grid work that transfers chi to all parts of the form to sustain the life of the cellular structure. As Innana transferred the machinery on to the slave race, Merduk harvested of their chi en mass instead. Merduk's plot failed to kill Innana and instead shortened the life of the slave race and caused disease to manifest therein. Furthermore, because a red hologram was manipulated, such machinery began to appear in the red race, Merduk also collected chi from the red race en mass.


It is Merduk's ancestors to this day in all of his current expression that benefits from the chi generated by such disease machinery in the current human expression. What do such humans related to Merduk do with such chi? Sometimes such chi is used to amass fortunes; sometimes it is unconsciously bartered away to another who then amasses a fortune; sometimes it is unconsciously bartered away to other creations or the false intervention. This is how human chi en mass and fire has been sent to other dimensions within your creation along with the false intervention over time, through such machinery originally designed to kill Innana on the part of Merduk. Little of such chi is used for life extension at this time, as the remembrance of how to extend life has been lost. Humans are simply caught in a dance that perpetuates self-destruction as a result of this karma. Per the analysis of the Tao, the extremely shortened lifespan of the current human species to less than a century in present time is primarily a function of disease machinery that becomes activated due to encounters with disease brokers related to one red hologram over the course of any give life dance. Such machinery drains enough chi as it is activated to cause the form to age. The difference between those who live a longer life and those who die at an earlier age is directly related to when the karmic dance began with a given disease broker. The longer one has lived without such an encounter, or the stronger the form, the longer the form will live. Often one will have four or five different encounters with brokers through different humans over the course of a given life. Because all humans will have some lineage to disease, no human is necessarily exempt from the dance, not even the brokers themselves. Sooner or later even the brokers related to the red hologram Merduk manipulated encounter another born under the same hologram and have machinery activated too. Therefore all humans suffer from this pattern regardless of race. Because lineages and holograms have been manipulated, the broker will not be "red" or of indigenous origin either. Therefore such brokers are prevalent in both the East and West at this time in history. We will use Mila's father as an example. Mila's father died of conjunctive heart failure at the age of 86. He was relatively healthy up until 84 years of age. 10 years prior or at the age of 74, Mila's father had a karmic encounter with someone who was related to the destructive red hologram in heritage. The karma between them caused machinery to be constructed in his heart, removing portions of the grid work from the heart to construct machinery outside of the etheric body. He had also had 4 other of such karmic encounters over the course of his life, and each time such occurred a little more of the heart grid work was moved outside of the form increasing the size of the machinery, and subsequently the amount of chi lost from the heart. Following the karmic encounter at age 74, it took 10 years of loss of chi for the heart to give out in full, leading to a heart attack. Bypass surgery was performed,


but he never really recovered, as there was not enough chi flowing through the region to assist in repairing the tissue following surgery. Mila's father died two years later. And so it goes for all humans. All humans sooner or later age and die due to such machinery, which removes gridwork which should exist inside of the form and extends it outside of the body causing a recurrent loss of chi necessary to sustain the life. Mila and Oa have had many encounters with disease brokers. Many of such humans were their students related to this one red hologram before they understood the nature of the dance. The cancer that Mila and Oa developed in late 2000 and early 2001 was all the result of disease machinery that had been inserted into their fields. Alas, this was future karma to be dealt with at a future time, but the forces of the dark brought future karma up into their fields and pushed it into present time in the hopes of killing them. This was subsequently considered a violation of true law by the karmic boards that govern your creation. One must be aware as an ascending human that there are many forms of manipulation that the forces of the dark use to attempt to prevent one's ascent. Such manipulations are delved into in great detail in the materials in the selfstudy program for Group Mastery. We welcome those dedicated to their ascensions to avail themselves to this material by registering into our Self Study Program. What does such disease machinery look like? For Mila who developed a form of cancer in her right leg and within the sciatica nerve, there was a boot like device that was constructed from the nerve grid work. The grid work of the nerve was completely removed creating a machine that surrounded the leg that looked much like a ski boot. This machinery was used to send chi to those who had constructed the device along with the false intervention, and harvest etheric blood, which was sent to the Mahatma Planes. The Mahatma planes collected etheric blood from ascending initiates to sustain the life of the etheric bodies that the "ascended masters" who never really ascended used as a nonphysical vessel. Therefore the Mahatma planes and all beings associated have learned to use such machines for their own purposes at the expense of ascending initiates. There were also 8 devices constructed above Mila's head from grid work out of the spinal column and brain. Such machines created over time cancer of the brain and spinal column. Such devices were used to send chi to the Mahatma Planes and the false intervention. As the machines were dismantled and the underlying karmic cause released, the grid work was reconstructed allowing enough chi to become available again to resurrect that which had become cancerous. Mila then subsequently recovered from the disease in all parts of her form. Oa developed cancer of the spleen, liver and kidneys. Such machinery sat outside of his solar plexus region and was constructed from the grid work once


contained inside of the spleen, liver and kidneys. Chi was sent from the machinery to the Mahatma planes and the false intervention. Again, as the machines were dismantled and the grid work of the spleen, liver and kidneys reconstructed, there was enough chi available to resurrect the cancer therein. This was not a pleasant experience for either of them, but demonstrates the nature of the dance of disease and the underlying energetic dynamics for each to better understand. Each who is either contending with disease or disease karma will find such machinery present. Perhaps one had a karmic encounter in the past, or multiple encounters of the same nature, and now has such machinery around a part of the etheric body. Now one has the capacity to release the karmic origins of such machinery and release the disease before it manifests in the physical. If one has a disease already, the machinery can be released allowing the form the chi necessary to recover. The capacity to recover for any form will be directly related to how strong the body is. The stronger the form, the easier it shall be to ascend out of disease.

HATRED AND DISEASE Those with disease or who are prone to disease are inwardly harmful. More or less this equates to turning hatred inward rather than outward in one's thoughtform. Generally those prone to inward hatred will attract a partner or beloved or be born to parents that outwardly hates. Such is the nature of polarity. Such hatred may not be expressed in the physical, and such humans may appear loving and wonderful in the persona. However if one examines the dance in the unconscious, which expresses itself energetically, one will see the hatred expressed through outward energetic harmfulness. Such harmful humans unconsciously shatter the grid work, chakras and subtle bodies of others around them, particularly of those who have a propensity to be inwardly harmful. Sometimes the outwardly harmful individual has created disease machinery in the other's form. Sometimes the machinery is first created in a karmic encounter with another disease broker who caused one's ancestry to become ill at another time, and then the outwardly harmful individual uses the machinery to take chi, or further shatter the related part of the form that such machinery hooks into. Such a dance over time will lead to disease and death. Initiates prone to disease therefore will have to examine their closest relationships. If the relationship is harmful, one may require ending the dance lest one end up diseased in their ascent. Or if one is diseased, one may require ending the dance in order to recover. Or so Mila and Oa discovered, as they removed all who participated in the outward-bound harm that contributed to their own experience of disease from their school in 2000. They had no other choice


lest they wished to die rather than ascend. So it is for Mila and Oa, so it is for all initiates upon the path of ascension. Initiates prone to disease will have to examine their inwardly harmful and hateful thought-form. Such thought-form is founded upon the belief that one is to be used, abused, and is inherently worthless and unimportant. One therefore sacrifices oneself for the survival of the other. Beloved, no one need be sacrificed, as all are god goddess in form. As the thought-form of self-hatred is transmuted, the disease machinery can fall off along with it, for such machinery hooks into the grid work upon such thought-form.

SLAVE WARRIORS Where did such outward and inward harmfulness originate from in human history? Merduk not only manipulated the hologram of one red race human to cause disease machinery to be constructed to kill Innana, but later developed slaves for warfare. Such slaves were energetically abusive. The abusive slaves tapped into the machinery that had then become heavily prevalent in the slave race and red race in relation to disease at that time in history. Such slaves used such chi to energetically mutilate others by shattering grid work, chakras and subtle bodies. Merduk used such slaves in his warfare against Innana. Some of such slaves were created to appear white in skin color, and others red in skin color. Such slaves were designed to not feel and abuse others both physically and nonphysically. The white slave warrior was a derivative of the original slave race but with only 1024 strands of DNA. All slaves were incubated from the hologram known as Demeter, which is thought of as the "mother of the slaves". Therefore Demeter is also related to the white warrior slave lineages. 8 red holograms were used in constructing the red warfare slaves that also held only 1024 strands of DNA. Those born with such holograms suffer from outwardly abusive patterning to this day. The terrorists who drove the planes into the New York Trade Center are an example of this type of red human in the physical in present time. The SS and Nazi movement in Germany or the Klu Klux Klan in the US is an example of those in white form of this nature in present time. Such genetics breed humans with very limited thought-form that polarizes one against another for war, terrorism and abuse. Such humans will become extinct in the coming decade of cleansing, as they are blocked from ascending beyond 2 strands at this time by earth. This is to prevent global war beloved and must be so. For every one of such humans that could or would cause outward violence such as terrorism, murder or emotional abuse, there are countless others that repress such violence into the nonphysical leading to nonphysical or energetic harm. Such nonphysical harm is just as deadly, but kills through disease and not


murder or outward acts of violence. Initiates will find that they have many of such types of humans in their life dance, either at home, at the workplace, as friends, or as children. In understanding the origins of such human nature, one can more freely clear the karma and complete with such humans whom, because of their unconscious harmful nature, would prevent one's ascension otherwise through disease.

LINEAGES FOR ASCENSION In the intermixing of humans due to interbreeding over time, all lineages are related to all others. Therefore most initiates will have one or two lineages related to warfare slaves, along with a host related to the non-warfare variety of slave, and a series related to the ancient red race in the 144 lineages that comprise one's tapestry of ancestry. Humans however who are outwardly abusive such as terrorists will primarily be of warfare slave lineage and utilized such lineages to construct the form in the womb. One's nature is directly related to the DNA used in forming the body beloved. Humans at 2 strands are born with only 24 lineages. If most of the 24 are primarily slave warrior in nature, a terrorist is born. However such terrorists may repress their terrorism into the nonphysical causing disease instead with all that are inwardly harmful that they know. Mila's son, mother and ex-partner were of this nature, and she had to leave each behind as a result or fail to ascend. Initiates born with the intent to ascend will draw lineages related to the ancient red ancestry who lead ascension at another time in earth's history. Out of the 24 lineages used to construct Mila's form in the womb, 18 were of red origin and 3 of grand master "ascension" origin. Out of the 24 lineages used to construct Oa's form, 13 were of red origin, 2 of which were grand master in nature. As one ascends, one reconstructs the tapestry to be 144 lineages in size adding lineages related to the original 24 that construct one's archetypal nature. Although 24 lineages are used to construct the body in the womb, as one ascends, one begins to draw upon other lineages if need be to create the crystalline ascension template. As an ascending initiate, one has access to all 144 lineages, and must clear the karma for all 144 in order to be complete with one's personal history. It is only as one completes with their personal history in the burning off of all karma that one can work one's way off of the wheel of birth, death and rebirth in the third dimension. Each ascending to 3000 strands has the capacity to work their way off of the wheel of reincarnation in this lifetime, as it only requires embodying 3000 strands of DNA 100% to clear all personal ancestral karma in all 144 lineages. This is a grand gift of adult ascension beloved; as one's ancestry will become free, free to ascend to the next dimension with earth.


As one has all 144 lineages present, and there are enough red lineages, one is considered suited to ascension to 3000 strands or beyond as one has inheritance for such. Some of such lineages must be related to those who lead ascension at another time or are otherwise known as the Grand Masters, as this is where one draws upon their knowledge for transmutation of thought-form. The Grand Masters were the seeded one's who had extremely large heads as often depicted in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. The tapestry is constructed to be complete with 144 lineages by initiation 1800 in each initiate's ascension. To move beyond 1800, one must have grand master inheritance or can go no further. Why? It is the grand master lineages that one draws upon as only such lineages hold knowledge upon ascension. The ascent to 1800 is more or less mechanized, and requires not transmutation or alteration of thought-form upon a conscious level. To move beyond this, one must be able to transmute thought-form, as it is after 1800 that one begins to embrace the Language of Light and transmute electrical patterning. Without an ability to transmute thought-form from one's inheritance, one cannot ascend beyond 1800, and those attempting ascension without such inheritance only proved to fail in Mila and Oa's experience. Such failure often leads to disease as such initiates take the grid work and information from others rather than creating their own. Why? Such initiates without ancestry to real ascension lack the inherent ability to ascend, which requires transmutation of thought-form and the ability to create grid work or alter genetic material. Such folk attempted to ascend by constructing their field and form much like a patchwork quilt off of the ascension of others. Such forms of ascension leads only to disease as another's grid work or information will never be resonant with one's own structure. It also mutilates the ascension of those who have sincere inheritance for such, causing problems for the entire ascension movement. Earth is therefore blocking any ascension beyond 1800 unless one has inheritance to ascension in one's tapestry of ancestry. However even those vibrating at 1800 have ascended well out of the 2 strand dance of life in human form beloved. Such lives are far less polarized, and far more joyful than prior to their ascent. Even at 1800, such humans contribute to the ascent of the whole in holding a higher frequency than those at 2 strands. Furthermore, the future generations will be seeded with the ability to ascend as a birthright. Earth is phasing an entire new set of human holograms into the dance through the generational ascent of mankind. All holograms and lineages presently used to construct the human species shall become extinct, but spawn a new set of holograms and lineages giving birth to children with the new holographic and archetypal patterns founded upon unity. All new holograms will hold the grand master information on how to ascend, transmute thought-form, alter DNA, and alter grid work. No future human will be devoid of an ability to ascend beloved,


and therefore all future humans will be capable of ascending with earth "home" again. At this time, roughly 8 billion humans are making their way through ascension to a vibration of 1800 strands. It is anticipated that this shall be complete in the coming 14 months. It is seen that out of this approximately 25% of the 8 billion will have inheritance to red ascension lineages and be able to push on to 3000 strands of DNA or higher. This too shall support the ascent of earth by bringing forth a bridge between the old and new paradigms. For those who are ascending in adult form to 3000 strands or higher, one is ascending towards this new archetypal patterning in embracing the Language of Light thought-form now. One becomes a bridge between the old and new paradigms in so doing, which has the capacity to launch and birth the new era ahead. Therefore underestimate not your contribution beloved. And carry forth as there is little time to birth this new era ahead.

SUMMARY Earth no longer blames humanity for the dance of disease. There is great compassion and forgiveness upon earth's part for that which has occurred. For no human has been devoid of the experience of pain and suffering in one's extended tapestry of ancestry. All humans have suffered as a result of this dance. The only way out of the dance is to ascend out by evolving the biology and thought-form beyond the principals of hatred and harm. So it is for the human species, so it is for earth as a consensus. Earth too must ascend out of her harmful thought-form, and this is what this year ahead represents. Outwardly harmful patterns related to warfare have been transcended by earth as of last year. Now the inwardly harmful patterns are to be addressed. As this comes to be so, no harmful patterns will remain for the consensus known as earth. As such a shift translates into the physical in the coming quarter century, a new era shall unfold of peace, love, unity and honor for all species upon earth. We invite each reading this material to explore one's own ancestral dance that is related to the material presented today. The origins of disease began long before the nuclear annihilation of the Annanuki. Although the nuclear blasts distorted the DNA in yet other ways leading to deformity of all kinds, disease was prevalent long before their dance escalated into such a disastrous outcome. Each in order to transcend disease must release the karmic roots, which now appear to be related to the dance of hatred between Innana and Merduk. One may wonder about the other members of the cast of characters of the Annanuki? They too had a specific dance. However the dance of the other family members is less related to disease, and more related to the issues of slavery and


dominion along with poverty, starvation, greed and homelessness. Such issues shall be the focus for SSOA along with earth in 2003 and 2004. We invite those that are willing to give of themselves to the cause of releasing disease karma upon a global scale to join us for our Masters Conclave in July or November this year. This karma cannot be released without a group of approximately 100 to gather at each event. Roughly half of the karma will be released in July, and the second half in November. This shall dovetail with earth's need in her global ascension ahead to release human karma for disease in full. As disease karma is released, a new blueprint for resurrection and ascension can be brought in for all future human children, along with all future new born of all other species upon earth. Let us make this so, HO! Until our next communication, we leave you with these thoughts from Mila's ancient Lemurian ancestors: Om nanu nomi nani o. Oko onu ohou ho. Haki hani hani hi. Ano ono ahi ho. "Truth leads to harmony that blesses all around oneself. Non-truth leads to disharmony that harms. Return to truth and life becomes abundant with love." Namaste The Tao


Constructing a Template for The Ascent Out of Disease The Tao and One Source through Karen Danrich "Mila" March 18, 2002

Dear Beloved Ascending Human, We have been exploring in our recent materials the cause and thought-form behind disease, deformity, and aging. Why is disease such a problem? The Lords and Ladies in governance designated your creation for destruction. Destruction and disease are synonymous. Disease is a form of self-destruction in which certain cells known as viruses and bacteria tear apart healthy living tissue. Why would any creation be designated for destruction? This is a complex issue and one that we would like to delve into, as the karma and patterning behind it is directly related to the experience of disease within the human dance. The Tao is the center of all creations inside and outside of time and space. One could say that the Tao is what and where all souls emanate or expand from and contract back unto when the evolutionary dance and experience is complete. Long ago, three contractions ago in our current estimation, parts of the Tao were left behind in an incomplete contraction or ascension. A part of the Tao left behind that one may be familiar with in the studies of Mila and Oa is known as the Riza Soul Group. Through the recasting of the Riza Soul Group along with many "like" groups that had been left behind, a better picture of what has occurred after the Tao retracted in full has begun to be constructed.

THE THOUGHT-FORM OF CONSUMPTION Those creations and souls such as the Riza Soul Group left behind fell into a particular thought-form that is now destroying the whole of the Tao. This thoughtform had never occurred before, for never before had a part of the Tao been "left behind", or in other terms, failed to return home during the period of contraction. Why would any portion of the Tao fail to return? This is perceived now to have occurred as a portion of the Tao fell into such great distortion that it "separated off" from the whole without any communication remaining between the two. In the lack of communication, there was no understanding that it was time to "contract" or go home, or in other terms ascend, and therefore such portions of the Tao failed to return. Furthermore, because such parts of the Tao had completely separated off, the Tao had no understanding or awareness that a portion of self had been left behind. From the records compiled in the recasting of the Riza Soul Group, such portions left behind entered a dance that was very sad thereafter. For as the remainder of


the Tao retracted, there was not enough chi to sustain the dance of the souls left behind. Suddenly such souls began to die or in other terms, decay. What happens when soul decays? The light begins to diminish or fade into darkness. Without "enough" to sustain the dance, the souls began to fall in vibration and subsequently fell into the thought-form of lack. What were such souls to do to save themselves? Finally the thought emerged that such souls would designate a portion of self for destruction, and then pull such portions apart for chi and tones of creation to sustain the remainder of the whole. This is how the pattern of destroying one creation to sustain another began. This pattern of destruction or annihilation to save the life of another has never been understood, resolved or ascended out of and carries on to this day. Those souls caught in the dance of destroying to survive continue to destroy in present time, even though the Tao is again in a full expansion cycle and there is plenty available to sustain the whole. Furthermore, such souls failed to move out of this cycle during yet another expansion and contraction cycle long ago, and were left behind yet again, missing a second opportunity to go "home". Each expansion cycle of the Tao has further lost more parts of self to those held within the pattern of destruction, as such souls continued to consume the healthy creations of the Tao out of their fear of lack. This is how more and more of the Tao at this current phase of expansion has been consumed and fallen into the thought-form of destruction. One can see the same patterning occurring in the human dance today. Are there not a small number of humans who hoard to excess? Does not their hoarding cause starvation elsewhere? Is there not enough really and truly to provide the sustenance necessary for all humans? And yet this occurs not, as the pattern of consumption and hoarding and destroying others to survive that has become prevalent upon the upper dimensions of your creation is also prevalent in the human dance upon earth. Your creation is not from the past. Your creation is related to the present time expansion of the Tao. However the expansion has occurred in the same region of another creation left behind long ago that fell into the pattern of consumption for survival. The souls remaining behind consumed your creation just as they had consumed their own so very long ago to sustain themselves. This is why your creation has fallen and fallen in dimension; there is another group of souls feasting off of it for sustenance. At this time, there is no requirement to feast or destroy another in order to be sustained. However the souls in this dance have become so caught in the dance, and so mechanized that there is little consciousness left to evolve out of the dance. This is also so for humanity. Humans are so mechanized that they continue to dance in a manner that harms many who starve when the dance could be altered to provide for the whole.


THE NATURE OF MECHANIZATION What is mechanization? Mechanization is what occurred in the experience of those regions of creation that designated for destruction. The souls involved mechanized portions of self into devices to destroy creation, and then pulled the conscious portions of self out of the dance. As the machines were activated, they began to pull apart those regions designated for destruction. Machinery lacks consciousness and therefore an ability to edit the dance or in other terms evolve out of the dance. The machinery only knows what it has been programmed to do, which is to destroy. The programmer of the machinery could edit the machines, however the programmer has long come and gone and are no longer present to assist. Where did they go? Such souls exited the creations designated for destruction lest they be destroyed along with the rest after setting such machinery in motion. As your creation fell into contact with such mechanized souls designed for destruction, the machinery began its job of pulling creation apart. Therefore one could say that your creation fell into contact with an old set of machinery designed to destroy and pull creation apart, and as the machinery was activated, fall in consciousness after fall in consciousness was the result. In a parallel manner, humans were once more conscious than they are now. In other terms, the human form held soul. Over time soul has been extracted from the human species and taken to other dimensions within your creation. As soul was lost, human consciousness fell over time into greater and greater mechanization. It is due to the mechanization that humans dance in a manner that creates hoarding to an excess and starvation elsewhere, and cannot alter the dance, as there is no soul present to alter the programming. It is the mechanization of the human dance that causes the human dance to be so rigid at 2 strands of DNA. One can liken 2 strands of DNA to be 1/18,000th of the consciousness that was present with 36,000 strands of DNA in the original seeding of mankind upon earth. When consciousness leaves, mechanization is left behind in its wake. It is for this reason that it is so difficult for humanity to awaken, as the nature of mechanization is to repeat the same pattern over and over without change. This even includes patterns that destroy the form, such as drug use, smoking, bad eating habits and so on. The Riza Soul Group has calculated that there are over 8 billion creations destroyed by same machines that have destroyed your creation. This gives one an idea of how successful the machines are at destroying, or in other terms, removing consciousness; and not one of these 8 billion creations have figured out what "went wrong". The first 1 million were destroyed to sustain those left behind in the first incomplete ascension of the Tao. The same non-conscious machinery that touched upon future expansions of the Tao has destroyed the remaining 9.9 billion creations.


MORE ON THE FALSE GODS Such machines that destroy in your creation are known as the false gods, or in other terms, the Melchiezedek Order and the ascended masters who never really ascended, along with Sananda and the Mahatma and Mahatma Planes. Such false gods were never a part of the original projection for your creation from the Tao, but were mechanized souls encountered as earth fell into the vibrations that such souls have caused other creations to become extinct within. This is so confusing for so many initiates in the metaphysical movement. Such souls as Sananda feel so loving at a certain frequency. Such souls say the most loving things such as "I will take care of you. You will ascend and I will do it for you. You are my beloved." Such souls have been programmed to say such things as a part of the dance of annihilation. Underlying what is spoken is a whole other agenda, and one that Mila rapidly discovered is to destroy. After stating such things time and time again, Sananda would proceed to shatter her field setting back her ascension. As this occurred again and again and enough times, Mila finally cast Sananda out in full, as his soul was non-supportive of ascension. Why? Sananda is a machine designed to assure that ascension occur not upon the dimensions that you exist within. Is this right? Is this wrong? It is neither, however this dance is destroying the Tao. Therefore it must change, and the only manner it can change is for such mechanized souls to be removed from your creation and recast. And this is what is occurring at this time. The remaining consciousness of such souls or false gods will be removed as humanity ascends, for they are embedded in the very fabric of the human genetics. Therefore as one transcends the thought-form for disease or warfare, one is also transcending the thought-form and programming of Sananda, the Melchiezedek Order, the ascended masters and the Mahatma, along with Rama.

TWO DISTINCT THOUGHT-FORMS The programming of the false gods has two levels of tapes or recordings that are broadcast, and were broadcast from Mt. Olympus up until recently. As Mt. Olympus was dismantled, which was the region that the Annanuki ran their dominion long ago upon earth, the thought-form of these mechanized souls or false gods was shut down. Such thought-form broadcasts "love and light" messages in one language, and in another language destruction, self-hatred, and other hatred messages. Such other language is a subconscious non-verbal language and therefore hard to discern by most initiates. It is this subconscious language that became cellular over time leading not only to warfare but also to disease within the human dance. It is this thought-form that all initiates must address and release in order to


ascend out of disease rather than into disease. Such thought-form originates from the false gods.

THE ORIGINS OF RAMA The souls receiving the benefit of that which has been destroyed or consumed over time have grown and grown in size. Such growth is not in alignment with the divine plan of the Tao, but has created a new divine plan founded upon destruction and consumption of thriving creations that have no agreement to be pulled apart. Such is so with your creation, it had no agreement to be destroyed, and yet it was nonetheless. Such creators include the being known as Rama who perceives itself as Godhead. Rama is not from your time period, but from two expansions of the Tao ago. Rama was anchored upon earth by the Annanuki and into the Mt. Olympus region. Rama has grown in size over time in his billions of years of destruction from dominion over a small sector of creation (one the size of earth) to holding 14 creations of 144 dimensions each. His expansion is not the result of ascension or evolution, but rather the continued pulling apart and consumption of healthy creations of the Tao over time, which have been used to expand his region of dominion. Rama is non-conscious, or in other terms, a machine designed to pull apart creations and expand. Rama consumed the original souls in governance over your creation as assigned by the Tao. Those who set Rama in motion have long left your creation, but are being called back now to witness what a machine that they had devised has done, and the karma incurred as a result. Such souls are not happy, but they are being forced to take responsibility for what they have caused. Such souls include the Riza Soul Group. Rama is also only one of a million of such machines that have been destroying creations in the Tao in a similar and parallel manner. Such machines are so prevalent that over one half of the overall expansion of the Tao is caught in the dance of destruction. The Tao is taking an active role now in gathering records so that such machinery can be dismantled in full warding off the extinction of the Tao. The Melchiezedek Order and ascended masters that never ascended along with the Mahatma or Sananda are agents of Rama and just as mechanized. In other terms, these beings are smaller machines programmed to pull apart creation sending the "goods" or grid work, tones of creation and information to Rama. Rama is likewise a larger machine that collects the goods sent from the lower dimensions and his agents, sending a portion of all of the takings to other lords like himself that exist above him. Such lords above Rama are also expanding off of the remains of those creations destroyed on the dimensions beneath. There are also false intervention beings that provide the pathway through which the goods are transported from your creation to Rama and beyond. The false


intervention has constructed a series of tubes or pathways throughout the 8 billion creations destroyed allowing the goods or information, grid work and tones of creation to be given to the larger machines like Rama to then be distributed to the souls above him who thrive off of such goods. The souls thriving off of such goods have inflated themselves to be the size of the Tao over time. One could say that from the depths of creation, a dark force was set in motion and in this pattern it threatens the extinction of the Tao, as this darkness has now grown in size to be as large as the Tao itself. One must recognize that this is all a part of the evolutionary lessons of the Tao, and such extinction will not come to be. For the souls that have grown into such a force are still ultimately parts of the Tao gone lost. Such lost souls are being gathered up at this time, and the great darkness dismantled piece by piece through the process known as recasting. Such souls would never willingly return, and therefore they are forced to return lest all be lost for all time.

THE PLOT FOR DESTRUCTION Such machines for destruction had a particular script or plot. The script one may be quite familiar with, especially if you have been studying Mila and Oa's materials for any length of time. The script includes two humans who are pitted against one another to such a degree that they war upon one another and destroy the whole, shattering the whole into oblivion. The whole is then pulled apart into its pieces and parts, and the pieces and parts consumed by the other souls in need of sustenance to sustain their vibration upon the dimensions above. Such a script plays out to this day in human form. Do you not in human form have examples of this dance that occur in your current civilization? Are there not drug traffickers and arms traffickers who transport "armament" and "illegal drugs" from one region or nation to another? Are there not those who gain off of the destruction of others through drug use and the use of arms? The armaments have no use if there is no war, as there would be no need to produce such goods. Therefore there are those in positions of great wealth that cause war so that they can sell more arms and profit. Drug use destroys lives. And yet those who profit from drug sales not only arrange the growth and manufacturing along with transport of such drugs from one place to another, but also infuse the use of such drugs into each culture. These are two small examples of how the same script for destruction plays out to this day within the human dance upon earth. The script involves the dance of seduction and the pattern of the "con man". For in the origin of the dance of destruction, some souls would have to agree to be pulled apart or destroyed, and what soul would ever agree to this? Such souls would have to be seduced into believing that the dance was going to go one way, and then the dance altered into their own annihilation. Such souls would have to


agree to one thing, and receive another form of treatment of opposing kind. This dance also goes on in human form upon earth. The dance of the con man can be seen in the use of drugs. Does not the drug dealer con the user into trying the drug under the assumption that they will now experience "bliss" or "Nirvana"? Over time, the drug user finds their lives destroyed in the addiction. The con can also be seen in the act of revolution. The revolutionaries are lead by one who seduces them into believing that when the leader is in power, there will be greater equity for all. However as the revolution escalates, the revolutionaries find their own cities and families destroyed, and perhaps their own forms mutilated upon the battlefield. One can see this dance playing out between Israel and Palestine today. Once in power, the fair equity promised may never be delivered upon. The promise of the con is fulfilled upon only in destruction.

THE ORIGIN OF FANTASY REALITIES This is also the con of the false gods. It is the con that the false gods will lead one to a better day, but in all circumstances they have lead humanity to yet another fall in consciousness, which is their purpose as machines for destruction. For the false gods are behind each fall in the human expression in vibration. How is this accomplished? Through the generation of fantasies that humanity believes. What are fantasies? The fantasy is constructed out of one language, which is all love and light and promises a better tomorrow. But underlying the fantasy also is embedded the language for destruction in a non-verbal thought-form. As one attunes to the fantasy, one intends one's own demise in the unconscious. Such demise may come through war, but more likely than not it will come through disease. It is the subconscious language for destruction that underlies all disease machinery. Fantasies are constructed out of electrical and radioactive tones of creation. Electricity and radioactivity are an energy that is non-resonant frequency to your creation, which is magnetic in origin, or in other terms, constructed with magnetic tones of creation. Such frequencies came to earth with the Annanuki and were not an inherent part of earth up until such a time. The non-resonance of such tones creates veils of illusion in the magnetic energy flow of earth. It is such veils that a fantasy can be projected upon hiding the real intent behind the veil. This is how fantasy realities work beloved; they are projections upon a veil of illusion, which acts like a screen that receives a movie. If one attunes to the movie playing of the false gods, one will see only love and light. But if one lifts the veil of the screen, one will see only darkness and destruction underneath. The pattern of the con is not limited to the physical plane. Souls also con one another into the dance of destruction. In a Great Central Sun Transmission, Mila


reviewed records revealed in earth's ascension showing that Merduk "conned" Sanat Kumara into replacing his soul upon earth and then blew earth up with nuclear weaponry shortly thereafter. This is an example of the "con" in your global history. Sanat Kumara thought he was getting a "good deal" and would possess and command earth for his own purposes. However, shortly after his infusion into earth and the retraction of Merduk's soul, the deal turned out not only to be "bad", but he found himself extensively shattered and pulled apart or consumed along with earth.

THE NATURE OF PROJECTION How did this evil plot for destruction come to be upon earth? Earth is also a projection, a projection from the Tao for her existence. Over time and as Rama was anchored upon earth, the projection for earth's ascension was edited or intercepted with another projection for her demise emanating from the machine known as Rama. You see, the concept of projection if not new, it is how creator and creation dance together and co-create. The Creator holds the movie or projection, the plot or the theme for the dance of life. The creation then dances according to the script of the creator, experiencing the Creator's expression. Over time and as the Annanuki anchored Rama on to earth, your original Creator's design or script for evolution and ascension was overwritten with a script for destruction emanating from a machine. Most humans are familiar with movies. One may not be familiar with the fact that the entire human dance is a movie of it's own, and there is a projection from the dimensions above that causes the movie to occur in a particular fashion. The receptors for the projection of the life dance are held in the biology of the form. Humans only dance as they do, as this is the divine plan of Rama for the dance; to kill and destroy one another to extinction. This is what drives the drug users and drug dealers, along with those who profit from such a dance. This is also what drives the arms dealers and revolutionaries along with those who wish to push themselves into power through abusive tactics founded upon dominion. How did the human species become attuned to Rama's script? This occurred as radioactive biology from the Pleiadian race became intertwined with the red seeded race. The red race was magnetic and only attuned to the original Creator of your creation and the script for evolution, unity and peace. As the radioactive genetics became intertwined through the blending of lineages between the Pleiadian and Red Race, humanity began to attune to a new script emanating from Rama, and one that involved destruction rather than ascension. In order to completely pull out of the "movie" for destruction that Rama projects, the receptors have to be fully transmuted to a biological level. This Mila and Oa have accomplished as of last year, and in so doing, have transcended disease along with warfare thought-form upon a biological scale. For disease along with warfare is only a dance that is the result of Rama's plot for the human species


along with all creations designated for "destruction". As humanity ascends to a fully conscious biology of 36,000 strands of DNA that are magnetic only, then humans will have transcended the projection of Rama in full. This is anticipated to occur in approximately 75 years through the birth of fully conscious future generations of humans. Interestingly enough and per the records gathered in Rama's early recasting at this time through the Tao, Rama first tried to project his plot on to only nature kingdoms. The nature kingdoms did not respond well to the destructive plot. Humans were later added to dance and attuned fully to the script to assure that the creations designated for destruction were indeed destroyed. Humans acted out Rama's plot to perfection; destroying each of the 8 billion creations recently mapped out by the Tao. Each of such humans were much like the Annanuki, radioactive and attuned to the destructive machinery left behind so long ago by a small group of souls trying to survive through consuming a part of self. The Tao has been gathering records in the form of deceased human holograms throughout the destroyed sectors of creation. All such records show that humanity followed the same plot each time; a plot for destruction. Such a plot has played out upon earth 3 times since the seeding of mankind upon earth. Such a plot has lead to 3 rises and falls of civilizations that ended in nuclear annihilation of earth. It is an identical dance that has lead to the extinction of 8 billion other creations just like the one that earth resides within. Humans carry therefore the bulk of the karma for acting out Rama's destructive plot, not only in this creation, but 8 billion others of like kind.

THE NATURE OF HOLOGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION Humans upon earth were holographically modified to attune to Rama's plot for destruction. This occurred as Annanuki and Red Holograms became blended through the intermixing of the two races. Holograms are an interesting form of communication. Holograms are designed to pass information on to all other holograms in any creation. Therefore one modification to any hologram will cause all holograms to instantly become modified. It therefore only took the birth of one half Pleiadian half Sirian human creating the first half and half hologram for all holograms to alter accordingly. This caused the seeded red race to fall under the dominion of Rama's projection, as the agreements embedded in the Pleiadian holograms to subordinate to Rama's projection were transferred holographically to all as such a child was born. Because holograms also communicate and transfer information between species, as humanity fell under the dominion of Rama, so did all other species upon earth. In essence, the same agreements embedded into the half and half holograms transferred to all other holograms of all other species upon earth, causing all of earth to attune to Rama's plot and projection for destruction thereafter. However, what has gone one way can go another. Through


ascension, such holographic attunement is being edited at this time so that humanity at large attunes instead to a new plot for a new future held by the Tao for resurrection and ascension. Furthermore, it only takes the editing of one hologram at this time in history to cause the all holograms to alter accordingly. This is how warfare karma has been transcended as of last year by earth. It is the warfare karma that held the thought-form of warfare in place in the human hologram. As enough in the new consensus along with earth released warfare karma, the thought-form for warfare embedded in the human hologram could be removed. As this has occurred, non-warfare patterning now holographically transfers to all humans global wide, along with all species upon earth.

A NEW DREAM FOR HUMANITY AND EARTH It is the holograms that weave a particular thought-form that unites the whole of earth or any creation into a consensus reality. It is the consensus reality known as earth that receives the "dream" or projection of the Creator that causes a particular dance to occur within all species that are related. A new dream has been woven with a new script for the consensus known as earth due to the changes in all holograms weaving the consensus reality together. The dream for annihilation and extinction through nuclear warfare was edited as of late to become a dream for ascension and evolution. Those ascending map carvers who worked so hard upon their own evolution in the year past have transcended enough of the warfare karma within one's personal ancestral history to make possible a new dream for the human dance to now be projected upon humanity. This dream originates from the Tao itself. This new dream utilizes the same receptors receiving Rama's broadcast inside of the human form, which now shall receive the Tao's broadcast or projection instead. One can liken the Tao's projection as an interception of Rama's projection for destruction so that a new future can unfold. This is part of the intervention of the Tao to assure that earth and your creation has an opportunity to resurrect and ascend. The machinery related to Rama is so good at destroying that without such an intervention, it is doubtful that earth would not become extinct. Already stepping down the planes into form, it is clearly seen by earth and all species therein that no nuclear war shall come to fruition in the human dance due to the new dream for humanity. Humans shall move instead increasingly into unity based relations casting out those that wish to war from their public offices and positions of power over time. This is what reweaving the dream for the human species has created beloved; a future devoid of a nuclear catastrophe. This goal is something Mila and Oa have been personally focused upon for four years preceding this shift, and it is a grand gift to see the fulfillment of their vision.


THE YEAR AHEAD This year ahead of ascension is devoted to creating a pathway out of Rama's script for death through disease to a new script for resurrection and ascension. In other terms, the human hologram will be modified yet again to become devoid of the expression of internal warfare, or in other terms disease, aging, illness, death and accidents that mutilate. As this modification occurs in only one hologram, so it will transfer to all holograms global wide bringing an end to disease in earth's future. As the holograms alter, a new dream can be woven that allows for the human ascent out of the very genetic material underlying the experience of aging and disease. Before this can occur, the karma for disease and deformity along with accidents must be understood and released by a certain percentage of all map carvers global wide. This is why SSOA has agreed to focus upon this purpose within this calendar year of 2002. As this occurs, a new script shall be woven that shall allow the human species at large to ascend out of disease, deformity and accidents in future generations. As the karma for disease is released, many adult humans shall begin to experience recovery of disease or deformity through ascension. It is possible even to re-grow a limb through ascension beloved, and in time you will have those who demonstrate this for all to see. However, a fully regenerative form required for the ascent to the next dimension will come through the future generations of yet unborn children who will be born fully crystalline, with enlarged heads, a greater level of awareness of the nonphysical realms, and shall be devoid of any genetic patterning that would lead to disease or deformity whatsoever. It is anticipated by earth that by 2075, humanity will have ascended fully out of disease and into a fully conscious form. So this will also be so for all kingdoms upon earth.

THE TEMPLATE FOR ASCENSION OUT OF DISEASE The template for the ascent out of disease in the West shall be drawn at the Masters Conclave events in this year of 2002. It is hoped by earth along with the Tao that enough map carvers choose to attend one or both events to contribute to this template. All humans are prone to disease, whether it has manifested yet in one's life dance or not. Therefore all attending can contribute to a portion of this template, and as all lineages for disease are represented, a complete template shall be constructed. In return, those contributing to the template shall have all disease machinery and genetic predispositions for disease, deformity and aging removed from one's field and form during the event. Each species must pull together to release it's own karma. So this is so for the human species upon earth, along with all others. No one can alter the dance for another species, and humanity must alter it's own dance. Mila and Oa have


proven time and time again that it requires not a large group to alter the course of the future for humanity. Only a small group who are sincere in their choice to ascend and who are diligently working through their own process are required. Why is this so? Ascending fields have powerful thought-form. As such powerful thought-form unites at an event such as Conclave; the course of future world history can be altered. It is the divine intervention of the Tao that works through the group gathered at Conclave to weave the new dream and alter the human hologram. One therefore contributes one's energy to a greater purpose in attending such an event, and one that shall allow the humans species to ascend rather than become extinct through disease in the years ahead. In working through such a group, the Tao also touches each participant more deeply and directly than otherwise possible. This forever alters one's life and perceptions of self from such an experience forward. Therefore each attending will be deeply touched by the Tao in so giving of oneself in such a manner. Why does such an experience alter one so? The return of the Tao is the return of the beloved within. As the beloved returns within, one feels loved and embraced from within. Love from within alters everything in any initiate's life, as the perceptions of self, internal to self have changed. Allowing oneself to be touched by the Tao heals the internal state of self-hatred that has been projected upon humanity since the holographic dance attuned to Rama so very long ago. One has ancestor after ancestor that either hated externally and warred or abused another, or hated internally and became diseased. As hatred ceases, life changes, and hatred can only cease as the love returns within. And this is the gift from the Tao for those willing to give of themselves in the attendance of this event known as Masters Conclave. However, we would like to point out that choosing to attend is not enough. One must do their inner homework. The inner homework and clearing prior to each event shall prepare one to receive the gift and blessing that the Tao is offering. And each choosing to attend must take full responsibility for this.

HUMAN AWAKENING UNDERWAY Humans are awakening at this time out of the fantasy of the false gods. Mila and Oa have had signs of this in the readership of their web site. Sometimes such humans who take the time to write voice their horror of what they now perceive in consciously awakening to the current human condition. Humans at 2 strands live in a mechanized dance that is very rigid. Machines care not if they exist within their own excrement. Humans living in the large and polluted cities of your world are living in their own excrement. As humans awaken, they will look around, and be horrified at what they see, not only in relation to the pollution that humanity has caused, but also surrounding the


manner in which humans treat one another along with all other kingdoms upon earth. For humans consume and use earth and her kingdoms much like Rama consumes and uses your creation. In order for the dance of destruction to cease, the consumption of earth by the human species must also cease. This shall occur only through ascension to a self-sustaining biology. For self-sustaining biology will sustain itself, and not require the consumption of anything to subsist or ascend. So it is for humanity, so it is for all species upon earth, each are headed towards self-sustainable biology through the act of ascension. So this is also so for all souls in your creation. Such souls through their own ascent and evolution shall move from a paradigm based upon consumption to a self-sustaining paradigm founded upon unity consciousness. Self-sustenance is the original blueprint from the Tao beloved. Once your creation and earth knew self-sustenance. Now earth and your creation will ascend into self-sustenance and then back to the Tao in stepping out of time and space and form. A self-sustaining biology will lead to self-sustaining communities of humans. Such humans will pull together in unity to support one another and the whole of the tribe in the ascent "home" to the Tao. The level of unity available through self-sustenance is far greater than the unity experienced by the red race in it's original state at the time of their seeding upon earth; for the red race had already fallen from self-sustenance to a regenerative form that required nutrients to be consumed from outside of self to sustain the lifespan. Therefore, in the coming 1000-year cycle, the human species will ascend beyond their ancestral inheritance from the red race en mass to a new blueprint of self-sustenance long lost within your creation. What is causing the current awakening of mankind underway? Soul is being reinfused into those humans who are beginning to ascend to the baseline of 1024 and 1800 strands. The soul infusion is occurring through earth and all her kingdoms. As soul returns, human consciousness begins to awaken; and it is the returning consciousness that becomes horrified at the current dance that one is in or that humanity is in. The Tao perceives this as a good thing. It is only out of the horror of what mankind has created that mankind will begin to alter the dance. It is out of the awakening that humans will devise a plan to clean up the very toxic mess that they have originated. It is also out of the horror of the dance that humans will one day cease to war or torture one another, and cease to torture the nature kingdoms for the purposes of consumption. This is what the new dream for the human species will call for. And as all karma causing another dance is released, so it will come to be.


The time of awakening is upon you beloved, and it will not be easy times ahead. However, the awakening is necessary if humanity is to ascend out of the destructive paradigm. We invite those reading this material to join us at our Masters Conclave event. When one gives of oneself, one also receives in return from earth and from the Tao. This is balanced giving and receiving in action, and the foundation of the unity based paradigm. We will leave you with these thoughts from Mila's Lemurian Ancestors: Om nani noni nanu nan. Nomi nonu nona non. Naki nato aku oh. "All is ONE and in the oneness one is home. Separate the ONE and one leaves home. Reunite into ONE and one returns home again." Namaste The Tao and One Source The Earth Mother Mila & Oa


Ascending Into a Regenerative Biological System The Tao and Earth Mother through Karen Danrich "Mila" March 26, 2002 Dear Beloved Ascending Human, Much has been written of the emotional process of ascension. Little on the other hand has been written about the biological alterations that accompany the emotional changes. Why? Well for one, Mila and Oa do not relate so heavily to biological changes as much as the emotional responses to their world. They have no background as a doctor or in medical studies, and therefore transcribing detailed biological information is not their forte. There is another reason however, and this involves the desire of the earth mother to protect the ascension knowledge so that it is not misused by science at this time in history. Science has misused ascension knowledge before, and this is how a manufactured slave race came to be. Earth hopes rather that humanity will ascend beyond the need to manipulate her or any species upon earth, and move back to the state of full consciousness that was once the ancestral inheritance of the original red seeded race. Therefore the focus upon the biological alterations will always be minimal in Mila and Oa's materials. However, as one tunes into one's own form, and the body angels that govern the process of genetic encoding, one may receive a detailed account of the current process of ascension down to the physicality of the form. As humans awaken to their own ability to tune inward to the inner planes of reality, there is no need for another to explain anything. All knowledge will flow, as one needs to know it from within. Today however we would like to explain the changes to the cells that are within the human form known as viruses, and several emerging hormonal systems and transport systems that support a regenerative crystalline structure. This will be an overview, and understand that all ascending forms will develop each system to the degree that there is room inside of the physical structure. Room? Is there not enough room in the inn, one may wonder? In reality, one's ancient ancestors not only had a 10 foot height in structure, but an enlarged cranial cavity roughly 8 times larger than the present day human skull. To fit all glands, some of which were the size of a banana, into the space of a peanut is not possible. At best ascension can bring forth a semblance of the original biochemical system, and grow the glands to the degree that there is space. Some glands have had to be forfeited altogether until the alterations coming forth through newborn children allow for a larger head. Into the future, delivering a child via the current process of birth may become increasingly difficult with such large heads.


What then? There will be alterations to the pelvic cavity and cervix to accommodate the increased requirement to "stretch" to give birth. There are new glands that accompany almost every organ within an ascending system. We will define these new systems and initiates can cross check their own biology for a complete formation of each to assure that one is not having a physical problem with one's ascent. The lack of formation of one gland or organ can lead to disease in such a region, or the malfunction of a particular set of hormones that throws the entire system of regeneration out of balance leading to cancer or other complications. We bring this to consciousness now so that ascending map carvers will avoid this pitfall through self-monitoring of one's own ascent. A blockage in any given area is related to a particular thought-form that one is wishing to avoid, or in other terms, has schismed over in one's ascent. As one understands that a portion of the biology is not ascending, one can redirect one's attention to searching out the underlying cause. In intending the cause of a problem in ascension to surface, so it shall surface, and one will quite naturally rectify such a problem through bringing the related karma to the surface and clearing it. Sometimes there can be layer upon layer of cause in a particular problem area, and so such searching out and clearing may takes months or even years of one's ascent. Mila had problems areas in many regions, including the back of the neck and heart in particular. Oa has had recurring problems in the lower back and shoulder. As each has focused again and again upon such regions, bringing them up in vibration, they could ascend the region enough that it would not atrophy causing a problem for the whole of the ascent. Such problem regions are one's that they are still working upon to this day through soul infusion. So understand that difficult areas and blockages can be deep, and will not necessarily rectify themselves overnight. However with persistent intent and release work, one will bring such areas into a high enough vibration to not compromise the whole of one's evolution through disease. When any part of the form becomes too low in vibration and is surrounded by cells of a much higher frequency that are crystalline, the variance in vibration will escalate the pace of decay for the non-crystalline structure. Over time and if one fails to address such discordance, the decaying structure will also become cancerous. If the problem is large enough, it could destroy the whole of the form. It is for this reason that ascension is a delicate issue, and one must bring along all parts of the form along in the journey. No part can be left behind in vibration for too long without creating an even greater problem known as disease. Initiates may therefore become more cognizant of their problem regions, addressing them from time to time with conscious focus during meditation to assure that each part of the form resurrects enough to support the continued ascent of the whole. Mastering ascension may be confusing to most humans in the old paradigm. For such humans are looking for a pill to rectify disease, or something outside of themselves to direct the creation known as their embodiment, such as science.


No pill and nothing discovered through science shall cause ascension. Ascension is an internal function that comes through the intent to modify one's own genetics by modifying the thought-form at cause of the creation of the form. Each strand of DNA has a particular thought. The thought in particular of destruction is so prevalent that the DNA holding such a thought have created agents of destruction internal to the form, known primarily as viruses and death hormone. Such agents of destruction and their blueprint will be modified in the modification of the thought-form of destruction behind it. This is what ascension is all about, and those in human form that are still seeking outside of self will most likely be cleansed upon the physical plane in death, as they have not the understanding to ascend with earth at this time. Some light workers are still working on appliances or medicinals that shall ascend the form from the outside in. Beloved, the entire purpose of ascension is to learn to create what one requires within. Sometimes one requires outside ingredients or herbs in the map carving process for a short time. However, the body should learn to create what it needs, and this is what a regenerative and self-sustaining form is all about. Mila and Oa have learned that they can modify any part of the form to serve their personal ascension journey. If one is god goddess in form, then one can modify the form as needed, and this requires not anything outside of oneself to accomplish.

THE BONES AND MUSCLES Humans with 2 strands of DNA are used to very rigid or brittle bones. Bones that are crystalline are not so rigid, and will actually bend or mold to what is required without breaking. We have had initiates with crystalline bones bend the ankle sideways in a manner that should have broken a bone, but the bone did not break. Crystalline bones are more like stiff cartilage, and will bend upon impact. Causing a crystalline bone to break is therefore far more difficult than the present day bone structure of the humanoid form. Mila and Oa have also found that if they lay upon the form in a certain way, applying pressure to say the shin, that the shin will indent a good half inch. The indentation is the result of the fact that crystalline bones are not coated in a hard rigid substance, but rather a buttery smooth substance more resembling to the cartilage of the nose or ears. Muscles too can stretch further in crystalline form. Mila and Oa are not Yoga enthusiasts, however those that are may find that they can stretch to a greater degree than a previously non-crystalline form. One place Mila and Oa notice this is in the bedroom and the act of making love. Either can nearly do the splits with their legs, and this makes for interesting entertainment on certain nights that their ascension work requires the act of making love. We share this to understand that Mila and Oa are human, and enjoy all things human, including lovemaking.


NEW FORM OF FAT There has recently been a new blueprint added for body fat that causes the density of fat to become less "heavy" in weight and yet provide the same function. What is the function of body fat? Body fat allows one to modulate one's biological vibration higher than the body has yet learned to hold. For Mila and Oa, this is a necessity for teaching or hosting large events like Conclave, and so they have a large layer of body fat for this purpose. The new blueprint has caused the body fat to become far less dense, reducing their overall weight by 20%. However, the size has not changed, but they are lighter on their feet and enjoy long walks as a result more than they were able to previously. For other nature kingdoms, they rejoice in this, particularly those with heavy energetic responsibility to the earth mother such as elephant, rhinoceros, camel and buffalo. Each of these species will be "lighter" in weight if not in size, and find it easier therefore to navigate upon the physical plane. For the dolphin and whale kingdoms, the water provides buoyancy that simply requires not the new fat that the land animals require. And so it goes, each lifestyle defines the requirement of form, and ascension shall allow for the requirements to differ between species and between those who live upon the land or under the water.

THE THYMUS The thymus grows extensively in ascension and beginning at initiation 1800, growing in size up the sternum and bridging around the neck connecting into the lymph and blood system just under the jaw along with the brain stem. As this occurs, some initiates may feel a choking sensation that comes a goes over many months, or so this was Mila's experience. The growth of the thymus up the sternum and around the neck causes the neck to increase in size, and the skin underneath the jaw and occipital area to "pooch". This is due to the thymus gland itself, which increases in size from a small node to an extensive system designed to modulate the biochemistry of the form. The thymus is a master gland that balances all hormones produced by other glands inside of the body. The pituitary in the brain directs the thymus, which directs all other glands and hormones in the form through the brain stem. The thymus lost its structure long ago shrinking to the size of a pea and ceased to function. The brain stem took over the functions of the thymus, but failed to do an adequate job of modulating a very sensitive system of biochemistry, leading to a greater deterioration of human consciousness. Consciousness is biological, and as the biology faltered, so did the human level of awareness decline. As the thymus grows again, it resumes the function it once held in one's ancient ancestors, which is to modulate the heart rate, lymph and a complex hormonal 66

system to retain regeneration of all cells within a crystalline form. The brain stem upon the other hand is modified to handle its original function, which is to act as a bridge of communication between the pituitary gland in the brain and the thymus. Hormones can be distributed both through the blood and through the lymph, as the thymus connects into both systems. This allows for all cells to receive the hormones requires to regenerate, even those closer to the lymph than to the circulatory system. The fluid in the lymph modifies itself to have multiple components not unlike blood that act as carriers of certain substances or nutrients, along with toxins. The lymph can carry oxygen and sugar much like red blood cells, along with hormones and toxins. Such cells within the lymph are not unlike white blood cells in color and nature, however they act as both carriers and immune system forces. One could say that white blood cells were a left over component once in the lymph system utilized to clear toxins and carry certain substances therein.

THE THYROID One of the hormones that alter in ascension is related to the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is associated with metabolism producing a hormone that increases or decreases the metabolism of the cellular structure. Viruses related to mumps and small pox along with chicken pox and tuberculosis are transmuted into new hormones produced by the thyroid and disseminated through the system under the command of the thymus. Such hormones regulate a more complex system of metabolism inherent in a crystalline structure. If the thyroid has been over active or under active, it can be repaired by initiation 3000 requiring not the consumption of additional thyroid thereafter. If the thyroid has been removed, it will re-grow in ascension provided one has released the emotional issues underlying why it was removed in the first place. Often thyroid problems are related to parasites that disturb the structure and function of the gland. Going on to a mild de-parasite formula is another manner therefore to support one's ascent. The many levels of thyroid allow the metabolism to go up and down in smaller increments than previously possible. Metabolism while one is asleep requires one level of action; metabolism while one is awake and not active requires yet another level of action; metabolism when one is active yet another; metabolism in the act of ascension or in the act of holding space and events or in providing an ascension healing yet another. In essence, the variance in the thyroid system regulates metabolism to finer increments that previously possible in a noncrystalline form.


THE CRYSTALLINE DIAPHRAGM The development of the diaphragm in ascension is paramount to the entire ascent. It is for this reason that we take a moment to address this particular organ and it's purpose. If one has not a budding diaphragm over the rib cage emerging, then one may wish to look at one's fear of life, fear of the breath of life, which is creativity in action, or the fear of death or ascension. Underlying the lack of development of the diaphragm will be such thought-forms. The diaphragm grows outside of the rib cage creating up to 36 pockets that inflate with blood. This gives one a "Buddha Belly" the further that one's ascent comes into the physical. The Buddha Belly is not to be confused with a beer belly. It begins just under the breast bone and protrudes up to 6 inches outwards making both the male and female form appear pregnant, and pregnant in the last phases of pregnancy at that. The diaphragm can go up and down in size depending upon how many pockets are inflated with blood at any given time. The more pockets that inflate, the larger the belly, and the pockets inflate based upon the metabolism requirements of the form. The pockets are used to collect oxygen from the blood and convert it into 8 types of blood sugar and two forms of gasses in addition to oxygen required in the regeneration of crystalline cells. Such gases include a form of hydrogen peroxide and methane. Hydrogen peroxide is used in the crystalline blood and lymph as a purifier and source of oxygen, much as one would use such a substance to purify and oxygenate one's pool or water system. Methane is utilized to aerate cells for greater osmosis or movement of nutrients in and toxins out of the crystalline cells. The oxygen and 8 forms of sugar produced by the diaphragm are carried to the cells to sustain their metabolism and vibration. Crystalline cells have a much higher metabolism than a non-crystalline structure. There is a grand truth that once the body has become 50% crystalline, one could not eat enough to supply the calories necessary to support a crystalline form, and therefore diets will not work. This occurs by initiation 1024. Several initiates went on a 2-week fruit fast as they became heavily toxic in Mila and Oa's Group Mastery Program. They not only failed to lose weight, but found that the body and form remained exactly the same in tone and texture during the entire cleanse. Not possible, one would think at 2 strands of DNA. However this is standard for a crystalline form and is why one's ancestors never concerned themselves about body weight. Therefore beloved eat what you want when you want it guilt free, and enjoy the gifts of the earth mother through food. Eating can be another manner of communing with earth and all her kingdoms, as one allows the blessings to be received therein.


THE KIDNEYS The kidneys are modified to allow larger substances to pass through in the detoxification process of ascension. It is not unusual for urine to bubble, and often your current medical practitioners consider this a kidney problem, as protein appears to be passing through in the urine. In ascension, the ducts are widened and allow for the passing through of many substances including heavy metals and proteins no longer required by the ascending form. Therefore bubbly urine is common amongst ascending humans. The kidneys often experience what are known as "kidney stones". Stones are excessive uric acid that builds inside of the ducts. As the ducts are enlarged, stones cannot collect as easily and kidney stones become a thing of the past. Sometimes in the process of the evolution of the kidneys, one will experience pain like the passing of a kidney stone. This occurs in particular as the ducts are under repair. During such times drinking coconut milk, particularly fresh coconut milk if you can obtain it, will help to dissolve the excessive uric acid that has hardened throughout the form. Sometimes it is such uric acid along with cholesterol that also collects in the blood vessels creating plaque. Again coconut milk along with lemon water will assist in the dissolution of such "hardening of the arteries". Arteries like all systems are restructured in ascension, as are all other systems. There were once glands in the kidneys that could break water into components and store it for future use. Such components then can be used to reconstruct water if necessary during times of dehydration. Such glands begin to grow around initiation 1024, and one may find the need to drink fluid to be less of a concern thereafter during exercise. Mila and Oa have found that their bodies can modulate fluid with enough ease to not require the ingestion of fluid over a 24hour period. During long plane flights, Mila and Oa have learned to have their kidneys store up the components of water manufacturing more than usual given the dehydrating nature of aircraft ventilation. Aircraft ventilation is designed to dehydrate those aboard to lighten the load increasing the efficiency of the gas mileage. Unfortunately it is also very hard upon humans, especially ascending humans, or so Mila and Oa have found. Additionally, Mila and Oa have developed glands in the kidneys that can manufacture oxygen. Long plane travel barely provides enough oxygen for humans at 2 strands let alone an ascending crystalline form. Therefore Mila and Oa have compensated for this with a blueprint for a self-sustaining ability to create enough oxygen to support the form over a 10-hour flight. In the past, such flights would kill enough of the brain cells and nervous system that it would take days following to repair the form. This is difficult if one has to be up and ready to teach an Intensive or hold space for Conclave. And so Mila and Oa have found a means of developing special glands with special function only required in travel.


Until such a time, one may wish to ingest liquid oxygen available through health food stores to support the form in travel. For many ascending humans living in polluted regions, there is not enough oxygen to support the ascending form. An ongoing lack of oxygen will cause one's ascent to slow down. Initiates may wish to muscle test if they are receiving enough oxygen to fuel their ascension forward each day. If not, liquid oxygen available through health food stores or upon the web can be consumed to assist. However one can also allow the blueprint for the glands that produce oxygen to become a part of one's ascent, after such a time the liquid oxygen will not be necessary. Such glands can begin to grow at 1800 strands if one so intends it so. At this time, ocean is evolving to produce oxygen for ascending land species. All land species including ascending humans require more oxygen than is available through other sources at this time. Such oxygen has already begun to be released in all oceans global wide, and is a part of the conscious evolution of water. Water and all elements are conscious, and are evolving through the release of karma by which they lost consciousness over time and through the Pleiadian dominion over earth. It is the purpose of the elements to hold form, or in other terms, hold space and time in such a manner that form appears in the third dimension. As the elements change, such changes shall transfer immediately to all form. It is through the elements that the mass ascent of mankind has begun, and now through the elements that the requirements of ascension shall be provided for.

THE LIVER The liver expands its ability to cleanse blood through the development of special filters for such things as heavy metals, pesticides, air pollutants and so on that find their way into the blood stream, through the release of stored toxins from the fat and ascending tissues, or in one's day to day eating habits and living environment. Such ducts expand the size of the liver by 2/3rds, which contributes to the expansion of the mid-drift in ascending humans. Additionally, there is a direct set of ducts to deposit oversized toxins into the intestinal tract with far greater ease and fluidity. This allows certain toxins that were very difficult to clear from a system to be able to be cleared with ease. There are glands that had atrophied over time in the Liver that are related to the virus known as Hepatitis. The Hepatitis Virus was once a substance used to transmute certain toxins in crystalline cells into another useable material required for cell life. The Hepatitis Virus is converted in the crystalline blueprint back to its original function. The main cellular waste that this particular substance transmutes is anaerobic waste, or in other terms, a waste produced in the ingestion of sugar by the cell. The waste is transmuted into a form of salt required for the regeneration of the cell, and then is utilized for this purpose.


The liver also has the capacity to convert body fat to sugar if one's overall vibration requires such to be sustained. For a long time, Mila and Oa relied upon conversion of body fat to sustain their vibration in plane travel. In a long trip, this nearly caused liver failure in Mila as there are toxins left over from such a conversion. It is for this reason that now Mila and Oa rely less upon body fat conversion and more upon oxygen production to retain their vibration in long periods of travel. For the average human, one sustains one's vibration more through the breath, in which oxygen is collected by the lungs and given over to the crystalline diaphragm to be converted into blood sugar. However in high times of stress, or if one is holding a higher vibration than usual say in going to the density of the city, the liver may begin to convert fat to provide enough sugar to sustain one's vibration. How is vibration sustained? The cells holding a particular level of energy sustain the energy level of the form by altering the metabolism of the cell accordingly. In other terms, the higher the vibration, the more sugar that is required to sustain the energy of the crystalline cell, and the higher the metabolism of the form runs. As more sugar is required, the diaphragm inflates to collect more oxygen, and the liver will convert fat to sugar to provide for the needs of an increasing metabolism and vibration.

THE SPINAL FLUID There is an alternative metabolic system to the one sustained by blood sugar, and one that begins to develop in a crystalline form at initiation 1800. This new metabolic system is the result of the collection of photon energy. Photon energy replaces sugar metabolism by providing another level of energy that is all pervasive. Photon energy can be collected, in particular by special fluid that contains fat particles in the spinal column. Such fluid acts as a magnet that traps photonic energy. Over time and later in the ascension, another form of blood and lymph carrier is produced that carries the photon energy from the spinal column to the cells direct. This reduces the amount of sugar required by the cell to sustain its vibration. A self-sustaining biology will thrive off of photonic energy and not sugar. This is where earth and all species are headed into the future, and in particular after entry into the photon energy of the Great Central Sun itself. As this occurs, there will be ample photon energy, and all species can shift in nature to become selfsustaining. A self-sustaining vibration shall be fueled by photon particles in the future, which act much as a battery in your current technology. Photon particles can be gathered and retained particularly in modified forms of body fat and then administered to the system as necessary to sustain the vibration and energy level of the whole of the form.


It is not until the ascent from 1800 to 3000 that one begins to rely partially upon photon energy to sustain the vibration of the form. As this occurs, new cells are produced in the blood and lymph that act as carriers of photon particles. Such cells are made of fat as fat is the only substance that can trap photon energy, and much like a battery, hold it for later use to supply energy where and when it is needed. Such blood and lymph carrier cells then transport the photon particles to those cells in need of additional chi throughout the form. What cells in particular require additional chi in the form of photon particles? Primarily the brain and nervous system require additional chi to embrace the Language of Light thought-form. In order to hold the language of light magnetic thought-form within the brain, photon energy is required and acts as a recipient of such thought-form. It is the presence of photon energy in the brain cells that allow ascending humans to begin to remember the principals of unity that once prevailed in one's ancient ancestry.

THE SPLEEN AND BONE MARROW It is the spleen and bone marrow that manufactures 18 additional carrier cells of certain substances throughout the blood and lymph. Such substances include the fat cells that act as a carrier of photon energy to the brain. Other substances carried by specialized cells produced in the spleen include cells that carry 3 additional types of fat required to construct the crystalline form; cells that carry 2 types of fats that must be sent to the intestinal tract or kidneys for disposal as they are no longer required by the crystalline form; cells that carry 4 types of salt required to resurrect cells from non-crystalline to crystalline; cells to carry 2 forms of potassium not required by crystalline cells that must be removed and carried to the intestinal tract or kidneys for disposal; cells to carry 8 types of sugar required to sustain the crystalline cells; and cells to carry 14 types of amino acids that are the building blocks of the crystalline form. There are two versions of cells produced by the spleen and bone marrow in the crystalline structure. One version travels primarily in the blood, and another modified version travels primarily in the lymph. We say primarily as there is a cross over with some carrier cells between both the blood and the lymph.

THE IMMUNE SYSTEM The immune system is really a function of the bone marrow and spleen that produces 8 types of white blood cells that can ingest most forms of toxins, viruses and bacteria released in the act of ascension. Those toxins that cannot be transmuted by white blood cells are transported to the intestinal tract or kidneys for disposal. The white blood cells work both in the lymph and circulatory


systems. 2 forms of white blood cells can also enter a cell clearing the toxic problem therein and then exit. One may wish to know how this occurs? One can imagine what might occur if one tried to enter one's hand through the body of another. The molecules would move aside one another in a synchronistic manner to allow what appears to be solid to pass through another solid mass. In a parallel manner, the molecules of these two white blood cells overlay the infected cell by a form of merger or blending, remove the toxic substance, and then exit and transmute the toxin moving on to another infected cell. Many are concerned about viruses such as aids. Aids and other immune dysfunctions appear to be the result of the immunization process that has created a new set of viruses that attack the immune system. As the crystalline blueprint is anchored, white blood cells and other immune functions are modified in a manner that causes aids and many other autoimmune viruses to cease to be able to destroy such cells. The immune system then is capable of doing its job, which is to consume and transmute the aids or other autoimmune viruses. One can ascend out of aids or other related diseases by 3000 strands provided the body is strong enough to tolerate the detoxification inherent in ascension. The immune system of a crystalline form is efficient enough to make disease, even the common cold or flu and experience of the past. Ascending humans therefore can use flu like symptoms or a cold to understand that one is overly toxic and require increasing one's detoxification practices to transcend. Flu and cold symptoms are also a sign of energetic harm towards oneself from another that is occurring in the unconscious. More or less one's field is being "beaten up". Such experiences are karmic, and as the karma is transcended the patterning will pass. Furthermore, initiates can assess if they have lost records or are collapsing or rolling back in one's ascent due to the harm. An extreme drop in vibration will create a cold or flu, and generally speaking such an experience is the result of a karmic encounter in which one has given many to most of one's ascension records to another. Complete the karma and retrieve the records, and one can rebuild the system pulling oneself out of this type of decline. Disease, if it manifests is a sign of an extreme imbalance in one's ascent. Address the imbalance and the karmic cause behind it, and the disease can be lifted through. This year we are examining the karma behind disease along with machinery that pulls grid work outside of the form and into devices utilized by the Annanuki long ago to collect chi. This appears to be the main source of most disease, and therefore as the karma is released, the machinery dismantled, and the grid work rewoven inside of the etheric body instead of outside, we now perceive that most disease can be healed through ascension. This is always of course provided that the form is strong enough to handle the detoxification inherent in ascension.


THE PANCREAS The pancreas is modified to produce 2 types of insulin related to 8 types of sugar required to feed the crystalline cell. What is the difference between sugars? Primarily the difference is related to size of molecular structure. There are more complex sugars and less complex sugars required by the crystalline structure at different times of the day when the body is focused upon different activities. At night, less complex sugars overall are required as the body rests. During the day, more complex sugars which provide more chi in the ingestion are required, particularly if one is partaking in a physical activity, or moves up in vibration in the act of ascension. Movement up in vibration requires an increasing metabolism, which requires more complex sugars to sustain the form. The diaphragm with the oxygen collected by the lungs produces 8 types of sugar. Carrier cells in the blood and lymph take the sugar and distribute it to the cells. It is the insulin that causes the cells to digest the sugar. Some sugar can be stored in the fat surrounding the cells for later use. Crystalline cells are coated in fat rather than protein, which not only holds a higher vibration, but also is used to store sugar for future use. It is the insulin that causes the sugar stored in the fat surrounding the cell to enter the cell for consumption. Different forms of insulin cause different forms of sugar to be released. During the day, one form of insulin causes more complex sugars to be released. During the rest period of night and sleep, another form of insulin causes less complex sugars to be released. Insulin production and release is modulated by the thymus. The thymus generates another hormone that causes the production of insulin to increase or decrease, and certain types of insulin to be produced, as they are required to sustain the overall vibration of the form. For those with diabetic or hypoglycemic tendencies, one can ascend out of such imbalances by initiation 3000 and as the pancreas is restructured. One will find that it is often parasites that have grown in the pancreas that cause the deficiency or overproduction of insulin. Therefore those with such problems may be served by supplementing one's ascent with a simple de-parasite herb program.

THE HEART AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEM The heart expands to have a total of 8 ventricles that contract to pump the blood throughout the circulatory system by initiation 3000. This is double the number of ventricles in a non-crystalline system, and the heart in the process also doubles in size. In order to make room for a larger heart, the chest and upper rib cage expand in size in ascension. This is why so many women increase in bra size in ascension, or men find themselves wearing larger and larger shirts.


The 8-ventricle system has a new rhythm that may for a time and as it finds a new and corrected pace may cause a fluttering sensation in the heart. Ascending humans need not panic under such circumstances, but simply breathe through it intending that the heart come to balance and find a pace of contraction that supports the circulation of the form in the moment. Why is a larger heart required? There is more fluid flowing through the system due to the increased number of carrier cells required to support the regeneration and detoxification of a crystalline system. The amount of fluid in a crystalline circulatory system and lymph system is double the requirement of a noncrystalline structure. This too contributes to the overall expansion of the size of the form in ascension. Much as pregnant women double the amount of fluid to support the life of the fetus, ascending humans double the amount of fluid to support the crystalline form. Much like the pregnant woman's organs and glands increase in size to support the fetus, so do the organs and glands of the ascending human increase in size to support the crystalline form. Sometimes initiates find that they seemingly have "high blood pressure". A crystalline structure has higher blood pressure as there are more ventricles pumping the blood and more fluid to be pumped, and therefore one need not be concerned about such things. If your medical professionals understood what was happening, perhaps they too would be less concerned. We recommend not drugs to thin the blood beloved, even aspirin, as such things can cause other complications that later interfere with one's ascent. Rather simply muscle test if the blood pressure that one has is suitable to one's level of ascent, and then embrace it as a symptom of ascension.

AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM AND NERVOUS SYSTEM The autonomic nervous system, which is run by the brain stem, along with the nervous system and all nerves associated within the form at large makes a major biochemical shift around 3000 strands. In essence, a new biochemical structure comes forth that ceases to run primarily upon electrical impulse, and instead relies upon magnetic impulses to direct the movement of the heart, organs, glands, intestines and digestive trace along with the muscular structure. A magnetic system is far more relaxed than an electrical one, and those transiting this phase of ascension may find themselves far calmer, far less tense than prior times in one's life expression. There are many changes in the brain. Primarily the pituitary gland buds with over 1000 different nodes that produce 1000 different chemicals necessary to ascension, and necessary to the sustenance of a crystalline system. One of such chemicals is related to the measles virus, which is transmuted to a chemical that supports the form in the blueprint of ascension. As this occurs, the size of the brain cavity will increase and the head will grow. Sometimes one will feel a soft


spot on the top of the head as the cranium expands. The shape of the face may also become increasingly round or heart shaped again to make room for the expansion of the pituitary gland. It is beyond our channel to try and explain in detail what each of these 1000 substances does. However let us suffice to say that there are ducts that grow from the pituitary and down the back of the neck to allow the ascension chemicals to enter the blood stream and lymph system of the form. If such ducts fail to manifest, one's ascension chemicals, which include the production of HGH or human growth hormone, will not adequately be available to cause biological ascension to occur. If one's biological ascent and growth is failing to come about, one area to check is the ascension ducts that run along the back of the neck. Sometimes in abduction experiences with the Grays or Reptilians, these ducts have been connected to one another rather than freely and openly traveling to the lymph or blood. As one releases such abduction karma, the blueprint for the ducts can be altered to allow them their proper structure and function. Initiates can also muscle test how much of the chemicals produced in the brain are transferred into the form. If less than 70% of such chemicals are entering the blood or lymph of the form, one may wish to increase the size of the ducts to allow more of the chemicals to freely flow into the system to cause a more rapid biological ascension. A slow biological ascension causes one to linger in the emotional process and pain longer than need be. Therefore opening the ducts will also allow initiates to transit more rapidly through their dark moments of ascension. Opening the ducts can occur through intent, and one can place their hands behind their neck before falling asleep at night requesting that the ducts be more fully opened or rectified in structure and function in the etheric. As the etheric body is corrected, the change will step into form within the following 8 days. This is also a good area to check for those who are healers and who are working with ascending initiates in any session.

PINEAL GLAND For those ascending beyond 3000, the pineal gland is altered to attune to more frequencies emanating from the sun. Such frequencies are utilized to transmute etheric blockages and allow for greater freedom of rotation of an ascending chakra system and subtle body system. Such frequencies also energize the grid work to sustain the overall vibration of the form. There are two modalities of energizing the form. One is through the breath and collection of oxygen, and the other is through the collection of light. Light is


collecting through the eyes by the pineal gland and then distributed to the brain and grid work of the form. Light and photon energy are one and the same. However for a long time, your sun failed to produce photon energy, and instead produced a form of radiation. This was the result of manipulations over your solar system that also originated through Pleiadian intervention that was 5th dimensional, and long before the Annanuki arrived upon earth. Now through solar ascension, the sun is beginning to produce photon energy of it's own and is detoxifying the radiation much as earth is detoxifying electricity at this time. This is above and beyond the photon energy that is increasing due to the latest entry point in the aura of the great central sun that your solar system is traversing. Over time, the sun and earth are choosing to become self-sustaining. What this entails is the ongoing production of all photon energy necessary to sustain the increasing vibration of an ascending form and consensus reality. This is how the earth and your solar system shall ascend back to the Tao; they shall increase and increase in vibration until form and soul become one, stepping out of the illusion of your creation in full. This is many thousands of years into the future, however it is the spiritual goal of your solar system and planet beloved. Each form will become self-sustaining in biology, producing all of what is required in order to ascend including one's own photonic energy. The sun produces at this time all tones within the Language of Light and the Language of One along with it's own photon energy. Initiates may use sunbaths to collect such tones to assist with one's continued ascent. A 10 to 20-minute sunbath will clear etheric blockages and increase the vibration of any ascending field. The increased vibration causes an increased pace of rotation of chakras and subtle bodies, which then spin off karma, pain, fear, entities, machines and so on that an ascending initiate is releasing each day. We guide initiates to intend that one's exposure to the sun be supportive of ascension, and to muscle test how long of an exposure one needs in any given day. Some days may require a longer exposure than others. Excessive exposure is not recommended if not needed, as it may still burn the skin, or in other terms provide too much chi to the grid work than the grid work can handle. Sunburn is simply the result of an overcharged etheric grid work unprepared for the vibration it now holds due to excessive exposure to the sun. What to do then if one wishes to spend the entire day at the beach? Is sun block recommended? No, such chemicals are often poisonous to an ascending form and will be absorbed through the skin. Instead take an umbrella and hat along with a cover-up, minimize your exposure to what is needed in the moment, and utilize your time at the beach to enjoy the movement and sound of the waves all the same. Such pulsations of the waves assist in aligning one's field to the divine


timing of earth, and therefore are very nurturing to ascending initiates. Much of the light required upon a daily basis is collected in one's day-to-day activities provided one is not indoors and is not wearing dark sunglasses. Initiates with dark brown or black eyes may be better off with light sunglasses to no sunglasses to assure that enough light is collected in any given day. Those with hazel or blue eyes may wish rose-colored glasses that still allow all of the Language of Light and Language of One to flow through. Thus far in Oa's experience it is only the rose lenses that allow all tones access to his eyes, and yet his eyes are still too sensitive being blue verging on hazel to tolerate non-use of sunglasses. Initiates may wish to muscle-test which is the best color glasses given the need for all tones of creation emanating from the sun to be gathered in their daily use. For those living greatly north or south in regions that have little sun in the winter, one can generate one's own sun through intent. One can run the vibrations of the sun by intending to match the tones of creation currently available. In so doing, one can still benefit from the light that one requires in order to sustain one's chi and vibration of the form. Mila and Oa rely upon this during long days of travel and it adequately supplies the chi necessary to sustain their vibration.

THE SKIN The skin is the largest organ of the form. The skin takes in certain substances from the air or water that one bathes in, and releases certain substances one is detoxifying through the pores. The skin also acts as a transducer of chi for the etheric body during a sunbath. The further one ascends, the more permeable the skin becomes. The more permeable, the more one will be careful about swimming in polluted lakes, rivers or oceans. Mila and Oa rapidly found out that the ocean was too toxic off of the Honolulu coast for them to swim in, as an hours swim in Honolulu ocean collected more toxins than they released. However, the ocean is evolving, and finding it's own means of transmuting the toxic waste that humanity has added to your waterways. In the coming 18 months, Mila and Oa will be able to swim again in the ocean for more extended periods, as the ocean itself is evolving out of it's own toxic mess. In the meantime Mila and Oa utilize clean pools available in the complexes that they reside. Chlorine is not such a difficult toxin to transmute, and their bathing allows more toxins to be released than collected in any given swim. One can also be careful about bathing in water, particularly in the polluted cities of your world. Perhaps a water filter in the bath would be advised. Water filters for drinking water are also available, even for travel in the form of a water bottle, and Mila and Oa take such with them or purchase bottled water when on the


road. Bottled water in our experience of it is not always as pure as one might think, so muscle test which is the best brand to rely upon based upon purity. The skin becomes subtle and soft as it regenerates, and one appears younger and younger as the lines disappear on the face. The skin goes buttery in feel due to the fat that surrounds the crystalline cell and peachy in color due to the presence of soul grounded into the form. Such fat also retains moisture to a greater degree requiring less moisturizer to sustain the elasticity of the skin. Gray skin is a sign of a lack of grounding during which entities that are non-resonant may have entered the form and field. Taking the time to synthesize and ground to the earth mother cleansing out that which is non-resonant assists with such moments. Cellulite is simply toxins one is releasing that have collected in the fat under the skin. Intend to transmute the toxins and the cellulite will disappear. One can run detoxification vibrations in the etheric grid work during the act of synthesis and meditation to assist with the detoxification process. One can draw such vibrations from the sun during a sunbath. If one is in a particularly toxic period, one sign is the ripples of cellulite, and this is a sign that one may need to increase their ingestion of water and number of baths, saunas, sunbaths or swims in a given period to better detoxify the form.

WASTE MANAGEMENT ORGANS There are so many toxins in the current human expression and the liver is hard pressed to cleanse the system adequately. As a result, two additional waste removal organs about the size of a liver develop beginning at initiation 1800 on either side of the waist. This causes the waist to expand in circumference. One sincerely can look pregnant in the latter phases of embracing ascension 100% into the biology. One need look at Mila an Oa to get a better idea of what this might look like. Each form however is different and has different requirements, and therefore the degree of such development will be larger or small depending upon preoccupation. Preoccupations that involve holding space for events or healing will cause a larger structure to develop. Why? One must be able to increase their metabolism in order to teach, heal or host events. This will require more pockets in the diaphragm and more overall body fat for the job leading to a larger form. The two new organs cleanse both the blood and the lymph upon a recurring basis, shunting what cannot be transmuted into a usable and viable substance to support the crystalline form or one's continued ascent into the intestinal tract or kidneys for disposal. Such organs also inflate during heightened periods of cleansing expanding the girth of the waist in such moments. Why? When one is holding a higher frequency for an event or healing session, the entire metabolism


including waste management increases in pace. As this occurs, both the diaphragm and the waste management organs inflate more pockets with blood for the purposes of collecting more oxygen or removing more waste produced during a period of increased metabolism.

PHOTONIC GLANDS Adjacent to the waste management organs are two additional glands that develop beginning at initiation 1800. Such glands disseminate photon energy into the blood via carrier cells that transport such photonic particles to the nervous system and brain. Such glands attach to the spinal cord through the sacral region of the form. The phonic energy collected in the spinal fluid is transferred into the glands, which then transports such energy via the carriers into the blood for distribution. No photonic energy, no understanding of the Language of Light or unity consciousness can come forth in one's ascent. If one fails to ascend into increasing unity, one will be ascending into greater disunity, and then harmfulness can increase rather than decrease in ascension. Greater disunity within also leads to disease. Therefore these glands are important to the embracing of a state of harmlessness and integration and understanding of the unity based Language of Light thought-form, along with one's ascension out of the paradigm of aging, illness and disease.

REPRODUCTIVE GLANDS There are many new reproductive glands that grow in ascension. Such glands grow in the testicles of the male form, increasing the size of the balls to be upwards to two times larger than their pre-ascension state. As Oa has found, this makes walking down the street an interesting experience, and underwear that more greatly support this region assists to prevent chafing and pain. In the female form, new glands grow under the labia major and minor of the vaginal area. Such glands cause an increase in fluid that consistently flows in the vagina, causing the region to be moist much like the interior of one's mouth. This supports such skin that is exposed to air in regenerating in ease, and also brings an end to the experience of a dry vagina during intercourse. These glands also produce an anesthesia similar to morphine during childbirth that allows childbirth to be a glorious and joyful experience free of pain. The ovaries, which primarily produce eggs in a non-crystalline structure, grow to include 8 new glands that produce 28 new hormones that balance reproduction and regenerate the form. Reproduction should not require menses. Menses is a loss of nutrients and fluids that is unnecessary to a crystalline structure. 80

Reproduction was once caused through conscious intent. The new glands allow one to consciously shut off reproduction at will. In so doing, all eggs will be dissolved, as one is not interested in conception, causing one to not conceive or to have menses. If one intends conception, then eggs will be produced when needed. Crystalline women can also conceive without a mate or sperm as crystalline eggs contain all components necessary to create a child. Such conception again would occur only through conscious intent. The reproductive glands produce 28 hormones in both the male and female form that regenerate crystalline cells. Regeneration ends the birth death and rebirth cycles of cells, allowing cells to be rebuilt if they have lost their structure and/or function. Rebuilding cells requires far less energy, nutrients and time than growing whole new cells. Therefore these regenerative hormones are important to an entirely regenerative system. Such hormones are directed by the thymus in relation to how much of each is created to sustain the regeneration of the entire physical system.

TEETH The crystalline structure allows one to grow new teeth as needed throughout the life. There is a gland that grows in the chin that was once present in childhood and before the baby teeth fell out and the adult teeth grew in. This gland allows new teeth to develop to replace teeth that are degenerating. This gland grows around initiation 1800 at this time in the ascension blueprint. Mila and Oa have found that the current dental practices and ingredients used in fillings, bridges and crowns interfere with the conversion of teeth to the crystalline structure. One product that has assisted with stimulating crystalline growth of the teeth and gums is a sonic toothbrush. The sonic waves allow more chi to be pushed through the grid work of the teeth and jaw triggering resurrection to a crystalline form of the cells therein. The sonic toothbrush often also eliminates the aches and pains in the teeth and jaw during ascension that is simply the result of stagnant energy flow collected in such non-resonant dental structures. Crystalline teeth also will regenerate enamel as needed. Plaque builds up consistently, primarily because most food is not crystalline at this time due to non-conscious farming practices. The bacteria in non-crystalline food cause the plaque to grow. Rather than visiting a dentist for plaque removal, Mila and Oa have found that essential oil of lemon and orange will dissolve hardened plaque so that it can be removed during daily brushing instead, much like fruit acids dissolve dead skin lessening wrinkles. They utilize such oils once to twice per week for maintenance. This has allowed them to avoid the visit to the dentist over the past decade of their ascent.


Gums also regenerate in ascension. The healthy pink glow of Mila's gums look better than most children at 2 strands of DNA. The use of the sonic toothbrush also aids in the blood flow to and from the gums after brushing, allowing crystalline teeth to more readily regenerate rather than decay. Decay in the crystalline form becomes an experience of the past, even in teeth. Sometimes portions of teeth will break off near fillings due to the non-resonance. If this occurs, an entire new tooth will generate underneath replacing the one that has broken. One must simply intend this so and so it will be.

DEATH HORMONE Recently, and in the release of disease and aging karma by ascending initiates in the new consensus along with the focus of SSOA, the origins of the death hormone came to be understood. The death hormone, which is produced in the pituitary of humanoid forms at 2 strands of DNA, kills healthy living tissue to bring about death in a sudden accident or at the end of a lengthy disease. The death hormone in the pituitary triggers like hormones of death to be released in each organ and gland throughout the form. Such hormones shut down each gland and organ throughout the body by instantly poisoning the cells into lifelessness. This is how death occurs in all circumstances at this time in history. The presence of death hormone in all flesh has caused Mila and Oa to become vegetarian. As any animal or fish dies, death hormone is ejaculated into every organ, muscle and system throughout the embodiment. Such hormone permeates the muscles and fat that one consumes as one eats flesh. One is simply adding death to their system in the consumption of the death hormone, and it is for this reason that Mila and Oa have chosen a strictly vegetarian diet. Their diet includes milk, cheese, butter and eggs at this time, which provide enough protein to assist in their continued ascent. Addiction to meat is better understood given the death hormone. The death hormone numbs the pain that most humans exist within at 2 strands of DNA. It is for this reason perhaps that it has been so difficult for the human species at large to give up it's requirement to consume flesh even though all nutrients necessary to sustain the form are prevalent in vegetation at this time in history. Given their deep and newfound understanding of the death hormone and how it kills living cells, Mila and Oa would recommend that all ascending initiates consider keeping the consumption of flesh to a bare minimum, and to those times in one's ascent where one simply requires so many amino acids that a vegetarian diet does not serve. When such phases pass, Mila and Oa now recommend resuming a vegetarian diet to minimize the added death hormone into an ascending system, as the death hormone kills healthy tissue causing one to needlessly resurrect that which dies in the consumption of flesh.


THE JOY HORMONE The death hormone system has proven to be the distortion on a hormonal system that once sustained joy and passion upon a cellular level within the human form. At this time, the blueprint for ascension shall allow for the gradual transmutation of the death hormone system to become a new hormonal system for joy. Such hormones interestingly enough turn the blood to a deep magenta color once released. Magenta is the color of passion and joy in an ascending field. The joy hormone is similar to what occurs in the form as one eats chocolate or exercises. Eating chocolate or exercising creates endorphins that allow the form to feel grounded, relaxed and "happy". The joy hormone is similar to such endorphins, except that there is 18 forms of chemicals related that work in a synchronistic manner to retain a happy body 24 hours per day. The joy hormone system involves the tonsils and appendix along with 18 other systems that are used to disseminate death hormone in the act of death in a non-crystalline form, including a special node in the pituitary. As one moves from biological death to biological joy, life changes in a manner that is indescribable and must be experienced to be understood, or so Mila and Oa perceive.

THE STOMACH, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM AND INTESTINAL TRACT The stomach, digestion and intestines go through many phases of resurrection in ascension. In essence, the stomach wall and lining becomes crystalline and a thick coating of mucous develops that allows for stronger digestive enzymes to be produced to digest what one eats with greater ease. Such enzymes become increasingly good at breaking down nutrients that one consumes, particularly protein, soy and beans along with milk products (except that which is homogenized, or so Mila has found). One may find therefore through ascension that one's allergies simply disappear over time. All allergies to food are related to an inability to break down a particular substance in digestion. The intestinal tract modifies itself through ascension, and is perhaps one of the more greatly deteriorated organs of the form. Why? It may be the simple fact that there is decay always flowing through the intestines, and decay leads to decay, or in other terms, deterioration of the intestinal system over time. The ascension blueprint calls for the growing of an entire new intestinal tract over the old, and then the old is sloughed off much like a sock is pulled from inside of another sock. This sloughing off of the old track occurs several times in ascension, and may lead to a period where one does not desire to eat much, feels full all of the time, and has a week or longer period of diarrhea or larger than normal numbers of bowel movements. This occurs at 1800 strands, again at 3000, and again at 6000 strands. 83

As the new intestine takes place of the old after the turning of one's tract, it is far more efficient at breaking down and absorbing nutrients from the waste, and embracing waste delivered from the blood to be added to the fecal matter. Later and in the ascent to 6000 strands, the intestines begins to recycle more and more of the waste, drawing out nutrients that can be used over again in the form, minimizing the overall amount of waste emitted from the system each day along with the need to eat as much to sustain the form. Energy and heightened vibration are also used to turn some of the feces into gas dissolving it more or less with application of the Language of Light. One might think of this as biological transmutation of waste in action. While on the road, Mila has learned to rely upon energetic transmutation more than bowel movements for her waste management. Sometimes she will even focus energy through the hands to allow for the dissolving of waste into gas or energy again. At another time and into the future, there will be no need for bowels at all, as all will be recycled within the system. The intestines may become a recycling factory, with all substances turned into another re-usable material for the sustenance of the form.

SUMMARY We invite initiates to muscle test their weakest organs in their ascension to date. We also invite initiates to cross check if all organs and glands are developing, as they should given one's level of evolution. In essence, at 1800 strands, one should begin to embody most of the changes spoken of in this material. By 3000 strands that have stepped 30% down into the form, the glands and organs should be more or less developed 30% of size to sustain one's vibration and continued ascent. If one is failing to develop any of such organs or glands, perhaps it is time to intend to get at the underlying cause of why one may have blocked such a part of one's biological ascent. Ascension comes along in a manner that is best suited to the health and well being along with weaknesses of any given form. If a form has a particularly toxic organ or system, such an organ or system is addressed first in the ascent so that it can increase in strength to support the ascent of the rest of the form. Sometimes this leads to periods of "not feeling well" in one's ascent, and such periods may last for months or longer beloved. The best manner of addressing such a time is to take gentle walks, intending the energy to move and take as many baths and sunbaths as one can to support the detoxification process. For Mila, her chest was a weakened area. In her early ascent, this lead to bronchitis that recurred intermittently. She treated the bronchitis with immune herbs and colloidal silver as required during such periods. Additionally, as her bones first became crystalline and for a six-month period, she could barely walk and felt like a 90-year-old woman, hobbling down the stairs each morning. Mila


would work with her grounding, kundahlini movement and synthesis easing the pain, and then take a gentle walk to again move the energy. As the energy moves, the pain lessened and she could go about her day in greater ease. Many initiates may not understand that most of the pains in ascension are etheric. Move the energy and the pain will subside. All pain is simply the result of stuck energy in particular part of the grid work or chakras. Energy will move if one focuses upon it. Sometimes underlying the non-movement of energy will be painful past life recalls. As one goes into the recall, and processes the pain, the energy moves again and the pain subsides. This is how Mila ascended and continues to ascend to this day. However, as one increases in vibration, one eventually transcends pain as a vibrational threshold, which is primarily electrical in nature. There are other discordant vibrations however addressed thereafter which can be equally uncomfortable, and these are primarily radioactive in nature. And so the process goes on to a state of full consciousness and beyond. Gentle walks will cause any stuck energy to move. So will a gentle swim, or getting into a hot bath, hot tub or sauna. The heat also causes one to sweat which pushes toxins form the pores allowing one to detoxify that which puts the form in pain. Certain toxins hurt form. Why? Such toxins cause the energy in the etheric body to cease to move. Such toxins have an electrical charge or radioactive charge. Such toxins can be heavy metals, pesticides, or any one of many additives that are found in your food source and environment. Move the toxins, and so the electrical or radioactive charge also leaves the form allowing the energy to more freely flow in the etheric body. As the energy freely flows, pain ceases. It is for this reason that one will wish perhaps to feed the form organic foods, drink lots of water, and minimize those substances that are abusive, such as smoking, excessive drinking, excessive consumption of flesh, and if possible, living in a toxic environment. It is for this reason that Mila and Oa moved to Hawaii, as the mainland US was too toxic to continue their ascent within. So it is for them, so may each ascending being that may ultimately relocate to an environment that supports one's ascent, whether it be the mountains, the country side, an island or by the sea. We hope that each has found this information useful upon your personal path of ascension. Ascension into the Crystalline form shall be generational and come forth to greater degrees in the coming 18 generations. In so doing, the human species shall transcend aging, illness and death as a collective in the coming century. Let us make it so, HO! Until our next communication, Namaste The Tao Mila & Oa


Child and Lion by Judith Anya Roderick


Intentions to Keep your Ascent on Track AND SUPPORT THE GLOBAL ASCENT OF EARTH The Tao through Karen Danrich “Mila” August 19, 2002 Dear Beloved Ascending Human, The Tao has been assessing the human condition and human ascension since the descent into physicality and into earth was fulfilled upon many months ago now. The Tao has extended to fulfill upon a resurrection and ascension of the earth mother and all sentient species therein. Fulfilling upon this resurrection and ascension is not impossible; changes are being brought forth to make it an easier journey for all. Some of such changes we wish to delve into today so that ascending map carvers will understand what is occurring global wide, and in so doing can choose to support earth in these changes, and in particular, in the density of human thought-form where each resides.

CLEANSING OF PERSONALITY AND NON-ESSENTIAL SOULS FROM EARTH At this time, there is a massive cleansing underway of the nonphysical realms. Earth has chosen to remove all souls and fractured pieces of soul, entities, beings and machines non-essential to the ascension of earth, humanity, or the plant, animal, mineral, dolphin and whale kingdoms. Such forces have plagued earth with ongoing interference that if left unattended to would simply cause earth’s ascension to fail. At this time, and as the removal of such non-essential entities and souls is fulfilled upon, one may wish to act as a conduit for this cleansing into the denser regions of the human species, such as the major cities global wide. Perhaps some of you will be guided to take a trip to New York or other large cities for a day or two and assist in augmenting a portion of this cleansing. Simply attune to earth and listen to what she wishes you to do, and where to go, and so it will be. As non-essential beings are removed from earth’s dreamtime planes, a more effortless orchestration of the ascent of the whole may be implemented. This shift shall greatly benefit earth and mankind alike as many of such entities sit in a density of the old consensus thought-form, which is black, brown, gray, mucous yellow and green in color if viewed clairvoyantly. As such beings are lifted out of the human dance, the remaining astral planes already


cleared from those regions outside of the larger cities and suburbs can be cleansed as well. Earth is lifting above the seven planes of the Kumaras, which govern the thoughtform of judgment, greed, pain, suffering, fear, death, and lust. Such planes were associated with the lower astral planes in which souls trapped therein are in a living “hell”. Furthermore, those who have nightmares or are addicted to drugs, or are suffering in a long-term illness, or involved with sexual prostitution, often tune into and live in such planes of reality in the physical. As such planes lift, there is an opportunity for the humans caught into such planes to ascend into a new dance, and one of greater joy, freedom, power and unity.

MORE ASCENDING CHILDREN PLANNED Mila, Oa and those in their Group Mastery Program along with many of you reading the materials from the web site have intended a new day emerge, and one of greater gentleness for all of your human brothers and sisters. The Tao is augmenting the shifts necessary to bring forth a gentler time of cleansing ahead in which many of the foreseen problems can be circumvented. Much of such shifts shall come through the ascending children. Earth now plans to augment the birth of more ascending children beginning this year and in the coming ten year cycle. And through such ascending children, reweave the dream for gentler times ahead for all of mankind. At this time and in the coming six years, over 40 million ascending children are destined to be born between 1024 and 2200 strands of DNA or higher. Most will take their ascension to 3000 or 6000 strands of DNA within early childhood and before the age of 5. No part of the world shall be left out. All civilizations and cultures shall reap the benefit of such incoming births. Such children shall weave a dream for a new future that is less filled with strife, natural disasters, food shortages and economic catastrophe. It has been determined that adult ascension is limited in what it can command in relation to the collective human consciousness. However ascending children will weave a powerful united force that can shift the future from one of great travesty to one of greater joy and movement towards unity for all of the human species. Such children will trigger the ascension of the adult population within a 100-mile radius, allowing humans that can ascend to 1024 or 1800, or 3000 strands of DNA due to lineages and holographic birth nature to accomplish this task. In so doing, humanity will quite naturally move towards a gentler way of being and towards unity. By 2006, there will be enough ascended adults to redistribute the power global wide. This shall augment a shift in all nations, and those nations underpowered and impoverished will begin to create the means to reconstruct to a foundation of


greater balance in which the needs of the entire population for food, shelter and clothing can be met. The redistribution of power shall also augment other nations of greater means to share with those with less to a greater degree than ever before. This shall bring the end to deaths by hunger potentially by the year 2009, and the dismantling of all nuclear armament by 2014. A new era is ahead beloved, and now is the time to allow this to be so. To a certain degree, the dream through 2008 is clear enough to perceive what will transpire and is heading down the dimensions to be experienced by mankind. In the choice to introduce more ascending children, the future for all of humanity alters significantly. For farmers who bear such children or their adult neighbors will assist in the re-anchoring of soul in the farmlands, allowing food shortages to be minimized. Ascending adults in the cities will hold space for peace, therefore allowing for fewer terrorist acts and insane behavior amongst those who might be fractured otherwise due to the rising vibration of the land. Furthermore, the removal of personality entities and other fractured souls nonessential to ascension shall allow for the return of playfulness and joy for many humans, even those who are not ascending.

THE NATURE OF BIOLOGY Human biology, even at 2 strands of DNA, is playful by nature. If one takes time to witness the dolphins or otters in the sea, one will find such creatures playful. Otters and dolphins have never had personality entities forced upon them in the dance of life. The Annanuki imported personality entities to earth some 36,000 years ago (144,000 human years) in an unconscious bargain to absorb fractured souls from Orion and the Pleiades. Such souls fractured in nuclear disasters, and are oppressive and in great pain. The addition of such entities to the human slave population bred by the Annanuki in their laboratories caused the experience of suffering and depression in human form, and augmented the experience of the collective fall out of the “Garden of Eden” for the human species. As the personality arrived, and concurrent with this, the patterning for disease was deferred from Innana onto the slave population. Merduk hated Innana, and created thousands of grid work manipulations to her form to cause her to die. Innana displaced each of such manipulations onto the slave population, causing the birth of the experience of disease and deformity in the human expression. Merduk further imported thousands of painful entities and sprung them upon Innana. This is where personality entities originated in the human dance. Innana deferred such entities onto the slave populations, who went into great suffering and pain thereafter. Now that it is understood that such entities originated in a bargain with Merduk, and the karma has been released by earth. All such entities are being returned to their source of origin at this time beloved.


As this occurs, the oppression that sits over humanity will also lift. Already Mila and many of her associates in her Group Mastery program are noticing how much more playful the humans are around them. Humans are smiling, enjoying their time together, less argumentative, and so on. As each augments this shift, assisting earth in removing such fractured souls from the human dance, one may find that one’s world around oneself changes accordingly beloved. All that is required is that one attunes to earth and agrees to assist in this particular transition in the energy fields of those around oneself. In so doing, the oppression sitting over one’s own life may also lift, along with in the lives of others around oneself. The innate nature of all biology of all species is to exist in playfulness and joy. This was the purpose that form held; an opportunity for soul to experience and express itself in play and joy within the third dimension. Many creations such as the Pleiades and Sirius exist in this manner to this day. However they have sustained such an existence by displacing the fractured souls that they created in their own nuclear warfare onto other creations, causing such creations to go into great suffering. Fractured souls are reunited to their source through the act of ascension. In essence, if Sirius, Arcturus, Orion and the Pleiades chose to have a complete ascension, all fractured souls created in their own nuclear wars and later displaced upon other places causing great misery would be reabsorbed and reunited with the remainder of the souls that they are a part of. However such civilizations chose not to have a complete ascension due to the misguidance of forces of the dark wishing to perpetuate extinction rather than ascension of the whole. The reasons of this are lengthy, and the Tao will discuss them in greater detail in articles that will be written later this year. Earth chooses not an incomplete ascension. Earth chooses to reunite all souls, gathering up all that has fractured in her history, so that it may return to wholeness again. So this is so for earth, so this is so for each ascending human. Each may intend to ascend, and in so doing, reunite with lost portions of soul that fractured as one’s ancestry fell in vibration over time and in earth’s history. In so doing, humanity will move towards greater and greater wholeness, and greater and greater joy in the coming 1000-year cycle.

INTENTIONS TO KEEP ON TRACK WITH ONE’S ASCENSION It is the Tao’s wish today to share some intentions for our more advanced audience in particular that is ascending on to Bodhisattva level evolution. For those who are just beginning their journey of ascension, lovely intents are offered in the Messages from the Earth Mother series. There also now is a lovely full colored and fully formatted book of this series of articles also available within this section. One may wish to review such materials, if one has not already. We


invite those of you more advanced in your understanding of ascension to share the Earth Mother pieces along with the Great White Buffalo articles with those who are newly discovering the path of ascension. The Great White Buffalo articles have also been compiled in a similar manner. Intent is an act of will. When one intends, one’s thoughts are united through the will center of the form, and then relayed through the four subtle bodies to the sun, where they then can be relayed back into one’s life expression instantly. Therefore the act of intention has an instant affect upon one’s life, causing the life dance and expression in relation to oneself and all others to alter according to the intent made. Keep in mind that if the subtle bodies are impaired, intent may not work. Furthermore, if one’s will is missing, and in particular in the third chakra center, then one’s intent will have no power. One would then choose to intend to retrieve any portions of missing subtle bodies and the seven will centers, and make their intents for one’s boundaries yet again.

THE SEVEN WILL CENTERS There are seven will centers. Up until now, there has been little written about the will centers, and we wish to explain this information in greater detail now. The will center is reconstructed more or less by initiation 3000, and sits inside of each chakra center. Each chakra center at 3000 strands consists of three sets of triple spheres that rotate around one another; the top layer representing the conscious layer, the middle the subconscious layer, and the back layer represents the unconscious. Inside of the middle or subconscious layer of each of the seven major chakra centers is another triple sphere pattern. It is roughly 1/3 the size of the other chakras, is a triple sphere pattern, and represents the WILL CENTER. The will center is responsible for bringing forth any act of intention. If any will center is impaired, then one’s will to intend is also impaired. For those that have opened up five additional chakras in the ascent towards Bodhisattva, the new chakras do not have a will center of their own. The seven will centers are as follows. 1.

THE WILL TO LIVE (first chakra center at base of the spine) This will center involves the will to remain grounded unto the earth mother and for the physical form to continue to live. In other terms, this will center assists in preventing accidents or creating long-term diseases that would end the life.


THE WILL TO FEEL (second or pelvic chakra center) This will center involves the will to feel one’s emotions, and also feel the energetic dynamics of the chakras, subtle bodies and grid work of the etheric body and light body. An underdeveloped will to feel means that one is less sensitive to the non-physical as sensitivity requires an


ability to feel. The more sensitive one is, the more greatly one will perceive imbalances in the field, subtle bodies and chakra centers, allowing one to rectify the problem before it becomes a physical problem in ascension. 3.

THE WILL TO HOLD BOUNDARIES (third or solar plexus chakra center) This will center involves the ability to create and carve boundaries for oneself to ascend within. There are many boundaries now in the new consensus for ascending humans that prevent the forces of the dark still dancing amongst those in the old consensus from overrunning one’s field and preventing one’s ascent. If this will center is not in tact, then one’s boundaries will not hold.


THE WILL TO LOVE (fourth or heart chakra center) This will center involves the ability to love as an active expression of compassion in action. Compassion in action is a non-codependent form of energy flow in which one’s lotus center the opens in the heart region beyond initiation 4200. Such energy flow blesses all within a 300 foot radius of oneself with the love of one’s soul, source and I AM presence. If the will to love is impaired, one is unable to express compassion in action.


THE WILL TO MANIFEST (fifth or throat chakra region) The will to manifest assists in the modulation of sexual energy flow that allows one’s dream to step down the dimensions into one’s physical life dance. If the fifth will center is impaired or missing, one’s will to manifest, dream one’s dream and live to experience it is likewise impaired. The will to manifest is also associated with the physical steps necessary to see a dream to fruition. Those with an impaired will center will dream and dream and dream, but never take the necessary steps to actualize the dream.


THE WILL TO SEE (sixth or head chakra region) The will to see allows one to perceive clearly beyond the veils of illusion that surround oneself or desire to confuse the journey of continued ascension. If this will center is not in tact, one will have difficulty seeing the truth. If one perceives not the truth, one may find oneself going down the path towards death rather than ascension.


THE WILL TO KNOW AND ASCEND (seventh or crown chakra region) This will center allows one to know what one requires understanding in order to ascend. If this will center is impaired, one’s ability to ascend is also impaired along with one’s ability to integrate one’s knowledge. One’s knowledge in ascension can be equated to biological information


necessary to rise in vibration, along with a blueprint for energetic changes to create an ever expansive field that more and more soul can sit within. If the knowledge is impaired, the biological changes will fail to come forth, along with the energetic changes necessary to hold more soul, and one may find oneself schisming over segments of one’s ascension or creating an incomplete ascent.

MANAGING THE WILL CENTERS The will centers should begin to be constructed after initiation 2200 as the chakras become triple sphere in nature. One will see that one will have a triple sphere internal to the other three chakras that represents the will center. One can also see or muscle test if one of such will centers is missing, and strive to retrieve it from whomever one has given it to in a karmic encounter. One can also see where one’s will centers have become intertwined and intermixed with others that one knows. Much like the subtle bodies that have become intertwined with the energy of others, along with chakras, grid work, sexual energy, and the light body, one is forever separating oneself in ascension. So this will also be so for the will center. A will center with a lot of energy from others will not function properly. Furthermore, and undersized or missing will center may not function at all. Generally Mila has learned to give the following command in relation to undoing intertwining: “I intend to dissolve all grid work in all energy flow in my auric field, chakra system, subtle bodies, grid work and light body that is not of my energy signature. I return such energy to whomever it belongs to. I retrieve my energy from all others that I have given grid work unto. I now reweave my own field with my own grid work founded upon my own energy signature.” This command has sufficed to allow her to retrieve and reweave herself sufficiently to continue to ascend. Each reading this piece may make use of this information as it resonates. For those who are intent upon ascending in this lifetime, we invite you to consider the Group Mastery Self Study materials, as there is a depth of information presented in the ongoing transmissions to the group that will never be covered in the site materials. It is a great truth that the map carvers succeed in greater ease as more of the ascension process is brought to consciousness.

THE ACT OF INTENTION In the act of intention, the will centers related to each chakra unite sending the intent to the subtle bodies. If any of the will centers are missing, there is less 93

power behind the intent. In particular however, if the third and fifth will are missing, one’s intentions will fail altogether. Therefore this is another area to check into if one intends a command but fails to experience the result. First the intent, as it is made, is received from the will center to the mental body. The mental body then transcribes the command into the Language of Light thought-form. Many may not realize that the solar sun has made a shift about nine months ago in which the only language now received for the purposes of manifestation and dream weaving from earth or any planet in the solar system is the Languaging of Light. Therefore if one is not embodying the Language of Light, one fails to have the necessary tools to manifest or dream weave into the future. For those in the old consensus and who are not ascending, such a change is anticipated to step down into physicality 2007, and may augment a global economic collapse. However the earth mother and Tao are working towards alterations to the collective dream of mankind to minimize such an affect, and this will be accomplished through the ascending children to be born in the coming five years. After the mental body alters the communication to the Language of Light, it sends it on to the emotional body. Initiates with an impartial mental body or who prefer to be more emotionally or intuitively attuned may have difficulty with intentions until the mental body is repaired enough to do it’s job. Generally by the time one’s ascent has come to 3000 strands of DNA 30% into the physical, there is enough present of all four subtle bodies to allow the act of intention to come forth with ease. As the emotional body receives the intention from the mental body, the emotional body infuses the communication with feelings, which causes the Language of Light to begin to spin. The Language of Light is an emotionally based magnetic form of communication based on sound, tone, color and movement. It is the emotion that sets the energy moving in the proper manner that the communication can be understood by the sun. Therefore initiates with difficulty feeling or who have yet to fully reweave the emotional body will have difficulty infusing their intentions with enough emotion for them to be understood by the sun. After the energy begins to spin, the emotional body sends the communication to the intuitive body. It is through the intuitive body that one’s soul and the earth mother edit the communication to be in alignment with one’s personal and global ascension, and also infuse one’s intent with the power necessary to see the intention into the physical. Those with impaired intuitive bodies often have difficulty hearing or feeling their guidance. Furthermore, one’s intentions may take one off track if soul is not involved in the act. Therefore any intention that attempts to be pushed through without a functional intuitive body cease at this point until the intuitive body has been repaired enough to function.


The intention, after it has been edited by soul, then moves on to the creative body, which relays the communication to the sun, which instantly relays back the intent to the manifestation planes of earth. If the intention is for a dream that one wishes to weave, the dream then begins to play out on the first of seven planes that are required in order for the dream to step down into the physical. If the communication is a command or intention for boundaries, it is relayed immediately to the physical where it has instant affect over one’s current energy field and life experience. If the creative body is impaired, then the communication will not be sent to the sun and the intention will fail to have any affect. Furthermore, we have also seen forces of the dark twist the creative body enough that ones’ intentions end up relayed opposite to what one was desiring to make manifest. Therefore if one discovers that the opposite to what one intended is occurring, one can check for such a manipulation, untwist the creative body, and intend again what one desires. We have further seen forces of the dark take Language of Light tones initiates have mastered and embodied from the field, leaving one with an incomplete scale of the tones of creation and incomplete thought-form. This equates to impartial sentences or commands sent to the sun, which relays back equal confusion to one’s life dance. If one finds such manipulations perpetrated, one can intend to retrieve one’s lost Language of Light tones and release the karma with the perpetrator, and then re-intend one’s intentions with complete sentences.

INTENTION VS. PRAYER The act of intending can be equated with commanding the God Goddess and I AM, Oversoul and Source of one’s form and field to take a particular action in relation to one’s evolutionary journey as a human being. The act of intent is very different from the act of prayer; in prayer one is requesting a soul outside of oneself to do this or that upon one’s behalf. Through intent, one is commanding one’s own soul to take action in a certain direction. No soul outside of one’s own can really take action upon one’s behalf; one can only command one’s own soul. Therefore prayer has no use really in relation to biological ascension. Forces of the dark to strip human chi and power originally designed the planes of prayer. Each time large groups of humans pray, more power and chi is given to such forces from such planes. However earth has dismantled such planes as of late and therefore prayer in and of itself will have little affect any longer. It had minimal affect when the planes were in existence, as sometimes the forces of the dark would fulfill upon the request of prayer in special cases; generally those


prayers fulfilled upon were in less than one half of one percent of all prayers made to such planes of reality. Through ascension, one understands that one does not require praying to another or an outside deity; one comes to understand that god goddess resides within oneself and within all others including all kingdoms, and one is god goddess in human form. In understanding this, one can learn to command one’s own god goddess within to fulfill upon one’s choice to evolve and ascend; along with one’s choice to fulfill upon one’s souls mission in this lifetime. Some groups have used the command “I AM’ instead of “I INTEND”. The “I AM” command affects only the nonphysical. Ascension is a physical act and therefore requires a command that includes the physical. I INTEND command includes both physical and nonphysical planes of reality, and therefore is a better choice for ascending initiates. The following are a series of intentions useful for those ascending beyond 3000 strands at this time in history. 1.


The intent to ascend focuses one’s life in such a manner that each interaction and each occurrence of any given day, week, month or year supports one’s continued ascension rather than hinders it. There are many possible futures for any human; as one intends to ascend, the futures drawn in cue for manifestation support ascension rather than death. The intent to ascend also triggers the birth of ascending humans related to one’s inheritance to be born global wide. One is related to over 2 billion other humans through one’s living tapestry of ancestry, therefore it is the intent to ascend that will augment the birth of ascending children upon earth and in the coming 10 year cycle as more humans choose to make such an intent. Furthermore, the intention for global ascension of earth and all species aligns one’s dream for ascension with the global dream for ascension, allowing the two to dovetail and support one another in this common goal. The intent to ascend is fulfilled upon gradually and slowly in one’s continued living. Ascension is a lifelong path, and one that will extend into the coming 1000 future years of ancestors related unto oneself and yet unborn. One may take their ascension so far in this given life, living to see the birth of the golden era ahead; and then continue to exist as consciousness beyond death merged with one’s future ancestors, experiencing their future ascension and the times ahead as earth moves into the next dimension of awareness and beyond. Consciousness ceases not in death; it carries forward. One is a living representative of all ancestors related unto oneself going back to ancient


times and the original seeding of mankind some 50,000 years ago (200,000 human years). Each ancestor’s life is accounted for in the act of ascension, honored, and learned from. In so doing, each ancestor merges with oneself as the karma for the given life is released in full, carrying on to experience one’s own life through one’s own field. One is a living holographic library of all human occurrences related unto oneself, and the entire human species. This is what the biology of a fully conscious form was designed to be beloved; a living library of knowledge that soul could dance with, learn from, and ultimately ascend “home” through. Soul cannot ascend home without form. In your creation, form and soul must exit together. Those that perceive ascension as being only a function of soul are misguided. The blueprint for all creations within the Tao is parallel; one has a creation, which in your experience is form; soul experiences the creation in dancing with form; soul ascends both the creation or form and soul “home”. The ascension of the creation or form gradually dissolves the creation back into the nonphysical energy from whence it originated. This is the purpose of ascension beloved. Soul has fractured greatly in the many falls of mankind and earth. In each day, week, month and year of ascension, pieces of souls lost in the fracturing are reunited with the greater part of one’s I AM, Oversoul and Source. This is how soul returns to a greater state of wholeness and it’s original weaving before the original fall began. Soul cannot accomplish this goal without the ascent of form, as form holds the keys as to how and why soul fractured in the first place. Such keys are held within one’s biology, often in the form of recorded trauma. As the trauma is released, the biology ascends, the decay is resurrected, and soul reunites with lost parts of itself in its ancient history. In the dance with great darkness, non-truth and forgetfulness upon earth, dark forces have convinced humans that the form has no value; is of original sin; is bad, wrong, evil, worthy of annihilation, and worthy only of extinction. Such souls convince form of this to perpetuate the extinction here so that a beautiful existence can be perpetuated elsewhere without the requirement to transmute thought-form. Such souls are lazy; and from the point of the view of the Tao, have accumulated by in large so much karma that the clearing of such karma will take eons of time. Allow such souls their dance. They are being removed form earth at this time as an interfering force. Allow only those souls willing to ascend and willing to do the biological and nonphysical work required to ascend to enter the dance, augmenting one’s journey home. 2.


Peace is a state of being in which one simply accepts oneself and all others in the moment. In so doing, one ceases to judge and ceases to blame or shame


another or oneself in any manner. Furthermore, peace allows for one to be in one’s authentic power, allowing oneself and all others their particular dance of life and expression. As all nations are allowed their unique cultures and unique expressions in equality, peace between nations will one day be the result. Many have heard that Mila and Oa and their organization Spiritual School of Ascension focused upon releasing human warfare karma last year. This was successfully accomplished upon a global scale to assure that no future nuclear annihilation of earth would occur into the future. And yet there is still unrest in the Middle East and many other places global wide. Why is there not peace between nations if earth has released her warfare karma? Earth’s release of warfare karma has caused the correcting of the scales of karma upon earth so that all may now be settled in the times of cleansing ahead. For eons of time, earth absorbed warfare karma from other places including Sirius, the Pleiades, Orion, Arcturus, Alpha Centauri and Andromedas. In so doing, such karma acted out in the form of the nuclear annihilation caused by humans in extreme hatred of one another; so much hatred indeed that they would sacrifice all of earth to win. As the deferred karma has been returned to its place of origin, this assures that no further nuclear annihilation of earth shall recur.

PEACE UPON EARTH In order for absolute peace between human nations to be born, human karma for warfare must be settled in full, and humans must ascend en mass, releasing the warfare karma through their ascensions to accomplish this goal. As this occurs, there will be world peace. Intending peace and world peace assists in assuring that this is the future; more human ascensions to assure world peace so that a new era may be born. Furthermore it assists in assuring that no conflict escalates to such a point that nations choose to use nuclear armament against one another, as this would end the possibility for global ascension in full. There is a karmic unraveling that is occurring in the Middle East and many other war torn regions upon earth at this time. Such karma must be allowed to unravel until there are enough humans at a high enough vibration that the karma can simply be burned off through the collective kundahlini of the human species. The incoming children shall augment this shift by creating a new baseline of vibration within human civilization, and triggering more adult ascension; as this occurs and in due course, all karma for warfare will be burned off, and humans will then begin to relate together more peacefully upon a personal, national and international level.


No species can ascend another species. Earth cannot ascend the human species out of it’s own dance, nor burn off human karma. Humans must burn off human karma through collective ascension. Furthermore, each ascending human must burn off one’s own ancestral karma in order to ascend. Otherwise one will simply ascend into a difficult dance that is karmic instead of transcending the karmic dance altogether.

INTENDING PEACE INTO ONE’S DAILY LIFE Understand that as one intends peace in one‘s morning meditation, one may find that one then goes about their day experiencing the opposite. The grocery clerk is angry and gives one the evil eye; and one’s boss is in a rampage about deadlines not being met; and one’s mother in law is complaining about her son, your husband. What is going on, one might ask? Why is this happening? Didn’t I intend peace this morning in my meditation? When one intends peace, it draws to the surface where one is not at peace within. The karma for warfare in one’s ancestry and between one’s ancestors and the ancestors for others surfaces as the intent for peace is made. Therefore one may find oneself in greater conflict in the intention for peace than before. As this occurs, one is always at choice. One can feel a victim to one’s circumstance, or one can take charge choosing simply to release the karma and recast the ancestors who are at war with one another or another’s ancestors. In so doing, one will then come to enough unity and peace within that the peace within is experienced in one’s outer reality. In the last Great Central Sun Transmission, there is a simple recasting exercise in which ancestors of opposing thought-form are united allowing the polarity within to cease. One may wish to utilize the recasting exercise, along with synthesis and the addition of the gold and silver tones of creation in one’s daily meditation to augment the clearing of one’s own patterning each time one intends peace, or makes all of the intentions in this article. In so doing, one will create a more joyful, peaceful and unity based day. See this article for more information. Last, one must recognize that some karma is not burned off in a single day, week or even month. Some of the more ancient karma that those ascending to 6000 strands and Bodhisattva level evolution may be working upon may take months and months to release in full. A part of the reason for this is missing records. Not all karmic records for all ancestries that are human are available for review, leaving one sometimes with gaping wholes in one’s ancestral lives.


Earth is now utilizing her own ascension to release karmic records from the land that are human in origin. If one discovers missing records, one can commune with earth to locate the records wherever one’s ancestry may have lived at the time of the given incarnation. Provided such a region is not under the density of a large city, such records can then be recovered augmenting one’s transcendence over a particular thought-form and emotional charge embedded in such ancestry. In order for any thought-form or emotional charge to be released, all karma associated must be released down to a biological level. Emotional trauma is recorded in the decay and scar tissue of the form. Sometimes certain segments that are scarred or decayed take time to resurrect. Therefore one can be patient with ones’ own transcendence, understanding that ascension is a lifelong path and not necessarily a short-term goal. 3.


True Spiritual Law encompasses many commands at this point and time. We have written of specific other commands in our Nature Species series along with other articles in the “The Tao Transmissions”. True Spiritual Law now combines all of what were originally multiple commands into a series of agreements that hold the boundaries of the new consensus of ascending humans. Therefore as one intends True Spiritual Law, one commands one’s boundaries so that they will be supported to augment one’s continued choice to ascend. The intent for True Spiritual Law enforces hundreds of thousands of unspoken agreements in relation to the nonphysical realm. The nonphysical realm can no longer push karma from here to there; karma related to all ancestries must remain with the ancestry and human born of such ancestry until they either die, or the karma is burned off through the kundahlini of the ascending form. Agreements and contracts cannot be added to a field without one’s awareness or agreement. Lineages cannot be twisted between parties, or swapped between parties. This prevents the many manipulations that the forces of the dark formerly in control over earth perpetrated in their times of dominion. Furthermore, the only soul that can be present in one’s field is the soul necessary to augment one’s ascension. This includes creator-dragon souls, which oversee the movement of the energy field and the releasing of karma, along with the building of the energy field to a larger form and format with each initiation mastered. This includes angel souls that transcribe the genetic material from the grid work to the form, and the positive and negative serpents that weave the lay lines of all grid work in an auric field. This also includes the elements of air, water fire and earth that hold form together


creating life upon the third dimension. All of the nonphysical realm must work towards one’s ascension, and if it is not, it is removed from one’s field and returned to the source of earth as the intent for True Spiritual Law is commanded. Last, harmful souls working through unknowing humans can no longer conduct harmful patterns outside of karmic boundaries. As one commands True Spiritual Law, those humans and souls that are perpetrating harm are sent to the Source of Earth for mandatory recasting, during which such souls are expelled at this time from earth. All in all, this command shall make the life of the ascending initiate far easier than it has been in previous times in the map carving of human ascension. Much of this shift comes as a result of earth’s global ascension, through which she now has the capacity to hold proper boundaries for all ascending species. Due to the density of the human species, it has been a difficult task to set up boundaries that would hold. The command of earth’s thought-form for ascension is more powerful any thought-form now of any soul remaining in the human dance; and this allows a return of true boundaries to hold in support of human ascension.

BENDING THE LAW However, as one commands True Spiritual Law, one may become aware of where one bends true law oneself. As there are now guardians in support of True Spiritual Law that will come into one’s field to allow one not to unconsciously act in a lawless manner. Sometimes such guardians may sit in one’s crown giving one a headache. As one uses the headache as an opportunity to see where one is bending the law oneself, one will transcend the patterning at cause and release the karma, allowing the guardian to leave and the headache to leave with it. Each ascending initiate may wish to examine where one bends the law as one begins to command True Spiritual Law. Where does one give another records so that they might ascend out of the belief that this is what one does if one loves another? Beloved, your records will do no other ascending initiate any good, as records are as personal as a fingerprint for the human associated. Therefore cease giving your records away, and allow all others to ascend in their own timing or incarnation. Therefore intend to cease to give away one’s records and release or transcend all related thought-form, patterning, machinery and karma. And so it will be. On the other side of the coin, where does one take on the records of another out of the belief that they are further ahead in their initiations than oneself, or more powerful, gifted or talented? Beloved, yet again another’s records will


do you no good. Each has a unique truth to be expressed as records are gathered from one’s ancestors who lived at a higher vibration and crystalline cellular structure at another time. No two humans will have exactly the same ancestors and therefore the same records or truth. Embodying the records of another will only lead to distortion and death, as it will create a non-resonant and dissonant cellular structure that will decay rather than resurrect. Therefore intend to cease to take records of another and release or transcend all related thought-form, patterning, machinery and karma. And so it will be. Where does one take upon oneself karma of another, or defer one’s own karma upon another? Karma is ancestral, and holds within it’s essence lessons to be learned, and information to be gained as the emotional charge behind a particularly difficult ancestral experience is processed and released. Karma is as personal as one’s fingerprint. No two initiates, even if they share the same ancestry, will have exactly the same karma to be processed in the act of ascension. Therefore giving karma to another, or taking upon oneself karma of another, serves no one in ascension. Taking upon oneself the karma of another may have one end up with a difficult life manifestation such as disease or an accident that was not one’s karma to be experienced. Furthermore, deferring karma onto another means that one fails to learn one’s own spiritual lessons in ascension, or retrieve the information lost at another time in one’s ancestry. Failing to learn one’s ascension lessons means a failed ascension. Not retrieving the information lost at another time in one’s personal history means that one will continue to suffer being unable to manifest one’s dream as the information necessary to do so has been deferred to another through the deferment of karma. Intend to transcend all patterns, beliefs, thought-forms, machinery and karma that cause one to defer karma onto another, or take karma upon oneself form another. And so it will be. Recognize that one ascends over time. One may cease to perpetrate lawless conduct today only to find that one ascends into such patterning tomorrow. Therefore daily examination of one’s field will clue one into if one is participating in such patterning at any given time of one’s ascent. Has one lost records either out of any chakra, one’s akashic records or library, from one’s subtle bodies, grid work, genetic blueprint, ascension grid work, or light body? Sometimes the loss of records will include the loss of grid work, and so one can search for a loss of grid work during their meditation, and strive to retrieve whatever has been lost, and release the karma. Has one further taken on records in any of the above areas? Sometimes this too will include taking on the grid work of another. Intend to return whatever belongs unto another to their field, and retrieve whatever one has given unto another and reweave it. One may call upon the earth mother and nature kingdoms for support in augmenting such a healing.


TRUE LAW AND COMPLETE ASCENSION A return to True Spiritual Law upon earth translates into the law of ascension becoming the dominant law in relation to each species, including mankind. As ascension is the dominant global law, a complete ascension shall be assured for each species. One day and as this law takes greater affect over mankind, mankind will focus primarily on evolutionary goals, leaving behind the preoccupations founded upon greed and lust. This shall occur as each future ascending generation moves more fully into embodying True Spiritual Law. Embodying True Spiritual Law translates into a regenerative biology that shall occur in greater and greater numbers as each future generation of ascending children are born. For those ascending out of disease at this time in history, intending True Spiritual Law will allow one to ascend out of disease. For ultimately all disease is related to the bending of law, which over time caused the biology to become so distorted that disease, deformity and a shortened lifespan became the norm. As the law ceases to be bent upon a biological level, health may return. As law cease to be bent upon a global scale, unity based relations shall become the norm amongst all species, including mankind. 4.


Compassion is the foundation of unity relations and the return of the Bodhisattva level initiate. Compassion is love that is non-attached and extends outward from the field of the Bodhisattva for hundreds to thousands of feet due to the opening of the 1000 petal lotus in the heart center of the field and form. This energy flow leads to compassion in action in the behavior of the Bodhisattva. Compassion in action is the outward moving expression of non-conditional love towards oneself and all others. The return of compassion is mastered in the ascent to 6000 strands. Many reading this material are working upon mastering this level of ascension in this lifetime. The intent for compassion and non-judgment will augment the continued opening of the heart chakra in the ascending initiate. There are many layers of opening the heart, each of which may be painful to transcend, particularly if one is highly sensitive. Mila cried and cried through most of her ascension, and still does from time to time to this day. However the heart energy must move so that the 1000-petaled lotus may open in the ascent to Bodhisattva. As the heart opens, and one processes the pain of one’s ancestral lessons, one learns not to harm in any manner another, or allow oneself to be harmed in any manner. One also learns to allow all others their dance in the dance of


life. It is the allowance that creates non-judgment. Through one’s own exploration of ancestries that were deformed, belittled, rejected, harmed, tortured, prostituted, along with others that perpetrated judgment and rejection towards another, or harmed another upon the battlefield or in the home, one sees all sides of one’s own self. For one is all things in human form, the good, bad and the ugly; as one embraces oneself and all parts and ancestors therein in forgiveness, one quite naturally reaches outward embracing all others in compassion and non-judgment. Some initiates are more aware of their ancestral experiences that others. It is necessary to develop a certain level of awareness of the nonphysical realms to birth compassion. Therefore intend not only to open the heart in full, each layer and day-by-day, but also to open to a greater dreamtime awareness of the nonphysical realities that surround oneself. There one will come into contact with one’s parallel lives, one’s soul, the earth mother and nature kingdoms, along with one’s ancestors and the karma held in such lifetimes. In so doing, one can learn all the spiritual lessons behind one’s ancestral experiences in this lifetime, giving birth to compassion in action in one’s own life expression. Through ascension and the ascent of the next generation to a minimum of 6000 strands of DNA, the incoming children will mature into compassionate natured adults. Such a shift will augment the birth of a unity based human civilization in which all humans are loved, supported, fed and learn to live in peace and unity with all other species. In so doing, the new golden era ahead may emerge, and one’s intents shall contribute to this unfolding. Last, as an ascending adult, one can make the foundation of compassion and nonjudgment a part of one’s life now. In so doing, one will create a new world for oneself in the decade ahead, augmenting the birth of a new form of unitybased community. 5.


Harmony and unity create a different dance amongst humans. Harmony causes humans to dance together in unison without missing a beat or stepping on one another’s toes. Much like skilled ballroom dancers, humans in harmony will follow the one who leads or facilitates, dancing in perfect timing to the beat of the drum elicited through the facilitators field. As all humans in a group dance in time together, the dance of unity emerges. Mila and Oa have experimented over the years as to what it takes to bring a group of adults in the current paradigm to unity. Their discourses are the result of their experience of guiding and facilitating a group to greater and greater unity within and with one another. Unity must be mastered within first; and this occurs upon a biological level. As the biology becomes increasingly


unity based, so does the behavior and relationships amongst the associated humans. In the ascent to 3000, most of the cells return within the form to a unity based biology. Unity based biology equates to all cells having enough to subsist and regenerate, and an ability to detoxify that which the cell no longer needs. No cells are more important than any other, therefore all are fed equal amounts, and cells that seek to destroy other cells (viruses) are cast from the system or transmuted to crystalline where they support the whole of the form. In parallel manner, humans ascending into such biology begin to emulate such patterning in unity relations with one another, perceiving all others and all kingdoms as equals as god goddess in form. At 6000 strands, an even greater level of unity is born as not only decay is resurrected, but also scar tissue begins to be transmuted. Scar tissue is associated with the deepest wounds in one’s ancestry that caused the greatest pain, and therefore locked into one’s thought-form the beliefs in disunity, along with pain, anger and fear. It is generally out of pain or fear that humans treat one another poorly or harm one another. As the pain and fear lifts, and unity emerges, one learns to treat all others in a fair and considerate manner. One also learns to communicate authentically as to how one feels. As sincere communication occurs, there is the opportunity for one to better understand the other, and then out of such understanding, dance in harmony and honor again. For those who are not ascending in one’s life, such humans may never be able to dance in unity or harmony, or even understand what one is mastering in one’s journey to Bodhisattva. This is difficult, however the future ancestors of such humans will ascend. Therefore their future ancestors will come to understand what one has learned in one’s own respective ascension at a future point in time. As one allows all others destined to complete in death their dance with an understanding that all future humans will ascend and one day understand, one can embrace another as they are, without requiring to force change upon them or push one’s own truth upon another. As one embraces another as they are, one may find that they in turn do the same unto oneself. Life is a mirror; as one alters the internal landscape, the mirror changes to reflect the internal changes within. Therefore there is no need to control another; only embrace another as they are, and if one has an emotional charge of judgment; to go within and release the karma locking in the belief underlying the judgment. In so doing, one will come to peace, embracing another as they are, and embrace oneself as one is at the same time. It is only as one embraces oneself unconditionally that one can also embrace another in a parallel manner. It is as one embraces all others unconditionally that unity is born in ones life dance.


UNITY AND NATURE KINGDOM COMMUNION The intent for unity amongst all species alters one’s relationships to the nature kingdoms. One will find that one’s intent for unity with the nature kingdom opens their field for communion with one’s own. In so doing, such kingdoms will share from the heart, healing, insights and the love that they hold for the human species. One will find in such a dance that one is less lonely, particularly if few that one knows are also upon the ascension path. In so doing, nature can fill one to the brim so that one will have enough chi and push to continue to ascend. The global intent for unity and harmony will augment the birth of the regenerative biology for all species to ascend into within the coming 18 generations. This is the year that earth clears her global karma for disease. What this translates into is the balancing of scales with disease karma; all disease karma that belongs to other creations such as the Pleiades, Orion, Sirius, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus and Andromedas, are to be returned. For ascending initiates who are diseased, the simple intent to return foreign disease karma may be enough to lift out of disease at a most rapid pace through ascension. For earth, it has been the disease karma from other creations that has lead to the experience of disease upon earth. Humanity acted out the disease karma that had already been deposited upon earth through Arcturus long before humanity arrived and was seeded upon earth. Humans therefore are not the original cause of disease; karmic deferment is the original cause, and this shall be settled in this year ahead, allowing a new day and the regenerative paradigm to take hold upon earth in the decades ahead. 6.


Each human has a particular dream to fulfill upon as an ascending being. Each dream has a particular truth to express in the dance of life. No two dreams, no two paths, even of the same inheritance or ancestry will be the same. As one intends to only live one’s own dream and one’s own truth, one will find sovereignty in the journey of ascension. The human field has become increasingly intertwined or attached in the many falls in consciousness over time and upon earth. The attachment to others along with possessions is gradually released the further that the field and form ascend. As attachment is released, one ceases to blend with the energy of others, and begins to discover what one’s own truth is in one’s life dance, or as it pertains to any matter. In the attachment, truth cannot be understood, for the blending of energy distorts the truth. As the blending ceases and


becomes less and less a part of one’s auric field, one discovers who one is and what one wishes to do for the rest of this ascending life. Sometimes, one cannot release the attachment without releasing the individual or possession to which one is attached. Sometimes this means the end of the relationship or ownership of this or that possession. In the release however, one comes to a greater understanding of whom one is separate from the other. This occurs as the field clears due to the release of attachment. Attachment creates a haze in the field from which one’s thoughts and perceptions are altered, blurred, or reflected back in such a manner that one fails to get to the underlying truth. As the field clears in the release of attachment, one can see the truth. In perceiving the truth, one can take action that is founded upon truth rather than distortion. As one begins to perceive the truth of the matter, one may begin to weave the dream that one desires making manifest in the physical. For some the dream may be to move to an oasis or place that one loves that fuels one’s ascent forth; or develop a preoccupation that one loves and supports oneself simultaneously; or create the beloved; or have a child; or contribute to the ascent of mankind through artwork, music, theater or dance; or co-create an ascending self sustaining community. As the inner truth comes to light, one will more clearly know how one wishes to dance in the dance of life and then can begin to weave one’s dream accordingly. There are many alterations to the dreamtime planes that will allow ascending humans to envision a dream and then live to experience the dream, as one so desired it. However before this can occur, one must clarity and purify the field enough to know what one’s truth is; and then dream weave the dream that is founded upon one’s truth in action. How does one clarify the field? One ascends, un-intertwining oneself from the attachment that causes the distortion or haze in the field, day by week by month by year. One also allows the change that the release of attachment brings forth; whether this be a move, divorce, separation, job change, leaving the region of one’s birth, leaving the family to their own sovereign journey, and so on. As one allows the change, the attachment releases, and the outcome is a greater understanding of what one’s truth is. It is then out of one’s own understanding of one’s truth that one may begin to weave the dream for a new tomorrow, requesting of earth to fulfill upon one’s soul goals concurrent with blessing oneself with a dream-come-true life experience.


SUMMARY The Tao perceives that intention has great power to change one’s life experience. Often initiates forget that they have the power to alter one’s fate. If one doesn’t like this or that about what one has created, then one has the power to intend to release the karma at cause, and change the outcome in a manner that is more supportive of one’s continued evolution and life dance. This is the power of intention; it can alter one’s life. But first one must accept total responsibility for one’s own life as one’s own creation as god goddess in form: One is not a victim; one gives one’s power to another to determine one’s fate. Intend to retrieve one’s power and one will be able to determine one’s own fate. One is not poor; one has given one’s power and information to manifest to others. Intend to retrieve one’s own power and information, and one will manifest what one desires with ease. One is not unloved without a spouse or significant other. One’s beloved lies within, and as one learns to commune with one’s soul and the earth mother, the love one is searching for another will be fulfilled upon within. One further cannot become homeless; after all one’s home is the earth mother, and she will always have a place for oneself; all that is required is that one ask, and earth shall show you the way. One also cannot really starve as earth will fill ascending initiates with her love and with the air; the crystalline diaphragm will convert the air to blood sugar from which one is nourished upon a biological level. One also cannot die as long as one chooses to ascend because the act of ascension allows for the transcendence of the experience of death. Therefore one has nothing to fear, as most fear revolves around the fear of death and the fear of not having enough to subsist. Last, one does not need half of the objects one believes one requires in order to subsist. As one releases the attachment to the needless possessions one has accumulated, life will lighten up, until suddenly one finds oneself free; free to express who and what one is in the moment. This is the gift of ascension beloved. And yes it does alter the very foundation upon which one stands. One may find that one’s new foundation does not work well with the old paradigm. In such a case, one may choose to leave the old paradigm behind, carving a unique journey towards a new destination; destination unity. As one traverses the path towards unity, one will find fellow comrades willing to join one in one’s ascent to the same destination. In so doing, the possibility of community


founded upon unity becomes possible for the traveler of ascension. This the Tao happily supports in each ascending dream; for it is only as the map carvers unite into unity that the followers can follow to the same destination. We hope that these intents support each who reads this material in augmenting your ascension “home”. Those who are willing to give of their time and energy are invited to join us in early November for our Masters Conclave event, supporting the anchoring of the regenerative paradigm upon earth. Those who give of themselves in such a manner are also given to in exchange; such gifts come direct from the heart of the earth unto each that so chooses to participate. . For those that know that you are to map carve the ascent to Bodhisattva, we invite you to consider our Group Mastery Self Study program. See "Group Mastery" upon our web site for more information. Until our next communication, Namaste The Tao


Rainbow Unity by Judith Anya Roderick


Retaining One’s Health in Ascension TIPS FOR BALANCING THE ELEMENTS AND ASCENDING OUT OF DISEASE The Earth Mother and Tao through Karen Danrich “Mila” October 16, 2002 This piece summarizes the information come to be known and understood by Mila and Oa and those in their Group Mastery Program, along with the earth mother and all sentient species who are ascending at this time in history who have chosen to focus upon the issues of disease, aging and illness in this calendar year of 2002. Out of this focus, and understanding has been gained of the energetic, karmic and biological patterning associated with disease and decay, and what to do to support the form so that it ascends not into disease, or can ascend out of disease if need be. In prior transmissions written through our channel, the karmic and energetic attributes of disease have already been discussed, along with the thought-form associated. In a physical sense, humans have declined into a biology that is far from regenerative or self-sustaining. Any form at 2 strands will have portions of the cellular structure well fed and detoxified upon a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Such portions of their form retain their health until the death of the overall organism. Those portions of the form that are most compromised and become diseased over time are generally not well fed or detoxified, often sitting in the waste matters of their own making, much like children sitting in dirty diapers and without a mother to come along and wash them up. Over time, the waste causes a shift in the cells perimeter or skin in which the mucous collected is so great that it cannot breathe. Nothing goes in and nothing goes out of the cell; your current medical establishments call this cancer. Some cells can be born with such attributes, and this is where early childhood cancer comes from; children born with cells that already have membranes that fail to allow the cells to breathe and are coated in mucous. Such a dance is generally genetic karma from one or more prior ancestors lives and the child is born completing upon the karma often ending in an early death. Sometime the completion of the associated karma allows for a recovery after which the child may then live the rest of their life more or less disease free.


NEW KARMA REVEALED SURROUNDING DISEASE What kind of karma causes disease? Primarily karma that causes inward bound violence towards the etheric body, and as the etheric body deteriorates, there is not enough chi provided to the cells in the related part of the form, which will over time become diseased if not rectified. There has been a load of energetically abusive patterns uncovered through ascension that occurs in the unconscious that most of humanity is unaware of. Freud and Jung began to unveil the unconscious this century past, and many of the patterns associated are indeed so. The psychological movement has continued to perceive more greatly into the unconscious into present time, however many are not really willing to see how dark and destructive human nature really is. This is so as humans have an innate fear of darkness or “doing something wrong”. There is nothing right or wrong, there only is the dance. The only one who judges is oneself; therefore we encourage initiates to take the blindfolds off and see down to the truth of the matter. It is only as the truths is perceived for what it is that one can choose to alter the dance and step out of the unconscious patterning that is harmful and causes disease, and then ascend into a new dance of regeneration and joy.

ABYREON HUMANS Some of such patterning associated with disease occurred through the Annanuki (Greek and Roman Gods) who fell into warring upon one another, and in so doing, set in motion patterning that pushed the grid work of the etheric body outside of the form into what Mila calls “Disease Machinery”. However before this occurred, there were a host of red race ascensions that appear to have anchored energetically abusive entities so destructive that they could rip apart a form to death in a short time period. These entities arrived upon earth from another dying creation. Earth has recently uncovered records of 1000 humans arriving from a dying star system she knows as Abyreon. Such humans came to earth, settled, and over time mated with and blended with the red seeded Sirian race. This appears to have occurred approximately 47,000 years ago, and just 1000 years prior to the arrival of the Annanuki. Abyreon exists not in your creation, nor in the time that your creation exists. A rift in time that remained from the destruction of another planet in your solar system known as Maldek allowed both Pleiadian humans and Abyreon humans to arrive upon earth. This rift has now been sealed through the solar ascent of your sun. Such humans arrived with a different biochemical make-up; Pleiadians being primarily electrical and radioactive; Abyreonians being magnetic but with a different energy signature. Both Pleiadians and Abyreonians arrived with a host 112

of entities that were destructive and abusive in nature. However the entities the Abyreonians hosted were the most abusive of all, with patterning that could shred the etheric body to death in less than a week in physical form. As such entities entered the human ascension temples, they shredded initiates and in particular, those holding keys to vision so that they very cause of what was harming initiates would not be perceived. Indeed, the underlying cause of the problems in red ascension went unperceived, and what ensued was a period of great darkness in which such entities became the secret governance over earth. The false gods or in other terms ascended masters, Melchiezedek Order and Sananda were but mere pawns to these entities, who controlled the dance upon earth with knowledge of dream weaving and mirrors that came from another dying creation that they indeed had also destroyed. In essence, the same dance that occurred in Abyreon long before earth ever existed has played out again upon earth. In the discovery of these entities, they have since been removed from earth and absorbed by the Tao in recent weeks of earth’s ascent, as anything less would prevent the ascent of the whole. The Tao has determined that the entities from Abyreon along with other false gods are non-souls. Soul that was originally cast by the Tao contains consciousness, and consciousness that wishes to evolve and return home. These beings retrieved from earth at this time hold no consciousness that desires to return home in the assessment of the Tao, but rather strives to retain dominion over that which is conscious; holding conscious souls prisoner to their own wishes and destructive tendencies. Therefore the Tao considers them non-soul material.

LOSS OF GENETIC RECORDS AND COMBUSTION Such non-souls strip creation after creation to inflate themselves up the dimensions, increasing the dominion or region held under their jurisdiction. As such beings entered the human dance, and through the ancient red ascensions, genetic materials from the human species began to be stripped. One could consider these entities agents of the false intervention. As the genetics went missing, subsequent generations were born with scar tissue in places that held not the necessary information to construct healthy crystalline cells. Over time, such scar tissue caused the form to age. Red humans went from a 2000-year regenerative lifespan to 800 years of a form that aged and became diseased in less than 10,000 years (40,000 human years) due to such stripping of genetic information through red ascensions. This occurred between 37,000 and 47,000 years ago. The loss of genetic materials was generational and therefore went unperceived by the priests and priestesses overseeing ascension. As those leading and participating in red ascensions attempted to ascend without 100% of the genetic materials required for the job,


the parts of the form that were scarred due to missing information combust or burnt up in the ascension rather than making it to the next dimension with the rest of the form. Combustion can be likened to nuclear fission. As more and more of the ascending form combust, the thought-form of nuclear fission became an increasingly potent global thought-form. This ultimately caused a group of Pleiadian humans (the Annanuki) to come to earth and enact a nuclear holocaust. It was around 38,000 years ago that the red ascensions ceased through conscious choice. They ceased because the combustion was so great that entire legs, arms, heads and other body parts were left behind after group ascensions within the ascension temples. The red priests and priestesses then determined that something had gone severely wrong with ascension, and that it should not be attempted again until such an outcome could be understood and prevented. One could say that the nuclear winter caused by the Annanuki was parallel to the nuclear winter of an incomplete human ascension in which whole body parts were left behind amongst the ashes, and most of the soul was blown to bits in the attempt to ascend. Unfortunately, the global thought-form of nuclear fission had already been anchored by the time that the priests and priestesses chose to cease ascending, and it would only be a matter of time that nuclear war annihilation would occur as a result and due to the lack of releasing the karmic cause. Any karma seeks to become physical. The karma from incomplete ascension and the related combustion became physical in the nuclear annihilation of earth. Had the red priests and priestesses really understood this, perhaps they would have attempted to release the karma and prevent this horrific outcome. However such ancestors in Mila and Oa’s experience did not understand what had happened, or what had gone wrong, as they had lost much of their genetic holographic knowledge due to the continuous stripping of genetic materials over thousands of years by the forces of the dark through ascension. The nuclear annihilation of earth furthermore created a fall in consciousness so great that no red group attempted to ascend again upon the surface of the earth thereafter. However some red humans moved to the inner earth foreseeing the impending annihilation through nuclear war about to occur upon the surface of the earth. Such humans set up ascension temples in the inner earth. Ascension then resumed roughly 24,000 years ago and created parallel problems instead of rectifying them. Such ascensions in the inner earth were not complete either. Again whole body parts and limbs were left behind. This experience has left the greatest scarring in the tissue of the generations that followed that are related. Mila and Oa’s own battle with cancer has occurred within the regions most afflicted with combustion from their own ancestries incomplete ascensions in which large portions of the body were left behind. However, their battle has allowed for their own personal


transcendence beyond the incomplete ascensions of their ancestry; allowing them to foster a complete ascension at this time and cycle of earth’s global evolution. One could say in this that they are accomplishing what their ancient ancestors could not, and perceiving what could not be perceived in ancient times. Why is this so? Time has slowed drastically since the last ascension within the inner earth of a being known as Buddha. Buddha also emerged for a time upon the surface of the earth gathering followers and attempting to educate the masses of another way of being. Buddha’s actual ascension occurred within the inner earth, and was more incomplete than prior ascensions, which his entire back side left behind. The scarring from this is recorded in Oa’s shoulders that are being resurrected as we speak from a cancerous state. Oa has a direct lineage to Buddha, and is rectifying what went wrong in his ascension in this lifetime.

THE GIFT OF THE SLOWING OF TIME With the slowing of time, there is more time to understand. Much like a movie that has been slowed to a frame-by-frame examination of each picture comprising a given scene, one can now examine ascension frame by frame. In so doing, one can understand and then ward off problems that would go unperceived if time were moving faster. This is the gift perhaps in how far earth has fallen in vibration; for the slowing of time allows all to be perceived that had been hidden at a higher vibration. The understanding gained assists other planets and stars who are ascending out of a parallel problem with keys that without their information would lead to a failed ascension as well. Earth therefore is pivotal to the ascent of the whole at this time in your creation. We invite initiates to understand that there is no right and wrong, and all things, all experiences serve the lessons of all souls within the Tao.

COMBUSTION AND THE ELEMENTS Disease erupted in the red generations following the incomplete ascensions. Not only was genetic information missing due to dark forces which stripped the human genetic archives of mankind through ascension, leading to scar tissue which caused form to age and become diseased over time; but the scarring from the combustion of incomplete ascensions left the residue of excessive fire in the tissue associated in future generations. Excessive fire causes an ongoing combustion of chi in such regions. In Chinese medicine, one would say that there was too much fire in this organ or that; the karmic cause of too much fire in any given part of the form is incomplete ascension and the related combustion in one’s ancestry. 115

Combustion is the result of an imbalance of the four elements of air, water, fire and earth within the form. It is combustion that causes both disease and aging in an energetic sense. There are two forms of combustion prevalent upon earth. One is related to fire, which causes an excessive heat in a given region. The excessive heat causes the cells to burn up or burn out failing to do their job, leading to disease over time. There is also the combustion of water. The combustion of water causes too much water to be present which causes the cells to drown. In essence, too much water causes excessive mucous to collect in the related region which coats the cell membranes; as enough mucous is present, the ability of the cell to feed or detoxify becomes impaired. Sometimes such mucous leads to cancer; at other times it simply leads to cells that do not function 100% of capacity. If this occurs in more of the cells than not in a particular organ necessary to sustain the health and well being of the whole, disease becomes the experience. Combustion of water is related to the karma with the dolphin and whale kingdoms and the human species. Dark forces that had been displaced upon earth by Arcturus six million years ago used dolphins and whales to send blows of electricity into human fields, which killed the ancient Grand Masters in a short time period. As the Grand Masters were destroyed, large portions of human holographic genetic knowledge and ascension information was transferred to the dolphin and whale kingdoms. As this occurred, the subsequent generations of those Grand Masters that produced offspring were left with scar tissue in lieu of the missing information. Because such scarring is the result of the loss of information to the aquatic realm, it often contains an internal connection to water. Such a connection to water in such regions of the form leads to excessive element of water, which drowns the cells associated over time, leading to disease. Furthermore, the blows that came through the dolphins and whales caused water to combust within the Grand Master embodiments. It was as enough of the water within the Grand Master forms combust that they rapidly died. When enough electricity is applied to water, water will implode. As the water in the grand master cells and fluid systems imploded, the form rapidly ceased to live. Those who carry the remembrance of the combustion of water and who hold Grand Master lineages will often develop cancer in present time, as this is the result of the record of such a trauma in the form repeating in present time.

CELLULAR TRAUMA AND DISEASE Any diseased cell holds a record of trauma from another time. It is as a human moves into the karma associated with the cellular trauma from a prior ancestral experience that the trauma recreates itself in present time. If the trauma included


the combustion of fire from incomplete ascensions, then the associated cells begin to combust or burn up. If the trauma included the combustion of water, then the associated cells begin to drown. If such cells drown too greatly, they become cancerous. If the trauma included the manipulation of grid work through the Annanuki, then one’s etheric grid work moves outside of the body leaving not enough chi to sustain the life of the related cells, and the cells begin to die. As the records are compiled and released through ascension of how the original cellular trauma occurred, a new genetic blueprint can be anchored that allows the cell to resurrect and recover. In ascension, one is forever uncovering cellular trauma records and releasing them, and then allowing the tissue that is associated to become crystalline in nature and regenerative. The crystalline blueprint is anchored by one’s own soul in the conscious intent to ascend. To the degree that one can release enough cellular trauma to ascend into biology that is 60% crystalline overall, one attains 3000 strands in vibration. If one moves beyond this, ascending into a biology that is 86% crystalline, one attains 6000 strands or Bodhisattva level evolution in the physical. An ascending initiate is therefore always exploring ancestral trauma, processing it upon a cellular level, which then allows the cells associated to be resurrected into a new regenerative structure. It is for this reason that ascension can be such a painful experience for most initiates. For the manner in which one’s ancestors were traumatized is not necessarily comfortable to re-experience; and sometimes one literally reexperiences one’s ancestral trauma for a time in the act of processing one’s ascension. From the point of view of the Tao however, this is how compassion is born. As one relives all trauma associated with one’s ancestry, one comes to understand all sides of the human experience; the warrior and the general, the raped and the rapist; the murdered and the murderer, the master and the slave, the wealthy and the poor, and the overfed and the starving. It is through such processing that one comes to the middle path of compassion in action as the Bodhisattva in human form, understanding all dances of polarity in a very a personal way. And no, this is not an easy journey beloved; but for those choosing such at this time, it is often the only reason to exist. Much of the scarring in all humans is so great and from such ancient times, that it requires the ascent beyond full consciousness (36,000 strands of DNA) to address all of such scarring in all parts of the form. Most humans will not ascend to full consciousness in this lifetime, allowing future generations instead to accomplish this task. Such younger and healthy bodies will have less difficulty perhaps that the older adult forms attempting such transmutation in present time, and succeed perhaps where one cannot. However those attaining Bodhisattva in particular, and who maintain and sustain a balanced biology, will live to witness the coming times of cleansing and entry into the photonic belt of the Great Central Sun.


It is those devoted to the goal of attaining Bodhisattva in this lifetime that we offer up this information for; for one will have to be mindful to create as balanced a biology, and as harmonious a form as possible, to see such a task through to fruition. This can be assisted as one becomes mindful of balancing the elements in the form through conscious intent; through the addition of certain foods and herbs to one’s daily diet that support the form in ascension; and through one’s ongoing detoxification practices.

LINEAGES AND DISEASE Underlying any imbalance in the form and field, we can speak of discord created through two non-congruent energy flows. Most humans today have not only to contend with the blending of electrical, radioactive and magnetic energy that is the result of their Annanuki-Sirian ancestry, but now also another incongruent magnetic flow that came from the Abyreon humans only a few thousand years following the seeding of the Grand Masters. It is the blending of incongruent energy flow that ultimately causes discord in any part of the form; if the discord is great enough disease and a shortened life span is the result Each human constructs the form in the womb from the genetic materials obtained from one’s tapestry of ancestry. Most in the West in particular inherited lineages from many different humanoid forms. If some of the lineages are Annanuki slave, and one creates say the thymus, heart and lungs from such lineages, one then has a propensity to have great electricity in such regions of the form. Electricity in non-compatible with the magnetic life upon earth, and this creates a weakened region in such an initiate. On top of this, if one has lineages that are Andromedan, Gray or Reptilian form, and creates the reproductive organs and intestinal tract from such lineages, then one will have even a more greatly weakened part of the form over time and as one ages. This is because Andromedan, Gray and Reptilian DNA are even more paired down than human DNA at 2 strands. The above is a composite review of Mila’s form prior to ascension. She was weak in the lungs, thymus, heart and uterus, ovaries and intestinal tract. Such regions have given her the greatest difficulty to retain enough balance to ascend without ascending into disease, and disease great enough to kill the form. Each of these regions became cancerous over time, and through the choice to detoxify the genetics associated with non-compatible lineages, such cancer was resurrected and Mila continued to ascend. Furthermore, Mila has as of late discovered that portions of the nervous system was drawn from red lineages related to Abyreon ancestors, and such regions were discordant enough to create 18 pockets of cancer in her nervous system several times in her ascent. This recently has been transmuted in full as the


karmic cause was finally uncovered. This is the other problem in ascension; missing karmic records which cause a particular discordant pattern to continue even though one may intend to release it. As the karma is finally pieced together, one can then release the associated discordant patterning in the DNA and lineages, allowing the part of the form associated to recover and ascend. Why are there missing records? All archives that recorded the human experience were erased by forces of the dark to ward off this time of awakening. It was the hope of the forces of the dark that ascending humans would become diseased en mass and die off. This would lead to the continued dominion of the dark over earth; earth and all sentient species therein would have simply chosen to become extinct had this been the outcome. However this is not the outcome, we are happy to say, and a new time is dawning when real ascension can now take off. Oa, on the other hand, had utilized Annanuki slave inheritance to construct the kidneys, liver and spleen in the womb. These regions too became cancerous at a certain point in his ascension until he could transmute the DNA to Sirian form through conscious intent. As the Annanuki DNA in such organs became Sirian or magnetic, the discord was released, and the cancer healed simultaneously. Furthermore, Oa has found Abyreon DNA in his shoulders, hips and left legs. These regions too have been on the fringes of cancer lately; and this discovery will now allow for a complete recovery as the karma is released in full and the DNA transmuted to Sirian in full. One may wish to assess one’s own ancestries utilized to create the form in the womb so that one will understand what lineages require clearing the karma to prevent disease in ascension. Primarily those lineages of non-resonant human form such as the Annanuki and Annanuki Slave Race (Greek and Roman Gods), plus Andromedan, Gray or Reptilian ancestries will cause the greatest discord in ascension. Gray, Reptilian and Andromedan DNA is generally cast off and transmuted in the ascent to 1024. Annanuki and Annanuki Slave Race DNA are generally released in the ascent to 3000. Those ascending on to 6000 will now need to become mindful of another discordant red race set of genetics from Abyreon that one may have lineages to in one’s ancient ancestry, just as Mila and Oa. As each segment of discord from discordant DNA is transmuted with all karma released, the portion of the form associated can resurrect and ascend into harmony and health again. Our point here is that ascension is not easy; one will be forever attempting to retain enough balance in the form to assure that disease does not overrun one’s choice to ascend. Furthermore, one must be thorough, as any part of the form that has not been transmuted due to an incomplete ascension and the schisms associated will become diseased over time if left unattended to. If the disease is


great enough to compromise the overall well being of the form, one may end up dead instead of continuing to ascend. Now beloved, death is not wrong; karma has been released in the ascension to date regardless. One has therefore contributed to one’s future ancestries ability to move forward through future generations, picking up where one could not carry forward any longer in the death. Consciousness also carries forward beyond death, and so nothing is really lost. However with some conscious application of detoxification practices, a deep focus upon the act of internal transmutation of thought-form and the release of karma, plus balancing the form through the application of diet and herbs along with conscious focus, one can ascend and not ascend into disease; living to bear witness to the impending times of cleansing and birth of the new golden era ahead. And for those who intend this so, this is who this information is dedicated unto.

BALANCING THE ELEMENTS THROUGH CONSCIOUS INTENT Those in Mila and Oa’s Group Mastery Program have been focusing upon balancing the elements in the form through conscious intent and dietary practices. This practice proved to assist in creating a more greatly balanced form in the choice to ascend. In order to balance the elements through conscious intent, one must assess one’s entire body based upon systems. One will be looking to see if the presence of the element of air, water, fire and earth is present in each system, and in equal amounts. First let us define what the elements are in relation to form.

THE NATURE OF AIR One may wonder what air, water, earth and fire have to do with form. Air holds the gases that prevail throughout the form. The presence of many gases increase in the ascent to Full Consciousness in particular causing the form to weigh less as there is more “air” or other gaseous substances that are the components of both the cellular structure along with the organs, glands, immune system, circulatory system and nervous systems. Such gases serve the function of “aerating the form”. What is “aeration”? It is the ability of the gas to create space between the cells, whether such cells be holding the skin, muscles, bones, ligaments, or are white and red blood cells comprising the blood or lymph fluids. It is the element of air that creates space between all cells so that nourishment may pass through and


waste detoxify out of each group of cells that comprise a particular gland, organ, or are holding the shape and constitution of the form.

THE NATURE OF WATER The element of water is more greatly known by current human scientists in relation to the function it carries within form. Water lubricates so that nourishment and toxins may move from one part of the form to another to either be recycled or disposed of. Cells also require certain amounts of water to sustain the cycle of metabolism in the cell itself. In essence, water is required to break down all eight forms of sugar that are prevalent in the crystalline system and manufactured by the diaphragm in the collection of oxygen inhaled through the breath. We spoke above about water that combusts. Water that combusts turns to mucous. In the human form at 2 strands, about 18% of a healthy form is mucous in nature by the age of 30. This is the result of the combustion of water that occurs simply due to a lack of aeration. Water that has not enough air to separate the molecules enough will spin itself into mucous. As one applies more air to a highly mucous-based system, the mucous dissolves. There are also herbs that will assist with this. In ascension, there are many forms of mucous that are created in the conversion to the crystalline form. Much like the caterpillar that becomes the butterfly, first the caterpillar weaves itself into a cocoon, and then dissolves itself into primal goo, restructuring the form into a butterfly or moth. When complete, the moth or butterfly hatches from the cocoon and flies away. In parallel manner, the cells presently being converted to crystalline in the act of ascension create a cocoon that surrounds itself. The cell then dissolves into primal goo and then founded upon new genetic material, restructures itself. What is no longer needed to the crystalline form is expelled as mucous. Therefore mucous is an ongoing issue to any ascending form. Sometimes such mucous holds a form of potassium no longer required by the crystalline cell, which then causes water retention until it is detoxified, making one puffy. This is often the case in the ascent to 3000; one is puffy most of the time. An easy solution is to take lots of baths and swim one to several times per day if possible so that the excessive potassium can exit through the pores of the skin. Sometimes such mucous also contains heavy metals or other poisons that require detoxification. Generally it is easiest to detoxify most of such toxins through either the waste management systems or the skin. There are 18 additional forms of mucous created through the ascension process to 6000 strands. Each kind of mucous can collect coating the cells of the circulatory system, lymph system, organs or glands that are resurrecting, or the


waste management systems themselves, causing problems for the form. If the mucous collects long enough and in great enough amounts, cancer may be the result. It is for this reason that detoxification is so important for those upon the path of ascension.

THE IMPORT OF BATHING IN ASCENSION The skin is the largest organ of the body. The easiest manner to dispose of excess mucous is a daily bath or swim, sauna or jacuzzi of a minimum of 45 minutes. One can add essential oils or bath salts to assist, and use salt scrub daily in the shower to slough off any dead layers of skins making the pores more permeable. On a bad day, Mila and Oa have spent hours in the mineral springs and had mud baths, or spent hours in the ocean and bathing in the sun to both clear etheric mucous and physical mucous. Those who skip out and fail to give themselves the daily bath may find oneself ill the further that one ascends otherwise. Already Mila and Oa have had letters from former students falling into this category; the main cause? Failure to properly detoxify upon a daily basis to remove the mucous continually produced in the act of ascension. Such initiates have wound up cancerous.

THE NATURE OF FIRE The element of fire has been a primary missing element in the human species, particularly since the last fall of Atlantis some 10,000 years ago. It is the element of fire that sustains the movement of chi through the meridians and lay lines of the etheric body. It is the loss of fire that has caused the human vessel to have such a shortened lifespan of only 100 years or less on average in present time. As chi in the form of fire moves through the meridians, it collects at special chakra centers where it is then relayed down the grid work to all parts of the form. The fire warms the cells much as one is warmed in taking a sunbath, proving the necessary chi to sustain the cells existence without the need to recreate itself. In the current genetic structure of the human form at 2 strands of DNA, there is so little fire that few cells if any ever receive enough chi except in youth. In youth, the grid work has yet to deteriorate to such a point that fire cannot freely flow; and the energy and vitality of the little ones is the result of such ongoing surging of fire and chi from earth’s body and lay lines flowing into all form upon earth. Over time, as the form ages, it loses pockets of grid work in karmic exchanges and attachment that increases over any given lifetime. As the attachment increases, the lay lines of the grid work move outside of the form between parties instead of remaining inside of the form to support the life of the


cells. Wherever there are holes and gaps in the grid work, fire and chi cannot flow and the related cells eventually decay and die. Some of such grid work also moves out of the form in what Mila has called disease machinery, which is a complex set of devises created by Merduk (Hades) one of the Annanuki (Greek and Roman Gods) in a fit of spite against his sister Innana (Aphrodite). Merduk created machines that he could move Innana’s grid work outside of her form in an attempt to kill her; alas Innana caught the game, but knew not who was at cause, and passed the patterning on to the millions of slaves that the Annanuki had incubated in a laboratory. The slaves absorbed such machinery and disease manifest thereafter to a far greater degree than previously experienced. Those with direct lineage to the Annanuki slaves, which include most of white inheritance in the west, will therefore suffer from such patterning in present time. Such diseases caused by Merduk include diabetes which is the result of the loss of grid work in the etheric pancreas; epilepsy which is the result of the loss of grid work in the spinal cord and nervous system; loss of eyesight which is the result of the loss of grid work in the eyes or optical nerve; parkinsonism which is the result of the loss of grid work in the brain; and heart disease which is the result of the loss of grid work of the heart, along with pancreas, liver or kidney cancer which is the result of the loss of grid work also in such regions.. Some diseases are indeed related to viruses that were created deliberately to control the slave populations upon the part of the Annanuki. Such viruses include hepatitis, herpes, measles, chicken pox, mumps, tuberculosis, rubella and diphtheria along with typhoid. These viruses were used to kill of the weakest of the slaves keeping the populations healthy and able to serve the Annanuki, and were each manmade in an Annanuki laboratory. Most ascending initiates in the west and with Annanuki lineages will find that such viruses retract into the nervous system where they lay dormant until one is weakened in some manner. One manner of being weakened is to have a karmic encounter that creates a load of attachment between oneself and another in a particular region of the form. As the lay lines of the grid work move out of the etheric body into the attachment between parties, the region ceases to receive enough fire, and the associated cells begin to die. The region then becomes susceptible to being further attacked by a particular virus which then surfaces from the nervous system and further destroys the region. Often the doorment viruses also infect the discs between the vertebrae causing back pain, slipped disks and muscle spasms. As such viruses are detoxified in ascension, they come out of the nervous system and are absorbed by the white blood cells that decompose them into a harmless substance. Sometimes initiates can experience such viruses flaring up


into a full-blown infection, during which times earth guides initiates to treat the symptoms with immune boost herbs. Aids and other autoimmune diseases such as lupus and MS are a new development that appears to have come through the immunization process. Such diseases attack the immune system in a manner that was not previously known to mankind; however it reflects the shattering of the human heart yet one more time, which has been the result of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII, along with the continued nuclear testing that so many governments perceive as necessary. Such diseases are rapidly ascended out of in the release of the karma from WWII as long as the form is strong enough to detoxify. The ongoing explosion or nuclear weapons in weapons testing, which pushes radiation into the atmosphere continues to shatter the heart region of all nonascending humans; it shatters the related grid work that includes both the immune system and lungs. It is therefore advisable not to live in an area that was used heavily for nuclear testing, such as Nevada in the US; or near a nuclear plant if one wishes to ascend and remain disease free in this lifetime. Nuclear radiation tears holes in DNA. As the DNA weakens, yet another portion of the form related decays into scar tissue or becomes diseased. It is for this reason that perhaps it is a good thing that humans have not developed more sophisticated forms of nuclear technology. During the era of Atlantis along with the era of the Annanuki, and for the people of the Inner Earth to this day, technology that is not unlike the televisions and computers that humanity relies upon now were developed that were radioactive in nature. For the Annanuki, the radiation in such devices did not deteriorate the form. However for the red seeded race and the slave race that the Annanuki incubated, the radiation caused a deterioration of the genetics. Earth has determined that the red race declined once from 48,000 to 38,000 years ago due to their own incomplete ascensions, and again from 38,000 until the fall of the Annanuki and earth’s nuclear annihilation 30,000 years ago due to the nuclear technology that became prevalent for those living in near Mt. Olympus. During the rise of another civilization that followed the fall of the Annanuki known as Atlantis, yet again nuclear technology was developed. Yet again humans declined in genetic materials. Yet again humans warred upon one another culminating in a nuclear holocaust of earth. The cause? Additional incomplete ascensions occurring in the inner earth plus radioactive technology that caused a decline in the human genetic materials and consciousness was the cause. Electricity by comparison and in present time is low-grade radiation, and less harmful to those who ascend to 3000 and above than radiation. Therefore worry not about utilizing the computer as needed, or having electricity in one’s home as an ascending being. As one moves beyond the lower level vibrations generated


by such devices, one sits above them. However this is not to say that working in a highly electrical environment or living in the heart of a city is supportive to ascension, as the electricity and radiation tends to collect therein. Electricity in small amounts harms not the ascent; electricity or radiation in large amounts does, and may even prevent the ascent beyond a certain point (1800 strands).

MAGNETIC VS. ELECTRICAL AND RADIOACTIVE FIRE Fire that is radioactive or electrical is different from fire that is magnetic. Electrical and radioactive fire burns a magnet cellular structure. In ascension, one may begin with an electrical based kundahlini in the ascent to 1024 or 1800. Beyond this the fire running in the kundahlini becomes increasingly magnetic as electrical based thought-form is detoxified and replaced with the language of light unity based thought-form, which is magnetic. By 6000, initiates run no electrical based fire, and this brings about a gentleness of field that cannot be accomplished in any other manner. For electricity cuts holes through magnetic rotational fields; radiation on the other hand slows down the magnetic rotation until one sinks in vibration and goes unconscious. This is why the red race sunk in consciousness as they utilized radioactive technology; it slowed their field enough that they sank as a species downward in vibration, generation after generation over an 8000 year period. Therefore initiates can be cognizant of the difference between electrical, radioactive and magnetic fire, and strive to detoxify the electricity in particular embracing a magnetic fire in its place. Magnetic fire will provide the exact amount of chi necessary to sustain a regenerative crystalline system in balance. If one embodies crystalline cells and retains electrical fire, one will burn the cells out leading to disease. In making sure to detoxify all electrical thought-form embracing the magnetic language of light in it’s place, one will be therefore less likely to ascend into disease and embody Bodhisattva in this lifetime.

THE NATURE OF EARTH Earth is the element that comprises the density of form. One can think of the density of earth as minerals, rocks, sand and dirt. In human form, such density is expressed as the building blocks of life; lipids or fats, proteins or amino acids, sugars and starches, and minerals such as calcium. It is the element of earth that governs the structure of life, along with the DNA itself. DNA spirals into a particular pattern that causes molecules to line up to create a particular type of building block for form, such as a fat, minerals, sugars, starches or protein. Each spin of the DNA causes the molecules to line up in just the right fashion to create just the right component necessary to create life, or the


crystalline form in ascension. The angels monitor the spinning of the DNA and divas transcribe the details down to a molecular level. Angels receive the blueprint from soul and send the information down the grid work, which is composed of positive and negative energy lines made of energetic serpents. Positive and negative energy serpents hold the meridians and grid work into an intricate patchwork quilt of light and dark that composes form in the etheric. The etheric form is an exact duplicate of the physical body, but a vibrational bandwidth higher. It is the etheric body that ascends first, and then the physical ascends following. It is the etheric that the angels and soul perceive; the physical reality is only perceived through the eyes of form. When there is a genetic problem such as scar tissue or a genetic ailment, the DNA must be altered first. Karma and cellular trauma locks in the predisposition to distorted DNA until the karma is released. The karma sits holographically in those cells related to a particular trauma in one’s present life or ancestral life experience. Humans are holographic by nature, and record incidents in every cell of the form; but those cells related to a particular trauma generally carry the emotional experience or record of the related trauma. As the related incident arises in a dreamtime state while asleep, one begins to release the trauma. As the trauma lifts that holds a particular set of DNA in place along the grid work of the form, it can then be edited and replaced by one’s soul to the crystalline format. Once this occurs in the etheric, it is generally only a matter of days to a week before it steps down into the form, and the form begins its decomposition and re-composition process. The element of earth is the most actively involved with the process of biological ascension than any other element. Therefore lacking the earth element may cause one to ascend the etheric but fail to bring the ascension fully into the physical. This will lead to diseases such as Epstein bar or chronic fatigue, as one has built too large of an etheric body and has not modified the form enough to provide the chi necessary to sustain it. Now what do we mean by this? Chi moves two ways beloved. One receives chi through the fire that runs through one’s kundahlini that is provided through the aurora by the earth mother unto all living things, and the crystalline cells themselves produce fire in the act of digesting the sugar within the cycle of cellular metabolism. It is the fire that is produced upon a cellular level that causes the vibration of the form to increase. As more and more cells become crystalline, more fire is produced by the entire form, which causes the molecules of the form to rotate faster and faster. At first the molecules continue to hold the rotational solar system type patterning; after about 1800 strands molecules begin to convert to a triple sphere movement, which generates more chi yet, allowing for continued resurrection and ascension of the form.


Experiences of ongoing tiredness in ascension therefore may be a symptom of the ascent not coming completely into the physical; or the underlying and unconscious pattern to give too much chi to others in imbalanced giving and receiving. As one balances the in and out energy flow, and still remains tired, it is therefore good to check if all cells that were supposed to resurrect and ascend into the crystalline form have accomplished the task; and if not intend to remove whatever is blocking them from ascending. Sometimes in manipulations with dark forces, portions of the ascension grid work or DNA may be distorted or removed altogether. This can also occur in a karmic encounter that is harmful in nature. As one releases the karma and retrieves the missing portion of grid work and DNA, then the information is in place to ascend the related portion of the form. Sometimes also devices are inserted that create a separation between the crystalline information and the cellular structure. If this occurs, then the related cells associated with such a region may fail to completely become crystalline. In such a case, release the karma, dismantle the machine through conscious intent, and intend that the DNA come fully into the physical. One manner also to combat tiredness is to walk and breathe. In the act of breathing, one moves the form and field into present time, and anchors soul. It is soul that moves the kundahlini, commands the angels, dismantles discordant machinery that interferes with ascension, releases the karma, retrieves the missing information, and then feeds the grid work with enough chi to assure that there is enough to sustain consciousness along with the continued ascent. If there is no soul present, no one will ascend beloved, as it is soul that commands the ascension. Therefore grounding soul into form is important; earth perceives that much of the problems with chronic fatigue are simply initiates that began to ascend, but failed to anchor enough soul through conscious intent to support the built up grid work, chakra system and light body. Many of such initiates may ascend no further than 400 to 600 strands, and may continue to be tired, until they take conscious responsibility for the fact that they were seeded to ascend, and need to manage the energy flow, and anchor soul into form to support the embodiment.

ASTROLOGY, SUBTLE BODIES AND ELEMENTS Most in the West are familiar with Western based astrology. Such astrology was really devised by the Annanuki for the life dance of their slaves, and is solar in nature. As many are aware of, most are born with a predominance of particular elements, and are missing yet other elements as related to one’s natal chart in the current astrological system. Those who are primarily fire tend to be outgoing, adventurous if not aggressive; those who are primarily water tend to be emotional and introverted; those who are primarily earth tend to be grounded and


stable in nature, and those who are primarily air tend to be mentally active and creative in nature. In ascension, one begins to embrace all four elements into the field and form, and the persona alters accordingly. One can liken the presence of one or two elements to be related to extreme polarity in which one experiences an either-or dance; one is either emotional or mental; one is either creative or stable; one is either intuitive or insensitive, and so on. On an etheric level, the presence of only one or two elements also equates to missing subtle bodies. The mental body is related to the element of air; the emotional body to water; the intuitive body to earth; and the creative body to fire. If one is missing an element in one’s original birth chart, chances are one is also missing the related subtle body prior to ascension. The act of ascension to 3000 allows the subtle bodies to be retrieved and re-weaved in a manner that all four are present thereafter, leading to greater balance and wholeness within; for one can be mental and emotional, intuitive and creative simultaneously and thereafter. This equates to one’s energy field also having all four elements present of air, water, fire and earth, which also leads to a more greatly balanced field and form. As one ascends to 3000, one begins to embody a new universal astrological system that is language of light based. One will notice that each new sign has three language of light symbols associated of the 10 base notes or building blocks of the entire scale. Each of the ten language of light base notes is related also to a particular element. One will see depending upon which sign one is ascending into how one is rebalancing the elements through ascension, embracing those missing in one’s natal birth chart through the language of light. EARTH ELEMENT

Forgiveness, Unity and Power are related to the earth element. WATER ELEMENT

Compassion and Non-Conditional Love are related to the water element. FIRE ELEMENT

Breath of Life, Non-Conditional Governance and Freedom are related to the fire element. 128


Divine Union and Structure are related to the air element. In the ascent to 3000, one will embody one new astrology sign in full along with the associated language of light base notes, and have an overtone of a second supplemental sign that will provide more of the elements leading to greater balance of field. Much like there are overtones of sound or octaves of tones that reverberate above where one vibrates, one’s supplemental sign is a reflection of the octaves above one’s vibration at 3000, and also the sign that one will ascend into in the journey to 6000 strands or Bodhisattva level evolution. In the ascent to 6000, one will embody two of the 18 astrology signs and have a third and fourth that act as supplemental overtones. This is why the ascent to 6000 leads to such a more greatly balanced form and field, as all four elements shall be present and in relatively equal amounts throughout the field and form thereafter, as one has embodied generally one tone related to each of the elements in one’s ascent. Below is a shortened list of the 18 new astrology signs. Please read the full length article for a more detailed description.

1. PEACE BEARER - YEAR OF THE DRAGON 2. TRUTH BEARER - YEAR OF THE GREAT WHITE BUFFALO Elements: Earth and Water Elements: Water, Fire and Earth

3. BEARER OF HARMONY - YEAR OF THE GOLDEN BEAR Elements: Air, Fire and Earth




6. BEARER OF COMMUNION - YEAR OF THE TURTLE Elements: Air, Earth and Water

7. BEARER OF WISDOM - YEAR OF THE EAGLE Element: Fire, Earth and Air

9. BEARER OF JOY - YEAR OF THE SQUIRREL Elements: Fire and Air

8. BEARER OF ILLUMINATION - YEAR OF THE HAWK Elements: Earth, Water and Fire



11. BEARER OF TRUE LAW -- YEAR OF THE 12. BEARER OF TRUE PURPOSE - YEAR OF CROW THE OWL Elements: Water, Earth and Air Elements: Fire and Air



15. BEARER OF ASCENSION -- YEAR OF THE TIGER Elements: Fire and Earth

16. BEARER OF EVOLUTION - YEAR OF THE FOX Elements: Water, Fire and Air




Initiates may wish to muscle test or pendulum which signs that one is working towards embodying. Understand that the sign may change as one proceeds further into one’s continued ascent, as one’s soul comes to more deeply understand one’s biological truth. One is calling forward a biological truth from one’s ancient red ancestors in the ascent into the language of light and new astrology signs. This truth will resonate with two to four of the signs for most reading this material. Understand that the related nature kingdom is also holding a gate for one’s ascension in relation to the sign or signs that one is ascending into. Therefore one will have an intimate energetic relationship to two to four of the 18 land based and aquatic based species holding the gate for human ascension at this time in history. One may therefore wish to become more cognizant of such a relationship, and understand that one may call upon such kingdoms for support in one’s continued ascension, or for healing and support if one goes into crisis.

ASSESSING ONE’S SYSTEMS In the ascent to 3000 and to retain great enough balance to assure nonascension into disease, the goal becomes to balance each charka and system in the etheric body so that there is the presence of all four elements therein. First one may intend to balance the elements of air, water fire and earth by causing the subtle bodies to have equal chi and size as they spin around one’s etheric body. Then one may wish to intend the four elements to be present within each major and minor chakra center along with the larger chakra system that comprises one’s global sized auric field. One may wish to make the balancing of elements a part of one’s synthesis meditation, and in so doing; one will create a more balanced field than without such an intention. One may first also wish to assess which elements tend to naturally run in each of the seven major chakras (or 12 chakra system for those who are pushing past 4200 strands at this time.) One may find that each chakra tends to polarize running only one element. In the general assessment of those in Mila and Oa’s Group Mastery Program 2002, this is what was found. It was found that most initiates tend to run one element only in their major chakra centers.


In one case, one initiate ran earth in the first chakra, water in the second, fire in the third, water in the fourth, earth in the fifth, water in the sixth, and fire in the seventh, but were devoid of any air whatsoever. Furthermore, the interplay of water in the second and fire in the third created “steam”, that left them with ongoing indigestion. As the elements became more balanced, the indigestion also improved. The lack of air further caused this individual to be devoid of enough gas to aerate the cells properly, and they tend to produce more mucous as a result. The solution for this initiate was to add the element to air along with all missing elements into each chakra system through conscious intent during meditation time. Over time and through ongoing intent, the presence of all four elements in all chakras became an ingrained pattern that can run all of the time. One is retraining or reprogramming their field to become more balanced through conscious intent in embracing this exercise of balancing the elements in one’s field. This is important beloved, as it will only be the most balanced of fields and forms that will pass through the photonic belt and enter the great central sun, and live through the coming times of cleansing. In addition to assessing one’s major chakra centers, one may also assess the systems in the etheric body for the presence of the elements. Again one may find that one tends to run only one element in each system, leading to various imbalances and disturbances that are associated with the interplay of air, water, fire and earth throughout the form. One can assess each of the following systems for the elements presently running, and then intend to balance the systems to assure the presence of all four elements therein. Over time, one will retrain oneself to be more greatly in balanced in the etheric with all four elements present in equal amounts and running throughout all systems. One may examine in their etheric body the elements that run in each particular system, and between systems. If there is too much of any one element, or a combination of particular elements, one can have associated problems in the cellular structure of the related portion of the form. As one strives to add all four elements to each system or combination of systems that work together or are complimentary, one will come to a greater state of balance within. This will


translate into a biological level with enough air, water, fire and earth (the building blocks of life) present in all parts of the form. The below systems are complementary in nature. For example, the reproductive system and the sensory system are complimentary. The circulatory system and lymph system are complementary. The digestive system and the respiratory system are complimentary. The nervous system and the musculoskeletal system are complimentary. The endocrine system is complimentary within it’s own system. Each complimentary system is best balanced in elements together for those at 3000 strands and below. Why is this so? One will be hard pressed to push all four elements into any one system at this initiatory level, as one has yet to embody all of the elements as tones of creation. Therefore, it is best to intend that the systems work together to create balance within the compliments.

COMPLEMENTARY BODY SYSTEMS CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Heart, arteries and veins, blood, bone marrow, spleen

LYMPH SYSTEM Lymph nodes, lymphatic ducts


DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Throat, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, gall bladder, pancreas, liver, kidneys, bladder

NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Brain, brain stem, spinal cord, Muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, nerves, autonomic nervous system cartilage (sympathetic and parasympathetic)

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, breasts and testes

SENSORY SYSTEM Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth (teeth and gums), Skin

ENDOCRINE AND IMMUNE SYSTEM Pituitary Gland, Pineal Gland, Thymus Gland, Thyroid and Adrenal Glands


Let us give you an example here so that each reading this material may better understand. If one tends to run the element of fire in the reproductive system, and water in the sensory system, one could focus upon adding air to the reproductive system and earth to the sensory system. When both systems are united, the presence of air, water, fire and earth is available, leading to greater balance in the etheric body. Furthermore, if one tends to run the element of water in the circulatory system and fire in the lymph system, one can add air to the circulatory system and earth to the lymph system, again causing all four elements of air water earth and fire to be present as both systems are running. Each complimentary system may be worked with through intent to bring the entire system to greater balance within through examination, and intention to allow all four elements to be present therein. Those inside of our Group Mastery Program in 2002 proved that this exercise produces a more greatly balanced field that is less likely to ascend into disease. It is for this reason that we present this exercise to others outside of this program and reading our information.

EXTREME IMBALANCES An imbalance of elements is so common, that it has become the accepted norm. Unfortunately extreme imbalances between elements in particular lead to internal dissonance upon a cellular level that further leads to aging, illness, disease, deformity, decay and death. We would like to discuss the extreme imbalances so that each may become more conscious of one’s own patterning, and then choose to alter it coming to a deeper level of balance within.

TOO MUCH FIRE Those who run fire in too many of the above systems will tend to burn the cellular structure out. In Vedic Medicine, they call such individuals Pita, or ones who are based upon fire. Mila much of her early life was Pita and ran a load of fire. Those who run excessive fire tend to be energetic, enthusiastic and passionate about life. However upon a cellular level, the regions with excessive fire tend to burn up, and the regions without fire in counterbalance tend to run too cold. In Mila’s case, most of her body ran too hot with her digestion and intestines forever cold, which meant that she did not assimilate her food very well and suffered a load of indigestion. Furthermore, the excessive element of water running in the digestion and intestines when pushed up against the fire in the uterus and ovaries created steam, which caused the production of a load of mucous therein; this lead to several experiences of uterus and intestinal cancer in her ascension to date. As Mila balanced the elements, the related tissue was able to resurrect and come to great enough balance to continue to ascend.


TOO LITTLE FIRE Too little fire or no fire on the other hand, causes one to run cold or not have enough chi to function or provide for the life of the cells in the ascent. Sometimes those running too little fire will gain weight in the form of fat and utilize fat to hold one’s vibration in ascension instead of running enough fire to feed the structure with chi. One manner to allow the weight to come to balance is simply to heal the imbalance by integrating more fire into the mix of tones running in one’s field and through one’s etheric body. As there is more fire, the fat one was relying upon to hold one’s vibration will no longer be needed, and can then be detoxified and removed in one’s continued ascent allowing the body to come to a better size and constitution. Excessive fat is difficult as there are that many more cells that require feeding and detoxifying, leading to an inefficient regenerative system.

TOO MUCH WATER If one runs too much water, the form tends to be on the cool side. In so doing, one will tend to have not enough chi moving through the grid work of the form; furthermore one will tend to produce more mucous than in a system that runs too much fire. The mucous will tend to coat the cells leading to disease over time. In general, those who become diseased in youth or by middle age tend to run too much water in certain systems, and the buildup of mucous simply cause the form to decay more rapidly into a diseased state. The antidote to too much water is the addition of air. Air is more complimentary than fire in a direct exchange, as fire and water tends to create steam, which again can lead to mucous. Therefore one will add air as the additional element before fire, and fire only as there is enough earth to cause all four elements to be present to create better balance. In Vedic medicine, there is not a name for those who run too much water, however we believe that those who run too much water tend to be lumped with those who run too much earth, and are considered Kapha in nature. Kapha nature tends to be slow and sure, well tempered and easy to get along with. We believe that those who run too much water tend to be emotional, and this does not necessary lead to stability of temperament. Therefore we believe that there should be a fourth system of Vedic definition that is associated with those who run too much water. (Perhaps we need a new category here -- “Wata”!) Wata’s tend to be highly emotional and drama and trauma kings and queens. As one balances the excessive water with other


elements, the drama and trauma will ground out into a greater sense of internal peace.

TOO LITTLE WATER Too little water on the other hand tends to create a system that is not well lubricated. The blood becomes thick and tends therefore not to transport the nutrients or toxins to the appropriate systems in ease. This leads to a buildup of toxins and cells that are not fed the right amount or detoxified properly. Drinking a lot of water as an ascending initiate is one manner to handle a system that tends to run dry. Also adding the element of water so that it is more prevalent throughout all systems of the form will assist. For most initiates, the daily requirement of drinking a gallon or more or water per day, plus a 45-minute swim or bath is the foundation of retaining balance and detoxifying in ascension. To the degree one can simply make this one’s daily habit, the potential of ascending into disease will be less likely of a creation.

TOO MUCH AIR Air equates to gas, and gaseous substances tend to allow for greater nourishment and detoxification if they are present throughout the system in the right amount. Too much gas can equate to poor digestion both in the intestinal track and throughout the system, much like too much air leads to flatulence and fermentation rather than digestion of one’s meal. Therefore bringing air to balance will allow the gaseous substances to be present in just the right amount to allow for proper digestion of blood sugar and other cellular nutrients along with detoxification of waste within the entire system. Too much air creates too much space between the cells, and aerates the form too much. Aerating the form too much causes non-communication between the cells; or in other terms, the nutrients cannot find their way to the cells, as there is air or gas in between the cell wall and the carrier cells in the blood. One would be best to assist such a circumstance by adding the element of fire. Fire and air are complementary; fire will burn off excessive gas leading to balance. Over time and as the space between the cells is modified from what is something like glue or paste at 2 strands of DNA, to a living breathing system that is more gelatinous like Jello, air can permeate the space between the cells. This occurs by about 4200 strands after which initiates can release excessive or unneeded gases through the skin. Mila has been surprised when excessive gases actually leave her form through the space between the cells, and has watched her body literally bubble up in her daily bath or swim at such times. There are times in ones’ ascent that a particular transmutative process will produce excessive gas


that is not required by form; as long as the space between the cells has been transmuted to a more permeable substance, the gas is simply released through the skin. Those with too much air have been considered “Vata” in Vedic Medicine. Vata's tend to be thin. The thin constitution comes from too much air, which leads to a less dense or more aerated form. Less dense forms in present time fair better and tend not to manifest disease as easily, and it has lead to the misbelief that thin is healthier. Why do Vata’s fair better over time and not manifest disease at 2 strands of DNA? Because they are less likely to feel, as those who are overly air in make up tend to have a mental body and are devoid of an emotional body prior to ascension. Those who do not feel are less connected to the dance of life, and in remaining separate tend avoid karmic encounters. Karmic encounters are emotional reactions from prior ancestral trauma between two ancestries. It is those that feel the hatred that occurs within a karmic interlude that go into the karma, and then live it; which can include the manifestation of disease due to the harm flowing between two parties. For those who feel not, there is less likely of a chance to be drawn into the emotional karmic dance in the first place, which causes the karma to fail to manifest in the physical. One could say that those who are overly air tend to avoid the dance of life by remaining in a mental only expression. In ascension, one must process the emotions. It is only through the emotions that soul and form learn the spiritual lessons associated with the physical plane. Therefore it is important for initiates who are overly mental to develop their emotional bodies and not avoid feeling. The avoidance of feeling has caused many an initiate to fail in the ascent to Bodhisattva, for without feeling, how can one possibly learn the lessons of compassion beloved? It is not possible. Many Vata’s may find oneself therefore ascending only to 3000 in this lifetime, unless the emotions come to greater balance within.

TOO LITTLE AIR Too little air, on the other hand, creates a circumstance where there is not enough air to aerate the cellular structure. As cells stick together, they become inefficient at feeding or detoxifying to sustain their existence, leading to greater decay rather than resurrection in ascension. One solution is to learn to breathe, perhaps while out walking or while swimming. It is human nature to shallow breathe. In so doing, one moves into the past or future and enters a fantasy reality. To exit the fantasy and commune with one’s soul and ground to earth, take a deep breath, or several deep breaths in a row, or go for a walk breathing in every two steps and out every next two steps. This aligns one more greatly to the earth mother by bringing one into


present time and triggers the diaphragm to collect oxygen, convert it to blood sugar, and feed one’s cellular structure in ease to maintain one’s vibration. The most important gas collected in the ascent to 6000 is oxygen through the breath. Each crystalline cell within the form requires oxygen, along with sugar and water to subsist. The crystalline diaphragm collects oxygen converting it to sugar to feed the crystalline cells, which require 24 times the amount of sugar to thrive each day than a cell that is of a 2 strand design. For those living in regions that are polluted, one may also be oxygen deprived in ascension. In such a case, one may wish to supplement their diet with liquid oxygen until one can move to a location that better supports one’s intent to ascend. Also when traveling in crowded buses or airplanes, one will tend to become oxygen deprived as an ascending being. Carrying a bottle of liquid oxygen is a useful tool in such experiences and will limit the number of cells that die due to oxygen deprivation in travel.

TOO MUCH EARTH Too much earth causes one to become overly large or mass out to an extreme. Therefore balancing earth will allow one to lose excess weight not required to ascend if this is one’s predisposition. Often those with too much earth tend to take on the pain, anger and fear of others, and store it in the excessive body fat. As those who are predisposed to this learn to return all the karma and pain that belongs to another unto them, one will learn to only process that which is sincerely of one’s own ancestry. Those with too much earth have been called Kapha in Vedic medicine. Kapha’s tend to have a slower metabolism than Vita’s or Pita’s, and therefore are predisposed often to weight gain. So are Wata’s. Sometimes the weight gain is from an inactive thyroid gland. In ascension, the thyroid is reconstructed to include a much more refined modality of commanding metabolism. Therefore there is the possibility of those who are excessively heavy in ascension to balance out by adding the missing elements, in particular of air and fire. Air will aerate the form causing it to lighten up; fire will provide the chi that the fat has been gathered to sustain the vibration of the form, allowing the excessive weight to be shed through ascension.

TOO LITTLE EARTH Earth equates to the amino acids, lipids, sugars and minerals utilized to build the body. Often those without much earth have a slight form. Adding earth to the mixture of elements running through the etheric body will therefore assist the form in massing out a little more to hold a higher vibration in ascension. Often those who are slight have a fear of grounding to earth, and really being inside of


the body feeing all of the emotions that living a physical existence entails. Sometimes those who were of diva or angel origin as soul upon birth have this difficulty, or at least this has been the experience of Mila and Oa in their Group Mastery Program. Divas and angels do not like being in form, as they are more akin to formlessness, and the expansiveness therein. However as an ascending initiate, one cannot ascend if soul is out of body; and therefore those with this predisposition need to learn to ground into the form, and ground to the earth mother. As initiates accomplish this task, one will find that the pain eases and leaves; and that one feels safe and loved, loved by earth along with one’s soul. One will also then grow to the size required to sustain one’s vibration in ease.

WEIGHT GAIN AND ASCENSION Mila and Oa are so surprised by the number of diet programs that are sent to their web address. It is as if those reading the information do not understand weight gain and ascension. The weight gain in ascension is not body fat; it is from the growth of the bones, ligaments and muscles plus the addition of new glands and organs that serve a regenerative form. Overall, the crystalline form is 10% larger. The more of the cells that are converted to crystalline, the larger that one becomes. In the ascent to 1024 through 1800, Mila grew from a medium to an extra large. In the ascent to 3000, she grew to a 1X size, and her feet grew to size 11. In the ascent to Bodhisattva, she grew to a 2X and size 11.5 in shoes. She also grew four inches in height. Mila is less than 8% overall body fat at her current level of ascent. The growth has nothing with gaining fat. The growth has everything to do with ascending into a regenerative biology. The regenerative biology has many glands and organs that deteriorated in the falls in consciousness of the human species. As these glands and organs grow as the karma is released, they add to the size and weight of the form. However, the density also lifts causing one to weigh less given the size than an obese person of parallel size that is not ascending. Therefore Mila and Oa in spite of their size can walk upon their feet as though they were their original weight and size prior to ascension, and this is simply due to the fact that they have created a system that is less dense, or less heavy. They enjoy strenuous hikes weekly in the Hawaiian Islands and use such time to commune with nature. There are organs that grow in the region of the belly in particular that cause one to look pregnant as the result of ascension; particularly this is true for those ascending to Bodhisattva level evolution or beyond. The belly is the result of the crystalline diaphragm in which multiple pockets grow out over the rib cage that allow the oxygen within blood that has been obtained in the lungs to be extracted


and converted to eight types of blood sugar required to sustain the crystalline cellular structure. In addition to this protrusion, four new organs the size of a liver grow; two in the lower abdomen, and two along the waistline. These glands filter decay and collect photon energy assuring that the cellular structure regenerates in ease. Many have seen pictures or statues of Buddha that are round or fat, and considered happy or lucky in nature. Such pictures were from a time nearing Buddha’s ascent to the next dimension, and he too ascended into the biology necessary that included a lot of growth in size and shape to accomplish the task. Much like Buddha, most in Mila and Oa’s group mastery program have gone up two sizes in clothing in the process of embodying 3000 strands, and four sizes up in the ascent to 6000. The cause of this is the continued resurrection of decay and scar tissues in the ascent to 6000 in particular. Scar tissue and decay are compressed. It is why humans shrink in size as they age; the decay has compressed hundreds of cells into the space that once contained only a few cells as a teenager. This is what decay does beloved; it compresses the structure inward until one dies. The current desire and focus upon the skinny form as healthy is quite the illusion. In actuality there is nothing beautiful about a dying form; and those that starve themselves to remain thin are dying beloved. Those who are naturally thin generally have an intestinal tract that fails to digest much of anything allowing such humans to eat much and weigh little. This too is a starving form for all intents and purposes. And what are such humans starving for? They are starving for love, the love of soul. However love of soul cannot be experienced until one communes; and communion requires ascension, and ascension will cause the form to expand. The more the form expands in ascension, the more joyous the communion. So perhaps the question becomes, how badly do you wish to feel loved and joyous beloved? Are you willing to sacrifice what is considered normal and beautiful and expand to be loved from within? If the answer is yes, then the path to Bodhisattva may be for you. The Tao views external beauty as a form of ego. All egos require relinquishment in ascension. Ego is simply the result of loss of consciousness in which persona competes with one another and itself for love; and in the competition and through unconscious harm, destroys self and others. Those ascending to Bodhisattva leave this state of being behind for an internal state of love, which allows compassion in action to be born as a life expression.


HERBS, ELEMENTS AND DIET FOR ASCENSION In addition to modifying the elements through conscious intent that run through the etheric body, chakras and subtle body of the field, one may choose to balance the elements through dietary habits and practices. Mila has putting together a table of herbs and language of light glyphs along with how such herbs support the ascending body. See Language of Light and Herbs for more information. Each reading our materials may wish to assess their form and field for the missing language of light notes and connect with the associated herb kingdom to more greatly integrate one's biological ascension. The elements and herbs are highly intertwined and associated with taste. The element of water is experienced in the taste of salt; the element of fire is experienced in the taste of spicy-hot, such as in cayenne pepper or cumin. The element of air is expressed in the taste of sweet, such as in fruit or sugar. The element of earth is expressed in the taste of sour-bitter, such as in lemons or rosemary, basil, thyme and oregano. As each initiate discovers that they have missing elements, one may also discover that one finds repulsive the tastes associated.


Element of Air

Element of Fire

Taste: Sweet Thought-Form: Sweetness of Life Associated with "Vata's"

Taste: Spicy-Hot Thought-Form: Zest for Life or Passion Associated with "Pita's"

Element of Water

Element of Earth

Taste: Salt Thought-Form: The Salt of Earth or Feeling one's Emotions Associated with "Wata's"

Taste: Bitter-Sour Thought-Form: Grounded and Centered Associated with Kapha's


We have discovered that those who are short of fire stay away from spicy-hot foods. And yet this is exactly what the form craves to come to balance beloved; for a cool system devoid of fire will begin to run hotter in the ingestion of spicy Mexican, Thai, Indian or Szechwan Chinese cooking. Those who avoid spicy-hot also avoid feeling passionate, or in other terms, avoid the zest of life. Those who are short of water resist the taste of salt, and crave bland foods. Again salt is exactly what the form craves to come to balance; for a dry system without water will begin to retain the water it needs in the ingestion of salty foods such as Japanese cooking. Those who avoid salt also avoid being the “salt of earth”, or in other terms, feeling one’s emotions. Those who are short of earth resist the taste of sour and bitter. Oa suffers from this, as he tended to be devoid of earth in his original astrological composite. Oa is discovering today that sour and bitter to bring the form to balance is a good thing. Mila and Oa have been making their own yogurt, and this is one sour food Oa craves as he has come more greatly to balance. Those who avoid sour wish to escape the bitterness or pain; alas there is only one way out of the pain, and that is to go into it and process it. This too Oa has discovered over time. Those who are short of air resist the taste of sweet. Mila was devoid of air until much later in her ascent. Then she would feed herself bags of dark chocolate, which sufficed to feed her the sweet she needed to come to balance. From time to time, she still craves the bittersweet chocolate, as it also provides a particular fat needed to ascending nervous systems. Those who avoid sweet also avoid the “sweetness of life”, and perhaps view things from a diabolical or hopeless perspective. Indeed much of Mila’s pre-ascension life was expressed from this state of being.

FOOD MACHINES AND FOOD PROGRAMMING Most initiates have no idea what their body really needs to come to balance. This is because of all of the food machines, programming and entities that have been installed over time within one’s field and form; and the programming one received in childhood about dietary preferences. Early in her ascent, Mila was told to go on a three-day fresh fruit juice fast, and juice the fruit at home. And so she bought a juicer. The real purpose of this exercise was for her to perceive the machines and entities that caused her to eat a particular way. Indeed, all of the machinery and programming and entities came up very rapidly! Mila drove past McDonalds and thousands of entities came into the car tempting her to eat a hamburger. And she didn’t even like McDonalds hamburgers! Every restaurant she went near, or grocery store she entered, caused her to realize how programmed humanity is around diet. In seeing the underlying


programming, she chose to dismantle it, and then came to more greatly understand what her body really wanted at that particular time in her ascension. Mila’s intestinal tract was extremely debilitated at this time in her ascension. It could not stand the consumption of flesh, even fish. And so she became vegetarian at this juncture to give her tract time to regenerate without having to digest such dense foods. This is when Mila discovered she could eat heartily upon a vegetarian diet and have all of the tastes she craved therein, primarily through ethnic foods. Oa discovered the same as he became vegetarian over two years ago, and finally gave up the machinery that caused him to crave meat. Earth recommends that each initiate consider doing the same; to go on a two to three day fruit fast, and watch the programming around food come up so that one may deprogram oneself through conscious intention. In so doing, one will come to greater understanding of what one requires eating to support one’s ascent in any given day, week, or month of one’s ascension. It is only as the programming is removed that interferes with sensing the bodies true biological needs that one will more greatly feel the cravings that the body is in need of to fulfill upon a rapid ascension. Why is a rapid ascension better? It is too easy to ascend into disease beloved. The crystalline cells surrounding decayed or dying cells will speed up the pace of the decay. This will lead to cancer. For a time, earth hoped that a slower ascent would also work out. This is not so; one may wish to push as rapidly as possible to the highest level one’s ancestry can ascend into, and then stabilize through balancing the elements through conscious intent and diet; and through one’s detoxification practices prevent the build up of mucous that would lead to disease in ascension otherwise. In so doing, one will live to witness the new era about to unfold.

BALANCING THE pH OF THE FORM Foods also come in many forms that are acidic, basic or balanced in pH. Each form will also have an optimal pH that it retains its health within. Most forms become ill as either the entire form or portion of the form goes into a pH imbalance that is either overly acidic or overly basic. Therefore each may wish to assess the optimum pH for one’s health at one’s given level of ascent. The current pH scales may or may not be suitable as a gage; Mila and Oa muscle test the optimum pH for their embodiments, and for them, acidic is better as an ongoing overall pH. On may discover in one’s own assessment that their form also is better slightly acidic. Why is acidic better? Acidic substances do not let the mold grow. Mold and disease and mucous are all related. Mila rapidly found out that vinegar is perhaps the best household cleaning agent of anything else in the grocery store.


She now scrubs the kitchen and bathroom with pure vinegar, and discovers that the mold rapidly disappears and without harmful agents that are toxic to her form. Why is this so? Nature also prefers a slightly acidic backdrop to stay in balance and health just like ascending initiates. Acidic substances are craved when the body requires more acid to move back to the optimal pH for one’s health. For Mila, she craves lemons and lemon rind almost daily, along with other sweet-sour fruits such as passion fruit, pineapples and guavas. At other times and if Mila has become too acidic, she craves a large salad with Italian dressing. Vinegar goes basic when the digestive enzymes in the stomach are applied, allowing her form to come back to balance again if overly acidic. Furthermore, Mila and Oa both crave a plain bowl of yogurt every 2-3 days eaten upon an empty stomach either upon retiring or awakening. This allows their intestinal tract to have all of the positive bacteria present to assure good digestion. From time to time Mila and Oa crave large bowls of pasta or polenta. Pasta, polenta or oatmeal will sweep through the intestinal tract, clearing the debris and mucous that has collected along the edges, allowing all to exit during one’s daily bowel movements. This is a good dietary addition for ascending forms 2 to 3 times per week. Oa craves hot-spicy foods more than Mila. His system tends to run a load of fire and water creating mucous. The spicy-hot herbs dissolve the mucous in his intestinal tract and blood stream, and it is for this reason you will often catch him putting hot sauce on everything. Mila on the other hand craves fine gin, and drinks several small glasses with limes daily. The gin is a gentler manner of dissolving the mucous in her system, as the hot spicy herbs are too much and would burn a hole through her stomach otherwise. Mila tends to need more bitter-sour foods and this is provided through the gin, which also has a bitter-sour taste, especially when fresh lime is added. Each will find their own optimal solution to retaining balance in their form and dissolving the excessive mucous produced in ascension. Ethnic cooking has become the foundation of Mila and Oa’s gastronomical experimentation in the kitchen lately. They have experimented with Mexican, Italian, and Indian dishes, and have been pleasantly surprised at the outcome. They are choosing to cook everything from scratch most of the time, including making bread and pasta from flour; making stock from fresh veggies; making tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes; and making their own pesto, mayonnaise, ketchup, salsa, chutney, jelly, and so on from scratch and from local produce by in large purchased at farmers markets or fruit stands. Often Oa will go out onto the web to find a recipe from which they then improvise. They have also picked upon a few wonderful vegetarian cookbooks.


Food that is cooked from scratch will have no ownership upon it; no ownership of the store, the distributor, the manufacturer, the grower and so on. As such, the food tastes better, as the elements and divas can work through to provide the energetic nourishment more effortlessly. Food is more than simply physical nourishment; it is an energetic dance of communion and love between the species providing the sustenance and one’s own form and field along with soul, oversoul and source. In the dance of communion, eating can be a wondrous and joyful experience that nurtures one with love, filling oneself to the brim.

BALANCED GIVING AND RECEIVING Mila and Oa give greatly of their time and energy to earth and all in their program. There is little to fill them in return other than their walks in nature, a swim in the pool or at the ocean, a sunbath, or having a delicious meal. What is given must be returned unto them, or they would burn out and their ascensions fail. So this is also true for each reading these materials; one must receive as well as give, and retain the giving and receiving in balance or one will simply fail at their choice to ascend. Disease is a sign that one is giving too much. This both Mila and Oa rapidly discovered, and paired down their school as the disease was detected, removing those who expected to receive more than they gave. This was necessary, as they would have died otherwise. So this is also so for each of you. Earth suggests that each become mindful of their boundaries, and learn to give only as much as one receives. One may also wish to end any relationship with another or a group that takes too much; lest one become ill in the dance and fail to ascend.

ASCENDING OUT OF DISEASE Any diseased portion of the form will have an extremely imbalanced elemental energy flow. As initiates choose to rebalance the etheric body through conscious intent, and then supply the necessary nutritional items and food sources or herbs to assist the body in resurrecting, there is a good chance that one may ascend out of disease. Mila and Oa have ascended into and out of disease many times now in their journey to full consciousness and beyond; so can anyone as long as one intends it so, and follows through with the necessary life changes and dietary and detoxification rituals that will assist. Moving energy through the etheric body is primary to the resurrection of any diseased part of the form. Gentle walks or swims are therefore important to those ascending out of disease. Also tuning inward to the underlying karma at cause of the manifestation so that one may learn the spiritual lesson behind the disease, and then ascend beyond it. 146

Earth and the nature kingdoms will assist all those who choose to ascend out of disease; after all so are all species focused upon this shift into a regenerative biology at this time in history. One can experience this now beloved; and this is the gift of the release of all karma that would prevent a regenerative form from being made available unto the human species at this time in history.

FINAL NOTES The ancient red humans misused ascension knowledge causing a fall of earth. This karma is great; great enough to prevent ascension causing the extinction of mankind. This earth does not wish to create, as global ascension requires all species to ascend. This karma shall be released in the year ahead and as we turn our focus to slavery, dominion and imprisonment karma. Humans have a special contribution to the whole; as humanity personifies characters in the dance of life. In the interactions between humans that flows this way or that, earth can better discern her own karmic relationships to other planets, stars and galaxies that parallel in nature. As the karmic relationships are decoded, they then can change, allowing earth her opportunity to resurrect and ascend. Each species contributes a gift to global ascension. It is the hope of earth that more humans will choose to ascend, and provide their gifts and talents too. There is a special place for each ascending initiate; each receives a special dream and purpose that supports the ascent of the whole. Each species that holds a gate for human ascension learns through the dance of life of the human initiates associated. It is through such lessons that such species release their own related karma, as humanity provides a valuable mirror to their internal own state of being. The point is that we can all learn from one another, and all ascend into a new day of harmony, hope, joy and unity together. Therefore earth requests of those reading this material to intend to ascend; to take action to balance the field into a beautiful dance with all elements present – air, water fire and earth. Earth invites each to assess one’s diet and dietary needs, providing the form the sustenance it needs to ascend and remain disease free. Earth also invites initiates to assess their own detoxification practices, and to incorporate those that will assure non-ascension into disease. As humans come to a greater state of balance through ascension, so does earth, as all is interconnected and interrelated. Until our next communication, Namaste The Earth Mother The Tao



The Tao and Earth Mother through Karen Danrich “Mila” November 22, 2002

Dear Beloved Ascending Human, The Earth Mother finds many humans in great confusion over their level of evolution. A part of this reason is simply the many veils of illusion that plague the human energy field in particular below 3000 strands. We have had initiates write to Mila and Oa stating “I have attained Bodhisattva level evolution”, or worse yet “I have attained Full Consciousness!”. The reality is that only a handful of 18 humans global wide are attaining full consciousness or beyond at this time, and most are indigenous and lead such reclusive lives that they are unlikely to have found our channels web site. Furthermore, there are less than 500 global wide who are white with ancient red ancestries that have attained Bodhisattva level evolution at this time. Most of the 8000 or so in the new consensus who have attained this level of evolution are indigenous in their present life circumstance, and over half are children under the age of five. Therefore why is there all of the confusion for so many? This has to do with the many forces of the dark that pervade the energy flow in particular of those below 3000 strands that wish to trip one up. For if one believes that one has attained this or that or “arrived”, one will simply cease ascending, and this will allow such dark souls that is misguiding oneself to have a “home” for a time in one’s field and form. Therefore we guide initiates who are hearing from guidance that they have attained Bodhisattva or Full Consciousness, to kick such entities and souls out of one’s field and anchor new souls from earth and from the nature kingdoms that better serve one’s ascent. For such souls will not work in one’s best interest in relation to the release of karma or the construction of an ascending field, for they simply have another agenda, which is to control and own oneself forever. A part of the path to Bodhisattva requires discernment in one’s guidance. If one’s guidance is lying to oneself, then one will require learning to command one’s boundaries and kick such guidance out of the field. If one is overrun with


personality entities, one must learn to move such entities out and listen only to soul. Then one must discern which souls to listen to, and only listen to those who are going to guide one to ascend. There are tests in the initiations surrounding discernment, as it is often through faulty discernment that initiates with large fields have been misused creating global harm. And therefore the tests are stiff as anything less could prevent earth’s global ascent. We wish to take the time to expose the nature of an ascending field so that those who are clairvoyant or healers may better understand the nature of the changes in the ascent to Bodhisattva. In better understanding, one will know what they are looking at both within oneself, and within others that one may be working with as a healer. In better understanding, one will be able to gage one’s progress with greater ease. One may also muscle test if one is not clairvoyant to discern one’s own level of ascent, or utilize a pendulum. However be aware that there are beings and dark forces that know how to override kinesthetic knowing which can cause such manners of discernment to be faulty. It is far better therefore to synthesize one’s field in meditation moving all other energy out along with all souls that are nonresonant to one’s ascent before muscle testing or utilizing a pendulum to answer your questions. One may also wish to intend to “lift all veils of illusion” and check again the first answer that one received. Then a more accurate progress report of one’s ascent may be obtained.

THE ASCENT TO 1800 The ascent to 1800 causes each chakra to grow in size and shape from a spinning cone energy system to a multi-pedaled lotus shape. As the lotus spins, the chakra appears as a single sphere. There are three layers of spheres that develop by 1024 as viewed from the side; a top layer that is related to the conscious daily physical life, a middle layer related to the subconscious or that which is coming to conscious understanding; and a bottom layer that represents the unconscious. By 1800, all three layers will appear as a multi-pedaled lotus when not moving; or three spheres when moving. A global sized field of 24 larger chakras also develops by 1024, and by 1800 there is also a conscious, subconscious and unconscious layer of the global sized chakras. The light body becomes a multifaceted mer-ka-ba with 1024


panels on top and 1024 panels on the bottom. This light body energizes the entire form and field to stabilize the vibration at 1800 strands of DNA. Those at 1800 will tend to have two subtle bodies that are engorged, and two that are barely present if not non-existent. This is so as the repair of all four subtle bodies requires the ascent to 3000 accomplish. This creates an initiate that is still polarized, but not as greatly as existence at 2 strands of DNA. Such initiates will tend to be either mental and creative or emotional and intuitive in nature. Such initiates will experience a greater level of joy in life and their life expression as a result of moving beyond dogmatic vibrations and thought-form inherent in the field at 2 strands of DNA. Many initiates will stop at this level of 1800 strands. As this time, those with Annanuki Hologram from birth or inheritance to the Annanuki (Greek and Roman Gods) can ascend no further than 1800. Why is this so? This is simply so because such inheritance creates a radioactive and electrical biology which has no pathway to ascend into a magnetic biology required to ascend with earth; as this is not what the biology was constructed from in the womb. Earth estimates that about half of all adult human ascensions shall rest at 1800 allowing future generations to take the ascent to the next level. The etheric grid work of those either resting at 1800 or transiting 1800 will have a load of cords of attachment and machinery in place. There is no way to remove such machinery or attachment without the ability to ascend beyond 1800. Such machinery connects into what is known as “Matrixes”. Long ago, Innana and Merduk created electrical matrixes all around earth to support their life extension practices. Such Matrixes are being removed by earth at this time as they interfere with her global ascension. Humanity along with the slave race in particular was utilized to construct the matrixes along with nature. Grid work was pulled outside of all form of all slaves and some red humans along with earth and used to create electrical lay lines. Such a dance caused a fall in consciousness not only for mankind and the Annanuki slaves, but also for all of earth.


Earth is releasing her karma at this time for this dance with the matrixes, and all of nature is pulling back the grid work that belongs inside of the form rather than outside to augment the ascent of each species along with the whole of earth. Those resting at 1800 may not be able to separate from the matrixes, as they are inherently related to the Annanuki who created them. However those ascending to 3000 and beyond will begin to separate, allowing the grid work to be rewoven inside of the form where it belongs, which will allow for am ascent upward in vibration and into magnetic biology. Reikii is useful to those who are ascending to 1800 or resting at 1800. Reikii triggers certain key codes that will cause ascension amongst those who utilize it. It is therefore a useful tool for the ascent to 1800, and useful for those who rest at 1800 to remain in balance. After 1800, Reikii becomes less useful as one is bridging into a magnetic thought-form known as the Language of Light. (See Language of Light section for more information.) One may utilize however the same modality of moving energy with Reikii substituting the symbols of the Language of Light in their place in working with those pushing beyond 1800 strands. However Reikii is not a requirement to ascend; energy moves with one’s thoughts, and therefore one may simply call the Language of Light symbols into the field allowing them to dissipate the density one is releasing without the use of such treatments. The point of ascension is to become sovereign in one’s own ability to move the energy in one’s own field, as energy that stagnates leads to disease. One therefore must become more and more talented at moving the energy through one’s field over time in order to build an ascending field and form. Those resting at 1800 may continue to be comforted and resonate with the channeling and materials of the Ascended Masters. There is no right or wrong; all truths are valid. Those who resonate with a particular truth do so because there is a magnetic attraction within the field. Those who do not resonate with the Ascended Master teachings are generally destined to ascend beyond 1800 to 3000 or 6000 strands, and will leave such things behind as they no longer serve or no longer feel good or supportive. Therefore do not judge beloved; allow all others their life choices and allow yourself yours.


The ascent to 1800 creates a global sized field. This field creates an expansive level of thinking that is far less polarity based and dogmatic than those who remain at 2 strands of DNA and ascend not at all. The gift of the ascent to 1800 is not to be underestimated. Such humans will potentially take up causes of all kinds in support of earth’s global field pushing humanity to rectify the toxic mess that has been created. This is what earth perceives ahead for those who ascend to 1800 and remain there; they will become advocates for the changes necessary to foster the birth of unity for all of mankind. The point here is that all humans have a dance and a role to play in the coming times of cleansing and birth of the new age ahead. All are needed in their role; each contributes a unique destiny to the path of evolution of the whole. Each is to be embraced for the contribution to be made. It is human nature to reject, compare and judge. Those ascending beyond 1800 and in particular those mastering Bodhisattva must move beyond judgment entirely. For this is how compassion in action is born; compassion is born as one perceives life from a foundation of unity rather than disunity or polarity. As the nervous system is modified in the ascent to Bodhisattva, one perceives life from a new vantage point that is unity based, which allows for compassion to become one’s life foundation. Consciousness is biological. One cannot expect those ascending to 1800 to move beyond judgment; they will move out of dogma, yes it is true, but the judgment is a biological reality that requires another level of ascension to transcend, and this may not be possible for many adults. Therefore do not judge the judgment of others; as they are only subject to the biological and holographic inheritance that they were born with. Earth also asks initiates to remember that all are a part of the whole; as each does their part the whole of mankind will ascend into a new day and a new way of being.

THE ASCENT TO 3000 The ascent to 3000 allows for the movement beyond electrical thought-form. Electrical thought-form within a magnetic creation causes extremes in polarity in which life appears black and white in nature, or in other terms, right or wrong. In the ascent to 3000, one begins to move beyond right and wrong and judgmental thought-form as one embodies the language of light. The language of light causes the cellular structure to become increasingly unity based in which all cells are fed and nourished, all cells detoxified, and all considered equal in import to the whole. In parallel manner, those ascending to 3000 will begin to embrace unity based thought-form, and begin relate in terms of equality and service to the whole rather than self-service.


The chakras that were formerly a multi-pedaled lotus in the ascent to 1800 become triple sphere in the ascent to 3000. From the side there are three layers of triple spheres when 3000 has been mastered; one that is conscious and associated with the physical plane life dance; one that is subconscious and associated with what one is bringing to consciousness from dreamtime; and one that is unconscious and related to that which is yet unknown or parallel lives that one has yet to integrate. The light body also changes shape from a multi-faceted mer-ka-ba to a triple sphere shape as initiation 2000 is mastered. One will clearly see all spheres of the triple sphere chakras as they rotate. Mila has enjoyed watching such changes in the Hawaiians living in Hawaii-Nei; often as she goes out to listen to Hawaiian performers at night where the light is dim enough that she may perceive the triple sphere chakras rotating in the form with her naked eye. The subtle bodies are repaired in the ascent to 3000 such that all shall have an energetic presence around the field. This allows for the presence of all four; the mental, emotional, intuitive and creative bodies, which translates into an ability to experience all four capabilities concurrently; or in other terms be mental and language, be emotional and feel, be intuitive and hear or discern one’s guidance from earth and one’s soul, and be creative and express one’s creativity upon the physical plane. More or less this allows those who attain 3000 to come to a deeper level of balance and master the ability to dream weave, becoming the dreamer and the dream. This allows initiates


mastering 3000 to intend their dreams into physicality, and living to experience a dream come true circumstance. Many more adult initiates will rest at 3000 strands than will ever push forward to 6000 strands or Bodhisattva level evolution. At this time, earth has determined that those born with half and half holograms (half Annanuki and half Red Race) or Red Slave Race (Red Holograms #1-#7) cannot ascend beyond 3000 at this time as all attempts to do so have created global harm. (See pdf file "Hologram Charts" for a list of the human holograms.) The reasons for this are complex, but let us suffice to say that map carvers attempting such a transition became confused about which lineages to draw their ascension templates from; some chose radioactive DNA ascending into greater dissonance instead harmony by embodying red magnetic DNA, and this created an abusive field rather than a gentle and rotational field above 3000 strands. 3000 is an expansive state of being, and is not to be underestimated. Those ascending to this level will move beyond polarity enough that one will be able to create a loving partnership if this is what one desires, along with preoccupations that one loves, and living in a region that brings one joy. One will also be able to manifest with greater ease to meet one’s physical plane requirements. Initiates at 3000 will perceive the world from greater unity allowing for unity-based friendships to become the foundation of one’s life experience. One may leave behind those who cannot ascend, as it is no longer comfortable to spend time in their presence, particularly if one feels energetically battered in the dance. There are life changes associated with ascension. In the ascent to 3000, one will make two major life changes; one may leave the spouse, or move to a new region, or leave the spiritual teacher or guru behind; one may leave the children behind, or change jobs, or move forth into a new role or capacity in relation to one’s career choices. In order for 3000 to be mastered in full, two major life changes are required for the ascent to come fully into the physical.

SCHISMS AND ENERGY FIELD Initiates and healers alike who are working upon ascending initiates will need to be on the lookout for schisms. It is schisms, which involve the skipping over of a


particular segment of prior initiation and the associated genetic materials that can lead to disease if not rectified. Often initiates skip over the difficult emotional issues associated with their biological nature, and if this is done over enough of the ascent, it may cause a split in light and dark. The darkness left unintegrated in the unconscious will cause disease in the related parts of the form, as there is a gap in the genetic materials. Often initiates will schism over the same area of the form again and again in the ascent. Generally this is the result of a particularly traumatic incident recorded within this area of the form that the initiate would rather not deal with or face. This causes a particular part of the form to not be altered to crystalline as the genetic information necessary to allow for this has gone missing in the schism. That which is not crystalline and surrounded by cells that are will decay faster than before ascension and this will lead to cancer or other ailments over time if not rectified. All schisms will have ties or cords that extend from the etheric body, out of the field to another person, place or object that the initiate has failed to release the attachment to. At the end of the cord will be a fractured piece of soul, a part of the unconscious, some lost ancestors and information that requires integration for the schism to be healed. Healers and initiates alike can search for such cords and fractured pieces of soul, lost ancestors and lost unconscious, and intend to integrate it all while facing the emotional trauma associated, as anything less will lead to an early death otherwise. Intention is everything. When one intends to integrate a schism, so it will be.

MATRIXES AND ASCENSION One may also find that one has attached to the electrical matrixes that earth is releasing at this time rather than a person, place or object in the attachment associated with schisms. Long ago in the ascension temples, certain groups tried to ascend up the matrixes, as they were confused. The matrixes appear as a hall of mirrors that creates seemingly endless corridors that lead somewhere or appear to lead up the dimensions; alas they lead nowhere and initiates in times past attempted to ascend through such matrixes pushing themselves up and up through such corridors. All that occurred in the end was an extremely incomplete ascension in which the form combust and the soul shattered, with nothing going to the next dimension. The most incomplete ascensions were created through the matrixes. Initiates ascending to 3000 will have to become aware of the tendency to wish to plug into the matrixes rather than reweaving the grid work inside of the form. It is tempting to plug into the matrixes as they provide electrical chi that may energize the field. Matrix ascension may work for a time until all such energy flow is dismantled by earth within the region that one lives. In a matrix based


ascension, one is relying upon electrical based energy that comes from somewhere outside of oneself or the matrixes themselves to hold one’s vibration. Biological ascension requires that one not plug into an outside energy source, but rather reweave the grid work and alter the physical structure to hold a higher vibration of one’s own volition. Those with ancestry to those who ascended utilizing the matrixes are the most likely initiates to make this mistake again in the ascent to 3000. The end result will be an electrically charged field rather than a magnetic one that will fry all biological systems leading to an early death rather than an ability to live to witness the coming times of change. If one finds oneself ascending through the matrixes, intend to disengage and reweave the associated grid work back inside of the form. In so doing, all of the biological changes can come forth, and one will embody the magnetic tones of creation leaving electrical thought-form, judgment and polarity behind in the ascent to 3000. Those ascending through the matrixes became increasingly judgmental and moody in Mila and Oa’s experience. Therefore an extreme of any kind in the persona of the ascending initiate moving to 3000 strands is a sign or symptom of electrical matrix ascension rather than a magnetic ascension.

ARROGANCES AND ASCENSION The ascent to 3000 allows the arrogances, seductions and illusions associated with electrical thought-form to begin to be transcended in such an initiate. Mila has written extensively about such patterning in “Ascension Transmissions II”. The ascent to Bodhisattva requires addressing group arrogances, group seductions and group illusions. Mila has written a little about group arrogances in the Great Central Sun Transmissions section. More will be written about group seduction and group illusions in the year ahead. It is wise for initiates to become gifted at self-examination and begin to understand one’s own biological and emotional patterning. All initiates have arrogances that require transcending; generally the arrogances can cause the most difficulties in ascension, as there will be a tendency to schism over and go blind to that which one is arrogant about within oneself. One will further find that each schism shall have a language of light tone or a series of tones that are missing from the field in the examination. One can examine not only one’s own nature, but also search for missing tones of creation in the language of light, and then intend to integrate them to assure a complete ascension. There is a wonderful article “Ascension Redefined” that describes the polarity based thought-form transcended as each note within the language of light is embraced. One may wish to utilize the polarity chart in one’s own self-examination to assure a complete ascension.


Incomplete ascension will lead to disease and early dearth. Complete ascension will create a balanced field at 3000 strands that will live to witness the coming times and birth of the golden era ahead. Therefore it is important for initiates to become gifted at examining one’s own field, patterning, thought-form and issues, as well as intending transcendence.

MONITORING ONE’S ASCENSION Those resting at 3000 will more likely than not have only embodied 30% of the biological blueprint to date at this time in history. The reason for this is simply a lack of photonic energy to cause the genetic material to grow within the field and form. Therefore although one may anchor 3000 strands, it will be many years and into the decade ahead before one embodies such a blueprint 100% into the physical. Those resting at 3000 at this time will continue to ascend as more and more photonic energy becomes available surrounding earth with each new star gate entered. Moving to the country or to an island where there is more photonic energy already present can augment one’s pace of ascension. Many may choose such a life change for this reason, as a slower ascension may have more complications leading to disease than a more rapid ascension. Understand that anchoring the blueprint to 3000 is only one part of the ascent; embodying 100% into the physical is the next phase of ascension, and one will continue to ascend for up to a decade into the future as a result. Therefore one will continually be searching for gaps in the field or schisms, releasing more attachment from the etheric body, burning off more karma with the kundahlini, repairing and expanding the ascending energy field, releasing unnecessary machinery, and building an ever increasingly crystalline biology in the form.


GENETIC AND ASCENSION GRID WORK It is easy to lose information before it has been integrated into the physical. Therefore one may wish to monitor both the genetic grid work and the ascension grid work for gaps of missing information upon a daily basis. The genetic grid work sits against the skin of the etheric body, and it is through this grid work that the genetic changes to an ascending form are downloaded and then transferred along the lay lines to the organ, gland, system or structure of the form associated. Missing genetic grid work translates into a gap within the associated part of the form, which can lead to disease. If one assesses such a gap, the intent to rectify the gap while releasing the karma associated will allow the gap to be healed, and all of the genetic information then made available for the associated part of the form in one’s ascension. Ascension grid work sits outside of the genetic grid work and is the template that one constructs a crystalline genetic blueprint within. Each ascending initiate is continuously retrieving genetic information from ancient ancestors that once held a crystalline biological structure. Such information is first placed into the ascension grid work, which then is downloaded to the genetic grid work by the angels and divas involved with the weaving of form.


Ascension grid work is more vulnerable than genetic grid work as it is more greatly exposed as one has interactions with others in one’s day-to-day existence. Therefore crosschecking the ascension grid work and retrieving anything lost each day in meditation is a wise ascension practice that will assure a more greatly complete ascension and a less likely chance of ascending into disease.

GROUNDING AND ASCENSION New information that one is integrating in ascension continually pours from one’s oversoul and source down the chakras above one’s head and through the chakra system to one’s akashic records, biological records, ancestral records and lineages. Through the grounding to the aurora of earth, that which is no longer required as the new information is integrated is released. Ascension requires that energy move down the field causing the information necessary to continually pour in and that which is not required to be released down one’s grounding cord. Therefore a grounded state of being is most imperative in the ascent to 3000 and beyond. Grounding requires that one embrace the gender based tones associated with one’s biology. In the West in particular, men and women have reverse polarized gender based tones. Western women tend to run male energy and men tend to run female energy. Male energy in a female form creates competent women who can handle the stress of the work world. Female energy in a male form creates a sensitive new age guy that may or may not be able to provide, but makes a good parent. Many reading our web site may have experienced such types of relationships, in which the women becomes like the mother to the man, and the sexuality dies thereafter because who wishes to make love to their mother? The problem with reversing gender-based tones in ascension is that the energy moves up the field rather than down leaving one ungrounded. In an ungrounded state, it is impossible to integrate new information from one’s soul, oversoul and source. Therefore initiates in the journey to 1800 and again in the journey to 3000 who have reversed polarized in their current life expression will have to face their own hatred of their own biological gender, as it is such hatred that is the underlying cause of why one would run the opposing gender signature. As the self-hatred is processed and released along with the underlying karma, one will quite naturally embrace one’s own tones of creation based upon gender. Within the Language of Light, female energy is an octave higher than male energy. The Language of Light spins faster and has a higher sound or orchestra playing in a female ascending field than in a male ascending field. Together, a man running male energy and a women running female energy create a new form of divine union or a symphony of sound that is complementary as each


masters 3000 strands together. This allows for a new type of relationship to be born amongst initiates that chose the path of ascension together. Men and women from South America, Spain, Greece, Italy, France, Egypt, and India, or who are indigenous generally run the frequencies associated with the biological gender. At 2 strands of DNA, this creates a machismo man and a subordinate woman. At 1800, the extremes are modified enough that men and women can begin to treat one another more greatly as equals. By 3000 strands, the transcendence beyond the belief that one gender is better than another is risen above enough to create a loving partnership that is founded upon unity and equality, provided that all of the karma associated with another type of relationship has been addressed and released in full.

SEXUAL ENERGY AT 3000 STRANDS The kundahlini and sexual energy system develops extensively between the ascent from 1800 to 3000 strands. There are three main channels of energy that moves from the tailbone, up the spine and out the top of the head. There are also Kundahlini side channels that run through the feet chakras up the legs, up either side of the torso, down the arms and out the hands, and up through the shoulders and past the ears. Sexual energy is gathered from the aurora through one’s grounding and pulled up throughout the field and form many hours per day. The kundahlini energizes all grid work of the etheric body, chakra system, subtle bodies, light body and auric field. The upper half of the field is energized with the kundahlini of the solar sun. It is for this reason that a 10 minute sunbath per day is


recommended for ascending initiates so that one may draw upon the solar kundahlini to energize one’s larger auric field. There is also an external kundahlini, which is equivalent to fire jumping off of the skin of the etheric body. This develops around 2200 strands, and more fully in the ascent to Bodhisattva, with flames leaping upwards of 20 feet from one who has mastered 6000 strands in their ascent. The external kundahlini is a good form of fire to run when out and about in the world, as the fire will cause the energy of others to remain outside of one’s field and boundaries. For those at 3000 strands, the kundahlini must run a minimum of 10 hours per day. Often times it is easier for the kundahlini to run unobstructed at night leading to the experience of night sweats. One may also find oneself hot and sticky on and off during the day, and this is a sign that the kundahlini is working properly. If one does not experience night sweats or surges of heat during the day, it is a sign that the kundahlini is not functioning enough to allow for an ascent to 3000 strands. For the ascent to 6000 or Bodhisattva, the kundahlini must run 18 hours per day, with an increased width within the internal channels such that they touch upon one another, becoming one large channel that touches all grid work and all meridians of the form. The heat of the Bodhisattva will often be so great that one will drip sweat from one’s forehead or down one’s back as the kundahlini flares while releasing karma, or anchoring space for an event or healing session. Initiates who are prone to reject the element of fire may have difficulty in the development of the kundahlini, as fire is the main element that is utilized to carve the kundahlini channels in ascension. Some initiates fear the element of fire due to traumatic ancestral karma, or have been born with other elements prevalent in their natal chart and without the element of fire. As initiates who tend to reject fire intend to release the karma associated, fire will be embraced enough to allow for the kundahlini channels to be carved, and the form and field charged enough to allow for the mastery of 3000 strands and beyond. It is out of the fear of fire that initiates may be tempted to plug into the matrixes rather than develop a proper kundahlini required for ascension. Therefore those who find themselves attached to the matrixes may wish to examine if the kundahlini has developed as much as it should have given one’s level of ascent, and intend to release one’s fear of fire if this is the underlying cause. Sexual energy is also associated with the kundahlini, and if one has had problems with sex or sexual abuse issues, such trauma will have to be cleared in order to develop the channels enough to allow for ascension beyond a certain level. Once the kundahlini flows enough, sustaining one’s own vibration in ease can be mastered, for it is the sexual energy that allows one’s field to be energized each day, week, month and year of one’s continued ascent.


The sexual energy buds into a triple lotus that crosses in the pelvis and heart by initiation 3000. This triple lotus of the sexual energy can be energized and pushed outward as much as 800 feet from the form at 3000 strands, and over a mile at 6000 strands, contributing to the ability to hold one’s boundaries. In partnership, it is the sexual energy triple lotus patterning that dances around one another, which has the affect of increasing one’s vibration exponentially. This form of divine union requires two who have come together in an ascending partnership.

ASCENDING PARTNERSHIP Those choosing to ascend however who enjoy sexual encounters require being very careful if you sincerely wish to ascend in this lifetime. Mila and Oa have seen many initiates lose all of their ascension records and roll back significantly after casual sexual encounters. Sexual energy that is shared creates a bond that one can be stripped through if the other party is not also upon the path of ascension. Therefore casual sex or jumping into a relationship without thorough examination is not recommended for ascending initiates. Two upon the path of ascension together can choose to ascend together, and all kingdoms will honor such a choice. With any new relationship however, it takes time to download all of the changes necessary to sustain a dance of divine union and create a “couples” ascension”. Therefore one must be careful, and assess any new encounter as to whether such a relationship is really in one’s best interest as an ascending human. Ascending couples have a united field in which the masculine and feminine vibrations dance in divine union together through the sexual energy flow. This type of united field can often ascend far faster than one who is single; however it also requires the greatest of compatibility between the two, as any great discord only shatters the ascent of the whole. Ascending partners therefore require a particular make up that is non-polarized or polarized in a manner that is supportive for one another. In supportive polarity, one party’s strength is the other party’s weakness, and visa versa. Mila and Oa are an example of this as Mila is the gifted channel and Oa the gifted anchor, and the two together balances out where the other is weak. So this is so for all ascending couples. This requires a special type of relationship to create, and is worth waiting for. Therefore it is recommended that those wishing ascending partnerships intend it so, and then allow such a relationship to manifest, and take it slow allowing all of the energetic changes associated to be brought forth a little at a time.


Some partnerships in the form of long-term marriages may have bonds not suited to a “couple’s ascension”. Perhaps one party can only ascend to 1800 and the other can move on to 3000. With such vibrational differences, there is no possibility of creating a divine union dance between the two in the form of shared sexual energy. Instead, each carves a sovereign journey, and often sexualexchanges are minimal to none under such a circumstance. As one masters 3000 and completes with such a partner, one is free to leave and create a new ascending partnership of greater compatibility if one so chooses.

CHI ENERGY FLOW AND CONSCIOUS BREATH Magnetic chi is gathered from the lay lines of the earth mother and drawn up into the grid work of the ascending form in a continuous energy movement. This movement begins in the ascent to 1024 around 800 strands, and becomes more and more present each phase of ascension thereafter. The chi moves up the right side of the etheric body through all meridians therein, up over the top of the head, and down the left side of the body through all meridians therein in a continuous flow. Such flow follows the in-breath and outbreath of the form and is connected to “conscious breathing”. Most humans lost the ability to consciously breathe before the Fall of Atlantis. Most ascending humans have discovered that the ability to direct chi through the meridians of the form was lost some


18,000 years ago in human history. The cause? It appears that the knowledge had been bartered away to the dark forces in some of the last known incomplete ascensions. As one breathes in deeply, the breath should call the chi up the right side of the form energizing the meridians therein. As one exhales, the chi is pushed down the left side of the form energizing the meridians therein. Often symptoms of tiredness in ascension are transcended as one simply retrains the body to consciously breathe again. This can be done by taking a 15-30 minute walk for seven straight days in which one breathes in every two steps and out every two steps. One will reprogram one’s own field to collect chi in synchronization with the in-breath and out-breath in so doing. This reprogramming is required in order to transcend 800 strands of DNA and master 1024. In Mila and Oa’s experience, many who suffer from deep bouts of tiredness so great that they slept most of the day and were unable to work have transcended such patterning through this simple reprogramming technique. At 3000 strands, one will require breathing in deeply and exhaling every so many minutes to maintain one’s vibration over the course of the day. The autonomic nervous system should cause the deep breath without one’s awareness. However humans are used to shallow breathing; also if one goes into fear, one generally leaves the body (un-grounds) and shallow breathes. In so doing, one also then fails to collect the chi that one requires to hold one’s vibration, and one begins to sink or fracture. In such moments, breathe in deeply and exhale many times in a row. One will rapidly pull oneself out of whatever one has hit in so doing. The act of breathing aligns one in present time and anchors soul in the form. It is soul that then proceeds to release the karma and direct the field to transcend whatever patterning one has hit in the act of ascension. One will see the chi energy movement in one’s auric photo. If the chi energy is moving properly, there will be a band of clear energy that runs up the right and down the left side allowing one’s face to be visible through the colors of one’s auric field. One can have periodic aura pictures taken to allow one to gage one’s ascent. If there is a great amount of white energy, this is a sign of electrical chi and potentially one may be creating a matrix-based ascension. If the field is filled with the language of light pastel tones, this is a sign of a magnetic ascension. Generally, the chi will continue to move as one sleeps. One will have a rhythmic in-breath and out-breath that will occur every so many minutes to sustain one’s vibration and the flow of chi throughout the etheric vessel. Most ascending initiates snore loudly. The snoring is a sign of the return of conscious breath during one’s dreamtime non-waking hours, and is necessary to sustaining one’s vibration. Therefore techniques and products to reduce snoring are not recommended for ascending initiates.


THE 12-CHAKRA SYSTEM OF THE BODHISATTVA The 12 Chakra System was written about in a “Great Central Sun Transmission” earlier this year. For the sake of review, we are going to repeat this information with a few additions in this article. Up through the ascent to 3000, initiates retain a 7 Chakra System. Beginning at 4200 strands, the 12-chakra system begins to be born with the budding of the diagram chakra between the third or solar plexus and fourth or heart chakra. Around 5000 strands, the occipital chakra buds along with 24 petals in the heart, pelvic and crown lotuses. The lotus pattern in the heart passes around the human hologram, and it is at this point that one begins to access holographic knowledge in one’s ascension. The occipital chakra provides a chakra to govern one’s dream, which sits behind the neck after 3000 strands is mastered in one’s ascent. The occipital chakra directs the dream and dream weaving for one’s life dance and ascension thereafter. By initiation 6000, the pituitary, pineal and male and female chakras open. These new chakras in particular govern the energetic movement of the field to a far more refined state allowing most mechanized moving energy systems to be dismantled. Mechanization is the result of electrical and radioactive tones of creation in a magnetic system, which creates straight-line movement. Straightline movement is similar to the circuit boards humans are familiar with in computer systems. Magnetic energy in contrast is rotational in nature and requires soul to spin. Mechanized energy movement requires not soul and will continue to move endlessly at whatever pace the circuitry has been programmed to function at. Mechanized energy can be equated with non-consciousness as a result. The field of the Bodhisattva is too delicate to be run with machines and sustain a state of balance. Furthermore, the very language that is electrical must be transcended and transmuted in full by 6000 strands in order to master Bodhisattva level of evolution. This requires over 90% of the straight-line movement remaining at 3000 strands to be dismantled in the initiations that follow. As initiates release the machines and electrical thought-form associated, the new chakras open in their place allowing for soul to spin the field instead of machines.


12 CHAKRA SYSTEM 1st Chakra - Grounding Chakra This chakra begins under the feet and is for purposes of grounding soul into form. This chakra has multiple energy components and moves around the field in a complex system of rotation to keep soul anchored in the center of the form and field or subtle bodies. This chakra includes the feet, knees and hips along with root chakra and seven sets of chakras that extend from the feet to the aurora in the center of earth. 2nd Chakra - Pelvic or Sexual Energy Chakra This chakra begins in the pelvis but includes a complex energy flow known as sexual energy and kundahlini. The kundahlini runs up the spine through the nervous system, and the sexual energy is a set of triple lotuses that rotate through the hips and under the feet, between the hips and heart region, and from the heart over the head. While anchoring, the sexual energy may expand to include a region of a mile or more as needed for world service purposes, or while teaching and healing. This chakra also continues to allow the emotional body to relay emotions to the form and then transfers the emotions to the heart via the sexual energy flow. The pelvic chakra region also expands to contain a center for soul and the information related to one's tapestry of ancestry. Such information is now held by soul rather than inside of the form to deter against manipulations therein. Soul holds the ancestral information and sits inside of a new cavity about the size of a quarter in the pelvis, and transmits the necessary lineage information as needed for karmic release purposes, along with gathering new ancestral information as it is released inside of the scar tissue or decay of the form during the act of resurrection to the healing temples for ascension.


Pelvic Lotus There is a lotus that opens in the second chakra region. This lotus extends outwards up to 100 feet around an initiate. The lotus energizes the lower half of the grid work to sustain the grounding to the center of the earth. The lotus opens to a total 250 petals that work together in groups of 12, as the blueprint to 6000 is embodied 100% in the physical. 3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus or Power Chakra This chakra governs power and includes a complex energy flow that sustains the boundaries around the etheric body of the form, the chakras, the subtle bodies, along with the light body and global chakras. It is from the power center that one's group agreements for interactions with all others along with the new consensus for ascension are stored, and one commands what can and cannot dance with one’s field. 4th Chakra - Diaphragm or Breath of Life Chakra This chakra governs the diaphragm and conscious breath. Conscious breath is not only a developed diaphragm that can convert oxygen to sugar upon a biological level, but is also an energy flow through the field in which the chi and fire are distributed as originating from the heart and soul region through the grid work, chakras and subtle body of the form. 5th Chakra - Heart Chakra. The heart center governs the ongoing communication of soul and body through the communication centers of the form. Such communication centers gather information from all four subtle bodies along with soul and guidance along with angels and then communicate such to the consciousness or subconscious of the form. The subconscious is one's dreamtime reality while asleep. At this time and due to changes in the map for ascension as 6000 strands is embodied roughly 30% in the physical, the akashic records and biological records are moved inside of the heart chakra to the soul cavity. The soul sits in a cavity, which encompasses portions of both the right and left side of the heart. Soul retains such records passing them to the form and divas as necessary in the act of ascension. This too assists in bypassing the manipulations inherent in having such records outside of the form and in the neck region. Heart Lotus The complex energy flow of a multi-petal lotus buds in the initiations to 6000 that continues to grow in size as one reaches full consciousness to contain 1000 petals. At 6000 strands, one has 1/4 of the petals fully formed or roughly 250 petals flowing in sets of 12 that are interrelated much like a flower. This complex set of flower like patterns allows soul to bless Earth and all with whom one


comes into contact as one has agreed upon. Such petals and their energy movement will extend as far as 1000 feet from the form 6th Chakra - Throat Chakra This chakra governs the communication that causes exchanges of energy between humans or between the communication planes of Earth and one's form. This too is a complex flow of energy that involves ongoing and constant communication of intent for the purposes of one's continued ascension or manifestation of one's soul purpose in the physical.. 7th Chakra - Occipital Region of Head This chakra governs the dream that initiates weave in the initiations to 3000. By 6000 strands, the dream is large enough to suspend a 10 foot egg shaped energy flow in the back of the neck. It is the occipital chakra that governs and directs the energy flow of the dream of the Bodhisattva. The occipital chakra also sustains the chi of the entire field in balance. The requirement of chi in a crystalline form and crystalline grid work is far greater than prior times in one's life dance, and therefore an entire chakra now is dedicated to monitoring such energy movement so that all parts of the form are equally energized to sustain the life and well being of the cells. In the physical, the occipital region contains the brain stem which governs the autonomic nervous system that keeps the blood moving, the heart beating, the intestinal tract moving, the digestive system moving, the lymph moving and so on. Such biological systems are related to the movement of chi in the grid work of the form as governed by this new chakra. 8th Chakra - Pineal Gland This chakra collects chi from the sun and light and transcribes it into the necessary vibrations to sustain one's form and energize the grid work adequately to sustain one’s level of evolution. Taking the time each day with eyes closed and facing the sun while intending to absorb the energy into the grid work will consciously activate the 8th chakra to gather chi and transfer it to the 4th chakra region to be distributed throughout the field and form. If one feels excessively tired, going into the sun is a good practice and shall help to re-energize the entire field and etheric body. It only requires generally 20 minutes of direct exposure of sunlight to fulfill upon the chi requirements of a form at 6000 strands of DNA. In ancient times, eating was less necessary. Humans gathered their chi from the sun through such practices. In ascension temples, such temples were often in places of ongoing sunlight for such purposes of adding more chi to fuel one's expansion. One may find it less necessary to eat as much or as often through this practice, however one's cravings for certain food substances will still follow the biological needs for transmutative purposes of ascension. 168

9th Chakra - Pituitary Gland This chakra governs the small chakras that exist throughout the grid work of the etheric body. One is forever opening new meridians and chakras as yet other parts of the grid work are opened and re-energized as one ascends. After initiation 6000 is embodied to 30% in the physical, a chakra to manage the small sub-chakras and meridian system throughout the grid work becomes necessary, and this is the purpose of the 9th chakra. In the physical, the Pituitary gland is the master gland that manufactures and monitors all ascension substances throughout the form. It is in constant contact with the brain stem and thymus to assure that the form has the right amount of each chemical necessary to continue to transmute the body in ascension. 10th Chakra - Crown Chakra This chakra is one's master library of spiritual knowledge. Often times the brain is so debilitated in the current limitation of form that more knowledge is stored in the nonphysical brain than in the physicality of the form. Yet through channeling one may access such nonphysical knowledge and speak it as needed in one's life role. In essence, Mila understood years ago that the ascension would take too long to bring totally into the physical structure. However, as a gifted channel, one can express the wisdom without the large heads of one’s ancient ancestors and the brain that was contained therein; this allows the wisdom of the Bodhisattva to be expressed for the purposes of teaching, healing or leading. This has worked so successfully for her that this has become a part of the map to Bodhisattva for all others to follow. The 10th chakra is a complex energy flow that includes up to 1000 chakras that connect the Bodhisattva to one's source and sustains the connection through ongoing movement of energy. Often initiates feel disconnected and it is not unusual to have the chakras above the head shattered in a karmic exchange. One rebuilds their system nightly during recasting due to karmic encounters to allow one to continue to ascend. Crown Lotus Much like the heart and pelvic region, a multi-petal lotus opens in the crown as 6000 is embodied to 30% in the physical. These petals grow to be 250 petals in number as one embodies 6000 100% to blueprint and allows for greater ongoing communication between one's source and soul and one's physical form and consciousness.


11th Chakra - Right Telepathic Channel - Male Side This chakra governs information received through telepathic communication with the non-physical realms. Sometimes such communication will come through in direct channeling rather than be "heard" in one's mind or ear. However an entire chakra to govern nonphysical communication is created by initiation 6000, as it is embodied 30% in the physical to allow greater conscious dreamtime awareness. This chakra shall allow each to become more attuned to the nonphysical planes surrounding Earth, along with the Earth mother and all kingdoms therein, for the purposes of sharing, communion, and guidance. This chakra along with the 12th chakra also governs the masculine and feminine side of the vibrations one holds along with energy movement in the form. There is an ongoing exchange of energies between the right and left side or masculine and feminine side of the etheric body, subtle bodies along with each chakra region. This chakra along with the 12th chakra retains the balance on the right and left side of the form in all energy flow therein 12th Chakra - Left Telepathic Channel - Female Side This chakra governs the transference of all records and information of one's personal ascension to Earth's archives and the temple of human ancestry in an ongoing basis. This chakra also is anchored by initiation 6000 as it is embodied 30% into the physical. This increased pace of ascension has one releasing records day and night and this chakra governs this purpose to allow the relay to be 24 hours per day rather than strictly during recasting in dreamtime. One can liken this to the fact that one begins to be continuously recast after initiation 6000 by one's soul and source. Chakras 11 and 12 work together to retain balance between the masculine and feminine sides of the form along with one's life dance, or movement between times of beingness and outward moving activity. In meditation time, these chakras expand allowing a greater connection to one’s source. THE ETHERIC BODY The etheric body releases all electrical based ties in the ascent from 3000 to 6000 strands. This requires all ownership signatures to be released in full. Ownership signatures originated in the incomplete ascensions of the false gods or ascended masters. Each of such incomplete ascensions utilized the matrixes to attempt to move to the next dimension; the matrixes were blended with the grid work of such ascending masters through a particular tone and energy movement. As the ascending master grew in size, the tone and energy movement associated with the matrixes grew and grew, connecting their following into the matrixes. The chi of the following was stripped to foster the ascent of the guru. It is for this reason that upon the ascent of such humans, most of the closest following died. This is how ownership signatures came to be.


As enough humans ascended in this manner, the associated signatures that allowed for a relationship to the matrixes became global thought-form. Because electrical tones were inherent in the matrixes, electrical thought-form became prevalent. It is electrical thought-form that causes extremes in polarity such as good and evil, right and wrong, and so on. It was through such ascensions that humanity fell into dogma as a way of relating. The matrixes and dogma or antimatter are all related, as the electrical thought-form that humanity relies upon today is founded upon the vibration of antimatter. Antimatter bores holes in matter and causes aging, illness, disease and death. Long ago, Riza brought through 27 signatures associated with incomplete ascensions and related to electrical thought-form. One may open the pdf file “Ownership Signatures” to view these signatures. Most initiates will find that they are related to one to eight of these signatures. All attachment into the etheric body will have one to eight of these signatures sustaining the attachment in place. One may utilize the language of light to dissolve the ownership signatures bored into the etheric body which will have the affect of releasing the associated attachment. Attachment is also related to disease machinery. Disease machinery is a lower octave of the matrixes for all intents and purposes. In essence, ascending initiates long ago who created the most incomplete ascensions created a link between the matrixes and their following by enhancing the disease machinery Innana and Merduk had created in their warfare upon one another. It was through the connection to their following’s grid work through the disease machinery that the incomplete ascension of such gurus was launched; it was also through such a connection that the following became disease and ultimately died, sacrificing themselves for their guru. The ascent to Bodhisattva requires the disengagement from all disease machinery and matrixes along with electrical attachment to people, places or objects. Such grid work is then rewoven inside of the etheric body to allow the related portions of the form that have decayed or scarred to become crystalline. Bodhisattva level initiates transcend all electrical thought-form as the last ownership signature is released within the etheric body and the related grid work rewoven within. As electrical thought-form is transcended, extreme polarity is also transcended as a part of the life dance. This makes possible a joyful life expression that is devoid of the pain, anger, and fear associated with electricity. One will also confront one’s desire to die, for the ascent to Bodhisattva requires the transcendence of death and the emergence of a regenerative biology that does not age. Therefore initiates will also confront their fear of death, and in the transcendence, master compassion in action along with a regenerative biological blueprint.


THE SUBTLE BODIES The subtle bodies of the Bodhisattva level initiate become larger in size and more greatly refined and balanced than in the ascent to 3000. By in large, initiates mastering Bodhisattva must learn to have equal sized subtle bodies in order to sustain enough balance in any given day. It is often as one or more subtle bodies deflate in energy that the field of the initiate begins to wobble. Therefore it is good practice to balance the subtle bodies during meditation and synthesis time, intending each to have equal proportions of chi. As the Bodhisattva learns to hold all four subtle bodies in equal size, weight and chi, compassion is mastered. Compassion is a state of being in which one feels, perceives, and intuits, languages and expresses or creates concurrently. Judgment is the result of a split between mental and emotional, along with intuitive and creative energies. As mental, emotional, intuitive and creative are equally weighted and balanced, one learns to function out of compassion with all others and all other life forms.


THE LIGHT BODY The light body of the Bodhisattva expands around initiation 5500 to become an integrity symbol, or in other terms a second triple sphere is added above the first one, and the two sets of triple spheres rotate around one another creating a yet larger energy flow. The light body is a body double, and holds a larger version of the etheric body and all chakras. It is the light body that one can travel within during dreamtime for meetings or the purposes of researching information surrounding one’s ascent. Due to the misuse of light body travel amongst ascending initiates, light body movement has been restricted in recent months to the bare minimum required to ascend, and special escorts are required to disengage from the etheric vessel. It is the light body that gathers photonic energy emanating from the Great Central Sun and utilizes such energy to rotate the larger chakras that sustain one’s global auric field. The auric field of the Bodhisattva expands to be outside of the moon’s orbit, boarding upon becoming solar in nature. It is also the light body that acts as a bridge for information from one’s soul, oversoul and source to the physical vessel and consciousness of the form. SUMMARY Earth hopes that this information gives each initiate an adequate idea of the energetic changes leading to Bodhisattva level evolution. Understand that the path to Bodhisattva is only partially carved. The map to 3000 in comparison is complete enough to release to the map followers as of this month. Therefore there will be additional changes to the field and form as the map carvers continue to carve the map to Bodhisattva for all of humanity to follow. The field of those attaining full consciousness or beyond is 18 times more complex that the field of the Bodhisattva, and 18 additional energy systems to support a universal sized energy flow. It is for this reason that it is unrealistic to believe that one has attained such a state of being to date. Perhaps one will be able to discern more effortlessly now where one is within one’s own path of ascension based upon the information shared. Until our next communication, Namaste The Earth Mother The Tao


Energetic Dynamics of Disease The Tao through Karen Danrich “Mila” February 26, 2003

Dear Beloved Ascending Human, Early this year, it was determined that through a manipulation of the dark, an entire segment of disease karma was schismed over by the collective ascending human population in the new consensus. This karma involved the dynamics of etheric poison. We will discuss these dynamics in great detail today so that those who are ascending may begin to address this patterning within for the purposes of transcendence. The cause of the schism and how this was orchestrated will be discussed in the next Great Central Sun Transmission, but let us suffice to say that it was an angelic manipulation, and has caused a turning of angel souls upon earth. The turning of creation, which began in December, is officially complete at this time. Fewer than 18% of the souls that had ensouled Earth remain. New souls have descended, and in particular the Tao from outside of time and space and form and the mirror in which your creation resides has fully descended to embody the aurora of earth. The feminine aspect of the Tao (the Lady Tao) now begins her descent, which shall take roughly 6 months to fulfill upon. This shift shall begin to balance the male and female energies more fully upon Earth as it is completed assuring that the dream for global ascension becomes a viable future. Mila has over the years channeled information from many sources, and continues to channel the nature kingdoms and consciousness of Earth, otherwise known as the Earth Mother. She does so to make available the information to humans who perhaps have a less clear ability to attune to the dreamtime occurrences in Earth’s governance and experience of global ascension. Let us simply say that nature and Earth as a physical vessel is overjoyed at the presence of the Tao, and pleased that the shift in souls dancing with earth has been a relatively easy change to orchestrate.

ETHERIC POISON Etheric poisons are tones of creation that shut down the energy movement of a field, light body, chakra system along with the movement of energy within the grid 174

work of the etheric body. In other terms, etheric poisons are destructive tones of creation. Over time and in the choice to cause certain species to go extinct, poisonous vibrations were utilized upon earth. The most poisonous tones come from your glaciers. The glaciers contain all that remains of a dumping of toxic substances frozen into etheric gas resembling sulfur dioxide that occurred 6 million years ago due to Arcturian cause. Within the gas were frozen entities of the most dangerous proportions that had shattered the Arcturian solar system. These were flash frozen with potent etheric poisons. Later the secret governance of earth drew upon such poisons to cause extinction of two species. The first species earth’s secret governance chose to cause the extinction of was the Dinosaur kingdom. This kingdom was drawn from a parallel creation genetic blueprint hat was silica based in nature. Silica life form is non-compatible with carbon-based life form, and there is no means upon Earth to break down such a cellular structure. It is for this reason that dinosaur remains known as tar do not break down over time. The presence of the Dinosaur kingdom caused the first known toxins to become prevalent upon Earth from a living species. It was for this reason that earth’s secret governance chose to cause the Dinosaur kingdom to go extinct. The presence of the Dinosaur Kingdom was a dream broadcast upon Earth by the creator-souls of Alpha Centauri, also home to the Grays and Reptilians. First, Earth chose to stop the broadcast of the dream by redirecting it to another creation. Then poisonous tones of creation were administered to the Dinosaurs en mass that began to cool and shatter their fields. As a reflection of the poison in the etheric, a meteor hit earth’s surface shortly thereafter that cooled the Dinosaurs en mass in the physical. Being cold blooded, the Dinosaurs died within a few weeks due to a global cloud of dust emitted from the meteor crash that blocked the sun enough to cool the temperature below where their species could continue to subsist.

FOSSIL FUELS The toxins associated with Dinosaur remains are known as fossil fuels in present time. Fossil fuels exist as a tar-like substance that never decomposed. The reason dinosaur remains cannot decompose is that they are silica based, and the entire global system for decomposition is only been devised to break down carbon based cellular structures. Interestingly enough, the Pleiadian Annanuki were also silica based in form, and the slaves that they bred and their lineages that are still present in human form are half silica and half carbon in nature. Such humans that are associated with the Anu and their slaves will also have portions of the form that fail to break down after death unless the form is cremated. Fire can burn off silica-based substances; much like one ignites fossil fuels for the purposes of combustion.


Earth in her ascension is anchoring new tones of creation that shall decompose silica-based substances into the future. At this time such tones are already available in the molten lava and magma of Earth’s core. Therefore any remaining tar from dinosaur remains shall decompose as all of earth ascends into a ball of fiery magma. This is anticipated some 1000 years into the future in Earth’s continued global ascension and as she enters the fifth dimension in full. Interestingly enough, half silica-based humans became enamored in recent centuries with harvesting the remains of another prehistoric silica based animal. One can say in this that perhaps like attracts like. However fossil fuels as they combust produce an emission which is harmful to earth and humans alike known as carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide attaches to red blood cells deeming them useless to their job, which is to carry oxygen and sugar to the cellular structure. Those living in regions with high emissions or in jobs that expose oneself to such are oxygen deprived, which more rapidly causes the form to deteriorate and age. It is for this reason that we suggest that ascending humans move out of the cities and into the country, which is less polluted. At this time, the inner earth peoples are beginning to add certain substances to the air and water to cancel the carbon monoxide pollution that is killing Earth, and to assist in balancing the overly acidic waterways that occur as the rain collects the carbon monoxide and dispenses it upon the plant life. It is anticipated that these substances will pervade all waterways in roughly 8 years and assist in bringing the oceans in particular into a state of balanced pH. In the article “How to Retain One’s Health in Ascension”, pH was pointed out to be an underlying problem in association with disease and decay; that regions in the form that decay will either be overly acidic or overly basic in pH. The body requires a specific pH to sustain its health and well being as does Earth and each species therein. Ascension brings about the gradual correction of the proper pH for each part of the form the further that one climbs in genetic materials. Earth is on target to balance her pH to enough of a degree no later than 2008 for entry into the next phase of star gates. Imbalances in pH upon her global surface affect the energy movement in such a manner that imbalance of field results. The more that the pH of Earth becomes congruent to supporting life, the more greatly balanced her global field shall become; and this is a requirement to continue to build in heat and vibration in ascension in the decades ahead. This is also so for the human form in ascension.

BODY TEMPERATURE AND DISEASE In addition to pH, the body also requires a specific temperature to assure the continued life of the cellular structure. Temperatures that run too high tend to fry the cells and combust the molecular structure underlying life, which will cause degeneration of the associated region. In Chinese Medicine, one would


associate such a region as having too much “fire”. Temperatures that run too cold begin to rot or decay. Why is this so? The body is filled with bacteria and maggots from birth designed to decompose the form upon death. If any portion of the form drops enough in temperature, the maggots and bacteria begin to go to work decomposing the associated region of the form thinking that it has died. In extreme cases, one knows this as leprosy, in which the temperature of portions of the form drops so low that the region begins to rot as if the body had died, and sometimes rots until a finger, hand or entire limb falls off. Although one can treat such a physical manifestation with antibiotics that kill the associated bacteria, as understanding the underlying cause of why the region has gone “cold” may or may not suffice to correct the problem in the long haul. In a recent article in the European version of the Herald Tribune, Mila read a short article about how leprosy was on the rise in the US with 7000 known cases diagnosed, and many more probably unknown. The symptoms begin with a red and white rash, and many doctors apparently do not realize that these are the early symptoms of leprosy, having thought the disease conquered by modern medicine. Why is leprosy on the rise in the US or anywhere in the world? The cause is ultimately unconsciously harmful patterns in which entire sections of grid work are shattered and removed in the etheric body. Leprosy plagued the Hawaiians as the early white settlers moved to the islands. The white settlers cursed the Hawaiians removing entire hands, arms and legs or feet of their etheric grid work; the Hawaiians then developed leprosy in rather large numbers. As grid work is stripped, the energetic lay lines required to carry the element of fire and chi to any region of the form go missing. As this occurs, the region cools in temperature and the bacteria and maggots designed to decompose the form go to work, and the region begins to rot.

AGING AND LOSS OF GRID WORK Leprosy is an extreme example of what occurs in the loss of grid work. The Tao has determined however that all aging is the result of the loss of grid work over the course of any given life. Over time, humans form attachments to more and more people, places, objects and possessions. As this occurs, grid work moves outside of the form into the attachment; and the associated regions of the form cool in small pockets and begin to rot with the bacteria and maggots decomposing the form as if it had died. Over time, more and more of the form rots from the inside out until one or more major systems go dysfunctional leading to death. It is etheric poison or destructive tones of creation embedded into the grid work of the form that underlies the cooling body temperature and decay. As the etheric grid work is removed in association with leprosy or attachment, poisonous


etheric serpents move in which emit a tone of creation in which no energy moves, not even the molecular structure. Etheric poison is administered through serpents that contain tones of destruction that do not allow the energy to move from one portion of the grid work to another. Such serpents crawl into the grid work as the lay lines move outside of the form in what is known as attachment. In ascension, one releases the attachment and reweaves the grid work internal to the etheric body; however one must also move out the serpents carrying poisonous tones of creation in order for the form to resurrect what has decayed to the crystalline cellular structure. For those that are diseased in any portion of the form, the entire etheric organ, gland or system may be embedded with poisonous serpents. Releasing the karma for how such serpents came to be in any region allows for the possibility of a full recovery. Form is constructed of serpents that are light and dark interwoven into a tapestry known as the etheric body, chakra system, light body, subtle bodies and auric field. Serpents weave form, angels direct the serpents based upon the holographic blueprint received, and soul constructs and repairs the holographic blueprint in ascension. In earlier materials, the import of having the right nonphysical beings doing the right job was spoken of.

SCAR TISSUE AND ORIGINAL KARMIC CAUSE One must get at the original karmic cause of how the poisonous serpents arrived into one’s etheric body in order to release the karma, and this may be the tricky part for those that have come ill over time. Often the original cause may not be known; or may be contained in the scar tissue in the core of the decay and disease. How can one resurrect the region enough to get at the records stored in the scarred cells of the form if diseased cells that must be resurrected first surround it? This is the core problem for those desiring to ascend out of any disease. The answer shall be for those who are not diseased but are related in ancestry to uncover the karmic cause through their ascensions. This has been the goal of Mila and Oa along with those in their Group Mastery Program, to get at the original karmic cause of each disease, and release it in the collective ascent of their school. Then the karmic cause is already known, and those with physical ailments have therefore an opportunity to ascend out of disease. The original cause of many diseases involves the patterning of etheric poison. It is for this reason that the dark forces augmented an attempt to cause ascending humans to fail to release this karma. In so doing ascension would ultimately cease upon Earth, as the karma for poison is also associated with each fall in consciousness of both Earth and the human species alike.


ORIGINAL KARMIC CAUSE OF POISON The karma for poison is a sad thing indeed. The secret governance of earth that had overrun and replaced her ensouling factor some 6 million years ago had been involved with the extinction of another creation known as Albyreon. The creation had gone extinct due to human falls in consciousness. As humanity was seeded upon Earth, and in particular the grand masters from Sirius with the large heads and great spiritual awareness, the secret order of earth chose to cause them to go extinct, just as they had caused the dinosaurs to go extinct. Planes for extinction were set up, and destructive tones of creation administered to human fields in the form of poisonous serpents. The serpents entangled with the Grand Masters fields slowing the rotation of chakras and subtle bodies down. As a large solar sized field slows, it begins to wobble, and in the wobbling the etheric body begins to tear or rip apart. Then more poisonous serpents were administered to the etheric body, shutting off entire regions of all energy flow. Each of the 48 Grand Masters died within 8 months and in great pain as a result of the poisonous serpents. Humanity also lost their spiritual leadership and governance as a result. Dolphins and whales held open time rifts from a potential future upon Earth in which the family of Anu or Annanuki would one day arrive some 6000 years into the future; it was through the Family of Anu that the poisonous serpents flowed from the Pleiades. Because the incident was in the future and a potential future that the Grand Masters could not perceive, they could not offset the manipulation and all died. This is the original karmic cause of the presence of poison in the human species upon Earth. Dolphins and whales are not innocent. We have written extensively about how the dolphins and whales were used to destroy the early human settlers and grand masters from the desire to be the only conscious species upon Earth. One would say that the dolphins and whales wanted to be the supreme species in this. However their destructive karma rolled all the way around the karmic wheel in recent centuries after which humans began to hunt and kill the dolphin and whale kingdom. The original cause of how dolphins and whales had destroyed humans had long been forgotten, leaving them feeling victim to their circumstance. As the original cause was uncovered, the dolphins and whales now understand why they have had viciousness targeted at them via human sources; it is their karmic return. As the karma is forgiven in full, such a dance shall cease into the future, and both fully conscious species can learn to live in harmony and unity together.


HOW HUMANS POISON ONE ANOTHER After the ice shields collapsed, the red race lost the ability to consciously exit the physical plane. Up until this point and time, if a body was too diseased, the human could choose to go to sleep and not awaken, dying in dreamtime due to conscious choice. As humans lost the ability to consciously die, embodiments that went in great pain due to disease sought a way to die due to the pain that the form was in. For existing in a form that is diseased is a painful experience and one that soul did not enjoy. The idea then occurred to soul to poison one major system of an already diseased form to a point of complete failure, and then the form would die and the pain cease. Agreements were constructed with friends and family nearby the diseased person to poison such a system until the form could then exit the physical plane due to system failure. Soul apparently knew no other way to end the life of those in pain due to disease. Such agreements to poison one another to death appear to have begun to be constructed some 38,000 years ago (152,000 human years) in human history. Such contracts to poison one another carry forward to this day between humans of ancestries with such agreements from ancient times and underlie most disease. Such contracts became so numerous over time that humans today are literally poisoning one another in their unconscious association. Let us give one a present time example so that each will better understand. Let us say that 38,000 years ago, one’s ancestor was diseased. An agreement was struck with family members and friends to poison the liver until it was so dysfunctional that the body would die. This took only 3 years, but now the form could exit the physical plane and move out of pain. Now in present time, one crosses paths with those related to the ancestry that poisoned one’s ancestor’s liver in ancient times. Again poison is administered to one’s liver in the form of serpents carrying destructive tones of creation that flow into the etheric grid work. One crosses a few more of such ancestries, and more and more poison is administered to the liver. Over time, one develops a liver disorder. Now the doctor and nurses and practitioners treating oneself also hold such lineages, and once again the liver is poisoned, and this time one dies. So it is for many a disease in human form. The agreements for this type of “assistance to die” are so great that current day hospitals, doctors and nurses often play a role. Hospitals are the best place to go if you wish to die. There are entire etheric machines to drain off chi for a rapid death of those that the doctors and nurses cannot save; furthermore grid work and information is then transferred from those who are dying onto those who the doctors and nurses can save, who then may go on to check out of the hospital. Such doctors and nurses and the hospitals send large doses of etheric poison into those that require a rapid death, which shuts down the energy flow in such a


grand order that the body goes into its death drill and emits the death hormone to each and every system, organ and gland. The death hormone then shuts down the life of all cells within the form in roughly 20 minutes, and the form ceases to breathe. The death hormone for all intents and purposes is a physical plane reflection of etheric poison. Any human that is diseased may recover through ascension by releasing the underlying agreements for receiving the etheric poison that has been administered perhaps by countless people in one’s life experience. As the poisonous serpents leave the etheric body, and the attachment is also released, the grid work can be rewoven within, and enough fire and chi provided to resurrect the decayed and diseased cellular structure to the crystalline form. The crystalline form is healthier than any other structure one has known in this lifetime, as it is regenerative in nature. Therefore one can recover from disease through ascension.

NUCLEAR POISON There is a second form of poison in your human history that we shall speak about and also is associated with certain diseases in present time. Such poison does not cool the body or freeze energetic movement causing it to rot, but rather heats up the system too much causing the molecules to combust. In extreme cases of molecular combustion, one knows this as the current disease of MS or Multiple Sclerosis, in which the entire form collapses in upon itself, withers and dies. The karma for MS or any other disorder in which too much heat is causing the molecular structure of the organ or gland to combust and collapse in upon itself is associated with nuclear poison and serpents that carry radioactive tones of creation. Serpents that hold a radioactive charge carry nuclear poison. All nuclear poison karma goes back to the nuclear annihilation of the Family of Anu roughly 30,000 years ago (120,000 human years). Roughly 1/3 of the world was blown up in an instant into sand in the war of the Anu through nuclear armament. The remains of such sand exist in the Sahara and Gobi Deserts along with under the Atlantic Ocean. As the physical was blown apart, the serpents that weave the positive and negative grid work and collective energy field of 1/3 of earth were suddenly freed and knew not where to go; such serpents crawled into the grid work of every remaining living thing upon earth causing nuclear poisoning; for the serpents were charged with radiation due to the nuclear fallout that shattered them apart. For those nearest the explosions that survived, they died a long slow death thereafter not much unlike MS as the molecular structure slowly combusts and collapses inward, leading to a slow withering away sort of death due to the radioactive serpents that invaded the field. Open wounds and sores were also


prevalent as the radioactive serpents crawled between the etheric skin and genetic grid work, causing the skin to combust. Those that suffer from psoriasis or eczema are experiencing such karma in present time. As the radioactive serpents are removed between the genetic and etheric grid work as the associated karma is released, the skin will have an opportunity to recover. In addition to nuclear poisoning, the radiation altered the DNA of all life upon Earth. For the radioactive serpents that moved between the genetic grid work and etheric grid work caused the DNA to spiral whereas all DNA had been held in a straight tube of information before the nuclear annihilation of the Anu. As the DNA spiraled, it frayed, causing genetic information to be lost and attachment between humans to form. The frayed ends of the DNA interconnected with one another. This caused the etheric blueprint to also cause etheric bodies and energy systems to interconnect between humans along with all species upon Earth. In so doing, humanity not only dropped in consciousness, but fell into greater levels of pain and disease than had ever occurred prior to this time in history. Sadly, the nuclear annihilation of the Anu caused the single largest drop in consciousness of all species upon Earth in a single generation. The karma for nuclear poison has recurred 18 times since the annihilation of the Anu. Each time, a portion of Earth was blown to bits again, unleashing radioactively charged serpents to crawl into those remaining alive nearby. Each time, more radioactive serpents entered the field, causing more DNA to fray. The last experience that was large enough to cause a fall in consciousness occurred 10,000 years ago in the fall of Atlantis. The nuclear annihilation caused the DNA to drop from roughly 5000 strands of remaining information to 2 strands, leaving humanity without enough consciousness to recall their history. Humanity fell into the greatest level of barbarism thereafter, returning to hunting, gathering and living in caves. As humans choose to release the karma for the various time periods of nuclear fallout, the DNA can be restored and the form can move into a state one’s ancient ancestors existed within which is crystalline and regenerative in nature. The ascent to 1800 requires the release of karma from the nuclear annihilation of Atlantis some 10,000 years ago (40,000 human years). By and large, such an ascent may be enough for many humans to recover from disease. The ascent to 3000 requires the release of karma from the nuclear annihilation of the era of the Mahavishnu some 18,000 years ago (72,000 human years). One can think of the Mahavishnu as the Egyptian Pharaohs that held enough genetic materials from the ancient grand masters to construct a much larger head. The ascent to Bodhisattva or 6000 strands requires that one release the karma for the nuclear warfare of the Annanuki or Greek and Roman Gods, which occurred some 30,000 years ago (120,000 human years.)


18 DISEASE PATTERNS DEFINED We now go into greater detail with the energetic dynamics of disease and what to intend in order to transcend such patterning. For those who are ascending, although one may be in good health more or less from the current set of human standards, one still holds these patterns as all ancestries have experienced nuclear annihilation or poisoning at one time or another. In ascending beyond such patterning, one will be less likely to ascend into disease. For those who are diseased, there is an opportunity now to ascend into a recovery. The karma for disease is anticipated to be completely mapped out no later than July of this year, and is a part of the goal of the Summer Masters Conclave event. Perhaps more shall choose to join us and contribute to our collaborative purpose.

1. MOLECULAR LOSS Underlying many diseases is a loss of molecular structure. Molecules can combust due to the presence of radioactive serpents causing the grid work to collapse in upon itself leading to disease within the associated part of the form. Molecules can also be bartered away in karmic encounters with “molecule brokers”. Molecule brokers unconsciously strip one party of their molecular structure and sell it to another. For those with collapsing molecular systems, molecule brokering is often how a practitioner brings about a remission or recovery; molecules are taken from another or many others and pushed into oneself and in the regions that are collapsing, allowing the field to properly hold the grid work again, causing a recovery. However it will also cause those that the molecules were appropriated from to become ill in parallel manner over time leaving the one that recovered with karma. The karma causes the reverse of the pattern in subsequent generations, and the wheel simply goes around and around without end; one ancestry recovering and another becoming ill as they have sacrificed of their molecular structure to save another. In ascension, one does not require the molecules of others in one’s field, for this only causes discord in the long haul. Molecules rotate in a particular vibration that is sincerely one’s own signature. Molecules of another signature are discordant unto oneself, and allow others to attach into one’s field, which then becomes the vital pathway in which one can lose information or moving energy systems. Ascending initiates learn to rebuild their molecular structure from their own genetic and holographic blueprint to be entirely of one’s own signature, resurrecting over time all that has been lost. The bottom line is that one need not barter with the dark for their molecular


structure or health; one simply requires ascending and reconstructing and reconstituting any part of it that has gone missing or combust over time. Energy can be resurrected and reconstituted just as one resurrects the cellular structure of the form. As one releases karma for nuclear poisoning, one can then push out of the etheric grid work the radioactive serpents. As the radioactive serpents leave, the molecules will cease to combust. One can then resurrect and reconstitute all molecules. As the molecules are in place, new serpents sitting in the Language of Light can be called in to reweave the grid work. As the new grid work is in place, it will provided enough chi so that the cells associated that have decayed can be resurrected into the crystalline form. This is how one may ascend out of disease caused by molecular loss, whether it be a bartered loss or loss from combustion. In a bartered loss, one will have serpents in the associated part of the form that send molecules to another that one has karma to save. As one releases the original karmic contract to save another, the serpents in one’s grid work that send molecules to another can be removed and replaced by serpents holding the Language of Light tones of creation. As this occurs, the molecules can be reconstituted and not bartered away again, allowing enough chi to be available to the associated region of the form to resurrect the associated diseased or decayed cells. How does one command all of this? One intends to ascend, first and foremost. Then one may begin to intend to uncover the original cause underlying any diseased or compromised part of the form. During dreamtime, one will research the karma associated. One can command just before falling asleep each night that one research the karmic cause underlying diseased or problematic areas of the form, release the karma, and reconstitute the molecular structure and grid work. The physical commands the nonphysical, and over time and with such ongoing intention, one can ascend out of any disease. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to retrieve all molecules lost over time in my ancestry and my current life experience. I intend to release all karma that causes me to give my molecules to another and all patterns that cause me to believe that I must save another. I intend to get to the original cause of the molecular loss of any part of the form that is diseased or could become diseased over time in my continued ascent.”


THE ACCRUAL OF MATTER OR MOLECULES Matter is molecular material. Matter can be lost, but it can also be gained. Deformity such as hump back or growths of any kind including cancerous


growths are the result of acquiring matter or molecules of others rather than losing them to others. Many humans have agreements to pass on matter to others from one region, and gain molecules or matter in yet another; generally an unconscious “matter or molecule broker” as we spoke of above will be involved in the transaction. The agreements to take upon oneself matter for another originates in the group ascensions conducted during the era of the Mahavishnu and amongst the Egyptian Pharaohs. The Pharaohs attempted to ascend and utilize the remainder of the Pyramids for such a purpose. Alas their ascensions were incomplete with much of the form combusting instead of ascending on to the next dimension. The combustion accentuated the thought-form of nuclear fission causing another major nuclear war between the east and the west at the end of the era of the Mahavishnu. This lead to a great enough fall in consciousness that any humans with the larger heads, brain cavity and awareness ceased to be born thereafter. The ascensions of the Pharaohs involved the uniting of many human fields by interweaving the molecular structure to cause a group ascent. Alas the grid work moving outside of the form only left an uneven energy flow; and when the kundahlini ignited to ascend, the uneven flow caused combustion; in the worst cases with entire heads, arms, legs or other body parts left behind in a pile of ashes. As a result of such ascensions, the Pharaohs eventually ceased to practice ascension, as the remains were too disturbing. However the anchoring of fission thought-form had already occurred ultimately leading to nuclear warfare and another fall in human consciousness. In the group ascent, molecules of one moved into another. One will find the underlying reason one gives molecules to another, or takes upon oneself matter of another, each of such an exchange is associated with such ancestral experiences in the ascension temples of ancient Egypt. Release the karma, and one will have an opportunity to return matter that is not one’s own, allowing any growth to be dissolved through ascension, or retrieve matter that belongs to oneself, augmenting one’s ascent. For those who tend to be excessively overweight or obese, one may be acquiring matter from many others and storing it in one’s gird work; as the original cause is released, the matter can be returned to those that it belongs to and one will come down to the appropriate weight for one’s ascent. For those that tend to be too thin in ascension, one will find that one is losing molecular material, and in the retrieval, one will expand enough to hold one’s boundaries in ease. Ascension creates an expansion of form as all molecules are resurrected and reconstituted. However there is a catch; one wishes only one’s own molecules, not a load of molecules from others, as the molecules of others


may lead to enough discord over time that one ascends into disease. Therefore the conscious intent to only retain one’s own molecules only is perhaps a good one for ascending initiates to maintain. There is such a great thought-form at this time that “thin is healthy”. Thin has so few molecules that they are barely alive beloved, and cannot maintain an expanding field. Embrace the expansion of form to whatever size one has become, and understand that this is necessary to support a global sized field, chakra system and light body of an ascending human. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to return all molecules gained over time in my ancestry and my current life experience that belong to another. I intend to release all karma that causes me to take molecules from another. I intend to get to the original cause of the molecular gain of any part of the form that is has caused a growth, excess weight gain or deformity in my ancestry, or could cause such in my continued ascent.”

3. LOSS OF GENETIC RECORDS Decay or a problematic system can be the result of a loss of genetic records. Whereas molecular loss causes a distortion from the inside out due to collapsing grid work, the loss of genetic records causes a distortion from the outside in. Genetic records sit in the genetic grid work on top of the etheric skin. As records go missing, the angels and divas over time begin to transcribe the blueprint in distortion, as the memory of how to retain the blueprint distortion free has been lost. This leads to a distortion in the form, which results in one form of disease or another. Scientists today have found the genetic basis for countless diseases, and they are accurate more or less in what they have ascertained. However ultimately the genetic encoding was lost which then over time resulted in the disease. Such diseases include most forms of cancer, epilepsy, arthritis, lupus, Epstein bar, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, immune dysfunctions, and the dysfunction of most any system that fails to do its job to sustain the life, health and well being of the form. Release the original karmic cause, retrieve the genetic encoding, and there is the distinct possibility of a complete recovery through ascension. Retrieval of missing genetic information is an ongoing part of the process of ascension. As one releases karma from one’s past ancestral experience where the encoding was lost, the information can be recovered and then rewoven into the ascension grid work. As this occurs, it is only a matter of time before the new genetic encoding steps down into the genetic grid work and then physical form.


Missing genetic encoding is generally associated with nuclear poisoning. As the radioactive serpents moved in between the genetic grid work and etheric skin of those remaining following each nuclear fallout, the genetic information became compromised. The radiation caused the genetic encoding to spiral, and in the spiraling, much of the information frayed. The fraying DNA caused a fall in consciousness in each subsequent generation following nuclear fallout. Where the DNA frayed, the angels transcribing form no longer had any blueprint to follow. The result was scar tissue, which is a hardened form of cellular mass that cannot receive oxygen or sugar, and cannot detoxify its waste, and becomes increasingly hardened the longer that the form lives. Earth estimates that the average human born at 2 strands is 80% scar tissue. Ascension brings about the resurrection of scar tissue as the lost genetic information is retrieved and the karma for nuclear genetic deterioration is released. As one releases the karma for nuclear fallout in one’s ancestry, the genetic materials that had been lost in the fraying are retrieved. In so doing, one builds bundles of genetic materials that no longer spiral, but sit in a straight cylinder. The ascent to 3000 builds one of twelve cylinders necessary to a fully conscious form. The ascent to 6000 builds a second cylinder of information. Understand that it only requires two cylinders to construct enough of a regenerative form that one will cease to age through ascension and can ascend out of disease. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to retrieve all genetic materials lost in nuclear fallouts throughout my ancestry. I intend to release the original cause of why my genetic material frayed. I intend to rebuild by genetic material to be a complete cylinder of information and crystalline in form at each juncture of ascension.”

4. LOSS OF GRIDWORK In addition to molecular brokering, there is also grid work brokering, which involves the movement of grid work from one party to another. As the gird work is moved, the associated region of the form ceases to receive enough chi and begins to decay as it cools due to the bacteria and maggots that digest the form thinking that it has died. The molecules may or may not have been moved in addition to the grid work, and although they may continue to spin, the chi does not have a pathway to flow through leading to decay of the associated cells.


In ascension, the kundahlini is restored gradually to an everincreasing heat. The heat however requires molecules and grid work to flow down in association with each cell of the form. It is the heat that causes the body temperature to rise in ascension; it is also the heat that allows for the resurrection of the decayed cells. Bacteria destroyed each decayed cell in any ascending form. First heat is applied to kill the bacteria as the grid work is recovered enough to transfer enough chi to the associated region. Then the cells can be regenerated to a new blueprint that is crystalline. It is for this reason that the movement of the kundahlini throughout the meridians and lay lines of the form is so important in ascension. Any grid work that is lost in a daily or weekly karmic encounter will interfere with this process. If one region fails to have enough of its grid work re-woven in ascension, over time the region will become diseased. This is how Mila and Oa have ascended in and out of cancer 3 times in their ascent to date; portions of their grid work failed to be rewoven to enough of an extent to hold the proper body temperature in certain regions of the form. Sometimes the problematic region involved karma that could not be released as the original cause was not understood. Often their travels each year take them to land in which the original cause can be uncovered and then released. This too is how they ascended out of their cancer. So this is also so for each ascending human. However each human is also related to other ascending humans around the globe. One can connect in dreamtime to humans associated with one’s ancestry from any part of the


world, as perhaps one cannot afford to travel to such regions in the physical. Through the dreamtime holographic associations, one can meet with one’s ancestors who are ascending in present time in another part of the world, who have potentially uncovered the original cause of a problematic or diseased part of one’s form. Then one will understand the original cause, and can release the karma, thereby ascending out of disease. Mila and Oa have not this luxury being the spear-heads of ascension as there are few others at their level of evolution to assist. However for all others, this is not so, and this is one manner in which ascending species pull together to accomplish the task of evolution as a collective. Most attachment that leads to aging and disease occurs in six main regions in the etheric body, three of which are the most dominant. It is generally one or more of these three regions that impair the form enough to conclude the life over time. Underlying the attachment are ownership signatures that can be transmuted as the cords are released in ascension, and then the grid work can be rewoven inside of the etheric body leading to the resurrection of the associated cellular structure. Attachment also hooks into death and disease machinery outside of the form. This machinery is utilized to harvest chi from the human species sending it to the upper dimensions beyond your creation. The disease machines also serve in the act of death by draining off enough chi that the form can die. As one releases karma for one’s ancestor’s participation in this system, one can withdraw altogether from the dance and set up a regenerative etheric body in its place. This is the goal of the map to Bodhisattva, to carve a map to a regenerative form that will live long enough to experience entry into the photon belt and beyond. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to return all grid work that is not of my own personal energy signature from the etheric body, genetic grid work, ascension grid work, subtle bodies (mental, emotional, intuitive and creative) along with light body, chakra system and greater auric field. I intend to retrieve all grid work from others that have taken it, and request of the angelic kingdom that each portion of my field be rewoven as the grid work returns. I intend to connect to my ascending ancestors from all other parts of the world during dreamtime so that we may share holographic records. I intend to separate from the disease machines in the etheric to the best of my ability at my given level of ascent.”

5. LOSS OF CHI Loss of chi occurs in many ways, several of which are discussed above (loss of molecules and loss of grid work). Loss of chi can also be through any hole in the field. Sometimes the hole can be associated a rip in the etheric body,


or a rip in the auric field, light body, subtle bodies or chakra system. Loss of chi over any length of time in any part of the form will cause the entire field to begin to collapse or descend in vibration. Overall loss of chi over time leads to aging, illness and death. The current human form is designed to lose chi continuously as this is how chi is sent to the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromedas, Alpha Centauri, Albyreon, or Orion, along with the upper dimensions of the false intervention or Order of Rize. There are many agreements that support such chi harvesting, and releasing the karma in full requires the ascent to full consciousness. As humans ascend, they release their agreements and attachment to devices that harvest chi in any given bandwidth of frequency. As humans cease to give chi away, ascension naturally occurs, as all falls in consciousness are associated with an ongoing loss of chi. In your creation, nonphysical life has chosen to sustain itself without embodiments. This has occurred for so long that 8 billion creations have gone extinct and the numbers of nonphysical embodiments increased into proportions so high that the Tao cannot even estimate how many there are in present time. Much like a parasite, each nonphysical afterlife requires chi to subsist and grid work to reweave that which begins to fall apart without form to sustain it. Creation after creation has been pulled apart in this dance of non-physical immortality.


Within the Tao, there is no energy without a physical existence or blueprint to sustain it. Formless and form were designed to work together to experience evolution. To sustain formlessness after form has expired is a new experience for the Tao to come to understand; much like the desire or immortality, such consciousness have chose to sustain themselves forever after death. Perhaps without ascension being a viable option, this is the only other possibility worth entertaining; or so it appears from the perspective of the Tao. However such a dance is destroying the Tao and is painful to experience; and will now come to a conclusion in the ascension cycle of your creation. In order to ascend, one will require therefore disconnecting from all forms of nonphysical afterlife that wish to take without giving anything in exchange. Andromedas, Orion, the Pleiades and so on are only conduits for the chi to be harvested by non-physicality; therefore as one disconnects from such other third dimensional planets used for such purposes, the false intervention also is cut off of their main modality of harvesting one’s chi. The agreements to give chi to Alpha Centauri (Grays and Reptilians) were generally inserted in abduction practices that have prevailed over the past 60 plus some years. Most of such agreements are released in the ascent to 1024. Agreements with Andromedas, the Pleiades and Orion stem from lineages that are slave in nature, or red lineages that intermixed, bred with or married into the family of Anu or Orion scientists. As each segment of karma is released, the attachment to other humans in such star systems shall release, and one will cease to give chi to such sources. The agreements to give chi to Albyreon come from the Albyreon lineages and DNA that one may have due to Albyreon lineages being present in one’s ancestry. As one releases the DNA and seals the lineages, one will cease to give Albyreon chi. This level of work requires a phase of DNA beyond Bodhisattva, and will be what those who push on to 9000 or 12,000 strands in their map carving contend with into the future. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to release all karmic contracts to give chi to any other human upon earth or within any other creation throughout time and space and form. I intend to reweave any holes in my field and request this of the angels overseeing my holographic etheric blueprint. I intend to gather up all my ancestors sustaining a nonphysical afterlife, and request of them to merge with me bringing an end to the dance of nonphysical immortality, and an end to the cycle of extinction that accompanies it. I intend that only those ancestors associated with my inheritance merge, and all others are returned to the aurora in the center of the earth.”


6. LOSS OF CHAKRAS AND CLOSED MERIDIANS Chakras generate chi as a moving energy system that surrounds both the etheric vessel and light body. Any missing chakra or portion of chakra will create a loss of chi in the region associated. Generally speaking, chakras are considered moving energy systems, and one may lose them via moving energy system brokers that transfer the chakra from one party to another, or portions of one’s chakra to another. It might be useful to intend upon a daily basis therefore the retrieval of all chakras or portions of chakras lost as an ascending initiate or through one’s ancestry and in any karmic encounter during one’s synthesis meditation. There are also chakras associated with the meridian system that flows through the etheric body and light body. Often when a meridian or set of meridians become blocked or closed down in the etheric body, the chakras associated have ceased to spin. Turn on the chakras, or retrieve them if they have been lost, and the meridian will open through conscious intent. In Chinese Medicine, acupuncture needles are inserted in the regions to stimulate the chakras to begin to spin again which then energizes the meridians. However ascending initiates require not the needle as one can open any chakra or series of chakras through conscious intent and focus. Any meridian that remains shut or impaired over time leads to aging or potentially disease of the associated gland, organ or system. One therefore can choose to open all chakras within the meridians


during one’s meditation and in particular when working with the kundahlini. One can then check for missing chakras or chakras that are missing pieces or portions in association with the meridian system and choose to retrieve them so that one may have a more fully energized etheric vessel. The meridians are the main pathways that chi from Earth flows through the etheric body; the meridians are also the main manner in which all lay lines within the etheric body are filled with chi to maintain one’s body temperature. Meridians closed on a recurring basis will cause a drop in body temperature, which again allows bacteria to begin to grow and digest the flesh associated. Body temperature is sustained through two modalities; the rotation of the molecules and chakras along with the pulsation of chi from Earth which flows through the open meridians. Therefore any impairment to the grid work, molecules or meridians ultimately leads to disease and death through dropping body temperature. In ascension, the etheric vessel must continue to build in chi from day to week to month, and this is accomplished by the continued reweaving of the etheric body through the release of attachment, and the addition of new meridians and minor chakras in regions that were previously impaired. Therefore one is forever reweaving grid work and opening new meridians and minor chakras in ascension. There are meridians that not only run up vertical through the form, but also meridians that balance the left and right side of the form. These begin to open around 1024 and are not complete until 36,000 is mastered. By 1800, there are 800 new meridians that crisscross through major chakra centers beginning at the feet and ending at the crown interconnecting the right and left sides of the etheric body. These meridians allow for resurrection to the crystalline form. By 3000, there are 1200 new meridians and by 6000 there are 1800 new meridians of a parallel nature. In essence it requires 500 times more chi to resurrect than to sustain that which has already been resurrected to a crystalline form; it is why the crisscrossed meridians have become a part of the map of ascension as they serve in allowing more chi to become available to whatever parts of the form are next in line to be resurrected in ascension. It is also why it is so difficult to lift beyond a certain vibration while living in a dense region, as the chi is simply not available from Earth to do so. It is for this reason that we guide ascending initiates to move into the country if at all possible. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to open all chakras in each meridian within the etheric body of the form, along with all chakras within my field and light body. I choose to spin the chakras at a synchronistic timing that is even and balanced. I gather up any chakras or portions of chakras that I have lost over time in my ancestry and present life; I also


intend to return any portions of chakras that belong to another, and release all karma associated. I intend to open all new meridians necessary to provide enough chi to resurrect and ascend my form at each level of ascent. I intend to infuse all meridians with enough fire and chi for the continued resurrection of my form in ascension. I pull up chi from the Earth Mother through my feet to energize all meridians of my etheric vessel in a continuous and ongoing manner and intend to release all karma, patterning and machines that disconnect me from such energy flow.”

7. LOSS OF ASCENSION GRID WORK In ascension, one constructs a new set of grid work just outside the genetic grid work, which sits on top of the etheric skin. The ascension grid work is a new template that one constructs for the crystalline form based upon information one is gathering from one’s ancestry. One more or less ascends by pulling ancestral genetic records forward in time as the karma for how such information was lost has been released. In so doing, one is forever compiling new ascension grid work, which over time then steps down into the genetic grid work and then into the cellular structure of the form. It is the new genetic information that instructs the angels and divas in a new


blueprint that calls for a more complete reweaving of the etheric body, meridian system, and major or minor chakras surrounding the form. It is ultimately the angels that pull grid work that is outside of the form and reweaves it within as the new genetic blueprint calls for. As the grid work is rewoven, enough chi then becomes available to the associated part of the form to resurrect the cellular structure to the crystalline form. If one loses a portion of the ascension grid work, then the portion of the etheric body that was to become rewoven is left unattended to; this can lead to disease in ascension if not rectified over time. Why is this so? One must resurrect the form evenly or the body temperature will become imbalanced. If the body temperature becomes imbalanced enough, those regions running too cold will begin to be ingested by bacteria. Therefore it is important for ascending initiates to resurrect each part of the form to a parallel degree as all others to assure a more even body temperature. Missing ascension grid work is something therefore wise to check for and repair daily during one’s synthesis meditation to assist in preventing such an outcome. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to retrieve and reweave any holes and gaps in my ascension grid work, and instruct the angels to do so now. I intend that my ascension grid work be composed only of genetic information from my own ancestry. Any grid work that is not my own, I return to the sender, releasing the karma between us. I intend that all lineages in my ancestry be only of my true inheritance and that only red ancestry DNA is used in the construction of my ascension grid work. Any lineages and associated ascension grid work that is not my own I return to sender. I retrieve any lineages and associated ascension grid work from those that have taken it, releasing the karma between us.”

8. DYSFUNCTIONAL ANGELS AND DIVAS Over time, angels and divas overseeing human form have often gotten bored and left, leaving a mechanized form of spiral that transfers the genetic information necessary to weave the grid work and construct the cells of whatever region of the form such angels and divas were associated with. Mila has called these mechanized divas, and has over time learned to replace them with conscious divas and conscious angels so that the new genetic information she is recovering in her ascent will be used to resurrect such regions to the crystalline form. It may be wise therefore for ascending initiates to check daily for mechanized divas and angels throughout the genetic grid work and replace them with conscious counterparts through intent. Mechanized divas transcribe the same dysfunctional genetic material in the same pattern again and again leading to disease and an inability to resurrect


the form or recover from any impairment in the physical. Mechanized divas come hand in hand with the slave lineages as the Annanuki created the slaves to be incapable of communicating with their own cells. This was to assure non-evolution; alas it also assured disease and an inability to work one’s way out of a biological impairment. All slaves had 100% mechanized divas. For those with slave lineages, any portion of the form created in the womb and before one was born from such lineages will have mechanized divas. As one releases the karma from the associated slave lineages, the divas and angels can be replaced with conscious counterparts along with a new genetic blueprint for the region from one’s red ancestry. Crystalline cells are conscious; one can communicate with one’s crystalline cellular structure and determine any dysfunction and then work with it to alter the genetic encoding repairing the dysfunction. In Mila and Oa’s experience, the most problematic cells have been slave associated, as they not only hold a mechanized diva and angel, but also are unable to communicate. The solution Mila found was to rearrange the cell to resemble other crystalline cells in other parts of the form in the etheric through conscious intent and focus; and then replace the associated angels, divas and DNA with red crystalline DNA and conscious angels and divas. This has sufficed to allow all slave cells to be resurrected in Mila and Oa’s forms to date and one may wish to intend to do the same upon a daily or weekly basis. Angels also have been known to sell out to the dark for a price or promise of greater position of authority. This Mila has encountered many a time, and as any angel is caught removing information or twisting the genetic materials, they are removed, not only from her field but also from Earth. The nonphysical is not always trustworthy; one must be aware that the angels as well as dragon souls and serpents have played a role in the many falls in consciousness of the human species over time. They may choose to continue to play such roles into the future until they chose to ascend out of them. Many in the nonphysical realms are not choosing to ascend and only wish to perpetuate the dance of destruction or extinction. Such souls, serpents and angels must be replaced if they interfere with one’s choice to ascend, and one may command this so through intention during one’s daily meditation or before falling asleep at night. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to dissolve and erase any mechanized divas or angels that can be perceived in my ascension to date, and replace them with conscious angels and divas from my soul, oversoul and source. I intend to remove all genetic materials associated with my slave inheritance replacing it with new genetic materials that are crystalline and from my red inheritance. I reconstruct


the non-conscious cells in the etheric to become conscious RNA and DNA that is of red crystalline origin.”

9. DYSFUNCTIONAL AKASHIC RECORD KEEPER The Akashic Record Keeper is responsible for monitoring the blueprint of form within the human hologram along with the genetic materials recovered from one’s ancestry as one ascends, and the ascension grid work. The akashic record keeper also retains a library of all information or tones of creation known as the Language of Light. If such an angel goes dysfunctional (is replaced by a non-conscious machine) or sells out to the dark, one may find oneself losing tones of creation, portions of one’s human blueprint or human hologram or ascension grid work. One may also discover one’s hologram swapped out for another. One can then intend to replace the Akashic Record Keeper with a new one from one’s source and intend to retrieve and/or repair anything lost or mismanaged. The human hologram holds the overall blueprint for one’s form. It is from the hologram that the DNA is drawn and steps down into the ascension grid work and later the genetic grid work, from which the angels and divas transcribe the information into a weaving of light and dark serpents which create the etheric body, chakra system, subtle bodies and light body. If the hologram is manipulated, the DNA may come from the wrong set of ancestries. Each hologram is associated with multiple lineages that can be traced back in time to its origins upon Earth. We have discussed the 18 Red Holograms, 12 Annanuki Holograms and 12 Half Anu and Half Red Holograms in earlier materials from 2002. Those with Anu holograms are held at 1800 strands at this time as they have only a human blueprint that is silica based and cannot ascend in your creation. Those with Half Red and Half Annanuki holograms are associated with the slave race that the Anu reproduced in a laboratory; those with Half and Half holograms are being held at 3000 strands by Earth as they have some magnetic inheritance to draw upon from the red half of the tapestry. Red holograms associated with the Sirian scientists that seeded a partially conscious race upon Earth some 75,000 years ago are being held at 3000 strands also, as attempts to ascend such humans in present time have proven that they are more likely than not to go into harmful unconscious patterns thereafter. These include holograms #1-#8 that are of Red association. Red holograms #9-#18 hold the lineages of the grand masters. It is only those of such inheritance that are being allowed by Earth to map carve the pathway to Bodhisattva. Therefore having a hologram swapped


can be problematic for ascending initiates, as one may be drawing upon the wrong lineages and releasing the wrong karma for one’s inheritance. Prior to initiation 1800 or 1800 strands of DNA, one will only have an Akashic Record Keeper Angel that monitors all libraries of the form. After 1800, the Akashic Record Keeper splits into two additional libraries and librarians or angels; one that monitors the genetic records of the biology known as the Biological Record Keeper, and one that monitors ancestral karma and the balancing of scales in ascension known as the Ancestral Record Keeper. These are discussed in greater detail below. Prior to 1800, some initiates may have no Akashic Record Keeper at all. It is very difficult to ascend without a record keeper. This is something therefore healers may wish to look for in all work with one’s clients, and each initiate reading this material may wish to look at within oneself. As the Akashic Record Keeper is restored, ascension may begin or move forward again. One may require uncovering the karmic cause of the loss of the record keeper in order for the restoration to be completed upon. In association with disease, the lack of a Akashic Record Keeper makes it almost impossible for a recovery, for it is the record keeper that will manage the release of disease karma and replacement of dysfunctional DNA to make possible a recovery. Therefore the anchoring of an akashic record keeper in those who are diseased makes possible a recovery.


The Akashic Record Keeper sits in the left side of the neck prior to initiation 3000. After 3000, the Akashic Records and Record Keeper are moved into the heart and near the soul cavity. Soul then resumes the responsibility of maintaining the records from within the etheric body, deeming them less subject to manipulation. Often a sore throat prior to initiation 3000 is a sign that one’s akashic records have been accessed and records are being stripped or one’s Akashic Record Keeper has become manipulated. As one strives to release the karma with the perpetrator and replace the Akashic Record Keeper, one will then be able to retrieve what has been lost, and the sore throat will also be alleviated. One can also think back to all of the childhood illnesses, colds, flu, sore throats and so on during which one’s records were being removed. This is simply because humanity has entered an extinction cycle after 1945 and the dropping of the nuclear bombs upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Humanity has been pulling one another apart to a greater degree from this point forward in recent history. In ascension, one not only retrieves what has been lost in this lifetime, but all lifetimes in one’s ancestry that fell in consciousness in the particular bandwidth of vibration that one is ascending through. In so doing, one restores one’s records to be more and more complete surrounding the crystalline genetic structure and regenerative biology the further that one ascends. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to have a functional Akashic Record Keeper that works in the best interest of my ascension. If my Akashic Record Keeper has gone missing or has become manipulated, I return it to my soul, oversoul and source and request a new angel to be sent in its place. Any manipulation that has occurred as a result of the dysfunctional Akashic Record Keeper, I intend to undo. I intend to retrieve any missing Language of Light, and release the karma with those who took of my tones of creation. I intend that I have the true hologram for my birth inheritance, and retrieve and replace it if it has been manipulated.”

10. DYSFUNCTIONAL BIOLOGICAL RECORD KEEPER After 1800, a new library is formed known as the Biological Records. The Biological Record Keeper is responsible for maintaining the genetic grid work just above the skin of the etheric body along with a library of all current DNA and DNA changes in ascension. The Biological Record Keeper receives the DNA blueprint from the Akashic Record Keeper and Human Hologram. If the Biological Record Keeper goes dysfunctional (is replaced by a machine) or sells out in a bargain with the dark, one may find one’s genetic information bartered away along with one’s genetic grid work. As one releases karma


with the perpetrator, replaces the Record Keeper and retrieves what has been lost, one recovers from such an encounter. The Biological Record Keeper sits on the right side of the neck until initiation 3000. A sore throat on the right side is indicative that someone has accessed one’s biological records in a karmic encounter from 1800 to 3000 strands. As the karma is released, the associated cords and attachment also releases allowing the sore throat to recover and the records to be retrieved through conscious intent. After 3000 this the library and angel are moved inside of the heart chakra and near the soul cavity again alleviating many associated problems of information brokering thereafter. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to have a functional Biological Record Keeper that works in the best interest of my ascension. If my Biological Record Keeper has gone missing or has become manipulated, I return it to my soul, oversoul and source and request a new angel to be sent in it’s place. Any manipulation that has occurred as a result of the dysfunctional Biological Record Keeper, I intend to undo. I intend to retrieve any missing biological records, and release the karma with those who took of my information. I intend to only ascend into my own biological information from my true red inheritance.”

11. DYSFUNCTIONAL ANCESTRAL RECORD KEEPER From initiation 1024 to 1800, one goes through an ancestral assessment to determine if one has hologram and lineages to ascend to 3000 or beyond. If one has hologram and lineage for further ascension, an Ancestral Record Keeper is formed. The Ancestral Record Keeper has the responsibility of compiling all ancestral records and karma, determining which karma can be released and which is to be returned unto its source of origin, and retaining a record of all karma uncovered and released in the ascension. It is through the record of all karma released that the map of ascension is formed; for such a record can be administered to others to spawn the ascent of the map followers. Therefore the Ancestral Record Keeper is also involved with creating the map of ascension for all those associated with one’s inheritance to follow. If the Ancestral Record Keeper becomes dysfunctional (is replaced by a machine) or sells out to the dark, one may find oneself losing lineages, or having lineages replaced or brokered, or karma manipulated in some manner in one’s ascent. As this occurs, one may release the karma with the perpetrator, replace the Ancestral Record Keeper, and retrieve all that has been lost thereby recovering from such a karmic encounter.


The Ancestral Record Keeper sits in the back of the pelvis. After initiation 1800, a lower backache may be a sign that one’s record keeper may be invaded and one may be losing ancestral records or may be having one’s lineages manipulated. As one releases the karma, the backache should cease. For those with ongoing lower back problems, this is a sign of scar tissue that may be associated with loss of ancestral records over time in one’s history. In ascension, scar tissue can be resurrected leading to healthy tissue. The intent to release the scar tissue in any give region is sufficient to begin the process of researching the original cause of why the region scarred in the first place. Scar tissue is the result of missing genetic records. As there are no records, the angels know not how to hold the blueprint for the cells as it has gone missing and create scar tissue instead. Scar tissue is a hardened or calcified form of matter that can neither digest nutrients nor detoxify, and therefore tends to weaken the associated region of the form. All scar tissue also contains the original records of how the region lost the genetic records in the first place, and therefore the choice to resurrect such tissue generally reveals the original cause of a particular fall in consciousness in one’s ancestry. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to have a functional Ancestral Record Keeper that works in the best interest of my ascension. If my Ancestral Record Keeper has gone missing or has become manipulated, I return it to my soul, oversoul and source and request a new angel to be sent in it’s place. Any manipulation that has occurred as a result of the dysfunctional Ancestral Record Keeper, I intend to undo. I intend to retrieve any missing lineages or portions of lineages that have gone to another, and return any lineages or portions of lineages that belong to another, releasing all karma associated. I intend that I only draw upon my true inheritance to construct my path of ascension. I intend to return any karma from my lineages that is not my own and retrieve all karma that is my own, and forgive myself and all others.”

12. SUBTLE BODY MANIPULATIONS The subtle bodies rotate around the form allowing for balance of field. From 1800 to 3000 strands, one retrieves lost parts of one’s subtle bodies, reweaving them so that the Mental, Emotional, Intuitive and Creative aspects are all present and can rotate to enough of a degree to suspend one outside of time. It is only as one moves out of time that one ceases to age and then can resurrect decayed parts of the form, de-aging oneself.


During this phase of ascent from 1800 to 3000, one may become aware of how one has given portions of some subtle bodies to others, and taken upon oneself yet others from the same parties. Generally one will find that emotional and intuitive bodies generally are lost or gained together, and that mental and creative bodies are also lost or gained together. For example, one may have many intuitive and emotional bodies from many others in one’s life dance, causing one to be able to feel deeply, but not express or create with ease. Under such a circumstance, one will find that one has also given the mental and creative aspect to another or many others; as one retrieves the mental and creative aspects of one’s subtle bodies, and returns the emotional and intuitive aspects to whom they belong, one balances out becoming mental, emotional, intuitive and creative simultaneously. After 3000, and as all four subtle bodies have been rewoven, they can begin to rotate together at a fast enough pace to cause a rather rapid rise in vibration. As one raises in vibration enough, one exits time and sits in timelessness. Timelessness is a state in which one ceases to age and past present and future are unified. It is a state of timelessness that is required to


resurrect decayed cells in the ascent to 6000 and beyond. In order to ascend beyond 3000, one must master being in timelessness more out of any given day than not as it is a timeless state that allows for resurrection. However, as any portion of the subtle bodies become shattered or brokered after 3000, one’s field will begin to wobble. If the wobble is great enough one will move back into time. If the wobble is too great one may lose one’s grounding and connection to source. As one loses one’s grounding, then one is more greatly subject to having information removed from one’s field or manipulations perpetrated against oneself by the dark. Long ago, one’s ancestry became ill due to ongoing wobbling of subtle bodies as they fractured due to manipulations by dark forces. As this occurred, a fall in consciousness followed. All loss of grounding to the Earth Mother and separation from one’s soul is associated with subtle body manipulations in one’s ancestry. In essence, the original cause of a sense of separation or loneliness appears to be subtle body related. In the separation, there was no longer a connection to soul to sort out why there is a problem, or rectify and retrieve what has been lost. There are 18 time periods that a greater and greater sense of separation occurred through human history; each of such times are associated with the shattering of the subtle bodies and the loss of the grounding and connection to source. As one strives to release the karma for such manipulations, one will remain in greater balance in one’s ongoing rotation of field. As balance is retained, grounding and connection to one’s source is also retained. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to retrieve any missing portion of my mental, emotional, intuitive and creative body. I intend to return portions of other’s mental, emotional, intuitive or creative bodies unto them. I command the angels now to reweave my subtle bodies, and rotate them at an increasing speed entering a state of timelessness if possible. I release all karma with others that have manipulated my subtle bodies over time throughout my ancestry and within this life.”

13. LIGHT BODY MANIPULATIONS AND COLLAPSING BIG CHAKRAS In the ascent from 1 to 1024, one is constructing a light body and global sized auric field. In so doing, one is forever expanding outwards in size. The ability to expand the field is directly related to the amount of chi that one’s molecular structure can produce, and how much chi one’s meridians can hold as it is offered by Earth. The greater the charge, the larger the field may expand, because one produces the chi to run such a field from the inside out. It is for this reason that moving into the country and out of the city is imperative for


ascending initiates beyond a certain point, as the city simply cannot generate enough chi to suspend a field much above 1800 strands at this time. At 1800 the light body becomes triple sphere in rotation amongst those with half and half or red hologram and lineages. The triple sphere rotation allows another level of truth to be expressed and one that can become Language of Light in nature or unity based. Light bodies are essentially a body double that sits inside of the triple sphere energy flow; the body double has its own etheric body and chakra system along with subtle bodies. The light body or body double is 800 times larger than the physical form at 3000 strands, 1200 times larger at 6000 strands, and 14,000 times larger at full conscious level evolution. What is the purpose of the light body? One’s light body is one’s dreamtime self. The size of the light body at full consciousness is designed to participate in a nonphysical reality that is cosmic and creational in size; therefore the size may be large in perspective to Earth, but is not large in association with the cosmos or creation of dimensions 25 to 144. It was as humans dropped in light body size that they failed to be able to access cosmic and creational level libraries and counsels, and in so doing, were unable to repair their fall in consciousness. At this time, it requires a fully conscious light body to dance with cosmic and creational level counsels; however counsels to manage the ascent of humanity to 3000 and 6000 have been set up; and one cannot access these until the respective levels of evolution have been embodied thereby expanding the light body to the right size and energy movement.


One’s dreamtime life experiences are not unlike one’s day-to-day life. One has friends and allies to one’s ascent; there are also those beings and souls or even humans that are not working in the best interest of the ascension of Earth. One learns to discern their company in dreamtime much as one may require making physical plane separations in order to ascend beyond a certain point, particularly if the relationship is energetically abusive. Those that cannot discern or fail to make the change generally fail to pass the next set of ascension tests and are restrained from going any further. At any point, if either the light body or larger auric field is shattered, one rapidly begins to collapse in vibration. If the collapse is rapid enough, one might die. This is how the Grand Masters who had poison pushed into their heart chakras died so rapidly; the field collapsed from solar in size to the skin of the etheric in rapid order rendering the body dead in some cases in 48 hours. Mila has come close to dying in this manner several times, and hopes that such an experience is sincerely one of the past from this point forward. In each phase of fall in consciousness, less and less of the field remained thereafter as not all information was recovered. It is through a collapsing auric field and light body that each fall in consciousness began in human history. One can see this occurring today in the old consensus; the fields, which may be no larger than a room, are collapsing yet again; the heart region has been compromised due to nuclear energy and implosions leading to immune related diseases. For those in the old consensus, extinction is the future. The only solution is to ascend, and instead repair the field of not only the current fall in consciousness, but each fall that occurred throughout one’s ancestry until one has manifest a regenerative form. A collapsing field will generally leave one feeling ill. The solution is to search out the cause, repair the shattering, rifts and holes, reweave the field, and then push the chakras and light body back out to the original expanded size. Those below 3000 are less likely to experience a collapsing field than those above it. The reason for this is mechanization; a field at 3000 is 80% mechanized with etheric machines hold the rotation of field, light body, subtle bodies and chakras. Machines do the same thing again and again and are less likely to collapse.


After 3000, one leaves etheric machines behind as they are constructed with electrical tones of creation. As this occurs and in the ascent to 6000, a collapsing field may be more problematic, as one learns to more consciously hold their expanded auric field and light body. Conscious energy movement can be equated to having angels and dragon souls spin the chakras, light body and subtle body rather than machines. One moves increasingly towards conscious management of field the further that one ascends. By 6000, one is less than 20% mechanized, and remaining machines are radioactive rather than electrical in vibration. By 36,000 or full consciousness, all radioactive machinery is also removed and one has only conscious energy movement of field from this point forward. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to return any portion of my light body that is not my own. I intend to retrieve any portion of my light body that is held by another and release the associated karma. I intend to retrieve any missing light bodies that have been taken for grid work in association with the former planes of the Mahatma. I dissolve all retrieved light bodies and their associated silver cord that attaches to my solar plexus. I intend to rotate my light body and larger auric field to a high enough speed and syncopation to assure a balanced field that can continue to ascend.”

14. POISON OR DESTRUCTIVE TONES OF CREATION In recent weeks, those in Group Mastery and Self Study have been exploring the karma for poison. Global ascension revealed that long ago, and as human presence upon Earth was detected, a decision to cause humanity to become extinct was made. This decision was made separate from the consciousness of Earth and by a secret counsel or governance that had seized control over Earth some 6 million years prior. This counsel of souls had pulled apart many creations to extinction, and chose to enact such a dance again upon Earth in parallel to their prior history. Such souls set up planes of extinction, and as it turns out, Lucifer was the angel assigned to hold these planes. All humans were hooked to the planes of extinction following the death of the Grand Masters through the family of Anu. The dream for the arrival of the family of Anu upon Earth came from the secret governance of Earth; Earth had no understanding or awareness of their plans, and in essence has been as manipulated as humanity into a destructive dance. As humanity was hooked into the planes of extinction, tones of destruction or poison began to be administered to their collective and individual fields. As this occurred, humanity cooled or dropped in temperature, became ill, and the


fields began to fracture. As the collective and individual fields fractured, the the bits and pieces of information shattered and grid work was torn apart, and were sent to the planes of Mahatma where they were bartered away to the false intervention and Order of Rize. The planes of extinction and poison have been used in each cycle of human fall in consciousness along with each global fall in consciousness. The planes of extinction were expanded in the ascension of the ascended masters (who never really ascended) to solar in size and then used to poison Earth. As Earth cooled due to the poison administered, her field fractured and was pulled apart and sent to the cosmic planes of the Mahatma. From the cosmic Mahatma planes, Earth’s grid work and information was bartered away to the false intervention. This is how creation became stripped beloved. How does poison cool a field and form? Poison is creational tone administered through serpents that has the affect of shutting off the energy flow in moving energy systems. Such serpents will entangle themselves in subtle bodies, light bodies and chakras to begin with interfering with the energy flow. As the energy does not move in as rapid a pace due to the poisonous serpents, the field begins to wobble. As the field wobbles enough, the etheric body begins to be torn; then more poisonous serpents are sent into the etheric body through the now cracking edges, and such serpents block the energy in the meridians and lay lines of the gird work. As enough energy ceases to move in the meridians and lay lines, the form cools and bacteria begins to reproduce, thereby ingesting the flesh causing disease and death of physicality. The serpents also cause the grid work to move outside of the form where it can be more easily moved to the Mahatma planes and used to sustain nonphysical afterlife. Poison from the point of view of the Tao is a total misuse of creative information and power. Creative information and power should not be used to intend destruction but rather intend evolution. Those who have danced in the destructive misuse of power and information have incurred great karma; and they shall suffer greatly in the consequences of their cause. However perhaps there is no other way for such souls to learn or remember creational truth. For human ascending initiates, one will have to release the karma associated with poison in order to transcend. The original cause is associated with the planes of extinction, and how the grand master offspring agreed to tie into such planes. Release the holographic agreements to tie into the extinction planes, and ascension may come forth. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to separate from the planes of extinction that were constructed by the secret nonphysical governance of earth. I intend to release all holographic agreements to participate in


the dance of extinction. I intend to push out all poisonous serpents from my etheric body, subtle bodies, chakra system, light body and greater auric field that can be perceived in my ascension to date. I replace them with new serpents that are Language of Light based and offered by my soul, oversoul and source. I release all karma for how each set of poisonous serpents came to be in my field and ancestry. I also intend to retrieve all poisonous serpents that I have sent into the fields of others unconsciously and unknowingly sending them to the aurora for dissolution. I intend to step out of the dance of poison and disease.”

15. POISON BETWEEN HUMANS Long ago, one’s ancestors desired to die, but could not consciously command it. One’s ancestors therefore chose to poison a significant system in the form so that the health and well being of the form could not longer be sustained, rendering the body dead. This is how the reincarnation cycles were born beloved; and it is a sad thing to witness on the part of the Tao. Humans poison one another. Mostly such poison is administered due to ancient ancestral agreements and the manner in which one caused the death of another at their request; or was killed at the hand of another due to the desire to die. For those with a stronger constitution, one can cross the paths of many others who administer poison before the associated part of the form begins to fail. However by old age, one has crossed enough paths with those who have poisoned this or that organ in one’s ancestry that one now has a disease, and the disease is in the end the manner in which one dies. So it goes in all human lives to this day. In childhood disease, the child takes on the karmic ancestral contracts for poison from many in the family or neighborhood. Suddenly all of the poison for the liver is transferred from 18 family members onto the child, and the child ends up with liver cancer and dies. Such is the nature of the dance of poison. One can also have poison therefore that belongs to another and must be returned in order to ascend out of disease, or not ascend into disease. For those that wish to recover from disease, one may release the karma associated with the agreements to receive poison from another, or return those agreements that one took on for another or group of others. As the agreements are released, the poisonous serpents will leave, allowing the portion of the form to resurrect, and one to ascend out of disease. However, if the one that continuously poisons oneself is one’s spouse or boss, one may require leaving the marriage or job behind in order to recover.


For any human who is ascending, even those who feel well and do not have impaired health, there will be pockets in the etheric body of absolutely no energy movement. Sometimes such pockets appear as black holes, rips or tears, or a wedge in the grid work. Suspending the rip, hole, tear or wedge are countless serpents holding a poisonous tone of creation that prevents the energy from moving through the region. The energy then is pushed to the regions surrounding the rip, hole, tear or wedge, which then runs excessively hot, sometimes to the point of combusting the molecular structure underneath. This is symbolic of decay; the greater the size of the rip, hole, tear or wedge, the more of the cellular structure is compromised, and the greater likelihood of decay in the associated part of the form. Those that are ascending may transcend this type of poison. One can intend to release the karma amongst those that have administered such poisonous tones of creation to the regions of the etheric body that hold a rip, hole, tear or wedge open. Then one can apply the Language of Light or gold and silver tones to awaken the serpents, pushing them from the form and to the aurora or sun. As the serpents leave, the ends of the etheric body that had been severed can be reconnected. As this occurs, there will be enough chi available in the associated region of the embodiment to resurrect any decay or scar tissue associated. Each phase of ascension allows another level of poison to be released from the etheric body rendering a new weaving and subsequently the body’s resurrection. Therefore one will be releasing etheric poison in an ongoing manner throughout one’s ascent. The Language of Light is designed to transmute the poisons associated with 3000 strands and below. The gold and silver tones of creation are designed to transmute poison in the ascent to 6000. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to release all agreements to poison another to death as made throughout my ancestry. I retrieve all poisonous serpents and poison that I or my ancestors sent into the fields of others over time and send it to the aurora for dissolution. I intend to release all agreements for others to poison me to death as made throughout my ancestry and can be perceived in my ascent to date. I intend to move out all poisonous serpents throughout the field and form that are associated, replacing them with serpents holding the language of light tones of creation. I intend to replace all angels, divas, DNA and souls holding the poisonous serpents in place, replacing it with new information from my red ancestry and new angels and divas from my soul, oversoul and source.”


16. NUCLEAR POISON Whereas the poison from the glaciers that freezes causes the body temperature to drop, nuclear poison causes the body temperature to rise, but rise at a pace and rate that causes combustion rather than health. As the Anu dropped two major nuclear bombs upon Earth, nuclear poison became embedded into all genetic structures of all species upon Earth, including humankind. Nuclear poisons are vibrations that fry or burn up the grid work and molecular structure; as the grid work and molecules combust, it is also unavailable to hold chi, and again the body cools allowing bacteria to grow and disease or death to follow. Radioactive serpents will sit in any region of the form that they entered in those ancestors that survived the nuclear fallouts from the three times periods discussed in the above information. One may release the karma from such time periods in one’s ancestry, and choose to push the radioactive serpents from the field and form through conscious intention. In so doing, those regions overly hot or combusting within one’s molecular structure or grid work can be rewoven with Language of Light based serpents, allowing the parts of the form that are collapsing inward to also be resurrected and reconstructed to the crystalline structure. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to release all karma for nuclear annihilation in my ancestry. I also intend to release all karma for warfare and the construction of nuclear weaponry. I intend to move out all radioactive serpents throughout the field and form that are associated and can be perceived in my ascent to date, replacing them with serpents holding the Language of Light tones of creation. I intend to replace all angels, divas, DNA and souls holding the radioactive serpents in place, replacing it with new information from my red ancestry and new angels and divas from my soul, oversoul and source. I intend to disassociate from all related disease machinery.”

17. PRESENT TIME TOXINS The toxic substances that humanity utilizes are large in number and prevalent all over Earth. The use of fossil fuels limits the amount of oxygen that would be present otherwise to sustain the health and well being of the cellular structure. Emissions attach to healthy red blood cells as they are inhaled rendering them useless to carry oxygen or sugar. This is again another reason to live away from the density of your cities, which are filled with greater amounts of emissions than the countryside or seaside. The addition of heavy metals and pesticides into the waterways and food is poisoning the human species through their very food source. The solution for ascending


initiates is to drink filtered water and seek out organic forms of food along with choosing to live in the country. Many diseases are founded upon an overly toxic region of the body. Any form stores toxins in one of six places, and the same six regions that one tends to attach to others within the etheric body. Why is this so? Toxins tend to flow to the densest region of the body, as this is where they resonate. For those who are diseased, the toxins only add weight and density to an already problematic region. The solution? Detoxification rituals. Detoxification begins with the waste management systems of the form. One can begin to ingest fruit and vegetable juices in larger amounts to flush out the kidneys and assist in cleansing the blood. One can take herbs to support the rebuilding of the weakest regions. One can cleanse the intestinal tract by eating fresh fruit and vegetables in larger amounts. Mila recommends eating a lot of watermelon in summer and oatmeal in the winter as good intestinal cleansers over bulk type laxatives. Detoxification teas and diet teas also assists the bowels in moving more frequently through gentle herbs that stimulate such and can be taken as needed. One can bathe frequently utilizing substances that pull toxins from the pores of the skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body and the most easy to detoxify through. Mila and Oa have used Fango Mud (from volcanic ash) along with Batherapy (a blend of minerals including sulfur with enough chlorophyll to ease the smell) in their daily 45-minute sit baths. The minerals in the volcanic ash or Batherapy attach to toxins and pull them through the pores of the skin during one’s bath. Daily bathing is perhaps the easiest and most efficient manner to detoxify to ascend, and especially ascend out of disease. There are also mud baths that one can either go to a spa to receive, or do at home. Mila and Oa not only bathe or swim daily, but frequently give each other mud baths and utilize both green and white clay alternatively, as each attaches to different types of toxins pulling it through the pores of the skin. One can either put the clay in one’s bath, or mix it with hot water and apply it to the entire form, allowing it to dry and then shower off. Either way is equally effective at pulling toxins through the skin. Both green and white clay are generally available through the health food industry. One can flush the liver with a liver cleanse. There are many ways to flush the liver, but in essence one drinks in one sitting a cup of oil, which causes the ducts in the liver to open wide and expel everything therein. Mila did this several times in her early ascent. Her favorite recipe was to take a peeled orange, a peeled lemon and a cup of olive oil plus a few cloves of garlic and blend it up in the food processor to the consistency of a pudding. Then eat this upon an empty stomach in the morning, and anticipate a gentle day of


rest the remainder of the day, drinking chamomile tea until later in the afternoon. Eat only a light meal of soup and salad at the end of the day to reset the digestive tract. The health food stores are filled with suggested remedies that are herbal and homeopathic in nature, and those who are sick or become compromised in one’s ascent are advised to seek such information out and apply it as needed. Ascension requires a strong healthy form. If one has not such a form, one can create one by detoxifying and providing the nutrients necessary to rebuild the weakest of systems, organs or glands. Nothing is impossible, and the intent to resurrect and ascend everything. SUGGESTED INTENT: “I intend to run the detoxification tones of creation which are silver and pale blue and green daily through my kundahlini. I intend to do whatever is necessary to support my form in ascension, including sticking to daily detoxification rituals that are necessary to assure non-ascension into disease. I intend to complete my karma with the cities and suburbs I live within and relocate to the country where it is less toxic and create gentler pace of life that better supports my choice to ascend.”

18. MUCOUS AND PUS BUILDUP As the temperature of a portion of the form cools, and the bacteria multiply, they begin to ingest the flesh in the region associated. The waste that the bacteria produce in its ingestion of flesh is pus like or a form of mucous. There are positive forms of mucous in the form that creates lubrication and protection, and these are not to be confused with the mucous produced by bacteria and parasites. Positive mucous exists in the digestive system to allow the passage of nutrients down the throat, through the stomach and intestinal tract, and out the anus. Mucous protects the stomach lining from the more competent digestive enzymes produced in the crystalline form. Kidney and liver ducts also have a parallel type of mucous to allow for the easy movement of substances through and out of the system. Lymph and arteries also have a form of mucous that coats the lining and allows for the easier movement of the blood or lymph fluid within the crystalline cellular structure. These forms of mucous are necessary to the heath and well being of the crystalline form. The mucous produced by bacteria or parasites causes fluids and substances to stick rather than move easily through the system. Therefore they do not support one’s health and well-being, but rather deter it. If enough mucous coats a set of cells in a thick enough layer, the cells cease to be able to ingest enough oxygen or sugar required to subsist or detoxify, as the pus gums up


the process of osmosis. This is the underlying cause of cancer; mucous that has built up due to the ingestion of flesh by bacteria and the waste that they produce coating a group of cells or entire organ, gland or system. One solution is to de-parasite the form as parasites include maggots that decompose form and are hosts to the bacteria also associated with decay. As Mila has said in earlier materials, one de-worms their dog, horse, cat, pig and cow; why does not one de-worm oneself? Is not one also an animal? Mila’s grandmother from Poland would de-worm herself with certain herbs twice per year; she lived to 95 in excellent health. Somehow this simple truth has been forgotten until recent decades of research in the health food industry. There are many herbal anti-parasite programs, and for those that have not de-wormed and are either ill or choosing to ascend, it is highly recommended that one does so, and perhaps once per year unless one is ascending above 3000 strands. Why de-worm? Worms and worm eggs pervade all vegetables and fruits, along with raw fish for those who love Sushi; it is impossible to eat and not ingest worms or their eggs. As the worms attach to the intestinal tract, they cause an inefficient digestive system, blocking the very process that would absorb nutrients otherwise. As the worm eggs enter the blood stream, they can hatch and lodge in every major organ, gland and system of the form causing deterioration and dysfunction. Remove the worms and the body has an opportunity to regenerate. Ascension also produces mucous on a recurring basis. The process of ascension is similar to the caterpillar that becomes the moth or butterfly. First the caterpillar creates a cocoon; then it breaks itself down into primal goo, only to reformulate itself into a moth or butterfly. In parallel manner, ascension brings about the same process. First the group of cells cocoon themselves; then in their protective coating the RNA and DNA dissolve and rearrange itself into the crystalline structure. Nutrients necessary to the process have already been absorbed into the cells prior to the construction of the cocoon; generally these subsist of amino acids, salt and lipids akin to cholesterol. It is for this reason that ascending initiates will crave large amounts of salt, protein and fat, in particular eggs, shellfish and fish, in order to provide the necessary nutrients to augment the crystalline conversion. As the cocoon is dismantled, all that is no longer required in the new cellular structure is expelled, and this takes the form of a mucous. This mucous is not unlike the mucous produced by the bacteria, and often contains toxins such as heavy metals and pesticides. If the mucous from ascension builds up enough and is not detoxified rapidly enough through the waste management systems of the form, cancer can result. Mila and Oa have ascended into and out of cancer many times in their journey to full consciousness. It is for this


reason that they can state that ongoing detoxification rituals are imperative to ascension; the main ritual being the one of the daily bath or mud bath. Seeking out mineral springs and products to bathe in along with clay for mud baths have become their ongoing lifestyle. So this will be for any devoted to the path of ascension or ascending out of disease in this lifetime. Even if one is limited in how far that one can ascend, ascension is a decade or longer process, and even after this has been attained, one will have to retain enough balance to not descend again into disease. Ongoing detoxification rituals will be the preventative medicine for disease; along with living in as non-toxic an environment that one can, and consuming foods devoid of toxins or that are organic. SUGGESTED INTENTION: “I intend to uncover the original cause of any pattern that has caused my form to become diseased, or would cause my form to become diseased in my future ascent. I intend to support the form in the choice to remain disease-free or ascend out of disease by attending to my daily detoxification rituals. I intend to de-worm once a year until my vessel holds a high enough temperature to kill the parasites of my own volition.”

SUMMARY The purpose of this material is to assure greater success at ascension, and that one ascends into regeneration rather than disease. If one does ascend into disease, then we hope to make a pathway out of such a circumstance more viable. Karma underlies all manifestations, whether they be a difficult circumstance in one’s life dance, or a problem with physicality. First one must determine if the problem is inherently one’s own karma, or due to a karmic manipulation of some sort? In returning the karma that is not one’s own, a rapid recovery will be made possible. Karma that is one’s own requires investigation and the intent to get at the original cause. As the original cause of a particular exchange of energy is uncovered, it can be forgiven through conscious intention. The act of forgiveness is not to be underestimated; one must choose to forgive the dance that one’s ancestry participated in, regardless of the role that they played, or another played. As all are forgiven, and especially oneself, then there is an opportunity for a new pattern and new genetic material to replace that which has become dysfunctional. One is God Goddess in form; as such one intends and commands one’s reality into existence. There are two dreams each initiate commands; one is for their particular life dance with others, and the other is for the ascension, health and well being of one’s creation. One’s creation ultimately is one’s body, for without


this there would be no dance upon the physical plane. Commanding ascension and biological change is an inherent part of being a fully conscious species. Humanity simply forgot that it had a right to command such, and gave their power away to those seemingly capable of commanding their health for them. Which is our last point, and that of the requirement to seek out physicians and specialists to determine one’s own state of being. No one knows better than oneself the condition that the body exists within. If one attunes inward, the body will tell oneself its problems, and what it is working upon in the choice to ascend. One will learn to become one’s own doctor and diagnose one’s own problems oneself; as well as prescribe the necessary herbs, nutrients or detoxification rituals necessary to allow for one’s recovery and ascent. Mila and Oa go to no one other than themselves for their own diagnosis. They also go to no one to determine what they need to do either as preventative medicine or to treat a specific symptom of ascension. As either of them venture through the health food store, each may muscle test what the form requires, the dosage, and the length of treatment. So it should be for each ascending human, as ultimately the purposes of full consciousness is the ability to communicate with one’s own form and cellular structure to self-doctor and ascend. We will leave each reading this information with these thoughts. More doctors and therapists are grid work and information brokers than not; hospitals are circumstances that can augment a death more rapidly than any other place in town. For those that have worked with many practitioners, it is time to look into the unconscious bargains and brokering that may have occurred therein. It may be time to return the grid work that was added and allowed for a recovery at an earlier time in one’s dance. Why is this important? No one else’s grid work is going to do any good in association with one’s own ascension. Grid work and molecular structure is a very personal blueprint that is as unique as a snowflake. No two humans are exactly alike; no two even of the same lineages shall have the same energetic signature or the same ascension, or the same karma to clear. We have identical twins in the Group Mastery Program of SSOA; and we can sincerely say that even if the exact same lineages were drawn upon to construct the form, the tapestry is still unique, and the ascension separate and distinct for each twin. One need not bargain for health. The unconscious bargain for health means many more lifetimes of disease in one’s ancestry. Health and internal well-being are an inherent right as God Goddess in form. One can create health instead by ascending the form and utilizing detoxification and proper nutrition to rebuild any weak area into a crystalline structure. The crystalline structure regenerates; as such it shall be healthier than any prior structure one has known in this lifetime. We hope that each finds this information useful.


Until our next communication, Namaste The Tao


Disease is ultimately due to the paradigm of lack For in lack there is not enough Not enough elements or molecules or grid work Or moving energy to sustain the field And the result is the descent into disease The ascent out of disease Brings a return to the principals of abundance In which there is just enough To sustain the health and continued ascent Of the form To a return of abundance unto earth! Namaste Mila

Ascension Transmissions IV is published by ASCEND PRESS 77-6425 Kuakini Hwy., C2, PMB 42, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 e-mail [email protected] Copyright 2002-2003 All Rights Reserved


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