Transitions to a Heart Centred World Kundalini Yoga

April 4, 2018 | Author: Ruby C. Koa | Category: Kundalini Yoga, Kundalini, Mental Training, Yoga, New Age
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Transitions To A Heart-Cantered World






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5 these subtle bexiies are perceived c:Illy by subtle S1ght, there are always differences in per,ception.


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'!he following is a s1.lIllllarY of yogi Bhajan's lDs Angeles talk of August 14, 1987, on the Hanronic Convergence.

those who o:xnplete themselves inside. "You are created in Q:ld to deliver God. If you don't deliver Gc:xl, then you will not deliver yourself! we becc:me God and we produce Q:ld. Anything right or wrong we do, we do it as God! "In the stanach there will be a light. '!he Heart Csnter will light up. All people will be kind, CCiI1paSsionate and enlightened. People will becane intuitive. You are all going to learn fron the navel point, because the navel point will becane the 'Ihird Eye! "Men and wcmen will merge, not just fall in love, have sex and l;ivetogether. Whatever ale knows; the other will know. '!here should be ~ y any· camn.mi.cation, no convincing. '!he female will find her real love within herself. 'lhere will be a strong l.U"ge to "IDerge and every other desire .will fade away. People will go for reality inStead of ranance. "'!he carmandment of this era is, 'sin shall punish itself.' And guilt shall make itself good. Man will be free of the bondage of consciousness that makes lalxlr and workshops. Each shall find himself enlightened enough to seek energy and creativity or dead enough to suffer the karma. '''!be era of "I" is finishing. It is an era of ''Us''! People who progress now will be acting in the spirit of us. 'we did this -let us get. together'. It is an era of ~ me; KAR. It is one w:>rld created by God, having its own beauty, and those who live in the 'I, ·I, I' will not fit in. ''we used to pray 'I seek 'Ihou, Ch Lord. I am meek before ':thee. I ask you to bless me. .Please Q:ld, help me. You blessed me with a beautiful day. Bless me with a beautiful night. I ''Now we will pray like this: ''!hank. you God for being with me and dwelling in me and blessing in me. Together, Lord, we w:>rked out our day. Let us go to sleep together, within ourselves.' '''!be clouds are gone! Find yourself within. Rejoice that you are crossing an ~ of work and sweat to reach God and entering an era of Q:ld within you.

''We are involuntarily entering an ere of voluntary enlightenment. (So OOn't pay rroney to anybody for enlighenment.) Feel very relaxed for everything will change. we will achieve the desired attunemant of uan. "'lbere will be a tremendous surge and a tremendous 'l.U"ge to merge' with higher consciousness. It will not be going up to heaven - we will experience heaven now, here! I am heaven! I am Gc:xl. I am the universe! Iam the Cosnosl. I am tl)e "I am" ! "But rot with pride, ego or anger. '!he relationship between uan or loOllaI1 and Gc:xl will be a nerged relaq.onship. Nobody shall seek Gc:xl ootside. '''!be Piscean era is a subconscious one and the Aquarian Aqe is the conscious and unconscious w:>rlds merged together. 'lhose \>Iho will merge within themselves, with their inner consciousness (Gc:xl) will survive. ''We will understand that within me is a ccmplete understanding of me. And what we say and what we live will be Infinity. It is the period of SAT mM. 'In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was God.' sat Nam: Truth is our Identity. '''1be Platinum Aqe is clear, p.lre, white and precious. It . is an era of acknc:Mledgement rather than knowledge. ~t is an era, not of getting redeemed, not of seeking halor, but of purity within and purity without. '''1be stars and their energies are changing. People \>Iho feel that God is outside and pleasure is outside will fall into the pit of pain. People who feel that God is inside shall prosper. '''lbe:re is to be han.ony, peace and tranquility for those \>Iho go inside into their shining purity. Ingoing does not mean that you leave the universe and b"CCiue isolated, antisocial or rude, or pretend to .go inward. Power, HeM you keep up shall deteJ:mine your energy and life (not maya) belong to liberty and grace."







'!he Aquarian Age is an astrological designation referring to the procession of the equinoxes frc:m the ZOdiacal sign of Pisces into Aquarius (in reverse order frc:m the sun •s apparant progrE;!SS through the zodiac). For about 2,000 years we have been in the eaotional, psychic, spiritual, idealistic, soul-developing sign of Pisces dcmi.nated by ideals of self-sacrifice, canpassion, glamour, and dualism. '!he Piseean age gave birth to many of the ~rld's great religions and philosphies, masterpieces o~ art, music and archi..., tecture and a profound love of nature, but it also produced war after devastating war, the 600 year long inquisition, extremes of cruelty, debased sensuality and self glorification, hordes of underpriviledged, unfed, uneduCated masses, • dehumanizing industrialization and inordinate materialism. In the West; this has been the Olristian era, personified by a man who died a niartyrs death on the cross, whose followers are asked to take up his cross and cleanse ~eir souls with sUffering by clergymen who rarely ask as much of themselVes. Aquarius is a sign of intelligence, altruism, invention, friendhip, group consciousness, universality and brotherhood. In the New Age, r~ligion will nurtUre individual dignity and self-worth, recognition of and identification with our Divine Origins, ccmpassion for our brethren and recognition of the Divine in everyone" and everything. We will have problens and chcillenges but they will differ frc:m·the old one. '!he transition frc:m the Piscean to the Aquarian Age involves nothing less than a o:mplete shift in consciousness and ~rld views. '!he sr.ift is not so much fran' individual to group OJrisciousness, as it is ~rati subservience to group consciousness to independent OJntributions to it, for the Age of Aquarius is characterized by independence and invention as much as it is by OJllective welfare. . PISCES


Until recently we have judged ourselves to be G::d I S flawed children, born in sin with an unsavory, unacceptable hidden inner nature. We have sought salvation through a savior and ~rshipped G:xI in templeS and churches ~ . ordP-ined .prophets and clergymen. Ne have lived in dual:i.ty, recognizing separation between self and G::d, self and others and self and Self.

We will now recognize ourselves as CO-Q:eators with G::d and acknowledge our choice of birth, circUmstances and destiJiy. We will understand and live by free Will and daninion. We will perceive G::d in everything and everybody and know that we, too, areG::d, and therefore worthy of reSpeCt and love, and we can 'have heaven on earth.


Faith, hcpe & charity. G::d helps those who help themselvesEveryone loves a winner! Ni~ guys don I t win ball gaines.

KnoW, choose, do. Create your own reality '!he attit-..lde \.If gratitude You can be anyone and do anything We are all
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