Transhumanism Websites

December 25, 2016 | Author: Futurus Solvo | Category: N/A
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Comprehensive list of websites concerning all aspects of Transhumanism, Posthumanism, The Singularity and more concernin...


Transhumanism/Posthumanism/The Singularity (The Construct) Websites Anarcho-Transhumanism Anarchism and Transhumanism | Where the Future = Liberation @H+ :: Anarcho-Transhumanism | Gearing Up for Social and Technological Insurrection :: Gearing Up for Social and Technological Insurrection :: AnarchoTranshuman anarcho-transhumanism - Anarchopedia Transhumanism and Anarchism Queering the Singularity | Bodies, Desire, and the Future

Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence @ MIRI Facing the Intelligence Explosion OpenCog Foundation | Building better minds together carboncopies project Substrate-Independent Minds, Whole Brain Emulation, Mind Uploading, Neuroprostheses, Neural Interfaces Aidyia | Investing with Advanced Intelligence The Road of endless Research:"Father of the Artificial Brain" Synxi - Machine Learning Recommendations for SharePoint, Yammer and Tibbr Recommendations and discovery of relevant content & expertise for enterprises, SharePoint, Yammer and Tibbr

Cloning Learn more about the facts behind animal cloning. Cloning University of Utah Human Cloning Foundation Home Page BOVANCE :: advancing genetic opportunities Start Licensing, Inc. Trans Ova Genetics | ViaGen ViaGen Foals Check out some of ViaGen's latest foals.

Cybernetics-Robotics National Robotics Initiative NASA - National Robotics Initiative National Robotics Initiative (NRI) (nsf12607) - CISE - Funding - National Robotics Initiative - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Supporting the President’s National Robotics Initiative | The White House

EATR Robot Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia EATR | Popular Science EATR, Robotic Technology Inc., robots, unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence and more. DARPA Stops Trying Not to Be Terrifying, Funds Chainsaw-Wielding, Flesh-Eating Robot

Robot History History of robots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Robot History 30 Great Moments In The History Of Robots - Forbes Robotics History Timeline Bionics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dr. Cynthia Breazeal - MIT Media Lab CYBERDYNE Human-Robot Interaction | A Research Portal for the HRI Community Timeline of Robotics part 1 Festo Festo Corporate - Home Welcome to Festo - Corporate information DARPA DRC | DARPA Robotics Challenge Home Tartan Rescue Team The CMU/NREC Tartan Rescue Team will compete in the DARPA Robotics Challenge DRC-HUBO Team Robonaut: Home In the current iteration of Robonaut, Robonaut 2 or R2, NASA and General Motors are working together with assistance from Oceaneering Space Systems engineers to accelerate development of the next generation of robots and related technologies for use in the automotive and aerospace industries. The team is focusing on improving the speed, dexterity, and workspace of Robonaut. Robonaut is about improving the efficiency of missions. The dexterity of R2 allows it to use the same tools that astronauts currently use and removes the need for specialized tools just for robots. Robonaut This website provides information on JSC's humanoid robot called Robonaut. SCHAFT Inc. / 株式会社SCHAFT(シャフト) | – ヒト型ロボットの研究開発・製造・販 売 / Humanoid Robot Research, Manufacturing and Sales THOR | Tactical Hazardous Operations Robot | Tactical Hazardous Operations Robot Robotics Lab Robotics and Intelligent Vehicles Research Laboratory Oryx 2.0: A Planetary Exploration Mobility Platform | Worcester Polytechnic Insitute's 2012 RASC-AL Exploration Robo-Ops Competition Team Worcester Polytechnic Insitute's 2012 RASC-AL Exploration Robo-Ops Competition Team

TRACLabs, Inc. Robotics and Automation TORC Robotics - Unmanned Ground Vehicle Kits and Robotic Building Blocks TORC Robotics is a leader in robotic autonomous vehicle solutions by providing Unmanned Vehicle Kits as well as proven modular Robotic Building Blocks that allow for rapid development for robot vehicle kits. Robugtix :::ROBOTIS::: iRobot Corporation: Robots that Make a Difference National Robotics Engineering Center NREC NREC, the Robotics Institute's commercialization arm, channels CMU and RI technology and public funding into automation technologies to sharpen American businesses' competitive edge. The Robotics Institute Robotic Technology Inc., robots, unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence and more. Robotic Technology Inc. provides systems and services in the fields of intelligent systems, robotic vehicles (including unmanned ground (UGV), air (UAV), and sea (UUV and USV) vehicles), robotics and automation, weapons systems, intelligent control systems, intelligent transportation systems and intelligent vehicles, intelligent manufacturing, and other advanced technology. Robotic Technology Inc. has expertise in the fields of robotics; artificial intelligence; computer science; programming; cybernetics; operations research; mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering; physics; weapons and civil system analysis; decision tolls; risk and uncertainty; technology assessment and forecasting; and business development. Unmanned/Autonomous Vehicles - Intelligent Vehicle Technology Transfer (IVTT) The IVTT Program and Website facilitate intelligent vehicle technology transfer between the Department of Defense (DOD), and its stakeholders, and the Department of Transportation (DOT), and its stakeholders, in order to: save lives on the battlefield and on the roads and highways; save money on intelligent systems and infrastructure; and ease the emergence of a transformational technology which will: impact military tactics, strategy, and doctrine; impact the automotive industry and society in general; and lead to the creation of innovative systems, military efficacy, and national wealth.

Electroceuticals The Future of Pharmaceuticals Could Be Electronic Implants - IEEE Spectrum Neuromodulation - Business Overview | Medtronic GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) - global healthcare company. Do more, feel better, live longer Bioelectronics | How we do R&D | Explore GSK | GlaxoSmithKline Electroceuticals Electroceuticals illuminate possibility of a final frontier - The National

FBI Face RECOG-Biometrics - Home The Biometric Consortium Safety & Security of U.S. Borders: Biometrics

Home < FBI Biospecs EFF sues FBI to gain access to facial recognition facts | Planet Biometrics News FBI Facial Recognition Initiatives Presentation at 2010 Biometrics Conference | Electronic Frontier Foundation FR700 Face Recognition Terminal FBI — Fingerprints & Other Biometrics Biometrics Identity Management Agency - Home The Biometrics Resource Center Website IAD Program Areas Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC®) | Transportation Security Administration NSF I/UCRC: Home Page IT Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2006-2010 -- Empowering Diplomacy The U.S. Electronic Passport Home < Biometric Center of Excellence (BCOE) FBI — Next Generation Identification FBI — IAFIS Face Recognition FISWG FISWG is the Facial Identification Scientific Working Group.

Genomics-Life Extension Home page - Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute The Sanger Institute is a genome research institute primarily funded by the Wellcome Trust. We use large-scale sequencing, informatics and analysis of genetic variation to further our understanding of gene function in health and disease and to generate data and resources of lasting value to biomedical research. DOE Joint Genome Institute: A DOE Office of Science User Facility of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Human Genome Quality Assessment | HudsonAlpha Genome Sequencing Center Future Generations A pro-eugenics website that explores the potential power and kindness of eugenics. Myriad Genetics & Laboratories | Genetic Testing for Hereditary Cancer SRF Home | SENS Research Foundation SENS Foundation works to develop, promote and ensure widespread access to rejuvenation biotechnologies which comprehensively address the disabilities and diseases of aging. Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement Methuselah Foundation - Welcome to Methuselah Foundation CGS : Center for Genetics and Society The Center for Genetics and Society works for thoughtful consideration, responsible uses, and effective governance of genetic, reproductive, and other biotechnologies. Methuselah Foundation Blog | No heart attacks, cancer or Alzheimer's. It's possible. We're acting against aging. Supercentenarian Research Foundation Main Page

Ageless Animals Biogerontological study to uncover the mechanism(s) that appear to retard aging in very long-lived animals. Legendary Pharmaceuticals Home Legendary Pharmaceuticals is developing pharmaceutical drugs and gene therapies to repair the damage of aging. Aging Research Foundation for Life Extension and Longevity, Maximum Life Foundation Maximum Life Foundation specializes in Accelerating Progress in Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicine Research and Key Strategies for Aging Research to Stop Getting Older and Extend Your Lifespan

Geoengineering Agriculture Defense Coalition Coalition Against Geoengineering documenting the chemtrail-geoengineering coverup Weather Modifications | Agriculture Defense Coalition Clients & Projects | Weather Modification, Inc. California Skywatch Carnicom Institute Home Aerosol Crimes North American Weather Consultants Industry leaders in weather modification services, probable maximum precipitation studies and meteorological consulting. home page


H+ News Sources Robotics Zeitgeist « Artificial Intelligence and Robotics blog Machines Like Us | Science news at the speed of thought. Providing the latest breakthroughs from leading research institutions, delivered daily. An online news resource providing the latest in cognition, artificial intelligence, synthetic life, health, medicine, genetics, space, computer science, biology and aging, anthropology, evolution and atheism, science and technology and other science news Singularity Hub | The Future Is Here Today…Robotics, Genetics, AI, Longevity, The Brain… Lifeboat Foundation: Safeguarding Humanity IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News Latest engineering, technology and science news. Articles, podcasts, videos, and webinars about robotics, electronics, computing, energy, biomedical devices, nanotechnology, and other cool tech.

Singularity Weblog A journal on trends, news, issues and people related to the technological singularity, aiming to spark a conversation about the impact of genetics, robotics, nanotechnology, exponential growth and artificial intelligence. Jason Silva - Filmmaker - Futurist - Epiphany Addict Jason Silva is a futurist, filmmaker, epiphany addict, ecstatic truth lover, techno optimist. The Singularity is near. | Blogs, Articles and Videos from the World's Top Thinkers and Leaders | Big Think Blogs, Articles and Videos from the World's Top Thinkers and Leaders Transhumanism News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - io9 How Artificial Chromosomes Could Transform Humanity H+ Magazine | Covering technological, scientific, and cultural trends that are changing–and will change–human beings in fundamental ways.

History The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project What is the Antikythera Mechanism? The discovery and consequent theories about the ancient antikythera mechanism of Greece. History of Computers, Computing and Internet History of Computers, Computing and Internet - Home page

Influential Transhumanists Julian Huxley Julian Huxley and Transhumanism The Life and Legacy of Julian Huxley: Huxley and Eugenics Sir Julian Huxley » British Humanist Association “Transhumanism” by Julian Huxley (1957)

Prof. Hugo de Grais Hugo de Garis | KurzweilAI Hugo de Garis | Machines Like Us profhugodegaris | Species Dominance, Artilects, Artilect War, Cosmists, Terrans, Gigadeath, Essays, Media, etc Hugo de Garis on Singularity 1 on 1: Are We Building Gods or Terminators? Hugo de Garis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Pearce Mission Statement of BLTC Research BLTC was founded to promote paradise engineering Paradise Engineering : The BLTC Library

What is paradise-engineering? Futurists, Transhumanists and Transhumanism The Hedonistic Imperative Can biotechnology abolish suffering Abolitionism Randal A. Koene Personal web site of Randal A. Koene. Randal A. Koene Personal web site of Randal A. Koene. Ben Goertzel's Website Max More's Strategic Philosophy Max More Dr. Max More is a Strategic Philosopher, author of the Proactionary Principle and the philosophy of Extropy and Transhumanism Natasha Vita-More Roger Schank Homepage Roger Schank retired from being a professor to change the world of education. Recent projects Roger is currently involved with include helping companies with innovation, training, and knowledge management, and of course the education revolution. Socratic Arts Socratic Arts designs and develops training for corporations, government organizations, and educational institutions. Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence Launched in 2001, KurzweilAI explores the forecasts and insights on accelerating change articulated in Ray Kurzweil’s landmark books — notably The Age of Spiritual Machines and The Singularity Is Near — and updates these books with key breakthroughs in science and technology. The “AI” in KurzweilAI refers to “accelerating intelligence,” a core concept that underlies the exponential growth of the pervasive information-based technologies — both biological and machine — that are radically changing our world.

Nanotechnology Nanotechnology and Its Dangers Claytronics - Carnegie Mellon University International Council on Nanotechnology - ICON HomePage : GoodNanoGuide

Posthumanism-Singularity Singularity University | Solving Humanity's Grand Challenges Posthumanism Posthumanism Transhumanism/Posthumanism - The Human Future • Transhumanism is defined as the intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally improving the human condition through

applied reason, especially by using technology to eliminate aging and greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. The Singularity is Near » Homepage Singularity Symposium, a conversation about Artificial Intelligence Want to find out what the Technological Singularity is? Want to say what it isn't? Check out Singularity Symposium and join our community. Let us create the future together... Technological Singularity Artificial Intelligence AI Advanced Science Technology Singularity Intelligent Machines Robots Computer Networks Cyborgs Explanation of the technological singularity what it is, advanced artificial intelligence, benefits, dangers, becoming immortal, extraterrestrials aliens tech sing civilizations and more The Singularitarian

RFID-Biometrics Proteus Digital Health MC10

Smart Growth -Intelligent Cities Smart Meter Stop Smart Meters, refuse Smart Meters, Remove Smart meter Refuse and Stop Smart meters installation, Action toRemove smart Meters. Invasion of privacy? Harmful effects?! A way to monitor, tax and control the private homes and businesses. PG&E Smart Meters | Agriculture Defense Coalition Stop Smart Meters! | Fighting for your health, privacy, and safety Freedom Advocates | Exposing Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development Freedom Advocates exposing how Agenda 21 Sustainable Development ignore and violate our Unalienable Rights. NutriMedical Online Database of Nutritional Supplements Free online database of nutritional supplement information to help you particapate actively in your own wellness. Directory of nutritional supplement products, browse by medical conditions or by company, purchase nutritional supplements. Home - Stop OC Smart Meters News and Developments :: Citizens for Safe Technology What's New? provides educational and scientific information to the public about health effects and other problems related to wireless smart meters. electrosmog pollution, Center For Electrosmog Prevention (CEP) Welcome Center for Electrosmog Prevention provides education and advocacy regarding emerging sources of electrosmog pollution, with a focus on smart meters. TURN Consumer Advocates : Index The Utility Reform Network: fighting for California utility consumers for over 30 years.

Cornet ED85EX Unique, handy tool for high frequency. RF signal exposure detection and power level measurement. Highly sensitive and Accurate LCD display and ultra fast LED segment indicators for RF power measurement. Trifield® Meter EMF Safety Superstore- "Electromagnetic Field Detection & Protection". The Ultimate Source for Electromagnetic Pollution Detectors, Shielding Devices and Protection Information Smart Meter Shield The Great CPUC Dog and Pony Show (aka Smart Meter Opt-Out Workshop) - La Mesa, CA Patch Overall, the utility suits were fixated on costs and losses of their smart meter program, with no mention nor concern about health and safety. Buy Your Analog Meter Here | Stop Smart Meters! Stop Smart Meters! | Website of the Scotts Valley Neighbors Against Smart Meters Seasteading Institute Blueseed – the startup community on a ship The Seasteading Institute | Opening humanity's next frontier World Future Society | Tomorrow is built today. GLOBAL REDESIGN INSTITUTE Future Cities | Technology (x) Urban Life IntelliStreets Illuminating Concepts America 2050 The Venus Project The Venus Project offers a comprehensive plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology and nature will be able to coexist in a long term, sustainable state of dynamic equilibrium BREAKFAST - A physical-digital interactive agency based in New York

Synthetic Biology-Biotech testbiotech Longevity science | Live longer in good health and you will have a chance to extend your healthy life even further Biological Warfare | H1N1: Swine Flu | H1N1: Swine Flu h1n1 JCVI: HMP / Home ATG:biosynthetics GmbH - your reliable partner for synthetic biology Synthetic genes and gene assemblies, multi-protein/peptide expression systems, bioinformatics expertise from ATG:biosynthetics The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp. Synthetic Biology Project

Ensuring benefits of synthetic biology are realized through responsible development. Synthetic biology specific news, events, publications and more. SynBiology TESSY x Death By Vaccination Sanger Institute - Publications 2010 - Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority - PHE BIO | Healing, Fueling and Feeding the World Organovo BioTech, Life Sciences Resource The Future of Pharmaceuticals Could Be Electronic Implants - IEEE Spectrum British pharmaceuticals firm betting that “electroceuticals” will treat complex diseases better

Terraforming How We Will Terraform Mars NASA's latest Mars rover, Curiosity, is currently its way to Mars, on a mission to explore whether life could exist there. If we're going to colonize Mars — and some scientists say we must — it's likely that we'll start by terraforming. Terraforming, or planetary engineering, is the process of altering the climate of a planet to be more hospitable to life and human exploration. Of all the bodies in the solar system, Mars is by far the best candidate. Here's how that would work. Just Add Atmosphere: A Cinematic History of Terraforming | The Utopianist - Think Bigger Terraforming - The Modern Alchemy or Tomorrows Engineering Technology? Terraforming - Building New Worlds for Humanity Terraformation: Making a Planet - Article - Red Colony Terraforming of Mars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ethics of terraforming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Scientist Calls Mars a Terraforming Target for the 21st Century | About Mars The Terraforming Information Pages

Transgenderism-Postgenderism Postgenderism and Transhumanism From Transgender to Transhuman Transgenderism (social movement) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia TRANSGENDERISM: Transgressing Gender Norms Taylor & Francis Online :: International Journal of Transgenderism Transgenderism defined, in words and by the numbers - Times Colonist Transgender and Transhuman - the Alliance, the Complaints and the Future - Transgender, Transhuman, Transbeman: Uploading with Martine Rothblatt Postgenderism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sentient Developments: Postgenderism: Beyond the Gender Binary Postgenderism and Gender-Neutrality | this, that, and the Other Postgenderism | Technoprogressive Wiki

Transhuman Family Tree/Human 3.0 CYBERSPACE AS A META EVOLUT... - levy_2000_CyberspaceMetaEvolution.pdf fourthrevolution.pdf

Noosphere Noosphere - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Noosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Noosphere and the Internet Noosphere Website Home Hypothesis if the Biosphere-Noosphere Transition - CongressReview.pdf Global Consciousness Project -- consciousness, group consciousness, mind Theory and History of the Noosphere Manifesto for the Noosphere: The Next Stage in the Evolution of Human Consciousness (Manifesto Series): Jose Arguelles: 9781583943038: Books Vladimir Vernadsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moist Media Moist media | - Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona Tagny Duff (Canada)

Collective Intelligence MIT Unravels the Secrets Behind Collective Intelligence – Hint: IQ Not So Important | Singularity Hub Collective Intelligence 2012

Roy Ascott Roy Ascott Roy Ascott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia telematic connections:: overview Technoetic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Morph - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Natasha Vita More Universe Postcognitive Topics: Embodied vs. Disembodied Approaches to Language and Conceptual Processing: Finding a Middle Ground Emerald | Records Management Journal | Disembodied information: Metadata, file plans, and the intellectual organisation of records

Noetic Now Journal | Institute of Noetic Sciences Dark Chemistry - Mind Control: Nanotech, Biocomputers, and Tyranny? tamera_manifest_en.pdf untitled - malone.pdf Telematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Telematic Embrace: Visionary Theories of Art, Technology, and Consciousness - Roy Ascott Google Books Telematic | Define Telematic at technoetic - Wiktionary Technoetic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Project MUSE - Cybernetic, Technoetic, Syncretic: The Prospect for Art Institute of Noetic Sciences | Consciousness | Science | Spirituality | Wisdom Taylor & Francis Online :: DESIGNING HUMAN 2.0 (TRANSHUMAN) – REGENERATIVE EXISTENCE - Artifact - Volume 2, Issue 3-4 2005: The year in technology - tech - 27 December 2005 - New Scientist

Transhumanism Organizations/Various Institutes Russian Transhumanist Movement - Российское Трансгуманистическое Движение Российское Трансгуманистическое Движение - информация о трансгуманизме, иммортализме, развитии технологий, будущем. CODEX Alimentarius: Home Where strange brillant ideas for the future intermingle and breed The Hybrid Reality Institute The Hybrid Reality Institute explores human-technology co-evolution and its implications for society, business and politics. ASU Transhumanism Mormon Transhumanist Association Futurium - European Commission One platform, Your voices, Our Futures Transhumanism's Extropy Institute - Transhumanism for a better future From the President UK Transhumanist Association Transhumanism & Transhumanist Arts, Transhuman Manifesto Transhumanist Arts, Transhuman Manifesto Transcedo Future of Humanity Institute | University of Oxford

Transhumanist Social groups futuretag : futuretag extrobritannia : ExtroBritannia transeast Info Page Mailing Lists GRG Info Page

Page d'infos de mta-talk nytranshuman Info Page

Various Resources H+: The Digital Series | Humanity goes offline. Survival goes on. PostHuman The Movie — Animated short film directed by Cole Drumb Animated sci-fi thriller short film featuring the voice of Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galactica). Watch the award winning video by Seattle based Colliculi Productions. A genius hacker and his dog help an enigmatic young woman to free the remaining test subjects of a black ops ESP lab. United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs UNOOSA Transhuman Traditionalism The 100th (Hundredth) Monkey - story about social change ( WOW Poetry, lyrics, music, stories, classics Wish Only Well wow is wish only well - the most positive and dynamic global movement ever TRANSHUMAN | PISCEANESQUE THE CREATIVE EXPRESSION OF A NATURAL BORN PISCEANIST (by Tamara Starr-Marie Natividad) A Sign For the Times: Digital Wayfinding Adapts to Your Needs | Design Decoded The most advanced sign on Earth can point you to the road less tweeted Five Top Reasons Transhumanism Can Eliminate Suffering Reality is big. So our optimism must be confined to sentient beings in our forward lightcone. But I tentatively predict that the last experience below “hedonic zero” will be a precisely dateable event several hundred years hence. Here are five grounds for cautious optimism: Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies Website of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies Anders Transhuman Page Activist Post: New Video Game Helps Map Your Every Thought 20% Of Adults Use Smartphones During Sex: How Can Cell Phones Hurt Our Relationships? : Consumer News : Medical Daily One in five American adults reports using a smartphone during sex, raising questions over just how far the technology can spread and the damage it inflicts in the process. Lernstift | The first pen that vibrates when you make a mistake Engineers of the New Millennium: Life in 2030 - IEEE Spectrum Alexander Kruel · Thoughts and news on transhumanism, vegetarianism, science fiction, science, philosophy, math, programming, language, consciousness and the nature of reality. Thoughts and news on transhumanism, vegetarianism, science fiction, science, philosophy, math, programming, language, consciousness and the nature of reality. The War Against Transhumans and Extropians Posthuman Blues Transhumanism Transhumanist Socialism

A type of socialism which holds that future transhumanist technologies such as nanotechnology will make it much more feasible to bring about a truly socialist world. Comments welcomed. Omega League LIXIL|商品ラインアップ|トイレ|シャワートイレ一体型洋風便器|サティス Moral judgments can be altered ... by magnets - MIT News Office By disrupting brain activity in a particular region, neuroscientists can sway people’s views of moral situations.

Virtual & Augmented Reality Ascension Technology Corporation - 3D Guidance, Surgical navigation, Minimally invasive, 3D Ultrasound, Image-guided procedures, Localization, Tracking, Magnetic and optical sensors, Medical guidance, 3D Digitizer EuroVR is the European Association for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Haption SA - Company profile 3DEXPERIENCE, PLM solutions, 3D CAD and simulation software - Dassault Systèmes VIRTALIS - Leaders in Virtual Reality Welcome | IEEE VR 2013 Virtual Reality Laboratory Virtual Reality - Virtual Realities !!! - Worldwide Distributor of Virtual Reality Oculus Rift - Virtual Reality Headset for 3D Gaming | Oculus VR Virtual Reality IIG | EPFL Oculus Rift Is Breathing New Life Into the Dream of Virtual Reality | Singularity Hub Human Interface Technology Laboratory Enhance virtual reality - Engineering Challenges Second Life Official Site - Virtual Worlds, Avatars, Free 3D Chat Second Life official website. Second Life is a free 3D virtual world where users can socialize, connect and create using free voice and text chat.

Augmented Reality Augmented World Expo | The world's largest augmented reality trade show RealityAugmented — Augmented reality, cyborg anthropology, new aesthetics, coevolution technologies. | About About blippar - Mobile Augmented Reality Advertising | blippar Augmented reality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Augmented Reality Summit – Event, AR, Marketing, Digital, Mobile, Apps, Conference Infinity

VR-AR History Virtual reality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia VIRTUAL REALITY - History

A Brief History of Virtual Reality History Of Virtual Reality History | Virtual Reality Site A comprehensive timeline of virtual reality up to Ron Moore's Virtuality | Blastr GF2045 2045 Initiative Institute for Creative Technologies ICT works collaboratively with the DoD S&T community, computer scientists, entertainment and game development industries to advance the state of immersive training simulation.

DARPA/Military Industrial Complex DARPA | Home Microsystems Technology Office Bio-SPICE MTO - Microsystems Technology Office Defense Sciences Office SRI International - an independent, nonprofit R&D organization dedicated to client success. Prognosis Structural Amorphous Metals (SAM) DARPA Armor Challenge - Phase 3 Accelerated Insertion of Materials DARPATech 2005 : Proceedings To Protect Patented Genes, DARPA Wants a Security System that Records Genomic Changes | Popular Science DARPA Alumni Workshop II Operation Jellyfish 100 Year Starship Study DARPA - Tactical Technology Office (TTO) - Crowdsourcing for UAV Innovation UAVForge is a DARPA and SSC-LANT initiative aimed at using a diverse global intellectual base to collaboratively design, build and manufacture advanced micro unmanned air vehicle (UAV) systems. Bio-SPICE DARPA DRC | DARPA Robotics Challenge Home The primary goal of the DARPA Robotics Challenge program is to develop ground robotic capabilities to execute complex tasks in dangerous, degraded, human-engineered environments.

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