Transformer Design and Manufacturing Manual - Robert G. Wolpert (2004)

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ND MAUACR UAL


© 198, ROBET G. WOLR Re




© 1984, ROBERTG. WOLPERT Rev.2004


B . W


he first part of this manual is intended to serve as a starting point in learning a method of designing transformers and other wire wound magnetic co mpon ents he second par t is incl uded to show the new designer, and others, how the transformer is manufactured The design guides, if followed carefully, will result in a design that will work as intend ed  her e will be very little atte m pt to expl ai n the theor ies or ju stify the method or form ul as use d  I have used these method s successfully for many years in both the designing of transformers and in the t rai ni ng of ne w desig ners I suggest that additional study into the theory of magnetism and transformer operation be conducted by the serious engineer he second part concerns the actual manufacturing of the transformer after it is years desig ned  he methods ofshown he re have extensivel y for many in the manufacture transformers andbeen otherused wire wound mag netic com pone nts hey hav e prov en very useful as train in g aids for new employees and as manufacturing procedures for standard shop practices he manufacturing methods are also an aid to the new designer in showing how the transformer is actualy put together and a help in choosin g the pro per material s for const uction 

Robert G. Wolpert

page 1






20 21 22 23 24 2.5

SNGLE PHASE POWER TRANSFORMER DESIGN Design procedure Design example Sample manufacturng specifications Lam ination table Wire table


30 31 311 32 322 33

THRE E PASE POW E R TR ANSFO RM ER DESI GN The Wye configuration Wy e ex amp le The Delta configuration Delta example Three phase design example

33.1 332 3 .4

Temperature rise Regulation nterconnections


4.0 41 42

AUTO TRANSFORMERS Design procedure De sign example


50 POWER TRANSFORMERS SNG CAPACTIVE FITERS 51 Types of rectif ie r circ u its Fu ll wave ce nt er- ta ppe d circuit 511 512 Example 513 Full wave bridge circuit 5.14 Fu ll wav e bridge cent er- ta ppe d circuit 5.2 Correcting the efficiency 5.21 Example


60 61 6 2 63 64 6.41

CONVERTER TR ANSFOR ME RS The saturating transformer Co re mater ia l Control winding voltage Design crit eri a Design recap

6. 5

The nonsatu rating tra nsf ormer


page 2



70 71 711 72

SH E LDNG N POWER TRANS FORM ERS El ectrostatic shieds Box shieds Electro-magnetic shieds


80 8 82 83

IRO N CORE FLTER CHOKES Chokes that carry a direct current Chokes with no direct current Conf igu rations o ther tha n E I la mi nations


90 9.1 92

AIR CORE INDUCTORS AND SOLENODS The singe layer solenoid Mutiple layer solenoid

page 3



10.0 101 102

LAYER WIND ING O N A SI NGE COI FORM Electros tat ic shie ld Wire table





120 121 122

LEAD FINISHING Stranded lead wire terminatons Solder l ug te rmination s


130 131 132 133

ASSE M BY AND STACK IN G O F MAGN ET IC CORES Stacking of laminated cores Assembly and bracketing Assem bly w th a f l ux shel d











page 4



page 5



An deal transformer, (one in which there are no losses), will transform AC voltage directly proportonal to the turns ratio and will transform current inversely proportional to the turns ratio Thus, the votage of the secondary dvided by the voltage of the prmary is equal to the turns of the secondary dvided by the turns of the primary and the current of the secondary divded by the current of the primary is equal to the turns of the prmary divded by the turns of the secondary. Es/Ep


Ns/Np and Is/Ip



Where : Es Ep


Secondary voltage Prmary voltage

Is Ip


Secondary current Primary current


Ns Np -

Secondary turns Prmary turns

The total VA of the prmary will be equal to the total VA of the secondary. Thus, the voltage of the primary multpled by the current of the prmary s equal to the voltage of the secondary multiplied by the current of the secondary Ep x Ip

Es x Is





Figure 1

page 6

For a transformer wth more than one secondary, the total VA of the primary wil be equal to the sum of the VA's of the secondares.

Ep x Ip

- Es x Is + Es x Is, etc

The turns ratio wll be: Es  Ep


N s  N p an d Es  E p

Ns /Np, etc


In other words, the votage of second ary # 1 div ide d by the voltage of th e primary is e qua l to the turns of secon da ry # 1 div ided by the turns of the primary and so on for all secondaries The pola rity dots of F ig u re 2 show in sta ntane ous poa rity of the votages . •

3 1

l1 Ep






Is 6

Figure 2

If arbtr ary va ues a re assgned to the wn Let

Ep Np Es Is Es Is


di ngs

1 15 vo ts 230 turn s 6 5 vo lt s 5. 0 am per es 45 volts 1 . 0 ampe res

page 7

Ns/Np to Np/Ep Ns/Es, we will have a formula By transposing Es/Ep for turns per volt Thus , the turns of the prima ry divided by the voltage of the prim ary is eq ua l to the turns of the second ary divided by the voltage of the secondary By filling in the assigned values, the secondary turns can be calculated 

230  115

Ns  65

Solvng for secondary tu rns : Ns And Ns

(230 x 45)  115

(230 x 65) / 11 5

90 turns

The total VA of the transformer is

6.5 V x 5 0 A 45 V x 1  0 A Total

Then the prm ary cu rrent, Ip


- 1 3 turns

775 / 1 1 5

- 325  450  77.5 VA

067 ampees

These calculations neglect any losses in the windings and the core Polarity dots shown by each winding in the schematic diagram indicate the polarity at any given instant of time and will dictate the winding direction Therefore , if it is de sired to determine the pol a rity or winding direction by measurement, connect the windings of Figure 2 as shown below i n Fgu re 3 . This then becomes an auto t ransformer  1

2 3 4


Figure 3

page 8

f 1 1 5 volts is app le d to # 1 an d # 2, then you wil l read  From # 1 to #4, 1 1 5 / 230 x (23 0  13) 12 1. 5 volts From #1 t o #6, 1 15 / 230 x (230 + 13 + 90) 16 6 5 volts 

If the pola rity is r eversed on #3 a nd # 4, then you wil l read : From #1 to #4, 1 1 5 / 230 x (2 30 From # 1 to #6, 1 1 5 / 23 0 x (230

- 13) 10 8. 5 vo lts - 13 + 90) 15 3. 5 volts =


A center tapped winding can be treated like two separate windings for determnng the turns ratios and polarities These methods shown here will apply to all transformers that are being tested wth out a oa d . If loaded voltages an d cu rrents a re needed, it is necessary to through a much and more sophisticated method determining the go losses in the windings lamination and calculate the of voltage drops his is expla ined f u ll y in the fol lowi ng cha pters.

page 9

CHAPTE R 2. SING LE PHASE P OWER TRANSFORM ER DESIGN This chapter will give a stepbystep design procedure for a single-phase power transformer of the type generally used in OEM electonic equipment The u ser 's specifications will ca ll out wha t is desired Sometimes this wi ll only be the input voltage and frequency and the required output voltage an d curr ent. If thi s is the case, the de sig ner c a n ch oose the size of the core that wi ll best fit In other cases, the si ze is als o given al ong with temperatur e ris e and regu latio n . This is mo re re st ric tiv e and wi ll requi re more time and calculations to fit the requirements. The procedure that follows will enable the designer to arrive at a design that will fi t the req ui rement s if the ste ps a re f ol lowed care ful ly . Providing, of course, that the specifications are not so restrictive that they are impossible to meet

2 1

Des ig n pr oc edu re

This is a stepbystep procedure for the design of a power transformer for use in elect rical a nd el ectr on ic equ ip ment  If the proc edu re is fo lowe d carefuly, it will result in a transformer that will function as desired. The design procedure is first given and then an example is shown using the pr oce du re #1 Assemble and put down o n paper all to be designed

the inf ormat ion avail able on the unit

#2 Calculate the total VA and the primary current VA = Es x Is Where:

Ep Es Ip Is

I p  VAX 111 Ep



primary voltage secondary voltage prima ry curren t secondary current

1  1 1 is used as a f a ctor to cover losses f or a 90 °/ efficie nt tra nsform er

page 10

#3 Cho ose a cor e size from the V A colu mn of the la mi nation ta ble a t the end of ths cha pter  Record the wn dow size and core a rea of the la m nation chosen. Calculate the effective area of the core Aeff = Ac x K Where:

Ac = a rea of the co re (Ton gu e width x stack heig ht) K = the sta cki ng facto r (Use  92 for 1 x 1 in tereave an d  95 for a butt stack )

#4 Calcul ate the prim ary tur ns for th is core and voltag e desire d . Ep x 10 8 Np = 444 x B x A x F Where:

444 is a constant for sne wave operation E p - prim ary voltage from the power s ou rce - flu x densit y in in es per squ are inch . (This B value wi ll depend on th e grade o f ste el used. ) - effective area of the core A - li ne fre q uency F

#5 Calculate the turns for the secondary or secondaries Ns = J x 1.05 x Es Ep Where: Np - primary turns Ns - secondary turns 105 is a factor used to adjust the turns to compensate for the losses This will vary with the size of the transformer and the desired regulation

page 1 1

#6 Choos e the wire sizes Use 800 cir cu a r mil s per a m pere for a sta rti ng point  Refer to the wire tab e to fin d the sizes needed  Fo r exam ple, if a cu rrent of 1 ampere is required, then AWG #21 would be chosen as it has a volume of 81 0 circuar mis #7 Determine coil ength, winding length, margins, turns per layer and nu mber of ayer s (See wire table on page 36) #8 Caculate fil l  This is done by adding up the various element s of the wind in g. These are the win din g tube thic kness, dia meter of the wire multiplied by the number of layers, layer insulation thickness and interwin din g ins u latio n th ickness An acc epta ble f  l is f rom 80 to 90°/ . If fil l is not a cce ptabl e, adju stments must b e mad e This can be done in severa different ways, either by more or less core stack, a change in core size turns adjustment, which wil change the flux density or wire sizes. In any case, if adjustments are made, you must be careful that all other paramete rs a re consi dere d to keep f rom exceeding an y a l lowabe l im its #9 Calculate wire res sta nces an d vo ltage dr ops in each wind in g. These may ead to further adjustments to bring the secondary voltage to the desired values #10 Calculate the copper an d lam ination we ights. #11 Calculate the osses

page 12

Step #12 Cac ulate the a pp rox ima te temperature rise. emperature ri se i n degree s centigrade:






he total losses are the combined copper losses and the lamination or iron losses  The wei g ht is the weight of the copper wi re plus the w eight of the la mi nation pu s 1 5°/ for insu latio n, wi nd in g tube, b rackets , etc

#13 Calcu late the r egul ation  he regu lation is the secon da ry fu ll load vol tage subtracted from the no oad voltage and that result divided by the full oad volt age 01 0

Reguation -

No loa d  full lo ad Ful oad

x 100

Now proceed to 22 and the exampe, folowing the above steps.

page 13


Design exam ple #1

It is desred t o desi gn a tra nsformer to operat e from a 1 1 5 Volt line at 60 Hertz an d to de live r 6 . 3 Volts at 10 a m peres AC, cent er tapped  The physical size is not give n . Record a l l inf ormato n.


6 .3 V ct. @ 1 0 0 A


6 0 Hz .

Schematc dagram

Ep = F = Es = s =

115 V. 60 Hz 6 3 V c.t  10 A

#2 Calculate total VA VA = Es x Is - 63 x 10

- 63

Caculate prmary current p


VA x 111 Ep

63 x 1.11 115

 0. 608 A

page 14

#3 Choose a core from the lamination table From th e VA colu mn it is seen that E 1 1/8 size with a 1 1/8 s tack height has a VA rati ng of 65  This should be a good core for this transformer The effective area is 1 1/8 x 1 1/8

1.265 sq. in. x K.

Assuming a 1 x 1 interleave, it will be 1265 x 92


1  16 4 sq. in

At this time it becomes necessary to explain the different types and grades of lamnations available The standard EI lamination is called out by the thickness and grade of steel used  Thus, 29 M6 is a lam ination of 29 gaug e (  0 14" thick) an d made of a grade M6 grain-oriented steel. There are several grades and thickness of laminations available, but, in most electronic transformers, and in this treatse, we will consider only th ree These a re M6, M 19 an d M 22 grades and the thi ckn esses used are 29 gauge ( 04"), 2 6 gauge (. 0 18" ) and 2 4 gauge (. 025") Only the M6 grade is grain - oriented and thus can be used at a higher flux density and wil l result in a sm al ler un it. Thi s grade o f steel a lso c osts mor e per pound, so a compromise is sometimes necessary between size and cost The core loss table will show the flux densities that can be safely used and the losses per pound that will result with each of the different grades of laminaton More extensive data can be obtained from the various man ufacturer of i nes the la nations data given he re is onl y inten ded to serve as gu sidel formithe begin niThe ng des igner. For our purposes, only two levels of flux density will be shown Sat ura tio n wi ll oc cur a t ap proximat ely 18 kiloga uss (1 16 , 10 0 lines ). This should be con sider ed the li miting val ue

page 15

#3, con tinu ed The manufacturers wil give the core losses at flux densities in kilo-gauss. This can be converted to lines by multiplying by 645. For examp le, 15 K G or 15000 Gauss

x 6.45 = 96750 lines

This, of course, can be converted directly in the formula for primary turns by using the Gauss figure and adding the 645 factor below the line The window of the am ination i s 9/1 6" x 1 1 1/ 16" The effective core area is 1  1 64 sq  i n . We will choos e to tr y 2 6M 19 lam inations with a fl ux density o f 85000 li nes as a sta rting point  This is 13. 17 KG.

#4 Calcuate the primary turns. Np =




444 x B x A x F

   x . 

. 





 turns

#5 Calculate the secondary turns. Ns = Np / Ep x 1 .05 x E s = 4 36 / 115 x 105

x 6 3


25  1 turns

Since the secondary must have a center tap, we should change the turns to an even num ber or 26 turns Actual ly, a ha lf-tu rn can be obtai ned in a transformer using this lamination by bringing out the lead on the opposite side of the core. This is usua ll y not done un less absol utely nece ssary. In order to have a full turn, the wire must pass through both sides of the window A hal fturn wi ll pa ss th roug h on y one side  If the cust omer cals out t he ead position, the deci sion will be made for you .

page 16

#6 Choo se the wi re sizes  The pr ima ry wir e should be  608 A x 8 00 circula r mil s



For this we will see that #23 wire is closest with 509.5 cm (see the wire tabe) The secondar y wir e should be 10 A x 800 cm . 8000 cm  # 1 1 wi e has 8234 cm and will be chosen for this It sho uld be noted that th is is conservative and in practice thee s room for adjustment up or down if needed . The only l im iting fa ctors will be tempe ratur e rise and re g ulatio n. 

#7 Calcu late the turns per layer a nd n um ber of layers he win dow length s 1 1 1/1 6" ong . In order to fit, the coil len gth shoul d be 1/ 16" sho ter or 1 5/8 " on g  From the wi re tabl e, it is seen that the m argi n for #23 wi re sho ul d be 1/8" on each end  The margi n for # 1 1 wire sho ul d be 1/4" on each end The turns per layer i s determin ed by the wind in g length times the turns per inch for that wi re siz e. This is also obtai ned f rom the wire ta bl e. The val ues sho uld be put down on the work sh eet clearly to show the con struc tion of the coil  Figure 4 shows the size of the laminaion and the way the coil is constructed (E-1 1/8) 0








page 17

Wndow = 9/1 6" x 1 1 1/1 6" Coil length = 1 5/8" #23 wre wndng length = 1 3/8" Mar gn s = 1/8" each end Tur ns pe r layer = 1 3/8" x 37 .4 (turns per nch r om ta ble) = 52 t urns Layers = 436 / 52 = 84 layers (use 9) #11 wre wndng length = 1 1/8" Margns = 1/4" each end Turns per layer = 1 1/8" x 10 . 2 = 11 turns ayers = 26 / 11 = 236 layers (use 3) #8 Calculate t he f l l of the wn dow by add ng up all the various thcknes se s of the wndng tube, wre dameter, layer nsulatons and wrappers (See Fgure 4) The layer nsulation s determned by the thckness needed to support that pa rtcul ar w re sze . Ths  s ca led out n the w re tabl e The wnding tube thickness s determned by what s needed to support the col  Sm al l cols wth f ne wre nee d less sup por t than la rger cols wt h hea vy wre Ths can vary from  020" to .0 70" or more. A co l of the sze used in this example wll generally use a wndng tube thckness of 030" to 040" The wr a pper s the ins ula ton used be twe en w nd n gs  Ths is det ermned by the voltage solaton needed and the support needed for the next wnding For thsofe#xampl e w e wll use .0 10" thck nsulaton, as t va lue for. support 1 1 wre.

hs  s t he

It s now necessary to put down on paper the varous thcknesses, add them up and calculate the percentage o avalable space n the wndow that s us ed  Ths l am n aton has a wnd ow wdth o  9/1 6" or, n decma ls , .5625".

page 18

Winding tube= 9#23 wire Layer insu l. Wrapper 3# 1 1 wir e Layer insul. Wrapper


0400 2 160 (9 x diamet er of wir e) 0240 (8 layers x 003" paper from table) 0100 2787 0200 (2 x .010 paper) (outside wrapper)




The available space is .5625"  603 7   56 25 x 1 00 = 10 7° his is obviousl y too mu ch  So some adjustments wi ll have to be made. As mentioned pr eviously, ther e are seve ral choi ces A larger la mi natio n can be chosen, a better grade of lamination can be used, or a larger stack of the sa me la mi nation ca n be us ed . The choice is not al ways le ft to the designer If the cust ome r has cal led out this size , then the choice wi ll be a higher gr ade o f la min atio n  his wi ll al low a h ig her fl ux densit y to be used an d there fore fewer turn s. We wi ll ch oose to use a h ig her grade o f lamination of the same size and return to Step #4 to modify

Recalculate the primary turns using a new fux density of 95000 lines This i s 1 4. 7 KG and is an a rbitrar y choice. It coul d go as high as 17 KG and still be acceptable.  Np




  x 



= 390 turns

#5 Ns = 390 / 11 5 x 1 0 5 x 6. 3


22 4 t urn s (u se 22)

#6 Wire sizes will not change for this modification; #23 and #11 will still be used

page 19

#7 Coil engths and margins will be the same. remain th e sa me #23 wire wi have 390 / 52 #11 wire will have 22 / 11

= =

Also, the turns per layer will

75 layers (use 8)

2 layers

#8 Reca cu ate the fil  Tube 8# 23 w ire Insu Wrap 2#11 wire Insu. Wrap Total


0400 1920 0210 0100 .1858 0100


0150 4738


4738  5626 x 100



This is an acceptable fill #9 This step is to cacuate the voltage drops caused by the DC resistance of the windings and adjust the turns, if necessary, to obtain the proper voltage under load. n order to get the voltage drop in each winding, it is first necessary to pic tur e the bu il d- up o f the col a s calcu late d in Ste p #8 Ths bui ld- up s accomplished in the following order: 1 Windi ng tube 2 . Prima ry wire separa ted by the layer insu lation 3 Wrapper between wind ings 4 Secon da ry wire sepa rated by the layer ns u lation 5 Fna ly, the outsde wrapper

page 20

If we take the buldup and add up the varous sectons, we can arrve at a mean length turn for each wndng Figur e 5 sh ow s a vew of the tube on whch the w re s wou nd 



1 -


1 040"


Figure 5

In order to smpfy the calculatons, t s advisable to reduce the windng tube t o a squa re, f it s not already one. Ths s d one by t a kng the t ota l dsta nce around an d d ivdn g by 4  Ths wll g ve you an equ valent dmenson of one sde For example, a wndng tube that s 1 1/2" x 1 3/4" would be: 1 . 625" eq uvalent sq uare. 1 1 /2 x 2 + 1 3/4 x 2 3 + 3. 5 or 6.5 / 4 =


In our ex am ple, th e tube s al ready square s o w e w ll t a ke the 1 1/8" dmenso n a nd bul d- up f rom ther e. Sta rtn g with the sze of the la mnaton an d a dd ing t he w nd n g tu be thckness to each side, the actua dmenson of the wndng wll be ob taned  The wire an d i nsu laton s added on t op of th s. Lamnaton Tube x 2 8-# 23 wr e Insul Total

1.1250 .0800 1920 .0210 

( 1 1/8")


page 2 1

This give s the buil d up in one direc ti on of the pr im ary win di ng. When t his numb er is multiplied by 4, it wil give the length of one turn in the center of the wi nd in g, or the mean l ength turn of the prim ary wre . Thus, 1 4 180 x 4 x 390 turns wil l gi ve the engt h of the wire in in ches If this is multipied by the resistance per 1000 inches from the wire table and divided by 1000, it will result in the DC resistance of the winding. 1 41 80 x 4 x 390 x 1 6966  1 000

375 Ohms

This vaue, 14180, is the buildup to the center of the primary winding, so the primary v a lu es m ust be added in again to get to the star t of the se conda ry wi nd i ng  The entire buil d up is n ow re pea ted to clea rly show the calculations. Lam. Tube 8-#23 Insu. Total

8-#23 Insul Wrap 2#11 Insul Tota l




11250 0800 1920 0210 .


 x 


 I 

.  x .




1920 0210 0100 1858 0100 1 8368 x 4 x 22 x  10 50  10 00

0 169 x 10

 169 V dr op

These votage drops can now be used to determine the output voltage under o aded conditio ns This i s do ne by su btr act in g the prma ry drop from the input voltage and, from the turns ratio, obtain the secondary volt ag e The sec on da ry voltage d ro p is then su btra cted f rom th is va lue to obtain the loaded v oltage. Th us  11 5 - 228

112 72 V . This is the e ffect ive i np ut voltage

Fro the turns ra ti o : 1 1 2  72 / 390 x 22

6358 V

Sub trac ting the se condar y dr op 6 358   169

6189 V

This is lower than the 63 volts desired so adjustments must be made.

page 2 2

Since the secondary must be center-tapped and an even number of turns is desred, it wil l be bett er to adjust the prim ary turns  This is done by di viding the calculated votage by the desired voltage and mutplying this by the prima ry turns 689  6.3

982 x 390

Recalculating the 11272 / 383 x 22

383 turns

loaded volt ag e: =

64 74  169

6. 305 volt s

It should be noted that this also changes the flux density by a factor of 390  383 This wil result in a flux density of: 95000 x 390 / 383

96736 lines or 15 KG

Ths is well within the mitations of M6 material. The secon dary turns c a n al so be cha ng ed by this method . It is some times necessary to adjust both the primary and secondary turns when there is more than one secondary with a small number of turns This can result i n a jug gl in g of turns bac k and forth to get the desir ed results. Ths small change in turns will not change the winding layers or configuration #10 The wire an d la mi na tion weights can now b e ca lcu lated The wir e weight s obtained by using the calculated resistance and, referring to the wire table for #23 wire, it is seen that it has 12.88 Ohms per pound By dividing the calculated primary resistance by this value, we will get the weight o f the wire The same is done f or the # 1 1 wi re of the second ary For the #2 3 prim ary wir e : 3 75 / 1 2 88 For the #11 secondary wire: 0169 / 0500

.291 pou nds .338 pounds =

page 23

he weight of the lam in ation is obta ined f rom the lam in ation tabe or a manu facturer's cataog . For a sq ua re stack of EI- 1 1/8" la mi nati on, the ta be sh ows a weigh t of 2  24 poun ds . his must b e modified by the stacki ng factor This is 9 2 for 1 x 1 interleavin g  224 x 92


2  06 pounds o f lam ination

#11 The osses can n ow be cal cua ted  The core loss is obtaine d from the man ufact urer s cat a ogs . Some of these are listed at the bot tom of the wire tabl e It can be s een th at M6 am in ation at 1 5 KG is 66 watts per 1  36 watts po und  hen the os s wil l be  2  06 x 66 

he wind ing or copper os ses are obtai ned by mu lt iplyi ng the voltage dr op by the load current. Primary


228 x .608 

 1 69 x 10

1.39 watts 1 . 69 wat ts

Addin g the loss es  Core loss Pri loss Sec. loss Tota


 

1. 36 139 1.69 444 watts

The total weight is: Core #23 wire # 1 1 wi re Total

2060 0291 0338 2689 x 1.15

3.09 pounds

The 1  1 5 is the 1 5° adde d for in su lat ion , brac kets, etc.

page 24

#12 The temperature rise can now be calculated. 4 44 0 1


309 1 . 073


2 /3

- 21 . 93 de grees C ise 

This is very conservative No rma l tran sfo rmer ma terial ca n stand a total tem perature of 10 5C. This incudes the tempe ratur e of the surroundings, or ambient temperature, plus the temperatue rise of the tran sformer For exa m ple, if the am bient is 50 de gees, then the rise can be 55 deg rees  M ost specif icati on s wi ll c all o ut eith er the am bient or the maximum temperature rise acceptable, or both. #13 Calcuat e the re g ulation d. by This secondary loadnovolta mi nus the fu ll load voltage, divide thei sfuthe ll load voltag e.n oThe loa dgevoltage has not been ca cu lated previous ly so it m ust be do ne now This is done by calculating the turns ratio without any voltage drops: 1 15 I 383 x 22

6605 V no oad

Then 66 05 - 6.305

30 / 6305

047 x 100


4. 7° regu latio n 

A normal transformer of this size would probably be desired to be within the 5 to  0° ra nge of regulatio n. This wil l al so nor ma lly be c a lled out in the specification if it is critica I. This example is one of the simplest designs, but it clearly shows the design method  Mo re comp li cated desig ns ca n readi ly be accompl ished by fol lowing the st eps an d ad apting them to fi t the requi rements

page 25

2. 2 1 Bobbin construc tion met hod of desg n

The design e xamp le wa s sho wn as be ing a layer wound coil . This could aso have been designed on a bobbin. A bobbin-wound unit can be smaller than a ayer wound unit because there is no need for end margins as the bobbin flanges protect the windings from the lamination, and also, bobbins are usually random wound whic h eli mi nates the n eed for layer in su lation . Wrap pers between windings are stil necessary for electrical isolation. Some extra preca utions m ust be taken in man ufac tu ring  This wi ll be discusse d in Chapter 11 on bobbin winding To demonstrate the differences, let us return to the design example that resulte d in a f il l of 1 07°/ The bobbin for this size lam in ation wil l ha ve a winding length inside the flanges of 1545 inches (see the manufacturer's catalog). Tur ns pe r layer for # 2 3 wir e wil l be 374 x 1  545 Layers 436 I 58 8 =

Turns per ayer for #11 wire will be 10.2 Layers 26 I 15 2 

5 8 turns




15 tur ns

Recalcu lat ing the fill Winding tube 8#23 Wrapper




and eli min ating the laye r insulation :  0400 (bobbin) 1920 0100

2#11 Wrapper

1858 .0150


.4428 I . 5625 x 100


79°/ fill

As you can see, the use of a bobbin in this transformer would result in being able to use a lower grade of lamination, since the flux density can be lower

page 26

A more dramatic change can be obtained by reducing the core one size and increasin g the fl ux densit y This might r esul t in u sin g sma l ler sizes of wire an d the refore hi g her copper losses The tem perature rise woul d have to be calcu lated to see if this is ac cept ab le . Care must be  taken to conform to the customer's requirements and to not exceed good design practices 2.3

Frequencies other than 60 Hertz

The la mi nation tabl e gives the approx imate sizes t o be used a s sta rting points for a pa rticul ar VA ratin g . This ta ble is f or 60 He rtz operat ion  If the frequency is other than 60 Hertz, adjustments must be made From the tr a nsformer turns f ormul a it wou ld seem that the size woul d be inversely proportion al to the freq uen cy. A loo k at the man ufacturer 's core loss curves show that this is not true As a rule of thu m b, a 40 0 Her tz un it will be app roximately one-ha f the si ze of a 60 He rtz u nit , an d a 50 Hertz u n it wil l be a pproxi mately 1 0°/ larger than the 60 H ertz un it Thes e are only a pproximations and a re to be used for choosing a lamination size as a starting point in the design 2 4

Exci tati on cu rre nt

The excitation current, or the current needed to drive the core to the proper flux den sity, has not been previousl y d iscussed  Som e customers wil l put a maxi mu m exci tati on curre nt li mitation in the ir speci fica tions  If this is the case, this current must be caculated. The manufacturer's catalogs will give some values or have curves that show the values to be expected for various flux densites. Unfortunately, these curves usually are test resuts of the core materia under ideal condition s. The val ues obtai ned from these cu rves must be modfi ed to accommodat e the act ua l conditions.

page 27

Consd er ng the thre e pre vously mento ned g rades of la m natons, and a n nterleave of 1 x 1, the followng multplers should be used: For 29M6 matera at 15 KG, use 3 tmes the value shown. For 18 KG, use 1 0 tmes th e value s For 26M 19 an d 24M22 mater als at 10 shown

KG, use

1  5 tmes the values

For 14 KG, use 3 tmes the values. For values of flux densites n between those gven. t wll be necessary to interpolate There are many thngs that wll cause the exctng current to vary other than the fux densty and the grade of the co re materal . For exa mp e, if the  am  naton s are bent or not stacke d tg htly t o reduce the gaps, the excitng current wll ncrease drastcally. Unfortunately, the gu de nes a bove a re a pproxmat ons Experence wi ll re sul t n a better feel for what to expect under actual condtons. The followng pages contan the wre and lamnaton tables and a complete manufacturng specfcaton for the layer wound transformer that w as desgned 

page 28



The tube siz e is giv en as   5 " x 1 . 15" x . 040". This size is 025" larger than the core to allow the laminations to be inserted without dig gin g into t he tub e. The . 040" is the thic kness of the tube


The leads a re shown com in g out of the c oil  Noti ce that the primary winding is 8 layers, therefore, the start and the finish will both come out on th e sa me end  The secon da ry win din g also has an even n u mber of  ayers , 2, bu t the t a p is at the end of th e first layer Therefore, the start, #3 and the finish, #5, will come out on the sam e end, b ut #4 wil l come o ut the op pos ite en d This is the r esult of the tap coming at the end of the first layer A look at the wind ing method o f Chapte r 10 wi  m ake this ce ar. The finishing in structions on sh eet # 3 of thi s specif ication cal ls for the #4 l ead to be finished across the coil in order for all the secondary leads to come out on the same end when finished . Note the li nes dr awn i n to re pre sen t the la mi nations . This is done to indicate to the winders the areas that must be free of leads

(3 )

It is cust oma ry to put an out side wra p on t he c oi wh en it is woun d and also an additional wrap of gummed paper or tape is put on after fi nis hi ng the eads


This ind icat es at which end of the coil the win di ng is star ted  The A end is at the left and the B" end is at the right.


This dimension is to be fied-in if a maximum coil size is caled out on the f inished coil

page 2 9

ROBERT G. WOLPERT   










x 84 f NET RSS .5" x 5" x 040" None 96750 lies 60 HZ .64 IN2 5 VLS -2



� 5/8" - 1-
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