Traditional Medicine

January 7, 2019 | Author: Chedan B. Ceriaco | Category: Acupuncture, Medicine, Kesehatan, Foods
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Traditional Medicine....


Saint Louis University College of Nursing

SUBMITTED BY: CERIACO, Chedan CALICA, Angelica Bianca CAYAGO, CAYAGO, Vanelyn anely n DIPASUPIL, Ma. Ysabel KIMPAY, Maryl LAROCO, Timmy Ivy LOMITENG, Angelica


Moxibu Moxibustio stion n is a traditio traditional nal Chinese Chinese medicine medicine techniqu technique e that that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing. Moxibustion has been used throughout Asia for thousands of  years; in fact, the actual Chinese character for acupuncture, acupuncture, translated translated lite litera rall lly, y, mean meanss "acu "acupu punc nctu turre-mo e-moxi xibu bust stio ion. n."" The The purp purpos ose e of  moxibustion, as with most forms of traditional Chinese medicine, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of  qi, and maintain general health. Moxibustion treats and prevents diseases by applying heat to points or certain locations of the human body. The material used is mainly " moxa - wool " in the form of a cone or stick. For centuries, moxibustion and acupuncture have been used in clinical practice, thus they are usually termed together in Chinese. Chapter 73 of Miraculous Pivot states, “A disease that may not be treated by acupuncture may be treated by moxibustion.” In Introduction to Medicine it says, “When a disease fails to respond respond to medication medication and acupuncture, acupuncture, moxibustion moxibustion is suggested.” Other common name(s): acumoxa, auricular mo, moxabustion Types of Moxibustion

1. Direc Directt moxib moxibus ustio tionn- a small small,, cone-s cone-sha haped ped amount amount of moxa moxa is placed on top of an acupuncture point and burned. Categorized into two types a. Scarring moxibustion- the moxa is placed on a point, ignited, and allowed to remain onto the point until it burn burnss out out comp comple lete tely ly.. This This may may lead lead to loca locali lize zed d scarring, blisters and scarring after healing. b. Non-scarring moxibustion- the moxa is placed on the the poin pointt and and lit, lit, but but is exti exting ngui uish shed ed or remov emoved ed before it burns the skin. The patient will experience a pleasant heating sensation that penetrates deep into the skin, but should not experience any pain, blistering or scarring unless the moxa is left in place for too long. 2. Indirect Indirect moxibustion- is currently currently the more popular form of care because there is a much lower risk of  pain or burning.A practitioner lights one end of a moxa stick, roughly the shape and size of a cigar, and holds it close to the area being treated for several minutes until the area turns red. Another form of indirect moxibustion uses both acupuncture needles and moxa. A needle is inserted into an acupoint and retained. The tip of the needle is then wrapped in moxa and ignited, generating heat to

the point and the surrounding area. After the desired effect is achieved, the moxa is extinguished and the needle(s) removed. Theory and Practice

Practitioners use moxa to warm regions and acupuncture points with the intention of stimulating stimulating circulation through the points and inducing a smoother flow of  blood and qi. qi. Scientific research has shown that mugwort acts as an emmenagogue, emmenagogue , meaning that it stimulates bloodflow in the pelvic pelvic area area and uterus. uterus. It is claimed that moxibustion militates against cold and dampness in the body and can supposedly serve to turn breech babies. babies. Medical ical histori torian anss belie lieve tha that moxibu ibustio tion pre-d e-dated acupuncture, and needling came to supplement moxa (jgmnhs) after the 2nd century century BC. BC. Differ Different ent schoo schools ls of acup acupun unctu cture re use use moxa moxa in varying degrees. For example a five-element acupuncturist will use moxa directly on the skin, whilst a  TCM-style  TCM-style practitioner will use rolls of moxa and hold them over the point treated. Process and Volume for Moxibustion

  The The Prec Precio ious us Pres Prescr crip ipti tion onss poin points ts out out that that " Moxi Moxibu bust stio ion n is generally applied to yang portion first, then yin portion; clinically it is applied to the upper part first and then the lower part.” Treat the back first, the abdominal region second; the head and body first and the four extremities second. But the sequence should be given according to the pathological conditions.  The volume for moxibustion, including the size of moxa cone or duration of the moxa stick application should be in parallel to the patient’s pathological pathological conditions, general constitution, age and the site where moxibustion is to be applied. Generally, three to seven moxa cones are used for each point, and ten to fifteen minutes for the application of moxa stick. Large blisters should be punctured and drained. If pus is formed, the blister should be dressed to prevent further infection. Uses of Moxibustion Moxibustion

1. In traditiona traditionall Chinese Chinese medicine, medicine, moxibus moxibustion tion is used on people who have a cold or stagnant condition. The burning of moxa is believed to expel cold and warm the meridians, which leads to smoother flow of blood and qi. 2. In Wester Western n medicine, medicine, moxibusti moxibustion on has successful successfully ly been used to turn breech babies into a normal head-down position prior to Journ rnal al of the the child childbir birth. th. A land landma mark rk stud study y publis published hed in the the   Jou   American Medical Association in 1998 found that up to 75% of  women suffering from breech presentations before childbirth had fetu fetuse sess that that rota rotate ted d to the the norm normal al posi positi tion on afte afterr recei eceivi ving ng moxibustion at an acupuncture point on the Bladder meridian.

3. Othe Otherr stud studie iess have have show shown n that that moxi moxibu bust stio ion n incr increa ease sess the the movement of the fetus in pregnant women, and may reduce the symptoms of menstrual cramps when used in conjunction with traditional acupuncture. 4. Mugw Mugwor ort, t, also also know known n as artemesia vulgaris or ai ye in Chinese acts acts as an emme emmena nago gogu gue, e, an agen agentt that that incr increa ease sess bloo blood d cir circula culati tion on to the the pelv pelvic ic area area and and uter uteru us and and stimu timula late tess menstruation. This could explain its use in treating breech births and menstrual cramps. 5. Practiti Practitioner onerss conside considerr moxibu moxibustio stion n to be especiall especially y effective effective in the the trea treatm tmen entt of chr chronic onic prob proble lems ms,, "def "defic icie ient nt cond condit itio ions ns"" (weakness), and gerontology. gerontology . 6. Bian Bian Que (fl. circa 500 500 BC), BC), one one of the the most most famo famous us semi semi-legendary doctors of Chinese antiquity and the first specialist in moxibustion, discussed the benefits of moxa over acupuncture in his classic work. He asserted that moxa moxa could add new energy to the body and could treat both excess and deficient conditions. On the other hand, he advised against the use of acupuncture in an already deficient (weak) patient, on the grounds that needle manipulation would leak too much energy. energy. Contraindications

1. Excess syndrome and heat syndrome (including high fever caused by common cold or heat due to yin deficiency) are not allowed to be treated by moxibustion. It is stated in Treatise on Febrile Diseases that “a pati patien entt wi with th feeb feeble le and and rapi rapid d puls pulse e shou should ld not not be trea treate ted d by moxibustion. Although the heat of moxibustion is weak, strong internal impact may produce, “indicating that improper moxibustion may bring bad results. 2. Scarring Scarring moxibus moxibustion tion should should not be applied applied to the face and head, and the area in the vicinity of the large blood vessels. vessels. According to the record recordings ings of ancient ancient literatur literature, e, there there are certain certain points points which which are are advisable to acupuncture but not suitable for moxibustion, because most of them are close to the vital organs or arteries. Examples are  Jingming (B 1), close to the eyeball, and Renying (S 9), above a large artery. 3. The The abdo abdomin minal al regi region on and and lumbo lumbo-sa -sacr cral al regi region on of the the preg pregna nant nt woman are not allowed to use moxibustion. Management after Moxibustion

After moxibustion, different degrees of burns may remain in the local region, or there is only a slight red sign of burning which will disappear very soon. But sometimes, a few blisters result on the skin surface. Take care not to let small blisters break. They can be healed by themselves.

Precautions to consider in Moxibustion Moxibustion

Although moxibustion has been safely used in traditional Chinese medi medici cine ne for for cent centur urie ies, s, it is not not for for ever everyo yone ne.. Beca Becaus use e it is used used specifically specifically for patients suffering from cold or stagnant constitutions, constitutions, it should not be used on anyone diagnosed with too much heat. Burning moxa also produces a great deal of smoke and a pungent odor. Patients with with respira espirator tory y prob problem lemss may may requ reques estt that that their their pract practiti ition oner er use use smokeless moxa sticks as an alternative. Direct moxibustion can burn the skin. Oils from mugwort and wormwood can cause toxic reactions if taken internally, although their toxicity is much lower when applied externally. Mugwort is on the Comm Commis issi sion on E (Ger (Germa many nyÂ’ Â’ss regul egulat ator ory y agen agency cy for for herb herbs) s) list list of  unapproved herbs. This means that it is not recommended for internal use because it has not been proven to be safe or effective, due to the possi possibil bility ity that that it may may caus cause e misca miscarr rria iage ge or abor abortio tion n in preg pregna nant nt women. Moxibustion can result in burns and may be dangerous for diabet diabetics ics due due to redu reduced ced sensa sensatio tion n and and probl problems ems with with infect infection ion.. Relying on this type of treatment alone, and avoiding or delaying conventional medical care, may have serious health consequences.


1. MOXIBUSTION Burning of moxa as counterirritant: in Eastern medicine, the practice of burning a cone or cylinder of downy or woolly mate materi rial al deri derive ved d from from vari variou ouss plan plants ts on the the sk skin in for for its its counterirritant effect. [Mid-19th century, blend of moxa + combustion] 2. MOXA Plant Plant propa propaga gatio tion n used used as count counteri erirr rrita itant: nt: in Easte Eastern rn medi medici cine ne,, a cone cone or cyli cylind nder er of down downy y or wool wooly y mate materi rial al derived from various plants that is burned in the skin for its counterirritant effect [Late 17th century, Japanese, “MOGUSA” or burning herb]

3. COUNTERIRRITANT Skin Skin irri irrita tant nt supp suppos osed ed to reduc educe e infl inflam amma mati tion on:: a sk skin in cream that produces an irritation to reduce underlying tissue inflammation. 4. OIL   Thick Thick grea greasy sy liquid liquid:: a liqui liquid d fat, fat, obtain obtained ed from from seeds seeds,, animal fats, mineral deposits, and other sources, that does not dissolve in water and will burn. 5. SYRUP Sweet fluid: a liquid made of sugar dissolved in water by heating, widely used in candy making. Syrups vary in density and strength, and can be boiled down to form caramel. 6. HONEY Sweet substance made by bees: a sweet sticky goldenbrown fluid produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. Use in cooking, spread on bread, or added on tea. 7. DECOCTION  The extraction of an essence or active ingredient from a substance by boiling. 8. DECANTATION  The process of pouring a liquid gently and carefully from one container to another so as not to disturb sediment. 9. ESSE ESSENT NTIA IALL OIL OILS S Known Known as volat volatile ile or ether ethereal eal oils. oils. These These are are the concentrated aromatic essences of plants. They are found in special cells of flowers, leaves, seeds, wood of trees. More More than than four four hund hundre red d essen essences ces have have been been identi identifie fied d although about only fifty are available to the public. These essen essences ces provi provide de antis antisept eptic ic prote protecti ction on to the growi growing ng plan plant. t. Their heir main ain attr attrac acti tion on is thei theirr frag fragra ranc nce. e. This This sedu seducti ctive ve scent scent behin behind d the appe appeal al of arom aromath athera erapy py is applied mainly via message. Essential oils can be used to uplift, refresh, or relax, the the mind mind,, body body,, and and spir spirit it.. They They soot soothe he musc muscle les, s, and and beautify the skin. They may also be used to treat common ailments, in room sprays, in incenses, and in the bath. 10.GARLIC

Scientific Name: Allium Sativum Linn.  Tagalog: Bawang A bulb bulb wi with th stron trong g odor odor:: A bulb bulb or clov clove e wi with th a pungent odor and flavor that is commonly used in cooking. Garlic has clustered bulb made of several bulblets (Cloves) enclosed in a papery tunic. It has single stem with long, thin leaves and an umbel of edible flowers, of which some are replaced sterile bulbils. Uses:  The cloves add flavour to savoury dishes, especially in hot countries where the plants develop the best flavour. Garl Ga rlic ic puri purifi fies es the the bloo blood d that that help helpss cont contro roll acne acne,, and and clotting. Tests confirm antibiotic activity against sample of  candida candida,, cholera, cholera, staphylo staphylococc coccus, us, salmonel salmonella, la, dysente dysentery, ry, and typhus; and a mild anti-fungal action. Garlic clears catar catarrh rh,, thus thus prov providi iding ng trea treatme tment nt for colds colds,, bron bronch chiti itis, s, pulmona pulmonary ry tuberc tuberculos ulosis, is, and whoopin whooping g cough. cough. New test test suggests it has a role in treating lead poisoning, some carcinomas, and diabetes. 11.GINGER Scientific Name: Zingiber Officinale Roscoe  Tagalog: Luya Hot-tasting spice: the hot- tasting edible underground stem rhizome of an Asian plant, eaten fresh, pickled, candied, or in powdered from as a spine, especially in Asian cooking. Ginger has an aromatic rhizome; erect stems of two ranks, lance- shaped leaves, and spikes of white flowers. Uses:   The The rhizo rhizome me is used used fres fresh, h, dried dried,, pick pickle led, d, and preserved. Essential to Oriental dishes, it is used elsewhere in desserts rts and cor cordials. ls. The shoots, ts, leave aves, and infl inflor ores esce cenc nce e of Zing Zingib iber er are are eate eaten n raw raw or coo cooked. ed. Crystallized or infused Ginger suppresses nausea. A steam inhal inhalati ation on trea treats ts colds colds and and lung lung infec infectio tions ns.. Ginge Gingerr tea tea eases indigestion and flatulence, and reduces fevers. One drop of the root essential oil in a massage blend helps relieves muscular pain, rheumatism, lumbago, and fatigue. 12.CHILI Scientific Name: Capsicum Annum

 Tagalog: Sili Pod with strong flavor: a narrow red or green hottasting pod produced by various types of capsium pepper plant. Use for flourishing, sauces and relishes. Uses: Arthritis and rheumatism: Crush fruit, mix with oil and and apply apply on affect affected ed part. part. Dysp Dyspep epsia sia and and flatul flatulenc ence: e: Eaten as condiment or drank as infusion as a stimulant and antispasmodic. Infusion of the fruit is stimulant, stomachic and and antis antispa pasm smodi odic; c; used used for dyspe dyspeps psia ia and and flatul flatulenc ence. e.   Toot Tootha hache che:: Juice Juice of the pepp pepper er pres presse sed d into into the tooth tooth cavity cavity.. Rheum Rheumati atism sm:: Poulti oultice ce of cayen cayenne ne applie applied d over over affect affected ed parts parts.. Scalp Scalp ringw ringwor orm: m: Stron Strong g infus infusion ion o fruit fruit applied as lotion. 13.LAGUNDI Scientific Name: English: Five- leaved Chaste tree  Tagalog:  Tagalog: Lagundi, Kamalan Ilocano: Dangla Visayan: Tugas Lagun Lagundi di is found found,, often often commo common, n, throu through ghou outt the the Philippines at low and medium altitudes, in waste places, thic thickkets, ets, etc. etc. It also also occu occurs rs in trop tropic ical al East East Afric frica, a, Madagascar, India to Japan, and southward through Malaya to western Polynesia.  This plant is an erect, branched shrub 2 to 5 meters in heigh height. t. The The leave leavess have have usua usually lly five five leafl leaflets ets (rare (rarely ly three) three),, which which are are palma palmatel tely y arra arrang nged ed.. The The leafle leaflets ts are are lanceolate, 4 to 10 centimeters long, hairy beneath, and pointed at both ends, the middle leaflets being larger than the the othe thers and distin tinctly ctly stalke lked. The flo flowers ers are nume numerrous, ous, blue blue,, 6 to 7 mill millim imet eter erss long long,, and and bor borne in termin terminal al inflor infloresce escences nces (panicl (panicles) es) 10 to 20 centime centimeters ters long long.. The The caly calyx x is hair hairy, y, and and 5-to 5-toot othe hed. d. The The cor corolla olla is densely hairy in the throat, and the middle lobe of the lower lip is the longest. The fruit is a succulent drupe, black when ripe, rounded, and about 4 millimeters in diameter. Uses: roots and leaves – for pain, bitter tonic, expectorant and diuretic;

sap from crushed leaves – for coughs and sore throat; leaf decoction – for wounds, ulcers, aromatic baths, and internally to promote the flow of milk, to induce menstruation, against gastric colic, and against flatulence. seeds – boiled and eaten to prevent the spread of toxins from poisonous bites of animals; flowers – for diarrhea, cholera and liver disorders



GARLIC OIL Minced garlic, ½ cup 50 ml coconut oil cooking pot ladle cheese cloth medicine bottle label

GINGER OIL ½ cup fresh ginger, cut into chunks 50 ml coconut oil cooking pot ladle cheese cloth medicine bottle label CHILI OIL ½ cup chopped green chili 50 ml coconut oil cooking pot ladle cheese cloth medicine bottle label 2. LAGUNDI SYRUP

Materials: Lagundi leaves Cooking pot Ladle Cup strain

Medicine bottle Sugar or honey Water Proportion: 1 cup chopped lagundi leaves to 1cup water.

III. PROCEDURE/ STEPS A. Collectio Collection n of Medicinal Medicinal Plants Plants 1. BSL OIL/ BAWANG, LUYA, SILI OIL



If bought in the market: Be sure that there is no presence of damage, cut or black discoloration Be sure that they are neatly packed, dry and don’t contain unnecessary pests.  They should be intact, not tender or moist and should smell normally  Those with grown molds must be discarded Place them in a clean container and avoid exposing them to hot temperature. If harvested or collected in a garden: Garlic Harves Harvestin ting g of garli garlicc start startss durin during g the the dry seas season on when when long long days days high high tempe tempera ratur ture e are are favor favorab able le to the rapid maturity of the bulbs. Maturity is evident the tips of  the leaves are partly dried or when they begin to fall over. Usually, harvesting is done 10 to 150 days after planting.   Yell Yellowi owing ng of the the leave leavess is also also sign sign o matu maturit rity y. Never Never harvest immature bulb as they tend to rot when stored, or they they don’ don’tt keep eep as long long as the the matu maturred ones ones do. do. In harvesting, the tops are cut 2.5 centimeters above the bulbs and the roots are trimmed after harvesting. Drying improves the storing quality of garlic. Weather deter determin mines es the quali quality ty of garli garlic. c. Ga Garli rlicc dries dries rapid rapidly ly in sunny or windy conditions within a week or two weeks time. It results in a better appearance than those dried alternately under sunny and rainy days. Alternate drying



and and we wett ttin ing g tend tendss to brea breakk down down the the exter xterna nall sk skin in,, exposing the cloves in the process. Ginger  The rhizomes are ready to be harvested as soon as the stalks begin to dry and wither. Intense digging with shar sharp p tool toolss shou should ld be obse observ rved ed to avoi avoid d inju injuri ring ng the the rhizomes. Chili

Pepper has three stages of maturity. Fruits may be harvested at each stage of maturity.  The first stage is called Green Mature- when the fruit has reached its full size but still green all over. The second stage is called Breaker- when discoloration has started at the blossom end with the appearance of red spots. Green Mature and Breakers are harvested when they are to be sold for distant markets. Third stage is called Red Ripe- when pepper has fully become fully red in color. The peppers harvested at this stage are prepared for canning, food decoration and powder preparation. Snapping or twisting the fruits from their stems does harvesting. 2. LAGUNDI




Collection should be done in the morning (6- 9 am) so as to gather fresh and misty leaves from dusts. As much as possible choose leaves that are dark green and well matured. Use a cutter or a pair of scissors in cutting instead of just forcefully pulling or twitching in circular motion so as to avoid squeezing the plants juice. Carefully pull the leaves one- by -one from the stem. Leave those which are not fully matured, dried and yellowish in color. Wash the leaves and place them in an open container (air circulation: to maintain freshness) but be sure to keep them away from sunlight or hot temperature. As much as possible place them in the refrigerator while preparing other materials to avoid contamination.

B. Prepar Preparati ation on -

Put on your apron and neatly tie your hair then do hand washing before and after working. Prep Prepar are e all all the the need needed ed mate materi rial als. s. Be sur sure that that they they are are complete and placed in your working area (kitchen).



Be sure that your materials are clean or sterile. Prepare some cloths or rags incase of accident spilling of any fluid, etc.  You should be aware of electrical measures especially when you are using electrical devices (e.g. electric stove).  You should know the proper procedures to be done of if not, see to it that you have a copy of the correctly sequenced procedures. Have your watch with you foe the checking of time or time allotment required for every procedure to be done.

C. Actual Cooking Procedure 1. BLS OIL/ BAWANG, LUYA, SILI OIL

GINGER OIL 1. Plac Place e ging ginger er into into cook cookin ing g pot pot on lowe lowest st sett settin ing, g, or low low alternate heat setting. 2. Cover Cover with with the the oil. oil. 3. Leav Leave e on for two days days with monito monitorin ring g as not not to boil boil or burn the oil. (The cover should be left ajar to allow the evaporation of  water from the ginger.) 4. Decant Decant and strain strain your oil. 5. Let your your oil sit in a clear clear containe containerr for a day, and you you may see some additional water – oil separation. 6. Separate Separate them them by carefull carefully y pouring pouring off the oil from the water water. Be sure to complete your oil so that it has no remaining water content. 7. Transfer ransfer the oil into the sterilized sterilized medicin medicine e bottles. bottles. Seal and label properly. 8. Store your bottled bottled ginger oil in a clean, clean, dry place. place. GARLIC OIL 1. Heat Heat oil into into cooki cooking ng pot on lowest lowest setting setting,, or low alterna alternate te heat setting. 2. Fill ill a shal shallo low w bowl bowl or soup soup dish dish wi with th fine finely ly chop choppe ped d garl garlic ic cloves. 3. Pour Pour enough enough coconu coconutt oil to cover cover the garlic. garlic. 4. Cover the bowl or dish with with cheese cheese cloth to keep keep the dust dust out 5. Press Press or strain strain off the the oil mixture mixture throug through h cheese cloth 6. Separate Separate them them by carefull carefully y pouring pouring off the oil from the water water. Be sure to complete your oil so that it has no remaining water content. 7. Transfer ransfer the oil into the sterilized sterilized medicin medicine e bottles. bottles. Seal and label properly.

8. Stor Store your your bottled bottled garli garlicc oil oil in a clean clean,, dry place place away from from light. CHILI OIL 1. Place Place chopped chopped green chili chili into cooking cooking pot on lowest lowest setting, setting, or low alternate heat setting. 2. Cover Cover with with the the oil. oil. 3. Leav Leave e on for two days days with monito monitorin ring g as not not to boil boil or burn the oil. a. (The (The cover cover shou should ld be left left ajar to allow allow the evapora evaporatio tion n of  water from the ginger.) 4. Decant Decant and strain strain your oil. 5. Let your your oil sit in a clear clear containe containerr for a day, and you you may see some additional water – oil separation. 6. Separate Separate them them by carefull carefully y pouring pouring off the oil from the water water. Be sure to complete your oil so that it has no remaining water content. 7. Transfer ransfer the oil into the sterilized sterilized medicin medicine e bottles. bottles. Seal and label properly. 8. Store your bottled bottled chili oil in a clean, clean, dry dry place. place. 2. LAGUNDI LEAVES

1. In an unco uncove verred pot, pot, prep prepar are e a deco decoct ctio ion n of the the lagu lagund ndii leaves. 2. Cool Cool and and str strai ain. n. 3. Measure Measure the amount amount of decoction decoction that that you produce. produce. One-third One-third of this volume will be the amount of sugar or honey that you are going to use. 4. Add your sweetener, sweetener, stirring gently gently.. You You may put the mixture back back on the the stov stove, e, wi with th low low heat heat,, unti untill the the sw swee eete tene nerr is dissolved or blended with the mixture. This is your syrup. 5. Trans ransfer fer the syru syrup p into into the steril sterilize ized d medic medicin ine e bottl bottles es.. Seal Seal and label properly. 6. Stor Store your your bottled bottled lagun lagundi di syrup syrup in a clean clean,, cool, cool, dry place place away from light. D. Labeling and Storage 1. BLS OIL/ BAWANG, BAWANG, LUY LUYA, A, SILI OIL



 The bottles should be labeled properly and legibly.   They should be stored or kept in a medicine cabinet with average temperature because cool temperature may solidify the oil (since coconut oil was used). Keep them together with medications that are also applied so as to avoid accidentally drinking them.



 The bottle should be labeled properly and legibly. If the syrup is honey-based, it shouldn’t be kept inside the refrigerator because it will harden or solidify at once within a few hours and it will take several days or even weeks for it to retrieve its colloid or syrup form. Storing it in a cabinet with average temperature is preferable. If the syrup is table sugar-based, it is preferable to be stored in the refrigerator (not in the freezer).


Indications Appl Applyi ying ng oil oil to the the area area infl inflic icte ted d by athl athlet ete’ e’ss foot foot mak makes a tempor temporary ary relie relieff from from itchin itching. g. Tempo emporar rarily ily cure curess ringwo ringworm rm infection. Dosage For athlete’s foot: Apply 1/3 tsp on the itchy areas 2 times a day. For ringworm: Apply only a drop if on a nail; half a teaspoon if on skin; and 1 tablespoon if on hair, 2 times a day – in the morning after the morning bath & at bedtime. b. Luya (ginger) oil

Indications Application of the root essential oil to affected areas through massag massage e helps helps relieve relievess muscular muscular pain, pain, rheum rheumatis atism, m, lumbago lumbago,, and fatigue. Dosage Apply only a few drops of the oil to the affected body area due to muscular pain, rheumatism, lumbago, and fatigue 2 times a day. c. Sili (chili) oil

Indications  Temporarily cures ringworm through spreading the oils on the affected areas. Applying the oil on areas affected by rheumatism rheumatism & arthritis makes a relief. Dosage

Apply at least 1 tablespoon of the oil on the scalp infected by ringworm, a drop if on nail, and ½ tsp if on the skin 2 times a day. For arthritis and rheumatism, apply only several drops on the affected areas 2 times a day. LAGUNDI SYRUP

Indications For the relief of cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation as may occur with the common cold and sore throat. In women, in take of the syrup promotes the flow of milk, induces menstruation. Syrup is also against gastric colic and flatulence. Dosage For For cough cough,, commo common n colds colds,, sore sore throat throat:: 2-6 years years=1 =1tsp tsp;; 7-12 7-12 years=one and a half tsp; adults=2 tsp. Intake is 3 times a day. V. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS/PRECAUTIONS 1. BLS OILS

  Their Their conta containe iners rs shoul should d be cover covered ed tightl tightly y so as to avoid avoid contamination of any kind or entrance of vapors, chemicals, and water, which may trigger any chemical reactions. 2. They should should be kept kept out of reach reach of of children. children. 3. Avoid void appl applyi ying ng them them near near the the eyes eyes for for they they may may caus cause e irritation or hot-sensation. 4. Too much amount may may irritate irritate the skin. 5. Do not eat them or use use them for cooking cooking purposes. purposes. 6. Keep them away away from any any source source of fire (e.g. (e.g. stoves, stoves, lighted lighted candles, etc.). 7. Discard bottles properly/throw them to proper trash can when consumed. 8. Do not not apply apply to broke broken n skins. skins. 1.


1. Bottle Bottle should should be covered covered tightly tightly so as to avoid contamin contaminatio ation n of any kind on entrance of vapor on water that may trigger any chemical reactions. 2. Keep out out of reach reach of childr children en 3. People People with diabete diabetess mellitus mellitus should consul consultt a doctor before before taking the syrup. 4. Discard Discard bottle bottle proper properly ly or throw throw it to proper proper trashca trashcan n when it is already empty. 5. Discontinue Discontinue use use if sediments sediments start occurring. occurring.


Philippine Herbs: Medicinal Plants for Barangay Herbal Garden, Editha M. Alcodia and Rolando E. Cabanting, Copyright, Philippines 1996 by R. Obed’s Enterprises pp.12, 15, 51, 78, 151, 169 Healing wonders of Herbs Herminia de Guzman –Ladion,RN., A..R.P.T, P.T.R.P Copyright @1985 by Philippine Publishing House pp.75, 104, 106 n.asp?sitearea=ETO = uyo.htm htm

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