Transaction Exposure

August 20, 2018 | Author: Janani Rajagopalan | Category: Option (Finance), Indonesian Rupiah, Hedge (Finance), Euro, Discounting
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Transaction Exposure...


Problem Probl em 10.2 Siam Cement Cement

Sia! .e!ent, the angkok*based ce!ent !anu$acturer, su$$ered su$$ered enor!ous losses with the co!ing o$ the t he Asian crisis in 19972 (he co!pan# had been pursuing a ver# aggressive aggressive growth strateg# in the !id*1993s, taking on !assive "uantities o$ $oreign currenc# deno!inated debt 4pri!aril# U2S2 dollars52 6hen the (hai baht 45was devalued $ro! its pegged rate o$ 823/ in Jul# 1997, Sia!:s interest pa#!ents alone were over 933 !illion on its i ts outstanding dollar debt 4with an average interest rate o$ 2;3< on its U2S2 dollar debt at that ti!e52 Assu!ing Sia! .e!ent took out 83 !illion in debt in June 1997 at 2;3< interest, and had to repa# it in one #ear when the spot exchange rate had stabili=ed at ;23/, what was the $oreign exchange loss incurred on the transaction>

Assumptions US dollar debt taken out in June 1997 US dollar borrowing rate on debt Initial spot exchange rate, baht/dollar, June 1997 Average spot exchange rate, baht/dollar, June 199


Value 50,000,000 8.400% 25.00 42.00

Sce(ule( &epa'ment) &epa#!ent o$ US dollar debt% 'rincipal &epa#!ent o$ US dollar debt% Interest (otal repa#!ent

$   $

50,000,000 4,200,000 54,200,000

)xchange rate at ti!e o$ repa#!ent, baht/dollar  (otal repa#!ent in (hai baht (otal proceeds $ro! loan, up*$ront, in (hai baht  +et interest to be paid, in (hai baht


Actual &epa'ment) &epa#!ent o$ US dollar debt% 'rincipal &epa#!ent o$ US dollar debt% Interest (otal repa#!ent

$   $

)xchange rate at ti!e o$ repa#!ent, baht/dollar  (otal repa#!ent in (hai baht ess what Sia! had )-').() or S.0)U) S. 0)U) to be repaid A!ount o$ $oreign exchange loss on debt



Calculation of orei!n "#an!e oss on &epa'ment of oan

At the ti!e the loan was ac"uired, the scheduled repa#!ent o$ dollar and baht a!ounts would have been as $ollows%

25.00 1,*55,000,000 1,250,000,000 105,000,000

50,000,000 4,200,000 54,200,000 42.00 2,2+,400,000 -1,*55,000,000 /21,400,000

Problem 10.1 P   n(ia 'roctor and Ba!ble:s a$$iliate in India, '  B India, procures !uch o$ its toiletries product line $ro! a Japanese co!pan#2 ecause o$ the shortage o$ working capital in India, pa#!ent ter!s b# Indian i!porters are t#picall# 13 da#s or longer2 '  B India wishes to hedge a 28 !illion Japanese #en pa#able2 Although options are not available on the Indian rupee 4&s5, $orward rates are available against the #en2 Additionall#, a co!!on practice in India is $or co!panies like '  B India to work w ith a currenc# agent who will, in this case, lock in the current spot exchange rate in exchange $or a ;28< $ee2 U sing the $ollowing exchange rate and interest rate data, reco!!end a hedging strateg#2 Assumptions 13*da# account pa#able, Japanese #en 4?5 Spot rate 4?/5 Spot rate, rupees/dollar 4&s/5 I!plied 4calculated5 spot rate 4?/&s5 13*da# $orward rate 4?/&s5 )xpected spot rate in 13 da#s 4?/&s5 13*da# Indian rupee investing rate 13*da# Japanese #en investing rate .urrenc# agent@s exchange rate $ee '  B India@s cost o$ capital


e(!in! Alternati6es

Values 8,500,000 120.0 4+.+5 2.525+ 2.4000 2.000 8.000% 1.500% 4.850% 12.00% Values

-120.0 3 4+.+5

Spot &ate -&p3$

&is  Assessment

1. &emain 7nco6ere(, settlin! A3P in 180 (a's at spot rate

I$ spot rate in 13 da#s is sa!e as current spot




I$ spot rate in 13 da#s is sa!e as $orward rate




I$ spot rate in 13 da#s is expected spot rate







2. u' 9apanese 'en for:ar( 180 (a's

Settle!ent a!ount at $orward rate 4&s5

Inv rate .C.  +o2 o$ da#s Spot rate

*. ;one' ;aret e(!e

'rincipal A/' 4?5 discount $actor $or #en investing rate $or 13 da#s 'rincipal needed to !eet A/' in 13 da#s 4?5


8,500,000.00 0.//2 8,4*,+24.5+

.urrent spot rate 4?/&s5 Indian rupee, current a!ount 4&s5 'B India@s 6A.. carr#*$orward $actor $or 13 da#s Future value o$ !o ne# !arket hedge 4&s5


2.525+ *,*40,411.2 1.000 *,540,8*5./4

'rincipal A/' 4?5 .urrent spot rate 4?/&s5 .urrent A/' 4&s5


8,500,000.00 2.525+ *,*5,44.*4

'lus agent@s $ee 4;283ee( to bu' :on  call on :on

Cption principal .urrent spot rate 4won/5 're!iu! cost o$ option 4ee( to sell 'en  put on 'en Cption principal .urrent spot rate 4won/5 're!iu! cost o$ option 4 6hich !ethod would #ou select and wh#> Iat realistic alternati6es are a6ailable to uc' 1*J



1. Iait si# monts an( mae pa'ment at spot rate

0ighest expected rate




)xpected rate




owest expected rate







  $   $

+,850,4+.2/ 1,121,4/5.** 1.10 1,2**,44.8


2. Purcase Huet?als for:ar( si#@monts 4A/' divided b# the $orward rate5 *. =ransfer (ollars to Huet?als to(a', in6est for si#@monts "uet=als needed toda# 4A/' discounted 13 da#s5 .ost in dollars toda# 4"uet=als to  at spot rate5 $actor to carr# dolla rs $orward 13 d a#s 41 G 46A../55 .ost in dollars in six*!onths 4 carried $orward 13 da#s 5

(he second choice, the $orward contract, results in the lowest cost alternative a!ong certain alternatives2

Problem 10.10 Pupule =ra6el 'upule (ravel, a 0onolulu, 0awaii N based 133< privatel# owned travel co!pan# has signed an agree!ent to ac"uire a 83< ownership share o$ (aichung (ravel, a (aiwan N based privatel# owned travel agenc# speciali=ing in servicing inbound custo!ers $ro! the United States and .anada2 (he ac"uisition price is 7 !illion (aiwan dollars 4( 7,333,3335 pa#able in cash in D !onths2 (ho!as .arson, 'upule (ravel:s owner, believes the (aiwan dollar will either re!ain stable or decline a little over the next D !onths2 At the present spot rate o$ (D8/, the a!ount o$ cash re"uired is onl# 33,333 but even this relativel# !odest a!ount will need to be borrowed personall# b# (ho!as .arson2 (aiwanese interest*bearing deposits b# non*residents are regulated b# the govern!ent, and are currentl# set at 128< per #ear2 0e has a credit line with ank o$ 0awaii $or 33,333 with a current borrowing interest rate o$ < per #ear2 0e does not believe that he can calculate a credible weighted average cost o$ capital since he has n o stock outstanding and his co!petitors are all also privatel#*owned without disclosure o$ their $inancial results2 Since the ac"uisition would use up all his available credit, he wonders i$ he should hedge this transaction exposure2 0e has "uotes $ro! ank o$ 0awaii shown in the table below2

Spot rate 4(/5 D*!onth $orward rate 4(/5 D*!onth (aiwan dollar deposit rate D*!onth dollar borrowing rate D*!onth call option on (

DD2;3 D2;3 12833< E2833< not available

Anal#=e the costs and risks o$ each alternative, and then !ake a reco!!endation as to which alternative (ho!as .arson should choose2 Assumptions Ac"uisition price  D*!onth A/', +ew(aiwan dollars 4(5 Spot rate 4(/5 D*!onth $orward rate 4(/5 D*!onth (aiwan dollar deposit rate D*!onth dollar borrowing rate D*!onth call option on ( (ho!as .arson@s credit line with ank o$ 0awaii



"6aluation of Alternati6es

Values +,000,000 **.40 *2.40 1.500% .500% not a6ailable 200,000 Cost


1. Go >otin! @@ Iait * monts an( bu' =$ spot

I$ spot rate is the sa!e as current spot rate




I$ spot rate is the sa!e as D*!onth $orward rate







Although this would do nothing to cover the currenc# risk, there would be no re"uired pa#!ent or borrowing $or D *!onths2 2. u' =$ for:ar( *@monts

Assured cost o$ ( at D*!onth $orward rate (he purchase o$ a $orward contract would not re"uire an# cash up*$ront, but the ank o$ 0awaii would reduce his available credit line b# the a!ount o$ the $orward2 (his is a non*cash expense2

*. ;one' ;aret e(!e) "#can!in! 7S$ for =$ no:, (epositin! for *@monts until pa'ment

Ac"uisition price in ( needed in D*!onths iscounted back D*!onths at ( deposit rate A!ount o$ +( needed now $or deposit Spot rate, (/ US needed now $or exchange US carr#*$orward rate 4D*!onth dollar borrowing rate5 .arr#*$orward $actor o$ US $or D*!onth period (otal cost in US o$ settling A/' in D*!onths with Hone# Harket 0edge


+,000,000 0.//* ,/+*,848 **.40 208,+/+.85


.500% 1.01* 212,1/0.81



(he currenc# risk is eli!inated, but since (ho!as .arson would have to exchange the !one# up $ront, it w ould re"uire hi! to  borrow the !one#, increasing his debt outstanding $or the entire D !onths2 Giscussion.

(his is a di$$icult decision2 (he $orward contract appears to be the pre$erable choice, protecting hi! against an appreciating (, and creating a certain cash purchase pa#!ent2 (he proble!, however, will be whether the ank o$ 0awaii will allow hi! to purchase a $orward $or the $ull 1E,3;92D, which is slightl# above his credit line currentl# in place2 I$ his relationship is good with the bank, the# !ost likel# would increase his line su$$icientl# to allow the $orward contract2

Problem 10.11 Cronos =ime Pieces

.hronos (i!e 'ieces o$ oston exports wrist watches to !an# countries, selling in local currencies to watch stores and distributors2 .hronos prides itsel$ on being $inanciall# conservative2 At least 73< o$ each individual transaction exposure is hedged, !ostl# in the $orward !arket, but occasionall# with options2 .hronos@s $oreign exchange polic# is s uch that the 73< hedge !a# be increased up to a 13< hedge i$ devaluation or depreciation appears i!!inent2 .hronos has Lust shipped to its !aLor +orth A!erican distributor2 It has issued a 93*da# invoice to its bu#er $or P1,8E3,3332 (he current spot rate is 12;/P, the 93*da# $orward rate is 1273/P2 .hronos:s treasurer, Hann# 0ernande=, has a ver# good track record in predicting exchange rate !ove!ents2 0e currentl# believes the euro will weaken against the dollar in the co!ing 93 to 13 da#s, possibl# to around 121E/P2

Assumptions Account recievable in 93 da#s 4P5 Initial spot exchange rate 4/P5 Forward rate, 93 da#s 4/P5 )xpected spot rate in 93 to 13 da#s 4/P5% .ase W1 )xpected spot rate in 93 to 13 da#s 4/P5% .ase W

Values  D 1,50,000 $1.2224 $1.22+0 $1.100 $1.200 e(!e( te ;inimum

e(!e( te ;a#imum

Proportion of e#posure to be e(!e( (otal exposure 4P5 hedged proportion Hini!u! hedge in euros 4exposure x !in prop5 at the $orward rate 4/P5 locking in 45

+0%  D 1,50,000 +0%  D 1,0/2,000 $1.22+0 $1,**/,884

120% D 1,50,000 120% D 1,8+2,000 $1.22+0 $2,2/,/44

Case L1) "n(in! spot rate 'roportion uncovered 4short5 I$ ending spot rate is 4/P5 Kalue o$ uncovered proportion 45

 D 48,000 $1.100 $542,880

-D *12,000 $1.100 -$*1,/20

Kalue o$ covered proportion 4$ro! above5



(otal net proceeds, covered G uncovered



Case L2) "n(in! spot rate 'roportion uncovered 4short5 I$ ending spot rate is 4/P5 value o$ uncovered proportion 45

 D 48,000 $1.200 $58/,80

-D *12,000 $1.200 -$*/*,120

f Cronos =ime Pieces KK

Kalue o$ covered position 4$ro! above5 (otal net proceeds, covered G uncovered encmar) ull -100% for:ar( co6er









(his is not a conservative hedging polic#2 An# ti!e a $ir! !a# choose to leave an# proportion uncovered, or purchase cover $or !ore than the exposure 4there$ore creating a net short position5 the $ir! could experience nearl# unli!ited losses or gains2

Problem 10.14 ;icca ;etals, nc. Hicca Hetals, Inc2 is a specialt# !aterials and !etals co!pan# located in etroit, Hichigan2 (he co!pan# speciali=es in speci$ic  precious !etals and !aterials which are used in a variet# o$ pig!ent applications in !an# other industries including cos!etics, appliances, and a variet# o$ high tinsel !etal $abricating e"uip!ent2 Hicca Lust purchased a ship!ent o$ phosphates $ro! Horocco $or E,333,333, dirha!s, pa#able in six !onths2 Hicca:s cost o$ capital is 2E33

Assumptions 93*da# A/& in pounds Spot rate, US per pound 4/ £5 93*da# $orward rate, US per pound 4/ £5 D*!onth U2S2 dollar invest!ent rate D*!onth U2S2 dollar borrowing rate D*!onth UO invest!ent interest rate D*!onth UO borrowing interest rate 'ut options on the ritish pound% Strike rates, US/pound 4/ £5 Strike rate 4/X5 'ut option pre!iu! Strike rate 4/X5 'ut option pre!iu! (rident@s 6A.. Haria Bon=ale=@s expected spot rate in 93 da#s, US per pound 4/ £5

Value Assumptions 93*da# Forward rate, / € 13*da# Forward rate, / € US (reasur# bill rate arkin@s borrowing rate, euros, per annu! arkin@s cost o$ e"uit# ptions on euros August !aturit# options  +ove!ber !aturit# options

Values $1.100 $1.11*0 *.00% 8.000% 12.000% Strie -$3euro $1.1000 $1.1000

=o(a' is ;a' 1 "#can!e &ate -$3 € $1.0800 $1.1000

Gate  April 1  ;a' 1

Call ption *.0% 2.%

Put ption 2.0% 1.2%

Au!ust &ecei6able  D 2,000,000

>o6ember &ecei6able D 2,000,000

A!ount o$ receivable, in euros &espective $orward rates 4/ €5 US dollar proceeds as hedged 45 .arr# $orward to +ov 1st at 6A.. (otal US proceeds on +ov 1st (otal o$ both pa#!ents

 D 2,000,000 $1.100 $2,212,000 1.0* $2,2+8,*0

D 2,000,000 $1.11*0 $2,22,000 @@@@@ $2,22,000

A!ount o$ receivable, in euros iscount $actor $or euro $unds, period .urrent proceeds $ro! discounting, euros .urrent spot rate 4/ €5 .urrent US dollar proceeds .arr# $orward rate $or the period US dollar proceeds on $uture date (otal o$ both pa#!ents

 D 2,000,000 1.02  D 1,/0,+84 $1.1000 $2,15,8* 1.0

D 2,000,000 1.04 D 1,/2*,0++ $1.1000 $2,115,*85 1.0



A!ount o$ receivable, in euros u# put options $or !aturities 4< x spot value5 .arr# $orward $or the period 're!iu! cost carried $orward to +ov 1

 D 2,000,000 -$44,000 1.0 -$4,40

D 2,000,000 -$2,400 1.0 -$2+,/84

$2,200,000 1.0*

$2,200,000 @@@@



Valuation of Alternati6e e(!es A!ount o$ receivable, in euros a. e(!e in te for:ar( maret


b. e(!e in te mone' maret


c. e(!e :it options

Bross put option value i$ exercised .arried $orward D !onths to +ov 1 Bross proceeds, +ov 1 (otal net proceeds, a$ter pre!iu! deduction, +ov 1


(. Go notin! -remain unco6ere(

A!ount o$ receivable, in euros )nding spot exchange rate 4/ €5

 D 2,000,000 JJJ

D 2,000,000 JJJ

(he !one# !arket hedge provides the highest certain outco!e2 I$ arkin 0#draulics believes the euro will strengthen versus the dollar over the co!ing !onths, and it is willing to take the currenc# risk, the put option hedges could be considered2

;ini@Case) anbur' mpe# -n(ia apura@s (urkish sale is $or ( DE9,8 483,333 at the current spot rate o$ (12;79D/52 (he receivable is $or settle!ent E3 da#s $ro! now 4end o$ Januar#, it is currentl# the end o$ +ove!ber52 Since apura has no real insight ** or view ** on the direction o$ exchange rate !ove!ents, there is no !otivation to use currenc# options2 Cptions re"uire a directional view b# the user i$ the# are to be considered pre$erable to $orward contracts2 Assumptions Indian rupees per US dollar  Indian rupees per euro Japanese #en per rupee Indian rupees per (urkish lira (urkish lira per US dollar  US dollars per euro 4calculated5 (urkish lira per euro 4calculated5 Currenc' of n6oice "6aluation of Alternati6es ri!inal recei6able Spot rate -=uris lira per currenc' &e(enominate( recei6able -0 (a's or:ar( rate ->&3currenc' n(ian rupee procee(s in 0 (a's

Spot 45.8*00 0./11 1.8250 *0.+1/2 1.4+/* 1.**02 1./++

0@Ga' or:ar( 4.+000 1./000 1.8100 *0./500 1.4800 1.*255 1./1+

=uris lira "#posure */,825 = @@@@@ */,825 = *0./500 >& 11,44,084

7S (ollar "#posure */,825 = 1.4+/* $250,000 4.+000 >& 11,+5,000

"uro "#posure */,825 = 1./++ D 18+,/48 1./000 >& 11,**,/4

.hoosing the currenc# o$ invoice is a "uestion o$ which hedge, i$ an#, apura uses2 I$ the E3*da# $orward rates are applied to the three di$$erent currenc# o$ invoice choices, the greatest I+& proceeds result $ro! using a dollar currenc# o$ invoice and covering the exposure with a E3*da# $orward rate to sell dollars $or rupees2 Although apura could leave the receivable uncovered, given the volatilit# o$ exchange rate !arkets, and how cheap $orwards are at this ti!e 4!eaning the# di$$er little $ro! the current spot rate as a result o$ such low interest rates in the dollar, euro, and #en !arkets5, it would !ean taking on unneeded risk2 A !one# !arket hedge would be extre!el# di$$icult to acco!plish in the i!!ediate ti!e $ra!e2 (he need $or a bank relationship, the establish!ent o$ a line o$ credit in order to secure a loan, and the unattractive interest rates 4the (urkish lira  borrowing rate would cut severel# into the value o$ the receivable5, all !ake the !one# !arket hedge i!practical $or this sale2

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