Transits and Ashtakavarga

January 29, 2017 | Author: mahadp08 | Category: N/A
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By K.N. Rao, from Timing Events Through Vimshottari Dasha - ch. 10 Continued from the article An Astrologer's Difficult Moments

Natal Chart Transits . !he most significant factor is the "eginning of the sadhe-saati  of  of the chil# $ith the %aturn in the $ea&est house in sarashta&a, sarashta&a, in $hich he $oul# remain until March (, 1))*. ). +ually "a# $as the transit of %aturn in Caricorn in the Binnashta&a of Mars, the *r# an# the th lor#, $here there is no ositie oint at all 0 oints/. !hese nine oints are unfaora"le. %ee the other  oints from the reious article An Astrologer's Difficult Moments./

!ransits on August 1, 1))


Binnashta&aarga of Mars Saving Factors 1. 2t is a night "irth of the "right lunar half, shukla paksha. !he Moon must, therefore, rotect the chil# li&e the 3o##ess Mother as the astrological classics emhasi4e. . !he Moon $ell asecte# "y 5uiter $as another oint.

*. %ome astrological classics state that if in a night "irth there are malefics in the lagna, they too offer rotection. !he most imortant oint is the 5uiter is asecting the Moon of the chil#. 6rayers must "e offere#. 5uiter is 7or# %hia, lor# !ryam"a&a of the great Mrityunjaya mantra. 2 ma#e them recite Mrityunjaya mantra $ith me an# as&e# them to #o so regularly an# assure# them that, in Aril 1))*, the chil# $oul# "ecome normal.

!ransits on Aril 1, 1))* After %aturn transite# into Auarius in March 1))*, the chil# starte# imroing an# in Aril 1))* he "ecame normal in the su"-su"-erio# of 5uiter in the ma8or erio# of 5uiter an# the su"-erio# of Mercury. !his is the story of the secon# son of %ri C.9. Aa#hani, of the 2n#ian Au#it an# Accounts %erice from $hich 2 retire# in Noem"er, 1))0. reprinted with permission By Marc Boney, M.A., from the 5yotish-7ist :ahoo 3rous Archies %atish has as&e# me to ela"orate on my reference to haing use# ashta&aarga in the Den4el ;ashington re#iction see the article - Den4el ;ashington's Na&shatra +th leel/ at the time of eent, $as $ithin one #egree of its highest oint of eth/ $as alying "y t$o #egrees to a full asect of his 10th lor# Mercury. !his further aeale# to me.

7astly, the Moon is the finest timer of eents since it is the fastest moing of the graha. %hri Rao sho$s in his "oo&, Planets and Children, ho$ his mother taught him to time "irth $ithin  hours using the Moon's transits. ;ashington receie# his scar at a time $hen the Moon transite# its o$n sign Cancer, in his 11th house of honors an# a$ar#s. 2t is 8ust recently crosse# his suremely e
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