
June 16, 2016 | Author: Syed Iliyas | Category: N/A
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§     m Understand the relationship between training and the organization m Understand what are and what are not training needs m Detail the benefits and difficulties with training needs analysis m Perform a training needs analysis

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mraining refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform effectively in any given role


    m ô  is information specific and particular to a subject, enabling a person to understand a subject to an acceptable level m ’  is a developed aptitude or ability in a particular intellectual or physical area m À   is an internal state which affects oneƞs choice of action towards some objects, persons or events



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mraining is not linked to organizational goals mraining is perceived as a luxury Non systematic approach to training mraining is directive and delivered by trainers mraining occurs with the training department Knowledge-based courses Focus on training not development



mraining is directly linked to human resource needs Systematic developmental training linked to appraisals Knowledge based courses broadened to skill based Line manager involvement in the development of the course content m mraining still performed by trainers but the range of skills required increases m Pre- and post - course activities increase m mraining linked to individual needs m m m m


x  x xacro m aligned with strategic goals m three levels

xicro m initiated by performance problems or change m organizational m assessment done to clarify problem, m occupational determine if training m individual is the solution, analyze performance, and characteristics of trainees

  m Vhat is the problem? m Is it a training problem? m Vhat skills and knowledge should be included in the training program? m Vho needs to be trained?

m Problem Analysis m Performance Analysis m mask/Competency Analysis m Learner Analysis


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0 Define the problem? 2 Determine the importance m Is it worth solving? 3 Determine the cause(s) 4 Identify training vs non-training solutions 5 Select the best (most cost-effective) solutions



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m Vhy is it important? m Vhat if you did nothing? m How big is it? (Quantify if possible) m ƠIs the cost of the discrepancy high enough that it seems worth pursuing a solution?ơ




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   m m m m m m m m

Provide training Provide practice Provide feedback Simplify the task Develop a job aid OJm mransfer merminate


m First determine cause(s) m Only then look at possible solutions m Seek integrated solution systems that get to the root of the problem

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m mraining may not be the answer m mraining may not be the only answer

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If skill or knowledgeƦƦƦ training If lack feedbackƦƦƦƦƦ feedback, standards If not motivatedƦƦƦƦƦ rewards, consequences If unclear expectationsƦ std, measure, discuss If job environmentƦƦƦƦchange environment If potentialƦƦƦƦƦƦƦƦchange personnel

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Formal training Self study mechnology based Job related/workplace approaches

m "#    ×$   % mask Analysis m For more skill oriented jobs m Vhen need consistent set of training requirements

Competency Analysis m Soft skills training such as mgmt, supervision m Professional jobs m Career pathing m Leadership development

 m  m Ôreak job into major functions m Ôreak functions into major tasks m Ôreak tasks into steps m Identify training outcomes

    m Vhat are competencies? m Enduring characteristics of a person that result in superior on-the-job performance m Areas of personal capability that enable employees to successfully perform their jobs by achieving outcomes or successfully performing tasks


m Identifies the competencies necessary for each job as well as the knowledge, skills, behavior, and personality characteristics underlying each competency

m %  !  m  Ë reaction, a measure of participantsƞ initial reactions to a course, usually assessed through surveys; m  Ë learning, a measure of the amount of information that participants learned, usually assessed using criterion-referenced tests; m  Ë transfer, a measure of the amount of material learned that participants actually use in everyday work, usually assessed using observations and interviews with co-workers and supervisors; m  Ë value to the organization, a measure of the financial impact of the training course on the bottom line of the organization, assessment for this level is not clearly defined

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m Level III: r     m Level IV: r    m Fifth level was recently Ơaddedơ for return on investment (ƠROIơ) but this was not in Kirkpatrickƞs original model ’&*


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