
June 16, 2016 | Author: jakir_pop007 | Category: Types, School Work
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AML Training module...


Annexure-A Detail of the Training Program Training Wing of Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited arranges AML/CTF Training for the employees round the year. Training modules are as under: Foundation course: 1. Money Laundering Prevention Act-2012: Responsibility & power of Bangladesh Bank/offence/punishment/compliance. 2. Role of financial Sector for Anti-Money Laundering/Combating Terrorist Financing/KYC/Transaction Profile/STR/CTR AML/ Workshops: 1. Responsibility of banks in prevention of money laundering, Uniform Account Opening Form, Transaction Profile and KYC. 2. Compliance issues : AML Circulars, Guidance Notes of BFIU and DBBL Policy on Prevention of Money Laundering and Combating Terrorist Financing-2015 3. Definition of Money Laundering and why it is regarded as a crime, history and international initiative to combat Money Laundering, Bangladesh initiatives. 4. Money Laundering Prevention Act-2012, Anti Terrorism (amendment) Act2013, Types and process of money laundering. 5. Suspicious Transaction Reporting, investigation process of BFIU, ACC etc. 6. DBBL Process of AML activity, Self Assessment and Independent Testing Procedure. CTR, STR, KYC, Beneficial Owner (MLP Act-2012, Anti Terrorism Amendment Act-2013, BFIU Master Circular 10) 7. Anti Money Laundering awareness and combating ability of the branches against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.

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