Trade Union

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Meaning of trade union: A trade union is an organization created to improve conditions in the workplace. Whether the issue is wages, sick time, or medical benefits, trade unions negotiate with employers on behalf of union members. When employees and employers are unable to reach an agreement, trade union leadership works with employers to negotiate a compromise. Regardless of the outcome, all members of the trade union must follow the agreed upon solution  solution 

Functions of trade unions: there are main 9 functions of a trade union, which are as follow:

1.  Collective bargaining with the management to settle terms and conditions of  employment. 2.  Advise the management on personnel policies and practices. 3.  Taking up the individual and collective grievances of the workers with the management.


4.  Work for achieving better say of workers in the management of affairs affai rs of the enterprise which influence the lives of the workers directly. 5.  Organising demonstrations, strikes, etc, to press demands of workers. 6.  Education of workers and their children. 7.  Welfare and recreational activities for their members. 8.  Representing of workers in various national and international forums. 9.  Securing legislative protection for workers from the government.

Trade unions in India: The Indian workforce consists of 430 million workers, growing 2% annually. The Indian labor markets consist of three sectors: 1.  The rural workers, who constitute about 60 per cent of the workforce.

2.  Organized sector, which employs 8 per cent of workforce, and

3.  The urban informal sector (which includes the growing software industry and other services, not included in the formal sector) which constitutes the rest 32 per cent of the workforce.

At present there are twelve Central Trade Union Organizations in India: 1.  All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)


2.  Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS)

3.  Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU

4.  Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS)

5.  Indian Federation of Free Trade Unions (IFFTU)

6.  Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)

7.  National Front of Indian Trade Unions (NFITU)

8.  National Labor Organization (NLO)

9.  Trade Unions Co-ordination Centre (TUCC)

10. United United Trade Union Congress (UTUC) and

11. United United Trade Union Congress - Lenin Sarani (UTUC LS)


Godavari LoyaBoggu LoyaBogguganiKarmikaSangham: ganiKarmikaSangham:



All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC): All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) is the oldest tradeunion federations in India and

one of the five largest. According to provisional statistics statisti cs from the Ministry of Labour, AITUC had a membership of 2,677,979 in 2002It was founded on 31 October 1920 in Bombay by LalaLajpatRai and a few others and, until 1945 when unions became organised on party lines, it was the primary primar y trade union organisation in India. Since then it has been associated with the Communist Party of India.  India.  

AITUC is governed by a body headed by General Secretary GurudasDasgupta, a politician

affiliated with CommunistParty of India.  India. 

e All India Trade Union Congress is the oldest trade union of India, established in 1920, History of AITUC is coterminous with the history of organised labour  movement in India. Since its birth, AITUC has had a major role to play in mass movement phase in India's freedom struggle. The records of the AITUC were acquired from the extant collection of AITUC Central Office, New Delhi and  AjoyBhavan, New Delhi. Delhi. They consist of about 1700 files on various subjects pertaining to a) internal organisational matters b) International links of AITUC. c) Correspondence with State units. d) Major industries such as Coal, Iron and Steel , Ports etc. e) Major events and strikes . These files are mainly from the period of  immediate post independencei. e 1947 , though there are some older files also


available. An interesting set of files are about the activities of the Party and Trade Union relation in 1947-1949 when the Communist Party of India was underground. The pamphlet collection in possession of the Archives of Indian Labour was also acquired from the above sources. These collections represent only a part of the voluminous publications, which were brought out by the AITUC. The Archives has total of 160 pamphlets of AITUC for the period 1928-1996. 

The AITUC pamphlets collection comprises of for major groupings a) Organisation reports such as Reports on the annual sessions and conferences of AITUC, Reports on General Council and Working Committee Meetings of AITUC. b) Reports on major Govt. labour legislation and tripartite meetings. c) Pamphlets of  major strikes, industries and current issues of importance to the labour movement. d) Reports on international issues and events.

Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS):

The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (Indian Workers' Union) is the largest central trade union organization in India. It was founded by DattopantjiThengdi on July 23, 1955, which also happens to the birthday of  of BalGangadharTilak. BalGangadharTilak.   The BMS itself claims to have over o ver 8.3 million members. At present it is estimated around 5860 unions are affiliated to the BMS. According to  provisional statistics from the the Ministry of Labour, the BMS had a membership [1]

of 6215797 in 2002. 2002.  It can also be noted that the BMS is not affiliated to any International Trade Union Confederation.


hile opposing the above policies BMS was first to give slogan for 2nd war of  economic independence. At the same time it has suggested some positive alternatives. It has vigorously condemned the object surrender to the conditionality of the IMF and WB as that would amount to giving up our  sovereignty. BMS considers the movement as an opportunity to build up Swadeshi Model of Economy. Hence it has inspired movement for the use of  Swadeshi (Indigenous) Products as against the foreign or MNC products. It has offered to cooperate in turning the loss making PSUs profitable where  practicable, it has agreed to induce induce the workers to take up their u unit nit to run them on sound lines. To curb excessive profiteering, p rofiteering, which is the main culprit behind price rise; it has suggested that the Government should take steps to make the consumer aware of the cost of production of each product to daily use. This awareness will serve as a watch dog to restrain the prices. BMS is also of the view that for creating enough job opportunities, agricultural development should get more attention as also agro-based and small and tiny industries. Vishwakarma Sector (Self-employment sector) should get more encouragement than at present. On modern technology, BMS while not being antagonistic would prefer  pref er  developing our own technology based bas ed on indigenous and traditional knowledge to best suit our conditions. From this angle national technology policy should be drawn.



 The  Th e Centre of I ndian ian Trad Trade Un Unio ion ns (CITU) CI TU) is one of the major jor Cen Central ral Trad Trade Unions nions (C (CT TU) iin n I ndi ndia. T The he CI TU is p progre rogres ssive trade trade union union centre ntre,, op opp pos ose ed to impe imperial aliist g gllob obal aliisati sation, on, championing pioning the cause cause o off working orki ng cl clas ass s and defending economic sovereignty of the country.

 The  Th e CI CITU TU Con Confere feren nce takes plac lace once in three years. rs. This This is the 11th Confe onference of CI TU. F romthe 7th 7th confe conference hel held in in the y ye ear 199 1991, the membership ship strength of C CII TU duri during the pe perriod betw twe een the two two conf confe erences has been going up on an average by 0.5 million. The present conference of  CI TU is he helld base based o on n the membership ship strengt strength h of about about 3.4 3.4 million and wi with around 4,000 trade unions affiliated to it, functioning in different industries and service sectors. Besides, there are a number of trade unions in the  

country particul countr articularl arly y in Insurance I nsurance,, Banki Banking ng and the central central and provi provinci ncial al gov go vernment services, ces, whi which ch ar are e no nott form formall ally ya afffiliat ate ed wi with CT CTUs but represent thousands of workers. Many such unaffiliated trade unions are haviing close organisati hav organisational onal relati ations with the CI TU and can can also bereckoned ckoned for count countiing the the ov ove erall rall stre treng ngth th and and inf infllue uence nce of CI CI TU.

 The  Th e CI CITU TU represents worke rkers in every field field of tra rad de activit ivitie ies s in inc clu lud din ing g the workers in industrial and service sectors like Coal, Electricity, Steel, Heavy Engineering, Construction, Electronics, Oil & Natural Gas - production and refini ning ng,, P Pe etroc troche hem mical cals, Fe F ertil rtilisers, P Pharm harmac ace euticals, Rail Rail, Road, Road, Air Ai r & Wate Wa ter Transp ransport, ort, Port Port & Dock Docks, s, Te Teleco com mmuni unica cations, tions, T Te exti xtile, F inanci nancial & other service sectors, Plantation, etc. Apart from the organised sector, the CI TU has got got pi pionee oneering rol ole e in organi organising sing the unorganise unorganised and inf nform ormal al sector workers, which dominate the numerical strength of the work force in I nd ndia. ia.



The National Labour Organisation, also known as the National Labour British political  political group formed after the 1931 creation of the Committee, was a British  National Government to co-ordinate the efforts of the supporters of the government who had come from the Labour Party. The most prominent Labour  Party member involved in the Government was the Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald. National Labour sponsored Parliamentary candidates but did not consider itself a full political party as it had no policy distinctive from that of  the Government which it supported. After MacDonald's death, the group continued in existence until winding up on the eve of the 1945 general election; election;   its newsletter ceased publication two years later   NLU began in 1866 1866 with a convention in Baltimore, Md., called to organize skilled and unskilled labourers, farmers, and reformers into a coalition that would pressure Congress to  pass a law limiting the workday to eight hours. hours. Seventy-seven delegates attended the convention, and during its brief existence the National Labor Union may have had as many as 500,000 members.

Acting on the belief that owners and workers shared identical interests, the NLU was opposed to strikes. It relied increasingly on political action to meet its goals and in 1872 transformed itself into the National Labor Reform Party. As such it nominated  nominated David Davis  Davis of Illinois, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, as its presidential candidate. Davis withdrew his candidacy, however, and the party made a poor showing at the polls. After holding one last convention in 1873, the National Labor Union collapsed and disappeared.


Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) is the trade union wing of 

the Indian National Congress. It was founded May 3, 1947, and is affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation. According to provisional statistics [3]

from the Ministry of Labour, INTUC had a membership of 3892011 in 2002. 2002.

Indian national trade union congress: The workers in India are only a section of the people and not a class apart. The culture and their tradition form part of the common heritage of the people of India. In organizing them and seeking the redressal r edressal of their grievances, ways and means have tto o be evolved in consonance with our condition. No more grafting or transplantation of a foreign ideology or method however suited to the condition else where, is likely to yield healthy results here. What is required is an indigenous movement having its roots in the Indian and soil. Such a movement has for long been in existence and has attained a remarkable center. A new organization, that would give the correct lead to the working class and strives to established social justice, peace and security with a constitution and working. Which would be essentially democratic giving every one of its constituent units ample scope for free expression of views and action has become imperative.”  

Thus declared the iron man and unifier of India. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Patel, in his presidential address to unique congregation of national leader like Pandit Javaharlal Nehru, Nehru, Jagjivan Ram, Ram, Aruna Asaf Ali, Ali, Ram Manohar Lohia, Lohia, G. Ramanujam,, V.V. David, Ramanujam David, Shankar Rao Deo, B.G. Kher, O.P. Ramasami Reddiar, Ravi ShankarShukla, Hare Krishna Mehta, S.K. Patil, Patil , Kamaldevi Chattopadhyaya, Ahoka Mehta, R.R. Diwakar and Bhimasen Sacar. Prominent among the labour leaders


attending the conference were G.L. Nanda, Khadubhai Desai, Suresh Chandra Banerjee, Abid Ali Jaffarbhoy Michael John, DevenSen, HariharNathShashtri, S.R. Vasavda, S.P. Sen, R.K. Khedgikar, G.L.

Godavari LoyaBogguganiKarmikaSangham: The Godavari LoyaBogguganiKarmikaSangham LoyaBogguganiKarmikaSangham is a trade union in the Singareni coal fields in Andhra Pradesh, India. The union is affiliated to the Indian Federation of Trade Unions. Politically, it is aligned with the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) New Democracy.   Democracy.

GLBKS polled 12,694 votes in the 1998 SCCL union representative election, finishing in fourth place. In the 2001 election GLBKS came third with 14,882 votes, contesting on a joint list with the After the 2001 union election, GLBKS gained representative status at area level  

In 2003 several key GLBKS leaders defected to the Communist Party of India (Marxist), (Marxist),   including its state president BojjaBixamaiah, vice president Y. Yakaiah and secretary B Pandu.[3]  Pandu.

GLBKS is part of the Joint Action Committee, a coalition of unions at the t he Singareni coal fields.



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