
June 16, 2016 | Author: Touheed Ahmad | Category: N/A
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Course: Training & development Lecture: 4 16-09-14

Introduction Influence of Strategy on T&D Strategic T&D process NOKIA using strategic training & development process Organizational characteristics that influences trainings

Strategy comes from the Greek word “strategos”  ‘a general’ Emerged in “Oxford English Dictionary (2001)  defined as meaning “generalship” Associated with long-term decisions and is different from operational activities Concerned with determining which option will provide maximum benefits. “a unified, comprehensive and integrated plan that relates the strategic advantage of the firm to the challenges of the environment.”

To contribute to a company’s success, training activities should help the company achieve its business strategy. Business strategy – a plan that integrates the company's goals, policies, and actions. The strategy influences how the company uses: physical capital, financial capital, and human capital.

Goals – what the company hopes to achieve in the medium- and long-term future. Business strategy has a major impact on the type and amount of training that occurs and whether resources should be devoted to training.

Strategy has a particularly strong influence on determining: The amount of training devoted to current or future job skills. The extent to which training is customized for the particular needs of an employee or is developed based on the needs of a team, unit, or division. Whether training is restricted to specific groups of employees or open to all employees.

Whether training is planned and systematically administered, provided only when problems occur, or developed spontaneously as a reaction to what competitors are doing. The importance placed on training compared to other human resource management practices such as selection and compensation.

Alignment of learning goals to the business goals. Measurement of the overall business impact of the learning function. Movement of learning outside the company to include customers, vendors, and suppliers. A focus on developing competencies for the most critical jobs.

Integration of learning with other human resource functions such as knowledge management, performance support, and talent management. Training delivery approaches that include classroom as well as e-learning. Design and delivery of leadership development courses.

Factors influencing the business strategy: 1. Mission – the company's reason for existing. Vision – the picture of the future that the company wants to achieve. Values – what the company stands for. 2. SWOT analysis – an analysis of the company's operating environment to identify opportunities and threats as well as an internal analysis of the company's strengths and weaknesses. 3. The company has to consider its competition.

“learning-related actions that a company should take to help it achieve its business strategy.” Strategic T&D initiatives vary by company depending on company’s industry, goals, resources, & capabilities. Provide a road map to guide specific T&D activities.

Strategic T&D Initiatives and Their Implications

Questions to Ask to Develop Strategic Training and Development Initiatives

After choosing initiatives  it then identifies specific T&D activities that will enable these initiatives to be achieved. These activities include, Developing initiatives related to the use of new technology in training Increasing access to training programs Reducing development time Developing new or expanded course offerings

Metrics that are used to identify training success or effectiveness include: trainees' satisfaction with the training program. whether the trainees' knowledge, skill, ability, or attitudes changed as a result of program participation. whether the program resulted in business-related outcomes for the company.

• Build trusted customer relationships by offering compelling and valued consumer solutions that combines the best mobile devices with context enriched services (business mobility and internet

•Continuous Learning

• Action learning • Employee ownership for learning and development plans • On –the-job learning • Manager involvement in program development • Investing in people (IIP)

• Employee Reaction •Competence attainment

1. Role of employee and managers What roles employee and managers performs If companies using teams to manufacture the goods and provide services  members need training in interpersonal problem solving and team skills To manage successfully in a team environment, managers need to be trained in “people skills” including negotiations, coaching, conflict resolution, & communication skills.

2. Top management support The CEO is responsible for vision, and being a sponsor governor, faculty, learner, and marketing agent.

3. Integration of business units – The degree to which a company's units or businesses are integrated affects the kind of training that takes place.

4. Global presence. 5. Business conditions Unemployment is low, business grow at high rate, difficult to find new,  find new with basic skills & retain current employees Might not find qualified candidate  retain the talented employee

6. Human resource management (HRM) practices – the management activities related to staffing, performance management, training, and compensation and benefits. Type and resources devoted to training are influenced by strategy adopted for two HRM practices; Staffing HRP

Staffing strategy – the company's decisions regarding where to find employees, how to select them, and the desired mix of employee skills and statuses.

Human resource planning – identification, analysis, forecasting, and planning of changes needed in the human resource area to help the company meet changing business conditions. HR plans can help identify where employees with certain types of skills are needed in the company.

7. Managers, employees or specialized staff involvement in training and development If managers are not involved in the training process, training may be unrelated to business needs. Manager may consider it as “necessary evil”, in such case desired outcomes of training will not be achieved If line managers are aware of what development activity can achieve, they will be more willing to become involved in it. They will also become more involved in the training process if they are rewarded for participating.

An emerging trend is that companies expect employees to initiate the training process.

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