Touchstone 3 - Quiz Unit 2

March 12, 2018 | Author: Felipe RoMa | Category: Leisure
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li ten. What are the people talking about? Check (,f) the main topic. L Sharon

A8 (2



3. David

=-=-,c:" 3__

O a vacation in Germany O a wonderful experience O an interesting job

a secret dream

O her favorite museum O a recent trip 2. Mike

4. Jenny


O spicy foods

O school sports

O a favorite restaurant O a delicious meal

O tennis O a cornpetition

B Complete the conversations with the words in parentheses and the present perfect. Use contractions where possible.

B 8 points

1. A I want to go to Africa next year. I


(never / travel) there.

B Maybe we should go together. I

(always / want) to see


point ea


the animals. 2. A I

(not /

B Yeah, it is. I 3. A I


Indonesian food. I hear it's very good.


(eat) it several times, and I like it a lot.


(not / go) hiking lately. Let's go on Sunday.

B Great ideal I

(not / do) that for a long time either.

4. A 1

(surf) in Hawaii several times.

B Wow!That sounds great. 1

(never / be) to Hawaii.


B _______________

B _______________

. I've been lucky that way.

2.A_ B

? (lose your wallet)

. I never lose things.

4. A _____________________________________________

1.A B

? (break a leg)

3. A _____________________________________________ B _______________

? (win a contest)

. I won $100 in a dancing contest once.

2. A _____________________

3.A_ B

? (get an F in a course)

. I failed physics in high school.


C 8points

Hcwe yOIA evey .?.o\te C\\tyt-l-\I\tB .?.C\\tBeYolAs ? (do anything dangerous) yes, t l-\C\ve . I jumped off a moving train once.




(l point ea

and short answers. A B

B 4.A_

C Complete the conversations. Write questions with Have you ever ... ? Example:


© Cambridge Universiry Press 2006 pbotocopíable

4.A_ B

Complete the con ersation with the present perfect ar the simple pasto U e contractions \ here possible. you ever



(be) to Iapan, Steve?


Szeue Yes, actually! 1


(go) to Kyoto just last week - on business.




(get) home yesterday!



Oh, wow! Vou know, I

(go) to Iapan several times



on business, but I


(visit) Kyoto.





(enjoy) the trip?


(be) interesting, but, you know, most



teve Well, it (7)

of the time I just




E Check (,./) the best answer to show interest and keep the conversation going.

E 8points (2 points each)

1. A I love Brazíl. Have you been there? B D No. Brazil is toa far away. D No, I haven't. When did you go? D No. I don't like to travel.

3. A Have you heard of the band Sunset? B D Yes, I have. They're awfuL D No. What kind ofmusic do they play? D No. I've never heard of them.



2. A Have you ever seen a silent film?

4. A I love sailing. Have you ever gone? B D Yes, I have. Do you have a boat? D Yes,but I don't like it very much. D Vou do? No, I've never gone.





No. Have you ever seen one?

D No. Silent films are really old. D No. I like action movies.

F Read Ted's travei blog. Then check (,./) the five true statements.

F lOpoints (2 points each)

May 13

Queenstown, New Zealand Well, I've always wanted to travei finally made it! We arrived on the 14-hour flight from Los Angeles. First of days in Christchurch, and then we rented

"down under," and we South Island after a we stayed for a couple a car and drove here.

It's fali in New Zealand. It feels like November, and the leaves are falling. Queenstown is in the Southern Alps. The scenery is just incredible - a lake on one side and snowy peaks ali around. I took a sky train into the mountains this morning. It's 50 beautiful. In some ways, New Zealand is more like the U.K. than the U.S. The food is mostly British, and they love to drink tea here! I've had tea every afternoon since I arrived. A bit of a change for me - at home I always drink coffee. We're going to Milford Sound tomorrow. That's on the west coast. People say the scenery there is like parts of Norway.

= ==

D Queenstown is near a lake. D New Zealanders drink a lot of tea.

It's Ted's first trip to New Zealand. [] They're on the South Island. They drove to Queenstown. It's ovember in New Zealand.

D D © Cambridge

Ted usually drinks tea. Queenstown looks like Narway.

University Press 2006 photocopiable

1. 2.

3._ 4.

5._ To1al: __


Unít 2 Quiz • T-157

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